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745 Sentences With "the subsequent"

How to use the subsequent in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "the subsequent" and check conjugation/comparative form for "the subsequent". Mastering all the usages of "the subsequent" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In the subsequent month after reaching its high in July, the S&P 500 lost nearly 8%, in the subsequent three months the index lost more than 15%.
Building upon the success of the Subsequent 37 and Sub Phatty, the Subsequent 25 is a two-note paraphonic analog synth that comes with a 25-note keyboard.
During the subsequent investigation, Brooks allegedly resigned from her position.
The subsequent election would be the nail in Labour's coffin.
It has never clarified what the subsequent steps might be.
Though the complaints never became public, the subsequent Warner Bros.
They did the same after the subsequent disappointment against Iraq.
The subsequent reconstruction effort hit an unexpected roadblock: missing landowners.
Lawmakers try again the subsequent year, and the cycle continues.
His intervention led to the subsequent collapse of military rule.
The subsequent crackdown forced Didi to remove over 300,000 drivers.
The subsequent rebound, though, suggests the bull is back on.
The subsequent riots that followed are seared in his mind.
The subsequent diagnosis was dire: Astleford has squamous cell carcinoma.
The drama of "Pawn Stars" is in the subsequent negotiation.
Bob Mendenez (D) and released audio of the subsequent conversation.
During the subsequent round of questioning, Cruz was conspicuously absent.
Each of the subsequent rulings placed further restrictions on abortion.
But the subsequent 1989 earthquake illustrates that the threat remains.
The next step, of course, is the subsequent Instagram spiral.
The subsequent crackdown resulted in further raids and more arrests.
But some of the subsequent media coverage was more problematic.
The subsequent investigation has also been complicated by the locale.
The subsequent formation of three black regiments changed public opinion.
The subsequent military operation has drawn almost universal condemnation internationally.
But some of the subsequent media coverage was more problematic.
That's why the subsequent financial aid letter is so important.
Lumentum also revised its revenue guidance lower for the subsequent quarter.
The subsequent extra point gave the Broncos a 10-0 lead.
In the subsequent four months, Libra has had a bruising time.
The subsequent initial public offering valued the company at $30 billion.
The subsequent five years, 2012-2016, show entirely different exit profiles.
Two of the subsequent tweets mocking the AfD politician were censored.
Reid doesn't believe there's anything random about the subsequent six tests.
The subsequent sell-off wiped some $6 billion off the stock.
Host nations for the subsequent competitions have yet to be decided.
The subsequent screen lets you disable notification sounds for individual apps.
Griffin remembers his first fight and the all the subsequent ones.
The subsequent obstacle dodging gameplay is familiar territory for the series.
The subsequent slowdown, however, didn't push the world to the brink.
The subsequent recession led the island down a spiral of debt.
In the subsequent banking rescues, bondholders were forced to take losses.
His death and the subsequent investigation sparked protests in the city.
The Sooners recovered the subsequent onside kick to secure the win.
Jeff Flake and the subsequent run to replace him by Rep.
The subsequent communication between my friend and me was rather upsetting.
The details explain both the initial reticence and the subsequent defensiveness.
GE's market value fell roughly 60 percent in the subsequent year.
It is possible that these initial questions bias the subsequent results.
The rest of the crew came together in the subsequent years.
Colorado recovered the subsequent onside kick and ran out the clock.
The subsequent coverage analyzed whether Obama had effectively defused the controversy.
The subsequent fire and collapse of a building killed 32 people.
National Socialist Party, and the subsequent "grim proximity" of culture and
Just imagine how low the CTR is for the subsequent pages.
Over the subsequent operas, these characters fight and collaborate, by turns.
No resolution by the House authorized the subsequent investigation into Nixon.
It had faded in the subsequent months as Biden's campaign accelerated.
There are a few modernized sonic items in the Subsequent 25.
The Subsequent 25 is available to order now and costs $849.
That loan principal grew by $80 million in the subsequent years.
" The subsequent rock encyclopedia, he added, has become a "standard reference.
Following these scuffles, and the subsequent injuries, comes the charity chapter.
In the subsequent and deciding game, Johnson famously started at center.
In the subsequent century America stole British designs for looms and trains.
Concrete was used in the subsequent reconstruction of gables and roof beams.
On January 220, 212, The Washington Post exposed the subsequent cover-up.
The subsequent campaign to find the Good Samaritan went viral – and worked.
In the subsequent Super Bowl spot, he was nowhere to be seen.
Additional cuts would come to safety-net programs in the subsequent budget.
The subsequent quakes were recorded nearby within the 7,200-foot-high mountain.
The marks of the crisis and the subsequent austerity are deeply etched.
The details of the subsequent 12 debates are still being worked out.
But the subsequent recovery in U.S. bond prices has helped whet appetites.
Negotiations in the subsequent months would also not lead to a deal.
It's the unhappy couples — and the subsequent breakups — that are horrifyingly unique.
The subsequent farce plays out as an intriguing and precarious comedic experiment.
Koyle's followers also point to the 2008 recession and the subsequent bailouts.
The subsequent backlash forced both companies to step up driver verification standards.
Obama learned from his mistakes and handily won the subsequent two debates.
During the subsequent at-bat of DJ LeMahieu, Boone cursed out Miller.
But closer inspection over the subsequent months has taught NASA much more.
The subsequent disillusionment could provide space for activists to win popular support.
The subsequent climbdown has been as swift as it has been surprising.
Though thankfully, most of the subsequent incidents were more comical than tragic.
Across the subsequent decades, they had sparred for championships around the globe.
It's not clear these senators will watch the subsequent sessions this week.
Kansas City then ran back the subsequent free kick for a touchdown.
European leaders have spent the subsequent months attempting to salvage the deal.
Randle is hacked and only makes one of the subsequent free throws.
The subsequent trial is easily the most interesting part of the series.
More interesting have been the subsequent discussions of the theme of Afrofuturism.
During the subsequent al-Qaeda insurgency, local officials, including him, were targeted.
The subsequent vote tells us much about the path of political change.
The subsequent artwork and narrative are worthy catalysts to fulfill that promise.
On the subsequent fourth-down play, Gordon bulled into the end zone.
But the subsequent large drop implies it was very influential in 2014.
Anthony's 1872 vote and the subsequent trial had a very small audience.
Virginia Tech recovered the subsequent onside kick and ran out the clock.
Nevertheless, he was a little more careful before the subsequent week's speech.
She spends hours getting to know the subsequent ones, first over lunch.
We respect the jury's decision and the subsequent rulings by the court.
Garza was fouled on the subsequent possession and made one foul shot.
In the subsequent 18 years, the actual rate has been 2 percent.
The subsequent instability was a significant factor in Hitler's rise to power.
The subsequent decline was precipitate, down to below 3% by mid-21980.
The subsequent revisions suggest that autobiography is a highly mutable art form.
Their actions, and the subsequent body recoveries, put others' lives in jeopardy.
Grassley and Graham said the subsequent part of Rice's email is classified.
The incompetence extends from the initial crime to the subsequent cover-up.
The subsequent news stories gave me a fuller picture of this operation.
The subsequent reports show that ... I was not read into that program.
The subsequent debate was only a little more interesting than the speech itself.
With that intervention, we were able to prevent the subsequent perception of tinnitus.
Hundreds have also been cut off from the subsequent landslides from the storms.
But the Jets recovered the subsequent onside kick and ran out the clock.
Singh's death and the subsequent investigation sparked massive protests and a worldwide conversation.
Recession and was never filled in the subsequent years of slow growth—which
Iguodala then dropped in the subsequent free throw for a 104-98 lead.
The subsequent iPhone 6S just magically happened to be made of stronger stuff.
After the subsequent investigation closed doors, production reportedly rearranged rules surrounding the show.
The subsequent recovery was driven by higher government spending that propped up consumption.
In the subsequent years, we've been able to get it down even further.
Like the subsequent groupings, these images are named for the father and children.
She was defeated in the subsequent general election by incumbent Democrat Barbara Boxer.
But all the subsequent replies are hidden, unless the audience follows both parties.
