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287 Sentences With "time well spent"

How to use time well spent in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "time well spent" and check conjugation/comparative form for "time well spent". Mastering all the usages of "time well spent" from sentence examples published by news publications.

What's rewarding is that sense of seeing time well spent.
Trust us, it will most certainly be time well spent.
"Spending time with Florence was time well spent," he says.
His catchphrases, like "Time Well Spent," have become industry mantras.
This came as part of its drive for Time Well Spent.
He even gave his radical movement a name: Time Well Spent.
Unlike cigarettes, smartphones and Time Well Spent features won't kill us.
"What we really want to go for is time well-spent." 
For America's older citizens, it's time well spent to utilize one.
With Apple and Google, these "time well spent" features make more sense.
Zuckerberg's stated approach to boosting Time Well Spent is far from game-changing.
The "time well spent" movement that's sweeping tech may be coming to Facebook.
Turns out all that time spent playing with LEGO was time well spent.
But the crossword is the tweed-wearing grandpappy of passive time well spent.
Happy holidays to you, and here's to time well spent together in 2019.
Co-Watching could finally provide an answer to Instagram's Time Well Spent problem.
They cofounded Time Well Spent, an organization on smartphone dependence, back in 2015.
We'll talk about that more and what you're doing with Time Well Spent.
Facebook can't offer "time well spent," unless it retools its ad-driven business model.
With Time Well Spent, they, all of a sudden Apple did its Screen Time.
But you know what I don't hate, time well spent with these beautiful boys.
Time Well Spent features turn the tables on the problem of screen time addiction.
Snap is waking up to the "Time Well Spent" movement Facebook is already addressing.
It's time well spent to get the technology right to fulfill its enormous promise.
So know that taking the time in these seven ways is time well spent.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been pushing "time well spent" for almost eight months.
Or that time spent in the company of another isn't always time well spent.
If the recently released main theme is any indication, Howard's time was time well spent.
Along the way, Harris began using the phrase "time well spent" to describe his goal.
I do want to get to ... What do you think the ... With Time Well Spent?
The Time Well Spent movement has proposed a "Hippocratic Oath for technology:" first, do no harm.
With automatic ad blocking, business owners should rely heavily on filters to assure time well spent.
Left unchecked, the "Time Well Spent" movement could metastasize into a "Time to leave Facebook" movement.
Anytime a GOP candidate appears to be at war with the media is time well-spent.
First, it hits back against the recent time well-spent activity tracking movement from Silicon Valley.
" In a post, Zuckerberg wrote, "We can help make sure that Facebook is time well spent.
Before I left, I gave a TED talk to introduce this concept of Time Well Spent.
He founded a nonprofit whose name, Time Well Spent, was also a mission statement and a meme.
" Five months later, Newton published a follow-up piece called " The Time Well Spent Debate Is Over.
I'm going to back up just slightly to Time Well Spent because it co-opted, too. Yep.
My moments with plants felt like phone time well spent, a quality that Screen Time can't distinguish.
But it's also not explicitly to help you spend your time well, according to Time Well Spent.
CN: This sort of gets to what I want to talk about with the Time Well Spent stuff.
Time Well Spent founder Tristan Harris says the time to wean those companies off of ads is now.
Tristan Harris' first big idea for the tech industry, the Time Well Spent movement, was an outsized success.
But I believe his coinage of the phrase "time well spent" helped to catalyze, and accelerate, the movement.
The "Time Well Spent" movement put pressure on the company to prove that social apps benefit their users.
In fact, Facebook could actually earn money or at least break even from the "Time Well Spent" changes.
There must be more than lip service to the concept of time well spent and digital well-being.
A play that gives them the space and the hours to do their work is time well spent.
Even though I was living at home, I was determined to make sure it was time well spent.
This presentation would inform the Time Well Spent nonprofit, which Harris left Google to run in December 2015.
We call our thing Time Well Spent, because that's a good encapsulation ... Talk about the actual physical thing.
She's also a founding adviser of the Center for Humane Technology, the group behind the "Time Well Spent" movement.
He was formerly a design ethicist at Google and started a movement combating tech addiction called Time Well Spent.
You got a ton of attention for Time Well Spent, and again, addiction was the biggest part of it.
Tristan Harris, a former Google employee, has been on a months-long tour promoting his "Time Well Spent" initiative.
Not only hasn't email died — the tech industry's current focus on Time Well Spent might have made it stronger.
Tech executives have talked about the concept of "time well spent," but overall, the push hasn't been terribly effective.
"The time the leaders spent together is time well spent," Biegun said as he expressed optimism over future talks.
Facebook has said it will make changes to its algorithms to favor "time well spent" over just time spent.
Tristan started the nonprofit called Time Well Spent, which consults with various companies about ways to make apps healthier.
