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139 Sentences With "uniter"

How to use uniter in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "uniter" and check conjugation/comparative form for "uniter". Mastering all the usages of "uniter" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"We're looking for a uniter, not a divider," he said.
And he is a divider when people want a uniter.
"Beto is a uniter, he isn't a divider," said Adams.
It was simultaneously vicious and sentimental, a uniter and a divider.
But I think I'm a uniter, I think people sense it.
American sports, the great uniter What's more unifying than the arts?
" In an email immediately after his departure from the race, Booker's campaign said he "ran for president as a uniter and a healer and a uniter and still believes that's what our country needs right now.
But for the moment, at least, Trump appears to be the great uniter.
Eighth, Trump almost always plays the divider-in-chief, not the uniter-in chief.
Daenerys is not a uniter; she is the breaker, the burner, the scourge, the scythe.
In the last election, in 2015, Trudeau won as an ethically clean, socially progressive uniter.
As we know, Drake is many things: vape enthusiast, diaspora uniter, and of course, actor.
The voters are looking for a uniter and he is coming off as a divider.
The second [President George W.] Bush, 'I'm going to be a uniter, not a divider.
Zuma had been many things, but as a president he had never been a uniter.
And now, maybe, uniter of the seven continents, if his plan for rocket travel takes off.
Yet she also takes her role as a party uniter "seriously," according to the Warren source.
Obama ran (incorrectly, it turns out) as a uniquely gifted uniter, who could heal partisan wounds.
What we need is a uniter in chief and I hope the president comes back to that.
Donald Trump thinks he has "a mandate from the people" to be a divider, not a uniter.
Trump is a uniter and has the ability to bring people together with his common sense solutions.
" He reiterated a description he's used before in characterizing Trump, calling him "a divider, not a uniter.
Like Carter, Bush presented himself as a unifying figure, "a uniter, not a divider," in his phrase.
Obama had run as a uniter, and they would fight the tea party with the same tactics.
"He's a uniter, optimistic, not a divider, and I don't think the country needs anymore division," she said.
"I think I'm a uniter; I think people sense it," Kasich said at one point on Saturday evening.
"I think he needs to be the uniter-in-chief and not the divider-in-chief," Shillady says.
He has talked about being a great "uniter" - funny how name-calling doesn't persuade people to support you.
There is a palpable sense that she believes taking a stand would damage her case as a uniter.
Everyone talks about (Massachusetts Sen.) Elizabeth Warren, but is there a uniter of the Democratic party on the horizon?
Paul is all the things Trump is not: humble, grounded, policy-focused, decent, soft-spoken, respectful and a uniter.
He is instinctively a divider rather than a uniter, a demagogue who demonizes anyone who tries to hold him accountable.
Though he was billed as a "uniter" who could appeal to skeptical independents, Bloomberg's speech was still a risky one.
Behind pizza—uniter and fattener of all—women and men alike both turned to ice cream to drown their sorrows.
Steve calls Bush a "warm and gentle man" who was a uniter when the country was going through a tough time.
In the land of a fractured Republican Party, it is the factional candidate—the divider, not the uniter—that is king.
Garlic, however, is the great uniter—and snubbing the cult-like obsession with garlic can seem a little out of touch.
For much of the world, and more than half of the United States, Trump is the uniter — the repellent-in-chief.
Cory Booker has spent much of the debates acting as a uniter who tries to get everyone on stage to get along.
Two and a half years into his presidency, it's clear that the role of "uniter in chief" is one that Trump struggles with.
It's been nearly 40 years since the Uniter-in-Chief passed away, so it's an appropriate time to visit the Museum of Yugoslavia.
As we become increasingly inundated with innovation, digital technology has the potential to be a uniter of patients and doctors and not a divider.
This program hasn't, and places it in the context of the growing schism that ultimately made Mr. Obama a divider rather than a uniter.
He uses Trump's "American Carnage" inaugural address, in which Trump calls on America to come together, to show that Trump is, at heart, a uniter.
"I wish he was truly the bipartisan uniter, not the divider-in-chief who came into the chamber," said Senator Richard Blumenthal, Democrat of Connecticut.
Movement and the self-expression it unleashes can be a great uniter, as seen in movies like Dirty Dancing, where it bridges socioeconomic and cultural divides.
"He is almost appearing as the critic of the West, of its major institutions, NATO and the EU, rather than as a uniter," Burns told CNN.
During this campaign, Mr. Jansa aimed to cast himself as a uniter, said Miha Kovac, a political analyst and a lecturer at the University of Ljubljana.
