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"barbed wire" Definitions
  1. strong wire with short sharp points on it, used especially for fences

798 Sentences With "barbed wire"

How to use barbed wire in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "barbed wire" and check conjugation/comparative form for "barbed wire". Mastering all the usages of "barbed wire" from sentence examples published by news publications.

That barbed wire -- yes sir, we have barbed wire going up.
Kolyma: no barbed wire in sight You'll have to pick up your barbed wire souvenirs at the airport, folks. 5.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads     Each week I walk through metal Detectors // laughing guards Muffled mothers A basketball court // a black- Bird // barbed wire & More Barbed wire.
BAGHDAD — The blast walls and barbed wire came down.
Legs                                           gnawed to the knees, barbed wire tight                                                                                                                    aroundthe throat.
Walls made of tarpaulin and Unicef tents and barbed wire.
Above the memorial's ancient walls is some rusting barbed wire.
Officials think it was cut on a barbed wire fence.
The top of the wall is rimmed with barbed wire.
Rangers helped her string barbed wire to protect her crops.
There were only concrete walls, and fences with barbed wire.
This is a pill box, then this barbed wire fence.
While Onita had seen barbed wire wrestling before his time in Texas, he told VICE that after spending so much time putting up fencing for the cows, the barbed wire began speaking to him.
"I remember the barbed wire fences that confined us," Takei said.
Now it garlanded its Great Firewall with even more barbed wire.
The finishing touch is Lucille, Negan's barbed wire-wrapped baseball bat.
The barbed wire that tops the fences that enclose the buildings.
So, he introduces them to his bat covered in barbed wire.
Herzig Yoshinaga kept a coil of barbed wire in her apartment.
Latifa Nabizada, Afghanistan's first female helicopter pilot — surrounded by barbed wire.
Nearby, protesters start cutting away a new section of barbed wire.
Hospitals, schools and parks are swathed in coils of barbed wire.
Schools, kindergartens, gas stations and hospitals are garlanded in barbed wire.
The gondola lift terminal is now blocked off by barbed wire.
It shows wreckage strewn across a field surrounded by barbed wire.
There was a large fence, two rings of barbed wire, searchlights.
Near the wreck, she finds a goat, snagged on barbed wire.
The fence has hundreds of sensors and barbed wire on top.
Two weaver finches perch on barbed wire in "Rasor Wire" (2016).
The Jama mosque now stands disused and moldering, behind barbed wire.
Barbed wire is as literal a symbol of oppression as exists.
Just-installed barbed wire and barricades signal a newly militarized border.
Thick bushes cover dark blue metal fences lined with barbed wire.
Barbed-wire fence eventually encircled the structure, attempting to keep people out.
The ground is black sludge and dead bodies tangled in barbed wire.
The area is enclosed with high barbed-wire fences and watch houses.
The barbed wire will be gone, replaced by horse trails and campgrounds.
Most of the military's task has been to lay down barbed wire.
Troops assisted in laying barbed wire along the border over the weekend.
The LoC is about 450 miles long and lined with barbed wire.
Ceutas also has a nearby 20-foot fence covered in barbed wire.
Both of his barbed-wire universes were on display here last week.
Then we have Negan, carrying his baseball bat full of barbed wire.
"We cut off the barbed wire to run away," Mr. Rahimi said.
Two were seriously injured on the barbed wire, and hospitalized in Ceuta.
Two protesters are trapped near the barbed wire, lying on the ground.
He, too, spoke of barbed wire, though not in terms of beauty.
Protesters on Tuesday sealed off roads with barbed wire and burned debris.
Barbed wire has been installed on fencing across Arizona, Texas and California.
And their outrage grew this week as tweets surfaced showing the author celebrating the book at a dinner featuring floral centerpieces wrapped with barbed wire and sporting a manicure featuring the barbed wire design that's on her book cover.
All the houses had fences in front, some with barbed wire on top.
Corrugated-iron walls, watchtowers, barbed wire and a hefty padlock keep out thieves.
Can you see trees and grassy areas, or barbed wire and rubbish bins?
One of the dreamcatchers made by the Pueblo Tribe out of barbed wire.
But the barbed wire and guard towers shout prison camp, not training center.
The first shiny, silver number included shoulder accent pieces that resembled barbed wire.
Snagged on barbed wire traps, the tufts provide clues to the bears' diet.
One Trump sign on West 38th Street was wrapped in barbed-wire coils.
The mound loomed next to me, well preserved behind a barbed wire fence.
They twist against the barbed wire of human connection in an isolating world.
Gaza had not always been locked up behind barbed wire, sensors and bunkers.
The rope pullers finally make off with a small coil of barbed wire.
The bronco bucked across the savanna and collided with a barbed wire fence.
Six goats and a rooster milled around in a small, barbed wire pen.
Brick walls towered above her, and loops of barbed wire circled the top.
Children scampered all around, sidestepping bushels of barbed wire as they played marbles.
The schoolyard fence was made of patched, bent gray metal and barbed wire.
"I don't think that a barbed-wire fence can stop these people," he continued.
WATTERS: And how long did that little twig and barbed wire fence run for?
A stairway covered in barbed wire leads to the former visitors restaurant and terrace.
Among them is the Adelanto ICE Processing Center, surrounded by miles of barbed wire.
One popular illustration turned the outlines of Dr. Li's surgical mask into barbed wire.
It will consist of two tall fences with barbed wire, about two metres apart.
Young added that the inmates used bedsheets to climb over the barbed wire fence.
Generals and Admirals are entangled in many layers of barbed wire of bureaucratic politics.
The barbed wire remains in tact, along with the guard tower and security gate.
Time: One day A barbed-wire fence went up just before midnight on Aug.
Lima's wall is six miles long, 10-feet high, and covered in barbed wire.
The concrete fortress wall, with shredded plastic bags caught in rivulets of barbed wire.
The Eritreans live by the barbed wire fence with a view of the mountains.
A piece of his, made from barbed wire, found a buyer at the fair.
They pass a naked man with a sprig of barbed wire in his beard.
He was strung up with barbed wire from the limb of a fig tree.
I ducked under the barbed wire and began climbing through dense shrubs and trees.
She wore barbed-wire chokers and hot pink T-shirts with skulls on them.
Police posts, circled with barbed wire fences, had sprung up every few hundred yards.
For nearly three years they lived within the confines of a barbed-wire fence.
Dozens made it through a barbed-wire barrier about 30 yards inside Gaza territory.
Excavators dug a vast flat field surrounded by concrete walls, fencing and barbed wire.
At its peak, the camp held over 10,19883 Japanese-Americans inside its barbed wire.
Then the couple, who were not identified, crawled under a strand of barbed wire.
The first essay is a knockout, a lurid red heart wrapped in barbed wire.
First, there is that pesky matter of the barbed wire and the mushroom cloud.
Another by Wilson shows the "Dance of Death" of men caught in barbed wire.
They left them on a barbed wire structure that symbolized the ghetto&aposs isolating wall.
A wire-mesh fence topped by barbed wire appears in the background of the photo.
"Children belong in schools, in homes, and in parks, not behind barbed wire," Merkley said.
The barbed wire is actually made from rubber and the blood is fake (we hope).
Members of the National Guard in barbed wire–fronted jeeps prepare to deploy against protesters.
But closer inspection reveals watchtowers and perimeter walls lined with barbed wire — they're internment camps.
The driver slows to a stop beside a desolate stretch of dirt and barbed wire.
A staff dormitory just beyond its gates is empty, its entrance sealed with barbed wire.
Donald Trump has said that there's something beautiful about the proper application of barbed wire.
"She's wearing a barbed wire dress in support of a racist wall," Lauren Crosswell tweeted.
"The barbed wire has been used all over Standing Rock to harm us," Magdaleno says.
They put the barbed wire up there so people can't go up there and pray.
It wasn't brief, either, Negan's beloved barbed-wire wrapped bat had plenty of screen time.
She and her mother were rescued after surviving a collision with a barbed wire fence.
They pushed aside barbed wire and rappelled down using a rope made of bed sheets.
They pushed aside barbed wire and rappelled down using a rope made of bed linen.
At the end of it, we climbed over some barbed wire onto a scruffy field.
They were mostly guys who used materials like barbed wire and surfaces with bullet holes.
Surrounded by barbed wire, more than 1,300 migrants fended for themselves inside the dilapidated facility.
Despite its name, it is heavily fortified with land mines, armed soldiers and barbed wire.
The mountainous border is scarred with barbed wire, tank traps, land mines and guard posts.
The specifics of the Trump and Orbán policies — family separation versus barbed wire — are different.
Behind the secrets, fences and barbed wire, this is a 21st-century American internment camp.
Some carried trophies, like small lengths of barbed wire they had snatched from the fence.
We never got the barbed wire or even a gate for the four-foot wall.
Many stayed, and the camps have sprawled into makeshift cities ringed by barbed-wire fences.
The length of fencing and barbed wire the Swiss military installed at the 2011 conference.
One elderly rock hunter, my mother recalled, wandered too close to the barbed wire fence.
Between the crude fire-blackened posts, the barbed wire they had cut had been replaced.
Kayamandi abuts a handful of wineries, some separated by high barbed-wire and electrified fences.
Which means someone we love is going to meet Lucille, the barbed wire-laden baseball bat.
Often we see clichéd representations — an over-reliance on features like barbed wire, steel bars, etc.
Next came the obstacle runs, climbing walls, body crawling under barbed wire, and jumping over fire.
But China's fences are just six feet high, with a small roll of barbed wire above.
Some buildings are fenced with barbed wire; guards check for bombs under cars entering their grounds.
The FPO's leaflets, somewhat sinisterly, show a European flag proudly flying from a barbed-wire fence.
The two-story building is now cordoned off by barbed wire and the gate is locked.
We were told if we went close to the barbed wire fence, you would be shot.
Surrounded by barbed wire and equipped with armoured cars, they are a picture of military efficiency.
During tests I get to do some lockpicking, climb over walls or hop barbed wire fences.
This wall is made up of sandbags, barrels filled with dirt, cement walls, and barbed wire.
It's 16-feet and topped with barbed wire, as well as being equipped with motion sensors.
And held them there, while eliminating, from the other side of the barbed wire, everything else.
The fence here was steel post and hurricane mesh whipstitched along the top with barbed wire.
"When I first saw it all, it upset me," she said in her barbed-wire twang.
The compounds are surrounded by barbed-wire fences and bear an uncomfortable similarity to concentration camps.
The cast-iron gates, the barbed wire and the sheer scale of it still haunt him.
Roaches' legs are covered in spikes that act like barbed wire, making the hit extra damaging.
Mr. Trump himself lauded the stringing up of "beautiful barbed wire" at a rally in Montana.
In 2012, a North Korean soldier scaled three barbed-wire fences to defect to the South.
Photos appear to feature centerpieces of flowers accented (as is the book's cover) with barbed wire.
"There was barbed wire, guys in towers with searchlights and a gun," he recalled to me.
It was surrounded by a tall brick wall with two layers of barbed wire on top.
In Malta, I saw refugees housed in shipping containers stacked behind barbed wire near the airport.
AP: Early in the film, one of the soldiers hurts his hand on a barbed wire.
Each letter is composed of horizontal lines of barbed wire made from three-inch finish nails.
Bison have been spotted climbing over barbed wire fencing trying to get to food and water.
A baby is passed over a barbed wire fence at the Dibaga refugee camp outside Erbil.
Intrigued, I stood with him by a barbed-wire fence running across leaf ­litter dappled with sunlight.
The house is surrounded by a high red-brick wall topped with barbed wire and CCTV cameras.
Police have rolled out extra barbed wire and readied armored trucks and water cannon around the KPU.
