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987 Sentences With "wants to know"

How to use wants to know in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "wants to know" and check conjugation/comparative form for "wants to know". Mastering all the usages of "wants to know" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The real question everybody wants to know, everybody wants to know in the world is: Is Hollywood racist?
" Demitri wants to know, simply, "does it get better?
Mainly, everyone wants to know: What happened to Jack Pearson?
Everyone wants to know what the capital of Canada is.
Elliot wants to know why Mr. Robot is hiding Tyrell.
This is a question that everyone listening wants to know.
Mr Roumel wants to know the identities of them all.
He wants to know that it can afford to innovate.
Will Oremus wants to know: where is the Facebook walkout?
Now he wants to know if I'm "a bad man".
Wall Street wants to know where you are on both.
She wants to know what Khloé's dream party would be.
No one wants to know if you feel like poop.
She wants to know who I'm dating — it's really cute.
He wants to know if it is bullish long term.
The documentary wants to know: Is that person a sociopath?
Now everybody wants to know a little more about him.
And.... uh... naturally everyone wants to know if that's true.
Everyone wants to know what the buzz is all about.
Another wants to know how to get kids to behave.
That's all he wants to know, if you can recall.
Robert Downey Jr. wants to know who wore it best.
Everyone wants to know whom the investigation will target next.
The team wants to know how rare the phenomenon is.
CNBC wants to know how you're playing the market Thursday.
"Nobody wants to know who Christine Chubbuck was," he says.
Is Aidan on a kill list, she wants to know.
He wants to know what her vendetta is really about.
The press wants to know, 'What did you talk about?
Everyone wants to know which way the world is going.
She wants to know why her mother gave her away.
"Everybody wants to know that for some reason," he said.
"Madame, this family wants to know the truth," he said.
Facebook wants to know how candidates fit into company culture.
Like others, he wants to know the truth, he said.
She wants to know the address where he took Frank.
Taylor Swift wants to know if you're ready for it.
Does she have a real boyfriend, he wants to know.
But nobody wants to know what new rave was like.
Nobody wants to know the real reason ADHDJs split up.
He wants to know how do we treat each other.
Jordan wants to know why and Mueller was not forthcoming.
She wants to know if I want to meet up.
If she doesn't know things, she wants to know them.
Bernard wants to know what makes a human a human.
Everyone just wants to know what the fuck is coming.
Everyone wants to know where my sports bra is from.
That may be more than a customer wants to know.
Lovato just wants to know: what's wrong with being confident?
The boy wants to know if there are trucks there.
Ms. Zawistowski just wants to know where you went, i.e.
Wesley wants to know how Facebook gets a moral core.
His daughter wants to know if he really was guilty.
"Why aren't they tackling more?" the boss wants to know.
She wants to know what exactly happened to her son.
Kevin wants to know if they look cool or stupid.
New York City wants to know where Uber is taking you.
Anyway, she still wants to know how things might end up.
Steve King, the sitting GOP congressman from Iowa, wants to know.
Leonard wants to know if Penny thinks Amy knows their secret.
Mainly, she just wants to know where her morning pancakes are.
It wants to know how its soldiers can see through obstacles.
She also wants to know if the plane has Wi-Fi.
Britain wants to know where it stands with the EU first.
The biggest issue everybody wants to know about is the crease.
Neil Patrick Harris wants to know if you've got the moves.
"Everyone wants to know what is going on," the insider adds.
But everyone wants to know what changed in those 2 minutes.
Why, Elliot wants to know, does Mr. Robot keep tormenting him?
I don't think she wants to know very much [about me].
Jorah wants to know if Daenerys has arrived in Westeros yet.
What beer wants to know is, why do you hate America?
He wants to know whether I, too, possess a down jacket.
Taylor wants to know if their guilt is useful or not.
He also wants to know if his healthcare proposal with Sen.
What he wants to know is the intent behind the statement.
The "sensitive information," of course, is what everyone wants to know!
That's what the government of South Korea apparently wants to know.
Everybody wants to know what they can do to be happier.
"Is there a face on Mars?" a prisoner wants to know.
After all, no one really wants to know their Tinder rating.
The SEC reportedly wants to know if the statement was factual.
I mean, everyone wants to know who's going to win, right?
She wants to know when we will come to join her.
That's what Joanne Boogaard, mother of Derek Boogaard, wants to know.
He wants to know why he would give up on him.
"What kind of nozzle do we need?" he wants to know.
I'll talk about it if someone wants to know about it.
Visitors come through, and management wants to know who they are.
He wants to know that he is going to be safe.
We've never spoken before but she wants to know what happened.
A collector wants to know if he really owns a Renoir.
Trump said he wants to know what Murphy and Zarif discussed.
Our home opener is April 303th, if anyone wants to know.
Perhaps she wants to know who the heck these two people are?
Well, the government wants to know how much of it you eat.
He gives them to Negan, who wants to know who hid them.
It's Carolyn, and she wants to know what happened to Aaron Peel.
LG: Kara wants to know if you can take her next year.
George R.R. Martin literally wants to know if people even have souls.
If somebody wants to know something — just publish it, we don't mind.
And who wants to know the minute you get a better gig?
She wants to know why he didn't come to the birthday party.
LeEco also wants to know what we'll watch before we watch it.
Hi NFL, 2016 called, it wants to know when you're getting here?
Al Franken wants to know how Apple will handle law enforcement requests.
She wants to know specifically why you want to work for her.
" Addressing onlookers, Trump added, "She wants to know my thoughts on childcare.
Why isn't there a plan for evacuation, the internet wants to know?
Opposed: Nobody wants to know with absolute certainty who's going to win.
A colleague wants to know if you will be attending a meeting.
"He wants to know who talked to Woodward," one official told CNN.
The scout judges: he wants to know what a person is like.
What everyone wants to know is: What really went down that night?
She wants to know what's wrong with her mom and her priorities.
Like sports scores, everyone wants to know how the home team fared.
She wants to know why he was fired from Metro General Hospital.
Bittner: A young woman from Spain wants to know where I'm from.
When someone wants to know who you are, they might Google you.
This kid wants to know what is being done to fix it.
He wants to know about shows, record stores, good places to eat.
Jakelin's family wants to know whether her death could have been prevented.
He wants to know where they are and how they're doing it.
And then it will be, 'Oh, who wants to know about them?
Mr. Mueller's question suggests he wants to know why Mr. Trump soured.
Everyone just wants to know what the fuck to do about it.
So to the question everyone wants to know: Are we at war?
He then quipped that he wants to know about the other 17%.
He wants to know where the president's views on Islam came from.
She also wants to know the structure before finalizing her impeachment managers.
"Everybody wants to know if they're eligible for the money," he said.
She wants to know more about her fearless leader and his absent parents.
These days everyone wants to know the last names of our hypothetical children.
The election night audience really only wants to know one thing: the results.
She wants to know: What's more nerve-wracking, football or being the Bachelor?
Jess says it's a thing between them and Luke wants to know more.
"Nobody wants to know who Christine Chubbuck was," says Christine's brother, Greg Chubbuck.
And his boss wants to know you have the potential to move up.
She wants to know why there have not been more of them districtwide.
She wants to know if they have the same level of emotional connection.
He wants to know people's thoughts and perspectives on things all the time.
"Why ru holding the dog like that tho," one commenter wants to know.
But everyone wants to know why it crashed—so it doesn't happen again.
The cult wants to know what we see at the moment of death.
He wants to know how many people they are reaching — by the hour.
That's what Donald Trump, who'll be rallying in Raleigh tonight, wants to know.
She wants to know what he wants out of life and this relationship.
Sarah agrees — she wants to know if her mom is supporting Buzzy financially.
CNN Weather wants to know what the weather is like where you are.
She wants to know if Ulrich could pick today, who would he choose?
You can imagine a spouse who wants to know how their spouse voted.
But wants to know what all dads want to know: Are you happy?
Cohen also wants to know why a gang task force effected the arrest.
Did Tom Brady just answer the question every football fan wants to know?
Broadly, every investigation wants to know about Trump campaign aide communications with Russians.
"Stephen, security wants to know if you know a room," another dispatcher says.
Barrington, another local, wants to know about the effects of raising sales tax.
Business Insider wants to know what it's like to work among America's elite.
Disability The woman to my left wants to know what happened to me.
A majority of beqom's respondents — 60 percent — wants to know their CEO's salary.
It seems as if everyone wants to know what Meghan Markle is wearing.
He wants to know what reporters are saying about Trump behind the scenes.
Captain Smith simply wants to know if what he is doing is legal.
App developers: Business Insider wants to know what your job is really like.
One of our viewers wants to know how you deal with a micromanager.
Rebecca Jarvis wants to know how powerful women really achieved their amazing success.
He wants to know who is there and if he can fire anybody.
He wants to know if Marnie will go to a party with him.
The listener wants to know: what is the environment that produces this music?
Dr. Mario Deng, Kahala's cardiologist at UCLA Medical Center, wants to know why.
I think she wants to ... I think she wants to know me. Okay.
Now, he wants to know who did the dirty deed in his name.
LG: Peter Johnstone wants to know, when are they coming to the U.K.?
Megyn Kelly wants to know what's so wrong with a little tasteful blackface?
"All he wants to know is that it is happening," the source said.
"Who wants to know you were brought over on a bet?" she said.
She wants to know how many Like buttons there are around the web.
Facebook thinks I am in Pakistan and wants to know if I'm safe.
Everyone wants to know if the new coronavirus will cause a global recession.
B. says it's exciting, but she wants to know he'll make an effort.
Everyone wants to know: Who will Mueller charge next, and with what crime?
Everyone wants to know what's going on, so they ask people like me.
"The 'why' is a question everyone wants to know, but we don't know."
But what he really wants to know is why his dad left him.
Otis also wants to know how he can keep from becoming an asshole.
Everyone wants to know what he has to say about Trump and Ukraine.
Then, noting that I'm not dressed to run, she wants to know why.
Breed wants to know more about how it will impact the local economy.
Nikki Haley Nikki Haley's leaving Team Trump and everybody wants to know why.
He wants to know why the Pentagon's budget needs to be so big.
"Even if you look at it from a market sort of standpoint, the market wants to know two things – it wants to know who's the Democratic frontrunner," Mike Gallagher, managing director of Macro and Strategy at Continuum Economics, told CNBC Thursday.
But no one wants to know, because they'd have to do something about it.
Most crucially, Garvie wants to know what checks are in place to protect people.
Mel appears somewhat sympathetic, but wants to know why Gypsy went along with it.
" Strzok wrote to Page in September 2016: "potus wants to know everything we're doing.
All Twitter wants to know is: What is the worst film she's ever seen?
