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123 Sentences With "whiteheads"

How to use whiteheads in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "whiteheads" and check conjugation/comparative form for "whiteheads". Mastering all the usages of "whiteheads" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Well, the Whiteheads decided, best not to think about that.
Or the follicles may become plugged, forming blackheads or whiteheads.
I do get some milia and whiteheads, especially on my eyes.
Unlike cysts, blackheads, or whiteheads, lipomas don't ooze or spew pus.
Unlike newborn acne, infantile acne features whiteheads, blackheads, or reddish pimples.
The powerful drying lotion has been described as "magic" for zapping whiteheads overnight.
"It's ideal for comedonal acne, which manifests as stubborn blackheads and whiteheads," she explains.
She would wash and scrub her skin, eager to clear blackheads, whiteheads and pimples.
Other types of acne you might be tempted to mess with are whiteheads and blackheads.
These breakouts often look like inflamed, puss-filled papules rather than simple whiteheads or blackheads.
That is, until it did start hurting, turning red and angry, and growing multiple whiteheads.
"I thought that was what caused the bumps and whiteheads on my forehead," she says.
It wasn't long before nearly every inch of my face was covered with tiny whiteheads.
Whiteheads, cystic zits, blackheads, and unidentifiable bumps under the skin — you name it, I was rocking it.
A swarm of whiteheads starts to invade the sculpted, sun-kissed Chrissy Teigen-esque cheekbones of your daydreams.
The result is a fungal breakout: often red or skin-colored bumps, occasionally whiteheads, sometimes a mixture of both.
So what do you do when you find dozens of tiny bumps that resemble whiteheads smattered across your lids?
From pigmented and pitted scars to cystic breakouts and whiteheads, skin positivity embraces "real" skin in all its glory.
You can identify neonatal acne because it&aposs usually very mild and doesn&apost have any whiteheads or blackheads.
The people want to see blackheads squeezed, whiteheads popped, and cysts slashed open, so that is what the people get.
"Non-comedogenic" literally means will not block pores, while "comedo" is the medical word for things like blackheads and whiteheads.
If you're looking for someone to extract a chin full of whiteheads, you'll have better luck at your dermatologist's office.
It's an acne spot treatment that dries out whiteheads while you sleep so they're virtually gone by the next morning.
And the ones I do get rarely turn into whiteheads, and are typically cleared up in a matter of days.
"The Whiteheads are legendary," says Ocasio-Cortez as people pore over her petition to get on the 2018 primary ballot.
It's an acne spot treatment that dries out whiteheads while you sleep so they're virtually gone by the next morning.
Painful cystic lumps dotted my cheeks and never erupted into whiteheads, but grew under the layers spot treatments could never reach.
Like many with dry complexions, my face is also prone to congestion like milia, whiteheads, and most recently, random cystic breakouts.
From blackheads and whiteheads to milium (tiny alabaster bumps), the good doc is doing all kinds of extractions around the delicate area.
It's different from other, more superficial types of types of acne, like blackheads and whiteheads, because it's deeper down in your skin.
Every time I manage to get my skin under control, I fear that another smattering of whiteheads will appear out of nowhere.
I'd tend to get the same three whiteheads on my chin that would become inflamed and pus-filled no matter what I did.
Her acne only worsened from there, with the mild cocktail of whiteheads and blackheads standing in stark contrast to her classmates' crystal-clear complexions.
I used to have teenage acne and would pop all the disgusting whiteheads—I used to love the splatter they made on the mirror.
He has to remember the pasta is coming to the table rather than demand his girlfriend squeeze whiteheads on his body in a public setting.
Acne, the most common skin condition in the U.S., includes whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, cysts and nodules that affect the face, shoulders, back, chest and upper arms.
There are the usual oversized whiteheads and blackheads, as well as lipomas, pilar cysts, calcium deposits, warts, abscesses, rhinophyma, sebaceous filaments, keloids, and other dermal delights.
Milia might look like little whiteheads, but they're actually firm white bumps made of keratin protein that become trapped under the skin with no place to go.
That was until almost a week in, when I noticed a spate of tiny whiteheads springing up around my nose and mouth, something I never normally get.
Basically, it's all the stuff that comes out of your pores when you squeeze black- and- whiteheads, without the potential for broken capillaries and other skin damage.
The gentle exfoliating activity helps to prevent the formation of acne, including whiteheads and blackheads, and to reduce the inflammation associated with acne, like redness and raised spots.