The subsequent depreciation was the second-largest among Fitch-rated sovereigns in 2016.
The subsequent struggle saw people arrested, beaten and locked out of their churches.
Then, click the "next" button, and the subsequent photo will truly baffle you.
This lack of cruel intent or active hostility makes the subsequent jokes land.
This might seem a poignant metaphor for the subsequent career of fugues themselves.
The subsequent summit between America and North Korea threatens almost the opposite outcome.
Nunes's actions and the subsequent response from Schiff revived a call, from Sen.
The attack on Galton—and the subsequent media spotlight—has caused undeniable tension.
The subsequent investigation quickly showed that I was set up by my abuser.
The brand seemed to start off strong but fizzled in the subsequent years.
What feelings do images of the young president and the subsequent assassination evoke?
Once again, the subsequent result was a historic plunge in the budget balance.
The thinking is that the subsequent blowback will discourage Trump from doing so.
The subsequent jump in LSE shares lifted it to $17.5 billion by Thursday.
Nor would he be invited on the subsequent tour of the United States.
The subsequent slide began under George W. Bush and continued under Mr. Obama.
There are a few constants in the subsequent ongoing string of eight thefts.
A local doctor said it and the subsequent firefight also wounded 120 people.
Burke was never arrested for either the Lufthansa Heist or the subsequent killings.
Indeed, for most of the subsequent news conference, Trump looked lost and confused.
The damaged crops and the subsequent bans have created tensions among some farmers.
Confronted with the subsequent outrage, the police started an investigation into the leak.
And the gains were sustained in the subsequent year rather than fading away.
At Judge Gergel's prodding, Richardson had the subsequent witnesses testify for shorter periods.
But on the subsequent possession, Rose spotted Anthony posting up along the baseline.
And the subsequent assault on his wife, Ms. Daly recalled, was especially savage.
The subsequent negotiation was tinged with the old anxiety: Is realness a virtue?
Nixon denied any involvement, either in the burglary or in the subsequent coverup.
The subsequent reports — and rumors — of arrests in immigrant communities have rattled her.
It was not clear if there were any casualties in the subsequent ambush.
Then there was the subsequent year when I added brunch service to Prune.
The subsequent showdown between Billy and Steve at the Byers' is just as comic.
The subsequent market debut will also be used to reduce debt further, it said.
Industry representatives attributed the subsequent decline to a market correction as well as politics.
Could you have predicted someone slamming into your car and the subsequent repair bill?
I think it was a contributing factor to the subsequent events that took place.
The subsequent EP also carries a darker tone as result of these personal moments.
The agency generally releases final monthly numbers towards the beginning of the subsequent month.
For more on the Turner case and the subsequent recall effort, read Vox's explainer.
Wintour, the subsequent editor, appreciated what she calls Talley's "impeccable" knowledge of fashion history.
In some ways, the subsequent three days of walking were similar to the first.
Hundreds of people died during the subsequent infighting, some hurled out of tall buildings.
And over the subsequent years, we saw a $6.2 billion aid increase (in Australia).
Shares were above $142 and quickly fell to beneath $93 in the subsequent days.
Drawing a line from recruitment to the subsequent performance of a company is tricky.
But the subsequent difference in scales isn't the only thing hiding Atlas from sight.
The subsequent National Academy of Medicine study took issue with the vaccine study's methodology.
But the subsequent decline in the share price showed investors were not on side.
As a result of the video and the subsequent furor over the killing, Gov.
Some even expressed concern about India's ability to keep up with the subsequent demand.
She thought her experiment would be short-lived, but the subsequent work proved popular.
The subsequent Brexit referendum of 2016 was lost largely on the issue of migration.
She lost the election, and the subsequent rate of tree loss has been staggering.
The trio issued a firm statement that prepared the ground for the subsequent debate.
The subsequent dialog box lets you set a specific date and time for delivery.
The success of the subsequent TV show resulted in three animated spinoffs as well.
The economy ministry said it was disappointed by the speed of the subsequent recovery.
A full understanding of the subsequent uproar requires familiarizing yourself with a few things.
The shooting and the subsequent cover-up put a spotlight on policing in Chicago.
The alt-right rally and the subsequent murder of Heather Heyer was really sad.
The show has always orbited around Hannah's solipsism and the subsequent destruction it invites.
Renovation programs intensified in the subsequent years, often with the demolition of entire neighborhoods.
However, they began increasing numbers again in the subsequent months as decent weather prevailed.
The subsequent two screens show how you can monitor and control the print job.
There was a smattering of communication in the subsequent months that quickly petered out.
The 22014 referendum debate set the tone for the politics of the subsequent decade.
The subsequent Paralympics will offer the same variety, though the numbers will be smaller.
The subsequent night of tense terror was not only unpleasant, but unquestionably dangerous. pic.twitter.
The subsequent return of past competitors and Derby contenders suggests that good feelings remain.
Dinwiddie caught the subsequent inbounds pass and found Crabbe as the Wizards switched defenders.
But it receives almost no follow-up at all in the subsequent six pages.
That showed in the subsequent uncertainty over what, if anything, had really been accomplished.
Perhaps the subsequent Head Start Fade Out happens because of under-resourced public schools.
During the subsequent gun battle, which lasted for hours, four US soldiers -- Staff Sgt.
The injunction and the subsequent reversal also applied to insecticide abamectin and fungicide thiram.
The subsequent explosion blew off the right hand of one researcher and killed another.
The subsequent tap-in birdie was one of four that Mickelson recorded on Friday.
Ms. Morales's story, and the subsequent attention given to Mr. Uribe, has divided Colombia.
I cut bait on just one of four speeches scheduled for the subsequent months.
In the subsequent months, the school administrators actually listened, and Vinnie's experience changed drastically.
Documents obtained by The Times outline the allegations and the subsequent arrangement for payments.
The subsequent bounce produced a windfall, but only for a limited group of beneficiaries.
What the subsequent steps will be or when they might happen was never explained.
The subsequent market rise led to a one-day profit of roughly $190 million.
The subsequent flameouts -- Sean Spicer, Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon, Anthony Scaramucci, Sebastian Gorka, etc.
The post was removed after the subsequent furor, an apology left in its place.
The plan would raise another $2023 trillion in the subsequent 10 years, TPC said.
The subsequent 214 years of Haitian history have been marked by triumph and tragedy.
Kuok said the tropical oils segment will likely perform better in the subsequent quarters.
And while collecting the blood may be simple, the subsequent analysis is extraordinarily complex.
Sixteen soldiers were killed in the subsequent explosion while four managed to escape. Dec.
Security forces killed 18 of the attackers during the shootout and the subsequent manhunt.
Those stumbles are growing pains that can be ironed out in the subsequent season.
We look for one more 25bp rate cut at the subsequent meeting in October.
However, Cramer said investors could use the subsequent stock plunge as a buying opportunity.
The subsequent data show there were 225 femicides in 2014 and 235 in 2015.
None of the subsequent allegations of sexual assault against Donald Trump have been surprising.
That's why painstaking preparation usually goes into each presidential call, and the subsequent call readout.
In the subsequent hours, most experts have concluded that the claim was almost certainly bunk.
European Parliament elections and the subsequent appointment of a new Commission are scheduled for May.
The subsequent media and cultural fixation on the killer at the expense of those victims.
The BNP boycotted the subsequent election, in 2014, leaving it with no seats in parliament.
But the subsequent gap in Madden's showrunning career has not gone unnoticed by her colleagues.
Some glitches I'd seen on the original release have been fixed in the subsequent updates.
"When given the opportunity at the subsequent disciplinary hearing, he successfully refuted this," Cohen added.
Publisher William Nygaard was severely wounded in the subsequent attack outside his home in Oslo.
Both Bullard and Joyner, who spoke with BuzzFeed News, were unconvinced by the subsequent apologies.
But Shiller points out the subsequent rebounds were encouraging — at least to a certain extent.
We saw the flash of 3rd stage ignition and the subsequent 3rd stage was spectacular.
As were the subsequent non-denials: Media to Yahoo: Did you eat all the cookies?
