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"temporizing" Synonyms
stalling delaying procrastinating hedging prevaricating tergiversating tarrying deferring paltering hanging back putting off playing for time beating about the bush using delaying tactics gaining time taking your time playing a waiting game stalling for time avoiding committing oneself avoiding making a decision hesitating wavering vacillating dithering scrupling dawdling equivocating baulking(UK) balking(US) doubting dilly-dallying hesitating over humming and hawing thinking twice holding back hemming and hawing sitting on fence fluctuating faltering havering waffling pussyfooting fudging dodging flanneling flannelling fencing weaseling(US) weaselling(UK) sidestepping evading quibbling parrying stonewalling shuffling dallying lagging dillydallying diddling crawling poking creeping dragging moping lollygagging lallygagging pausing filibustering biding mediating arbitrating intervening interceding interposing conciliating intermediating moderating facilitating liaising brokering refereeing umpiring dealing interfering acting as peacemaker stepping in acting as middleman bringing to terms acting as an intermediary postponing shelving suspending rescheduling adjourning prolonging staying protracting tabling continuing extending mothballing pigeonholing remitting respiting retarding dilatory time-wasting Fabian lingering loitering hindering obstructive halting timeserving opportunist hypocritical self-seeking temporising(UK) trimming indecision hesitancy hesitation vacillation irresolution doubt uncertainty indecisiveness hesitance pause equivocation delay dubiety fluctuation irresoluteness unsureness oscillation More

35 Sentences With "temporizing"

How to use temporizing in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "temporizing" and check conjugation/comparative form for "temporizing". Mastering all the usages of "temporizing" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Meanwhile, Republicans have stuck with the president and show no signs of temporizing.
But McNamara had ordered Marines to hold the line, a temporizing strategy that cost thousands of American lives.
The democracy issues are where the court has been most aggressive, and he has not been a temporizing swing vote but an ardent activist.
But temporizing actions are probably the most we can do until there is a change in government, and stabilizing matters over the next two years will be hard to do.
The U.S., it seems, refused to accede to the former anti-protectionist pledge and the group came up with a temporizing form of words which could mean many things to many people.
HOW HISTORY WILL JUDGE HIM I fear that the only issue history will care about before too long is climate chaos, and that in that respect he'll be judged as temporizing and half-hearted.
Modulating her position on health care might prove to be politically advantageous if she turns out to be the nominee, but that kind of temporizing is not her style and would undermine her political persona.
For most of his career, he's been the temporizing organization man, someone who started with the Yankees as an intern and has done what he had to do to keep his job, even if it meant sacrificing sound baseball judgment.
As a result of all the well-funded, bad-faith temporizing on the climate crisis, we are now just eleven years away from being locked into 20203 degrees Celsius of warming by mid-century, according to the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change—the point where irreversible catastrophe begins.
The brick, the bottle, the fist, the fire: Fierce resistance by the oppressed makes for a better story than the drudgery and temporizing of lawmaking and coalition building, and it may seem morally purer than being assisted by people whose work is propelled by their own sense of justice or compassion.
He is a touchingly perfect representative—far more than the prickly Voltaire—of a certain French intellectual kind not entirely vanished: ambitious, ironic, obsessed with sex to a hair-raising degree (he wrote a whole novella devoted to the secret testimony of women's genitalia), while gentle and loving in his many and varied amorous connections; possessed of a taste for sonorous moralizing abstraction on the page and an easy temporizing feel for worldly realism in life; and ferociously aggressive in literary assault while insanely thin-skinned in reaction, littering long stretches of skillful social equivocation with short bursts of astonishing courage.
Immediate initial therapy is the administration of calcium, either as calcium gluconate or calcium chloride. This stabilizes the electrochemical potential of cardiac myocytes, thereby preventing the development of fatal arrhythmias. This is, however, only a temporizing measure. Other temporizing measures may include nebulized salbutamol, intravenous insulin (usually given in combination with glucose), and sodium bicarbonate which all temporarily drive potassium into the interior of cells.
Delarc) Tome IX (1274–1378) )Paris: Leclere 1873), pp. 437-438. In this new regime the traditional procedure of the Inquisition was made milder by temporizing with the accused who persisted in error, by granting defendants a fair amount of liberty, and by improving the prison regime.
Renner, Inflation and the Enforcement of Contracts, 1999, p. 20. At least one modern commentator has characterized the decision "temporizing and cautious". Another has observed that the ruling never attempts to distinguish legitimate inflation from speculation or economic bubbles.Levy, "A Legal History of Irrational Exuberance," Case Western Reserve Law Review],' Summer 1998, p. 837, note 165.
