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210 Sentences With "worked it"

How to use worked it in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "worked it" and check conjugation/comparative form for "worked it". Mastering all the usages of "worked it" from sentence examples published by news publications.

ROBERT FRANK: Well, that's what worked -- it fell in 2000.
"We had problems – we always worked it out," she said.
" Then, she hinted: "But, you know, we worked it out.
So he sort of worked it in every single broadcast.
They didn't get unhealthy because they worked it all off.
Eventually, we worked it out, and we got him recorded.
If that solution ever truly worked, it certainly doesn't now.
We worked it out where they were able to leave.
But I worked it all out, and it was fun.
We're told they worked it out over email and went forward.
Despite the disagreements then ... it looks like they worked it out.
Had it worked, it would have been a legitimately important innovation.
Sanctions and isolation haven't worked; it [reputedly has] nuclear weapons anyway.
With his colleague's help, Branson "finally worked it all out," he said.
I rationalize it by telling myself I worked it off in yoga.
She had worked it all out beforehand with Breidenbach, she told me.
She took all that anger, all that fear, and worked it out.
We worked it out in ways that Jim and I could not.
But in the end they worked it out, and that's the point.
Probably not — once "the Gadget" worked, it was going to be used.
If it worked, it would create jobs and help toy stores prosper.
I called up Hampton and we sat there and worked it out.
Which, in case you haven't worked it out, is why nightclubs keep shutting.
Even when it worked, it was slow and couldn't easily transfer multiple files.
"He has worked it on the phone," Mr. Weaver said of Mr. Kasich.
It was a website that worked ... It was optimized for the mobile phones.
In Edelman's case ... it worked (it also helped that his QB is Tom Brady).
But this never really worked; it just made her brother resent her even more.
As the case grew and morphed, he worked it diligently and not without frustration.
I worked it out with the stunt guy before Dwayne showed up on set.
Arnold Schwarzenegger worked it out with the son who has become his spitting image.
Cohn worked it out with Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, a former hedge fund manager.
If I worked, it would be as a cashier at the local grocery store.
Her maternal grandmother was a 15-year-old African-American girl who worked it.
Instead of just punching in and out, Schumer worked it, eventually posting the top sales.
" Bossert added, "He took a risk but it worked, it caused a lot of benefit.
He passed his wonderment along in a note, and Scully worked it into the broadcast.
" He answered: "Every time Trump wanted to do interviews, you worked it through Michael Cohen.
But if it worked, it could entrench Iranian influence in Syria for the long term.
In a trial that began in August, the approach worked; it ended with a mistrial.
While his efforts to turn out his base worked, it also was magic for the Dems.
One silver lining here is how Kang and the writers have worked it into the plot.
"A drone would never have workedit could never have covered that area," Estrada-Belli explained.
Drawing does make me feel like a smidge better, so I worked it into my day.
"We wish we could have worked it out, but it just didn't come together for us."
Inside the voting booth, I grabbed the handle and worked it like a one-armed bandit.
Turned out that it not only worked, it worked better than I could have ever expected.
I made an electricity library, and he folded it in and worked it into the show.
They'd apparently worked it out with a complex formula developed by UK psychologist Dr. Cliff Arnall.
The judge told them to go back deliberations, and they worked it out by Monday morning.
Considering that their plot against Doctor Manhattan worked, it seems like they may get their wish.
My uncle once worked it out that in the first two years I earned £6 million.
In that case, just as today, Taiwan expressed outrage, but "eventually they worked it out," Bush says.
"They had a great game plan and they worked it," Oakland linebacker James Cowser said of Washington.
He worked on it, sent over a couple things, and we just worked it into the song.
When Acker shaved her head, they worked it into the act as a Joan of Arc concept.
The kid really worked it this time, even dressing like Hank Williams ... and it was much appreciated.
When the formula worked, it soared (see: basically any song from the first three Chemical Brothers releases).
I had already let them know I wanted it, and I cleverly worked it so I got two.