Although the visuals here are purposefully affecting, it's the subsequent conversation that's even more important.
But for much of the subsequent recovery America has looked like a paragon of creditworthiness.
The system ascribes the subsequent actions of that 3D profile to the swiped Amazon account.
Then, eventually, came the TV show and the subsequent decision to give it all up.
Trump's comments and the subsequent editorial come at a sensitive time in US, China relations.
Mr Asness found the model was a poor guide to the subsequent performance of equities.
The subsequent failure of this support level showed short term weakness, but not trend weakness.
The subsequent resignation of seven senior staff left the future of the organization in doubt.
The subsequent supply glut means that the spot price of gas in Asia has plunged.
The subsequent arrest can be seen in a series of videos the police have released.
Consumer confidence may also be damaged by Brexit and the subsequent fall of the pound.
Thanks to these brave whistleblowers, it's easy to spot the subsequent meddling by political hacks.
Very few people get commits in the first meeting, or even in the subsequent meetings.
So that was another discovery that happened in the subsequent time period after the acquisition.
Over 70,000 people have been killed in the uprising and the subsequent brutal military crackdown.
The subsequent price fall left many sitting on gold worth less than when they purchased.
In the subsequent social media video, he again apologized but did not change his story.
Democrats argued that the subsequent FBI investigation into the allegations was too narrow in scope.
It could be argued that none of the subsequent films in the franchise are canon.
The subsequent crash shows that many investors are in the currency for purely speculative reasons.
In the same instance, the subsequent invoice could be incorrect, leading to disputes between franchises.
Look at the 2008 financial crisis, the subsequent euro crisis and now the refugee crisis.
The subsequent Saudi blockade of food and fuel weaponized human suffering in an unacceptable manner.
The coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent economic impact will be a key test for companies.
Chávez survived the subsequent referendum amid allegations that he and his supporters rigged the election.
But many failed to comply, as the subsequent accounting frauds and numerous financial restatements showed.
Dontzin was "tenacious," according to arbitrator Antonacci, in the subsequent negotiations for a revised deal.
In 2005, Louisiana was brutally affected by Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent bungled federal response.
The subsequent Dumpster blaze of her personal life probably makes for a knockout college essay.
Everyone remembers the killing of Bin Laden in 2011 and the subsequent embarrassment of Pakistan.
Such questions were overshadowed by the subsequent failures of the accident crew on Flight 610.
News of his self-immolation set off the Tunisian uprising and the subsequent Arab Spring.
This would explain both the fall in the parking lot and the subsequent memory loss.
The subsequent arrests, based only on those statements, were arbitrary and illegal, the review said.
The Subsequent 25 has two oscillators along with a sub-oscillator and a noise generator.
But few commented after the subsequent release of a whistleblower report documenting more alleged malfeasance.
The subsequent sentences are impacted and fractured, the jamming together of disconnected images presaging Dadaism.
As observers unpacked the budget's convoluted text over the subsequent weeks, unintended consequences became apparent.
The neighborhood never recovered, losing over 210 percent of its residents during the subsequent decades.
Its "returns may be more likely to be arbitraged away in the subsequent year," Subramanian said.
The subsequent 24 hours have rocked the Trump campaign to its core and rattled Republicans nationwide.
In the subsequent episodes, Grace and Frankie argue about how to best deal with the problem.
The subsequent #Februdairy hashtag, which as expected was overtaken by vegans, only stoked a hotter flame.
Whoever wins the establishment lane may have an easier time consolidating support in the subsequent primaries.
Buoyed by donations as well as contributions from the local council, the subsequent rebuild took months.
Her call, proven correct by the subsequent rally, was based on the utilization of Fibonacci ratios.
The subsequent arrival of Islam depleted their numbers further; most ethnic Samaritans are now pious Muslims.
Having buy-in from your boss will make the subsequent conversation with your troublesome newcomer easier.
The study released by Global Voices, and the subsequent article in the Guardian, include significant inaccuracies.
Did This Is Us jump the shark with Jack's death, and the subsequent drama surrounding it?
Investors then exacerbated the losses because they were out of the market for the subsequent recovery.
And it shattered the relative stability that had prevailed in the country in the subsequent decade.
The price has largely plateaued since then, in spite of the subsequent imposition of U.S. sanctions.
Although PFI was introduced by the Conservatives in 1992, it blossomed under the subsequent Labour government.
On average the shares regained two-thirds of the lost value within the subsequent 90 days.
The subsequent fall in the broker's share price hurt other investors, including the state pension fund.
In the subsequent video, with Hilton present, she tells the cameras that she never said that.
The subsequent revelation that she was diagnosed with pneumonia Friday has renewed questions about her transparency.
He saw the manic development and investment of the first tech boom and the subsequent crash.
It also really helped me misunderstand and draw out getting over the subsequent messy break-up.
Some of the doctors convicted then worked to cover up the poisoning, complicating the subsequent investigation.
The Golan saw large tank battles in 1967 and the subsequent Israel-Syria war in 1973.
The subsequent lowest-common-denominator campaign coverage is only a byproduct of this short-term mindset.
The HBO miniseries depicts the explosion's aftermath, the vast clean-up operation and the subsequent inquiry.
The subsequent spike in JGB yields prompted the BOJ to step up bond buying this week.
"After that we'll have the traditional Southwest low fares in the subsequent booking period," Watterson said.
It's been estimated that the subsequent blast was around 10 billion times the size of Hiroshima's.
The subsequent performance of the transactions is consistent with the agency's expectations, given the operating environment.
In the subsequent decade, the average rate was 217.6 percent, and the trend has been downward.
In the case of "I love you", the UDL claims the subsequent message is 43 bytes.
Whatever the intention of his meeting or of the subsequent press conference, he's bungled this situation.
As a result they struggle at first before improving over the subsequent three to five years.
Most remained in the city and in the subsequent years close to 500,000 others joined them.
The subsequent cost is poorer performance of the task in the presence of music with lyrics.
Security forces killed 18 attackers, some on the same day and some in the subsequent manhunt.
Saudi Arabia viewed the Iraqi aggression as a threat and supported the subsequent US military action.
The subsequent unveiling of the foldable device came as a shock to many in the auditorium.
Four annual statements issued by RNBV confirm the subsequent payments, with a Dutch withholding tax deducted.
" And the subsequent years have given the country, Diamond notes, a "deepening sense of national identity.
While many blacks participated in the subsequent protests against the police here, many whites did not.
The subsequent explosion killed 20 cadets between the ages of 18 and 23 and Rojas himself.
Grzelcyk did not return and Boston failed to covert on the subsequent two minute power play.
The subsequent No. 1 bitcoin trader, Bitfinex, also shut down after a loss of customer funds.
And let this scene from Rocky 2 (and the subsequent callback in Creed) stand as proof.
Over the subsequent decades, jobs were destroyed and new jobs created, roiling millions of people's lives.
The DA fesses up to what really happened in Central Park and the subsequent cover-up.
Still, the document request and the subsequent waiting game marked a new era on Capitol Hill.
The subsequent step in autocratic legalism is to use and abuse the law to target critics.
The blame for defeat, and for the subsequent distortion and neglect of Poland's story, lies elsewhere. ■
More damaging to his golf game, however, was his debilitating back pain and the subsequent operations.
She was passed by one rider on a midcourse jump, then another on the subsequent curve.
The subsequent sex scene between the two characters is sweet, hot and groundbreaking in equal measure.
This hate speech and the subsequent theft of their rights did not go unnoticed or unchallenged.
I devoured the first six episodes in a gleeful blitz, though the subsequent four slowed considerably.
But the devastating legacy of Sandy Hook — and the subsequent attacks on communities from Parkland, Fla.
The subsequent runoff vote resulted in a unity government that held power until the 2013 elections.
The subsequent decision to then announce the results without the full data made things even worse.
But the subsequent, prolific glories of the Norwegian painter, who lived until 1944, are little recognized.
Bhaduri's pregnancy and the subsequent firing came after she "suffered a personal tragedy," the lawsuit reads.
Thet the subsequent lawsuit over the initial coin offering is what's ultimately causing Kik to shutter.
