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"toxic masculinity" Definitions
  1. harmful beliefs about the way men should behave

687 Sentences With "toxic masculinity"

How to use toxic masculinity in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "toxic masculinity" and check conjugation/comparative form for "toxic masculinity". Mastering all the usages of "toxic masculinity" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Those who already knew that America had a toxic-masculinity problem knew at once that this was a toxic-masculinity problem.
Visions, her breakthrough album, centred around a single and video that interrogated toxic masculinity, before 'toxic masculinity' became a central topic of cultural debate.
Toxic masculinity reemerges as a central theme in this shooting.
Anthony Joshua's Sexist Comments & The Fight To End Toxic Masculinity
All right, professor, what is toxic masculinity first of all?
Much of this inequality stems from toxic masculinity and misogyny.
Adult Harry Styles will have none of your toxic masculinity.
And second, even more, I wanted to explore toxic masculinity.
I had gay friends and saw how toxic masculinity works.
The setting and props also combat some ideas of toxic masculinity.
This is super messed up and toxic masculinity at its finest.
Complaints of toxic masculinity hang over state and local government, too.
"It's more art and beauty and less toxic masculinity," Hegar says.
I mean, someone's not ... But their toxic masculinity is a thing.
Twin Peaks is really having a toxic masculinity problem right now.
You were asking these women about toxic masculinity and the patriarchy.
The dominant media narrative has conflated "toxic" masculinity with "traditional" masculinity.
It looks like bisexuality might be the cure for toxic masculinity.
Both are flawed males, both the very picture of toxic masculinity.
Read these stories next: How This Dad Expertly Avoided Toxic Masculinity In A Conversation With His Son A Children's Gift Guide For Undoing Toxic Masculinity Why Gender Stereotypes In Kids' Shows Are A REALLY Big Deal
Indeed, men -- good men -- suffer under toxic masculinity too, from the strict roles and constricting norms they're expected to fulfill, to the violence in society that toxic masculinity perpetuates and would have them be party to.
The debate was a great lesson on the dangers of toxic masculinity.
In this world of toxic masculinity, it wouldn't be all that surprising.
"People already tend to focus on things like toxic masculinity," he says.
A bounty-hunter cyborg with the power to bring down toxic masculinity?
" But as Colleen Clemens writes in Teaching Tolerance, "'Toxic masculinity' is tricky.
Your On Cinema reflects the toxic masculinity seen from the alt-right.
So he was a big force of toxic masculinity in your life?
The show is definitely defiant of toxic masculinity and its negative impact.
To me, it's the same buzzword bullshit everyone says about toxic masculinity.
But the most pervasive version of the trope today is toxic masculinity.
I had inherited a subtle, yet still violent, form of toxic masculinity.
Or from tearing down toxic masculinity to creating a subtle hiding place. 
The toxic masculinity inherent in the "Nice Guy" has begun to be challenged.
It shows that "toxic masculinity" can be spread viciously by insensitive women, too.
It's about domestic violence, toxic masculinity and resources for dealing with mental illness.
Of course, it's not as simple as the church perpetuating toxic masculinity, either.
I think because of that, it's an environment where toxic masculinity can flourish.
How do you feel we can move past this brand of toxic masculinity?
Nor can they address it without addressing larger societal problems (especially toxic masculinity).
WATTERS: How would I demonstrate on a day-to-day basis, toxic masculinity?
The American Psychological Association recently released first-ever guidelines for addressing toxic masculinity.
That is why the inverse and the spawn of BDE is toxic masculinity.
Trump, by contrast, was constantly reverting to his natural state of toxic masculinity.
Queer Eye is the best thing to happen to toxic masculinity since forever.
He is a product of toxic masculinity pushed on him by our society.
Wouldn't it be nice if sexism and toxic masculinity were gone by 2020?
Trump is in fact the logical extension of toxic masculinity and ambient misogyny.
Todd wasn't the archetype of what we think toxic masculinity would look like.
She strikes a cozy tone that is the literary opposite of toxic masculinity.
I just hope these other people heal from their trauma of toxic masculinity.
Even Neeson isn't free from the burdens of toxic masculinity, it would appear.
Perhaps dissecting and criticizing toxic masculinity can become the new locker room talk.
It's likely this toxic masculinity was a crucial component of why Trump won.
To be clear, Moffitt isn't trying to develop a toxicology of toxic masculinity here.
The crusade against toxic masculinity in contemporary dance music feels like a relentless battle.
At least Margot Robbie is the producer, which could balance out Ayer's toxic masculinity.
The ads explored the #MeToo movement, toxic masculinity, sexual harassment, racism, and transgender rights.
ON MARCH 10th, Chloe Stillwell opined that "Ed Sheeran has a Toxic Masculinity Problem".
We need to acknowledge that toxic masculinity, abuse, and homicide go hand in hand.
" She clarified the rumored "theme" of season 3 being toxic masculinity..."It's so interesting.
And the Republicans are matching her with a near perfect embodiment of toxic masculinity.
A liberal professor thinks students as young as five should undergo toxic masculinity training.
But the toxic masculinity that often pervades sports and fraternity culture bears some scrutiny.
Finally, in his 2012 film "Amity," Mr. Adams plumbs the depths of toxic masculinity.
I have used this column to regularly condemn sexism, misogyny, patriarchy and toxic masculinity.
" Mr. Cullman, the director, said he hoped "Lobby Hero" would further "expose toxic masculinity.
"It's not enough to stand by when toxic masculinity is on display," he said.
It examines toxic masculinity and misogyny and sounds like it was written in fire.
The school has also brought in speakers to discuss "toxic masculinity" and healthy relationships.
You can call this toxic masculinity, pathological narcissism or the ugly face of patriarchy.
That we want to get rid of toxic masculinity just as much as misogyny.
It's a gripping read and true fodder for the necessary reckoning with toxic masculinity.
Will toxic masculinity be a successful campaign tactic — or will it backfire with voters?
This comment will leave a mark (toxic masculinity might have been a better framing).
" But recently, there's been an explosion in the use of the phrase "toxic masculinity.
Mr. Obama's comments reinforced toxic masculinity and they didn't really give us an alternative.
So whenever I have those critiques about toxic masculinity, I am not absolving myself.
LAME. Ryder Rating: 3/10, more magic and less toxic masculinity would've been nice.
Many group members say they are responding to calls from #MeToo to address toxic masculinity.
M. Butterfly is about a consensual relationship, but toxic masculinity is central to its identity.
Toxic masculinity proves that men are also hurting, and suffering, from our harshly gendered society.
Did that toxic masculinity from older father figures trickle down into your relationships with friends?
Maybe they'd get daily rape or death threats from whatever branch of toxic masculinity inc.
But they also reject the toxic masculinity that exists within much of rock's complicated legacy.
For Biden and Trump, that anger also has a physical component, redolent of toxic masculinity.
Is he the key to unlocking the links between toxic masculinity, objectification and fringe politics?
For better or worse, Hollywood has defined toxic masculinity more aptly than most other industries.
It's paired, rather shrewdly, with a performance of "Toxic Masculinity: The Musical," which Bitzegaio directs.
The short story collection, "Brief Interviews with Hideous Men," uses parody to critique toxic masculinity.
I don't believe my friends to be bad people, just deeply influenced by toxic masculinity.
The world needed that story, Black people needed that story, toxic masculinity needed that story, yes!
Elsewhere, "Opener" and "Shortcomings" bloom with bright electronics while documenting the debilitating nature of toxic masculinity.
He is an active agent in a system perpetuating a culture of toxic masculinity in Hollywood.
What it does do is reinforce a system of masculinity that eventually leads to toxic masculinity.
It means that for many voters, Trump's toxic masculinity was a deep part of his appeal.
And perhaps they overlap; certainly both are sources of what we've come to call toxic masculinity.
Gillette courted controversy with its ad that challenged toxic masculinity in the midst of the #MeToo.
All the clown prince was missing was a vape to better embody late millennial toxic masculinity.
Others point to concerns about sexual violence and toxic masculinity as reasons why they're staying single.
The phrase "Mein bad" and the word "Fear" are repeated like disturbing slogans for toxic masculinity.
We need to root out toxic masculinity and contempt for the feminine where it begins — in childhood.
Every nation is home to toxic masculinity, but only America fuels it with easy access to guns.
Earlier in 2019, the company released an ad addressing toxic masculinity that actually polled well with viewers.
When we label this kind of behavior "toxic masculinity," that gives the majority of men an out.
It's a weekly series, so stay tuned regularly to learn about consent, toxic masculinity, genders and more.
Although this portrait presents me as feeling strong and powerful, Trump's toxic masculinity is anything but empowering.
The recent commercial from Gillette, titled "Toxic Masculinity" has sparked a great deal of discussion and controversy.
Start teaching young boys about consent and fight against the toxic masculinity that underpins rape culture #metoo.
Disgusting as this is, it felt unsurprising considering the art world's incessant propping up of toxic masculinity.
There's a connection between gun violence and the kind of toxic masculinity expressed by Rodger and others.
Americans demonize fraternities as bastions of toxic masculinity where young men go to indulge their worst impulses.
It feels like Gabe is grappling with toxic masculinity right up to the end of the show.
She followed that up last year with "NATE," which allowed her to inhabit and explore toxic masculinity.
These are deep and troubling expectations that are shaped by male privilege, male power and toxic masculinity.
That is part of the early training that I received when it came to my toxic masculinity.
I discovered the author and scholar a few years ago, while reporting on so-called toxic masculinity.
In a subsequent episode, a running theme of toxic masculinity culminates in an eight-minute original musical.
I didn't learn toxic masculinity from him, but I did learn the emotionally stunted side of masculinity.
Both toxic masculinity and traditional masculinity are confusing -- even insulting -- terms that should be changed or abandoned.
"The more boys can be coached by women, the less toxic masculinity" you will see, Gallimore said.
Hernandez's crimes appeared to have no clear impetus beyond a dangerous mixture of paranoia and toxic masculinity.
A Call to Men is one group seeking to unravel toxic masculinity that can drive domestic violence.
Today's article is about musicians who are challenging norms that they see as products of toxic masculinity.
I think all of us can relate to being in a barber shop, around that toxic masculinity.
Why, in this day and age, would anyone would think we need this cinematic ode to toxic masculinity?
This point is driven home by Elena when she calls her grandmother an unintentional enabler of toxic masculinity.
And like both Hollywood and Wall Street, the Valley has its share of toxic masculinity and entrenched sexism.
It's a delicate portrayal that feels entirely new: the female gaze applied to a symbol of toxic masculinity.
But despite some great female roles, the show still relies on toxic masculinity to move the plot along.
Within fashion, the discussion then becomes less about toxic masculinity and patriarchy, and more about abuse of power.
Toxic masculinity is an unsuccessful attempt to mimic BDE, and then furious resentment when that mimicry becomes impossible.
The idea of toxic masculinity, regressive social attitudes about how men should behave and express themselves, isn't new.
Students can select two or three Readers Pick comments that reflect a viewpoint that skews toward toxic masculinity.
The issue is this: How does one investigate the ramifications of toxic masculinity without employing the toxin itself?
So for your toxic masculinity inhibited you from expressing yourself—do you think that was a common experience?
But it was also a window for me personally into the toxic masculinity endemic on the far-right.
But already, Gillette is facing backlash for its latest ad, which takes on toxic masculinity, bullying and harassment.
"Once that is established you have toxic masculinity and then it's open season on any women," she warns.
White supremacy and toxic masculinity are nothing new, but today, America is in the midst of a reckoning.
For a while, these singers specialized in a nearly toxic masculinity that treated women as objects, not subjects.
Some researchers think the traits that define toxic masculinity may relate to higher rates of alcoholism among men.
"When I look at the packaging, it speaks to all of the ills of toxic masculinity," he says.
Students, read the entire article, then tell us: — What is your take on the Gillette "toxic masculinity" advertisement?
"The complaint also describes Daniher's "Vanicorn" as a "validating act of recovery from toxic masculinity and a former marriage.
Almost overnight, #NiUnaMenos forced parents and teachers to start long-overdue, difficult conversations about toxic masculinity and its impact.
At its best, it teaches us that the damaging and destructive rules of toxic masculinity can be un-learned.
That monster is toxic masculinity, and it comes out when it wants something that actually belongs to someone else.
Much is (rightly) made these days of toxic masculinity and prescriptive male posturing as a system of social control.
How do you see toxic masculinity playing into the rise of Donald Trump and also the popularity of Putin?
So these media outlets can stop using this fake scenario to push their anti-Black "toxic masculinity" narrative pic.twitter.
The behavior she describes fits neatly into debates we have about gender, toxic masculinity and the abuse of power.