"I think Joe Biden is more of a uniter than a divider, and his electability is very important," Biden supporter Travis Lincoln said before the Columbia event.
The polls may reflect Marco Rubio doing well as a conservative uniter, but no one will hammer Clinton's biggest weakness better than Trump, and that's Clinton fatigue.
For after tearing at America's divides to win and wield power, the President used his big televised moment on Tuesday night to pose as the great uniter.
The Democratic presidential candidate also touted her bipartisan efforts in the Senate and work with both political parties while secretary of State to cast herself as a uniter.
Clinton, due to the recency of her 503 loss -- and, per #1, the fact that it's never really left us -- remains a powerful uniter of Republicans against her.
Trump himself refuses to take any responsibility for the violence, nor is the billionaire making any effort to tamp it down, insisting he's a "uniter," not a divider.
The first is whether Trump, that most bellicose and over-the-top of politicians, can possibly convince a deeply skeptical public that he is a uniter, not a divider.
After a presidential campaign where the winning candidate sought to divide us based on faith, on race and on national origin, we need a uniter speaking for all Democrats.
Her lengthy tenure in the Senate and bipartisan credentials would make her a deal maker (a real one) and uniter for the wings of the party — and perhaps the nation.
Her lengthy tenure in the Senate and bipartisan credentials would make her a deal maker (a real one) and uniter for the wings of the party — and perhaps the nation.
"Do you want an activity that is supposed to be a uniter turn into a divider?" asked Al Leiter, a pitcher on that team and now a television baseball analyst.
John Hickenlooper said on Monday he's running for president, casting himself as a can-do uniter who is used to overcoming adversity and accomplishing liberal goals in a politically divided state.
"He's a Rhodes Scholar, a uniter, a successful mayor," a narrator says with a hint of sarcasm, as "Hail to the Chief" plays while a Pete Buttigieg photo montage appears onscreen.
The other was his State of the Union address last week, where he effectively set forth his causes and tried to reset his image as a uniter rather then a divider.
Philadelphia (CNN)Hillary Clinton accepted the Democratic presidential nomination Thursday night, casting herself as a uniter working for the common good and Donald Trump as a divider stoking fear for political gain.
"It would be very hard for me, unless he were to change all of his views and become a uniter, for me to get in the middle of this thing," he said.
"It will ruin his standing with the people who support Bernie Sanders and there are a lot of them" Obama appears to be aware of his role as the party's uniter in chief.
First, it's worth noting that for a guy who talks all about how he's a uniter and that we're all fighting too much blah blah blah, he sure loves to pick a fight.
" "Instead of uniting people," the statement continued, "Pence has intentionally pitted his state's communities against each other – he's a divider, not a uniter, just like Trump, and that should be scary for all Americans.
Editorial Anyone holding out hope that Donald Trump would govern as a uniter — that the racism, sexism, anti-Semitism and nativism of his campaign were just poses to pick up votes — should think again.
"It would be very hard for me, unless he were to change all of his views and become a uniter, for me to get in the middle of this thing," Kasich told CNN's Anderson Cooper.
Music (like sports) is a powerful uniter, but so much of the way we experience it now is in isolation: via playlists shaped by our personal listening habits that are beamed directly into our headphones.
The main push to build up conservative think tanks came during the Cold War, especially the Reagan years, when foreign policy (specifically, countering communism and the Soviet Union) was a big uniter for the conservative movement.
The past three presidents all came to office promising in different ways to be, as Mr. Bush put it, "a uniter, not a divider," even if none of them fully realized the ambition in polarizing times.
The last One, about the same age when he jumped into national politics precociously aiming to usurp his elders, was also a uniter who went on an odyssey of self-discovery in New York while at Columbia.
For all the decades of talk about the internet as a great uniter across geographical and ideological divides, it's just as often used as a tool to deepen divides, as many users are content to stay within their ideological echo chambers.
But as our society appears more polarized than ever, and as Washington seems in no hurry to heal this divided country, executives are finding themselves in the unwanted position of trying to play the role of uniter — or in some cases, picking sides.
Party insiders — and especially those who supported Obama in 2008 — see Patrick as a uniter, and a prospective candidate whose speaking abilities, stature as a two-term governor, and commitment to the politics of conviction, could serve as an effective antidote to Donald Trump.
The senior religious cleric, who hails from its founding generation and was active in the 1980s mujahedeen struggle against the Soviet invasion in the 1980s, is seen as a uniter and his appointment shows the Afghan militant group hopes it will avoid succession disputes, analysts say.
