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261 Sentences With "whipped out"

How to use whipped out in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "whipped out" and check conjugation/comparative form for "whipped out". Mastering all the usages of "whipped out" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Naturally, Biden whipped out his signature "point and shrug" moves.
This beautiful man, Khizr Khan, whipped out a pocket Constitution.
"Senator, you've whipped out that Mexican thing again, " Pence said.
"Senator, you whipped out that Mexican thing again," he said.
"You've whipped out that Mexican thing again," Pence shot back.
She whipped out the picture for me from a drawer.
" And Pence responded, "Senator, you whipped out that Mexican thing again.
Pissed as hell w/ 'You whipped out that Mexican thing' comment.
First, she whipped out a print-heavy ensemble during Fashion Week.
No prizes for guessing the first thing your correspondent whipped out.
"Senator, you've whipped out that Mexican thing again," Mr. Pence replied.
Mr. Wood whipped out the diary to get his visitor's take.
We whipped out our phones to share photos. Weddings. Homes. Trips.
He whipped out his cellphone to show a photo of them.
At the end of the round, he whipped out a $100 bill.
Regardless of who whipped out the wallet ... that's one helluva power table.
And when Ryan Gosling whipped out his ukulele, she was done for.
"He whipped out his middle finger and flipped the bird," Aiken writes.
I locked my office door behind me and whipped out my phone.
The secretary of state whipped out his phone and filmed the creature.
Her son whipped out his iPhone, and she basked in their attention.
I whipped out my phone and was like, 'I'm moving to the Berkshires.
Should I have whipped out the tie-dyed maxi-dress one last time?
At the end of the song, she whipped out a tiny toy saxophone.
At the end of the song, she whipped out a tiny toy saxophone.
Another queen whipped out an oversize flip phone and screamed at her agent.
At that point, she whipped out a little prop and delivered that Trump zinger.
And to honor the pals' milestone, Griffin whipped out several rolls of tin foil.
They weren't, however, surprised at how easily and quickly the gun was whipped out.
Naturally, he whipped out his camera and captured a visually spectacular, wildly romantic shot.
Over lunch Yamazaki whipped out his computer and presented the problem of space debris.
He whipped out a gun on stage to show his support for the Second Amendment.
"He whipped out some medical marijuana — a big rolled up doobie of it," recalled Spade.
I whipped out my iPhone and started filming, putting distance between myself and the activists.
Whatever the truth, a Gangster Disciple whipped out a pistol and opened fire, witnesses said.
As we took off, most of the passengers whipped out their cellphones to take pictures.
At one point, Chance whipped out a coat and hilariously took advantage of the green screen.  .
In the video above, a man whipped out his phone to record his unusual evening commute.
" That's when he whipped out his phone to show her an image of "The Expected One.
Duncan whipped out a small electronic cigarette that contained nicotine and took a puff from it.
He whipped out a few folders and produced three large-format, engraved images from the 28s.
I whipped out MarineTraffic, and within seconds I had zoomed in on the 187-foot Minderella.
Justin Bieber is a classic pianist and he whipped out his skills in a hotel lobby.
So he built that igloo, whipped out a sleeping bag, got all cozy inside and fell asleep.
But then White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow whipped out a chart and showed it to Trump.
All those fancy dishes you're saving to use "for guests," but haven't actually whipped out in years?
LeBron was so impressed he whipped out his phone and started shooting video ... and it's pretty great.
Tara whipped out her extensive list as we approached the counter and started listing flavors and pods.
Ford whipped out his phone and called in the address to 911, he told CNN affiliate WSFA.
Every time someone whistled at or harassed them, they whipped out their confetti pistol and took aim.
Ledecky took one look at herself on the building, whipped out her smartphone and snapped a selfie.
He got to know graying artisans, whipped out his camera, and gave them the music video treatment.
Republican senators whipped out an arsenal of fidget spinners Thursday during President Donald Trump&aposs impeachment trial.Sens.
So I posted up next to the helm, whipped out my accordion, and started playing sea shanties.
But perhaps nothing topped the moment when Kanye whipped out his iPhone and we all learned his passcode.
He whipped out a syringe, injected it straight into his arm, and livestreamed the whole thing on Facebook.
Update, 103:51pm: Apparently that wasn't the only sign that Trump whipped out at yesterday's rally in Florida.
The spectacle drew a crowd of curious bystanders, who quickly whipped out their smartphones to document the event.
