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205 Sentences With "theologians"

How to use theologians in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "theologians" and check conjugation/comparative form for "theologians". Mastering all the usages of "theologians" from sentence examples published by news publications.

To that question, Christian theologians have offered several different answers.
Theologians have denounced its denial of the reality of suffering.
Several theologians blasted Benedict's comments after they were published Wednesday.
Anthropologists, theologians and sociologists have studied these so-called deathbed phenomena.
They broadcast liturgical music, meditations and interviews with theologians and activists.
Prominent Catholic organizations and theologians, however, have made their views known.
Theologians could apply the same approach to the Zika situation, he said.
Sometimes the messages involve teachings from theologians Thomas Martin and Henri Nouwen.
Conversely, Pope Francis, he said, "is not doing anything to stop" theologians.
Such sentiments were echoed by the more strident theologians of Bach's time.
Ivory Tower Surfers, like theologians, must wrestle with the problem of evil.
Other Catholic moral theologians say the church's ban is not so clear-cut.
They were great theologians who promoted peace and worked against the arms industry.
Howard's divinity faculty threw a science-theology mixer, where scientists outnumbered the theologians.
As a result, I lean more toward an analysis by theologians and historians.
The number of theologians or priests investigated for advocating supposedly suspect views shrank.
He published tracts and pamphlets ridiculing both the papacy and fellow Protestant theologians.
In 1970, when liberation theologians were finding their stride, South America was 90% Catholic.
Many theologians and scholars called the novels a simplistic and dangerous interpretation of Scripture.
Most Catholic theologians, if forced to choose between Aquinas or Anderson, would choose Aquinas.
IVF led to anguish among some theologians about whether "test-tube" babies would have souls.
That kind of question turns most people angling for the White House into amateur theologians.
Some theologians suggest this might have been done in 1537, though the proof is hazy.
Pastors, theologians and sociologists were talking of how black worshipers were leaving white-majority churches.
Former Pope Benedict set up a commission of theologians and bishops to study the situation.
Her principal professor was H. Richard Niebuhr, the brother of Reinhold Niebuhr, both prominent theologians.
Theologians consider this to be one of the most important covenants recounted in the Bible.
The relator oversees it, and together with theologians, recommends if it is worthy enough to continue.
Ethicists, theologians, and medical doctors have all answered some version of those questions over the years.
I tell the students that their reactions were shared by generations of European theologians and philosophers.
In the United States before the 20th century, universities primarily hired Christian theologians to teach philosophy.
Some theologians had proposed that the condition of being homosexual was morally neutral, or even good.
The rice belt hugs Najaf, Shiite Islam&aposs holiest city, where theologians and politicians have powerful influence.
A group of cardinals and theologians of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints scrutinizes the case.
Nor does Mr Johnson bother grappling with modern theologians' subtle and abstract ideas of God and hell.
It drew about 220 participants — physicians and nurses, lawyers, bioethicists, academics of various stripes, theologians, hospice staff.
The guests are as varied as the answers to these questions — theologians, poets, scientists, writers, academics, artists.
Francis could send a clear signal endorsing this re-examination, asking feminist theologians to lead the discussion.
I was 21 and I wanted to know everything that the theologians had to say about it.
The country's Islamic theologians decided this was against Islam, and it should be stopped as soon as possible.
After years of consultation with scientists and theologians Jordan passed a law in 2014 allowing stem-cell research.
The section on post-Trent Catholicism is populated by highly dedicated priests, brilliant theologians and self-­confident nuns.
This idea would be embraced not only by liberal Jews but also by Christian theologians and secular thinkers.
Instead, theologians say the number references another incarnation of evil for the first Christians: Nero, the Roman emperor.
A24 could have just as easily courted the approval of, say, theologians who have a fondness for Calvinism.
We spoke to more than 250 counselors, church workers, psychologists, clergy members, theologians, social workers, sociologists and survivors.
Catholic and Lutheran theologians have worked hard to elaborate a view of religious history which plays down their disagreements.
As well as licensed exorcists, theologians, psychologists, medical doctors, criminologists, and Church historians will also address the course participants.
Made up of 88 Mujtahids or Islamic theologians, assembly members are elected by popular vote to eight-year terms.
Later, he met the theologians Paul Tillich and James Cone, whose thinking also became a major influence on him.