His rule of thumb: Salicylic acid is best to treat blackheads and whiteheads, while benzoyl peroxide targets "red, angry pimples" that are oftentimes hidden beneath the skin's surface.
While creams and washes are sometimes enough for surface acne like whiteheads, blackheads, and pustules, you'll usually need to pop a pill to treat cystic acne, Elbuluk says.
Because who has time for trial and error when there's a cluster of whiteheads roughly the size of a small country taking up precious real estate on your face?
One smart bet for folks with mild breakouts and whiteheads is Neutrogena's Light Therapy Acne Mask, which we road-tested to considerably impressive results (and it's only $40, too).
That said, it's best for the mild-to-moderate acne sufferer who's concerned with whiteheads and occasional breakouts; if you're concerned with more hormonal activity or have highly reactive skin, look elsewhere.
New York City-based dermatologist Shereene Idriss, MD, counts these clear hydrocolloid dots as one of her go-to cystic acne products because of their fast-acting healing effects against cysts and whiteheads.
Across the internet, she's known as Dr. Pimple Popper, the queen of the internet's "popping" community, which centers around videos of the extraction of whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, and other pustules from human skin.
Felines, on the other hand, do, and Rosenberg says that their blackheads and pustular whiteheads typically appear in the places we can all agree are the absolute worst: on the chin and lips.
Read about acne or, worse yet, experience it, and you'll notice the militaristic terminology: Blackheads are a battle that must be won; we wage wars against whiteheads; treatment must be swift, aggressive, and unrelenting.
He stressed that while OTC treatments can be effective for milder acne, people should turn to a board-certified dermatologist if they experience painful and swollen red bumps instead of smaller whiteheads or the like.
That's what differentiates hormonal breakouts from your regular surface whiteheads, blackheads, and clogged pores: Your hormonal fluctuations are coming from within, so the usual spot treatments and drying lotions can't do much good on their own.
Out-topping 2016, this year's lineup has featured more blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts than ever, which helps prove that our "addiction" is just as multifaceted as the skin concerns we seek to remove.
Acids work double-duty to prevent dead skin from building up (which can cause acne) and to dissolve whiteheads and blackheads over time, and if you pick the right ones, you won't be left dry and irritated.
The Verdict I'm impressed by how the SpotLite inhibited any whiteheads from joining the party, but I'm pretty sure alternating between my retinol capsules and a splash of glycolic acid every night did most of the work.
Read more: Everything you need to know about whiteheads and how you can get rid of them Many of the genes they found affect how hair follicles are formed — which is a previously unknown risk factor of acne.
As Dr. Wedgeworth explains, vitamin A is great at dissolving comedones, the blocked pores clogged with buildup from oil and keratin that can take form as either "closed" flesh-colored bumps or "open" blackheads, whiteheads, and small red bumps.
And Pityrosporum folliculitis happens when the Pityrosporum breed of yeast (also known as Malassezia) works its way down into the hair follicles and multiplies, a disorder that causes symptoms that are easily mistaken for acne: pimply breakouts, whiteheads, redness, and inflammation.
The bigger headache comes with finding the best one for whatever it is that ails you — be it a stress pimple with its own zip code, redness around your nose, a constellation of whiteheads on your cheek, or some combination thereof.
Adam Friedman, an associate professor of dermatology at George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, says molluscum "look a little like whiteheads, though the center of the white papule is umbilicated," like a donut with a hole in the middle.
It's very watery so I have to layer it on almost like a serum, but it helps me get rid of angry red bumps faster and better than the brand's Drying Lotion; I find that the Drying Lotion is better for whiteheads.
While many enjoy experimenting with a whole host of colorful, shimmering products as their first foray into the world of beauty, for me, makeup meant layer after layer of thick concealer to mask the cystic spots, clusters of whiteheads, and angry red scars that peppered my teenage skin.
According to Joshua Zeichner, MD, dermatologist and Director of Cosmetic and Clinical Research in Dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, unlike blackheads and whiteheads that protrude to the surface of the skin, milia form under the skin without a connection to its surface — and that means no amount of picking will help.
Aptly called the Emergency Zit Kit, this cute and colorful makeup pouch comes equipped with everything you need to treat your breakouts on the go: Blemish Gel (for your standard blackheads and whiteheads), Spot Lotion (to treat 'em before bedtime), Fading Gel (for any lingering hyperpigmentation), and of course, my personal ride-or-die zit zapper, the Anti-Cyst Treatment (for the very evil, underground ones).
