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"delusional" Definitions
  1. having ideas or beliefs that are not based in reality

919 Sentences With "delusional"

How to use delusional in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "delusional" and check conjugation/comparative form for "delusional". Mastering all the usages of "delusional" from sentence examples published by news publications.

" Leaving clinical assessment aside, he regards her as "basically delusional... I think we're dealing with someone who is quite delusional, and there's an element of self-protection, too.
I'm sure she's just delusional & he didn't touch her.
Patients will be psychotic, delusional, combative and perhaps have weapons.
Are people are delusional, we haven't seen the impact yet.
I was having psychotic breaks where I was completely delusional.
I was incredibly hopeful, which you might also call delusional.
Pomeroy has told local media he believes the pair delusional.
Maybe love is just delusional enough to save us all.
Defense attorneys argued Greene was delusional and had brain damage.
Lewandowski even called the woman "delusional" in a Twitter post.
Never too stable to begin with, Janine is now delusional.
Maybe religious people are delusional, seeking meaning where none exists.
"We're not delusional about the challenges here," Mr. Liccardo said.
" He described B'Tselem and similar organizations as "ephemeral and delusional.
I may be delusional, but I don't think that way.
If she's right, Kevin is delusional and so is Matt.
People who are possibly delusional and unreasonably particular about landscaping.
So I really don't care whether anyone thinks I'm delusional.
"I'd be delusional to think it's for me," she said.
It's not that Millie's delusional; her dejection is depressingly realistic.
"She was enmeshed in a delusional system," Dr. Breggin said.
This is either delusional or a euphemism for forced resettlement.
On the other hand, he's also dangerously delusional about policy.
Dramatic, nuts, delusional, unhinged, hysterical, irrational, and, of course — crazy.
"I was very delusional, erratic, confrontational, and paranoid," Kevin said.
Unfortunately, the media's indulgence of Kasich's delusional campaign has real consequences.
By subsequent chapter "Canta," the tribal leader's delusional tantrums are real.
"I'm not delusional on who Donald Trump is," Mr. Schlapp said.
And many of us are delusional about exactly what that means.
The quest for a grand bargain with Mr Putin is delusional.
"First of all, Rudy Giuliani is increasingly delusional," de Blasio said.
There is a robust market for the delusional black Trump supporter.
We'd describe hopes of a functional Renault-Nissan merger as delusional.
I'm delusional enough to think it could change in my lifetime.
He was, by all accounts, engaged in paranoid and delusional behavior.
The white supremacist scene was as tiny as it was delusional.
Meanwhile, reality marches on, outside the confines of his delusional mind.
In addition, he shows no evidence of delusional thinking at all.
Many economists describe that notion as somewhere between fanciful and delusional.
Some wept, grateful to him for not dismissing them as delusional.
" She called his insistence that such an advance was consensual "delusional.
But he is not passive or delusional, and Theo knows it.
" Shaw confessed to her audience that she thought Brooks was "delusional.
Outside the hotel, he met the gun of a delusional saloonkeeper.
Is he the real deal or just a delusional old man?
WASHINGTON — The lawsuit, a federal judge found, bordered on the delusional.
He, however, like others who have proposed similar scenarios, is delusional.
I think they're delusional about the fact their fans are kids.
For example, if someone is delusional they experience false, fixed beliefs.
"That didn't make him delusional," Mr. Castellon said of the disorder.
Her idea is as delusional as Trump-haters claim he is.
It is obvious to assume that Welch suffers from some delusional disorder.
Artist so-and-so will say, "My song …" David Byrne is delusional!
You are an old delusional racist who puts our country at risk.
Perhaps Trump is "delusional about why he's losing," as Greg Sargent suggests.
It's not delusional even if those aspirations are recalibrated along the way.
I was living in sort of a delusional land for a while.
It's not that BlackBerry Mobile is delusional or trying to be misleading.
"People are completely delusional when it comes to real estate," he said.
This is the laziest, most delusional assumption in all of political punditry.
"When you aimlessly walk in the desert, you get delusional," Jamel says.
This self-delusional Kool-Aid drinking about how they're saving the world.
I don't know if I was ever psychotic, but I was delusional.
From the start, Anderson's characters have been cursed with a delusional nostalgia.
Admirable as the think-tank optimists may be, their hopes are delusional.
The President of the United States in a meltdown of delusional evil.
This sounds terrifying, but Kendi now claims that his fears were delusional.
" The Republican National Committee slammed Castro's announcement, calling him "another delusional Democrat.
A large number appear to have delusional disorder or schizophrenia, psychiatrists say.
Her last film was "Delusional" (2014), a thriller about a mental patient.
My father was in a peculiar state: completely articulate and completely delusional.
And at this point, Clapper is just -- he&aposs straight-up delusional.
"[Trump] believes truly insane, deranged, and delusional things," Chris Hayes told me.
Trump "believes truly insane, deranged and delusional things", Chris Hayes told me.
The New York City and ultra-delusional Atlanta wives are my favorites.
His reality always seems to return to a kind of delusional narcissism.
"If they're trying to help us out, then they're delusional," Mayette said.
By most accounts, including his own, Mr. Loughner was becoming increasingly delusional.
The Islamic State is a delusional and exploitative cult, not a state.
He expects her to serve as his bride; she thinks he's delusional.
However, my delusional brain seemed to be giving me too much credit.
The self-portraits are psychologically riveting, at times delusional or slightly mad.
Trump is delusional in his obsession with his numbers, with his size.
She wasn't delusional; she wasn't mad; they did build a life together.
Bouverie shows how the British responded with beatific and ultimately delusional equanimity.
There also exist sociopathic or delusional men who make false or wrong accusations.
"Are you delusional?" she asked him before he turned around and walked away.
Anyone who says a million dollars won't make them happier must be delusional.
While still delusional, the doctors said, Jonathan did not pose an imminent danger.
" Rand Paul said Trump is "a delusional narcissist and an orange-faced windbag.
Anyone who sings will, at some point, look like a delusional, talentless idiot.
I must be delusional because through it all, I still enjoy your company.
Either you are delusional, or still Erdogan's lap dog.. Keep wagging your tail.
Weier was diagnosed with a delusional disorder that made her believe in Slenderman.
Delusional, but interesting, and probably one I'd share if I was truly unhinged.
"When I stopped using drugs, I realized that I was delusional," he said.
" Senator Bernie Sanders recently called Trump "delusional in many respects, a pathological liar.
"Conflict-free" cocaine is also available for the humanitarian (or delusional) drug-taker.
Having reviewed these documents, however, I would not describe his account as delusional.
At the time, Lewandowski called Fields "delusional" and said he never touched her.
People are going to be delusional but trustworthy, so do your fact-checking.
"She was saying stuff that was kind of delusional," churchgoer Ronald Farmer said.
He has denied that anything happened and has called her "delusional" on Twitter.
His conversations with police officers had ranged from calm and humorous to delusional.
His comments are, by turns, incoherent, incorrect, conspiratorial, delusional, self-aggrandizing, and underinformed.
During Payam's stay, he was diagnosed with delusional disorder and a Messiah Complex.
"I think I needed it, because I think I've been delusional," she said.
The good news is, he does; the bad news is, he is delusional.
"I am not stupid, I am not delusional," he says at another point.
"This guy clearly was grandiose, delusional and had narcissistic-personality disorder," she said.
He used my former agency to advance his own delusional vision of grandeur.
But you're not delusional if a substantial part of the US population believes you!
Of course people who would follow such a leader are mindless, delusional whack jobs.
He got pretty delusional sometimes, but he was uncannily correct most of the time.
The report said Reinking was "delusional" and told police he believed he had autism.
Republican leaders now saying they are appalled are delusional, or haven't been paying attention.
When we're delusional about ourselves, we frustrate and alienate the people around us too.
He was accused variously of delusional ambition, extravagant showmanship, duplicity, pig-headedness and worse.
Typical delusional behavior, and now he'd gone and infected the children with his madness!
The therapist, Thomas Caffrey, said he saw no signs of delusional or psychotic thinking.
To many observers of American politics, this plan sounds quixotic, unrealistic, even downright delusional.
That deadline was always delusional—even ignoring the violence, Libya lacks an electoral law.
His delusional thinking also impairs his ability to work with counsel, the judge concluded.
Dallas Police Chief David Brown has described the killer as delusional yet in control.
She was shot and killed by a delusional fan during a meet-and-greet.
Given that the Pixelbook can run Android apps, that's not a completely delusional idea.
That, of course, is delusional—but we hope Cole enjoys the YouTube ad revenue!
MORE's description of him as "intrepid but delusional" for negotiating with Russia over Syria.
Prosecutors at the military tribunal suggested bin al Shibh was either delusional or lying.
Commonly recognized symptoms include irritability, loss of ability to concentrate, delusional thinking, and grandiosity.
For example, schizophrenics have delusional ideas, believe things that aren't true, and hear voices.
All the same, Mr Sanders's prediction seems so unlikely as to be almost delusional.
In either case, his delusional and dangerous view of gun rights should be ignored.
He previously said Wall Street is "delusional" for believing it will even be passed.
Jude rules that Cliven Bundy's public lands claim is 'simply delusional,' The Oregonian reports.
It is outright delusional to imagine that Silicon Valley startups form a pure meritocracy.
I used to get myself into some terrible states: real abject, paranoid, delusional states.
The people who make these accusations are either delusional or actively disregarding the facts.
Anyone who claims to have 'invented' a dish is dishonest, or delusional or foaming.
You want to be in stressful situations and be OK. Not oblivious or delusional.
Is the professor unusually patient and conscientious or completely delusional and possibly racist herself?
Cleverbot often sounds comically delusional or defensive: "Are you a robot?" it asks itself.
We needed to see a leader; what we saw was an incompetent, delusional blowhard.
He hovers nearby, spotting tokens and recalling happier times amid glimmers of delusional hope.
Meryl Streep stars as a delusional New York heiress in this biographical comedy drama.
It must never be considered delusional to expect our human rights to be respected.
This includes The New York Times, which made the delusional claim in a Nov.
Deal advocates next argue we should "strictly enforce" its provisions, but this is delusional.
Republicans are delusional if they think the special counsel is going to be fair.
It's a line that seems so delusional given the context, but she truly believes it.
I swear I'm not a delusional screen addict who thinks entertainment can solve our problems.
He's clearly delusional, and going on about gold so they bring him back to Ardsmuir.
"He was compulsive and had almost delusional thought patterns that influenced his choices," she added.
I had to choose this thing that felt nebulous and completely delusional the whole time.
Airing deep delusional concerns of the plight of the majority Hindus is a familiar canard.
"I thought I was being delusional because I was so tired," he told the website.
Now, Mohland admits that the cryptocurrency community is delusional and he was blinded to it.
All of these things led me to this despair and being delusional about Jodie Foster.
At the same time it's important not to seem overconfident or delusional about your abilities.
Then again, if you are seasoned in unrequited love, you—like me—will be delusional.
It could point to a delusional mental state with only a thin connection to terrorism.
People will be more than a touch delusional, and getting anything done will be difficult.
The competitive vibe of the roundtable has sent me into a full-fledged delusional mania.
Characters that are a little delusional and not self-aware are very interesting to me.
The patient had been accidentally exposed to gluten again, become delusional and was re-hospitalized.
Nance said Trump is "delusional" to think that North Korea's ballistic capabilities no longer exist.
And I think he's almost to the point of being delusional about his own power.
Consent is meaningless and sex workers who claim otherwise are delusional puppets of the patriarchy.
I was curious: would her captivating, delusional, and potentially harmful media empire translate to audio?
Any effort to see things in a hopeful light, I thought, was naïve or delusional.
By now we know we would be delusional to expect Trump to defend US democracy.
It was delusional to think he would change for the better once he became president.
The episode suggests the nightmarish and delusional fantasies that interrupt a grieving mother's daily life.
Those hallmarks of Trumpism make the re-election campaign's Mountain West claims seem rather delusional.
Four years later, Ms. Ortega again demonstrated signs of delusional thinking in the United States.
Since his death, many people, including fellow missionaries, have called him naïve, delusional and reckless.
However, scientists estimate that only about one in five mass murderers are psychotic or delusional.
The sergeant was delusional and naïve, but had never intended to defect to the Taliban.
Bret: I think there's a fine line between setting high goals and setting delusional ones.
"If our focus is on victory, we can't be delusional about it," Mr. Mitchell said.
Regina planned the Pageant Killer murders to frame Bob in a delusional act of vengeance.
"This is just a case of a delusional teenage girl with a crush," he says.
She says he handed her a $50 million lawsuit involving a "delusional vendetta" against her.
This pair is not exactly Butch and Sundance, even in their own addled, delusional minds.
Fearing their boss was delusional, the story goes, the two part-timers quit soon thereafter.
She may think she can march on despite charges, but that would be self-delusional.
Although Judy did not shoot anyone, she was no innocent: defiant, lawless and politically delusional.
