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"gravitate toward" Definitions
  1. to move towards somebody/something that you are attracted to

594 Sentences With "gravitate toward"

How to use gravitate toward in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "gravitate toward" and check conjugation/comparative form for "gravitate toward". Mastering all the usages of "gravitate toward" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Male college graduates usually benefit from this, as they gravitate toward higher paying jobs, while women gravitate toward lower paying jobs, according to the report, which analyzed the 10.13 most common majors.
I'm sure you can guess which candidate I gravitate toward.
You, in the documentary, said you gravitate toward shorter bits.
Cultured Traveler Some readers gravitate toward Tolstoy, others toward Dostoyevsky.
A lot of people seem to gravitate toward Lockett's songs.
He doesn't gravitate toward making works about a particular topic.
People naturally gravitate toward people who remind them of themselves.
Is there an area in Toronto that you gravitate toward?
I kind of gravitate toward things that less people live.
So, it's not all that surprising she'd gravitate toward the puffer.
Plus, naturally, you gravitate toward people with similar interests as you.
Instead, gravitate toward more rosy browns to avoid looking washed out.
We gravitate toward them because they make us feel something intense.
Researchers gravitate toward what seems like it's possible to get funded.
Business travelers, naturally, tend to gravitate toward more premium rides too.
Perhaps teenagers who are under emotional duress gravitate toward their phones.
It's not totally clear why women gravitate toward different birth control.
Some people have feminine traits or gravitate toward feminine gender expression.
Well there are a few genres that I gravitate toward frequently.
Boomers gravitate toward delivery services, food brands, and the Weather Channel.
Healthier, wealthier people would tend to gravitate toward the skimpy plans.
He seemed to gravitate toward rooms that were very plush and colorful.
These assistants are geared toward grown-ups, but kids gravitate toward them.
I gravitate toward brown-haired guys with stubble or beards and glasses.
"The ones who are timid -- I gravitate toward those kids." he says.
What do you think it was that made people gravitate toward you?
But the Giants couldn't help but gravitate toward his weirdness, his energy.
If you bring food to a party, people will gravitate toward you.
And yet my hypothesis was that we would gravitate toward similar pieces.
Gravitate toward people you enjoy and who are easy to be with.
We also gravitate toward people who have done well in their community.
Couples who speak Spanish may gravitate toward Mr. Cuenca, who is Ecuadorean.
Perhaps I gravitate toward people whose parents have struggled with mental illness.
"People will naturally gravitate toward the better deal, that's economics," she said.
Hill's broken brood gravitate toward lower-depths locales like swine to pigsties.
Yet it was this original sound that made the world gravitate toward Chicago.
Supporters of the outsiders, such as Yang and Gabbard, may gravitate toward Sanders.
And, like it or not, most gamers gravitate toward optical sensors, not laser.
Since dogs naturally gravitate toward grass, this makes housetraining seamless for the owner.
If you're a particular type of person you might gravitate toward a handful.
Looking back, that class really influenced the glam that I gravitate toward today.
He is hoping his 6 million plus subscribers will gravitate toward GameLab, too.
Why did you gravitate toward Rachelle in both your short and Skate Kitchen ?
I think people will gravitate toward experiences that make things simple for them.
To be sure, Trump is not the first egotist to gravitate toward politics.
As a compact and rectangular human, I gravitate toward compact and rectangular shelters.
It makes sense to gravitate toward explanations that attribute everything to secret cabals.
That means he could attract independents, who tend to gravitate toward his campaign.
Some toastmasters seem to gravitate toward roasting the couple, rather than praising them.
People seemed to gravitate toward the warmer color profiles produced by the iPhone.
When we're anxious, we gravitate toward experiences that dull the present anxious moment.
Populists usually gravitate toward a charismatic leader who promises to address their grievances.
We often gravitate toward prodigies like Einstein because their expertise seems so effortless.
I began to gravitate toward places like these because, frankly, it was easier.
If enough potential investors gravitate toward the idea, he might be right, too.
Some who can't will surely gravitate toward any extremist group that pays them.
Aesthetically discerning buyers may gravitate toward design-forward companies like Bkr or Hay.
But ingenious details aside, shoppers gravitate toward his suits just for the silhouette.
"Millennials gravitate toward spending money on experiences, and not on things, " Berger said.
Those of us who gravitate toward baseball do so because it isn't that.
The things I used to like I don't gravitate toward anymore, like sugar.
Is there gonna be a singular portal that everyone is gonna gravitate toward?
That's where it all ends up being, that's why people gravitate toward the plant.
"I almost immediately gravitate toward people who look different from everyone else," Malou says.
Yet just because shoppers gravitate toward the site doesn't mean they'll make a purchase.
TV platforms and viewing habits have changed, but viewers still gravitate toward quality content.
It's no secret that people tend to gravitate toward ideas that reaffirm their worldview.
Many works in the biennale gravitate toward accessible concepts, though their chosen media varies.
Parks and other private guardians appeared to gravitate toward patients who had considerable assets.
The individuals who gravitate toward violent extremist ideologies tend to have similar emotional vulnerabilities.
Perhaps that franchise structure is why audiences gravitate toward the MCU, especially younger audiences.
It's far -out ideas based on lopsided worlds that I tended to gravitate toward.
"We gravitate toward bolder graphic motifs and shoot everything on our phones," Garcia says.
It's definitely inspired me to embrace color and gravitate toward more vibrant, memorable pieces.
He feared that Ukraine would turn its back on Russia and gravitate toward Europe.
And, if given the opportunity, children will gravitate toward play that builds STEM skills.
It's expanding its offerings with smoothies, bowls and sandwiches as consumers gravitate toward healthier foods.
It is not actively seeking out debauchery or pleasure, but having it gravitate toward you.
I'm all for that, though I gravitate toward sparkling red wines like dry, earthy Lambrusco.
When people speak about John Meehan, they tend to gravitate toward the same adjective: Evil.
As a result, farmers across the South and West began to gravitate toward the Democrats.
"We thought, 'That's so beautiful,'" Olson says of seeing people gravitate toward his band's music.
After everything went down, what do you think made people still gravitate toward LOVE Park?
"I'll always gravitate toward the dessert," she said, before accidentally halving one of her quarters.
When customers switch plans — this year 43 percent did so — many gravitate toward these plans.
But there is a more nuanced reason for young physicians to gravitate toward urban environments.
Florida residents would gravitate toward Orlando, which would be surrounded by flooding on all sides.
But many of the most popular breeds, including beagles, dachshunds and Labradors, gravitate toward gluttony.
I have a particular fondness for Polish cinema, so I gravitate toward Andrzej Wajda's film.
They gravitate toward the "shiny things," Drew says, rather than evaluating the flow of a room.
Labour liberated by technology should gravitate toward tasks and jobs in which humans retain an advantage.
Shoppers will always gravitate toward things that are fast, easy, and simple, Berger told BuzzFeed News.
Sure, the younger attendees gravitate toward the biggest, most shiny experiences, but that's only at first.
It makes sense that I would gravitate toward that brand because of my love of menswear.
The car market is tougher this year as consumers gravitate toward trucks and SUVs, Fields said.
Our political culture seems to gravitate toward narratives that hold division and disruption in low esteem.
I don't wear perfume but I gravitate toward women who do, remembering those evenings of preparation.
Male graduates will gravitate toward high-earning jobs, whereas women will gravitate towards lower-earning jobs.
When you're a comedian, if people gravitate toward you, it's because they like something you do.
There are signs that moderate and conservative Democrats are beginning to gravitate toward Sanders and Warren.
I gravitate toward liners when I'm wearing dramatic lip colors to prevent them from looking patchy.
They gravitate toward more thoughtful and solitary activities, and are considered to be reserved or reflective.
I tend to gravitate toward Gothic digital fonts as well as Gothic wood type as workhorses.
Members of similar communities tend to gravitate toward one another, but now they're finding each other.
Venture capital will gravitate toward those with the best business models, and a shakeout will occur.
JT:  I think that without realizing it, I do gravitate toward work with that welcoming quality.
"The finger may gravitate toward it in certain circumstances," he said under cross-examination by Mr. Brown.
No matter which side of the spectrum you gravitate toward, now's the time to move past nude.
Given her background, it's no surprise that she expects to gravitate toward B2B and fintech companies, though.
Jack McCollough and Lazaro Hernandez of Proenza Schouler gravitate toward the art world, and it to them.
Notably, lower-income teens are more likely to gravitate toward Facebook than those from higher-income households.
Even if you don't typically gravitate toward YA fiction, summer's the season to delve into the genre.
Are you a fan of Malcolm Gladwell in general or did you just gravitate toward the concept?
Frustration over EU regulations also play a role as voters gravitate toward anti-establishment, anti-elite parties.
Ennia Face finds it easier to talk to strangers, and people seem to naturally gravitate toward her.
I usually check out whatever new exhibit there is but always gravitate toward Picasso and van Gogh.
I gravitate toward the three, instinctively protective, sitting down with them to support them in their writing.
Some people like them with tomato-based sauces, but I gravitate toward Chianti or barberas for that.
So, it's not surprising that they don't naturally gravitate toward indicators like GDP or share price movements.
From December through February, if you're anything like me, you tend to gravitate toward a darker palette.
Most of these are red, in deference to the season, when most people gravitate toward heartier dishes.
Both in this mix and in the times I've seen you play, you gravitate toward heaviness or density.
So this is a name that I think you're going to see a lot of investors gravitate toward.
And you watch everyone gravitate toward Facebook where it's not serving the community purpose totally fairly, totally democratically.
For those who gravitate toward craft brews, this beer aroma booster is about to be an epic gift.
Whether they're personally grappling with these issues or seeking vicarious thrills, teens gravitate toward subject matter that's relatable.