Here's how it went... Day One I wake up with a cluster of zits on my right cheek (they always congregate here for some reason), so I give the whiteheads a squeeze (gross but necessary), wash my face with YourGoodSkin's Brightening Exfoliating Wash, pat my skin dry, and go straight for the tool, holding it to my face with one hand while checking the news on my phone with the other.
March 2009 saw the release of 60 whiteheads (popokatea) and 59 hihi (stitchbirds).
However, they refused. If the Crown Prince could obtain the support of the Four Whiteheads of Mount Shang, then His Majesty would not depose him.” Lu Hou then applied her forces of persuasion. The Four Whiteheads of Mount Shang showed up at court.
However, they refused. If the Crown Prince could obtain the support of the Four Whiteheads of Mount Shang, then His Majesty would not depose him.” Lu Hou then applied her forces of persuasion. The Four Whiteheads of Mount Shang showed up at court.
When encountered whiteheads often display flocking behaviour. The flocks generally consist of small family groups.
Whiteheads will often form mixed-species feeding flocks with saddlebacks, kākāriki or silvereyes to catch the insects these birds dislodge as they feed.
With the support of the officials and the Four Whiteheads of Mount Shang, Prince Ying's status as heir survived despite Consort Qi's machinations.
There may be a combination of whiteheads and blackheads that also appear around the area affected, the difference being that whiteheads are closed and clogged pores whereas blackheads are also clogged but open pores. The symptoms may vary also depending on a person's skin type; overly oily or dry skin can cause a number of symptoms that heighten the possibility for acne mechanica to develop.
It has been the subject of an active conservation campaign and has been successfully reintroduced into reserves near Auckland and Wellington respectively. In the past whiteheads held a special place in Māori culture. As well as the species appearing in many legends, whiteheads were viewed by Māori to have roles as messengers of the gods and as fortune tellers or seers – and because of these beliefs, live birds were caught and used in several different kinds of ceremonial rites.
The inflorescence is a compound umbel with up to 40 rays holding clusters of small white to cream flowers. There are papery sheaths at the base of each petiole where it branches from the stem (see image at left). The plants overall are rather similar to the other large umbellifers cow parsnip and swamp whiteheads, but cow parsnips have huge lobed but undivided leaves, while swamp whiteheads have pinnate leaves and the individual flowerheads are dense, round balls.
The plantation property was kept by the Cotten heirs, the Whiteheads, until they sold the portion which ran along the south shore of Lake Iamonia to Lloyd Griscom who named it Luna Plantation.
This was a most notable moment, because the whole history of China was impacted by the founding of the Han dynasty. Han Huidi was historically important because he represented the dynastic succession of the Liu family as the Han dynasty. The reason why his father named him as crown prince and heir was historically recorded as due to the influence of the Four Whiteheads of Mount Shang. These four men were considered to be sages: the reason that they were called "whiteheads" was because they were all four elders with white hair and white beards.
The affected roots are blackened and the plants are easy to pull from the soil. These symptoms give rise to an alternative name for the disease, "whiteheads". Yield loss levels of 40 to 50% are often recorded in severe attacks.
"Shangshan Four Hermits" from the Long Corridor "Four Whiteheads of Mount Shang", depicted on fan Soon after establishing the Han dynasty, the new emperor, Han Gaodi (Han emperor Gao), was eager to recruit talented persons. In 196 BCE Gao even issued a decree to the effect that any official knowing of a virtuous man must so report on penalty of being fired (unless that man were too old or sick). Sometime before or after that, Gao attempted to obtain the services of the Four Whiteheads of Mount Shang: Master Dongyuan, Qi Liji, Master Xiahuang and Mr. Lu Li. ("Huang and Qi", 黃綺, was a poetic shorthand for these four, as used by Tao Yuanming.) During the time of troubles which characterized the Qin dynasty (221 to 206 BCE), these four had entered into a life of seclusion on Mount Shang. They were old and had white hair and beards: thus they were known as the Four Whiteheads of Mount Shang.
Cuckoos do not build their own nest or rear their young. The species is a brood parasite laying its eggs in the nests of Mohoua species mostly – whiteheads (M. albicilla) in the North Island and yellowheads (M. ochrocephala) and brown creepers (M.
