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210 Sentences With "ultraviolet rays"

How to use ultraviolet rays in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "ultraviolet rays" and check conjugation/comparative form for "ultraviolet rays". Mastering all the usages of "ultraviolet rays" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Dermatologists recommend using sunscreen to block the sun's ultraviolet rays.
The exterior glass filters ultraviolet rays to help protect precious pieces.
Ultraviolet rays bake the mixture where it's exposed, causing it to harden.
It does not have an ozone layer to absorb the sun's ultraviolet rays.
And third, in summer, heat and the sun's ultraviolet rays help to create smog.
The ozone layer shields the planet from ultraviolet rays that can cause skin cancer.
Clear panels, when it is opened, also expose the water to the sun's ultraviolet rays.
That is, until you shut off your flashlight and hit it with some ultraviolet rays.
It contains specific compounds that react with the ultraviolet rays in sunlight, Ms. Case said.
They were meant to change color or reveal hidden patterns when exposed to ultraviolet rays.
The main reason, Dr. Anolik said, is because the sun's ultraviolet rays render retinols inactive.
Ultraviolet rays are abundant during the dawn and dusk periods when the squirrels are moving around.
Ozone high in the stratosphere protects life on Earth by absorbing damaging ultraviolet rays from the sun.
The two particular sunscreen ingredients are FDA-approved and help protect skin against damage from ultraviolet rays.
Ozone is a critically important molecule that protects the Earth's surface from the Sun's harmful ultraviolet rays.
But scientists warned that CFCs deplete the ozone layer, which protects the earth from the sun's ultraviolet rays.
That means less of the sun's ultraviolet rays are absorbed, increasing the risk of skin cancer and eye damage.
Some of these mutations can be caused by assaults from the environment, such as ultraviolet rays and cigarette smoke.
Ultraviolet rays have the potential to damage skin in a mere 15 minutes and result in a painful sunburn.
Beware: Sap from giant hogweed can make skin more sensitive to the sun's ultraviolet rays, which can lead to sunburn.
Maybe inside the body, away from the onslaught of ultraviolet rays, were healthy cells that didn't carry these key mutations.
And the intense ultraviolet rays at that altitude cause the grapes to develop thick skins, producing ripe tannins and flavors.
Last month there was some bad news about the ozone layer, which protects people from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays.
The items could be held in plexiglass containers that protect from ultraviolet rays, not in containers fitted with ultraviolet lights.
It differs from the "good" ozone in the stratosphere, which protects life on Earth from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays.
The researchers used a visible green-light laser, since glass-walled buildings use filtered glass that blocks ultraviolet rays and infrared.
Always move the sprinkler out of the sun when not in use to prevent damage from ultraviolet rays to the plastic.
In shallow, well-illuminated waters, corals use similar fluorescent proteins to absorb harmful ultraviolet rays, and "downshift" the light to safer colors.
The sun's ultraviolet rays have been known to worsen symptoms for those with the condition, according to the  Lupus Foundation of America .
The FDA is cracking down on so-called sunscreen pills, which are dietary supplements that claim to offer protection from ultraviolet rays.
Worse, sulfate aerosols trigger a series of chemical reactions that destroy ozone, which protects us from the sun's most harmful ultraviolet rays.
A study published in Science Advances says ultraviolet rays power the basic chemical reactions needed to produce the building blocks of life .
People with albinism - estimated at one in 15,000 Sub-Saharan Africans - lack melanin, which absorbs ultraviolet rays, making their skin and hair white.
In one, he applied one of six types of sunscreen to a dozen other shaved mice before exposing them to the ultraviolet rays.
Dr. Martincorena and his colleagues began their search in skin; its cells are battered daily by the sun's ultraviolet rays, which trigger mutations.
These data, too, were added to the scales, along with the influence of radon gas and ultraviolet rays, which is greater at higher elevations.
It is made of a semiconducting material capable of fluorescing when struck by ultraviolet rays, and different sorts of dot fluoresce in different colours.
Ozone in the upper-atmosphere is necessary for blocking the Sun's ultraviolet rays, but at ground level, it's among the most widespread air pollutants.
HFCs were introduced as substitutes for chlorofluorocarbons, which were damaging the ozone layer that protects the planet from ultraviolet rays that cause skin cancer.
In some Asian countries, not only do many women fear wrinkles caused by ultraviolet rays, but they also want to be as pale as possible.
Back in the 1970s, scientists first realized that we were rapidly depleting Earth's stratospheric ozone layer, which protects us from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays.
By day, one half of the fibers comprising Lumen's canopy—a million yards long if unraveled—change color when exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays.
For nitrous oxide, which helps to erode the atmosphere's ozone layer and expose humans to harmful ultraviolet rays, it was the biggest increase ever recorded.
Knowledge of the powerful and dangerous effects of the sun's ultraviolet rays has come a long way in the decades since my fruitless attempts at tanning.
This stylish hat, with a distinctive suede trim, guarantees you won't — it's made of UPF 50+ fabric that blocks 97.5 percent of those pesky ultraviolet rays.
That may involve filtering out ultraviolet rays to decrease random breaking of plastic's molecular bonds, a tall order for the museum (it has lots of windows).
In addition to blocking visible light, solar filters block light we can't see, such as ultraviolet rays that can damage the skin, as well as infrared light.
When the first algae floated in the oceans more than three billion years ago, no ozone layer existed to protect the creatures from DNA-frying ultraviolet rays.
He stayed in an unlit hospital room for two days, as the plant is phototoxic, meaning it gets more potent when exposed to ultraviolet rays or sunlight.
My morning and midday sunscreen applications are ritualistic in nature, and I love trying out new products that claim to shield my precious skin from harmful ultraviolet rays.
Common triggers include stress, cold, flu and infections, exhaustion, ultraviolet rays from sunlight and, in some cases, florescent lights and various medications, especially those that increase sun sensitivity.
The company makes a skin moisturizer and shave serum that leaves behind particles of titanium dioxide, a chemical that has been shown in studies to block ultraviolet rays.
The balloon, which absorbs ultraviolet rays to raise its temperature and ascend into the atmosphere, can lift up to 250 kg (~551 lb) and transport two human passengers.
The satellite, launched in the Soviet Union aboard a Soviet-made rocket, conducted experiments to detect low-energy X‐rays, gamma rays and ultraviolet rays in the ionosphere.
There's a growing awareness of the prevalence of skin cancer and so we're admonished to make sure we don't overexpose any part of our skin to damaging ultraviolet rays.
But recent studies that link the active ingredients in protecting skin from damaging ultraviolet rays to coral bleaching has led to a global push for more reef-safe sunscreens.
A. Sunlight doesn't actually "provide" you with vitamin D. Rather, your body produces vitamin D when skin is exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays, which trigger vitamin D synthesis.
Melanoma can be caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun or other sources such as indoor tanning, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
As they make their way into the inner Solar System, ultraviolet rays disturb the comet surface, releasing a cloud of hydrogen that extends like a tail for millions of miles.
Even so, I haven't been especially careful with protecting my face from ultraviolet rays and consequently, I'm on a fast track to have a face like an elephant's nut sack.
The original aim of the Montreal Protocol was to stop the depletion of the ozone layer, which shields the planet from ultraviolet rays linked to skin cancer and other conditions.
It spans 150 light-years across and is home to many young stars that give off powerful ultraviolet rays, as well as the Papillon Nebula, a butterfly-shaped High-Excitation Blob.
It was also, according to Morten Ravn of Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark, mixed with pigments such as ochre to give sails colour and offer protection from damaging ultraviolet rays.
The aim was to stop the depletion of the ozone layer, which shields the planet from ultraviolet rays linked to skin cancer and other conditions Follow CNBC International on and Facebook.
Fluorescence, a bluish glow produced by ultraviolet rays from a lamp or the sun, is a characteristic of 25% to 35% of diamonds, according to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).