If there were any delays in that process, people wouldn't gravitate toward Amazon as much as they do.
In an increasingly frenzied world, it's no wonder we gravitate toward Radcliffe's blog, slow TV, and soft voices.
One reason is that the best male athletes from the U.S. tend to gravitate toward more accessible sports.
These tend to be young men who can't get a girlfriend who tend to gravitate toward these forums.
I thought that when goth became too ubiquitous and normal, real goths would gravitate toward wearing navy blue.
Beijing must also be wary its longtime ally in Pyongyang doesn't gravitate toward a new friend in Washington.
When allowed to choose, patients seem able to discern quality — as they define it — and gravitate toward it.
High earners know this, so they gravitate toward jobs that offer better pay or even unlimited income potential.
Tourists gravitate toward the Bank Tower, which has an observation deck, or Frank Gehry's Walt Disney Concert Hall.
That's why most party hosts (and guests) tend to gravitate toward finger foods for this particular annual event.
Women in their 30s tend to gravitate toward IUDs, whereas women in their 20s prefer the contraceptive implant.
Manufacturers also gravitate toward stable, affordable locales where they can reach their customers easily and hire skilled workers.
But it's important to note African American men are far more likely than women to gravitate toward Trump.
And, a cohort of "grandmillennials" who gravitate toward chintzy wallpaper and lace curtains are currently enjoying a moment.
Talk to just about anyone about how to make money, and the conversation will inevitably gravitate toward jobs.
Left to pay out of pocket at clinics or commercial drugstores, patients gravitate toward cheaper options, like leeches.
So what orders do crew members gravitate toward, whether they&aposre on their lunch break or off-duty?
The creation process requires enormous computing power, causing miners to gravitate toward regions with ultra-low energy costs.
"I both gravitate toward and identify with people who feel like they don't quite fit in," he said.
When weighing options for an internship, many young job seekers gravitate toward big-name organizations like Google or Amazon.
But some companies have different demands and users may gravitate toward different options, so those aren't the direct competition.
Faced with multiple streaming options, they'll naturally gravitate toward whatever service has the most programming they want to watch.
None of my friends operate by any fashion rules, and I think that's why we gravitate toward each other.
Your natural curiosity will either gravitate toward a deep and clear psychological understanding or try to shut it down.
One of the workshops Fallone said women gravitate toward the most is on reproductive health, menstrual health, and nutrition.
The Oscars just gravitate toward a certain kind of story — and that story tends to be about white people.
There's not much difference between the various bars, although beer lovers gravitate toward Bangers and its massive tap selection.
If government can make or break an industry, corporations will naturally gravitate toward the government officials exercising the power.
In such dire straits, it's hard not to gravitate toward one of the few characters written with any consistency.
But since I'm here: You seem like you gravitate toward fun horror, more than the really scary stuff, right?
And he admitted that the pressure to perform on social media had made him gravitate toward more polarizing topics.
Combine that with the fact that users gravitate toward provocative content, and you can see where things might go.
I gravitate toward preppy styles, neutrals, and when not in the office, casual looks with a touch of style.
No, I gravitate toward the opposite of what I have been doing, just to keep myself always learning, really.
No, I gravitate toward the opposite of what I have been doing, just to keep myself always learning, really.
As long as autocracies like China and Russia are seen as successful rising powers, countries will gravitate toward them.
Some people gravitate toward instructors who make every move look smooth while others want to get murdered every class.
It's called the similarity-attraction hypothesis: People simply gravitate toward those who are similar to them in some capacity.
"A child is not going to gravitate toward a toy that's hideous or not well designed," Mr. Colvard said.
The more that commerce and communications gravitate toward the web, the higher the stakes of a Carrington-level event.
If there's one place you gravitate toward when you have a last-minute party to attend, we're guessing it's Zara.
Those who watch Black Mirror tend to gravitate toward the equally cynical and edgy documentaries Dirty Money and Food, Inc.
Women, she noted, generally gravitate toward the cardio equipment upstairs, while men tend to favor the weights in the basement.
Stabenow said she was not sure why exit polls showed that women did not gravitate toward Clinton in that state.
Of course, finding the right bralette is a very personal process, but there are certain styles we collectively gravitate toward.
The authors argue that results demonstrated that experimentally induced boredom may trigger people to gravitate toward more extreme political beliefs.
Humor development research shows that between the ages of 2 and 7, kids gravitate toward knock-knock jokes and slapstick.
You seem to gravitate toward roles where you possess a great deal more knowledge than the audience, at least initially.
But there are a certain number who have the propensity and risk factors for muscle dysmorphia who gravitate toward bodybuilding.
Hammond said he also expects Continental Resources to gravitate toward more economic wells in its Anadarko Basin acreage in Oklahoma.
Cable operators are battling streaming video services like Netflix and Hulu for subscribers, as viewers gravitate toward online video offerings.
As monetary easing is designed to jolt the economy, investors tend to gravitate toward stocks traditionally correlated to economic growth.
Both of the lead actors are Oscar nominees, A-list movie stars who don't tend to gravitate toward television projects.
I gravitate toward women that have a lot going on — I'm not interested in one-dimensional love-interest characters anymore.
And both executive suites and agencies are full of white men who gravitate toward stories told by other white men.
Celebrities also gravitate toward a monochromatic and minimalist interior, but designers say this can make a space feel less homey.
I gravitate toward this bra increasingly often, and at $45, I'd happily buy another or recommend it to my friends.
First, the stunning growth of ETF assets, as investors gravitate toward low-fee indexes instead of pricier actively managed funds.
"I have a theory that we gravitate toward affection," he said in a 1978 interview with The New York Times.
This was especially true among moderates, who wouldn't naturally gravitate toward a self-described democratic socialist, and in rural areas.
With each passing day, aspiring losers — refugees from the hostile lands of kickball and origami — gravitate toward the corner table.
I gravitate toward young people, because many years ago, I was that young person and I can relate to them.
"This idea is more about what you enjoy and gravitate toward throughout your life," Staff said in a telephone interview.
I gravitate toward blackfish and hake because they're sustainable and I can usually find them at my local fish store.
But those studies had limitations, particularly related to the tendency of people to gravitate toward others who are like them.
While I tend to gravitate toward muted shades most often, I definitely like an occasional pop of purple or blue.
Investors will continue to gravitate toward value and cyclical stocks on the back of easier monetary policy, the analyst said.
People want to be around people who have passion and enthusiasm, because we all gravitate toward something greater than ourselves.
Outdoor gear brand Patagonia makes surprisingly cute and unsurprisingly cozy scarves you'll gravitate toward on the coldest days of winter.
That is because in a flat or down market investors tend to gravitate toward safer defensive plays like dividend stocks.
Instead, Trump may gravitate toward certain advisors based on what he sees as politically and economically best at any given moment.
On top of that, a lot of the characters I would want to gravitate toward had already been claimed by boys.
Cable operators are battling streaming video services like Netflix Inc and Hulu for subscribers, as viewers gravitate toward online video offerings.
The kale chips definitely came in handy when I started to gravitate toward a bag of tortilla chips in the cupboard.
But over time, users have begun to use more devices and gravitate toward group chat, so Wickr added those features too.
I suspect that many users at risk of AFib and other series heart conditions might gravitate toward a more classic design.
I naturally gravitate toward beef but there is an exception: I really love a pork shoulder steak cooked over direct coals.
"Generally, we gravitate toward surreal, bold, and simple," Pastor says, citing the animations of Norman McLaren and Stanley Kubrick as inspirations.
Maybe Ben and I gravitate toward that because we also have our own messed-up idea of what pop music is.
What's more, while turning off their base, they're actually inspiring independents and moderates from both sides to gravitate toward the middle.
You can't earn six figures if you are paid a small salary, so high achievers gravitate toward sales jobs and entrepreneurship.
Religion and video games were two parts of my identity that rarely mingled, especially as I began to gravitate toward RPGs.
When you pull your camera out and start taking pictures, people naturally gravitate toward you and want to talk to you.
Plenty of politicians gravitate toward power and leap at any fleeting chance to exercise it; Graham just does it particularly well.
"We just think this is a great foundational foam that a majority of runners are going to gravitate toward," Holts said.
Instead, I gravitate toward a place where bad things happen all the time, but there are always people trying to help.
Mostly, those who gravitate toward synthetic cannabinoids are "marginalized people," including the homeless and those affected by mental illness, he said.
THIS BRILLIANT DARKNESSA Book of Strangers By Jeff Sharlet Why do we sometimes gravitate toward the unknown when we feel alone?
They also gravitate toward similar wealth-building strategies, like saving as much as they can and bringing in multiple income streams.
Ornate Indian-style precious jewelry doesn't suit such clothes, so many either gravitate toward costume jewelry or do without jewelry altogether.
For 80 years, scientists have puzzled over the way galaxies and other cosmic structures appear to gravitate toward something they cannot see.
Hey, it just might replace your go-to Outdoor Voices or Reformation tote (or whatever fashion-y canvas bag you gravitate toward).
Despite their comparable performance, girls still tend to gravitate toward non-STEM career paths with women representing just 24% of STEM industry.
Noelissa St. Catherine, owner of event design and coordination company Designed by Nelle, has seen her clients gravitate toward more candid shots.
When trotted around the public, all eyes gravitated toward her, in much the same way eyes gravitate toward eligible bachelors and bachelorettes.
In an effort to compete, the various cable news networks have slanted their coverage toward where they think viewers will gravitate toward.
Isn't is possible that people who are already afraid of random violence just gravitate toward shows that confirm their fears as valid?
The oval shape will probably become less popular toward the later half of 2020 as brides begin to gravitate toward geometric shapes.
"My Wedgie Fit jeans are the first pair I gravitate toward when I'm wearing a cropped sweater or T-shirt," she says.
