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860 Sentences With "the unknown"

How to use the unknown in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "the unknown" and check conjugation/comparative form for "the unknown". Mastering all the usages of "the unknown" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Don't fear the unknown today; the unknown is bringing you gifts.
Space exploration demands the boldness to venture into the unknown, and in SpinLaunch's case, the unknown is vast.
I have fear of the unknown in general, whereas other people want to go out and explore the unknown.
This curiosity about the unknown leads to constant learning, fueled by an ever-burning desire to discover the unknown.
As a young adult, I was empowered by this vast universe — it was the unknown, and the unknown can be very intriguing.
"The thing that police officers hate more than anything else is the unknown, but we have to prepare for the unknown," he said.
"The thing that police officers hate more than anything else is the unknown, but we have to prepare for the unknown," he said.
"'It Follows' abides by a principle that few horror movies have the courage to embrace: The unknown is the unknown," Stephen Holden wrote in The New York Times.
"'It Follows' abides by a principle that few horror movies have the courage to embrace: The unknown is the unknown," Stephen Holden wrote in his review for The New York Times.
" Doherty is hopeful, but also terrified of the "unknown.
The unknown timing of these initial public offerings and the unknown value of an employee's stake can be a "double whammy" for their workforce, according Stanford Graduate School of Business lecturer, Robert Siegel.
So a lot of the album is about the unknown.
It's the need for knowledge because the unknown is scary.
"Part of the risk was of the unknown," Reisman says.
A symbol of hope, it separates civilization from the unknown.
Video can also act as a shield against the unknown.
One thing we do know: the unknown is so alluring.
The unknown deaths could be twice that number, he added.
She is sowing fear of the unknown into patriotic hearts.
The unknown killer used sheers, a hammer and a sword.
For now, though, British business marches cheerfully into the unknown.
Surrender to the unknown and you will be rewarded, Libra.
"I call it the land of the unknown," Nicole says.
People make excuses because of the fear of the unknown.
That's part of the visceral thrill — you're facing the unknown!
Exit is, in many ways, a leap into the unknown.
Fearing the unknown is big for you right now, Aries.
The unknown will leave you stuck in a bad situation.
To some extent, it's the universal appeal of the unknown.
A Trump presidency would represent a leap into the unknown.
To reveal the unknown for the benefits of all mankind.
Go north, across the enchanted lands and into the unknown.
"The unknown is the most frightening part," Edwards tells me.
This owl has no interested in figuring out the unknown.
The unknown to that was quite beautiful in a way.
The unknown company didn't succeed in challenging the surveillance order.
I always want to feature, as players, the unknown bands.
That's why I think they were looking for the unknown.
Some of us fear darkness because it masks the unknown.
"There's that sense of nervousness of the unknown," she said.
I knew that leaving for the unknown would be dangerous.
Fears of the unknown combined with desires to start over.
Thus began their leap into the unknown, and into history.
They may be struggling with the unknown and need reassurance.
It's that moment when you turn to face the unknown.
I'm afraid of the pain, and the unknown is frightening.
Little is more terrifying than the unknown and the inevitable.
I was drawn to study cancer because of the unknown.
Stop fearing the unknown, you're more than capable 👊🏼 ⁣⁣ 3.
They are our gates to the glorious and the unknown.
Williamson told CNN the unknown male DNA originally found in the crotch of JonBenet's underpants matched or "was consistent" with the unknown male DNA that was found on the waistband of the long johns.
" Chapman tells PEOPLE: "I have a healthy fear of the unknown.
And it's the unknown that Joy thinks people are fearful of.
They elicit empathy, make familiar the unknown, yet remain refreshingly unpretentious.
"The unknown unknowns are something that really concern me," he said.
Social media invites strangers, and thus the unknown, into our lives.
What we're more interested in is throwing people into the unknown.
The unknown sender may have been reacting to this recent coverage.
It's a great day for sharing secrets or exploring the unknown.
To the unknown eye, the content didn't seem at all unusual.
Share your deranged feelings about the unknown in the comments below.
"Often the best superhero experience comes from the unknown," he said.
Those are the two most defined powers in the unknown universe.
Part of it can be explained by fear of the unknown.
SpaceX alleges the unknown proposal was misread by the Air Force.
And like anything new, the unknown can feel a bit scary.
How long could I survive this dizzying trip to the unknown,?
Fear has historically been a by-product of separation, the unknown.
The unknown frightens me more than Elizabeth Warren or [ Joe ] Biden .
The Unknown of Vietnam was only unknown for a short time.
Things always work out, but the unknown is a little scary.
Girl Scouts has helped me branch out and do the unknown.
It is unclear how the unknown hackers initially found Hanson's bug.
Ms. Vilardell seemed energized by having thrown herself into the unknown.
The FIRST STEP Act is not a venture into the unknown.
It's really fear of the unknown that has given investors grief.
The unknown can be frightening, which is what's truly bothering you.
They're marching into the unknown and putting their trust in me.
It's the known that the artist should fear, not the unknown.
But the unknown TV might lack important features like local dimming.
Sutton, even at her advanced age, chose the unknown of freedom.
It will be a leap into the unknown, with devastating consequences.
Tonight brings some stress as you face fears concerning the unknown.
It becomes easy to demonize the unknown other in these circumstances.
Brexit will pitch the world's fifth largest economy into the unknown.
Humans, too, will forgo a known payoff to investigate the unknown.
It's always a leap into the unknown future to write anything.
But health care executives don't want to leap into the unknown.
But the unknown has long been disproportionately scary to tennis officials.
It's so easy to fight the unknown, at least in movies.
They're now searching for the unknown employee and the missing loot.
Instead, it has to do with our attitudes towards the unknown.
But first, the change, and a headlong hurtle into the unknown.
The unknown is very often much more damaging than the known.
Steel yourself for weeks of uncertainty and stress of the unknown.
The DNC, then, was a great vague step into the unknown.
My brother, who is an infectious disease doctor, said that some people would rather choose their dysfunction that is causing them ill health versus the unknown, healthier behavior, because there is an entrenched fear of the unknown.
"Is anybody out there?" the "unknown user" asks into the digital void.
Because they're getting on this fucking boat and going into the unknown.
And, with that, yet another journey into the unknown for the UK. 
Sure, but only if you're comfortable with spending money on the unknown.
It's pretty simple, Clinton was the known factor, Trump is the unknown.
He was the president who dedicated the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
"Verizon was very much a trek into the unknown," said one banker.
The unknown woman was referred to as Jane Doe in the indictment.
"It's a passion and I love to explore the unknown," said Jay.
Without her family and her husband, a journey into the unknown begins.
"Doug Risebrough encouraged us to go for the unknown surprises," McPhee said.
The unknown is always with us, but what is unknown does change.
So that's the part that's a bit of the unknown for Boston.
Are these the stories we tell ourselves to cope with the unknown?
The burden of the unknown affects some of us more than others.
Witnesses said the unknown attacker approached the teens and started shooting unprovoked.
Currently, one of the greatest challenges is the fear of the unknown.
This transit will force you to face your fears around the unknown.
Today, Taurus, free yourself from the past and venture into the unknown!
Others say a casual conversation can quell fears of the unknown flier.
"A challenge we face in combat cargo is the unknown," said Vines.
"Approaching the Unknown" can't avoid comparisons with "The Martian" from last fall.
It's that journey into the unknown with him that makes it exciting.
He will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
I think we're excited by the unknown in a lot of ways.
This Mercury retrograde will find you confronting your fear of the unknown.
What makes interviews so nerve-wracking is the fear of the unknown.
How could it know the struggle of trying to solve the unknown?
Yet all the unknown variables have made it difficult to treat TBI.
Here we explored it fully, that sense of dreams and the unknown.
And I always think back to how frightening the unknown could be.
The word "unemployed" comes pre-bundled with a fear of the unknown.
We're dealing with the unknown and we're doing the best we can.
"We're planning for the unknown and that's obviously very challenging," Kovacevich said.
At this point, hire the Unknown Comic for 2019 and cancel 2020.
"It's living in the unknown," said Chris Carlson, of Grant Pass, Ore.
My mom tells me that I do, but it's just the unknown.
The moon in Pisces encourages you to face the unknown today, Leo.
The technocratic tendency when managing the unknown is to eliminate all uncertainty.
It contains the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which is perpetually guarded.
I see fear of the unknown, fear of change and, ultimately, death.
Dating services have always relied on the spicy thrill of the unknown.
We'll take the unknown mush with bread (?) over our own airline food.
The audience members, of course, create a thrilling sense of the unknown.
She is "L'Inconnue de la Seine" — the Unknown Woman of the Seine.
"This deal would represent a huge step into the unknown," added Benn.
Don't tarnish my title with your bigotry and fear of the unknown.
In "Meet the Unknown Taiwan," a heavily promoted series of articles on Sina.