Gather 31 (presumably) heterosexual men in one place, and toxic masculinity is very likely to rear its ugly head.
They'll talk about "toxic masculinity," not the heroes who worked around the clock carrying people and pets to safety.
There it proved a stealth hit, partly for its spirited lampooning of toxic masculinity and fetishization of gun violence.
So Burning Cane is partly about having a conversation about toxic masculinity, the jealousy, the insecurities, all that pressuring.
Whether it's toxic masculinity, cultural restrictions, or other hindrances that prevent people from showing deeper parts of their identity.
Now we have "toxic masculinity" — an expression once relegated to women's studies classrooms that suddenly seems to be everywhere.
"We've all met an Ed Sheeran type," Chloe Stillwell wrote in a Playboy article about his "toxic masculinity" problem.
The idea -- INGRAHAM: Men are, like, this target -- ARROYO: This is toxic masculinity, the term that is so popular now.
Now, some writers have used the idea of toxic masculinity to draw a line between harassment, abuse, and mass shootings.
Names like Brock Turner, and issues like toxic masculinity and victim-blaming, have jumpstarted much-needed discussions on rape culture.
Wow, way to display your toxic masculinity, bunny Luna apparently only approaches Jasper when he is securely in a cage.
But, as it becomes clear Jenny isn't falling for his games this time, Paul's bare-faced toxic masculinity presents itself.
His aggressive thirst for power now seems to be defined by its toxic masculinity and threat to female power itself.
They discuss a recent story Wilbert wrote exploring the ways black men in America grapple with race and toxic masculinity.
For this collection, Roxane Gay sourced frank, devastating essays about men and women's encounters with rape culture and toxic masculinity.
She tops it off with a scathing rebuke of toxic masculinity and glowing praise of the support systems of women.
Clearly, this body image issue has a lot to do with harmful stereotypes and toxic masculinity, rather than actual inadequacies.
Not that it fazed Australian musician Kirin J. Callinan, who has been criticised for his brand of "ironic" toxic masculinity.
On the album "4:44," which dropped Friday, Jay peels back the mask of toxic masculinity with vulnerability and compassion.
I think that amplifying the visibility of queer, trans, and gender non-conforming people is critical to challenging toxic masculinity.
Unless we start taking toxic masculinity seriously as a social policy problem, things will get worse before they get better.
Along with avoiding terms such as "toxic masculinity," Shraya is also careful not to frame her narratives within binary terms.
But I think it's more of a toxic masculinity thing that Brian experienced, where dudes, like, have to be straight.
" In a recent public talk held in Sydney, Mr. Winton tackled a larger problem: "the terror generated by toxic masculinity.
Many of our readers wrote in with their thoughts on Alexandra Robbins' defense of fraternities from charges of toxic masculinity.
These instances of male non-privilege often stem from toxic masculinity, which is a by-product of living in a patriarchy.
Toxic masculinity, the combination of entitlement, aggression, and dominance our society associates with "manliness," is the very core of rape culture.
How can standing up to adversity with your chin stubbornly out and your back straight be a sign of toxic masculinity?
While this is a tale of toxic masculinity at its worst, the truly impressive part of this story is Nesbit's survival.
In a cruel twist of fate/toxic masculinity, Beck taking her power back was the very thing that set Joe off.
With Hollywood imploding because of toxic masculinity and abuse of power, Gadot and Wonder Woman remain a rare source of good.
The scene is chilling, and an example of how toxic masculinity and rage can lead to destructive, criminal behavior, including assault.
A man's addiction and mental illness do not prevent him from being able to understand and reevaluate his own toxic masculinity.
The unmasking of toxic masculinity that runs through these shows has worked in tandem with an unmasking of the masculine body.
Nate has internalized the outward-facing toxic masculinity of his father — who, in a plot twist, turns out to be Cal.
We're often terrible at talking about toxic masculinity in a meaningful way that's able to shift behaviors without spurring defensive backlash.
He's also been praised by many for passionately vocalizing his views on issues of social justice, toxic masculinity, and mental health.
It is not responsible for the very real culture of toxic masculinity that exists in Hollywood (and by extension, America) today.
Again, [it's] not a commentary on all southern men, and it's definitely a toxic masculinity that exists in America at large.
It's becoming increasingly clear that the larger culture of toxic masculinity that makes safe spaces so crucial isn't going anywhere, either.
Upon closer inspection — and completion of the episodes — they can all be traced back to toxic masculinity and the male gaze.
The Republican Party is also making an affirmation of values by sticking with Moore and Trump: the defender of toxic masculinity.
"There's a lot of toxic masculinity," Chabalala, 2000, told CNN of the stereotypes portrayed around masculine gender roles in his country.
There's been a lot said about toxic masculinity of late, but Canadian author Vivek Shraya is ready to retire the concept.
Or, as others would put it, a clownish display of toxic masculinity that results in unnecessary injury and ruins everyone's night.
As Eddie, Steve Bastoni finds the right balance between the character's genuine kindness and the toxic masculinity that shapes his thinking.
"A global conversation about sexual harassment, toxic masculinity and the institutional sexism that envelops the industry is much needed," she said.
" He added, "So anytime anyone tells me, 'This is the right answer,' or 'There's something called toxic masculinity,' I'm, like, What?
How do you reckon with toxic masculinity when it more or less characterizes a man you love, especially when he's dying?
Instead of perpetuating a culture of toxic masculinity, Alexander-Julian and Oke-Lawal chose to highlight a man's emotions and vulnerabilities.
This type of toxic masculinity equates toughness with power and emotions with weakness, leaving men with no outlet for their shame.
"Huff's Twitter bio describes him as a "critically acclaimed stick figure artist, who's politically incorrect, Love God, Country, & support toxic masculinity.
But by the end of "Carmen," his quiet ferocity — a homicidal explosion of what we'd now call toxic masculinity — was chilling.
Toxic masculinity squashes men's ability to express themselves, whether that be through emotions, the way they dress, or how they act.
Hart's homophobia, like that of men from other races, is a byproduct of toxic masculinity and unfair expectations of gender performance.
Tradition, class and toxic masculinity clash in the pressure cooker of the camp, and tensions simmer before rising to an inevitable boil.
But research supports the idea that "toxic masculinity" is, in fact, detrimental to the mental and physical health of boys and men.
As Parker and Johnson show so well, there are many colors in the toxic masculinity rainbow, each as vivid as the next.
In the case of The Little Stranger, the result is a ghost story that doubles as a chilling look at toxic masculinity.
Envisioning a world absent of toxic masculinity is a theme that makes Queen Sugar a nearly utopian drama about a Black family.
Part of that is because one of the less obvious stings of toxic masculinity is that fighting it can be incredibly boring.
"It misses a larger outer ring of lonely male/toxic masculinity that would be far larger than the graph itself," he said.
Nida, Gilliams, Whitfield, and Najjar illustrate the ways that, on this show, toxic masculinity, money, status, and criminal activity are all entwined.
To actively hate and be repelled by women's bodies is the source of toxic masculinity that fuels sexism, assault, and even worse.
Díaz, meanwhile, had established a "public persona as a writer who 'gets' women, sexism, and toxic masculinity," as Vox's Constance Grady noted.
The incidents, described by some students to reporters as hazing, have brought up a host of conversations around hazing and toxic masculinity.
On Monday, Gillette debuted a new ad campaigning calling out toxic masculinity and encouraging their customers to do more to fight it.
The ad challenges men to turn away from toxic masculinity, and received "unprecedented levels" of media coverage and customer engagement, Moeller said.
How do you hope to challenge ideas around toxic masculinity and aspects of masculinity that have been historically repressed in this exhibit?
Coming of age as a boy with a fresh mouth led me to the line between boys behaving badly and toxic masculinity.
They're not without reason—much of the music hasn't changed substantially since 2012, while the culture surrounding it often radiates toxic masculinity.
The comedian Hannah Gadsby, who took on toxic masculinity in her acclaimed Netflix special "Nanette," mostly played it safe as a presenter.
When it debuted in 1948, the toxic masculinity of its male protagonist wasn't just an unfortunate detail; it was the main event.
His early writing unintentionally glorified the culture of toxic masculinity that existed in kitchens then, and that in many ways still exists.
But a new raw anger has emerged, one that perhaps puts the entire project of exploring toxic masculinity in a new light.
For all the talk of toxic masculinity, boys and young men today are permitted a far broader range of behavior and identity.
The new album by the brutalist British band Idles, "Joy as an Act of Resistance," uses toxic masculinity as a sustained theme.
" The group eventually became Manarchy Male Revue, which the organizers describe as "a new kind of male revue stripping away toxic masculinity.
But I think ultimately, he's one of the starkest portrayals we've ever had of toxic masculinity taken to its logical, horrible extreme.
Had Joe let Beck live, fans may have second guessed exactly what You wanted to say about his particular brand of toxic masculinity.
And similarly, with this film, I see it through a similar lens — people like to talk about tough, toxic masculinity in this film.
Girl on the Third Floor is essentially about toxic masculinity and women's rage, two topics that have recently made the pop-cultural rounds.
" The villain of Michael Meyers is coded as a very masculine evil, too — this symbol of what we might today call "toxic masculinity.
During an interview with R29, Rae clarified that the theme of this season is not toxic masculinity like many outlets have been reporting.
And last year, Moonlight, the story of a gay black man's journey through poverty, toxic masculinity, and his sexual identity won Best Picture.
Fiorina and Cruz are trying to separate themselves from both the toxic masculinity of Trump and the embrace of liberal feminism by Clinton.
Non-straight men aren't magically exempt from toxic masculinity, and our experiences shouldn't be passed over in the name of educating straight dudes.
But the show manages to never employ the male gaze, even when it's featuring one of the most violent instances of toxic masculinity.
Breaking down these assumptions about how boys especially should act – often referred to as "toxic masculinity" – should be a priority for every parent.
The group has pulled the song following a column published in the student newspaper lamenting the performance's "toxic masculinity," according to NBC News.
And as Barry travels across the country, he gives Shteyngart a way to address toxic masculinity, fatherhood, and the state of American politics.
Krawcheck said her male coworkers at the bank contributed to a culture of toxic masculinity by communicating that she wasn&apost wanted there.
In other words, "toxic masculinity" does not live up to the standards "toxic" sets — the term itself is marred by its toxic history.
Whiplash is a very good movie, but it's also a movie steeped in a kind of dark machismo, a very literal toxic masculinity.
Watson credits the 21st century with major advances in the reshaping of masculinity, the most dramatic development being the dialogue surrounding toxic masculinity.
So many movies this year have been dominated by stories about toxic masculinity, but some of the best ones were directed by women.
O. In early 2018, following the Parkland shooting, Black wrote a New York Times op-ed about toxic masculinity that quickly went viral.
He dedicates his new book, "The Descent of Man," a plea for less toxic masculinity in the world, to his childhood teddy bear.
We need to be telling people about active consent, about toxic masculinity and the younger we get to people, the better it is.
In the era of Donald Trump, this weekend's headlines were supposed to be all about the power of women to confront toxic masculinity.
If there is a counterbalance to the toxic masculinity exuded by Trump and men like him, it is 2017 NBA MVP Russell Westbrook.
The commercial has a strong message, encouraging men to hold each other accountable, challenge toxic masculinity, and raise their sons to do the same.
Further, the movie explores the ways young men understand, challenge, and perpetuate toxic masculinity, while also depicting the vulnerability and intimacy of male relationships.
And although once upon a time men like this got away with fomenting a culture of toxic masculinity, that veneer appears to be cracking.
But as a gay woman breathing air in 2017, I found the toxic masculinity, homophobia, blatant misogyny, and aggressive rape culture to be gutting.
Some people use the term "toxic masculinity" to describe this mindset and behavior, which has become a ubiquitous part of the national #MeToo conversation.
But a new advert from Gillette, a razor firm, recently achieved its 15 minutes of viral fame by taking a stand against "toxic masculinity".
Perhaps that means he starts participating in the work to tackle toxic masculinity in our culture (maybe through meaningful work with a legit nonprofit).
Also, girls, boys, women and men all make choices about their behavior that can either perpetuate a culture of toxic masculinity or disrupt it.
This type of behavior is probably more common in the wild — toxic masculinity and all that — but on The Bachelorette, that will not fly.
"How do we get men to read this book?" was another question that surfaced, during a brief foray into the subject of toxic masculinity.
It's also a wonky vehicle for discussions about everything from toxic masculinity and sexism to alcoholism and self-destructive demons: a philosophical stoner's dream.
Damn thats lovely—but do you think the toxic masculinity you experienced as a child has had a lasting effect in any other ways?
I do believe that we need to respect the courage that it takes to speak out about harassment and the culture of toxic masculinity.