Top Shot didn't trigger every time I thought it should, but when it worked, it was a lifesaver.
That is how we worked, it was all love and that's why we had such a great chemistry.
When the American system has worked, it has tended to do so because the parties were relatively heterogenous.
As I slowly worked it into my skin, it blended to a basic match of my skin tone.
And they worked it all out just by making careful observations of the moon for hundreds of years.
Having a big stage sticking out of the tower doesn't make any sense but we worked it out.
But E.A. worked it out and the game was up and running by the end of the day.
I couldn't remember UNIVAC because my brain kept insisting it was ENIAC, but I eventually worked it out.
Eventually, I worked it out and told her the truth: None of it had ever been a joke.
Once the case was reopened, Hays re-worked it, which is the narrative direction the 1990 storyline is heading.
Dixon, who has Down syndrome, walked the runway with Queen Latifah and based on the photos, clearly worked it.
It just worked, it was already in your email and it had the option to not log your messages.
So, the deregulation of our industry back in the 1980s has worked, it democratized travel, it brought people out.
At the end of the show, they all worked it out and Rob forgave his older sister for overreacting.
Trump wasn't the leader of that movement, but he read it well and worked it to his electoral advantage.
But director Michael Curtiz found it so funny that he filmed it and worked it into the movie. 5.
They got their talking points, they worked it all out, and they say the same thing 85033 million times.
While she and other family members worked it in Richmond, Va., her cousins in Minnesota and Seattle also participated.
If the surge worked, it would buy the new Afghan forces breathing room and allow the US to extricate itself.
Because my husband and I thought we were 74 and then we we worked it out and no, we're 73.
Locks Lightener: While the beloved hair-lightening product of our past might have worked, it wreaked havoc on our strands.
"This plan simply hasn't worked, it isn't working, and it is going to get worse before it gets better," Sen.
It was a little last minute, but we gave it a shot and we worked it out in the studio.
Harris denied this account late Thursday, insisting his firm had completed the worked it was tasked with by the campaign.
If it worked, it could have been cool, but I seem to remember getting awfully bored of Skyrim's procedural quests.
I had a lot of therapy, I worked it out, then I tried to bring my ideas to the game.
On a long sea voyage from India to England in 1930 at the age of 19833, he worked it out.
Donald Link recently took over this spot and got into a small kerfuffle with regulars, but they've since worked it out.
Three times a week, I used John Masters Clarifying Shampoo (about an Oreo-sized dollop) and worked it into my hair.
The band eventually worked it out, although Barlow shifted over to bass and usual bass player Jason Loewenstein handled the guitar.
But I hadn't worked it out, so my vague, non-specific speculative letters to all the F1 teams came to nothing.
While the approach has largely worked, it has also contributed to an oil glut that has kept prices low, analysts say.
She said places that have worked it out — she cited Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Mexico City — have managed to better regulate cars.
"Bill Clinton came into West Virginia — came into my district — worked it for two weeks solid for his wife," Rahall said.
If such a device worked, it could not only help solve a great scientific mystery but also have profound practical importance.
But of the dozens of films on which he worked, it was for "Bambi" that Mr. Wong was — belatedly — most renowned.
The good news is that the hormonal contraceptive worked: it was 96 percent effective at preventing pregnancy in the trial population.
Nick: Perhaps I'm taking a contrarian position here, but I think this surprise twist worked: it mostly gives fans what they wanted.
But Newark was still big enough that if a reform package worked, it could be picked up and emulated in bigger cities.
" In the span of about 10 minutes, the cupcakes went from picture perfect to downright demolished, accompanied by the caption, "Worked it.
They've had a rocky road at times -- a domestic violence incident in 2013, but maybe the kids have worked it out. Again.
Travis canceled a show in Buffalo in an attempt to calm things down, but if it worked it did so only marginally.
We worked it out with time, and these days I think we're all happy we can fight about the usual family things.
There were a fair number of discussions and disputes about how that exactly worked; it sounds like it's all squared away now.
