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"epiphanies" Antonyms

178 Sentences With "epiphanies"

How to use epiphanies in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "epiphanies" and check conjugation/comparative form for "epiphanies". Mastering all the usages of "epiphanies" from sentence examples published by news publications.

She is always having dark epiphanies, but her epiphanies are mostly the same: There is something wrong with me.
Epiphanies are made and changes in power take place, too.
In theory, Bernard's "epiphanies" make for a fun, shocking twist.
Why were they having these weekly epiphanies and I wasn't?
I didn't wake up and have any sudden liberal epiphanies.
I think clearly, have epiphanies and I feel much more relaxed.
It's epiphanies such as this that make the show a sensation.
So that was ... There were lots of epiphanies along the way.
Such abrupt epiphanies arrive routinely, charging Latour's experience of daily life.
Each page of the score contains happenstance charms and fleeting epiphanies.
The study doesn't prove that some people have epiphanies while others don't.
"It's a great place for epiphanies — and waffles," the entrepreneur tells Raz.
From there, the ending is breathlessly rushed, with revelations, resolutions and epiphanies.
Like many confident people he recounts his life as a series of epiphanies.
These epiphanies used to occur all the time back when I covered baseball.
After all, epiphanies should be not just for constructors, but for solvers too!
The Reading Rooms was, and is, a club where epiphanies bounce off the walls.
But there are bound to be more epiphanies as research into this subject continues.
Mercury retrograde is a drag, but the epiphanies concerning self-worth are highly useful.
The biography that Yusuf told onstage — his "journey" — hinged on setbacks leading to epiphanies.
"Help Me!" is filled with epiphanies that are unceremoniously discarded a few pages later.
And these epiphanies are mostly about the mundanities that impact our day-to-day.
And these epiphanies are mostly about the mundanities that impact our day-to-day.
The transformations they describe are less like lightning bolts and more like dawning epiphanies.
Epiphanies like that belonged to other kids, the ones who could afford the tickets.
And in 2021, it will be politics, rather than epiphanies, that carry the day.
She puts us inside a complicated, teeming mind, and she doesn't dabble in forced epiphanies.
And Bradley King's rich, saturating lighting sets the tone for Tamara's artistic and erotic epiphanies.
Such epiphanies render these unsavory characters much more interesting than they were at first glance.
The Nine Epiphanies, at the center, are taken from the writings of Mr. Pappas's daughter.
But I also don't think I had any epiphanies or learned anything new about myself.
Gellhorn was always on the lookout for epiphanies, and on this night she had one.
Droste's opinions are secure like epiphanies, but he's swift to admit what he doesn't understand.
It's an easily digestible guide that may turn the pain points of renovation into creative epiphanies.
A procession of epiphanies and expanded thoughts that settle into a different partition of the sensible.
Then we combined the best of our individual epiphanies and data insights into a physical product.
No grand epiphanies stretched across the years as I stared into the contours of his statue.
The torment she endured through much of her life makes Hesse's eventual epiphanies and ascendance particularly bittersweet.
Ms. Leschper writes, in shards and epiphanies, about toxic psychologies: self-hatred, destructive relationships, power struggles, betrayals.
Koshy jokes about pregnancy scares and Dobrik&aposs receding hairline and shares solemn epiphanies about self-love.
Lake Success sort of thinks that the cheap epiphanies of a road trip novel are for suckers.
Richie listens, and Mr. Cannavale's expression during these epiphanies is a perfectly balanced blend of rapture and calculation.
When you are seriously knocked out, eyes crusted over, sneezing nonstop, it's hard to have life-changing epiphanies.
I had my big breakthroughs in terms of epiphanies and about politics, life, what have you, through music.
I've had a lot of fun food epiphanies and have realized how tasty things can be via dreams.
One has never come to Coover's fiction expecting minor-chord epiphanies or realistic observations about how we live.
CLOSE In theater, if you have a great piece, you're just always thinking about it, having little epiphanies.
The Ozone Hotel in Queenscliff, Victoria, was the site of one of my most vivid childhood dining epiphanies.
It is common for people with eating disorders to go through many epiphanies on the proverbial road to recovery.
Where 9M9H9E93 forays into cosmic rifts and psychedelic epiphanies, the plotline of "Stranger Things" focuses of telekinesis and telepathy.