We raced past concrete walls, barbed wire, and exercise areas, overlooked by armed correctional officers in watchtowers.
Consequently, Emily and Evelyn's matching charity symbol/flame tattoos are barbed wire tattoos in the book. 12.
For most countries, barbed-wire or electric fences, combined with ditches and buffer zones, are the reality.
Well over 3,000 souls have been stuffed into Moria, a grim place of barbed wire and watchtowers.
Egyptian guards erected chain fences and barbed wire to reseal the border as soon as they could. 
No bars, no barbed wire, no pulping of books, No sentence of banishment can prevail against it.
Even low-security facilities have barbed-wire fences around them, and communication with those outside is monitored.
You know, it's double barbed-wire fences, it's heavily guarded, and so you can't get in basically.
In Kashgar, Hotan and Karakax, petrol stations are still surrounded by barbed wire and heavy security barriers.
In Oklahoma also features ARK-LA-TEX-OK, four individually made lynch fragments connected by barbed wire.
Loktev's tattoo was one of his designs, in which barbed wire, black humor and political messages abound.
Among the stark images of barbed wire fencing and prisoners performing hard labor are moments of levity.
"I personally ran by the officers' quarters to the barbed-wire enclosure," Mr. Wajspapir said in 1984.
India Dispatch AYODHYA, India — The barefooted pilgrims passed by watchtowers, checkpoints and walls topped with barbed wire.
Border towns gained military-grade infrastructure: sensors, barbed wire and a big increase in Border Patrol agents.
According to The Washington Post, in the shoe factory, watchtowers with cameras walls topped with barbed wire.
In 2011, Russia fortified the borders, putting fences and barbed wire across wide swaths of the region.
She was reunited with the family behind barbed wire three or four weeks later, Mr. Okui said.
Azalia Snail likes to build walls — not of wood or brick or barbed wire, but of sound.
A mysterious barbed-wire enclosure has sprung up nearby, heavy with security cameras and patrolled by guards.
This book's first essay, in particular, is a knockout, a lurid red heart wrapped in barbed wire.
Another by Wilson shows the "Symphony of Terror" comprised of grenades, gas, barbed wire, and machine guns.
Notable roles include Casanova in the similarly titled 1971 mini-series and 1976's Bouquet of Barbed Wire.
It remains the most notorious bloodshed at the DMZ, which is strewn with mines and barbed-wire fences.
Of the captive Jews, lined up behind barbed wire in their baggy prison uniforms adorned with Juden stars.
By suturing parts together with barbed wire, Saini Kallat acknowledges the implicit violence in the act of joining.
They had breached the barbed wire, and were trying to get to the main fence marking Israeli territory.
When Reuters visited this week, only farmland and barbed wire fencing could be seen from the Chinese side.
Brennon Nastacio, leader of the Pueblo Camp, tells Mashable that security personnel wrapped the boats in barbed wire.
He said Bulgarian authorities chose a four-row wire fence with barbed wire for the 133 km structure.
The barbed wire fences were built to keep the cattle in, but they didn't keep the kids out.
In Nicosia, the island's divided capital, barbed wire and sandbags separate a fashionable café from an abandoned bookshop.
"Better Together" is pure rural Mad Libs ("Barbed wire and old fence posts/23-point bucks in autumn").
On al-Jumhuriya (Republic) Bridge, riot police moved aside and let the demonstrators pull aside barbed wire barriers.
"These makeshift houses were surrounded by barbed wire and there were people living inside," he told the panel.
No one else they knew had bothered to read the book with the barbed wire on the cover.
The mirror is encased behind fencing and barbed wire outside the Christ Church Cathedral in downtown Indianapolis. Rev.
Meanwhile, the real "green crack" time bomb is ticking away behind barbed wire fences, within the prison system.
Except, of course, that it's riddled with radiation and surrounded by guards and a double barbed-wire fence.
The portraits embody who and/or what the past had dreamed, in the opacity beyond the barbed wire.
Then, workers suddenly started putting up barbed wire fences on the plot of land directly behind her house.
It was cut into the sand with barbed wire and guard towers in 22018 as a British firebase.
The area is lined with mines and barbed-wire fences, though those were not as visible on Sunday.
A Mexican man, holding a child, reached through a low, flimsy barbed-wire fence to shake her hand.
It is unusually strong and well built, seven strands of barbed wire and massive 8-by-8 posts.
A further work, by Hale Tenger, from 1995, features a full-size guard's cabin, surrounded by barbed wire.
But at the Pazarkule border post with Greece, scores of migrants faced barbed wire fences and smoke grenades.
His body was tied with barbed wire to a cotton gin fan and thrown into the Tallahatchie River.
The film added embellishments, most memorably when Mr. McQueen's character vaulted a barbed-wire fence on a motorcycle.
The protesters and I were backed into spirals of barbed wire by police firing guns and tear gas.
Brandon then swerved their Harley-Davidson off the road and into a barbed-wire fence, the Highway Patrol says.
Now, home is a camp outside the capital ringed by barbed wire and sandbagged positions manned by U.N. peacekeepers.
His company headquarters resembled a prison camp, with barbed-wire fences, armed guards and strict dress and behavioural codes.
Mansions sit on either side of poorly paved roads surrounded by high barbed wire–laced walls and security cameras.
LAHREN: This area right now, this is a border protected by this barbed wire fencing and you know, wood.
It features a barbed wire motif reminiscent of trendy early '00s T-shirts (not to mention those '90s tattoos).
From outside, the jail looks like any other: four drab buildings surrounded by high walls topped by barbed wire.
Last year, the so-called Brisket Bandit struck San Antonio, stealing 13 briskets alone from Augie's Barbed Wire Smokehouse.
Naked and barefoot, the woman ran for more than a mile through snow and barbed wire to seek help.
The Persian ruins lie behind rusting barbed wire, as if ties with Iran, past and present, were an embarrassment.
THE protests outside parliament got so ferocious that the 2,000 policemen defending the building barricaded it with barbed wire.
I didn&apost want my boys to get caught on the barbed wire while they were running and playing.
Just like in Allied Assault, players storm the beach, blow up the barbed wire wall, and storm the bunkers.
Boat owners also tightened security with measures like armed guards, panic rooms, and barbed wire over the lower decks.
His government also refused to remove the barbed wire border fences criticized as cruel and inefficient by rights groups.
A lot of green and trees and nature but also trash and barbed wire and weird abandoned concrete structures.
"I'm tired of being blamed for hurricanes," said miner Rick Wilson, a barbed-wire tattoo encircling his left forearm.
You saw what we did with the military, with the barbed wire and the fencing, and various other things.
If you walk a bit further into the island, you are suddenly confronted by high walls and barbed wire.
Tasks the deployed troops have done so far include putting up barbed wire and erecting tents for customs officers.
The nativity statues at the Christ Church Cathedral are enclosed in a chain link fence lined with barbed wire.
Some families have buried loved ones on the edges of the camp, just beyond a coil of barbed wire.
In July, a tiny barbed-wire fence, complete with American flags, was erected by an artist around the star.
These heavily patrolled villages – cordoned off by barbed wire, spiked trenches and watchtowers – amounted to another form of detention.
It was easier than climbing a barbed wire fence and felt more epic than walking through an open gate.
For this production, with Matt Saunders's scenic designs, the walls of the stage were lined with barbed-wire fencing.
Some of the protesters begin tearing at the barbed-wire coils about 2100 yards in front of the fence.
It's a messy situation without any of the clear villains or outrageous barbed-wire manicures that American Dirt had.
Flowers, when the wall whistled by, would turn to barbed wire, and the child would turn into a monster.
Mr. Lin and Ms. Robbie are collaborating on "Barbed Wire Heart," a film adaptation of Tess Sharpe's crime novel.
The plane was loaded down with barbed wire but "one of the motors went out on it," he said.
Here, he added, the refugees live in settlements, not camps — with no barbed wire, and no guards in sight.
The center is now built - behind the 8-foot barbed wire fence that surrounds the entire space station compound.
Just over the northern border, nearly 6,000 U.S. troops in recent days have stretched barbed wire to dissuade illegal entries.
She paused for a moment, looked around, then stepped gingerly down the other side, over a tangle of barbed wire.
A handful of migrants scaled the 6-meter-high barbed-wire fence but were eventually removed by cranes, Reuters reported.
Its artefacts—barbed wire, rusting military outposts—are scrawled artlessly across the UN "buffer zone" that divides Nicosia, the capital.
In 1981, the artist had depicted a man and woman holding tight to each other beside a barbed-wire fence.
The town, Madaya, is controlled by rebels and encircled by pro-government forces with barbed wire, land mines and snipers.
Surrounded by high walls and loops of barbed wire, the camps sometimes house hundreds of Uighurs and other ethnic minorities.
One afternoon, we were instructed to crawl under barbed wire while live ammo with tracers was fired over our heads.
It is surrounded by a towering wall laced with barbed wire fencing, and it boasts a large, locked, metal door.
The sound of gunshots had brought the school teacher and activist to a Fenix enclosure surrounded by barbed wire fencing.
By 22015 one in every 100 adults was typically housed in an isolated cinder-block compound surrounded by barbed wire.
Our farm, like much of the countryside hereabouts, is patchily ringed by wire fences threaded with strands of barbed wire.
Players crash into a beach, dodge bullets, use a Bangalore torpedo to clear barbed wire, and clear out German bunkers.
For years, it was bombarded by Communist artillery leaving it strewn with shells and its beaches covered in barbed wire.
"There&aposs no wall at the boundary, just a four strand barbed-wire cattle fence for 25 miles," he said.
When she overcorrected, the old, white Buick swerved and crashed through a barbed wire fence before overturning in a field.
The tribe took this particular barbed wire off canoes taken from the Pueblo Camp by Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) security.
He and another patrol officer managed to capture the feathered fowl when it backed up against a barbed wire fence.
Troops laid down barbed wire over the weekend to help fill secure the Texas side of the Rio Grande River.
They leap barriers and barbed wire, hopping handily over boxes, low walls, and the other detritus of the Great War.
The Defense Department is also asleep at the wheel, providing only minimal detachments to do things like string barbed wire.
There were 302 guard towers at various points and barbed wire along the top to stop people from crossing over. 
The U.N. report said detainees were tortured with Taser guns, barbed wire, beatings with fists and tubes and attempted strangulation.
The berm, first built in 1980, divides Morocco from the Western Sahara and is made from sand and barbed wire.
To get rid of Emmett's body, his killers strapped a 75-pound cotton gin to his neck with barbed wire.
I'd have to cross fields, hop barbed-wire fences and camp in cow pastures — much of it on private property.
Authorities have built high barbed-wire fences to keep people away from Eurotunnel freight trains, the port and the highway.
This year, officials took special precautions, attaching coils of barbed wire along the top of the wall around the cemetery.
From "sailors' swallows and Mexican skulls to prisoners' barbed wire and intricate Maori patterns," The Tattoo Dictionary has it all.
We see Jun later on wrapping his own arm in barbed wire and stabbing at his skin with butcher knives.
The family spent three and a half years behind barbed wire in the desert east of the Sierra Nevada mountains.
Suddenly we see coming down Michigan Avenue these bizarre jeeps with a huge mesh of barbed wire on the front.
The ad showed a cartoon of immigrants standing in front of a barbed-wire border with a "No Trespassing" sign.
Detainees have been shocked with Tasers and tortured with barbed wire and attempted strangulation, the United Nations rights office said.
Protesters tugging at the barbed wire scramble by them toward the south, hoisting their long rope over the women's heads.
Huzayfah: Like, a chain-link fence with barbed wire on top and then electric circuitry running up and down it.
The Sheriff's Office said an interview with the owner revealed the dog cut her throat on a barbed wire fence.