Although the technology of the time worked, it was very costly and so the services on offer had to be hugely expensive, too.
The way he worked, and Jim and all of you guys, the way they worked, it was like their life was at stake.
Uber went back to first principles: The company didn't start by redesigning how taxis worked, it went after rethinking the entire journey experience.
The way he worked, and Jim and all of you guys, the way they worked, it was like their life was at steak.
Gaga (and her flawless abs) worked it at break-neck speed right along with her backup dancers, and she did it in heels, too.
But Henry's greatest fear is being shut out of the room, so he came along, and when it worked it suddenly was his idea.
If the quality of jobs continues to lift wages and hours worked, it will translate into gains for consumers, and strengthen the economy further.
"It was not quite ballet by day, machinery installation by night, but we sort of worked it in around their schedule," Mr. Mace said.
When the magic worked, it could yield delightful surprises: Mary Karr talking to me about not wanting to talk about David Foster Wallace's penis.
If President Obama wanted to know everything, given the way his White House worked, it is very likely his senior adviser Valerie Jarrett knew everything.
It worked; it wasn't long after the game's release that top streamers like PewDiePie and Jacksepticeye were playing the game for their massive subscriber bases.
"I knew then that if it all worked it would leave the solar system and travel the stars for a thousand million years," Lomberg says.
We took several sacks full of it back to the convent and mixed it with turpentine and linseed oil, and worked it in by hand.
While it's still unclear who was behind the sting, the plan worked: It exposed deep corruption and ethical ugliness at the heart of Austria's politics.
That took about a decade and by 1940, we'd worked it out and life has been fine, in terms of the measurement process, ever since.
Even if it worked, it could be done only once because after the Germans had become aware of the threat, they could easily devise countermeasures.
So far the plan has not only worked, it has set the stage for an "axis of love" between Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, and Prince Mohammad.
"We've already got a lobbyist gift reporting requirement and so that's how I worked it in there, by treating it as a definition of gift," Rep.
" Omar adds ... "My apologies for the offensive language, but that does not define who I am ... we calmly communicated, worked it out and all was forgiven.
The pair worked it out first with a simple example: a small economy blessed with abundant capital (or land), but scarce labour, making watches and wheat.
The band played one cover: Ornette Coleman's ballad "Lonely Woman," a pretty obvious choice, but the musicians worked it over in a hybridized, McCraven-esque way.
Mr. Lee said that he was not the first to use the shot, but he has worked it into his films more consistently than other directors.
While the strategy worked, it pushed China to similar debt levels, relative to the size of its economy, as the United States and other developed countries.
Ball St. took the ball with the shot clock off and worked it around for a three-point attempt from Francis Kiapway with about 17 seconds left.
If it worked, it would basically outflank Germany's defenses and, in theory, allow Allied forces to basically seize most of Germany's heavy industry with hardly a fight.
Ronaldo worked it, but the effort was not entirely solo because the team's defense, more compact in shape, was far more reliable than it was in Wolfsburg.
"We would not say this is with no risk, but we would say that we worked it in a way to … minimize the risk," the official said.
The fishing expedition worked: It uncovered Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, which ultimately caused serious and unwarranted political damage.
"You're always nervous handling so much money, but we seem to have worked it pretty well," Mr. Feeney, now 85, said last week in a phone interview.
From Ronnie's side, we're told there's no going back from this fight despite having worked it out the past ... as he feels things just went too far.
Zakaria should have added a few words to his assertion that the rescue worked: It worked for the top 1 percent, not for the rest of us.
"If The Force Awakens worked, it was the perfect place to say, 'I got to make a Star Wars movie,' and not be a greedy bastard," he said.
"As I started to understand how it worked, it was easy to do the etching type of projections on copper, because copper is very reflective," he told Gizmodo.
At the event Wednesday, Mr. Zuckerberg said that if his organization's plan to cure or manage all disease worked, it should increase human life expectancy to 100 years.