Grace and, somehow, Ghost Bird (skipping together and throwing stones into the unknown).
"In our case, our game is very much about the unknown," Dallas says.
"But the unknown thing here is how good are the results," Guda said.
The argument then was that Trump represented the unknown and investors hate uncertainty.
Most of them stare directly down the barrel of the unknown photographers' lenses.
They also laid a wreath at the abbey's grave of the Unknown Warrior.
As people dredge the unknown, they are engaging in a highly creative act.
And my fear of the unknown is keeping me from that divine wisdom.
Her sculpture practice grew out of this lifelong desire to explore the unknown.
For now, however, the British economy continues to sail blissfully into the unknown.
Like any journey into the unknown, mine was filled with surprises and uncertainties.
This is an amazing day to try something new—leap into the unknown!
The best worst part about this journey that I'm on is the unknown.
"It's a metaphor for the unknown because it's just so big," she explains.
Well, for those whose stomachs harden at the unknown, there's some good news.
Let's hope the president doesn't go to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
It's the final chapter before leaping into the unknown abyss known as adulthood.
The feeling of the unknown is the most scary thing in the world.
The summons of the unknown generally overrides sentiment; possibly, it feeds off it.
"This referendum is a choice between the known and the unknown," Dennis wrote.
"There's a whole range of how people deal with the unknown," she said.
The Vermont senator was the protaganist, walking into unfamiliar territory, facing the unknown.
"The idea of the unknown made it that much more special," she says.
You have to show up and face the unknown, even when it's scary.
Fears about the unknown will come up unexpectedly for you to confront today.
Fear of the unknown, of rejection, has put brutes and villains in power….
"We're stepping into a bit of the unknown here," said Mr. Holmes, 50.
It was a journey into the unknown, with a frisson of danger added.
Don't we all have the tendency to explore and seek out the unknown?
Fanciful images representing the strangeness and danger of the unknown accompany geographic information.
It covers the unknown, the mainstream, and the otherwise interesting developments in Japan.
By rejecting the possibility of failure or the unknown, I was protecting myself.
Each night is a slightly more familiar exploration or mapping of the unknown.
A useful rule of thumb is to admit ignorance — and embrace the unknown.
"The unknown is how bad it gets and for how long until rebound."
The unknown Democrat will go down as the absentee Davos missed the most.
And creating this tiny, serene bead is their first step into the unknown.
Don't let the fear of the unknown prevent you from achieving further success.
General Leonov, may your last mission into the unknown be happy and glorious.
That's the unknown and the market doesn't like to try to price unknowns.
Avenatti said a $100,000 reward was waiting for correctly identifying the unknown man.
The biggest mistake is to let this fear of the unknown become paralyzing.
The thing about monsters is that they derive their power from the unknown.
The docu-series Into the Unknown: Making Frozen 2 awaits a release date.
" Jilsén describes this transformative process as "converting the unknown into the (useful) known.
The unknown is whether it will actually make oral birth control more effective.
They might have a fear of flying, or a fear of the unknown.
The unknown story behind Henry Cabot Lodge's campaign against the League of Nations.
" Looking ahead to the New Year, the star is "excited for the unknown.
But Scott understands that it's precisely the unknown where the real horrors lurk.
So, that was potentially disrupted by the unknown, whether that&aposs fair or not.
"The biggest challenge we have is the unknown," BFC Chief Executive Caroline Rush said.
Still, worries about the unknown health risks and says longer-term studies are needed.
Embrace the unknown, Pisces: On October 26, Venus will connect with lucky planet Jupiter.
This week, we highlight photo stories that delve into the curious and the unknown.
"The fear is, even among healthcare providers, is the unknown about this," Leslie said.
But confronting that thrill of the unknown is exactly what made you feel invincible.
Did those clown sightings represent the manifestation of our collective fear of the unknown?
Oh, and that isn't counting the unknown numbers of teensy mites, aphids, and thrips.
Companies are hesitant to build in the cloud because of fear of the unknown.
But the unknown disease had already cut off circulation to his limbs, requiring amputation.
"I think going into the unknown with Jack is a good thing," he said.
Amid these dramas, the unknown woman comes to seem symbolic, like her French counterpart.
"We're literally diving into the unknown, entering a new zone for science," O'Rourke said.
She became known as L'Inconnue de la Seine, the Unknown Woman of the Seine.
It is an experience reserved for those willing to bravely leap into the unknown.
The unknown man's photos, paired with mine from the recent trip, are startlingly similar.
After being placed into the tomb in 1984, the Unknown was exhumed in 1988.
At least the unknown practical joker had the decency to avoid the Duchess's mug.
The unknown future has come and gone, and all that's left is the memories.
And I think there may be a certain amount of fear of the unknown.
And those totals don't include the unknown numbers saved by volunteer groups and neighbors.
Consumers flee into the unknown, hoping to get their hands on the latest craze.
Playing with the unknown can be stressful as shit, but so far so good.
But he was crippled by uncertainty about upending his career to enter the unknown.
And one more thing: The Dardennes brothers' new feature The Unknown Girl sounds fascinating.
Some of the disquiet stems from Britain's decision to hurl itself into the unknown.
But investing in the unknown is not for the faint of heart, Taylor said.
VAMP was brought into existence through grit, instinct and inspired lunges into the unknown.
So one day you decide to eat there, and venture out into the unknown.
Science is all about expanding our idea of what's possible and contemplating the unknown.
It captures the thrill of anonymity and the nervous energy of exploring the unknown.
But "Into the Unknown" gives away too much, too early, both structurally and theatrically.
Intimacy relies on familiarity and repetition, while desire thrives on novelty and the unknown.
With futures suddenly thrust into the unknown, they did what felt reassuring: panic shop.
After all, it's safer to overact to the unknown than to do too little.
She finds the Unknown and Wonderful in Ronald's Labour rival, Tom Smith (Jeremy Beck).
If trust requires a confident relationship with the unknown, Ms. Sanford was getting there.
Personal Health It's human nature, it seems, to resist change and fear the unknown.
He is in a place of the unknown and he longs for her warmth.
Much like the setting, the characters arrive here full of fear of the unknown.
Therefore, the unknown value of pi, whatever it equals, must be greater than 271.
You're exploring hidden places and sharing secrets, and the unknown is calling your name.
Even for an organization that explores the unknown, the whole thing is pretty weird.
Eroticizing the unknown was a way of controlling it, making it ripe for taming.
Should I get on the unknown, even more winding path up into the forest?
The move was due to the unknown impact of the coronavirus on its business.
Some scientists say it is unwise to be paralyzed by fear of the unknown.
The unknown in the evolving environments in the digital age necessitates a new narrative.
These greatly exceed both the intentions and the technical limitations of the unknown photographer.
"These guys went into the unknown willingly, and they suffered for it," Cooper says.
Wright is touching in her portrayal of a woman stepping out into the unknown.
"It can be fear of the unknown," said Jill Gonzalez, an analyst with WalletHub.
" For Kossow, the biggest struggle with IVF was "the consistent risk of the unknown.
Mr Vizcarra's proposed election, if it happens, would be a leap into the unknown.
He ran as fast as he could, flat out running through the unknown forest.
Before the hurricane struck, the nation's fourth-most-populous city prepared for the unknown.
I never did, for the usual reasons: kids, economics, laziness, fear of the unknown.
And astronomers forever have their noses pressed up against the window of the unknown.
You could do worse, but the unknown surrounding Tepper and Newton is palpable. 4.
This light phenomenon translates directly into a metaphor for our fear of the unknown.
"For me, it was a bit of a jump into the unknown", said Astley.
The unknown is more likely to spark fear than the known According to psychologist Baruch Fischhoff, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University and expert in public perception of risk, it's natural to fear the unknown, which the flu, of course, is not.
When you think about it, there's nothing much scarier than a plunge into the unknown.
Lessons around intimacy, debts (emotional and financial), and fears about the unknown may come up.
It runs out ahead of me, raises a spectral shield, and charges into the unknown.
Some commentators imagined the unknown conversation between the Pats coach and Chick-fil-A employee.
He laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery.
But a fear of the unknown should not stop the advance of responsible AI development.
At this point, a risky ride to the unknown is better than staying the course.
Which I think you sort of figured out who the unknown third party was right?
The unknown face looks peaceful, almost cherubic, and even bears a resemblance to Samwell Tarly.
Kingston Police tweeted the clip along with a thank you message to the unknown helper.
There's a certain magic in the fearless pursuit of the unknown, for its own sake.
There's an inevitable loss of control plus the terror of the unknown wrapped up together.
It takes courage to face the fear of the unknown and the fear of failure.
The Unknown Comic (Canadian comic Murray Langston) was a recurring fixture on The Gong Show.
Once again, people face a choice between fearing the unknown and plunging forward with progress.
"We are moving from marketing to the unknown to marketing to the known," he explains.
The sun enters Sagittarius on November 22, encouraging you to boldly turn toward the unknown.
