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89 Sentences With "think nothing of"

How to use think nothing of in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "think nothing of" and check conjugation/comparative form for "think nothing of". Mastering all the usages of "think nothing of" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I was perhaps too quick to think nothing of it.
"I didn't think nothing of it, you know," he said.
He'd think nothing of trying to kick me down the stairs.
They think nothing of huffing a store's smelly candles and lotions.
That seems to be the problem—they think nothing of it.
These days, we think nothing of sending a one-megabyte attachment.
Or when you see a rat and think nothing of it?
Someone with a backpack is standing nearby, but you think nothing of it.
We think nothing of turning on a light or charging our cell phone.
I thanked him profusely, but he told me to think nothing of it.
These days the two think nothing of lending one another a helping hand with their designs.
They calmly break your skin, and think nothing of looking at your genitals or your shit.
Lady Bird will put on the dress and wear it out and think nothing of it.
Future generations will visit a city and think nothing of zipping to their destination on shared transportation.
These days, urban dwellers think nothing of traveling under the surface as part of their average day.
We think nothing of it because having our identity stolen isn't something that would happen to us, right?
They will also think nothing of bringing dead animals into your house and smearing them on your furniture.
"In those days, the language he used was considered terrible, but today you'd think nothing of it," she said.
It's kind of amazing to see all of the Christians who think nothing of going to a yoga class.
Although aware that it's not safe to text while driving, pedestrians think nothing of doing so while walking, said Kolosh.
High in their fancy cabs, they think nothing of the damage they are doing below, with only open road ahead.
It already looks like an odd combo, but then I'd think nothing of ramen noodles in a bowl like this.
It made me really think about the "benign" comments we think nothing of saying without realizing their historical racist context.
No one expects me to make coffee, but they think nothing of asking me to type up minutes for their meetings.
" Given that the cycling fans that show up think nothing of "centuries," or hundred-mile rides, Sarmiento "thought that was odd.
Bad bosses think nothing of hiring a jerk with great credentials because they're only interested in how that person will perform.
Trains and trucks blow through here so fast and so often that people automatically raise their voices and think nothing of it.
Meanwhile, most Americans think nothing of the exploitation, cruelty, and slaughter incurred on billions of other animals in the U.S. every year.
Donald described to me that these were men who would think nothing of punching a kid and barked at them all day long.
"I think nothing of cooperating with parties such as the AfD and Le Pen, which want to leave the European Union," Kurz said.
The same politicians who claim to be ardently "pro-life" think nothing of tearing families apart, deporting people to unspeakable violence and poverty.
"When my brother says, 'Well, look, man, I'll take care of [the house] for you,' I didn't think nothing of it," said Rodney.
Now we think nothing of dashing off a Word document to someone a thousand miles away and expecting it to arrive safe and unharmed.
Maybe you think nothing of telling your colleagues how much your flight to Spain cost or how much you spent on Beyoncé concert tickets.
A report sheds new light on the big-spending travel habits of China's wealthy millennials, who think nothing of a $500-a-night hotel budget.
I look out the window at a string of pro-Trump signs that line the road, and at first glance, I think nothing of it.
I might think nothing of kissing a date good night in a public place, but that could cost a local their friendships, families or careers.
Do we now think nothing of folding together a batch of homemade puff pastry after binge-watching a season of "The Great British Baking Show"?
The sores from chafing are so bad you will think nothing of tugging open your shorts and squirting in ointment in full view of strangers.
"I didn't think nothing of it, and then she walked out of the room," Crystal Perry, who has three other children, told The Charleston Gazette-Mail.
While most people would pass by a motorized doll and think nothing of it, this little girl treats it like the almost-human it almost-is.
Later generations would follow the Mary Richards model with their own fictional career women, and today we think nothing of seeing a genuine girlboss grace our screens.
People think nothing of sharing rather than owning things these days, and a ready supply of independent contractors makes charging and repairing scooters far easier — and cheaper.
Sadly, this Green "Raw" Deal is just one of many troubling moves by environmentalists who think nothing of placing the economic wellbeing of millions of Americans in jeopardy.
We would think nothing of a rule that dictated that an executive's assistant must carry the executive's briefcase, even if the assistants were mostly women and the executives mostly men.
People think nothing of queueing for hours in order to sit in a chair opposite Marina Abramović or to grope their way through a foggy tunnel designed by Olafur Eliasson.
A gambler, Bobby watches Billie Jean on TV but hangs with masters of the universe, male cigar chompers and scotch swirlers who think nothing of betting away a Rolls-Royce.
You may think nothing of wearing dated athletic shoes, but if your teenager doesn't agree with your choice of footwear he may, at least for a while, find it unbearable.