I whipped out my playlist, and I said, 'This is my number-one song on my 19803 playlist.
In one meeting with the military, in 1977, she whipped out a floor plan of a government building.
Komanoff whipped out a calculator as we spoke and broke that down: $2100,2100 per hour, $84 a second.
I also whipped out a book about cults and tarot cards and he didn't run the other way.
That "Welcome to Texas" line would have worked better if Cruz had whipped out his gun immediately afterwards.
We're told things escalated when the couple whipped out their cell phones and began shooting video of Floyd's crew.
My hair felt like butter after I washed Whipped out, and it made detangling a whole lot easier afterward.
He whipped out his trademark dance in Rio when he ranked sixth in the Men's 105kg Group B final.
Again, perhaps we should have slowed down with the rose and hot dogs and whipped out our soldering irons.
Then he whipped out a much shorter chart to show what the process will look under his new policy.
As for the Academy recruiting a new accounting firm -- Miles whipped out the ol' "I'm just an actor" card.
Didn't work for Ibra ... the ref busted him and whipped out a red card, sending him to the locker room.
It didn't seem to matter to the fans who whipped out their phones and took pictures of the injured man.
Like a man of the modern age, the owner whipped out his phone and filmed the odd, but endearing encounter.
Reporters whipped out their phones and cameras, vining and tweeting what I guess has to be called a historic moment.
During Monday's Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon whipped out a game of "Kid Dictionary" featuring adorable children attempting to define words.
He even whipped out his phone at lunch one time and SHOWED me the offer he was going to send.
I whipped out the ol' panty vibe, slipped into it, and walked around McCarren Park, feeling the sweet, sweet vibrations.
"You whipped out that Mexican thing again," he observed, sounding more like an analyst than a participant in the debate.
Tetsuo Kagawa, 32, an emergency-room doctor from Tokyo, wandered past, whipped out his cellphone and fired up Google Translate.
It's a common misconception from movies or TV dramas that a prenup is whipped out the night before the wedding.
"This kid's a pain in the ass," he said happily, as he whipped out his phone to show me pictures.
Goodrich, the world's leading expert on craniopagus surgery and the boys' main surgeon, whipped out his iPhone and snapped commemorative shots.
" When Salvini again ducked a chance to apologize directly, she whipped out a placard with a hashtag in red marker, "#WomenNotInflatableDolls.
Using the gene-editing tool CRISPR to modify his DNA, Zayner whipped out a syringe and injected it into his arm.
I whipped out the Petcube app for some laser time whenever I had downtime at a recent out-of-state wedding.
Wells Fargo whipped out an arbitration agreement he signed 22 years ago when he opened his account with a predecessor bank.
In Evans' road rage incident, she whipped out a gun when another driver allegedly tailgated her and followed him to his house.
He'd actually hired McLaren himself to help in crease his band's success, only to have his pals whipped out from under him.
When Little Big Town's Karen Fairchild, a recipient along with bandmate Kimberly Schlapman, accepted her award, she whipped out her cell phone.
But the reality is that it is Trump who has "whipped out that Mexican thing" again and again for over a year.
At one point, Ortiz whipped out 2 passes from the 2019 Masters tournament -- which Tiger famously won -- and asked him to sign.
Brunch looked great before your friends whipped out their iPhones, angling for perfect shots of their avocado toast as yours went cold.
Realizing his DSLR wasn't going to cut it, he whipped out his drone, flying up and down the highway for about 15 minutes.
The singer canoodled a bit with Hiddleston, and whipped out her classic arm-dance moves to Gomez's "Hands To Myself" and other hits.
As Democrats rally against many of Trump's cabinet nominations, an arcane rule was whipped out of Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's pocket, silencing Sen.
" The senator slammed Trump for speaking of Mexicans as rapists and criminals, to which Pence responded: "You whipped out that Mexican thing again.
So obviously, this wasn't the Post Chapel that the bride had intended and I whipped out my phone to look up the address.
She whipped out a copy of the text book she wrote, "Modern Consumer Law," to quiz Consumer Financial Protection Bureau chief Kathy Kraninger.
Kim whipped out her phone at the pre-party to reveal a table of treats that was completed by a box of Popeyes.
But on Tuesday, he whipped out his counseling hat and became a makeshift creative mentor to the thousands of fans following his account.
The nanny says Shahi whipped out pics of her lover's junk, and said she wanted to "move on with her life" ... without Howey.