Fluorescence, a bluish glow produced by ultraviolet rays from a lamp or the sun, is a characteristic of 25% to 35% of diamonds, according to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).
The mist will be priced between $30 and $50 and will be packaged in a bottle that changes color when exposed to ultraviolet rays, nudging consumers to spray early and often.
But the particles in a microwave, known as photons, don't have enough energy to damage molecules and cause cancer in living cells the way that ultraviolet rays or X-rays can.
It is expected to grow as cohorts of middle-class consumers in Asia, especially, find they need eyesight correction and develop a liking for specs as accessories or protection against ultraviolet rays.
Every time you step into the sun, you're hit with ultraviolet rays that "can damage your skin in as little as 15 minutes," according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Butterflies search for pollen by reading the pattern of ultraviolet rays that are reflected off petals; bats hunt by broadcasting ultrasonic pulses and reading the echoes that bounce off the bodies of insects.
Now that he's an age where he's considering his health, he's starting to worry: Did all those days spent shirtless under ultraviolet rays, living out a Sublime song, put him at risk for skin cancer?
During the eclipse, conditions will get even more Mars-like: the temperatures will go down even further, and the Moon will buffer some of those ultraviolet rays to better resemble the radiation on the Red Planet.
The HFC talks are part of the 1987 Montreal Protocol, which succeeded in cutting the use of chlorofluorocarbons to help protect the ozone layer, which shields the planet from ultraviolet rays that can cause skin cancer.
Researchers said in a study published last month that a rise in emissions of CFC-11 was jeopardizing the effort to repair the ozone layer, which protects people and crops from the sun's damaging ultraviolet rays.
When Cassini first observed the hexagon in 2012, it was a shade of blue; in 2017, as the summer solstice approached, it was more of a yellow hue, likely due to exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays.
The HFC talks are part of the 1987 Montreal Protocol, which succeeded in cutting the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) to help protect the ozone layer, which shields the planet from ultraviolet rays that can cause skin cancer.
The HFC talks are part of the 1987 Montreal Protocol, which succeeded in slashing the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) to help protect the ozone layer, which shields the planet from ultraviolet rays that can cause skin cancer.
The task has only been made more confusing in the past few years as new (and often expensive) sunscreens have begun to market themselves as protection not only from ultraviolet rays, but from blue light as well.
Miners pump that brine into shallow rectangular lagoons, where the sun's ultraviolet rays and the desert air evaporate the water, leaving behind the battery-grade lithium that has put Atacama at the heart of the electric vehicle revolution.
"This irresponsible action will make it more difficult for families to protect themselves against the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays, and it is contrary to the many concerns expressed by Hawaii's medical doctors, dermatologists, and public health experts," the association argued.
Even without more studies, there's already plenty of proof that exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun causes skin cancer and melanoma, noted Dr. David Leffell, a skin cancer researcher at Yale School of Medicine who wasn't involved in the research review.
UPF stands for "ultraviolet protective factor," and you can think of it as SPF for clothing, because it means that you'll get extra protection from ultraviolet rays when wearing it, says Shari Lipner, MD, PhD, assistant professor of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medicine.
RT America tends to refer to the signals as "radiations," seemingly associating them with the very strong rays at the far end of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as X-rays and ultraviolet rays, which in high doses can damage DNA and cause cancer.
The Environmental Working Group in a letter to FDA Commissioner Robert Califf on Thursday said it's concerned that the ingredients being used only keep the skin from reddening — a warning sign of a sunburn — without truly offering enhanced protection from the sun's ultraviolet rays.
The trilogy crackles with a gleeful inventiveness that is sometimes tonally at odds with its apocalyptic content: the Crakers' skin cells have been modified to repel ultraviolet rays and mosquitoes, for example, and the capacity for sexual jealousy has been edited out of their genome.
The ozone hole, a seasonal thinning of the ozone layer in the atmosphere over Antarctica that allows harmful ultraviolet rays to reach the Earth's surface, had recently been detected, but whether it was a natural phenomenon or caused by human activity remained under debate.
Scientists are hoping that the dangerous hole in the Earth's ozone layer, which contributes to increased negative effects from ultraviolet rays across the world, will dissipate following the decision to ban ozone-harming chemicals, some of which remain in the atmosphere, during the 85033s.
The app makes a token effort at gamification with points scores and ribbons, but really this is all about knowing stuff that matters: How much sun screen is needed to be safe from ultraviolet rays, how many seconds to wash your hands for to kill off germs, and so on.
The chief conservator, Jane E. Klinger, said her team was looking to construct containers to hold the documents — perhaps with plexiglass that protects from ultraviolet rays — which have so far been buried within a notebook Mr. Omari bought at the civilian prison to which he was moved in late 2012.
Unlike other kids their age, the only time they were allowed outside to play was during nightfall as any exposure to the sun or ultraviolet rays, no matter how brief, could leave them acutely vulnerable to skin and eye cancers because of XP. "[XP] patients don't have the repair mechanism in their DNA," Debra Jaliman, assistant dermatology professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, tells PEOPLE.
He was also engaged in examining the influence of ultraviolet rays on the course of lupus, epithelioma.
It supports the micro coetaneous circulation, acts as a sebaceous secretion and protects from the ultraviolet rays.
Atmospheric ozone absorbs the sun's ultraviolet rays, which are believed to cause gene mutations, skin cancer, and cataracts in humans. Ultraviolet rays may also damage crops and aquatic ecosystems. The first SBUV/2 instrument was launched on NOAA-9 in December 1984 and the last instrument in this series was launched in February 2009 aboard the NOAA-19 spacecraft.
Ultraviolet rays are invisible to most humans. The lens of the human eye blocks most radiation in the wavelength range of 300–400 nm; shorter wavelengths are blocked by the cornea. Humans also lack color receptor adaptations for ultraviolet rays. Nevertheless, the photoreceptors of the retina are sensitive to near-UV, and people lacking a lens (a condition known as aphakia) perceive near-UV as whitish-blue or whitish-violet.
The company stated in a press release that these lamps are safe, with ultraviolet rays being filtered out, and the light is generated using power from renewable sources.
Frederick George Keyes (June 24, 1885 – April 14, 1976) was an American physical chemist. National Academies Press:Biographical Memoirs:V.73:Frederick George Keyes, BY JOHN ROSS Keyes was most notable for inventing a method to sterilize milk using ultraviolet rays, and discovering that ultraviolet rays kill germs.New York Times:HOW TO KILL GERMS WITH VIOLET RAYS; Dr. Frederick G. Keyes Tells of the Important Results of Experiments With Milk Made in the Laboratory of Brown University.
When the beads are not exposed to ultraviolet rays, they are colorless and either translucent or opaque. However, when sunlight falls onto the beads, they instantly turn into red, orange, yellow, blue, purple, or pink.
Researchers suspect that these neurological abnormalities are due to the accumulation of DNA damage despite the brain not being exposed to ultraviolet rays. Other factors might cause the DNA damage in nerve cells as well.
Photophthalmia ( pho·toph·thal·mia (fōt″of-thal´me-ah) ) is ophthalmia or inflammation of the eye, especially of the cornea and conjunctiva due to exposure to intense light of short wavelength (as ultraviolet light), as in snow blindness. It involves occurrence of multiple epithelial erosions due to the effect of ultraviolet rays, especially between 311 and 290 nm. Snow blindness occurs due to reflection of ultraviolet rays from snow surface. Photoretinitis is another form that can occur due to infra-red rays (eclipse burn of retina).
When ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin and damage DNA, thymidine dinucleotide (pTpT) fragments from damaged DNA will trigger melanogenesis and cause the melanocyte to produce melanosomes, which are then transferred by dendrites to the top layer of keratinocytes.