Between the lines: Bevin's countersuit was always a long shot, but if had worked, it could have moved the dispute over work requirements into a more conservative court.
PROTECTING SHALE To understand why Saudi Arabias strategy has not worked, it is useful to compare growth in U.S. oil production with growth in global consumption since 2011.
"It was really challenging to figure out what to do and we went through some times that weren't the best, but we worked it out," Ms. Hamel recalled.
We're told one of the Boyz also claimed to have past issues with Jay but said they worked it out ... but the rapper denied even knowing the crew.
In very brief, here is how each of them worked: It was the third R, risk adjustment, that the Trump administration announced it would be freezing over the weekend.
"I think he suffered from the perception that he hasn't been here as much and worked it as hard as some of his competitors," Republican strategist Steve Duprey said.
But Double Dragon IV—which, in case you'd not already worked it out, is pretty far from the fourth game in the series—isn't armed with slick, modern visuals.
If The Essex Serpent mined Victorian history for a legend and worked it up into a romance with broader social themes, then Melmoth repeats that trick in multiple dimensions.
When it worked, it really worked, often hitting over 1 gigabit per second in speed tests — an incredible feat for a piece of technology that fits in your pocket.
We spent months translating and deciphering their code words, including various Russian phrases to confirm a weapons launch: srabotal ("worked it"), otpravil konfetu ("sent candy") and dvadtsat odin ("21").
Since Thakur was nominated as a candidate last month, the BJP leadership including Modi and Shah have embraced her past as an accused terrorist and worked it to their advantage.
It's not perfect — it occasionally freaks out or vibrates because of noisy face data — but when it worked it managed rather a good version of what I was giving it.
After I worked it into my skin, I did not want to stop taking selfies from how much it brought out my cheek bones and gave me a RiRi glow.
Because of those markers alone, no matter how hard he worked, it would be insane to claim he was only allowed to get half as far as a white person.
These two didn't invent the game of profiting off of love, but they worked it to their advantage on the internet better than any pair the world had ever seen.
I'm not saying we have to set up chicken-killing facilities at every institution, but in this instance, it just seemed to make some sense, and we worked it out.
I worked it up from the start of the stream until the max volume, just before the drop, and the police come over and I had to cut it off.
"The internet had worked it out several hours before the White House formally confirmed the visit was taking place," Mr. Meloy wrote about the photo he had posted on Flickr.
It's built in the classic A-frame design that Whataburger is known for — one of the founders had a fondness for aviation and subsequently worked it into the chain's design.
Over the years I've worked it, I felt at first it was more reasonable, but … with the premiums being so high, it's difficult for people to even go to the doctor.
" Addressing the story and scenario of Persona 3 in relation to later games, Hashino says: "With the way that game's world worked, it was okay for the protagonist to be female.
Why would she go tell her about the texts that she and I had privately with each other over the summer and I thought you and I had worked it out?
If that worked, it was on to the decollator, a Coupe de Ville-length machine that transformed the sets into a neat stack of forms and multiple rolls of carbon paper.
Actually, there's a whole field of math called "packing problems," and if you worked it out, you'd find there is a better way to pack circles together to minimize the total space.
Over the course of four weeks, Singh built the camera from scratch, and thinks that now that he's worked it all out, it could be built again in about half the time.
I found that I didn't need too much coaching to convince people to walk with me to where the crisis counselors workedit was one place where the grants were still generous.
A less squeamish chemist, Arthur Heffter, worked it out after swallowing an alkaloid derived from the cactus and finding himself immersed in classic mescaline hallucinations: carpet patterns, ribbed vaults, intricate architectural phantasms.
I got lost two times, and when I finished my entire right foot was swollen and purple; I thought I'd fractured it, but the doctors said I'd just worked it too hard.
Gunnarsson worked it around to the blue line, passed it to Oskar Sundqvist and then got it back for a rifle shot over Rask's stick side into the corner of the net.
" She told Jones: "I know during the pilot I could tell it just worked... it just was a great group of people that were put together that were there for the right reason.