But there was little urgency to the plan: The line had never been completed and was mostly just barbed wire.
Michigan Central Station became a site of vandalism and theft until the city built a barbed wire fence in 1995.
He climbs out, cuts across the parking lot of the Smart & Final supermarket and stops at a barbed wire fence.
We tried to scramble back over the fence, but the more clumsy of us got stuck on the barbed wire.
They and their children lived in tar-paper covered barracks, surrounded by barbed wire and watched over by armed guards.
Soldiers are everywhere: on the roads, in the apple orchards, standing with their guns behind giant coils of barbed wire.
The contorted body of a WWI casualty lies, Pieta-like, entwined within gold and rust-colored spears of barbed wire.
S. border to keep them out, ordering some 53,25 troops to reinforce the frontier, including in Tijuana, with barbed wire.
Concrete blast walls four metres high, topped with barbed wire and surrounded with HESCO blocks—giant wire-framed sandbags—surround everything.
Original story: The big, beautiful wall in 84 Lumber's Super Bowl commercial has been downgraded to a flimsy barbed-wire fence.
She blew through a barbed wire fence into a field and flipped over, ejecting her two passengers, who weren't wearing seatbelts.
Hundreds attended the protest outside the U.S. embassy in Jakarta, which was barricaded by barbed wire and dozens of police officers.
Among them are images of dagger-wielding, leather-clad heroines and a cult-like nude dinner party laced in barbed wire.
Spartans climb ropes, crawl under barbed wire, leap through fire, drag tires and summit walls while running a range of distances.
The tiny wall, complete with barbed wire and "Keep Out" signs, was constructed by popular Los Angeles street artist Plastic Jesus.
A 100 mbps connection was established using barbed wire, some students demonstrated the internet protocol using bongo drums, and even pigeons.
Earlier this week, a bummed out owl was rescued after getting its wings stuck on a barbed wire fence in Colorado.
Many farmers in Uttar Pradesh are now using barbed wire to stop animals from entering their farms, but that is expensive.
To get rid of Emmett's body, his killers strapped a 75-pound cotton gin fan to his neck with barbed wire.
Trump has declared the caravans an "invasion," and has sent some 2810,22 troops to "harden" the border, including with barbed wire.
In many cases, the workplace itself is literally hidden or has crazy-high security measures (like opaque windows or barbed wire).
You can use this to build resupply stations at capture points as well as fortifications like sandbags, barbed wire, and foxholes.
The cement and barbed-wire barrier and nearly 0007,22015 extra guards were designed to stop a sharp rise in illegal immigrants.
Now we have a revenge train beat into us with a barbed-wire baseball bat, and shallow characters destined to die.
I already have an eight-foot perimeter fence and underground barbed wire to stop the coyotes from digging under the fence.
They are now hard at work putting up barbed wire and additional fencing along the border between Tijuana and San Diego.
Hoogerland never raced at the same level again, although he did subsequently get a tattoo of barbed wire on his leg.
In the summer, a street artist erected a tiny wall around the star, complete with miniature American flags and barbed wire.
"There are too many fences going up in Europe today," he added, pointing to barbed wire in nations such as Hungary.
The victim of Negan's lethal beating — he used Lucille, his barbed-wire-bat — at the end of Season 6 is revealed.
The boys dared one another to run up a concrete incline and touch the barbed wire of the American border fence.
The order for the military deployment, which has largely seen troops put up barbed wire, is scheduled to end Dec. 15.
Warren Richardson won this year's top prize for a photograph of a refugee passing a baby through a barbed wire fence.
Many farmers in Uttar Pradesh are now using barbed wire to stop animals from entering their farms, but that is expensive.
This could be fixed with natural barriers, barbed wire or any other visual indicator that these roofs and ledges aren't accessible.
It is surrounded by chain-link fencing topped with barbed wire and hemmed in between the Rio Grande and I-10.
Barbed wire, which was invented in the 270th century, was long used to fence off cattle ranges in the American West.
Until this happens, too many women will suffer behind barbed-wire fences and will not be helped by the #MeToo movement.
Today, one of the most prominent features of the area is the sprawling outlet mall that abuts the barbed-wire barrier.
And now the debate has detonated yet again, thanks to a 392-page book with barbed wire criss-crossing its cover.
Behind him, past scavenging and defecating prisoners, is a fence of barbed wire, and beyond it, a sky of ferrous gray.
He belongs to an Army sergeant who found him underfed and cut by barbed wire on the mean streets of Makhmour.
About 50 meters from the camp an imposing gray concrete wall is crowned with barbed wire, blocking their entry to Turkey.
At least 85033 million, possibly as many as 2 million, Uighurs are imprisoned in these colorless buildings surrounded by barbed wire.
Other gang-related tattoos included images of the Virgin of Guadalupe; spider webs; three dots; barbed wire; and yin-yang symbols.
They then tied a heavy cotton gin fan to his neck with barbed wire and dumped him into the Tallahatchie River.
BANYAN TREES AND BARBED WIRE The concession didn't placate the protesters, who demanded a full and formal scrapping of the bill.
Farther ahead, the road is obstructed by tree trunks and barbed wire, and then by towering mounds of stones and earth.
Many people resisted the move, however, fearing that the barbed wire fencing and barriers would act as a kind of prison.
This section, known as "the gulch," has no barbed wire, so some of the adults scaled the barrier and jumped over.
By the end of the month, the Austrian government had begun construction of a barbed-wire fence to curb the influx.
The massive facility was ringed by a high wall, barbed wire and guard towers, as well as large numbers of security personnel.
The only remaining wall reference comes when a young girl looks meaningfully at a barbed wire fence in a bit of foreshadowing.
Residents awoke that Wednesday morning to find their commutes thwarted by barbed wire; fishermen were stopped from pushing off in their boats.
You saw what we did with the military, just coming in with the barbed wire and the fencing, and various other things.
One scary, barbed wire baseball bat-carrying, a-hole of a man (played by the delightful-in-real life Jeffrey Dean Morgan).
You don't show ISIS beheading people on TV, nor should you allow someone to be beaten with a barbed-wire baseball bat.
Perhaps. But for most of us not named Mick Foley, so are wrestling matches where the ropes are replaced with barbed wire.
Oh and although it was originally a line from "Cherry Came Too," Barbed Wire Kisses is a pretty fucking sexy album title.
She blew through a barbed wire fence into a field and flipped over, ejecting her two passengers, who weren't wearing seat belts.
And we had straightforward means to facilitate the separation between the two: walls, barbed-wire fences, gates, guards, cameras, alarm systems, etc.
They fight viciously, both trying to wield Negan's barbed-wire baseball bat against each other, but they both escape with minor injuries.
Stepping inside the American embassy was like exploring a city within a city, protected by a red brick wall with barbed wire.
This highly detailed, life-size replica is complete with markings identical to the original and has a barbed wire wrapped barrel end.
The snake was captured slithering on a metal gate making its vertical ascent, through barbed wire like it was no big deal.
Once Negan does show up, you're reminded that he will be clubbing someone to death with Lucille, his barbed wire baseball bat.
Winner, in her orange jumpsuit, got in a workout Monday behind the barbed-wire fencing at the Lincoln County Jail in Georgia.
On the edge of the roof, a section of barbed wire that had been cut off lay near the brown paper bag.
The general kindness of the guards told me that the steel gates and the barbed wire were not meant for me anymore.
After all, she's managed to survive this long in a world full of zombies and a baseball bat wrapped with barbed wire.
The Palestinians in the West Bank won't quietly accept their slow, relentless relegation to reservations hemmed in by walls and barbed wire.
We're not for a moment suggesting that you start constructing a camera-lined barbed wire fence around the perimeter of your property.
Beginning in 1986, a wall was built that runs 2,500 miles and is topped with barbed wire to separate India and Bangladesh.
And he cuts a truly menacing figure as he strides around with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire and named Lucille.
Spiky lines poke up and down along the length of the horizontal black lines, reminding this viewer at least of barbed wire.
The Berlin Wall was actually two parallel walls, with a zone between them that was dominated by watchtowers, guards, and barbed wire.
AP journalists who visited Xinjiang in December 2018 saw patrol towers and high walls lined with green barbed wire fencing around camps.
They were surrounded by barbed wire and guards and often were forced to undergo humiliating medical procedures, the New York Times said.
The classroom was a semi-vacant lot in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, ringed by a chain-link fence and barbed wire.
Each evening as we returned to our hotel, we would pass a boarding school surrounded by tall fences topped with barbed wire.
The shocks got worse and worse: It felt like electrified barbed wire being continually flossed through my right jaw, eye, and cheek.
A book party with barbed wire decorations Oprah's Book Club picks have a reputation for their hefty influence in the publishing industry.
A 74-pound gin fan was tied to his neck with barbed wire, with the hope that he would never be found.
"People are especially fond of Limpy, a bird that was hurt when it flew into a barbed wire fence," Ms. Krus said.
Over time, that wall has been fortified with surveillance towers, more Customs and Border Protection agents, drones, and coils of barbed wire.
Jutting out against desert dunes, the new industrial zones in Xinjiang are often surrounded by high walls, barbed wire and security cameras.
Bristly knots along the filaments create the effect of barbed wire, a reminder that there is peril in both journey and destination.
I drove past General MacArthur's old house, and an American-built church, and down to the high metal fences and barbed wire.
After a few hours we stopped and tied up the horses, and Mr. Hernández unlocked a gate at a barbed-wire fence.
Officials in Nogales, Arizona, are fighting to remove "inhuman" layers of barbed wire that Army troops installed along the city's border wall.
U.S. President Donald Trump declared the caravans an "invasion," and sent several thousand troops to "harden" the border, including with barbed wire.
Barbed wire fences are unrolled like sheets of aluminum foil, marking the transparent frontier at which point the strangers can go no further.
A man's barbed-wire collection is on display, as is memorabilia from the deceased military doctor who delivered White and countless other locals.
Deathmatch is an ultra-violent style of wrestling that features makeshift weapons, light bulb tubes, and barbed wire to ensure a maximum bloodletting.
The killers secured a heavy cotton gin fan to the child's neck with barbed wire and heaved his body into the Tallahatchie River.
But a mysterious camouflaged compound just outside it, protected by high walls, barbed wire and a giant dog, has many in Slovakia worried.
Indeed, the park allows the spectre of suffering to loom in the background by recreating gulag blocks, guard towers and barbed-wire fences.
The villain, who debuted on the show late last season, first took his beloved barbed-wire covered bat -- nicknamed 'Lucille' -- to Abraham's head.
And what of the thousands of African asylum-seekers who are kept in detention centers in the Negev, surrounded by barbed-wire fences?
Srinagar's old quarter was locked down, with policemen in riot gear deployed every few metres, and barbed-wire checkpoints every few hundred metres.
The guests, including leaders of North and South, were invited to pour melted white chocolate on top - and the barbed wire would dissolve.
But when you think about all of the militarization and what you go through and the barbed wire, it's certainly far from easy.
After that conversation, Jensen finally felt he could dream of a different kind of life beyond the barbed wire fence around Horserød Prison.
Srinagar's old quarter was locked down, with policemen in riot gear deployed every few meters, and barbed-wire checkpoints every few hundred meters.
For three years, his family lived in what was essentially a concentration camp, ringed with barbed wire, with about 9,0003 other Japanese-Americans.
Well, those deer tracks and barbed wire may be a conundrum to some, but not to Shelton's girlfriend, Gwen Stefani, and her kids.
Shelton adds that he hoped the barbed wire would salvage the entire thing, but now he just embraces it for what it is.
Their backyard fence is topped with barbed wire; a few miles away, a mammoth wall has sliced the metropolitan area into isolated pieces.