Many celebrities gravitate toward industrial aesthetics in their homes, using things like Edison Bulbs, which can make a space look too harsh.
Sales of the 200 and Dart were foundering, too, as low gas prices enticed American consumers to gravitate toward fuel-guzzling S.U.V.s.
The zombies gravitate toward the things they enjoyed when they were still alive: coffee, chardonnay, candy, toys, cable TV and power tools.
At the risk of sounding too "welcome to my twisted mind," why do you think you gravitate toward that kind of writing?
They shared an exacting and meticulous style and a tendency to gravitate toward those who would eventually make a distinctive cultural mark.
"I'd like to see my clothes on people who naturally gravitate toward the pieces and the sincerity of the design," Rogers says.
When Ellie plays with her box, she rotates through the activities pretty evenly, but she seems to gravitate toward the lacing beads.
"We learn that when financial constraints are removed, the things people gravitate toward are active leisure activities and job autonomy," wrote Teh.
I typically gravitate toward humorous, strong women writers: Lydia Davis, Diane Williams, Joy Williams and Grace Paley are all heroes of mine.
But everyday Americans don't always have the financial resources to afford a traditional advisor, and advisors tend to gravitate toward wealthier clients.
Rogers just turned 12 — she was 11 when speaking to CNBC Make It, an age when many girls gravitate toward sparkly things.
When the options presented are single-payer or "I don't know," it's not surprising that many Americans would gravitate toward the former.
Why not gravitate toward advisers who understand strategy, asymmetrical warfare, counterterrorism, and who believe in sound analysis and good intelligence before making decisions?
Some of us reach for more hydrating bases and highlighters when the weather gets colder, while others gravitate toward richer lips and nails.
People with oily skin might gravitate toward mattifying or pore-blurring primers, while those with dry skin might prefer hydrating or radiant primers.
"A lot of tomboys gravitate toward menswear clothes, but menswear isn't fit for people who have a bust or hips," said Laura Moffatt.
Some people gravitate toward Candy Crush Saga with its obnoxious paywalls, but for six years now my true love has been Bejeweled Blitz.
As someone who doesn't gravitate toward the idea of romance, I've found queries like these overwhelming at best — and off-putting at worst.
She does gravitate toward the dark side of things, but she always has a sense of humor about her passion for the macabre.
As heterotherms, mosquitos—and ticks, for that matter—gravitate toward warm-weather areas since their bodies adopt the temperature of the outside air.
Now, that's all changing as more and more plastic surgeons gravitate toward Snapchat to document Brazilian Butt Lifts, breast augmentations, and tummy tucks.
Will Republicans gravitate toward leaders who have authoritarian tendencies, who incite violence in their followers, and whose personalities are vindictive, cruel and disordered?
Other experts agreed, saying this often led veterans to gravitate toward jobs that were easily secured but below their skill and experience levels.
To ease processing and communication, the authorities sometimes try to group the asylum seekers by nationality; sometimes they gravitate toward each other anyway.
We naturally gravitate toward certain personalities at work, but it's nearly impossible to tie subjective traits like "approachability" or "humor" to job performance.
It's obvious why creative types for whom success lies in the details — architects and art-world types, designers, directors — gravitate toward her clothes.
Because the company is also primarily a music streaming service, these insights include showing podcast creators which artists their listeners primarily gravitate toward.
" Another, Mr. Kinnel said, is to gravitate toward larger companies than a fund might ordinarily own, or to "add holdings or trade less.
These two style icons might share a name and a tendency to buck fashion norms, but they gravitate toward radically different style choices.
"I prefer much more colorful, modern decor, so it makes sense that a rustic theme isn't going to be something I gravitate toward."
Contemporary audiences are likely to shrug at surrogacy and gravitate toward identity politics instead, and the series subtly updates its feminist bona fides.
"People will ultimately gravitate toward sources of information that are truly reliable, and have an allegiance to telling the truth," Mr. Baron said.
Gravitate toward those who are grateful and happy to see you, and away from the people who are apt to make cutting comments.
It's like disconfirmation bias: what I tend to do is look at people that I think are crazy and I gravitate toward that.
It's possible that women might also gravitate toward specialties that demand fewer hours in order to make time for children, the researchers suggest.
Both parties were willing to gravitate toward candidates who promised a strong federal government that could deliver a panacea without worrying about costs.
After all, there's no real harm done if herd behavior prompts you to gravitate toward a longer line at the airport security checkpoint.
Both are intensely likable actors, though Mr. Ruffalo has a line in Everymen, whereas Mr. Shalhoub seems to gravitate toward more rarefied roles.
He finds that women start to gravitate toward different jobs after the birth of a child, ones with fewer hours and lower wages.
Although my daughter is a toddler now, I still gravitate toward baby products because they tend to have fewer ingredients and lighter scents.
Historically, right-wing parties in Latin America tended to gravitate toward the Catholic Church and disdain Protestantism, while evangelicals stayed out of politics.
Instead, we collectively gravitate toward stories of donor regret, like Poulson's, because they confirm our worst fears in a way that's oddly reassuring.
Dyslexics often think in pictures and can see multi-dimensionally which is why architect, gardener, chef and astronomer are careers that dyslexics gravitate toward.
No matter what we tell ourselves, most of us would gravitate toward headphones with a sweetened, bassy sound that's an easier and friendlier listen.
But the feature will, for sure, be something that influencers (people who make it their job to broadcast on social media) will gravitate toward.
But no matter which side of the spectrum you gravitate toward, let's get one thing straight: The rainbow highlighter from Chaos Makeup transcends trends.
"There are few things Canadians gravitate toward and things we identify with as being symbolic of what it means to be Canadian," said Crawford.
Conservative policymakers, on the other hand, tend to gravitate toward measures that help prisoners successfully reenter society like prison education and work-release programs.
"Either lone actors or small, insular groups continue to gravitate toward simple tactics that do not require advance skills or outside training," he said.
Many actors gravitate toward morally suspect characters, but he is committed to portraying virtue as "something to be celebrated — entertaining, compelling, dramatic," he said.
History seems to gravitate toward narratives centered on big personalities, so when you talk about this world, you talk about Steve Jobs, Bill Gates.
It's possible that children who struggle with social or behavioral skills might gravitate toward gaming precisely because it doesn't require face-to-face interactions.
Cunningham also suspects that streamers will gravitate toward the blue ocean of virtual reality, where Facebook's Oculus Quest is arguably the best of breed.
He lists issues that younger voters gravitate toward addressing, including unemployment, job insecurity, and unaffordable housing, as well as climate change and social justice.
I see it when both Teddy, 3, and Antonio, 1, gravitate toward my husband's guy friends or my friends' husbands when we visit with them.
Another factor is simply whether the bulk of voters who supported candidates eliminated in the initial June 12 primary will gravitate toward Warren or McMaster.
Those whose loyalty was to Clinton, perhaps, but those voters seem more likely to gravitate toward candidates like Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, or Kamala Harris.
And, simply put, any attempt to answer what exactly led Hovater to "gravitate toward the furthest extremes of American political discourse" is incomplete without it.
" As kids, my three sisters and I tended to gravitate toward darker films, one of my favorite movies as a very young girl being "Beetlejuice.
I tend to gravitate toward this primer in the winter when my skin is feeling dull or on occasions when I'm wearing fuller coverage foundation.
But I gravitate toward clothing that pretends my midsection doesn't exist at all and is just a floaty blank space between my clavicle and thighs.
Better yet for him, it appears quite likely that Chris Christie will drop out, and a number of those voters will probably gravitate toward Kasich.
"South Korean women gravitate toward minimal makeup that accentuates their skin and simply enhances key features of their faces," says Charlotte Cho, founder of SokoGlam.
Where most dramas preoccupied with terrorism gravitate toward the good and bad, this one often deals in murky choices between the lesser of two evils.
Our brains are wired so that we naturally gravitate toward people who look and act like the existing set; it's familiar and we understand it.
A lot of these ideas will start there and then they'll gravitate toward the mature level, which is when they hit the fast food chains.
As is the case with many commodity products or services, consumers tend to gravitate toward the lowest price when it comes to choosing a ride.
We wanted to create a front-of-the-closet shoe that she [the customer] can gravitate toward, without knowing what's happening on a particular day.
What they didn't expect was the way that strangers would gravitate toward their snaps of cookie-dough-covered birthday cake and baked macaroni and cheese.
Many arts groups have hard times sustaining subscription bases as consumers gravitate toward more à la carte and last-minute planning for their cultural activities.
If you gravitate toward menthol shaving creams but hate when they dry the heck out of your skin, try Malin + Goetz Vitamin E Shaving Cream.Pros:
How can news outlets realistically accomplish this when they have so few Hispanics on staff and tend to gravitate toward crime-related stories for them?
"The gig economy is something more and more people will gravitate toward, and we clearly want to make sure they can get benefits," he said.
Second, most people gravitate toward easier work (checking email) versus hard, satisfying tasks (that big project you've been delaying), so it'll help you stand out.
Now note, there are quite a few films I didn't have the opportunity to watch because I don't always gravitate toward that popular (good) shit.
By Friday afternoon, police records and neighbors' accounts portrayed a troubled young man who in recent years appeared to gravitate toward peculiar and reckless behavior.
We gravitate toward reading negative news stories, and when something bad happens, we are more likely to talk about it than when something good happens.
So it makes sense that the label would gravitate toward the movement's in-your-face chutzpah, here combined with its own signature street wear aesthetic.
But whether they turn to advocacy or not, many gravitate toward one another, checking on each other by Facebook or phone whenever another gunman strikes.
We've seen some colorists move away from the seamless blending techniques synonymous with flowing balayage and gravitate toward a style that's a lot more... obvious.
But slowly, he said, the players in the South started to gravitate toward basketball brand names in the A.C.C. and colleges along the East Coast.
