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"unambiguously" Definitions
  1. in a way that is clear in meaning and can only be understood in one way

523 Sentences With "unambiguously"

How to use unambiguously in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "unambiguously" and check conjugation/comparative form for "unambiguously". Mastering all the usages of "unambiguously" from sentence examples published by news publications.

These were a mix of unambiguously false stories, unambiguously true ones, and placebo headlines — made-up claims that neither real nor fake news outlets had reported.
Still, people post millions of unambiguously hateful posts to Facebook.
All of the major internet providers unambiguously support net neutrality.
He talks about women in ways that are unambiguously offensive.
In fact, even unambiguously truthful is not necessarily a requirement.
This growth might once have been considered unambiguously good news.
For example, Louisiana's extensive voucher plan unambiguously reduced student achievement.
Let me be super clear unambiguously, it's an inflection point.
He is so instantly and unambiguously the villain in the story.
Fraser finds these questions difficult to answer, at least unambiguously. He
The investigators concluded unambiguously that Dylan Farrow was not sexually abused.
Oddly, however, such protections are not unambiguously part of the AUSFTA.
Nevertheless, Aralyte's marketing materials are unambiguously aimed at general population families.
To begin, let me say, unambiguously, that your email is appreciated.
They are unambiguously capable, returning heroes who always save the day.
This chemical is unambiguously dangerous and should be banned from use.
Article One also unambiguously gives Congress the power of the purse.
In short, it is way too early to call them unambiguously negative.
And in the case of the Xbox One X, it's unambiguously true.
"The report is unambiguously good," said Ed Campbell, portfolio manager at QMA.
Direct initiation is when you unambiguously convey sexual interest to your partner.
Moore's spokesman says the women, who Mitch McConnell unambiguously believes, are criminals.
So try again, and do it more unambiguously and emphatically this time.
Given that these bills are so unambiguously unconstitutional, they might seem pointless.
You want to have the statistical power to see unambiguously what's significant.
By contrast, a fall in retail employment was once unambiguously bad news.
That is why Israel must act now, unambiguously and on the record.
Let's say Mike Pence shows up and crushes Tim Kaine. Unambiguously. Totally.
Medicare-for-all, as written by Sanders, would unambiguously eliminate private insurance.
Quitting smoking is an unambiguously positive improvement in a person's physical health.
Further, she thinks one candidate will be unambiguously better for stocks: Hillary Clinton.
"This unambiguously identifies FRB 121102 as repeating," Hessels and his co-authors write.
There is indeed an American behind the website — that much is unambiguously true.
China also released lending data on Friday that, unlike trade, was unambiguously strong.
"What we're hearing is unambiguously positive," Parker told CNBC's "Futures Now " last week.
Nine of the top 10 grossing movies of all time are unambiguously American.
Even ABC's Roseanne reboot couldn't unambiguously endorse the America it was created to portray.
Technically, Logan is probably a winner this week simply because he doesn't unambiguously lose.
Trump's Muslim ban has unleashed more visceral reactions, including unambiguously hostile views toward Islam.
Increasingly, you stick to outlets you unambiguously approve of, reinforcing things you already believe.
Their view of the case was well known and unambiguously damning to the president.
Even so, the president's stature today is unambiguously more powerful than a week ago.
If successful, MbS's revolutionary program to transform Saudi society would unambiguously serve U.S. interests.
But I am black — African-American, if you will — and unambiguously of African heritage.
Franklin California Tax-Free Trust, which unambiguously reiterated the territorial nature of Puerto Rico.
In one painting, Mipanochia unambiguously renders the deity with both female and male genitalia.
The broader point is that it is still very uncertain what 2020 politics means for markets, but the conventional wisdom we&aposve seen that Trump is unambiguously good while Warren is unambiguously bad should be taken with a huge grain of salt.
The impact of this new trade policy should be unambiguously positive for the U.S. economy.
Unambiguously, the document declares that anyone who has exercised "executive power" may not be president.
But it's possible that this entire dispute could end up with an unambiguously positive outcome.
Yeah, if that happened, which according to Danny Fields it did, that's pretty unambiguously awful.
With the benefit of hindsight, Unilever was unambiguously correct to reject the Kraft Heinz bid.
"The plain text of the [Clean Air] Act unambiguously bars cost considerations," the opinion said.
Unambiguously, China is the strategic beneficiary of 85033/11 and Washington's decisions in its wake.
The May data release was a rare case when practically everything pointed unambiguously toward strength.
For example, studies of worldwide genomic variation don't allow us to unambiguously define racial groups.
"Unambiguously bad," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a Republican economist who advised President George W. Bush.
Especially if a there are immigrants who unambiguously would increase per-capita prosperity in America.
His actions were gross and abusive, unambiguously so, and he deserves to suffer the consequences.
"The Parking Ordinance unambiguously provides the Planning Board with unbridled and unconstitutional discretion," he wrote.
"We're unambiguously touching a greater percentage of the Jewish population than ever before," he said.
The New York Daily news calls LeFou "Disney's first, unambiguously gay character" in its rave review.
The facts unambiguously point to defendants' deceit, self-dealing and fraud, which demand to be exposed.
There are some things in life that are just unambiguously cool, like, I don't know, motorcycles.
Conversely, a no-deal Brexit is unambiguously the worst possible outcome, but the clock is ticking.
"This unambiguously identifies FRB 121102 as repeating," astronomers wrote of the discovery last year in Nature.
To be clear, the original attack live stream and this trimmed version unambiguously violates Facebook's policies.
Labour is coming under ever greater pressure from its supporters to come out unambiguously for Remain.
The end of rate-hiking cycles has been almost unambiguously bullish for risk assets like stocks.
A weakened Europe would be unambiguously bad for Britain, whose geography, unlike its politics, is fixed.
Pompeo held that Trump has been "unambiguously clear," again arguing that not all statements are policy.
This should benefit American manufacturing because it unambiguously improves the competitiveness of U.S. workers and products.
"Trump's win is unambiguously positive" for many sectors of the economy, "especially energy infrastructure," he said.
Perhaps the loudest, largest, and most unambiguously immersive work on display is Bruce Conner's "CROSSROADS" (1976).
Bernstein's colossal drawings of screws, which unambiguously resemble erect penises, provoked a kind of castration anxiety.
When I asked North Korean officials what would happen in those circumstances, they answered unambiguously: war.
The moral (provisionally, and perhaps prematurely, drawn) is that transparency is not unambiguously a good thing.
Mr. Biden would unambiguously raise taxes on millionaires, and not just by lifting the top rate.
Homosexuality was illegal in Britain until 1967, and yet Mr Hockney unambiguously comes out in these pictures.
I intend to resolve those questions unambiguously when I share my decisions on the task force recommendations.
"Having 300,000 more consumers last month is unambiguously good news for the U.S. economy," Mr. Slok said.
The jaws' features also "unambiguously" showed that they belonged to a new species, according to the study.
It means unambiguously declaring the Charlottesville protesters beyond the pale (while defending their right to protest peacefully).
But as Ive acknowledged Monday at the WIRED25 Summit, change is rarely foreseeable—and seldom unambiguously good.
Whether human or snake, the name's etymology is pretty unambiguously South Asian but the character is not.
"It is rare that I unambiguously welcome a government press release," says Richard Murphy, one of them.
We must call out hate -- unambiguously -- to preserve the free & tolerant society many have fought & die for.
"The October jobs report is unambiguously positive for the US economic outlook," said Citigroup economist Andrew Hollenhorst.
"What does it say about a nominee" that could not say "clearly and unambiguously" that Brown v.
This approach is simple and can be implemented quickly and unambiguously once election results are at hand.
A web comic called Questionable Content — set in the hipsterville of Northampton, Massachusetts — captured the feeling unambiguously.
In both cases, the culprits were appropriately and unambiguously condemned by the Brooklyn College president, Karen Gould.
Today, Smith's comments unambiguously show Microsoft's support for Apple, joining the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and Google.
"Racism" and "racist" are simply words that have definitions, and Trump comfortably and unambiguously meets those definitions.
But to be the first Democrat who unambiguously lights into Mr. Biden is to invite considerable risk.
These five all clearly and unambiguously stated that the Medicaid cuts in BCRA 1.0 were too severe.
And if these new treatments worked most of the time, this would be an unambiguously happy story.
Walsh said he's sympathetic to that argument, but it's clear that the treaties still unambiguously outlaw weed.
But none have led the national polls; that distinction has consistently and unambiguously gone to Biden and Sen.
As a result, any action Trump might take against social media providers would be clearly and unambiguously unconstitutional.
It unambiguously divided my existence on this earth into two very specific categories: pre-Katrina and post-Katrina.
The fact that climate change might be so bad that it creates all these refugees is unambiguously negative.
Instead of unambiguously condemning this kind of violence, Trump fell back on one of his uglier talking points.
There are some tasks at which quantum machines will be unambiguously faster than the best non-quantum sort.
The Constitution unambiguously places the District of Columbia under the control of the federal government, and therefore, Congress.
Now 16 states have passed the program, and the results have been stunning: AVR unambiguously increases registration rates.
O'Malley said Democrats must approach Trump's brand of conservatism — he unambiguously calls Trump's campaign style "fascism" — without fear.
In Dragon Age: Origins, the only unambiguously "good" mages—Wynne and Irving—believe that the Circle is necessary.
But unlike Trump's tax agenda, this spending plan would transform American life in some fairly unambiguously positive ways.
It can also be argued that the film unambiguously repudiates many common myths surrounding male sexual violence, i.e.
The NPT certainly pertains to nuclear weapons, while unambiguously supporting the use of nuclear capabilities for peaceful purposes.
Voters unambiguously rejected Corbyn's socialist programme of nationalisations and colossal state spending, delivering Labour's worst result since 1935.
