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102 Sentences With "boogeymen"

How to use boogeymen in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "boogeymen" and check conjugation/comparative form for "boogeymen". Mastering all the usages of "boogeymen" from sentence examples published by news publications.

And while they may be hungry, don't let the boogeymen bite.
For the moment, they're content to treat these companies as liberal boogeymen.
In 2019, the country's largest tech firms have become the new boogeymen.
You are either for him, or you are for the boogeymen he creates.
One of the biggest boogeymen for investors in long-term bonds is inflation.
These are the fantasy boogeymen that outrage and delight so much of the nation.
Remember how divorcees were treated like the boogeymen of the early Mad Men seasons?
I don't believe that social media and smartphones are boogeymen out to snatch children's souls.
All sorts of boogeymen become a lot less scary when you know more about them.
Moore's focus on liberal boogeymen comes as Democrats grow increasingly confident in their field operation.
Even today, the mass media far too often shows an Islam of boogeymen and masked murderers.
On one hand, it offers a corrective portrait of refugees as actual people instead of political boogeymen.
The other is an overweight pragmatist who made a fortune lobbying for all manner of liberal boogeymen.
The same boogeymen, the same words It's not just that Trump's voters are articulating the same ideas.
Here's how Russian foreign policy and American nativists teamed up to turn first responders into ISIS-saluting boogeymen.
In this specific case, President Trump has been talking about his boogeymen at the southern border since 2015.
She linked him to the Koch brothers, two conservative billionaires who have become liberal boogeymen in recent years.
When will we come to realize We're all stoned or pacified While the boogeymen organize Their multilevel schemes?
They resent the fact that everything they believe in is mocked by the media elite, Hollywood, those boogeymen.
They're framing issues in the same way, pointing to the same boogeymen and even using the same words.
A cooperative system that emphasizes transparency and accountability will catch most of the boogeymen we reanimate during these debates.
In the face of nationwide campaigns to depict trans people as bathroom boogeymen, Chapin's lovely portraits underscore their humanity.
But what's striking is who he is not including in his roster of liberal boogeymen: former President Barack Obama.
They're trying to make themselves into boogeymen and live in our imagination, and that night —— Mills: They got you.
Related: In Photos: South Korea's Dress Rehearsal for War Sure, this all might simply be anxiety about imaginary boogeymen.
Donald Trump's boogeymen are very often boogeywomen, and they are particularly primed for attack if they are black or brown.
But this time, the problem wasn't "restless leg syndrome"; it was our country's black boogeymen and Trump alone was the solution.
The convention, which culminated with a disco-themed banquet, was an exuberant retort to recent news portrayals of clowns as boogeymen.
It is a way of linking Hillary Clinton to the scary Muslim other, one of the convention's biggest boogeymen to date.
There is nobody even conceivably in need of 'rescue' in this scenario, and no boogeymen for them to be 'rescued' from.
Movie cults are boogeymen that leap out of the shadows in the third act and reveal their dark intentions for the protagonist.
It even has its own supposedly scary boogeyman, who turns out to be nothing compared with the boogeymen hiding in plain sight.
I still was losing to Mr. Tong, but now I was beating my other boogeymen: Drasko Spitz, Phuong Soh and Minerva Nelson.
They are "crisis actors," paid performers funded by familiar boogeymen like George Soros to vilify gun ownership and dismantle the Second Amendment.
Devious Russian hackers pushing fake news and comments have become the political boogeymen of 2018, and everyone suddenly thinks they're a bot expert.
Pet Sematary is largely devoid of monsters under the bed, instead replacing boogeymen with the kind of stuff that can actually kill you.
Our fears tend to be of 20th century boogeymen, the Nazis and the Soviet Union — but we should be worrying about other things entirely.
Youk Chhang, the director of DC-Cam, believes that such face-to-face interactions with Cambodia's longtime boogeymen will help foster forgiveness and understanding.
And in the end, the Highwaymen are the boogeymen that Rush and the citizens of Prosperity would need to invent, if they didn't exist.
The paranoid fantasies in Yorke's head are just boogeymen: scary in the dark but silly and kind of pathetic in the light of day.
Even as he sang the praises of national unity, he turned immigrants into boogeymen, blaming them for depressed wages and a suggested surge in crime.
Seto and others may never be able to medically answer some of the questions Harrisson's case may raise, especially if they themselves are considered the boogeymen.
Perhaps the most volatile question: does widely available free porn encourage "incels," the latest boogeymen from the Internet, and the calls for "enforced monogamy" from e.g.
He paints the South not as a place of racist boogeymen, but as a complicated society where defining good and bad requires a bit of context.
And the latest figures show the trade deficit rising to a nine-year high, with imports from China and Mexico, his main boogeymen, reaching record levels.
