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"dog-eared" Definitions
  1. (of a book) used so much that the corners of many of the pages are turned down

148 Sentences With "dog eared"

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It's all dog-eared; I must have read it 900 times.
It was smudged and dog-eared and lumpy in odd places.
I still have my original dog-eared copy of the report.
One particularly dog-eared tract was Meditations by Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius.
To me, a dog-eared paperback is the only way to go.
He opens it to a dog-eared page and begins to read.
" On his desk sits a dog-eared copy of "Torch Song Trilogy.
At the home, the organist opened the dog-eared pages of a songbook.
At the home, the organist opened the dog-eared pages of a songbook.
He went back into the shop, dog-eared a page in his book.
These were large, flexible, dog-eared SmartMedia cards that held 2 megabytes of data.
Nearby, on a little desk rested two Bibles, both equally dog-eared with use.
SEOUL, South Korea — It was a dog-eared manuscript, 743 pages bound in string.
It was just his dog-eared copy that has been marked up from reading it.
And in her writing, the truth was always right there on the dog-eared pages.
Dog Eared Books is perfectly cluttered, with a mix of new, used and remaindered books.
Ms. Waago cradled her dog-eared book, notes scribbled in the margins, and offered a testimony.
It's a dog-eared page out of the dirty-tricks playbook, updated for the Trump era.
It seemed as if there were a dog-eared ''Moosewood Cookbook'' in every kitchen on campus.
The dog-eared pages of these treasured readings contain lines of text etched with questions or reflections.
Then he pulled from his shelves thick, dog-eared copies of a European Union treaty and Mrs.
Upon his death in 220, he left a library of about 22020,300 dog-eared and annotated books.
At this point, is Urban Dictionary just as relevant and useful as a dog-eared copy Miriam-Webster?
In the last room of the show, I saw a dog-eared copy of her memoir, HOLD STILL.
Duffy still carries the book, which is marked up, tabbed and dog-eared, with him during the season.
In the Mission District, we picked off several, including Dog Eared Books and Borderlands Books, both on Valencia.
There is a dog-eared playbook for industry titans called before lawmakers: Apologize repeatedly, be humble, keep it boring.
"It's true," she said, proudly embracing her reputation for jargon-laden 10-point plans and dog-eared briefing books.
My paperback copies of his first two collections, "Getting Even" and "Without Feathers," were dog-eared from endless rereading.
Many a biotech entrepreneur treasures a dog-eared copy of Daniel Suarez's Change Agent, which extrapolates the future of CRISPR.
I did: Holding that dog-eared copy in my hands today, the book still seems to shiver with revelatory power.
Bad coffee, capes that make you feel like an inpatient, dog-eared weekly magazines you flick through out of sheer boredom.
Neither Brennan or Ledgett specified which reports were believed to be frequently dog-eared on ISIS squatters, but that doesn't matter.
" She reached into her bag for the play, which was dog-eared and highlighted, and began to flip through it. "O.
And "Paterson," Mr. Williams' epic paean to the city, is one of the dog-eared books on the character's writing desk.
"Most of my time was spent revising and retyping our now dog-eared, note-filled, butter-and-food-stained manuscript," Mrs.
We can envision various possibilities — like hidden bottles of Scotch and a dog-eared copy of Sun Tzu's Art of War.
As I flipped through college guide books, I dog-eared those schools I knew people from my hometown typically gravitated towards.
This is more fantasy than reality, a story brought to us via a dog-eared novel, a ballad sung by the Misanthrope.
Instead, wearing a gray suit and a green tie, he was greeting fans, one by one, in his tired, dog-eared stadium.
I looked down and I was holding a dog-eared vinyl copy of the "Hello Dummy!" live album (1968) by Don Rickles.
On a recent evening after work, Michael Bolger, 27, sat reading a dog-eared book while waiting for his clothes at Coffee & Laundry.
Each showed up early for the date, and decided to hang out at Dog Eared Books across the way until the set time.
Perhaps you've read your dog-eared copy of "Little Women" so many times that you could fill in BETH MARCH in your sleep.
The dog-eared photocopies she carries in a backpack alongside a bottle of water and pruning tools are a form of insurance, Sidumo says.
" When he and the author met for the first time, slim was holding a dog-eared copy of Toffler's final 2006 book, "Revolutionary Wealth.
Were this a classic "choose-your-own-adventure" novel, it would simply be a matter of flipping back to my last dog-eared page.
Mitchell Beazley, its publisher, put sales of the guides at 12 million copies worldwide, many of them no doubt well thumbed and dog-eared.