In response to the Time Well Spent movement, the company voluntarily introduced in-app screen time limits earlier this year.
On this episode of Recode Decode, Mullenweg calls for a "Time Well Spent"-style movement for ads and data privacy.
Instagram is jumping into the time well spent movement, following the unveiling of Google's new time management controls last week.
Instagram is turning the Time Well Spent philosophy into features to help users avoid endless scrolling and distraction by notifications.
Her past findings include Instagram's video calling, music soundtracks and Time Well Spent dashboard, months before they were officially released.
I think the best thing we can do today is actually to do more of that time well spent stuff.
I believe every executive at every tech company has said "time well spent" at some point in the last year.
Hopefully with time, Facebook gives the dashboard more nuance so we can track not just time, but time well spent.
He leaves Google to focus on a nonprofit he's founded called Time Well Spent, and he starts talking to reporters.
Facebook was the first to react with an attempt to turn its image around through the time well spent credo.
It in fact directly co-opted the 'Time Well Spent' motto for itself, in name as well as in intention.
But Kaneisha Grayson, a HBS grad and founder and CEO of The Art of Applying, thinks its time well spent.
Felser, a serial entrepreneur, hopes the benefit signals to founders that time spent on self-care is time well spent.
Time Well Spent is a movement that sprung up in reaction to people's seemingly unhealthy addiction to their digital devices.
Kara Swisher: Today in the red chair I am happy to have Tristan Harris, the founder of Time Well Spent.
Now, with all his talk of "time well spent," it seems as if he's trying to co-opt Tristan Harris too.
The feature, introduced last year in response to Tristan Harris' Time Well Spent movement, was supposed to help counteract tech addiction.
For more on Facebook's struggle with Time Well Spent, check out our feature piece: "The difference between good and bad Facebooking."
The company is not alone in thinking about time well spent, even if it doesn't understand what it's doing about it.
The unchecked growth of technology is like climate change, says tech ethics advocate and Time Well Spent co-creator Tristan Harris.
Well, I think our responsibility here is to make sure that the time people spend on Facebook is time well spent.
Light cigarettes, diet food, and seatbelts have some suspect similarities, but also crucial differences, with tech companies' Time Well Spent features.
Although cleaning and proper storage can be a bit labor intensive, experts say that maintaining precious pieces is time well spent.
It also signals the investor&aposs belief that time spent on self-care, away from a computer, is time well spent.
The tug of war over the phrase "time well spent" is another good indication of the tech industry's rhetoric-and-see attitude.
Far from a solution to its "time well spent" initiative, the in-app calculator is little more than graphically enhanced window dressing.
"It's great that Zuck was made aware of 'time well spent' and felt it was important enough to repeat it," he said.
But it's easy to co-opt "time well spent" as a value once you've already captured the attention of 2.2 billion users.
If we can go back to the beginning for a moment, time is luxury, sure, but it's also about time well spent.
Yet the way that Time Well Spent diverges from light cigarettes and diet food may actually be the biggest indictment of all.
"I don't think our focus on false news and integrity morphed into time well spent," says Adam Mosseri, VP of news feed.
Digital Detox's new CEO says he's heartened by the progression of some of Felix's ideals, as with the Time Well Spent movement.
There are activists like Tristan Harris of Time Well Spent, who is trying to move the tech world in the right directions.
We'll talk about that and more when we come back with Tristan Harris, who is leading a movement called Time Well Spent.
But despite efforts of the "Time Well Spent" movement, the amount of time we spend on our smartphones is continuing to tick up.
So that's why you called it, going from Time Well Spent which is talking about the addiction issues which are actually physical issues.
But we shouldn't forget the history of light cigarettes on one hand, and seatbelts on the other, before we embrace Time Well Spent.
Recently, though, the company has put a bigger stress on encouraging and measuring "time well spent" instead of just total time on Facebook.
I refused to walk away from this one until I had solved it, which is always a good sign of time well spent.
App Limits will let you set time limits on the apps that are more time sinks than time well spent (looking at you, Instagram).
The weapon won't strike fear into anyone's heart, but any opportunity you get to play with a Tesla coil is obviously time well spent.
But perhaps more importantly, it's one of the app's first publicly tested features that's clearly designed with the "time well spent" movement in mind.
To Zuckerberg, "time well spent" means independent research showing that people value the time they spend on Facebook, and feel better about themselves afterward.
"If I can help some of our candidates raise a little money and get a little enthusiasm, it'll be time well spent," Graham said.
Instagram last month introduced its first time well spent feature, by informing users "you're all caught up" when they've viewed all the new posts.
So I spent about as long researching the topic as I spent working on the grid, and found all of that time well spent.
" He thinks it's time well spent: "Though [AdS] doesn't describe our world, it will teach us some lessons that will guide us where to go.