He sought out theologians at the school, read scriptures and became more serious about the Seventh Day Adventist faith.
Novelists, poets, philosophers and theologians agree: Mortality, that relentless law of universal carnage, is the sole worthy human preoccupation.
Theologians can keep arguing about what constitutes a religious epiphany, but we're pretty sure this is the next best thing.
HERE are some questions which you might expect to be discussed by clerics or theologians, but not many other people.
A Catholic priest testified for the prosecution while Orthodox Christian theologians, along with Moscow's leading rabbis, spoke for the defence.
Even in the 13th and 14th century, Islamic mystical poet-theologians like Rumi and Hafiz wrote odes about queer love.
Now, in recent years, quite a few theologians and scholars have been published in mainstream spaces that have affirming theology.
An array of theologians, political commentators and clergy have said that the deal is a sellout of the underground church.
Beginning on May 25, 1919, 6,000 ministers, theologians and evangelists came together in Philadelphia for a weeklong series of meetings.
Recently, with the help of friends — pastors, theologians, authors, fellow believers — I've tried to deepen my understanding on that subject.
The board at the time said that he and his wife could continue to live on campus as theologians-in-residence.
European theologians and philosophers began to turn to science for technical explanations of natural disasters, essentially removing God from the equation.
Instead of primarily talking and writing, he believed that theologians should "encounter the face of the other," Dr. Schüssler Fiorenza said.
Documents captured in Syria in 2015 revealed ways in which Islamic State theologians regulated the use of female captives for sexual purposes.
"There are various progressive theologians in Turkey who argue that evolution is the way God created life via natural means," Akyol said.
Cone said he was tired of white theologians writing about an otherworldly theology while cities burned and blacks were murdered by racists.
And he's accepted criticism from some black women theologians who said he didn't include the perspective of black women in his works.
We can meet the GOP's army of righteous instant theologians halfway and say that maybe the devil somehow set Paddock's rampage off.
"Really, the majority view amongst academic theologians, and most bible scholars, is in line with what the Pope has said," Bookless added.
Throughout the 21999th century, theologians, especially Christian ones, were nervous about the increasing awareness of other "world" religions like Hinduism or Confucianism.
It hinges on the enduring question of why innocent people suffer, the answer to which has eluded theologians and philosophers for centuries.
The notion of who is and isn't Muslim has also occupied numerous Qaeda theologians, long before the rise of the Islamic State.
His view created no stir, since there were other notable theologians who agreed and allowed for a number of exceptions permitting abortion.
Likewise, liberation theologians, such as Dorothee Soelle cautioned against "forgiveness" being used to allow oppressive and unequal social structures to continue unchallenged.
One effect was to turn the French capital into a centre of brilliant, disputatious Russian theologians who influenced their Catholic and Protestant counterparts.
A chorus of evangelical church leaders, theologians and radio hosts has been urging Christians to squelch any misgivings and vote for Mr. Trump.
One of the most influential Catholic theologians of the 20th century, he challenged his fellow German Catholics to face the reality of Auschwitz.
Friday, Catholic theologians, scholars and lay leaders began circulating a petition urging all 20153 active bishops in the United States to step down.
He and his wife will still be allowed to live on campus at the Baptist Heritage Center as "theologians-in-residence," the statement added.
This is handled best with the puzzles, and less well with the occasionally hammy Dictaphones dotted around containing quotes from famous theologians and scientists.
Gray admires him and Lev Shestov, a twentieth-century Russian existentialist, both "negative theologians" who predicated a God about which nothing could be said.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Pope Pius X ordered a purge of Catholic theologians taking a modernist approach to teaching the Bible.
The medieval Muslim theologians and philosophers employed reason to articulate the faith, and wrestled with foreign ideas like Greek philosophy, rather than banning them.
Moore has never publicly identified as a Reconstructionist or dominionist, but he has associations with thinkers and theologians across the dominionist spectrum, particularly with Reconstructionists.
For Chris Lehmann has shown us why religious history is the mainstream of American history — and how Protestant theologians became the court poets of capitalism.
Reading the black liberation theologian James Cone helped Mr. Strickland, the theology professor, see how white theologians often ignore the structural sources of earthly suffering.
Historians and theologians took to the internet to point out that Romans 13 has been used to defend antiquated or outright contemptible points of view.