Now, things seem to be changing: As our society appears more polarized than ever, and as Washington seems in no hurry to heal this divided country, executives are finding themselves in the unwanted position of trying to play the role of uniter — or in some cases, picking sides.
But at some point during the campaign, the role of "uniter" will be up for grabs, and the value of being seen as someone who can fulfill that role, and unite a broken nation, will only increase in value as the focus shifts from grievance to governance as November nears.
We are fed up with your cynicism, we are fed up with your effort to break us into tribes, we want a president who is a uniter not a divider, because we have big hard work to do as a country right now — and it can only be done together.
In Westerville, Booker used his self-appointed role as the uniter in the room to draw a contrast with his opponents and Trump, saying he was "having déjà vu all over again" after early questions in the debate about Trump's attacks on Joe Biden and his son Hunter's work in Ukraine.
I think you identify something here too, which is there were a number of steps along the way [where I thought] you know what, I need to reevaluate if I want to stay on this thing of "Warren seems like someone who could win this election because she's a uniter" and blah, blah, blah.
The pharaoh Akhenaten, reviled and stricken from official records for introducing monotheism to Egypt, was cancelled quite thoroughly in the fourteenth century BC. In the twenty-fourth, Lugalzagesi, uniter of Sumer, was cancelled by Sargon of Akkad and a cheering public as he was marched in a neck stock through the city of his coronation and executed.
I don't think he gets the notion that this job is not a reality TV show where he's supposed to pummel whoever is the opposition of the day, but instead where he's supposed to serve the country as a uniter, serve the country as a leader, serve the country in many ways as a comforter in chief during moments of tragedy.
Whether it's his refusal to unequivocally condemn the (lethal) violence of far-right elements in Charlottesville in 2017 or asking, during an on-site briefing about response to Hurricane Florence, how the site of one of his golf courses was doing, Trump has simply not hit the studiously nonpartisan, uniter-not-divider tone that his predecessors tend to reach for in such moments.
The U.S. is largely known as "the great uniter" around the Paris Agreement, but the reality is that while that they may have been able to use their power to unite countries around the Paris Agreement, they also used that same political power to make sure they had their criteria [solidified within the Paris Agreement], which was: it couldn't be binding; it had to be a voluntary set of commitments; there was no way we were going to get any sort of strict emissions requirements out of it—and that's at the behest of the fossil fuel industry and their influence over Congress, the Obama administration, previous administrations, and delegates in that space.
The PNP has never made any statements of its involvement with Uniter since.
"Music for nothing and the hits for free", The Uniter 63 (25). Retrieved 2009-09-03. Vacuity disbanded in January 2013.
Shortly after the fire hall report was released, an opinion piece written by a volunteer was published by the Uniter, the University of Winnipeg's main student newspaper. The piece, which criticized the mayor's handling of the fire hall, resulted in Katz's suing the university, the Uniter and the author of the piece. Katz said he was seeking an apology, as he knew that the Uniter did not have the funds necessary for a financial settlement. The university stated that it believed its involvement in the lawsuit was an error, given that it had no editorial oversight of the student paper.
The Uniter,19 January 2017. Thomas Pashko He played drums on Greg Graffin's 2006 album, Cold as the Clay. and Bob Egan's album The Glorious Decline."Bob Egan The Glorious Decline".
On 2019, German news outlets reported that the Philippine National Police had received training from an association called Uniter, a suspected neo-Nazi extremist paramilitary. Kontraste, a news magazine of Germany's public broadcasting network ARD stated that Uniter held a seminar at the Seda Hotel involving high-ranking officers of the PNP and other government officials, including E.R. Ejercito who posted photos of the seminar on his Facebook page. Uniter denied claims of training the PNP for extremist purpose but insisted that they were there for "humanitarian" support of the Philippine's war on drugs. Despite being reported across Germany amidst a neo- Nazi scandal that hit the Bundeswehr resulting to public outrage, it never made to Philippine local and national news.
Anti-war critics have claimed that the Bush Doctrine was strongly polarizing domestically, had estranged allies of the United States, and belied Bush's stated desire to be a "uniter, not a divider".
The Evangelists (Evangheliştii in Romanian) is a controversial play by Romanian academic and writer Alina Mungiu-Pippidi. The play received the UNITER Prize, one of Romania's most prestigious literary awards, in 1992.
The UNITER Prize for 1999.Article in the Romanian newspaper Ziua, July 24, 2001. The Theatrical Personality of the Year for 2000, by the Tofan Foundation.Article in the Romanian newspaper Ziua, July 24, 2001.