Thus, most shows tend to gravitate toward series protagonists who are straight, white, and male — and who are still unlikely to die, Ned Stark be damned.
But while political leaders gravitate toward the hottest button issues, no one should sell short the importance economic conditions play in the lives of ordinary people.
First, Fiorina appeals to many of the same kinds of conservative voters who would naturally gravitate toward Cruz -- and probably would have voted for him anyway.
Under the GOP bill, employers could choose any state's definition of essential health benefits, and those seeking to lower costs could gravitate toward the skimpier ones.
He's hoping the relationship will give them entree into other financial institutions, which tend to gravitate toward security products that have been vetted by other banks.
And since Facebook's algorithms promote the posts that users most gravitate toward, these negative ones are more likely to be pushed up on the news feed.
"I hope those who don’t gravitate toward self help might inadvertently get self help through this, it’s a spoon full of sugar."
As Apple introduces more complexity to its port preferences, consumers will gravitate toward these kinds of products to charge whole families of Apple devices at once.
As consumers continue to gravitate toward lifestyles grounded in health and wellness, the fitness industry is cashing in to the tune of nearly $100 billion globally.
Advocates and activists describe the Stonewall as a regular meeting place that people gravitate toward in times of strife, pain or celebration for the gay community.
He can still hold his own in pinochle and has many friends at the club whose conversations gravitate toward current events, summers past and health problems.
And many of these marketplaces gravitate toward one or two winners ... No one's using Bing because no one wants to use the fourth-best search engine.
You're coming of age in a time where hip-hop has replaced rock music as the sound that young people gravitate toward in their formative years.
There are literally millions of people to follow on the social media site, so you need to give visitors a clear reason to gravitate toward you.
Consider wiping down the toys or items that kids gravitate toward — video game controllers, swords, favorite trucks or dolls, as well as doorknobs and light switches.
The fundamental problem is sicker people would be drawn to the more robust Obamacare plans, while healthier people would gravitate toward the skimpier non-Obamacare coverage.
I guess I gravitate toward more chicanery on a Sunday and managed to fixate on some variation of tongue in cheek, but this was simply ANCHORED.
Golf is struggling to grow globally as youngsters gravitate toward other pastimes such as soccer, with sales of golf apparel and equipment tumbling for several years.
It may seem natural to gravitate toward things that make you feel comfortable but, really, it is life's challenges that force you to learn and grow.
Legislative seats—and the raw political power that comes with them—would shift away from diverse urban areas and gravitate toward whiter suburban and rural communities.
We don't know their price yet, and in order for miners to gravitate toward mining-specific cards, they need to have a better cost/benefit ratio.
In drug epidemics, potential new users are often scared off by the fates of their friends, siblings, and parents—and they tend to gravitate toward different drugs.
Still, good luck telling that to our social media-trained eyes, which can't help but gravitate toward all things flat lay-worthy, with minimal regard for performance.
Others might gravitate toward the $399 Tufton, which Marshall boasts is one of the largest portable Bluetooth speakers on the market, with sound (and volume) to match.
If you placed a massive object on the trampoline of the universe, it would distort the nearby area around it, causing nearby objects to "gravitate" toward it.
Facebook has increased the number and variety of ads, which are the foundation of its business, as users gravitate toward private and interactive features such as Stories.
CodeSandbox was all I needed, and my iPad was suddenly an ultra useful webdev box — at least for building the sort of small experiments I gravitate toward.
At least when it comes to laptops, research has shown that 2119.99 percent of us consumers gravitate toward certain gadgets because we like the way they look.
Practically speaking, the simplified combat system also means battles tend to gravitate toward more elaborate, energy-consuming special attacks, which is where the game's aesthetics really shine.
Also unclear is how many traditional supporters of Mr. da Silva, who is widely expected to designate an heir in coming months, would gravitate toward Mr. Barbosa.
The sport is struggling to grow as youngsters gravitate toward other pastimes such as soccer, with sales of golf apparel and equipment having fallen for several years.
The first part of making new traditions is seeing what you are drawn toward doing, what you gravitate toward, where you feel safe and ready to celebrate.
Yet surprisingly, psychologists and political scientists alike have shown that in uncertain times we often gravitate toward these Trump-like authoritarian leaders who promise a better future.
Anastasia Tobias, Schick Hydro Brand Manager, told Mashable the partnership was a way for the company to reach their male customers, many who gravitate toward digital content.
Over time, children forced to clean their plates at every meal may gravitate toward sugary foods and snacks and run the risk of becoming overweight or obese.
So they chose to embrace an openness they did not see in their parents and also to gravitate toward things that differed wildly from the status quo.
"Women's lives are increasingly fast-paced and we gravitate toward wardrobe choices that require a minimum of styling effort and maximum body confidence and comfort," Guenza adds.
Looking ahead, Biden must also come up with new strategies to appeal to young people and Latinos, two significant groups who have tended to gravitate toward Sanders.
JK: I usually gravitate toward filmmakers more than movies, but the horror movie that's viewed more as a documentary — "Freaks" by Tod Browning — left a strong impression.
Listening to her a tree planted by water EP, he first release in two years, it's easy to see why these musical legends gravitate toward her talent.
Like screenwriters, most of us tend to gravitate toward the more extreme examples of a technology's potential, its ability to save the world or to destroy it.
A compressing yield spread and flatter yield curve usually suggest lower risk appetite among investors as they gravitate toward safe haven assets such as shorter-term bonds.
Though Molland says the company's brand is what women gravitate toward, it hasn't been without tarnish: Thinx launched in 2011 and has had a rocky leadership history.
When black kids gravitate toward a product and a few turn to crime to get it, that doesn't make the item any more criminal than an iPhone.
And then, of course, national polling still shows a healthy 10 percent of Republicans backing outsider figures Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina, who may naturally gravitate toward Trump.
And for readers, it's natural for them to be as subjective as Marvel's creators, and not surprising that they will gravitate toward stories that they consider more important.
"I just hope it's something unique that people gravitate toward...and that they enjoy the type of comedy I do, and the way I get it out there."
The company has increased the number and variety of ads, which are the foundation of its business, as users gravitate toward private and interactive features such as Stories.
Hip-hop has always been historically about being hardcore and tough, but if we're really being honest, the artists that we really gravitate toward always showed that vulnerability.
Jaimie Chung, an analyst at research firm eMarketer, said because each voice assistant has different strengths, consumers might gravitate toward one over the other for various use cases.
As bots become equipped to handle text content, the human side of brands and consumers will gravitate toward new, richer ways to engage, including virtual and augmented reality.
The Verizon-owned giant is hoping young app users — the same ones who obsessively use Snapchat lenses and filters — will gravitate toward its new app with similar offerings.
But the balance between the two types of trees tends to fall apart when livestock infiltrate these forests, because they gravitate toward eating grasses and the deciduous seedlings.
Meanwhile, men looking for post-Christian enlightenment seem to gravitate toward secular-rationalist cults like the New Atheism, or more recently toward toxic forms of alt-right politics.
Health plans gravitate toward higher-population areas where they can more easily enroll lots of customers and have a wide array of hospitals and doctors to contract with.
People in the industry tend to gravitate toward people of the same gender or toward those with shared interests, which hindered professional development within the field, she said.
Research by Dipali Mukhopadhyay, a Columbia University political scientist, suggests that the warlords would gravitate toward the kind of state building that occurred in medieval Europe over centuries.
The ironic imagination can foster understanding of why different people might gravitate toward different views, but it can also provide a first step toward synthesizing and transcending them.
It's all part of a broad trend driven by upstart companies and established firms alike, as clients increasingly gravitate toward low-cost options like E.T.F.s and index funds.
Members enrolled in law school shift to public interest work, for example, and those working in nonprofit organizations or traditional philanthropy begin to gravitate toward movement-oriented work.
"It's a bad strategic idea, but you can understand why military planners would gravitate toward it," Mr. Lewis said, calling the plans "the best of a bad lot."
We all tend to gravitate toward certain designers in part because of sheer laziness: We know what suits us, what we like, and so we go there first.
Familiarity bias can prompt individuals to perpetually gravitate toward markets and vehicles well-known to them, at the expense of less-familiar options that may nevertheless be superior.
Plus, it's a swooning, romantic ode to classic Hollywood moviemaking, which is a thing the Oscars have tended to gravitate toward since switching to the preferential ballot in 2010.
But look back at something I said last summer about Trump's rise: When watching a reality show, look to the character creating drama, the character the cameras gravitate toward.
Our most essential, most valuable piece of gadget equipment is the phone, and so we naturally gravitate toward devices in that category that look to be pushing things forward.
Regulations for implants typically only apply when the implant is considered a "medical device," but the magnets and RFID chips body hackers gravitate toward don't fall into that category.
Having also played the strong female character of Peggy Olson in Mad Men, Moss says she doesn't only gravitate toward these types of roles, but focuses on the character.
He will gravitate toward what he knows best  —  building projects, such as a wall (or fence) with Mexico and rebuilding U.S. infrastructure, and rewriting those trade deals he despises.
As such, double-digit stock moves are almost unheard of for the managers at Berkshire Hathaway, who gravitate toward sizable dividends and strong household brands with steady cash flow.
Anyone used to working with 5.7-inch devices like the 6P, LG's own V53, or Samsung's Galaxy Note 5 will instantly gravitate toward the smaller, easier to handle G5.
When it comes to stocking up on the basics, you probably gravitate toward certain brands for certain items (think Uniqlo for tees, Levi's for jeans, and Reformation for dresses).
Freed from their obligations to the Bush family, many of these wealthy donors will likely gravitate toward Rubio, given his closer attachment to the establishment wing of the GOP.
In scouring the world for our obituary subjects, we often gravitate toward unsung heroes and heroines who have managed, however quietly, to put a wrinkle in the social fabric.
