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"Wicca" Definitions
  1. a modern form of witchcraft, practised as a religion
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100 Sentences With "Wicca"

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F1LTHY also linked me with (Goth Boi Clique founder) Wicca Phase Phase Springs Eternal—he sent Wicca a song we'd been working on, and Wicca said he was down to do a track with me.
The most popular form – known as Wicca – still exists today.
Wicca Phase Springs Eternal will tour the UK in November.
As far as religions go, Wicca is pretty damn chill.
The Wicca of his youth soon seemed goofy and uninformed.
She ticked them off on her fingers: Shamanism, Wicca, Hinduism.
Of course, witchcraft, Wicca, and the occult never really went away.
So I had two elementary school friends who were very into wicca.
" Wicca is a neo-pagan religion; they capitalize the W in "Witch.
At 12, coincidentally the year "The Craft" came out, she discovered Wicca.
Wicca helped her develop a stronger sense of self-worth, she believes.
She was drawn increasingly to the study of formal, traditional, and hierarchical Gardnerian Wicca.
Across such nature-based faiths as Paganism and Wicca, it carries major spiritual significance.
She is also interested in psychic phenomena and Wicca, otherwise known as contemporary witchcraft.
It's also Wicca Phase's first release through the typically indie rock label Run For Cover.
Fleming hired Wicca consultant Pat Devin, high priestess of Covenant of the Goddess, to help with the narrative, and she made sure the spells were common enough to be found in basic Wicca books, and she even consulted her Covens on the chants included.
At Baxter High, while the girls may have successfully established WICCA, another problem is already arising.
William Rouser has been waging a decades-long battle over his right to practice Wicca in prison.
After witnessing a handful of jocks tearing down their WICCA signs, she runs at them, earning a suspension.
They're here to see Wicca Phase Springs Eternal, the genre-shrugging project of Pennsylvania singer-songwriter Adam McIlwee.
By the time I attended college at Indiana University in Bloomington, I had settled into paganism and Wicca.
Gardnerian Wicca migrated to America in the 1960s, where it met with a receptive audience, particularly young women.
Wicca, far from being an "ancient religion," only dates back to the 1950s, which the museum never mentions.
Modern Wicca and other New Age traditions in the '50s, '83s, and '70s were tied to second-wave feminism.
There are so many lolitas in our community, there are people who are part of my religion (Wicca) as well.
Some religions, like Wicca, are inherently bound to witchcraft, but you don't have to be Wiccan to be a witch.
For modern neo-pagan groups, like those who practice Wicca, Midsummer marks a change in the Wheel of the Year.
"Before Wicca, I felt disconnected and lonely," she said, pulling out her phone and scrolling through images of her coven.
Opting to leave the band in 2013, Adam has since doubled down on that darkness and channelled it into Wicca Phase.
Her reputation as a benevolent if eccentric source of occult knowledge grew outside of the Wicca community into the wider world.
A quick trip to Yankee Candle and the "Wicca" Wikipedia page later and you're a regular Fairuza Balk in The Craft.
In 1997 Fort Hood in Texas became the first American army base to allow Wicca practices, and several more have followed suit.
Of course, there are about as many books on the market as there are different sects and forms of Paganism and Wicca.
Through the girls' creation of high school group WICCA (Women's Intersectional Cultural and Creative Association) Sabrina doubles down on its progressive undertones.
Not only is WICCA a clear example of girls sticking up for girls, but it's a subversive take on women and witchcraft.
With roots in witch house and early 2010s Tumblr rap culture, Wicca Phase is a shapeshifting sound unified by a vivid aesthetic.
While Wicca and other nature-based faiths are far more than just a trend, lately, beauty companies are borrowing elements from their traditions.
While most of his contemporaries splashed themselves with color or chose to drape in brands and accessories, Wicca Phase's presence gives little away.
Balance & Composure was coming to an end, so Jon put out a record with Wicca Phase under the name Coward—it's really dope.
"It was the end of November when we had people try to sign [the group]," GBC co-founder Wicca Phase said last year.
You grew up listening to stuff like the Diplomats but more recently you've produced music for Wicca Phase Spring Eternal and Lil Peep.
I listen to a lot of new stuff—Lil Peep, Wicca Phase, Joji, and a lot of the artists I've been working with.
In Fifty Years of Wicca, author Frederic Lamond noted that he expected his High Priestesses to "cuddle up" to him after late meetings.
People also just don't tend to take Wicca seriously and will act like you're the weird kid if you try to talk about it.
Soper herself is Pagan, an umbrella term for religions that fall outside of the main world religions, so it includes Neo-Pagan religions like Wicca.
It was here that she cemented her reputation as a reformer and enricher of Wicca traditions, making it more accessible to those on the outside.
"It creates this really amazing model for a lot of kids going through what Susie's going through in any kind of setting," Watson said of WICCA.
Joining a Wicca group at U.C. Sunnydale seemed natural and I was excited to see her branching out from her old friends and embracing new storylines.
