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11 Sentences With "traducer"

How to use traducer in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "traducer" and check conjugation/comparative form for "traducer". Mastering all the usages of "traducer" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Jeff launched his horse at the traducer, but Gibson spurred aside.
He is neither the apologist, nor the traducer of his heroine.
He was at first a friend of the pilgrims, but became at length their traducer.
It will, of course, rest with him whether an action is taken against his traducer.
The new Suprasson Newtron handpiece, totally autoclavable and knockdown, offers a wide access to the traducer.
Her tone was full of abhorrence for this traducer of the man she loved and trusted.
He was mortified and angry, and yet he was helpless because his traducer was a woman.
In this refined and chastened style did the defenders of American cultivation preserve its reputation from its traducer.
The Queen's magnanimity and clemency to her traducer Jasper Judge in the same year called forth a warm eulogium.
She is making gifts of a Yule day, and gives her traducer a red ring, meaning a rope round his neck.
Administration handle all disputes and political calamities through Panrui Police Station in effective way. That's why media make a big thing of Panrui and play a role of traducer.

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