A professor at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is reportedly calling on K-12 schools to create programs to fight so-called toxic masculinity.
With Jessica Jones, it was the issues of toxic masculinity, sexual assault, and post-traumatic stress syndrome—both true to their comic book origins.
Also sadly relevant, a century after its writing, is Robert Musil's "The Confusions of Young Torless," about toxic masculinity and its links to fascism.
Franken's sleazy justification for verbal misconduct — "I was a comedian" — suggests his liberal celebrity was all along a contrived myth, disguising latent toxic masculinity.
So he's a good fit for The Art of Self-Defense, a very dark comedy about toxic masculinity, for lack of a better term.
For one thing, unlike many of the young men on The Society, he's one of the few not in the death grip of toxic masculinity.
His presence infuses the images, their atmosphere poisoned by a toxic masculinity that is not merely self-destructive but threatens to take us all down.
" The Independent ended the chat with Hammer by pointing out how he and Chambers work to make sure their home is void of "toxic masculinity.
The show has touched a cultural nerve, with its focus on how toxic masculinity hurts men and on how we can help heal one another.
Beyond finding Tao to be among the great prose stylists of my generation, I do not view him or his work as perpetuating toxic masculinity.
Now many file them under toxic masculinity, the inevitable result of narrow conventions of manhood which limit male behaviour to dominance, violence and sexual aggression.
One is a soapy, time-jumping family drama, and the other is an angsty (and controversial) teen saga about suicide, sexual assault, and toxic masculinity.
The men open up about issues ranging from consent to their own complicity in inequality, to how toxic masculinity intersects with war and gun violence.
After years of watching classic works such as "Carmen" and "Rigoletto", she is also hardened to displays of toxic masculinity set to transcendentally beautiful music.
After beating it, I couldn't help but shake a weird feeling: Hey, uh, is Kingdom Hearts a quiet (and perhaps accidental) mediation on toxic masculinity?
In a flashback scene, we see how the homophobia attached to toxic masculinity has stood in the way of Lionel connecting with other Black people.
And also the fact that the show breaks down toxic masculinity and really breach masculinity in all its forms and it's beautiful and really important.
He did a little dance and became the internet's comfort, an unproblematic male figure even in a show set during an era of toxic masculinity.
In his remarks, Crews cited the "cult of toxic masculinity" as a primary cause for the prevalence of sexual assault against women and men alike.
There's a "toxic masculinity culture" in the Marine Corps, James Joyner, a professor at the Marine Command and Staff College, told me in an interview.
Here, he was doing the public messy work of tackling toxic masculinity, homophobia and misogyny, which he admitted had shaped his own life and actions.
"This is the problem of what I call the toxic masculinity of Australian Parliament," said Susan Harris Rimmer, an associate professor at Griffith Law School.
Instead of fruitlessly trying to tame lust, the theory goes, we can remoralize sexual culture by taming misogyny, extirpating toxic masculinity, and re-educating men.
I said that I hadn't seen it in years but wondered how it would play in an era when people are hyperaware of toxic masculinity.
Love's codependent relationship with her brother takes You into some unexpected places, and the show's new setting gives it new arenas for exploring toxic masculinity.
An eco-feminist blockbuster for the long summer of the Anthropocene, Fury Road reveals the grim result of an Earth ruled by unchecked toxic masculinity.
Through the lens of toxic masculinity, the worst thing men can be is like women: crying or spending time on one's appearance is heavily criticized.
Toxic masculinity is a popular phrase in academic and activist circles, but it's not that hard to spot in pop culture if you know the signs.
Cobra Kai is not just a story of middle-aged men who haven't resolved their past; it's a meditation on how toxic masculinity travels across generations.
In many ways, The Bachelorette waffles — often problematically — between idealizing male vulnerability, exposing toxic masculinity, and making comedy out of a "bros will be boys" ethos.
The actors said they're happy the show tackles toxic masculinity head-on and doesn't shy away from the complicated nature of growing up and coming out.
Type: Average male Signature Move: Toxic masculinity A true icon, Weepinduo is the only pokémon fusion to be forever immortalized in the annals of internet history.
Their follow-up album, "Joy as an Act of Resistance", released last month, is similarly apposite as it reflects on immigration, political divides and "toxic masculinity".
In case you missed it last year, Natalie Palamides's gender-bending take on toxic masculinity returns for a six-night run at this club in Chelsea.
Crews's message is all the more prescient when you look at the backlash to even talking about toxic masculinity or treating it as a real issue.
That word has come to be attached to many others: toxic masculinity, toxic homosociality (male bonding through awful behaviour), toxic debates over things like transgender rights.
It's Heathers meets The Purge when a town-wide data leak means four teen girls have to rise up against slut-shaming, hate, and toxic masculinity.
It's all frills and toxic masculinity until a late movie troll twist that—while I can't get fully onboard with—I respect for its sheer audacity.
For some men, the process has resulted in the breaking down of their toxic masculinity, to the benefit of themselves and the women in their lives.
The Dallas Mavericks were subject to allegations of rampant sexual harassment and toxic masculinity in the workplace, per a searing Sports Illustrated report published last night.
According to Bridges, toxic masculinity makes men "more likely to commit violent crime," but it also makes them more likely to be victims of violent crime.
It's just something that comes to mind when I read stories about gender, sexuality, toxic masculinity and the power and politics of the body in America.
Brennan subverts the familiar Y.A. love triangle in uproarious, touching, unexpected ways, and her commentaries on gender roles, sexual identity and toxic masculinity are very witty.
There's a certain amount of time legally that you have to let the people there's gotta be a precedent for that—not toxic masculinity.
In an industry historically dominated by toxic masculinity, sexist frameworks of thinking and extreme gender imbalance, there's an opportunity to grow the inverse of these worldviews.
The everyday poison known as toxic masculinity becomes dangerously easy to swallow in "Linda Vista," Tracy Letts's inspired, ruthless take on the classic midlife-crisis comedy.
But another theme the Stratford production draws out, often in angry, bravura dancing, is how the heritage of toxic masculinity works against Billy — and everyone else.
It's a crime novel, an art history thesis, an LGBTQ coming-of-age story, and a meditation on toxic masculinity all wrapped up in 976 pages.
The Julius here is protective and a bit of a romantic, a gentler counterpoint to their colleague Ol' Boy (Ruy Iskandar), who is toxic masculinity personified.
The #MeToo movement showed women that they are not alone and because it, they are feeling more empowered to speak out against misogyny and toxic masculinity.
As just one front in the sprawling fight to break down toxic masculinity, an advertising campaign that has the potential to reach millions isn't a small thing.
There's one person who describes how "a beast can represent a masculine force without toxic masculinity," which is something that seems pretty apt for Game of Thrones.
He and Bryce are both products of abuse and toxic masculinity, so why the heck won't the show address that or give us more positive role models?
For years, Crews has tried to challenge the roots of toxic masculinity, in part by taking a hard look at his own weaknesses and issues with manhood.
These issues don't look so bad when viewed through the lens of toxic masculinity, however, where they can be seen as forms of strength and self-determination.
The next thing I [saw in the headlines is that] "Insecure season 3's theme is toxic masculinity," which has been happening a lot for this season.
"Particularly in Scotland, it was poverty, inequality, things like toxic masculinity, alcohol use, all these factors—most of which were outside the bounds of policing," says Linden.
In particular, the typical audience for an Eastwood film at the time didn't want to see their macho icon vilified and ultimately punished for his toxic masculinity.
And I'm still choosing to ignore all this NFL stuff (but I know I can't forever), because that's another whole can of worms (worms being toxic masculinity).
" As for the argument that Playboy contributes to the culture of harassment and toxic masculinity, Christie said that's "a complete misapprehension of anything to do with Playboy.
Much of Crews' testimony focused on the culture of toxic masculinity and complicity that enables widespread abuse, with predatory men actively helping other predatory men avoid consequences.
Now, the music is sure to be examined in a national conversation as social critics point to toxic masculinity as a root cause of mass gun violence.
For something more luxurious, Tom Ford offers a spiced floral Jasmin Rouge Bath Soap ($38) with a satisfyingly rich lather — and not a hint of toxic masculinity.
HERE'S THE RUNDOWNJohn Mayer: Tears Into Toxic Masculinity At Show Cardi B & Offset: Strip Club TherapyConor McGregor: The Crazy UFC Brawl Ben Affleck: Closely Monitored In Divorce
" Toxic masculinity, Mr. Winton argued, mutates in settler societies; it is no accident that in "The Shepherd's Hut" Jaxie is referred to as a "wild colonial boy.
But the experiences of Black women with law enforcement suggest that policing toxic masculinity requires interventions that far surpass the typical ways in which police departments operate.
Yes, Gianforte's assault is a glaring display of toxic masculinity in an environment made particularly toxic by the man in the White House and his media bullying.
Even a small splash of domestic terrorism (often a by-product of toxic masculinity and lax gun laws) will sour the mix, so store your terrorisms separately.
As the misleading term "toxic masculinity" dominates the news, colleges are sounding a clarion call to abolish all-male groups, fraternities often the most notorious among them.
In addition to reenactments of the toxic masculinity displayed on air, audiences can expect direct references to the controversies that unfolded between Megyn Kelly and Donald Trump.
" Their design meetings centered around discussions on, "how toxic masculinity affects us personally; what anxieties it causes, and what we've had to overcome and change in ourselves.
While it touches on the toxic masculinity and systematic sexism that permeates Fox News, it does little to contextualize the industry that allowed this behavior to thrive.
"Prohibiting women from the highest ranks of formal leadership fosters a fundamentally toxic masculinity," Jonathan L. Walton, the Plummer professor of Christian morals at Harvard, told me.
But he's usually tackling less kid-friendly topics such as white supremacy, police violence, non-monogamous relationships, and toxic masculinity, especially as a gender non-conforming person.
" Whitlock says the shadow group is made up of people on the left who believe "the NFL is the head of the snake in terms of toxic masculinity.
Is his sport thus an extreme case of the toxic masculinity which the American Psychological Association warns can harm the mental and physical health of boys and men?
So, let us properly send off the network dedicated to toxic masculinity by taking a peek at this internal manifesto passed out to staff after the 2006 rebranding.
These conversations often grapple with "toxic masculinity," a slippery term that has evolved a bit since it was first introduced by the Mythopoetic Men's Movement of the 80s.
It takes you a while before you are able to shed that mantle of toxic masculinity which is imposed upon you by peers, media, other people around you.
A new ad campaign from Procter & Gamble-owned razor brand Gillette is taking on toxic masculinity and calling on men to take action against sexual harassment and bullying.
In "The Art of Luv (Part 1): Elliot," the group explored toxic masculinity by repurposing YouTube videos by the mass murderer Elliot Rodger while dressed like pagan gods.
Feminist scholars call it "toxic masculinity, " the set of social norms that teach boys to blunt their emotions and answer pain with physical violence, no matter its cause.
She said the politics were imbued with "toxic masculinity", referring to a tweet in which Trump said his nuclear button was bigger and more powerful than North Korea's.
It's really important that dicks can be silly, cute, and fun in games, because it challenges the atmosphere of toxic masculinity that pervades the industry and the community.
A new P&G ad for Gillette this week comes from the same socially conscious playbook, and asks men to take a look at their own toxic masculinity.
For better or worse, Fish tries to dissociate characters from their actions, toying at a larger thesis about the ills of toxic masculinity writ large onto American society.
She described the ouster of Mr. Turnbull, engineered by conservative male lawmakers, as "a terrible display of toxic masculinity" that pushed out talent and eroded faith in democracy.
Although he tries not to "give into" toxic masculinity, being the oldest son in a single parent household swayed him away from taking care of his mental health.
The sequel wants to tell a story about toxic masculinity and supporting traditionally feminine interests, but to do that, it kind of makes a joke of them first.
The main concern is that while these groups aim to deconstruct the effects of toxic masculinity on men, they rarely consider the effect it has on women, too.
The Texas town we encounter here — centered on a ramshackle tavern, in Sara Brown's imaginative set — is steeped in toxic masculinity, gun culture and the demonization of outsiders.
While it touches on the toxic masculinity and systematic sexism that permeates Fox News, the film does little to contextualize the industry that allowed this behavior to thrive.
Reveling in abundant displays of toxic masculinity and pumped-up posing, the Australian biker drama "Outlaws" is a punishing watch — more so when you can decipher the dialogue.
The Last Black Man in San Francisco also enters a space once exclusively occupied by a group of Black bromances that shout their toxic masculinity from the rooftops.
"Bad Guy" finds her mocking toxic masculinity — "So you're a tough guy [...] chest-always-so-puffed-up guy" — and then reverses roles by contorting into a villainous baritone.