Most pointedly, Mr. Cruz has detailed Mr. Trump's long history of liberal positions and contributions to Democratic boogeymen, from the Clintons to Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago.
While the guard is changing in Cuba, echoes of 1959 still sound across Latin America, with Venezuela and Cuba enduring as boogeymen for conservatives in the region.
The memo, if nothing else, is an excellent primer on all of the anti-Trump boogeymen (and women!) who have filled out Republican talking points for months.
The play sees in the contrast between the former neighbors a larger fault in the American psyche, one that turns businessmen into boogeymen and fathers into monsters.
Rejection of fact-checking from either the right or left might be most pronounced when its conclusions shed positive light on the insurgents' pet boogeymen (or women).
Take Tooms, one of the show's most infamous boogeymen, who is unique in his ability to squeeze through tiny gaps in order to enter seemingly secure spaces.
Hilter and the Manson family have been among the most prominent boogeymen of the last century, existing as embodiments of pure evil in the popular psyche for generations.
In the final days of Alabama's raucous Senate race, the Republican candidate is invoking conservatives' go-to list of liberal boogeymen as he tries to energize GOP voters.
Trade and immigration have become boogeymen, while technological advances and the huge efficiency gains they bring truly underpin the "hollowing out" of the middle class behind the scenes.
Instead, Republicans' attack ads have increasingly focused on one of their usual boogeymen — or, rather, a boogeywoman: Nancy Pelosi, the former and possibly future speaker of the House.
He likes an easy target, and his recent fiction goes after predictable boogeymen: social media's encroachment on privacy ("The Circle," 2013), say, or addiction ("Heroes of the Frontier," 2016).
The series argues that the Clintons weren't failures because they were the dark, loveless, murderous boogeymen who lurked in conservative email forwards from 1997 — but because they weren't those people.
Returning to the "two cities" theme, the mayor has fashioned an array of boogeymen to rail against, from "billionaire media owners" and hedge fund managers to state investigatory agencies and Gov.
We don't fully share the fears of some con-con opponents who've raised boogeymen about how the convention could unravel existing labor rights, pension provisions, environmental protections, reproductive freedoms and more.
Defense budget priorities should never be dictated by the shock of big numbers and boogeymen, but rather by a judicious assessment of where we are and where we ought to be going.
But Axios reported that during the meeting in Quebec, Mr. Trump said, "NATO is as bad as Nafta," the North American Free Trade Agreement, which is one of Mr. Trump's favorite boogeymen.
Instead, Trump is merely playing the part of hapless conspiratorial criminal while covertly helping the special counsel pursue their true quarry: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, and all the other liberal boogeymen.
But Cruz is hoping that raising the specter of Clinton and other Democratic politicians whom Republicans use as boogeymen will counter the notion that O'Rourke will be an independent mind in the Senate.
The results confirmed the original diagnosis: Stage 0, D.C.I.S. I was encouraged that the surgeon told me I probably wouldn't need chemotherapy or radiation, which in my mind were the boogeymen of cancer.
Greg Abbott (R) said Friday he would run for reelection, pledging four more years of a conservative agenda aimed squarely at limiting abortion rights, expanding gun rights and keeping liberal boogeymen like Rep.
Higher wages are not a foolproof safeguard against destructive politics, but it does become harder to scapegoat various boogeymen, from job-stealing immigrants to the idle poor, when living standards are rising rapidly.
Humans are drawn to the unusual—news isn't news unless there's something new about it, and common forms of gun violence don't hack it compared to boogeymen we can project all our fears onto.
Conveniently, the Trump ad appeals to both strains of right-wing extremism, with each one merely imagining its own preferred boogeymen secretly controlling the levers of power behind the scenes for their own nefarious ends.
" Decoded: Those who support the repeal of the FCC"s net neutrality rules — which stop ISPs from blocking or slowing down content — are trying to turn big tech giants into the boogeymen of the debate.
As part of their tactical efforts to deny Republicans any opportunity to connect Doug Jones to the liberal boogeymen on Capitol Hill, national Democratic groups have mostly kept their heads down when Alabama comes up.
And though that has been true, in part, the didactic, often body-focused framing of those stories and the gender-war timing of that visibility has also rendered us into symbols, metaphors, pawns and boogeymen.
The Hungarian government, in a bid to re-elect Prime Minister Viktor Orban, has dug up familiar anti-Semitic tropes for a statewide campaign attacking the philanthropist and businessman George Soros, one of Eastern Europe's favorite boogeymen.
Mr. Dimon and a raft of other Wall Street stalwarts have either joined the new administration or taken on advisory roles, damping down their worries that the bankers-as-boogeymen campaign language would be transformed into action.