But she "described one, unambiguously" in a meeting with two representatives from NBC and her lawyer, Farrow reports.
The Equifax incident unambiguously refutes that way of looking at things: privacy depends on security, and vice versa.
Well, at least until it's revealed that he's been a Hydra agent all along, and therefore unambiguously evil.
"To the question of what comes first, clean up or growth, I think the answer is unambiguously "Clean up!
"That's not a story that interests us," he told me unambiguously when I called him for comment last month.
While I maintain my innocence that the encounter was unambiguously consensual, there are things more important than the law.
In other words, this might be a rare beast: a gig economy story that is unambiguously good for workers.
But the companies say another federal law unambiguously protects their right to steer workers away from class-action lawsuits.
But either way, the question of whether a computer can play world-class Go has now been unambiguously settled.
"Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the United States," he declared unambiguously from the stage in Philadelphia.
" Not Baylor, which "holds firm" to the idea that "the world needs" a great university that is "unambiguously Christian.
Among the more than 50 donors contacted, only nine have said unambiguously that they will contribute to Mr. Trump.
"The Attorney General Succession Act unambiguously deems Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein the Acting Attorney General," the motion reads.
Entering 2018, the outlook for global economic growth appeared unambiguously bright for the first time since the financial crisis.
It would require unbelievable lack of intelligence or determined denial to not understand what Pa & Ma so unambiguously wanted.
A note at the bottom of the piece said unambiguously that it was authored by the former prime minister.
Liberia's trajectory since the end of its last civil war in 2003, including Ms. Sirleaf's tenure, is unambiguously positive.
Not everyone is convinced that the output of a scanner can be translated so unambiguously into thoughts and intentions.
There's a reason the Pentagon said as much: The targeted destruction of such antiquities is, unambiguously, a war crime.
Furthermore, the Senate amendment unambiguously supports the EPA's position, but the challengers erroneously argued that it should be ignored.
The red-faced smiling Indian chief was -- unambiguously -- a disgusting and disturbing ode to past racial stereotypes and branding.
In short, most Spaniards view the EU as an unambiguously good deal for their country, despite the recent economic difficulties.
He unambiguously dodged a question about whether sex work should be decriminalized during a recent interview with The Breakfast Club.
But the new HHS rule, intended to kick-start the payments again, was nevertheless an unambiguously good move for Obamacare.
After an exhaustive review, Holder was unambiguously cleared (though the Justice Department faulted several other federal officials for acting irresponsibly).
Instead, he ought to state unambiguously that the New Zealand suspect's 'replacement' ideology is an unacceptable trope in civilized discourse.
Even some of the season's more unambiguously bad movies still have more incidental appeal than the megabudget disasters of summer.
" Aaron Back of WSJ's Heard on the Street: "The laggards of American banking are at last producing unambiguously good results.
But Ms. Harris also ran unambiguously to Mr. Hallinan's right in a place that prided itself on showing offenders compassion.
Any significant missile or nuclear test would unambiguously contradict Mr. Trump's assertion that he has already changed the North's behavior.
We define fake news to be stories that were circulated during the election which have been determined to be unambiguously false.
ZeniMax's case could be bolstered by the previous judgment against Oculus, since the Gear VR is unambiguously based on Oculus software.
"In some places, like the Tibetan plateau...a cause and effect relationship with climate can be unambiguously established," Pekel told Gizmodo.
Wade will survive the Trump years is unambiguously higher if Democrats don't trigger the nuclear option here than if they do.
If you wanted to reveal your presence to other civilizations as cheaply and unambiguously as possible, how might you do it?
I'm unambiguously thrilled that the TV show is barreling past their source material and developing its own identity in the process.
"We didn't have a completely, unambiguously negative report," commented Kathy Lien, managing director of foreign exchange strategy at BK Asset Management.
The news from the U.S.-China summit in Palm Beach, Florida, is unambiguously good for the world economy and financial markets.
Both BioShock and BioShock 2 are unambiguously upgraded: textures are finer, images higher-resolution, effects like water and fire more convincing.
ANONYMOUS Anybody, Jewish or not, should be offended by such a remark, which unambiguously trades on and perpetuates an ugly stereotype.
He would have to prove—unambiguously—that the dozen or so women accusing him of sexual aggression have made false claims.
There was, though, one prominent conservative voice unambiguously in Mr. Ailes's corner since the beginning of the sexual harassment scandal: Breitbart.
But the death penalty is unambiguously falling out of favor where it matters most: in jury deliberation rooms across the country.
Although the government hasn't been as aggressive as Baidu would like in encouraging autonomous vehicles, one Chinese city is unambiguously supportive.
This method fixes the genetic errors, rather than eliminating the people who have them, which seems like an unambiguously good thing.
It turned out that the type of art they loved, "unambiguously gay" and shunned by conventional museums, had a zealous following.
SCOTLAND REJECTS BREXIT Voters unambiguously rejected Corbyn's socialist programme of nationalisations and colossal state spending, delivering Labour's worst result since 1935.
Unlike his predecessor Janet Yellen, Powell has unambiguously signaled that the Fed focus has switched from nurturing growth to controlling inflation.
"We conclude only that Congress did not unambiguously confer the particular right asserted by the patients in this case," he wrote.
Well, today, we have some new evidence that seems to show unambiguously that Medicaid can help lead to better physical health.
He felt it unambiguously proved the identity and age of the object, 80 million years older than the previous most distant quasar.
This article will look at two main examples: an unambiguously failed state, South Sudan, and a state tottering on the brink, Afghanistan.
To blame modern woes so unambiguously on a handful of long-dead traitors, however guileful and fascinating, is to overstate their importance.
South Korea is recalibrating its foreign policy: unambiguously hugging its American ally and mending ties with Japan as those with China fray.
When your ideology fetishizes women's success as unambiguously and inherently good, it's harder to explain why a particular successful woman doesn't count.
While the United States unambiguously blamed Iran, specifically its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, others - including America's European allies – are openly more sceptical.
As a more pragmatic first step, American diplomats should push for a Security Council declaration condemning Hezbollah unambiguously for violating Resolution 85033.
He has long flaunted his close relationship with Trump, and is one of the few US allies to unambiguously embrace the president.
Paid prioritization and other practices by Internet providers should not be treated as unambiguously pro-competitive or anticompetitive on a blanket basis.
His underlying claim—that Biden tried to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired to protect his son while vice president—is unambiguously false.
To fully understand the dangers of consuming sugar, we need experiments, in humans, that can unambiguously test these 100-year-old conjectures.
The passenger "clearly and unambiguously advised (the officer) that she would not consent to the touching of her genitals," the lawsuit said.
Fact check No. 220006: The text of the Clean Air Act does not unambiguously support the challengers' efforts to limit its coverage.
"Investors are unambiguously long and will likely stay so until rates go up and/or [earnings per share] goes down," Hartnett said.
"The trade war is unambiguously bad for growth," Mike Pyle, global chief investment strategist at BlackRock, wrote in a note on Tuesday.
But whatever the reasoning, this data makes something unambiguously clear: The people of America's closest allies abroad deeply distrust America's new president.
It is, I think, one of the few use cases for AI that's unambiguously exciting and poised to deliver a distinct cultural benefit.
"This is unambiguously bad news for the United States," High Frequency Economics Chief Economist Carl Weinberg said in a note to clients Tuesday.
Boy Erased deftly manages to unambiguously indict gay conversion programs, while lending a human face to those who turn to them in crisis.
It was only after a series of upgrades, starting in 2010, that it became sensitive enough to detect the waves finally and unambiguously.
The Bank of Canada would view enhanced fiscal stimulus "as an unambiguously positive development," said Andrew Kelvin, senior rates strategist at TD Securities.
Although SPHERE and GPI haven't unambiguously found a forming world, they have managed to take the sharpest-ever pictures of protoplanetary disks themselves.
That means that the Pfeiffer syndrome mutation doesn't meet the researchers' requirement for a genetic variant that unambiguously causes a disease, he says.
Bottom line: The U.S. must undertake new deployments of unambiguously defensive systems to guard against North Korea's submarines, missiles, and special operations forces.
There have been few claims more fact-checked -- and unambiguously deemed incorrect -- than Trump's frequent claim that he is "self-funding" his campaign.
"The market has sorely needed a shot of unambiguously positive 'hard' data," Quincy Krosby, market strategist at Prudential Financial, said in a statement.
The NSS breaks with its predecessors by portraying China unambiguously as a global threat, at one point even lumping it in with ISIS.
Mr Trump has also been quick to deploy Mr Pence—the notably conservative, unambiguously Midwestern governor of Indiana—as a leading Iowa envoy.
The Embassy representatives unambiguously refused to get involved in any way, as we were convinced that this is a strictly U.S. domestic matter.
The parents have a frictionless relationship with Elio, allowing their son to explore his feelings and remaining unambiguously accepting of his sexual orientation.
Having managed to get much of its domestic outbreak under control, Beijing is now unambiguously positioning itself to build new friends and influence.
So it is a worrying sign that consumer sentiment is the only indicator on this list that has grown unambiguously gloomier since July.
The findings unambiguously debunk repeated statements by President-elect Donald J. Trump that millions of illegal voters backed his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.
Gilbert's record with new music is unambiguously formidable, rivalling that of Leonard Bernstein and Pierre Boulez, the two great visionaries in Philharmonic history.
Take efficiency, for example: It is common for new technologies in games to increase efficiency, which is almost always presented as unambiguously good.
Between the lines: The Constitution is not unambiguously clear that the Senate can be forced to hold a trial if Trump is impeached.
Many of the intercepted communications jurors heard this week, however, appear unambiguously to show Guzman discussing high-volume drug trafficking and bribing officials.