All the ingredients are there: ethnic slurs, profuse swearing, toxic masculinity with men berating each other for supposed effeminacy, and a large cast of characters who hate each other.
In movies like Love, Simon; Anna and the Apocalypse; and even Ralph Breaks the Internet, the toxic masculinity inherent in the "Nice Guy" concept has begun to be challenged. 
That's Not A ThingWe Need To Talk About How Toxic Masculinity Is Killing AmericaThe Allegations Against Aziz Ansari Show That Consent Really Isn't Common Sense — When It Should Be
This is not the first time "toxic masculinity" has appeared in men's grooming product advertising, and it's not the first time men have lost their cool about it either.
And it's not just about the hypocrisy that men can have when it comes to women's sexuality — she also called out the ramifications of toxic masculinity and male entitlement.
"I called a couple of sisters that [I] know that are in the space that talk about the feminist movement and toxic masculinity, and just asked questions," he said.
Hocus Pocus may derive humor from the toxic masculinity-drenched assumption that good-looking teenage boys shouldn't be virgins — but Max himself isn't bogged down by this toxic thinking.
All I can do is seek the information that'll make me stronger, that'll help me overcome my toxic masculinity, my male privilege, because that's something you never think about.
Just as the golden age of TV antiheroes grappled with the effects of toxic masculinity, 2018's antiheroines showed us female villainy as a repercussion of sexism and misogyny.
It smacks of a kind of entitled and outdated toxic masculinity that teaches young men not to take no for an answer — after all, it's romantic to be chased!
Notoriously, he dumped approving gasoline on the Gamergate controversy, in which trolls doxxed and harassed women who were calling for more diversity, and less toxic masculinity, in video games.
Terry Crews gave a powerful testimony before a Senate Judiciary Committee where he called for the end of toxic masculinity and recounted how speaking out has affected his career.
It's an ongoing conversation I have with many black and brown queer folks in and out of the ballroom scene about how to eradicate toxic masculinity from our lives.
One wonders if it requires an especially malignant strain of toxic masculinity for someone to declare themselves a prophet/guru/healer and exploit vulnerable followers for whatever strange purpose.
It's a dismantling of toxic masculinity that Junot Díaz's public persona would applaud — but also one that, if the accusations against him are true, his private self hasn't internalized.
So I called him up to get more insight into his theories, the current dialogue around toxic masculinity, and what it's like to live without the mask of manhood.
The essays are hilarious, and the responses are often sublime — although they also illustrate the toxic masculinity of many coding subcultures, as Schiffer noted in her talk's powerful conclusion.
It makes sense considering the last 12 months, with the #MeToo and Time's Up movements championing the abolition of toxic masculinity, and toxic relationships (number six on the list).
And though women make up more than half of gamers worldwide, many gaming communities mirror the toxic masculinity of the games they play, becoming hostile spaces for women gamers.
The #MeToo movement, sharpened by the outcry against the elevation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, has also prompted many discussions of "toxic masculinity" in the public sphere.
That tells me that you are a man who can access his emotions, who is brave enough to begin to unravel the toxic masculinity that our culture serves up.
"Unfortunately, it is an online community that is mainly guys, and since we're in that self-help bubble of the internet, there's always some random toxic masculinity," Walker says.
I had—and still have—a lot of trouble with toxic masculinity and the way men treat women, so it was difficult taking the steps to become more masculine.
Though it sounds like a second-wave concept resurrected by the new generation of feminists, toxic masculinity was popularized by the mythopoetic men's movement of the 1980s and '90s.
Though he often pushes up against toxic masculinity by embracing femininity and defying traditional gender roles, his story reminds us of the narrow parameters within which that is possible.
"Gay and bisexual men certainly have internalized misogyny, toxic masculinity, and gender role norms, which can also result in problems in their romantic relationships," Nadal writes in an email.
The comments and retweets have been pretty universal in their mocking tone, mostly calling the brand out for its propagation of toxic masculinity, a theme this week in branding.
There are so many stories in the media about what we currently call "toxic masculinity" and I feel like that still doesn't get to the depth of the phenomenon.
Although it was not Achebe's original intent, I believe he inadvertently makes a case for feminism in "Things Fall Apart" by showing the negative impact of Okonkwo's toxic masculinity.
You don't have to look very hard to see a commentary on the now-infamous world of Reddit's MRA boards and the toxic masculinity that festers there day after day.
Mens grooming legacy brand Gillette unleashed a torrent of response — both celebratory and deeply hostile — on Monday when it released a commercial confronting toxic masculinity, the #metoo movement and bullying.
The thread's first tweet, which has since received over 68,000 likes, touched on toxic masculinity and gender norms, two themes Gouveia has explored in his personal life and professional career.
Other standout responses include having "too many entrances" in schools, "taking God out of" American culture, unhealthy diets, mainstream media, Ritalin and "overmedicating" children, and the criticism of toxic masculinity.
Whatever the case, fostering a space free from toxic masculinity also requires publicly naming and confronting abusers, since if we don't, we may lose those who were their targets instead.
Respondents have been assigned to attend and report on a workshop on toxic masculinity, learn bystander intervention techniques and teach them to other students, or do community service, Miele said.
"Until we fully push our culture and condemn violence at the highest levels, I think we're going to be stuck in this pattern of toxic masculinity being supported," she says.
And the split between its "crazy things keep happening!" storytelling approach and a desire to consider the roots of toxic masculinity might be wide enough to swallow the show whole.
He oozes toxic masculinity and misogyny: Nate even has a long list of things he hates on women, from body hair to shorts that are just a little too short.
In addition to addressing what she called the "toxic masculinity that exists in the political space in Kenya," Okore said that security institutions prioritizing the protection of women was crucial.
There's no sadder commentary about gender politics in America today than the fact that the likely election of the first female president has become a horrific display of toxic masculinity.
Maron turned to introspection and calling out his own mistakes and history with toxic masculinity and the comedy scene, including past relationships and not employing female writers on his show.
And again, this is a credit to Nacho, because I don't think he actively had a bunch of corkboards with 'alcoholism' and 'toxic masculinity' — he didn't hit all these themes.
Gu describes the film as a portrait of a man trying to cleanse himself of learned toxic masculinity, and the realization that it's not as easy as it might seem.
Their music blurs genres, too – from trap to hip hop to Sean Mendes-style guitar pop – all tied together with lyrics tackling race, poverty, queerness, mental health and toxic masculinity.
If you didn't abide by what they said, you just fell out of their social hierarchy and I guess that's part of the toxic masculinity; there's a hierarchy amongst men.
The series, which many compare to other classic teen shows like "Gossip Girl" and "Riverdale," stands out for its refreshing way of tackling topics like toxic masculinity, homophobia, and classism.
The company's "We Believe" ad -- a one minute and 48 second spot posted to its social media accounts this week -- addresses serious issues like toxic masculinity, sexual harassment and #metoo.
They go against the grain, they challenge our thoughts on what is or isn't "normal", and fight against toxic masculinity by welcoming all into a place that's soft and sweet.
We kicked off our new format last week with a discussion on race and toxic masculinity, and this time around, we have a lighter (and much) beloved topic: The Simpsons.
"We need to go from a rape culture to a consent-based culture… what we really need is a change in male behavior and in the toxic masculinity," she said.
For the second straight year, the 26nd Street Y is celebrating Purim by heading downtown to SoHo and inviting women (and one Ha-Man) to make fun of toxic masculinity.
"First of all, I think that the term toxic masculinity is not the most useful term to bring up especially with someone who is a gender theory virgin," said Plank.
"Gutterplum," which runs for two more performances Saturday at Union Hall in Brooklyn, can seem like a companion piece to "Nate," which sends up unhinged femininity instead of toxic masculinity.
Amidst the fantastic stores of Atlanta are commentaries on race, class, gender, toxic masculinity, drugs, relationships, and so many other important, everyday topics that affect every aspect of our lives.
Subreddits like r/MGTOW (which stands for Men Going Their Own Way) are framed like this, said Verity Trott, a lecturer at Monash University researching the culture of toxic masculinity.
The America I seek for my daughters embraces the diversity and experiences of immigrants, and says "no" to the kind of toxic masculinity we see every day in Trump's America.
Written in dreamy present tense and alternating points of view from the three sisters, The Water Cure takes an original, complicated look at how abuse, toxic masculinity, and gaslighting collide.
As the case made headlines and sparked conversations about campus sex assault, entitlement and toxic masculinity, the victim remained anonymous to nearly everyone in her life, including her closest friends.
But unlike with the shame I felt as a young man internalizing toxic masculinity, I didn't want to hide my feelings, repress them, or confess them only to my wife.
Gillette's new ad, which focuses on a culture of "toxic masculinity" more than it does actual shaving, seems to be sitting well with consumers, according to new data from Morning Consult.
The Jessica Jones lead is a crack detective, dogged investigator, and she straight-up killed one of television's most violent examples of walking misogyny and (literally) toxic masculinity, Kilgrave (David Tennant).
Kanye's wonder at the fact that Drake followed Kim at one point in time has a little bit of the stink of toxic masculinity to it that is not the greatest.
They were talking about it [using] a conversation that was very steeped in a history of how women's bodies are treated as property and how we cultivate toxic masculinity in boys.
In Divoli's alluring voice there is a powerful and radical expression of femininity, of cuntness, but also rage; against homophobia, against white supremacy; against the toxic masculinity of the Trump administration.
I can now understand my father's childhood of abuse from his mentally ill mother and his having been raised in a misogynistic culture that valued toxic masculinity influenced his abusive behavior.
Over the last year these ten habitually associated words, or collocates, were the most looked up: Chemical Masculinity Substance Gas Environment Relationship Culture Waste Algae Air Toxic masculinity stands out, right?
" A writer from the Guardian described him as "a horrifying bearded man-Muppet hybrid whose eyes are permanently rolling in their sockets, presumably from years of drug use… toxic masculinity incarnate.
The fourth edition of the Kochi-Muziris Biennial, which is the first instance of it being curated by a woman, is marked by lofty ideals, but also incidents of toxic masculinity.
Mr. Roy, who grew up in Northern California, said "Blindspotting" was particularly timely because it grapples with a range of issues affecting American life: racial profiling, toxic masculinity, fear of change.
But it's a better path than throwing out the older models, and all their wisdom with them, and then cursing Gabriel Oak and Gary Cooper because toxic masculinity hasn't gone away.
While it's hard to verify any allegations made on Glassdoor, as they are anonymous, a common thread in many reviews is that UA is suffering from a culture of toxic masculinity.
His trial was a public spectacle, leading to a national debate about toxic masculinity, self-reproach among women and the inadequacy of the legal system to resolve deeply rooted cultural problems.
To a generation that is hyper-alert to issues of consent and to the dangers of "toxic masculinity," Sivan is a safe yet still sexual alternative to the Bieberesque bad boy.
Because everything is so Trumpian these days, there&aposs less air or space for the only other mass entertainment that promotes tribalism and toxic masculinity while keeping violence in vogue: football.
Although the buzz phrase "toxic masculinity" did not exist at the time Chinua Achebe's "Things Fall Apart" was written, its protagonist, Okonkwo, might as well be the poster boy for it.
Crews said that the #MeToo movement "encouraged me to come forward with my own experience and reflect on the cult of toxic masculinity," but more men need to support those coming forward.
"Is this the best a man can get?" the narrator asks as the ad cuts to a montage of bullying, violence and sexual harassment, and references the #MeToo Movement and toxic masculinity.
Understanding differences South Korea has long been plagued by a culture of toxic masculinity, the effects of which are compounded by a lack of sex education for men -- apart from watching porn.
But between the franchise arguments around toxic masculinity and general sameness, I ask: how can a great movie in the Rocky franchise be anything but a remake of the original Rocky movie?
Plus, Sonia Denis and the panel (Liza Treyger, Bowen Yang, and Jerah Milligan), explore toxic masculinity and Sonia hits the streets to speak to the people about what makes a good guy.
What we are referring to in our letter is the nearly ubiquitous experience of high school girls as they try to navigate coming of age in a society dominated by toxic masculinity.
As the constant threat of kidnapping, violent assault, and rape loomed over season opener "Resist," it was impossible not to notice how toxic masculinity infected every moment of Callie Foster's dark journey.
"People are either diehard blue or diehard red and it's starting to bleed into everything else," said Giordano, who wrote her college thesis on "Toxic Masculinity" and wants to see Trump impeached.
Faced with the prospect of a female president, Republicans decided not to embrace social change, as they could have done by nominating Fiorina, but rather by embracing toxic masculinity at its ugliest.
