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32 Sentences With "wait a moment"

How to use wait a moment in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "wait a moment" and check conjugation/comparative form for "wait a moment". Mastering all the usages of "wait a moment" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Oh, wait a moment, some pundits have already gone there.
Wait a moment, then press A to start the game again.
If you're thinking, man, this sucks for May, wait a moment.
Wait a moment for a new reading to be taken and displayed.
"We're not going to wait a moment to start," Mr. Starker said.
Just unplug your Echo, wait a moment, then plug it back in and power it back on.
"We filed this suit today because Mr. Williams should not be forced to wait a moment longer."
But wait a moment: Is there anything that could be done to end the financial markets' cycle of crisis?
Or, perhaps something dearly important to you absolutely needs to be addressed, and it can't wait a moment longer.
Sometimes I pull a sweater over my head and wait a moment before pushing my arms through the sleeves.
Wait a moment, then power it back on using either the Xbox button on the console or on a controller.
Disconnect the Fitbit One from its power source and wait a moment, then depress its button until the unit turns on.
If you are on your honeymoon … of course you tell your bride to wait a moment while you take photos of a fire.
The man at the tote bag table tells me to wait a moment while he exchanges the t-shirt from a large to a medium.
It was a cleaning product that was used at London Heathrow, if you wait a moment I actually have a picture of the container that I have in a plastic bag.
After Catanzaro split the uprights, he and his teammates celebrated wildly in the middle of the field — but then had to wait a moment because there was a penalty flag on the field.
If a coworker or loved one says something aggravating, rather than reacting harshly based on conditioned behavior, I am able wait a moment, bring awareness to my thoughts and emotions, and then respond accordingly.
And we hit on the rest of the week's troubled waters, detailing what happened to Yelp's own share price, and why Pandora is telling the market to buy it now or wait a moment.
How it works is easy: When your woman gets pregnant, click the clicker device; wait a moment, looking your woman directly in the eye, and then offer her a treat, such as a low-calorie nutrition bar.
" Asked by the television interviewer, Ilana Dayan, a veteran investigative journalist, if the Israeli public would be surprised by the police findings, Mr. Alsheich replied, "There will be some people who will say, 'Wait a moment, this is not what we thought.
Taivoan ritual song spelled in Chinese characters in Liuchongxi, Tainan. Some Taivoan people in remote communities like Siaolin, Alikuan, Laolong, Fangliao, and Dazhuang, especially the elders, still use some Taivoan words nowadays, such as miunun "welcome" (originally "please be seated"), mahanru (in Siaolin, Alikuan), makahanru (in Laolong) "thank you", "goodbye" (originally "beautiful"), tapakua "wait a moment".
When we entered Rabbi Rubinstein's home, his wife greeted us. When I told her my name and that I came from Warsaw, she said to me, "Wait a moment, please", and stepped out. A minute later, she returned and showed me to Rabbi Rubinstein's room. Rabbi Rubinstein was sitting behind a table covered with volumes of Gemara.
He recalled that during a practice session in Michigan the input shaft on her transmission broke, and Teasdale arranged to meet another team at 5:30 in the morning on the Indiana Toll Road to get a replacement part and practice some more. Candace Calder said that during an American autocross event which might have been Teasdale's first motorsport competition, Teasdale told the starter to wait a moment because she was applying lipstick.
King Juan Carlos, who was seated beside Zapatero, attempted to rebuke Chávez, but was stopped by Zapatero who, displaying significant patience, told him to wait a moment. When Chávez continued to interrupt Zapatero, Juan Carlos, in a rare outburst of anger, asked Chávez "¿Por qué no te callas?" (Why don't you shut up?). The king left the hall shortly afterwards when the President of Nicaragua began to criticize the Spanish government as well.
It is often combined with linked idioms such as cool your jets. However it also has a more literal meaning and in certain circumstances is the preferred idiom to use. "Hold your horses" literally means to keep your horse(s) still, not to be confused with holding them in a stable. Someone is to slow down when going too fast, or to wait a moment, or to be more careful, or to be patient before acting.
