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4 Sentences With "tussie mussies"

How to use tussie mussies in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "tussie mussies" and check conjugation/comparative form for "tussie mussies". Mastering all the usages of "tussie mussies" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Doilies are traditionally used to bind the stems in posies (formal flower arrangements called tussie-mussies in the Victorian Era).
The term "tussie-mussie" is sometimes used interchangeably with nosegay. A nosegay was also known as a "talking bouquet" or "flower poesy" during the Victorian era, when they became a popular gift. Traditionally, brides will also carry a small nosegay. Tussie mussies were introduced to England in the early 18th century, and were a fashionable accessory for young women by the early 19th century.
Oriental design became influential due to active trading. At the end of the period the designs became more informal due to the fact that the fragrance of the flowers, which were believed to rid the air of diseases, became more important. Small, handheld arrangements called nosegays or tussie-mussies were used to carry sweet scents, and also helped mask the odors of society where bathing was often believed to be unhealthy. Victorian arrangements (1820–1901) Flowers were considered fashionable in this period.
Similarly, in a scene in his Henry VI, Part 1, English noblemen pick either red or white roses to symbolize their alliegance to the Houses of Lancaster or York. Interest in floriography soared in Victorian England and in the United States during the 19th century. Gifts of blooms, plants, and specific floral arrangements were used to send a coded message to the recipient, allowing the sender to express feelings which could not be spoken aloud in Victorian society. Armed with floral dictionaries, Victorians often exchanged small "talking bouquets", called nosegays or tussie-mussies, which could be worn or carried as a fashion accessory.

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