In Jaeggy's world, characters don't change or have epiphanies—unless a sudden cruelty, a murder, or a suicide counts.
It's not that any of the criticisms are off the mark; it's that none of these epiphanies are credible.
The exhibition at the Serpentine will be animated by what he calls "decisive moments or epiphanies" throughout Hurtado's life.
Click through to discover the adventures that will create intimate memories — and in some cases, epiphanies — to last a lifetime.
Politicians in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries didn't create and pass welfare policies because of sudden moral epiphanies.
There are no first sentences full of orienting details, no dramatic dialogue, no neat epiphanies in a story's final lines.
It's like one of those epiphanies where the veil drops, and you now see, and you can never unsee it.
A lavish political wedding that forms the book's final set piece brings revelations and epiphanies, but they don't feel forced.
These themes will spur epiphanies; if anything about your daily routine isn't working, this is your time to work it out.
It explains how to change the political incentives so that compromise doesn't rely on epiphanies that are unlikely to be forthcoming.
Time-lapse Voyager-eye views of planets as they get nearer convey a sense of the epiphanies experienced in mission control.
"It's probably the news story of the day, but there's probably no epiphanies or surprises that the market hadn't anticipated," Cronk said.
But he also acknowledged that such epiphanies don't occur out of the blue—that's why he believed in the possibilities of coalitions.
When she finally arrives at those honeyed moments of redemption and purpose, as she's inclined to do, the epiphanies feel well earned.
When she was a young woman, Gordon found a psychoanalyst, Leslie Farber, who didn't try to force epiphanies and breakthrough "Aha!" moments.
While projecting the artist's romantic entanglements, frustrations and epiphanies, the narrator can't help slipping at times into a mode of scholarly analysis.
The classic disco song-turned-adage "last night a DJ saved my life" primarily refers to epiphanies experienced on a packed, writhing dancefloor.
During that voyage, Perl notes, young Sandy experienced the first of two big epiphanies that would play great roles in shaping his art.
This is the kind of counter-intuitive question NXIVM used to spark epiphanies, and it prompted a burst of self-reflection in Sarah.
"One has never come to Coover's fiction expecting minor-chord epiphanies or realistic observations about how we live," our critic Dwight Garner writes.
Those on the hunt for Republican epiphanies should look back to 2004 for the one they've been consistently having for over a decade.
Our eye movements and pupils can broadcast these "aha!" moments, making it possible to predict epiphanies even before they occur, a new study found.
Things that I came to understand through epiphanies, and after such difficulty, are just basic assumptions for Generation Z, and that's an awesome thing.
Unlike so many conventional movies, "Manchester" (which is being released by Amazon Studios) doesn't rush its story or force sudden epiphanies on its characters.
As I was consumed by all this during that first listen, I forgot about all the problems and epiphanies swarming my fungi-filled head.
And the talk afterward among coaches and players centered on launch angles and physics and miraculous epiphanies about the virtue of pulling the baseball.
From Epiphanies past, I've saved fèves shaped like macarons (one was black — so chic and so unusual), sheaves of wheat, hearts and stylized beans.
Here you will experience no flashes of culminating revelation, none of those so-called epiphanies that decorate the endings of so many workshop products.
Politicians rarely change their minds because of personal stories, but they do tend to have epiphanies when they think they are going to lose.
This is only another chapter in the life stories of all of us who were imprinted by our initial epiphanies with the museum's treasures.
Though suffering and death figure regularly, they do so within multicolored, fluid and changing spaces often charged by epiphanies and other unexpected moments of liberation.
And she's had her own epiphanies, of a sort, in playing the role, leading her to consider her life's work before her own time comes.
It distorts reality towards impossibilities of color and confusion, even if any epiphanies experienced during the trip won't hold up in a sober, saner light.
He also conjures an entire constellation of hopes dashed and fulfilled through exquisite arrangements of bulbs that glow like mini-epiphanies before fading to black.
Just as John Cheever's epiphanies and apologias were stamped by drink and Paul Bowles's hallucinatory quietude by hashish, so "Atlanta" 's vibe is molded by weed.
Then again, the conclusion of The Hero seems to be that personal epiphanies and viral fame are good, but separate from career success, and that's okay.
He writes ramshackle songs with loping tempos, and hangs behind the beat while drawling quizzical lyrics that search for wisdom, epiphanies or comedy in the mundane.