The Gulphogs have adapted by having an ultraviolet light sensitive eye on top of their heads. Stinger Fans fold up to protect themselves. Mudpods have sensitive backs that can sense the ultraviolet rays. The Hysteria's protection is the water.
Exposure to the intense radiation of direct, unfiltered sunlight would lead to local heating, though that would likely be well distributed by the body's conductivity and blood circulation. Other solar radiation, particularly ultraviolet rays, however, may cause severe sunburn.
The salicylic acid portion of the molecule absorbs ultraviolet rays with a wavelength from 295 nm to 315 nm, protecting the skin from sun damage. The hydrophobic trimethyl cyclohexane functional group provides greasiness that prevents it from dissolving in water.
Thus, the people suffering from xeroderma pigmentosum are highly sensitive to the ultraviolet rays from the sunlight due to the DNA repair problems. So, when ultraviolet rays harm the genes, the cell grows and divides in an uncontrolled fashion and is highly prone to be cancerous. Xeroderma pigmentosum have high risk of developing cancer in skin and eyes as they are the areas mostly exposed to sun. Xeroderma pigmentosum caused by ERCC2 mutations is associated with the numerable developmental neurological malfunctioning which includes; hearing loss, poor coordination, mobility issues, lack of intellectual abilities, difficulties in talking, walking, swallowing the food and seizures.
The viruses have been demonstrated to remain active for two to three days at normal room temperature, while ultraviolet rays in direct sunlight kills them within a few hours. However, rodent droppings or urine of indeterminate age should always be treated as infectious.
Padimate A is an organic compound that is an ingredient in some sunscreens. It is an ester derivative of PABA. This aromatic chemical absorbs ultraviolet rays thereby preventing sunburn. However, its chemical structure and behaviour is similar to an industrial free radical generator.
Under some conditions, children and young adults can see ultraviolet down to wavelengths around 310 nm. Near-UV radiation is visible to insects, some mammals, and birds. Small birds have a fourth color receptor for ultraviolet rays; this gives birds "true" UV vision.
Ronald L. Kathern and Paul L. Ziemer, he First Fifty Years of Radiation Protection, Other effects, including ultraviolet rays and ozone were sometimes blamed for the damage. Many physicians claimed that there were no effects from x-ray exposure at all.
Fisher was successful in both the literature and medical field. During the 1920s, he published his research on the effect of ultraviolet rays on viruses in medical journals. He was a head researcher at Manhattan's International Hospital. Also, he opened his own private practice.
Unlike regular diatomic oxygen, ozone is a toxic material generally considered a pollutant. In the upper atmosphere, some oxygen forms ozone which has the property of absorbing dangerous ultraviolet rays within the ozone layer. Land life was impossible before the formation of an ozone layer.
Users would open the lid, recline on a metallic surface placed upon the wooden stand, and close the lid. Often, a bath attendant would set the timer on the bath to a specific time, and the lamps would light up, sending waves of ultraviolet rays at the user's skin, creating a tan. The early models of the Heraeus electric bath are now considered dangerous, but conditions such as skin cancer were never known to be caused by the ultraviolet rays conducted by the lamps during the time period they were featured and used in the device. Care had to be taken that the device was used in moderation.
There is a double-skin greenhouse that uses copper sulfate solution as a heat screen during the day. The liquid is pumped between the two skins, protects the interior from ultraviolet rays, and collects heat. At night the liquid is recirculated, returning the heat to the greenhouse.
Research Frontiers' technology is applicable in transportation production, including aircraft, vehicles, boats, and yachts. It is also marketed for architectural development of residential homes and commercial offices, and for art and artifact conservation. Research Frontiers has a subdivision called VariGuard that produces display cases that protect artifacts from ultraviolet rays and visible light.
Fleece backed EPDM has a tear strength of compared to of that without the fleece reinforcement, more than 3 times the strength of non-reinforced membranes. This thermoset polymer is known for long-term weathering ability and can withstand fluctuations in temperature and ultraviolet rays. They can also be great energy savers.
It is essential that the container is able to withstand mold and mildew, as well as contaminants. The container must be made of materials resistant to hot or cold temperatures. It must also protect the product from ultraviolet rays, which can potentially damage the product. The container also cannot absorb product substances.
Flash burn is any burn injury caused by intense flashes of light, high voltage electric current, or strong thermal radiation. These may originate from, for example, a sufficiently large BLEVE, a thermobaric weapon explosion or a nuclear blast of sufficient magnitude. Damage to the eye(s) caused by ultraviolet rays is known as photokeratitis.
The puffin's bill has fluorescent properties that are also used to attract a partner. Puffins can see ultraviolet rays, allowing them to spot luminescence on the bills of other puffins during the courtship display. The horned puffin chick has smoky-gray cheeks and a fine, black triangular-shaped beak. The feet are pinkish or greyish.
Ultraviolet-sensitive beads (UV beads) are beads that are colorful in the presence of ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet rays are present in sunlight and light from various artificial sources and can cause sunburn or skin cancer. The color change in the beads alerts the wearer to the presence of the radiation. When changing colour they undergo photochromism.
In 1925, he won a National Research Council Fellowship in Biology for a study in variation in linkage values in maize. He did much work on the effects of X-ray treatments, and did comparative studies of mutation caused by X-rays and by ultraviolet rays. His work earned him an international reputation. He died of leukemia in 1954.
The number eight can also represents infinity in Japan, the name therefore suggests an infinite number of techniques can be derived from it. Ryu means the school or system of martial art. Hakko Ryu Jujutsu training employs strategies to defend oneself using subtle movements rather than strength, yet powerful in execution, not unlike the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
They needed to develop new methods to regulate their body heat to cope with fluctuations in ambient temperature. They developed behaviours suitable for reproduction in a terrestrial environment. Their skins were exposed to harmful ultraviolet rays that had previously been absorbed by the water. The skin changed to become more protective and prevent excessive water loss.
In modern times, sun hats are common in places around the world, mainly in holiday resorts residing in countries close to the Earth's equator. They are particularly useful in protecting against ultraviolet rays (UV). The style of a sun hat can range from small to large brims. However, as a general guideline, the brim is four to seven inches in width.
Virus-bearing material can be picked up on shoes and clothing and carried from an infected flock to a healthy one. NDV can survive for several weeks in a warm and humid environment on birds' feathers, manure, and other materials. It can survive indefinitely in frozen material. However, the virus is destroyed rapidly by dehydration and by the ultraviolet rays in sunlight.
Often, PIH can be prevented by avoiding any aggravation of the nodule and can fade with time. However, untreated PIH can last for months, years, or even be permanent if deeper layers of skin are affected. Even minimal skin exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays can sustain hyperpigmentation. Daily use of SPF 15 or higher sunscreen can minimize such a risk.
TRL was shifted from downtown Tokyo to the suburbs to share a building with IBM Yamato Facility in Yamato, Kanagawa Prefecture in 1992. In 1993, world record was accomplished for generation of continuous coherent Ultraviolet rays. In 1996, Java JIT compiler was developed at TRL, and it was released for major IBM platforms. Numerous other technological breakthroughs were made at TRL.
A paint sealant is a sealant that protects cars from ultraviolet rays and acid rain. Paint sealants protect cars' finishes, and can make cars shiny. There are synthetic sealants and carnauba waxes. Salt may be a factor that many protective sealants do not defend against, and thus salt water may break down protective layers to get at the metal and corrode it.
Ultraviolet rays emitted from WR 136's hot surface cause the shell to glow. There is some evidence WR 136 may be a binary star. Its companion would be a low-mass star of spectral classification K or M that would complete an orbit around the Wolf-Rayet star each 5.13 days, being the progenitor of a low-mass X-ray binary system.
Many epiphytic bacteria are rod- shaped, and classified as either gram negative or gram positive, pigmented or non-pigmented, fermentative or non-fermentative . Non-pigmented epiphytic bacteria have high a GC content in their genome, a characteristic which protects the bacteria from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Because of this, these bacteria have special nutritional requirements.Fenella Mary War Nongkhlaw, S.R. Joshi . 2014.