His terms, like the need to focus on "Time Well Spent," have been adopted (or perhaps co-opted) by, among others, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
The music video features footage from the Netflix drama's first season mashed together perfectly with the words to Simple Minds' 1980s classic — time well spent.
Talking about the attention economy or time well spent didn't capture the true ability of modern technology to dismantle free will and create social anomie.
And Tristan Harris reappeared on TV to criticize Facebook directly, calling it a "living, breathing crime scene" — and advocate for his solution, time well spent.
When you think of time well spent online, when you think about people getting more control over how they put their attention and their time.
"So we hope that the time spent on Facebook, though overall it will go down, is time well-spent or time better spent," Mosseri said.
Finally, re-calibrate your own expectations, as well as those of family and friends, towards that time well spent, rather than big parties or gifts.
Those discussions led tech companies themselves to buy into the "time well spent" movement (even as they continued to undermine the trust users place in them).
"We&aposre always working on new ways to help make sure people&aposs time on Facebook is time well spent," a company spokesperson told the publication.
Facebook and Instagram are jumping on the "time well spent" bandwagon with their own features that help you spend less time on Facebook and Instagram. Why?
Facebook's goal is to increase time well spent and well-being, even at the cost of total time spent and ad views in the short term.
He said that Zuckerberg's affinity for Time Well Spent was "dishonest" given the incentives of Facebook's business model, which depends on selling users' attention to advertisers.
Mark Zuckerberg's use of the phrase "time well spent" in a January Facebook post could have been seen as a possible step toward less addictive tech.
In 2016, Tristan Harris, whose job title at Google was "design ethicist," left the company to focus on a new nonprofit he called Time Well Spent.
And while the tug-of-war over "time well spent" is likely to continue, the moral advantage still belongs to the folks that coined the term.
Harris, previously best known for his association with the Time Well Spent movement, compares the unchecked rise of tech to the "catastrophic" future of climate change.
These companies all became fluent in the language of "time well spent," a movement to design technology that respects users' time and doesn't exploit their vulnerabilities.
Even the phrase "time well spent" was copied from Tristan Harris, the former Google design ethicist trying to spread the word about the dangers of addictive technology.
Harris spent several years working at Google, and he now runs a nonprofit called Time Well Spent, from which he has launched a battle against social media.
After announcing a new "time well spent" metric for Facebook in January, Mark Zuckerberg was forced to go on an apology tour over the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
Time Well Spent morphed into the Center for Humane Technology, and Harris started grasping for a new meme that was equal to the scope of the crisis.
Taking weeks of extra time to get a historical decision right that future generations will have to live with for decades is time well spent for Britain.
It's not exactly the healthy digital balance that everybody's been striving for this past year since we all started talking about Time Well Spent, but it's something.
Even Mark Zuckerberg's mission for 2018 is "to make sure the time we all spend on Facebook is time well spent," a clear reference to Harris' work.
He turned "time well spent" into a cogent philosophy, one that everyone could get behind: We spend too much time on our phones, and on social media.
You might also want to consider some tips from Time Well Spent, an organization dedicated to making technology fit better into human lives rather than the reverse.
So dazzled was I with the crossing center that I am still smiling after solving it, and that, my friends, is a sign of time well spent.
However, Facebook deserves a fair amount of blame, as CEO Mark Zuckerberg acknowledged in a blog post earlier this year, directly referencing the Time Well Spent movement.
In the case of Facebook, the company has been focusing on a new metric, called "time well spent," following criticisms that the social network is bad for society.
The change aligns with CEO Mark Zuckerberg's recent comments declaring that Facebook's goal isn't total time spent, but time well spent with meaningful content you feel good about.
When we first reported on Usage Insights, Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom tweeted a link to the article, confirming that Instagram was getting behind the Time Well Spent movement.
"Brands should be additive and trying to add to the person's experience, so it's a net benefit — it's time well spent rather than distraction," she told the audience.
So we were in this same tiny little room talking about this and it was way before people were thinking about it, this idea of Time Well Spent.
It's all so predictably unpredictable — and what Tristan Harris, the co-founder of the nonprofit group Time Well Spent, calls a world dominated by the race for attention.
TechDen fights your kids' tech addiction using... a box TechDen is a $119 box and maybe the first Kickstarter gadget to emerge from the Time Well Spent movement.
But if you want to cut back on your one-off Amazon buys or spur-of-the-moment online purchases, the Time Well Spent Chrome extension can help.
Lewis says that the extension was inspired by the Time Well Spent movement, which calls on tech companies to integrate time and attention management features into their products.
Many of them will not believe they were manipulated unless Facebook tells them, said Tristan Harris of Time Well Spent, an organization critical of advertising-based social media.
What Time Well Spent features really do is re-frame the screen addiction issue in a way that benefits tech companies, and does not necessarily help tech users.