Murray sings "Rejected" after Bret and Jemaine fire him as their manager. He describes his feelings at first in a delicate and poignant manner, but soon the song turns to an operatic style with Murray singing as a tenor (voice of Andrew Drost). He describes his feelings with increasing drama, such as "dejected, like a clown without a show" and "cut into two, or bisected". The song is briefly interrupted by Glenn (Andrew Secunda), who is told by Murray to wait a moment, before finishing the song, singing the final lyric in the manner in which the song began.
When Pavel Vinagrodov hooked up the cabin video camera to Marcos Pontes during the launch, the Brazilian did not know what to say. He thought of waving, but that did not express what he felt, then he pointed to the flag and then up, meaning that they were all together, but he thought "wait a moment, pointing with one finger does not give the impression of 'together'!". So he pointed with two, as you can see in the video of the mission. The spacecraft docked with the International Space Station (ISS) in the early hours of Saturday, April 1.
These restaurants store food and supplies in a separate building, and it is not uncommon for a driver to be asked to wait a moment while employees carry supplies to the kitchen across the rear lane. This design is a popular image on In-N-Out ads and artwork, which often shows classic cars such as 1965 Mustangs and 1968 Firebirds visiting the original restaurants. The original Covina restaurant, located on Arrow Highway west of Grand Avenue, was forced to close in the early 1990s due to re-engineering and development of the area. A modern design, drive-up/dining room restaurant was built a few hundred feet away.
The Twitter fail whale error message During an outage, Twitter users were at one time shown the "fail whale" error message image created by Yiying Lu, illustrating eight orange birds using a net to hoist a whale from the ocean captioned "Too many tweets! Please wait a moment and try again." Web designer and Twitter user Jen Simmons was the first to coin the term "fail whale" in a September 2007 tweet. In a November 2013 WIRED interview Chris Fry, VP of Engineering at that time, noted that the company had taken the "fail whale" out of production as the platform was now more stable.
Position one is to the left. Position two is to the right. Position three is forward. The following is the code and shortcuts. A 11 B 1221 C 212 D 111 E 21 F 1112 G 1122 H 211 I 2 J 2211 K 1212 L 112 M 2112 N 22 O 12 P 2121 Q 2122 R 122 S 121 T 1 U 221 V 2111 W 2212 X 1211 Y 222 Z 1111 1 12221 2 21112 3 11211 4 11121 5 11112 6 21111 7 22111 8 22221 9 22122 0 11111 & 2222 -tion 2221 -ing 1121 -ed 1222 121212 Error 3 End of word 33 End of sentence 333 End of message 11, 11, 11, 3 Message received or understood 11, 11, 11, 333 Cease signaling 1 Wait a moment.
In Sanhedrin 107b and Sotah 47a a Yeshu is mentioned as a student of Joshua ben Perachiah who was sent away for misinterpreting a word that in context should have been understood as referring to the Inn, he instead understood it to mean the innkeeper's wife. His teacher said "Here is a nice Inn", to which he replied "Her eyes are crooked", to which his teacher responded "Is this what your are occupied in?" (This happened during their period of refuge in Egypt during the persecutions of Pharisees 88-76 BCE ordered by Alexander Jannæus. The incident is also mentioned in the Jerusalem Talmud in Chagigah 2:2 but there the person in question is not given any name.) After several returns for forgiveness he mistook Perachiah's signal to wait a moment as a signal of final rejection, and so he turned to idolatry (described by the euphemism "worshipping a brick").
Leung's most recent works include Goddess of Luo River《 洛神》, Fragments of Time 《時間的碎片 》and The Listless Lion《獅子沒精神》that she completed in 2017. In her Pool of Muscle 《人間肉池》(2016), it comprises a series of three paintings titled Dream Balcony, Scenery of the Moment and Firework is Everywhere. In 2015 Leung produced six paintings: Something that Mr. Chow didn't Mention《周公沒說》,Worrywart And The Cat with Bell《 自尋煩惱的人與掛鈴貓 》,Expired Memory: Weeping Willow And Octopus 《過期的記憶:垂柳與八爪魚 》,Transient 1 《無常她 1 》Transient 2 《無常她 2 》and Wait a Moment《等等 》. In 2014, her works include Romantic Encounters Happen Only in Movies 《浪漫偶遇只在電影發生 》,Oil fish Melon Soup with Egg Drop 《牛油魚瓜蛋花湯 》,The Despised Monday《被嫌棄的星期一 》, Chicken Stock is Powerless to Help 《鷄汁無力救 》.

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