Then it was dealt another blow with Yugoslavia's bloody collapse and the subsequent siege of Sarajevo.
During the subsequent two months, S&P 500 performance will depend on the actual election outcome.
Those moves saw the dollar fall 1.5 percent and 6 percent respectively in the subsequent months.
Both Democrats and Republicans in Congress have strongly condemned the move and the subsequent Turkish aggression.
But that same enthusiasm betrayed a lot about the campaign (and the subsequent Administration) writ large.
The Iranians then proceeded to out-negotiate their counterparts at the subsequent clandestine meetings in Oman.
And he was seemingly immune to any of the subsequent caricatures of him as a bully.
Rather, you're just hoping that the subsequent Justice League movies won't have to deal with him.
The piece has been updated to reflect the subsequent settlement with the coalition of state attorneys general.
Ironically—as Damore's manifesto and the subsequent fallout now illustrate—they may be their own worst enemy.
The subsequent months were spent clawing our way back to a more nuanced place somewhere in between.
The subsequent firefight — partially documented in an ISIS video — lasted two hours, leaving 27 Shia militiamen dead.
The authorities said they later caught up with two suspects who police killed in the subsequent shootout.
Despite the subsequent disavowals, the Tulagi scheme was not the misguided initiative of a wayward provincial premier.
Six days before the subsequent election, it abruptly ended subsidised sales of cooking gas to the kingdom.
The subsequent near 3 percent fall in dollar/yen was its biggest daily drop since August 2015.
Some of the subsequent mess rests on the back of the Fixed-term Parliaments Act of 2011.
If they do not respond and do not vote over the subsequent four years, they are purged.
The subsequent landslide was typical of a man who could always out-fight and out-think opponents.
On Friday, she slammed Trump for welcoming a "hostile" foreign government and obstructing the subsequent investigation. Sen.
The prosector adds that in this incident, the subsequent actions taken by the person constitute self-defense.
After Rivals III, Wharton has appeared on the subsequent seasons Invasion, Dirty 30, and Champs Vs. Stars.
I laughed so hard I had to rewind the episode because I was missing the subsequent dialogue.
For Jack, the subsequent scene of Nicky and a dead Vietnamese child seems pretty cut and dry.
NASA scientists will then visually track the subsequent particle motions to gain further understanding of the ionosphere.
Despite strong reviews, the subsequent release of the Nintendo DS and Sony's PlayStation Portable proved too overwhelming.
A roller-coaster has followed: Over the subsequent years, very few people used Bitcoins for actual purchases.
The once-in-five-years meeting typically sets the tone for policy for the subsequent few years.
I missed a payment once, and the subsequent lecture from my dad and credit hit scarred me.
This attack helped the Liberals to win the subsequent election, in 2013; they promptly repealed the tax.
To be clear, that discussion happened before tensions escalated in the subsequent months over Kashmir, Munter said.
The subsequent upgrade of the VR reflects Fitch's view of the bank's restored viability following the recapitalisation.
The subsequent oil-price crash clobbered oil-producing countries that had been spending lavishly on social programmes.
But as many as 6 million people died in the subsequent fighting, which involved nine neighboring nations.
The subsequent violence led to more than 5m deaths and contributed to the disintegration of the DRC.
The subsequent unrest has left scores dead and caused more than 170,000 people to flee the country.
The subsequent exchange was captured on video by an attendee who posted it to Facebook Tuesday afternoon.
In her photo series He, She, It, Garcia captures the subsequent months of Miller's life and transition.
Which, given the subsequent success of the franchise, now looks like something of a bargain for Disney. 
He was at the subsequent Taliban council meeting to decide on whether to join the peace talks.
Over the subsequent centuries, his idea has been frequently repeated by commentators, and periodically undermined by history.
Uncertainty lingering from the 0003 political crisis and surrounding the subsequent political transition weighed on investment spending.
The gamble alarmed some conservatives but paid off when she emerged victorious from the subsequent snap election.
The subsequent backlash has placed renewed impetus on media outlets to put news reporting under the microscope.
In addition to the dead, 15 people were injured, mostly as a result of the subsequent stampede.
To be honest, the re-release and the subsequent tour had nothing to do with this album.
Billions of "Bic" pens and ballpoints from other license-holders have been sold over the subsequent years.
The AI revolution, and the subsequent innovation and growth it will bring, is just around the corner.
Those clashes, and the ones in the subsequent years, drove 200,000 to 300,000 Rohingya out of Myanmar.
The subsequent case sparked national outrage when the survivor published her court statement in full on BuzzFeed.
Law enforcement can use the subsequent "pings" to pinpoint the nearly precise location of a mobile phone.
The committee posits the subsequent leaks negatively impacted the party's ability to successfully campaign for the election.
The resulting responses from other brokers caused the subsequent plunge in the stock's price, the analyst said.
Johnson-Harell's family and friends were reportedly in attendance for the swearing in and the subsequent prayer.
Those old economy sectors suffered from overcapacity and fell hard in the subsequent 2008 and 20173 crashes.
The retailer dubbed the subsequent week Cyber Monday Deals Week and continued to provide discounts each day.
The government has not done enough in the subsequent years to ensure this will not happen again.
The president's remarks over the past few days and the subsequent corrections have only exacerbated those fears.
In the subsequent two years, the number of people on probation convicted of new crimes substantially declined.
The 2005 film "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" was based on Michel's ordeal and the subsequent trial.
Musicians' fees are set aside before ticket sales and the subsequent charitable donations are tallied, he said.
" The "r" in "scared" is barely audible, and the subsequent profanity is a fluid, tossed-off "muhfuckas.
" During the subsequent appeal the prosecution instead argued that he had committed a crime because "he applauded.
I attended the subsequent murder trial, and witnessed the dead man's partner screaming—something I'll never forget.
The subsequent cable TV outrage, three attorney general investigations, and class action lawsuit diminished Miley's artistic accomplishment.
The subsequent arrests would have required coordinated raids against parents with children in their homes and neighborhoods.
Smoot-Hawley is largely acknowledged as one of the principle causes of the subsequent worldwide economic catastrophe.
It was this experience, Mr. Lécaillon said, that prompted the 30-year study and the subsequent evolution.
The subsequent growth reflected a number of factors (none actually related to the hosting of sports events).
Guzmán was eventually recaptured last year, but the subsequent power vacuum has fueled record levels of violence.
The subsequent conversation went on for 15 minutes about how coronavirus is shaping discourse in the Capitol.
They were temporarily extinguished in five of the subsequent seven years; in 2015, a record nine times.
It's the buildup to this section, and the subsequent fallout from it, where you find trouble areas.
Mueller's office did not object to the initial travel request nor to the subsequent one, Green said.
Perhaps the most surprising part was the subsequent emergency meeting of the Granville Board of County Commissioners.
Both were wounded in the subsequent gun battle and were later released from the hospital, authorities said.
The subsequent U.S. embrace of the Kurds during the Iraq War of 2003 was full of contradictions.
The October episode, "In Memoriam," has been tasked with unveiling the subsequent death of Luke's character, Fred.
Mr. Trump's victory and the subsequent boom in interest in the push for secession caught him unprepared.
Bridenstine's tweet and the subsequent statement from NASA referred to a new program calledCommercial Lunar Payload Services.
In the subsequent six years, some problems remain in how the agreement is being implemented and enforced.
Whether or not the subsequent falls rattled the minister herself, they appear to have jolted the government.
The subsequent collapse of the "Arab spring" during the Obama presidency revealed the limits of U.S. influence.
The subsequent weeks were filled with impressive performances at an array of invite-only camps and tournaments.
The excerpt, and the subsequent best-selling book, gave Mr. Reich a kind of rock-star celebrity.
Their collective statement on the album poetically summarizes the torment suffered and the subsequent escape from it.
Oxfam conducted an internal investigation in 2011, but never revealed details of the subsequent firings and resignations.
It was either made in Jerusalem, or was transported there at some point over the subsequent centuries.
Fowler was arrested and convicted in the subsequent battery case and was sentenced to a year probation.
Soaring prices in the 1970s were tamed when central banks raised interest rates, ignoring the subsequent job losses.