Mosseri replied that while they don't track addiction they track a user's sentiment, and try to understand if people think their News Feed experience is time well spent.
Facebook wants to turn mindless, passive video consumption into "time well spent," and now it's giving social media stars a powerful tool to foster communities around their content.
I caught up on emails during my 14-minute, $45.03 stay, and although it was time well-spent, more natural light would have made that time more pleasant.
In terms of Time Well Spent, we want to bring together the leadership of those people who really care about having that conversation together to talk about it.
If you're not familiar with Time Well Spent, there's this guy Tristan Harris, he was a former design ethicist at Google, I think he's been on your show, Kara.
Tristan Harris, the former design ethicist for Google, popularized "time well spent" as a contrast to apps like Facebook that "hijack our minds" and distract us from our priorities.
This delicate and awkward balance between utility and health is arguably Silicon Valley's greatest challenge as it grapples with an existential crisis over "time well spent" on our devices.
Most, I expect, will spend at least part of the day focused on their role in the future of American society and the world — and that's time well spent.
It also features appearances from a handful of high-profile commentators, including Time Well Spent co-founder Tristan Harris, Kernal CEO Bryan Johnson, and Duke University ethicist Nita Farahany.
A nonprofit organization called Time Well Spent, led by a former Google design ethicist, is pressuring tech companies to move away from products that try to hook people's attention.
In the summer of 20, former Google employee Tristan Harris started making the media rounds, arguing for the need for a new ethics in technology design: Time Well Spent.
But with Android now offering time management tools and many urging Apple to do the same, the time-well-spent reckoning may be dawning upon the mobile app ecosystem.
Time spent YouTubing Marcelo Garcia is time well spent and scarcely a week goes by without some high profile MMA fighter making the pilgrimage to his New York gym.
But a year after Big Tech rolled out their time-well-spent features, it doesn't seem like they're working: The time we spend on our devices just keeps increasing.
That's hard work that few people want to do, but it's money and time well spent—and certainly a better value than whatever it is the billionaire is doing.
Wired's editor-in-chief Nick Thompson spoke with Tristan Harris, the prophet behind the "Time Well Spent" movement that argues are minds are being hijacked by the technology we use.
In other recent Instagram news: First look at Instagram's self-policing Time Well Spent tool Instagram launches IGTV app for creators, 1-hour video uploads Instagram tests questions in Stories
Facebook announced the new dashboards for the Instagram and Facebook apps back in August as part of the "time well-spent" movement that has been sweeping across the tech world.
Say hello to the opposite of time well spent: Now Giphy is announcing that it's refreshing its homepage to prominently feature Stories, which will be curated by an editorial team.
Slack raises $427 million, now valued above $7 billion Sometimes I wonder whether the Time Well Spent movement will ever affect the famously noisy, all-consuming office chat app Slack.
When companies like Facebook check the time-well-spent box with a few cosmetic design changes, they get credit for putting a bandaid on the symptom without addressing the disease.
When I asked why, amidst its big push around Time Well Spent, it was sending these alerts, the company told me it's already in the process of scaling them back.
Mark Zuckerberg recently made a bunch of changes to Facebook and said he wanted time on the platform to be "time well spent," which is the concept you've been behind.
The two apps — Instagram with a billion-plus users and Facebook with twice that many — are rolling out new "time well spent" features meant to help people fight smartphone addiction.
How tech companies value your attention is a "crisis," Time Well Spent founder Tristan Harris says — and a lot of people in the industry won't even admit it's a problem.
After months of Mark Zuckerberg talking about how "Protecting our community is more important than maximizing our profits," Facebook is preparing to turn that commitment into a Time Well Spent product.
My break came around the time when Facebook and Instagram introduced "time well spent" features in the summer, which allow users to check how many hours they've spent on social media.
Meanwhile, Facebook has continued to adopt the "Time Well Spent" philosophy, removing click-bait news and crappy viral videos that lead to passive internet content consumption that studies say is unhealthy.
It might be a more elegant solution to having a "time well-spent" phone than picking up a plain Jane feature phone or backing a Kickstarter for an in-betweener phone.
Earlier this year, Harris rebranded Time Well Spent as the Center for Humane Technology, now a coalition of technologists, activists, and concerned citizens fighting to regain power over our personal devices.
After representatives from the "Time Well Spent" movement appeared on TED, 60 Minutes, and in widespread media coverage, it seemed we were beginning to take the threat of notification overload seriously.
"It wasn't until my boys came home from school at 3:30pm, that I found out they had been waaaay late to school," Norton wrote on her blog Time Well Spent.
Twitter's efforts to figure out how to make the platform a safer, healthier place for everyone comes in tandem with Facebook's efforts to ensure time well spent on the social network.
They're talking about digital well-being, and time well spent, and that simply because a person is engaged for a long time, it doesn't necessarily mean they're having a good experience.