A small spoiler: Green does not finish his walk in the film, nor does he have any major epiphanies about the future beyond his rambling 30s.
Few epiphanies are more stonerrific than realizing, about 45 minutes into Will Ferrell's noble Casa de mi Padre, that the whole movie is actually in Spanish.
Eventually, non-religious people who once had religious epiphanies get those same feelings from being in nature, or from seeing profound scientific ideas expressed, Anderson says.
Writing for New York magazine, David Edelstein said: Let me add that what's onscreen is tactile and emotional, full of shocking anger, unexpected tenderness, and devastating epiphanies.
Three separate epiphanies got me thinking about this pivot to voice, and while they are highly personal, it turns out there are real numbers behind the anecdata.
The hallucinations that occur under the influence of psychedelics often play a big part in these treatments and epiphanies—people often report seeing textures and shapes transform.
And the series uses superficially similar techniques, all glimpses and epiphanies and montages and gazes and tinkly music and improvisational dialogue, with the occasional dark comic twist.
That's why I build epiphanies into my talks, four to six anchor points placed throughout the talk that clear the bar for being super insightful and compelling.
Cooking with ingredients like blue spruce needles gave way to kitchen epiphanies like his favorite dish: summer peaches baked over a bed of blue spruce with local honey.
In his absence, Kelen and Genz helped Huth and van Vledder quiz Joel's Rongelapese uncle for stray clues to di lep's features, but nothing they recognized as epiphanies.
There's usually a lot of yearning involved, and there's something thrilling about two oblivious soulmates finally having their respective epiphanies that they might be perfect for each other.
It was a difficult choice, and it was possible only in a context of black female friendships and the shared epiphanies of a feminist collective called The Rag.
I'll let you know up front that the researchers did not come to a momentous epiphanic conclusion about the nature of epiphanies by the end of this one study.
Some on the right see themselves as Red-pillers, who have taken on the burden of enlightenment and having so-called epiphanies about why the races should not mix.
There are certainly opportunities for epiphanies, connections, and stimulus at Burning Man and similar events, but they come at high costs when they might be attained more efficiently elsewhere.
It's a tear-jerker, to be sure—Aisha died of her illness in 2015, at the age of 18, one day after her book My Little Epiphanies was published.
And one of my favorite films is Groundhog Day, and again, it's the concept of being forced to go over and over old ground that eventually leads to those epiphanies.
Mostly, these epiphanies form organically and slowly: One guest can't stand the diner's take on sour plum—a sort of dumpling—and realizes it's because his mom makes them better.
Struck by tumbling rocks and epiphanies — murder is bad, monarchy loves murder — the ash-covered Arya staggers to her feet, looks over and sees a lone white horse, mane wafting.
An anxious but loving clan assembles to eat, quarrel and swap woes and epiphanies about their daily lives, and in the process burrow into the conflicted heart of a nation.
From the New Testament to the neverending deaths of Bruce Wayne's parents and Peter Parker's uncle, we're fascinated by the catalysts, epiphanies, and pivotal moments that make people who they are.
Most participants return to reality after five or six hours, while my brain gets flooded with epiphanies all night, spurring me to bathe as some sort of ayahuasca-inspired renewal ritual.
Science knows very little about that brief moment when we all just get it and in a new study, researchers have attempted to gain some insight by watching people have epiphanies.
I had approached the interviews with all sorts of ideas about the profound insights they would share, the epiphanies they must have had and how it had forever changed their lives.
Many of the poems are highly narrative—Christopher is also a respected novelist—while others are short epiphanies, including diarylike fragments composed in the months after the death of his father.
One page might contain mountaintop epiphanies, off-trail discoveries, weather and trail conditions, speculations about whether a bickering couple would survive the trail ahead and whimsical evaluations of the previous night's snoring.
Instead, they seek to reveal what we should have known all along: that there are no grand epiphanies, no sudden transformations in American literature, any more than there are in American life.
This duality is essential to the song's meditation on the relative insignificance of human life — you know, just light and casual stuff — but also the inherent significance in those little human epiphanies.
There are dozens of other epiphanies and thoughts roaming throughout those pages, and so the best way to get the full flavor is just to pick up a used copy and dive in.
"Real change isn't coming from epiphanies by Mitch McConnell and other corrupt Republican politicians, but from all of us organizing for change together," the Progressive Change Campaign Committee said in a statement Tuesday.
