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"colonizer" Definitions
  1. a person who helps take control of an area or a country that is not their own, especially using force, and sends people from their own country to live there
  2. an animal or plant that lives or grows in large numbers in a particular area

107 Sentences With "colonizer"

How to use colonizer in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "colonizer" and check conjugation/comparative form for "colonizer". Mastering all the usages of "colonizer" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"The idea of borders is a colonizer idea," said Leal.
Yet Mr. Naipaul exempted neither colonizer nor colonized from his scrutiny.
What should decolonized people do when their former colonizer apologizes to them?
"Zama" explores the history of colonialism through the eyes of a colonizer.
Just as the Nazis once did, white nationalists turned the colonizer into the colonized.
It's something that we've been taught is socially acceptable because our colonizer said so.
LISBON — How the roles have reversed: The colonizer, some Portuguese contend, has been colonized.
Many street signs are still written in German, the language of the former colonizer.
In Tehran, however, the groups are revered as freedom fighters battling a Western-backed colonizer.
Through these stories, I wasn't learning how to be white and powerful from the colonizer.
What if, instead, we could remember the colonizer without lavishing horror and awe upon them?
Melania Trump stands before the great pyramids like a colonizer in front of her conquests.
The United States, they said, was a colonizer who took more from the island than it gave.
Instability ensues when more people see the state as a tool of enrichment, or as a rapacious colonizer.
" A Twitter user chimed in, "They're gonna have to change the name of that show to &aposThe Colonizer.
For her self-portrait inkjet print in an elaborate gold frame, "Colonizer" (2017), San Antonio-based Chicana artist Mari Hernandez used makeup, a wig, prosthetics, and a costume to transform herself into a fictional colonizer, in extreme contrast with nearby paintings of those of European descent who were actual colonizers.
You're gonna want to give "Colonizer," the latest single from NYC glitch pop duo HDLSS, a few good listens.
The Mau Mau rebellion was a war between Kenyans and their former colonizer, the U.K., in a bid for freedom.
And perhaps most interesting of those new life forms was this tomato plant, the first colonizer in a barren land.
Musk will be announcing a new "Big Fucking Rocket" planetary colonizer design at the 68th International Aeronautical Congress in Adelaide, Australia.
In a tweet on Tuesday, he said he will "describe [the] new BFR planetary colonizer design in detail" during the talk.
There is a specific violence in living parallel to one's colonizer while being expected to be grateful for their "renewing" presence.
Norman Aragon is a son of a white British colonizer and a Maroon slave from Jamaica who can disappear at will.
Much like many of our indigenous rituals and belief systems, Spanish colonizer assholes tried to stamp it out, but the celebration survived.
How many Thanksgiving school plays depicting, at best, a deeply unrepresentative depiction of Native-colonizer interactions did I have to sit through?
The way forward in this giant, oil-rich North African country, four times the size of its former colonizer, France, is unclear.
One layer is political: the shameful history of Belgium as the colonizer of Congo, where Mr. Dutroux lived until he was 4.
I've always been connected to both my African culture and the colonizer blood in me as well, which is awkward to say.
The next room contains images made by amateur naturalists — male and female, colonizer and colonized — as well as portraits and objects of plunder.
PARIS (AP) — He fought to free Algeria from colonizer France, he reconciled his war-ravaged nation and he negotiated with a famed terrorist.
Conditions in Papua New Guinea have also been directly affected by the country's changing relationship with Australia, its nearest neighbor and former colonizer.
Instead, they pick and choose their spots, commissioning their reporters to file features every few months on the latest instance of colonizer foolishness.
We do know he intends his first crews to be wealthy: recent estimates put a ticket for a would-be Mars colonizer at $500,000.
Centered on Brazil's northeastern region, Jonathas de Andrade's One to One dramatizes exchanges between the colonizer and colonized, between the haves and have-nots.
Silence navigates the tension between missionary and colonizer, East and West, Christianity and Buddhism and political ideology, but refuses to land on definitive answers.
This Victorian law, introduced by India's colonizer, continued to oppress thousands of women and men who love differently than some of their heterosexual neighbors.
When Yelp moved in, it was an early tech colonizer of this particular section of downtown San Francisco, today known as the East Cut.