CreditCreditGrace Ahlbom for The New York Times As a teenager in the mid-433s, Damien Echols dabbled in Wicca and wrote love spells in his journal.
This lunar phase is known to heighten the energy that's already in the air, explains Thorn Mooney, a Gardnerian priestess and author of the upcoming Traditional Wicca.
Certainly, Wicca has itself grown steadily and has been on a bit of a trajectory, but witchcraft has always seemed to be in movies and TV shows.
Cold Hart is open to being more light hearted, especially in his music videos, whereas Wicca Phase Springs Eternal is serious in every aspect besides the name.
She is an admirer of the Crone, one of the three faces of the Wicca moon goddess, who represents the wisdom and power that come with maturity.
If you've never observed the winter solstice, this day has deep roots in nature-based faiths, such as Wicca and Paganism, where it's also referred to as Yule.
The beautiful thing about holidays grounded in nature-based faiths like Paganism and Wicca is that the details of how they're celebrated vary between communities and even individuals.
A Jack Chick tract called "The Nervous Witch," about Wicca and witchcraft, even features a character who says she got into "the craft" through the Harry Potter books.
The only place Wicca Phase fits perfectly is within the self-defined realms of Gothboiclique, which is arguably true of all its members, whose current count sits at nine.
Maria Palma-Drexler, who practices Wicca, uses apps from verified scientific sources as she delves into new practices like herbalism, including one from cancer treatment center Memorial-Sloan Kettering.
New York's pagan couples can be married by legally ordained Wiccan ministers offering their services on The Witches' Voice; there's even a Wicca e-group based in the Bronx.
In 1985 a district court in Virginia declared that Wicca was clearly a religion for the purposes of the American constitution's First Amendment, which guarantees the free exercise of faith.
But it is still unclear what concrete relief Rouser will receive, or if this will actually allow him to practice Wicca, fully and in accordance with his rights, in prison.
It would be two years before Silver Ravenwolf's Teen Witch: Wicca for a New Generation became the essential guide for teenagers inspired by The Craft, Buffy, and Sabrina, the Teenage Witch.
The DoD has added and updated several religions to its document, Faith and Belief Codes for Reporting Personnel Data of Military Members, a list that now includes Druidry, Heathenry, and Seax Wicca.
Other sects of Paganism and Wicca dedicate April 1 to gods besides Loki, from the Hindu goddess of destruction Kali to a mysterious deity known only as the God of chaos energy.
Rouser petitioned the California State Prison at Sacramento, on behalf of himself and 30 other inmates, that Wicca be held in the same regard as more traditional religions that the prison acknowledged.
Forming a powerful group of witches didn't work out so well for the young women depicted in the film, but that doesn't mean the idea of practicing Wicca wasn't intriguing to its audience.
But the narrator, Kim — a morose romantic who has a rocky home life, practices Wicca, avoids gym class and falls in love with her English teacher, Ms. Archer — keeps the tone winningly adolescent.
Instead of saying that people are sinners and they must repent, Wicca is about the Goddess, who is the great mother and who loves all her children, even if they have made terrible mistakes.
" Wicca Phase, one of GBC's founders, expressed his thoughts a bit more obliquely captioning Goya's gory painting "Saturn Devouring His Son" with the phrase: "accurate depiction of the relationship between major labels and their artists.
Set designer Lisa Soper herself is Pagan (a term for religions that fall outside of the main world religions, like Wicca) and told Refinery29 that she took no offense to the show's depiction of witchcraft.
Although for some, being a witch is much more than costume (Wicca and other nature-based faiths aren't a trend), we've curated some of our favorite on-screen iterations to be inspired by this year.
" The white witch was a former journalist and Wicca enthusiast called Walli Elmlark, and she performed an exorcism on the house, at the height of which, Angie Bowie later wrote, "the pool began to bubble.
While artwork, merch designs and music videos help connect Wicca Phase to a carefully curated selection of cultural touchstones in a visual sense, Adam's own identity evades definition just as much as the music itself.
As ever, Nedarb favors darkness, trading largely in murky guitars and curdled 808s that echo the malaise of his buds like Wicca Phase, Brennan Savage, and Lil Lotus that spill their souls over the top.
In several states, parents sought to have the books removed from schools, suggesting in some cases that they were connected to Wicca and thus their inclusion in school libraries violated the separation of church and state.
First, worshipping the gods and spirits of nature, which is a tenet of Wicca, is not directly comparable to Indigenous spiritualities, and second, please do not compare the Salem Witch Trials to the genocide of Native Americans.
From Sabrina founding the WICCA (Women's Intersectional Cultural and Creative Association) club to help her black best friend Ros, to protecting her gender nonconforming friend Susie from bullies, she's painted as the model of white feminist ally.
From Santería in Afro-Caribbean countries, to curanderx practitioners who work out of botánicas, their practices come from indigenous beliefs and Catholic religious traditions during colonization, and are every bit as valid as Wicca and quartz crystals.