He'll think nothing of running directly into the street in order to capture that last piece of random junk mail that Mommy will be tossing as soon as we get home.
Get the VICE App on iOS and Android It's 2016, and white celebrities like Kylie Jenner, Justin Bieber, and Vanessa Hudgens still think nothing of fashioning their hair into dreads and cornrows.
The same person who thinks nothing of littering on a subway car or platform will think nothing of leaving their detritus behind for the next occupant of the shared car to enjoy.
What is stunning is not the exposure of the emperor with no clothes, but that his loyal base will think nothing of the fact that he has been revealed to be a fraud.
But, according to the photos that have surfaced on Twitter, there are plenty of other people who think nothing of scooping peanut butter on top of the hot dogs they've made in their own home.
A shiny side of that tradition (for me, as a food writer) is that the women still make their grandmothers' spiced, complex recipes, and think nothing of producing food for hundreds of guests at parties.
After all these sacrifices, freedom and a thriving democracy in the region cannot be compromised and handed over to terrorists who think nothing of killing innocent civilians in their campaign of terror and pursuit of power.
Even avid home bakers who think nothing of whipping up a pie crust at the first windfall of summer blueberries will generally buy puff pastry rather than attempt an exacting recipe that takes all day to make.
"Cult leaders think nothing of using people like pawns to get their way, and it doesn&apost matter if there are people on the staff saying this is a bad idea, which apparently Bolton did," Hassen said.
Education matters, too: People who thought it was dumb for Donald Trump to look directly at the sun during the solar eclipse might think nothing of slapping on a pair of headphones and cranking their music to 11.
Some activists think nothing of resorting to bullying, misogyny and racism if they don't get their way, driving dedicated MPs such as Luciana Berger out of the party and turning local party meetings into echo-chambers of extremist ideas.
Perhaps a web's most poignant allegory, however, lies in the disdain with which we tend to treat them — the appreciation that most of us, whether through overfamiliarity or revulsion, think nothing of obliterating that which required such balletic artistry to build.
Today, young buyers "think nothing of spending a few thousand renminbi on a necklace" as a fashion statement, says Zhang Guowang, a fourth-generation jeweller who runs Huachang Jewellery, one of the largest in Putian, with a few hundred stores around China.
Many animal lovers in New York and beyond, it seems, think nothing of the cost involved in creating a special space for their pets — even when that sort of customization might cut into the profits when it comes time to sell their homes.
And that goes for all users of bike-share programs, like New York's Citi Bike, who think nothing of pulling a bike from its station and cycling helmetless on streets, with and without bike lanes, among often reckless traffic on foot and wheels.
We think nothing of showing up to the airport in an outfit that requires minimal planning — sweatpants, oversized hoodies, basically the closest thing we can get to pajamas — because comfort is key and we're not a celebrity who has paparazzi following our every move.
Married or not, many of us sleep with our phones on our night stands, pocket them as we go from room to room and think nothing of using them in the presence of our partners, whether they are talking or snuggling or reading beside us.
While far cheaper than the plans offered by the big carriers, or even some options aimed specifically at international road warriors, FreedomPop continues to rely on word of mouth to compete with companies that think nothing of dropping tens of millions of dollars on an advertising campaign.
The bottom line is that Marty, Wendy and their increasingly involved kids (Sofia Hublitz, Skylar Gaertner) have grown more accustomed to being thrust into perilous situations, dealing as they are with people who think nothing of leaving bodies strewn about when they don't get their way.
"If I say something about the news in Catalonia in relation with the decision of the parliament or the decision of the Spanish (supreme court), I think nothing of what was discussed today will appear in the media," Puigdemont said when asked about during a debate at University of Copenhagen.
Television producers who would never dream of assigning segments where talking heads debate whether it's bad that the richest country on earth also has millions of children growing up in dire poverty think nothing of chasing random conservative shiny objects, from "Fast & Furious" (remember that one?) to Benghazi to the migrant caravan.
The type of power they have or seek tends to be morally corrosive, whether it's sought by Ozymandias, who seemed to think nothing of sacrificing three million innocent people to save billions more, or Dr. Manhattan, whose decisive role in winning Vietnam came with unintended consequences and who's accused of not doing enough to end starvation or clean up the environment.
TUESDAY PUZZLE — If you're in New York City and think nothing of hopping on the B train, which is running over the C tracks from West Fourth to 212th Street, then express on the No. 363 until Fort Tryon, then skipping stops to Brighton Beach, to get to a job interview that you might be running a little late to already, then I admire your fortitude, because I find it unnerving to be underground and unsure of my estimated time of ascension, let alone my trajectory.