The company's roots began in 1980 when a fisherman named Jim Richards began selling sunglasses on the beaches of Maui, Hawaii. He was known as the original "Maui Jim". Several years later, the company developed polarized sunglasses to protect eyes from glare and ultraviolet rays. In 1991, Walter Hester, a boat captain turned oilman, purchased the company after trying the sunglasses.
The weather is mainly mild in the four months of southern-hemisphere winter and hot in summer: temperatures range from 25 to 35 Celsius (77-95 F) during eight months and from 3 to 24 Celsius (37-75 F) during winter. This city has good conditions for outdoor activities most of the year. Nevertheless, tourists should be careful with exposure to solar ultraviolet rays.
In more extreme cases, the green colour of the plant is lost and can be replaced by yellow. This is caused by the jade plant making pigments such as carotenoids to protect from harsh sunlight and ultraviolet rays. The plant also flowers in the wintertime, particularly during a cooler, darker, dry spell. C. ovata is sometimes attacked by mealybugs, a common nuisance of the succulents.
J.B.S. Haldane independently postulated his primordial soup theory in 1929 in an eight-page article "The origin of life" in The Rationalist Annual. According to Haldane the primitive Earth's atmosphere was essentially reducing, with little or no oxygen. Ultraviolet rays from the Sun induced reactions on a mixture of water, carbon dioxide, and ammonia. Organic substances such as sugars and protein components (amino acids) were synthesised.
The "chimney" is part of an evaporative cooling system that maintains the temperature of the house during the day at bearable levels. A double skin greenhouse uses copper sulfate solution as a heat screen during the day. The liquid is pumped between the two skins, protects the interior from ultraviolet rays and collects heat. At night the liquid is recirculated returning the heat to the greenhouse.
Actinic conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the eye contracted from prolonged exposure to actinic (ultraviolet) rays. Symptoms are redness and swelling of the eyes. Most often the condition is caused by prolonged exposure to Klieg lights, therapeutic lamps, or acetylene torches. Other names for the condition include Klieg conjunctivitis, eyeburn, arc-flash, welder's conjunctivitis, flash keratoconjunctivitis, actinic ray ophthalmia, X-ray ophthalmia, and ultraviolet ray ophthalmia.
Welders can get a painful condition called arc eye. While it is caused by bright light similar to flash blindness, the welder's arc lasts for much longer than a flash and emits ultraviolet rays that can damage the cornea. Flash blindness, in contrast, is caused by a single, very brief exposure which oversaturates the retina, and is not usually accompanied by reports of pain.
The restoration included stripping old layers of paint, repairing damage and painting the kiosk in its original colors. Modern additions include film to block ultraviolet rays in the cupola and a Teflon coating to protect against acid rain. A number of pieces of the original kiosk had broken off over time and many of these wound up in private homes. Many were recovered as part of the restoration project.
Premature greying needs to be differentiated from various genetic hypomelanotic hair disorders. Smoking is another factor that is considered to be related to premature greying of hair. Smoking results in generation of huge amount of reactive oxygen species leading to increased oxidative stress culminating into damage to melanin producing cells, melanocytes. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays is considered to initiate similar processes in hair follicles resulting in premature greying of hair.
Many experimenters including Elihu Thomson at Edison's lab, William J. Morton, and Nikola Tesla also reported burns. Elihu Thomson deliberately exposed a finger to an x-ray tube over a period of time and suffered pain, swelling, and blistering.Kathern, Ronald L. and Ziemer, Paul L. The First Fifty Years of Radiation Protection, Other effects were sometimes blamed for the damage including ultraviolet rays and (according to Tesla) ozone.
The great advantage of the seals is the lack of need to buy special equipment because the installation is done manually and does not require the involvement of professionals. The case eliminates the possibility of hacking, without visible damage. Seals are relevant for use in different temperature regimes (higher than the ambient temperature). They do not respond to the influence of ultraviolet rays, the color and structure of the material remain unchanged.
Vaseline brand First Aid Petroleum Jelly, or carbolated petroleum jelly containing phenol to give the jelly additional antibacterial effect, has been discontinued. During World War II, a variety of petroleum jelly called red veterinary petrolatum, or Red Vet Pet for short, was often included in life raft survival kits. Acting as a sunscreen, it provides protection against ultraviolet rays. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends keeping skin injuries moist with petroleum jelly to reduce scarring.
Since its inception, THB has been sold in glass bottles tinted brown to protect the contents from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. The Antsirabe factory produces 100 million bottles and 100,000 cans of THB per year. Antsirabe was selected for the original brewery because the water there is low in calcium and other minerals, lending itself well to beer production. Ingredients for the production of THB are sourced throughout the island.
In the earlier years of the group history, the product range was limited to metallized and non-metallized Dyed Films from US manufacturers. The primary use of window tinting was once for privacy and protection against harmful ultraviolet rays. Today, the industry has evolved to provide higher heat reduction films through the coating of metals and ceramics on the polyester films. In 2007, FilmTack acquired processing facilities for converting thermal transfer ribbon(TTR).
Before life developed pigments to protect it from damaging ultraviolet rays, a thin layer of quartz could shield it while allowing enough light through for photosynthesis. Phosphate minerals may also have been important to early life. Phosphorus is one of the essential elements in molecules such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), an energy carrier found in all living cells; RNA and DNA; and cell membranes. Most of Earth's phosphorus is in the core and mantle.
Heat treatment can be used for disinfection and sterilization. The phrase "sunlight is the best disinfectant" was popularized in 1913 by United States Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis and later advocates of government transparency. While sunlight's ultraviolet rays can act as a disinfectant, the Earth's ozone layer blocks the rays' most effective wavelengths. Ultraviolet light-emitting machines, such as those used to disinfect some hospital rooms, make for better disinfectants than sunlight.
Other experimenters, including Elihu Thomson and Nikola Tesla, also reported burns. Thomson deliberately exposed a finger to an X-ray tube over a period of time and suffered pain, swelling, and blistering.Ronald L. Kathern and Paul L. Ziemer, he First Fifty Years of Radiation Protection, Other effects, including ultraviolet rays and ozone, were sometimes blamed for the damage, and many physicians still claimed that there were no effects from X-ray exposure at all.
Although the ozone found at the Earth's surface is the same chemical species as that found in the ozone layer, they have very different sources, atmospheric chemistry, and affect human health differently as well. The ozone layer protects people from the sun's most damaging ultraviolet rays. Because the ozone layer is located high in the atmosphere, people are not directly exposed to it. Ground-level ozone, however, is a health hazard because people breathe it.
Since microorganisms can be shielded from ultraviolet rays in small cracks and other shaded areas, these lamps are used only as a supplement to other sterilization techniques. UV-C LEDs are relatively new to the commercial market and are gaining in popularity. Due to their monochromatic nature (±5 nm) these LEDs can target a specific wavelength needed for disinfection. This is especially important knowing that pathogens vary in their sensitivity to specific UV wavelengths.
Octocrylene is an organic compound used as an ingredient in sunscreens and cosmetics. It is an ester formed by the reaction of 3,3-diphenylcyanoacrylate with 2-ethylhexanol. It is a viscous, oily liquid that is clear and colorless. The extended conjugation of the acrylate portion of the molecule absorbs UVB and short-wave UVA (ultraviolet) rays with wavelengths from 280 to 320 nm,Smart Skin Care: Octocrylene protecting the skin from direct DNA damage.
Although about 40% of the mutations are inherited from affected parents, most cases result from new, acquired mutations. These are caused by environmental factors that mutate one copy of the gene. Environmental factors that can result in gene mutations may include radiation such as ultraviolet rays from the sun, or chemicals such as benzene, which is found in cigarette smoke. These cases occur in people with no familial history of the disorder.