He met with Henry A. Kissinger (and whipped out a first edition of Mr. Kissinger's "Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy" for an autograph).
Ms. Paradis, wearing a gold jeweled tank top, then whipped out her tobacco and rolled two cigarettes, her crystal glass still in hand.
The actress, wearing a gold jeweled tank top, then whipped out her tobacco and rolled two cigarettes, her crystal glass still in hand.
Models emerged unannounced in dim light until the milling crowd took notice that the show had actually started; cellphones were then whipped out.
That's when I whipped out Google Translate, and his eyes lit up as my phone conveyed his questions better than I ever could.
After all, there's a reason why a bunch of politicians — not necessarily the most technically minded folks — whipped out their smartphones and launched Periscope.
That's when, she told KDVR, he unbuckled his seatbelt, whipped out his johnson, and started peeing all over the seat in front of him.
Her highlighter yellow dress was bad enough, but she also whipped out a disco ball purse and had mirror tiles glued to her face.
After a father and daughter stopped to listen to a musician while walking down the street, dad whipped out his camera and began recording.
The authorities said an enraged Chinese safari guide whipped out a pocketknife and sank it into the chest of a Chinese tourist, killing her.
But he's not sure how he would react if a partner whipped out the Sqweel 2, or any vibrator, while they were hooking up.
A terrorist whipped out a machete in the world-famous Louvre museum in Paris Friday, lunging at soldiers and sending visitors into a panic.
My coworker and I ooh-ed and ahh-ed at each turn, audibly gasping when she whipped out a single strawberry slice for a garnish.
Luckily, she had prepared for the moment and whipped out a breast pump to get her milk out without stopping during the 13.1-mile run.
As if no time had passed, Justin whipped out a rendition of "Sorry" that had everyone dancing — and followed it up with some exciting news.
When the architect of Android, Andy Rubin, whipped out a new phone at the Code Conference this week, he did little to discourage that belief.
He's proved he's got the chops when he starred in a PUP music video last year, and also whipped out Mac DeMarco covers on Youtube.
The only way the squirrel could show more eating expertise is if it whipped out a packet of duck sauce and drizzled it on top.
Attendees whipped out their cellphones and opened windows wide for a clearer shot of the glowing Statue of Liberty, as cold winter air gushed in.
Mere months ago, if you'd asked us to reach for our most outlandish lip color, we might've whipped out a hot pink or super-bright red.
As you've undoubtedly heard by now, Kim whipped out the big guns this weekend, posting a Snapchat Story of a phone call between Kanye and Taylor.
One astute fan whipped out a map to show one advantage Jon Snow and company have over their icy foes: Team White Walker is really slow.
Now try telling us you haven't already whipped out your blue eyeshadow, coolest pair of overalls, and funky cap to go along with the spring accessory.
The fam hit up the Dylan's Candy Bar flagship store Monday, and sources tell us they whipped out 2 Benjs for lollipops, Push Pops and Gobstoppers.
One of Taystee's classmates burst into the front door that Tameka had mistakenly left open, whipped out his gun, and forcefully demanded money from the register.
" With that, the singer-turned-skincare-enthusiast whipped out the mask and brushed an "M" on the 43-year-old comedian's right cheek — "this is legendary!
The two had a very long, wide-ranging conversation that touched on electric planes, multiple universes, and fancy watches—until Rogan whipped out a fat blunt.
When the North Korean soldiers saw that it was the vice president of the United States, they whipped out strongest weapons allowed in the DMZ -- cameras.
She alleged Weinstein first whipped out his now infamous bathrobe during a meeting in his Paris hotel room during the afterglow of 1994's Pulp Fiction.
This is bonkers -- a woman whipped out a grinding saw to break into a Botox clinic this past weekend ... and it was all caught on camera.
The story Mr. Reed tells is one of being broken, his youthful hopes of self-betterment whipped out of him and drowned in the shower baths.
But then the students disbanded for lunch, and they did something that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago: They whipped out their cellphones.
They all whipped out their smartphones — and tapped the KiraKira+ icon, the wildly popular app that adds twinkling effects to iPhone and Android pictures and videos.
He repeatedly whipped out his phone from his back pocket and handed it to his caddie, Michael Greller, who videotaped the swing for Spieth to study.
During a balletic sequence onstage in "An American," a middle-aged man whipped out his phone to show his seatmate a different dancer performing — at length.