"I am big," the delusional silent film star Norma Desmond insists in one famous moment.
This is because they are not generally considered to be delusional or otherwise separated from reality.
Forget you ever heard a delusional uncle share his latest counterfactual conspiracy theory on Hillary Clinton.
But we "like" it with delusional hope that it'll somehow harm our political and ideological opponents.
To accept that problem is limited to just what we know now is irresponsible, delusional even.
Kept overnight for monitoring of minor injuries, he never saw a psychiatrist and became increasingly delusional.
Just days into the semester, though, he barely slept and found himself increasingly agitated and delusional.
Duterte 'delusional' Lopez, the trade minister, dismissed concerns that Duterte's shift would endanger the country's economy.
It's consistently a bit off-putting, because so much of it seems either disingenuous or delusional.
Not hippy-dippy workout magic, but the real goods; Schumer's character is meant to be delusional.
This new information especially makes her look like either a perfect mastermind or a delusional mastermind.
And even the fear of bed bugs has almost certainly sparked episodes of delusional parasitic infestations.
Because we are, men are the most delusional human beings on the face of the earth.
At what point am I just being delusional, waiting for a moment that may never come?
Days later, she became delusional at a friend's house and woke up with a severe headache.
The map depicts Trump's modest electoral victory, which Trump has since exaggerated to predictably delusional heights.
Earlier in the trial, a psychiatrist testified Carter was delusional after becoming "involuntarily intoxicated" by antidepressants.
But along with being delusional about what constituted a healthy meal, she was also incredibly cheap.
Anyone who thinks it can be replaced by Paris or Frankfurt is either delusional or naive.
The first observation is that this person was no drunken frat boy on a delusional prank.
" Mallory has claimed that those lies were due to bipolar-related "delusional thoughts" and "memory problems.
Yet despite eruptions of anti-Muslim passions here and there, Mr. Awlaki's dire predictions seemed delusional.
Mr. Lewandowski called Ms. Fields "delusional" and posted on Twitter that he had never touched her.
You know, people are probably going to read this and think you're delusional or after something.
Mr. Galack soon grew delusional, keeping everyone awake with a barrage of chatter and odd behavior.
It also can give users a sense of detachment from reality and delusional symptoms, he said.
It was quite a sharp turn from Trump's 2014 diss, in which he called Rodman delusional.
But it would seem that one would have to be delusional to entertain such a belief.
"Anyone who thinks it's simple is delusional," said Natalie Ames, 48, who grew up on Matinicus.
"I am not delusional," he said over an açaí bowl at a diner in San Diego.
The second is powered by a cartoon prince, many delusional dating comments, and a flapper dress.
Which is why Consol's management, as clearheaded as Mr. Pruitt is delusional, wants to exit coal.
His appeal to his fellow electors to unify behind an alternate Republican borders on the delusional.
Mr. Prince's claim that a few thousand contractors can turn the tide is delusional (but profitable).
Murderous hatred and delusional bias hide and self-replicate inside our cultural forms, inside our language.
But in his "unmatched wisdom" Trump is pursuing delusional conspiracy theories about who is to blame.
This is also an area of financial life that is ripe for mistakes and delusional thinking.
He suggested those calling for the immediate deportation of anyone in the country illegally are delusional.
"If our focus is on victory, we can't be delusional about it," he told the Times.
Inside the ambulance, Mr. Bonds seemed to show some understanding that he was paranoid and delusional.
"My own impression to date is that he is a highly delusional, psychotic individual," Sussman added.
Normandin, who reportedly suffers from mental health issues including delusional disorder, was also ordered to continue counseling.
But to deny the freshman congresswoman is also successful "in real life" it's dishonest as it's delusional.
He's just delusional and annoying, and so hard to deal with on a day to day basis.
Those who think it will get to $80, $90 or $100 are barrel are "delusional," he added.
Corporate America is in delusional denial about how much the ground in Washington has shifted against it.
Personally, I think Briana is delusional, believing that she's completely innocent in how she approached my manager.
Maybe I'm delusional because I'm writing this late on a Friday, but maybe it looks surprisingly good????
"The reason for the defendant's actions lay within her delusional mind," she said, local station CBS2 reported.
But hey, Lance Bass is down:Serio's delusional thinking isn't limited to imagining himself as a cat savior.
Especially the guy because men are the most delusional human beings on the face of the Earth.
So to ignore it is to live in a lane and be delusional about your own experience.
T. J. Miller as Erlich Bachman, the team's effusively egotistical and delusional advisor, still steals the show.
Our Derulo sources told us at the time Liziane was delusional ... he didn't know her from Adam.
" Gingrich warned that Republicans would be "delusional" if they thought that Mueller "is going to be fair.
"The reason for the defendant's actions lay within her delusional mind," she said, local station CBS2 reports.
Yael: It's always so heartbreaking when people who are... delusional think they have all the secret answers.
Both Trump and Lewandowski denied Fields' allegation, with Lewandowski calling the woman "delusional" in a Twitter post.
It is, first and foremost, an expression of delusional self-regard and white male entitlement run riot.
"If the psychiatrists want to say that this is schizophrenia or delusional disorder, that's fine," he said.
This delusional teaching is, I believe, the root principle that most yoga studios operate under — many unknowingly.
Two state-appointed psychologists testified that Dear, a South Carolina native, suffers from a psychotic delusional disorder.
For example, some of the actors, they still have some kind of delusional ideas about The Room.
Their laughter may be self-delusional, but their unbreakable bond means that at least they're clueless together.
Why can't someone like Ms. Williams, who seemed clearly to have a delusional illness, be involuntarily committed?
Gularte suffered from paranoid episodes, was delusional, and hallucinated, but never received proper treatment after his arrest.
And Biden's liberal critics keep making fun of him for this argument, calling it naïve and delusional.
In the case of Brian Smith, he's been found to exhibit signs of alcoholism and delusional disorder.
To accept that the problem is limited to just what we know now is irresponsible, delusional even.
Some cheered me on, and others courteously smiled while the thought bubble above their head said, delusional.
It's not a political movement, it's a violent outburst, an expression of the progressive left's delusional emotionalism.
"There's real concern that he is totally delusional about the chances of keeping the House," Reston said.
Alternatively, he could be so delusional or cognitively impaired as to have no real grasp of reality.
On April 28, Gray testified during the first day of the competency hearing that Dear was delusional.
Howard Marks, the billionaire cofounder of Oaktree Capital Management, thinks Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is delusional.
What began as an attempt to discredit the investigator has now devolved into delusional, self-serving paranoia.
Chris is clearly delusional and has no idea he's miles behind Garrett and Blake, our two main frontrunners.
" Rapper Mac Miller called Trump an "egomaniacal attention-thirsty psychopathic power-hungry delusional waste of skin and bones.
Conservative commentators like Laura Ingraham pounced on Streep right away, trying to paint her as wealthy and delusional.
Marx thought that view was at best delusional and at worst a vicious ploy to pacify the workers.
That you would trust anyone – including a fiat bank – to keep your digital currency safe is deeply delusional.
At the other extreme from the probable approach is a very dangerous view of the world – the delusional.
Shock sends the visitor into an altered state: acute delusional episodes, feelings of persecution, dizziness, heart palpitations, vomiting.
And this brings me to the fury I feel at the outpouring of delusional support for Senator McCain.
More than two million Americans have a diagnosis of schizophrenia, which is characterized by delusional thinking and hallucinations.
In an interview with a detective after his arrest, Dear offered a number of "delusional beliefs," authorities said.
Both views are seen in Brussels as delusional, for they overestimate what is an inherently weak bargaining position.
Funny how the completely paranoid and delusional folks over at InfoWars didn't pick up on all of that.
"Bannon was delusional," Ben Shapiro, a former editor-at-large for Breitbart News, told The Atlantic on Tuesday.
When he wondered, humbly, "maybe I could DH", it was unclear whether or not he was being delusional.
Cristina clearly believes Tony is suffering from mental illness that is causing him to be delusional and manic.
"Anyone who thinks the world's problems can be solved with isolationism and protectionism is simply delusional," she said.
In an installation titled Lu Yang Delusional Crime and Punishment (2015), several banners flank a flashing video monitor.
The claim in your letter that your litigation efforts speed up on-boarding a CEO disingenuous or delusional.
The desperation such incidents reveal is dismissed by the increasingly delusional Mr Maduro during his endless television appearances.
In May 2016, Reinking experienced a delusional episode in his hometown of Morton, according to a police report.
The terrorist entity is illegal and has no basis to exist other than a delusional ISIS-like ideology.
In other words, it's possible that it won't just be Trump's interns combing through your delusional online complaints.
It is also unrealistic, if not downright delusional, to expect regulation to produce the results its advocates want.
What's the benefit of going back in time and examining these delusional occurrences from hundreds of years ago?
In every picture the viewer doesn't have to wonder whether it's an actual object or a delusional one.
That sort of deal was never on offer from Brussels, where officials called it delusional on numerous occasions.
"If our focus is on victory, we can't be delusional about it," Mitchell told The New York Times.
"Another day, another delusional Democrat running for president with no shot at winning," the spokesman, Michael Ahrens, said.
There was also reason to think that Mr. McCoy's belief in his innocence was both earnest and delusional.
What she seems to find most delusional in her fellow travelers is their sense of their own agency.
The prison officers' union said that he had seemed delusional and was acting violently, possibly after ingesting drugs.
But Reinking exhibited signs of being paranoid and delusional that manifested in his infatuation with Swift, Det. Sgt.
In a recently released book, 27 experts  declare that Trump has symptoms of narcissism, paranoia, and is delusional.
And one message prevails: The idea of post-identity art is not only undesirable, but it's also delusional.
When his delusional symptoms eventually abated he detransitioned, coming to an uneasy peace being, and presenting as, male.
METAIRIE, La. — Donatas Motiejunas, the New Orleans Pelicans' new 7-footer, may sound delusional to cynical N.B.A. observers.
In fact, if you perceived it as abuse, rather than just plain old tough coaching, you were delusional.
"We are kind of delusional about our reality and what we are dealing with, I think," Thornton said.
Two court-appointed state psychologists who examined Dear in 2016 concluded he suffers from a psychotic delusional disorder.
But some of Mr. Renzi's detractors, even in his own party, argue that he is the delusional one.
And delusional statements like Mr. Zuckerberg's that they want to go with his plan should not go unchallenged.
Bernie Sanders says he doesn't like calling President Donald Trump "delusional" -- but believes the President's actions call for it.
But on its face, Trump's apparent conclusion about his campaign's recent woes seems utterly bizarre and even borderline delusional.
"When we were arrested, we weren't given any food or anything so we were both very delusional," he said.
But by the same token, everyone is equally likely to be delusional if they're not working to prevent that.
For years I followed a self-created diet that can only be described as utterly delusional and very expensive.
In May 2016, police said Reinking had a delusional episode in which he believed Taylor Swift was stalking him.
Deloria, too, thought that the notion of recapturing Native American life before the arrival of the Europeans was delusional.
And they're not under the delusional that it's a cure-all, or even that their product is for everyone.
"Anyone in the group who thinks everyone is sharing everything is delusional," Rountree explained to me in an interview.
If you think any of this is easy, you're delusional and probably don't even own a single seven-inch.
There are no locks on this beach, only the delusional idea that you can find love on the beach.
This mirrors her father's attitude, and reinforces the delusional belief that his money could somehow purchase love and affection.
During the hearing, a U.S. senator said Facebook was "delusional" to believe people will trust it with their money.
It wasn't long before a troll had popped up, calling Rowling's writing "shit" and describing her as "politically delusional".
" February 26th 2016 Rand Paul (Senator from Kentucky)"Donald Trump is a delusional narcissist and an orange-faced windbag.
"  Gingrich tweeted on Monday that "Republicans are delusional if they think the special counsel is going to be fair.
During the hearing, a US senator said Facebook was "delusional" to believe people will trust it with their money.
During the hearing, a U.S. senator said Facebook was "delusional" to believe people will trust it with their money.
On November 123, 2009, Larry Murillo-Moncada, 25, became delusional and fled barefoot from his parents' Council Bluffs home.
Investigators spoke to Janes' mother and learned that he had been abusing alcohol and marijuana and had become delusional.
You have to be a delusional Elon Musk to think that we can terraform Mars and leave this planet.
"The arguments in McKinsey's motion are borderline delusional," O'Shea, a partner at Boies Schiller & Flexner, said in a statement.
The movie spun a web of anxiety and ambiguity around the question of whether he was delusional or clairvoyant.
This across-the-board downgrading of the family's talent and aspirations makes them seem not just pretentious but delusional.
They address the delusional claims made by makeup brands for their products, and the dismal results when they fail.
The findings were mixed: Drug treatment, mostly for psychosis, blunted day-to-day symptoms of hallucinations and delusional thinking.