Credit where it's due to the Yankees, but understand that Sabathia is brave AF. Understand that in sports, a culture rife with and driven by toxic masculinity, admitting weakness is a sin.
In doing so, they're giving the green light for their sons and daughters to be in tune with their emotions, dismiss toxic masculinity, and keep it real with their parents and friends.
He was the sort of liberal, ordinarily compassionate man who raised money for Planned Parenthood, walked out of violent movies, and acted nothing like the archetypes of "toxic masculinity" that saturate politics.
Interestingly enough, despite the controversy (or, in fact, because of it) one's reaction to the Gillette spot has itself become a barometer by which to gauge the very existence of toxic masculinity.
Director David Yates addressed the ongoing casting controversy in an exclusive for Entertainment Weekly on Tuesday, and he seemed to attribute it to the current climate of, um, calling out toxic masculinity.
As an artist myself creating work based on my own experiences with the patriarchy, toxic masculinity, and harassment for this company — and by extension this man — I feel used and willfully mislead.
Where Buchheim and Petersen took an agnostic, documentary approach to the all-male crews aboard their boats, this new Das Boot frames the U-boat war as a form of toxic masculinity.
Today, when liberals denounce toxic masculinity, some conservative commentator angrily interprets it as criticism of masculinity as a whole, which compels them to outline all the ways men are vital to society.
About three-fourths of the way through "Song of Solomon," Magdalene, the neglected sister, rises up and gives her brother some inspired suggestions as to where he can shove his toxic masculinity.
"My aim is to examine the corrosive effects of toxic masculinity on women, and men as well, on a microcosmic level within the larger framework of society," Ms. Feiffer said by phone.
"People seem to be fairly comfortable with my presence fairly quickly, and that makes me kind of proud, especially in a world where there's so much toxic masculinity flying everywhere," Owen said.
Alessandro Michele may have done as much as anyone around to combat toxic masculinity when, as Gucci's newly named creative director, he introduced to mainstream fashion gender ideas that registered as radical.
Frighteningly accurate Tinder simulator "Things like the #MeToo movement are bringing the symptoms of toxic masculinity and patriarchy closer to public consciousness, but the underlying problems have always been there," he said.
By talking openly about men's beauty along with other issues at Very Good Light, he said, he hopes to counteract the "toxic masculinity" that leads men to keep their problems to themselves.
" This conflation of toxic masculinity and masculinity is at the heart of the confusion, he says: "Under no circumstances is the APA trying to say that masculinity itself, or men themselves, are problematic.
As we reckon with how pervasive sexual assault and harassment have become in our continued fight for gender equality, it's clear that frank conversations about masculinity (and not just "toxic masculinity") are crucial.
This marks a crucial evolution for a world that has notoriously rewarded angry chefs, where toxic masculinity is the norm, and where more sexual harassment claims are filed than in any other industry.
Euphoria is a perfect example — and a fascinating deconstruction — of this storied history, wherein the small screen's recent obsession with depicting toxic masculinity has coincided with paradigm-shifting moments of onscreen male nudity.
There's something about a young Black male in drag that makes some people uncomfortable, and that uneasiness is the direct result of a problematic tie between notions of Black manhood and toxic masculinity.
And just days ago, Crews and activist Tariq Nasheed got into a heated Twitter battle over toxic masculinity and what it means to be an ally to black women and victims of assault.
Ultimately, China Girl is a worthy follow-up, offering a moving and surreal exploration of sexuality, toxic masculinity and domestic abuse—themes familiar to Lynch's work—while adding the complex layer of motherhood.
" Alluding to the strain of gender roles even the wokest among us feel restricted by, Singleton asserts that "one of the things toxic masculinity does is it really puts men in a box.
It was George W. Bush's last year in office, so I had been making a lot of work up to that year with cowboys, thinking about the toxic masculinity of the American male.
The term "toxic masculinity" is a bit jarring and frames the spot as an accusation aimed at men and manhood in general rather than the learning opportunity that it is meant to be.
Brands like Gillette are also picking up on the need to challenge toxic masculinity -- the company's "We Believe" ad showing scenes of bullies, sexual harassment and masculinity debuted this week to strong response.
If the American Chopper meme is the format for facilitating hard-hitting discussions about toxic masculinity and U.S. interventionist policies, Eric Andre's new "Who Killed Hannibal?" meme is for refusing to take accountability.
Through it all, Trump's mantra and mission remain clear: to bind together toxic masculinity and racial performance anxiety into a weapon that can repel change and any perceived diminution of white male primacy.
And while the phrase "toxic masculinity" was popularized as a way to describe gender role limitations on men, today many people misconstrue it as a description of men who are violent toward women.
Some said a culture of toxic masculinity had led to the violent assault and murder of hundreds of women in Australia in recent years, though usually at the hands of people they knew.
Even Gillette has joined the debate with its new television commercial, "We Believe: The Best Man Can Be," a critique of toxic masculinity: "It's been going on far too long," the narrator declares.
Then, Lawrence slowly ripped at the fabric of his good guy guise, revealing himself to be as shitty as the rest, thus broadening the scope of what toxic masculinity looks like on screen.
Yet stories like Watts' and Peterson's are still positioned as supposedly shocking anomalies, and become investigations into an apolitical idea about individually evil men and sociopaths — not, say, incels or participants in toxic masculinity.
In some ways, the writing of the third part of Shout, which I look at the culture of manhood and toxic masculinity in my high school, helped me forgive [my rapist] a little bit.
In revisiting his seminal work, Hwang undertook a heavy rewrite, one in which Song's gender is addressed early on — and the themes of toxic masculinity and Asian gender stereotypes are as clear as ever.
There's a lot more to the story, however, and with one big reveal, Better Watch Out transforms from a reasonably competent slasher to a truly terrifying horror film about toxic masculinity and male entitlement.
That's why it's so disturbing to see where private investigator Jessica finds missing young woman Hope Shlottman (Erin Moriarty), who was kidnapped by literal walking toxic masculinity Kilgrave and repeatedly raped by the villain.
In addition to simply showing some great parenting skills, commenters on the Facebook post have pointed out that it's great to see a man talking to his daughters about emotions and eschewing toxic masculinity.
What are your thoughts on the dismantling of toxic masculinity and toxic language that harms the trans community, and how do we all show up for people who experience this daily battering and violence?
Watch therapist Zach Rawlings discuss body image issues in the gay community: "People who have reacted negatively towards the flyer are guys who don't know the difference between masculinity and toxic masculinity," Mateo said.
Instead, both Che and I start to talk about the contours of the insecurities—around what women should and shouldn't do, around homosexuality, around being 'too emotional'—that turn toxic masculinity into the norm.
The band also rejects the notion that pop should have a politically correct agenda, and its music explores — sometimes gratuitously — the grim, often more perverse side of subjects like toxic masculinity and sexual desire.
In the show, William Hurt, Ron Silver and Harvey Keitel all play showroom model prototypes of a sexual psychosis we now call "toxic masculinity," as provoked by Cynthia Nixon, Sigourney Weaver and Judith Ivey.
But while I wouldn't want my son to be versed in the behavioral skill set lately (and sometimes lazily) categorized as features of toxic masculinity, I also don't want him to be a pushover.
While women make up more than half the employees in the industry, they typically occupy the lower paid, less powerful roles, she said, a situation entrenched further by Australia's historical culture of toxic masculinity.
" For example, one student who was reading David Brooks chose his column "Two Cheers for Feminism!" and explored what we can do to "relieve the effects of toxic masculinity and encourage empathy and connections.
Paul Richard's realistic, yet creative self-portraits went beyond the idea of toxic masculinity: in one, he is wearing an immaculate tutu; in another, he appears as if he had fallen from a wheelchair.
The Society does not harp on where the parents went — it's much more about how power corrupts, toxic masculinity is a poison plaguing our culture, and a strong community is the only means of survival.
So Axe can successfully raise awareness about toxic masculinity, but sympathetic consumers still might not insist on every man's liberation from damaging stereotypes if it means they can keep their place in the pecking order.
Public pressure on Fox News to fire accused sexual harasser Bill O'Reilly — another epitome of toxic masculinity with his violent, racist on-air outbursts and father-knows-best politics — led to his dismissal last month.
Read these stories next: We Need To Talk About How Toxic Masculinity Is Killing America All The Politicians In D.C. Who Have Been Accused Of Sexual Misconduct We Were At Cynthia Nixon's Campaign Launch Party.
This may be why the image of Theron, a white authority figure, with her feminized Black son, may be so offensive to Black people: It provokes emotions around oppression, social inequality, and misplaced toxic masculinity.
Its genius lies in its sly ability to trick its viewers into watching a series that, under its tough guy guise, is really a careful consideration of inherited trauma, mental illness, toxic masculinity, and motherhood.
"Do they all have to be as bad as him to make it count?" she responded to the interviewer when speaking about Harvey Weinstein as an example of the toxic masculinity endemic to the industry.
Serving up bloody violence as a $10 pay-per-view on YouTube and charging as much as $200 for floor seats in the arena, this was an affirmation of the enduring bankability of toxic masculinity.
I'm going back and reversing all the effects of toxic masculinity… except for all of the sexual and neurotic damage that I'll just have to work on for the rest of my life, I guess.
Instead, their use of sexism and misogyny, unknowingly or not, couples them with the harmful, pervasive, and more extreme iterations of gender discrimination that allow for the continuance of rape culture, toxic masculinity, and inequality.
But his style, which earned him the mantle of comic's comic and was aimed at awkward, hypocritical, toxic masculinity, now risks being seen as one long con, a dishonest, immunizing confessional masquerading as social satire.
" Bridges defines toxic masculinity in terms of the negative expectations of American manhood, such as the expectation that men work through pain, neglect their health in order to demonstrate strength, or "express dominance through violence.
They gave us 4 minutes and 26 seconds of Brandon Flowers doing clapping push-ups in a motel room, therefore combining the coexisting forces of "toxic masculinity" and "daddy" into something that should be illegal.
While Brian Gleeson grapples with toxic masculinity in "The Bisexual" on Hulu, his father, Brendan Gleeson, plays a bounty hunter with manners on Netflix in one episode of Joel and Ethan Coen's Western anthology film.
But in taking a position on the idea of toxic masculinity, Gillette and Procter & Gamble could be dealing with a "hot potato," said Dean Crutchfield, the chief executive of the brand advisory firm Crutchfield & Partners.
My grandfather was born in 1924 to a Danish father who epitomized toxic masculinity and an Italian mother who embodied her own stereotypical gender role (I'm told I got the "feeding" gene from her bloodline).
For some, the scandal — which doesn't involve BTS — reveals ugliness that can fester under K-pop's veneer of perfection, and speaks to a larger culture of toxic masculinity in Korea that is increasingly attracting criticism.
But most egregious is the HFPA's decision not to nominate Hustlers or A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, two films directed by women that earned critical acclaim and offered a new perspective on toxic masculinity.
Which is to say, it aims to undo their first 18 or 20 years of exposure to the ideals of toxic masculinity: male dominance, casual misogyny, hypersexuality, and the suppression of all strong emotions except anger.
The culture of toxic masculinity is why gun violence is a women's issue: in the last 25 years, more intimate partner homicides in the U.S. have been committed with guns than with all other weapons combined.
Let's also not forget social media personality Graham Allen, who saw the Gillette ad then promptly posted a family photo on Instagram of himself and his sons holding guns with the caption "practicing our 'toxic masculinity'".
From the beginning, the Yellow Vests movement grabbed headlines for violent protests and has been defined by a kind of "toxic masculinity," said Rebecca Amsellem, an activist and author of the French feminist newsletter Les Glorieuses.
Read these stories next: We Need To Talk About How Toxic Masculinity Is Killing America The Trump Administration's Handling Of Domestic Violence Allegations Is Evidence Of A Larger Problem The Austin Bombing Suspect Isn't A Victim.
Read these stories next: We Need To Talk About How Toxic Masculinity Is Killing America Women Are Worried They're Investing In Guns The Trump Administration's Handling Of Domestic Violence Allegations Is Evidence Of A Larger Problem
Read these stories next: Dear Men: So You Say You Want To Be An Ally... Why We Miss The Point When We Call Masculinity "Toxic" We Need To Talk About How Toxic Masculinity Is Killing America
We've grown up with so much toxic masculinity and stereotypes of machismo in the Spanish and Black community, so I'm coming from a place that some might call rebellion or enlightenment — depending on who you ask.
What's consistent throughout all these stories is the confusing disconnect between Díaz's public persona as a writer who "gets" women, sexism, and toxic masculinity — and the allegations about how he treats women in the real world.
Feminism truly is about equality so on #InternationalMensDay I want to take a moment to remind you that feminists also take into account how toxic masculinity can affects and harms men, and it's bad for everyone.