The trend is particularly pronounced among young people, who tend to gravitate toward cities and who are comfortable with the idea of getting around by bike, bus, or Lyft.
The fact that so many young people are Democrats may make it more difficult — not less — to believe Republican politicians will have an incentive to gravitate toward the center.
When Thornhill speaks to their souls in a YouTube video that claims to explain what NASA hasn't, using only the force that runs their toaster, they gravitate toward it.
Recent research by Maryam Kouchaki, an associate professor of management and organizations at Kellogg, and colleagues suggests that people gravitate toward simpler tasks when struggling with a heavy workload.
On our record it's a good ballad — I've never been a ballad person [laughs], I tend to gravitate toward more punk-rock songs — but in the show it's spectacular.
Pop stars tend to gravitate toward creating their own clothing and accessories lines, where a few oft-cited individuals have had considerable success (see: Jessica Simpson and Victoria Beckham).
MW: So many women of color who have had traumatic experiences gravitate toward horror movies and geek out over comic books; it's kind of a no-brainer to me.
Although sausages are equally good fried in a skillet or roasted on a sheet pan in the oven, of those methods, I gravitate toward the oven for two reasons.
Fox announced late on Thursday that 10 more episodes of the show, about two F.B.I. agents who gravitate toward the unexplained, would air in the 2017-18 television season.
For example, as a business owner, you can gravitate toward your talents — those skills and abilities you have that hold the greatest potential for you to earn big money.
Moreover, once the conventional thinkers stop caterwauling about the Fed's independence and start looking at what the Fed is doing, they may begin to gravitate toward the President's position.
Mattel has faced slowing sales in a number of its brands in the last few years as more children gravitate toward video games and electronics instead of traditional toys.
"I'd like to see my clothes on people who naturally gravitate toward the pieces and the sincerity of the design," Rogers says of his conceptual pieces in bright colors.
He also noted that the updated plants would produce three large Jeep models — vehicles that are experiencing growth as consumers gravitate toward sport utility vehicles and increasingly abandon sedans.
"We often gravitate toward stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things, becoming leaders for change in their own and others' lives," Participant Media Chief Executive David Linde said by email.
The habit of vaping may also make the transition to smoking seem more natural, and teens in particular may gravitate toward friends who smoke once they try vaping, Soneji said.
The Color Enthusiast You live for a pop of color, so it's no secret you gravitate toward looks that incorporate your fave shades of the season in fresh new ways.
"Instead of walking into what might have seemed an empty apartment — actually, I've always had a dog who is hungry to greet me — I gravitate toward the kitchen," she wrote.
For example, if you have multiple meditation alarms on your phone for the morning, afternoon, and night, you might gravitate toward the calming scents in the Cool and Collected line.
If unfair economic outcomes really motivated non-college educated white people to gravitate toward Trump, wouldn't that have been an even bigger incentive for black people to do the same?
Choosing a nail polish says a lot about what you're into at the moment, which is why we often gravitate toward pretty, seasonal colors, like sage green or rusted terracotta.
As the halcyon days of Ikea fade away in the mid-30s, consumers gravitate toward a slew of other retailers — some fancier, others just more practical for home improvement purposes.
The tween and teen years are when adolescents start getting interested in sex, and if they like reading and writing, they'll naturally gravitate toward a genre that explores this topic.
After seven years of Obama's feckless arrogance, many voters are so starved for strong leadership, they are willing to gravitate toward someone purely based on bombastic rhetoric, not his record.
Trump's rejection of the Trans-Pacific Partnership has caused Asian nations like the Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia to gravitate toward China's alternative to the TPP, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.
The rich, cherry red I was used to wearing made my flick appear way too '50s (a cute look, but not one I personally gravitate toward in my daily life).
But the one aspect of the holiday that unites us all, no matter which parts of Halloween we gravitate toward — and even those repelled by its manic celebrations — is candy.
All three of the moves are exercises that I don't usually gravitate toward in the gym, which means that I was relying on my virtual Tonal instructor to learn them.
Provocateurs may gravitate toward the completely sheer (at Sonia Rykiel) or fringe laden (Calvin Klein); pragmatists will appreciate the abundance of blazers (Balenciaga), anoraks (Public School) and trench coats (Margiela).
Men tend to gravitate toward an aggressive, "top-down Machiavellian" understanding of power, but the more collaborative, evenhanded style of leadership associated with women has been gaining momentum, he said.
Long before the rise of Mr. Trump — for more than half a century — social scientists have tried to figure out why some seemingly mild-mannered people gravitate toward a strongman.
In the context of fearful times, when facing a novel deadly pandemic, people gravitate toward the familiar and calming, which Mr. Biden supplies, rather than Bernie Sanders's change and excitement.
The star-studded voice cast is confident fans and newcomers alike will gravitate toward the new installment, which takes a different tone and with higher stakes than the previous film.
When people are searching for meaning, their minds seem to gravitate toward thoughts of things like aliens that do not fall within our current scientific inventory of the world. Why?
The artier types within the Academy will likely eschew its staid, traditional biopic nature, while those who like that sort of thing could easily gravitate toward some of the other nominees.
Perhaps counterintuitively, the fact that so many young people are Democrats may make it more difficult — not less — to believe Republican politicians will have an incentive to gravitate toward the center.
I [gravitate] toward women who are political because you can overdo that; you can use [magic] and it doesn't really say anything because, in the real world, you don't have that.
Culture has a lot to do with which flavors we gravitate toward: People in most regions largely associate black with bitterness; green suggests sourness in the US and sweetness in India.
Regulations for implants typically only apply when the implant is considered a "medical device," but the magnets and RFID chips body hackers gravitate toward for now don't fall into that category.
I have always liked to gravitate toward the core problem where 'If we don't solve this, we have no product' and make sure that it's handled in the best possible way.
Amazon, up 32.5 percent year-to-date, gained 1.3 percent to close at $20.7 Thursday, as investors continued to gravitate toward the big cap tech names that have been dramatically outperforming.
According to Sinek's 2009 book, "Start with Why," consumers gravitate toward leaders or brands that have a very clear reason for being and strongly convey why they do what they do.
"We're seeing feed manufacturers and livestock producers gravitate toward wheat because it makes sense economically," said David Fairfield, senior vice president of feed services at the National Grain and Feed Association.
This seems like a surprising finding, given that previous reporting suggested that teens gravitate toward fruity flavors the most (which is why those flavors are the target of JUUL's own ban).
Mattel has been hurt by weak sales of its iconic brands like American Girl Doll and Fisher-Price as more children gravitate toward video games and electronics instead of traditional toys.
While data on the spirituality of millennials suggests that younger generations still gravitate toward religious belief, including personal spiritual practices such as prayer, there is an increasing abhorrence toward religious authoritarianism.
And others suggest that taking such a stand helps boost sales with like-minded consumers, especially tech-hungry Millennials who gravitate toward companies that take a position on issues they value.
Is the art world wild because eccentric people gravitate toward and end up running it, or do its inherent structures (whatever those may be) and lack of regulation drive people crazy?
Anthropologist Kathryn Denning, a York University professor with a background in both archeology and SETI, points out that these ideas often gravitate toward the achievements of American indigenous or African civilizations.
Foreign home buyers frequently gravitate toward period homes and apartments in the Old Town and New Town in the city center, an area designated a Unesco World Heritage site, brokers said.
Why did this man — intelligent, socially adroit and raised middle class amid the relatively well-integrated environments of United States military bases — gravitate toward the furthest extremes of American political discourse?
As someone who isn't naturally inclined to gravitate toward groups of people and detested group projects in school, it's perhaps ironic that I have to rely on other people for motivation.
In the past, Volkswagen relied on two small cars — the Jetta and the Golf — for much of its sales, but their appeal is fading as Americans gravitate toward larger, taller vehicles.
The advisor, who declined to be identified, brushed aside Trump's "pull-out" directive as "wishful thinking", arguing that foreign investors would gravitate toward China's huge market potential and massive consumer base.
This is especially relevant for the culture of podcasting, where the DIY nature of recording and uploading means most podcasts will gravitate toward the universal audio standard we all still use.
The younger Mr. Burke did not gravitate toward the glamorous side of the business, instead developing a reputation as a hard-nosed executive who eschewed internal politics and red-carpet premieres.
While the legal ambiguity, disclosure requirements and risk of negative publicity are enough to deter some from FARA work, others gravitate toward it, both for the payday and for the challenge.
I tend to gravitate toward work that is not content with the state of things, and what Peter was doing in Detroit, and continues to do, speaks to my nervous system.
The works I gravitate toward began their lives as prints, made with oil-based etching inks, and then (after some rumination) Sabharwal subjected them to transparent washes of watercolor and opaque pastels.
Millennial and Latina women are the biggest buyers of cosmetics, and they tend to gravitate toward brands that cater to diverse racial and ethnic groups, according to a 2016 TABS Analytics report.
These same people are the ones who tend to gravitate toward bitcoin, a notoriously bad payment system that has finally grown toward being essentially the purest uncut financial speculation money can buy.
The types of businesses they launch runs the gamut, but many gravitate toward finance and insurance, transportation, home services, construction, mining, oil and gas, manufacturing, science and technology, travel and real estate.
"We have a lot of political risk in the market right now, so gold has a strategic purpose," said Currie, explaining that investors often gravitate toward hard assets in times of uncertainty.
This tells us how much money a film made for each review point it earned; as such, movies with a combination of a low score and high revenue gravitate toward the top.
" Yale, he said, "is a place for you to learn how and why to gravitate toward people who view things differently than you do, who will test your most strongly held assumptions.
Children should be allowed to try the things they gravitate toward, and those sometimes don't appear until a child has had time to explore and understand what makes him or her happy.
So in Idaho, the situation that health experts worry about is that the really healthy and younger people who have low health costs, they're going to gravitate toward these anti-Obamacare plans.