Zuckerberg has been touting his new focus on "meaningful connections" and the idea of "time well spent," most recently in a call with investors and analysts after another stellar earnings report.
KS: Tristan Harris is a thing called Time Well Spent and essentially he says all digital issues are time suck and we have to figure out a way to control it.
All you have to do is take a few extra minutes to style before hitting the gym, and that's time well spent if you can avoid the bathroom rush after the cooldown.
Memories are also tied to Facebook's focus on time-well-spent efforts, which aim to increase the focus on quality engagement on Facebook, even if time on site suffers as a result.
" Zuckerberg explained that "research shows that interacting with friends and family on social media tends to be more meaningful and can be good for our well-being, and that's time well spent.
Facebook and Instagram also have their own time-well-spent features that monitor how long you're using the apps, allow you to set limits, and block notifications for certain time for periods.
If gathering with a bunch of people in front of a public monument for an hour and yelling until your lungs collapse is your idea of time well spent, you're not alone.
That skeptical and concerned counter-story is the one that was starting to get told — and increasingly spread — before Time Well Spent came along to place the tech industry on our side.
She has previously spotted things like Instagram's first time-well-spent feature, Lyft's unlaunched bike or scooter program, Instagram's upgraded two-factor authentication system, new ways of displaying IGTV videos, and more.
"Imagine you run a social network and you're trying to aggregate all the trending stories based on what all users are clicking," Mr. Harris, the Time Well Spent founder, told me recently.
Time Well Spent, a nonprofit focused on changing our relationships to technology, recommends switching your phone to grayscale to remove the "shiny rewards" that colorful icons give you every time you unlock.
She previously helped TechCrunch scoop the development of features like Facebook Avatars, Twitter encrypted DMs and Instagram Usage Insights — a Time Well Spent feature that looks very similar to this one on Facebook.
Without access to meaningful data how can we tell whether time spent here or there or on any of these prejudice-pandering advertiser platforms can ever be said to be "time well spent"?
The move to fund news videos not only invalidates Facebook's claims on the "just a tech platform" front, it calls into question how serious the company is about its "time well spent" focus.
When Tech Knows You Better Than You Know Yourself Historian Yuval Noah Harari and Time Well Spent cofounder Tristan Harris discussed the future of artificial intelligence with Wired's editor in chief, Nicholas Thompson.
"By focusing on bringing people closer together — whether it's with family and friends, or around important moments in the world — we can help make sure that Facebook is time well spent," he wrote.
In a pair of closely argued essays on Medium, Joe Edelman — who says he coined the term "time well spent" with Harris five years ago — lays out a suggested path forward for Facebook.
Now it has to work to preemptively disarm any future privacy crises or other scandals, and co-opt the "Time Well Spent" rallying call before it becomes a "Time to leave Facebook" movement.
"The time Steve Jobs was putting things off and noodling on possibilities was time well spent in letting more divergent ideas come to the table," Wharton professor Adam Grant previously told Business Insider.
Google is billing Duplex as a way to promote Time Well Spent™ and lessen language barrier issues so that we can all be free to engage with the world outside our digital screens.
Each dank track takes anywhere from a few hours to a month to mix, but it's time well spent when it's distracting him from the sinkhole of interest-accruing loans slowly eating him alive.
"With Time Well Spent, we want technology that cares about helping us spend our time, and our lives, well -- not seducing us into the most screen time, always-on interruptions or distractions," Harris says.
"While all these exuberant festivities and gatherings allow us to have fun and mingle, at a deeper level, the Sagittarian-ruled month is a time well-spent on self-reflection and philosophizing," Montúfar adds.
It also doesn't seem like JetBlue is doing this to promote Time Well Spent, per se, since it's encouraging travelers to refill their blank Instagram pages with more travel photos should they win the sweepstakes.
The company's CEO Mark Zuckerberg has written numerous times that the company is now focusing on "time well spent" on the platform (even though few inside Facebook seem to know how to define that metric).
Patreon could lock the mid-tail of smaller (but still established) creators into its ecosystem, which means more consumer engagement, more time well spent, and more revenue through both ads and fan-to-creator transactions.
Interface designers, app-makers and social-media firms employ armies of designers to keep people coming back, according to Tristan Harris, another ex-Googler and co-founder of an advocacy group called "Time Well Spent".
Zuckerberg and other executives have been warning for months that Facebook's efforts to retool News Feed to promote "time well spent" and new GDPR regulations would ultimately result in less growth and fewer ad dollars.
Back in January, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made a vow to increase the "time well-spent" on the social media network, in part by increasing the quality of the news that appears on users' feeds.
And so far, you know, with the Time Well Spent stuff, for example, it's let's help people, because they're vulnerable to how much time they spend, set a limit on how much time they spend.