The British wanted their country back — and got the disaster of Brexit, a delusional act of irreparable self-harm.
In short, many progressives have embraced so much abstraction in their discourse as to render much of it delusional.
"The proposal we are talking about is, frankly, delusional," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Wednesday on the floor.
Surely, sniffed the film elite, Sony was delusional if it thought it could make something out of such dreck.
Jurors in the second trial said Tuesday they were not convinced that Mr. Hernandez's personality disorder made him delusional.
I'm not delusional to think that terrorist groups won't send in people with these large groups of refugees here.
He has insisted that Mexico will ultimately pay for the wall — a vow that is either deceitful or delusional.
It would border on delusional for them to think they would be welcome to testify before a City Council.
Opinion Columnist To Pete Buttigieg's many other virtues, add these: He's not delusional, and he can see beyond himself.
If President Trump believes that federal employees support shutting down the government and not receiving paychecks, he is delusional.
ANCHORAGE — A deadly shooting rampage at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport this month has focused attention on the interconnection of public safety and mental illness and raised questions, especially here in Alaska, about one of the thorniest questions of psychology: how to tell if someone is delusional and dangerous, or merely delusional.
" A fiery spirit clearly runs in the family as Cartwright herself calls her boyfriend an arrogant and delusional "old man.
People can come up with all sorts of reasons for their delusions, but that doesn't make them any less delusional.
I remember talking to Doug Morris saying … Well, Doug Morris was delusional and out of the loop and still is.
The most virulent strains of this delusional thinking even suggest Marjory Stoneman Douglas High was some sort of armed facility.
The next month, the jail would again report problems with Mitchell, and again it invoked the words, psychotic and delusional.
First, Bitcoin's power consumption is a big and growing problem, and any true believer who pretends it isn't is delusional.
A controversy followed, in which Thomas and his supporters painted Hill as a delusional liar bent on ruining Thomas' career.
So by June, it was this: Republicans are delusional if they think the special counsel is going to be fair.
Of course, Taft and his cronies were delusional if they thought they could have won the '52 election without Ike.
When Marcus calls Max a little delusional, Max breaks down in tears and tells Marcus about her fear of failing.
We get home and she is just sitting there on the ground all delusional… just in her own little world.
It will star alongside Amy Schumer and Busy Philipps in a comedic tale of delusional beauty called I Feel Pretty.
" The 30-year-old actress said her comment came from a "delusional girl" perspective that "careens between wisdom and ignorance.
"She was delusional, she was hallucinating, seeing things that weren't there, people that were after her," my aunt told me.
Lastly, make sure your successors-in-training know that anyone who thinks that they, alone, run an organization is delusional.
Morva's lawyers say their client suffered a serious delusional disorder -- a psychosocial disability -- that was not fully considered during trial.
People could be full of shit right now, either because they're con artists, or simply because they're drunk or delusional.
It's also a prelude to an even more delusional, and infinitely more destructive, attempt to discredit the election results themselves.
Relationships and situations that have been built on shaky (or, more precisely, delusional) ground will be tested at this time.
I made bad choices, but I did not have inexplicable, manic episodes, and I never had grandiose or delusional ideas.
He says that those who think there are thousands of wasteful lawsuits share "the delusional rationalisations of serial ADA violators".
Two state psychologists had testified that they didn't think Dear was competent and diagnosed the man with a delusional disorder.
That the president of the United States is so delusional is disturbing, but the patterns of his delusions are revealing.
"In a stampeding bull like this one, the level of optimism can feel borderline delusional," the "Mad Money " host said.
It is very hard to help a dangerously delusional person who refuses help because he believes he is perfectly sane.
When people are confused or delusional, I recommend responding to the emotion, as opposed to the content of the confusion.
How can any family have trust in a court system that allows for men who decry their children as delusional?
Do they all share one very bad beginning, involving a murdered girl, a backyard bomb shelter and a delusional predator?
And while he might be hopelessly in love, he's not totally delusional, and he's never been as cruel as Cersei.
It's hard to understand what everyone's talking about on Monday evening, thanks to communication planet Mercury's friction with delusional Neptune.
The problem is that mainstream culture has always believed that people who believe in UFOs are uneducated, conspiratorial and delusional.
The obtuseness is not the challenge here; most of us come to the theater primed to see pedophiles as delusional.
If we're just going to be debating the bylaws every week from here on out, bring back a mouthy delusional!
She's willfully delusional, totally complicit and compiling one hell of an Instagram feed, which is what she's ultimately all about.
It's an audacious, perhaps delusional plan for a company that made its mark by building communal desks and providing refreshments.
And let's hope that they're right — that by the time stuff happens, we'll actually have non-delusional people in charge.
Because I had all these delusional thoughts that I was going to walk away scot-free without spending a cent.
But unlike Sellers's similarly clueless characters, who were hermetically sealed in their own delusional realities, Morgan is eager for connection.
The sole genuinely magnanimous rich character, Jay Gatsby, is delusional and dependent on illegal means to maintain his lavish lifestyle.
"I am not delusional enough to think that they all are there to work out with me," Ms. Kibby said.
I saw a lot of parents who got immediately delusional, and those stories end up in a very bad way.
Mr. Corbyn may believe, delusional though it is, that he really can restructure British capitalism overnight without damaging the economy.
Democrats have mostly described the idea of a divided Congress passing comprehensive health reform in an election year as delusional.
This patient also pursued HRT while experiencing intense delusional symptoms—it was 2012 and he thought the world was ending.
There, they are tended by a spectacularly inept shrink, Dr. Staple (Sarah Paulson), who insists that they are merely delusional.
Her dad was angry about her plan to run the marathon; he thought she was delusional and might hurt herself.
Similarly, events are unfolding today on four continents where delusional thinking could cloud the necessity for strategic response and preventive action.
Well, Reddit user Extenso has an interesting theory that may be coming to fruition: Elliot is delusional — and he's a prisoner.
They defined psychosis as hallucinations, delusional disorder, schizophrenia spectrum disorder, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder with psychotic features or unspecified psychosis.
Sure, we might all be a little delusional around this day, but that's kind of what makes it all so scintillating.
"It's not right, it's divisive, it's delusional, and we must expose the truth to the people of this nation," he said.
The patient was delusional and paranoid, thinking he was being spied on and people planned to kill him, the report said.
Like Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, PiS opposes what he recently called "delusional nightmares of a United States of Europe".
Trump's agenda of achieving stratospheric economic growth by burning as much oil, coal and gas as possible is a delusional fantasy.
This delusional counter-narrative is the only salve for his wounded ego, his only defense against the psychic shock that's coming.
His ramblings border on the delusional, and his encouragement for people to read up on Holocaust denier David Irving is repugnant.
"He is a deeply delusional and self-obsessed narcissist, and, you know, good luck to America once he's out," he said.
She's also still diffident and anxious when faced with a very handsome man in her delusional period, which makes no sense.
" He added, "These con artists were delusional if they believed that the labor movement would enter into any kind of deal.
I was determined to work on him for Jackson's sake, but I also worked on him for a less delusional reason.
" These con artists were delusional if they believed that the labor movement would enter into any kind of deal," he added.
That means that entrepreneurs need to be far more accountable and avoid delusional thinking and practices that don't change the outcome.
After marijuana was detected in his urine, two doctors there issued a diagnosis of marijuana-induced psychosis and a delusional disorder.
In retrospect, we can see that these white beliefs were delusional, and in other survey questions whites blithely acknowledged racist attitudes.
This week begins in a haze as communication planet Mercury squares off with delusional Neptune, creating confusion and misunderstandings between lovers.
There's a nice example of when the telephone was beginning to emerge and that starts to feature in someone's delusional beliefs.
That specific delusion couldn't exist before television, and somehow that technological development has been co-opted and brought into delusional thinking.
Dennis Rodman was either drunk or on drugs (delusional) when he said I wanted to go to North Korea with him.
This is not the Chinese Dunk Contest competitor haplessly slamming his dick into the back of someone's head because he's delusional.
The letters, like her emails, were a mixture of delusional statements, literary references, tart commentary and harsh attacks on other people.
Although he may have suffered from "God-themed delusions," the prosecutor added, even someone who is delusional can act with intent.
I'm the one that's delusional for daring to demand emotional connection prior to giving someone access to my bed and orgasm.
What we know so far: His family had expressed concerns about his delusional behavior (he believed Taylor Swift was stalking him).
A large number — perhaps 25 percent, in Dr. Stone's estimation — showed evidence of paranoid schizophrenia, which is characterized by delusional thinking.
"Any external forces that support the splitting of China can only be regarded as delusional by the Chinese people," he added.
Articles of impeachment have finally been brought against President Trump, but it seems not even that could quell his delusional blustering.
And the people who say, "Oh, we'll all live happily ever after by converting people into entrepreneurs," that's delusional, I submit.
Most of my friends whom this hasn't worked for are quite delusional about themselves and, thus, don't find very good matches.
"The president and others promoting arming teachers are delusional," Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican National Committee, wrote on Twitter.
Back in the day, if someone said, 'Hey my film's doing great,' you could verify if they were delusional or right.
We let him at it with the sad understanding that this delusional activity was all the glue holding poor William together.
Kenneth R. Dahl, the lead investigator, said at a preliminary hearing in September that Sergeant Bergdahl had delusional expectations for his deployment.
Do you think it's delusional out there because at the moment if you look at the way the markets looking at Brexit.
Trump cannot resist attempting to shape reality through the media, and he has a level of self-confidence bordering on the delusional.
I know if I saw something concrete like that, I'd be pissed that people didn't believe me or thought I was delusional.
" He continued: "The movie gave us glimpses of President Nixon as delusional, narcissistic, petty, vindictive, nasty and batsh–t f—ing crazy.
And while it is easy to dismiss these parents as anti-science, selfish, ignorant, or delusional, the answer is much more complicated.
The delusional entrepreneur will procrastinate finding that invalidating data for as long as possible, and then still be dismissive of the results.
Johns knows that life doesn't add up, and to propose that it does is to contribute to society's delusional sense of reality.
While they both can share depressive moods, postpartum psychosis involves hallucinations and delusional thinking, which Marlo goes through when she imagines Tully.
Martinez said he sided with Grimmet's view that one can conduct daily aspects of life and still suffer from a delusional disorder.
"We're not that delusional that we think the pogo stick, per se, is going to compete with motorized e-scooters," Mikkelsen said.
A court-ordered psychological evaluation concluded that he has delusional disorder, a psychosis afflicting 20 to 30 out of every 100,000 people.
But, as this BGR article points out, NBC is "delusional about Netflix and the future of TV." I couldn't agree more. Why?
If you think $100,000 in Facebook ads and $270,000 in Twitter ads meaningfully affected the multibillion-dollar U.S. election, you are delusional.
Khan's recent career has been characterised by the sort of optimistic, borderline delusional overstretching in search of the biggest names in boxing.
This explains why a student in Catholic school claiming God spoke to him would be considered a pious young man, not delusional.
"Republicans are delusional if they think the special counsel is going to be fair," Gingrich tweeted, reversing his previous praise for Mueller.
Definers Public Affairs has denied Pishevar's claims, calling them "completely false" and "delusional," but the lawsuit is already having a chilling effect.
His defense reportedly argued he was incompetent to stand trial, having made statements "that are delusional in nature," but the judge disagreed.
Think of how many Bernie Bros referred to Clinton supporters as "delusional" and Clinton voters who portrayed his base as lazy idealists.
Many howled for years that public market investors were "delusional" awarding Amazon such a high market cap when it constantly lost money.
Letting go is hard, but the idea that we never have to let go, ever, is a delusional and maybe dangerous fantasy.
What TaskRabbit is suggesting is so starkly opposed to the realities of the vast majority of the population that it's completely delusional.
Could we acknowledge that Indians are not ghosts in the landscape or foils in a delusional nationalist dream, but actual living people?
They're delusional in their belief that their views are more important, more valid, more ethical, and more patriotic than any other groups.
Despite the appearance of historical authenticity, Herbert best resembled a Civil War re-enactor, a delusional inhabitant of an imagined glorious past.
While dating a delusional man made me terrified to ever open a joint savings account together, it also made for excellent entertainment.
He thinks I'm delusional, that this will pass, and that any actions taken toward fulfilling my desires will be met with regret.
I'm not certain I agree; it's too easy to dismiss everyone who commits a beastly crime as evil, delusional, or a sociopath.
Dodging pterodactyls, the two fight to avoid panic attacks before finally coming off their delusional high, and reconciling to get back home.
Experts on capital murder trials have said that is often the case when a troubled or delusional defendant seeks to represent himself.
His videos satirizing the sometimes passionate, sometimes angry, sometimes delusional overreacting fan have many millions of views on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
" He assailed the state's chief witness against her, a former household custodian, as "a serial liar" peddling a "delusional and mendacious story.
Mr. Netanyahu called the allegations "delusional and mendacious" and questioned whether people who make such charges can be impartial in their investigation.