Buckle was legendary for his stamina. He would think nothing of making a 92-mile (148 km) round trip between his farm at Orton Longueville to Newmarket just for a trial. His outside hobbies revolved around his farm at Orton Longueville. He bred cattle, greyhounds, bulldogs and fighting cocks.
The > foul air from this mass of human beings at first made me giddy and sick, but > I soon got over it. We have to walk, and when we give the men any thing > kneel, in blood and water; but we think nothing of it at all.Cumming, K., et > al., Kate: The Journal of a Confederate Nurse, p. 15.
Because headaches are so common, most people think nothing of it. This is why brain tumors are so dangerous. There are not a lot of symptoms that go along with them so people tend to wait a long time before seeking medical help. Most of the time people will go see a doctor when their headaches become consistent and start to never go away.
Before we reached Stockholm he had lost twenty pounds, worn down > by bringing them food. Once as he passed me he muttered under his breath, > 'It's whales they are, not men.' They used to take five plates of soup as a > starter and then gulp down three or four steaks with trimmings. That Simon > Gillis would think nothing of having a dozen eggs for breakfast.
The newspaper went on to describe Rosebery as looking like a prosperous farmer. Lady Rosebery was very taken with California, from where she wrote: "The inhabitants are very entertaining ... the women are very handsome, think nothing of dresses costing £80, "fix up" their faces very frequently and are generally divorced."McKinstry, p. 120, attributes this to a letter to Constance Leconfield of 20 October 1883.
Display rules expressing a group's general consensus about the display of feeling often involve minimising the amount of emotion one displays, as with a poker face.Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence (London 1995) p. 113 Social interchanges involving minor infringements often end with the 'victim' minimising the offence with a comment like 'Think nothing of it',Erving Goffman, Relations in Public (1972) p. 177 using so-called 'reduction words',Robert Hoyk/Paul Hersey, The Ethical Executive (2008) p.
From 1855 to 1857 he held a professorship at the East India Company College, Haileybury, which had been sentenced to extinction. He continued to lecture at Cambridge, but the history school then had little prestige. Keynes asserts in his biography of Malthus that Sir James Stephen was "the last holder" of Malthus's chair at Haileybury, which Malthus had held for thirty years until his death in 1834. Leslie Stephen "used to think nothing" of walking from Cambridge to visit his father at Haileybury.
Doomlord was thus established as an extremely ruthless, even fascistic, "space vigilante" who would think nothing of genocide as long as the ends justified the means. As Alan Grant put it: Doomlord delivered a verdict of guilty, and pronounced sentence of death upon humanity. He hypnotised Harvey to accompany him to a germ warfare establishment, to watch helplessly as Doomlord constructed a virus to kill humans worldwide, but leave other species unaffected. However, Harvey managed to overcome his hypnotism through strength of will, and stabbed Doomlord in human form.
From his very first appearance, Scrappy has shown himself to be as reckless and daring as his Uncle Scooby is timid and cautious. Scrappy displays little concern for his own safety - he'll think nothing of charging into a confrontation with anything up to and including an elephant stampede - yet he is also very protective of his uncle and their teenage owners, sticking up for them relentlessly. Scrappy's greatest weakness - unrecognized by himself - is a lack of discretion, which tends to counteract his valor. Being more zealous than clever, he'll often rush ahead of his Mystery Inc.
Andrew Rothstein was a foundation member of Communist Party in 1920 and was the man who recruited Tom Wintringham to the communist cause. Rothstein met Sylvia Pankhurst on several occasions and said that he thought her "energetic and sincere but in a one-sided way, she always had a bunch of devoted women around her but often would think nothing of intercepting propaganda material being brought for my father and printing them as articles in her own paper. She was an unscrupulous woman." At the suggestion of the Comintern, a second British Unity Congress was held, with Pankhurst's group participating.
Erotium agrees, and the two men go to the Forum for preliminary drinks while the meal is being prepared. Meanwhile, the twin from Syracuse has arrived with Messenio, his slave. The latter warns him of the depravity of Epidamnus, urging an end to the search for his missing brother since their money is nearly gone. His master gives his purse for safekeeping to the slave who continues his warning against the cunning people of Epidamnus "who think nothing of accosting a stranger" and bilking him of his money, when Erotium steps out of her house and endearingly accosts the Syracuse Menaechmus, thinking him to be his brother.
Before heading for Neathia in "Battle For the Second Shield", Lena is warned by Gill to watch her back around Kazarina, for she is loyal to no one but herself and would think nothing of sacrificing one of her subordinates to save herself. Once on Neathia, she, alongside Kazarina, battle against Shun and Drago, but lose when Dan and Hawktor arrive. After retreating back to Gundalia, Lena and Phosphos attempt to ambush Kazarina, knowing she would sell her out to save herself, but her plan fails when Lumagrowl takes down Phosphos and Kazarina finishes her off. She is then seen unconscious in "Sid Returns", along with Sid, Zenet, and Jesse.