The Mai have now spread out worldwide, with Mai settlements in such places as New York City, Ukraine, San Francisco, São Paulo, Russia, and Hong Kong. Folklore predicts a "Uniter", a Mai born with nine lives, is the only one who will be able to end the Mai-Human war and restore balance between the two races. When Chloe is pushed from Coit Tower and is killed, but returns to life, her Mai peers Alek and Jasmine conclude she is the Uniter with eight remaining lives.
Horváth composed over 250 pieces of theatre accompaniment. He worked with many famous Hungarian and European directors, including Jászai Prizewinner Árpád Árkosi, Jászai prizewinner Bértalan Bagó, Kossuth Prizewinner Géza Bereményi, Uniter Prizewinner Bradu Anca, Josef Denian, Uniter Prizewinner Victor Ioan Frunză, Jászai Prizewinner Imre Halasi, Jászai Prizewinner Pál Mácsai, Jászai Prizewinner Gábor Máté, Paolo Magelli, Jászai Prizewinner István Pinczés, Jaszai Prizewinner and Kossuth Prizewinners Béla Merő and József Ruszt, Istvan K. Szabó, Jászai Prizewinner János Szikora, ("Merited Artist") Miklós Tompa, Péter Tömöry, and Jászai Prizewinner Csaba Tasnádi.
Some specimens previously referred to S. megalorhinus, as well as the holotype of S. cuneiceps, were found to belong to a species of their own for which the binomen Stenopterygius uniter can be used. As the holotype of S. uniter was destroyed in World War II, Maisch proposed a neotype. Maisch also found that S. promegacephalus is a nomen dubium, as it is based on a juvenile specimen, and that the lectotype of S. hauffianus can be determined as Stenopterygius cf. S. quadriscissus at best, so this species should be considered a nomen dubium.
In 2007 he received in Sibiu the Culture Prize of the Romanian Theatre Union (UNITER). He spoke German, Romanian, Russian, Hebrew, English, Bulgarian, Italian and Czech and lived in Hesse Maintal. He died in November 2013 in Düsseldorf.
Students at the university are represented by the University of Winnipeg Students' Association. CKUW is the student radio station based at the University of Winnipeg. The Uniter is the campus newspaper. The Student Services staff are represented by AESES.
The enotikon (, henōtikón, "uniter", from "a serving to unite or unify"), papyrological hyphen, or Greek hyphen was a low tie mark found in late Classical and Byzantine papyri.Nicholas, Nick. "Greek Unicode Issues: Greek /h/". 2005. Accessed 7 Oct 2014.
The Uniter, March 8, 2007, page 15. by Derek Leschasin The band made some changes in their musical style for this album, including some partially sung vocals and more melodic song structure."The End". Helldriver, interview with Rolf Gehring, 2007.
Scenes for the 1996 television miniseries Over Here and an episode of Richard Holmes' War Walks were filmed in the Operations Room itself.Crozier et al. 2010, p. 20 The reinforced Uniter building was built on the site in the 1970s to house communications equipment.
Exner, originally of Burns Lake and Prince George, is also noted for extreme stage behaviour (sporadic), a love of beer (the singer is reported to have offered beer to fans prior to Kill Matilda shows),Swanson, Samuel "More Music This Week" "The Uniter", 2 September 2010 and a frequent use of profanity during live shows.
Andreea Bibiri (born May 3, 1975) is a Romanian film and stage actress, dubber and theatre director. She graduated from the Caragiale Academy of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography in 1996 and has won two UNITER Prize awards as an actress. She is best known outside Romania for the role of Ana, in Tudor Giurgiu's "Of Snails and Men".
He is handsome warrior and described as a celibate yogi. He uses his creative martial abilities to lead an army against Taraka and other demons, and described as a philosopher- warrior. He is a uniter, championing the attributes of both Shaivism and Vaishnavism. His theology is most developed in the Tamil texts, and in the Shaiva Siddhanta tradition.
In 2011 he toured with them in support of their album Kings and Queens. That year he performed at the Winnipeg Folk Festival."The Mountain Man comes to the Prairies". Uniter, Adam Petrash, November 2, 2011 In 2015 Wilson was commissioned by the city of Hamilton to paint a mural depicting the history of music in the city.
During this time he also invented a universal language he named La Gagne-monopanglotte, which had no other known speakers. In 1863, he moved back to Paris. He began to publish primarily in journals devoted to esoteric topics. One such journal, Uniter of the Visible and Invisible World, published an article in which Gagne alleged the intervention of Satan at a séance.