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said earlier on Friday that the Syrian military escalation "unambiguously violates" the de-escalation arrangement.
A failed vote is the only way to unambiguously bring an end to the Obamacare repeal quest if they conclude they can't actually succeed.
If there's one thing unambiguously good about Twitter it's that it's not Facebook — a fact that CEO Jack Dorsey seems hell-bent on changing.
A "yes" result would send an unambiguously positive signal to investors in Italy, says the boss of one of the country's big industrial firms.
" Collyer then wrote: "The Affordable Care Act unambiguously appropriates money for Section 1401 premium tax credits but not for Section 1402 reimbursements to insurers.
The Louisiana Supreme Court&aposs ruling states that Demesme's statements are admissible in his upcoming rape trial because he did not unambiguously demand counsel.
The best they can imagine is a declaration saying that the JCPOA's signatories will demand that a renewed Iranian nuclear programme is unambiguously peaceful.
" While he named the groups not mentioned by Trump, Pence defended the President's comment, saying he "clearly and unambiguously condemned" the "bigotry and hatred.
In seeking to determine whether there is any truth to these assertions, it helps to look at the recent past, which unambiguously says otherwise.
The post says that going forward, moderators will need to "unambiguously communicate" that violent content isn't allowed, and that reporting violent posts is necessary.
It is only by unambiguously improving the lives of the majority of Americans that the Democrats can become the majority party America desperately needs.
He doesn't belong in the top three, but few men other than his present-day rivals can unambiguously claim to have been stronger players.
To convince EU regulators at this late stage of the process, concessions must fully and unambiguously resolve competition concerns, according to EU merger rules.
If they won't defend this unambiguously positive symbol of international cooperation inside a member of NATO and the EU, what do they stand for?
It is his responsibility to communicate unambiguously to his subordinates that they must keep him advised of important actions they take for the Administration.
Will that coordination unambiguously help Biden or will it engender a backlash against the party's elites and benefit Sanders, at least in some places?
What distinguishes Ms. Nixon from Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, Ms. Pressley and Ms. Hayes most unambiguously, of course, is that she is wealthy and white.
Mr. Greenwald said on Thursday that he welcomed the dismissal and that he hoped the Supreme Court would weigh in unambiguously in his favor.
Would they have remained so if Avenatti—an unambiguously partisan Trump foe with, to put it generously, a penchant for hyperbole—hadn't gotten involved?
Warren's proposed lobbying tax, in particular, is "so unambiguously unconstitutional that a court would throw it out in a matter of minutes," he said.
On the East Coast, Mr. Adès will conduct the Boston Symphony Orchestra in his unambiguously titled Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, featuring Kirill Gerstein.
"Our attitude to this launch ... was unambiguously displayed in the full unity of the (United Nations) Security Council," Peskov told journalists in a conference call.
Still, she questioned whether the team had unambiguously demonstrated exact facial mimicry, or whether these are just the facial expressions the bears make during play.
His tweets, telling four Democratic Congresswomen to in essence to go back home, even though for them home is the United States, were unambiguously racist.
"Major trade conflicts between major trade partners are unambiguously bad for the rest of the world," he said, noting the complexity of global supply chains.
"Any restriction on eligibility for federal funds must be imposed – clearly, unambiguously, and in advance – by Congress," San Francisco's lawyers said in their written briefs.
They showed unambiguously that the spirit of protest is built into the very fabric of Hong Kong identity and will not be so easily extinguished.
After all, the Japanese Constitution forbids the emperor from engaging in politics, and expressly stating a desire to abdicate would constitute an unambiguously political act.
Specifically, it's just an empathetic twist on the conservative bootstraps narrative: The plights that get sympathy are those of the abundantly deserving and unambiguously screwed.
Still, the researchers stated unambiguously — in each of their first seven peer-reviewed papers — that their financial or business relationships had not compromised their work.
India has seen huge unrest over new citizenship laws seen as unambiguously prejudiced against Muslims, including deadly recent riots many accuse the government of fuelling.
Beyond the month's payroll figure, the report offered some unambiguously good news, including 5003 percent year-over-year wage growth, the strongest in a decade.
He refused to unambiguously state what he and his team thought should be done with their findings, leaving his intentions and conclusions open to interpretation.
Today, knitters in Shetland are unambiguously celebrated for their vision and skill; frequent signs on the road advertise local designers whose homes double as shops.
We believe it is unambiguously in the interests of the people of both countries, as well as their leaders, to let journalists do their work.
"I think it's unambiguously bad," says Heidi Schierholz, an economist with the liberal Economic Policy Institute and Department of Labor staffer in the Obama administration.
In fact, the Congolese ruler has yet to even commit himself unambiguously to respecting the constitution and leaving office when his term ends in December.
His indicators include a failure to reject violence unambiguously, a readiness to curtail rivals' civil liberties, and the denial of the legitimacy of elected governments.
A federal judge on Monday unambiguously rejected Michael Flynn's claims that the former national security adviser was tricked into pleading guilty, and set a Jan.
The two great oil shocks in the 1970s were unambiguously bad for Western economies—ushering in stagflation and transferring spending power to the oil-producing countries.
Still, Mr Trump did unambiguously endorse NATO's Article 5, the commitment to collective defence that underpins the alliance, which he had until recently appeared to question.
Smoking stands out in medical history as a pastime which is so unambiguously bad for you that the signal cuts through almost any amount of noise.
That made the device hard to unambiguously recommend at its $230 starting price, but with a $100 discount these limitations could be glossed over by some.
"If the Fed unambiguously signals that it will move, you will see a stronger dollar and that … will have consequences on other markets," El-Erian said.
"Irrespective of your political leanings, this is unambiguously the most positive scenario a biotech investor could ask for," said Paul Yook, portfolio manager at BioShares Funds.
He faces an unambiguously evil count with a German-accented bodyguard, and an army of faceless bad guys who drop like flies at Lupin's righteous hands.
But Laika describes the film as taking place in "a fantastical ancient Japan," and the character designs certainly reflect that — its core characters are unambiguously Japanese.
Borrowers must be made aware of interest rates, payment schedules, prepayment charges, fees and costs and all information should be explained clearly and unambiguously in advance.
"I am pleased that the administration is finally and unambiguously drawing the line in terms of what we expect from all parties--including the Saudis," Sen.
Madison, meanwhile, is still trying to convince Travis that he did the right thing by letting Chris leave with Brandon and Derek, the unambiguously horrible duo.
"The forest should unambiguously be saved when measured in a purely economic sense," reads the study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature earlier this month.
In the July 25 call, Trump unambiguously asks a foreign government to open an investigation into Biden, who was the Democratic front-runner at the time.
Some of the most popular comedies of the '21980s are filled with supposedly hilarious sequences that portray what in 21980 would be unambiguously considered date rape.
Indeed, at least one change — the 2020 awards will be held in early February, instead of late February — is, to my mind, unambiguously a good one.
Even in ordinary criminal investigations, current law unambiguously allows hearsay — secondhand information normally inadmissible as evidence in a criminal prosecution — to be used in warrant applications.
"The idea being that we can put out rules which are written manually in ways that can be fully and unambiguously interpreted by machines," he added.
Set against a dark background, Mary's slightly upturned head echoes her raised eyebrows, which in turn accentuate an unambiguously confident self-regard aimed at the viewer.
While Britain's growth is forecast to lag that of the euro zone in 2017 according to the International Monetary Fund, labour market data has been unambiguously strong.
Speciation is ongoing, and species that are in the process of forming will only become unambiguously separate after longer time has elapsed than we can observe directly.
It's not enough to just claim the same feature set as others, the company has to deliver at least comparable quality, and that's where OnePlus unambiguously fails.
So, to witness that same industry make so unambiguously clear that these men can and will be dispensed with sends a powerful — and, one hopes, lasting — message.
"We are unambiguously in favor of pay equity between men and women in this industry and support every action to move in this direction,"the statement reads.
"The picture from the report is an unambiguously bad one for retailers who are cutting prices but finding no traction with volumes," said Westpac economist Matthew Hassan.
All of those designs are radically different, and they're all better than the Jeep shifter, because they unambiguously link the results of user input to mechanical results.
Finally, besides being a terribly inefficient job-creator and having only weak real-world effects in boosting productivity, a strategy of cutting corporate rates is unambiguously regressive.
While the data showed the region's economic growth was sustained, it was not unambiguously positive for equities, as it could add to upward pressure on bond yields.
He would also lose unless he could prove—again, unambiguously—that Reid himself thought the stories were all probably false but called Trump a "sexual predator" anyway.
The two leaders agreed that Russia needed to "unambiguously exert maximum pressure on the regime in Damascus" for it to abide by the ceasefire, the statement said.
All in all, despite trade wars and stock market turbulence, we do not have anything that would unambiguously tell us a recession is near at hand — yet.
If French politicians are truly concerned about the oppression of Muslim women, they might consider that the burkini unambiguously identifies those whom they feel need their help.
As a varsity fullback and Ph.D., I can unambiguously attest that the multitude head-to-head collisions of football have led to significant medical consequence for myself.
These warning signs include a refusal to unambiguously disavow violence, a readiness to curtail rivals' civil liberties, and the denial of the legitimacy of an elected government.
Still, even then Mr. Mueller refused to unambiguously say what he and his team thought should be done with their findings, allowing others to insert their interpretations.
We can debate the veracity of that, but what's unambiguously true is that the nearly $800 billion in Medicaid reductions would come directly from lower-income Americans.
"In the field of mathematics it is the most noble thing you can do: to deduce, with the fewest number of steps, a thing unambiguously," he said.
Robin Labs, a company that develops digital assistants to support drivers and others involved in logistics, found that at least 5 percent of interactions were unambiguously sexually explicit.