Melanocytes insert granules of melanin into specialized cellular vesicles called melanosomes. These are then transferred into the keratinocyte cells of the human epidermis. The melanosomes in each recipient cell accumulate atop the cell nucleus, where they protect the nuclear DNA from mutations caused by the ionizing radiation of the sun's ultraviolet rays. In general, people whose ancestors lived for long periods in the regions of the globe near the equator have larger quantities of eumelanin in their skins.
The modules were to be 4.5 meters in initial length, and grow to full size by an expanded mechanism and air compression after delivery. The train had an 8-ton mass and would be operated by 4 cosmonauts and consist of tug, life, energy and drilling modules. Chassis of each module had 8 wheels with separate drive, each as implemented on Lunokhods. Modules of the base and train had 3 layers of protection from micrometeorites, heat and ultraviolet rays.
The epidermal strata of the skin. 7-Dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) is a zoosterol that functions in the serum as a cholesterol precursor, and is photochemically converted to vitamin D3 in the skin, therefore functioning as provitamin-D3. The presence of this compound in human skin enables humans to manufacture vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) from ultraviolet rays in the sun light, via an intermediate isomer pre-vitamin D3. It is also found in the milk of several mammalian species.
The silver iodide in its unexposed condition was insensitive to the red end of the visible spectrum of light and was unaffected, but the latent image created in the camera by the blue, violet and ultraviolet rays color-sensitized each point on the plate proportionally, so that this color-filtered "sunbath" intensified it to full visibility, as if the plate had been exposed in the camera for hours or days to produce a visible image without development.
The Hawkwood thus both participated in and reinforced the Quattrocento trend that every Florentine public monument to a soldier of fortune employ a parade horse rather than a battle charger, in less than complete armor, and at a pace more suited for reviewing troops than charging into battle.Wegener, 1993, p. 163. A study which subjected the drawing to ultraviolet rays confirmed that Uccello had originally depicted Hawkwood as "more threatening", with his baton raised and horse "at the ready".
Octyl salicylate, or 2-ethylhexyl salicylate, is an organic compound used as an ingredient in sunscreens and cosmetics to absorb UVB (ultraviolet) rays from the sun.Skin cancer foundation: Understanding UVA and UVB It is an ester formed by the condensation of a salicylic acid with 2-ethylhexanol. It is a colorless oily liquid with a slight floral odor. The salicylate portion of the molecule absorbs ultraviolet light, protecting skin from the harmful effects of exposure to sunlight.
In 1925 he found that ultraviolet rays were fatal to glochidia, which was why mussels fared better in the dark. He also found that the acid- alkali balance of the blood the glochida fed on was important. This led to his use of a nutritive solution in 1926 which became known as the Ellis Method. This method was thought to be a way around the parasitic stage of mussel life and was published in Science magazine that year.
Ernest Besnier, a dermatologist, examined the skin and expressed the opinion that it was due to the radium, leading to experiments by Curie which confirmed it. Besnier suggested the use of radium for therapy along the same purposes as x-rays and ultraviolet rays. Becquerel for this purpose loaned some radium to Henri-Alexandre Danlos of the hôpital St. Louis in Paris in 1901. Danlos successfully treated a few cases of lupus with an admixture of radium and barium chloride.
Sir John Frederick William Herschel, 1st Baronet (; 7 March 1792 – 11 May 1871) was an English polymath, mathematician, astronomer, chemist, inventor, experimental photographer who invented the blueprint, and did botanical work. Herschel originated the use of the Julian day system in astronomy. He named seven moons of Saturn and four moons of Uranus – the seventh planet, discovered by his father Sir William Herschel. He made many contributions to the science of photography, and investigated colour blindness and the chemical power of ultraviolet rays.
In 1801, German physicist Johann Wilhelm Ritter discovered ultraviolet in an experiment similar to Hershel's, using sunlight and a glass prism. Ritter noted that invisible rays near the violet edge of a solar spectrum dispersed by a triangular prism darkened silver chloride preparations more quickly than did the nearby violet light. Ritter's experiments were an early precursor to what would become photography. Ritter noted that the ultraviolet rays (which at first were called "chemical rays") were capable of causing chemical reactions.
When he sees Olwen, he suffers an accident and falls from the top of Lighthouse Mesa. This turns out to be because of his shock at Olwen's appearance under the suit. Later, Guardian tells Olwen the truth about the death of her parents, and his subsequent care of her as her mother wished. To keep Olwen safe, he changed her genetically, so the ultraviolet rays from Isis' sun, Ra, would not harm her, allowing her to climb to Isis' mountain heights.
Padimate O absorbs ultraviolet rays, thereby preventing direct DNA damage by UV-B. However, the thus-excited padimate O molecule may then react with DNA to produce indirect DNA damage, similar to the effects of ionizing radiation. An in vitro yeast study conducted in 1993 demonstrated the sunlight-induced mutagenicity of padimate O. The photobiological properties of padimate O resemble those of Michler's ketone, which is considered photocarcinogenic in rats and mice. These findings suggest that padimate O might also be photocarcinogenic.
In the case of methyl chloride, when this substance is emitted and reaches the stratosphere, it ends up being very harmful for the ozone layer, since chlorine when combined with the ozone molecule generates a catalytic reaction leading to the breakdown of ozone links. After each reaction, chlorine starts a destructive cycle with another ozone molecule. In this way, a single chlorine atom can destroy thousands of ozone molecules. As these molecules are being broken, they are unable to absorb the ultraviolet rays.
This is a tridimensional image of Jesus Christ crucified that comes from the 16th century, and it is attributed to a miraculous event occurred to an Amerindian woman of this South American Andean region, who worked washing clothes for wealthy families of the city of Buga. thumbnail On October 5, 2006, a team of specialists, using four different complementary technologies: X rays, ultraviolet rays, pigment and stratigraphic analysis of the image, certified its incredibly well preserved condition. Official celebration in the religious Catholic calendar: September 14.
XPB is another protein in the general transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) complex and is made from the ERCC3 gene, which works in coordination with XDP protein to commence the process of gene transcription. Ultraviolet rays emerging from the sun, various hazardous chemicals, harmful radiations, are all known parameters for the sabotage of the DNA. A normal and healthy cell has the capability to fix the DNA damages before the problems begin due to the damaged DNA. Cells use nucleotide excision repair to fix damaged DNA.
Vitamin D (calciferol) is needed for several functions, including calcium absorption, enabling mineralization of bone, and bone growth. Without it bones can become thin and brittle; together with calcium it offers protection against osteoporosis. Vitamin D is produced in the body when ultraviolet rays from the sun hit the skin; outdoor exposure is needed because UVB radiation does not penetrate glass. It is present in salmon, tuna, mackerel and cod liver oil, with small amounts in cheese, egg yolks, and beef liver, and in some mushrooms.
More energetic, shorter-wavelength "extreme" UV below 121 nm ionizes air so strongly that it is absorbed before it reaches the ground. However, ultraviolet light (specifically, UVB) is also responsible for the formation of vitamin D in most land vertebrates, including humans. The UV spectrum, thus, has effects both beneficial and harmful to life. The lower wavelength limit of human vision is conventionally taken as 400 nm, so ultraviolet rays are invisible to humans, although some people can perceive light at slightly shorter wavelengths than this.
Although the mechanics of ballpoint pens remain relatively unchanged, ink composition has evolved to solve certain problems over the years, resulting in unpredictable sensitivity to light. Standard ballpoint pen inks have been said to be manufactured as both oil-based pigments and organic dyes. Drawings created using dye-based inks are very sensitive to light, some colors more than others. In the past, UV glass has been recommended to protect from ultraviolet rays, but this hasn't been proven to guarantee stability of the ink.