He struggled day and night out to fire up the leading existential theologians Karl Barth and Paul Tillich to stand up for a clear statement.
Though he likes to refer to sophisticated theologians like Paul Tillich, Reinhold Niebuhr and Rudolph Bultmann, he works from a fundamentalist canon of the Scripture.
At a conference in 1968 Latin American bishops had adopted the liberation theologians' "option for the poor" and denounced the "institutionalised violence" of capitalism and poverty.
Both are populists, of a kind, reaching out for direct contact with their followers, over the heads of their establishments – Catholic theologians, or the Republican Party.
On February 26, Iranian voters will elect new members to both its Parliament and the Assembly of Experts -- a deliberative body made up of 88 theologians.
"White theologians didn't say anything about lynching," Cone said from his office at Union Theological Seminary in New York, where he teaches a course on Niebuhr.
In a third letter, more than 100 Catholic theologians expressed concern the commission will minimize the problems facing immigrants, refugees and the poor, according to NBC.
"Our faith and our commitment to the principles of democracy require us to view every person on earth as a full human being," the theologians wrote.
Our dinner table was always full of family, as well as visiting theologians and professors on occasion, debating into the night long after dinner was done.
Some theologians seemed to reject traditional notions of theism, even arguing that Jesus should be seen more as a human role model than an actual deity.
The author, a freelance journalist, sees Ayn Rand-Milton Friedman free market theologians as concerned only with profits and not distribution or externalities (pollution, dangerous products).
Within days of the announcement the Guardian Council, a body of jurists and theologians, barred a majority of reformist candidates from running in parliamentary elections next month.
Niebuhr's decision not to speak out against lynching encouraged other white theologians and ministers to follow suit, Cone said, because Niebuhr was considered the nation's greatest theologian.
Her document begins by affirming her faith in the triune God and the divinity of Jesus and goes on to cite respected evangelical theologians, including Timothy George.
And as theologians in the early 19th century began exploring early Christian history in earnest, they used the term "Judeo-Christian" to designate this group of believers.
There were modernists and postmodernists; liberals, realists, and neoliberals; communitarians and liberation theologians; Jungians and Freudians; Straussians and deconstructionists; feminists and post-feminists; Marxists and democratic socialists.
" A graduate of Westminster Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania, Uwan was named last year by the evangelical magazine Christianity Today as one of 10 "theologians we're excited about.
With Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, later Benedict XVI, as John Paul II's doctrinal watchdog, the Vatican actively investigated and silenced theologians with a different vision of the church.
Ancient theologians like Origen, Plotinus, and Gregory of Nyssa described the church and Christ as bride and groom locked in a relationship of pain, yearning, and bliss.
Soccer has become a shared, global memory palace, like the imaginary buildings that ancient philosophers and medieval theologians built as a way of remembering arguments and principles.
Audiation has positive associations with creativity and craftsmanship, associations that might appeal to many people who hear private voices, whether they are poets, mystical theologians, or psychologists themselves.
In doing so, he buttressed their work, which was often controversial in the church, as well as the work of African-American Catholic theologians in the United States.
The Stone Philosophers and theologians in the Christian tradition have regarded human beings as distinguished from the other animals by the presence within them of a divine spark.
Theologians are all the rage on television and so are the Lebanese singers and dancers of "Silicone Valley," who peddle the promise of their unattainable bodies and impossible sex.
Theologians at the time, like the Baptist minister Walter Rauschenbusch, then gave a theological understanding to the ongoing struggles of these working Christians against the Gilded Age robber barons.
The powerful writings of anti-Nazi Protestant theologians Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer are testament as to how much Protestants in Germany were battling with what the particular verse.
His subjects are by no means the people who did most to shape the Judaism of their time: we meet only a few theologians or rabbis in these pages.
He had important precursors whom he names, who have effectively disappeared from history under this same weight, notable among them the fourteenth-century theologians John Wycliffe and Jan Hus.
Thomas J. J. Altizer, one of a handful of radical theologians in the 1960s who espoused that "God is dead," died on Wednesday in Stroudsburg, Pa. He was 91.
He spent most of their childhood reading books that even the adults they knew had never heard of, obscure novels and anthropological studies, the biographies of famous theologians and saints.
Its working title is "Heart Sutra," and it centers on five visiting scholars at a university, theologians in China's leading faiths: Buddhism, Daoism, Islam, and Christianity (one Catholic, one Protestant).
