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10 Sentences With "fishing basket"

How to use fishing basket in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "fishing basket" and check conjugation/comparative form for "fishing basket". Mastering all the usages of "fishing basket" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The other items in the exhibition include a fishing basket that was made from plastic that washed onto a beach in Guam, and photos showing the amount of plastic pollution that litters the Pacific Ocean.
A Roman fishing basket (Latin nassa) A fishing basket is a basket used for fishing.
The Klamath River is the home of the Klamath Tribes, the Karuk Tribe, the Yurok Tribe, and Hoopa Tribe. The tribes use the Klamath river for fishing, basket weaving materials, and cultural purposes. Native Americans have lived along the Klamath river for over 10,000 years. The first Europeans arrived in the area in 1826.
Kalamainu'u then attempted to slay his informants, but they turned into wrasse and escaped into cracks in the seafloor. To capture them, she learned to set a hina'i hinalea fishing basket (Craig 1989:95, 218, Beckwith 1940:193, 200)."A history of fishing practices and marine fisheries of the Hawaiian Islands". Kumu Pono Associates. pp.
Legend has it that in the year 1323, the inhabitants of the village Ban Luang Cheng in "Takka Sila" town were in the forest to cut bamboo. While they were making some bamboo fishing utensils, they saw a monk coming from the forest walking towards them. He had gone to the forest long before to meditate. The monk asked the villagers what they were doing and they replied that they were making a fishing basket.
Taivoan men worshiping the ancestral spirits inside the Shrine at the Night Ceremony. A bamboo basket fastened to the central axial column can be seen. A notable handicraft of Taivoan is bamboo basket (Taivoan: agicin or kikiz); it is used not only for fishing but also for religious purpose in Taivoan culture. As fishing trap is not uncommon among different Taiwanese indigenous peoples, Taivoan people are the only ones who sanctify bamboo fishing basket and grant it an important role at all levels of religious activity.
Irish troops from Ulster under a Major Geoghegan tried to re-take Carrick but were eventually beaten off with the loss of over 500 killed. In 1670 the Butlers set up a woollen industry in the town. By 1799, the town enjoyed some prosperity from the woollen industry, fishing, basket weaving and other river-related businesses - the population reached around 11,000 by this point. In that year, a barge capsized on the river near the bride, resulting in the deaths of around 91 people.
Many attempts were made to slay Olifat, but he escaped through trickery each time. For example, when the gods tried to drown him in a fishing basket, Olifat escaped to a nearby canoe in disguise, and then conned the other gods out of their catch of fish to boot. When they attempted to burn him, Olifat used a roll of coconut matting to protect himself from the flames and escape. The other gods then attempted to kill Olifat by sending him to take food to the thunder, but handing over the meal and enraging the thunder with his impudence, Olifat hid himself in a reed and escaped unscathed.
A logogriph published in Bower of Taste (February 9, 1828) A logogriph (not to be confused with logogram or logograph) is a form of word puzzle based on the component letters of a key word to be identified, and is derived from Greek λόγος, a word, and γρίφος, a riddle or fishing basket. It generally involves anagrams or other wordplay treatments such as addition, subtraction, omission, or substitution of a letter, and is sometimes arranged in the form of a verse giving hints to the word. The term logogriph is also used for the puzzle type in which a pair of anagrams must be deduced from synonyms (e.g. YELLOW FISH would lead to the answer AMBER BREAM).
Despite these publications, writes Emilio Pérez, the Pemon- Arekunas from the area nearby refuse to call this pinnacle Tramen, calling it Ilu (or Iru) Tepui, which is consistent with the Schomburgk naming it in 1838. Currently in 2017 a team of Pemón led by Antonio Hitcher is trying to secure the traditional toponym expressed in Arekuna, Kamarakoto and Taurepan. According to Antonio Hitcher the most northerly mountain in the Ilu-Tramen Massif is called Iru (or Ilu) because it has the shape of the fishing basket women use to catch Iwore (a small fish of the genus Pyrrhulina) that the Pemon stun with barbascos, a poisonous plant compound. In Pemon, Iruk (Ilu) is a basket, Türamen (Tramen) is the house of the spirits of the ancestors and Karaürin (Kerauren) is the tree of the family guanabana that is used to tighten the guayares and other basket weavings.

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