Everyone has the essential right to life, as confirmed under Article 3 of the UDHR. However, if people are not adequately clothed, they are far more exposed to the elements. Without warm clothing, a person may well die from hypothermia during a cold winter; clothing that is inappropriately warm, on the other hand, could contribute to heat stroke, dehydration and exhaustion during summer or in tropical climates. Furthermore, inadequate clothing could increase exposure to ultraviolet rays; aggravate allergies and skin conditions; and worsen pre- existing medical conditions.
Small, but detectable, amounts of hydrogen peroxide can be formed by several methods. Small amounts are formed by electrolysis of dilute acid around the cathode where hydrogen evolves if oxygen is bubbled around it. It is also produced by exposing water to ultraviolet rays from a mercury lamp, or an electric arc while confining it in a UV transparent vessel (e.g. quartz). It is detectable in ice water after burning a hydrogen gas stream aimed towards it and is also detectable on floating ice.
Australia and New Zealand have the world's highest skin cancer rates. Factors include the large percentage of the population with fair skin prone to skin cancers and the high levels of ambient UV radiation. Similarly the Anglo-Celtic ancestry of many New Zealanders together with their outdoor lifestyle, is presumed to be a dominant factor in the risk, due to the effect of high UV levels on fair skin. The UV Index (UVI), defined as the sun-burning strength of ultraviolet rays (UVR), in Canada ranges between 1 and 10.
He published a paper, Om Lysets Indvirkninger paa Huden ("On the effects of light on the skin") in 1893. Inspired by the discovery that x-rays could have therapeutic effects, he extended his research to examine directed light rays. In 1896, he published a paper on his findings, Om Anvendelse i Medicinen af koncentrerede kemiske Lysstraaler ("The use of concentrated chemical light rays in medicine"). Finsen discovered that lupus was amenable to treatment by ultraviolet rays when separated out by a system of quartz crystals, and thereafter created a lamp to sift out the rays.
Glass cloth is a textile material, originally developed to be used in greenhouse paneling, allowing sunlight's ultraviolet rays to be filtered out, while still allowing visible light through to plants. The cloth is usually woven with the plain weave, and may be patterned in various ways, though checked cloths are the most common. The original cloth was made from linen, but a large quantity is made with cotton warp and tow weft, and in some cases they are composed entirely of cotton. Short fibres of the cheaper kind are easily detached from the cloth.
The region at which radiation becomes considered as "ionizing" is not well defined, since different molecules and atoms ionize at different energies. The usual definitions have suggested that radiation with particle or photon energies less than 10 electronvolts (eV) be considered non-ionizing. Another suggested threshold is 33 electronvolts, which is the energy needed to ionize water molecules. The light from the Sun that reaches the earth is largely composed of non-ionizing radiation, since the ionizing far-ultraviolet rays have been filtered out by the gases in the atmosphere, particularly oxygen.
The integrity of kite lines is affected by wear, reeling, contact with chemicals, loss of strength from knottings, ultraviolet rays of the sun, repeated cycles of use, and damaging actions during use. There are historically classic specifications of kite lines. Kite lines for small toy kites differ greatly from kite lines used for kite tugs that pull commercial cargo ships across the ocean. Sport kites using kite line sets of two or three or four lines at a time have a need for very low stretch in the lines.
Moderate exposure to direct sunlight contributes to the production of melanin and vitamin D by the body, but excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays has negative health effects, including sunburn and increased risk of skin cancer, as well as depressed immune system function and accelerated aging of the skin. Some people tan or sunburn more easily than others. This may be the result of different skin types and natural skin color, and these may be a result of genetics. The term "tanning" has a cultural origin, arising from the color tan.
Ernest Everett Just invited Young to work with him during summers at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts beginning in 1927. While there, they worked on researching the fertilization process in marine organisms, as well as the process of hydration and dehydration in living cells. In 1929, Young became interim department head for the zoology department at Howard University for the time while Just was in Europe seeking grant money. Young's eyes were permanently damaged by the ultraviolet rays used in the experiments conducted at Howard for Just.
Its purpose is unknown, but it may be useful in absorbing ultraviolet rays to produce vitamin D, as well as to determine light/dark cycles, and help with thermoregulation. Of all extant tetrapods, the parietal eye is most pronounced in the tuatara. It is part of the pineal complex, another part of which is the pineal gland, which in tuatara secretes melatonin at night. Some salamanders have been shown to use their pineal bodies to perceive polarised light, and thus determine the position of the sun, even under cloud cover, aiding navigation.
Due to its vulnerable state, the powerful forces of climate change, ozone depletion, air pollution, and construction threaten the tundra's survival. The melting of permafrost increases as a result of global warming, which could drastically alter both the landscape and the biodiversity of the region. The ozone depletion at both the North and South Poles increase the strength of ultraviolet rays that harm the tundra. Air pollution around the world creates smog clouds that contaminate the lichen in the ecosystem, which is a major food source in the region.
The grid-sphere design as opposed to a fully covered sphere was aimed at reducing the effects of solar pressure and space drag found to be a problem during Project Echo. The USAF contracted with Goodyear Aerospace for construction of a diameter grid-sphere balloon. It was made of a soft aluminum wire grid embedded in a special plastic designed to dissolve in space under the sun's strong ultraviolet rays. On July 13, 1966, the satellite payload was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, atop an Atlas rocket.
Chicago was the first American city to host the Earth From Above exhibition. The exhibit featured photographic prints that were laminated onto thin aluminum panels that protected them from ultraviolet rays. The photographs included scenes of natural beauty such as a Filipino Bajau village built on coral reefs, a formation of rocks in Madagascar, an inlet in the Ionian Islands that is home to endangered sea turtles, and architectural highlights such as the Palace of Versailles and the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. It also showed scenes of tragedy such as the 1999 earthquake in Turkey and the destruction of the Amazon rainforest.
Uranyl hydroxide is a hydroxide of uranium with the chemical formula UO2(OH)2 in the monomeric form and (UO2)2(OH)4 in the dimeric; both forms may exist in normal aqueous media. Uranyl hydroxide hydrate is precipitated as a colloidal yellowcake from oxidized uranium liquors near neutral pH. Uranyl hydroxide was once used in glassmaking and ceramics in the colouring of the vitreous phases and the preparation of pigments for high temperature firing. The introduction of alkaline diuranates into glasses leads to yellow by transmission, green by reflection; moreover these glasses become dichroic and fluorescent under ultraviolet rays.
Gamma decay review Accessed Sept. 29, 2014 An emitted gamma ray from any type of excited state may transfer its energy directly to any electrons, but most probably to one of the K shell electrons of the atom, causing it to be ejected from that atom, in a process generally termed the photoelectric effect (external gamma rays and ultraviolet rays may also cause this effect). The photoelectric effect should not be confused with the internal conversion process, in which a gamma ray photon is not produced as an intermediate particle (rather, a "virtual gamma ray" may be thought to mediate the process).
Officials say that advances in glass technology have allowed them to block most of the harmful ultraviolet rays that could damage the exhibited works. The custom glass planks were manufactured by Glasfabrik Lamberts and imported by Bendheim Wall Systems. Admission to the museum is free every day and visitors may use any of seven entrances to access the building. The main visitor's desk is in the Bloch Building. On the north side of the museum, a reflecting pool now occupies part of the J.C. Nichols Plaza on the north facade and contains 34 oculi to provide natural light into the parking garage below.
It is believed that the acetate is slowly hydrolyzed after it is absorbed into the skin, regenerating tocopherol and providing protection against the sun's ultraviolet rays. Tocopheryl acetate was first synthesized in 1963 by workers at Hoffmann-La Roche. Although there is widespread use of tocopheryl acetate as a topical medication, with claims for improved wound healing and reduced scar tissue, reviews have repeatedly concluded that there is insufficient evidence to support these claims. There are reports of vitamin E-induced allergic contact dermatitis from use of vitamin E derivatives such as tocopheryl linoleate and tocopherol acetate in skin care products.