One interpretation of these findings is that certain outlets create bias, perhaps by offering lower-quality content, though it's just as plausible that more biased consumers gravitate toward the same news outlets.
I start with a buffet of images that I print and mount, and then I usually naturally gravitate toward one, and look at it for a while before I begin to work.
Mattel has been hurt by weak sales of its iconic brands such as American Girl Doll and Fisher-Price as more children gravitate toward video games and electronics instead of traditional toys.
Even while optimizing, airlines still gravitate toward low-cost practices: adding more seats into economy or removing travel bundles so flyers see a cheap base fee but get charged for additional services.
People don't seem to have the time or inclination to dine out at lunch so much anymore, Isabella says, so they gravitate toward those chains that can get them in and out quickly.
Even though I shoot photos professionally, I still consider myself mostly a casual photographer — and as such it makes sense that I'd gravitate toward lower-tier products first, my needs aren't that great.
To maintain the fiction that intellectual curiosity, and not reactionary sentiment, informs their arguments, conservatives gravitate toward what they believe to be the trappings of serious thinking: bow ties, purple prose, name-dropping.
Conversely, sky-high heels — shoes with heels three inches or higher — are tumbling the fastest, Goldstein said, as consumers gravitate toward one pair of shoes that can be worn both day and night.
The anti-trade story may be diverting attention from those and other economic problems that seem to have helped nationalist candidates gain support from people who might not otherwise gravitate toward chauvinistic views.
Know your leadership styleManagers tend to gravitate toward one of two ends of a leadership spectrum: those who employ more autocratic tendencies versus those who encourage collaboration and joint ownership across the team.
And if they attempt to purchase a large when they traditionally buy — and keep — a medium, a data-driven solution may be to remind them that they typically gravitate toward a different size.
And the yield on the 10-year Treasury note — which falls when more people buy the notes, often as they gravitate toward lower-risk investments — sank to its lowest levels in a month.
Even the most adventurous among us have an eyeshadow formula of sorts that we gravitate toward on a regular basis, and mine doesn't require more than two or three brushes at a time.
That sometimes motivated employees to gravitate toward customers that seemed more likely to purchase an AppleCare subscription rather than helping the next person at the top of the queue, these two people said.
Unlike many state and national races, where winning primary candidates — like Cruz — are the ones who've situated themselves at the extremes of the political spectrum, candidates in Del Rio gravitate toward the great middle.
Most high school students in India often gravitate toward engineering or medical college, as a result of which, each year India produces many engineers and doctors who struggle for years to find a job.
When buying long options, it's not uncommon for new option traders to gravitate toward near-term call or put options because of the lower relative prices and the potential to achieve higher percentage returns.
This comic is baffling in its own self-reference and complexity, and biblical in its language and scope, but it's absolutely a must-read for those who gravitate toward the weird and extra-dimensional.
Nor does he spend much time in the kinds of low-income neighborhoods where he grew up, but "I do see that a lot of cooks of color gravitate toward this kitchen," he said.
The Bachelors, on the other hand, tend to gravitate toward options that are incredibly young, often baby-voiced, and with questionable readiness for marriage (even though they themselves chose their 23-year-old paramours).
In fact, it is increasingly looking beyond them as viewers gravitate toward something that is a cross between short social videos and the food programs of yore (you might remember it as cable television).
That may have resulted in the campaign breaching, in this state at least, a generational split that nationally has seen older black and Latino voters gravitate toward Biden but younger voters lean toward Sanders.
Bernie Sanders, the third candidate leading the polls, straddles this divide, relying heavily on independents and young people -- who often gravitate toward "wine track" candidates -- but also showing consistent strength among working-class whites.
It was an odd look given that, even aside from the scandals, much of Breitbart's work comprises rapid-fire blogs with tabloidized headlines that gravitate toward owning the libs or stanning for the president.
North Korea's relentless and escalating pursuit of nuclear weapons gives this week's financial markets a theme of "risk-off" protection, where investors perceive risk as high and tend to gravitate toward investments considered safer.
From the second Howard mentions, early on, that he suspects the US was attacked by either the "Russkies" or something extraterrestrial in origin, your mind will gravitate toward the latter, because it's always aliens.
Although the kit seems to offer a lot in one box, fitness fanatics may only gravitate toward just one or two of these products to fill out whatever is missing in their existing tracking collection.
Instagram has been growing rapidly, perhaps as people gravitate toward its simpler, selective focus over Facebook's maximalist share-all-share-everything platform that mixes in a flurry of life updates, articles, birthday notifications, and whatnot.
In music what Jim and I gravitate toward is texture — that's what speaks to us more than other elements, so when we work with [films by] Man Ray we respond at the level of texture.
People often gravitate toward horror in times of dread: The genre provides a service to those living in fear, allowing a healthy outlet for experiencing and then, ideally, moving past the anxieties that torment us.
It seems like Soul's aim with SoulActivate was to satisfy those riders who gravitate toward more difficult instructors (like Atkins or Akin Akman), or who book "doubles" or "Soul Survivor" classes because one isn't enough.
"Getting back to people talking to each other even if they fundamentally disagree is something he's very interested in, particularly in this on-demand media environment where people gravitate toward their corners," one aide said.
I [get dressed] and gravitate toward wearing comfortable ankle boots, since I'm walking around the building to meetings a lot during the day, or, if it is snowing outside, I put on my waterproof boots.
But Republican leaders fret that he will gravitate toward candidates who share his distinctive political priorities and anti-Washington attitude, and that nominating some of the Trump-driven candidates could imperil their control of Congress.
As a writer and photographer, I gravitate toward stories about little-known, often endangered cultures: how they maintain their traditional ways of life and try to adapt to the challenges of a rapidly changing world.
American politics are way more world-changing than Canadian politics will ever be, so I feel people tend to gravitate toward looking at the US policies that might dictate what might come down the pipe.
"I think runners who love being different and trying new things would probably love this shoe, but I'm not sure that runners who are not risk takers — aesthetically or habitually — would gravitate toward this shoe."
Donovan said he remembered the first time Dempsey was called into camp, when Donovan mentioned to his roommate Brian Ching that the ball always seemed to gravitate toward the newcomer's feet in the penalty area.
This pattern is common in the Ivy League: Studies show that Ivy League graduates gravitate toward jobs with high salaries or prestige to justify the work and money we put into obtaining an elite degree.
It's not surprising that college students, who asked the vast majority of the questions on Monday night, would gravitate toward this issue; it doesn't mean that it will become a defining issue in the race.
I'd grown up as the eldest of three children myself, and I loved the freedom that came with that variety — and being able to gravitate toward one sibling when the other was being a complete prat.
It's going to have to grapple with the optics of favoritism, which might frustrate other potential and existing partners as it would encourage shoppers to gravitate toward faster-operating grocery providers for the shortest delivery time.
Still, Facebook said the second straight quarter of above-expectations revenue showed that its namesake app is producing growth even as users gravitate toward newer, more private features whose popularity has outstripped their usage among advertisers.
Rather than gravitate toward the fitted armor and leather alternatives usually seen in realistic translations of superhero costumes, we opted for a design that was grounded in real-world garments with a bit of a twist.
Due to the recent decline in major European banks' shares and increasing scrutiny over the bad loans the banks hold, investors are starting to gravitate toward the idea of getting actively involved in European banking names.
And if there's even a sliver of the market that would gravitate toward a Fitbit Surge, or get an Apple Watch — and millions of those people do exist — Samsung wants to make sure it's there, too.
Despite the fact that all of us are very different, very particular people — and many would never gravitate toward a floral blend in a pink bottle — we've been put under a spell by Gucci's latest scent.
Ro Khanna, a Sanders campaign co-chair, said that means engaging more deeply with some establishment figures that might not gravitate toward Sanders on their own -- a need, Khanna told CNN, that Sanders understands is necessary.
"On the other hand, some flexible travel cards, like the Chase Sapphire Reserve, offer numerous easy-to-use credits and complimentary memberships, which some travelers prefer even if they usually gravitate toward certain brands," she said.
And I also really understand the importance of the sport within the context of American history: Immigrant communities or communities of color that could not afford to maintain a beautiful green field would gravitate toward basketball.
Without that demonstrated capacity to meet the expectations of both residents and investors, capital is likely to gravitate toward opportunities that don't add value to the community, or to look to other places altogether for investment.
For decades, the GOP has positioned itself as the party of national security, the choice for voters who gravitate toward leaders who support robust defense spending and vigorous diplomatic, commercial and military engagement in world affairs.
"My bet — and I may end up being wrong about this — my bet is that the candidate who can project hope still is the candidate who the American people, over the long term, will gravitate toward."
In countering Robson and Safechuck's claims in "Neverland," Marlon and others in the Jackson family gravitate toward the idea that children who were actually abused by Michael would not maintain a long-term relationship with him.
There will be some things in that test that we gravitate toward — say a certain brining method that produced moist meat — and so when we put together our first working recipe, we'll include that brining method.
Most of them are from shows or movies I quite enjoyed, but they have a few things in common: They're pretty, they're there, and other characters gravitate toward them despite their lack of unique personas or individuality.
What is it about video games, the overall culture of gaming, that makes people like that gravitate toward those spaces — or is it that the culture of gaming is one that encourages people to think like that?
The rest of the year can have your conservative pumps and versatile lace-up sandals: Your end-of-the-year jaunts are the time to pull out all of the stops and gravitate toward glitter-coated everything.
At the same time, Parabola is designed to ensure that the whole experience feels like a spreadsheet, where making small changes causes the whole data set to update — something that nontechnical users actually gravitate toward, Yaseen said.
As U.S. drivers continue to gravitate toward larger pick-up trucks and SUVs over sedans and hatchbacks, Toyota, best known for its Camry and Corolla sedans, has been scrambling to shift more production from cars to trucks.