As Teresa Giudice comes to terms with her husband's looming deportation, she fears the unknown.
Valizadeh padded, sockless as well as flip-flop-less, around the corner into the unknown.
He was just scared because change—good, bad, or boring—brings with it the unknown.
Asiata, 26, cited "constant anxiety, persistent worry and fear of the unknown" on social media.
A plunge into the unknown is part of making it past those perilous first years.
Then there's her solo song, "Into the Unknown," which is "Let It Go"-level addictive.
She&aposs singing back to the voice: &aposHow do I follow you into The Unknown?
For most businesses, moving to the cloud is probably like a journey into the unknown.
PT, the "unknown suspects" sneaked in, opened fire, and then fled, according to the police.
But despite our progress, the unknown remains an endless frontier, full of risks and opportunities.
I started to think of my growing stomach as the Womb of the Unknown Soldier.
It's a bold step into the unknown, the sort that the band has always made.
The Moon is in fellow Water sign Scorpio today, encouraging you to explore the unknown.
And what if the unknown isn't a bad thing, but a thing of positive possibility?
Trump as nominee would certainly be a risky (and probably disastrous) leap into the unknown.
Nearly 100,000 years ago, a resolute group of Homo sapiens left Africa for the unknown.
New art, if you ask me, is something that provokes the unknown and asks questions.
The appeal of seeking out psychic services is the excitement of peering into the unknown.
The Unknown Girl is the latest from beloved Belgian directors Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne.
When the Boston Marathon bombing occurred in April 22014, the unknown became a great equalizer.
They questioned the limited safety data and the unknown long-term effects on the body.
There would be a limited vocabulary, but there was always an element of the unknown.
H.P. Lovecraft famously wrote that the strongest kind of fear was that of the unknown.
Current funding structure has flexibility for states to respond to the unknown - block grants don't.
Unfortunately, I live in a state where religion and fear of the unknown drive decisions.
She was more comfortable dealing with the illness she knew than taking on the unknown.
"We fear the unknown and we crave information about new and emerging infections," she said.
The unknown hackers disabled the City printer connected to global payments platform SWIFT on Feb.
FEMA said the "unknown quantity" is figuring out who would develop and install the applications.
The teen years are to seek out the unknown possibilities, before it is too late.
Britain feels anxious, traditional loyalties cracking, on the cusp of a transition to the unknown.
"The most problematic thing is the unknown" about when the doctors can start, she said.
Anti-refugee sentiments, I found, are at root primarily driven by fear of the unknown.
They took their families and got drunk waiting for humans to ascend to the unknown.
It was about how the unknown is frightening, but also necessary for hope to exist.
Maybe they've simply got it too good already to take a leap into the unknown.
The film turned my fear of the unknown and the seemingly monstrous into a pleasant experience.
The Greendale officers were exposed to the unknown substance after searching a stolen vehicle Friday night.
But the question of exactly how Elisa embraced the unknown — in the penetrative sense —  remains ambiguous.
This next year is a powerful time to work through old baggage and explore the unknown.
But a good old embargo that left crypto experts in the unknown was the best strategy.
"Go north across the enchanted lands and into the unknown, but be careful," the troll continues.
But, having totally different rising signs leaves room for intrigue and the thrill of the unknown.
Like many things, the mystery of the unknown can have specialized, cultural meaning for Black folks.
This is a unit that both leans into the unknown and gives you control over it.
And when you talk about the unknown frontier, I think we're at the cusp of that.
Many of the worst investment mistakes I've seen have originated from an overreaction to the unknown.
Another encounter, another memory in a life spent fascinated with people and relationships and the unknown.
If there's one thing Donald Trump is good at it's stoking the fear of the unknown.
Don't let fear of the unknown keep you in a job that makes you unhappy. 2.
To invest in such a young startup's public debut is to put faith in the unknown.
So going into this week I was really excited, but also really anxious of the unknown.
"We likely have interviewed you, or someone close to you," he said, addressing the unknown suspect.
"Action needs to be taken before someone is harmed by the unknown substance affecting the products."
"To tell you the truth, what I'm most exited about is discovering the unknown," said Gonzalez.
Mixology is challenging and rewarding and it's the curiosity of the unknown that keeps me motivated.
Depending on whom you ask, agreement to delay will either settle nerves or prolong the unknown.
The star says she's not afraid of getting older — and in fact, she embraces the unknown.
"I really love the unknown, and not knowing what I'm working on next," she says confidently.
The work was conceived out of a desire to explore the unknown territory of new tools.
But sometimes fear of the unknown is nowhere near as terrifying as realizing who you've become.
We have grown to love the unknown and the risks and challenges that come with it.
Stringent sanctions on Iran will take both Saudi Arabia and the oil market into the unknown.
So given the unknown unknowns, it's not surprising that Silicon Valley's money set is on edge.
The unknown hackers tried to steal nearly $1 billion from the Bangladesh Bank account between Feb.
We stick with the known in order to avoid the hard work of exploring the unknown.
Fortunately, Mansoor was wise enough not to follow the unknown link, and kept his phone safe.
That's basically the strategy of the unknown operators of a new strain of ransomware, dubbed CyptMix.
You will always been an inspiration to those of us who dream about exploring the unknown.
So I've had more work to do about accepting this outcome and the unknown of it.
BEN KENIGSBERG "Approaching the Unknown" is rated R (Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian).
"We were going into the unknown," Paolo Ferri, head of mission operations at ESA, told Reuters.
Hone your skills and prepare yourself for the unknown with over 180 different VR Training missions.
Humans are tribal creatures by nature, built to live in small groups that fear the unknown.
Mary Williams Walsh talks to some of the people on the island grappling with the unknown.
It felt like unchartered territory, as if I was unpeeling the unknown side of Italian wine.
The song "Into the Unknown" is primed to be "Let It Go"-like addictive (sorry parents).
You're supposed to learn from others, and that's no different as you're venturing into the unknown.
It can be better to push through the fear of the unknown and test the waters.
So, as they did when they reached out for Osweiler, it's time to embrace the unknown.
But it is new for the U.S. military, and it's a major step into the unknown.
"Our officers are expected to know the unknown and see the unseen," Dyer told the Post.
What we see now is a reduction of inventories ... The unknown is how quickly shale adapts.
I followed the Cades to their house for an article about homeowners returning to the unknown.
Tunnel We are constantly entering the Unknown, due to the intrinsic nature of the future's time.
She did not know the extent to which she had to be prepared for the unknown.
Monument to the Unknown Deserters of Both World Wars, seen in Potsdam, Germany, in April 2014.
But working on them, said Mr. Carsen, the director, is always a leap into the unknown.
VICE News spent time with residents of Cairo this summer as they prepared for the unknown.
The staff of the unknown clinic told him to go to Antelope Valley Hospital's emergency room.
Talk about the perfect leader to take us into the unknown aftermath of the impending Crisis.
Read more: The Last Artists of SoHo (and TriBeCa) The Unknown Notebooks of Jean-Michel Basquiat
Lighthouses give us a false sense of security to cling to as we face the unknown.
Other relatives dreaded the prospect of their girls being raped and impregnated by the unknown kidnappers.
Misunderstood tragedies -- like famine, plague and infant mortality -- made people even more afraid of the unknown.
It is time we allow companies to collect data and explore the unknown with seismic surveying.
The reaction was not necessarily due to faith in Dowd but, rather, fear of the unknown.
The most fantastic transformations can take place now, even though facing the unknown can be scary.
The tiger is safe, according to the Humane Society, and the unknown owner is being sought.
Their focus was stationary, whereas the trench had a vector that carried me into the unknown.
"There's something particular to the narratives of oppressed peoples about the unknown being positive," Diggs explains.
You'll chip away at the borders of the unknown territory, via one painstaking expedition after another.
What they lack in the allure of the unknown, the Cavaliers make up in sheer competence.
We are too absorbed in the harsh if stylized reality laid down by the unknown painter.
Then the default position is tribe—us/them, a hostility toward the unfamiliar or the unknown.
They each take a simple scenario — like cleaning a whiteboard — and suddenly swerve off into the unknown.
His seven months in office, in 21987-282, earned him the sobriquet of "the unknown prime minister".
His seven months in office, in 20153-23, earned him the sobriquet of "the unknown prime minister".
On Saturday, the network posted a special clip of the moments immediately following the unknown character's death.
Nikolas Cruz is in custody, and the unknown details of this horror will unfold in due time.
Police have yet to release any of the victims' names or information on the unknown shooter(s).
Someone to answer the unknown questions that doctors with no previous little person experience are clueless with.
The current chaos, he said, is a symptom of investors giving into the fear of the unknown.
Police units have been searching for the unknown drone operator/s since yesterday, so far without success.
These compositions are part of The Unknown Rider, an ongoing series of collages years in the making.
An unknown British businessman sold the remains of the unknown dinosaur to an unknown French fossil collector.