Maybe your employer wants to know if you have been looking up other jobs.
As for Sam, she wants to know when she'll have access to YouTube again.
Baden says the family wants to know if someone else tied the sheets together.
A leading Senate Democrat wants to know whether opioid makers have something to hide.
Beck is wearing his Nirvana shirt, so he wants to know: what's the difference?
There's a French journalist here who wants to know how we make tavuk göğsü!
Flaherty says that anyone who wants to know more can write to him directly.
If air travel makes you anxious, Delta Air Lines wants to know about it.
So, VICE Impact wants to know your thoughts on the repeal effort using Ense.
Now, the ACLU wants to know how the feds tried to pull it off.
Everyone wants to know what the "Bernie-or-bust" types will do in November.
Everyone wants to know, what will happen in the next Game of Thrones episode?
He wants to know why you are doing something instead of just doing it.
She said wants to know who Obama would nominate before deciding what to do.
Kim wants to know what Tristan says about Khloé going off of the pill.
But what every seasoned date spectator wants to know is: How's the date going?
What Harris wants to know is, what have they done about these, if anything?
Today, anyone that wants to know anything about any makeup technique can go online.
Former Blink-182 guitarist Tom DeLonge really wants to know the truth about aliens.
He is a tennis omnivore and wants to know everything that is going on.
Everyone wants to know what I'm doing and how long I'm doing it for.
Petruchio wants to know whether Kate can truly love him despite her natural defenses.
Falcone told me that everyone always wants to know what big secret she's keeping.
She wants to know why a couple of foreigners are crashing her cousin's funeral.
There's an underlying thing that everybody still wants to know who this guy was.
What books would you recommend to somebody who wants to know more about Nebraska?
That's what "Be Natural: The Untold Story of Alice Guy-Blaché" wants to know.
Mr. Mueller wants to know whether Mr. Flynn was operating on Mr. Trump's behalf.
Mr. Mueller wants to know what role that revelation played in Mr. Comey's firing.
And all anyone anywhere wants to know is how bad it's going to get.
What books would you recommend to someone who wants to know more about Florida?
Now that Harrison is growing up, he wants to know about his older sister.
If you&aposre expecting to birth twins this weekend, Pizza Hut wants to know.
WASHINGTON — The Federal Reserve wants to know what the internet is worth to you.
She wants to know if the Equifax rivals downloaded security fixes for the software.
Speaking of campaign finance, Charlene Fitzpatrick wants to know how much money matters, anyhow.
He wants to know why people come to hold the political beliefs they do.
Facebook even wants to know what's on our mind before we act on it.
Williams' niece wants to know what happened when the body cameras were turned off.
The country wants to know if Facebook will put the brakes on digital disinformation.
She wants them to be comfortable — and she wants to know if they're not.
But I generally don't share all that unless the other actor wants to know.
The world wants to know whether Kim Jong Un's change in attitude is real.
What books would you recommend for somebody who wants to know more about Morocco?
Don't I get depressed, she wants to know, talking to all those old people?
What books would you recommend to someone who wants to know more about Scotland?
And also they're getting into real- life stories that everybody wants to know about.
Who knows, maybe he didn t have children and wants to know he fathered one.
McCain wants to know if the Clinton camp colluded w/ Russians so they could lose?
Now everyone wants to know more about the soulful star who's earning major Grammy buzz.
Specifically, Mueller reportedly wants to know if Trump's behavior adds up to obstruction of justice.
More than winning the suit, she said she wants to know what made them sick.
President Donald Trump wants to know what everyone's plans are for the Fourth of July.
"She wants to know if we're going to get profit out of it," said Olvera.
Peter Osborne wants to know: Why is Luis Camnitzer absent from the conceptual art canon?
"He always wants to know what our thoughts are, what our feelings are," she says.
And I think everyone wants to know at least a little more about this topic.
She wants to know everything about these two men and what they had to endure.
Facebook's F8 developers conference is today, and Facebook wants to know: do you like Facebook?
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads York Chang wants to know how we invent truth.
She wants to know how he, Rodney Mitchum (Robert Knepper), can still look at her.
He wants to know how heroes handle hard situations and, ultimately, how they overcome them.
Rather, Angel merely wants to know if Stan loved her, like he said he did.
She's home early from work and wants to know if I'd like to have dinner.
The White House wants to know if you've been 'censored or silenced' by social media
" The lawmaker also said he wants to know whether regulators were "asleep at the switch.
She wants to know Quinn will be prepared, because she'll be going up against Olivia.
He wants to know what's going on with everyone: the coaches, the quarterbacks, the linebackers.
However, the burning question everyone wants to know about is: How does the crease look?
"I think the country wants to know if there's something there there," Graham told TODAY.
She wants to know what would happen to her if you and your wife divorced.
Everybody wants to know how, where the top marginal rates are going to come out.
Of course she wants to know is she or is she not having another baby.
Strafach said that neither he nor the team wants to know who uses the app.
Ultimately, what everyone wants to know is when will an HIV vaccine actually be available?
Ms. McDonald wants to know: "What took her life and how could they forget her?"
"One final question that everyone here wants to know," Cruz continued with a sly smile.
Stanley has sensed magic in "The Mirror Thief" and wants to know how it works.
We're told Epstein's team wants to know about other inmates who made threats against him.
THE WORLD WANTS TO KNOW': The Washington Post's Kyle Swenson explains who Sam Nunberg is.
No one wants to know the price when a child's life is on the line.
The head of the California Democratic Party African American Caucus wants to know why Rep.
And if there was no such FBI warning, Grassley says he wants to know why.
She wants to know what could have happened to justify his anger at his child.
It is quantifiable in a time when Congress wants to know what it is buying.
He wants to know if Matt's come in, but she says she hasn't seen him.
Dolorous Edd, an audience stand-in here, wants to know pretty much the same things.
CNN calls the college and wants to know if I will talk to Don Lemon.
Oh, and Nicole Kidman wants to know when Harington and Leslie are tying the knot.
Business Insider wants to know what's on your wishlist this season, for giving and receiving.
O.K., this is what everyone really wants to know: Ashley, when did you last cry?
Greg Sova wants to know what's happening lower down, in the heart of the storm.
What books would you recommend to someone who wants to know more about American culture?
My 11-year-old wants to know how we know we're not in a dream.
What books would you recommend to someone who wants to know more about American politics?
His assessment is Wendy wants it all, but he wants to know what Marty wants.
"The public wants to know their leader is trained, informed and respected," Bloomberg's speech continues.
If you're getting tips at work, the IRS wants to know — and wants its cut.
His wife wants to know what Dr. Zitter would do if he were her husband.
It also wants to know about how influencer marketing affects and is understood by children.
I love it when the actor really wants to know the character through the clothes.
Dan Taberski, an acquaintance of Mr. Simmons (and a Slimmons regular), wants to know why.
I'm definitely in the camp that really wants to know how this Angela-Laurie-Dr.
Everybody wants to know the secrets from the upcoming Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
"Everyone wants to know why didn't we have 100,000 ventilators in the SNS," Branson said.
Shmuel wants to know what's to become of the body of his recently deceased wife.
What books would you recommend to someone who wants to know more about Los Angeles?
Who wakes up one morning and wants to know about a tongue of a woodpecker?
"No one wants to know that Oz is just a regular, old guy," agreed my date.
Here's how it started… via GIPHY And everybody wants to know one thing: Where is OJ?
At the end of the episode, newly crowned king Bran wants to know where Drogon is.
Specifically, parliament's Treasury Select Committee wants to know whether and how the finance ministry was involved.
Chuck Grassley wants to know if Mexican drug lord "El Chapo" Guzman entered the United States.
Here's the survey; why do you think Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos wants to know about that?
Instead of focusing only on what you like, it also wants to know what you despise.
The judge wants to know why these communications are so important, and what it might prove.
"And everybody overseas wants to know someone in D.C." Drollinger's weekly gathering, held at 7 a.m.
Basically, McConnell wants to know Trump will sign a funding bill before he schedules a vote.
Georgia wants to know how to spell "gray," according to the map, but that's perfectly reasonable.
She's inquisitive and curious and wants to know about life and things and how everything functions.
My dog wants to know how I got a cat in the box #NintendoSwitch #NintendoLabo pic.twitter.
Kathy Futey likes Anne's previous success but she wants to know if lighting can strike twice.
His grandson, Eric Mendoza, told CBS he just wants to know why his grandfather was targeted.
I think there is an audience that wants to know if Crime Mob still has it.
He wants to know who you&aposve been talking to, who you&aposve been talking to.
Now he wants to know how to register so that he can vote for the billionaire.
If he ever wants to know why, he need look no further than his own blog.
Lees-Galloway told Mashable he wants to know under what criteria the Facebook investor achieved citizenship.
Marissa sounds pissed, too ... telling other houseguests she wants to know how much sleep Omarosa got.
And since sepsis is a response to infection, she wants to know if there is one.
"If it was their kid, is this good enough for your kid?" she wants to know.
She wants to know what's exactly producing these cosmic glows in the deep sea, and why.
Congress wants to know if President Trump taped his conversations with fired FBI Director James Comey.
Tyga hasn't paid the judgment, so the landlord wants to know where Tyga's hiding his assets.
Seiler wants to know whether the company is a place where he can build a career.
When an event like this happens, the public immediately wants to know who is to blame.
But, he wants to know why Jimmy even bothered accepting the job in the first place.
"Everyone wants to know how they can help after Las Vegas," Freundlich said in a statement.
No criminal charges were filed in any of those cases, and Warren wants to know why.
But at least one key GOP swing vote also wants to know his views on Mueller.
Now the Corps' nutrition specialists wants to know which snacks the Marines have actually been eating.
But he wants to know everything that happened and how far and how wide it went.
What everyone wants to know is whether any of these worlds has aliens living on it.
What Holmes really wants to know, he said, is whether a new job will be fulfilling.
Aries Spears wants to know -- what's the difference between Tekashi69 and the cartoon character Rainbow Brite?
Apple, like practically every mega-corporation, wants to know as much as possible about its customers.
Balanced, brainy Libra wants to know exactly what's in any product they put in their body.
Bastion of freedom, Texas, wants to know how to make those adorable little football shaped cupcakes.
However, there was a difference in the topics that each group wants to know more about.
Or you're a minority student who wants to know how minority science majors fare after graduation.
What books would you recommend to someone who wants to know more about politics and espionage?
Her family wants to know why it took so long for her to get medical help.
Everyone wants to know how this is going to end, but no one has an answer.
The European Commission told Reuters it wants to know how and why Google is collecting data.
The board wants to know that the person who takes over the apartment can afford it.