When pressed on how he planned to pay for his extensive policy agenda during a CNN forum on Monday, he whipped out a sheet of paper.
She whipped out a tablet with pie charts and bus routes as she laid out the possibilities she said would be opened when waste is eliminated.
An anti-choice, anti-gay marriage conservative, Moore whipped out a tiny pistol at his final campaign rally to show just how pro-gun he is.
At first it's a pretty straightforward sad jam with a guitar line that sounds like something John Frusciante would have whipped out in a tutorial video.
Thanks to a bizarre Mike Pence rebuttal—"You whipped out that Mexican thing again," he stuttered to Tim Kaine—#mexicanthing and #thatmexicanthing began burning up the Twitterhorn.
Kenny says he told Kanye his sax would sound great on one particular track, so Ye whipped out a mic and started recording Kenny on the spot!
Donald Glover, in addition to delivering a hilarious round of sketches on Saturday Night Live, whipped out his Childish Gambino hat and performed on the storied show.
Ex-NFL star Jamal Anderson walked into a gas station convenience store and whipped out his penis in front of the clerk ... according to police in Georgia.
The reality is that our brushes and sponges are scattered throughout our bathrooms, tossed in bags, whipped out on the subway, and, in short, really, really gross.
Yoram Halevi, Israel's Jerusalem police chief, said the Palestinian girl "whipped out a knife and tried to stab" security staff at al-Zaim checkpoint, and was shot.
MANASSAS, Va. — Kumar Iyer whipped out his smartphone the other day to eagerly show a photo of himself with Ralph S. Northam, the Democratic candidate for governor.
On the "Tonight Show," Che even whipped out his checkbook and wrote a check for $1,000, made out to Hilfiger, in the hopes of squaring his debt.
It flapped its wings a bit as people whipped out their phones to take pictures, and the guy kinda seemed more giddy than terrified in the moment.
The treatment started off pretty normally with gentle cleansing and a few extractions, but things started to get weird when celebrity esthetician Laura Condon whipped out a peel.
And that's not even the best of it — Dunkin' has also whipped out two winter-fresh doughnuts: the Boston Kreme Croissant Donut and the Candy Cane Crunch Donut.
I whipped out my phone, tapped the Reefill app, and it gave me 60 seconds to fill my water bottle with that sweet, sweet, not-free filtered water.
After giving me the cut of a lifetime, Reyman went in to curl my hair, but instead of pulling out a curling iron, he whipped out a straightener.
The boys were chaperoned by two adults who not only stood by and watched the boys wreak havoc, but also whipped out their phones to film the boys.
The firearm that has Lil Xan under investigation currently by the LAPD ... looks very similar to a handgun he whipped out -- suddenly and unexpectedly -- during a photo shoot.
Louis C.K. whipped out his junk in front of Sarah Silverman, and masturbated in front of her -- but she was totally cool with it ... most of the time.
In a photo captured by Dutch TV channel NOS, two women proudly whipped out The Netherland's tri-colored flag with some words painted over it aimed at Trump.
Watching fellow 15-year-old Diane in Trainspotting ride Ewan McGregor's character, who'd whipped out his dick moments prior, seemed like a cry for help, even to me.
But I never truly found my taste until recently when I whipped out some classic Metallica and Megadeth from my dad's collection and was swept off my feet.
"I just whipped out the old phone, gave the G.P.S. system my brother's address, and ten minutes later I was pulling up to his house," he told me.
If you're going to get the vote down there, you have to eat boiled peanuts," Colbert said, as he whipped out a pail filled with the snack. "Delicious.
Lil Xan whipped out a handgun and pointed it at a man who demanded to know why the rapper once called Tupac "boring" ... and now LAPD is investigating.
Dozens whipped out their cellphones to try to catch a glimpse of President Obama, who had returned on Marine One after spending the day touring flood damage in Louisiana.
After noticing the mole, which "had gotten a lot darker in color," Hodgkiss tells PEOPLE, she whipped out her iPhone and began taking pictures so she could zoom in.
Jenelle Evans whipped out a handgun -- while her son was riding shotgun, btw -- and brandished it at a driver she says cut her off during a road rage incident.
" Olsen explained why he whipped out his phone and captured it ... saying "I wish I had my engagement on video, so I pull my phone out and capture it.
Andrew M. Cuomo, who whipped out an alien mask in the middle of Friday's news conference and joked (we assume) that Con Ed investigators found it at the substation.