But it was Pulp Fiction and the subsequent Oscar nomination that led to her popularity throughout the '90s.
Durant sank the subsequent two free throws to tie the game, and the Warriors ultimately won in overtime.
During the subsequent publicity blitz, the stress of reliving her ordeal began to weigh on Knight, now 37.
Morris was called for a foul on the subsequent inbounds, giving Charlotte a free throw while retaining possession.
Controversial design aside, the Smart Battery Case itself (and the subsequent iPhone 7 version) is actually quite practical.
The take-home message from the subsequent reaction to the incident was this: society doesn't trust angry women.
When Boxing Day falls on a weekend, countries that observe it designate the subsequent Monday as a holiday.
Devitt also changed his story several times between the first interview and the subsequent report, the attorney alleges.
A few days later BitConnect said it was shutting down, blaming those orders and the subsequent "bad press".
In the subsequent scene, we get even more evidence Cersei is trying to demonstrate her loyalty to Jaime.
Unfortunately, at the subsequent November 2019 hearing on the legislation, far more concerns were raised than ironed out.
The subsequent trial, which reached a verdict in the spring of 2015, was contentious to say the least.
In the subsequent episodes, the victims' lives are turned into saintly stories about the closet or gay identity.
The timing of the policy action and the subsequent ECB statement may have stirred markets somewhat, Tetangco said.
When Nidaa Tounes, a bloc of secular parties, placed first in the subsequent election, Ennahda joined its coalition.
The problem is that the way franchises are awarded incentivises overbidding and the subsequent collapse of the contracts.
What's interesting is that the iPhone sort of set the template for all the subsequent smartphones to come.
Happily, in the subsequent struggle for macroeconomic self-control, emerging markets have proved themselves more man than beetle.
But if the Spanish state decides to move, it cannot afford to lose the subsequent trial of strength.
As part of the subsequent cover-up, Quinn is locked up with a ragtag bunch of military misfits.
Between the swans and the subsequent rise of the pink sprinkled doughnut float, we were in inflatable bliss.
He was committed to Saint Elizabeths Hospital in D.C. In the subsequent 34 years, Hinckley underwent intensive treatment.
It's been a busy week, mostly preoccupied with James Comey's Senate testimony on Thursday and the subsequent updates.
The subsequent book and its sequels were global best sellers and received both Swedish and American film adaptations.
The subsequent bust destroyed both jobs and wealth, but the college-educated bounced back more quickly than others.
And how does what they did in 1991 link to the subsequent kidnapping of Alice, Lena, and Sophie?
The subsequent YTD rebound has coincided with an easing in conditions and is also justifiable on these grounds.
But a spokesperson for Kalanick said that the subsequent meeting was not argumentative and that it ended well.
The death of Brown and the subsequent decision not to indict Wilson prompted protests and riots in Ferguson.
On the subsequent drive, Carr found Cooper for a 261-yard gain, then Michael Crabtree for another 269.
The documentary explores how the case unfolded as well as the subsequent backlash against Black Lives Matter activism.
However, Beltrami said the subsequent establishment of a United Nations-backed unity government in Libya had complicated matters.
During the subsequent commercial break, they came out arm-in-arm to huge cheers from the entire house.
The subsequent Labour government encouraged more competition and made it easier for private hospitals to provide NHS treatment.
The subsequent meltdown at the plant made news around the world, and caused $187 billion worth of damage.
"The reason the driver fled which then resulted in the subsequent pursuit and crash is still under investigation."
The subsequent drone strike targeted the commander's family members, as they were returning home from his funeral. Nov.
The 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent global recession were nowhere nearly as painful as the Great Depression.
I was living in the U.K. right after college; I moved four times in the subsequent four years.
He said value stocks righted the ship and outperformed the rest of the market during the subsequent downturns.
His bet appeared stupid to many, but the subsequent rupture showed it to have been savvy and bold.
In the subsequent gun battle, which lasted for hours, four US soldiers were killed and two were wounded.
During the subsequent gun battle, which lasted for hours, four US soldiers were killed and two were wounded.
In the subsequent months, he was nominated for six Grammys, performed at the ceremony and toured the world.
Where once copper manufacturers bemoaned the financialization of their market, producers can only lament the subsequent de-financialization.
The pictures suggest a kind enough reception, though it's unclear whether the initial warmth survived the subsequent months.
This is more forthcoming than in the past, when minutes would be released after the subsequent meeting, i.e.
But a spokesperson for Kalanick said that the subsequent meeting was not argumentative, and that it ended well.
Democrats plan to communicate these benefits, and the subsequent danger of removing them, to specific groups of people.
Wei's speech and the subsequent question and answer session, however, were unexpectedly aggressive, even by China's recent standards.
In the subsequent months, workers scrambled to build a covering, or "sarcophagus," to prevent the spread of contaminants.
The Matrix's influence on the subsequent 20 years of action and sci-fi cinema is impossible to overstate.
At several points during the subsequent 72 hours, the researchers counted the numbers of cells in each dish.
The subsequent TV series, Pee-wee's Playhouse, became a hit precisely because of Pee-wee's wide-ranging appeal.
Holders of the first tranche will then have the right to subscribe to the subsequent tranches, it added.
These are the two most important metrics prepare ourselves to dial up the growth in the subsequent quarters.
What do you make of the allegations of sexual harassment against Harvey Weinstein and the subsequent ripple effect?
At least four Palestinians were killed by initial Israeli artillery and tank fire and in the subsequent airstrikes.
And the subsequent settlement involved years of delicate negotiations and became a model for global cooperation, not confrontation.
But the subsequent ones are something else altogether — a picture of how the sausage almost doesn't get made.
Over the subsequent decades, government policies weakened monopolies' hold on business and imposed regulation for consumer well-being.
Synopsis: A chronicle of the weeks after the 2000 U.S. Presidential election, and the subsequent recounts in Florida.
The subsequent loss of "awareness" by the Flydubai captain was also one of the reasons, the committee said.
It took the subsequent appointment of Gordhan, respected for a previous stint at the ministry, to calm markets.
Then, Liss shared the trauma of the assault and the subsequent trauma of the reporting and trial process.
After these military preparations many troops stayed in the area to participate in the subsequent war with Ukraine.
The following week's gain stands at 3.98%, on average, with the subsequent month's gain coming in at 6.47%.
Maher doesn't provide any explanation from the company for this, nor for the subsequent restoration of Baloch's account.
Relatively unphased by the crash of 1929 and the subsequent Great Depression, Sears sales continued to hold steady.
He dismissed the idea of Trump having any foreknowledge about Russia's efforts, or potentially obstructing the subsequent inquiry.
Of course, our two cases are not comparable -- both in the original incident and the subsequent media coverage.
The original Xbox One was a design disaster, and the subsequent iterations got better but still felt off.
WASHINGTON — The team that wins the World Series typically visits the White House during the subsequent baseball season.
The subsequent investigation discovered a broken piece of equipment and a "flash mark" on a transmission line tower.
"Remaining volumes of the first three years will be picked up in the subsequent years," this source said.
Yet some in her party were doing just that after seeing his opening statement and the subsequent reporting.
Mr. Arias denied the initial accusation; his lawyer said he would have no comment on the subsequent ones.
CME said bitcoin's price gains, and the subsequent increase in volatility, attracted new investors seeking to hedge risk.
"Heavy drinking increases risk both in the short term and the long term, but drinking smaller amounts has different effects in the subsequent hours than it does in the subsequent days and weeks," said Elizabeth Mostofsky, the review's lead researcher and an instructor at the Harvard School of Public Health.
What proportion of those funds would be in the top quartile over the subsequent five years (to March 2017)?
Gopman was embroiled in a 2013 scandal over offensive remarks he made about the homeless and the subsequent fallout.
Both parties have dealt with misconduct allegations and the subsequent fallouts among their ranks in the last few months.
A silent version of the movie actually appeared in 1910, and has been rebooted consistently in the subsequent decades.
He watched as the auto industry imploded and housing collapsed, and he grit his teeth through the subsequent recession.