If one of LA's top leaders in the nail world can learn from such epiphanies, then the only thing getting in between you and your next best mani may be your current shape.
Throughout the interview he speaks candidly about the epiphanies he's come to on his own terms, including a biblical one about the inability for good trees to produce bad fruit and vice versa.
The joy of reading David Sedaris is way you experience a wave of epiphanies as you pour through each his humorous stories, and "The Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes" is no exception.
Mr. Younger's direction is focused and sometimes disarming — scenes that at first seem like slice-of-life digressions, such as a postaccident surprise birthday party for the protagonist, lead to unexpected mini-epiphanies.
Under the perhaps not-so-coincidental guise of a writer in "The Prison Breakout," Barkan ends up debating the merits of fiction and journalism, and which practice might result in more meaningful epiphanies.
Walking through Soho and Oxford Street at night with Ellen Cantor became more intense  and vividly labyrinthine than the experience of watching The Wizard of Oz, and more lucid than Alice's epiphanies in Wonderland.
Robbins was already well established as a successful choreographer when he saw New York City Ballet (founded in 1948) dance Balanchine's "Symphony in C." It was one of the great epiphanies of his career.
Staring at a stack of unused playing cards and bags of puzzles, I have one of those epiphanies—lurking underneath these simple stacks of games, there's a complex question that needs to be answered.
It'll include "Doomed" as well as updated versions of the older tracks "Lonely World" and "Plastic," and for this reason you should prepare yourself for a number of emotional epiphanies around the end of September.
She finds a sense of peace in small epiphanies: the shy, nervous dog who thrives when she's placed at the head of the pack; the chaotic accident during a race she realizes she can fix.
Whether the culprit is sheer procrastination or a truly overbooked schedule, I find that late at night is when I'm the most inclined to take care of business and also have miscellaneous unnecessary creative epiphanies.
" Carola Salvi, a scientist at Northwestern University's Creative Brain Lab, says it is indeed this idea of stepping outside of the box of creative thinking that leads artists toward what she calls epiphanies or "Aha!
As I went deeper into the Hip's catalog and discovered more, I had some epiphanies that much of Canada had already come to, the most major of which was: Gord Downie can write some amazing lyrics!
You flipped to a Rick Bass story and found calm craftsmanship, muted epiphanies, working men and women acting out the oldest struggles (for love, self-respect, firewood, venison, rent money) in rural and often beautiful settings.
I had many epiphanies on my trip through Slovakia, with all the time alone driving or hiking lending itself to realizations about my own place in the world and the dizzying magnitude of this yearlong trip.
The idea of Westworld as the ultimate scene of self-actualization has been a seed from the beginning, most notably cropping up as Host inventor Ford (Hopkins) rejected a storyline that was too basic to prompt epiphanies.
"It's probably the news story of the day, but there's probably no epiphanies or surprises that the market hadn't anticipated," said Darrell Cronk, chief investment officer for wealth and investment management at Wells Fargo in New York.
And I don't think kids are the only thing that can do that to you—I think people have spiritual epiphanies or near-death experiences that cause them to re-evaluate in profound ways that actually stick.
He uses a flair for web-thinking to connect seemingly disparate facts into fresh epiphanies on subjects that we might otherwise find overly familiar, presenting himself less as an authority than as an embodiment of intellectual curiosity.
Krajbich said he and his research partners would like to devise settings where they could observe multiple epiphanies within the experiment, and focus more on what happens physically in those "aha!" moments through brain imaging and other methods.
"You're coming towards the end," he said in an interview this week, discussing the mysterious epiphanies that delivered some of his greatest songs, the toxic qualities of fame, and his yearning to explore questions of spirituality and neuroscience.
Given his highly decorated background in high school and Collegiate wrestling, we just assumed that any combat-related epiphanies that John Hendricks might have had in the early days of his career would involve grappling in some way.
You know: the earnest, embarrassing kind that has been proven to approximate mystical epiphanies, and which is of a wholly other category than just "taking acid" and going to a laser tag maze or a nauseatingly-lit Wendy's.
As the performers strummed lean Mexican mini-guitars called jaranas and stomped their feet on a flattened rehearsal table (a stand-in for the bespoke tarima that will be used in performances), they also reached some dramatic epiphanies.
When that decency expresses itself — in dozens of portraits of a missing girl, in the epiphanies of a prison poetry class — an ennobling dignity begins to suggest that a deep goodness might be a match for our madness.