Under Army guard, Geronimo dressed in traditional clothing and posed for photographs and sold his crafts. After the fair, Pawnee Bill’s Wild West Show brokered an agreement with the government to have Geronimo join the show, again under Army guard. The Indians in Pawnee Bill’s show were depicted as "lying, thieving, treacherous, murderous" monsters who had killed hundreds of men, women and children and would think nothing of taking a scalp from any member of the audience, given the chance. Visitors came to see how the "savage" had been "tamed", and they paid Geronimo to take a button from the coat of the vicious Apache "chief".
Among those present were the Bishop of Honduras, the Chief Justice, members of the Executive and Legislative Councils, members of the Belize City Council, church leaders, heads of Government Departments, the Commissioner of the western district and members of the San Ignacio (El Cayo) and Benque Viejo Town Boards. The opening of the ceremony was done by A. Hamilton Anderson and in his speech mentions, “perhaps as far back as eight years ago (1942), trucks began making very slow and very rough passages to and from the end of the slowly advancing Cayo Road during the dry season. Today people think nothing of going to Belize or coming to San Ignacio.” He then invited the Governor to speak.
Inisde Soap said the arm could eliminate at least one suspect, as it shows some skin and a dark top. They compared it to what the suspects were wearing earlier in the episode and said it could belong to Michael or Derek, but "EastEnders might have a few tricks up their sleeves in order to put Jack and Max back in the mix." When Kat receives flowers from her lover, Inside Soap opined that Derek would be "the sort of bullish man [who would] think nothing of sending flowers to [The Queen Victoria], unconcerned that it might expose the affair." After Kat confesses to Alfie, she concentrates on her marriage, but Inside Soap noted that over a period of weeks, she had been seen "drunkenly flirting with Max, [...] making small talk with Jack [...] and giving Derek some very guilty looks", though it was still not clear who was her lover.
Juan (Alexis Díaz de Villegas) is forty years old and has devoted the majority of his life to living in Cuba doing absolutely nothing. He is accompanied by his bumbling sidekick, Lazaro (Jorge Molina), who is just as lazy but the bigger fool (and accident-prone), on a makeshift fishing raft. Their line snags what they think is a corpse but it suddenly awakens and attacks them, ending with Lazaro shooting it in the head with his spear gun. They think nothing of it at first and go about their business as usual, which involves thuggish activity and associating with their less than reputable friends: Lazaro's vain, Americanized pretty-boy son Vladi California; drag queen La China, who is also an expert slingshot marksman; and China's hulk-like lover Primo (who faints at the sight of blood and has to wear a blindfold when fighting).
My conduct has > been free of blame, & I showed everyone that, tied as I was, I defied every > Villain to hurt me... I know how shocked you will be at this affair but I > request of you My Dear Betsy to think nothing of it all is now past & we > will again looked forward to future happyness. Nothing but true > consciousness as an Officer that I have done well could support me....Give > my blessings to my Dear Harriet, my Dear Mary, my Dear Betsy & to my Dear > little strangerThe Blighs' fourth child, another daughter, born a few months > after Lt. Bligh sailed from England. & tell them I shall soon be home...To > You my Love I give all that an affectionate Husband can give – Love, Respect > & all that is or ever will be in the power of your > ever affectionate Friend and Husband Wm Bligh.Alexander, Caroline, The > Bounty: The True Story of the Mutiny on the Bounty (Viking Penguin, New > York, 2003), pp. 154–156.
" Bilal Baloch, writing for The Guardian, called the initiative "juvenile" and "an irresponsible poke-in-the-eye", while at the same time criticizing the Pakistani government's response, and calling on "Pakistan's Internet community to engage in an organised and compelling dialogue: if not with the offenders, then most certainly with the rest of the world that is watching." In Pakistan, an editorial in Dawn, the country's oldest English-language newspaper, said that there was no doubt that the Facebook initiative "was in poor taste and deserving of strong condemnation," adding that it was "debatable whether freedom of expression should extend to material that is offensive to the sensibilities, traditions and beliefs of religious, ethnic or other communities." However, the editorial called the Lahore High Court's decision to block Facebook a "knee-jerk reaction," saying that, "many users feel, and rightly so, that they can decide for themselves what is or is not offensive, and choose not to access material that is repugnant to their beliefs," and that the block might "have played right into the hands of those who think nothing of displaying or publishing material that denigrates their beliefs.

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