Does their existence and our engagement with it lift the burdens of history and the apathy with which these lines were drawn by the colonizer?
Lastly, seeking to come into dialogue with Martinique's local history, Nyugen Smith in his "Untitled" (2017) seemed to play out of the role of colonizer.
More than anything, the game captures the body horror of a hive-minded alien colonizer that invades and reanimates the corpses of every crew member.
On Tuesday night, San Jose's City Council voted to relocate a statue of the Italian colonizer that has been standing in City Hall for years.
The real colonizer, of course, is the one behind the screen: Netflix, where the six episodes of this sprawling, earnest, likable show debut on Friday.
In Mozambique, the World Bank estimates, nearly 20 million acres of forest have been lost, an amount about the size of its onetime colonizer, Portugal.
In Mozambique, the World Bank estimates, nearly 20 million acres of forest have been lost, an amount about the size of its onetime colonizer, Portugal.
Here's what HDLSS had to tell Noisey about the song: Listen to the premiere of HDLSS's "Colonizer" below, and look out for DUMB out August 4.
He has the colonial's stubborn appreciation for the colonizer, which sometimes led him to the problematic, ahistorical view that colonizers gifted their subjects a cultural memory.
Among them were Staphylococcus epidermidis, a skin colonizer that's usually harmless, and Staphylococcus aureus, another bacterium found in the nose and skin that can cause food poisoning.
More mythopoeic than surreal, it frames him as a medium, a psychic intermediary between colonizer and Native, ancient tradition and modern understanding, soft clay and hard ceramics.
More mythopoeic than surreal, it frames him as a medium, a psychic intermediary between colonizer and Native, ancient tradition and modern understanding, soft clay and hard ceramics.
In a book illustrated by designer Eric M. Simon, Amerika, there's an image of a white colonizer, clearly being taught to smoke, rather generously, by an indigenous American.
But because Lockwood is a no-good colonizer, he kills a lot of other things, too — including Mowgli's best friend, Bhoot (Louis Ashbourne Serkis), an albino wolf club.
There are words, phrases, and concepts that do not exist in the American English lexicon, that confounding colonizer speech that Native Americans were forced to adopt and master.
"Yaya seeks to translate this ideology through clothing by combining the contemporary and the traditional, the East and the West, and the colonized and the colonizer," she said.
However, Nguyen's daughter — as a dual citizen and half-white — falls outside many of the easier categories of identity, and certainly beyond a neat dichotomy between colonizer and oppressed.
Changing the name to Dhaka Lit Fest, and throwing off the shackles of a connection to the old colonizer, symbolized a kind of coming-out party for the city.
"My response to President Trump is simple and Wakandan: Not today, colonizer," Jackson told the magazine while referring to the fictional African country depicted in the "Black Panther" franchise.
Could a chef who is from a country that is the former colonizer of India, and is currently home to more 1.4 million British Indians, seriously not know that?
To be Latino is, in many cases, to have descended from both the colonizer and the colonized, to be between languages or to mourn the loss of a language.
While Burkina Faso's military has received training from both former colonizer France and the United States, it starts 2020 with little progress in halting the surge in extremist violence.
Their stories are historically intertwined with the Haitian Revolution and with the larger narrative of Black indigenous people of the African diaspora throwing off the yoke of the European colonizer.
Representatives from the Taino tribe, those most directly affected by Columbus, as well as members of Decolonize This Place, argued that Columbus was merely a colonizer and a white supremacist.
What would it mean for the United States if the strongest country in the world was an African country whose leaders use "colonizer" as an insulting term for white Americans?
The romance was uncomfortable for her family: Not only was he French, and thus considered a colonizer, but he was also the nephew of one of her father's political opponents.
In the decades since, Columbus came to be seen less as an explorer representing Italians and more as a European colonizer whose journeys led to the decimation of American indigenous populations.
There's no meta joke about how Mike's theft of a Native religious item falls in line with a long-standing colonizer tradition, and no attempt to be inclusive or authentically representative.
Exploitation is a constant theme, and the psychopathology of power and domination: She seemed to have even less confidence than Forster in the possibility of true connection between colonizer and colonized.