He said he realized that his 400 LSD trips had not been nearly as enlightening as his drugless spiritual epiphanies — although, he said, he continued to take one or two drug trips a year for old time's sake.
Ms. Pierre, who lives in Brooklyn, draws from religious-art sources, as well as mythology and spiritualism to make paintings in which the human bodies are blue or purple or multihued and conversions or epiphanies are taking place.
But the epiphanies here are not reported; they are enacted on the page, as suggested by those ambiguous demonstrative pronouns, which make the most sense if they refer to these very lines, and to this very moment of transfiguration.
After decades of cinematic depictions of white male teens having epiphanies, pining over unavailable girls, and trying to lose their virginity, these portrayals of (yes, mostly white) girlhood suggest a new way forward for the teen coming-of-age dramedy.
Logic tells me there are many Petes out there, too, who either always knew or have learned the hard way what rape culture does to women — or others who have yet to have their own epiphanies, election-related or not.
He had studied up with particular diligence on Clinton's record and past statements and relentlessly called her out for flip-flops and belated epiphanies, all of which she reflexively denied, frequently with a smile that she had at the ready.
Gleaming with avian beauty, they appear in vivid colors as multistory murals on the sides of apartment buildings, as epiphanies in alleyways and as scattered nocturnal flocks that burst into view when shopkeepers roll down security gates where they are painted.
Our great epiphanies might feel like celestial gifts, but in reality they tend to arrive at 2:14 on gray Thursdays while plastic bags flutter in the trees and drawers we thought we had fixed suddenly scrape and stick again.
What I realized, reading over my own dubious epiphanies, is that there is an inside and an outside to a psychedelic experience, and that one way to write about it would be to honor both perspectives more or less simultaneously.
But more than that, there has been such saturation coverage of Trump that many voters may not be able to stomach it any more, and today's political tribalism doesn't allow for all that much in the way of epiphanies and transformations.
And so we follow Barry as he resolutely ignores the fact that he has abandoned his family and ruined his business, setting off to self-consciously ape the conventions of a road trip novel in search of some easy epiphanies.
But her writing — springing from the richest veins of world culture and enraptured with epiphanies of beauty — will remain as a rebuke to the lies, violence, greed, and coarseness of the charlatans, hypocrites, quislings, and fools now luxuriating in their orgiastic power-grab.
I've had a few epiphanies with meaningful impact on a founder's business; from seeing the importance of a new trend far enough ahead to embrace it, to having an experience I can share that helps them make, or not make, a decision.
Covell, working with the directors Lucy Forbes and Destiny Ekaragha, still has a deft hand at embedding emotional epiphanies in the most rushed and unlikely moments, such as a remark James overhears while he crawls across the floor of a diner kitchen.
Time Traveling Bong — directed by Aniello — looks just like one of these coming-of-age movies, but instead of two plucky teens, the protagonists are two dirtbags who never had one of those Disney-esque epiphanies about their potential in their teens.
Recording under his own name, he seamlessly brought it all together, especially when collaborating with another Wrecking Crew alum, Al DeLory, an empathetic arranger who also worked on "Pet Sounds" and on several of Mr. Spector's girl-group epiphanies of the early '60s.
It's not unforgivable for a successful American writer, married to a famous doctor, to find solace in this foreign country, but I'd expect a character as self-possessed as Joan Ashby to acknowledge her exceptional privilege — and even, perhaps, to question her epiphanies.
At times, the cousin's also conjure magic: creating soundscapes that feel like coming home, wherever that may be; their songs creating space for epiphanies, the breaking of a heart into a thousand pieces, the playing over-and-over again of a memory to be savoured.
In 2009-15 the number of biogas plants in the EU grew from 6,000 to 17,700—heating houses with old banana skins and uneaten porridge Fans of the "circular economy" relish epiphanies such as that which led Messrs Kurzrock and Schwartz to their idea.
For example, Bernard's epiphanies in episode 9: Once Ford unlocks memories inside the mind of his loyal bot, Bernard and the viewers discover that a number of scenes from previous episodes were designed to conceal the truth — or in one particular case, outright lie.
Where most fighters we've talked to have been able to pinpoint one specific turning point or moment of revelation, Aubin-Mercier offered us wry and reflective look back at the various lessons, misadventures and minor epiphanies that led to his current career in the UFC.