I think he decided, before he could possibly have worked it all out, and before fate and time could work their will on him, he decided he would not be ever be disempowered.
He found no support for this scheme, but had it worked it might have significantly altered the events of the last 50 years — avoiding the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.
Dark and smudgy and heavily worked, it depicts a silhouetted figure in a jail cell, reaching forward through the bars, which cast long shadows, toward a dog dangling a key from its mouth.
Just as it took them a long time to figure out how electricity worked, it would take a LOT of trial and error before rappers landed on any kind of formula for a song.
Angela Hill showed the double collar tie to be effective against Andrade, but Jedrzejczyk rarely had cause to use it on the fence and instead worked it in brief spurts out in the open.
If you haven't worked it out already, I'm speaking about Tulisa Contostavlos, who has just won a legal battle she launched five years ago after she got zero recognition for the song she co-wrote.
After learning more about how the blockchain worked, it dawned on him that it could be used as a platform to release his new album and so RAC set about putting this plan into motion.
Unfortunately, I can't say definitively that it worked; it made for nice white noise as I dozed off, but the half-hour story didn't get me to sleep any faster than a free podcast would.
"We decided we're going to flip it, we're going to go in on these guys — and it worked, it paid off," said Freeland, who does it with precision as the ace of the Colorado Rockies.
In addition to working holidays and weekends, at the location where I worked, it was really hard to get off early on a busy night, even if you were scheduled to leave at a certain time.
Residents gain unlimited access to the city's extensive system of subways, buses and trams for a flat annual fee of €365, which, if you haven't worked it out already, breaks down to one euro a day.
Read more: Beyoncé finished 'The Lion King' song 'Spirit' at the last possible moment, but it was so beautiful that the director worked it into the middle of the movieThe plan isn't paid month-by-month.
The accuracy of the AI's results was questionable, but critics pointed out that it didn't matter whether or not it worked; it mattered whether people believed it worked and made judgments using this data all the same.
Before developing LAD, the company had been using an open source tool called Zoo Keeper to distribute configuration data, and while that tool worked, it had some fairly substantial limitations for a company the size of Facebook.
But while this system worked, it required physical storage — a problem solved by the introduction in 1966 of Henriette Avram's Machine-Redable Cataloging (MARC), the world's first automated cataloging system that converted inked information into computer data.
There is a real learned helplessness to this: Americans just take it for granted that this is the way things work, it is the way things have always worked, it is the way things always will work.
"If it worked, it would provide a much richer picture of the geographic distribution and migration patterns of ancient humans, one that was not limited by the small number of bones that have been found," he said.
And following rumors of major strife in their relationship in 2014, the couple renewed their vows that same year as a source told PEOPLE, "they worked it out [for the sake of] their reputations and for Blue Ivy."
We worked it out so that I could do a partial fill this week and then come back for my regular appointment just before my conference so the lashes will last through her trip as well as mine.
It sends a message to any student who can't take advantage of the current system that no matter how hard he or she has worked, it will always be possible for someone else to buy a better life.
"If Instant Blood Pressure worked, it would be a revolutionary new technology that would allow for low-cost screening and management of hypertension among smartphone users," said lead study author Dr. Timothy Plante of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
Getting the visual enhancements I wanted to use running on the version of the game I wanted to play was an absolute nightmare the last few times I tried it, and even when it worked it ran like trash.
Tirico has been a fixture in sports broadcasting for nearly three decades, his voice a prominent and familiar soundtrack for football and basketball and soccer and tennis and — actually, you name the sport, and he has probably worked it.
What happens to that hope, and how Villeneuve plays around with time in order to extract the maximum fervor from Louise's experience, I won't reveal, not least because I'm too dumbfounded—or simply too dumb—to have worked it out yet.
Attorneys general from 37 states and the District of Columbia and companies including McKesson Corp and Cardinal Health told a federal judge in Cleveland, Ohio overseeing lawsuits over the epidemic that the proposal remained flawed even after the plaintiffs' lawyers re-worked it.