There's more -- OBJ whipped out a stack of cash right on the Superdome field ... and appeared to hook up star WR's Justin Jefferson and Jontre Kirklin with some dough.
John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) quickly whipped out his cell phone and began talking into it, even though his home screen was visible and there was no call in progress.
I was actually in a meeting a few years later where he whipped out a little sketch of a little side project of his to get cars on demand.
Would he have slunk to his closet and whipped out a big ass box of vintage '87 Twinkies, expecting me to eat the radioactive, cream-filled phallus cakes whole?
The moment Danielle Brooks took the stage at Refinery29's Every Beautiful Body Symposium in New York City yesterday, the whole room whipped out their iPhones and burst into applause.
But after I whipped out my device, and reminded myself what that same experience feels like on AT&T's soon-to-be outmoded LTE network, the difference seemed almost negligible.
Just when we thought we couldn't possibly love Rihanna any more, she whipped out a crystal flask during the Grammys and gave us some of the best new meme material.
Director Bong Joon-ho couldn't be more proud — like a parent recording his kids' first steps, he whipped out his phone and took pictures of his cast throughout the ceremony.
During heated talks with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer during this year's government shutdown, Trump whipped out the letter and threw it on the table.
Hayden Panettiere and Eva Longoria will go head-to-head on Lip Sync Battle Thursday night, and the Nashville star whipped out her best diva game face for the big night.
Unconfirmed. But in one rare sighting, she whipped out a bullet of hot pink lipstick IN PUBLIC and applied it directly on her lips — no lady in waiting to be seen.
When Piotrowski felt he had pinned down Curry as best he could, he whipped out a summons, charging him with misdemeanor theft and fraud for selling the bogus meteorite to Reed.
The robbery went down Sunday afternoon at Avianne and Co. in Midtown Manhattan, when at least three guys who were posing as customers whipped out handguns and cleaned the place out.
The almost definitely pregnant super model was leaving a spa in L.A. when she whipped out her left hand and brandished what appears to be a huge emerald encircled by diamonds.
Two of them started making a fuss and, luckily for us, another guy playing nearby heard it and whipped out his phone just in time to see it escalate to fisticuffs.
Robert De Niro was treated to dinner and a show, and the big reveal got very personal for him ... which is why he whipped out his phone to capture the moment.
The food was great, the atmosphere was fantastic but at the end of the main course, he whipped out his phone and started showing me pictures he'd taken of his d—.
"Some folks even whipped out their phones to snap a pic while the photographer was shooting — hey, it's the closest I've ever come to feeling like a B-list celebrity overseas."
An Uber driver whipped out a breathalyzer and blew into the device during a ride -- a bizarre moment, recorded by his passenger -- but Uber says it's not what it looks like.
The comment seemed to catch Gucci off guard, but he quickly got the picture ... when the protesters whipped out banners, and yelled he can't be vegan if he keeps rocking furs.
John whipped out a "no comment" real quick, and even though he flashed a peace sign before driving off -- with a sweet doggy bag, BTW -- it's still clear Lori's castmates are concerned.
" Ellen, during a moment in which basically anybody else would have buckled under the pressure with despair, whipped out a joke: "Time's been asking how to get in touch with you, actually.
During a concert in Toronto on Saturday, Smith whipped out an electronic hair razor and shaved his already short hair into a full  buzz cut — all while performing for a packed audience.
We're told the alleged victim told police he met up with Long to sell him the bag -- but instead of producing cash, Long whipped out a pistol and made off without paying.
After her student expressed romantic and sexual interest in Hypatia while ignoring her intelligence and teaching skills, Hypatia whipped out her used and bloody menstrual rag, exposing the pad to her student.
In case United Airlines isn't aware of how problematic its statement on the controversial removal of a passenger from an overbooked flight is, Merriam-Webster whipped out a definition to enlighten everyone.
"Mi-Anne: "After curling my lashes with Kevyn Aucoin's Eyelash Curler, I whipped out the wand for the first time and noticed that there was a lot of product on the brush.
Every time I thought I'd get sick of her stammering in the face of his hotness, O'Brien whipped out some new frantic laugh or facial tic that had me on the floor.
" In a rare moment of frustration at Mr. Kaine's barrage of attacks on Mr. Trump's contentious statements on Hispanic immigrants, Mr. Pence shot back, "Senator, you've whipped out that Mexican thing again.
As Mr. Burleigh exited the hotel lobby and started to walk down the street, diners inside a nearby restaurant spotted him through the window and whipped out their cellphones to take photos.