Musk—billionaire, celebrity, space and solar-energy mogul, would-be colonizer of Mars—has said since 250 that Tesla's "master plan" is to work toward building an affordable, long-range electric car.
If the language and therefore the culture is effectively obliterated, this leads to a cultural alienation and subsequently an identifying with the colonizer because to a colonial child, what else is there?
In terms of being in Canada, the term colonizer, colonization, comes to mind... I think settler is a nice way to say 'colonization' because they didn't settle here in a nonviolent way.
I say "colonizer" here to evoke anti-gentrification community organizing, which has reframed urban development through the lens of colonization given the many economic and cultural similarities between the two extractive practices.
But in recent decades, Columbus has come to be seen less as an explorer representing Italians and more as a European colonizer whose journeys led to the decimation of American indigenous populations.
Like many other monuments to the Italian colonizer around the country, this one has been denounced by activists who argue that it honors a man responsible for countless atrocities against indigenous peoples.
Given criticism of Columbus as a European colonizer whose journeys led to the decimation of American indigenous populations, I can imagine she too might prefer Indigenous Peoples' Day to the Columbus Day holiday.
But the portrayal of Columbus as a hero has been dismissed by those who view him as a colonizer and oppressor of indigenous people, one whose travels helped initiate the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
In She Would Be King, Liberia's early years are reimagined through three characters: Gbessa, exiled from her village; June Dey, a runaway American slave; and Norman Aragon, the child of a colonizer and a slave.
" You've said that you felt "a wall of shame bubble up" when you recorded the line "I use my white woman's voice to tell stories of travels with African men," from your new song "Colonizer.
Ross, the butt of several jokes in the movie (Shuri taunts him as a "colonizer"), exists as a kind of corrective to the "white savior" characters that are standard in earlier Western films about Africans.
After dehumanizing the Orient through fiction, the colonizer must also find a way to occupy maximum space in these portraits—to suck up agency and air from people of color in order to maintain supremacy.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — For far too long, and to this day, Southeast Asia has been aestheticized, largely by the French, as a means to advance the role of the colonizer.
Protests have been continuous here since March 9, 2015, when students demanded the removal of the statue of the British colonizer Cecil John Rhodes from the campus of the University of Cape Town, where I work.
I had a banh mi every day, the crispy baguettes holding a slew of different meats and fresh herbs, living proof that sometimes the colonized can take the tools of the colonizer and make them better.
From the early forts to Carlisle to the Termination Era, assimilation was all a means to an end—namely land and capital—and language was always among the first things the colonizer sought to rip out.
But the film, directed by the Argentine filmmaker Lucrecia Martel, is less about Zama himself and more about his role as a colonizer, one who seeks power yet lives in existential dread because of that role.
There is an evangelical quality to  Smith's practice: spreading the gospel of self-representation as a way to shape an ethnic identity which is not primarily conditioned by consumerist craving or the gaze of the colonizer.
In telling the story of Portuguese priests and persecuted Christians in Japan, it navigates the tension between missionary and colonizer, East and West, Christianity and Buddhism and political ideology, but refuses to land on definitive answers.
One of the most insidious operations of colonial oppression was its attempt to inculcate into the colonized a desire to assimilate to the colonizer's culture through a vision in art of racial harmony — dominated by the colonizer.
Through "Jogos dirigidos" and its other works, One to One dramatizes exchanges between colonizer and colonized, between the global north and the global south, between the haves and the have-nots — exchanges that are anything but equal.
Through the full set of low rank quests, Monster Hunter: World embodies exactly this colonialist fantasy: the pillaging of natural resources, the violence against native people, and the rhetorical establishment of the colonizer as civilized and rational.
North Korea views Japan, its former colonizer, as a mortal enemy, and many of the missiles the country tests land near — or even fly directly over — Japan (although the last two tests didn't threaten Japan at all).
An inefficient, economically closed, mismanaged nondemocratic former colony politically friendly to the former colonizer receives more foreign aid than another country with similar levels of poverty, which is a superior policy stance but without a past as a colony.
"They have parachuted in to us a colonizer whose mission is to safeguard the economic crimes of Boni Yayi," Paul Isse Iko, the secretary-general of the Confederation of workers' unions in Benin, told journalists on behalf of the group.