Following their usual directorial style, Burns and Novick take an exhaustive look at the Vietnam War, which began to brew soon after the end of World War II as the fever dream of communist boogeymen infected US foreign policy.
Despite Ives's attempt to stoke the fears of a liberal government gone awry, running an ad that managed to make boogeymen out of teachers unions, black residents, feminists, and trans people all in one video, her campaign was unsuccessful.
Specters and screwballs, bozos and boogeymen, populate the canvases of this Russian-born American artist, whose wily new exhibition, "On Them" — his first in New York in five years — is the best I've seen by a young painter this year.
Roland, by contrast, lives in Mid-World, an incoherent realm of foggy woods, digital boogeymen, cinematic allusions, slavering nods to Mr. King's voluminous oeuvre and some geological formations that may cause you to uselessly flash on images from John Ford westerns.
" Dougherty also explained that scary stories for children are ingrained in our culture, "It goes back to fairy tales, which were written for kids to teach them about the world using fantastical elements and boogeymen, like witches and the big bad wolf.
The Sacklers aren't exactly a rarity, then; they are a group of boogeymen (and women) whose destructive business on one hand and penchant for public giving on the other made them a perfect fit for the societal structures in which we live.
Verdict: True Meanwhile, O'Malley railed on Clinton for her ties to Wall Street, but she fired right back, saying that he had done some of his own fundraising from a group that has become the boogeymen for the Democratic base of voters.
The ways in which the football discourse tries to talk itself into belief—blaming outside agitators and a broader cultural rot and whatever feminized boogeymen fit the part from moment to moment—is familiar, but not at all in a comforting way.
The president, in a feisty but unfocused mood, stood before a group of supporters, called himself "the most popular person in the history of the Republican Party" — a debunked claim — and took aim at his usual list of piñatas, boogeymen and political targets.
The treatment by many Democratic politicians of high-performing public charter schools as boogeymen has undermined the fact that many of these schools are serving low-income urban children across the country in ways that are inclusive, equitable, publicly accountable and locally driven.
Many of the novel's most unnerving passages do not take place at night in haunted houses, or have screaming cheerleaders chased by knife-wielding boogeymen... all these unforgettable moments take place during the day in a town so painstakingly evoked that we feel like citizens ourselves.
Some right-wing pundits have argued that Smollett belongs to a vast, liberal, elitist conspiracy to malign the GOP through "hate hoaxes" and that the state's attorney's office acted on behalf of a long list of conservative boogeymen, including billionaire philanthropist George Soros, presidential candidate Sen.
Trump has dusted off the Hillary Clinton email defense and a host of other Fox News boogeymen, including the 2016 tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch, to suggest that Comey was asleep at the wheel when he wasn't unduly motivated by political concerns.
The pundits will offer characteristically bleak and morbid rhetoric about the ideological forces Trump is up against, while Trump will stay in his element talking about jobs and immigration, with punches here and there not just against socialism and the eventual nominee but against Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, and more demographically threatening boogeymen.
One of the reasons we read them, I think, is because we are looking for insights into how to tolerate the terror of our own impermanence, which in the case of a bad cancer diagnosis is no longer theoretical; death has been unloosed from the quarry in our consciousness where the beasts and the boogeymen live.
Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth Ann WarrenHarry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Warren offers plan to repeal 1994 crime law authored by Biden Panel: Jill Biden's campaign message MORE (Mass.) and other Democratic boogeymen, calculating that suburban and rural voters won't want to replace their Republican lawmakers with Democrats beholden to the party's power brokers.
Republicans running for governor this year are turning to President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump conversation with foreign leader part of complaint that led to standoff between intel chief, Congress: report Pelosi: Lewandowski should have been held in contempt 'right then and there' Trump to withdraw FEMA chief nominee: report MORE — and familiar Democratic boogeymen — to carry them over the finish line in Kentucky, Mississippi and Louisiana, three of the most conservative states in the country.
It was a turning point for Sanders: The villains in that speech are not Americans meddling in Chile or invading Iraq, but the "the authoritarian axis"—a phrase that echoed Bush's "axis of evil"—and in Sanders' telling includes countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, Turkey and Brazil, where there are "movements led by demagogues who exploit people's fears, prejudices and grievances to gain and hold on to power" and are also handmaidens to billionaires and oligarchs, more familiar Sanders boogeymen.
The Boogeyman Adventure: Ann and Andy are sent to a wizarding world where there are reputed boogeymen. They encounter one, however he is akin to a child, saying that while he is of the same species of those monsters, he has been apprenticed under a good witch to help create good boogeymen. Cracklin kidnaps the "boogeykid" in an effort to get his own monster. 9\. The Christmas Adventure 10\.