But Sanders wants to know if it's possible anyone could go to jail over what happened.
But Wall Street still wants to know where the rest of those savings will be spent.
But if you say, 'This way to the Hope Diamond,' then everybody wants to know more.
"The younger generation wants to know where and how their products are being made," she said.
I don't really know why anybody wants to know what I have to say about anything.
Colton Underwood just swerved REAL hard on the big v-question that everyone wants to know.
"The Bank of Italy is concerned about retail; it wants to know what's going on that market and, for example, if a new type of security or structure becomes popular, it wants to know the volumes and probably also who the main players are," said Tommasi.
If so, the company wants to know, and you could win $211,26 for your most creative recipes.
In the Strzok-Page e-mails, they shared with each other that Obama wants to know everything.
" She remembers starting a unit on the human body, thinking, "Everyone wants to know about their bodies.
Both the U.S. and Sweden are seeking his extradition, and everyone wants to know: Who will win?
She has said she wants to know whether these justices are going to overturn Roe v. Wade.
The hiring manager wants to know you can do the job and get it off his desk.
But what about the question everyone wants to know: What dessert treat will Android P be called?
Nadler wants to know: What legal obligation is the company under to publicly expose those security issues?
Ultimately, HPE wants to know just how much wear and tear the machine sustained while in orbit.
Cooper just wants to know why Jeffries wanted him killed — though Jeffries doesn't admit to doing this.
But Kourtney, 37, wants to know where Disick's sudden interest in those types of activities came from.
Right from the start she wants to know what it was about her daughter that attracted Robby.
Everyone wants to know what Jennifer Garner realized during the 2018 Oscars — and so does Jennifer Garner.
You can bet some aren't totally forthright with the disembodied voice that wants to know too much.
The scenario: Now your friend wants to know what he can store up there in a pinch.
Susie wants to know what the hell she should do with a talent as promising as Midge.
Yorkie wants to know how many "full-timers" (as in, full-time San Junipero residents) are dead.
The Economist-reading, political scientist part of me wants to know how Britain will negotiate an exit.
If you're an immigrant in the United States, the government wants to know what you do online.
Hey, 1950s, 2017 is calling, and it wants to know how it can be more like you.
Now, it's Jon Snow who knows too much, and Ygritte's the one who wants to know nothing.
That's what Roddy White wants to know in the case of Odell Beckham and the NY Giants.
The mayor said she, like many others, wants to know why the officers' body cameras weren't on.
Lynne is not asking to become a co-conservator, but she wants to know what's going on.
Kliff touches it all ... from why, to the question everyone wants to know ... was that table real?!
I think everyone wants to know what I'm doing, and whether me and Roxanne are still together.
All good things, but what everyone really wants to know is what the Q will stand for.
She wants to know if we still have time to make it in to see the president.
She wants to know why he's causing so many issues in her family with the love triangle.
He also wants to know if they want him to fight on their behalf, the official said.
He played well and now everyone wants to know if he'll come back and play another year.
With Valentine's Day fast approaching, Mashable wants to know: What has your relationship taught you about love?
Go deeper: Per Bloomberg, here are the "Seven Things Wall Street Wants To Know From Elon Musk."
He wants to know the official story, but also how that official story affected the people involved.
Business Insider wants to know your favorite bar and restaurant in the city where you take clients.
Business Insider wants to know what's at the top — and bottom — of your wishlist for the holidays.
Part of us wants to know, but another part of us thinks it's best they remain anonymous.
Eighteen days passed between McGahn's first briefing and Flynn's firing, and Mueller reportedly wants to know why.
"This is the same government that wants to know everything about everyone in your house," he said.
That's what Dr. John Troyer, director of Bath University's Centre for Death and Society, wants to know.
If we have a fight," he said of Ms. Zhao, "everybody wants to know what it's about.
Farrow wants to know whether she meets the legal or cultural criteria to be called a widow.
A mesmerizing birth The Internet wants to know why the baby octopus changes color as it hatches.
Naturally, everyone wants to know how deadly COVID-219, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, is.
If someone clicked anywhere on the site from anywhere in the world, the government wants to know.
Wall Street wants to know what all this means for the business models of America's biggest companies.
The agency wants to know if the disclosures required under "Industry Guide 3" are sufficient for investors.
Cummings said he wants to know if Conway has any plans to reimburse taxpayers for her trips.
The government wants to know about the identities of those who may be trying to hide income.
It asks if I feel irritated, anxious, guilty; it wants to know every time I have sex.
But, like the rest of the world, Japan wants to know if North Korea's leader is sincere.
First up is 6-year-old Ivy who wants to know the most magical thing they've ever seen.
"I gotta ask you, everyone wants to know, are you and Jen getting back?" the photog asked Pitt.
Graham wants to know how creative the cheftestants can get with an iconic Charleston dish — shrimp and grits.
I mistyped my password, so now Verizon Wireless's website wants to know the name of my first pet.
The second thing is that every person I've talked to wants to know how Mario Kart will manifest.
So, what's someone who wants to know the happenings of Westeros to do when she's six years late?
Still, Saturday's Royal Wedding is a big effing deal, and everyone wants to know how she's handling it.
But when we are talking about a tied race, everyone wants to know that every number is correct.
The shutterbug grilled Pitt on the one question "everyone wants to know": is he getting back with Aniston?
But really, it looks like Trump just wants to know HOW amazing you think he's been doing. Great?
This Nature Medicine study was in mice, but, of course, everyone wants to know about the human application.
She wants to know why the thickness and extent of the ridge is so variable around its surface.
She wants to know which activities are best, and how much time spent on screens is too much.
Especially when I moved to Atlanta, because everyone wants to know what's going on here with Atlanta rappers.
But this time, Dar's not working with Coto; instead, he wants to know exactly how Peter Quinn, a.k.a.
Lees-Galloway also wants to know if Thiel was required to become a local resident for tax purposes.
Adults sometimes take personal days off, so Claire Gillespie wants to know one thing: Why not kids, too?
Dan: And everyone in the market also wants to know where your global headquarters are going to be.
If a celebrity wants to know their place in the world, they need only consult Taylor Swift's Instagram.
Wendy Williams wants to know how all her haters and naysayers are doin' ... because she's doin' just fine.
Trump told White House officials he wants "to know what our options are," according to an administration source.
He wants to know how things are, and remains intrigued by but unsure of my actual job title.
John wants Evie to know she was loved, Grace wants to know where her children left their shoes.
President Trump and Justice Department President Trump wants to know if the FBI spied on his presidential campaign.
The internet apparently wants to know if Stranger Things passes the Bechdel test, which it certainly does not.
He wants to know when the scientists will develop a potion that will allow us to live forever.
CNBC wants to know what you're planning to do with your portfolio in response to the market volatility.
Indeed, the NYCLU wants to know which models of IMSI catchers made by Harris the police department has.
Not just tabloids, though: It seems like everyone wants to know who "Becky with the good hair" is.
Everyone has a question, wants to know what they can substitute, where to get a certain ingredient online.
JOPLIN, Mo. — Union Depot needs a savior, and the state of Missouri wants to know if you're it.
Turner wants to know about Issa's relationship with Turner's estranged wife, though Issa has denied any improper behavior.
Just because the audience wants to know more doesn't mean that you have to give it to them.
But if she does end up serving time in prison, she wants to know what she's getting into.
He also wants to know the "security clearance adjudication dates for Porter, including both interim and final clearance."
An incredulous public wants to know how such tragedy could befall modern warships equipped with the best technology.
The market wants to know how far the virus will spread and the Fed cannot answer that question.
"The public wants to know their leader is trained, informed and respected," Mr. Bloomberg says in his address.
Heather Gilligan, an Oakland-based journalist, wants to know if she has the right to call herself Latinx.
Wilder has a rematch clause in his contract and everyone wants to know if Deontay will exercise it.
I think the thing that American business wants to know is under Xi, 'Are you open or not?
When he's got a group of people, he wants to know what's going on in other people's districts.
"Yes, bc potus wants to know everything we are doing," Page texted, referring to then-President Barack Obama.
The new set included a provocative line: Then-President Obama wants "to know everything we're doing," Page said.
It's a Monday afternoon in early June and the football world wants to know, Where is Jalen Ramsey?
He wants to know if there are other countries, besides Russia, that these tech companies are worried about.
But mainly, she wants to know why she didn't get a chance to have a final date with him.
Mark Warner wants to know if Uber tried to "hack back" the hackers, which is illegal under federal law.
We think we're interested in justice but really a viewer just wants to know how crappy her marriage isn't.
She wants to know where Ronnie is and doesn't believe the cast when they insist that they don't know.
Although a friend suggested she might be dyslexic, Anderson is unsure if she really wants to know the answer.
"She wants to know who is getting what punishment and how their cases differ from hers," says the source.
The U.K. has said it wants to know where it stands with the EU before triggering the untested procedure.
That's important for, say, Ukraine, a treaty member that wants to know about Russian military movements on its border.
A month later September second, this is from Page to Strozk, "Potus wants to know everything we&aposre doing".
And then again when you see the Whitehouse is running this, Potus wants to know everything we are doing.
The FTC also wants to know to what extent the data collected is anonymized and protected from internal access.
Congress wants to know why they can&apost get their hands on the information that they&aposve asked for.
It's for the fashionable woman on the go who wants to be updated about everything she wants to know.
The Obama administration wants to know what prescription drug companies are saying to consumers in 140 or fewer characters.
This body wants to know, myself personally, whether you believe rape and incest are actually the will of God.
So it is really someone drops off the face of the earth, naturally everyone wants to know what happens.
You get this older sibling/parent vibe going, and no parent wants to know about their kids' sex life.
She grills Jordan about his plan for the next year and wants to know if their lifestyles are compatible.
Every customer wants to know that their driver is vetted, well-compensated, and incentivized to provide the best service.
He wants to know who wrote a song Abi has been caught singing, and if it refers to Ceausescu.
There's so much history of myself personally and what the audience wants to know, and it's the sexy stuff.
"On transparency, he simply sees good government — he wants to know where the money is going," the lobbyist said.
At the end of the day, what Goldman wants [to know] is why you have applied to the job.
Who wants to know about all the bad things occurring — especially one as divisive and complicated as climate change?
A reporter in Washington wants to know whether we can sue the federal government to get some Guantánamo documents.
"If America wants to know what is coming, it should study what happened here," said a local government representative.
I've just been in conversation with him and he wants to know if you would design Clash: Second Songbook.
Now, that Senator wants to know if Mateen's social media activity could have been used to prevent the attack.
She wants to know what you would do to stop deportations, but most importantly, to reunite families like hers.
The organization, like many others, also wants to know what happened to the cat after the van pulled over.