And if it worked, it almost certainly wouldn't be forgotten by Americans afforded the chance to live in a relatively stable climate (other nations would need to slash emissions too) and the many who might be economically uplifted by the socioeconomic mobilization.
Look at the surface of her face jugs — the grooved coils of hair, the pockmarks and pustules — and you'll see how she has gone over every inch of the surface, both in the way she has worked it and in the color of the glazes.
When it worked, it could be mind-blowing: The 403-ton set of narrow planks rotated into sculptural sets bathed in vivid video imagery, taking operagoers from the depths of the Rhine to the downfall of the gods over the course of four operas.
Also if you think about it this way, if your parent worked at a job that you now want to work at you probably know at least a little bit already about this job because of being around someone who has worked it before.
That dream became real for the artists with whom we worked: it materialized for our residents, for the participants who playfully experimented in our workshops, through the generosity of spirit in our Crit Club, and through the merging of disciplines in our exhibitions and events.
A previous time when foreign policy was in large part run out of the national security adviser's vest pocket was when Kissinger had the job, and to the extent it worked it was only because of the intellect and talents of the man wearing the vest.
So much so that one of our teachers worked it into a lesson on the First Amendment, explaining how, in America, everyone had a right to voice their opinions and viewpoints, even when they clashed with the ideals most of us thought of as good and right.
If the placebo was as powerful as Beecher said, and if doctors wanted to know whether their drugs actually worked, it was not sufficient simply to give patients the drugs and see whether they did better than patients who didn't interact with the doctor at all.
When Ms. MacDowell was 16, she staged an intervention, which failed, and when her mother was fired from her job at the McDonald's where they both worked, it was Ms. MacDowell who drove her to work on that last day because her mother had lost her driver's license.
" Biden had defended the crime bill for years, even bragging about it, but on Saturday in South Carolina, a state he'll need to win and where the majority of Democratic primary voters are black, he again offered a partial apology, saying, "It worked, it worked in some areas.
" Biden had defended the crime bill for years, even bragging about it, but on Saturday in South Carolina, a state he'll need to win and where the majority of Democratic primary voters are black, he again offered a partial apology, saying, "It worked, it worked in some areas.
"We're tied to the Manchester post-punk scene," says Billi and it's clear from the abrasive, repetitive guitar-driven sound and melancholy tropes of songs like "New Boots" and "Juice," from their forthcoming EP, that they've taken the best of Manchester's past and re-worked it for today's audience.
The new visual style only half worked in Jungle Book as well (directed, as this one is, by Jon Favreau), but when it worked, it was because a human character played by an actual human (that is, Neel Sethi's Mowgli) appeared among the animals and talked to them.
Because if you two were supposed to be together, you would have worked it out by now and you wouldn't be leaving a trail of destruction in your combined wake that includes not only you and her but also her daughter and all the other people you two are sleeping with.
It did not falter from my blows, but I worked it down, bit by bit, and I eventually watched it limp erratically up the heavy boughs that make up the forest's network of pathways, and to what I presumed was its home: A matted bed of flora, brittle bones from past meals, a few eggs.
"I think he decided before he could have possibly worked it all out and before fate and time could work their will on him, he decided he would never be disempowered, he decided not his grace nor his place nor the expectations of others would strip from him the power to write his own story," Clinton continued.
"I do think there's a value, obviously on having at least the recommendations, whether you choose to follow them or not is a different issue, but I think it's valuable to ask people who work the desk, and have worked it for a long period of time, their input on what's the current state, is there some particular issue at the moment," Kerry added.
While that memo obviously did not carry the force of law and did nothing to "repeal" yet another version of federal Prohibition that hasn't worked, it did have the effect of allowing a rapidly maturing cannabis industry to somewhat emerge from the shadows — and granted a little stress relief to state and local officials faced with administering medical and recreational marijuana programs that are, in fact, illegal.

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