The two leaders agreed that Russia needed to "unambiguously exert maximum pressure on the regime in Damascus" for it to abide by the ceasefire, said the Elysee statement.
Our aviation trade rules with the EU unambiguously require that airlines abide by high labor standards and honor the respective labor laws on both sides of the Atlantic.
And while Mr. Ross's story makes Newton unambiguously heroic, this is not yet another film about a white savior sacrificing himself on behalf of the darker-skinned oppressed.
To ensure that the ILO convention does not rollback hard-won progress, it should be revised to unambiguously frame gender-based violence and harassment as human rights violations.
To the extent that it would sometime allow Iran to arm the Shiite militia Hezbollah with certain mass destruction weapons, it could even prove to be unambiguously catastrophic.
Captain Marvel unambiguously represents a fresh new face for the Marvel Cinematic Universe — she is, as you've surely heard by now, the franchise's first solo female movie lead.
"A key safeguard is the assurance, explicitly and unambiguously codified, that one fleeing persecution can seek asylum regardless of where, or how, he or she enters the country."
Very little in his Post work had prepared his audience for how unambiguously and provocatively he declared himself on the subject of desegregation in his Look magazine debut.
A new book by Rich Lowry, editor of the conservative magazine National Review, argues that nationalism is unambiguously good and likely our only way forward as a country.
The researchers don't have a baseline for feline facial expressions, so they're working backwards: every cat in the survey is either in an unambiguously positive or negative situation.
"At today's talks, which were sincere, it was stated unambiguously that there is no alternative to this government coalition," Most-Hid chairman Bela Bugar told reporters after the meeting.
Statistical studies find, consistently and unambiguously, that parties like France's National Front and Germany's Alternatives for Deutschland (AfD) derive the bulk of their support by marshaling anti-immigrant sentiment.
The one unambiguously positive factor for global oil demand is the winter of 2016/17 should be colder than winter 2015/16 as the current record El Nino fades.
Additionally, the nuclear posture review of the Trump administration, unlike that of the Obama administration, unambiguously identifies Russia as a competitor with a concerning proclivity to threaten nuclear force.
Under Mr. Ailes, who ran the network from its inception until this past week when he resigned under a cloud of sexual harassment accusations, the network was unambiguously ideological.
Our culture's rampant Dany identification is the result of flat characterization: If all her choices are framed and marketed as unambiguously feminist and just, the audience will buy it.
The senator also unambiguously supports the abolition of the private insurance industry, a contrast to most of his opponents who have either flopped or remained ambiguous on the issue.
The key point I'd like to tease out here, taking into account everything you said about the complex history of blackface, is that the practice today is unambiguously racist.
But the album feels padded both musically and conceptually, as if the need to get each character unambiguously right means she must repeatedly stop to explain what she's doing.
"With the exception of housing markets, Canadian economic releases in the past few weeks have been unambiguously negative," Omar Abdelrahman, an economist at TD Economics, said in a note.
Russia must "combat impunity concerning torture and ill-treatment cases, including by ensuring that high-level government officials publicly and unambiguously affirm that torture will not be tolerated", it said.
"It's incomprehensible why I wasn't informed early and unambiguously," added Winterkorn, who oversaw a doubling in Volkswagen's sales and an almost tripling in profit during his eight years in charge.
It is highly doubtful that Ryan's "endorsement" or campaigning matters for Trump's election, but his decision to unambiguously support or oppose Trump might have large implications for individual House races.
Adult Swim has tapped a who's who of experimental artists for their new unambiguously titled compilation, N O I S E, released today on in-house label Williams Street Records.
BEIJING (Reuters) - Joseph Dunford, the Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Thursday there was absolutely and unambiguously no place for bigotry in the United States military.
"I can absolutely and unambiguously tell you there is no place — no place — for racism and bigotry in the U.S. military or in the United States as a whole," Gen.
To be removed, in short, you had to be absolutely and unambiguously incapable—like John F. Kennedy was, in the hours between when he was shot and when he died.
To be sure, individual monitors undertake grave risks for an unambiguously noble goal of ensuring an impartial, third-party presence along the front, discouraging flare-ups and saving civilian lives.
Breaks for companies outlined in the new Republican-backed tax reform plan are expected to be unambiguously positive for Wall Street but may not be so popular on Main Street.
"The one lesson from Trump that Democrats may want to take to heart is the value of saying things clearly and unambiguously, not in nuanced shades of gray," he said.
The point here is not to wax poetic on economic theory, but to highlight a model that is rather unambiguously wrong in some important respects continues to exert enormous influence.
The evidence also unambiguously shows that the Ukrainians understood this quid pro quo and had serious reservations, particularly because President Zelensky had won the election on an anti corruption platform.
This is a rather odd statement coming on the heels of an unambiguously stated principle that excluding churches from such programmes is anathema to a long line of Supreme Court precedent.
" The statement concluded: "Any Palestinian government must unambiguously and explicitly commit to nonviolence, recognition of the State of Israel, acceptance of previous agreements and obligations between the parties, and peaceful negotiations.
Anabolic steroids had been banned by the International Olympic Committee, and testing for them debuted at the 1976 Games, making the regimen that Soviet officials proposed for Los Angeles unambiguously prohibited.
It has a lot to do with the media, which was unambiguously anti-Trump during and after the presidential campaign, but is now legitimately hammering away on administration scandals and missteps.
There should be no room for doubt about the fact that we roundly abhor these sentiments in our midst, and unambiguously repudiate the violent and evil acts that arise from them.
In breaking down the MPC's likely voting tendencies, Buckley pointed out that external MPC voting member Gertjan Vlieghe is dovish, while after today Carney can unambiguously be described as very dovish.
The text of the law did not unambiguously appropriate the CSR payments — and the Obama administration at one point, perhaps in recognition of that, had asked Congress to approve the spending.
But misinformation about vaccines is still widely reported, so we feel it is crucial to state clearly and unambiguously: Vaccines do not cause autism and they do not contain toxic chemicals.
But let's unpack that: This is the first plan that unambiguously repudiates the "right of return" for Palestinian refugees, which would spell the end of the Jewish state via demographic engineering.
But there's no formal contract (as far as we know) between Campo Santo and PewDiePie, and Let's Play videos' copyright status is unclear enough that Campo Santo isn't unambiguously overstepping its bounds.
BEIJING, Aug 17 (Reuters) - Joseph Dunford, the Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Thursday there was absolutely and unambiguously no place for bigotry in the United States military.
Over an untouched dinner — as is Bachelor franchise tradition — and with a crackling fire in the background, Eric's wish comes true when he finally, unambiguously tells Rachel he's in love with her.
The report unambiguously describes the "voluminous viral traffic" resulting from John Oliver's Last Week Tonight segment on the topic, along with some poor site design, as the cause of the system's collapse.
Finally, as the global economy has been mired in a growth slump that has featured U.S. GDP languishing around 2 percent, Trump's win is now seen as "unambiguously positive" for nominal gains.
The body called on President Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov to make "a public statement affirming unambiguously that torture will not be tolerated", adding that nobody had been prosecuted for torture, despite widely publicized cases.
That's because the Librarian of Congress periodically examines and approves a series of exemptions to the anti-circumvention rules, allowing people to bypass copy protection in order to do unambiguously legal things.
But above all, what both studies show clearly and unambiguously is that comprehensive knowledge of the Holocaust, not just superficial awareness, is a critical tool in combating anti-Semitism and neo-Nazism.
Politically, Yugoslavia was a unique experiment: although it was unambiguously under Tito's dictatorship, the country's official policy was one of "worker self-management," wherein collectives of workers held significant decision-making power.
There were high hopes that this week's general election in Zimbabwe would unambiguously mark the end of this southern African nation's long, painful slide towards totalitarianism and economic implosion under Robert Mugabe.
External genitalia are but one of many characteristics combining to comprise a person's sex, and up to 1.7 percent of people are intersex in some way rather than unambiguously male or female.
It suggests clearly and unambiguously that we must do a better job at educating people about the Holocaust, especially young people from communities with little interaction with Jewish people, much less survivors.
"Before the General Assembly can credibly advocate compromise and reconciliation between the Palestinians and Israel, it must on record, unambiguously and unconditionally, condemn Hamas terrorism," Haley told the body before the vote.
There is a time for splitting hairs over the philosophies of hateful extremists, but there's also great value in unambiguously rejecting all of them at once with our most melodious, satisfying terminology.
Practices meant to blatantly deceive consumers in order to influence their behavior for a profit are "unambiguously unlawful in the United States," under the Federal Trade Commission Act and some state laws.
If there's proof that Flynn unambiguously lied, with the intent to deceive the US government about his foreign contacts, then he has good reason to be quaking in his boots right now.
Translate is also an unambiguously positive project for Google, something that, as others have noted, provides a bit of cover for the company's more controversial AI efforts, like its work with the military.
The Federal Reserve waded unambiguously into the conversation about climate change this week, as the San Francisco Fed produced a report detailing the potential financial, economic and monetary policy implications of global warming.
Worse, in their race to process through those applicants, recruiters often use fuzzy and subjective impressions of a candidate to match them to a role, rather than clear and unambiguously objective facts. Uncommon.
When he implies that global warming is a hoax, he is flatly and unambiguously wrong, he is doing real damage to public discourse, and scientists are correct to call him out on it.
"If Le Pen fails to perform unambiguously better than her liberal rival (at the debate), this crossing of swords could already decide the battle in Macron's favour," DZ Bank strategist Daniel Lenz said.
But according to multiple reports citing current and former officials, Flynn and the ambassador spoke more than once that day — and Flynn unambiguously conveyed that U.S. relations with Russia would change under Trump.