In the 2002 Queen's Birthday and Golden Jubilee Honours, Laxon was appointed an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit, for services to racing. Laxon is still currently training in a partnership with John Symons at Whiteheads Creek in country Victoria.
St Mary's Lifeboat RNLB Whiteheads St Mary's Lifeboat Station is situated in St Mary's Harbour, Isles of Scilly and has been an important station for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution since the service began in 1837, however without a service between 1855 and 1874.
Hyphae are the predominant inoculum, because roots become infected as they grow through infested soil. Most of the plant-to-plant spread of take-all occurs via runner hyphae moving across “root bridges”. In addition, ascospores are moved through splashing and in some instances wind. The pathogen then causes whiteheads to accumulate on the top of the plant.
The mobbing behaviour sometimes seen in whiteheads is reflected in one legend which tells of swarms of whiteheads scratching out the eyes of Whaitiri, goddess of thunder, as they pass her house, thus causing her to go blind. Whitehead on Tiritiri Matangi Island The whitehead, as a messenger between man and the gods, was a very tapu (sacred) bird. This status was reflected in its role in the tohi rite, a ritual performed over an infant. This entailed a tohunga touching the head of an infant with a live whitehead and reciting a karakia (incantation) firstly to cause the mana (power and prestige) of the gods to descend on the child from the gods and secondly to open the child's eyes and ears to the knowledge of the ancestors.
Kanō Naonobu (17th century): "The Four Sages of Mount Shang" Soon after establishing the Han dynasty, the new emperor, Gaodi, was eager to recruit talented persons. In 196 BCE Gao even issued a decree to the effect that any official knowing of a virtuous man must so report on penalty of being fired (unless they were too old or sick). Sometime before or after that, Gao attempted to obtain the services of the Four Whiteheads of Mount Shang: Master Dongyuan, Qi Liji, Master Xiahuang and Mr. Lu Li. During the time of troubles which characterized the Qin dynasty, these four had entered into a life of seclusion on Mount Shang. They were old and had white hair and beards: thus they were known as the Four Whiteheads of Mount Shang.
This early torpedo proved itself in combat during the Russo-Turkish War when, on January 16, 1878, the Ottoman ship Intibah was sunk by Russian torpedo boats carrying Whiteheads, though this story has been disputed in one book. The term "torpedo" comes from the Torpedo fish, which is a type of ray that delivers an electric shock to stun its prey.
They are usually found around the nose and eyes, and sometimes on the genitalia, often mistaken by those affected as warts or other sexually transmitted diseases. Milia can also be confused with stubborn whiteheads. In children, milia often but not always disappear within two to four weeks. For adults, they can be removed by a physician (a dermatologist will have specialist knowledge in this area).
Expression, the manual bursting of pimples which have evolved into whiteheads with one's fingers, can allow bacteria to be introduced into the open wound this creates. This can result in infection and permanent scarring. Thus expression is generally recommended against by dermatologists and estheticians in favour of allowing pimples to run through their natural lifespans. Some dermatologists offer incision and drainage services to sterilely drain the pimple.
There were six breeding pairs and seven fledged chicks. In May 2010 approval was granted for the introduction of 40–60 whiteheads; this had been begun by 2018. New Zealand bellbirds had been spotted on the island in 1996, 2005 and 2008 but had not established there. Approval was granted to release 40–60 individuals in May 2010 and this process had started by 2018.
Comedo extraction is a widely used method of treatment for acne vulgaris. A dermatologist or cosmetologist may extract blackheads (open comedones) using gentle pressure around the pore opening, and whiteheads (closed comedones) by incision with a large needle or a blade. If performed skillfully, this treatment may be beneficial to the patient. Possible negative effects of the procedure include incomplete extraction, refilling, scarring and tissue damage.
Zhang Liang opposed Gaozu's decision but Gaozu ignored him so Zhang feigned illness and retired again. When approached by Empress Lü Zhi to help Liu Ying retain his position, Zhang Liang recommended the Four Whiteheads of Mount Shang to help Liu Ying, and the four men succeeded in convincing Gaozu to keep Liu Ying as the crown prince. Zhang Liang remained in retirement until his death in 186 BC.