That allowed the work of towering Greek philosophers such as Aristotle to be translated and discussed, theologians of different stripes to speak their minds, and scholars to find independent patronage.
Liberation theologians like Peru's Gustavo Guttiérez and Brazil's Leonardo Boff drew openly on Marxism to develop a harsh critique of their continent's power structures, tracing them back to the colonial conquest.
Wheaton does not require all its professors to be trained theologians, but it considers them to be "ministers" of a kind and requires a certain level of theological sophistication from them.
Likewise, while many are eminent scholars and theologians in their own right, they are not specialists in papyrology (nor, for that matter, is Trobisch, whose background is in New Testament theology).
Early in his career, some mainline Protestant leaders and theologians accused him of preaching a simplistic message of personal salvation that ignored the complexities of societal problems like racism and poverty.
Go deeper: Many theologians consider Benedict's letter to be an embarrassing analysis of the crisis of pedophilia within the church, which he blamed on the sexual freedoms of the swinging 1960s.
The ranks of papal skeptics are filled with Africans and Latin Americans as well as North Americans and Europeans, with prelates and theologians and laypeople of diverse economic and political perspectives.
Johann Baptist Metz, one of the most influential Roman Catholic theologians of the 20th century and a pioneer of Jewish-Christian dialogue in the aftermath of the Holocaust, died on Dec.
As Faggioli writes: The original sin of the post-Vatican II era is that Catholic liberal-progressive theologians in the U.S. largely consigned Catholic tradition to a past that is forever past.
For instance, days after Easter, the disciples believe that Jesus's resurrection guarantees them eternal life in Heaven: in reality, that belief developed later, as theologians considered the ramifications of the empty tomb.
In Qom, the Feizeh Religious Science School and a shrine of a Shiite saint, Masoumeh, attract Muslim pilgrims from around the world, reinforcing Iran's preeminent place among Shiite clerics, theologians and scholars.
The Polish Catholic Church is nonetheless divided and many secular theologians, priests and churchgoers would welcome Francis' message that the Church should be more compassionate toward "imperfect" Catholics, such as remarried divorcees.
More than 6,100 Catholic theologians, educators and lay leaders have signed a petition calling for all the American bishops to offer the pope their resignations, as the bishops of Chile recently did.
I've interviewed theologians in South Africa, walked along the Great Wall of China, helped organize an arts festival in Zimbabwe, followed migrating butterflies in Mexico, ridden an ostrich, and lived on a boat.
Interviews with four Vatican officials, including two cardinals and an archbishop, as well as theologians and commentators, highlighted conservative fears that Francis' words and deeds may eventually rupture the 1.2 billion member Church.
Theologians relate John to the "Christus Victor" conception of Atonement, which dates back to Christianity's early days, and according to which Christ died on the Cross knowing that his Resurrection would redeem mankind.
But meanwhile conservative Catholics fear that a different "elitist separation" is happening — one led by liberal theologians and funded by German money, which seeks a kind of Episcopalian evolution on contested moral issues.
But he was not the first to criticize indulgences, and he did so without much hope that theologians would heed his call to discuss the issue; in fact the debate never took place.
Throughout the early church and the medieval period, enormously influential theologians like St. Augustine (354-430 AD) and St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) made a distinction between murder and lawful government-sanctioned execution.
The entire text, which theologians say they have brought closer to Luther's original language while at the same time making it clearer, is printed on the back of "the tallest bible in the world".
In the early church of the second, third, and fourth centuries CE — a time of dynamic intellectual inquiry in which church doctrine had not yet reached a codified form — theologians frequently embraced different approaches.
In the political age bookended by Ronald Reagan's culture wars and a devastating terrorist attack, the God of Love began to look like a loser, one fit for liberation theologians, do-gooders, and feminists.
But as its revolutionaries age and a new generation of leaders courts a warm relationship with the West, the theologians seem to be growing fearful about where the country's elected politicians are leading it.
Islamic theologians around the world agree that ISIS leadership manipulates the interpretation of the Quran to fit its personal agenda and then disseminates this message through clever propaganda, charismatic speeches and intensive instruction/brainwashing.
While prominent theologians like the German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller and the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr supported Germany's democratization, they protested Mr. Graham's equation of Christianity with America, anti-Communism and free-market capitalism.