He entered United College, a United Church affiliated college in 1964, taking honours in history and politics. United College became the University of Winnipeg in 1968. At United College Axworthy was active in the debating club, student council, Uniter newspaper and model parliaments. Axworthy received a BA degree (Hons) from the University of Winnipeg and an MA degree from Queen's University (1972).
Ovidiu Iuliu Moldovan (; January 1, 1942 – March 12, 2008) was a Romanian actor known for his work in Romanian film and television roles. However, Moldovan focused almost exclusively on theater and stage roles during the later years of his career. Moldovan was born on January 1, 1942, in Vișinelu, Mureș County. He was awarded the UNITER prize for his career achievements as a Romanian actor in 2004.
Marina at Rawcliffe Bridge The Aire and Calder Navigation runs just south of Rawcliffe Bridge. Sugar Mill Ponds lies just to the west and is designated as a Local Nature Reserve and was part funded by lottery money. Rawcliffe Bridge is home to an ex-RAF hardened communications UNITER bunker which is now owned by a security company, next to this site also is a MoD GPSS fuel depot.
T'Kuvma agrees to a ceasefire with Anderson, but then sends a large vessel, hidden with a cloaking device, to ram and destroy the Europa. The latter self-destructs, taking the large vessel with it. T'Kuvma proclaims himself Kahless, the ancient uniter, reborn, and allows the rest of Starfleet to escape as messengers of this. He sends the other Klingon leaders back to Qo'nos while he tends to their dead.
Suffering from ill health, he withdrew from theatre life in 1991 and was a patient at the Neuropsychiatric Recuperation and Rehabilitation Centre, Galda de Jos, Transylvania, until his death in 2014. In 1993, he was awarded the UNITER (Uniunea Teatrală din România) Prize for Lifetime Achievement. In 2014, the Turda Municipal Theatre was renamed the Aureliu Manea National Theatre in honour of the director, who staged many of his productions there.
Sonya and Agafya from Nikolai Gogol's play "Marriage" (2003) are the most enduring roles, surpassing the 150 performances along over a decade. In 2002 Andreea becomes better known to a wider audience through the role "Eva Antal" of the first Romanian soap opera "În familie" (In family) produced by Prima TV. She also recorded acoustic performances for radio theater. In 2004 she receives "The UARF Award" for her role in the film "Damen Tango" granted by "The Union of Authors and Film Producers from Romania" and in 2005 at UNITER Gala she wins "The Award for Best Supporting Actress" in "Forma lucrurilor", Romanian version of "The Shape of Things" written by Neil LaBute. The following year, after more than a decade after her theatrical debut, she plays her first negative role Silvia Damian in the telenovela "Daria, iubirea mea" (Daria, my love) produced by Acasă TV. In 2007 Andreea is the winner of "The UNITER Award for Best Actress" for the character Grace in "Purificare", Romanian version of "Cleansed" by Sarah Kane performed at Cluj-Napoca National Theatre.
"Vine poliţia!, la Pro TV", in Evenimentul Zilei, September 25, 2008 Television critic Cezar Paul-Bădescu called it a "catastrophic" failure. In April 2009, Pascu provided the comedic intermezzos at UNITER Awards Gala, but his performance received mixed reviews. Iulia Popovici, "Criza strînge rîndurile în teatru", in Observator Cultural, Nr. 472, April 2009; Cristina Rusiecki, "Învârteli şi plictiseli" , in Cultura, Nr. 222, May 2009 Three months later, he was the opening act for American folk artist Suzanne Vega at her Bucharest show.
The Challenge Program offers $250.00 cash incentives to Uniter Junior Senior High School students who excel in the categories of: Academic Improvement, Attendance, Community Service and Academic Excellence. The program partners with businesses to motivate students both in and out of the classroom by encouraging good habits in students that will last throughout their education and into their future careers. For the 2010-2011 school year, the top 10% of students in each of the categories will be eligible to win $250.00.
The Challenge Program offers $250.00 cash incentives to Uniter Junior Senior High School students who excel in the categories of: Academic Improvement, Attendance, Community Service and Academic Excellence. The program partners with businesses to motivate students both in and out of the classroom by encouraging good habits in students that will last throughout their education and into their future careers. For the 2010-2011 school year, the top 10% of students in each of the categories will be eligible to win $250.00.
Floor Thirteen formed in 1998 when drummer Billy Kiely and Marc 'Jaws' Jaworski, who had been jamming together, came together with singer/bassist Aaron Vandall."Taking Music to Floor Thirteen". Nov 12, 2009 Jeremy Koz later joined the group,"Deep Dark Cave: Indie rockers working on the live show and aiming Higher". Uniter, Volume 70, Number 15, Mieke Ruth Van Ineveld, January 14, 2016 and Floor Thirteen performed as part of the Powerball concert in Winnipeg in 2005 along with Our Lady Peace and Danko Jones.