Aristeides Papadakis, "Peter Mongos", The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, ed. Alexander P. Kazhdan (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005). After two years of prevarication and temporizing by Acacius, Pope Felix III of Rome condemned the act and excommunicated Acacius (484), although this was largely ignored in Constantinople, even after the death of Acacius in 489. Zeno died in 491.
Plasmapheresis may be used to decrease viscosity in the case of myeloma, whereas leukapheresis or phlebotomy may be employed in a leukemic or polycythemic crisis, respectively. Blood transfusions should be used with caution as they can increase serum viscosity. Hydration is a temporizing measure to employ while preparing pheresis. Even after treatment, the condition will recur unless the underlying disorder is treated.
The views of the Reformers had spread in his diocese, and he was suspected of temporizing with them. He resigned (1550) in favor of the Dominican Egidio Foscherari, reserving to himself an annual pension and the patronage of livings. Later, he founded the diocesan seminary. On 11 December 1553, he opted for the titulus of San Lorenzo in Lucina,Cardinal-Priests of San Lorenzo in Lucina which meant a greater income.
A break in tempo often indicates that a player has an unexpected problem in bidding or play. ;Temporizing bid: Waiting bid. ;Tenace: A broken sequence of (often) honor cards, such as A Q or K J. Declarer may lead toward his or dummy's tenace, preparing to finesse for a missing card. A defender may lead through declarer's or dummy's tenace to help his partner score cards behind the tenace.
131 (February 8, 1903), pg. 1. Public ridicule of this sort at the expense of erstwhile comrades did little to advance the goal of a united Socialist Party of Washington. To his supporters, on the other hand, Titus's unflinching salvos at the temporizing half-measures of others were red meat for the faithful. The Socialist Party of Washington did not limit itself to dry group meetings and polemicizing in the party press.
However, no civil rights legislation was passed until a weak bill in 1957.James T. Patterson, Grand Expectations: The United States, 1945–1974 (1996) pp. 148–164, 413. During the 1960s, relations between white liberals and the civil rights movement became increasingly strained as civil-rights leaders accused liberal politicians of temporizing and procrastinating, although they realized they needed the support of liberal Northern Democrats and Republicans for the votes to pass any legislation over Southern obstructionism.
As a temporizing measure, the USAF in 1949 committed US$8 million to implement over 100 upgrades to all F-84Bs, most notably reinforcing the wings. Despite the resultant improvements, the F-84B was withdrawn from active duty by 1952. The F-84C featured a somewhat more reliable J35-A-13 engine and had some engineering refinements. Being virtually identical to the F-84B, the C model suffered from all of the same defects and underwent a similar structural upgrade program in 1949.
Britain, an ally of Russia, had been temporizing without a clear show of support. The Shah decided to respond to Napoleon's offers, sending a letter carried by ambassador Mirza Mohammed Reza-Qazvini (Mirza Riza) to the court of Napoleon, then in Tilsit in eastern Prussia.A History of Persia by Percy Molesworth Sykes p.402 In his instructions to the ambassador, the Shah explained that: The Shah also clearly considered helping France in the invasion of India: The Shah however denied the possibility of providing a port to the French "on they way to Hindustan".
Oxygen can then be administered through this catheter via jet insufflation. However, while needle cricothyrotomy may be life-saving in extreme circumstances, this technique is only intended to be a temporizing measure until a definitive airway can be established. While needle cricothyrotomy can provide adequate oxygenation, the small diameter of the cricothyrotomy catheter is insufficient for elimination of carbon dioxide (ventilation). After one hour of apneic oxygenation through a needle cricothyrotomy, one can expect a PaCO2 of greater than 250 mm Hg and an arterial pH of less than 6.72, despite an oxygen saturation of 98% or greater.
A radical turn of the Communist International away from temporizing with non-communist nationalist movements paved the way for Sultan- Zade's return to the political leadership of the Persian Communist Party in 1927. In that year Sultan-Zade was once again made part of the governing Central Committee of the Communist Party of Persia, marking a return to the leadership circle of that organization. Sultan-Zade was again elected a delegate to the 6th World Congress of the Comintern, held in Moscow in 1928. Sultan-Zade was removed from the leadership of the Persian Communist Party in 1932 and later expelled.
How and what to feed are determined by the extent of bowel involved, the need for surgical intervention and the infant's clinical appearance. Where the disease is not halted through medical treatment alone, or when the bowel perforates, immediate emergency surgery to resect the dead bowel is generally required, although abdominal drains may be placed in very unstable infants as a temporizing measure. Surgery may require a colostomy, which may be able to be reversed at a later time. Some children may suffer from short bowel syndrome if extensive portions of the bowel had to be removed.