But Jewish theologians also explained that their tradition, rooted more in the retributive justice of the Old Testament than the turn-the-cheek ethos of the New Testament, takes a different approach to forgiveness.
While I sympathize with the obvious logistical challenges involved in trying to sit down with real-live ISIS theologians, the armchair quality of the people Wood features here can make his discussions feel abstract.
The original Ghost in the Shell explicitly avoids trying to define the soul, but this movie, following most thinkers and theologians, takes the basic stance that your soul is what makes you an individual.
That is why a group of pastors, theologians, and ministry leaders met in Nashville, Tennessee on August 25 to finalize and endorse The Nashville Statement — an evangelical manifesto of Christian conviction about sexuality and gender.
While many theologians and philosophers think it can be unilateral, Griswold holds that forgiveness should be bilateral: For a victim to truly let go of his or her anger, the perpetrator must first admit responsibility.
Since the pope is also the bishop of Rome, some theologians suggested and expected that he would call himself "Bishop emeritus of Rome" to help clarify that there was only one pope at a time.
While there are always clergy members and theologians swift to assure us that the New Testament condemns not wealth but its abuse, not a single verse (unless subjected to absurdly forced readings) confirms the claim.
The doctrine's growth in recent decades - often helped by charismatic televangelist pastors - has confounded classical theologians and some of the evangelical community who consider the "prosperity gospel" to be in direct opposition to the Bible.
The doctrine's growth in recent decades - often helped by charismatic televangelist pastors - has confounded classical theologians and some of the evangelical community who consider the "prosperity gospel" to be in direct opposition to the Bible.
Prosperity preachers are often dismissed by mainstream theologians as pompadoured hucksters (think Oral Roberts, a pioneering televangelist) or as near-heretics, for suggesting that believers can achieve God-like powers over their own health and wealth.
This opened the way for conservative-traditionalist theologians to, if you will, 'kidnap' the tradition, re-baptizing it in an anti-historical, anti-liberal fashion, with the language growing ever more extremist as time has passed.
For example, there are still people who treat the myths of religion, like the Genesis story, as some kind of literal truth, even though they were understood by Jewish thinkers and theologians of the time as parables.
The most prominent of the group is Father Aidan Nichols, a 70-year-old British priest of the Dominican order who has written many books and is one of most recognized theologians in the English-speaking world.
Intended as notes for February's major summit on sex abuse, Benedict delivered what many theologians considered an embarrassing analysis of the crisis of pedophilia within the church, blaming it on the sexual freedoms of the swinging 1960s.
Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI, who led the church for 35 years, not only slowed the pace of change after the Second Vatican Council, but also enforced strict discipline among bishops and theologians in seminaries.
The secular culture welcomed the church's Protestantization and demystification and even secularization, praised the bishops and theologians who pursued it, and then simply pocketed the concessions and ignored the religious ideas those concessions were supposed to advance.
" This approach to partnership, wherein two members of opposite sex complete each other, was essentially religious in origin — "complementarianism," for the theologians out there — a well-known example being the biblical adage that "two shall become one.
LAUREN: The key change gets a lot of attention – for good reason; Christian theologians agree that it was the exact sound that rang out as Christ ascended to heaven, jackhammering a cloud, after rising from the dead.
Like Caravaggio, who died the next year, Galileo was a master of chiaroscuro; and through his telescope he refuted current science and ancient philosophy, upset scholars and theologians, and collapsed the great heavens into theories of motion.
The two have something else in common: they are followers of "revealed religions" which hold that great primordial truths were conveyed to mankind at a moment in history, and then refined by later generations of scholars and theologians.
His book is not just a memoir of growing up in the Jim Crow era; it's a blistering takedown of white churches, and one of America's greatest theologians, Reinhold Niebuhr -- a colossal figure often cited by the Rev.
The great adversaries then, as today, are the archetypes of the anti-Christian rebels—the liberals, the secularists, the progressive theologians, the advocates of women's rights and LGBT equality—who continue to wreak havoc on the modern world.
Born to a humble merchant in a Nile Delta village and blind from infancy, Mr. Abdel Rahman became one of the most influential and fearsome theologians of the Islamist fundamentalism that swept the Middle East in recent decades.
While progressives such as Cardinal Walter Kasper of Germany, who is one of Francis' favourite theologians, favour this approach, it is opposed by conservatives, who say it would undermine the principle of the indissolubility of marriage that Jesus established.