In 1875, the company renamed itself the Tredegar Iron and Coal Company, to allow development of additional coal mining capacity. In 1891, the company ceased production of iron, but continued to develop coal mines and produce coal. The former Tredegar Ironworks were effectively abandoned, with Whiteheads taking over the southern section of the site from 1907. In 1931, they also closed down their operations, moving everything to their Newport works.
In 1903 the Melton Land Company put on a land site boom, selling off the Huey ranch by cutting it up into farms. This brought the Attaways, Kolbs, Whitleys, Hains, Tuckers, Stapps, Karneses and Crouches. In 1904 the Bridges, Hodges, Hazeltons, Whiteheads, Childresses, Devours and Gainers moved to the community. In 1903 the J. W. Attaways organized the Baptist church and named it the Lone Star Baptist Church.
Bliss' company also supplied part of the material used in building the Brooklyn Bridge. The E. W. Bliss Company obtained rights to manufacture the Whitehead torpedo used by the US Navy, while the United States Projectile Company would later manufacture most of the shells used in its large guns. The company's experience with building the Whiteheads proved valuable in the development of the Bliss-Leavitt torpedo, which was also acquired by the US Navy.
In April 2007, three species of endangered whitebait (kokopu or native trout) were reintroduced. In May, kākā were put into a special enclosure to allow them to acclimatise before they were released; they quickly attracted wild companions. In November of that year, seven kākā were released from the aviary. On 3 December 2007 the trust announced that they planned to reintroduce North Island robins, North Island kōkako, tuatara, popokatea (whiteheads) and hihi (stitchbirds) in 2008.
Comedones generally occur on the areas with more sebaceous glands, particularly the face, shoulders, upper chest and back. Comedones may be "black" or "white" depending on whether the entire pilosebaceous unit, or just the sebaceous duct, is blocked. Sebaceous filaments—innocuous build-ups of sebum—are often mistaken for whiteheads. There are many treatments available for acne from reducing sugars in the diet, to medications that include antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, retinoids and hormonal treatments.
After hatching, early instars bore into the leaf sheath and causing longitudinal yellowish-white patches as a result of feeding. Then it invades the stem of the rice plant and stays in the pith to feed on the inner surface of the stem wall. These are not externally visual as symptoms. Severe feeding causes a deep circular cut through the parenchyma tissue showing deadhearts at the vegetative stages and whiteheads at the reproductive stages.
Acne vulgaris is diagnosed based on a medical professional's clinical judgment. The evaluation of a person with suspected acne should include taking a detailed medical history about a family history of acne, a review of medications taken, signs or symptoms of excessive production of androgen hormones, cortisol, and growth hormone. Comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) must be present to diagnose acne. In their absence, an appearance similar to that of acne would suggest a different skin disorder.
In times past, the whitehead held a special place within Māori culture among the forest birds of New Zealand. They featured not only in Māori folklore and legends but also in a number of rites for which live individuals were captured.Murdoch Riley, "'’Māori Bird Lore; An Introduction", Viking Sevenseas Ltd., 2001 Flocks of whiteheads form part of the hākuturi, a multitude of small birds sometimes called Te Tini o te Hākuturi – "The myriads of Hākuturi", the spirit guardians of the forest.
Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, is a long-term skin disease that occurs when dead skin cells and oil from the skin clog hair follicles. Typical features of the condition include blackheads or whiteheads, pimples, oily skin, and possible scarring. It primarily affects skin with a relatively high number of oil glands, including the face, upper part of the chest, and back. The resulting appearance can lead to anxiety, reduced self-esteem, and, in extreme cases, depression or thoughts of suicide.
In his later years, Emperor Gaozu favoured Concubine Qi and neglected Empress Lü Zhi. He thought that Liu Ying, his heir apparent (born to the empress), was too weak to be a ruler. Thus, he had the intention of replacing Liu Ying with another son, Liu Ruyi, who was born to Concubine Qi. Lü Zhi became worried, so she asked Zhang Liang to help her son maintain his position. Zhang Liang recommended four reclusive wise men, the Four Whiteheads of Mount Shang, to help Liu Ying.
Local railway stations are reopening, starting with Rogerstone station in 2008, Pye Corner station in 2014, and with three others planned in the city's Unitary Development Plan. Transport for Wales intend to restart services between Newport and Ebbw Vale Parkway by 2021. A state-of-the-art District General Hospital is envisaged to be built to replace the Royal Gwent Hospital. The former Corus steel Whiteheads site was speculated but this was rejected in favour of redeveloping the Llanfrechfa Grange Hospital site, near Cwmbran as a specialist and critical care unit.