Thousands of people pour through the court's gates each day, a blur of briefcases, stacks of dog-eared paper files and long black robes.
And Republicans, aside from a principled few, aren't quoting from dog-eared copies of The Road to Serfdom to warn of impending socialist tyranny.
His black leather shoulder bag carried his whiteboard, his scouting reports and a dog-eared black Bible into which he talked softly at night.
So in this week's Versus, we debate the value of having an entire digital library at your fingertips, versus dog-eared pages and siloed reading.
William Peter Blatty left us with "The Exorcist," which still has the power to terrify, in both its dog-eared pages and its movie adaptation.
Model airplanes are suspended from the 22001-hour diner's ceiling, with flight manuals and various dog-eared aerospace tomes strewn about its candy-colored booths.
In an interview with MSNBC's Chris Matthews Monday night, Khan said he's read his dog-eared copy of the Constitution in its entirety, multiple times.
As her fellow patients read dog-eared magazines or swipe through Instagram, Shari Forrest opens an app on her phone and gets busy training artificial intelligence.
COX'S BAZAR, Bangladesh/YANGON (Reuters) - Inside a bamboo shelter on Bangladesh's eastern coast, 58-year-old Sait Banu held a dog-eared note from her husband.
He gathered a photo of Daisy and their daughter, Pamela; a dog-eared Bible; "My Own Story" by Jackie Robinson; and "Five Great Dialogues" by Plato.
He didn't speak Luganda (virtually no Chinese migrant did), and in a dog-eared dictionary he brought from home, he took note of useful everyday phrases.
"One of the most heartening things is to get an email talking about the dog-eared copy some field-work team has been passing around," Green said.
Instead of dog-eared books on nightstands or board games and toys scattered around the room, kids often turn to e-books, apps and digital games instead.
My bathing suit, wilted there, in a threadbare pile slowly saturating the end pages of a dog-eared paperback, seemed suddenly despicable: lifeless, damp, maybe even diseased.
"Chocolatiers tend to be French, and they tend to be men, and they don't tend to share their techniques," Ms. Espinoza said, holding a dog-eared notebook.
Many an officer who shipped out to Saigon carried with him a dog-eared copy of "Street Without Joy: Indochina at War, 1946–1954," published in 1961.
Some look like drawings from a dog-eared book of magic, some look like framed portraits by a Renaissance master, some look like stills from a movie.
Amazingly for a war film, not a single soldier pulls a dog-eared photo of his fiancée from his pocket, or tootles a wistful tune on the harmonica.
I decided to dog-ear each recipe I wanted to cook and when I finished reading the last page, I had dog-eared the majority of the book.
COX'S BAZAR, Bangladesh/YANGON, July 13 (Reuters) - Inside a bamboo shelter on Bangladesh's eastern coast, 58-year-old Sait Banu held a dog-eared note from her husband.
If I could cherish an old cassette tape and a dog-eared copy of a magazine, I wondered what other people had saved of the people they loved.
Bearing that in mind, these picturesque scenes slip before our eyes like vintage, dog-eared postcards, each one a fragment of time, a precious moment sure to evaporate.
But then I paused, a dog-eared paperback in my hand, and looked around at the home where I had raised my family and loved hard and long.
Everywhere he goes, he brings a dog-eared copy of Rousseau's "Confessions" and the battered "Also Sprach Zarathustra" that he has carried around since his youth in Venezuela.
In the study bible I've dog-eared and underlined since seminary, I searched the book's notes for some mention of Dinah in all of this, and found one.
Nor is it libertarian, despite the dog-eared copies of Ayn Rand's novels that you might find strewn about the cubicles of a start-up in Palo Alto.
With its homespun snapshots, "The Corn Exchange Cookbook" is not exactly a lavish gift book, but its pages promise to become stained and dog-eared from frequent use.
When the cookbook from the well-known Los Angeles bakery appeared on my desk this spring, it wasn't any of the fancy French recipes I dog-eared first.
The Sears Christmas catalogs provided hours and hours of entertainment for kids, who could flip through the dog-eared pages and dream about playing with the latest toys.
While not at the center of Harris's new television series, the notion of philos is palpable in the form of touching old dog-eared portraits of long-deceased relatives.
Donald Trump and his surrogates on Wednesday attempted to walk back his comments on "Second Amendment people," pulling a dog-eared page from the GOP playbook: blame the media.
Inside, antique watercolors and a painting of Sir Allan Ramsay, a British ambassador to Morocco in the 1990s, are hung above shelves lined with dog-eared books and magazines.