Roman masculinity was a lot like the worst version of present-day toxic masculinity, with the act of penetration itself standing in for today's aggressive performance of heterosexuality: A Roman man penetrated others regardless of gender.
Gómez says that instead of shaming boys for behavior that could be characterized as toxic masculinity, the goal is to help them embrace and express traits or qualities they feel are stifled because of traditional stereotypes.
But it also uses those tools to show how these biases affect everyone — how misogyny and toxic masculinity go hand in hand, and how feminism won't work unless people of all genders are working for it.
But, while the term "toxic masculinity" has given a name to what was previously just a feeling, and engaged more people than ever in the conversation, we believe its widespread use is doing more harm than good.
Read these stories next: Dear Men: So You Say You Want To Be An Ally... Why Gender Stereotypes In Kids' Shows Are A REALLY Big Deal We Need To Talk About How Toxic Masculinity Is Killing America
Of course, this story has a lot to do with what it was like to be a young man in the mid-'90s, and a lot of that adolescent humor and toxic masculinity is shown so abrasively.
While we can throw around big terms like "toxic masculinity" and "rape culture," the fact is, to encourage men to do the right thing, we have to first understand their mindset and the gaps in their reasoning.
He started reading sites like the Good Men Project and became especially interested in speaker and educator Keith Edward's concept of the "man in a box," a framework for understanding toxic masculinity and some of its manifestations.
If toxic masculinity is near the center of Billions, then the show's absolute core is the idea that while unchecked capitalism might be fun to watch a TV show about, it's destroying the world all the same.
In Drake, it's easy to see your own attitudes toward love in the internet era, the damaging effects of toxic masculinity, your own constant feelings of never being enough for your friends and the world around you.
And yet, the claim that male heroism exposes the fallacy of "toxic masculinity"—the reality that many American men are socialized to be violent, homophobic, and misogynistic—also appeared at The American Spectator, Acculturated, and National Review.
We see toxic masculinity not only in acts of sexual violence, but in pornography that celebrates male sexual violence, and mainstream films and TV shows and advertising that portray male dominance as not only natural, but sexy.
And in this moment, as we watch this dam break, it becomes ever more plain that toxic masculinity lies at the root of sexual assault and is harming all of us, men and women, in myriad ways.
They were discussing "toxic masculinity," the "privilege" that allowed them to be there and the "risk team" they put in place to look out for one another if anybody got too drunk or separated from their group.
The new conversation goes way beyond the workplace to sweep in street harassment, rape culture and "toxic masculinity" — terminology that would have been confined to gender studies classes, not found in mainstream newspapers, not so long ago.
As the movie wears on, one suspects that the writer Luke Del Tredici and the director Jonathan Watson aren't crafting an indictment of toxic masculinity, but an invitation to take some sadistic enjoyment in it, without consequences.
Even setting aside the latent toxic masculinity and gender roles lurking in this question, I'm pressed to come up with a good reason that anyone—man, woman, or child—would need chemical numbing for something this minor.
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While season 6563 seemed to suggest walking trash bag of toxic masculinity Bryce Walker (Justin Prentice) was simply Liberty High's sole serial predator, 13 Reasons season 2 proves the jock's wasn't the only student displaying flagrant violent behavior.
The toxic masculinity and sexism that is still so present in both heterosexual and homosexual male culture will continue to destroy the safe spaces that women and those who have embraced the feminine work so hard to build.
Along with Adam Devonshire on bass, guitarists Mark Bowen and Lee Kiernan and drummer Jon Beavis, Talbot howls through a set filled with hit-you-over-the-head lyrics about depression, grief, toxic masculinity, shit towns, and Tories.
On January 13, Gillette released a new ad that takes the company's 30-year-old slogan, "The Best a Man Can Get," and turns it into an introspective reflection on toxic masculinity very much of this cultural moment.
In the short clip, which features footage of news anchors reporting on the #MeToo movement, men who display poor behavior influenced by toxic masculinity towards women and other men, before the company shows them progressively changing their behaviors.
Washington makes this statement directly in the face of a global movement to reject the kind of toxic masculinity of which Foster has been repeatedly accused, reinforcing the NFL's reputation for being impervious to the world around it.
It ends up exploring all kinds of important things — most importantly the toll that what gets called "toxic masculinity" can take on generations of men — and watching it is like participating in the group therapy sessions as well.
A scene where Vanellope (Sarah Silverman) burst into a room full of Disney princesses shows off the company's Disney/Marvel/Star Wars crossover potential, and the plot is about the potential of toxic masculinity to destroy the world.
Mexican reggeaton artist Sailorfag started uploading freestyles on Twitter a few years ago, and has since released two official music videos; one of them is "Polo Acartonada," which explicitly challenges homophobia and toxic masculinity in playful, bawdy ways.
This fall marks two decades since the release of Fight Club, director David Fincher's dark celebration of toxic masculinity that also attacked, with two bruised and bloodied fists, consumerism and the pursuit of the so-called status quo.
Even as a new post-Rise of Skywalker comic series sets out to redeem him, it's hard not to see him as the ultimate example of one of the darkest forces in our present-day universe: toxic masculinity.
And in 2018, my friends who are raising young sons are spending a lot of time thinking about how to raise sons who are kind and thoughtful in a culture where "toxic masculinity" has become an everyday term.
Yet, its unlikely trajectory from peddling sexist messages for profit to becoming a woke critic of machismo — also for profit — holds valuable lessons for the rest of us struggling to prevent, contain, and reverse the damage of toxic masculinity.
The campaign drew attention to simmering toxic masculinity in the online gaming community, and has been described as a precursor to the fomentation of incel or modern men's-rights movements, which are defined by their deep resentment of women.
" Trudeau also says he wants his sons to be free from toxic masculinity, or what he describes as "the pressure to be a particular kind of masculine that is so damaging to men and to the people around them.
But during a panel discussion and interview with Ebony magazine at the Merge Summit, Parker opened up about the allegations, discussing how the controversy has led him to learn about toxic masculinity, male privilege, and the concept of consent.
A dissection of toxic masculinity existing within a superhero series is a compelling way to smuggle some thoughts about the world we live in today into a genre context that makes them easier to approach than something more straightforward.
The exhibition's title is a direct reference to lines of Rickey Laurentiis's meditative poem "Boy with Thorn," which speaks of reclaiming the black male body from a history of toxic masculinity born out of the fight to survive racism.
Of course, most think-piece writers, activists, and academics who employ toxic masculinity go out of their way to clarify that their intention is not to castigate all representations of manhood—just to reform the bad, Trump-y parts.
" Tucker Carlson on his Fox News show worried that criticizing toxic masculinity would lead to depression, and wondered "What would happen if you told girls the qualities that make you feel female are poison and you must suppress them.
Robbins argues that 21st-century, post-#MeToo efforts toward gender equality too often conflate fraternities with the toxic masculinity that she says many of them actively work to disrupt by giving young men an outlet for friendship and vulnerability.
At Rutgers University, for example, the reporting student can choose to meet with school officials to decide what actions by the accused — such as attending a workshop on toxic masculinity or completing community service — would help repair the harm.
Intelligent robots who are effectively used as slave labor are an excellent all-purpose metaphor for pretty much any human injustice you want to explore, and Westworld is already engaging with everything from toxic masculinity to racism to class disparities.
But it flies in the face of expectations of what a Netflix cartoon can be, whether it's subverting toxic masculinity and traditional story arcs about how heroes will always triumph, or openly embracing queer stories, rather than leaving them as subtext.
Somewhere near its core, Billions is an exploration of toxic masculinity, of the ways that codes of behavior between men can sometimes curdle and go wrong, most obviously affecting the women around those men but also hurting the men themselves.
Hathaway's performance as Gloria is truly empathetic, and the challenges faced by her character—substance abuse, toxic masculinity, and the eternal hurdle of getting one's shit together—are felt even as giant-size baddies duke it out in neon city skyscapes.
It's possible Twin Peaks is attempting to prove Richard is toxic masculinity personified, but, the fact even Sylvia's estranged husband Benjamin Horne (Richard Beymer) refuses to show any care for how she's feeling after such a trauma demonstrates something far darker.
The conversation around toxic masculinity has blown up on the internet, yet again, only this time the oddly related incidents highlight the double standards that force women to act with composure no matter how manipulative men in their life are being.
Since that and the resultant reexamination of Hollywood's gender dynamics and power structures, many have taken a second look at pop culture's advocacy of toxic masculinity, such as with romantic comedies where a man pursues a woman until she relents.
" Jessica plucked Colette from her stroller and carried her to the living room, passing a six-by-five-foot pointillist portrait of Kim Jong Un. The painting is part of a series by Mathieu Malouf titled "Toxic Masculinity Fallout Shelter.
It's a form of toxic masculinity, but you buy into it wholesale when you have extreme questions about your own gender identity and you feel a need to express [masculinity], at least for the people around you and their comfort.
It opens with a "trigger warning" that the movie contains themes of: bullying, abuse, classism, death, drinking, drug use, social content, toxic masculinity, homophobia, transphobia, guns, nationalism, racism, kidnapping, the male gaze, sexism—and last but not least—giant frogs.
When you sit at the top with an office in the Capitol and people lining up to tell you how wonderful you are, an academic on MSNBC going on about white privilege, toxic masculinity, and cisgender bias doesn't bother you.
There is a massive gray space which we are just starting to talk about in terms of female sexuality—and the toxic masculinity and abuse of power that women and others have endured in silence for far, far too long.
In June, the former N.F.L. player-turned-actor Terry Crews gave Senate testimony in which he spoke about having been sexually assaulted and warned against the "cult of toxic masculinity" that led him to believe he was more important than women.
Some say the videos have exposed a strain of toxic masculinity sewn into the all-male Catholic school reminiscent of the debate in the United States that sprang up around the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
But I am also heartened by the private work that men are doing in therapy and how it can help us understand the relationship between what has been called "toxic masculinity" and the reservoirs of shame that fuel these behaviors.
Allegations linking some to the dirty world of online voyeurism have rocked South Korea, and exposed how the longstanding problem of toxic masculinity -- the idea that the male role involves violence, dominance and devaluing women -- has penetrated every level of society.
Intersectionality has been a central part of the movement, with the activists bringing attention to the fact that gun violence disproportionately affects communities of color, and the ways in which it's connected to other forms of violence and toxic masculinity.
I wish that cisgender men could unpack their toxic masculinity and love trans women proudly and openly without fetishizing them I wish that people knew how tired we are of having to explain ourselves over and over and over again.
For instance, discussions, debates, weekend retreats that brand themselves as seeking to battle toxic masculinity without broaching topics, like the pervasiveness of sexual harassment and the important role men have in actively battling against it, highlight cracks in the foundation.
Her film stands out not just because it offers a female gaze on toxic masculinity, but because it genuinely seems to be seeking a solution, rather than simply dwelling in the miasma of dashed dreams, violent tempers, and fragile egos.
And a fantastical work about the end of the Thirty Years' War, magic bullets, and winning women with violence has taken on, with remarkably little adaptation necessary, hot-button issues like gun culture, toxic masculinity and the plight of returning soldiers.
"I don't want to in any way belittle the struggles of other people while talking about the struggles of a straight man," said Patty Walters, 27, the lead singer of As It Is. "At the same time, toxic masculinity is real."
That's too close to the record to actually be about that, but there is a sense of the whole toxic masculinity we're talking about on the record, which we'd done since day one, has become the dominant mode in world culture.
Okonkwo fell victim to the unrealistic standards of toxic masculinity throughout Things Fall Apart: he beat his wives, killed a child put under his care, and refused to show affection, all in the name of not appearing weak or effeminate.
It's almost a coming-of-age movie, with the cynical but not ridiculous viewpoint that a young woman's coming of age in modern America involves running headlong into five or six types of toxic masculinity, and figuring out how to survive them.
As images of choleric tiki-torch wielding mobs of a white men stormed a campus quad similar to where I learned about my classmate's ugly history, my thoughts became fixated on the inextricable and parasitical link between white supremacy and toxic masculinity.
Here are the other times teenage girls bared their teeth and got revenge in movie history, It's Heathers meets The Purge when a town-wide data leak means four teen girls have to rise up against slut-shaming, hate, and toxic masculinity.
In Centineo's second turn as a Netflix leading man in less than a month, he plays Jamey, a dreamy high school football player without any of the toxic masculinity usually associated with pop culture athletes (remember the monsters of 13 Reasons Why?).
"Many men's sports continue to struggle with issues of toxic masculinity ... Anything outside of a very narrow definition of what it means to be a man is looked down upon," said Taylor Carr of Athlete Ally, which promotes LGBT rights in U.S. sport.