So, when Gruden was sitting next to the comedian in an arena waiting for the show to begin ... he whipped out his phone and created 25 seconds of magic with the guy.
When she whipped out a bottle of bubble solution — "bubble" is a relatively easy word for most kids to say, she told me sotto voce — his face broke out into a huge grin.
De Niro is directing "A Bronx Tale" on Broadway and, during the show's curtain call Saturday night ... a guy whipped out a Trump 2020 "Keep America Great" banner and stood by the stage.
As Steimke got closer to the tractor-trailer-car combo he whipped out his phone and started recording (we'll just look over the fact that he appears to be driving at the time).
He's worked on a few standout tracks—namely a few Kanye West's The Life of Pablo songs that he whipped out for his first show on the "Be Encouraged" tour in San Diego.
Just 23 minutes later, Hillary Clinton whipped out some Frozen wordplay and challenged Trump with "Do you want to build a strawman?" thereby sparking a newfound interest in politics in thousands of children.
She thought for a moment and whipped out her phablet, and pulled up a picture of the beer can sculpture of a hand throwing a football that anchored a Bud Light beer tent.
"I thought, 'Good God,' so I whipped out and had to reposition myself and managed to get 'round behind him," he said in an interview with the website History of War in 2017.
In June 2019, Joe Jonas proved to be the perfect Instagram boyfriend when he whipped out his phone to take a picture of his wife Sophie Turner at an Amazon Prime Video event.
Earlier in the interview, Hanks whipped out the top secret "Toy Story 4" talking points memo from the Disney Corporate Vertical Integration Marketing Division, and rattled off PR plans he wasn't supposed to reveal.
So she whipped out the big guns, telling the cops she was a "very clean, thoroughbred, white girl"—because a little bit of implicit racism is a surefire get-out-of-jail-free card.
Ex-NFL star Jamal Anderson is back behind bars ... stemming from a bizarre incident at a Georgia gas station when the former Falcons star allegedly whipped out his penis in front of the clerk.
Wes Scantlin didn't let a thunderstorm ruin the night for a bunch of Puddle of Mudd fans ... after the rest of the band's flights got canceled, he whipped out a one man show instead.
On another flight, the lady by the window, who had raised our mutual armrest so as to better squeeze over the line into my seat, whipped out a Chick-fil-A fried-chicken sandwich.
Not content with keeping this one-sided exchange to himself, the rapper whipped out his cell phone and began filming it, eventually posting it on his Instagram account, which has just under ten million followers.
Asked about Mr Trump's claim that Mexico sends "rapists" across the border, the Indiana governor scoffed: "You've whipped out that Mexican thing again," before insisting that "criminal aliens" are committing violence and "taking American lives".
Skeptical about what she was being told, the younger Sibert, who has power of attorney over her parents' finances, whipped out her mother's credit cards and began calling the card companies to check recent activity.
" And when Kaine attacked Trump's June 2015 remarks that Mexican immigrants are "rapists" and "criminals," Pence -- in a remark that could deepen the campaign's trouble with minorities -- complained: "You've whipped out that Mexican thing again.
On Monday's episode of the Late Show, Colbert whipped out his infamous spoof of The Hunger Games' Caesar Flickerman, wandering around the Quicken Loans Arena holding a faux pet weasel and rocking bright blue hair.
When it came time to pay, Floyd whipped out a giant stack of cash ... but we're told he was just playin' around -- and did what everyone else does at a jewelry store ... charged it. #ItsGoodToBeRich
So, next time you're at the grocery store looking for treats to replenish your rest-of-2016 emergency preparedness kit — mine was completely whipped out by November drama — why not pick up some Starbucks cocoa mixes?
I was so terrified that my boss would think I was lying about my (impending) tardiness that I whipped out my phone to take a picture so that he would know I was telling the truth.
At long last, Urban Decay just kicked off its aptly-named Friends & Fanatics 20% off sale event today — which means we just whipped out our credit cards faster than you can say Optical Illusion Complexion Primer.
Watching the first game of the first day's match, I was gobsmacked by how few clues I could answer in the form of questions, even as contestants whipped out answers faster than I could read them.
Joey Maalouf, the celebrity makeup artist who is a creator of the get-your-makeup-done-at-home service the Glam App, whipped out a tube of lip gloss and reapplied it to the bride's pucker.