Erdoğan has sought to use information about Khashoggi's killing to raise pressure on the Saudis to be more forthcoming and, by extension, push Trump to unambiguously reject the Saudi account, regional experts believe.
Aussie bulls pulled in their horns after data showed all measures of consumer prices were unambiguously soft in the first quarter, with the headline index posting its first quarterly fall in seven years.
The U.K. regulator OFCOM announced on Thursday that 21st Century Fox's proposed acquisition bid for Sky "unambiguously" raised public interest concerns as it would give the Murdoch Family Trust a "unique" media presence.
On Thursday, Bush delivered a speech in New York denouncing the rise of nationalism and decay in American political culture that was unambiguously targeted at Trump, even though he never mentioned Trump's name.
Beijing had invested heavily in its relationship with the opposition Kuomintang party, originally founded by the Chinese Nationalists who fled to the island after losing China's civil war but now unambiguously pro-Beijing.
If Trump or any of his supporters refuse to accept the results or threaten or condone violence, Republican leaders must rise to the occasion, joining forces with Democrats in unambiguously denouncing such behavior.
Caitlyn Jenner, the transgender rights activist who has long drawn criticism from members of the L.G.B.T.Q. community for her Republican leanings, unambiguously denounced President Trump on Thursday for his stance on transgender issues.
"The orbit is now sufficiently well known, and the object is unambiguously interstellar in origin," according to a release by the IAU, which has designated the object as the second interstellar object, 2I.
The International Astronomical Union confirmed that the comet was "unambiguously interstellar in origin" on September 24, meaning that it originally hails from another star system and crossed many light years to get here.
Democratic presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar described President Donald Trump's behavior as unambiguously impeachable, calling it "a global Watergate" and the textbook behavior of what the Founding Fathers considered worthy of removal from office.
The sit-in also implied that the people responsible for this state of affairs are as unambiguously wrong as those whom Lewis faced down on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, in Selma, in 1965.
What's more, despite Trump's multiple tweets referring to the whistleblower as "fake" or alleging he had only "SECOND & THIRD HAND INFORMATION," we now know unambiguously that the substance of the report was true.
"The resulting images unambiguously reveal the debris ring embedded within a much larger, morphologically complex, and biaxially asymmetric exo-ring scattering structure," the authors wrote in the paper published recently in The Astronomical Journal.
But not everyone sees recent developments as unambiguously negative - asset managers Aberdeen, Baring and Berenberg said recent price falls could represent an opportunity to buy back newly cheap assets, given Turkey's longer-term potential.
By contrast, Torsten Slok, chief international economist at Deutsche Bank, said the Fed made the right decision at the time to raise rates because it was unambiguously clear the U.S. job picture was improving.
All of this, but especially Jericho's high profile win of a title practically considered the co-equal of the Heavyweight Championship, looks an awful lot like NJPW unambiguously declaring themselves a global wrestling promotion.
In 2015, he accepted a backdoor invitation from House Speaker John Boehner to address Congress, unambiguously aligning himself with Obama's opposition, ruptured America's bipartisan support for Israel and made his country a Republican cause.
If the Trump administration can cease its careless threats, the US and its allies could begin a real conversation about whether new deployments of unambiguously defensive military forces are needed to deter North Korea.
As discussed in the earlier piece with Blumenthal, in the United States, the rule of law is grounded in our Constitution, which unambiguously lays out the process for filling vacancies to the Supreme Court.
Senior party figures believe that with Johnson's Conservatives now the party of Brexit, and Corbyn's Labour reluctant to be unambiguously pro-Remain, the Lib Dems have an opportunity to win swathes of seats nationwide.
"If the Trump administration can cease its careless threats, the US and its allies could begin a real conversation about whether new deployments of unambiguously defensive military forces are needed to deter North Korea."
While Facebook insists these 13.5 million user comments are valuable input, TRAI unambiguously disagrees, calling the comments "tangential" and charging that the company is violating the "spirit and letter" of its policy-making process.
But unlike Donald Trump's presidency, Obama's administration unambiguously tried to keep the United States at the heart of broad, consensus-based coalitions - and nowhere was that more clear than in its dealings with Iran.
"As a group, low-wage workers would be just unambiguously better off," said Heidi Shierholz, policy director at the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal think tank that has long pushed for minimum wage increases.
"We alerted Dave Latham and his team collected the necessary spectroscopic data to unambiguously show that Kepler-1658 b is a planet," said Dan Huber, co-author and astronomer at the University of Hawai'i.
In the wake of special counsel Robert Mueller's televised statement on Wednesday in which he pointedly did not exonerate Trump of impeachable offenses, numerous Democratic presidential candidates spoke out unambiguously in support of impeachment hearings.
The new evidence is "the first animal-specific sterane marker detected in the geological record that can be unambiguously linked" to chemical signatures only known to come from demosponges, the authors conclude in their study.
In doing so, he intentionally avoided interviewing numerous people over the years who spent significant time with Michael Jackson and have unambiguously stated that he treated children with respect and did nothing hurtful to them.
But unlike "Moana," which took care to find individuals with authentic Polynesian heritage for its major roles, the producers of "Ghost" chose to cast summer tent-pole staple Scarlett Johansson as its unambiguously Japanese protagonist.
At least one person, however, remains unambiguously convinced of Simpson's innocence: Martin Sheen, who will executive produce the true-crime docuseries Hard Evidence: O.J. Is Innocent, "The series intends to explore three questions," Sheen said.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) settled charges against individual social media influencers for the first time Thursday, setting a new precedent: influencers need to unambiguously disclose their connections to brands and companies they are promoting.
Hardman said evidence on Tuesday of higher inflation was unambiguously sterling-negative, as that would keep pressure on real government bond yields which have collapsed since the EU referendum, taking away support for the pound.
With its rounded form and porthole windows the AGIP service station looks like a submarine—an unambiguously nautical take on the influential Modernist architecture of the interwar years, the period in which it was built.
The paper has not so far unambiguously editorialized in favor of leaving, but the tone was set in February, when Mr. Cameron renegotiated Britain's ties to the European Union, before recommending a vote to remain.
"Any Palestinian government must unambiguously and explicitly commit to nonviolence, recognize the State of Israel, accept previous agreements and obligations between the parties -- including to disarm terrorists -- and commit to peaceful negotiations," the statement reads.
These developments have demolished both the notion that human beings could be unambiguously partitioned into biological races, and the idea that it is likely that "races" of humans are genetically differentiated in intelligence (however defined).
"Harvard Athletics is committed to upholding the integrity of our athletics program, and it is our expectation that every coach and staff member adhere unambiguously to our policies," Scalise said in a statement to CNN.
President Trump unapologetically has embraced an approach on Israel dictated by the furthest right fringe of American politics, allying his administration with the Israeli activist right and unambiguously embracing the divisive politics of Benjamin Netanyahu.
If the testing goes forward and unambiguously points to someone other than Mr. Alley as the killer, it could become the first time DNA has exonerated a person put to death in the United States.
"The statutory language clearly and unambiguously imposes an obligation" on the government to reimburse insurers for the discounts they were required to provide to low- and middle-income people, Judge Kaplan said in her decision.
"We are gratified that this decision unambiguously respects more than four decades of U.S. Supreme Court precedent," Ted Mitchell, president of the American Council on Education, a trade group, said in a statement on Tuesday.
The major commodity where it does appear that November was unambiguously strong is copper, with unwrought imports of 20173,22017 tonnes, the strongest since December last year, and up from both October's 29.4,22017 and September's 430,000.
"Dunkirk" is a tour de force of cinematic craft and technique, but one that is unambiguously in the service of a sober, sincere, profoundly moral story that closes the distance between yesterday's fights and today's.
Measurements have shown that a neutron star called MSP J0740+6620 is the first whose mass is unambiguously at least twice the Sun's, which may be about as big as these objects can possibly get.
Not only are numerous art historical connections sparked within the brain, but respectful precedents are unambiguously established by the Metz curators' placement of Horn's artistic influences and spiritual peers alongside her work throughout the show.
And, in a statement posted to Facebook after the news about his accuser's suicide, he wrote: While I maintain my innocence that the encounter was unambiguously consensual, there are things more important than the law.
"The United States stresses that any Palestinian government must unambiguously and explicitly commit to nonviolence, recognition of the State of Israel, acceptance of previous agreements and obligations between the parties, and peaceful negotiations," Greenblatt wrote.
Naturally, the straight-shooter charisma of the 16-year-old activist has triggered a cult of personality to form around her image — even as her message remains unambiguously focused on policy change and anti-capitalist sentiment.
A big test was going to be how these banks fared in unambiguously good conditions, like those that existed in the first quarter of this year, when trading activity was strong and the economic outlook bullish.
The majority now remain stranded in refugee camps or informal squats on the islands or mainland—unambiguously bleak conditions that are made all the more hellish for those who "deviate" from dominant cultural and sexual norms.
"Friday's unambiguously strong non-farm payrolls report sent the U.S. dollar soaring against all of the major currencies," said Kathy Lien, managing director of foreign exchange strategy at BK Asset Management in a late-Friday note.
"The People have unambiguously stated their desire to avoid discussing any substantive issues regarding Polanski's case until he is physically present in the court's jurisdiction," he wrote in a 13-page court order obtained by THR.
"The United States stresses that any Palestinian government must unambiguously and explicitly commit to non-violence, recognition of the State of Israel, acceptance of previous agreements and obligations between the parties, and peaceful negotiations," Greenblatt said.
But, dragging this national security committee into the trade wars is wrongheaded for the simple reason that foreign investment into the United States, when it doesn't pose national security concerns, is unambiguously favorable for our country.
The very first episode of the new season of Life is Strange—Before the Storm—doesn't take too long to reveal that unambiguously queer characters are here in Arcadia Bay, and they are out and proud.