While the Girlfriend Experiment successfully undermines algorithm worship, Mary's spotty life experience means she inevitably takes an analytical approach to existence, too, and she has epiphanies that end up sounding more like the musings of a stoned philosophy major than those of an insightful outsider.
As epiphanies go, I didn't think mine would involve a story of a band farting into a microphone, but it made me realize that nobody who heard that tale would think the men involved were less attractive, less talented, or less worthy of their celebrity status.
He makes me look at myself in the mirror all the time, and I've been dissecting Jim as a character my whole life but definitely in the last year, and there have been some amazing epiphanies in the film for people that really resonate, and really make you look at yourself.
Sure, his version of that might be "I need some kind of lady that will feed me daily," but as far as epiphanies go this is probably as much as we can expect from someone who has gone through adulthood without ever figuring out how to put a hat on properly.
We know it because the stars told us so, but you also haven't been shy about informing the whole world of your breakthrough — your new painting technique, your new fabrication process, your new understanding of art history as a cyclical process rather than a linear succession of Modernist epiphanies, etc.
Whether the colorful cats of Louis William Wain, committed to Bedlam in 1924, or the elaborate pen and pencil representations of the mystical epiphanies of watchmaker Heinrich Hermann Mebes, who died at a German asylum in the 19th century, they're transfixing reminders of the diverse people who found themselves in these fluctuating systems.
The closest to Shore, in a cohort that includes Joel Meyerowitz, Joel Sternfeld, and Richard Misrach, is his friend William Eggleston, the raffish Southern aristocrat who has made pictures unbeatably intense and iconic: epiphanies triggered by the hues and textures of a stranded tricycle, say, or of a faded billboard in a scrubby field.
After some softball questions about his headspace while writing the album, he'll animatedly jump from explaining the epiphanies found in J.D. Salinger's short story De Daumier-Smith's Blue Period to the joy of the Grateful Dead's early albums or how much he loves Chicago DIY staples the Hecks (guitarist Dave Vettraino recorded the LP).
Between therapy and reality TV were the epiphanies that brought her to a new awareness of her cultural clout; to her recently concluded Las Vegas concert residency, when she earned a record $1.43 million in ticket sales on one night, and danced her famous butt off for three years; to her energized business mind-set; to A-Rod.
Open more or less at random, though, and dip in, and you will be stunned by the sudden epiphanies, the utterly modern sentences: "Super-celestial opinions and under-terrestrial manners are things that amongst us I have ever seen to be of singular accord," he writes, giving as an example a philosopher who always pisses as he runs.
Some of the train's passengers come to epiphanies that profoundly shake their concept of self; a dining car conversation between two African-American men — one a young father and the other an elder who marched with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. — is particularly touching as the father comes to terms with the childhood abandonment that has soured his adult years.
Here's a list of things you could post that aren't to-do lists: Shower thoughts Fitness goals for that 10K you're running in April Podcasts to listen to on a road trip (everyone is always asking this on Facebook)  Realizations/epiphanies you had while babysitting your friend's kid  Basically anything other than your plans to clean the litter box and then sweep the kitchen.
As curatorial assistant Gary Fox told me in a conversation, "We really wanted to foreground the exchange between masters and students" by placing teaching aides and notes in direct conversation with student exercises, as demonstrated in a vitrine in the exhibition's central room that juxtaposes four elegantly simple pastel and gouache collages by Kandinsky (which turn circles into epiphanies in the way only he can) and four geometrical gouaches created by a student, Erich Mrozek, for Kandinsky's course on color.
Joined by the editor of my weed book, the host of my weed video series, the star of my favorite weed show High Maintenance (soon to be on HBO), and one of the first dudes I ever got high with from my hometown, plus my new friends Jonah and Ben, I felt a profound sense of gratitude wash over me—not just for the wonderful plant we all love, but also the way the herb has brought so many amazing people, experiences, and epiphanies into my life.
Regular features like Epiphanies (where a chosen writer describes a musical object that radically altered them in some fashion), the Inner Sleeve (where, yep, an album sleeve or other music-related piece of design is discussed by an individual) or the fan-favorite Invisible Jukebox, in which musicians are played records that pertain to their own career and then discuss them, are pivotal to the publication, injecting each issue with a kind of first-hand personality that removes artists from the rote platitudes of the release cycle.

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