The commission, composed of six male and six female theologians, will study early Christian writing to determine what role deacons may have played historically, and whether those roles could now be performed by non-ordained lay people, including women.
Or maybe not, as some theologians believe God sees as sin as a sin as a sin and so murder is the same as lying which is the same as adultery and you're all going to hell for it.
It was an idea reinforced by reading theologians such as Johann Herder and Charles Finney, as well as Thomas More's "Utopia", in which the philosopher imagined how collective farm work stops the rise of narcissism in his idealised community.
Some theologians took to Twitter to criticize Benedict, who vowed to remain "hidden from the world" when he resigned in 2013 but is still seen as a defender of the true faith by conservatives who have not accepted Francis.
But on top of that there really is the belief among a lot of people — including a lot of theologians and philosophers and politicians and scientists — that empathy, real empathy in the sense of feeling other suffering, is really important.
Dr. Cone traced the turning point in his career, inspiring him to challenge white theologians more forcefully, to the Detroit riots of 1967 — clashes between mostly black Detroit residents and the police that resulted in the deaths of 43 people.
As an editor, she says, she vetted spiritual accounts by whether they came through a reputable literary agent, and by talking with authors to get a gut sense of their trustworthiness; occasionally she asked theologians to assess books for biblical correctness.
In their disdain for the power-hungry abuses of the church, the grotesque superstitions it encouraged in the laity and the equally grotesque scholasticism it encouraged in the era's theologians, they might have been natural allies; instead they became implacable foes.
Confusing matters was that the few theologians in his intellectual circle — including William Hamilton, Paul M. Van Buren and Rabbi Richard Rubenstein — did not agree among themselves on how God had died, why he had died or what his death meant.
This is a question raised by modern Muslim theologians like Fazlur Rahman Malik, who died in 1988; his reformist ideas led to his exile from his home country, Pakistan, and then to a safe haven at the University of Chicago.
As he wrote in his memoir, "In Search of the Good: A Life in Bioethics" (2012), he concluded that theologians asked interesting questions but did not work with useful methodologies, and that philosophers had useful methodologies but asked uninteresting questions.
Borrowing the language that the Federalist theologians had developed in their earlier politicized assaults on liberal religionists and supporters of popular democracy, the new generation of leaders promoted a theological vision that emphasized the divine origins of the existing order.
"The congregation's call for listening and dialogue about gender is a positive step, however, it seems that the congregation is listening only to philosophers and theologians rather than to L.G.B.T. people who would share their real life experiences if asked," said Rev.
The most prominent of the 19 signatories of the scathing letter is Father Aidan Nichols, a 70-year-old British priest of the Dominican order who has written many books and is one of the best known theologians in the English-speaking world.
After that comes the whole rest of the story, what theologians call "salvation history," leading for Christians to the New Testament, which tells the story of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, as well as the story of the early church.
The progenitor of the navigational database paradigm was Charles Bachmann, who in 1973 offered the following in a now-famous lecture: "This reorientation will cause as much anguish among programmers as the heliocentric theory did among ancient astronomers and theologians," Bachman promised.
Indeed Indians, and Africans, have long been used as a control in thought experiments about what constitutes humanity, from the 16th-century debates between Spanish theologians Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda and Bartolomé de las Casas to imagined 21st-century rivalries between human and host.
" In the 20th century alone, theologians as important as the Reformed Swiss theologian Karl Barth to Lutheran existentialist Paul Tillich to the evangelical Clark Pinnock have explored various models of hell and damnation that challenge or transcend the popular notion of "eternal fire and brimstone.
In the same sort of spirit, Shia and Sunni theologians get together from time to time and stress that whatever their differences, they recognise one another as Muslims and monotheists; but at the moment Islam's sectarian hotheads seem to be making a much louder noise.
But, as many historians and theologians have pointed out, it's likely no coincidence that the patriarchal cultures that conquered earlier indigenous populations are fundamentally intertwined with the downfall of the Goddess, and the reframing of this revered form of worship as cultic, lewd, and primitive.
When Pope Paul VI affirmed the church's ban on birth control a few years after the council ended — ignoring the advice of his own commission made up of lay leaders, bishops, theologians and priests — the decision provoked widespread backlash from leading figures at Catholic universities.