Last November, a federal judge in Los Angeles said AIG must defend Cosby against claims in a similar case by the actress and model Janice Dickinson because the sexual misconduct exclusions did not unambiguously bar coverage.
The Medicaid law generally allows beneficiaries to obtain services from any qualified provider, but the Eighth Circuit said the law "does not unambiguously create a federal right for individual patients that can be enforced" in court.
First, if Congress wants to place conditions on states' receipt of federal funds, it must do so "unambiguously," enabling states to make a knowing decision, cognizant of the consequences of their choice to accept federal funds.
But by a 2-1 vote, a 8th Circuit said the provision of the Medicaid law the women relied on does not unambiguously create a federal right for individual patients that they could enforce in court.
But drastically increasing the standard deduction and cutting down on the number of itemizers is unambiguously bad news for churches, whose donors generally aren't superrich and will be de facto losing the value of the charitable deduction.
But by a 2-1 vote, a 8th Circuit ruled that the provision of the Medicaid law that the women relied does not unambiguously create a federal right for individual patients that they could enforce in court.
Snyder for his reluctance to act on the crisis, or to release emails that might implicate him and his staff, newspapers have been hesitant to emphatically and unambiguously declare who has been making the decisions in Flint.
The only battlegrounds where the demographic switcheroo is unambiguously in her favor are Virginia, where she's so solid it's hardly even a battleground, and Colorado, which is close but considerably less close than it was for Obama.
Until we have an agreed code -- meaning that no matter what faith we hold we can stand up and say a common truth that will be understood and unambiguously endorsed by everyone -- then we are getting nowhere.
"If it is appropriate to label a small but visible subgroup as unambiguously representative of 25 million people inhabiting a geographic region spanning over 700,000 square miles then we should ask a number of questions," Catte writes.
It is "unambiguously clear that Ted Cruz is completely qualified to serve as President of the United States," said Sal Ruso, co-founder of the group — one of the country's largest Tea Party organizations — in a statement.
Quickly, Chloe gets into a scrap with two dudes—remember, she's unambiguously younger than everyone else in a barn-set party with lots of drinking and drugs—where it's looking like she's about to take a beating.
Conversely, if Republicans wanted to do something that's unambiguously bad for blue America, they would launch a new millionaire's tax bracket with a 45 percent rate and use the revenue to pay for making SNAP benefits more generous.
This inability to back Cruz is, arguably, why the party is in this mess to begin with — if the Republican establishment unambiguously feared Trump more than they hated Cruz, they would have lined up behind Cruz after Iowa.
McGregor is unambiguously famous, however, and in a sport where pay is proportional to the size of the audience a fighter draws, a star at the top of the roster has other U.F.C. fighters envisioning their own paydays.
"It must be the responsibility of all Americans — from Donald Trump himself, to his supporters, to those who remain silent or oppose him — to unambiguously condemn these remarks and the violence they insinuate," they said in the statement.
As recently as last week, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders was given an almost 50% shot of winning enough support from U.S. Democrats to unambiguously be the party's candidate for president in 2020, according to data crunchers at FiveThirtyEight.
More specifically, while examining the big book of all Dougs who have ever lived, Michael pulls up an example of two different Dougs who bought roses for their grandmothers, which would seem to be an unambiguously "good" act.
The summary of the investigation's findings, written by Anurima Bhargava, the chief of the department's Civil Rights Division, doesn't mention Johnson, but there is a three-paragraph description of a case that is unambiguously Johnson's, based on the details.
"The results unambiguously indicate that the source of the metal is the ore-rich area of Southern Tuscany, despite ample evidence that Alpine copper ore sources were known and exploited at the time," write the researchers in their study.
Third, many Republicans as well as Democrats are terrified when Trump repeatedly denies that Russia was behind attacks against American democracy, and when Trump criticizes our entire intelligence community when it unambiguously concludes that Russia was behind these attacks.
I only pray that he is not simply defeated, but that he loses all 50 states so that the message goes out across the land — unambiguously, loud and clear: The likes of you should never come this way again.
In 2014, when the current rules were pending, he wrote pretty unambiguously: No paid prioritization – We agree, and that is our practice… We don't prioritize Internet traffic or have paid fast lanes, and have no plans to do so.
The test on Wednesday was not only the latest in a series of weapons tests North Korea has conducted since the beginning of May: it was the first test of an unambiguously nuclear-capable missile in almost two years.
To the Editor: We were deeply disturbed to learn that among the books on Alice Walker's nightstand is a profoundly and unambiguously anti-Semitic work by the notorious conspiracy theorist and fearmonger David Icke (By the Book, Dec. 16).
The president's hard-line nationalism has simultaneously nudged Democrats to the left, emboldening them to pursue unambiguously liberal policies, and drawn independents and moderate Republicans to the party because they cannot abide his incendiary conduct and demagogy on race.
"This is the first time that we have such a giant star that is unambiguously imaged with that level of detail," said Fabien Baron, assistant professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Georgia State University, in a statement.
Doing so would force Clinton to put her money where her mouth is when it comes to defending the most vulnerable American families—or else continue to endorse a piece of legislation, and status quo, that quite unambiguously injures the poor.
Still, it's worth thinking clearly about precisely what happened: A president unambiguously guilty of clear abuses of power was cleared by a Senate controlled by the members of his own party, who collectively represent a minority of the American public.
To some viewers, The Beguiled will have so unambiguously presented the corporal as a total bastard by its final third to condone Miss Martha and her girls' actions; to others, the film will depict collectives of women as hysterical and dangerous.
Most notably, while petitioners claim that setting emission limits based on "generation shifting" from higher-polluting to low- or non-polluting sources of electricity is "unambiguously foreclosed by ... nearly a half century of consistent administrative practice," this simply isn't true.
As an organization dedicated to helping young people with behavioral, emotional and learning challenges that too often limit their potential, we feel we must say, unambiguously, that all children deserve equal access to the protection and opportunity that education can provide.
Let me quickly, unambiguously assure you, Mr. Jackson, that in no way, shape, or form am I equating what I guess might guide you to sing as you sing and what guided my former friend to take his lady's life.
He could have let everyone know unambiguously that the only reason his report didn't outright accuse the president of obstruction was that Mueller saw it ethically wrong to do so, given his decision that he couldn't indict a sitting president.
The Supreme Court in 2006 made it easier to prove that an employer's response was serious enough to constitute retaliation, instead of being able to win only when an employee suffered an unambiguously harsh consequence for speaking up, like being fired.
"We must object to this campaign which has consistently, openly, and unambiguously attacked the values of inquiry, learning, and free speech which lie at the heart of higher education and form the core mission of this University," the letter reads.
This unambiguously intolerable outcome could be produced either in unexpected increments of escalation by either or both of the dominant national players, or instead, by any sudden quantum leap in applied destructiveness undertaken by the United States and/or North Korea.
In a large and seminal survey article in the Journal of Economic Perspectives, Harvard professor Edward Glaeser and University of Pennsylvania professor Joseph Gyourko summarized the evidence that these restrictions unambiguously reduce the supply of available housing and raise housing costs.
But for all the stock market palpitations and risks to particular interest-rate sensitive industries, the message to take from the recent rise in interest rates is an unambiguously good one: This expansion may have some life in it yet.
The first two states make up, literally, the southernmost parts of the contiguous United States, and at 80 percent and 72 percent, respectively, readers agree that they are unambiguously Southern — but they also netted fewer votes than Mississippi and Alabama.
But if North Korea returns to launching satellites or testing ICBMs, it would unambiguously contradict Mr. Trump's assertion that he has largely resolved the North's nuclear threat and could rekindle a crisis in the midst of the president's re-election campaign.
Pence at the time claimed the president had "clearly and unambiguously" denounced white supremacists in Charlottesville after the president faced significant blowback for his comments, which many said appeared to draw a moral equivalence between white nationalists and counter-protesters.
Let's talk about an unambiguously interesting, promising, and maybe even downright good piece of health care news you might have missed: A group of hospitals is banding together to produce cheap generic drugs to fight off egregious price hikes and drug shortages.
"Now, Intel's had some real execution issues of late — their latest results and guidance were unambiguously bad, although the stock has now rebounded back to where it was trading before the quarter because investors figured the industry is about to bottom, " Cramer explained.
They believed that Trump didn't denounce white supremacists quickly and unambiguously enough -- and thus, he was complicit in American racism, a view the President seemed to bolster with comments Tuesday that walked back his more moderate comments on Charlottesville from two days earlier.
In the senator's ears, this means Mr Obama "has unambiguously informed the American people that his nominee will apply his or her own ethics and perspectives in deciding cases", something a justice in the mould of Mr Scalia would never deign to do.
While Democrats have unambiguously moved to the left in the decade since President Barack Obama took office, as Republicans eagerly point out, the poll illustrates that the party's identity is more complex than the opposition and some progressive activists would portray it.
It won't be repaired until we stop portraying our political opponents as treasonous enemies; and until each side unambiguously condemns activists of any stripe who cross the line from legitimate dissent into violence and the techniques of disruption that make civil discourse impossible.
And in so doing, Xi has fractured what remains of global models and understanding of the incentives and functioning of Chinese politics, transformed China into something more unambiguously dictatorial, and opened up a new and potentially dangerous fissure in Chinese elite politics.
"This took us long years of data analysis and struggles to find a good method to be sure that what we were observing was unambiguously liquid water," said study co-author Enrico Flamini, chief scientist at the Italian Space Agency during the research.
By failing to forcefully and unambiguously call out the evils of racism and bigotry, the president may have unwittingly emboldened those, such as David Duke, who took his lack of forceful condemnation as tacit approval of their bigoted views and despicable acts.