The first person to get a barbed wire tattoo on an upper arm could be seen as clever, inventive, unique and trail-blazing.
"Nor does he give it to those who postulate and want a 'holy war' or to build barrier-fences crowned with barbed wire."
The idea the pair devised is a boot camp–style footrace that features obstacles such as barbed wire and butter-greased monkey bars.
"We Berliners know best how much suffering was caused by the division of an entire continent with barbed wire and concrete," he added.
Some sculptures use barbed wire, which Mr Sun stole from the Demilitarised Zone border between North and South Korea, adorned with fake flowers.
Dr. T is a musical führer who practices mass hypnosis and employs slave labor; his Terwilliker Institute is surrounded by electrified barbed wire.
Apparently I had been driving a quad bike around in the garden, completely hammered, and had careened into a big barbed-wire fence.
In the second world war La Muette, surrounded by barbed wire and watch-towers, was Paris's concentration camp for those of Jewish descent.
In the first display, nativity statues were enclosed in the barbed wire-lined cage, which was meant to resemble an immigration detention center.
I passed the time waiting for the return bus by capturing, against a background of barbed-wire fencing, a Paras and a Pinsir.
In Hebron, a settler scales a wall and snares himself in barbed wire to request that his Palestinian neighbor remove a Palestinian flag.
He eventually led people to a barbed-wire fence near a taxi line, throwing his jacket over the razor wire and climbing over.
Migrants can enter and leave, but visitors to the camp must show their credentials at the guardhouse before passing through barbed-wire fencing.
The Zone of Alienation, as it is also known, is a rough circle with an 18-mile radius, fenced off with barbed wire.
Standing before these harrowing images of war, injury, and death, the viewer can almost touch the barbed wire and smell the mustard gas.
The crowd applauded when Jost scoffed at the notion Weinstein was going to rehab, saying the proper facility had bars and barbed wire.
Decked out in a bright red ensemble with intricate detailing depicting barbed wire and plantlife, YG looks pretty good as a mariachi bandleader.
Toward the end, in a surprise, he was taken outside Moscow to a military base surrounded by armed guards and barbed-wire fences.
Shortly after midnight, North Vietnamese "sappers" — what the Americans called the elite stealth troops — crept through the barbed wire around the bunker encampment.
For a long time, the barrier was more of an afterthought, at its most formidable points just some barbed-wire strung between posts.
Because it has been created by Ms. Kennedy, this landscape is as ugly as it is beautiful, its filigree shaped from barbed wire.
This political will must be guided by an enhanced sense of our common humanity, rather than a belief in barriers and barbed wire.
HOTAN, China — On the edge of a desert in far western China, an imposing building sits behind a fence topped with barbed wire.
Rudian's Eurydice tells him of her otherworldly journey to come to him — the cold, the dogs and the barbed wire that stretches everywhere.
It's the usual action-movie setup — a mission, extraordinary odds, ready-made heroes — but with trenches, barbed wire and a largely faceless threat.
Birds recur as gashed Vs, barbed wire as rows of Xs. And bodies: faceless, reduced in places to a few strokes of black.
The core of the city was razed by Israel and Egypt to create a buffer zone, separating families, including mine, with barbed wire.
Residents had erected barbed-wire barricades to block access to a part of the village where the hostages were said to be held.
That was the harshest camp, with more than 18,500 inmates behind three layers of barbed-wire fence and with tanks patrolling the perimeter.
But he said the barbed wire running through Calexico is a distasteful statement, as is, he said, the president's general rhetoric about immigration.
Waiting hours to cross Kalandia checkpoint — with its rusted barbed wire, turnstiles, guns pointed my way — on my way to and from school.
Even though Miami is (once again) better on defense when Whiteside isn't on the floor, his arms are barbed wire around the rim.
He and a couple of his friends literally ran across the fields and climbed over barbed wire fences and ended up as refugees.
Shipping companies responded with security measures such as armed guards, blocking easy entry points to vessels with barbed wire and installing secure panic rooms.
In "Stall (Closed)" (2014), a tree wrapped in dusty, sun-bleached Persian rugs functions as a sculpture not far from barbed-wire security fences.
WATTERS: Can you believe that one fence that you were looking at, it&aposs just a stick of wood with tiny little barbed wire.
In one promotional video for the program, young boys are seen jumping through an obstacle course, crawling under a barbed wire, and saluting soldiers.
He never showed up to court, returning instead to his property, where he and his relatives armed themselves and patrolled the barbed-wire fences.
In Teilbal in south-eastern Srinagar, a Reuters witness saw large rocks, logs, and barbed wire strung across a road leading into the area.
Arkema would later tell the EPA that stormwater on the property had reached seven feet, submerging a six-foot fence topped by barbed wire.
At Malaka, east of Gaza City (see map), protesters ran up a raised bank to burn tyres or cut through coils of barbed wire.
On the base, an enormous white satellite slowly rotates next to the Chinese scientists' living quarters, all surrounded by fencing topped with barbed wire.
A security guard keeps watch 22017 hours a day over the area, overgrown with weeds and surrounded by chain-link fencing and barbed wire.
The man then ran into some shrubbery, and eventually scaled an 8-foot high fence topped with six strands of barbed wire, Conahan said.
Altindere fills his frames with all of the obstacles that greet Syrian refugees—barbed wire fences, drones, surveillance cameras, bodies of water, and more.
She also has her eye on a different prize: a long-lost painting by Salvador Dalí, hidden somewhere behind the barbed wire of Rikers.
THEY ran up the hill to burn tyres or cut the coils of barbed wire that mark the start of Israel's frontier with Gaza.
Police set up barbed wire on Turtle Island after protesters assembled a bridge to access it in Cannon Ball, ND on November 25, 2016.
When he and other water protectors retrieved the canoes, they also dragged the barbed wire across the river to prevent anyone from getting hurt.
Her car then went through a barbed wire fence and flipped over, causing two 14-year-old girls to fly out of the car.
Someone with a great sense of humor erected a 6-inch high concrete wall Tuesday -- complete with tiny barbed wire -- around the Donald's star.
HASAN SHAM CAMP, Iraq (Reuters) - The Iraqi Kurdish trader threw a large bag of crisp packets over the barbed wire to his Arab customer.
Today, senators of each party face their counterparts like East German border guards staring down their West German cousins over a barbed wire fence.
At least eight migrants have died trying to do so this year, despite miles of fences, barbed wire and surveillance cameras already in place.
Then, they insert what is basically a straw, covered in spikes, like a piece of barbed wire, which makes them even harder to remove.
"The Journey" is the most explicit of the refugee books, depicting high walls with barbed wire and immense border guards lurking in the forest.
Now, all that remains is a chain link fence topped with barbed wire around an empty expanse of land overgrown with grass and weeds.
Such aid has mainly gone for the security measures — high fences, barbed wire and cameras — to make it harder for migrants to reach Britain.
Emmett was kidnapped and killed days later, his body tethered to a cotton gin fan with barbed wire and then cast into a river.
I'm building the wall in smaller stages and we moved the military there, we put up barbed wire, we did all sorts of things.
A 75-pound cotton gin fan was tied with barbed wire to his neck; his left eye and many of his teeth were missing.
Chain-link fences topped with barbed wire surround the tents — not far from that wall stood another, taller wall separating the U.S. and Mexico.
In the shadow of an elevated train line in the South Bronx, a short brick building partially topped with barbed wire is being fortified.
Its flag is lowered at the French-German border, where work on a high-tech wall flanked by banks of barbed wire has begun.
Often it is highly literal, announcing itself in the shape of a concrete wall, a sand berm, a tall fence topped with barbed wire.
For example, the barbed wire the two soldiers walk through in no man&aposs land had angled pathways so the camera could get through.
Those might include a level of security incongruous to the business: opaque windows, bars or boards over the windows, barbed wire or security cameras.
Seeking closure At the crash site, crows perch on the wooden posts and barbed wire that seals off what is now a mass grave.
The middle panel abstracts elements from the first panel into fluid, rolling strips of barbed wire, anguished figures, boots, log cabins, and geometric regalia.
Despite popular support for a path to citizenship for "Dreamers," action on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is caught on partisan barbed wire.
Dressed in black with faces darkened by burned cork, he and five other Army cadets made it through two fences topped with barbed wire.
Spain's Civil Guard said 602 migrants made it onto Spanish soil in a massive assault on the high, barbed-wire fences shortly after dawn.
Border Patrol agents had called it in — the body of a woman, near a barbed wire fence in the back corner of a ranch.
After the race, they left behind a vehicular graveyard littered with smashed fence posts, messes of barbed wire, and at least one empty fire extinguisher.
There was heavy security and barbed-wire barricades in the capital Jakarta, where Prabowo's supporters planned to hold a rally Wednesday, the Jakarta Post reported.
A no-go area for citizens on both sides of the divide, the heavily fortified DMZ today remains a place of barbed wire and landmines.
"I'm a political activist — I have been since I was a teenager, largely because of my childhood incarceration behind American barbed wire fences," Takei said.
World War I: In numbers Firepower This is because the military technologies of 1914 -- earthworks, barbed wire, heavy machine guns, and artillery -- embedded the defender.
Ahmed's family were locked up with more than 3,000 other people in Moria detention center, closed off from the outside world by barbed wire fences.
To progress, I needed to use a Bangalore torpedo to blow up the barbed wire wall and open up the next part of the level.
Vets needed to step in and feed the joey by hand, since her mother stopped producing milk after becoming entangled in the barbed wire fence.
He smashed violins and challenged audience members to play a piano cluttered with objects—ranging from eggshells to toy trucks—and bound in barbed wire.
The Pentagon announced Friday that it would direct an additional 2628,28500 troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to install barbed wire along existing border fences.
A few blocks south at 111th and Park Avenue, unmarked shipping containers and wooden pallets sit behind a barbed-wire fence covered in black netting.
Do Americans want media images of forlorn refugee children behind barbed-wire fences, complete with armed guards and dogs, to ensure they don't go anywhere?
These two-story barracks are rectangles of cinder block and concrete, built around a central courtyard and enclosed by high fences topped with barbed wire.
He knows martial arts, but his weapon of choice (in this fleshly plane of existence) is a baseball bat wrapped in enchanted barbed wire. 8.
Years of trespassing and vandalism led Nohl to put up a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire, and the plants were allowed to grow.
The State Department estimates that Beijing has put 800,000 to two million Muslims in hastily built internment camps ringed with barbed wire in northwestern China.
Asylum seekers of all ages who actually make it across the border are detained in camps policed by armed guards and ringed with barbed wire.
For Ms. Najjar, the protests were not just an opportunity to vent at the barbed wire that made Gaza feel like an open-air cage.
Police had blocked protesters in central Khartoum about 200 meters from the palace, but they surged past a barbed wire barrier to the palace gates.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads   At the Catholic university, a speaker clicks through slide after slide of barbed wire, cattle-chute checkpoints, and walls.
More than 0003,2000 Afghan workers like Mr. Tajik once lived in the town, commuting each day to within the barbed-wire confines of the base.
Finally, in the last lines of the book, she writes of hurling herself over the border to Switzerland, her clothes tearing on the barbed wire.
Entrances to the area are guarded by young people manning barricades made of tree trunks, electricity poles and barbed wire to keep the police out.
"We are afraid for our lives," says Dil Mohammed, one of the refugees who spoke to us through the 10-foot barbed wire border fence.
They sought asylum in the United States, but instead were sent to the American naval base in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and held behind barbed wire.
For many, a sense of apprehension turned to anger when the military installed barbed wire on top of older border fencing, which runs through downtown.
It's closed to the public, surrounded by a fence topped with barbed wire and hung with signs that are deliberately ambiguous about what lies within.
She says she's gotten praise and some criticism of her work -- including some people who complained about getting their clothing snagged on the barbed wire.