Part of the podcast this week focuses on how to make the entrepreneurial leap into the unknown.
Kim is, essentially, upsetting two decades of carefully choreographed North Korean statecraft and stepping into the unknown.
I am not sure what that looks like, but I am comfortable with the unknown — for now.
While he was out of the car, the unknown man simply pressed the accelerator and drove away.
I think she won't let me find love on my own because she's afraid of the unknown.
What starts out as a fearful expedition into the unknown slowly transforms into a portrait of anguish.
"The more ominous threat is the unknown interaction or synergistic effects of multiple toxic adulterants," Browne added.
Euroskeptics are trying to reverse the common assumption that an exit is a leap into the unknown.
The unknown is scary … but there's a huge amount of opportunity for those that take the leap.
I had so many emotions and so many questions, and, frankly, I was terrified of the unknown.
Scorpio season arrives on the 23rd, when the sun stirs up our desires to investigate the unknown.
Because it looks like this referendum has triggered something far more sinister: A plunge into the unknown.
When it comes to the decision to carry a gun, the motivation is fear of the unknown.
Teeps' vision ties directly to Doctor Strange, as the hero of the film bravely navigates the unknown.
Symptoms of the unknown illness include coughing, sneezing, low-grade fevers and lethargy, according to Autumn Trails.
She Who Sees the Unknown continues at TRANSFER (1030 Metropolitan Avenue, Bushwick, Brooklyn) through January 7, 2017.
"It's the underlying fear of the unknown that I like to chase," Kaizer tells me much later.
Edward F. Younger chose the Unknown Soldier of World War I, who now lies in the tomb.
Maybe in the information age, the promise of the unknown has become a thing of the past.
"The unknown is how economically destructive and drawn out the transition phase would be," the note said.
Yet, the initial fear of the unknown is quickly wearing off as civilian drones become more commonplace.
"It's all about the unknown in this family right now, you guys," Khloé says to the camera.
Princess Eugenie's wedding bouquet has been placed on the Grave of the Unknown Warrior in Westminster Abbey.
Unfortunately, the tables were turned last night as the unknown Johnny Walker made short work of Rountree.
Democrats are bracing for the unknown as they barrel toward the formal start of the Trump era.
In a tweet, he called the unknown leakers "traitors and cowards" and vowed to sniff them out.
"The biggest fear people have when transitioning their career is the fear of the unknown," Taylor said.
Presidents typically attend a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington cemetery.
Responding to the unknown risks caused by the increased use of any new medicine isn't exactly straightforward.
Should Republicans miss a single one, the bill would slip into the unknown of an election year.
There is an attraction to the unknown, and an acceptance of the things that you can't control.
The unknown aspect creates big fears about the place and people wind up being afraid of us.
There is an acceptance and tenderness toward the unknown, an openness to change or trying something different.
This is especially true of the unknown — and to most people, technology is already indistinguishable from magic.
They also tend to shy away from the unknown, because it's difficult for them to tolerate ambiguity.
Travel agencies are also capitalizing on people's fears of the unknown, albeit in a more subtle way.
It is a happy paradox that the human soul thrives on both the familiar and the unknown.
But giving up the fear of the unknown allows you to view change as an opportunity instead.
An analysis of the unknown People have been using their computers to search for aliens since 1999.
In the coming months, I will be telling some of the unknown success stories in higher education.
Some are best at speculating about the unknown, while others bring clarity and insight to established lore.
The unknown factor in Cuba's future is not the island's current leadership, but the incoming US president.
Did you have any contact with Eileen Bowman, the unknown who played Snow White, after the ceremony?
She is the author of "My Friend Fear: Finding Magic in the Unknown" (Penguin Random House, 2018).
But readying for the unknown can feel like a daunting and costly task — and one easily shelved.
"The Unknown Girl" is as tense as a police procedural, and as mysterious as a religious parable.
There is much to fear and lots of the unknown in Sarah Perry's superb literary Gothic novels.
Kamworor was the focus of a Dutch documentary called "The Unknown Runner," which was released in 2013.
They waited for the storm to pass, then jumped on packed highways to return to the unknown.
The movie is about fear of the unknown, so I didn't want to give all the answers.
"This is the unknown factor," Ellerbe said, adding that he was "impressed" with McGregor's stand-up game.
As aviation technology becomes more integrated into everyday life, providers of new services brace for the unknown.
As their machines whir, Louise and the rest gape across the cosmic divide and into the unknown.
The Union City Police Department is now seeking the unknown shooter or shooters on suspicion of murder.
We — he and we, together — were forging deeper into the unknown, and it seemed to exhilarate him.
All of it, in Saad's estimation, has shown that the American public is receptive to the unknown.
But it's a leap into the unknown, as there is no scientific data on the proposed method.
MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — Andrew Yang — the unknown entrepreneur turned Democratic presidential candidate — is ending his presidential campaign.
January 5, 20203 - China announces that the unknown pneumonia cases in Wuhan are not SARS or MERS.
Slutsky is its pioneer on another front, a man from the uncharted territory, leaping into the unknown.
And given the unknown risks, Carney shared these four recommendations on how traders should be positioned.1.
I am racked with guilt at the thought that I could possibly have protected the unknown woman.
It is natural to be fearful of the consequences, for it is a leap into the unknown.
It's the unknown that makes fine wine, not the elimination of flaws or the popularity of flavors.
A "pictorial essay" of the incident was printed in a student-published paper called the Unknown Hoya.
The victim attempted to walk around when the unknown individual punched him in the face and fled.
Police have launched an investigation into the unknown male, Charleston spokesman Charles Francis told CNN affiliate WCSC.
Both are portrayed as brave individuals who go against the grain in order to discover the unknown.
FBI Director James B. Comey said Thursday that he was "optimistic" the unknown party's solution would work.
Mendonsa and Friedman were not identified until 1980 when Life asked the unknown pair to come forward.
But fair warning: It just might get "Into the Unknown" stuck in your head all over again.
We really don't know what's going to happen, and the unknown can be a little nerve-wracking.
The country's repressed anxieties found their outlet in the specter of psychotic clowns and the unknown occult.
His images span continents, feature the famous and the unknown, and capture moments of joy or drama.
And a little bit of fear of the unknown is not necessarily a bad thing, Bedford says.
Non-Trump voters are holding their breath for essentially the same reason: We are stepping into the unknown.
What's most aggravating is the unknown fate of Withings itself, as well as the products Nokia currently sells.
I also don't want to spoil, spearhead, or interrupt the journey into the unknown future of the egg.
Wherever Mark Connors looks at markets, from stocks to currencies to oil, he sees signs of the unknown.
Our man on the left is looking at the camera dead center, aware and scared of the unknown.
That I don't turn away from the unknown, that I enter with a quality of curiosity and wonder.
"Every day was about sort of exploring the unknown and trying something different," Hemsworth said on the show.
Astrologer Annie Heese writes that Pluto touches all things related to control and the unknown in our lives.
In "The Unknown Bridesmaid" (2013), a psychologist working with disturbed children finds herself confronting her own suppressed secrets.
Some thrill seekers tend to jump out of planes; I just like a little bit of the unknown.
And when I'm single I just don't like the unknown and I really don't do well with change.
Today, the agony of the unknown has been replaced with the horrifying knowledge of their son's final days.
At the time, very few exoplanets had been detected, so the instrument was peering deep into the unknown.
We've taken our most visceral fear of the unknown and cast it aside in a matter of months.
It's about Arlington and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, guarded around the clock by the Old Guard.
The unknown factor in the one-member-one-vote election is how many voters are recent Corbynista recruits.
Wardlaw is inspired by the unknown slave women and freed women she reads about in her history courses.
For other mothers, including Darlene Bello, 41, the unknown is frightening – and the guilt is the most painful.
You can just feel that sweet taste of freedom hit him as he saunters off into the unknown.
People are angry enough to vote for a step into the unknown rather than endure the status quo.
But the "unknown unknown" is the kind of problem class that can be solved with the next wave.
It also allows them to gain mastery and control over situations they otherwise fear because of the unknown.
In my book, I talk about improvisation as a means by which physicists can engage in the unknown.
And then there's the question of Montanan likability, the unknown and powerful variable in the Big Sky state.
"I think it might be the fear of the unknown that is driving the recent law," he says.
Trusting that feeling of the unknown is petrifying, but it means you're on your way to something great.
In 2017, Trump spoke at the cemetery and laid a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
It described the abstract painter's journey into the unknown, armed only with colors, shapes and space-creating powers.
On Thursday in the City of Light, Trump signaled he was no longer listening to the unknown traveler.
Fear of the unknown may arrive this evening, but listening to your inner voice will take you far.
The Roman poet, in contrast with the unknown Anglo-Saxon who wrote "Beowulf", is mellifluous and silver-tongued.
So the attorney general of 21.2 faces a dramatically different climate than the unknown Alabama prosecutor of 2600.