Winnipeg has two daily newspapers, the Winnipeg Free Press (a broadsheet), the Winnipeg Sun (a tabloid). Winnipeg also two weekly student run university newspapers: The Manitoban from the University of Manitoba, and The Uniter from the University of Winnipeg. There are also a number of smaller community papers distributed weekly by Canstar Community News: the Times, the Herald, the Lance, the Metro, the Headliner and the alternative newspaper Uptown. Both the Winnipeg Free Press and the Canstar community papers are owned by FP Newspapers Income Fund.
Although Philipps and Stevens eventually ended their relationship, they remained close friends and collaborators. She studied at the University of Winnipeg and joined the university's student newspaper, The Uniter, where she helped to coordinate a controversial LGBT issue in 1991. She later moved to Vancouver, where she campaigned for Betty Baxter, an openly lesbian New Democratic Party candidate in Vancouver Centre in the 1993 federal election, and returned to Winnipeg in 1994. The LGBT community in Winnipeg was facing tough battles when Philipps returned to the city.
He is a collaborator of Wuzhen Theatre Festival and a Founding Member of the International Theatre Town Alliance in Shengzhou. Saiu is Adjunct Secretary General of the International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC) and President of the Romanian Section – Theatre Studies of IATC. He has authored eleven books on theatre, as well as numerous refereed and nonrefereed journal articles. He is the recipient of the Critics’ Award (2010) and the Award of the Union of Theatre Artists (UNITER) in 2013. One of Saiu’s constant activities involves public talks and dialogues.
This is a Mbunda name meaning, "Builder and Uniter of Nations" and depicting an Elephant (Njamba in Mbunda), a Mbunda monarch symbol. This was in recognition of King Lubosi's justice on discovery of the concealment of Aluyi fighters who killed Mbunda commanders after the Aluyi/Tonga war, for fear of the Mbunda getting the credit for the victory over the Tonga, and after the absorption of not only the conquered Makololo, but also the Mbunda immigrants, the Ndebele raiders and the ever- increasing European presence in Barotseland since 1864.
This was the fifth time the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj had won the UNITER Award for Best Performance of the Year. Previously, Bus Stop in 1990, The Venetian Twins in 1998, The Cherry Orchard in 1999, and Woyzeck in 2005, were all distinguished by this honor. Then in 2009 "Three Sisters" became the sixth performance to win the Best Performance Award and Gábor Tompa became for the fourth time the Best Director of the Year. "Victor or power to the Children" and Silviu Purcarete repeated the "double" in 2014.
In the early years of this technology, Wabco also had—for a relatively brief period—a competing system called 'RMU' (Remote Multiple Uniter) which was installed on a few North American railroads. However this system did not prevail and soon went out of production. Prior to the advent by North Electric of the proprietary 'LOCOTROL' name, the product was referred to as 'RCE' (Radio Controlled Equipment) or 'RCS' (Radio Control System) and the Lead and Remote units as 'master' and 'slave'. The colloquial 'master' and 'slave' terms, though, were not formally used by the manufacturer.
Bogdan Ulmu was born in 1951 in Bucharest, the son of the accountant Vasile Ghiţă and the clerk Maria Ghiţă (n. Catarama). After graduating from the high school, Ulmu enrolls at the Ion Luca Caragiale National University of Theater and Cinematography in Bucharest (IATC), which he graduates in 1978. In the beginning he works as an acting teacher at the Ploiesti Folk Art School, to make a theater directorate in Bucharest and other cities. In 1990 he became a member of the Writers' Union in Romania and in 1995 of UNITER.
Witchpolice Radio has received several accolades over the course of recording their show, including being named Favourite Local Radio Show or Podcast for three consecutive years – 2016, 2017, and 2018 by readers of University of Winnipeg's campus/community weekly, The Uniter. Host Thompson, for his work on the show, was also selected as one of Manitoba's 100 Most Fascinating People by Virgin Radio Winnipeg personality Ace Burpee in 2017. In 2019, the show was nominated for a Canadian Podcast Award for Outstanding Music Series. Within Winnipeg, Witchpolice has been featured by several media publications, who have noted its promotion of local music.