In "Sura 2L," a homeless man pulls a shopping cart full of belongings, shut out from the street by a wall fortified by barbed wire.
According to Morgan's interview with Entertainment Weekly, Negan rules with an iron fist (or, rather, a barbed wire-covered baseball bat) for a very specific reason.
Prior to the season 7 premiere, which saw Negan taking his barbed-wire bat to poor Glenn, fans suspected that Daryl was on the chopping block.
The military has been asked to construct tented camps for thousands of migrants at military bases surrounded by chain link fence and topped by barbed wire.
The prison has been transformed into a fortress, with journalists banned from approaching closer than a mile (1.6 km) and roads lined with barbed-wire barricades.
All the cement and barbed wire may even help to convince the sceptical Donald Trump that Japan is pulling its weight in its alliance with America.
Agim, at two years old, was pictured being passed through a barbed wire fence in a photo taken by Carol Guzy, a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist.
FRIED: Yes, they&aposre all bleeding and barbed wire and trying to get over Trump&aposs wall or whatever... GEORGE "TYRUS" MURDOCH: Really hard to socialize.
Srinagar's old quarter was locked down on Wednesday evening, with policemen in riot gear deployed every few metres, and barbed-wire checkpoints every few hundred metres.
Your commanding officer drags you onto the beach and, in a scripted scene, you pick up the Bangalore you'll use to destroy the barbed wire fence.
Pictures posted to social media by a South Korean lawmaker appeared to show that in at least one occasion, the chocolate barbed wire failed to dissolve.
The Pueblo Tribe, which set up camp at Standing Rock in August 2016, started making dreamcatchers with barbed wire that was previously used against water protectors.
A massive fence, complete with shading and barbed wire surrounds Nipsey's Marathon Clothing in Los Angeles ... the same place the rapper was murdered back in March.
But beyond the barbed wire, peeling paint and spooky hallways that look like they're straight out of AMC's "The Walking Dead," Tony Abbatine had an idea.
"The boys dared one another to run up a concrete incline and touch the barbed wire of the American border fence," The New York Times reported.
Behind the tall barbed-wire fences at the Washington Corrections Center for Women in Gig Harbor, Washington, 14 of the inmates have a special focus: motherhood.
U.S. Navy corpsmen, uninvolved with the detention facilities, must process what it means to do their exercises a stone's throw away from barbed wire and bars.
Apart from the heavily garrisoned police station, whose approach road is strewn with rocks, tyres and barbed wire, the town is bereft of a government presence.
Using concrete, barbed wire, electric currents, or surveillance technology, these walls are built to divide people from different social or ethnic groupsBut they don't necessarily work.
In early September the road leading out of Rishton towards Sokh ended in a tangle of barbed wire, the Uzbek flag fluttering forlornly rather than festively.
And to carry that metaphor further, he and FMW, given their love for bloodbaths, barbed wire, explosions, and chaos, are the punk* of the wrestling world.
The overland road from the Norwegian border passes by miles and miles of double-row fences of ice-crowned barbed wire, warning signs and surveillance cameras.
The sport is an ultra-violent style of wrestling that includes makeshift weapons, light bulb tubes, and barbed wire to ensure a maximum amount of bloodletting.
In this case as my eyes followed our chopper, I noticed a short length of barbed-wire fence just a couple of feet off the ground.
When a hurricane churns the water around, that's the best time to ease your skiffs and outriggers beneath the barbed wire — or so the locals say.
It is rare for defectors to cross the Demilitarized Zone, which is fortified by layers of barbed-wire fences, minefields and armed sentries on both sides.
The "reception centers" and "transit camps" Myanmar has set up, some on the site of razed Rohingya villages, are surrounded by barbed wire and security outposts.
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia -- In an unkempt courtyard here behind high walls topped by coils of barbed wire lie 14 graves marked only by crude white fences.
How could it be otherwise, when the barbed wire and landmines of the Demilitarized Zone are only sixty miles (100 kilometers) from the Olympic ski jump?
There, behind lines of barbed wire and military watch towers erected to defend the coast from nearby North Korea, visitors can tour a North Korean submarine.
"There lies our land," I said to Hasan, as I looked at the trees on the other side of the barbed-wire fence that confines us.
Fearing kidnappers, the province guarded the compound heavily in the 1930s, and its security fence is still there, though the barbed wire on top is gone.
On that trip, Mr. Leimdorfer said, he walked the same border he had crossed decades earlier and cut a strand from the barbed-wire frontier fence.
In Tornillo, Texas, where one of the largest detention camps is, children live in a space enclosed by a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire.
Zhirinovsky once proposed blocking off mostly Muslim southern Russia with a barbed wire fence, echoing Trump's call for a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico.
Her coach happened to also train people for Spartan Races, popular endurance runs that include crawling under barbed wire and over walls and leaping over fire.
The Spanish enclave is known as Ceuta, and visitors there can't fail to note a 20-foot-high barbed wire fence that stretches for four miles.
By 2010, about one-third of the border had been fenced with materials ranging from barbed wire to steel, bollard to wire mesh, and chain link.
After four weeks, they moved us into an internment camp, where barbed wire and armed guards kept us prisoners in our own country for four years.
Some of his most formative memories are from the autumn of 1989, when the concrete and barbed wire were torn down after 30 years of separation.
A drawn-out recitation of "Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe" ends with one major character's head smashed like a watermelon by Lucille, Negan's barbed wire-wrapped baseball bat.
Sometimes we'd stop on roads where you could wait a whole hour without anyone passing by and pick up a rattata waiting by the barbed wire fences.
Since then, it has been stretched out in sections of steel and barbed wire, lit up by floodlights, and enforced by watchtowers and approximately 21,000 border patrollers.
Rusting barbed wire fences, with signs warning "Danger Mines!" in Hebrew, English and Arabic, run along a dusty road leading to the 100-hectare (27 acre) area.
In July 2016, an LA artist built a barbed wire wall around the star to mock Trump's plan of building a wall between the US and Mexico.
We see your glitter tears and barbed wire eyebrows, but if you really want to take beauty into the future, you'll at least consider these LED eyelashes.
Greece's state railways company OSE threw up a barbed wire fence parallel to the railway tracks at Idomeni on Tuesday to prevent people moving onto the line.
ON THE outskirts of Libertad, a small town an hour's drive from Montevideo, barbed wire and guard towers surround a ten-hectare plot of state-owned land.
Squeezed between barbed wire and the sea, tens of thousands fled by boats to Thailand and Malaysia, only to become ensnared by traffickers and tortured for ransom.
"Once they hear this art exists, people immediately think about stereotypical images from the Holocaust: barbed wire, yellow stars, chimneys," Ms. Moreh-Rosenberg said in an interview.
There was a swirly one with forest green vines, or else tentacles, all tangled up in a barbed wire fence like the one around her grandparents' farm.
Officers have also been handing out citations to people for parking outside the boundary and illegally entering the park through barbed-wire fencing and hurting the flowers.
Through trial and error—dying, always dying—I managed to scramble my way up the beach and find a cozy spot along a wall of barbed wire.
There's no barbed wire or fencing around the perimeter, but inside it's a juvenile jail housing several dozen boys and girls, including some as young as 10.
At 2:30, he was crouching behind the barbed-wire barrier, whirling his slingshot like a helicopter rotor, aiming in vain at Israeli soldiers again and again.
Calculations of potential costs depend on what happens if Schengen disappears: will spot-checks merely increase or will countries reintroduce border posts with barriers and barbed wire?
I'm introduced to a whole cast of tattoos: barbed wire, peace signs, and stick-and-poke tattoos done with just a needle and ink are in abundance.
Brown male faces, often the most demonized demographic in the British press, are seen scaling fences, running through deserts, and staring resolutely towards lines of barbed wire.
They had been sent by officials and were coming to take down the barbed wire that protected her rubber saplings from the trampling of cows and buffalos.
The agency last week shut down traffic at San Ysidro in both directions as agents set up barbed wire, concrete and rebar to reinforce the border area.
In Kashmir's biggest city, Srinagar, India tightened security further, sealing off many roads with barbed wire for an Independence Day parade attended by only a few locals.
Tear gas and water cannons rained down on protesters, as armored personnel carriers with battering rams raced forward, and troops laid barbed wire coils on the ground.
On Tuesday, CNN reported that the troops are expected to finish their assigned task of reinforcing border crossing points, largely with barbed wire, in the coming days.
They swished and darted and soon struck a steady, gliding orbit over the plaza, a kind of dark and clotted halo, like barbed wire in the air.
The actual fences are topped with barbed wire, the zone has has mines, and it also has the most military at a border anywhere in the world. 
Imagine if your neighborhood grocery store welcomed you with a fortified perimeter—barbed wire, tanks and guard towers loomed tall while helicopters and fighter planes scream overhead.
Everything that comes in and out is carefully monitored, guards are on constant patrol and actively armed, and the perimeter is lined with tall, barbed-wire fencing.
He placed himself at the center of FMW and a whole new approach to pro wrestling that went heavy on the theatrics (and the exploding barbed wire).
He headed there and found it nearly empty except for the armed border guards, the dirt mounds, and the barbed wire, all intended to ward off migrants.
He has short dark blond hair, a large tattoo on his right upper arm of a "pointed cross and barbed wire," and speaks with a distinct lisp.
The fighting had been brutal; there were so many N.V.A. dead piled up all around and festooning the barbed wire that their bodies had to be burned.
Even the tomb of François Tombalbaye, the nation's first president, is just a car-sized lump of tile ringed by barbed wire — not a statue in sight.
"Upon interviewing the owner, it was relayed to our detectives that the canine had cut its throat on a barbed wire fence," Jones wrote in the statement.
Today, on the outskirts of town, peasants riding ox carts and dump trucks heading to Hpakant line up at candy-cane striped sawhorses wrapped in barbed wire.
Scuffles broke out on Tuesday at the barbed-wire barrier between the public square where demonstrators have gathered day and night and the government palace overlooking it.
Authorities even "strung rope and barbed wire around a 12-square-block section of Chinatown," NPR reported, holding Chinese immigrants inside while allowing white residents to evacuate.
He was naked except for the barbed wire wound around him, which was attached to a 75-pound fan meant to sink him down to the riverbed.
A ribbon of yellow caution tape stamped with the words "Criminal Prosecution" and a barbed wire fence prevented onlookers from drawing any closer than the entry gate.
It was a bold comparison, one that Mr. Preston, with his chore coats and ripstop pants, paramilitary vests and barbed wire necklaces, doesn't yet live up to.
It was just a few days before Marcus died in an encounter with a feral zombie just outside the barbed-wire fence, practically within sight of safety.
After the hourlong film ended, guests spilled out into the gravel courtyard, which was fortified by metal gates and barbed wire, to drink cherry cocktails and Tecate beer.
The south side of the ward faced an equally awful image: a fenced‑in asphalt volleyball court and recreation area that was wrapped in double‑sided barbed wire.
Outside it was all barbed wire and cold steel, but on the red carpet, stars and scientists alike sweated under the bright white lights and flash of cameras.
Mouaz Khrayba, who had been put in touch with me by a mutual acquaintance, had attached photos of refugees protesting in front of barbed-wire fences on Samos.
Another structure, related to the prison but outside of its barbed wire fence, had completely collapsed and debris could be seen strewn around the exterior of the facility.
An Armenian police officer and a protester fall on barbed wire as police attempt to disperse opposition supporters during a rally in central Yerevan, Armenia, on April 133.
He has rented the land from a Rohingya villager, whose ancestral home falls within the barbed wire boundary that contains camps including Dar Paing and Thet Kay Pyin.