Flipping through my paperback now, I smile as I reread the dog-eared pages, their margins overflowing with comments to the effect of: How can he possibly know that?
For the person whose copy of The Elements of Style is dog-eared and falling apart, this whimsically illustrated version of Strunk and White's classic is both useful and beautiful.
Ms. Fleming's book went out of print, so young pastry chefs who wanted to learn from her had to exchange photocopies and hold onto dog-eared, caramel-splattered first editions.
Among the finds: • Five dog-eared notebooks of poetry by Chaim Grade, considered along with Isaac Bashevis Singer as one of the leading Yiddish novelists of the mid-234th century.
And so we're using his computer and his printer to print it out and there on his desk is a well-worn, dog-eared copy of the book 'Negotiating for Dummies'.
" Over a Limonata at a nearby café, Hall pulled out a dog-eared copy of "The Operators," the nonfiction Michael Hastings book about the conflict in Afghanistan that inspired "War Machine.
Once upon a time, prospective vacation-goers would journey to an IRL storefront, where a person called a "travel agent" would be waiting amid stacks of maps and dog-eared travel guides.
There are Christian inspirational illustrations on the wall; a dog-eared copy of the score of ''The Rite of Spring'' lies on his desk, and stacks of old vinyl cover the floor.
Some of the books I found were classics I had the pleasure of discovering for the first time, while others were cult favorites passed along with dog-eared pages and handwritten notes.
Anyone who grew up on dog-eared copies of Popular Science probably assumed we'd be riding around in self-driving cars while viewing the passing scenery through glass or plastic bubble roofs.
A peerage helped: it was awarded in 1976 by Harold Wilson, the Labour prime minister whose talent he had spotted 30 years before in a dog-eared manuscript about the coal industry.
Tall and lean as the day they met; gone gray, of course, his face worn with age ("I'm dog-eared as a book"), but still the figure of elegance and intellectual fury.
His desk is a nest of invoices, paintbrushes, and empty coffee cups, on top of which sits a dog-eared copy of Michel de Montaigne's Essays and a can of walnut oil.
Similarly, his mischievous Tapis-Siège, a hybrid of carpet and sofa from 1970, takes the form of a cushioned base with dog-eared corners, suitable for meditation or other, more lascivious uses.
Each city hall in France, all 35,000-plus including the one in Souillac, now contains a dog-eared "Grievance Book" modeled on those that helped kick off the French Revolution in 1789.
In primary school, an epidemic swept the playground in the form of Judy Blume novels and pilfered copies of our mothers' magazines, dog-eared to the dirty scenes and sex advice columns.
Once you've read this book, you will almost certainly read it again, sometimes starting from the beginning, sometimes flipping through to the letters that you dog-eared when you needed them most.
Those video professionals, however... those are some bandwidth aficionados; dog-eared copies of MacMall under their arm, always looking through their viewfinders to see if there's more MB/s off on the horizon.
"Sudden Death" is dog-eared with Borgesian influences, from the out-of-nowhere citations, said to be derived from obscure Renaissance texts, to the novel's tiny chapters, most only a few ­pages long.
One afternoon, I found Liang hunched over his office desk, flipping through a yellowed, dog-eared copy of the Chinese criminal-procedure law, hoping to find a new way forward on Xie's case.
No one was required to bring dog-eared paperbacks to the conscious-raising groups that feminists pioneered in the 1960s and 1970s, but these gatherings did mirror book clubs in a number of ways.
Your idea can be elaborate or simple, might involve a whole school or just one child, and could employ multiple sections of the daily paper or one dog-eared article you clipped in 2003.
As students of Mumbai's colleges reviewed dog-eared question papers with friends on the sidewalk after finishing their exams, they returned again and again to astonishment that someone like Mr. Trump could be elected.
Teen magazines were treasured objects during my formative years: Absolutely none of the sex or relationship advice was relevant, and I didn't actually buy most of the fashion or beauty picks I enthusiastically dog-eared.
Eleanor Friedberger, New View (January 22nd) Every Eleanor Friedberger song feels like an exquisite short story, and spending time with her LPs is just as rewarding as flipping through a dog-eared Alice Munro collection.
She surveyed the group gathered to honor Lolo — some who live around the park, others who live in it — and suggested that it represented the Village's dog-eared, beatnik days, before the neighborhood became glossy.
As enjoyable as a good hit of burning tobacco can be, not all of us planned our entire evening around watching you roll the most dismally dog-eared ciggies this side of the Titanic's engine room.
A believer in sympathetic magic, Mills gathers dog-eared objects and forgotten rituals to summon a world of mixtapes and Judy Blume and Three Mile Island and skateboarders who grab their boards behind their front leg.