Sulfur dioxide emitted from nearby Mount Iō (硫黄山 iōzan) is oxidized to form diluted sulfuric acid, which is absorbed through the soil into the plant and used as anthocyanins. Other factors include the plateau's high level of rainfall, the temperature decrease in autumn, and strong ultraviolet rays.荒木徳蔵 『宮崎の植物あれこれ』 宮日文化情報センター、2008年 Forestry in the surrounding hills consists of Japanese red pine trees (Pinus densiflora). The area is known for its beauty, and has been selected as one of Japan's "100 Forest Therapy" forests (森林浴の森100選).
Painted replica of Augustus of Prima Porta statue prepared for the Tarraco Viva 2014 Festival. It is almost certain that the Augustus was originally painted, but so few traces remain today (having been lost in the ground and having faded since discovery) that historians have had to fall back on old watercolors and new scientific investigations for evidence. Vincenz Brinkmann of Munich researched the use of color on ancient sculpture in the 1980s using ultraviolet rays to find traces of color. Today, the Vatican Museums have produced a copy of the statue so as to paint it in the theorized original colors, as confirmed when the statue was cleaned in 1999.
A woman wearing a facekini The facekini () is a mask designed for swimmers and beachgoers which covers the head and reveals only the eyes, nose, and mouth. It was invented by Zhang Shifan in 2004, a former accountant from the coastal Chinese city of Qingdao which became the hometown of this fashion trend. The mask is popular in Qingdao, where it is used by people for protecting themselves from tan-inducing ultraviolet rays while in direct sunlight and from jellyfish, insects and other irritants while at the beach. The mask is made of a stretchy fabric that is commonly used in bathing suits, and comes in different colors and patterns.
Its entrance and exit to and from the atmosphere siphons off a huge amount of ozone, which allows the ultraviolet rays from the sun to destroy crops and causes worldwide famine. The second asteroid directly collides with Earth, striking in the Philippine Basin of the Pacific Ocean and causing seismic upheaval. The asteroid's explosion on the sea floor sent iron dust throughout the Pacific Ocean, which quickly turned red with rust. The third asteroid is obliterated by the nuclear missiles launched by the UN. When the asteroid's dust reached earth, it contains a large amount of arsenic, which poisoned Earth's water supply creating a global outbreak of arsenic poisoning.
Effect of UV exposure on polypropylene rope Common synthetic polymers that can be attacked include polypropylene and LDPE, where tertiary carbon bonds in their chain structures are the centres of attack. Ultraviolet rays interact with these bonds to form free radicals, which then react further with oxygen in the atmosphere, producing carbonyl groups in the main chain. The exposed surfaces of products may then discolour and crack, and in extreme cases, complete product disintegration can occur. In fibre products like rope used in outdoor applications, product life will be low because the outer fibres will be attacked first, and will easily be damaged by abrasion for example.
Judy interrupts the dream, but she causes her mother to die in the real world. For interfering with dreams of other users, Judy is exiled from Inworld by the mysterious System Operator who controls Infinisynth. She is saved from the Crawlers by Stover, an Outworlder who believes he is the last "normal" human being still living on the surface, protecting himself from the deadly ultraviolet rays, radioactivity, caustic ground water, and Crawlers, while subsisting on a diet of small animals. The two are captured by the Crawlers, however, and brought to their underground village, where Stover is set to work mining the garbage dump.
Brook Rearrangement In the late 1950s, Adrian Brook discovered a rearrangement reaction in organosilicon chemistry that was later named the Brook rearrangement. He also synthesized the first stable compounds containing silicon-carbon double bonds. Photodegradable Plastics While attempting to create polymers that were less resistant to ultraviolet rays from the sun, Jim Guillet discovered, through a Norrish reaction, a process for making plastics (such as foam coffee cups and fast food clam-shell containers) decompose in sunlight. Frustrated Lewis Pairs Douglas Stephan is the pioneer of the Frustrated Lewis pair, a compound or mixture containing a Lewis acid and a Lewis base that cannot combine to form a classical adduct.
Effect of UV exposure on polypropylene rope Common synthetic polymers that can be attacked include polypropylene and LDPE, where tertiary carbon bonds in their chain structures are the centres of attack. Ultraviolet rays interact with these bonds to form free radicals, which then react further with oxygen in the atmosphere, producing carbonyl groups in the main chain. The exposed surfaces of products may then discolour and crack, and in extreme cases, complete product disintegration can occur. In fibre products like rope used in outdoor applications, product life will be low because the outer fibres will be attacked first, and will easily be damaged by abrasion for example.
Corrugated plastic boxes, preferred by some collectors, offer greater protection against acid while also offering better protection against moisture damage and vermin damage. Original art, typically 11x17 bristol boards with the pencils and ink, can be protected against direct sunlight as well as acid deterioration by using an archival quality frame coupled with glass which has been treated to protect against ultraviolet rays. In the column Comic Book Vitamins on the Project Fanboy website, Steven Sykora discussed preserving collections by submitting comic books to the CGC, where comics are inspected for flaws, graded accordingly and placed in an inner well – a sealed sleeve of Barex, a highly gas-impermeable plastic polymer.INEOS Barex - Barex manufacturer's website.
The Herschel Wedge is a prism-based device combined with a neutral-density filter that directs most of the heat and ultraviolet rays out of the telescope, generally giving better results than most filter types. The H-alpha filter transmits the H-alpha spectral line for viewing solar flares and prominences invisible through common filters. These H-alpha filters are much narrower than those use for night H-alpha observing (see Nebular filters below), passing only 0.05 nm (0.5 angstrom) for one common model, compared with 3 nm-12 nm or more for night filters. Due to the narrow bandpass and temperature shifts often telescopes like that are tunable within about a ±0.05 nm.
Though the same chemical substance, ground-level ozone should not be confused with stratospheric ozone, or the ozone layer, which protects the earth from harmful ultraviolet rays. Carbon fuels contain sulfur and impurities that eventually produce sulfur monoxides (SO) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the exhaust, which promotes acid rain. In the United States, nitrogen oxides, PM, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, and ozone, are regulated as criteria air pollutants under the Clean Air Act to levels where human health and welfare are protected. Other pollutants, such as benzene and 1,3-butadiene, are regulated as hazardous air pollutants whose emissions must be lowered as much as possible depending on technological and practical considerations.
This conclusion was reached based on the chemical analysis of a 2000-year old patch of dyed fabric recovered from Masada in the 1960s. The sample, shown to have been dyed with Murex snail extraction, is a midnight blue with a purplish hue. Additionally, in 2013, Na'ama Sukenik of the Israel Antiquities Authority verified a 1st-century CE-dated fragment of blue-dyed fabric to have used H. trunculus as the source of its pure blue color. In the 1980s, Otto Elsner, a chemist from the Shenkar College of Fibers in Israel, discovered that if a solution of the dye was exposed to ultraviolet rays, such as from sunlight, blue instead of purple was consistently produced.
The reddish hue is due to rusting iron minerals presumably formed a few billion years ago when Mars was warm and wet, but now that Mars is cold and dry, modern rusting may be due to a superoxide that forms on minerals exposed to ultraviolet rays in sunlight. The sand is believed to move only slowly in the Martian winds due to the very low density of the atmosphere in the present epoch. In the past, liquid water flowing in gullies and river valleys may have shaped the Martian regolith. Mars researchers are studying whether groundwater sapping is shaping the Martian regolith in the present epoch, and whether carbon dioxide hydrates exist on Mars and play a role.
As sunlight, due to atmosphere's absorption, does not provide much ultraviolet light, the light rich in ultraviolet rays used to be obtained by burning magnesium or from an arc lamp. At the present time, mercury-vapor lamps, noble-gas discharge UV lamps and radio-frequency plasma sources, ultraviolet lasers, and synchrotron insertion device light sources prevail.alt=The classical setup to observe the photoelectric effect includes a light source, a set of filters to monochromatize the light, a vacuum tube transparent to ultraviolet light, an emitting electrode (E) exposed to the light, and a collector (C) whose voltage VC can be externally controlled. A positive external voltage is used to direct the photoemitted electrons onto the collector.