Three people were hospitalized with serious injuries, including two police officers, after the rush to jump the six-meter, barbed-wire fence that surrounds Ceuta, the authorities said.
THIRTY MINUTES west from Cap-Haïtien, a city in the north of Haiti, tawny sand beaches fringed with coconut palms are blocked by a high barbed-wire fence.
On Instagram, Plastic Jesus posted a photo of the star and its new concrete wall, which is six inches high and features barbed wire and "Keep Out" signs.
Four days later, on August 13, East German guards began installing barbed wire along their border with West Berlin, the beginnings of what would soon become a wall.
At the same time, the government told private schools to adopt security measures such as installing barbed wire, hiring security guards and increasing the height of school walls.
Screenshot: Sarah Funk (YouTube)In the video, Funk and her partner Luis Yanes climb over a low barbed-wire fence to get to the small body of water.
A large wall covered in barbed wire in the spirit of a penitentiary cuts through the exhibition space, adorned with quotes by anti-fascist Spanish poet León Felipe.
You can use that tool kit in set locations — especially around capture points — to build resupply stations, sandbag walls, barbed wire fences, tank deterrents, foxholes... you name it.
The weekly put a black and white photo of his face, wrapped in barbed wire, on its cover above the words: "Welcome to the country of human rights".
From Laramie, the family drove over the Snowy Range, passing "a remarkably repulsive-looking willowbog, full of cowmerds and barbed wire" where Vladimir immediately stopped to pursue butterflies.
He assembles the pieces, which are heavy with personal and political meaning, from scavenged widgets and rusty bits of trash that he often lashes together with barbed wire.
Takei has spoken openly about the camps in the past: In one interview, he said there were three levels of barbed wire fences and tanks patrolling the perimeter.
Perhaps even worse, for months the island's government allowed the dead to rot in tractor-trailers stashed in an empty parking lot, covered by tarps behind barbed wire.
Government guidelines released this year indicate that detention centers should have a boundary wall at least 10-feet high lined with barbed wire, Reuters said, citing local media.
The float showcased a man dressed in a Clinton mask and orange jumpsuit inside a cage made of fencing and barbed wire, according to The Daily Times Herald.
On a recent day, more than 1,400 migrants, all but three of them Afghans, milled outside under military surveillance, surrounded by a high fence topped with barbed wire.
Eight-meter high concrete blocks tower above—so close you could almost reach out and touch them, if it weren't for the never-ending fences of barbed wire.
" The cover photo is a stiletto heel made out of gnarled barbed wire, with bubbly magenta text asking, "Do you think you can handle walking in our shoes?
"We are just 40 km (25 miles) away from barbed wire fences preventing civilian populations - neighbors, relatives, family members - from having contact with each other," the president said.
With a deadly Mediterranean to the south and barbed-wire fences to the north, for many this is the only route, even under the specter of police brutality.
That includes extensive surveillance powered by companies like Hikvision and barbed wire-ringed internment compounds that American officials estimate hold 800,000 to as many as three million Muslims.
At an army base in Rathedaung, a few miles from where the Arakan Army launched an attack this year, soldiers crouched behind fences of barbed wire and branches.
Painted onto a large stretch of canvas, a young Japanese woman, her face framed by a powder-blue sky and two strands of barbed wire, holds our view.
One day in April, when he failed to get out of the way of a stretch of barbed wire being dragged from the fence, she bandaged his wounds.
Others cleared away barbed wire coils which Israeli troops had placed in Gazan territory overnight in a bid to create a buffer zone between protesters and the fence.
His geometric barbed-wire and chain structures were shown at the Whitney in 1970, but it would be another two decades before he had his first gallery exhibition.
But a few North Korean soldiers and civilians have defected by crossing the DMZ, undeterred by minefields, sentry posts and tall fences topped with barbed wire, some electrified.
Some also took objection to the authors use of barbed wire, illustrated on the cover of the novel, as decorations for a book party and Cummins' own fingernails.
The heavily fortified compound, one of the biggest American missions in the world, is topped with barbed wire and sits in one of New Delhi's most secure neighborhoods.
Eight lean young men, some still wearing bloodstained clothes, dragged away clumps of barbed wire on Thursday that protesters had torn from the fence dividing Gaza from Israel.
And because he is from a border state, O'Rourke understands the enduring symbol of our country is not the barbed wire fence, it is the Statue of Liberty.
The Moria facility on Lesbos, with about 3,100 people, is surrounded by a three-layer fence topped with barbed-wire, according to HRW and journalists on the ground.
As the butchers hacked away in a closed arena about the size of a soccer field, devotees tried climbing walls topped with barbed wire to catch a glimpse.
Noguchi had been encouraged by his contact at the Bureau of Indian Affairs that he could redesign the camp, a place of barbed wire and boiling-hot barracks.
In November, the United States military descended on Nogales and promptly got to work installing barbed wire at the port of entry and atop the international border wall.
He climbed a barbed-wire fence, balancing atop it like a bird, supporting himself with the barrel of a Galil carbine held up by one of his men.
Today, parked on Indiana Street, looking over a chest-high, barbed wire fence, across the tawny grass and sparse trees that cover this storied tract, nothing looks toxic.
MADRID (Reuters) - Hundreds of sub-Saharan African migrants forced their way on Friday morning over a barbed-wire fence into Spain's North African enclave of Ceuta, which borders Morocco.
In Courtroom #3, behind two barbed wire gates and three locked doors, Judge Saundra Arrington is getting ready to ask the man before her a methodical list of questions.
Under cloudy skies, Pence and his wife laid a white flower wreath at the International Monument, a jagged brass sculpture that evokes human figures trying to escape barbed wire.
Fenced in by barbed wire, she grabs at the wire in an instinctive act of self-punishment, a look of dazed contrition on her cold mask of a face.
Many of these have been cobbled together with felled light poles or trees, reinforced with barbed wire and wooden planks, where locals said they were keeping watch every night.
In order to get The Last Mile's coding courses up and running to begin with, staffers essentially had to recreate the internet inside the prison's high barbed-wire walls.
Authorities had been preparing for possible unrest after the announcement of the election result -- there was already heavy security and barbed-wire barricades in place in Jakarta on Tuesday.
That doesn't mean it won't be violent; I doubt Glenn and Abraham will be the last characters to meet their end by way of a barbed wire baseball bat.
Policemen, barbed wire, prison cells, orders, incredibly basic vocalizations of man's innate fear of being consumed by the vast and unceasing void, all shot in moody black and white.
Others with still less time ran through bushes and leaped across barbed wire and wooden fences to reach the main road of the town of Escuintla, near Los Lotes.
ULLENSAKER, Norway — From the outside, Romerike Prison looks like many correctional facilities in the United States: barbed-wire fences, guard stations and inmate cells scattered across acres of land.
In the spring of 2017, his government even began shuffling asylum-seekers through barbed-wire transit zones and sheltering refugees in shipping containers while they awaited approval for entry.
Taken by Australian photographer, Warren Richardson, the photograph, "Hope for a new Life," depicts a refugee man passing his child across the barbed wire border between Serbia and Hungary.
As part of that effort, Hamas has been tightening control along its border with the Egyptian Sinai in recent months, constructing a buffer and installing cameras and barbed wire.
Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been at the vanguard in casting refugees as an insidious menace, best kept at bay by barbed wire and locked up in detention centers.
The Claremont United Methodist Church, about 30 miles east of Los Angeles, posted the photo on its website showing the three held in separate cages topped with barbed wire.
Then there is the rendering Mr. Mallon created himself, a canvas depicting the outlines of Mr. Trump's face, barbed wire, a border wall and a pile of ironic trophies.
In Hong Kong, the reinforcement includes equipment tailor-made for quelling urban violence with non-lethal force including water cannon vehicles and trucks used to lay barbed-wire barricades.
To the southwest, in the vast space between Phoenix and Tucson, they are surrounded by barbed wire in facilities that seem to rise right out of the Sonoran Desert.
The tribe reluctantly complied when the federal government moved to replace an old barbed-wire fence with sturdier barriers that were designed to stop vehicles ferrying drugs from Mexico.
The original building stands firm, surrounded by a 20-foot wall laced with barbed wire, though refurbishments in the 24724s and '250s improved sanitation and added in-cell electricity.
The Christmas sales were supposed to pack the parking lot that runs along a barbed wire fence in San Ysidro, one of the busiest border crossings in the world.
The 2.5-mile-wide DMZ, considered the most heavily fortified border in the world, is guarded by minefields, sentry posts and tall fences topped with barbed wire, some electrified.
His face appeared on the cover of this week's widely read magazine L'Obs encased in barbed wire; inside, a host of well-known writers took savage aim at him.
All the incident report says is that a 29-year-old female ran through a barbed wire fence while chasing a turkey, racking up multiple lacerations across her thigh.
Halden Prison in Norway looks sort of like a fancy dorm room or a hotel — much different from the barbed wire and cramped cells we often associate with prison design.
One member of the Majorettes, Dunja, can even swap her hoop for a whirl of barbed wire — though the other members still seem a little nervous about that particular trick.
At one end of the tent was a trophy: a coil of barbed wire cut from a barrier on the Gaza side that the Israelis had erected as a deterrent.
The police blockade—which is made up of a barbed wire fence and trucks—has cut off the Standing Rock tribe's access to the public road for almost a month.
I had to leave the relative comfort of the barbed wire to grab the missiles, open up fence, and proceed to a mind field overseen by Germans on machine guns.
Now a historical site, it was then a sprawling, barbed-wire enclosed makeshift prison perched on a dry, dusty, barren region of California&aposs high desert and surrounded by guards.
Videos circulated on social media appear to show unarmed protesters arguing with soldiers and breaching a barbed-wire barricade placed on a road, before gunfire sends activists running for cover.
It had been a kind of storage room, then was used briefly as a studio by a goth-y bartender who left behind charcoal drawings of cathedrals and barbed wire.
Simon Winder, an author and publisher, exaggerated when he said on BBC radio some months ago that "nationalism always starts off with folk-dancing and ends up with barbed wire".
The dramatic footage shows dozens of men and women clambering across barbed wire fences into no man's land, some of them covered in blood and carrying dead or injured relatives.
In central Srinagar, the region's main city, few pedestrians ventured out of their homes to navigate barbed-wire checkpoints guarded by helmeted soldiers in camouflage, wielding rifles and protective shields.
Under Communist rule, many of the people passing through were Czechs hoping to breach the barbed-wire barrier of the Iron Curtain and seek a better life in the West.
Deputy Warden of Security Keith Eutsey, left, and Warden Bruce Chatman walk to the execution chamber along rows of barbed wire at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison, on Dec.
But while most of the team was off doing that, there was always a squad or two hanging back and rebuilding sandbag walls, firing-steps, barbed wire, and trench lines.
The immersive experience sees visitors walk through a makeshift petrol station and barbed wire - as if entering a rave in a warehouse - to see the exhibition and listen to music.
Countless photos and video have appeared on social media showing armed military personnel standing watch, barbed wire and fencing erected around sections of the border, and armored vehicles on patrol.
Unlike with its data, the WEF went to great lengths to ensure that the resort where it was hosted was protected from protesters by using roadblocks and barbed wire fences.
One of the hardest things for prisoners in the camps to endure was the knowledge that families just outside the barbed wire continued to live as we had once lived.
Near parliament, riot police scuffled with a group of protesters who were trying to use a cable to remove a barbed wire barricade blocking a road, a Reuters witness said.
Instead of the electric guardrail wrapped in barbed wire that he once was, Howard is now a sturdy picket fence with a big "Beware of Dog" sign on the door.
People were abandoning their cars, so pretty soon I had to ditch the motorcycle, because there was a barbed-wire fence there, and I couldn't take it up this hill.