In fact, Do Not Disturb was championed by Tristan Harris, leader of the Time Well Spent movement who today launched the Center For Humane Technology that will fund anti-tech addiction research, education and lobbying.
But if he really does want to make the time we spend on Facebook count as "time well spent," I suspect Facebook will have to change much more radically than it is now letting on.
When Marco writes something, Marco Arment, he's moving the organization, and so I think the move is to do more of the time well spent stuff because that stuff internally gets people talking and can reprioritize.
It took me three months to decide that I'm a 3B curl type with high-porosity strands (time I wish I could get back) and another three months to master a silk press (time well spent).
Alternatively, I'm left to wonder whether there was some kind of underlying spiritual coda being delivered when CEO Mark Zuckerberg talked about wanting Facebook to encourage "meaningful social interactions" and lead to more 'time well spent'.
And then, in late 2017, he has the awkward experience of learning that Mark Zuckerberg has professed his allegiance to his signature idea in a quarterly earnings call and even used the phrase time well spent.
Some of you like to rush, which is just fine, but if I find myself looking up entries for the column and getting happily absorbed, I consider those extra minutes solving to be time well spent.
Today, its latest "time well spent"-associated feature is arriving: "Memories," a section where you can fondly look back on all the personal sharing and connections Facebook has enabled, and celebrate those moments with family and friends.
Mashable reached out to Google, Facebook, Apple, and Instagram, and asked whether and what research these companies conducted or consulted that showed that Time Well Spent features, including activity dashboards, would actually reduce time spent on smartphones.
She said we had created the ultimate democracy, where anything said by anyone could be heard by everyone, but she worried about whether it provoked partisanship or tolerance, whether it was time wasted or time well spent.
Several people praised the Time Well Spent movement spearheaded by Tristan Harris, a former Google design ethicist and co-founder of the Center for Humane Technology, as a kind of pro-friction cohort within the tech industry.
And even Facebook, which like Google has been at the center of the debate over time well spent, acknowledged in a blog post last year that in some cases using Facebook could be bad for your mental health.
Tristan Harris: Former Google design ethicist Tristan Harris is the founder of Time Well Spent, a nonprofit organization dedicated to reforming how Silicon Valley designs its products to help our apps and hardware better align with human values.
A firm which retains a graphic designer on contract knows whether or not it likes the resulting logo, but cannot easily say which of the sketches that went into it was time well spent (nor does it care).
But as social networking services are increasingly criticized for being too addictive — and many are now building tools to limit their usage to "time well spent" — how does social media affect young users' self-esteem and mental health?
On a recent episode of Recode Decode, hosted by Kara Swisher, Tristan Harris, founder of Time Well Spent, talked about the ways that tech is designed to manipulate users and hold their attention for as long as possible.
In fact, the opposite of "not being a media business" is now occurring: Facebook is directly paying news publishers to create video, even as it claims its focus is on you and your "time well spent" on its site.
The goal of Time Well Spent is to reverse what it calls "the digital attention crisis" — the brilliant minds at Google, Apple, Facebook, and elsewhere who "hijack our minds" through ever-more sophisticated manipulation techniques delivered through our smartphones.
Google also introduced its own set of "digital well-being" controls and tools for Android, and even Facebook and Instagram have rewritten parts their software and algorithms with a focus on new metrics like "time well spent," for example.
It's Apple's attempt at countering the increasing concern over the fact that we all may be spending too much time on our phones, part of the "time well spent" movement that's been sweeping the tech world in the past few months.
A year ago Facebook trumpeted how it launched a Time Well Spent dashboard in its app and Instagram for showing how long per day you use the apps with an option to set a reminder to stop after enough minutes.
Facebook said that it worked very closely with researchers to learn how social media can improve wellbeing, but has yet to cite, nor did it conduct, specific research showing that time well spent features have a proven ability to impact behavior.
"The time Steve Jobs was putting things off and noodling on possibilities was time well spent in letting more divergent ideas come to the table, as opposed to diving right in with the most conventional, the most obvious, the most familiar."
The company's line is that dating will help fulfil its new mission of encouraging 'time well spent' — by helping people forge more meaningful (new) relationships thanks to the power of its network (and the data it sucks out of it).
Center for Humane Technology, a nonprofit which advocates for "time well spent" with tech devices, said: Common Sense Media, a nonprofit focused on media for families and children, called California a pioneer in both tech revolution and now consumer privacy safeguards.
Its Time Well Spent dashboard that counts your minutes on Facebook should also say how many notifications you get of each type, how many you actually open, and let you disable the most common but useless ones right from there.
Tristan Harris, a former product manager at Google and founder of the nonprofit "Time Well Spent" spoke with this publication's editor in chief about how Apple, Google, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram—you know, everyone—design products to steal our time and attention.