Cwmbrân Town Football Club is a Welsh football team based in Cwmbran, South Wales, that competes in the Gwent County League Premier Division, the fifth tier of the Welsh football league system. The Crows were formed in 1951 when Whiteheads AFC disbanded. After playing in junior leagues the club switched to the Welsh League in 1960, moving to Cwmbran Stadium in 1975. In 1978 Cwmbrân Town finished bottom of the Welsh League Premier Division and were relegated, in 1981 the Crows finished 16th but in 1982 won promotion to the Premier Division.
Using non-oily cleansers and mild soap may not cause as much irritation to the skin as regular soap. Blackheads can be removed across an area with commercially available pore-cleansing strips (which can still damage the skin by leaving the pores wide open and ripping excess skin) or the more aggressive cyanoacrylate method used by dermatologists. Squeezing blackheads and whiteheads can remove them, but it can also damage the skin. Doing so increases the risk of causing or transmitting infection and scarring, as well as potentially pushing any infection deeper into the skin.
Three days after the birth, the infant was handed to the Sterns, who renamed her Melissa Elizabeth Stern. However, within three days of transferring physical custody to the Sterns, Whitehead went to them and demanded that the baby be given back to her, allegedly threatening suicide. The Whiteheads, though claiming Mary Beth Whitehead was suffering a debilitating post-partum bladder infection at the time, kidnapped the infant, and left New Jersey, taking the infant with them. The Sterns’ counsel applied for, and the county prosecutor issued warrants for their arrest.
Several sources say Powell's father was involved with the sack and rum trade.Some sources say Powell's father was a captain. Court records from 1662 for the Town of Huntington, New York, indicate that thomas Powell indentured servant in the Jonas Halifax Wood home living with them nine years. After almost nine years of service to Master Good Wood, and Good Higbe, Powell gave written testimony for the inventory books against the estate of Jonas Halifax Wood of Hempstead regarding an unpaid debt for rum and wine at Daniel Whiteheads store following Wood's death.
There has been some research done that may indicate the use of UV wavelength light in brown creepers ability to recognize long-tailed cuckoo eggs. Brown creepers are known to reject long-tailed cuckoo eggs whereas yellowheads and whiteheads, who are close relatives of brown creepers, tend not to.Fidler, A. E., Aidala, Z., Anderson, M. G., Ortiz-Catedral, L., & Hauber, M. E. (2016). Pseudogenisation of the short-wavelength sensitive 1 (SWS1) opsin gene in two New Zealand endemic passerine species: the Yellowhead (Mohoua ochrocephala) and Brown Creeper (M. novaeseelandiae).
Microcomedones (the precursor to blackheads and whiteheads) are not visible to the naked eye when inspecting the skin and require a microscope to be seen. Many features may indicate that a person's acne vulgaris is sensitive to hormonal influences. Historical and physical clues that may suggest hormone-sensitive acne include onset between ages 20 and 30; worsening the week before a woman's period; acne lesions predominantly over the jawline and chin; and inflammatory/nodular acne lesions. Several scales exist to grade the severity of acne vulgaris, but disagreement persists about the ideal one for diagnostic use.
Although he was annoyed when a British tabloid revealed that he lived there, printing a picture of his house with the number clearly visible, he later paid public tribute to his former home in the title of the track "Wattsville Blues," on Know Your Enemy album. Wire follows the Welsh rugby union team, Whiteheads RFC and Dragons. He is also a fan of Warrington Wolves rugby league team, (who are nicknamed The Wire), as well as being a supporter of Tottenham Hotspur in football, with whom he turned down an offer of a trial as a teenager.
Intensive logic is treated as the ground of all extensional logic, and extensional logic (along with all mathematical thinking above basic counting) is grounded in rearrangements of operational sign relations. Infinitely many extensional schemes are possible of the basis of intensive symbol functions, but all are well encompassed by the four-term semiotic schema Auxier provides. He treats Bergson's qualitative calculus and Whiteheads genetic and coordinate analyses as exemplars of his sign-theory. Auxier favors and teaches the analytical syllogistics of Delton Thomas HowardFor more, see: Delton Thomas Howard, Analytical Syllogistics: A Pragmatic Interpretation of the Aristotelian Logic (New York: AMS Press, 1970).
