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"fish basket" Definitions
  1. a fishing device made of wooden slats usually set in a running stream to trap fish moving downstream
"fish basket" Synonyms

10 Sentences With "fish basket"

How to use fish basket in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "fish basket" and check conjugation/comparative form for "fish basket". Mastering all the usages of "fish basket" from sentence examples published by news publications.

According to Chinese myth, Fuxi also invented the fish basket, or trap, by weaving bamboo into a cage which had a funnel opening, that was easy for the fish to enter because the big opening was on the outside, but inside it tapered to narrow and exit opening, so it was easy for the fish to get in, but hard to get out. (Eberhard, 1983:108). In other cases the fish basket served more as a net, in which a fish could be scooped from the water and transported to the market. In one manifestation, Guanyin is pictured as holding a fish basket.
Sun Wukong learns from Guanyin later that the demon is actually a goldfish from a lotus pond at Mount Putuo who obtained his powers after listening to Guanyin reciting the scriptures every day. Guanyin uses a fish basket to trap the demon and bring him back to the pond.
There are also rotating seasonal menu items, such as the Fish Basket and Fish Sandwich. Both are offered in the late winter-early spring during the Lenten season (Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday). Blake's is also known for its unique, limited-time, featured shakes and malts including Pumpkin Pie, Birthday Cake, Cherry White Chocolate, Green Chile Lime, and others.
For the indigenous population desirable outcomes for the future include regeneration and restoration of native habitat; higher and fluctuating lake levels; an increase in the native bird population; reduced sedimentation and erosion; integrated management action; more Ngai Tahu and community use; mahinga kai activity rejuvenated; and Te Kete Ika o Rakaihautu/The Fish Basket of Rakaihautu restored.
Paintings of Guanyin today sometimes portray her holding a fish basket, which represents the aforementioned tale. But the story does not end there. As a reward for Guanyin saving his son, the Dragon King sent his granddaughter, a girl called Longnü ("dragon girl"), to present Guanyin with the Pearl of Light. The Pearl of Light was a precious jewel owned by the Dragon King that constantly shone.
Namesakes of Rākaihautū include (The Storehouse of Rākaihautū) and (The Fish Basket of Rākaihautū). He is most famously known as an ancestor of Waitaha, though the founders of Kāti Māmoe and the lesser known Te Kāhea, iwi are both said to be descendants of Te Uhi-tataraiakoa's great grandson Toi. Ngāpuhi and Ngāti Rāhiri Tumutumu are also said to be descended from Toi through the ancestor Rāhiri. The ancient Hāwea tribe is sometimes said to descend from Toi, or they could have arrived on their own canoe—the under Taiehu's captaincy—earlier than the .
144) He acknowledged his indebtedness to two ornithologists who provided him with information for his essay on Our Feathered Songsters, but commented parenthetically "I only wish they would not use their little guns so much."(p. 145) He also remarked negatively on catching trout in freshwater streams ("they are more beautiful there than in our fish basket" Logging of coast redwoods was well underway in the later 1800s along the central and northern California coast. In his 1879 booklet Anderson wrote of his concerns: > REDWOOD FORESTS . . . Although the supply of timber is very great in the > mountains it cannot be considered inexhaustible.
Guanyin Yulan Ji or simply Yulan Ji is a Ming dynasty play with 32 acts. The written version was first published by Wenlinge (文林閣), a Nanjing publisher owned by a Tang (唐) family during the Wanli era (1573–1615). Set in 11th- century Song dynasty, the play tells the story of a carp spirit seducing poor student Zhang Zhen by metamorphosing into a woman, who closely resembles Zhang Zhen's lover Jin Mudan. The goddess of mercy Guanyin, the Dragon King and the legendary judge Bao Zheng work together to subdue and capture the spirit in a fish basket carried by Guanyin.
The pup steals the fish again and Donald chases; there follows a fast chase around the arena, which includes Donald chasing the pup through a cannon and Mickey attempting to intervene. The spectators fire the cannon, shooting Mickey and Donald out and resulting in Mickey landing on a tightrope and Donald hanging from a hook within the fish basket. When a spectator cuts Donald's basket loose, he falls, lands on a circus bike, and rides across the tightrope toward Mickey (who somehow gets out of the way). The spectators oil the rope, causing Donald's bike to run backward and splatter Mickey, go over Mickey's pole, bounce back from the start, and end up on top of Mickey's pole.
It has in the past been called "An Oasis in the Deep", hosting a vast coral forest, large sponge field, crabs, deep-sea fish, basket stars, and a number of rare benthic species, some of which have yet to be studied properly or even named. These are all cold-water species, as the temperature even at the top of the seamount is just above freezing--around , as compared to at the ocean's surface. Despite its size, the top of Davidson Seamount remains over below the ocean's surface. This great depth means that the habitats that the seamount supports have not been significantly disturbed by human activity; anchoring and trawling typically does not occur below a depth of , and waste disposal and discharge occurs much closer to shore.

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