He did it with the language he inherited from the colonizer, within the Western tradition that was foisted upon him, claiming all its literature as his patrimony even as he infused it with his own motley identity, thereby changing it forever.
THE PIONEERS The Heroic Story of the Settlers Who Brought the American Ideal West By David McCullough If every generation of Americans gets the visionary colonizer it deserves, we get Elon Musk, but people in the early Republic got the Rev.
Forced into becoming a colonizer —  as the small society needs to establish a colony in the tundra — the new residents of Antarctica draw from their experiences as radical activists to create a community that respects the ravaged planet and upholds social equality.
Walking past numerous "Refugees Welcome" stickers, I turned onto Peters Allee — a street named after Carl Peters, a man who served as Germany's top colonizer in Kilimanjaro during the 1880s, veering towards Nachtigalplatz, named after Gustav Nachtigal, founder of Germany's West Africa colony.
Because we are regularly relegated to the shadows and edges of modern society's psyche -- save for the scattered moments we cannot be ignored -- the hope we cling to does not typically root itself in a desire for admiration by the colonizer society that surrounds us.
But Christianity is a storied colonizer, and on Sunday, when a group of performers at a Hillsong megachurch in Manhattan made a rapid switch from singing "All You Need Is Love" to their own hymn, "O Come Let Us Adore Him," the transition was seamless.
The summit, held as the United States seeks to constrain China, and vilify it as the new colonizer of Africa, shows the Asian nation will rely more on trade with the continent, former deputy commerce minister Wei Jianguo wrote on Tuesday for the China Going Global Thinktank.
We are in a vision of the future, a postracial, post-postcolonial world where Westerners like Ross and Jeff are but one contingent of a technocratic cult with a single aim: to rid the world of that absolute, all-­defining force, that ultimate despotic colonizer, death.
"White art institutions, whether they carry the name of a colonizer or not, are 'excited' to engage with feminist, queer, Black, intersectional, and decolonial perspectives as long as these critical interventions are framed as discourses and stripped of their radical potential and praxes," the activists wrote.
As an embodiment of la Malinche, Lyn complicates the archetype of the "race traitor" who falls for the white colonizer and leaves her people behind: What happens when la Malinche is simply a fetish object, discarded by white men who abuse and gaslight her after fulfilling their Latina fantasy?
" In the game of argumentative Ping-Pong that she plays against herself, Heti can rush intemperately from one side to the other, and this idea of parent-as-colonizer seems a little nuts—until you remember God's promise to make Abraham's descendants "as numerous as the stars in the sky.
In that sense, once again we can view Trump's decision as simply making visible what policy elites in Washington and elsewhere have long been afraid to say: that the most important "process" on the ground is a colonization process, and that the U.S. has chosen to side with the colonizer.
Despite my skepticism during the game's lead up, I really do think Andromeda has a fantastic premise: The Andromeda Initiative is a technocratic startup that 'goes Galt, deciding to colonize the so-called frontier of the Milky Way's closest galactic neighbor—a star cluster that is already inhabited by a sovereign nation, a second colonizer, and a perplexing, dangerous collection of robots.
But it's worth stating all of this plainly: These starkly opposite policies between the U.S. and its former colonizer are largely due to both the rhetoric surrounding e-cigarette use in the U.K.—health officials there have primarily touted these products as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes, and as a helpful means to quit—and the fact that the country has stricter regulations in place.
This line of thinking, rooted in misplaced colonizer-knows-best confidence, harkens back to the Allotment Era, when the state and federal governments worked to break up the tribal nations by pushing tribes to adopt the U.S. version of private property, thus nullifying their claims of national sovereignty and allowing non-Native capitalists to buy up massive tracts of what should have always been tribal land.
But the centerpiece of the record is "Colonizer," whose title sets the tone for a track that plumbs the depths of Garbus's white guilt: I use my white woman's voice to interpret my travels with African men / I turn on my white woman's voice to contextualize acts of my white women friends / I cry my white woman tears carving grooves in my cheeks to display what I meant / I smell the blood in my voice "Writing that song was disgusting," Garbus says.

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