"The Four Sages of Mount Shang": Kanō Naonobu (17th century Japan) The Four Whiteheads of Mount Shang () were four elders who had an important role in the establishment of the Han dynasty of China (206 BCE – 220 CE). Liu Ying (later known as Han Huidi, 210 – 188 BCE) became the second emperor of the notable Han dynasty of China. At his promotion to emperor his official name was changed to Han Huidi. When his father (originally Liu Bang but upon promotion to emperor named Han Gaodi), the previous emperor, died of an arrow wound, Huidi became emperor because his father had named him as crown prince and heir.
Whitehead, Mohoua albicillaPhoto by Roger SouthThe diet of whiteheads is primarily insectivorous in nature – they are classed as arboreal insectivores.John Dawson and Rob Lucas,"The Nature Guide to the New Zealand Forest", Godwit, 2000 Their main prey are spiders, moths, caterpillars and beetles which are gleaned from tree trunks, leaves and branches in the canopy and subcanopy. They rarely feed on the forest floor.Chloe Talbot Kelly," Collins handguide to the Birds of New Zealand", Collins, 1982 They will supplement their predominantly insectivorous diet with the fruits of native plants such as māhoe and matipo and like the yellowhead, they frequently hang upside down from branches or twigs while feeding.
The company ironworks were developed on a single site, which later became known as Whiteheads, after that company took over the southern section of the site in 1907. By 1850, TICC employed between 2000 and 3000 people at its 9 furnaces, mills shops and ancillary plants. However, all of this production on such a vast scale had a price. Adrian Vaughn, in his 1985 book "Grub, Water & Relief," mentions that in 1832 John Gooch took a managerial post in the Tredegar iron works: With many people in such a small area, and with poor sanitation provision, there were several cholera epidemics in the town in the 19th century.
In 1797, Samuel Homfray, with partners Richard Fothergill and the Matthew Monkhouse built a new furnace, leasing the land from the Tredegar Estate in Newport.B. Gardner's History of Tredegar and other information This created the new Sirhowy Ironworks, that were in 1800 to become the Tredegar Iron Company, named in honour of the Tredegar Estate at Tredegar House and Tredegar Park in Newport in the south of the county. In 1891, the company ceased production of iron, but continued to develop coal mines and produce coal. The former Tredegar Ironworks were effectively abandoned, with Whiteheads taking over the southern section of the site from 1907.
He would go on to be widely recognised as a great of the game, and the fastest bowler of the era. The 1964 International saw Hennessey (as captain) demolish his rivals' batting line up for a record six runs in 30 balls and just nine minutes in front of a crowd of 6,000 at the Maindy Stadium. This record is notable as it would not be surpassed for 50 years, when Wales international Matthew Hopkins managed the same feat for the loss of just one run in the 2014 fixture at Whiteheads Ground, Newport. The record remains one of the longest standing in global sports.
In a Ngāti Mahuta story, the culture hero Rata went into the forest and cut down a tree to make a canoe, but failed to perform the proper placatory rites to Tāne, god of the forest. Whiteheads and riflemen whistled shrilly at him in admonishment and gathered together the pieces of the tree until it stood whole again. This happened several times until Rata showed remorse and the birds felled the tree and made the canoe for him. In some stories, the whitehead was one of several small birds chosen by Māui to accompany him in his (ultimately unsuccessful and fatal) quest to abolish death by killing Hine-nui-te-pō, the goddess of night and death.
Liu Bang was well aware of the reputation of these four sages, and when he became emperor Gao, the four refused his ardent entreaties to assume positions of importance in his newly established government. When the question of who was to be imperial heir came up, two of Gaodi's women both advocated for their own son: Lu for Ying and Qi for her own son. Gao favored Qi's son, as he thought the youth embodied more of his personality. Lu Hou got the advantage: she went to the powerful official Zhang Liang, who said, “His Majesty had long heard about the Four Whiteheads of Mount Shang and wanted to invite them to serve the country.
Liu Bang (the future emperor Han Gaodi) was well aware of the reputation of these four sages, and when he became emperor Gao, the four refused his ardent entreaties to assume positions of importance in his newly established government. When the question of who was to be imperial heir came up, two of Gaodi's women both advocated for their own son: Lu Hou for Ying and Qi for her own son. Gao favored Qi's son, as he thought the youth embodied more of his personality. Lu Hou got the advantage: she went to the powerful official Zhang Liang, who said, “His Majesty had long heard about the Four Whiteheads of Mount Shang and wanted to invite them to serve the country.