"Strachy," for instance, a large-scale installation, was made with his grandmother and features dozens of colorful crosses with items of clothing sewn around them, then wrapped in barbed wire.
Reporters on the border tell me migrants often carry small heavy rugs to throw over the barbed wire and then dump them when they make it to the U.S. side.
He and his friends had been playing in a dry culvert, daring each other to run up the opposite bank and touch the barbed-wire fence on the American side.
First, photos from a bookseller dinner at Book Expo 2019 showed that the event was decorated with opulent floral arrangements wrapped in barbed wire, meant to mimic the book's cover.
CNN has published stories of a Uyghur journalist who condemned the campaign as "cultural genocide," and a former teacher in the camps who described brainwashing and abuse behind barbed wire.
The garden sits on scraps of salvaged artificial turf next to a wall topped by barbed wire that is angled toward the adjacent street to protect the base from intruders.
The scene is grim: piles of trash, barbed wire, children wailing, rows of cheap summer tents with entire families crammed inside and fights regularly breaking out on the camp's periphery.
In a lush valley surrounded by the Peruvian Andes — past two sets of security gates, high fences, barbed wire and a rigorous pat-down — 2100 women stood hard at work.
So we walk over a hill and see the remnants of the facilities landfill, along with the barbed-wire fence that guts out the COE with a threat to trespassers.
Government guidelines for detention camps released earlier this year include building a boundary wall at least 10 feet (3 meters) high and ringed with barbed wire, local media reports said.
Kevin Andres, a Mexican migrant child from Oaxaca, crawls to retrieve his backpack from barbed wire after jumping the border fence to get into the US from Tijuana, Mexico, Dec. 453.
Yet the greater weakness at the base, with a 24-km perimeter and a 3-metre (10-foot) wall topped by barbed wire, may have been a lack of adequate surveillance.
That is because the town is controlled by anti-Assad rebels and has been encircled by pro-government forces, including Iranian-backed Hezbollah units, with barbed wire, land mines and snipers.
Residents of the "Jungle" are treated to "an endless guerrilla siege", walled in by concrete and barbed wire, their tents cut open with blades and sprayed with teargas and then burned.
Many top junta members amassed great wealth, visible now in high-end enclaves of Yangon, where mansions rise behind barbed-wire topped walls, and the sprawling compounds in the capital Naypyitaw.
Spain&aposs main civil guard union welcomed Friday&aposs announcement that the barbed-wire might go away, but said more border agents, more vehicles and better surveillance technology was also needed.
Barbed wire unspools along the top, and about 20 feet beyond the fence, on the Syrian side, there's a ditch to stop explosive-laden ISIS vehicles that might charge the border.
The protesters, some waving Lebanese army flags and wearing camouflage trousers, breached coils of barbed wire as they sought to approach the parliament building where MPs were voting on the budget.
The UMP's outer rim is protected by two three-meter high fences, one of concrete-and-steel and the other of metal netting, and both have barbed wire on the top.
At the Palo Alto action, concentration camp–style barbed wire fencing was placed outside the company's offices, and then an afternoon rally was held in front of one of Karp's houses.
On the US side, to the left of the image, taller see-through fencing blocks the way, with an additional lower metal fence topped with barbed wire on the other side.
As the sun rose, men, women and children grabbed belongings and broke part of the barbed-wire-topped fence, making their way down a steep dirt embankment as a helicopter circled.
Perhaps it's not the best sign that the richest relationship on "The Walking Dead" is between a man and his barbed-wire-wrapped baseball bat, but a compelling dynamic it is.
Now, it represents what Sadr has described as a "bastion of corruption" — where political deal making happens behind a buttress of barbed wire and security checkpoints, far from the public eye.
At an anti-Communist rally in Vienna sponsored by Roman Catholic student and youth organizations, a montage of photos "made him appear to be standing behind barbed wire," The Times reported.
Erinn Williams, the lead field investigator for the Oklahoma City outbreak, drove slowly down a one-lane gravel road curtained by overgrowth and bristling with barbed wire and "No Trespassing" signs.
The basalt rail bridge from 1905 lies behind a formidable army gate topped with barbed wire; this is now the frontier with Jordan, and the bridge is in a buffer zone.
The Shala family from Prizren, Kosovo, found each other at the fence and passed 218-year-old Agaim Shala through the barbed wire barrier so he could visit with his relatives.
If, after these relentless attacks, houses of worship become surrounded by barbed wire and policed by armed guards, that sense of sanctuary will have been lost, and may never be regained.
Mexico's Julio Cesar Chavez took on American Greg Haugen in front of 132,274 people in Mexico City back in 1993, when the ring was surrounded by a moat and even barbed wire.
Will Prada's luxury version be more wearable than the versions of our tween years, which felt more like wearing a chain of barbed wire than a selection of the ocean's finest shells?
Monochrome makeup is a trend that's not going anywhere — and in a beauty landscape in which every look has its 15 seconds (remember barbed wire eyebrows?), we think that's something to celebrate.
NIAMEY, Niger — Each time he drives past the barbed wire–topped walls of the US drone base in Niger's sun-scorched capital, Daouda Dakoye is convinced American snipers will pick him off.
Negan, Jeffrey Dean Morgan's swaggering villain, and his barbed-wire bat Lucille are poised to beat one of our survivors to death within the first minute or so of the new season.
All asylum seekers would be kept in a transit zone where the detention centers are located, effectively condemned to prolonged detention in shipping containers surrounded by barbed wire, a UNHCR spokeswoman said.
Roads were blocked and barbed wire barriers put up around the embassy, in a leafy district of the capital, which was patrolled by police in riot gear who set up water cannons.
An early gathering of demonstrators in Baghdad tried to pass through barbed wire into the fortified Green Zone where the Saudi embassy is located but police repelled them, a Reuters cameraman said.
Like all the quartz mining and processing facilities in the area, Unimin's Schoolhouse Quartz Plant, set in a valley amid low, thickly treed hills, is surrounded by a barbedwire‑topped fence.
Beside glorious vineyards and lush countryside on the Greek island of Evia, a barbed wire fence encircles a dusty, barren former military encampment where 1,000 Syrian refugees are housed in metal containers.
Pandit was taken to Awantipora police station, a high-walled compound ringed by barbed wire yards from the family home, before being moved to an interrogation unit in Srinagar, Kashmir's main city.
Security forces used barbed wire to block a main road leading to the Defence Ministry compound, the site of the protest camp crushed by security forces in June, a Reuters witness said.
Officials on Wednesday said Jhyrin Jones, 19, conducted his escapade after scaling a 12-foot high fence topped with barbed wire at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the world's busiest, the previous afternoon.
The Geneva Free Port, behind barbed wire, is crammed with storage vaults that contain some of the most exquisite artworks ever made, tucked away where they may not be seen for decades.
Dozens of migrants made it to the top of the six-metre barbed wire fence early on Sunday before being lifted down by cranes, footage from local TV station Faro TV showed.
SEOUL, South Korea — A North Korean soldier defected to South Korea on Thursday morning, sneaking across the countries' land border, which is heavily guarded with armed sentries, minefields and barbed wire fences.
But he said that detention centers such as the one he visited recently in Clinton, Texas, where migrants are being held behind barbed wire and armed guards, need to be shut down.
So they stay, cloistered inside barbed-wire fences guarded by United Nations troops who have failed to keep peace in the capital or even to prevent assaults just outside the camps' perimeters.
"The big problem with cows is they have bee stings, barbed wire cuts, so there's all kinds of imperfections that have to be avoided during the cutting process [of leather]," he said.
Still, to please visitors, the local authorities removed barbed wire from a pretrial detention center that stands about a block from the city's World Cup stadium, and increased the number of guards.
Authorities have begun erecting barbed-wire fences around the camps in a bid to tackle crime, while a plan to relocate refugees to a flood-prone island has been put on hold.
The barbed wire and white sky makes a broad anxiety about the future, and its capacity to become repressive, into a general scene shot through with specificity rather than an anecdotal image.
Every few days armored vehicles would resupply us with food, clean clothing and mail, as well as ammunition, grenades, land mines, barbed wire, sandbags and replacement parts for broken or damaged weapons.
Barbed wire was strung across some roads leading to the Lahore airport on Friday and barricades were positioned at the roadside ready to close off main boulevards should crowds start to gather.
His much smaller piece at the fair, whose exposed barbed wire and concrete stressing rods had a special resonance in postwar Berlin, sold to another German buyer, having been priced at €7,000.
Alone, but for a brother who shoves herahead through the barbed-wire fence,knowing she's safer without him —a truth she cannot yet fathom,being too young for the ways of men.
They were teenagers from Central and South America, brought by border agents to the Tornillo Detention Facility and led to rows of metal bunk beds in military tents ringed by barbed wire.
It isn't an ideal spot — there is a barbed wire fence and power lines, which could snare his balloon — but the clouds are floating north and will soon be out of range.
Dozens of officers, some equipped in military-style tactical uniforms and carrying semiautomatic rifles, stared across a plywood and barbed wire roadblock as the Wet'suwet'en people and their supporters gathered behind it.
Security at the roughly 50 state prisons across Texas extends beyond barbed-wire fences and cell-by-cell searches to include the careful reading of every book and magazine sent to inmates.
Using a makeshift "rope" cops believe was fashioned out of bed sheets and jail clothes, the inmates got around barbed wire and rappelled down a roof to the ground four stories below.
No one should ever describe a murder as a thing of beauty, but the way in which Argento unfurls the aforementioned hanging and another brutal killing involving barbed wire is downright sublime.
Going through China, North Korea's neighbor and sole major ally, means they avoid the DMZ, which features landmines, barbed wire, surveillance cameras, electric fencing and thousands of armed troops on both sides.
The Dodgers might have an even BIGGER advantage in the World Series -- because 'Walking Dead' star Jeffrey Dean Morgan says he's willing to loan his beloved barbed wire bat to Kiké Hernandez.
And it will require a wall not of bricks and barbed wire, but a virtual one that we all help build, using our ingenuity, leveraging technology, and developing better habits in cyber space.
Maybe you'd expect an album of cowboy songs, given his natural barbed wire inclinations and white thicket of facial hair that makes him resemble the cosmic kin of Yosemite Sam or The Lorax.
The 2003 Buick that Obdulia was driving swerved to the other side of the road before it tore through a barbed wire fence into a field and flipped over, the CHP report stated.
The country he was hoping to call his own was partially obscured behind a metal border fence in the process of being reinforced with barbed wire by construction crews surrounded by US soldiers.
On a sleepy tree-lined street in the northern part of the city, among noodle shops and bakeries, stands an imposing compound surrounded by high concrete walls topped with loops of barbed wire.
She crashed through a barbed-wire fence and overturned in a field, ejecting the two 14-year-olds, who were not wearing seatbelts, through a rear window, according to the California Highway Patrol.
There isn't much demilitarized about it: A minefield laced with barbed wire, it's guarded by combat-ready troops on both sides and has been the site of numerous, sometimes deadly gunbattles and skirmishes.
So is what she leaves behind: shrapnel, barbed wire, splinters of shacks and the other detritus of the first world war in which Italian and Austro-Hungarian soldiers battled for the controlling heights.
Read: Migrants in Tijuana face barbed wire, long lines, and dim hopes of ever claiming asylum The rejection of the children represents an even tougher stance in the U.S.' position toward asylum seekers.
Celaa also said the government planned to assess how to remove — "without losing any security" — the barbed wire capping the border fences of Ceuta and Melilla, the two Spanish enclaves in North Africa.
Celaa says the government will assess through technical reports how to remove, "without losing any security," the barbed wire capping the fences of Ceuta and Melilla, the two Spanish enclaves in northern Africa.