Act 8: Sarah Silverman & Amber Rose Have QuestionsSilverman is a fan, but wants to know about Kim's grooming routine.
Crazy Eyes keeps covering herself with books, because she wants to know what it feels like not to breathe.
She wants to know what candidates plan to accomplish for the company, not hear about their personal career trajectories.
"(Abe) wants to know what's the most important thing for Trump," said the executive, who declined to be identified.
LOS ANGELES — Airbus wants to know everything passengers are consuming on board — from coffee to movies, even toilet paper.
His administration has added a question about citizenship to it, and the House Oversight Committee wants to know why.
Waldron believes in our fundamental equality; as a philosopher, however, he wants to know why he believes in it.
Use the job interview to prove you&aposre a team playerGoogle wants to know new hires are good collaborators
In this midseason premiere, Miles meets a Holocaust survivor who wants to know whether his sister is still alive.
The SEC wants to know more about the process that lead to the insurance reserve increase and the change.
WASHINGTON — Sometimes he just wants to know how he's doing, like a maître d' checking in after a meal.
"I think all of America wants to know where they are, and that all this is just beyond crazy." 
Fritz wants to know how waves generated by an underwater volcano might behave, something that has rarely been studied.
The top F-20213 program official wants to know the true price tag of the Pentagon's costliest weapons system.
But what he really wants to know, he said, is this: "What's being done to stop the next one?"
"Today's consumer wants to know they are supporting companies that are doing something good for the world," Peggs says.
The family wants to know if Aaron was affected by CTE and hopes the examination will help other families.
But it's a far bigger problem for you, the consumer who wants to know what you're getting for your money.
As part of the National Dog Show and Thanksgiving celebration, Purina wants to know what makes your dog the best.
Blake Shelton's just the guy with the girl everybody wants to know — and a shiny new Billboard Music Awards trophy.
The ECB also wants to know how Deutsche plans to prevent such an incident from happening again, the newspaper said.
Nunes said he wants to know why top intelligence officials changed their assessment of Russia's influence between December and January.
This year it seems everyone wants to know who will be used as a pawn to psych out the opponent.
I tell anyone in the world who wants to know exactly why I did not play Princess Anna last night.
I have something of his that he needs back and he wants to know if he can get it today.
It's at the top of the list of things the internet wants to know about the actor, according to Wired.
Rubio wants to know whether Apple chose to ignore the claims, or if there was an unintentional breakdown in oversight.
First up is 10-year-old Cooper who wants to know who the cast prefers — R2-D2 or C-3P0?
Serena (Wrenn Schmidt), a former server, wants to know if she can be squeezed in for dinner with her husband.
That's what everyone wants to know, but the two celebrities are loath to share details on their increasingly public relationship.
" Besides, she added, "We really think there's a lot more that the world wants to know [about what LPs do].
So number one, everyone wants to know what Kim Jong-un does or doesn&apost do while Trump is there.
Debbie thinks he's a creep, and Ruth wants to know if that's just because Debbie isn't okay with her dating.
Finally, the most important thing everyone wants to know: Do you think Ross and Rachel were destined to be together?
On days he can't visit his mom and doesn't hear from her, he still wants to know how she's doing.
The man wants to know what commonalities the artist has found among the residents of the many countries she's visited.
DealBook readers, Andrew wants to know if you've deleted or cut back on Facebook because of the Cambridge Analytica news.
"There is a great deal the American public wants to know about the corruption of the Democrats," Mr. Parscale said.
When we prepare her for something, she does not want to know the minimum, she wants to know the maximum.
Let's get the first take from First Take, which one game into the season wants to know: The best part?
What the trading community wants to know is how long or short they are certain key segments of the market?
None of Sam's friends wants to know this intimate detail, with its humblebrag of lingering youth, much less dissect it.
Bob wants to know whether a particular pair of balls, chosen at random, has the same color or different colors.
If someone wants to know what time the Super Bowl is and I tell them, what's so wrong with that?
He also said he wants to know why Comey did not bring up the allegation when it first took place.
Even if your side hustle only makes a few hundred dollars per year, the IRS wants to know about it.
Before complaining about a lack of transparency, isn't it better evaluate exactly what the public needs or wants to know?
"Everybody wants to know what you're going to do, and the bottom line is I'm not sure yet," Bloomberg said.
Gilligan wants to know it all: what helps get them through their day, how they sustain a sense of hope.
One team of physicists wants to know if a passing gravitational wave can permanently alter the shape of spacetime itself.
" On the future: "Everyone wants to know, what are you going to do, what's the future, what do you think?
Hannah's pissed about it and wants to know why he doesn't just use internet porn to masturbate, like most people.
Let's say the experimenter really wants to know if eating one bar of chocolate a day leads to weight loss.
Now whenever Pradhan walks in, Baluchi wants to know how the girl is doing, how her French is coming along.
Majda Jones wants to know: What can the lame duck House do between now and when the Democrats take over?
JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon wants to know as much as possible about a job candidate's character before hiring them.
Margarete is the heart of the book, a gloriously real creation, a mystery that Lucius wants to know, solve, save.
Lisa: So what everyone wants to know right now is whether this is a wave and, if so, how big?
Tyrese is weighing in on Kanye West and Drake's beef and wants to know -- how you gonna act like that?
The party wants to know the names of those who defy it, the better to make their lives miserable later.
Seierstad wants to know: Why did thousands of Europeans leave their homes in the West to join ISIS in Syria?
After submitting some basic info (name, place of birth etc), Maezawa wants to know a few professional and contact details.
Sources told NBC News that it looks like Mueller wants to know if Trump instructed Flynn to lie to officials.
That sounds like a rhetorical question, but Jordana Kier, founder of organic feminine care brand LOLA, actually wants to know.
Nadler says the committee wants to know if the FBI was restricted by the White House or outside political pressures.
The second-grader still wants to know how "he can help keep kids safe," she told Brooke Baldwin on Monday.
An app that tracks police and protests in Hong Kong has been banned — and its creator wants to know why.
The same is true for any investor, who wants to know how your business will make people&aposs lives easier.
If Trump wants to know how his businesses are doing, all he has to do is talk to his children.
He says he wants to know what fans think for themselves ... and hopes people will listen more now before they attack.
But they end up getting caught by another DJ who wants to know what the hell they're doing in his 'hood.
Of course the intelligence community wants to know what foreign influence Russia may be looking to exert in the United States.
It's no surprise that Headmaster Charleston wants to know if Rory's ever thought of getting her master's and becoming a teacher.
"I think anyone who wants to know what happens in Season 6 has to wait until it comes out," he says.
Graham also said that he wants to know what Trump's pick for secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, thinks about the situation.
Nanjiani's just wants to know where his dog is...even though his wife reminds him, umm, they don't have a dog.
This new editions features questions form kids like Jacob, who wants to know where they would travel back in time to.
Obviously everybody, viewers included, wants to know the answer, but the film isn't prepared to deliver one in any satisfying fashion.
My husband wants to know what Money Diaries is all about, so I read him a few, and now he's hooked.
Also, let's be honest — Adams probably wants to know how Milo Ventimiglia's Jack died just as badly as we all do.
"She needs to know when her mom wants to know where [she and her friends] are, this is why," she said.
She wants to know where her food comes from and exactly what type of fuel she is putting into her body.
They'll also have metal tags coated with very hardy bacteria, because NASA wants to know whether they will survive on Mars.
But every gambler, whatever the size of the problem, wants to know that he or she has some chance of winning.
Wall Street wants to know more about its $100 billion merger with Raytheon, which has gotten some push back from shareholders.
Everyone wants to know whether someone cheated, which celebrity they'll date next, and most important, what really caused them to breakup.
And it wants to know how much water is inside all the snow that's freshly fallen, or accumulated on the ground.
Enlisting his help, she promises to refrain from moaning, but wants to know what his final words to her will be.
According to this week's trends, here's what the rest of the world wants to know before America heads to the polls.
Of course, everyone wants to know what happened — hundreds of millions of dollars went up in smoke in this failed launch.
"I am sure the now panicked user just wants to know what to do," he told me in an online chat.
Everyone always wants to know what Apple is up to, and Apple is always trying to hide what they're up to.
The Hound wants to know why Beric has been saved (and, I suspect, why he's been spared so far as well).
My friiieeeennnnddddd wants to know if it's ever possible an ingrown hair warrants a trip to the doctor or dermatologist's office?
There is still so much we don't know—and just how much the NFL wants to know remains an open question.
Since she created him, and all the Castor clones, he wants to know more about himself, but Susan won't allow him.
"BB-8 wants to know why he's the only one not dressed in a tuxedo," said Isaac, interpreting the robot's beeps.
No, this is a man who wants to know how to cook everything, and we really just love him for that.
So if you're a frustrated fan who wants to know if it's gotten any better, the good news is it has.
And everyone wants to know how the blaze spread so quickly in the building, home to as many as 500 people.
This Full Moon wants to know if you're having fun— if not, move on to the next party, project or person.
But for this next test, Blue Origin wants to know what happens when that landing sequence doesn't go according to plan.
He also wants to know what Amazon intends to do to ease stress on the area's schools and strained subway system.
How, Sontag wants to know, can the psyche manage its devotions—to love, but also to the immensity of the world?
Additionally, Scott wants to know why the USDA did not initially include the estimates of how many children would be impacted.
He wants to know whether it's something that could have been used in a veterinary surgery, or possibly a human one.
Chief Executive Ghaith al-Ghaith told Reuters at the Dubai Airshow the airline wants to know more about the proposed jet.
It wants to know what kind of stories to put in front of you, so you will read and share them.
DESANTIS: One of the later Strzok-Page texts the next fall was, Potus wants to know exactly what we are doing.
"It's booming news — everyone wants to know about it," Mr. Setiawan said, adding that he was not impressed by the coffee.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) wants to know what, exactly, President Donald Trump is doing in response to the opioid epidemic.
Now, Chile wants to know how the skeleton was exhumed and smuggled abroad, and researchers have called the medical study unethical.
Stephen Colbert wants to know why Michael Cohen, President Trump's former lawyer, is such an open book all of a sudden.
Norway, if you're reading this, President Donald Trump definitely wants to know if you have any dirt on his 2020 opponents.
He wants to know everything, but he's also genuine in talking about himself and his life and his hopes and dreams.
Carl Icahn has a nearly 5 percent stake in Occidental, and wants to know more about how the transaction came about.
But now she's taking a photography class, so she wants to know what everything is and who did it and how.
King says that although Bloomberg has apologized for stop and frisk, she wants to know exactly what he is apologizing for.
The FTC wants to know how data from Facebook users ended up in the hands of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign consultants.