The Whitehead Mark 3 torpedo was a Whitehead torpedo adopted by the United States Navy for use in an anti-surface ship role after the E. W. Bliss Company of Brooklyn, New York secured manufacturing rights in 1892. The primary difference between the Mark 3 and the previous versions of the 3.55-meter Whiteheads was the inclusion of the Obry steering gyro for azimuth control. This device reduced the maximum deviation right or left of the target from 24 to 8 yards. About 100 Mark 3s were purchased from the E. W. Bliss Company; in 1913, these were redesignated Torpedo Type A. These were withdrawn from service use in 1922 when all torpedoes designed before the Bliss-Leavitt Mark 7 torpedo were condemned.
Then the church's old boiler explodes, and the church burns down to its foundations as a result—and the attempt by the fire department to fight the fire turns pathetic when the fire hose springs multiple leaks. When the Sinclairs and the Greshams argue yet again about who was responsible for the faulty equipment, Sam roars at them to "go someplace else, yell your heads off, and let this poor church die in peace!" The next day, the Whiteheads are moving out—when Art Shields joyously announces that he is trouncing the opposition in the election and will definitely be the next mayor. Art offers Sam a job with the town, but Sam declines, saying that he needs to find another church.
The Whitehead torpedo was the first such weapon, and was designed in 1866 by British engineer Robert Whitehead. His 'mine ship' was an 11-foot long, 14-inch diameter torpedo propelled by compressed air and carried an explosive warhead. The device had a speed of and could hit a target away. Many naval services procured the Whitehead torpedo during the 1870s and it first proved itself in combat during the Russo-Turkish War when, on January 16, 1878, the Turkish ship Intibah was sunk by Russian torpedo boats carrying Whiteheads. During the 1870s and 1880s, the basic contours of the modern submarine began to emerge, through the inventions of the English inventor and curate, George Garrett, and his industrialist financier Thorsten Nordenfelt, and the Irish inventor John Philip Holland.
A Hotchkiss Ordnance Company advertisement for Howell torpedoes, published November 11, 1888 Torpedo Boat Stiletto launching a Howell torpedo, 1890 After very protracted developmentthe product of a paucity of funds, the novelty of the torpedo as a weapon, and myopia of the Navy's senior officersfifty Howell Torpedoes Mark 1 were ordered (from Hotchkiss Ordnance Company of Providence, Rhode Island) in 1889. This was 14.2 in (36 cm) diameter, 129.75 in (330 cm) long, with a 96 lb (43.5 kg) warhead and a range of 400 yd (365 m) at 25 knots (46 km/h). Contemporary Whiteheads, built by E. W. Bliss Company, had superior performance, and greater growth capacity. These fifty would be the only production examples, as the Howell was superseded by a rapidly improving Whitehead in 1892; as a consequence, the Howell's drawbacks were never cured.
A versatile player, Dalrymple scored the club's first goal in the FA Cup and scored a second later in the game as Argyle defeated Whiteheads by seven goals to nil in the first qualifying round. He finished the season with 17 goals scored in all competitions, having made 43 appearances. The following season, he was among the goals in the FA Cup again, earning Argyle a 1–1 draw at Newcastle United in the first round on 4 February 1905. He scored a further 12 goals in league competition, including a brace in a 4–1 win against Southampton, and won his first major title at the end of the season as the club were crowned Western Football League champions. He moved back to Scotland in the summer of 1905, having scored 30 goals in 92 appearances for Plymouth Argyle, to sign for Rangers.
The range of this species has always been restricted to the North Island of New Zealand, as well as several offshore islands surrounding it, including Little Barrier Island (where it is the most common forest bird),Gill,B.J. and G. Maclean, Ian, "Morphometrics of the whitehead Mohoua albicilla on Little Barrier Island, New Zealand", New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 1986, volume 13:267–271 Great Barrier Island and Kapiti Island; it has however, contracted markedly since the 19th century due to a number of human induced factors (see the Conservation section below). The distributions of the whitehead and its close relative, the yellowhead are allopatric, with the range of the yellowhead being restricted to the South Island. Whiteheads are generally restricted to the larger tracts of older scrub and native forest that remain in the North Island but have proven their adaptability by establishing populations in a number of exotic pine plantations, particularly on the North Island Volcanic Plateau.

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