Factory released the film on Blu-ray and DVD in October 2012 under their horror sub- label, Scream Factory. Universal also released The Funhouse in a four-film set, including Phantasm II, Sssssss, and The Serpent and the Rainbow. Also noted that Gunther was meant to appear in the Boogeymen: The Killer Compilation; however, Gunther did not make the list. He did appear in the TV commercials of Boogeymen.
Baby and his dog escape across a pond, using a huge bar of soap as a raft, but the smoke from the matches turns into boogeymen, who chase Baby before vanishing. The benevolent Sandman, dressed as a wizard, spots Baby hiding and works his magic, sending Baby to sleep in his own cradle at home.
He has described them as "the neighborhood boogeymen who worked at Krispy Kreme and would wrap themselves in shrubbery, cover themselves with dirt, and peep through the windows of other neighbors."Treihaft, Lauren; Brooks, Brian (2009-09-17). "Harmony Korine: 'I’m not going to lie and say that I don’t like provoking an audience'." IndieWire. Retrieved on 2009-09-19.
Candyman was 9th on both Fandango and Bloody Disgusting's list of top 10 slasher icons and 8th on an older Bloody Disgusting list. Based on poll-based reader input, Rolling Stone listed him as tenth among the horror villains. has Candyman as fifth on their list of horror boogeymen while has him as seventh on their list of slasher villains.
The Patriots reached Super Bowl LIII after defeating both the Los Angeles Chargers and Kansas City Chiefs in the playoffs. In the Super Bowl, Roberts recorded one tackle in the team's 13-3 victory against the Los Angeles Rams. In 2019, Roberts was voted a team defensive captain for the first time, replacing safety Patrick Chung. He was a member of the team's high-performing linebacker corps, dubbed "The Boogeymen" by teammate Dont'a Hightower.
In the city center of Ghostopolis, Vaugner addresses the masses alongside the lords of Ghostopolis's various divisions. The Specter King from the South, The Will-o-the-Wisp Queen, the Mummy Pharaoh, the Duke of Goblin, the Bone King, the Zombie Lord, and the King of Boogeymen all hold territory and command citizens in Ghostopolis, although ultimately under Vaugner's reign. When Garth and Cecil arrive at the city center, Cecil recounts the tale of how Vaugner came to be ruler of Ghostopolis. In the city, Frank and Claire meet up with Garth and Cecil.
The Boogeyman is a 1980 American supernatural horror film directed by Ulli Lommel and starring Suzanna Love, John Carradine, and Ron James. The film's title refers to the long-held superstition of boogeymen beings, and its plot concerns two siblings who are targeted by the ghost of their mother's deceased boyfriend which has been freed from an imprisoned mirror. The film has received mixed to negative critical reviews, with criticism mainly regarding the heavy similarities from earlier horror films such as Halloween, The Exorcist, and The Amityville Horror. The film was followed by two sequels: Boogeyman II and Return of the Boogeyman.
The show itself was inspired by The Land of a Thousand Faces, a make-up show at Universal Studios Hollywood, which was opened in the park's Castle Theater in 1975 and was removed in 1980 and replaced by the Castle Dracula Live Show. It is possible that the Horror Make-Up Show may have been the inspiration for Halloween Horror Nights at the theme park, a Halloween event which has been run since 1991. During Halloween Horror Nights XI in 2001, the Horror Make-Up Show theater was used to house the show "Boogeymen", while in prior years, Horror Make-Up Show was run during the HHN event.
Other instances of imaginary small green beings have been found in a newspaper column from 1936 sarcastically discussing doctors and their medical advice, saying these are the same people who have breakdowns in middle age and start hallucinating "a little green man with big ears". Syndicated columnist Sydney J. Harris used "little green man" in 1948 as a child's imaginary friend while condemning the age-old tradition of frightening children with stories of "boogeymen". These examples illustrate that use of little green men was already deeply engrained in English vernacular long before the flying saucer era, used for a variety of supernatural, imaginary, or mythical beings. It also seems to have easily extended beyond the imaginary to real people, such as the reference to small actors in the Wizard of Oz or camouflaged Japanese soldiers.
It is argued that in the U.S., sex offenders have been selected as the new realization of moral panics about sex, stranger danger, and national paranoia, the new folk devils or boogeymen. People convicted of any sex crime are "transformed into a concept of evil, which is then personified as a group of faceless, terrifying, and predatory devils", who are, contrary to scientific evidence, perceived as a constant threat, habitually waiting for an opportunity to attack. Consequently, sex offenders are brought up by media on Halloween, despite the fact that there has never been a recorded case of abduction or abuse by a registered sex offender on Halloween. Academics, treatment professionals, and law reform groups such as National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws and Women Against Registry criticize current sex offender laws as based on media-driven moral panic and "public emotion", rather than a real attempt to protect society.

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