To put it simply, if one wants to know how a community is doing after a disaster, look to the children.
Essentially, the company wants to know which price point makes sense for consumers when it comes to subscribing to both services.
Mueller also wants to know about Trump's reaction to Comey's May 2017 testimony on Capitol Hill, which reportedly angered the President.
Zindzi says her heart is sore because I am not at home and wants to know when I will come back.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa wants to know whether Justice officials tied agents' hands by limiting investigative techniques.
Some may consider their remarks audacious or disrespectful, but a journalist always wants to know what an athlete is truly thinking.
Everyone wants to know what I've been thinking and I haven't said anything yet, so let me just put it out there.
It wants to know how firms identify and handle policy infractions and employee "subcultures" that may undermine the message from top management.
This opacity could cause serious problems: What if a self-driving car runs someone down and the world wants to know why?
New York (CNN Business)John Oliver wants to know which state will help push the Equal Rights Amendment across the finish line.
First up is 8-year-old Beckett, who wants to know from John Cena what it's like being the voice of Ferdinand.
Next up is 6-year-old Ivy, who wants to know which scene in the Golden Globe-nominated film is the funniest.
I feel like one of the biggest differences between music and comedy is how well the audience wants to know the artist.
Padma wants to know if the chefs are ready to meet their competition, and we're guessing the real answer is probably not.
So wherever you are in the world, VICE News wants to know what you think about the President of the United States.
Ms McCaskill wants to know exactly how firms marketed their drugs and what they knew about the risks of addiction and abuse.
And Foursquare founder and executive chairman Dennis Crowley just really wants to know: do you think that idea is creepy, or no?
So he wants to know everything he can about the company's margins, profitability, competition, and how they might evolve over that time.
And for the record, in case anybody wants to know, I don't have a thing for Kellan, haha, and I never have!
The results, published yesterday in Psychological Review, show that almost nobody wants to know about the bad things that are coming up.
Specifically, the agency wants to know more about three ingredients in these products: ethanol (or ethyl alcohol), isopropyl alcohol and benzalkonium chloride.
THUMP: I think the question that every THUMP reader wants to know is, where do you buy a kilo of pure MDMA?
He wants to know whatever he can learn about Trump, about the Trump organization dealings, all of that now is in play.
For instance, if a user wants to know how their data is processed to personalize ads, it takes 5 or 6 taps.
Everyone on an app wants to know what you really look like, so make sure that's clear and easy to figure out.
Sooo everyone wants to know the whole story behind the brunch … honestly, it looked like a bigger deal than it actually was.
While he supports the idea of compensation programs, he wants to know: What about all the other victims of childhood sexual abuse?
It's no surprise that everyone wants to know what she's up to, even folks who also live in the world of fame.
Lorelai has apparently gotten addicted to late-night cable, because she wants to know if Rory thinks Amy Schumer would like her.
But she also wants to know what biological changes are driving the changes in brain activity, and how that changes with age.
Now, the reason he wants to know if Bruce Ohr is OK is because Sally Yates has just been fired that day.
More broadly, the FTC wants to know how COPPA has impacted the availability of sites and services aimed at children, it says.
Rule of thumb: If one wants to know what any professional sports team in particular is up to, ask the general manager.
The Department of Justice wants to know more about the people who liked an anti-Trump Facebook page before the president's inauguration.
Oklahoma is on the verge of a teachers' strike; the Trump administration wants to know what visa applicants are liking on Facebook.
Jones is now facing a potentially lengthy suspension from USADA, and the whole MMA world wants to know ... can his career recover?
"The AMWU wants to know why it failed, and what checks were carried out to ensure it met Australian standards," McCartney said.
If Diddy's really going to bring back his hit reality show for MTV, Day26 wants to know ... are we in this together?
The ECB wants to know how well Swedbank's Estonian subsidiary kept itself informed about its customers, the paper said, citing the source.
At a press conference Monday, Rosen said he wants to know why police left Arce's residence on Friday without the little girl.
But one of the A&R reps has a question: He wants to know if they can have longer than two weeks.
Everybody wants to know if the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation drama will help Republicans or Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.
NASA also wants to know how certain aspects of the lunar environment — like radiation exposure and dust — might affect the human body.
Dr. Green wants to know if lionfish can be managed without killing them all, because that's hard to accomplish, Mr. Akins said.
"I know what everyone wants to know, of course," King said, indirectly addressing what it was like to work with Elordi again.
Dick's Sporting Goods CEO Ed Stack wants to know what's got US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell so scared about gun reform.
The government— his government—is something that he doesn't need to question or interpret; it's all he knows and wants to know.
The N.H.T.S.A. also wants to know, among other things, the number of incidents in which Tesla vehicles' automatic emergency braking was activated.
The family also wants to know if any street surveillance video and satellite security footage of Washington show the shooting, he said.
"Kellogg wants to know that you can think outside of just yourself and that you'll be a good community member," she says.
She wants to know why, despite outcry from her colleagues, the UK may be lurching towards legislation that would criminalize buying sex.
Deng wants to know whether or not, at each of these points, doctors might be presenting information differently to men and women.
The NVWA wants to know all the details, which makes it more complex and that is what we are thinking about now.
Husband faces three counts of murder Shanann Watts' brother, Frankie Rzucek, said he wants to know why anyone would harm his sister.
What our friend really wants to know is whether the M.T.A. is capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time.
The House wants to know whether the president inflated his assets in seeking bank loans, as his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, testified.
He wants to know where you're from, what your family is like, what you spend money on, where you go to relax.
"He always wants to know more about the global part of the game," said Bowden, who now works for MLB Network Radio.
What the president wants to know, according to former officials, is what country is making more money or gaining a financial advantage.
Message: The woman wants to know how Cruz is "holding up" and says it's important that he have someone to talk to.
And regardless of budget, everyone wants to know that it's going to work for them before they enter those credit card details.
The Oversight Committee wants to know exactly what government data may have been exposed, and whether agencies have appropriately updated their software.
NASA wants to know that its astronauts riding inside the Crew Dragon can still be brought home safely, despite a malfunctioning rocket.
Everyone wants to know why the Post has punished one of its reporters for tweeting about Kobe Bryant after his death Sunday.
Leinwand wants to know whether the Burmese python — or the Burmese-American python, really — might be getting ill from all this food.
The "Liam Bot" teaches them what to say if someone wants to know how the tech giant handles hate speech, for example.
Chuck Grassley wants to know why the US Air Force spent over $300,000 on reheatable coffee cups over the past three years.
McMaster also went on to underscore just how little Trump knows or wants to know about the national security information he receives.
Whether you apply such adjectives to these plants or not, Dr. Henning says he wants to know why they try so hard.
Emme wants to know how Lopez felt when she found out she and their dad, Lopez's ex-husband Marc Anthony, were having twins.
After Robert's Rebellion and Robb's Rebellion, the North is done kneeling to Southern kings — Sansa wants to know if Dany can accept that.
Natalie Wood's sister Lana wants to know what occured the night of the actress' shocking death — and believes Robert Wagner has the key.
It's the meme question everyone wants to know -- how does Michael Jordan feel about the crying face image that's taken over the Internet?
So what did he know when Peter Strzok says the White House wants to know everything that&aposs going on in the investigation.
JoJo wants to know what the next year looks like for him, where he's going to live, where is home going to be.
He wants to know how Lena survived for the four months she was gone when she only had food to last two weeks.
The New York Times already wants to know if we've reached "peak podcast," and sometimes, yes, it seems like everybody has a show.
Everyone wants to know ... did Michael Irvin and Steve Smith throw fists after their heated smack talk session on "NFL Network" Thursday night???
That's what the world wants to know after a week of terrorist assaults that have shocked even those somewhat accustomed to such violence.
Claire McCaskill is taking on America's biggest opioid makers A leading Senate Democrat wants to know whether opioid makers have something to hide.
BF texts me beforehand — he has class tonight at the same time and wants to know if I want to grab dinner after.
A [film financier] wants to know you believe in yourself and will make their money back, and I know how to do that.
But like all of us, Trevor wants to know how Kai ended up behind bars, what with him being so brilliant and conniving.
"Everyone wants to know why my top lip doesn't move," Glanville, 45, says on her YouTube channel and blog, Bi-Coastal Beauty Unfiltered.
Michaeli said he also wants to know how much sales of regulatory credits contributed to Tesla's automotive gross margins in the second quarter.
On the flip side, seemingly everyone else wants to know: Is this what real life is going to be like soon at work?
People thought, 'Well, the audience really wants to know who the good guys and the bad guys are in a really clear way.
Ben is both desperate for Alison to give in to his demands for love and furious she wants to know if he's married.
And even more deliciously, Vanessa's father wants to know if Nick also asked the other three families' for their daughters' hands in marriage.
The Situation: A "friend of mine" wants to know: Can you really die if you swim in the ocean after getting a tattoo?
But now there&aposs a judge who wants to know exactly how the whole thing worked on the Clinton side of the equation.
UFC Hall of Famer Urijah Faber says Conor McGregor is his "boy" -- but even he wants to know ... WHEN ARE YOU COMING BACK?!
For example, "tooth pain after a filling" could mean the searcher wants to know why it's hurting, or how long it will hurt.
"Everyone wants to know if I've decided ... and I have," Bone wrote on his Twitter account, which now boasts more than 200,000 followers.
Leo wants to know what worked and what didn't as he prepares for the woman who will fill the position of his girlfriend.
Now, Castillo is sitting down with Diane Sawyer for an ABC 20/20 special and she's answering the questions everyone wants to know.
Any guy who wants to know what his girlfriend is supposedly hiding could decide this is the best method to get her secrets.
It's why everyone wants to know what Hogwarts house you're in, or if you're a Carrie, Miranda, Samantha, which Divergent character you are.
In addition, the PBOC wants to know about the impact policy changes have had on loans to developers and mortgages, the people added.
It wants to know more about the Cainiao Network, a logistics joint venture worth $7.7 billion in which Alibaba has a 47% stake.
This person wants to know if they should be worried about their age, if they're applying to a midlevel IB job at Goldman.
"The whole world wants to know what the heck happened in the moments leading up to that shooting," said Mr. Smith of Taser.
He wants to know how a business makes money and be confident on the sustainability of its profit streams over the long-term.
NASA wants to know that they have enough fuel to take [the spacecraft] to and from the location in a cost-effective way.
This week, one of Harrington's clients said she needs $20,000 to pay her granddaughter's college tuition and wants to know when to sell.
I mean, there's an arrow through his chest, and she wants to know if he still thinks she can be a good person?
And BONUS -- he also answers the question everyone wants to know ... did he really shave his ass for that naked scene in "Trainwreck"?