Because it would have made U.S. products less competitive, increasing the trade deficit — and a situation of persistently high unemployment is the one situation in which trade deficits really are an unambiguously bad thing, reducing the demand for domestic goods and services.
" Pierre Moscovici, the bloc's commissioner for economic and financial affairs, who for months fought with Italy's populists, said "the agreement of today shows unambiguously that the Commission is not the enemy of the Italian people, as some people would like to describe us.
On the harm reduction and treatment front, the model suggested that several interventions — more naloxone, more needle exchanges, more medication-based treatment, and more psychosocial treatment — would have unambiguously good effects, reducing both heroin and painkiller deaths over the next 10 years.
And 2014 was such a big deal for me in sort of no longer being unambiguously positive about the internet, and seeing what happened when different cultures shared the same space in a way that, like, they interacted but they never communicated.
It was evident in the leaked transcript of a meeting of the New York Times newsroom last month, in which the paper's executive editor, Dean Baquet, fielded criticism from reporters who wanted to call the president a "racist" more unambiguously and often.
" The invocation of form is awkward, for the same reason that advanced-pop criticism itself is inherently awkward, which is that most popular music, and especially popular music categorized as rock, is magnificently and unambiguously hostile to everything associated with the word "school.
For instance, after an October 3 media availability in which Trump earnestly and unambiguously called for the Chinese and Ukrainian governments to investigate Joe Biden, McCarthy went on Fox News and flatly denied the president said what he was on tape saying.
It's unambiguously fun to drive a Nissan GT-R around Suzuka Circuit in VR, especially with a force-feedback steering wheel, and it even bestows an advantage — it's easier to judge corners, and it feels really natural to check your mirrors for overtaking opponents.
Particularly over the last two years, the United States has used such drills to unambiguously threaten Pyongyang over its nuclear program, and the Trump administration clearly hopes that by stopping them, North Korea will keep its missile and nuclear warhead test program on ice.
"While promising a brutal outpour of our wrath, which shall shake the coffers of the failed Nigerian nation, our demand unambiguously is for the government to restructure this country," said the group, calling for the Niger Delta to have direct control over its resources.
And he needed to find a way to mount his comeback as discreetly as possible, in a property that was unambiguously his but didn't have his picture everywhere, so that people could gradually get used to the idea of Mel Gibson in public again.
Leading anti-abortion advocates have been reluctant to endorse him, given that he called himself "very pro-choice" in 1999 — and only started unambiguously declaring his "pro-life" stance in early 2011, when he was seriously considering a run for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.
In a blog post unambiguously titled "Equifax data breach: Pick free credit monitoring," the FTC noted that, while it was "delighted that millions of people" filed a claim:[T]he pot of money that pays for [the cash] part of the settlement is $31 million.
On January 24th of this year, Turner published a post titled "The Walker Art Center is Platforming Antisemitism" in which he outlines the ways that Bratton's text is "unambiguously antisemitic," including insinuating that the theft of the "He Will Not Divide Us" Flag was faked.
These are a "clearly worded, legally binding, treaty-level clause which unambiguously overrides" the text of the withdrawal agreement, with language that goes beyond emphasizing the temporary nature of the backstop and a clear means to exit the backstop if subsequent trade talks fail.
He wrote: The potential for spiritual influence to be exercised in society may be increasing, and it is important that the legislation unambiguously protects voters of any faith from having their religious beliefs manipulated in order to prevent them from freely exercising their vote.
And even he engaged sparingly, picking out a few themes — like Israel and political donations to Hillary Clinton — on which Mr. Trump is unambiguously vulnerable from the right, and hinting at how he would compete with Mr. Trump in a one-on-one campaign.
His party, the unambiguously named Brexit Party, which is hardly a party and didn't exist six months ago, won nearly a third of the British vote in the recent European Parliament elections, putting it in first place and driving the shattered Conservative Party into fifth.
His appearance, along with the strength of his persona, allowed me to assume that the Williams family identity would forever be in his image, even though my mother is unambiguously white — blond-haired, blue-eyed and descended on all sides from Northern European Protestant stock.
Mandela Barnes of Wisconsin, a state that saw one of the largest drops in African-American turnout between 2012 and 2016, warned his party that the eventual standard-bearer must speak unambiguously about the president's conduct if he or she wants to energize black voters.
At the argument, the challengers asserted that the House amendment unambiguously supports their position in the case, which is that the EPA cannot regulate carbon dioxide from power plants under Section 28500(d) because it has already regulated mercury from those plants under Section 6900.
Mandela Barnes of Wisconsin, a state that saw one of the largest drops in African-American turnout between 2012 and 2016, warned his party that the eventual standard-bearer must speak unambiguously about the president's conduct if he or she wants to energize black voters.
"People have long assumed that psychedelics are capable of altering neuronal structure, but this is the first study that clearly and unambiguously supports that hypothesis," said lead author David Olson, an assistant professor in the Departments of Chemistry and of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, in a statement.
"The president's response to recent events in Virginia and his failure to clearly and unambiguously condemn racist and bigoted behavior has further divided him from key members of his own party," said Brian Gardner, a policy analyst at financial firm Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, in a research note.
Less than a year after the president unambiguously declared that he did not want to "see any military man of any nation" in the Philippines "except the Filipino soldier", his spokesman announced that the country is open to assistance from other countries, if they offer it.
PHILADELPHIA — The N.F.L. and retired players passed a major milestone on Monday when the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit here unambiguously upheld a district court's approval of a settlement that could give players with severe neurological conditions as much as $5 million each.
" Mike Pence took a similar line, saying that Trump "clearly and unambiguously" spoke out against white supremacists, before adding his own "many sides" spin: "The president also made clear that behavior by others of different militant perspectives are also unacceptable in our political debate and discourse.
In the study, 23 participants (seven of whom were female) were shown online dating profile pictures of 200 gay men—100 who unambiguously self-identified as tops, 100 as bottoms, zero as versatile—and asked to identify the role they preferred based solely on their appearance.
The indictments demonstrate that Mr. Mueller, the Department of Justice and a federal grand jury agree with a conclusion that the intelligence community, the Senate Intelligence Committee and a majority of Americans long ago reached: The Russian government was unambiguously responsible for the attack on our election.
Yet what is unmistakable — it's etched in Pitt's wounded, crumpled humanity and in Gray's plaintive earnestness — is that "Ad Astra" is unambiguously a film of its moment, one about a man's struggle for personal meaning and a place in the world in a time of fallen fathers.
The one time where a past campaign unambiguously solicited and paid for a thing of value from a foreign source was the $10 million payment by the Clinton campaign for the Christopher Steele dossier, made through an American law firm cutout to an American research firm.
The United States envoy, Jason D. Greenblatt, warned before his one-day trip to Cairo that any Palestinian government "must unambiguously and explicitly commit" to nonviolence, peaceful negotiations, recognition of the State of Israel and acceptance of previous agreements and obligations — including those that would disarm terrorists.
There Parker delicately balanced a re-emphasis on his acquittal with words of empathy for the woman (whom he claims he did not know about her death) and her family: While I maintain my innocence that the encounter was unambiguously consensual, there are things more important than the law.
Who will stand ready to claim that globalization still connotes freedom and prosperity for all and that democracy means respect for minority rights when Americans — in the eyes of the world the greatest beneficiaries of globalization and traditional advocates of human rights — voted unambiguously that the system is broken?
But to the audience of "As You Like It," the fourth and final play in the opening-night marathon of miniatures by the British company Forced Entertainment, these quotidian objects were unambiguously the lovers in the play: Rosalind and Orlando, Celia and Oliver, Silvius and Phoebe, Touchstone and Audrey.
The Christianity that Erasmus advocated — eschewing the finer points of metaphysics in favor of the humility, simplicity and charity he saw in Jesus of Nazareth — was overpowered by Luther's conviction that the Word of God, revealed in Scripture, speaks unambiguously on all doctrinal matters, no matter how abstruse.
"This is an unambiguously positive jobs report, as it suggests that consumers will have the wherewithal to increase spending (with solid job gains and faster wage growth) and that inflation may be slowly pushed higher by tighter labor and product markets," said David Berson, chief economist at Nationwide.
Many of Micheaux's stories involve the efforts of black Americans to run their own businesses and establish their own cultural institutions; he relished the creative freedom of being his own producer, and he devised a bold and distinctive, harsh and emphatic style with which to express his ideas unambiguously.
Only then, at least for a moment, all is redeemed when, in line for the dessert bar, The Weed Eater encounters the only other unambiguously baked person in the place, who heartily recommends the butterscotch churros, which taste even better if you dip them into a mini cheesecake.
Furthermore, since the company has taken the unfortunate position of refusing to adhere to all conditions set forth in our initial decision two years ago, we now demand the company unconditionally accept all of the conditions as the Commission unambiguously required in 2016, or run the risk of more severe consequences.
Despite the seriousness of the charge (the hack by China's PLA on US Steel, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards on American banks and by North Korea on Sony all pale by comparison), the decision to point the finger of blame unambiguously in Russia's direction was not straightforward for the Obama administration.
Following the interview, a coalition of groups within the DSA as well as more than 150 DSA members from chapters across the country wrote an open letter to Ocasio-Cortez, calling on her to "publicly and unambiguously clarify her stance on Palestine" and commit to seven positions on the conflict.
"In a week when North Korean tensions prevented the dollar from rallying, the lack of unambiguously hawkish Federal Open Market Committee minutes was just the excuse that foreign exchange traders needed to send the dollar lower," Kathy Lien, managing director of FX strategy at BK Asset Management, said in a note.
If we were confident that central banks are better able to control the allocation of capital by manipulating interest rates than what would happen in their absence — that is, if interest rates were determined through free-market forces — then we could unambiguously support this particular mode of government central-planning.