But, even that overlooks the fact that Wicca and witchcraft are highly personal spiritual practices — every person who identifies with these faiths may have a different reason for following them and a different approach to observing them.
Quite literally, the devil was in the details: Much to the horror of my hippy-dippy, white-light coven at the time, I remember making a connection early on between Lucifer and the Horned God of Wicca.
Wicca, a decentralized religion considered part of contemporary paganism, is experiencing a resurgence among young women, said Chas S. Clifton, editor of The Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies and author of several books on the subject.
Too many minor characters and subplots are cast out but never fully realized: the teenage daughter's (Madeleine Arthur) interest in Wicca; the hydrologist (Elliot Knight) who, oddly, tries to romance her; and a local freaknik played by Tommy Chong.
Unsurprisingly, the film — one of the few to accurately depict Wiccan rituals — inspired a generation of women to go out and try magic, including Balk, who became a Wicca during filming and eventually bought an occult store of her own.
Casting a wide net of influences (throughout our conversation, Adam references Das Racist, Twin Shadow, The Streets, Salem and Gucci Mane and Waka Flocka Flame's 2011 collaborative album Ferrari Boyz), each Wicca Phase release has been markedly different to the last.
Adam got the ball rolling on Wicca Phase by linking up with producers on Tumblr, trying to establish a network of collaborators so the project didn't always have to rest on hitting up people he didn't know for beats or features.
" As far as calling cards go, Wicca Phase is defined by evocative words ("passion", "silhouette", "cold"), occult imagery, and the name "Corinthiax", which he has previously described as "an evil, romantic entity that tortures me and makes me emotionally restless.
They don't really have to give a reason," she said She added, "Getting the information and getting the resources is a big challenge, but I think the biggest challenge is that there are often repercussions for inmates who practice Wicca.
Between 1962 and 1989, amidst a sustained period of public interest, Valiente published five non-fiction books about the practise of witchcraft, all of which filled out existing Wicca beliefs and brought esoteric and spoken-only lore to a larger audience.
" Allie didn't open up to her parents about practicing Wicca, explaining, "I know my mom must have noticed the books as she was the one buying them for me, but she also always knew I had an interest in the paranormal.
Wicca Phase's music exists in the middle of a Venn diagram charting the interests of 20-somethings who grew up with post-punk and hardcore, experimental rap crowds, artsy loner types, and teens who write "I love you Daddy" in the comments section.
I regularly visited my great gramma, a spiritual, loving, incredibly smart woman who had been a part of Golden Dawn in the 60s, studied the Course of Miracles, praised my interest in Wicca, and bought me my own deck of tarot cards.
Wicca, a modernized version of Paganism characterized by a higher belief in Earth's natural elements and one or more gods or goddesses, often draws female worshippers with its family-friendly themes and the promise of often equal roles between women and men within temple communities.
That's why the creation of WICCA (Women's Intersectional Cultural And Creative Association) at Baxter High is such a crucial part of Sabrina's first episodes: Sabrina wanted to leave a group behind that could protect at-risk young people like Susie from the toxic masculinity-fueled bigots of their school.
There is no perfect way of tracking witches in America, but we do know that Wicca — the religion that has its roots, at least partially, in 1950s England, with a retired civil servant named Gerald Gardner who once tried to hex Hitler — is more popular than ever, according to a number of studies.
She's spent two decades practicing the more rigidly defined Gardnerian Wicca in Asheville, where her coven is, she says, the oldest in town, and where she's launched a number of political campaigns from issues ranging from saving the town's magnolia trees to defending the rights of nurses to criticize doctors to patients' families.
So while it puts Gothboiclique's members in a uniquely uncomfortable position, it's no wonder that Wicca Phase has gone from playing to five people in Scranton to doing a largely sold-out tour of Europe in the space of 12 months, even if he is an acquired taste within an already acquired field.
She counts off the most popular misconceptions: "That it's all about land-grabbing, that it's just about misdirected misogyny [against accused women], that Puritans were just stupid and superstitious, that those who died were the spiritual foremothers of the Wicca movement…" Stevick says she sympathizes with such interpretations up to a point.
Nonetheless, I will try: At age 71, Susun is a foremother of modern herbal medicine in the United States, a High Priestess of Dianic Wicca, a green witch, and a pioneering figure in the field of psychedelics (she has taken LSD over 400 times, by her count, and helped thousands of others along their trips).
Just about every teen girl I knew devoured Silver Ravenwolf's controversial books, especially Teen Witch: Wicca for a New Generation (which I literally bought at a Mandee's clothing store), and shows and movies like Charmed and The Craft (it opened at number 1, pulling more than $6 million dollars) were not considered weird at all.
He may be part of a much larger internet collective made up of similar rappers/producers like Mackned, Wicca Phase Springs Eternal, Horse Head, Lil Tracy, Cold Heart, and Døves—all coming from completely different states and backgrounds—but you would struggle to find a more peak product of this precise moment in time than Lil Peep.

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