Many migrants are turning to people-traffickers to smuggle them into Hungary or Croatia, with the short Croatian border effectively sealed and a months-long waiting list at the barbed-wire Hungarian border.
I'm not a runner but I kept a steady pace for about two miles before we hit our first obstacle: crawling in the mud to avoid contact with the barbed wire above us.
Ripped clothes are common down here in South Texas brush country, whether it's because of the thorny acacia or the miles of barbed wire that insist on ripping something when you repair them.
In the fevered delusions of the media hype machine and wishful right-wing pundits, this month's Democratic convention will be a scene of barbed wire, protests and police, floor fights and shouting matches.
The 1.5-mile walk, which just happens to neighbor Oprah Winfrey's property, almost evokes the English countryside: a bucolic, rolling landscape lined with rock walls and wooden fence posts connected with barbed wire.
But when the nation was swept up by war hysteria, fear and racism, even that great President got stampeded by the current of the times and put us in barbed-wire prison camps.
"Establishment politician Josh Hawley, breaking his signature pledge as Attorney General, is now both climbing the political ladder and straddling a barbed-wire political fence," said David Bergstein, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee spokesman.
Americans who were not suspected of any crime, or even of sympathies to a hostile government, were torn from their communities, homes and jobs, and locked in barbed-wire camps for three years.
"Part of the prison sentence is punishment," Mr. Bentley said in Holman's visitation room, not far from barbed wire, brick guard towers and signs of allegiance to the University of Alabama Crimson Tide.
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, European countries have spent approximately $570 million on 750 miles of fencing—cement, electric, chain-link, and barbed wire—both inside and outside the trade bloc.
The demilitarized zone is heavily fortified, lined with mines and barbed-wire fences, and is regularly patrolled by troops on both sides, while still keeping those forces at a distance from one another.
The music video for the 1983 hit single "White Wedding" featured a barbed-wire wedding ring, a motorcycle crashing through a stained-glass window and the singer Billy Idol unveiling his telegenic sneer.
Christ Church Cathedral in Indianapolis displayed its nativity scene months earlier, in July, installing barbed wire above the fence that surrounded the holy family in protest of President Trump's zero tolerance immigration policy.
The young woman surrounded by barbed wire in Lillian Michiko Blakey's portrait, for instance, is the artist's mother, who was sent to work on a sugar beet field in the province of Alberta.
Fires rage before acres of black earth, and skeletons lie tangled in darkness; a single prisoner, stranded in the snow, looks goggle-eyed at a pair of blackbirds on a barbed-wire fence.
One night while on duty, he saw a young East Berlin man shot dead as he attempted to breach a barbed-wire fence in the "death strip" — an event that still torments him.
Finally, we turned off the highway and onto a narrow dirt lane lined with branch-and-barbed-wire fence and tall grass that lashed the windows, as if we'd entered a dusty carwash.
Then he drove past the migrant camp, topped with barbed wire and spilling out people, and rumbled past trees that migrants had stripped of their branches and chopped to their trunks for firewood.
Circulating on Twitter on Wednesday was a tweet Cummins posted last May depicting a dinner celebrating the book over a photo of the floral arrangements at the event being wrapped in barbed wire.
Partipants pay a fee to tackle a race course that will require them to climb over barriers, crawl under barbed wire, navigate mud-filled trenches, and other challenges of physical and mental strength.
Although that route was closed off last March, Serbian authorities estimate a further 110,000 migrants have passed through the country, many using smugglers to cross Serbia and its barbed-wire border with Hungary.
Only now, in its place, rose a brand-new mansion: five stories high, with a turret, an array of balconies, a red tiled roof, and a thick stone wall crowned with barbed wire.
One pupfish species inhabits the small, deep crack between rocks in just a single pool that is now locked behind steel fences and barbed wire and watched over with cameras and other security.
Pro-Palestinian students erected two cardboard walls, modeled after the 25-foot-high concrete slabs that intertwine with fences and barbed wire to encircle Palestinian communities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
America's biggest contribution — in the face of Kabul's desperate need for housing — is hundreds or maybe even thousands of ornate multistory "poppy palaces" that poke up from behind their barbed-wire-topped walls.
" Asked on Radio Zet if Blaszczak would place migrants in camps made from shipping containers behind barbed wire, he replied: "This is an idea for an emergency situation which has worked well in Hungary.
But when Kinan arrived aged 503 to the 'Sheik' brothel, disguised as a dance club surrounded by barbed wire, Kinan was told she had ran up a debt and her documents were taken away.
Kingston, 10, Zuma, 8, and Apollo, 3 — who Stefani shares with her ex-husband, Gavin Rossdale — got creative over the weekend, drawing on body art that matches Shelton's deer tracks surrounded by barbed wire.
They couldn't go onto the field because Accra Sports Stadium then still had two-meter high fences with barbed wire and spikes at the top, the exact kind Europe did away with after Hillsborough.
But attacks fell as shipping firms tightened security measures, such as posting lookouts, blocking easy entry points to the ship with barbed wire and installing secure panic rooms with communication equipment, known as "citadels".
Thousands have however failed, including Nasir, thwarted by barbed wire-topped fencing lining the highway between the camp and the Calais ferry port, by police patrols as well as a battery of security cameras.
A picture by Australian photographer Warren Richardson was crowned the World Press Photo of the Year 2015; it shows a man passing a baby through a barbed-wire fence at the Hungarian–Serbian border.
There will be nights in the playoffs when shots aren't falling; key moments where the opponent's defense is barbed wire and the only way to persevere is with a stop on the other end.
In the days since he became president-elect, security guards in sharp suits and ties have appeared outside the house and a new watch tower rises above 10-foot walls reinforced with barbed wire.
Annemirl Bauer's "Untitled (Woman and Child behind Bars and Barbed Wire)", painted on a discarded wardrobe door in 1985 (pictured), is reminiscent of latter-day images of migrant families detained at the American border.
The mural, which hung on the second floor of his seven-story house in New York, portrayed Epstein in between a guard station with barbed wire and a corrections officer, the visitor reportedly said.
There are eight of them, sticking out of the ground like religious monoliths, facing Mexico and surrounded by barbed wire, blocked roads and dozens upon dozens of San Diego police and county sheriff's deputies.
By mid-November, military officials were talking about the deployment winding down, saying that the military's tasks, which largely involved putting up barbed wire and setting up tents for border patrolmen, were nearly complete.
Aoki explained that these sentiments inspired designs such as palm trees made out of barbed wire, as well as imagery of guard dogs and burning cars, and some imagery that feel downright Banksy-esque.
Many of those who survived perilous journeys to Europe found themselves housed in poor conditions - either placed in prison cells or centers ringed with barbed wire, the United Nations found, while others simply disappeared.
It deranges them and provokes regression, and makes them crave easily understood symbols, whether you're talking about a man with a tiger or a man with a phallic baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire.
She and Phil married in 1968 and the relationship was hellish: Spector punished Ronnie by imprisoning her in his mansion with actual barbed wire and dogs, which brought a cold stop to her career.
In the photo, a man passes off a baby through a hole in the barbed wire, his face wearing an expression of desperation, not knowing what will happen to him or his child next.
The hair will then be removed from the barbed wire and sent to the DNR's Wildlife Disease Lab for DNA analysis, which might help the agency make better estimates about the state's bear population.
On Saturday night, demonstrators marched down Baghramyan Avenue toward the main government buildings and the presidential residence, but they were stopped by the riot police, who strung coils of barbed wire across the road.
In one photograph, overgrown vines cascade over fencing topped with barbed wire, while in another children box themselves into abandoned crates inside a narrow alley formed by parallel walls, barely visible in their confines.
Regarded as the real power behind Umzimkhulu's dominant A.N.C. faction, Mr. Skhosana still lived next to the old high school, in the area's largest house, surrounded by a concrete wall and electrified barbed wire.
But a few North Korean soldiers and civilians have defected by crossing the 2.5-mile-wide demilitarized zone, which is guarded by minefields, sentry posts and tall fences topped with barbed wire, some electrified.
Outside, bus stops and a Long Island Rail Road station are plopped down in a depressing terrain of trash-strewn streets, chain-link fences rimmed with barbed wire and panhandlers camped out on sidewalks.
SEOUL, South Korea — Divorced and out of money, Kwon Chol-nam fled North Korea for China in 2014 by wading across a river border at night and then crawling over a barbed-wire fence.
It has been updated to include news of Cummins's book tour cancellation, Oprah's plan for discussing American Dirt as part of her book club, and Flatiron's statement of apology for the barbed wire centerpieces.
The new picture is from the pair's collection of works referencing beards and barbed wire, according to the Royal Academy of Arts, which will feature it in its June 13-August 21 Summer Exhibition.
At the age of fourteen, while hiking during a storm, he was part of a line of boys crawling under barbed wire when lightning struck the fence, killing the boy in front of him.
It's like they're prepping tacos for a dinner party of 10 and have no idea that everyone is going to show up with a plus one — along with baseball bats covered in barbed wire.
As usual, it was a fascinating insight into what's top of mind: Billy Porter's red carpet tuxedo dress made the cut, along with Cam Newton's barbed wire fedora, and the Met Gala's annual theme.
The entire sprawling facility is surrounded with 50-foot-high wire nets, the kind you see at golf course driving ranges, to prevent people from throwing phones over the old barbed-wire-topped fences.
On Friday, torch relay runners visited the demilitarized zone (DMZ), the heavily-fortified de facto border between North and South Korea, passing the torch in the shadow of barbed wire fences and other fortifications.
His voice, still quite capable of what he calls in the memoir his "Jersey-Pavarotti-via-Roy Orbison singing," more often sounds like the howl of a dog caught in a barbed-wire fence.
He then reinforced Hungary's with guards and barbed wire, herding migrants who tried to cross illegally into holding areas and refusing to take any Brussels-imposed quota of asylum-seekers, all to much publicity.
The report suggests the prison may be in the suburbs of east Guilin, and so the plan is to explore the neighborhood, talk to locals, and look for signs — barbed wire, security cameras, anything.
For now, only a barbed-wire fence separates the Central Operable Unit from the refuge—land that the DoE has deemed suitable for unrestricted use bordering land it's determined isn't suitable for any use.
The top-secret Russian research facility at Sarov, where the scientists were busted, is ringed with barbed wire, and was wiped from Soviet maps back in the day, known only by its codename: Arzamas-16.
Groenendijk and her team of social workers, psychologists and nurses have been running a children's shelter in Juba for a decade: a cluster of small buildings behind a barbed wire wall and big metal gate.
Her navigation of the barbed wire that cuts through her path in Alberta's Bow Valley is filmed by a trail cam, her winding movement around roads, railways, and humans is broadcast by the radio collar.
The closing section, however, is potent, as soldiers and nurses discuss their initial exposure to the camps, the emaciated survivors and the terrible smell they encountered even before they reached the gates and barbed wire.
It didn't hurt that the day I visited the jail to marry two women eight weeks ago, the place was filled with sunshine, making the facility—or at least the barbed wire surrounding it—sparkle.
The facility at Zirndorf, near Nuremberg, is typical: a high fence topped with barbed wire surrounds barrack-like dormitories; newly built offices are stocked with the latest devices for taking fingerprints and detecting forged passports.
SEOUL (Reuters) - A half-hour's drive north of Seoul, along a highway lined with barbed wire, lie two shopping malls the size of several football stadiums, a stone's throw from the world's most militarized border.
Along with the introduction of armed guards, barbed wire and evasive-manoeuvre training on merchant ships, this campaign has slashed the number of successful boarding incidents off Somalia, according to Henry MacHale at Aspen Insurance.
"The good Lord gave us the ability to progress forward otherwise the people wouldn't have come west and they wouldn't have advanced to where we're at today," he said while fixing a barbed wire fence.

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