His central idea is that the people who gravitate toward violent ideologies are often those who haven't been given a chance to prove their value in more typical—and mainstream—ways, like taking care of a family.
And despite all the best efforts of city, academic and other leaders to kickstart new entrepreneurship and investment in metro regions outside the incumbents, capital and connections — like matter itself — will gravitate toward the denser, brighter areas.
At a moment when commentary tends to gravitate toward the black and white, the not-entirely-satisfying answer appears to be a little of both, though not necessarily for the reasons his fans -- or critics -- would suggest.
While certain working class voters did gravitate toward Trump, the midterm election results in Wisconsin and elsewhere suggest that they have not been convinced by his party's economic agenda and may even have soured on Trump himself.
"The younger generation will gravitate toward brands that provide the best user experience, the best value, and ultimately, can help them reach their financial goals," said Devin Ryan, managing director and equity research analyst at JMP Securities.
But once they came to power, they realized that India and the United States — which had also been critical of Mr. Rajapaksa's rule — did not have China's deep pockets and began to gravitate toward Beijing once again.
VARIETY PUZZLE — We gravitate toward the second Sunday puzzle for a challenge that breaks the standard crossword mold; sometimes the differences aren't readily apparent, but Split Decisions is one that's completely off the grid, if you will.
Washington is known for supporting a range of designers, including established names like Hugo Boss and Atelier Versace (which her small-screen counterpart might also gravitate toward), as well as emerging labels like La Ligne, Monse, and Altewaisaome.
Battlefield 1 will go head-to-head with Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Whichever one players gravitate toward more — either science fiction warfare or reimagined historical combat — may set the tone for the genre for years to come.
As a teen-ager, Haney had mostly worn vintage clothes that she altered on her sewing machine, but she started to gravitate toward the idea of a stylish uniform: cropped white T-shirts and simple A-line skirts.
Hillsong may have solidified its prominence due to its affiliation with celebrities we love, like Nick Jonas, Selena Gomez, and Hailee Steinfeld, but Cashmore argues that ultimately, we as a culture gravitate toward celebrities who titillate, not preach.
Ford thinks the Detroit presence in particular will attract young professionals who now gravitate toward Silicon Valley and other high-tech hubs, and typically steer clear of established companies whose corporate ways they see as sterile and rigid.
Research which stones are related to the problem you're trying to solve (for example, a Rose Quartz stone could help your love life) or, try McCann's strategy: Go to a crystal store and see which stones you gravitate toward.
His 35-hectare (86-acre) farm in the southern mountains of Huila requires 80 pickers, but sometimes during busy harvest seasons he can find only half that, as people gravitate toward urban centers and away from arduous agricultural work.
While many visitors seem to gravitate toward her depiction of a Trump rally, I was mesmerized by her pencil drawing titled "Matriarchs of the Hudson Valley (1980s-90s)" (2016), which looks like an update of a Sylvia Sleigh painting.
Like, for example, sitting next to each other at the bar while they knock a few back, or lounging on the couch while they catch a football game — whereas women often gravitate toward more face-to-face-based activities.
Ted Cruz's "consumer choice" option: As the insurance industry has explained, if Cruz's proposal becomes law, healthier people would likely gravitate toward a new set of insurance plans with lower premiums, less coverage, and fewer benefit mandates/consumer protections.
These leaders also tend to gravitate toward policies that bring more official unity, regardless of public interest in such policies, and to play down problems that stem, at least in part, from the union's foundational ideal of open borders.
Even new users will most likely gravitate toward Google even if the company's apps are not preinstalled because of the superiority of many of its products and because so many other people use them — the so-called network effect.
He is right that the reason people gravitate toward drugs and sex — and might engage in risky behaviors as a result — is that they can be fun, because our bodies are in many ways programmed to find them fun.
Mr. Biden has seen some of the bundlers for his former rivals who have left the race — especially Ms. Harris but also former Representative Beto O'Rourke of Texas — gravitate toward him as he continues to lead in national polling.
One reason young people gravitate toward these apps is because they can rapidly generate social capital for people who don't have any — and one reason older people shun them is that they already have all the social capital they need.
Maybe that dreaminess has some broader appeal beyond the broken confines of Twitter, but if the political history tells you anything, it's that projecting razor competence is what people gravitate toward in chaotic times — even when it's a soft, positive message.
When you have your own place, and your best friend no longer sleeps in the next room, I imagine it becomes even more difficult to not gravitate toward digital interactions—tweeting your followers, live-streaming your day, or Skyping whomever.
But I don't think there was a really effective or concerted effort to really think about who has power, who doesn't have power, what voices do we hear, why do we gravitate toward certain voices, what are our own internal biases.
They gravitate toward leaders who promise to target "out-groups," such as immigrants or minorities, telling their supporters that this out-group is responsible for the threats they perceive and promising to take decisive action to remove or suppress that threat.
That's why we tend to gravitate toward Aritzia for office staples that aren't meant for the Working Girl era — and we've found one pair of trousers there that we (and apparently tons of other people, too) can't get enough of.
Being more ideological cohesive, the Republicans gravitate toward figures like House Speaker Paul Ryan, an ideologue, and McConnell, a partisan who is willing to pursue extremist tactics (as he did when he blocked President Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland).
Late-summer Broadway openings tend to be rare for New York, because the tourist crowd doesn't gravitate toward new releases that don't already have strong buzz; you need New Yorkers to see those shows, and in August, they're often away.
"It's very quickly the one that people gravitate toward the most, and now they are extra-delighted because of the sexual and political climate," said Mark Gillman, 48, a founder with his mother of Cato Corner Farm in Colchester, Conn.
While Yellen herself has indicated that the end of the rate-hiking cycle could be near, she and her fellow Federal Open Market Committee members have stood by the belief that inflation ultimately will gravitate toward their 2 percent target.
"And if people were cheering for things like universal health care and real action on climate change, he would gravitate toward those things," Kimmel — whose show has seen a ratings surge as his jokes and monologues have become increasingly political — added.
With shoppers appearing to gravitate toward extreme ends of the spectrum — either toward fast-fashion giants like Zara and H&M, or top-tier houses like Gucci and Fendi — those that occupied the "middle market" have been left painfully exposed.
What we've learned about Trump throughout this campaign, though, goes further than that: He has a lousy bullshit detector, he doesn't gravitate toward the smartest people on any given topic, and he doesn't much care about finding the best information.
I'm gonna put this blues/country song ["I Know"] on a project and still deliver "Body Ain't Me." That is an amazing song, but it didn't challenge me because it felt like Volume 1 so I knew people were gonna gravitate toward that.
To offset losses in its core satellite-TV business as viewers gravitate toward online video services such as Netflix, the company last year launched a cheaper Sling TV online streaming service that offers a slim bundle of channels, including live content from ESPN.
Users say they gravitate toward its products because of the way it has come to own their online relationships between family and friends — something Facebook has managed through a combination of weak regulatory oversight and savvy acquisitions of companies like Instagram and WhatsApp.
However, Cobb said differing strategies eventually divided Trump's legal team into two sides as the White House counsel began to gravitate toward a more aggressive approach with hires like Dowd and Giuliani, prompting Cobb to leave the White House after 10 months.
The fact that bright young singletons gravitate toward coastal urbs right now doesn't mean that you couldn't attract talent — especially married-with-kids talent — to a heartland city whose Amazon District took advantage of sprawling housing stock left over from a prosperous past.
They say that most brands, when they do reach out, still pigeonhole African-American consumers with outdated playbooks aimed at the "urban demographic"— industry-speak for lower-income, younger black consumers who supposedly gravitate toward sweeter spirits like Cognac and flavored whiskey.
Billy Hawkins, a University of Houston professor who has written extensively on race and college sports, said young black athletes have become less likely to gravitate toward baseball because they — and their parents — have an easier time envisioning success in football and basketball.
Finally, Sweet Like Sugar Cookie Dough Core will be a favorite among those who gravitate toward classic wedding cake, marzipan, or anything with a even a hint of almond flavor and those who eat all the cherry cordials from a box of chocolates first.
During her research, Balay found that trans people gravitate toward truck driving because it provides some level of safety (truck drivers work alone), anonymity (truckers communicate with colleagues over CB radio), and lack of discrimination during hiring (many truckers are hired over the phone).
The band tells us that it's OK to gravitate toward our pasts so resolutely; after all, it is the only concrete thing we have when the present is too anxiety-inducing to really comprehend, and the future looms, blurry and inevitable, in the distance.
Children's Books Kids too young to read generally have their books selected for them by adults, and we tend to gravitate toward favorite characters from our childhoods, which often means our parents' childhoods: Madeline, Babar, Curious George and the rest of the time-tested gang.
Edgy but never trendy, Agmes is a favorite among young women who gravitate toward unapologetic minimalism — "and we have a lot of older women coming to us," says Morgan, a fact she attributes to the brand's bold geometry and attention to the wearer's comfort.
It's little wonder, then, that the macabre overtones of the series—whose cult following among hipsters has become something of a cliché, but whose kvlt appeal has heretofore been less examined—found a warm reception among heavy metal musicians, whose tastes traditionally gravitate toward the dark side.
In general, strict quant investors will own fewer of the largest, most expensive stocks that dominate the big indexes and gravitate toward under-owned names; will frequently rebalance their holdings to keep their factor exposures consistent; and will cut losses ruthlessly through strict risk-management rules.
"I don't think I've ever bought anything from those sites, but when I see [featured products] in real life, I gravitate toward them, especially in product categories I know less well," says Jenny Di, 24, who reads the Strategist and Wirecutter mostly as online window shopping.
If Trump cooperates with Russia against Islamic State, which holds a swath of northeastern Syria, there is a risk that moderate rebels, angered by what they viewed as abandonment by the United States, could gravitate toward militant Islamist factions that pose a potential threat to Western interests.