But even if they did, Trump's victory on Tuesday night in Nevada would have confounded even the most delusional practitioner of Trumpmatics.
There is no reason to erect a wall or militarize the border outside the delusional world that the Trump administration has created.
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran's foreign minister called U.S. President Donald Trump's peace plan for the Middle East "delusional" in a tweet on Monday.
Those characters are all sensitive, openly emotional, and a bit delusional about their talent...though Moira might say they couldn't touch her.
Their parroting of talking points that only benefit them, their belief in their own superiority, their self-delusional arrogance — that's what's ridiculous.
Quite frankly, both parties' delusional visions rest on impossible promises of wealth, power and prosperity at no real cost to the populace.
Yet a touch of something delusional creeps into Callas's repetitions of "liberi" ("free"), a vocally patchy quality that betrays her inner doubts.
But Trump's delusional thinking, unwillingness to admit fault, and fragile male ego are not limited to his relations with our close allies.
"The delusional thinking was, 'I knew that she wanted to talk to me even though she acted like she didn't," Galietta explains.
Judge Genece Brinkley is "a little sad and a little delusional" for not removing herself from Meek Mill's case ... so says Meek's lawyer.
It's the story of a maniacal and apocalypse-minded cult leader, David Koresh, whose delusional stubbornness led to the deaths of 224 people.
At about noon Thursday, the 4th of July, Koffi allegedly took two doses of the hallucinogenic drug LSD and became delusional within hours.
Coherent but delusional Martinez ordered Dear to undergo a mental competency evaluation in December after his public defender raised questions about his competency.
"(He) has a really inflated, if not delusional, view of himself as a strongman at the level of China and Russia's leadership," Sen.
So a refurbished version of the phone is going back on shelves next month—bearing what might be the most delusional name possible.
Add to this list the requisite delusional nature of most reality TV stars, and you've got our 2016 Republican candidate for the presidency.
Phounsy had become delusional after four days without sleep – a result, the family suspects, of drugs taken at a music festival days earlier.
We wanted to display Trump for what he was, though at that point, we thought he was benign, just a sociopathic delusional figure.
The finale then does a lot of work for a very long time to convince us Rose's sweetly delusional outlook might hold water.
As night fell, I found myself back at Zenyara, living out my delusional fantasy of this luxury villa lifestyle being my new normal.
State psychologist Jackie Grimmett also took the stand at Thursday's hearing, testifying that she concluded after interviewing Dear he suffered from delusional disorder.
Around that time, Koffi had consumed two additional hits of LSD, after already appearing delusional after consuming two hits earlier in the day.
William Morva's lawyers are asking Governor Terry McAuliffe to commute his sentence, arguing he suffers from delusional disorder, an illness akin to schizophrenia.
And anybody who believes that regime change is a viable option is delusional, unless there is a coup among the North Korean elite.
" On Monday morning, Newt Gingrich attacked Mueller on Twitter: "Republicans are delusional if they think the special counsel is going to be fair.
Trump and Nigel Farage may have a racist and delusional explanation for the cause of the world's troubles, but they have an explanation.
The vibe might even feel slightly delusional—Neptune is the planet of fantasy and illusion, which doesn't always manifest in the best way.
Sorry, but that's just voodoo wrapped in a Union Jack; it's the same free-market fantasy that has always and everywhere proved delusional.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai is absolutely right in his efforts to undo these delusional and ultimately harmful Obama-era rules.
I spoke to Freeman about what delusions are, how our understanding of them is changing, and why delusional stories need to be told.
These people who want to make that kind of a mark upon the world are always incredibly flawed and also incredibly self-delusional.
Gameplanning for the worst case scenario is important, but expecting to work effectively while continuing to be at such a disadvantage is delusional.
Her defense attorneys said that Carter was a troubled and delusional young woman and that Roy had long been intent on killing himself.
Riding that R.V. into the sunset was the greatest 37 minutes of my existence, but I know now I was full-tilt delusional.
Mr. Schmidt said the White House would have to be "delusional" not to recognize the depths of the challenges for the new president.
He was delusional about a government conspiracy against him and had threatened to end his own in life in a shootout with police.
"If our focus is on victory, we can't be delusional about it," Maurice Mitchell, the WFP's national director, told The New York Times.
The project can easily be dismissed as ridiculous, even delusional; if so, it is a delusion embedded in the act of making art.
The company contends the suit is "delusional" and sources say Hyperloop One is expected to file a countersuit in the next few weeks.
"What began as an attempt to discredit the investigator has now devolved into delusional, self-serving paranoia," Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said.
Experts say too many people suffer from the "delusional belief" that their careers should be linear — and it's not doing them any favours.
The Chargers entered the day with a top-ten pass defense, so expecting anything other than a resounding loss would have been delusional.
I'd treated patients with mental illness, patients who were high on drugs or delusional from illness, but I'd never seen weapons of any kind.
They were realities sometimes obscured by delusional or deceptive social conservatives hankering to return to an idealized America (back when it was, er, "great").
Ian Marcus Amelkin, one of Sayoc's lawyers, argued that Sayoc's crimes were caused by paranoid, delusional thinking brought on by heavy use of steroids.
" At the time, Lewandowski called Fields an "attention seeker" and called her "totally delusional," adding in a tweet to her, "I never touched you.
That he did not seek a deal then suggests one of two things, Either Mr Manafort was delusional about his hopes of evading justice.
He is delusional—the stories are probably lies, but even if they are true he does not acknowledge that gay marriage is legally impossible.
This is nothing but a cheap, National Enquirer-esque tale spun by a delusional person whose hunger for fame is both tawdry and transparent.
There's a little current social resonance in Unsane's premise, where a woman says a man is abusing her, but she's written off as delusional.
John Apter, national chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales which represents low-ranking officers, accused the prime minister of being delusional.
With Trump officially accepted on Tuesday as his party's nominee, and endorsed by countless party leaders including Rubio, the tweet looks even more delusional.
That said, you'd have to be delusional to buy in because while the idea behind bendy devices is super exciting, the FlexPai falls flat.
Kerry has fired back at the description of him as "delusional," saying earlier this week that "talk was cheap" and challenging Congress to act.
"Republicans are delusional if they think the special counsel is going to be fair," former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), a Trump adviser, tweeted.
To feel pleasure in this day and age is, in some sense, to abandon reality and abandoning reality tends to make one feel delusional.
So if this rapper was the only person on Earth who believed that the Earth was flat, then psychiatrists would probably deem him delusional.
I reckon people are pretty fucked up as they are, they don't need to be making themselves any more delusional than they already are.
It may be delusional, that is entirely possible and has happened from time to time, but it is never some knowingly fake deadline, ever.
Mr Lewandowski called her "delusional"; Breitbart News, the pro-Trump publication Ms Fields was working for at the time, seemed to side with him.
Selfies-takers and delusional cameramen aside, it's fine to text your friends once in a while, especially when you lose them in a club.
"The idea that the Tatmadaw could investigate itself and ensure justice and accountability is both dangerous and delusional," Bequelin added, referring to the army.
Making the argument that a new government can design, pass and carry out comprehensive governance reform is either delusional or an attempt to punt.
When Ms. Fields first went public with the allegation, Mr. Lewandowski called her "delusional" and said on Twitter that he had never touched her.
Sayoc's lawyers, meanwhile, argued that heavy steroid use had made him delusional when he mailed the devices and asked for a 10-year sentence.
San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz called Trump "delusional, paranoid and unhinged from any sense of reality" over the comments, while Puerto Rico Gov.
"What's scary for me is that there are no counter sites that try and convince targeted individuals that they are delusional," Dr. Sheridan said.
Yes, opinion polls hint at a renewed pro-European sentiment on the Continent, but a belief that Brexit signals a "federalist moment" is delusional.
Throughout those dark times, and like many afflicted with severe bipolar II disorder, I experienced crushing depressions, delusional thoughts, morbid obsessions, and memory problems.
He denied touching her, posting on Twitter that she was "delusional" and pointing to other episodes in which she has been involved in controversies.
He also has trouble believing that he is sexy, which to anyone who has seen him onstage will seem very sweet or very delusional.
Long viewed as delusional, but mostly harmless cranks on the edges of society, the Reichsbuergers are now a growing concern for the German government.
" A Hyperloop One spokesperson responded to the accusations with another statement, calling the lawsuit brought by former employees of Hyperloop One "unfortunate and delusional.
Kurt's attempts to solve his dual loneliness and narcissism with increasingly delusional forays into big data are run-of-the-mill tech-bro disruption.
I'm not saying we should be delusional or anything like that, but if you can approach life with some positivity, what's wrong with that?
The British strategy for its divorce from the European Union is to "have your cake and eat it," something critics have derided as delusional.
His inability to mention the senator's name is a sign of his immaturity, insecurity, fear of competition, vindictiveness and delusional sense of self-importance.
In an excellent New Yorker piece, Elizabeth Kolbert points out that those hoping for Tillerson to be progressive on climate are quite possibly delusional.
It begins with a string of falsehoods that make it difficult to tell whether the leader of the free world is lying or delusional.
That would be "The Eleven O'Clock," Derin Seale's whip-smart standoff between a psychiatrist and a delusional patient that resembles your worst psychoanalytic nightmare.
Even under the Obama administration, which I worked in, we were totally delusional the last couple of years when it came to North Korea.
More often, they come across as delusional individuals, whose shallow desires for money, youth and fame mean that their unhappiness is their own fault.
Forget about winning We know, it's not that you want to win, it's just, how could your mother/uncle/second cousin be so delusional!
There was substantial evidence that he had committed the crimes and some reason to think that Mr. McCoy's belief in his innocence was delusional.
Worst of all, the leader becomes increasingly delusional and divorced from reality, simply because there is no one willing to tell him unpleasant truths.
I know it's delusional, but it soothes me to not think too much about the millions of people who actually make up our audience.
"I have consistently made it a rule never to respond to Jon's delusional ramblings, and I will not break that rule now," she said.
The recipient of the unsuccessful pitch told The Hill that he thought Ricketts and his group were delusional, even though he admired their motives.
According to the docs, Moon says the "delusional fanatic" believes she and her father stole lyrics from him way back in the late 1970s.
His family had reported him to be delusional, and it was not clear how he had regained possession of weapons confiscated by the authorities.
Saying this and living as I do now sounds delusional, but it is possible for somebody to believe and think that it makes sense.
DUBAI, Jan 27 (Reuters) - Iran's foreign minister called U.S. President Donald Trump's peace plan for the Middle East "delusional" in a tweet on Monday.
Sure. I could also see him sacrificing himself in a final noble act that proves his courageous notions weren't as delusional as he thought.
His lover, a hero called Captain Metropolis (Jake McDorman), believes he is delusional — that there's no threat to the city's blacks other than themselves.
He might be delusional, or he might simply be asserting the power to blithely override truth, which is the ultimate privilege of a despot.
Or does he really think that he is uttering actual truths, in which case he is the most delusional person in American political history?
He responded that all fraud was bad and pivoted into his self-pitying, delusional lament about an epidemic of illegal voting by undocumented immigrants.
Here are four examples of the sometimes clever, sometimes delusional "strategies" that TV shows and actors use to try to secure an Emmy nod.
However, if predictions about the F-35 are a bit uncertain, making a counterfactual prediction about three imaginary planes for the services downright delusional.
She believes that all three men are delusional about their abilities, but they'll no doubt end up showing Dr. Staple just how real they are.
When Rupert Murdoch publicly called for Facebook to start paying its "trusted publishers" in January, it seemed like the ramblings of a delusional old man.
But in the 1800s, among halls of the hysterical, delusional, and unintelligible, there were those suffering from a homesickness so extreme, it drove them mad.
"No common underlying medical condition or infectious source was identified, similar to more commonly recognized conditions such as delusional infestation," study authors concluded in 2012.
"Old Hats" makes you think that the silent clown could become a leading figure in the comedy scene again, but only for a delusional moment.
As the company will have it, the suit is "unfortunate" and "delusional" and came after BamBrogan and the other plaintiffs attempted to stage a coup.
Sawyer is convinced that one of the orderlies is actually her stalker, and, whether or not she is delusional, she is desperate to be released.
The point is, we've always been a little self-delusional; we tell ourselves what makes us feel better, because the reality is sometimes too depressing.
Mind you, I am not delusional about how well government is at getting things done, and fixing government is at the core of the problem.
Solid conversations will arrive this morning, but tonight things will be iffy—stay grounded and don't get carried away by big, and possibly delusional, ideas.
If there's one thing we learned from President Trump's first 100 days in office, it's that he's pretty delusional when it comes to helping women.
"They're nowhere near a market economy, and it's delusional to think that they are," said Leo W. Gerard, the president of the United Steelworkers Union.
In 2015, Trump tweeted: Dennis Rodman was either drunk or on drugs (delusional) when he said I wanted to go to North Korea with him.