For decades, their pastors, theologians, and politicians have preached and organized around a theology that connects the everyday, moral struggles of millions of believers with a larger political struggle — one that proclaims that God wants to transform and save not only their souls but the soul of a nation.
But when Mx. Cession described Jesus as "a radical brown-skinned Palestinian man who was a political prisoner, who was about fighting the authorities," I heard an echo of the late 1960s: the black liberation theologians who fused a Marxist analysis of white imperialism with the prophetic tradition.
"I think it's terrific to open up alternatives, so people have additional choices that are both honest and elegant," said Karla Rothstein, an architect and the director of DeathLab, a research group of architects, scientists and theologians at Columbia University that studies the burial-space problem in cities.
As late as the fourth and fifth centuries, bishops and theologians as eminent as Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, Ambrose of Milan, Augustine and Cyril of Alexandria felt free to denounce private wealth as a form of theft and stored riches as plunder seized from the poor.
Rachel got in the best Twitter fights — which she did often — because they were almost always pointing out logical fallacies or real harm committed by supposedly respectable theologians or annoying Christian men online, who felt free to opine on subjects, like gay marriage and abortion, that they had no real personal experience with.
But a joint reflection by Catholic and Lutheran theologians has come up with an elegant way in which both churches can mark the event; it stresses that Luther's original intention was to reform Catholicism from within, not to start a new church; and that everybody can agree that some reform was needed.
Because organizers are tired of being asked where the money for things like universal health care, an expanded social safety net and a green jobs program will come from, the campaign is planning to release a budget developed by economists, theologians and researchers on how exactly the US can fund their demands.
James Bretzke, a moral theologian at Boston College, said that some theologians interpreted a passage in Humanae Vitae as an "escape clause" that essentially permitted women to use an artificial means of contraception if it had the effect of curing or treating disease — for example, using birth control pills to treat menstrual pain or acne.
But when people say, "He makes me want to believe again," as a lapsed-Catholic journalist said to me during one of these awkward "What do you have against Pope Francis?" conversations, they aren't usually paying close attention to the battles between cardinals and theologians over whether his agenda is farsighted or potentially heretical.
As Moaveni shows, Islamic texts may provide clues about some ISIS leaders and theologians, but they were rather beside the point for thousands of foot soldiers, administrators and go-along-to-get-along caliphate residents who mostly lacked religious expertise and were driven by a varied mix of politics, faith, economics and self-preservation.
And while theologians and philosophers debate whether things called souls exist and what their nature is, the idea of the soul — part of a being that can be saved or damned, formed toward good ends or evil ones — is at the root of how Apes thinks about what it is to be a sentient, morally culpable being.
Groups sat family-style at round tables (to avoid anyone placed at the head); oil cray-pas and paper were placed at each table to encourage "kinetic listening"; musical performances were participatory and avoided 4/4 time to create warm, flowing rhythms; and internationally recognized feminist theologians gave talks intended to broaden the lens of faith.
Jack Jenkins at Religion News Service reports that a number of high-profile UMC scholars and theologians are troubled by the logic that politicians are not to blame for carrying out an administration's policies, or that following the orders of a political or military superior is sufficient to justify behavior that is in contravention of church law. Rev.
Yet, while Pope Francis has met with physical and social scientists, theologians, and policy makers from city mayors to the United Nations Secretary-General, the June 8 – 9 Vatican climate conference was distinct because it facilitated an encounter with those uniquely able to support or prevent science-based solutions to climate change: fossil fuel corporation executives and financial investors.
His great work, which occupied much of the last two decades of his life, was a distinctive exercise in dialogue and encounter: Twice a year, he invited prominent journalists, members of one of America's most secular professions, into extended conversation with religious leaders, theologians and historians, the best and brightest students and practitioners of varied faiths.
Which is to say, they regard the unhappiness of Vatican bureaucrats, the doubts of theologians, the confusion of bishops and the despair of canon lawyers the way Trump supporters regard the anxiety of D.C. insiders and policy experts and journalists — as a sign that their hero's moves are working, that he's finally draining the Roman swamp.
A number of Christian organizations, influenced by both Bonhoeffer and by subsequent 20th-century theologians, have done successful work using the "theology of reconciliation," in which participants in post-conflict communities, often involving serious violence or oppression, have been brought together to forgive one another without minimizing the real violence and damage that has been done.

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