In 2017, Axe parent company Unilever unveiled a new ad campaign called "It's OK for Guys," which fought the idea of toxic masculinity by making it clear that it's OK for men to have emotions, or be skinny, or not like sports.
In an hour and forty-five minutes, audience members are jerked through depictions of slut shaming, manipulative relationship tactics, fetishization of minors, allegations of domestic violence, sexual harassment and assault, dangerous underage drinking habits, and a really big helping of toxic masculinity.
If not, our sense of the mainstream will continue to sit rooted in the moral panic that labelled jazz "devil music", feared blues and rock 'n' roll's thrusting sexuality and initially tried to resist both rock and rap's brash (and sometimes toxic) masculinity.
Díaz, who is proudly Dominican-American and of African descent, wrestles in both his fiction and his essays with regret and remorse about having grown up on what one might call the "island" of toxic masculinity, that Alcatraz of a finishing school.
"Rotten Tomatoes critic score (Season 3): 100%What critics said: "Big Mouth's choice to directly address toxic masculinity is welcome in part because the series draws natural connections between different kinds of intolerance — and their solutions — without equating them with one another.
Many also argue that vaping has a "toxic masculinity" problem; the stereotypical vape douche is invariably a man, and on my Wednesday-night voyage to New York's premiere vape lounges I only met two women, one of whom was working behind the counter.
Trump Jr. should be concerned about raising his sons not in the image of his own father but in the image of those of us men who are prepared to recognize our soul murder, our toxic masculinity, and to do something about it.
If Breaking Bad showed us what entitled toxic masculinity looked like when it ran rampant in the life of the most milquetoast protagonist imaginable, Better Call Saul is about a slower, sadder thing: a man who learns that having feelings is for suckers.
All things being equal, I'd like to see the sport quietly disappear from the earth: Not just because it promotes a violent, toxic masculinity but mainly because, despite recent declines, football still has the highest concussion rate of all high school sports.
A survivor of sexual assault and abuse, he says that reading about Wuornos' life helped him identify the ways toxic masculinity fueled the violence and abuse he experienced at the hands of the men, as well as acknowledge these patterns in himself.
CNN contributor Symone D. Sanders argued this week that the main safety issue in the Tibbetts case was not Rivera's status as an undocumented farm worker from Mexico but his "toxic masculinity" and the suspect's unwillingness to take no for an answer.
"Kiona and the Little Bird Suite" features body percussion, drumming and chanting; an excerpt from "As Night Falls" juxtaposes the dancers' acute athleticism against the music of Vivaldi; and "Crying Men," also excerpted, is a loose narrative of toxic masculinity passed down through generations.
So I reached out to possibly THE perfect expert for this: Eric Daman, the costume designer for the TV show Billions, which is about people who work at a hedge fund, but also about the depravity of toxic masculinity amplified by the excesses of money.
This Scottish stand-up followed two Netflix comedy specials in 2018 with one for HBO in 2019, "Daniel Sloss: X." It explores the fragility of the male ego as well as the reckoning of the #MeToo movement on toxic masculinity — for laughs, of course.
Titled "We Believe," the nearly two-minute video features a diverse cast of boys getting bullied, of teens watching media representatives of macho guys objectifying women, and of men looking into the mirror while news reports of #MeToo and toxic masculinity play in the background.
The actor, who went public in October 2017 accusing a Hollywood executive of groping him at an industry event, cited the "cult of toxic masculinity" throughout the testimony as a primary perpetrator for the prevalence of sexual assault against women and other men alike.
Given the rumors surrounding Louis C.K., the movie "plays like an ambiguous moral inventory of and excuse for everything that allows sexual predators to thrive: open secrets, toxic masculinity, and powerful people getting the benefit of the doubt," Joe Berkowitz wrote in Fast Company.
Here in the UK, two such creators are Humza Productions, who used the program to make Boys Don't Cry, a short film exploring toxic masculinity, and beauty vlogger My Pale Skin, who made Redefine Pretty, a film about social media's negative effect on body image.
Still, my interest had been piqued: A Disney movie that also readily confronts themes of colonialism, climate crisis and toxic masculinity, however messily, was so far beyond the problematic classics I grew up with that I was curious to see how it might hold up.
We've seen a smattering of recent releases that use genre tropes as avenues for social commentary, including Jordan Peele's Get Out (a horror thriller that serves up sharp commentary on race relations) and Nacho Vigalondo's Colossal (which uses giant monsters to examine toxic masculinity).
Fast-forward to August 220, and Cocks Not Glocks organizers say they have received more than 21,2500 dildo donations from local businesses and national brands — including 219 handcrafted ceramic phalluses from a woman who made them as part of her thesis on toxic masculinity in the 0003s.
From Tom Peters of Tom Goes To The Mayor to his performance in 2012's The Comedy, Heidecker's charted the path of the collapsing American manhood,as well as the trappings of toxic masculinity, white identity politics, and the lame aesthetics and chronic mediocrity at its core.
"It's been my experience that nothing triggers this type of toxic masculinity culture more than a gay man who isn't afraid," Lynn says, "and I can't think of anything I am less afraid of than a bunch of fragile dudes who can't deal with my existence."
As a new parent who grew up with a dad who loved them but rarely found ways to express it—and let me be clear, he was a good person who in no way reflected the toxic masculinity of Kratos—I'm predisposed to the game's emotional beats.
Being exposed to the dangers of trans life in the 215th century and enduring the toxic masculinity of the military may have slowed Mia's personal coming out, but it did not prevent her from supporting trans people in her capacity as a leading criminal defense attorney.
I'll be the first person to admit that I'm easily manipulated by advertising; I got emotional about that recent Gillette commercial calling out toxic masculinity, despite my intellectual awareness that it was corny and virtue signaling and engineered in a lab to make me buy razors.
In the last year, P&G has released ads for Secret deodorant pushing for equal pay for women, a controversial ad for Gillette razors tackling "toxic masculinity," and a short video series to promote equal division of household chores, featuring brands like Tide, Downy, Charmin and Bounty.
But we clearly are still caught in a kind of toxic masculinity that not only affects the relations between men and women but even, more explicitly now, affects our political decisions and particularly the way that we as a nation try to deal with the world.
In "The New Angry Young Men: Rockers Who Rail Against 'Toxic Masculinity,'" Jim Farber writes: In recent months, a number of male rock musicians and hip-hop artists have released songs that rail against the most suffocating notions of what it can mean to be a man.
Rowling seems to have written him by consciously sidestepping the tropes of toxic masculinity, and the result is that Newt, however overshadowed he is by plot dramatics, always feels like the answer to the questions she's trying to ask about violence and propaganda and side-taking.
This video should be shown to every group of men fighting on a British high street on a Saturday night at 11:30PM, to melt away all their rage into earnest tears and a productive conversation about the expectations placed on them by society and toxic masculinity.
These men become perverse celebrities, partly because they are, of course, still alive — but also because their crimes can be framed as cautionary tales about evil sociopaths, that don't require a reckoning with, for instance, the real effects of toxic masculinity and the violence it often leads to.
The guitar-slinging crooner was doing a cancer benefit show Sunday night at the Modell Performing Arts Center in Baltimore when he went off on a tangent about toxic masculinity, which he called a "bulls**t" alpha male contract that's nailed into boys' heads from a young age.
In all the profiles above, we see some weaker ways to incorporate animals: laying out a bunch of dead birds on the ground like a physical manifestation of your toxic masculinity; a close-up selfie of you with a horse; you flailing a fish in a little girl's face.
In this case, the monster is toxic masculinity, personified by the abusive, sexist, and jealous rapist Perry Wright (Alexander Skarsgard); the happily ever after is our five indomitable lead women sipping white wine on the impossibly beautiful Monterey, California beach with their happy children, finally free of Perry's malevolence.
That's why the creation of WICCA (Women's Intersectional Cultural And Creative Association) at Baxter High is such a crucial part of Sabrina's first episodes: Sabrina wanted to leave a group behind that could protect at-risk young people like Susie from the toxic masculinity-fueled bigots of their school.
MASHA TUPITSYN IS A PROFESSOR OF FILM AND GENDER STUDIES: I mean, I would say there are different ways to describe it, but the way I refer to it is to think about toxic masculinity as when masculinity has to kind of abuse its power in order to function.
It's important to understand that the common denominator in the allegations about Louis C.K., Roy Moore, Spacey and Weinstein (who has denied the allegations) and all the other Hollywood and media and political figures accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment isn't sexuality, or even sex, but toxic masculinity.
JW: I am also thinking a lot about toxic masculinity, and there have been a lot of comments made by various people including our president about transgendered bodies and transgendered people, and already we're in this mode of what feels like a tinderbox of violence just waiting to happen.
Her unraveling of the brutal double murder is as skilled as her exploration of Pocahontas County, where the men, as much as the women, appear trapped in their predestined societal roles, and where toxic masculinity gnaws at the men, rudderless and lost, who drink to fill the idle hours.
And UFC legend Fabricio Werdum is, as far as we can tell, still getting a paycheck to act as "ambassador" for Akhmat MMA, smoothing the road toward international acceptance for Kadyrov's league and normalizing his particular brand of toxic masculinity and, it follows, his policies of extreme oppression.
We see toxic masculinity in our culture when "women are depicted as submissive, passive, and meek, while men are viewed as strong, dominant, and virile," Mellissa Withers, a professor at the University of Southern California Institute for Global Health and an expert in gender-based violence, told Vox.
Since the duo effectively dissolved in the early 2000s, Kweli has released solo music at a consistent clip, most recently on "Radio Silence," the 2017 record on which he returns to a slate of topics that have become his bread and butter — police brutality and toxic masculinity among them.
After five seasons of Westeros running on relentless toxic masculinity, season six cleared the way for more women than ever to ascend to power, from Yara Greyjoy gunning for the Salt Throne to Sansa Stark reshaping the North to Cersei Lannister wiping out an entire city that wronged her.
In the accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, many troubling elements in his high school and college circles have been detailed: a culture of toxic masculinity — including allegations of rape — a degradation of women as sexual targets, and a seeming lack of oversight, from private or public figures.
While certainly some of the alleged behavior, like Kavanaugh's, stems from a culture of toxic masculinity, in which young men are encouraged to drink heavily, mistreat women, and brag to other men about their sexual adventures, I also know that many of the men we have read about have suffered abuse.
But the second season finale revealed how badly the series wanted to be a story about the roots of toxic masculinity, a show that would confront its central audience with their own failings and inability to police nerd culture's behavior when it comes to the women within or near it.
While the derision of effete liberal characters like 2013's "pajama boy" served as early rumblings of what was to come, it was the ascension of the current president, himself a walking parody of bravado, that seems to have been the catalyst for this latest, uniquely aggressive wave of toxic masculinity.
That September, the Yale Daily News published a photo showing members of now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's fraternity (he was a sophomore at the time and not pictured) brandishing a woman's underwear, feeding the perception that he spent much of his young life embroiled in an atmosphere of toxic masculinity.
At a moment when the #resistance is woman-led, when truth is being assaulted by fake news, when the man leading the U.S. oozes toxic masculinity, and female autonomy is under attack, the truth is that it seems fated that the biggest superhero of summer would be one of us, too.
He may not be going so far as to condemn his earlier movies or call on the people he built a bro-y movie empire with to join his new path, but he sure has a lot of experience to draw from to unpack how toxic masculinity shapes our culture.
A remarkable new study shows some stem cells can reverse MS in some patients A judge has stopped the Trump administration from asking about citizenship in the census Why Gillette's toxic masculinity ad is annoying both sexists and feminists Treating regular people like influencers is the key to Glossier's success
" Listening to these tracks, Questlove said he heard Prince tapping into "his machismo, what we would now call toxic masculinity"; expressing his vulnerability (which Questlove preferred to think of as his humanity rather than his femininity); and "trying to navigate his way to pop stardom and the top of the mountain.
Vox's Emily Crockett writes: Trump's behavior, [anti-violence advocate Rus] Funk said, is a classic example what advocates call "toxic masculinity" — the idea that to be a "real man" is to be sexually aggressive, unemotional, tough, and even violent, and to view women as objects to be conquered and dominated.
On the latest episode of Pivot, Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway reflected on the buzzy Gillette ad about toxic masculinity and how other companies are reckoning with societal problems — Facebook is pledging $300 million to help journalism and Microsoft has said it will put $203 million into affordable housing in Seattle.
The Grey, directed by Joe Carnahan, is about what happens when a bunch of dudes who've succumbed to toxic masculinity—in this case, a bunch of oil drillers who've been drinking and brawling themselves toward death at the ass end of the world—are stripped down to their most base selves.