When Baer wants to know the calories per gram figure for that night's meatloaf, he corrects the bomb calorimeter results using Atwater values.
This Is The Book to Give Your Dad: Everything an Awesome Father Wants to Know, available at Amazon, $12.76Not that he needs it.
Finally, she wants to know whether the decision to transfer one of those detainees, Omar Khalif Mohammed Abu Baker Mahjour Umar, was unanimous.
Thousands of people, including investors and tech media, pour through Startup Alley, and everyone wants to know who made the Top Pick cut.
He wants to know how to talk to his good friend about the offensive stuff he says, but he doesn't really know how.
Still, while one helicopter may not do much damage, the team wants to know what cumulative effects human sounds might have over time.
National is soliciting questions about inequality in California, and Metro wants to know what questions New Yorkers have always wondered about their city.
The anti-immigrant party Alternative for Germany wants to know the nationalities of artists employed by state theaters, and cultural organizations are worried.
We wanted to know from Mr. Prince what every Rockets fan wants to know regarding Dwight Howard's time in Houston ... what went wrong?
What the current study wants to know is how and if this process of sensory adaptation varies between schizophrenic and non-schizophrenic individuals.
That's what everyone wants to know, because this is precisely the fate San Francisco, Silicon Valley, and surrounding Bay Area counties are contemplating.
Who kind of just wants to know, is the tax rate going up or going down, and how should I feel about that?
The first thing anyone wants to know about a single woman has to do with how close she is to not being single anymore.
Jesse wants to know why William chose not to disclose the severity of his cancer status, and why he ghosted Jesse in their relationship.
We get introduced to the veterans now, and L.A. chef Katsuji Tanabe (season 12: Boston) wants to know if he's getting subtitles this year.
Frank Avila, a lawyer for the family of Ochoa-Lopez, told reporters Monday that he also wants to know whether the hospital followed protocols.
And, adds Wojcicki, the market for this product is global because everyone in the world potentially wants to know about where they come from.
Peter DeFazio, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, before which Muilenburg is set to appear on Wednesday, said he wants to know.
He wants to know what explanation they found for the Shimmer, which has claimed the lives of almost everyone else who ventured into it.
But the son wants to know the fee agreements they have with each fund manager and how that correlates with the fund manager's performance.
There are high-profile ones like the Russian investigation, but there are lots of different topics that Congress needs and wants to know about.
Jennifer Lawrence really wants to know whether there's any truth to the rumors of a rift between longtime friends Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift.
She wants to know why the man she married, and created an entire life around, wanted to step out on her with another woman.
Beverly wants to know why things ended so smoothly with Kai pleading guilty to all charges and Ally un-hatching such a thorough plan.
Finally reunited and in their home, Ally (Sarah Paulson) wants to know why in the hell her wife Ivy (Alison Pill) joined Kai's cult.
It's the question everyone wants to know -- how the hell did Erin Andrews fly to Wisconsin to WORK just 2 days after cancer surgery???
When vetting prospective employees, the start-up CEO wants to know how creative they are and if they can be flexible in any situation.
Cramer said on "Squawk on the Street " that he wants to know if the social media giant's management feels differently now about its engagement.
The second conversation comes from a present-day chat between Grace and Dr. Jordan, who wants to know when Grace has felt particularly lonely.
While I'm eating, L. texts me about a comedian coming to our area in March and wants to know if I want to go.
"The best thing if anyone wants to know what happened is to wait for the trial," he told the paper from a jailhouse phone.
However, the Pennsylvania senator added he wants to know the real motivation behind Libra because Facebook has said that it's not about making money.
An Austin startup called EverlyWell wants to make lab testing accessible to anybody who wants to know more about their own body and health.
Spotify has raised another billion dollars in funding, and everyone wants to know what the music streaming giant is going to do with it.
The smog is so thick he's just shot through five red lights because he couldn't see properly and wants to know what to do.
It's the question everyone who loves Sidney Deane wants to know -- will Wesley Snipes give his blessing for the "White Men Can't Jump" remake????
Z-Bo is entering free agency after 8 seasons with the Grizzlies and everyone wants to know what his next move is gonna be.
"Everyone wants to know how far this tech sell-off has to go and how much it affects everyone else," said IG's Chris Beauchamp.
"I feel like I get punished because my kid asks questions about me, or she wants to know where she comes from," Catelynn said.
Sometimes the outside world wants to know everything about you and they want access to your life, and it can become a giant burden.
And no one really wants to know what microplastics now found in our food, water and air are doing to us or our children.
Everyone wants to know if Cleveland Indians superstar Francisco Lindor will sign a new deal to keep him in CLE after the 2021 season.
"If President Trump wants to know how Amazon crushes brick-and-mortar retailers, well, maybe he should listen to this conference call, " Cramer quipped.
He wants to know what you think of Yoko Ono and mushrooms, but only so he can tell you what your opinion should be.
Essentially, that person said, Goldman Sachs wants to know that midlevel hires will start adding value from their very first day at the bank.
He wants to know the locations of her labs, offices and safe houses, and the dire consequences for not cooperating needn't even be vocalized.
"He tells it like it is, and ultimately, that's what everyone wants, to know where they stand," Team Canada's general manager, Doug Armstrong, said.
And as Pride Month ends, a group of House Armed Service Committee Democrats wants to know why the Pentagon did not officially recognize it.
On this episode of Too Embarrassed to Ask, everyone wants to know more about how and why a password manager is a good idea.
Perfect for the booklover who likes reading, history, or just wants to know how we got from clay tablets to libraries full of paperbacks.
"Everyone wants to know how we Cubans feel about Obama coming," said Yamile Suárez, 36, shrugging near a freshly repaved road in central Havana.
Johnson now wants to know whether other intelligence agencies had assessments of damage that differed or were more negative than that of the FBI.
Hannity wants to know who killed Seth Rich, even if the mainstream media, Rich's family, and his own colleagues just want him to stop.
Knowles now wants to know if, in the eyes of the International Ether Court, the bot could be found guilty of Gross Negligent Manslaughter?
Everyone wants to know if the two leaders of economic superpowers can de-escalate the spiraling trade conflict and avert a new Cold War.
Then a packet of letters is delivered to his door, filled with answers about Gayatri's disappearance that Myshkin isn't certain he wants to know.
"All a kid wants to know is that everything is going to be O.K. Be a rock even if you don't feel like one."
It's as if she explodes time to look at its moving parts, like a clockmaker who wants to know how the whole thing works.
"He (Macron) certainly wants to know about conditionality, particularly the issue of the United Kingdom being involved in future (EU) decision-making," Varadkar said.
Freddie Gray's family probably wants to know if officers will protect Trump's head when he is thrown into the back of a paddy wagon.
Wilder also wants to know "how come 'put me out of my misery' only really means one thing," which is death, the ultimate dissociation.
His team wants to know their job and responsibilities, and when he tells them "great job," it helps them and makes a positive difference.
That's the hypothesis behind Lily AI, according to Gupta, who wants to know the "individual emotional context" of "each customer" when they shop online.
By appealing to the European Court of Justice, Belgium wants to know just how far its own authority stretches under the one-stop-shop.
He wants to know what she sees in terms of the future of the company — especially now that she's been fired from a competitor.
However, he wants to know that management teams are timing their decisions well by not executing buybacks at high prices or overpaying for acquisitions.
Jane Mayer's harrowing "Dark Money" should be required reading for anyone who wants to know how our country got into the mess we're in.
There is a specific kind of intelligent generalist reader who wants to know what current scholarship has to say about any number of issues.
" Her daughter is still in shock and wants to know who was speaking to her and why he kept calling her "a bad word.
If you snag a job interview with the company, the bank wants to know if you&aposre a good fit for its work environment.
If you're a comic book fan who just wants to know whether there's anything salvageable about Batman v Superman, this review is for you.
Harvey wants to know if Jesse saw the same thing in the mines that he saw as a kid, but this elicits a terrifying reaction.
And there's some skepticism or need for clarification that if they agree on something, the U.S. side wants to know if it's going to happen.
It's also a sign your hiring manager wants to know how well you know and love the kind of work you'll be doing, she says.
If anybody wants to know what failure means and lack of response my daughter would have lived if someone had given her one more second.
The officer walks up to my window with his flashlight and wants to know why we are out so late and if we've been drinking.
Right away, everyone wants to know if some of the original's beloved stars, including Madonna, Rosie O'Donnell, Megan Cavanagh, and Lori Petty will make cameos.
But I'm just asking questions, much like the woman in the Periscope video who wants to know how it feels to work for a fascist.
Everyone wants to know how Snake is, what the new functions of the phone are, and how you managed to get your hands on one.
But one London tech company wants to know exactly how carcinogenic that air is, and it's recruiting pigeons as part of its air-monitoring arsenal.
If he wants to know why Google searches on "Trump News" return mostly negative results, he should put down Twitter and pick up a mirror.
"I worry about this situation, because if the Chinese government only hears what it wants to know, they can never understand Taiwan," says Mr Tseng.
Now, let's answer the question everyone wants to know… "Arguably the toughest challenge that we had is to replace Touch ID," Apple's Dan Riccio says.
Jamie very much wants to know about Brianna — in fact, in future episodes, he brings Brianna up, and they discuss her in practically every episode.
The internet wants to know the name of the lipstick that looks good on Oprah, Reese Witherspoon, Mindy Kaling, and Storm Reid all at once.
Over the weekend, Will Smith shared a hilarious fan-made video of his face swapped with Cardi B's, and he wants to know who's responsible.
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google wants to know where you go so badly that it records your movements even when you explicitly tell it not to.
It seems as though even your cable provider wants to know you should turn off the TV and get out to celebrate the queer community.
Ultimately, "the hiring manager wants to know how you'd approach the new role and the new challenges that would be set for you," she says.
Additionally, he may be impeded in answering questions about the conversations everyone really wants to know about: those that Comey had with the President. Why?
There's a disconnect between the average consumer and Kate when it comes to style, despite the fact that everyone wants to know what she's wearing.
Think of it as the morning news app for the minimal girl who wants to know the viral, shareable stories that everyone is talking about.
A Russian oligarch's company paid Michael Cohen hundreds of thousands of dollars after the 2016 election — and special counsel Robert Mueller wants to know why.
Their uncle, a dashing fellow with whom our governess becomes a bit smitten, offers one edict: He wants to know absolutely nothing about the children.
After investigating an eerie humming noise in the hotel, Beverly returns home to a sickly husband — he wants to know why she's home so late.
She wants to open a solo practice — and wants to know if Jimmy would like to team up... at least in terms of office space.