In 2004, the Iconoclast endorsed John Kerry for President. In 2000, prior to the creation of The Iconoclast, another of Smith's newspapers, The Clifton Record, had endorsed Bush as perhaps becoming “a uniter, not a divider” in Washington. The result of the 2004 editorial was a boycott of the newspaper in Crawford and other areas of Central Texas, including cancellation of most of its subscriptions and virtually all of its advertisements. The editors claimed to experience retribution in the form of threats and promises of financial ruin followed, with thousands of phone calls, letters, e-mails, and personal visits to the newspaper.
Variously described as of either Russian or Ukrainian ethnicity in documents. Skulachenko was born to a peasant family on 13 June 1895 in the village of Mikulino in Smolensk Governorate. He graduated from the village school in 1907, three grades of a four-grade vocational school in 1910, and a technical school in 1912, working as a lathe operator. Drafted into the Imperial Russian Army in January 1916, Skulachenko graduated from a training detachment and became a senior uniter-ofitser in the 1st Anti- Aircraft Auto Company, fighting in the Caucasus campaign, and was wounded in action in 1917.
Bleonţ also staged a well-received performance of The Flying Dutchman with the Romanian National Opera. Bleonţ has received several awards for her work, being honoured for at the 1992 Bucharest Festival of Comedy for Chekhov's Wedding, as well as winning the UNITER Prize for the debut of Ionesco's Requiem (and receiving another for a staging of The Merry Wives of Windsor) She also won the Public's Prize at the International Theatre Festival, and was nominated as the 1998 Woman of the Year by the magazine Avantaje. She has been married since 1995 to actor Claudiu Bleonț; they have divorced and since remarried. Beatrice with Doru Rancea.
Meanwhile, she increases her theater work, in 1998 she makes the dubbing in Romanian language of a personage from "The Lion King II: Simba's Pride", the first from a long series of cartoons. In 2001 she performs at the Bulandra Theatre with the character Sonya in "Uncle Vanya" written by Anton Chekhov, one of the most appreciated roles of her career and for which she is nominalized for "The UNITER Award for Best Actress". The show, directed by Yuri Kordonsky, runs successfully at the Festival Internacional Cervantino in Mexico but also in Italy. In 2014, after 13 years from the premiere, it is recorded and broadcast on TVR2.
The animal is a young adult about in length. It was collected from the Harpoceras exaratum-elegans ammonoid subzones (more specifically Lias ε II6), Harpoceras falcifer zone, of the Posidonia Shale in Ohmden, dating to the middle Early Toarcian stage of the Early Jurassic. Maisch referred to this species 13 additional specimens, all came from various localities in England, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland. They were collected from the Lias ε II1-III, dating to the middle-late Early Toarcian. S. uniter is known from the holotype SMNS 14216, articulated complete skeleton which was destroyed in World War II. The animal is an adult about in length.
It generated speculation that the presence of a young member of India's most famous political family would reinvigorate the Congress party's political fortunes among India's youthful population In his first interview with foreign media, Rahul Gandhi portrayed himself as a uniter of the country and condemned "divisive" politics in India, saying that he would try to reduce caste and religious tensions. Rahul Gandhi won, retaining the family stronghold with a victory margin of over 100,000. Until 2006 he held no other office. Rahul Gandhi and his sister, Priyanka managed their mother's campaign for re-election to Rae Bareilly in 2006, which was won with a victory margin of over 400,000 votes.
To help him Druss travels to the land of the Nadir where a mystic has told him there are gems that can heal any wound. As he travels to the shrine of Nadir hero Oshikai, the Gothir send a force of 2,000 men to destroy it. Druss arrives at the shrine hoping to find the jewels but is unable to do so before the Gothir arrive, and so he helps four Nadir tribes defend the shrine under the guidance of a Gothir-trained Nadir soldier called Talisman. Talisman is on a quest to find "The Uniter", a man with blazing violet eyes called Ulric, who will unite the Nadir tribes after centuries of warfare.
In Egyptian history, the Upper and Lower Egypt period (also known as the Two Lands) was the final stage of prehistoric Egypt and directly preceded the unification of the realm. The conception of Egypt as the Two Lands was an example of the dualism in ancient Egyptian culture and frequently appeared in texts and imagery, including in the titles of Egyptian pharaohs. The O zmꜣ- tꜣwj (Egyptological pronunciation sema-tawy) is usually translated as "Uniter of the Two Lands"Ronald J. Leprohon, The Great Name: Ancient Egyptian Royal Titulary, Society of Biblical Lit, 2013 and was depicted as a human trachea entwined with the papyrus and lily plant. The trachea stood for unification, while the papyrus and lily plant represent Lower and Upper Egypt.