The dog-eared copy in the hands of a disaffected high schooler, the battered edition picked up in a used book store and displayed prominently on a table in a coffee shop — those are Alexander's renditions.
"I have these silver gelatin prints and if one corner is dog-eared, the whole deal is off," she said, adding that Mr. Alburez for years has packed them so that they were never damaged in shipping.
In an office around the corner, a dog-eared card says the reception of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party will be open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 8am and 12pm.
Back when we worked in the same office I used to secretly marvel at her dog-eared and tattered copies of George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire books like they were the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Like a jazz record or a dog-eared book by Dostoyevsky, the women here are simply another tool for characterizing the men around them — as well as vehicles for Synnott's fascination with the younger Honnold's sex life.
In 1974, "Maida Heatter's Book of Great Desserts" was published, and if you were a home baker in the 1970s and '80s, you likely had a dog-eared, butter-stained, flour-dusted copy on your kitchen shelf.
Dog-eared tomes in college bags; shiny review copies dropped in by critics; bland boxes of publishers' remainders, and tantalising parcels from private estates; leather-bound volumes with uncut pages, and paperbacks rescued by vagrants from the trash.
But before we dog-eared the book for recipes to try, we got a chance to chat with Perelman about her go-to tricks and tips to elevate every meal of the day with just a little prep.
In the past, someone using a Kindle device or app who wanted to save their place could bookmark a page, which works well enough but can get disorienting if you have digitally dog-eared a lot of pages.
History was not kind to the 30 or so purveyors of pamphlets, old maps and dog-eared books that lined Fourth Avenue, mostly between Astor Place and 13th Street, a stretch that was then known as Book Row.
His father had come home from the war haunted by combat and unwilling to talk about it, but for the rest of his life, he kept a dog-eared snapshot of a buddy he lost in combat — Private Mulligan.
Cookbooks Most cookbooks fall into one of two categories: the aspirational and the useful, those that are flipped through on lazy Sundays, then returned to the top shelf, and those that live a dog-eared life on the counter.
There, in the company of the stiff-haired Steiff animals and boxes of Brio trains, he ate solitary lunches — disciplined fare, measured and weighed — while reading old copies of The Economist and dog-eared paperback copies of Proust novels.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads If you are an artist who works with the human figure, there's a good chance that your bookshelf includes a dog-eared copy of Andrew Loomis's classic Figure Drawing for All It's Worth.
"I think I just assumed that there would be an infinite amount of work from that show," Starr says one morning in the Silicon living room, which is decorated with pot magazines, dog-eared sci-fi novels, and empty candy wrappers.
On holiday with my parents and brother in France, I remember clinging to my dog-eared and tattered copy of the just-released Half-Blood Prince and ruminating the many things the much-maligned Draco and I have in common.
" Later, she texted me to say that her favorite was actually " 'Remember one Christmas I gave you Jim Carroll / intended it as a cautionary tale / you said you saw yourself inside there / dog-eared it like a how-to manual.
"This is why Pdvsa doesn't like me," he declared on a recent morning, smiling impishly, as he reached into one of the briefcases and started yanking out fistfuls of dog-eared and creased documents — formal complaints, legal papers, newspaper clippings, photographs.
ALBANY — Until very recently, care packages for inmates in New York State prisons could contain a hodgepodge of items to let them know someone on the outside was thinking of them: a fresh apple, a hoodie, a dog-eared paperback.
While I envy the razor-focused commuters who crouch over a dog-eared Dostoyevsky, I've learned that my subway-brain, addled by constant announcements and the overheard conversations of my neighbors, can't give a dense classic the close attention it requires.
A big part of the show's appeal, of course, is the way it invokes, homages, and sometimes overtly cops from all sorts of Reagan-era pop culture: Even *Stranger'*s title font feels like it jumped off a dog-eared Stephen King paperback.
His papers have been published, the notes he made in his books digitized, a log of his every day compiled, each movement traced, all utterances analyzed, every dog-eared page scanned and uploaded, like so much hay tossed up to a loft.
For books, a dog-eared copy of Ray Bradbury's pulpy short collection October Country has assumed permanent residency on my bedside table, and the Charlie Brown Christmas album never makes it more than five feet from my record player — even in July.
In "Anomie 2006: Dog Eared," part of a series he said was intended to show "a condition of society marred by the absence of moral standards," a giant ice cream cone and a childlike robot tower over an auto graveyard at sunset.