"[In] the broader teen retail space, we maintain a broadly negative view as mall traffic remains a significant headwind, supply continues to outstrip demand, the backdrop is persistently promotional, and consumers gravitate toward experiences rather than things including apparel," Tiffany Kanaga, Deutsche Bank's apparel retail analyst, said.
The limited supply of discounted merchandise can also inspire the same mentality that is common when there is a shortage of any other supply — people may actually gravitate toward longer lines, so they can feel a greater sense of accomplishment once they finally make a purchase.
" If younger Iowans often gravitate toward Ms. Warren's message of "big, structural change" or to Mr. Sanders's call for "political revolution," some older Iowans point to Mr. Buttigieg's more moderate positions, like his support not for "Medicare for all" but for "Medicare for all who want it.
"Some of these steakhouses that are doing really well have reconfigured to allocate more space towards the bar area than the dining room," Allen said, noting that there is now less stigma attached to solo diners, and those consumers gravitate toward the bar area to eat and drink.
Although the findings are skewed toward consumers who already gravitate toward the web, and exclude the $602 billion bricks-and-mortar dominated grocery store industry, they nonetheless represent the latest in a steady climb over the past few years, as consumers become more comfortable buying items on the web.
Philip Smith, founder of the 14,000-member National African American Gun Association said his members are buying up every kind of gun, from Glock handguns to AR-15 rifles to AK-47 semi and automatic weapons — though most first-time buyers gravitate toward a nine-millimeter pistol or .
You learn: Threesomes are high drama but ultimately unsatisfying; that sex can be very good and very bad, and all the shades in between; and that although it is possible to like many "types" of person, you mostly just gravitate toward the same guys like a horny homing pigeon.
Part of the reason readers gravitate toward those stories, I think, is a latent fascination with the idea of upper-class Britain as a refined throwback to a simpler, more snobbishly hierarchical age — the same thing that makes television shows like "Downton Abbey" and "The Crown" such guilty pleasures.
What's weirder is what it tells us about how Payless thinks about the general market of people who buy shoes — namely, that most people don't understand value and pricing and packaging and don't think about what goes into making something cost what it costs, but just gravitate toward status symbols impulsively.
Watching the right movie or TV show or reading a certain book is not going to have a direct effect on this division; most people will continue to gravitate toward cultural objects that align with their own tastes, which are generally informed in some way or another by their worldview.
It's a tale that unfolds exclusively via on-screen text messages between Chloe and an unnamed friend: CHLOE: ha you're just trying to creep me out before I get the bus home It makes sense that a generation that grew up online would gravitate toward text- and chat-based horror tales.
A powerful ultrabook that scales across multiple budgets Most of Razer's customers are likely to gravitate toward the $1,399 Blade Stealth config, which maintains the processor, memory, and battery upgrades, but is more modest in storage, with a 512GB drive, and display resolution, stepping down to Quad HD (103 x 1440).
He is banking his candidacy on the idea that, above all, Democrats want to nominate a candidate who will be a sure thing against Trump, and that they will gravitate toward the former vice president as someone who can put an end to the divisive politics ripping the country apart.
"If I'm in a room and there's no way to gauge what they might do for their profession, or anything about them other than what they look like, I usually gravitate toward people who look like me — other people of color, other women — or are closer to my age," she said.
For consumers, it can be easy to gravitate toward brand names you recognize and have seen before — but if you can navigate the hundreds of other choices of smaller producers available to you, you're likely to find wines that are more interesting, more complex, and ultimately a better drinking experience.
If you often fall for people who are already in relationships, Degges-White said, it could mean that you're subconsciously scared of the vulnerability required to date someone, so you gravitate toward unavailable people, giving yourself free reign to feel the highs of falling in love without risking any of the lows.
At the heart of the strategy from the Trump campaign and the GOP is a belief that the more Trump and his allies embrace impeachment — framing it as the inevitable outcome of a system run by partisan elites — the more voters beyond the president's base are likely to gravitate toward that message.
But, in general, they provide a more comprehensive answer than a single study.) And although journalists gravitate toward covering single studies concerning lifestyle choices such as diet or exercise, these were actually the least likely to be confirmed by a meta-review (as opposed to non-lifestyle papers on topics like genetics).
Playing both the writer and editor role simultaneously, I see the benefits of both, and know for sure that we need more minority editors, because editors, like everyone else, are human, and we tend to gravitate toward authors and books that are more similar to our experience (even though many of the best ones don't).
That seems like it would be a highly unstable equilibrium: Either Trump's numbers would hold up, he would look like the best and only chance to beat Hillary, and Romney's Republican support would bleed Trump's way, or else the Donald would gradually deflate and lots of his more opportunistic supporters would gravitate toward Romney.
As she introduces a crew of old buddies who gravitate toward the posh Belvedere Golf Club, she opens up a whole world of awful marriages, alarming betrayals and, in the case of the richest member of the group, a first wife who accidentally fell off a cliff before a second, trophy wife could be acquired.
"From the market perspective, when you have 19573 mediocre [Willem] de Koonings come to market in a season and one amazing Joan Mitchell painting come to market in a season, the market is going to gravitate toward quality," said Sara Friedlander, international director and head of postwar and contemporary art at Christie's New York.
And both Biden and Sanders are also white and male, which can work both ways with the Democratic electorate -- some voters gravitate toward those traits as essential qualities to defeating Donald Trump, and others view them as evidence of a deeper need for change given the increasingly diverse electorate and the energy among women voters.
Obviously, the OLED panel has absolutely wonderful colors and contrast, but while Dell says it has precise color and coverage for standards like AdobeRGB, most professionals working with color will probably gravitate toward high-end LCD displays to get the best idea of what their work will look like on the less-saturated screens people can actually afford.
There are, particularly early in the adoption of a new platform or device, there do tend to be quirks of that space that you can take advantage of and boost viewership or readership or whatever it is for a little while, but over the long run, actually, people tend to gravitate toward quality content across different areas.
The recent struggles of SoundCloud, streaming's most democratic and artist-friendly service, paint a picture of a listener base that continues to gravitate toward the surface-level trend hopping of playlist culture, putting more power in the hands of the major streaming services and giving artists less room to make a definitive statement with their music.
Would voters want an experienced hand whose position on world affairs is basically, "Trust me, I know what I'm doing" (Biden) or would they gravitate toward someone like Bernie Sanders, whose ringing calls to get the U.S. out of Middle East quagmires have the benefit of clarity, but make many a D.C. foreign-policy hand queasy?
"Well, J.P. Morgan said prior to the OPEC meeting early December, that if OPEC didn't really cut by more than around 1.2 million barrels per day, and they did just for the first half, (not) for the full year, that we could gravitate toward ... our low-oil-price scenario, which is $55 Brent for 20193," Scott Darling told CNBC's "Squawk Box " on Wednesday.
We also know that male and female economists tend to gravitate toward different fields of specialization, with women favoring fields like labor, education, health, and industrial organization — topics that, in my personal experience, are noticeably absent for the first few years&apos worth of study in economics (noticeably not absent: antiquated theories credited almost entirely to men like Keynes, Smith, Pareto, and Laffer).
That said, I tend to gravitate toward what we call literary fiction, which may simply mean character-driven stories, ones where we sense the writer has worked really hard on his or her sentences, and of course, it has to be the kind of work that seems to be trying to illuminate truth in some way, no matter how ugly.
Apple will offer six-core processors for the first time in its 21.5-inch model and eight-core chips in the 27-inch iMac, which it says is in an effort to cater even more to its base of professional users, such as photo editors and musicians, that gravitate toward the more affordable iMac family as opposed to even more powerful iMac Pro, which starts at $5,000.
Authoritarians who fear terrorism, for example, might thus gravitate toward strongmen leaders who demonize Muslims, because this leader then has a means by which to explain their fear ("you are at risk from a vast and terrifying enemy whom no one else will confront") and to promise reprieve from that fear ("we'll ban all Muslim foreigners and restore an America free of people who look different").
And, in the what-have-you-done-for-me-lately world that is pro football, it makes sense that teams would gravitate toward Norman's recent success—in fact, the defensive back reportedly has drawn the interest of a third of the league's clubs, despite free agency being over: 8-20133 teams have contacted Josh Norman's representatives since Panthers rescinded the tag, per league source.
Bernie Sanders supporters were more likely to be millennial women, and they were also more likely to be hopping from job to job and dissatisfied with their work—in other words, they were more likely to be young people who naturally gravitate toward the presidential candidate whose done the best job explaining what they already know: that things are fairly fucked up and will take a monumental effort to fix.
"Politically speaking, my head space right now, I'm trying to maintain my love for this country and for some reason that makes me gravitate toward wearing a certain style of prairie dress, which is interesting because that was never, as a woman of color, something I was included in," said Ms. James, who described the discomfort she felt seeing the way a black model was styled in a prairie dress by Sandy Liang, a designer.
Longstanding theories suggest that there should be abundant small black holes—perhaps as many as 20,000—within a few light years of Sagittarius A*. This is both because small black holes likely gravitate toward their supermassive counterparts, but also due to the rich environment of dust and gas surrounding galactic cores, which provides fertile ground for the formation of huge, short-lived stars that collapse into black holes after they explode as supernovas.
She came to photography relatively late, almost in her 30s, after a sheltered Boston upbringing that became what can only be described as a Zelig adulthood: a college year in Paris spent in the same hotel as Susan Sontag; a stint waitressing at the 1958 Brussels World's Fair, where she was propositioned by the photographer Weegee ("I had no idea who he was!" she says); a job as a secretary for Grove Press in New York during the heyday of its obscenity battles and its ascendancy as a haven for Beat poets, who seemed to gravitate toward Ms. Dorfman like a mother soul.

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