As a rule of thumb, Schmidt explained, El Niño can result in warmer global mean temperatures the subsequent year.
When The Social Network ended, we had no idea the part Facebook would play in shaping the subsequent decade.
After she was diagnosed with cancer in 2016, she constantly spoke about her treatments and the subsequent hair loss.
Griffin overthrew the subsequent inbounds pass in the final second of the half, giving Denver another chance to score.
"This page was created as an emergency fund to stop the process and the subsequent legal fees," Barnes explained.
The fully tiled room here provides a showering station, with a tiled area to accommodate the subsequent shake-off.
Based on the subsequent tweets it would seem like something terribly wrong went down at Jack in the Box.
But the company couldn't avoid the subsequent inquiries from folks like the FTC, Congress, and the House of Commons.
The subsequent slump in investment was enough to drag big commodity exporters, such as Brazil and Russia, into recession.
The subsequent thaw in relations, especially after Mikhail Gorbachev took over, led to the end of the cold war.
The subsequent ramp-up in production caused issues with replacement phones said to be carrying batteries from Amperex Technology.
During the subsequent negotiations, several other countries, including Nigeria, Mauritania, Morocco, Sudan and Saudi Arabia, all offered him asylum.
The subsequent two years were full of drama as the ESA tried numerous times to establish contact with Philae.
While the subsequent fires were almost certainly intentional, Mr. McEwen said that doesn't prove the Res Club fire was.
The subsequent tightening in financial conditions that came with the bold currency move has vanished, according to Goldman Sachs.
The subsequent drama dominated headlines for weeks following, in part because Kardashian had just given birth to Thompson's baby.
Verdoia said he was completely unaware of the subsequent proposals referenced in the documents published by L'Espresso on Thursday.
The latest figures showed that the subsequent slowdown in the economy was not just payback for the stockpiling surge.
First by allowing Annette to get a redo of her triumphant hand-holding, this time without the subsequent recoiling.
All the subsequent Bourne movies have gone downhill — and that's not even counting the lamentable Legacy with Jeremy Renner.
The authors find that the added competition associated with "excess entry" did indeed spur investment during the subsequent decade.
The subsequent GoFundMe page appears to have been more malicious than just a fan who didn't get the memo.
A furious Harker left the subsequent interviews to Rachel, making it abun- dantly clear that he was expecting results.
This entire process made headlines in a huge way, especially paired with the subsequent headlines about Kanye's own politics.
The subsequent bounce higher installed a prominent double-bottom on the chart, giving technical traders a strong buy signal.
That done, they found that there was still a significant gap between the subsequent performances of the two groups.
Board of Education, which in 1954 upended racial segregation in schools, and over the subsequent decades roiled American society.
Tap and hold on the send icon, then make your choice of loudness or quietness from the subsequent screen.
If they're not shot in the subsequent fighting, they're going be, at best, refugees in South Korea or China.
She then looked, in each case, at the subsequent relationships between the referring doctor and the surgeon in question.
In their first meeting, a group game in 1966, Uruguay won 2-1 but the subsequent encounters ended goalless.
But the subsequent price recovery has allowed more U.S. drillers, who use expensive advanced drilling methods, to pump profitably.
After Rivals III, Wharton has appeared on the subsequent seasons Invasion, Dirty 30, and Champs Vs. Stars and Vendettas. 
The subsequent clips have proven that the new film will bring the original to life, rather than reinvent it.
In the subsequent fiscal years, 216 and 280, procurement would ramp up to 235 or more jets per year.
In the subsequent three years, that number would decrease to 25 percent, then 20 percent and then 153 percent.
His grief for his murdered son and the subsequent dissolution of his marriage have further fixed his natural inflexibility.
The payments app is currently available for iPhone 6 and the subsequent generations, as well as the Apple Watch.
The subsequent scandal cost Volkswagen billions of dollars to settle and forced the automakers to recall millions of vehicles.
In the subsequent seven years, only about 2½ — from mid-2012 to late 2014 — were an easy upward glide.
Comey's surprising termination and the subsequent outrage sent the press office scrambling to justify the timing of his firing.
His speech in New York and the subsequent question-and-answer session also veered into campaign territory at times.
The details and the subsequent firing of the CSO are only being made public due to a legal obligation.
Shakespeare's play focuses on the fatal stabbing of Caesar by former associates, and the subsequent fate of democratic institutions.
The subsequent performance of the transactions over the years is consistent with the agency's expectations given the operating environment.
In the subsequent weeks, Trump has repeatedly questioned the whistleblower's credibility and pushed for the disclosure of their name.
From there, they conducted a controlled delivery of the shipment, which led to the subsequent arrests of four people.
The subsequent book tour has thrust Clinton back into the public eye after months largely out of the news.
I can imagine the sting of discovery, and the subsequent rage that, for me, would surely come with ease.
Each piece fluctuates in its appearance depending on the position of the sun and the subsequent projection of shadows.
He's spent the better parts of the subsequent four seasons trying to come back from knee and other injuries.
The 2012 Olympic team, primarily players who would be on the subsequent World Cup roster, won silver in London.
The burning shame of the subsequent recriminations, cringing apologies, and parental disappointment is still with me to this day.
On Wednesday, classes resume at Stoneman Douglas, and at countless other U.S. schools in the subsequent days and weeks.
There is power to be found in the destabilizing of centers, and in the subsequent recognition of co-dependencies.
May's disastrous performance at the Conservative Party's annual conference in October and the subsequent resignation of three cabinet ministers.
Executives at Workhorse said there was nothing improper about the timing of its stock offering and the subsequent announcement.
As each possible couple comes into the picture, the subsequent chapter illuminates how Ivy's life might have turned out.
The one or two times Costa Rican defenders were unable with the subsequent ball, keeper Keylor Navas always was.
The 2008 financial meltdown and the subsequent euro crisis came and went with near total impunity for those responsible.
And the subsequent contracts are created automatically by the platform, eliminating a typically human-centric task from the process.
With her permission, they outfitted her with monitors to measure her activity levels during the subsequent eight-day trek.
What happens in the subsequent months and years — and which positive developments occur, and for whom — is largely unknown.
Per today's announcement, both the non-optional recording and the subsequent grading policies are now being suspended for good.
Food prices soared, contributing to economic and social tensions and leaving Syrians dangerously vulnerable to the subsequent war. 4.
At the subsequent trial of the Chicago Seven, he was convicted of crossing state lines to incite a riot.
First is the recent probe by the banking regulator and the subsequent funding pressure that put on the company.
In the subsequent three years, that number would decrease to 25 percent, then 20 percent and then 15 percent.
The subsequent criticism prompted Michael Surbaugh, the Boy Scouts's chief scout executive, to release an apology letter on Thursday.
The subsequent decision-making process left Yates "not satisfied" with the legality and constitutionality of the ban, she said.
The subsequent 15% reduction in supply by affected landlords pushed up rents across the city by more than 5%.
The subsequent Israeli strikes were followed by a final, and risky, salvo of mortar shells and rockets before dawn.
The subsequent speed of the island's cleanup efforts has been a source of top criticism for the Trump administration.
Surprisingly absent from Jumia's earnings call and the subsequent Q&A was any discussion of the company's share price.
The Giants' defense held the Dallas offense during its opening drive but fell apart on the subsequent Cowboys possession.
Both "Peacekeeping" and "The Heart of the Matter" feature dramatic descriptions of maritime disasters and the subsequent mass casualties.
Back then, it also agreed to ramp up its compliance program; this obviously didn't work, given the subsequent settlement.
Facebook acquired Instagram in 2012, and the photo-sharing app has experienced phenomenal growth in the subsequent eight years.
The subsequent publication of this and other secret treaties by the Bolsheviks did much to discredit the Allied cause.
In 2000, she suffered a stroke, and the subsequent medication she was given damaged her intestines and stomach lining.
In the subsequent purge, thousands from public sector workers to journalists were jailed, fired, and charged with supporting terrorism.
Then again, racial sensitivity failed to protect Dávila from accusations of cheating and the subsequent loss of her crown.
In the subsequent 12 months, to March 2014, only 25.6% of those funds stayed in the top quartile (see chart).