"Whenever we approach the unknown it's with a sense of both intense hope and fear," he told me.
Inside is a vast collection of everything offering a "peek into the unknown," according to one TripAdvisor reviewer.
He knew the back stories and family trees of the "unknown" guests he repeatedly photographed at society parties.
I was in love with idea of having a family and giddy at the thought of the unknown.
One of the bodies recovered was called the "Unknown Child," and wasn't identified until almost 100 years later.
Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday laid a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Warrior at Westminster Abbey.
The visible consequences of the destination-based cash flow tax are scary enough even without the unknown unknowns.
"Into the Unknown: The Making of Frozen 2" — Summer 2020"Frozen 2" hits theaters in November of 2019.
They replace the draw of the next frontier and of the unknown with the dead end of walls.
The store in Uniondale posted a picture of all the receipts from the unknown customer's act of kindness.
It's even more unusual for a professional photographer, but to Loewenthal the unknown is part of the magic.
Every year, the greatest artists, from the chart-topping to the unknown, come together to celebrate each other.
Renier's performance in The Unknown Girl is as edgy as any of these, if in a smaller role.
That night we loaded our cameras onto the 43-footer and the next morning, motored into the unknown.
Why they won't turn back to Brock Osweiler is another story, one filled with fear of the unknown.
As your cerebral planetary ruler Mercury moves into Leo this Monday, there is an interest in the unknown.
Outside of the gripping storytelling and horror movie-esque audio, Hellblade's sublime tension is derived from the unknown.
I'm not the kind of person who thrives on the unknown, especially when it comes to my career.
To 1 OAK's credit, if this isn't embracing the new and the unknown, we don't know what is.
The early internet was often shown as a tool to map the unknown world in The X Files.
Historians might care more about the singeing of the Beowulf Manuscript, the unknown pilgrim who walked through Italy.
Together, they can work with you to eliminate blind spots and shore up your defenses against the unknown.
We are now on a path into the unknown — an adventure that the American spirit has always embraced.
"When you're doing things for the first time, there's uncharted waters, there's the unknown," Harbaugh said this summer.
Think of "Into the Unknown" in terms of the function it serves in Frozen 2's overall story.
We're also working with other countries to help them because they really have a fear of the unknown.
"It's the unknown that's the big thing," said her husband, Dr. Knight, who is a retired cardiac surgeon.
And then there is the possibility that Ms. Merkel will emerge strengthened by the brush with the unknown.
What prevented me from experimenting with alcohol or drugs earlier in life was my fear of the unknown.
When people are afraid of the unknown, they'll buy a gun -- even if their enemy is a virus.
What's interesting about Unsolved Mysteries is that it treated the unknown as something you should be afraid of.
There is often a sense of desperation — of helplessness — as we grapple with the fear of the unknown.
It's scary to let go of that youthful certainty, but I'd rather embrace the unknown than ignore it.
When I look at them now, they remind me of how secure I felt despite the unknown journey.
Alix lets go, and the creature sails off, leaving protection and care behind, venturing forth into the unknown.
"I am a human being, living out of all prejudice and going to the unknown," Ms. Suleiman said.
His DNA was similar enough to the Pillowcase Rapist's that investigators believed the unknown assailant was his father.
I had known what to expect on the unknown moon more than I did on the familiar earth.
Every year, they map a little more of the unknown, claim a little more of what seemed impenetrable.
Phil Blancato, CEO of Ladenburg Thalmann Asset Management, called U.S.-China trade relations "the unknown" in the market.
The unknown victim, nicknamed Ötzi, has literally been in cold storage in her museum for a quarter-century.
Our collective anxiety towards technology is not unfounded but is often rooted in a fear of the unknown.
"Growing up thinking you already surpassed your life expectancy, you really learn to embrace the unknown," Jessica says.
I had now to leave, go into the unknown, and somehow seek to get started as a writer.
Beyond the lifestyle changes and the terror of the unknown, the healthy sibling's role in the family shifts.
This fear of the unknown seems ludicrous today yet as a child I would have nightmares about Satan.
Both also present a mystery, making us feel hesitant and wary about the unknown creatures we might encounter.
No one—including the politicians who masterminded this leap into the unknown—knows what is going to happen.
Understanding the unknown is the foundation of artist Jonathan Saiz's new exhibition, The Deep End, at Leon Gallery.
I think it's a brave choice -- a hopeful leap into the unknown and definitely the harder path to take.
The mind boggles at the thought of all the unknown and out-of-reach fossils trapped under Antarctic ice.
Conrad didn't share any further details, so we'll just have to hold our breath until the unknown due date.
Fear of the unknown and unquantifiable risks shouldn't absolutely prohibit us from making interventions that could have great benefits.
Check out more of The Unknown Rider series below:  Check out more work by Michael Tunk on his website.
"We watch them to escape our daily lives and immerse ourselves into the 'unknown,'" Lynette, a counselor from Bark.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, a brave and courageous sign that boldly heads toward the unknown.
They're a unit now, fearlessly plunging headfirst into the unknown, their only protection the powers they've only recently discovered.
It's the same fear I experienced on my own journey all that time ago - the fear of the unknown.
He expresses shock that the director of "The Fog of War" and "The Unknown Known" would make that choice.
It will be another step into the unknown, so to speak, when he lines up against 147th-ranked Caruso.
Adrian points out his purpose as a rooftopper, in that he's often able to shed light on the unknown.
The photo drew the attention of Spears herself, who tweeted it along with her thanks to the unknown fan.
" She continues: "It is this close bond of family life that must be our greatest defense against the unknown.
It was America's turn to embrace leap-into-the-unknown populism with the election of Donald Trump in November.
"In reality, it's still the fear of the unknown," said Michael Cohn, chief investment strategist at Atlantis Asset Management.
There's a little bit of the unknown when you walk into it, but it was a lot of fun.
Everything about California during the mid–19th century was a fantastic experiment and a bold step into the unknown.
I felt that I had to protect him in fear of the unknown, fear he would not make it.
"Variables," together with givens and operators, could represent an algebraic equation — which aims to identify the unspecified, the unknown.
Other game characters are The Unknown who is a ninja, and Rudy -- the Nigerian daughter of fictional President Mubacha.
Some of the planes essentially disappeared into the unknown, never to be seen again (they were probably sent around).
Bottom line: Mathematics works around the unknown, providing sufficient functionality even while the essence may still be under investigation.
The mystery of the unknown skier quickly went viral, and the story was also picked up by the media.
Medical examiners are conducting an autopsy on the unknown woman to determine her name and what caused her death.
They soon learn that the unknown killer is targeting cops, and find strange spiral designs decorating the crime scene.
For now, however, she is not ready to venture into the unknown or leave the security of the park.
"It fit into the idea exploring the unknown," she says of building a band's sound around an unfamiliar instrument.
Is she really at risk of crossing paths with the unknown praying on vulnerable women, as Catherine so worries?
"What we are more interested in is the unknown CBD metabolites that distinguish some of the strains," Murch added.
While Fritz and Foote remain positive, they said there is still the unknown of the U.S.-China trade war.
Thirdly, while more unlikely, there is the risk of the unknown – or shall we call it the Fillon factor?
And then they headed off into the unknown to take time off, decompress, and figure out what comes next.
The mystery of the unknown child -- who became known as "Baby Doe" -- captivated the nation for nearly three months.
And in Lee Se-dol, Go now has a world-famous star who dared to take on the unknown.
Our nation has always embarked on new frontiers with fearless ambition to attain the unknown promises of the future.
It's about dread and about the human capacity for blame, judgment, and division in the face of the unknown.
Chuck makes it clear that they should probably remain loyal to him or face the unknown with his replacement.
It reckons it can prevail by focusing voters' minds on Britain's economic future and the risks of the unknown.
All week I tried to mentally prepare myself for any and every situation, anxiously trying to simulate the unknown.
And Clarence Clemons was the only rock and roll sax person, besides the unknown sax player with Duran Duran.
This article originally appeared on VICE UK.Most people's greatest fear about going to prison is heading into the unknown.
It's a taste of the unknown, a promise of adventure, waiting for you out there where it's all happening.
Don't be afraid of the unknown during this eclipse, Virgo—embrace it and see where the universe leads you.
The problem with setting out to explore the unknown is that very often it is not unknown at all.
"Appetite for the unknown and high risk has gone down," he said from the New York Times DealBook conference.
And I think the appetite for the unknown and high-risk in the public markets, it's just gone down.
The last one I went through, did I stress, sure -- the unknown during my first shutdown was mind-blowing.
"The first ones were traveling into the unknown," said Alvaro Montenegro, a geographer and climatologist from Ohio State University.
Takeoff is the most exciting moment but also the moment where all the unknown still lies ahead #futureisclean pic.twitter.
The Unknown Girl, the new film by the Belgian brothers Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, is a peculiar whodunit.