In 2003, Berland served as the Dixie Chicks' political crisis consultant, advising the band amid its controversial criticism of President Bush. Berland had a cameo appearance in director Barbara Kopple's documentary "Shut Up & Sing", which followed the Dixie Chicks for three years during which they were under political attack and received death threats in response to their anti-Bush comment. Just after the 2004 election, Berland and his partner Doug Schoen published a study in the LA Times, calling Super Bowl Sunday "the 11th national holiday" and the only true "uniter, not divider." Their survey of 1,735 Americans found that Super Bowl watchers are football and non-football fans alike who plan further ahead for the event than they do for any other major holiday.
At the beginning of the 1990s she was the director of the Theatre Union of Romania (UNITER) and of Theatrum Mundi in Bucharest. Passionate about the emerging and controversial disciplines of cultural management and cultural policies, she continued working in France, where she was for nine years the director of the European master's degree in Cultural management of the Business School in Dijon. In 1995 she also initiated the first regional training program in cultural management for Eastern European professionals, the ECUMEST program. She has also worked extensively as independent trainer, consultant and researcher in the fields of cultural cooperation and cultural management and policies with leading organizations throughout Europe, while her key interests continued to keep a balanced a focus on the relation between policies and practices in the arts.
In 1993, Eugène Ionesco's The Bald Prima Donna, directed by Gábor Tompa, won the Best Foreign Performance of the Year Award when it toured England; it also went to Finland, France, the Republic of Moldova and Hungary. In 2007, Tompa's production of András Visky's Long Friday was presented at the 16th Festival of the Union of the Theatres of Europe in Turin. And in 2008, UNITER, the Union of Romanian Theatres, gave three awards to the Hungarian Theatre's production of Anton Chekhov's Uncle Vanya, directed by Andrei Şerban. András Hatházi received the Award for Best Actor for his performance in the title role, and Andrei Şerban the Award for Best Director of the Year, while the production as a whole won the award for Best Performance of the Year.
The Nine Lives of Chloe King is an American supernatural drama television series which premiered on ABC Family on June 14, 2011, and ended on August 16, 2011. The one-hour drama is based on the book series of the same name by Liz Braswell. The series follows Chloe King (Skyler Samuels), a girl who discovers that she is a descendant of an ancient race of Bastet offspring called the Mai, as she attempts to learn more about her cat-like powers with her friends and protectors, while also assuming the role of the "Uniter", a warrior that can stop the war between Mai and humans. Chloe is also bestowed with nine lives and must stay alive while dealing with her love life and the mysteries behind her missing father.
"Lansarea audiobook-ului Moartea lui Ivan Ilici de Lev Tolstoi, în lectura lui Victor Rebengiuc", Mediafax, January 25, 2008 In February, just before the actor turned 75, journalists Simona Chiţan and Mihaela Michailov published De-a dreptul Victor Rebengiuc ("Victor Rebengiuc for Sure"), a book they dedicated to his acting career, edited by Humanitas. Rebengiuc, who discussed his Christian faith in interviews, also began applying his actor's craft to religious broadcasting, with readings of the Psalms. His performance as Willy Loman was awarded another UNITER prize in April 2009. Silvia Dumitrache, "Un spectacol viu şi dinamic, tensionat şi tulburător", in Observator Cultural, Nr. 493, September 2009 The same year, Rebengiuc appeared in Călin Netzer's film Medalia de onoare, and his interpretation as an unwitting war hero was awarded prizes at the Torino Film Festival and the International Thessaloniki Film Festival.
The latter play was notably showcased at the József Katona Theater in Budapest, Hungary during autumn 2007. "Inimă de câine, de Bulgakov, la Teatrul Katona Jozef din Budapesta", Mediafax, October 30, 2007 Rebengiuc also resumed his work in television productions, appearing in the short series La Urgenţă (aired by TVR 1 in 2006-2007), and in several episodes of Pro TV's Cu un pas înainte. In 2007, entitled to an age pension provided he retires, the actor stated: "I am valid and I still act... When I shall no longer act, I will place myself at a street corner, perchance someone will recognize me and hand me a pretzel or something." "Marii actori aleg în continuare scena şi publicul, nu pensia" , Realitatea TV release, October 26, 2007 In early 2008, he was Willy Loman in the Bulandra production of Death of a Salesman (directed by Felix Alexa). Simona Chiţan, "Întoarcerea lui Rebengiuc", in Evenimentul Zilei, April 3, 2008 "Victor Rebengiuc - premiul UNITER pentru cel mai bun actor în rol principal", Mediafax, April 27, 2009 He appeared again alongside Mihuţ, who played Linda, in what was announced as his comeback to the world of theater.

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