Mental health professionals say a large number of people involved in the discussions appear to suffer from psychotic illnesses such as delusional disorder or schizophrenia.
To classify belief in the reptilian insurgency as delusional, because it is shared by multitudes, would necessarily capture other shared-belief systems, like major religions.
" Orin Snyder, a lawyer representing Hyperloop One, said in an emailed statement: "Today's lawsuit brought by former employees of Hyperloop One is unfortunate and delusional.
Some familiar good ol' boys turn up here, including Quinn's father, a burnt-out Hollywood stuntman with a delusional scheme to open a dude ranch.
By mid-December, she had become deeply delusional, and the warden finally transferred her to the emergency room at the University of New Mexico Hospital.
At MTV News, Jessica Hopper cut the crap by pointing out that hoping for a golden age of punk under Trump is myopic and delusional.
"I thought of the neighborhood as a vortex, and any attempt to climb out would be delusional," says Elena in "L'isola," and she's not wrong.
The way the critical need to push past the doubt that mutates into a delusional intractableness that only reinforces itself and almost always turns ugly?
He is the idea that you can be the most delusional version of yourself, and no one can stop you, as long as you win.
Must we stand by holding our collective breath while those opportunists in a position to do something use this delusional man to enact their agenda?
Mark Bibbee sent 189 pages of rambling, delusional and disturbing documents to Clooney's team, among other things making veiled threats against the actor and Amal.
"Any Senate Democrat, any person in D.C., any person across this country who doesn't think Bernie Sanders is a front-runner is delusional," he said.
But in the meantime, I'll continue to hope and imagine we will always have one another, no matter how delusional and tenacious it may seem.
" Mr. Netanyahu excoriated Mr. Alsheich for "repeating the delusional and mendacious insinuation that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent private detectives against police officers investigating him.
" The encounter convinced one member of my group that "cancer is a wily moving target, and people who talk about a single cure are delusional.
"Republicans are delusional if they think the special counsel is going to be fair," Mr. Gingrich tweeted after praising Mr. Mueller's integrity in recent weeks.
Stripped of her public life, the older woman comes across as a miserly, half-delusional mommie dearest with kleptomaniac tendencies and bad taste in men.
Moon Zappa says a "delusional" fan of her famous dad is harassing and threatening her so badly ... she's had to run to court for protection.
When the delusional former movie queen Norma Desmond imagines her fans, "those wonderful people out there in the dark," she is invoking star-struck Wanda.
One of the least cheerful pieces in the repertory, it tells the story of an impoverished and increasingly delusional soldier, driven to murder and suicide.
They really are so good for each other that it's so crazy to me that he … I mean, it's crazy because he's a delusional individual.
Today's young employees, struggling to survive a gig economy and sub-living wages, know that corporate loyalty is delusional, since corporations don't return that loyalty.
Raskin, who attended Lee's presentation, said on Thursday that Trump's behavior is "increasingly delusional" and there should be an independent body to evaluate his fitness.
This delusional insistence that a grand deal is just around the corner does not inspire confidence about the administration has a realistic or achievable plan.
"If Republicans are telling you they are on offense this cycle, they are delusional," said Meredith Kelly, a spokeswoman for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer slammed Republicans Thursday for what he described as "delusional" and "paranoid" attempts to discredit the FBI — singling out GOP Sen.
In homage to the misguided, delusional behavior above, VICE decided to asks folks to tell us the dumbest things they've ever done to impress a crush.
This almost delusional faith in his family members, particularly his children, and reliance on them in business and now politics, has become a trademark of Trump's.
There are a variety of words you could use to describe Omarosa Manigault's alliance with Donald Trump: controversial, confusing, heartening, and delusional are just a few.
The unaired installments later debuted on Nicktoons in 2006, meaning that it's been over a decade since fans last saw the delusional extraterrestrial on their screens.
"If news got out that I thought the president was delusional or mentally impaired, the impact on national and global stability could be cataclysmic," she writes.
Ornery, ungrateful, delusional ("I've had guidance from the Virgin Mary") and possessed of what he describes as "a vagabond nobility," she is not a lovable character.
The psychologists told the court that Dear has long suffered from a "delusional disorder" that impairs his ability to have a "rational understanding" of the proceedings.
Jo gave us brainy women, sporty women, delusional women, motherly women, women who only talked about Nargles, women who were also ghosts — the list goes on.
"Delusional," an "insult" to the army, and a manifestation of a "budding fascism" within Israeli society were just some of the political reactions to his appointment.
It was a historic pop culture spectacle that, depending on your viewpoint, is a presage to Kanye's forthcoming greatness, or the most delusional celebrity rant ever.
Similarly weaving throughout the exhibit is the idea of technology conflating personal self-regard and transforming temporary wins through clicks and favorites into delusional ego boosts.
Taunton, Massachusetts (CNN)A woman on trial for urging her boyfriend to kill himself was delusional after becoming "involuntarily intoxicated" by antidepressants, a psychiatrist said Monday.
I just can't accept the idea of him spreading his rhetoric of fear and spreading his delusional methodology for making America great to the next generation.
It's possible Ernest was delusional in thinking RA could handle the farm all by himself, dreaming bigger for his son than he was actually capable of.
Season two is more overt, enlisting Jon Hamm to narrate educational interludes about madness and featuring a subplot that compares delusional thought to a contagious virus.
Those efforts to mollify concerns appear to have failed, though, with Sherrod Brown, the most senior Democrat on the Senate Banking Committee, labeling the project delusional.
These highly unspecific and hypothetical slides is rich, delusional even, considering that it's not clear if there is anything to save at WeWork to begin with.
The US has probably never before had a delusional President, one who speaks gibberish, insults those around him including his closest associates, and baffles the world.
" Steele also emerged as a voice of criticism against Trump's school safety plan earlier this year when he called the president's plan to arm teachers "delusional.
CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, I think the behavior of the mortgage and banking industry in the delusional prosperity that preceded the great real estate bust was obscene.
"The worst thing you can do to a patient who is delusional is to confirm their delusions," says Novella, who founded the New England Skeptical Society.
I strongly believe we accept the level of VIP we deserve, so being a delusional THOT has been extremely instrumental in my success in getting backstage.
When people on the political fringe blame shadowy forces — often, as it happens, sinister Jewish financiers — for their frustrations, you can write it off as delusional.
He was not hired by Magic Johnson or Rob Pelinka, two fortunate and delusional decision-makers who don't have a ton of time on their side.
From the neurotic Frasier Crane to Betty Draper's two-faced shrink, from the delusional never-nude Tobias Funke to that whole Tony Soprano-Dr. Melfi-Dr.
There was substantial evidence that he had done so and some reason to think that Mr. McCoy's belief in his innocence was both earnest and delusional.
"Dennis Rodman was either drunk or on drugs (delusional) when he said I wanted to go to North Korea with him," Mr. Trump tweeted in 2014.
Earlier this year, Mr. Perez filed a lawsuit against CNBC and TD Ameritrade that a federal judge said "borders on the delusional," according to court documents.
As a film about delusional young folk run murderously wild, and the subject of critics' debates, it was however one of that turbulent year's quintessential stories.
Yet "Vanessa," with a libretto by Gian Carlo Menotti, is also a Gothic family drama, a chilling story dominated by a delusional and fiercely controlling heroine.
It transports both the speaker and the listener to a fantastical place where promises, dreams and realistic goals are replaced by delusional hope and earnest yearning.
And it takes Noah into sort of delusional territory so that, as the season goes on, we're not quite sure what's real and what is invented.
But Mr. Trump and other Republicans are delusional if they think that they can preserve that provision while scrapping the rest of the health care law.
Such options have become increasingly delusional as the North's missile program has matured over the past decade, and should now be unequivocally taken off the table.
True, the president's view on the subject is delusional, but let the Justice Department once and for all officially determine that virtually no voter fraud exists.
Twenty-five years later, Blanche is paraplegic, and her caretaker sister has become sadistic and delusional, wearing lacy little-girl frocks and plotting an absurd comeback.
Moira Rose is the sometimes-delusional Real Housewife of Schitt's Creek who would rather be lighting up the silver screen than slumming it at a rundown motel.
KURTZ: It&aposs a cult of people who are in it must be mindless and delusional, and yet, media (Inaudible) Trump (Inaudible) about in relation to Trump.
What makes Trump's total defiance of all norms entertaining is that it comes from the only authenticity he has, which is a deep-rooted, almost delusional narcissism.
West, who died June 9 at the age of 88 after a short battle with leukemia, played the delusional mayor of Quahog in more than 100 episodes.
I'm particularly interested in characters, especially women, who are not self-aware — who are maybe even a bit delusional — about who they are or what they want.
Those are just some of the "delusional beliefs" accused Colorado Planned Parenthood shooter Robert Lewis Dear shared with a detective who interviewed him after his November arrest.
Tyrmand, who had shorted stocks ahead of the election — a bet that stock prices will fall — said he had been called "delusional" for predicting a Trump win.
Tesla needs to be saved from its delusional idea about the company's future growth — and Apple needs to be saved from the disaster of its car project.
Let its eternal presence in space and the viral documentation of its trip be a monument to our time, excessive, self-obsessed, and delusional as it is.
" SH: "Call me delusional (all of my friends do), but all I see are eyes of envy; envy that I broke through the narrow definition of masculinity.
In the beginning of the complaint it seems like it could be from any other delusional weirdo who got banned for violating the DraftKings terms of service.
Hard-core political types can often be out of touch and ideologically delusional, but one thing every politician knows how to do is read the darn polls.
Like today for example, when Jim Lo Scalzo from EPA photos captured Miller asleep during President Trump's wildly delusional over-an-hour-long briefing on school shootings.
"Some of the points that Jill Stein makes are delusional, I have to say," Balthasar Glättli, a Green Party member of the Swiss National Council, told me.
Challenges gobs of money can't solveNeuralink's vow to start testing its system in patients by next year seems ambitious, if not delusional, to every expert STAT consulted.
"I immediately un-liked it, closed the app and genuinely contemplated deleting my account, hoping that they would never see the notification (a delusional thought)," says Bendo.
"While I appreciate Secretary Kerry's enthusiasm, I am getting weary of plans and proposals that are at best fanciful and worse delusional," Graham said in a statement.
Ganz portrayed Hitler as a ranting and delusional madman, but also as a fatherly figure suffering from Parkinson's disease who fussed about the welfare of his secretaries.
Therefore, "beliefs that seem delusional based on content, but are shared, are often referred to using a kind of wastebasket term called 'delusion-like beliefs,'" Pierre says.
She told Nassar, once a renowned doctor for USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University, that there was no truth in his letter and he was being delusional.
Military doctors there have found him to be delusional, and records indicate that his symptoms began in C.I.A. custody, after brutal tactics and years of solitary confinement.
Breakingviews Call it cheeky, sentimental or delusional, but Paul Jacobs's idea of making an offer for Qualcomm, the company he chaired until this month, is certainly daring.
Chemical or virtual highs, a lot of us believe, are cheap substitutes for genuine happiness at best—and a delusional trap that can destroy lives at worst.
Mr. Netanyahu has described both sets of allegations as "baseless" and "delusional" and has not yet been named a suspect or called for questioning in either case.
On the other end of the political spectrum, the demonization of the AR-15 is only a little less delusional than the right's fetishization of the gun.
Later that day, Senator Alan K. Simpson, a Republican from Wyoming, read aloud a statement from an unidentified federal prosecutor, suggesting that Ms. Hill could be delusional.
A paramedic told the responding officer that Reinking was "delusional" and believed that Taylor Swift was harassing him by stalking and hacking his phone, the report states.
I am not so delusional that I'd imagine the Trump administration will use that meeting to press Egypt's president on matters of justice, freedom or human rights.
That would be Angela, who the last time we saw her was finally showing signs of pulling out of the delusional tailspin she's been in this season.
At the very best, it's an attempt by a delusional man trying to foolishly prove something that has been extensively proven for the sake of his own ego.
WEST: Well, if anyone thinks that we&aposre going to solve what has been going on since 20183 in this meeting over Singapore, I mean, you&aposre delusional.
The judge in Dear's criminal case ruled last week that he is mentally unfit to stand trial after two state psychologists diagnosed him with a psychotic delusional disorder.
With the delusional, there is a real risk that the founder is wasting years of his life on something that will never materialize outside of his own head.
"For a decade or more, many entertained the delusional idea that complex forms of human suffering could be resolved by reducing pain to a single number," Kertesz said.
She is at turns both delusional and self-aware enough to know that prettiness is a facade, and that portion control and exercise won't heal a broken heart.
We're told Chyna believes he's released revenge porn despite a letter warning him not to, and she also fears for her safety because he's acting obsessive and delusional.
Stephen A. Smith is DELUSIONAL for claiming he could've done a better job than Marcia Clark at prosecuting O.J. Simpson ... so says O.J.'s former lawyer Carl Douglas.