Memoirists, published and would-be, were still recovering from Neil Genzlinger's 2011 shot across the bow — unambiguously headlined "The Problem With Memoirs" — when just a few weeks ago came Alexandra Fuller, breastplate shining, to tell us in no uncertain terms that most memoir material is best saved for the shrink's couch.
Mr. Ossoff said unambiguously that he would not join other Democrats in voting to raise taxes, even on the wealthy ("I don't support any increase in income tax rates"), and that he did not support pushing for a single-payer health care system, an increasingly central preoccupation of the Democratic base.
" The announcement posted in r/The_Donald also sets guidelines for the quarantine to be lifted, stipulating that its moderators "unambiguously communicate that violent content is unacceptable" and tell its members that "reporting is a core function of Reddit and is essential to maintaining the health and viability of the community.
" Trump laid out that message unambiguously in his statement Friday and warned European allies who would not agree to the side accord his administration is seeking that they would be "siding with the Iranian regime's nuclear ambitions, and against the people of Iran and the peaceful nations of the world.
"This is an intellectually dishonest piece of work that the 9th Circuit has produced tonight, because it essentially consists of substituting the judgment of three judges for the President of the United States, when the Constitution unambiguously gives this area of jurisdiction — foreign policy — exclusively to the president," he continued.
In a subsequent National Review article, he made this quite clear: Trade and immigration are in my view unambiguously good for the country — but new policies on these issues will have to be done in ways that are supported by the American people, not shoved down their throats by the elites.
For instance, at the 1913 dedication of an on-campus monument honoring University of North Carolina students who fought for the Confederacy, white industrialist Julian Carr unambiguously urged his audience to devote themselves to the maintenance of white supremacy with the same vigor that their Confederate ancestors had defended slavery.
" In a recent excellent essay in the New York Times, two professors of government at Harvard, Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, argued that Trump "tested positive" as a threat to democracy, given "a failure to reject violence unambiguously, a readiness to curtail rivals' civil liberties, and the denial of the legitimacy of elected governments.
" (Amazon owner Jeff Bezos has been a regular target for Trump, likely due to Bezos' ownership of The Washington Post.) Three hours later, Trump retweeted Harlan Hill, a prominent Trump ally, who, two days earlier, had sent this: "Watching MSM you would have no idea @realDonaldTrump clearly, unambiguously & repeatedly condemned the bigotry & violence in Charlottesville.
He renounced violence but echoed Malcolm X's credo of gaining black power "by any means necessary"; organized blacks against the war in Vietnam; unambiguously declared that "if it weren't for crime and lies and terrorism and massacres there'd be no United States"; and, while insisting that he was not anti-Semitic, vigorously opposed Zionism.
In a 69-page ruling, the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit here unambiguously upheld a district court's approval of the deal, over the objections of some players who had argued that the terms were too restrictive and would not take care of many players who developed serious neurological problems over time.
"Swing Time," a longish book split into short, fleeting chapters, channels the propulsive, addictive, discursive mode of the novel-memoir hybrid that has lately been in fashion (Smith has admiringly referred to the work of Karl Ove Knausgaard as "crack"), but in the service of more traditional fiction, the kind that is unambiguously invented.
It is unambiguously against the law for private digital outlets to copy a story from CNBC — or any foreign outlet — word-for-word into Chinese, according to Shao, a senior intellectual property lawyer in China, who requested not to disclose his full name due to potential conflict of interests with his law firm's clients.
He did that by neutralizing cultural issues such as guns and abortion; short-circuiting any debate about energy policy by signaling clear support for expanded natural gas production; criticizing the national GOP agenda as tilted toward the rich, particularly on taxes and the attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act; and unambiguously defending unions.
An amateur astronomer may have detected an object from outside our solar system, according to an…Read more Read"The orbit is now sufficiently well known, and the object is unambiguously interstellar in origin; it has received its final designation as the second interstellar object, 2I," declared the IAU in a press release issued today.
Update 1/30/19 8:56pm EST: Unprompted, Governor Cuomo's office provided a statement to Gizmodo which unambiguously throws Amazon under the bus: As the Governor said, Amazon is doing a bad job of communicating — what they said today is inconsistent with their prior December statement and their prior action in using union service jobs and
The first season attempted to wring tension out of the idea that the two of them had to keep their relationship secret, but in the second season — perhaps because the show figures that the power dynamics there no longer code as sexy in a post-Time's Up world — Sutton quickly and unambiguously dumps Richard and never looks back.
LAUNCESTON, Australia (Reuters) - (The opinions expressed here are those of the author, a columnist for Reuters.) How's this for a study in contrasts: One of the world's biggest coal miners effectively says the industry is dying just days after Australia's opposition party suffered a shock election loss, partly blamed on its failure to unambiguously back a new coal mine.
In Come Softly to Me, his latest show at Sikkema Jenkins, Fratino creates a gorgeous psychoscape of New York City, where the energy of the city — what Joan Didion once called the "infinitely romantic notion…, the shining and perishable dream itself" — is mapped across the bodies of his unambiguously queer subjects in streaks of evocative color.
Bob has unambiguously run out of patience, in part because directing another bomb will have him stuck working in the doldrums of TV. "I suggest you put down your fucking script and pick up your fucking contract and give that a close fucking read," he snaps at Joan, ordering her to appear on the lot at 7 a.m. sharp.
"I usually try to be restrained, but this is unambiguously the best Income, Poverty & Health Insurance report ever," tweeted Jason FurmanJason FurmanTrump looks for longer boost from economy US economy grew at 3.2 percent in first quarter, exceeding expectations The Hill's Morning Report - Dems contemplate big election and court reforms MORE, chairman of Obama's Council of Economic Advisers.
But many members think only a charismatic, unambiguously pro-Brexit leader like Johnson can ensure victory in an election - which may come quite soon, given the deadlock in parliament - over left-winger Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party and Nigel Farage's new Brexit Party, which topped the European Parliament election in Britain last month mainly at the Conservatives' expense.
"Reading the entire internal email sent on August 2 by the Chairman and CEO of EDF to members of the executive committee confirms unambiguously that when the Company's Board of Directors was held, EDF and its Chairman had no knowledge of the intention of the British government to conduct a further review of the Hinkley Point project," the company said.
"If the Gabonese people do not recognize themselves in the decision handed down by the Constitutional Court, I will stand by their side, by the side of the people to demand they respect Article 9 of the constitution that states unambiguously that the election of the president of the republic is gained by the candidate who obtains the most votes," he said.
And, unambiguously, Fifty Shades Darker repeats the choreography of gendered intimacy that dictates so many relationships in America today: the man pretending he craves dominance, but wanting, instead, to be overwhelmed by a force of desire he must surrender to; and the woman pretending she wants to submit to the man's displays of power, but realizing that this power is an illusion.
The year the team drafted the plan, ExxonMobil—then the world's second largest emitter of carbon emissions, behind Chevron—began dumping money into a network of free-market groups—often, unambiguously, for work on climate change, according to an analysis of data provided by the Climate Investigations Center and the database ExxonSecrets, an initiative led by the environmental group Greenpeace.
Still, his take on the student-loan market, which he has described in a research paper as an "education bubble" backed by "unambiguously toxic" loans, has resonated for some: Mr. Trafton admires his work, and on SumZero, an online platform catering to investment professionals, Mr. Mann's short recommendations on stocks like Capella Education, Apollo Education and Navient attracted top popularity ratings.
"Sleepless Nights," her third novel, is unambiguously her chef d'oeuvre; it was published when she was 63, after a career of writing sharp, ingenious pieces of criticism and after her long marriage to (and divorce from, then reunification with) the poet Robert Lowell, whose profound psychological struggles and infidelities and plagiarism of Hardwick's letters in his books must surely have tested her strength.
The opinions expressed here are those of the author, a columnist for Reuters.) By Clyde Russell LAUNCESTON, Australia, May 23 (Reuters) - How's this for a study in contrasts: One of the world's biggest coal miners effectively says the industry is dying just days after Australia's opposition party suffered a shock election loss, partly blamed on its failure to unambiguously back a new coal mine.
In addition to calling for the end of carried interest (a shibboleth of presidential campaigners), section 3136 of Camp's bill, titled "Termination of Special Rules for Gain from certain Small Business," unambiguously amends portions of section 1202 to exclude any use of QSBS for stock purchased after the bill's enactment, and strikes section 1045, which provides a safe harbor for rolling over QSBS investment proceeds.
Joe Scarborough on Wednesday called President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE's comments about the press "unambiguously un-American," after the president suggested a "challenge" to NBC's broadcast license.
A new deal, as Secretary of State Mike PompeoMichael (Mike) Richard PompeoCotton warns China: Crackdown on Hong Kong would be 'grave miscalculation' Pompeo expresses concern over North Korea missile tests Pompeo acknowledges 'places where ISIS is more powerful today' MORE articulated in a landmark speech last year, should include tougher provisions that unambiguously prevent Iran from engaging in all three stages of nuclear weapons development — fissile materials, weaponization, and means of delivery.
Because he was very famous and because there were no oil paintings on public display, in Venice or elsewhere, that could be unambiguously identified as by Giorgione, over the following centuries more than two hundred pictures were attributed to him, most of which had almost nothing in common; and it is now recognised, for example, that all of those credited to him in the two main books about Italian art published around 21857 were painted years or even decades after his death.
The plaintiff claimed that while passing through security at Asheville Regional Airport en route to Los Angeles in June, she was told she would need to be subjected to a groin search, which the officer assured her would not require her genitals to be touched, The woman claimed in the lawsuit that she "clearly and unambiguously advised [the officer] that she would not consent to the touching of her genitals," but the search made several breaks from accepted protocol, including insisting she spread her legs wider than the footprints on the mat.

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