Sites like Product Hunt exist basically to fête the developer who's willing to take a risk on the unknown.
All the "Cyclopian horrors of the unknown writhing their ancient Stygian tentacles to drive people to utter madness" stuff.
This has to do with a fear of the unknown and a lack of education more than anything else.
The other detail that makes "Into the Unknown" less effective for me is that it's overly packed with drama.
Perhaps this was Fugal's Bildungsroman, his journey into the unknown to seek adventure and, in some strange way, knowledge.
She has learned that the unknown dwells in every moment and to honor it is to live life fully.
Roundup The strongest emotion we feel is fear, and the strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.
The unknown thug vanished, and the 71-year-old was arrested and charged with criminal possession of a firearm.
The unknown will be the capability and intent of the Islamic State in northeastern Syria to conduct external operations.
Giving robots a sense of curiosity—play without a real purpose—could help them also deal with the unknown.
The unknown is those GOP women, who, at least according to this poll, haven't quite made up their minds.
What's going on in the macro environment is the unknown about inflation, interest rates and the Fed, she said.
Read more: The Artists Who Defined the East Village's Avant-Garde Scene The Unknown Notebooks of Jean-Michel Basquiat
The internet can't solve their problems, but it can help them tolerate and navigate the unknown in the meantime.
Entrepreneurship requires a willingness to leap into the unknown, and face both personal fears and career insecurities head-on.
Throughout history the human inclination to explore the unknown has precipitated monumental advances in a short span of time.
The unknown finder mailed the keys to The New York Times and they were promptly returned to the owner.
We enable scientists and engineers to illuminate the unknown, to reveal the subtle and complex majesty of our universe.
" Another girl, also 13, wrote: "We must trust what we cannot see and put our faith in the unknown.
That's now for naught: Washington, which couldn't getting anything done, is suddenly driving the nation's politics into the unknown.
On Friday, the Sun harmonizes with the planet of the unknown, Pluto, giving you the ability to dive deep.
Does she take a leap of faith and follow the whale into the unknown hole or swim to safety?
And almost all of his stories deal with meeting the unknown and what it does to our fragile mind.
The lawsuit also claims that Shah was assaulted by Heimbach and that Brousseau was assaulted by the unknown female defendant.
If you want to explore the unknown, you first have to follow a trail to get to the uncharted regions.
For most of us the thought of losing our sight is a distressing trip into the unthinkable—and the unknown.
And really the unknown here is that Canada said it targeted American goods for which there&aposs a Canadian alternative.
I think the key to making a mystery box work is in balancing the unknown against well-written, relatable characters.
Magicians, psychics, and mystics have long employed tricks of the senses to leave us amazed and curious of the unknown.
Silently, and with lots of extra permissions too, if they want, because of how the unknown sources installation policies work.
An archetype of García Márquez's magical realism, José Arcadio Buendía is an eccentric dreamer and scientist who pursues the unknown.
The unknown perpetrators have still not been found, and they're in possession of a horn valued as high as $42,000.
NASA has agreed with most of the recommendations, which will hopefully prevent more historical items from disappearing into the unknown.
"The hardest part of making food at a music festival is battling the unknown and the conditions," Frankland Lee said.
Hollywood rarely ventures into the unknown, into centuries and concepts never explored — truly, where no one has gone before. Why?
The unknown suspect then fled the scene in a newer model, dark colored four door sedan, with unknown license plates.
A Mercy Hospital spokesperson did, however, confirm to WBBM that the family identified the unknown man as their brother, Bennett.
It's about the slow, subdued journey Lena and the others take into the unknown, and how it affects them emotionally.
The hormones wreak havoc on your body for months prior to transfer and the fear of the unknown is encompassing.
Trump will also get a tour of Westminster Abbey and lay a wreath at the Grave of the Unknown Warrior.
Continue to go with the flow of this energy (and try not to panic as you delve into the unknown).
Dove into danger and the unknown with nothing but a prophecy and sense of duty to protect what is right.
It was mostly a fear of the unknown -- a vulnerable expectant mother needing someone to speak with in the moment.
Cybersecurity experts say the unknown hackers behind the latest attacks used a vulnerability exposed in U.S. government documents leaked online.
By merging Picasso and Kubrick's different artistic realities, maybe Joshi wanted to recreate that feeling of venturing into the unknown.
It's the unknown that scares Brittany the most, including the possibility that Ivy could eventually become allergic to water internally.
"Our officers are expected to know the unknown and see the unseen," Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer told the Post.
The future is always unknown, and many people associate the unknown with danger or being out of control, he says.
It's a surreal journey into worlds of the unknown where cult figure Pinhead, portrayed sublimely by Doug Bradley, defines evil.
Russian President Vladimir Putin greeting the minister of defense at an event at Moscow's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, 2018.
Aquarius season is an intense time of year for you, Cancer—crucial changes take place, and you're facing the unknown.
VR promises to change our relationship with what's real, giving us otherwise impossible experiences and sensory escapades into the unknown.
These are bold steps into the unknown, which always prompts one of a question full of possibility: Where to now?
And ultimately, it is the desire to know the unknown that inspires humankind's search for knowledge in the first place.
Sometimes it's the unknown alien landscapes of No Man's Sky, other times it's the harsh post-apocalyptic world of DayZ.
"I hope you [expletive] Muslim rats either leave the US or dump your stupid [expletive] religion," the unknown caller said.
When the ships left Spain to explore the unknown western regions, they sailed several thousand miles before encountering the Americas.
This is essentially the equivalent of lighting a cigarette off the eternal flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
But their priority should be squeezing more money out of their existing assets, not taking a leap into the unknown.
"One of the unknown people hit the man causing him to topple over" before the three people fled the scene.
After all, isn't the definition of "adventure" to set off into the unknown, endure hardships, come back and then rest?
It was interesting when a set of feelings went so unspoken for so long that they drifted into the unknown.
The lawsuit alleges Obioma was then ordered to exit the plane due to a complaint from the unknown male passenger.
It's a pointed reminder that between Soviets, viruses and sociopaths, it may be the unknown that is scariest of all.
My own theory is that journalism is about solving mysteries — identifying the unknown and finding a way to know it.
Much of the debate hinges on the unknown — the fear of it for some, the thrill of it for others.
The unknown unknowns It is impossible for anyone outside Mueller's watertight investigation to know where the special counsel is headed.
On Wednesday, the unknown hackers behind the ransomware outbreak known as WannaCry emptied their three bitcoin wallets, moving around $2257,25782.
" To understand the origin of the universe, today's cosmologists seek to identify the unknown driver of inflation, dubbed the "inflaton.
But of course, the moments that stand out the most include the camaraderie forged as the mission revealed the unknown.
They forged into the unknown and risked life and limb to carve new trade routes and paths to economic greatness.
These two planets will connect today to support and encourage you as you take risks and bravely face the unknown.
And sort of implicit in that question is how do you get up the courage to jump into the unknown?
Looking back, I think I was a bit overwhelmed, and the thought of facing the unknown head-on intimidated me.
Exploring the unknown and the freaky is your job this next month as the Sun travels through Fire sign Leo.
Since astronauts began using them to prepare for exploring the unknown, simulation games have been compelling to the human psyche.
"Genetic genealogy uses a DNA technology to identify subjects by matching the unknown profile to a family member," Ramsdell said.
But it's kind of hard to learn how to code and design marketing materials when you're stressed about the unknown.
In this sense, my timekeeper is a shield, an armor of steel defending against the gnawing fear of the unknown.
That raised concerns, they wrote, about sustained nicotine addiction and the unknown health consequences of long-term e-cigarette use.
As a critic, one could see the frays as a metaphor for the unknown edges of the show's conceptual framework.
Ms. Marcus maintains a jaunty disposition and welcomes the unknown, embracing it as if it were another adventure before her.
Last week's "Help Me Through the Night," unveiled the unknown kindness Tom has shown his favorite intern, Blake (Devin Way).
"In the early stages of an infectious-disease outbreak, Roess added, much of the panic is "fear of the unknown.
It is an appeal to face the unknown not with fear and apprehension, but with careful thought and measured deliberation.
Only a few times did I witness any attitude from the unknown actors toward the Hollywood royalty sitting before them.
"That's the unknown right now, is whether there is some sort of pay-for for any of this," he said.
Gloom is "the gateway to all understanding", he said, for accepting the unknown is integral to knowledge of the universe.
"It was the unknown regarding Trump - how is he going to behave and is it going to change?" he said.
Why are these large, measured companies willing to take a leap into the unknown by ceasing to bolster the IGF?
"People are afraid of the unknown," said Gabriella De Francesco, a former teacher now tasked with Mechelen's refugee-integration strategy.
The belief that aborting Down syndrome babies is somehow compassionate is based on fear of the unknown and outright lies.
"That's the unknown and that's also why many people are doubting the actual value of tokens as equity," Tan says.