Valentine is back to help defeat them, except now, "to do it again he'll have to overcome age, alcohol and a delusional hero complex," according to a description.
While running for office, Trump mocked the disabled, called Mexicans rapists, and boasted about grabbing a woman "by the pussy," sans consent, due to his delusional celebrity status.
We further contend that the very public nature of Ms. Lacter's delusional claims call into question the competence of the oversight processes that continue to allow her licensure.
Two state psychologists concluded that the onetime self-employed art dealer suffers from a psychotic delusional disorder that renders him incapable of meaningfully assisting in his own defense.
As a result, there are now more ways of getting high than ever before, making the UN's 1998 ambition of creating "a drug-free world" look positively delusional.
For example, if I told you I had observed a pink elephant flying in the sky you would assume I was either lying or delusional, as you should.
Both have accused Fields of making up the claims, with Lewandowski calling Fields "totally delusional" and Trump questioning the authenticity of a photo showing bruises on her arm.
We cannot and will not answer the call to gamble the future of our children and our security by entertaining the dangerously delusional fantasy of a united Iraq.
This epidemic is blind to a person's background and profession, yet unattended it can distort the honest, passionate rhetoric of protest into the delusional hate of dangerous radicalization.
Donald Trump, in his typical fashion, has doubled down on his outrageous, delusional and baseless claims about how he will get the support of black voters this fall.
"Some of those people say we're on the wrong track because we have a dangerous, delusional and unqualified Republican nominee for president," said Mark Mellman, a Democratic pollster.
"I hate [the ship] because it's invasive, scary, delusional, disrespectful to us both and was never real...Ever," the 20 year old wrote in response to fan's tweet.
Mr. Pean has denied that he was the aggressor and nurses who cared for him said that even when he was psychotic and delusional, he never threatened them.
The penniless matriarch in Mona Mansour's monotonous black comedy, "The Way West," a Labyrinth Theater Company production at the Bank Street Theater, definitely falls into the delusional category.
Speaking to the press outside the court, Daleiden's delusional attorneys called him a "modern day hero" and said, despite "this miscarriage of justice," they are prepared for trial.
In this light, the character's delusional longings can be seen as speaking less to mental illness than to the anxieties of a middle class fighting to stay relevant.
What really takes us into delusional territory, though, is the defense from Fox's Brian Kilmeade who tries to explain the laughter like so:  It was the echo laugh.
In some ways, the movie feels like a psychological portrait more than anything else — a portrait of a wealthy, delusional person, and she's certainly not the only one.
Rather, his twisted, compulsive insecurity requires him to use his office to attack, delegitimize and weaken every democratic institution that may occasionally operate outside his own delusional narcissism.
But is luxury spaceflight a realistic dream that humans should pursue, or a delusional fantasy nurtured by underappreciation of the comforts of a planet as dope as Earth?
In 228, in a poem titled "Exposure," Wilfred Owen evoked the delusional nightmares of soldiers crouched in trenches, awaiting combat as a wintry wind howled over the battlefield.
However, it conveys the leader of the United States as a delusional, lying, and power driven similar to how Shakespeare conveyed Macbeth in his 17th century drama, Macbeth.
Raskin, who attended Lee's presentation, told CNN's Jake Tapper on Thursday that Trump's behavior is "increasingly delusional" and there should be an independent body to evaluate his fitness.
He has the delusional idea that a movie project will somehow bring back his estranged wife, Katie (Lucy Walters), who is put off by his unsavory day job.
Some people on the show seem delusional, some have clear ulterior motives other than love, and some clearly want something other than what's actually happening in real life.
"He called me delusional," said Jeff, who only recently came to a temporary custody agreement with his former partner of 10 years, from whom he split in January.
So they invest in a bunch of "egomaniacal" and "partly delusional" founders (to use Kupor&aposs language), hoping and assuming that one of them will make it big.
Bin Salman is a "delusional and naïve person," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi said Thursday in a statement published Friday on Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.
Communication is a big theme for you this summer, too, as you consider the ways you've been manipulative with your words or delusional about the messages you're sending.
Campbell's advice, reflects a recent Business Insider article in which experts say too many people suffer from a "delusional belief" that a career should follow a linear path.
Regardless of whether you consider Alex Jones to be a dangerous, delusional, conspiracy theory-addled demagogue, or a "nice guy," in this form he is a whimsical delight.
"But to think that somehow the Fed is no longer relevant to both the economy and markets as they step up rate hikes I think is delusional," Boockvar said.
Most thrillingly, Fyre Fraud provides an unprecedented glimpse into the mind of Billy McFarland, the man behind the ill-fated festival — from his delusional ambitions to his love life.
"President Trump's insistence that Mexico will pay for the wall has once again just been proven as delusional fiction by the Mexican President," said House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi.
" Cruz went on to tweet that Trump is "delusional, paranoid, and unhinged from any sense of reality," adding that he is "so vain he thinks this is about him.
And if you would have told me 2 years ago that I now train with a rugby team, I would have laughed out loud and thought you were delusional.
A brief reminder of where we left off: June is awaiting punishment, Fred and Serena Joy are as delusional as ever, Moira has made it to Canada, and — surprise!
" Opinion: How a delusional GOP lifted up Trump Stewart also took aim at the political class, asking, "Why are we so good at campaigns and so bad at governance?
In recent weeks, state media have criticized U.S. behavior as reckless, hegemonic, delusional, and accused the Trump administration of harboring "blood lust" and behaving like a "gang of hoodlums".
While it can be treated with medication and therapy, certain triggers can send him into a hyperactive delusional state where he can become a very real danger to himself.
En route to watching her get dominated and knocked out by Holly Holm last November, Tarverdyan's mid-fight advice to Rousey was bland, delusional reassurance that she was winning.
This violation and the living proof of it infuriate Vivian, of course, and so does Jones's delusional idiocy, doting on the boy and trying to sweet-talk her, too.
Documents obtained by CNN affiliate WBBM from the sheriff's office in Tazewell County, Illinois, suggest a troubling pattern involving guns and what one police report described as "delusional" behavior.
On other days—called "ma'am" and "she" and "Grace"—my feelings of manhood seemed like a child's fantasy, as delusional as thinking I was a bird or a car.
To the pro-Europe establishment, this latest crisis is considered a peculiarly British affair, in which the villains are opportunistic politicians steering voters toward a delusional, self-inflicted mistake.
The ambitious plan to fight climate change introduced by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey last week has been called everything from "brainless" to "delusional" by conservatives.
What is clear to me is that since his association with Islamic radicalism appears to be delusional rather than ideological, the news networks and front pages have moved on.
I want people to walk around delusional about how great they can be and then to fight so hard for it every day that the lie becomes the truth.
The Trump administration's tax reform bill is "fiscally irresponsible" and an assumption that growth will pay for the cuts is "delusional" — according to a top fixed income investment house.
Insecure, delusional and frustrated at his inability to act unilaterally, he sees himself as uniquely tough and the only person in his administration capable of achieving foreign policy goals.
But even if the new point system fulfilled its economic promises, the idea that wage concerns are the only factor driving restrictionists is naïve to the point of delusional.
James Cohen, an associate professor at law with Fordham University, said it is rare for a defendant to remain delusional over an extended period of time, once given medication.
When New York Became Peoria This is not a delusional post about how a slightly softened real-estate market has turned the city into a quaint center of simplicity.
Opinion Columnist Maybe the best book I read last year was "Bad Blood," about the epic sham of the biotech start-up Theranos and its delusional creator, Elizabeth Holmes.
Either he's trolling everyone, saying outlandish things to get a rise or, as some psychiatrists viewing him from afar have argued for some time, he may be becoming delusional.
The Mexican actor Daniel Giménez Cacho stars as Don Diego de Zama, a frustrated, possibly delusional functionary of the Spanish Empire who sits stranded in the boondocks, wanting more.
My personal belief is that anyone who has any faith in their powers of political prognostication after 21976 is either delusional or much more plugged in than I am.
" Iran hit back at Bin Salman's bombshell comment last week, with its Foreign Ministry spokesman calling the crown prince a "delusional naive person" who did "not deserve a response.
But during a nearly five-hour summation, prosecutors argued that Mr. Hernandez was neither delusional nor susceptible to being pushed into confessing to a crime he did not commit.
K2 is a synthetic THC, composed almost entirely of chemicals, which is banned in the U.S. There have been widespread incidents of people getting violent and delusional on K2.
His claims are delusional, we have never engaged in any of the actions he outlined in his complaint, and Definers has never done any work with regards to Mr. Pishevar.
W.'s arrogant and delusional administration pulled the wool over Americans' eyes about the Iraq invasion, which has ended up costing us trillions and killing and maiming hundreds of thousands.
On paper, Mr. Hastings's plan to take on the traditional TV industry has long sounded slightly nutty, as delusional as Jeff Bezos's strategy at Amazon to overrun retailing once seemed.
Far-sighted bosses know their stance on China must reflect a balanced assessment, not a delusional vision of globalisation in which anything less than a triumph is considered a travesty.
Berland said in 2009 that there is "incontrovertible data" indicating DeFriest has a significant but treatable ongoing psychotic disturbance that revolves around paranoid delusional thinking and mood disturbance, Middleton says.
But, but, when two people know that, and they decide with eyes wide open to face each other and get married anyway, then I don't think it's conservative or delusional.
I've only worn it once, on one of those delusional, optimistic nights that you overgroom and overdress for, despite knowing in your gut that nothing special is going to happen.
"I went out there a total novice and neophyte — borderline delusional, thinking 'this wasn't going to hurt at all,'" he confessed in an episode of No Reservations shot in 2010.
The company's lawyers on Tuesday called the lawsuit "unfortunate and delusional," dismissed the claims as "pure nonsense," and said the lawsuit was result of a failed coup among the plaintiffs.
After a brief delusional episode in 2008, he was hospitalized for a more severe recurrence the next year, at the end of his second year at the University of Texas.
Although it is less delusional than the 1983 manifesto, it clearly represents a big shift to the left compared with the party's 2015 platform, under the leadership of Ed Miliband.
The alarming headlines that followed could mostly be divided into two categories: The North Koreans are delusional and there's no way they have H-bombs, or we're all gonna die.
Sources connected with Westwick tell TMZ the woman is delusional and was trying to get her story out in the media but couldn't because media outlets determined she was lying.
Quitting as a junior transport minister, Johnson called May's Brexit plans delusional and said he could not vote for the deal she is expected to unveil in parliament within weeks.
But if they truly believed the political system would simply stomach such an extreme measure and allow Trump to move on with the rest of his agenda, they were delusional.
Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qasemi reacted harshly, saying the Saudi crown prince was a "delusional naive person" who has no idea of politics, Iranian state TV reported on Thursday.
To everyone else, she looks exactly the same, which makes the change in her behavior -- just assuming that everyone is drooling over her -- a trifle delusional, if sporadically quite funny.
According to Japanese news reports, doctors at the psychiatric hospital issued a diagnosis of delusional disorder but then released him after concluding that he was not a threat to others.
Clark's apparent delusional belief system also seemed to have extended into his own wellbeing: Despite posting about having skin cancer, he also seem preoccupied with pseudo-scientific "cures" like beets.
Given that the genre attracted many "delusional narcissists who created a bubble of unreality around themselves," it's not surprising that the line between sendup and self-importance could be thin.
Mr. Dulos responded by calling his wife's accusations baseless, saying she seemed delusional and that her use of anti-depressants made her unfit to have sole custody over their children.
In the West, the dusty antique sound of that word, "caliphate," together with the Islamic State's phantasmagorical violence, made the pronouncement seem delusional, a reflection of Mr. Baghdadi's apocalyptic vision.
You may be putting too much on your plate, assuming you will have the time, but you need to stay grounded now—you can't be delusional about planning your goals.
The fact that Macavity is never there when the various crimes are happening leaves open the very real possibility that he's innocent and that his accuser is a delusional obsessive.
We need a picture of the holidays that makes room at the table for the delusional, the narcissistic, the wayward and those whose internal demons sometimes hijack their better selves.
But watch Jonathan and Drew Scott on the "Property Brothers" promise a dream home on a delusional budget, and that checklist can be dealt with in less than an hour.
In the aftermath, Emira, mortified, resolves to find a new job, while the well-meaning but delusional mom-blogger who employs her becomes obsessed with winning her affection and loyalty.
"This guy is obviously delusional and it wouldn't surprise me that he would come up with this on his own," said a person who associated with Wessel in New York.
It's the one beneath the feet of anyone dippy, delusional or daring enough to think that Trumplandia is terrain on which to make a positive difference, let alone a career.
"If there's anybody who thinks it's possible for Hillary Clinton to have less of a Supreme Court fight next year, they're delusional and living in a fantasy land," Chamberlain said.
This feeling of superiority may be delusional, given the amount of research that suggests that we pay more when we put things on plastic than when we pay with cash.