Early dissent started within tech's inner circles — like former Google ethicist Tristan Harris, who coined the idea of "Time Well Spent" — and spread to tech employees who spent their days building apps and their off-time raising their children not to use them.
Google didn't get into a lot about Android Pie features on the Pixel, but in a "time well spent" manner, there is a new mode that allows you to place the phone front side down on a surface to automatically silence notifications.
Digital Detox: Big Tech's Phony Crisis of Conscience Grafton Tanner has a critique of the Time Well Spent movement from the left: In a time when free-market capitalism is the only game in town, massively centralized tech companies have virtually unfettered reign.
Instagram CEO confirms upcoming "time spent" Usage Insights "It's really important for people who use Instagram and Facebook that the time they spend with us is time well spent," Ameet Ranadive, Instagram's Product Director of Well-Being, told reporters on a conference call.
The summer travel season has passed, but holiday trips will be here before you know it, and we just can't let this nightmare happen to you: Here's how to prep your phone so your next cross-country jaunt is time well-spent.
The world feels anxious and divided, and Facebook has a lot of work to do — whether it's protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent.
Google and Apple have now both built in screen time monitoring and control tools into their mobile operating systems, and even dopamine drug dealers like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube have begun to add screen time reminders and other "time well spent" features.
I think it's interesting that in the last year or so, Mark Zuckerberg has started to talk thoughtfully about using this phrase "time well spent," which came from Tristan Harris, the design ethicist who is trying to help the companies do this better.
This isn't the only approach available to Time Well Spent for companies like Facebook: it was published on a day when Facebook's own announcement on the matter was that it would allow users to watch videos at the same time, and comment together.
But according to so-called whistleblowers such as Tristan Harris, a computer scientist who founded the Time Well Spent movement, and Adam Alter, author of Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked, we humans are totally overpowered.
The world feels anxious and divided, and Facebook has a lot of work to do -- whether it's protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent.
Continuing our focus for 2018 to make sure the time we all spend on Facebook is time well spent... Last week I... Immediately afterward, the New York Times' stock spiked, ending the day up nearly 9 percent, according to data from FactSet.
"The world feels anxious and divided, and Facebook has a lot of work to do—whether it's protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation-states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent," Zuckerberg declared.
"The world feels anxious and divided, and Facebook has a lot of work to do — whether it's protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent," Zuckerberg wrote.
This new value equation has created a more relevant time-based metric for Facebook, with Zuckerberg reporting in Facebook's 2017 Q3 earnings call that "time spent is not a goal by itself here; what we really want to go for is time well spent".
We think this will be a huge help for our mission to promote Being Well — uh, I mean Time Well Spent because our expert machine learning algorithms will be nudging you to talk to people you should really be talking to TC: Like my therapist?
" (Subscription) N.Y. Times "State of the Art" columnist Farhood Manjoo: If Mark Zuckergerg "really does want to make the time we spend on Facebook count as 'time well spent,' I suspect Facebook will have to change much more radically than it is now letting on.
"The world feels anxious and divided," Mr. Zuckerberg wrote, "and Facebook has a lot of work to do — whether it's protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent."
Travel Tips Having two or three weeks off for your next vacation is undoubtedly a luxury, but, depending on how you plan, the trip could be time well spent or wasted, according to Sam McClure, the owner of Small World Travel in Austin, Tex.
"The world feels anxious and divided, and Facebook has a lot of work to do–whether it's protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent," he wrote.
The recommendations of "nutritious" apps, as Google refers to them in an announcement, comes at a time when major tech companies are paying increased attention to the time spent on devices, and a growing concern among consumers – parents and otherwise – that it's not time well spent.
In digital technology, we have insiders including ex-Googlers Tristan Harris and James Williams and early Facebook investor Roger McNamee, among others, leading the Time Well Spent movement, which promises to deter companies from developing and selling technologies that harm us by invading privacy, among other problems.
The science is still out Rachel Becker surveys the research coming out of the Time Well Spent movement and finds that it's all a muddle: The actual research hasn't come to one neat conclusion, and that may be because the field has relied on self-reports.
Facebook and Instagram add dashboards to help you manage your time on social apps I wrote about Facebook and Instagram's new Time Well Spent-inspired usage dashboards, which also let you set in-app reminders to stop idly thumbing through your feed after an interval you specify.
Encouraging Time Well Spent – In a massive overhaul to News Feed's algorithm, Facebook will now show more content people actively discuss through comments and shares such as posts from friends, and show less content people passively consume including publicly shared publisher content, news links, and videos.
Online measurement company SimilarWeb has found that time spent with some of the most popular social media apps, like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, has declined in the wake of "time well spent" efforts — though the decline could instead reflect the waning relevance of those social media behemoths.