"I was such a young girl, and the world can be a cruel place," she says of the subsequent backlash.
In the subsequent months after our engagement, my father's cancer got worse, and he died sooner than we'd been expecting.
Through fundraising benefits and private donations, Nuçi's Space is able to front the complete cost of the subsequent counseling sessions.
The pop-star's apology at the subsequent Grammy Awards turned the phrase "wardrobe malfunction" into a common pop-culture reference.
The Obama administration saw deficits just as large while trying to solve the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent recession.
And if the underlying model for a system isn't a good fit, the subsequent analysis can go very far astray.
Undeterred by the subsequent lack of depth perception, he became his father's successor as the nation's most important steam engineer.
Even more startling was the subsequent allegation raised by police and prosecutors that Rachelle had set the slaying in motion.
Her main function was to play hostess for social events, and she set the standard for the subsequent first ladies.
That's right, Champagne Pop, the highlighter that sent the beauty world into a tizzy, and the subsequent renditions it spurred.
The dissolution of monasteries and the subsequent religious wars greatly disrupted traditional society, allowing new economic practices to take root.
By not sitting tight and leaving their investments untouched, many of those missed out on the subsequent recovery and boom.
The subsequent collection of that data is at the heart of the privacy crisis Facebook now finds itself mired in.
During the subsequent oil boom, however, the impetus to make difficult structural changes to the economy, society and government dissipated.
Both the original settlers and those who, over the subsequent centuries, have quixotically tried to trace them seem equally deluded.
The subsequent handling of the event under public and Congressional inquiry is not included in the scope of this investigation.
They argue that such behavior erodes civil norms, and they fret that the subsequent viral media attention will alienate moderates.
The two parties have spent the subsequent ten months in fruitless talks to get the Assembly back up and running.
In all cases, donors can carry forward excess contributions to the subsequent five years (under the same AGI-based limitations).
The tax would rise to $25 per ton the subsequent year and by inflation plus 3.5 percent each year thereafter.
The consequences for banks of online banking problems and the subsequent scrutiny of those failings by politicians can be severe.
Following the September 11 attacks and the subsequent mailings of anthrax spores, the US government enacted the Homeland Security Act.
The subsequent protests set off a wave of anger against officials and acted as a catalyst for the Arab Spring.
Since his accident, the subsequent arrest, and court appearance, former Bachelor Chris Soules has been keeping things under the radar.
The subsequent explosions killed and maimed dozens of bystanders in the most high profile attack on U.S. soil since Sept.
The interactions came in the midst of Russia's attempts to influence the 2016 election and during the subsequent political fallout.
The most recent AHCA score and the subsequent discussion around key differences from previous scores highlights these issues almost perfectly.
The incident -- and perhaps the subsequent protests -- triggered reforms in how police go about their business, particularly in minority communities.
The subsequent retreat and rally developed the right shoulder of the pattern in December 236, which is the third element.
The subsequent rebound rally has been strong with a rapid move above the critical long-term resistance level near $1.005.
The subsequent, demonstrated success of these candidates compared to their higher time counterparts affirms the safety value of these pathways.
Carson might have been beatable on the grounds of obvious incompetence, but the subsequent nominee might have been ruthlessly competent.
If Britain does vote to leave, the nature of the subsequent trade relationship with the EU will be all-important.
The subsequent temperature tests showed the original order held, with a steady drop of 2-5 degrees every five minutes.
The subsequent chapter, which ends in the Nevada prison where Mr. Simpson currently resides, is all entropy, squalor and sleaze.
Instead, he boxed for another seven years, and paid for it in the subsequent decades of physical and mental frailty.
Their 'crimes' included documenting the brutality inflicted on demonstrators by the Egyptian Security Forces, and the subsequent bloodshed that ensued.
But his 703-foot attempt went 12 feet past the hole, and he missed the subsequent birdie putt as well.
The subsequent criminal complaint, filed by Mueller's office in December 2017, outlined how Flynn's retelling of the conversations was wrong.
Numerous White House officials, including Trump, have criticized Russia for its annexation of Crimea and the subsequent violence in Ukraine.
But she added that she didn't agree with how Biden articulated his remarks and how he handled the subsequent backlash.
Neither Mr. Ailes nor any other Fox News executive suffered any consequences before Ms. Carlson's lawsuit and the subsequent investigation.
A funny thing happened with The Texas-Jerusalem Crossroads in the subsequent years, however: the album became a cult hit.
Gucci Mane has been an Atlanta legend since the "Icy" beef, and the subsequent dispatching of a would-be assassin.
The subsequent addition of apps and features like chat (which came a year after that) have also been very gradual.
But that dress, and the subsequent explosion of internet searches for J-Lo, was actually the inspiration for Google Images.
Two more — Tyrone S. Woods and Glen A. Doherty, C.I.A. security staff members — were killed in the subsequent mortar attack.
Burry was depicted in Michael Lewis' book "The Big Short" and the subsequent Oscar-winning movie of the same name.
Its onboard instruments were not designed to handle the extremely low temperatures of the subsequent 14 days of total darkness.
The scientists also checked death records for the subsequent four to five years and then compared step counts and mortality.
Balan said she believes that even in the subsequent arbitration, Tesla found ways to continue to discredit and silence her.
Some of his supporters see the subsequent outcry as further evidence of a grand plan to bring the president down.
Ferguson decision — which established the "separate but equal" doctrine —  and the subsequent Southern streetcar boycott movement between 1900 and 1907.
The subsequent owner, a Manhattan banker named Jesse Winburn, sought to turn it into a golf course for men only.
Oliver also predicted Australia's economy would decline 0.1% in the January-March quarter before rebounding in the subsequent three months.
On the subsequent defensive possession, Onyeka Okongwu blocked Timmy Allen's game-tying attempt at the rim to seal the win.
"What effectively happened over the subsequent 15 to 20 years thereafter is that you had two malls," Mr. Beck said.
On top of that, the subsequent offers turn out to be not as favorable to Palestinians on borders and sovereignty.
Volkswagen announced the move on Thursday, just before the end January and the subsequent first monthly reports of the year.
But I also scored a ton of value out of my cardholder benefits for the subsequent cardmember year as well.
Others lived, worked or went to school near the World Trade Center on September 11 or in the subsequent months.
The subsequent dot-com bubble collapse meant he was suddenly competing with an overwhelming number of highly qualified tech workers.
For the leading candidates, that means their primary responsibility is to survive and advance to the subsequent rounds of debates.
After the bombing and the subsequent military operations, the Islamic State in Khorasan's radio station in Nangarhar has been roaring.
Roughly 700,000 Palestinians were displaced from their homes during the subsequent Arab-Israeli war, which lasted for nearly a year.
The subsequent rejections they receive from Lawrence and Jared sting, but it's this argument that is the most gut wrenching.
The mega-sales event (along with the subsequent Cyber Monday) has become a weekend-long holiday in its own right.
In the subsequent six decades, some critics have suggested that the show's portrayal of gang warfare was a bit romantic.
Wade and the subsequent decisions of the Supreme Court, which has already established parameters to protect the unborn after viability.
Some Japanese television stations, such as NHK and Asahi Shimbun, even banned use of the word in the subsequent years.
Clearly, there's been safety issues with the explosion at San Bruno, and the subsequent problems that emanated out of that.
These articles, and the subsequent reblogging of them by other outlets, convinces companies that the hacker is a legitimate threat.
In this work, the subsequent cyborg woman of Fritz Lang's Metropolis (343) is already undone by disturbances she cannot contain.
We're not actually focusing on a specific ownership, it's more about these dollars and at work and the subsequent valuation.
Many similar attempts have been made in the subsequent dec­ades to replicate Silicon Valley and its abundance of creativity and ingenuity.
But Lennon Sweeting, director of institutional trading with Coinsquare Capital Markets, said the recent surge also led to the subsequent drop.
The researchers then examined whether these "winning" funds could continue to beat their benchmarks during each of the subsequent three years.
But while Rodgers showed off his wing on the subsequent drive, he proved he didn't need to throw up a prayer.