Today, the mystery of his death, the acceptance of the unknown and the great emptiness are things of the past.
For his latest project, "Sephirothic Flower: Diving Into the Unknown," Mr. Azuma turned his gaze downward, to the ocean floor.
The unknown cheater spawned a parked jet into his path, forcing him to run around it and lose precious seconds.
On August 11, the eclipse in Leo will bring adventure and force you to confront your fears of the unknown.
As the royal made her way into Westminster Abbey for her wedding ceremony, she — without previous intention to do so — laid her bouquet on the Grave of the Unknown Warrior (also called the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior), in memory of her older brother Fergus Bowes-Lyon, who was killed in action in the Battle of Loos in 1915 during World War I. Since then, nearly every major royal bride has had her bouquet placed at the Grave of the Unknown Warrior, whether they married at Westminster Abbey or not.
In other ways, having briefly been able to come out of the shadows, they are facing much more of the unknown.
She said she approached Trump's presidency with an "open mind," leaving the unknown details about the future of the relationship unsaid.
I think about it and I can feel that pit of despair yawn in the darkness of the unknown and unknowable.
Uncertainty can be paralyzing; in the face of the unknown, some freeze, while others—born leaders—are quickly moved to action.
I've since continued to find that embracing the unknown (both with food and in life) can uncover some deliciously worthwhile surprises.
No, it was one of the most bizarre processes out there and I was kind of the unknown third party. Right.
Politicians took so much, and delivered so little, that many Lebanese are eager to cast them off and risk the unknown.
The idea for a national monument goes back to 1949, when Israel's leadership proposed erecting a tomb of the unknown soldier.
Medical doctors and psychologists agree that humans are wired to fear the unknown more than the evils they face every day.
"There's little Camila that is terrified of the unknown, is aware of all the ways everything can go wrong," she wrote.
" The Hezbollah chief said he opposed the resignation of the government, which he said would lead the country "into the unknown.
Suddenly the audience is on a fast-paced trip into the unknown, with no idea where this premise could possibly lead.
Given Scorpio's penchant for delving into the unknown and unexplained, this combo can easily lead us down some byzantine paths, indeed.
People often fear space because it represents the unknown—it reminds us, mercilessly and absolutely, that we don't know shit, really.
Feeling Nervous Is Normal Some of not feeling ready to have a baby might really just be fear of the unknown.
In form and execution, Approaching The Unknown solidifies our fascinations with Mars as the next great frontier for science and civilization.
She says she wants to help mothers erase "the unknown," which is where she thinks the shame and guilt come from.
Analysts agree that Samsung can soak up the costs, given its strong financial position, but the unknown factor is brand damage.
Or silence may open listeners up to the unknown reality of themselves: to a universe within as infinite as the stars.
A fresh start is taking place in your life—be brave, as your fear of the unknown will flare up today.
It's like living in a world of the unknown, and it's mentally taxing, because you don't really know how to prepare.
Often, when people don't explain why they've ended a relationship, their partner fills in the unknown information with self-deprecating talk.
The moon in Capricorn finds you reflecting on deep and powerful emotions today, Gemini, and you're ready to confront the unknown.
But the prospect of water prompted the Gerkes to swap the known risk of timber for the unknown one of farming.
Was the unknown man trying to break the rat from the shackles of his seemingly Sisyphean race up the wrong escalator?
In Dowd's traditional zealous style, Sandra reacts to the unknown caller much like one might respond to the voice of God.
The spectrum of mental health—like any other illness or condition, as outlined by the statistics above—is not the unknown.
He knows as well as anyone else what it's like to take a step into the unknown, hoping for the best.
They have not played on clay for 11 years, however, so it will be a step into the unknown on Friday.
A protestor holds torn representations of American and Israeli flags during a protest at the Unknown Soldier Square in Gaza City.
"Stay" campaigners say leaving would be a leap into the unknown and could leave Britain in the economic and political wilderness.
Difficult changes are taking place, and you're facing the unknown, Libra; however, this is also a magical time in your life.
The agency has given the name "Alf" to the unknown hacker, after a character from the soap opera Home and Away.
While I have very few memories of the week leading up to the game, I do remember when the "unknown" happened.
And, according to the actress, the reason she decided to take on the role as Clark was fear of the unknown.
" Ms. Lynch acknowledged that the support for bathroom bills and other discriminatory measures "reflect a recognizably human fear of the unknown.
The most appropriate way to describe it is the equivalent of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier for the intelligence community.
My ancestors were exceptional navigators who sailed the 2,400 miles from the islands of the South Pacific to the unknown north.
You are branching out into the realm of the unknown as action planet Mars clashes with Pluto, the planet of secrets.
Actress Virginia Leith, known for her roles in movies like On the Threshold of Space and Toward the Unknown, has died.
By allocating our resources line-by-line, based on our income and debt, we quickly nix that fear of the unknown.
The Trumps also received a tour of Westminster Abbey and viewed a U.S. wreath at the grave of the Unknown Warrior.
Mozilla says there is good reason to believe the unknown vulnerability is still active and putting millions of users at risk.
Heading out into the unknown with nothing more than you can carry is a pretty scary prospect, but it needn't be.
When Mr. Richards, the unknown boyfriend, called her last week to introduce himself, Ms. Merced invited him to her son's funeral.
Then I would step off the ground and embrace the unknown, working with my fear in a world of indescribable beauty.
The uncertainty stems from the unknown amount of time it takes this mysterious comet to complete an orbit around the Sun.
The distant future gets the past tense: even the unknown trajectory of Gander's emotional life is described as fixed, and finished.
The acrimony caused by the unknown — the state of limbo that Mueller's investigation has brought forth — has gone on long enough.
While the Wikipedia page does not actually exist, it's a harrowing tale about messing with the unknown forces of the internet.
The unknown party also included a separate address for "wild bidders" who want all of the GrayKey information to be released.
Success in the world of start-ups isn't achieved by sheer knowledge, but by being brave enough to tackle the unknown.
The monument — a "modest stone marker," according to local press — honors the "unknown Confederate soldiers" who died in the Civil War.
They become just another t-shirt with the face of Che Guevara or the Unknown Pleasures cover sitting in Neiman Marcus.
Even though the 'unknown lady' managed to avoid Cora's throws in three fifteen minute matches, the woman never threw Cora herself.
This trade-off — the movement from the known to the unknown — is why D-Wave exposed their product to the world.
The writing style now seems somewhat formal and clumsy, but as a young reader I was whisked along into the unknown.
"There are going to be a lot of emotions, some of which are sadness, grief and the unknown," van Dis said.
"It's a pretty agile force, when it comes to being able to deal with the unknown or the unexpected," Scaparrotti said.
Good Time, The Lost City of Z, The Unknown Girl, and A Quiet Passion — all worthy of the Oscars, all snubbed.
Unexpected opportunities for adventure come your way—if you find yourself fearing the unknown, connect with someone who's been there before.
The only artist in both exhibitions is Morehshin Allahyari, with pieces from her project "She Who Sees the Unknown" (2017-present).
To help us understand how to protect ourselves from the unknown, Dr. King breaks down her best hair-safety tips, below.
They call the unknown energy "dark energy," and theorists have tried to explain it by proposing undiscovered particles and corresponding fields.
The outbreak started in Wuhan, China, and, initially, people colloquially referred to the unknown illness as Wuhan pneumonia or Wuhan flu.
It's the combination of the unknown factor and your mind wandering to what it could be, trying to explain the anomaly.
Across Australia, communities have been formed and torched, shifted and brought closer together in the midst of danger and the unknown.
"I'm fully aware that the unknown is more of a source of anxiety than that which is already defined," he said.
Armed with an incomplete map from an earlier expedition, they will sail off into the unknown, in search of El Dorado.
THIS BRILLIANT DARKNESSA Book of Strangers By Jeff Sharlet Why do we sometimes gravitate toward the unknown when we feel alone?
His new work, a solo dance-play called "The Unknown Dancer in the Neighborhood," is his way of reckoning with it.
"A Quiet Place II" will see the Abbott family leave the safety of their farm and venture out into the unknown.
"All I can say is don't live your life in the fear of the unknown," Combs wrote in a Facebook post.
You're exploring the unknown and may be surprised by what you find as the moon enters Taurus and meets wildcard Uranus.
As it circles the sun 21 more times, the probe will help scientists study the unknown structure of the Geminids trail.
Fear of the other, fear of the unknown, fear of the erosion of a culture where they prospered and feel comfortable.
I just want to keep going into the — I just saw Frozen 2 with my daughter — keep going into the unknown.
"Beautiful Ghosts" — "Cats""(I'm Gonna) Love Me Again" — "Rocketman""Into the Unknown" — "Frozen 2""Spirit" — "The Lion King""Stand Up" — "Harriet"
Investigators said they had the rope and Smollett's sweater in their custody and were testing for the unknown substance on them.