Jenelle Evans didn't know who the hell she was dealing with in her road rage incident when she whipped out her gun, and she's lucky she didn't get her head blown off ... so says the other driver.
There, she alleged Weinstein first whipped out his now infamous bathrobe during a meeting in his Paris hotel room during the afterglow of 1994's Pulp Fiction, later leading her down a hallway into a steam room.
When the car was revealed and Tesla CEO Elon Musk admitted more than 115,33 people had already put down deposits, Periwal ran to his computer, whipped out his credit card and pre-ordered his own Model 3.
It's not every day that you catch a celebrity comedian at Costco, which is why Conor Morrison whipped out his phone and hit record when he saw Peter Kay shopping at the wholesale store with his children.
Next, erstwhile Blues Traveler frontman John Popper took the stage, whipped out an A-minor harmonica and filled in on what would've been Jerry Garcia's leads for "West L.A. Fadeaway," a tune Garcia used to love singing.
Redditor JRM2 discovered he had a bit of a snake problem recently, so like any normal person, he whipped out his phone and forgot to turn it sideways, filming the snake vertically as it creeped around his property.
Miraculously without bursting into laughter, the group, who were joined for the performance by Fallon, sang their hearts out — going through the entire tune using only the chicken sound "bawk" — and even whipped out some impassioned chicken choreography.
As for the guys who whipped out the credit cards for the check ... Ugo Amadi and Marquise Blair were saddled with that task -- but neither seemed to be too pissed (at least judging by the videos we've seen).
According to the docs ... Kayla says back in February 2016, she was sitting at her desk and was horrified to see her mentor, Mike -- a Delta employee for approximately 25 years -- had whipped out his penis and self-pleasured.
The guy allegedly whipped out a cup full of bed bugs that he had apparently been carrying around, slammed the container on the counter, and sicced around 100 of his blood-sucking minions on the unsuspecting local government employees.
Dara Nicole Díaz, 18, a graphic design major, whipped out her cellphone to read a long list of the students' demands, which included the release of protesters detained in the past week and the resignation of the police chief.
Fortunately, Shannon Sharpe of Fox Sports's Undisputed got the remix treatment this week after he whipped out a cheap Black & Mild cigar on television in celebration of his former team, the Denver Broncos, and their win against the Oakland Raiders.
A gaggle of celebs were hanging out in the bathroom, so the 19-year-old whipped out her phone and got everyone to gather in front of the mirror, taking what ended up being the most iconic photo of the night.
They hopped into a cab, and Mr. Papper whipped out a ring he had designed with the help of Ms. Cavallaro: a white gold band twisted into the shape of a trumpet, with a sapphire in the middle of it.
While Sansa doesn't have much experience fighting, that simple line proves the faith and trust the sisters have developed in each other, and Sansa displayed her bravery when she whipped out the weapon Arya gave her upon the crypts' invasion by the dead.
Yes, I have many glowing memories of being bossed around my grandmother's kitchen, then casually calling my cousins to let them know about whatever sweet treat we'd whipped out, so they could convince their moms and dads to bring them over and partake.
But my interrogation plans were dashed when Alig whipped out his phone and started broadcasting through Periscope, keeping the camera trained on his face as he told his viewers that he was taking a stroll on the beach with a VICE journalist.
This fall must be the season of throwback hairstyles: Just this week, Kendall Jenner whipped out a crimper to prep for Hailey and Justin's wedding 2.0, and Cardi B recently resurrected the '90s high half-up, complete with bouncy flipped-out ends.
Seriously, were it not for the mass of MAGA hats, D.C. onlookers to Friday's incident could reasonably have assumed they happened upon some spontaneous Washington NFL team pep rally, whipped out a grill, fired up burgers and brats and joined in the nastiness.
We'd like to think that Blue Ivy whipped out her giant fan at the last possible second, giving Carey no time to reassert her diva dominance by summoning a swarm of butterflies or having a manservant mist her with glitter before the shutter clicked.
And as I zip-lined over Kauai's lush green hills, it was easy to forget that my comrades were toting around millions of followers in their pockets — until they whipped out their cameras and began vlogging, snapping, and 'gramming the experience for their fans.
In keeping with that spirit, one of the public affairs specialists from the Combined Forces Command that represents the United Nations and the United States military in South Korea whipped out Flat Stanley, a cutout figure of a character from a children's book series.