But the House Oversight Committee still wants to know exactly what government data may have been exposed, and whether agencies have appropriately updated their software.
The defense specifically wants to know more about how the FBI instructed its confidential informant to determine if investigators and prosecutors overstepped during the investigation.
When I lecture about disability, someone always wants to know — either defensively, earnestly or cluelessly — the "correct" way to refer to this new politicized identity.
An employer wants to know whether you have the right traits for the job and a personality that will mesh well with the company culture.
" Before the ride ends, Leno asks one last important question he feels every car guy wants to know: "Are you impressed by a man's car?
What he wants to know: Can Trump answer questions about Russian interference honestly when he and his lawyers have ample time to consider their responses?
Schumer noted he wants to know if the former House member will be tougher on Russia if he's confirmed to be the country's top diplomat.
McCarthy, or a proxy, calls around and wants to know: Do they at some point freak out and lose their temper and yell at people?
But when she does, she finds that there's always so much he wants to know about her before he's ready to talk about his defense.
She also wants to know if they can acclimate to gradual temperature increases or react to extended periods of warming in a longer term experiment.
The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit also wants to know what impact Mr. Whitaker will have on the investigation.
This patriarchy prefers to destroy women on prime-time TV. It wants to know, in all seriousness, why women accuse some of its honorable men.
Instead, she tries to turn off the little voice in her head, the one that wants to know: How exactly do you cure bad blood?
What the world wants to know is whether they can continue to count on the United States in leading the charge to address climate change.
The Republican Governors Association (RGA) wants to know what Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Richard Cordray has been up to the past two months.
A general partner wants to know that the risk will pay off, while an associate or principal will focus on founder credentials and surefire bets.
CNN showed California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones a transcript of the testimony, and he wants to know if this is a widespread practice at Aetna.
He wants to know how economies and businesses are evolving and what that evolution will mean for the companies he&aposs thinking about investing in.
His gallerist wants to know why he has been obsessing for half a year over a painting he takes no pleasure in actually working on.
The 37-year-old, who's never been married, faces especially intense questioning from Cartwright's grandmother, who wants to know when he's going to pop the question.
At this point, getting an Oscar or Golden Globe nomination is a lot like a wedding proposal — the whole world wants to know how it happened.
Like other Southeast Asian countries, the Philippines wants to know whether Trump will continue to endorse the rebalancing of American forces toward the Asia-Pacific region.
One line member tells Atwood she doesn't know who she is, hasn't read any of her books, and wants to know which she should start with.
While he wouldn't speculate on what Musk's plan is, Rusch said he wants to know more about the SolarCity deal and the future of the company.
Billie Lourd understands that everyone still wants to know how she's doing after the death of her mother Carrie Fisher and grandmother Debbie Reynolds last December.
She wants to know how long the movie will be — it's almost adorable that she thought a nine hour shoot would produce a nine-hour movie.
He wants to know who beheaded that Pickens statue and of course he assumes it was a Serpent because they commit all of Riverdale's crimes, right?
With U.S. stock futures pointing to a 300-plus-point drop in the Dow Jones industrial average, CNBC wants to know what has you most concerned.
Linda Xue, a Parsons student who directs digital applications and design for Project Continua, wants to know why Wikipedia credits Picasso and Braque with inventing collage.
Shaq, I mean, this is sort of a joke, but not really, because on Twitter everyone wants to know: Is it going to be Papa Shaq?
And now Smith's committee wants to know what went into these state attorneys general deciding to use their prosecutorial powers to chill all this free speech.
SpaceX wants to know if the booster could perform another mission The whole point of landing and reusing rockets is to save money on manufacturing costs.
If you have a family history of a particular disease or you have a condition that affects your life expectancy, your advisor likely wants to know.
The only thing anyone wants to know in the wake of something like this happening is whether or not Cruz had ANYTHING to do with it.
The reunion also answered the question every twentysomething living in New York City wants to know, how did Monica and Rachel afford their huge Manhattan apartment?
When you can earnestly tell the world, "Everyone always wants to know what lashes I wear," and you've got 50 million Instagram followers to prove it.
After Richie issues his challenge, Jamie (Juno Temple) follows him into his office and wants to know if she gets credit for finding the Nasty Bitz.
Ennis and Stauskas have known each other since they were kids; the reporter wants to know what's changed for Ennis, what's allowed him to get better.
One top Democratic Senator wants to know if Facebook has shared user data with Chinese phone makers through its data-sharing partnerships with device companies. Sen.
The boss wants to know what his employees are doing in their paid time at work and where they think they are going with their projects.
Total funding to date: $50 millionEmployees: 175Every marketer wants to know how much of its advertising leads to a sale, and Singular says it has answers.
Swalwell said on MNSBC that he wants to know whether Manafort's connections to the Russian government also tied into Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Zhu would rather talk about the latter, or how it relates to culture, or to politics, and he wants to know what you think about it.
Lady Mormont wants to know why she should kill more Mormont men to help out a Snow and a Bolton — or is Sansa still a Lannister?
Today's a big day for tech earnings • Apple: Everyone wants to know how well the iPhone X has sold — well enough to start a new "supercycle"?
The good news is that anyone who wants to know more about the actual Green Books and how they affected Americans' lives have some excellent options.
How is it, Grandin wants to know, that the symbol of America was once a boundless, beckoning frontier and today is a dark and forbidding wall?
Leading up to World Pride in June, taking place in New York City this year, The New York Times wants to know how you identify yourself.
The inspector general wants to know what the F.B.I. learned about Mr. Steele's sources and whether it disclosed any doubts about their veracity to the court.
This question suggests that Mr. Mueller wants to know whether Mr. Trump's criticism is an effort to damage the F.B.I. while it investigates the president's associates.
Coming in at nearly 900 pages, Eizenstat's book requires an investment, and it may explain more about, say, energy policy than anyone really wants to know.
Yelp wants to know if you're a car owner who prefers jazz bars and Korean food or a vegan parent who loves going to the beach.
Twitter wants to know you&aposre excited for a new challengeIf you&aposre interviewing for a job at Twitter, job experience isn&apost necessarily a plus.
"Freddie Gray's family probably wants to know if officers will protect Trump's head when he is thrown into the back of a paddy wagon," Waters tweeted.
Everyone wants to know if Hudson Yards can succeed, at a time when more and more people are turning to the internet to do their shopping.
Among his other concerns in this book, Whitehead wants to know what does: how the Underground Railroad really worked, and at what cost, and for whom.
CTE does exist and is a problem ... but he wants to know more about the condition and what causes it before pointing the finger at football.
He compares his business approach to Cheers; he wants to know everyone's name, and he wants to have a basic familiarity with his regulars' favorite games.
He wants to know, we talked about this, but let's go over it again, how to replace your crappy router that your cable company gives you.
By now Corden is nauseous, ignored and late for work, but he still wants to know how he can join Gomez and Taylor Swift's famous girl squad.
Chuck Schumer said Thursday that he wants to know how many children are already being held after illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border and in what conditions.
And the question Stephen Colbert wants to know in The Late Show clip above, is: Who has the biggest delusion of their own grandeur in real life?
At one point, one of the girls wants to know how far she walked before picked up by the cops, because she's not normally an athletic person.
Specifically, the agency wants to know how much Nutella you actually eat (and how you eat the stuff) so it can gauge a realistic serving size requirement.
"The interviewer, usually your future boss, wants to know the parts of your life story that relate to you doing well in the open job," says Welch.
Overall, NASA wants to know just how much the computer will suffer from radiation exposure over time, and if these software "patches" can actually reduce any degradation.
So, either the Rev is Lutheran, or he really wants to know this secret and is pulling out all the tricks to get it out of Joe.
For example, she wants to know how Daenerys and Jon plan to keep the citizens of Winterfell fed when there are thousands more mouths to feed now.
Even President Donald Trump wants to know what's going on with LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers ... so, he went right to the owner and asked him.
More issues Chief Acevedo said in addition to the investigations into the officers' conduct, he wants to know why he never heard about the incidents until recently.
The Department of Justice wants to know whether allowing T-Mobile and Sprint to merge would raise prices for customers of other wireless carriers, according to Reuters.
" May 53, 2019 [Tweet]: "Everyone wants to know who needs to be accountable, because it took up two years of our lives talking about this Russian involvement.
Microsoft: As margin expansion is a possibility, Cramer wants to know how much of the business is based on the cloud now that it has purchased LinkedIn.
When Violet says blessed, Nova points out that that's the standard Black person's greeting for everything (so true!) — but she wants to know how Violet really is.
Everyone wants to know how Game of Thrones will end, and fans are scrambling to make sense of Westeros before the show's last season premieres in 2019.
It's the question everyone wants to know -- with the nasty family power struggle going on with the Lakers ... what's Thanksgiving gonna be like at the Buss house????
Anyone who wants to know more about the legitimacy of the publication can click it and see information about the company's fact-checking, ethics, and correction policies.
"There are a lot of questions that somebody wants to know that effect a year or two off, and have nothing to do with earnings," he noted.
With Shaq saying things are not looking good behind the scenes, everyone wants to know who to blame if the big men don't square off in April.
Daisy: I second Emma's sentiment: half of me wants to sleep with him, but the other half wants to know what it's like to actually be him.
He also wants to know whether this information was acquired illegally and whether the information was "abused" to help the Trump campaign or bolster the Brexit vote.
It's even worse when the entire scene is played once again, since director Sam missed it and wants to know if there's any story there worth exploring.
A young generation that looks up to his lifestyle wants to know everything about him, from what he buys to what he wears to what he eats.
Anyone who wants to know how students in one state compare with students in other states can get that information from the N.A.E.P., the existing federal test.
"Pruitt wants to know when he goes home to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he can work," Jackson wrote to James Blizzard, in EPA's congressional affairs office, on Jan.
Nacho wants to know why Mike went to such great lengths to keep his fingers off a trigger — and Mike doesn't offer Nacho, or us, a reply.
Bard said Monday authorities have no evidence that police asked people to stop filming the incident, but if there is such evidence, the department wants to know.
It is or should be no surprise, then that Moscow very much wants to know how we garnered that information and from what sources we obtained it.
Gennady fights this weekend against undefeated Dominic Wade -- but everyone wants to know who GGG will fight next ... especially with talk of a superfight with Canelo Alvarez.
The former classmate, Helena Valente, wants to know whether people cut their losses and tossed the bag, or rolled the dice and gave it a sniff anyway.
"Everyone wants to know why Zhao Li did what he did," added Richard Li, a writer for Xing Tao, a popular local Chinese language newspaper in Vancouver.
Mr. Barr wants to know more about the C.I.A. sources who helped inform its understanding of the details of the Russian interference campaign, an official has said.