Cholecalciferol (D3) Ergocalciferol (D2) Treatment involves increasing dietary intake of calcium, phosphates and vitamin D. Exposure to ultraviolet B light (most easily obtained when the sun is highest in the sky), cod liver oil, halibut-liver oil, and viosterol are all sources of vitamin D. A sufficient amount of ultraviolet B light in sunlight each day and adequate supplies of calcium and phosphorus in the diet can prevent rickets. Darker-skinned people need to be exposed longer to the ultraviolet rays. The replacement of vitamin D has been proven to correct rickets using these methods of ultraviolet light therapy and medicine. Recommendations are for 400 international units (IU) of vitamin D a day for infants and children.
Later facing Hamon users in his quest for a Super Aja stone to perfect the mask's use for his kind, Kars developed a , which allows him to produce saw-bladed appendages from his body which produce a radiant glow. Unlike his subordinates, Kars has no honor whatsoever and intends to fulfill his goals by any means. Kars finally succeeds in getting the stone by deceiving Lisa Lisa during their match with a vampire decoy and then tricking the Nazis into exposing him to ultraviolet rays while wearing the Aja-embedded stone mask. Once evolved, now immune to sunlight and able to tap into his own genetic structure, Kars can produce animal-like extensions of himself, undergo reactive evolutionary mutations, and utilize Hamon.
James Clerk Maxwell In 1862–64 James Clerk Maxwell developed equations for the electromagnetic field which suggested that waves in the field would travel with a speed that was very close to the known speed of light. Maxwell therefore suggested that visible light (as well as invisible infrared and ultraviolet rays by inference) all consisted of propagating disturbances (or radiation) in the electromagnetic field. Radio waves were first produced deliberately by Heinrich Hertz in 1887, using electrical circuits calculated to produce oscillations at a much lower frequency than that of visible light, following recipes for producing oscillating charges and currents suggested by Maxwell's equations. Hertz also developed ways to detect these waves, and produced and characterized what were later termed radio waves and microwaves.
The highest levels of ozone in the atmosphere are in the stratosphere, in a region also known as the ozone layer between about 10 km and 50 km above the surface (or between about 6 and 31 miles). However, even in this "layer", the ozone concentrations are only two to eight parts per million, so most of the oxygen there is dioxygen, O2, at about 210,000 parts per million by volume. Ozone in the stratosphere is mostly produced from short-wave ultraviolet rays between 240 and 160 nm. Oxygen starts to absorb weakly at 240 nm in the Herzberg bands, but most of the oxygen is dissociated by absorption in the strong Schumann–Runge bands between 200 and 160 nm where ozone does not absorb.
The dietary risk factors for rickets include abstaining from animal foods. Vitamin D deficiency remains the main cause of rickets among young infants in most countries because breast milk is low in vitamin D and social customs and climatic conditions can prevent adequate sun exposure. In sunny countries such as Nigeria, South Africa, and Bangladesh, where rickets occurs among older toddlers and children, it has been attributed to low dietary calcium intakes, which are characteristic of cereal-based diets with limited access to dairy products. Rickets was formerly a major public health problem among the US population; in Denver, where ultraviolet rays are about 20% stronger than at sea level on the same latitude, almost two-thirds of 500 children had mild rickets in the late 1920s.
Rickets was formerly a major public health problem among the US population; in Denver, where ultraviolet rays are about 20% stronger than at sea level on the same latitude, almost two-thirds of 500 children had mild rickets in the late 1920s. An increase in the proportion of animal protein in the 20th-century American diet coupled with increased consumption of milk fortified with relatively small quantities of vitamin D coincided with a dramatic decline in the number of rickets cases.Garrison, R., Jr., Somer, E., The nutrition desk reference(1997) One study of children in a hospital in Uganda however showed no significant difference in vitamin D levels of malnourished children compared to non-malnourished children. Because both groups were at risk due to darker skin pigmentation, both groups had vitamin D deficiency.
Power Department, Government of Sikkim has recently commissioned 2X5 MVA, 66/11KV, Sherathang sub-station in the presence of Mr Phigu T. Bhutia, Principal Chief Engineer and his team of other senior officers which is the highest altitude permanent power sub- station in India and second in the world at an altitude of 13,600 feet. The substation was installed as part of the Central Government’s ‘24×7 power for all’ initiative, which aims to meet the electricity needs to many far-flung corners of the country including the troops stationed at the border areas. Workers had to cope with the high altitude, low temperatures, lack of oxygen and intense ultraviolet rays. Geographical remoteness and extreme weather, frequent blizzards and wide-ranging temperatures – between -10 and 20 C in the summer – make managing a power station a herculean task.
Launched on 3 February 2009, and originally planned to run for seven days, the site received more than 30,000 hits in the first 24 hours and over 1 million hits in the first two months. The premise of the hoax is that software downloaded from the website recalibrates the user's computer monitor or mobile phone to produce ultraviolet rays, after promising to give the user a skin analysis. Described as a "revolutionary new online tanning service" that promises an all-year tan, upon activating the "five-minute free tan trial", bars from a sunbed flash on the screen followed by the message "Don't be fooled, UV exposure can kill", and then by images depicting the victims of sun damage. The advertisement was shown on 75 screens in 11 stations on the London Underground, where it was projected to be seen by up to 1.7 million commuters.
It is suggested that the early genus Homo (humans in the broader sense) started to evolved in East Africa around 3 million years ago. The dramatic phenotypic change from the ape-like Australopithecus to early Homo is hypothesized to have involved the extreme loss of body hair – except for areas most exposed to UV radiation, such as the head – to allow for more efficient thermoregulation in the early hunter-gatherers. The skin that would have been exposed upon general body hair loss in these early proto-humans would have most likely been non-pigmented, reflecting the pale skin underlying the hair of our chimpanzee relatives. A positive advantage would have been conferred to early hominids inhabiting the African continent that were capable of producing darker skin – those who first expressed the eumelanin-producing MC1R allele – which protected them from harmful epithelium-damaging ultraviolet rays.
The Elephant's Trunk Nebula is a concentration of interstellar gas and dust within the much larger ionized gas region IC 1396 located in the constellation Cepheus about 2,400 light years away from Earth. The piece of the nebula shown here is the dark, dense globule IC 1396A; it is commonly called the Elephant's Trunk nebula because of its appearance at visible light wavelengths, where there is a dark patch with a bright, sinuous rim. The bright rim is the surface of the dense cloud that is being illuminated and ionized by a very bright, massive star (HD 206267) that is just to the east of IC 1396A. (In the Spitzer Space Telescope view shown, the massive star is just to the left of the edge of the image.) The entire IC 1396 region is ionized by the massive star, except for dense globules that can protect themselves from the star's harsh ultraviolet rays.
Renault 11 in Argentina, built in Buenos Aires The Renault 11 was manufactured between October 1984 and December 1994 in Renault Argentina's Santa Isabel plant with the following trim levels: GTL, RL, RN, TR, TS, TSE, TXE with the 1.4 M1400 engine by Renault Argentina and after by CIADEA. Manufacture of the Renault 9 began in 1987 until 1997 in the same versions and engines, plus the 1.6 like the R11 and according to ADEFA 144,262 vehicles made (R9) and 79,037 (R11). Today, the R9 is a very popular car in the country, like in the small and the big cities. All versions of the R11 and R9 manufactured in Argentina, as well as in Colombia and Turkey, suffered the problems that the material with which the dashboard is made degraded with ultraviolet rays, and ends cracking (especially on the right side, since it doesn't have the steering column that supports it).

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