Growing up in Hawaii in the early 0003s, Hanya Yanagihara, the new editor in chief of T: The New York Times Style Magazine, wasn't the sort of teenager who dog-eared issues of Vogue and worshiped at the altar of Richard Avedon.
The Saturday Profile CAIRO — In a cluttered corner of his labyrinthine law office, amid dog-eared files and half-empty coffee cups, Samir Sabry stood over a computer screen, his face grave as a stone, watching a clip of a potty-mouthed puppet.
Where once our brilliant crayon drawings were condemned to live forever two-dimensionally on a piece of dog-eared construction paper, now they can be given the life they deserve — either as an endearingly grotesque plush doll or, with this new service, an awesome dress.
Here is what I did not say, but was definitely thinking: I know I would be much happier falling asleep next to a dog-eared Maggie Nelson book than a guy who thought quizzing me on my memory of No Country for Old Men was good foreplay.
Because no matter how dog-eared, yellowed, or creased, sometimes a photograph — of a sumptuous red in a bricked up wall, or the warm glint of light in a river's crook — amplifies the familiar, so much so that you can live in the photographer's moment of making.
The key is to find the right book for you—the book with that unquantifiable factor that in some way excites you, whether it's a smart new hardcover by a favorite reporter or a dog-eared copy of a Jacqueline Susann novel you found on the sidewalk.
As you can see from the many we've published over the years, your idea can be elaborate or simple, might involve a whole school or just one child, and could employ multiple sections of the daily paper or one dog-eared article you clipped in 1993.
"It appears that the members of the Coney Island Amateur Psychoanalytic Society were self-taught Freudians poring over dog-eared copies of The Interpretation of Dreams and The Psychopathology of Everyday Life," Beloff writes in her first book, The Coney Island Amateur Psychoanalytic Society and Its Circle.
I cried over my father's deathbed pajamas, the dog-eared biographies of Theodore Roosevelt and Josef Mengele on his bedside table, a green nickel in the pocket of his favorite pants, a belt he'd had to drill holes in to make smaller as he'd grown sicker and thinner in the months leading up to his death.
It's a record most likely very few DJs would be caught without, safe in the knowledge that wherever the night is going, however low it might be dipping, if they pull Mr Flagio out of his dog-eared sleeve and rest him on the table, the hairs on the back of the room's collective neck will stand on end.
The Figurative Artist's Handbook, which Zeller hopes will be a kind of "bible" for the next generation of artists, is a very beautiful book to look through, so it may be challenging for those who use it as a handbook to let it get dirty and dog-eared, just like the previous generation did with their Loomis books.
Pretty much every book in the house is piled up in a stack like this one — row upon row of stacked-up books rising six to eight feet from the dark wood floors, these gangly towers of dog-eared tomes, some of them teetering so precariously that when you see one of the López children run past, you might involuntarily flinch.
Ms. Thompson died in 1998, but I knew that Mr. Knight, at 90, was very much alive and active — more so than many half his age — and after the homework of watching a 2015 Matt Wolf documentary about him with my delighted daughter (who had herself dog-eared the "Eloise" books in grade school), I asked if he would give me a personal tour of both exhibitions.
Many of the recipe interludes include contributions from her famous writer friends — Ruth Rendell's pickled red cabbage ("I have her recipe but not her knack"); gravlax from Winterson's wife, Susie Orbach (about Orbach being Jewish, Winterson writes, "That last bit makes a difference at Christmas"); the Pakistani writer Kamila Shamsie's turkey biryani, which wins the award for Most Likely to Be Dog-Eared and Cooked First.
The minute I heard that Philip Roth was gone — although it is hard to think of so vivid and caustic a figure as being in the past tense — I went to my bookcase to look for my favorite of his novels, "My Life as a Man," which I found two copies of, both of them dog-eared and underlined: one, a yellowing and Scotch-taped-together Bantam paperback, published in 1975, and the other a Vintage edition, published in 1993.
North Beach Allen Ginsberg's former residence Beat Museum Caffe Trieste City Lights Vesuvio Cafe Jack Kerouac Alley Chinatown Li Po Cocktail Lounge Financial district Sam Wo Restaurant Tadich Grill Golden Gate Br. Gold Dust Lounge Presidio 19603 Swan Oyster Depot Jack London's birthplace Mission district 280 826 Valencia Pirate Supply San Francisco Borderlands Books Pegasus Books Dog Eared Books Moe's Books Berkeley GUERRERO ST. 80 Area of detail CALIFORNIA San Francisco 21906 By The New York Times Walking the city was what Mr. Ferlinghetti, who was born in Yonkers, did when he arrived here on January 21962, 27.

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