White men have always seen the world differently than women and minorities, but the norms and views of white male America are now being cast as marginal and, sometimes, delusional.
Walter was from a prominent Antiguan family of African and European heritage, and his intense Anglophilia turned delusional after he was traumatized by racism encountered during a sojourn in Europe.
I'm not trying to be delusional — you know I'm somebody who has worked with many politicians to try to fight against things that this administration has done and is doing.
The other argues that the hustle is a sad, delusional exercise, in which the individual goes around in circles in the mental prison yard in which he is unwittingly caught.
Any delusional person who believes that since the ban on assault weapons expired in 2004 there hasn't been an increase of mass shootings is clearly living under a privileged rock.
The law allows for a longer hold if a patient is too delusional or disorganized to manage his food, clothing and shelter, but this patient had no trouble with that.
You may be feeling a little insecure in your relationships on Monday, when love-and-money planet Venus squares delusional Neptune, which is currently sitting in your house of partnerships.
So, my first novel was a bizarre arrangement where my delusional ex-college roommate had bragged to a publisher that he knew better writers than his current stable of writers.
It might be comforting to think that Trump's long-running intimations that President Obama is a foreigner, or has secret sympathy for terrorists, are the product of a delusional mind.
Derek Zoolander (Ben Stiller), an airhead model forever pursing his lips, striking poses and practicing his telekinetic blue-steel glare in the mirror, is a Chaplinesque Everyman in a delusional bubble.
Based on my answers, I seemed violent, vindictive, delusional, illogical, reckless, troubled, addicted; reading these answers years later, it's hard to believe I ever wrote them on a piece of paper.
According to David LaPorte, a psychology professor at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, technology is the perfect culprit for delusional beliefs: It's ever-evolving, and for many people it's slightly beyond understanding.
There are many, legitimate reasons to criticize the unholy behemoth of Google—this just isn't one of them, no matter how many years it gets repeated by the same delusional pundits.
Not being able to properly figure out where sounds are coming from could lead to someone thinking that their own voice is coming from somewhere else, and contribute to delusional thinking.
"Boasting of such capabilities is reminiscent of Don Quixote's tilting against windmills," it said, in a reference to the delusional hero of the 17th-century Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes.
Mavis, who gets described as a "psychotic prom queen bitch" and who sees the world through a willfully delusional and juvenile lens, isn't meant to be some symbol of hollow singledom.
She is implying that her truth is the actual truth because of her perceived position in this all too important movement and her delusional view of her own importance to it.
The videos often fall to the bottom of search results like so much of the other potato-quality detritus on YouTube, only to be discovered by the desperate and willfully delusional.
Though the currency began as a spoof of crypto culture, it was the same greed and delusional idiocy that has plagued more serious ventures like Bitcoin that struck the final blow.
" The governor called Trump's planned border wall "a monument to stupidity" and added that those who believe large amounts of drugs are being carried on backpacks across the border are "delusional.
Daniel Cormier just UNLOADED on Jon Jones -- saying the guy is a loser of a human being who's completely delusional if he still considers himself the "real" UFC light heavyweight champ.
It's all spelled out in court docs obtained by TMZ Sports ... Cristina Ferguson says Tony has been "acting violent, paranoid and delusional for the past several months" and he needs help.
"If you think that you're going to offer your daughter broader ideas about what it means to be a girl by constantly saying no to her, you are delusional," she says.
Arum -- who's promoted everyone from Muhammad Ali to Sugar Ray Leonard and Manny Pacquiao -- says McGregor is delusional if he thinks he can compete with the best boxers in the business.
Anybody who was delusional enough to believe that upon assuming the presidency, Trump would somehow mature, evolve and adapt, can now see how laughably off base that pipe dream really was.
" His hopes that Grant would be George Washington had been delusional folly, Adams decided: "The progress of evolution from President Washington to President Grant alone was evidence enough to upset Darwin.
And while I knew these visions were largely delusional, and realized fully what else I saw — a 40-year-old mom wearing a somewhat ill-fitting patterned vest — it didn't matter.
" Corey Lewandowski, the former Trump campaign staffer who manhandled, then denied he manhandled, a female reporter, could quit his commentator job at CNN to anchor his own show, titled "You're Delusional.
"I sincerely hope the DPRK will take this message seriously," Cho Tae-yul said, adding his hope that North Korea will "abandon the delusional idea of pursuing security" through nuclear weapons.
But it's worth unpacking this man's spectacular fantasy because it's such a crystal-clear example of a certain kind of delusional thinking particularly common, for whatever reason, among the very wealthy.
During the trial, a psychologist testified that Weier developed a condition called shared delusional disorder, in which she came to share Geyser's delusion that Slenderman was real, CNN affiliate WISN reported.
No professional athlete can excel at a sports without a premium-grade chip on their shoulder, and that surely has something to do with the team's play, but they're not delusional.
Not a journalist, or a poet (a choice that would have been looked upon as delusional but worthwhile in a city that reveres poets), or even a professor, but a writer.
His suggestion that the country can get back to business by mid-April is delusional, and his call for people to pack the churches on Easter Sunday, April 12, is demented.
His version of events, and the process by which he comes to believe in Knox's guilt, comes across in this narrative as chiefly self-serving, dreadfully sexist, and often wildly delusional.
In America, anti-vaxxers may have the "right" to their self-serving, delusional beliefs, but not when it affects the health or safety of other people, including their children or yours.
As a transgender woman, I find it degrading to be constantly reminded that I am trans and that large segments of the population will forever see me as a delusional freak.
In his speech in Boone, Biden noted that his opponents attack him for being delusional and naïve -- a critique he finds ironic considering his age compared to others in the field.
And yet, if there's one thing people in their teens and 20s would be helped to know, it's that if it sounds made up or false or delusional, it usually is.
Moses is clearly delusional, not evil, but tell that to Kendra (Anna Kendrick), the avid F.B.I. officer whose cartoonishly incompetent team sees an opportunity to log an easy homeland-security win.
Job interviewing is about persuading a company you&aposre the perfect person for the job, but you have to make sure you don&apost appear overconfident or delusional about your abilities.
In "Sunset Hair Boulevard," Bannon is the one who encourages his diva to cling to a delusional world where she is still big and Jeff Zucker and Chuck Schumer are lightweights.
In this context, and given that Bangladesh is about 90 percent Muslim, to expect the Awami League to adhere to a purist's form of secularism would be both delusional and dangerous.
"The idea that Trump's presidency is not going to create problems for NATO is delusional," said Dana Allin, a U.S. foreign policy expert at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS).
"It would be complacent if not delusional to say there will be no impact on the institution," said Nicolas Véron, a specialist on international economics at the Bruegel Institute in Brussels.
In contrast, because psychotic individuals tend to find reality as a whole too painful to bear, they break with it globally, and construct an alternative, delusional, "magical" reality of their own.
America isn't nearly as dominant a power as it was 70 years ago; Trump is delusional if he thinks that other countries will back down in the face of his threats.
The prominent economic pessimist David Stockman, a director of the Office of Management and Budget in the Reagan administration, said Wall Street was "delusional" if it believed the plan would pass.
Implicit bias is bias, and it's clear that someone who cannot distinguish from using shoe polish on his face to imitate a Black person clearly suffers from this or is delusional.
After all this time, they remain unwilling to conduct a full investigation, and without a solid understanding of how this happened, it is delusional to think sufficient changes can be implemented.
Examples include trichotillomania, in which a patient pulls out their hair; delusional parasitosis, when patients think they're infested with insects or other living creatures; and neurotic excoriations, also known as skin picking.
" Kelly adds: "This was exacerbated with pathological gambling, Valium and alcohol that caused the perfect storm for mass murder: a delusional, psychotic illness which resulted in violent, suicidal, and explosive murderous rage.
Had his ambitions defied the laws of physics, our best engineering plans indicated we were decades away, or cost estimates required more capital than US GDP, perhaps it would have been delusional.
The Times, citing police reports, says that members of Reinking's family were worried about his welfare after he allegedly behaved in a delusional manner, including saying that Taylor Swift was stalking him.
And his conviction that "out of the current swamp, a new generation of politicians with credible new ideas will emerge primped and pristine on the shoreline of our ageing democracies" looks delusional.
If you've ever wondered if the hashtag heavy, politically far afield Twitter user you're about to eviscerate in 140 characters is totally delusional or merely not quite sentient, well, wonder no more.
The abstract systems (stigmas, structural limitations, and emotional repressions) we all partake in and reinforce had an impact on Matt and I, in many ways contributing to Matt's delusional state that evening.
Most commentators in the media appeared baffled and called the rowdy delegates delusional, spoiled, uneducated and perhaps just flat out sexist, despite the fact that the delegation includes a number of women.
Columbus Short is boozing hard and terrorizing the woman he lives with ... IF you buy her version of what's happening in their home -- which a judge did -- but Columbus says she's delusional.
Larry H. Krantz, Mr. McPartland's lawyer, on Thursday called Mr. Hickey a delusional and paranoid alcoholic whose memories could not be trusted, saying he would show Mr. Hickey's hospital records during trial.
Opponents of the unpopular Socialist leader scoff he is delusional and say his administration should be focused on stocking empty supermarkets and pharmacies amid brutal shortages in the recession-hit OPEC nation.
But while some digital media executives have floated consolidation in order to try and compete for ad dollars against the tech giants, Dubuc isn't delusional about the impact this acquisition will make.
The failure of Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger to restrain the shah's delusional ambitions when it mattered most aren't cited as examples of "Iranian moments" where Washington was right to do nothing.
But the 37-year-old isn't that delusional guy at your office who thinks his idea for a start-up is going to spare him the monotony of working for a living.
You'd have to be delusional to wager money on the longevity of a restaurant in New York, but Frenchette is the closest thing to a safe bet that I've seen in years.
The narrator of "Fight Club," source of that "snowflake" mantra, was a delusional man coping with modernity by inventing a hypermasculine alter-ego, imagining himself as the man-cult leader Tyler Durden.
Unamuno believed that it was not Quixote but Sancho who was delusional, firm in his belief that windmills are not worth charging, and, more broadly, that unwinnable battles are not worth fighting.
Republican Senator John McCain, the committee's chairman, fiercely criticized the possibility of future cooperation and called U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who brokered the ill-fated deal, "delusional" for seeking it.
My grown daughter's best friend of more than 15 years comes from a family scarred across three generations by suicide, underemployment, drug addiction, sexual abuse, denial and delusional get-rich-quick schemes.
But if Trump thinks that what happened proves his strength, and that the election turned on his tweets against Ossoff in the final days and hours, he's sorely mistaken and seriously delusional.
Against that backdrop, an Army investigation last year recommended against punishing Sergeant Bergdahl with jail time, concluding that he had acted under good but delusional motivations and noting his suffering in captivity.
Rand Paul once blasted Trump as a "delusional narcissist and an orange-faced windbag" during the 2016 race but, by 2018, was comparing Trump to Ronald Reagan when it comes to diplomacy.
Novelists have followed the same line of inquiry, urged on by the desire to debunk the delusional rhetoric of "postracialism" that gained currency when the country elected its first African-American president.
But though Still's letters to male critics were petulant and delusional, at least he used his words, as kindergarten teachers implore angry kids to do, instead of bullying them with rubber underpants.
It's jarring to witness boldly self-destructive antiheroines make a mess of their lives, even as the more absurd and delusional aspects of their stories soften the blow of spending time with them.
Real Housewives of New York City star Dorinda Medley has certainly lost her temper on Sonja Morgan in the past, calling her a "disgusting, pathetic, delusional fool" (among other things) earlier this season.
If we continue to laugh off Ocasio-Cortez as an ignorant and delusional radical, we will be blindsided by the soon-to-be largest voting bloc in America – a generation of indoctrinated millennials.
She and the other children spent eight hours a day working under the blistering sun with gun-toting guards watching her every move, while Jones' paranoid, delusional rants played on the compound's loudspeaker.
Deontay Wilder says Anthony Joshua is straight-up DELUSIONAL if he thinks he holds the cards when it comes to negotiating their long-awaited super fight ... saying AJ is now a "desperate" man.
In a May hearing on the issue, two psychologists who evaluated Dear testified that the South Carolina native suffers from a psychotic delusional disorder that renders him incapable of assisting in his defense.
Grimes is worried the man has a delusional fixation on her and that he believes she is sending him messages through her music ... so she went to court to get protection from him.
Andrew Sullivan recently argued in New York magazine that Trump's chronic, stubborn dishonesty—unlike normal political fibbing—is "delusional" and "deranged," a frightening sign that the president is living in an alternative universe.
But instead of succumbing to despair, the mother takes a near-delusional comfort in yet more tales of early American fortitude, plainly unwilling to let go of the promise of the American dream.
Sanders supporters, who are mainly young, liberal and distrustful of Wall Street and international trade, are not delusional about his path forward — but nor are they willing to stand aside and give Mrs.