Meehan argues that his character is a study in how damaging toxic masculinity can be for men like the Hound who are immersed in it and forced to wield it; it ultimately leaves him devastated, weakened, and frankly pathetic, before he steadily builds himself up again as an entirely different kind of man.
At a time when so many topical issues in the news seem to take root in toxic masculinity, actor Terry Crews has made a name for himself in challenging that culture — even if it means going after his own peers for falling into traps of victim-blaming and mocking allegations of assault.
Similarly, Shaun King, a columnist at The Intercept and an organizer of the Black Lives Matter movement reflected on the ways in which toxic masculinity underpins many manifestations of violence in this country and around the world: "[It's] not just at the root of sexual assault and misconduct and abuse," King said.
Just as stunning: How quickly Caldbeck went from denying the allegations (and calling them "attacks on my character") to acknowledging them by apologizing directly to his accusers, and even calling out his community as a whole on the issue of sexual harassment and a culture of toxic masculinity in Silicon Valley founder circles.
And the good thing about Princess Nokia's A Girl Cried Red is that is basically subverts the toxic masculinity that sits at the heart of the genre; it is pure emo, because it's someone singing about their pain and longing, but it feels fresh because its creator isn't another whiny white guy.
Riley spent most of season five deconstructing toxic masculinity: His macho military identity meant he couldn't deal with a girlfriend who was stronger than he was, and he could tell Buffy wasn't madly in love with him, and all of the ensuing insecurities sent him spiraling into a vampire brothel/crack house metaphor.
"Someone who has no idea that gender has even impacted their lives is going to feel very uncomfortable about any acknowledgement that this has shaped their decision-making and their behaviors, attitudes, and who they are in the world," said Plank, who advised not using the term "toxic masculinity" in those conversations.
"Point of Origin" Release Date: TBAStarring: Ginnifer Goodwin, James Frain, Zabryna GuevaraWhat It's About: TBAOriginal Twilight Zone Episode To Watch After: TBA "Untitled Episode" Release Date: TBAStarring: Rhea Seehorn, Ike Barinholtz, Taissa Farmiga, Percy Hynes-WhiteWhat It's About: We don't have exact synopsis information, but the episode will deal with toxic masculinity and morality.
"Poverty requires many women to work outside of the home," she tells Broadly, and when they do, men often feel emasculated because of a long history of "patriarchal gender relations that privilege male power and female submissiveness," a lot of which has to do with family honor, toxic masculinity and a double sexual standard.
While I applaud both of these women for coming forward and sharing their experiences in a climate that is only inclined to support or believe women sometimes, and appreciate the care that Kornhaber took to suggest a reclassification of Simmons, I wonder how this speaks to rape culture and toxic masculinity as a whole.
But as women continue to use their voices to undo that legacy of toxic masculinity, a different kind of change is taking place from within the culture: These twinks, after all, aren't just enviably lean boys or the latest unrealistic gay fantasy, but a new answer to the problem of what makes a man.
Portraits of toxic masculinity and the tortured male psyche have been at the forefront of awards season, with movies like Todd Phillips' Joker (which topped the nominations with 11 nods), Martin Scorsese's The Irishman, Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Hollywood, Pedro Almodovar's Pain and Glory, James Grey's Ad Astra, James Mangold's Ford. v.
This is tricky to talk about without directly spoiling a lot of the movie, but suffice to say that somewhere inside of it is buried an attempt to examine the roots of things like toxic masculinity and the way that women's viewpoints are often shunted aside in favor of the seemingly more "mature" pain felt by men.
Employing the beloved and effective "kids and adults unknowingly and simultaneously solve the big problem together" method of season one, we see two pairs of male characters (daddy Jim Hopper and superhero Bob Newby; America's sweetheart Steve Harrington and mysterious yet hunky psycho Billy Hargrove) face off against the biggest shadow monster of all: toxic masculinity.
"[B]ringing back Kratos after a decade of being a raging pile of toxic masculinity to start a new journey at the expense of yet another woman... shows that the writers/designers making these games aren't actively working to get rid of that hypermasculinity from games," Shawn Alexander Allen, a video games writer, designer, and developer said.
Ever since the show moved from Lifetime to Netflix and thus was made available for binge-watching, the ballsy dramedy about a homicidally obsessed bookstore manager and the unremarkable bore he follows until she loves him has sparked conversations about toxic masculinity, rom-com tropes, and how completely fucking awful every single character on the show is.
You inhabited this extreme space of toxic masculinity, being in the military, being an ally working towards racial and economic justice... I've always been somebody who believes in human rights and believes that it was my obligation, my privilege, to fight for human rights not just for for my clients, but for the world—for everybody.
" By this, Breitbart meant that the balance of power in day-to-day politics is determined, in the long run, by the cultural ideas that shape the way people approach politics — from Hollywood films with social justice messages to universities teaching left-wing ideas about race and religion to mega-brands like Gillette making ads about "toxic masculinity.
Austin and I beat it a few weeks ago, and finally have enough distance to start processing what the game has to say about toxic masculinity, fatherhood, the voice and agency of women in God of War games (and distinct lack therof), why so many men were able to find themselves in a person like Kratos, and more.
The problem is that beneath the surface of KMB's lofty ideals the stench of toxic masculinity remains — a key case in point being the presence of one of the biennial's co-founders, Riyas Komu, who only weeks before had been forced to step-down from all management positions after being accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women.
But he also thought that silence had a corrosive effect, that it encouraged pride and toughness above empathy and vulnerability, contributing to the problem of "toxic masculinity," as he put it to me before the season began, using a phrase that has come into vogue in some places but not, for the most part, in N.F.L. locker rooms.
As #MeToo becomes the story of the year, many men are freshly reflecting on their own and their colleagues' behavior, and our society appears to be in the beginning of a long-overdue national conversation about the abuse of power and privilege, the socialization of men and boys, the objectification of women and a culture of toxic masculinity.
Hoffmeister is reminding us that this person we come to care about and fear for — who's been abandoned by his drug-dealer grandfather, who has to hunt illegally if he wants to eat meat, who's been exposed to every kind of toxic masculinity but still puts everyone else's needs above his own — is just a boy.
Mukwege went on to talk about how the global demand for the mineral coltan -- like rubber before it -- is fueling conflict in his country, and why African societies will never advance unless they address the impact of both toxic masculinity and negative cultural norms on women -- "the misery women suffered at the hands of men," he called it.
In Western society we have tended to look at problems of violence, substance abuse, and petty crimes such as vandalism as being an inevitable side effect of unemployment and poverty, and although there's little doubt that this is true, it's become clear to me that we also need to take into account the role that toxic masculinity plays in all of this.
More from Vox: Why you can't blame mass incarceration on the war on drugs Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, and the fight to find the antidote to TrumpismThe Marine Corps has a 'toxic masculinity' problem One potential problem identified by some political analysts is the ability of Republicans to run attack ads tying Democrats to the party's coastal and culturally liberal wing.
"With his painted, manicured nails and flamboyant sense of style, he's been at odds with the machista, or often toxic masculinity, culture that's often ingrained in Latinx life," writes MTV's Lucas Villa, who notes how the video is likely a direct reaction to Bad Bunny's homophobic incident in July, when a salon in Spain refused him service because of his painted nails.
" In Playboy, writer Chloe Stillwell talks about what she sees as Sheeran's "toxic masculinity" problem: When you date an underdog, he’ll gleefully go down on you for hours and tell you you’re the best sex he’s ever hadâ€"until you break up with him, after which he’ll call you a slut on Facebook.
"Whatever happens at the end of the day, we'll be married!" she reminded me as I sat hunched over a table in my pajamas, three days unshowered, hot-gluing centerpieces and nursing burns on my fingers and yelling about "Kitchen Nightmares" ("This show is entirely about toxic masculinity, and also if I ever suggest we open a restaurant please just divorce me").
And where "Atocha Station" and its successor (and plausible sequel), "10:04," aimed for European tautness, "The Topeka School" rocks an American amplitude, ranging freely from parenthood to childhood, from toxic masculinity to the niceties of cunnilingus, from Freud's Oedipus complex to Tupac's "All Eyez on Me." Adam returns as protagonist, but this time as a teenager, and mostly in the third person.
One of the easiest ways to start is by asking them questions: about their experiences as emerging men in a culture often saturated with toxic masculinity; about their knowledge of what's actually happening to their changing bodies; about the pressures associated with body goals; about a scene they just saw in a show or an article they just read about a favorite athlete.
Toxic masculinity — the weaponization of gender — fueled Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE's campaign as he belittled his opponents in the primaries and the general election.
"I don't want my daughter to grow up in a world where she's unsafe or she can't pursue the opportunities she wants and I march for my son because I don't want him to grow up in a world where toxic masculinity is acceptable," said Samantha Nolan-Smith, one of several hundred protesters in the Australian capital Canberra, reported Australian Broadcasting Corp.
Plenty of the responses are sexist and racist, with dozens complaining that the ad makes white men in particular look bad and arguing that, basically, there is no such thing as "toxic masculinity," but rather a tragic lack of masculine influences in schools and homes because women are so bad at holding on to husbands and selfishly insist on being the majority of public school teachers.
If anything, the show is a little dispiriting in the completeness with which it has absorbed the narrative lingua franca of international prestige TV. Where last year's Netflix-phenom Babylon Berlin invited international viewers into a complex web of loyalties and alliances, Das Boot uses its focus on toxic masculinity as a way to render its world more transparent than it probably should be.
As she runs, putting distance between herself and a person we know as "The Taker," Annabelle slowly allows herself to confront what happened, to consider the toxic masculinity that leaves girls and women feeling as if they have to be ashamed for something that was never their doing in the first place, and to consider the culture of violence and the easy access to guns that leaves so many people broken.
There's the still-uncomfortable drama of toxic masculinity in "Carnal Knowledge" (1971), directed by Mike Nichols; the coruscating New-York-at-its-nadir satire "Little Murders" (1971), directed by Alan Arkin; Robert Altman's loose-limbed, endearing "Popeye" (1980), starring Robin Williams; and Alain Resnais's "I Want to Go Home," a super-quirky comedy from 1989 starring Adolph Green as an aging cartoonist tormented by his own Krazy Kat-like creation.
This patriarchal machismo is so poisonous, it infects and corrodes our relationships and interactions, especially with women, because, as Bitch contributor Tamara Winfrey Harris wrote earlier this year, it feeds off of a "hatred of what it defines as feminine... For those invested in toxic masculinity, there is nothing worse a black man can be than 'like a woman…'" And I've seen how this ugliness has played out in my own life.
Researchers have defined it, in part, as a set of behaviors and beliefs that include the following: Suppressing emotions or masking distress Maintaining an appearance of hardness Violence as an indicator of power (think: "tough-guy" behavior) In other words: Toxic masculinity is what can come of teaching boys that they can't express emotion openly; that they have to be "tough all the time"; that anything other than that makes them "feminine" or weak.
Following the familiar pattern of a classic "whodunit," Fatwa articulates the complex social issues that contribute to radicalization in a manner that is rather bleak: a cloistered culture of toxic masculinity that produces an echo chamber of violent ideas; the desire to control women and their bodies in the guise of spiritual righteousness; and the opportunism of agitators who see an opening to preach hate and gain power in a society still reeling from the effects of political upheaval.
Even leaving aside his football-induced brain disease — chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE — Hernandez, as the much more effective 2018 Boston Globe podcast Gladiator explores, fell victim to a number of complicated factors that influenced his life, from his father's toxic masculinity and its impact on Hernandez's view of himself and his sexuality to the cold dehumanization of professional football and the New England Patriots in particular, whose staff routinely enabled Hernandez's double life while ignoring his pleas for help.
Letters To the Editor: Re "Philip Roth's 'Toxic Masculinity,' " by Sam Lipsyte (Op-Ed, May 24): When I imagine a woman writing about men with the same tone of rapacious objectification as we were subjected to for 50 years under the mind-bending thrall of Philip Roth, I am left at one place only: I know — and many women who write know — that to say something mean or nasty about men in the manner Mr. Roth wrote about women is a recipe for rejection, ridicule and non-publication.
Whether Shamir is singing about how the internet generation deal with constant anxiety by tagging each other in sardonic memes on "90s Kids" ("Our parents say we're dramatic, but they always ask for more than we do / so fuck you") or the lingering specter of toxic masculinity among cishet dudes on "Straight Boy" ("Cause being true is not their thing / Oh, it eats them up internally") or dealing with existential dread and what it means to be alive in "Astral Plane" ("And I'm ready for the sky to move, and beam me up to space / And I know, the world will miss me so"), each track feels like peering into somebody's late night iPhone notes and realising they kind of resemble your own.

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