Barr, together with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, made the subsequent decision to clear Trump of possible obstruction of justice charges.
During the subsequent police investigation, it emerged that the Wageners had previously killed a 33-year-old woman in August 2014.
The upgrade to the billing, Stripe said, will now automatically identify which purchases will require SCA and trigger the subsequent scripts.
In the subsequent election, the average error of these places rose to 3.5 points; three elections later it reached 5.7 points.
Faraday Future's fight with Evergrande, and the subsequent layoffs and furloughs, also drove away a number of core executives last fall.
Reports of stimulus efforts in China and Germany, along with the subsequent steepening of the yield curve, helped assuage recession fears.
When Jack is proven correct, the subsequent conversation feels untethered from reality in a way only This Is Us would try.
"We are aware of the allegations and the subsequent investigation, and will respond if developments occur," Netflix said in a statement.
The subsequent political turmoil, along with rising social unrest, has raised doubts over its attractiveness as a place to do business.
In the subsequent novels, Pullman plays out an enormous story in which inhabitants from across universes vie for control of existence.
And if things were to go wrong, an agent's own explanation of its actions would make the subsequent inquiry far easier.
"Ports are places stories are told," he says early on, framing the subsequent sacrifices and betrayals as both fiction and truth.
In the subsequent SPD-Green government former soixante-huitards like Gerhard Schröder, Joschka Fischer and Otto Schily were running the show.
The subsequent UK grant of autonomy in 1969 led Spain to close its border with Gibraltar and sever all communication links.
But given that sales weren't affected by the subsequent uproar, Cramer said traders could come back around to the sportswear play.
Save $250 on the Subsequent 37, $120 on the Sub Phatty, $100 on the Mother 32, and $100 on the DFAM.
With the big purchase of Beats in 2014 and the subsequent release of Apple Music, it was fashioned into something better.
The United States urged leaders to find a peaceful solution to the unrest and the subsequent government crackdowns in the country.
Although the allegations surrounding Lasseter first surfaced in 2017, he spent most of the subsequent year on a (presumably forced) sabbatical.
But over the subsequent 93 to 29 period, the couple donated nearly 21,2157 shares to the education-minded Bezos Family Foundation.
" In the subsequent press conference, ECB President Mario Draghi said the outlook for the eurozone economy is getting "worse and worse.
Messrs Chamon and Garcia estimate that up to 10% of the subsequent fall in the real was due to the intervention.
Then I remembered the most blatant, terrible example of this: Rainer Devon's awful branding necklaces and the subsequent apology for them.
An estimated 4 percent of soft wheat had also reached the subsequent tillering stage, compared with 9 percent a year ago.
The subsequent court case unveiled Milat's pattern of picking off hitchhikers and foreign backpackers in Sydney and murdering them at Belanglo.
Only one CEO said a timetable for triggering the formal divorce process and the subsequent exit was the most important factor.
Numerous White House officials, including Trump, have recently knocked Russia for its annexation of Crimea and the subsequent violence in Ukraine.
The subsequent "conscious manipulation" of their real selves at work is a reality for many gay men, according to recent research.
That's why The Hangover is (semi-)watchable and you can barely even make it through the credits of the subsequent films.
You are as long as you're following the so-called Obamacare repeal efforts and the subsequent White House tax reform plans.
In the subsequent two-and-a-half weeks, the team landed at numerous locations including the Argentinian and American research stations.
Mr Mugabe lost a referendum in 2000 but rigged the subsequent election to keep the (more popular) opposition out of power.
But if the person had opted to "clarify" that tweet, then the original tweet could always appear with the subsequent clarification.
That made the electoral victory of Hugo Chavez in 1998 possible, along with the subsequent ascension to power of Nicolàs Maduro.
Mr. Jackson had a principal role in the subsequent Broadway production, reuniting with Mr. Miranda in "Hamilton," the playwright's next venture.
The subsequent leap in Tehran's stock market in late January and early February gave a hint of the country's investment potential.
On the subsequent press tour, he defended his time as FBI director and criticized Trump as "morally unfit" for the presidency.
Also, the European economy suffered a global financial crisis and the subsequent debt crisis in Europe right after Merkel's first term.
Following the subsequent faceoff, Sissons scored into the empty net on a long shot with 84 seconds left —Field Level Media
The subsequent poll in October, which the main opposition candidate boycotted, delivered the same result: victory to Uhuru Kenyatta, the incumbent.
The third plague pandemic began in late 19th-century China, giving rise to many of the subsequent plagues that exist today.
But De Lima's removal, and the subsequent inquiry, show how much clout Duterte has won during his short time in office.
New episodes will be available to stream on PokerGo for the subsequent five Saturdays, each one exploring a new poker legend.
In the subsequent six months, the index added an average of 9.2 percent, with gains in 87 percent of those years.
On the subsequent press tour, he defended his time as FBI director and criticized Trump as "morally unfit" for the presidency.
But, in the subsequent trials I did, I could usually do my full head of hair with just these eight rollers.
This one goes from the O.J. murder trial verdict to present day, covering the civil trial, the seediness, the subsequent incarceration.
In the subsequent months, Bayh made numerous phone calls and attended a number of meetings with head hunters and potential employers.
You can see a transcript of the subsequent conversation below:Jon Karl: What did you want him to look into on Biden?
David attended the subsequent court hearings, in which Ted pleaded guilty to numerous killings and was given a quadruple life sentence.
The analysis covers Trump's initial (and slightly bizarre) call to fire NFL players who take a knee and the subsequent backlash.
Then everything explodes: the anthemic chorus that follows plays at maximum volume and sounds huge, as does the subsequent keyboard hook.
Alonso tied it for Oakland in the subsequent inning against Martinez with a two-out single to left, scoring Jed Lowrie.
Soh's first memory of drinking at 14 isn't just linked to cheap soju, but the subsequent hangover that came with it.
The subsequent honeymoon on Royal Yacht Britannia provided Diana with a chance to "catch up on sleep," according to Vanity Fair.
Maybe more to the point, nothing in the subsequent 32 years has occurred to heighten the natural interest of the subject.
Bennet assigns blame for the subsequent dysfunction to both parties, and calls his vote for that maneuver his biggest senatorial regret.
The Cardinals were in the N.F.C. championship game three seasons ago, and had 7 and 8 wins in the subsequent seasons.
Lacking an elite set-piece taker, Ashley Young takes the subsequent free kick and kicks the ball well over the goal.
If he, rather than Mitt Romney, had been announced the winner on caucus night, the subsequent competition might have developed differently.
BoJack becomes a hero of Hollywoo in the subsequent weeks after the interview — until those same reporters dig a little deeper.
The Attorney General's Bureau of Criminal Investigation was requested to assist in processing the crime scene and conducting the subsequent investigation.
Her story — and the subsequent criminal prosecution of Robert — have been verified by Business Insider via the police and the courts.
But one thing is obvious: Throughout the subsequent fatal flight, neither member of the accident crew gave those switches a thought.
On Tuesday, Mr. Vance said he had not learned about the hearing or the subsequent appeal until well after they happened.
Therefore, the subsequent conclusions that the general court took could work as a precedent to further probes into tax state aid.
The former generation did not adequately tend to the subsequent one, the argument goes, and did not groom a new generation.
For the subsequent dismissal of Jurgen Klinsmann, see Roy Hodgson's slow, painful quartering in the hours that followed that earlier defeat.
The subsequent toxicology report cited a mix of Naloxone (Narcan), Butalbital, Pseudoephedrine and the prescription sedative Lorazepam (Ativan) in his system.
The ATF "ambush" narrative spurred the FBI to become far more punitive against the Davidians in the subsequent 51-day siege.
The election of Richard Nixon in 20203 and the subsequent breakup of the New Deal coalition set the Democratic Party adrift.
The subsequent erosion of the Voting Rights Act threatens this achievement, but the Act's success in the first place is inspiring.
Though Bloomberg outspent his opponent 2007 to 1 in the subsequent election in 2009, he won by fewer than 5 points.
By comparison, after the policy changes, one such request for a single facility was made in the subsequent four-month period.

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