"When an emotionally disturbed defendant is permitted to cross-examine those witnesses and ask questions that may be based on a delusional view of reality, it only makes things worse," Mr. Dunham said.
Last week, Jo Johnson, the younger brother of former Foreign Secretary Boris, resigned from Prime Minister Theresa May's government over her "delusional" Brexit plans and called for another referendum on Britain's EU membership.
And any fan who thought the talent the Knicks gave up to acquire Anthony — Danilo Gallinari, Raymond Felton, Wilson Chandler and Timofey Mozgov — would lead to a title in New York was delusional.
One day after the UN General Assembly laughed at Presidential Donald Trump during his speech, Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, appeared on Fox & Friends for a delusional twisting of events.
Charles Barkley says LaVar Ball needs to come to terms with the fact he SUCKED at basketball ... and the idea he would beat Sir Chuck in 1-on-1 is straight-up delusional.
" It was Alan Simpson, Republican of Wyoming, who suggested that Ms. Hill might be suffering from "a delusional disorder" and stated that unnamed others had told him to "watch out for this woman.
Britain would hope for a big concession from the European Union through a relaxation of rules guaranteeing the free movement of workers, even though the bloc's leaders have dismissed the idea as delusional.
" Bolton has a similar longstanding view about Iran and wrote that "Iran will never give up its nuclear program, and a policy based on the contrary assumption is not just delusional but dangerous.
More and more, these bug detectives find themselves serving as "accidental specialists" treating people with a rare mental disorder called delusional parasitosis, the belief that you're covered in bugs that aren't really there.
He was perceived as somewhat delusional and it stuck in the public mind when his "spartacus moment" at the Brett Kavanaugh hearings included the release of confidential documents that were not actually confidential.
"If the British believe that they'll be able to negotiate a special opt-out deal, they're delusional," Nicolas Véron, a fellow at the Peterson Institute and the European think tank Bruegel, told me.
But Christie and Trump proved to be butchers of a more indiscriminate and self-serving sort, and both demonstrated that there's a short leap from headstrong to hardheaded and from defiant to delusional.
By postponing the speech he avoids having to give a defensive, low-key address, and while appearing conciliatory and rational, he preserves for later the opportunity for his grand and delusional self-promotion.
This was a question that came up in my coverage of flakka, a synthetic drug that made headlines after law enforcement blamed it for people running in the streets naked in delusional paranoia.
We spoke with KSI -- who fought Logan in a YouTube superfight last month (which ended in a draw) -- about Paul's UFC pursuits ... and he says the dude's "delusional" to cross over into MMA.
" A study published in the Journal of Women's Health explains that postpartum psychosis usually occurs shortly after childbirth and "is marked by symptoms of mood lability [mood swings], cognitive disorganization, delusional beliefs, and hallucinations.
How to politely ask people to get the f*ck off their phones If you've started a tech company to make a lot of money, chances are you're bad at math — or simply delusional.
And, it was just as hair-raisingly unsettling to film Serena's delusional, awkward celebration as you would expect — just ask the actress who brings gossipy handmaid-slash-secret spy Alma to life, Nina Kiri.
" Earlier this month, Pishevar sued a GOP opposition research firm, Definers Public Affairs, accusing it of spreading a smear campaign against him; though Tim Miller, a partner of the firm, called the allegations "delusional.
It was larded with references and details that seemed weighty with significance, from the Holocaust to the Red Army Faction to the way one character scolds a doctor about treating women as delusional hysterics.
On Monday, Adele shared her support for her friend Laura Dockrill, who recently opened up about going through postpartum psychosis, a rare disorder occurring after childbirth that can lead to hallucinations and delusional thinking.
Hinckley was 210 years old when he stood outside a Washington hotel on a rainy day, armed with a gun and a delusional plan to impress the object of his obsession, actress Jodie Foster.
The Guardians of the Galaxy star revealed just how much he loved Faris' turn as hilariously delusional pop star Samantha James in 2005's Just Friends when a fan tweeted him about the movie.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called that "another delusional UNESCO decision" and ordered that $1 million be diverted from Israel's U.N. funding to establish a museum and other projects covering Jewish heritage in Hebron.
Because it's your modern ruling planet (along with Jupiter, your ruling planet from the old days), this means you'll be picking up on all kinds of vibes: dreamy and mystical, delusional and even paranoid.
Larry Murillo-Moncada, 25, was reported missing on November 28, 2009, after he became delusional and ran away barefoot from his parents' Council Bluffs home, The Daily Nonpareil local newspaper reported at the time.
The bigness of those Big Unifying Sports Moments would naturally appeal to the cynical cadre of delusional reactionaries that head up the NFL, because those people see themselves as being in the Bigness Business.
The summit in Singapore inspires a trip down memory lane: May 7, 2014: Dennis Rodman was either drunk or on drugs (delusional) when he said I wanted to go to North Korea with him.
And here may be yet another factor that draws people to Trump and draws them to nihilism as well: the suspicion that the moral niceties of their fellow Americans are either disingenuous or delusional.
"In your eyes, your respect for me increases because I'm not afraid of the negativity, and I'm very honest about it, which means as far as you're concerned, I'm also not delusional," he explains.
Rickey comes off as delusional but heroic, a lone warrior fighting against time and the decomposition of the body and a judgmental world that was all too willing to call him an old man.
Delusional is the only term that I can muster to describe the chasm that has existed between what the Obama administration perceived or wanted us to believe and the actual state of the nation.
On the bad days, when nothing is "working," you are trapped in a living nightmare, helplessly enslaved to an oppressive and delusional belief system that has swallowed nearly every moment of your waking life.
About one in five are likely psychotic or delusional, according to Dr. Michael Stone, a forensic psychiatrist at Columbia University who maintains a database of 350 mass killers going back more than a century.
"The Podcast for Laundry," a darkly funny spoof of niche podcasting that doubles as a cracked portrait of a damaged, delusional misanthrope, is a tighter, more distilled example of Mr. Davis's peculiarly assaultive comedy.
Fans of "Orange Is the New Black" know her as Lorna Morello, the hard-on-the-ears, sweetly delusional Litchfield Penitentiary inmate whose romantic travails have kept Netflix viewers in stitches for four seasons.
"I don't think any of us were delusional in thinking that we would be able to go in and pass these massive health care bills that we campaigned on," Hill said in an interview.
No. I tuck that part away in the "she must have been different from us, with fewer feelings" folder, the delusional one full of current stories from far-off places, too sad to bear.
"Democrats in Washington would rather pursue outrageous hoaxes and delusional witch hunts than pass the USMCA and deliver real stuff for American workers," Trump said in his Economic Club speech earlier in the week.
It is, of course, delusion to think that either Trump or Kim will win the Nobel Peace Prize, and in general it's not a good thing for leaders to go into a summit delusional.
"My words were spoken from a sort of 'delusional girl' persona I often inhabit, a girl who careens between wisdom and ignorance (that's what my TV show is too) and it didn't translate," Dunahm writes.
Apparently the first step in Russia's plan to take over the world is to seduce all the insecure, ego-driven, strength-infatuated, power-obsessed, money-driven, delusional macho men of America and proceed from there.
Now I'd normally never admit this to anyone — actors in L.A. are stereotyped as delusional, hopeless romantics who are bound to fail, and I wanted to stay as far away from that stereotype as possible.
With each new generation of aging pundits and politicians, we get a whole new round of delusional doomsaying about how teenagers are being uniquely messed up by the sex they're watching, having, and reading about.
"After all this time, they remain unwilling to conduct a full investigation, and without a solid understanding of how this happened, it is delusional to think sufficient changes can be implemented," she told NBC News.
Police reports show family members expressed concern for his welfare after an extended time exhibiting delusional behavior, including his belief that the entertainer Taylor Swift was stalking him and hacking his phone and Netflix account.
Now a publisher who wishes for this kind of thing out loud doesn't seem entirely delusional, because buying off — sorry, helping — publishers doesn't seem like the very worst idea in this kind of news cycle.
"How can you say that, when there's a BODY DOUBLE walking around attending events as Hillary Clinton?" screams the dark, delusional corner of the internet before we remember to use our blessed block button. Yes.
In response to the lawsuit, Hyperloop One sent Gizmodo the following statement from Orin Snyder, a partner at Gibson Dunn law firm: Today's lawsuit brought by former employees of Hyperloop One is unfortunate and delusional.
"My words were spoken from a sort of "delusional girl" persona I often inhabit, a girl who careens between wisdom and ignorance (that's what my TV show is too) and it didn't translate," she wrote.
"We were delusional about what's popular," Williamson says in the film, which sees Iggy Pop, now 69, recall his childhood in his parents' trailer in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and his disdain for the hippie movement.
In many ways, Trump-era conservatives are closer to Oakeshott's German rival, Carl Schmitt (1888-1985), who believed it was delusional to hope for a respite from political warfare, either domestically or in foreign relations.
Thankfully, Friends ended on a far happier note, with Phoebe being very much an integral part of the crew and not a delusional woman who semi-stalks a group of friends in a coffee shop.
In fact, "Zero K" suggests that the hope that technology will supply a solution to the problem of mortality (as religion once did) is both delusional and a dangerous distraction from the here and now.
That said, there's a slightly delusional quality to the victory lap being taken in comment sections and online forums, an assumption that these fans have made a statement that will only further embolden such demands.
"Yelling commands at someone who's agitated and maybe delusional is not going to help," said Jim Bueermann, the president of the Police Foundation, a policy research group, and a former police chief in Redlands, Calif.
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran said on Monday that Saudi crown prince was a "delusional naive person" who has no idea of politics, state TV reported, in reaction to Mohammed bin Salman's interview with CBS news channel.
Of course, we can only guess whether, in the not particularly gray areas of Jones's addled gray matter, there's a genuine (if delusional) credulousness—a commitment to the conspiracies—or a simple crowd-playing cynicism.
Finally, we see that the woman we've come to think of as Mom — whether she's nurturing, or disapproving, or thoughtful, or delusional, or pestering, or supportive, or sentimental — is also a mysterious, fun, brave babe.
Together they provide a panoramic view of a local population reinforcing the idea that most people, no matter where they live or what their socioeconomic status, are selfish and semi-delusional if generally well meaning.
" The trial court, the attorneys said, was in a "rush to move the case along" and prevented the jurors from hearing evidence surrounding Roof's competency hearings in which five experts found him to be "delusional.
"I think it's delusional to believe there's any difference between Mr. Trump and his children on any of his extreme positions," Mr. Diller, a Clinton donor in the 2016 campaign, wrote in a recent email.
Something Awful was capable of some truly incredible moments of delusional groupthink, but the moderation always stopped the hordes of anonymous posters calling for someone to kill themselves that 4chan invited on a nightly basis.
Dana tears Floyd a new one ... calling him a delusional shrimp with peanut brittle hands (because they're so fragile) and says when it comes down to it, he doesn't have the stones to slap Conor.
Although he appears to understand the judicial process his "delusional beliefs are informing his decisions and his decisions are not based on logic," the judge said in his ruling, paraphrasing the testimony of Dr. Jackie Grimmett.
Films like Bunny Lake Is Missing draw the mystery out at length, making it seem possible that the protagonist really is delusional, and that she's the only one not aware of her own break with reality.
The survey, which also featured wide disparities between vinegary, delusional older authoritarians and younger fans, was split right down the middle, 42 percent to 42 percent, on whether the NFL should allow these protests to continue.
It's like we're insulated and isolated in that sense, so we've got this delusional idea here of how we're being attacked, and all that violence is really occurring to other people elsewhere for the most part.
A sassy article in the National Review has declared "Trump is the Witch," in the sense that he is being targeted by hysterical people who are supposedly delusional about the negative reality of his political power.
Those who wish Britain to "Remain" say the latter is a delusional, nostalgia-induced way to look at a small island nation that has only benefited economically and strategically from being part of a larger entity.
Years before, he had begun a romantic affair with psychologist Dr. Mathilde Kemnitz, a Nazi hanger-on with delusional theories that Word War I had been orchestrated by an alliance of Jews, Catholic Jesuits, and Freemasons.
The texts that led to teen's suicide: Read them here: Carter's attorney argued she was a troubled, delusional young woman who was "dragged" into the suicidal journey of Roy, who was long intent on killing himself.
Mr. Trump castigated the Democrats' "outrageous hoaxes and delusional witch-hunts" and talked about the importance of the rule of law, the day before the first public hearings of an impeachment inquiry that threatens his presidency.
Don't let fear hold you back Finally, although it is very reasonable to fear doing things differently, it is delusional to deny yourself potentially better opportunities simply because they are not fully certain or mapped out.
After all, this bold action was prompted by President Donald Trump's delusional insistence that he would have won the popular vote had it not been for the millions of people who voted illegally for Hillary Clinton.
The level of delusional hindsight at work here is a lot like this Golden Knights season in that neither has ever been witnessed in professional sports history and we should all stand in awe of it.

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