Kissing is a big part of life — everyone wants to know if they're good at it, bad at it, tips on how to do it better, etc.
Anyone interested in drilling in the area urgently wants to know: Was the well — the only one ever drilled there — a dry hole or a potential gusher?
"Everyone wants to know what we're doing to secure the elections," said Paul Lux of Okaloosa County, president of the Florida State Association of Supervisors of Elections.
Fraser wants to know: Could Curry and Thompson, widely regarded as the most lethal backcourt shooting tandem in the game's history, actually get better in this area?
Why the Government Wants to Know Your Citizenship Status The Podcast Bros Want to Optimize Your Life The Children at the Trump Rallies What Are Capitalists Thinking?
Mr. Hilger wants to know how well you know your movies, especially if they are disguised just a bit with clues that contain puns on the titles.
The team wants to know when the fish start, how long they go and how temperature and saltiness, which fluctuate in the estuary near Port Aransas, Tex.
" An officer wants to "know her thoughts on Shias, homosexuals, the Queen, democracy, 'The Great British Bake Off,' the invasion of Iraq, Israel, suicide bombers, dating websites.
Mr. Grewal wants to know which ones are using "this product or products like it," and what information those companies are tracking about police investigations and searches.
It's unique even among Disney park rides and exhilarating for anyone who wants to know what it feels like to live in a galaxy far, far away.
Jessica, who is 34, is 10 years older than Mark, and wants to know if this will be a problem when they have kids down the road.
"Kerry is nice and pleasant, wants to know what the next gourmet restaurant is they're going to, and Lavrov just knew that Kerry didn't matter," he said.
After all, if you're the kind of person who wants to know about Neanderthals, you don't need a fun opening line to make you laugh first, right?
"Nine times out of 200120093 when a pregnant woman comes in, it's her family who wants to know the sex of the child, not her," Begum said.
A group of moms on Instagram wants to know why the app keeps taking down topless photos of their sons, even though they don't break any rules.
"The interviewer, usually your future boss, wants to know the parts of your life story that relate to your doing well in the open job," Welch says.
Grassley wants to know from Comey about whether Justice Department officials ever rejected FBI agents' requests for search warrants or subpoenas or to empanel a grand jury.
"Everyone wants to know how I'm able to do this, but ironically, I never had a clue myself how to live this life," she told Business Insider.
The narrator of the video embedded in the Infowars post wants to know why Hillary Clinton won't "command her SJWs to stop protesting" now that she's lost.
Trump fascinated Americans for decades long before he got into politics, and now that he's president, everyone wants to know whether he will continue to be president.
Finally, one of the funniest astrologers I know, Lauren McBride, will talk about synastry, an astrological technique used to determine love compatibility—something everyone wants to know about!
STONE: When you add to the fact that Peter Strzok says in one of his text messages the president wants to know everything, the question is very clear.
And everyone wants to know how in the heck were people able to sneak guns into the nightclub when four off-duty cops were handling security outside. 4.
Trista Reynolds wants to know what happened to her daughter Ayla, who was 20 months old when she vanished from Maine after last being seen with her father.
"Every CIO wants to know the health of their mission critical business services and only way to see that is to see through the entire stack," Link said.
The judge overseeing the case between Uber and Alphabet's Waymo unit wants to know just how much of the dispute could be covered by a pending arbitration case.
TURNER: Yes, because everybody wants to know that somebody who is seeking, you know, the highest court in the land is a decent person, that is everything else.
He wants to know what happened to the other scientists, played by Jennifer Jason Leigh, Gina Rodriguez, Tessa Thompson, and Tuva Novotny, who were part of Lena's team.
When she meets one of her idols, Tony-winning playwright Sarah Jones (yes, the real Sarah Jones), Jessica wants to know how she'll know when she's made it.
As for what the other cast members hope the show will reveal, Sterling K. Brown wants to know how Rebecca (Mandy Moore) and Miguel (Jon Huertas) got together.
He manifests instead as an extreme social paranoia in Remi — she needs to know what he's doing, but he can't know that she wants to know, you know?
It's a solid pick for college students, creatives who want an active pen experience, or anyone who wants to know how good a 2-in-1 really is.
In a later interview on CNBC, Tim Freeman, partner at institutional broker-dealer Elevation Securities, said he wants to know what Trump's plans are for the Federal Reserve.
Following their royal wedding —  ha, not that quaint one in England — it seems like everyone wants to know what newlyweds Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are up to.
It seems that the younger end of the audience wants to know who is part of the resistance and trying to bring equality to the world of entertainment.
" And then, when the tension among the assembled politicians was at its peak, the punchline: "Everyone here wants to know if they can get a selfie with you?
The panel also wants to know how Twitter India is dealing with complaints of bias and the technology it uses to detect and filter comments, the newspaper said.
Washington wants to know how paid leave has been good for business, grown market share, helped with retention and recruitment, and balanced the needs of our complex economy.
These days, he's voicing Pops in The Secret Life of Pets, but for some reason the Internet still wants to know if he was in Iron Man 2.
"Everyone wants to know, 'Did I save money or not with the new tax bill,' and the best way to check is to look at liability versus income."
With only 10 episodes remaining in the show's final season, everyone wants to know the dirt on all-things A... or should I say, A.D. this time around.
Sorry, Kawhi Leonard, it might be the Raptors' championship parade day ... but all eyes will be on Drake ... 'cause everyone wants to know -- how crazy will Drizzy get!?!
It's easy to see how this information would be useful to an influencer trying to boost engagement, or a brand who wants to know more about their audience.
Although the administration rejected the advisory committee's recommendation, the Physicians Committee said it still wants to know how the advisory committee could be so easily swayed by industry.
"Everybody wants to know who I'm going to choose for VP. Who do you like?" the presumptive GOP nominee asked the crowd at a rally in Tampa, Fla.
"The vast majority of the public wants to know if the food they buy contains GMO ingredients," Food & Water Watch Executive Director Wenonah Hauter said in a statement.
In today's health care news, Congress wants to know about the rise in measles outbreaks; and in a related story, Facebook is looking into removing anti-vaccine content.
Indeed, he says, staking out Amplify's territory from the get-go has made a big difference in getting the firm connected with the talent it wants to know.
Scorpio has an oversexed reputation, but it just wants to know the most primal, core, underlying truth of everything—the sign is more Freudian than it is horny.
The lesson from these findings is clear: The public wants to know everything it can about the candidates in advance, especially if they are from the other party.
The internet wants to know: if this album is under his own name, does it count as his last release or as the first of a new project?
The group wants to know who Homeland Security works with — including private companies and airlines — as well as internal policies and guidance on how the system is used.
When you catch his eye, there is a wary look — like he wants to know if you, too, understand exactly how bad the world is about to get.
" While reflecting on Kira's death, Charles said, "There's nothing that can prepare you for what it's like when your child wants to know why mommy isn't coming home.
Now instead of what's in your pockets, law enforcement wants to know what's in your DNA, all because a relative of yours was convicted of a past crime.
But Mr. Hankerson wants to know why Alibaba doesn't do more to defeat counterfeiting, which damages the very same small businesses Mr. Ma says he intends to aid.
As a side benefit, you'll be helping the restaurant, too; when somebody is unhappy at the end of a meal, almost any manager or restaurateur wants to know.
The Iowa Republican wants to know whether Steele was ever paid simultaneously by the FBI and Fusion GPS, and whether the firm itself ever communicated with the FBI.
Davey Havok will ask you questions about yourself – not even out of politeness, he just genuinely wants to know your thoughts on Terrence Malick's oeuvre or the Impossible Burger.
Sanders said President Trump wants to know why Iger hasn't apologized for the "horrible things" said by its anti-Trump personalities like Keith Olbermann, Jemele Hill and Joy Behar.
These are all things that your therapist wants to know about, so she can help you understand and work on behaviors or hang-ups that are holding you back.
Halfway through dinner, a friend texts me that she has an extra ticket to see My Favorite Murder live tonight and wants to know if I want to go!
But primarily, everyone wants to know: does he know that there is already a similar event – which has been a tradition since 1979 – going on at the same location?
So you're a journalist, that's your professional identity, and it's crucially important when, say, a cop wants to know who you're talking to and how you got your information.
Everyone wants to know why Molly's such a mess, how similar Natasha is to Kelli in real life, and if Amanda knows who the father of Tiffany's child is.
He claims that he is happy that JoJo brought that emotion out in him, but he still wants to know why she bothered to give him the fantasy card.
Brendon Urie, the band's emphatic mind and mouthpiece, wants to know what happens in the wake of a bacchanal, when the wildest urges thrash only in the rear view.
If a user wants to know which online ads resulted in the most sales in California last month, the software automatically translates his typed question into a database query.
We got DJ leaving a Halloween party out in L.A. Monday night and asked him the question everyone wants to know about the situation ... should Streeter take the mulligan?
Yet Mr Manafort appears to know something that Mr Mueller, who is investigating possible collusion between Mr Trump's campaign and Russian election hackers, among other things, wants to know.
All this helps to explain why the Alexa Prize is so important to Amazon: the company wants to know that voice interfaces have a future beyond their current capabilities.
He is done earlier than expected and wants to know if I would like him to stop by my house and take the boys out for Chick-fil-A.
The attorney general for the District of Columbia wants to know what role President Trump's children played in his inaugural committee — and has filed a subpoena to find out.
But that doesn't stop him from using Vanessa as a scapegoat when Issa wants to know if she can extend her stay at his place for a little longer.
She wants to know about your role as captain and how do you hold the power of that role when you have so many rock stars on your team?
He wants to know how the founders will use the money, but is out when the entrepreneurs say they want to use any investment to work with phone carriers.
But SpaceX still wants to know if the booster could perform another mission if warranted — and how much refurbishment would theoretically be needed to launch it a second time.
NASA wants to know how people will fare in microgravity environments for long periods of time, since any future crewed trips to Mars will take upwards of several months.
You've been there since the very beginning so if anyone can do this it's you: if my mum wants to know what Baelaric is, what do I tell her?
Everyone wants to know if Brown will remain on the team or if management will give him his walking papers based on the new info that's come to light.
Shalev wants to know where that $2 million came from and, in an Olympian feat of logical pole-vaulting, sees Salvator Mundi's $450.3 million price tag in his crosshairs.
The agency wants to know if the Moon has resources that could be exploited for space travel, such as water that can be used to make fuel for spacecraft.
Mueller wants to know how the statement aboard Air Force One was put together, whether information was intentionally left out and who was involved, two of the sources said.
He also wants to know whether Whitaker provided any assurances to Trump or senior White House officials about what steps he might take to interfere or obstruct Mueller's investigation.

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