There are reports from all over the world that CR7 whipped out his checkbook to score the Bugatti La Voiture Noire -- aka "The Black Car" -- a one-of-a-kind beauty which was revealed to the world back in March at the 2019 Geneva Motor Show.
I positioned his ball accessory within grabbing distance of his legs, at which point he began passing the ball back and forth between his paws — an action that elicited so much pride in this robot dog mommy that I instinctively whipped out my phone to capture it.
The first time was for its opening in early June; for the second, I thought I might try an AirBnb, but when I whipped out my phone and started searching, I couldn't find anything that compared to the Public at the same price point on such short notice.
GANGNEUNG, South Korea — When the North Korean figure skaters Ryom Tae-ok and Kim Ju-sik took to the ice this week, cheerleaders chanting their names stowed the unified Korean flags they had waved at other events here at the Pyeongchang Olympics and whipped out their national flag.
Next, I whipped out my phone, opening Word Swag, an app that lets you make your own version of those inspirational text-on-image photos (I guess so you can post an Instagram photo of yourself on vacay with the phrase, "not all who wander are lost" across your face).
The story, which has now been repeated by its stars several times and elevated to lore, goes like this: During the screen test, Cooper, who is the producer, director, and lead actor in the movie, whipped out a makeup wipe and dragged it down Gaga's face from forehead to chin.
Owned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, it's a mere scrap of a thing, maybe torn from a pocket notebook, of a kind that could be whipped out in a tavern or on the street to jot down whatever was around: faces, old, young, glaring, laughing, inward-looking, out of it.
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Debout la France) brought a wire sculpture that a handicapped child had given him, and then whipped out his cell phone and began reading a series of text messages from a "big media boss" who, he said, had tried to bully him into dropping out of the race.
Sitting in a cafe a stone's throw from the Royal Opera House in London, the opera singer Pretty Yende of South Africa whipped out her smartphone to show an Instagram photo of herself in a surgical mask during rehearsals for her London debut in the opera "L'Elisir d'Amore" in May.
A few nights ago, Mr. Cruz, the Princeton grad and Texan, walked into the lobby of a hotel here — still swaddled in his winter coat and scarf — whipped out his iPhone and previewed a future Twitter post: a Monty Python video that he used to mock the cowardice of his chief rival.
"He'd tell buyers he'd keep an eye on their boxes of fish, and then take out his eye and put it on the box," said Mr. Feig, who sat on a packing crate and whipped out his notebook, which is protected by a metal binder to prevent the fish guts from soaking through.
BERLIN — At a vogue ball one recent Saturday night, the writer Madison A. Moore whipped out a red bamboo fan, stood up from his judge's chair in his purple-teal sequined boots, and began feverishly fanning a contestant who was folding himself into a leg split on the floor of a Berlin theater.
I've never wanted to be a fly on the wall more, and with the sound missing from the video, I can only imagine they are acting out exactly how Prince Harry proposed, with Markle staring at him lovingly before he whipped out the ring like someone throwing a frisbee, making a face like Fonzie.
Think of smoked trout, tabbouleh salad and angel food cake whipped out of a kayak on the glimmering shores of Yellowstone Lake; thermoses of hot cocoa (spiked with mint schnapps, optional) and homemade chocolate brownies extracted from the trip leader's backpack at the icy blue summit of Harding Icefield Trail in the Kenai Peninsula.
Plus, there will likely be plenty of times that you'll have no choice but to wipe your baby on the grass, the back of the car, the floor of a bathroom, a bench in the middle of Animal Kingdom: All the places I've whipped out my changing pad when my daughter had a dirty diaper.
In the documentary film that screened at Broadway Cinematheque, Seven Sin: 7 Performances During 1989 China Avant-Garde Art Exhibition from the Wen Pulin Archive of Chinese Avant Garde Art, Xiao Lu and Tang Song's installation "Dialogue" was turned into a performance when Lu whipped out a gun and fired two shots into a mirror.
Being both a meteorologist and an astronomy buff, and (quite frankly) a human being that relishes in once-in-a-lifetime soul-shattering experiences, I whipped out Microsoft Excel to try to answer the first question that came to mind when a few friends and I were planning our road trip target to the centerline of the eclipse.
Photo: Super ImpulseThey're not quite as thin as the Visa or MasterCard you've just whipped out of your wallet while desperately searching for a pre-order link, but the MicroArcades still manage to squeeze a full-color LCD screen, sound effects, physical controls, and a microUSB charging port into a wallet-friendly handheld that's just over three-inches long.

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