It was a 144-page presentation titled "Call to Minimize Distraction and Respect Users' Attention," and earned Harris the role of "design ethicist" — a job created specifically for him, and which he held until 2016, when he left to start a nonprofit called Time Well Spent.
It's not an entirely automated process (you'll still have to listen to the pitch and give the burner credit card details to a caller over the phone, after all), but maybe that's time well spent if you know you could get a check at the end of the process.
"The world feels anxious and divided, and Facebook has a lot of work to do — whether it's protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent," Zuckerberg writes in a Facebook post.
"The world feels anxious and divided, and Facebook has a lot of work to do -- whether it's protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent," Zuckerberg wrote in a Facebook post.
"The world feels anxious and divided, and Facebook has a lot of work to do — whether it's protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent," Zuckerberg wrote in a Facebook post on Thursday.
For 2018, the billionaire promised to do his job:The world feels anxious and divided, and Facebook has a lot of work to do — whether it's protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent.
Just this year, Facebook has chosen to optimize for on a new metric called "Time Well Spent," while Apple and Google have introduced new digital health tools like "Screen Time" and "Digital Wellbeing," designed to let users quantify and then set limits on the time they spend on their phones.
Last January, I wrote that "time well spent" was shaping up to be tech's next big debate — and six months later, it was effectively over, as Apple, Google, and Facebook had all added features designed to help users measure their time using those companies' products and to manage their usage.
In true Chip-and-Joanna fashion, themes of family, food and fun will extend throughout the publication, with regular stories like "Reflections from Jo," a column of her latest musings; "Generational Wisdom," which pairs two generations' thoughts on one topic; and "Time Well Spent," a roundup of Joanna's current favorite things.
"The world feels anxious and divided, and Facebook has a lot of work to do — whether it's protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent," he said in a Facebook post last week.
My hope is that this update about trusted news and last week's update about meaningful interactions will help make time on Facebook time well spent: where we're strengthening our relationships, engaging in active conversations rather than passive consumption, and, when we read news, making sure it's from high quality and trusted sources.
"Facebook's continued loss of younger adult users, along with its focus on downranking clickbait posts and videos in favor of those that create 'time well spent,' resulted in less daily time spent on the platform in 2018 than we had previously expected," eMarketer principal analyst Debra Aho Williamson said in a press release.
And I would love if we could just kinda reverse that and say, hey, much like there's been a change around "time well spent" where technology was distracting us a lot, probably just making our lives worse, now all the operating systems are building in systems to help ... what's the guy's name?
I so don't care I so don't care Notifications In The "Time Well Spent" Feature – Facebook tells you how many minutes you spent on it each day over the past week and on average, but my total time on Facebook matters less to me than how often it interrupts my life with push notifications.
" In January 2018, in response to mounting criticism that technology platforms do more harm than good, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the company would start focusing on "time well spent," a phrase Zuckerberg defined as "a responsibility to make sure our services aren't just fun to use, but also good for people's well-being.
She's the head of policy at the nonprofit Data for Democracy, the director of research at the startup New Knowledge, and also was a founding adviser at the Center for Humane Technology, which is the group behind the Time Well Spent movement, and also one of the most ironic names for something, Humane Technology.
Along the lines of the "time well spent" movement: Do Not Disturb has some new features to reduce notifications when you don't want them, Apple is making the process of receiving and dealing with Notifications less noisy, and a new feature called Screen Time helps you understand, control and limit how much time you spend on your device.
And as Facebook moves away from emphasizing News Feed in favor of Groups and Pages anyway, adding another high-quality content space on the platform could help it better align with its "time well spent" mission, as it could help free up News Feed to serve as a space for "meaningful interactions" among family and friends.
There have been a lot of former technologists coming out and being like, oh, actually a lot of these things we've made are bad, red bubbles are bad, all these things were designed in a really addictive and seductive way and we should undo it, but all their solutions are like, just delete Facebook, or just use a time-well-spent app.
Comcast wants you to use your phone less, then switch to its network Part of me feels like I should have been prepared for the Comcast corporation (disclosure: an investor in Vox Media) to see the Time Well Spent movement as a content marketing opportunity, and create a web page promoting a "phone cleanse" that also serves as an advertisement for buying additional Comcast services.
Odell's proposed course of action doesn't have much use for the now-trendy "Time Well Spent" movement (which relies on more tech to solve the problem of too much tech) or apps that inform you when you've wasted too much of your day on social media, or any solution proposed by the same Silicon Valley wunderkinds who profited from getting us into this mess.
But I do believe that through seeing what's happened with Time Well Spent, with the race to hijack our minds, with the power of shared understanding, if people can see these the same way, if they can see the problem the same way, that the race to capture attention combines addiction, teen isolation, mental health, polarization, outreach education, the vanity-ification of our culture, that these are connected issues and we call that human downgrading.

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