The film is about wonder, and I hope it also encourages people to keep interrogating the unknown, as a selfless thing.
Just like Jenny understands she should have let the unknown girl in, Haenel believes there is a lesson to be learnt.
But experts say that the Russian troll farm revelation is only a small slice of the unknown political spending on Facebook.
"The excitement of the unknown, becoming a neophyte again, at a very high level, was extremely challenging to me," Steratore said.
Both of these things—the unknown and the uncontrollable—make my anxiety flare, which meant two more reasons to avoid crying.
Often, we read the unknown as threatening, but can eventually discover that within this daunting unknown can lay an unexpected tenderness.
"Into the Wild" is now the classic true story of a young man leaving his comfortable life to discover the unknown.
Whereas computer-generated effects are planned out frame-by-frame, the final product for Approaching the Unknown was just that—unknown.
Elsa's powers lend themselves to an array of eye-popping sequences, whether she's tumbling into the unknown (while singing her new signature tune, "Into the Unknown") or gliding through glaciers or confronting horses made of pure water, while Olaf's naiveté and flair for the dramatic offer comic relief any time the goings threaten to get too serious.
The green blades parted in suspense as the unknown creature sprinted towards him, and within seconds he was pushed to the ground.
Still, Grace now understands that there are more than two gender identities to choose from – and embracing the unknown is powerful enough.
The unknown factor regarding the film's fortunes is whether Gibson's personal struggles will dampen enthusiasm, even if that's just at the fringes.
Jim Slaight, flew so close to the location of the aircraft that their radar signatures couldn't be separated from the unknown object's.
Yes, it still has the first mover advantage and it still benefits from the unknown identity of its elusive founder, Satoshi Nakamoto.
This one is for the dad who constantly goes on adventurous excursions into the unknown (or even one who just travels often).
"Find an educational resource to tackle the unknown," said Lauren Anastasio, a CFP at SoFi, a New York-based personal finance company.
Both worlds are colorful and lovely and enhance the protagonists' desire to fling themselves into the unknown in order to find love.
The unknown artist paid tribute to DiCaprio's big win on Sunday night with a mural featuring the newly minted Academy Award winner.
Like the unknown artist who sculpted tiny, ornate prayer beads depicting heaven and hell, her work is at once beautiful and disturbing.
And just when you think you've done it, the four of you will be shot out of a cannon into the unknown.
That does not include the unknown cost of retentions, the cash that Carillion was holding back until companies had finished the job.
Whether you're waiting for results from the LSATs or an STI screening, the agony of the unknown can be seriously anxiety-inducing.
Whereas The Key In The Hand linked people's living, tangible memories, Infinity Lines highlights the unknown memories that live in found objects.
His presidency would in many ways be a leap into the unknown for America and the world -- so heightened concern is inevitable.
After that, as far as customs are concerned, the behemoths that set off from Felixstowe docks will be sailing into the unknown.
Transformations are taking place—this can be scary, but now is the time to be bold and head off into the unknown.
Child trauma experts previously told PEOPLE the unknown potential effects on the children — physical, mental and emotional — would take time to diagnose.
One reason the U.S. hasn't embraced gender parity in the executive branch is due to the fear of the unknown or sexism.
That thrust Britain's exit from the EU into the unknown and saw the pound plunge to its lowest level since April 2017.
Well, it's definitely a step into the unknown, but as you make that step, you get handed a marshmallow-topped hot chocolate.
President Trump attends a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier while visiting Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day.
The unknown Jon Ossoff ran against the known Karen Handel, who once chaired Fulton County Board of Commissioners from 2003 to 2006.
It was also from my mother that I learnt the importance of adapting to circumstances and not being afraid of the unknown.
Photo: Majdi Mohammed / AP Women chant slogans and hold Palestinian flags during a protest at the Unknown Soldier Square, in Gaza City.
The unknown factor for the next few months is what will be the exact impact of winter anti-pollution measures across China.
Likewise, sending your little exploration rover out to scan "anomalies" hardly feels like facing the unknown, or touching the face of God.
At 5.6 seconds, the visual system registered something in the roadway, but initially determined the "unknown object" wasn't in the vehicle's path.
The principle of the unknown is the chief connective tissue between 10 Cloverfield Lane and Cloverfield, alongside unseen terrifying beasts, of course.
Yet, SNB chief Thomas Jordan says the Vollgeld scheme — which has not been tried elsewhere — would constitute a leap into the unknown.
But when he tried to terminate the contract with the unknown owner of the plate, he found that the man had died.
Policymakers too often focus on trying to keep the status quo in place out of a fear of change and the unknown.
APPROACHING THE UNKNOWN Mark Strong stars in this sci-fi thriller as an astronaut on a solo one-way mission to Mars.
Within this process, you surrender yourself to the unknown, similar to what is required by all spiritual higher powers: surrendering and sacrifice.
It's also something that I, in making peace with, which is the unknown, I'm still not quite use to having found Stephanie.
When Gita agreed to record the podcast with me, I asked her to pick the third host; the unknown was the appeal.
Here, scientists hope to consolidate the JINR's lead in synthesizing the unknown SHEs that occupy the nosebleed section of the periodic table.
For most of us, though, we just kind of laughed snidely and suppressed our angst at what the unknown future might bring.
With the unknown surrounding Todd Gurley, Goff may have to throw more, meaning the potential for more yards and touchdowns is there.
There is a large amount of fear at play: fear of being ignored, fear of being targeted, and fear of the unknown.
She endows her Isabelle with a superstitious peasant woman's trepidation in the face of the unknown and a mother's doubts-vanquishing protectiveness.
The things that we fear tend to be more a fear of the unknown than it is a fear of what's real.
To be human is to be afraid of the unknown — of the dark closets of our world, wherever they happen to be.
"During times of war or high death rates, spiritualism and beliefs in the unknown are easier to be capitalized upon," Belknap adds.
We're at risk of departing from the stable climatic conditions that sustained civilization for thousands of years and lurching into the unknown.
But for many of the youths who run away, the unknown can feel less frightening—or toxic—than the world they're escaping.
Imagine no more success stories of the unknown small-town kid making it to the Olympics, but always the children of millionaires.
The two groups of bullfinches were tested on their color discrimination, problem solving ability, boldness, and neophobia (the fear of the unknown).
The post-war architecture of the Barbican is a fitting setting for Into the Unknown, with its concrete angles and utopian spirit.
Rather than hazard the unknown by selecting a wine from an unfamiliar place, a consumer can choose a name that is safe.
We explore the cosmos to find answers to the unknown, but what if you could explore knowledge itself in the same way?
This is transformation music in which the whole stage changes and we see the unknown territory through which the children will pass.
Even the hard-bitten police lieutenant in charge of the fictionalized case is shaken by the singular brutality of the unknown killer.
If the system cannot find a match, she said, it does not identify the unknown face and immediately deletes the facial data.
"The One Where Rachel Quits" (Season 3, Episode 10) Sometimes it takes a fear of the unknown to break you from complacency.
"Pre-experiencing the procedure in virtual reality can be very helpful for reducing the patients' anticipatory fears about the unknown," Hoffman said.
Mainen is a researcher at the Champalimaud Center for the Unknown in Portugal and spends a lot of time thinking about depression.
"In Prague last year, I was really worried just because it was the first one, and it was the unknown," Federer said.
The unknown: What Elliott Management, which has taken a $2.5 billion stake in SoftBank and urged for changes, thinks of today's news.
Some feel comfortable living with the unknown, while others feel anxiety about their parents' lack of engagement on retirement and estate planning.
Or are you hiding behind these walls of fear, and doubt, and the unknown so you're not actually living at all anyways?
The unknown, in today's production, is Rule X and, specifically, Subsection 11(g), dealing with the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
" The audience may have been startled, but Davis sees her gesture at the Emmys as part of the "unknown responsibility of celebrity.
The unknown total value of Her Royal Highness' property makes it difficult to estimate her total net worth, according to The Journal.
When confronted with the unknown, the WHO recognizes that it must "nimbly move" and that this involves creating platform technologies, explained Fauci.
This is a very intense time for you, Gemini, as you face fears of the unknown concerning everything from intimacy to death.
Our beatitudinal myth of posterity—blessed are the unknown geniuses, for they shall be super-famous after they die—is a canard.
Mr. Mille quit his job as chief executive of Mauboussin in 1999 and, at age 50, took a leap into the unknown.
It's a heavier record, a darker one—abandoning nostalgia for the unknown in favor of giving yourself over to an uncertain reality.
Trumbull recently opened his vintage special effects lab in Massachussetts to director Mark Elijah Rosenberg for his first feature, Approaching the Unknown.
I decided to make Approaching the Unknown because I was interested in human beings alone, pushing themselves to extreme isolation and wonder.
HOUSTON (Reuters) - As a boy growing up in Kansas, Nick Hague looked up at the stars and wanted to explore the unknown.

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