Duke of Guise during the Day of the Barricades, by Paul Lehugeur, 19th century In the French Wars of Religion, the Day of the Barricades (in ), 12 May 1588, was an outwardly spontaneous public uprising in staunchly Catholic Paris against the moderate, hesitant, temporizing policies of Henry III. It was in fact called forth by the "Council of Sixteen", representing the sixteen quartiers of Paris, led by Henri, duc de Guise, head of the Catholic League, and coordinated in detail by Philip II of Spain's ambassador, Bernardino de Mendoza. Jensen deciphered for the first time many of Mendoza's dispatches.
In consequence of St. Francis's severe requirements concerning the practice of poverty, his followers divided into two branches, the Zelanti, or Spirituals, and the Relaxati, known later as the Conventuals. The origin of the Fraticelli and the cause of their growth within and without the Franciscan Order must be sought in the history of the zelanti or "Spirituals". In the eighteenth century the zelanti were the supporters of the Jesuits in the long controversy that led the suppression of the Jesuits in 1767-73. At the Papal conclave of 1774-1775 the College of Cardinals was generally divided into two blocs: curial, pro-Jesuit zelanti and political, temporizing faction, anti-Jesuit.
Additionally, crystalloids have an acidic pH, and the administration of large quantities of isotonic or slightly hypertonic crystalloid solutions such as 0.9% normal saline or Lactated Ringer's can cause or aggravate metabolic acidosis, another component of the "Triad of Death" leading to a decrease in myocardial (heart muscle) function. It is important to remember that permissive hypotension is a temporizing measure to improve outcomes until the source of bleeding is controlled. There are issues associated with prolonged permissive hypotension (> 90 min considered prolonged where detrimental effects outweigh benefits according to most recent animal studies - no human data available to date)Li, T, et al. Anesthesiology. 2011, 114:111-9) that must be taken to account.
A cricothyrotomy (also called cric, crike, thyrocricotomy, cricothyroidotomy, inferior laryngotomy, intercricothyrotomy, coniotomy or emergency airway puncture) is an incision made through the skin and cricothyroid membrane to establish a patent airway during certain life-threatening situations, such as airway obstruction by a foreign body, angioedema, or massive facial trauma. Cricothyrotomy is nearly always performed as a last resort in cases where orotracheal and nasotracheal intubation are impossible or contraindicated. Cricothyrotomy is easier and quicker to perform than tracheotomy, does not require manipulation of the cervical spine, and is associated with fewer complications. However, while cricothyrotomy may be life-saving in extreme circumstances, this technique is only intended to be a temporizing measure until a definitive airway can be established.
It was Acacius and his followers who had managed the whole proceeding from the outset. By coming forward as advocates of temporizing methods, they had inspired the Eusebian or Semi-Arian party with the idea of throwing over Atius and his Anomoeans. As they had proved themselves in practice all through the course of the unlooked-for movement that brought them to the front, so were they now, in theory, the exponents of the Via Media of their day. The Acacians separated themselves from the Athanasians and Niceans, by the rejection of the word "homoousios"; from the Semi-Arians by their surrender of the "homoiousios"; and from the Aetians by their insistence upon the term homoios.
The activism put civil rights at the very top of the liberal political agenda and facilitated passage of the decisive Civil Rights Act of 1964 which permanently ended segregation in the United States and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which guaranteed blacks the right to vote, with strong enforcement provisions throughout the South handled by the federal Department of Justice.James T. Patterson, Grand Expectations: The United States, 1945–1974 (Oxford University Press 1996) pp 482–85, 542–46Harvard Sitkoff, The Struggle for Black Equality (2nd ed. Hill and Wang, 2008), pp 152–53 During the mid-1960s, relations between white liberals and the civil rights movement became increasingly strained as civil rights leaders accused liberal politicians of temporizing and procrastinating.
The news presented Lincoln—already overburdened by many other highly dangerous problems—with an extremely exasperating dilemma. If he ordered Federal forces to attack the fortifications which were going up on the southern bank of the Potomac, he would assuredly offend many still loyal, but wavering, Virginians and would influence them to vote to withdraw from the Union in the forthcoming plebiscite on their state convention's ordinance of secession. On the other hand, if he did not move against the new batteries before they had been completed and strengthened, he would place Union use of the Potomac—and thus the National Capital and the whole Union cause—in grave jeopardy. Temporizing, the President decided to leave all Virginia territory—riverside guns notwithstanding—inviolate until the people of that state had spoken.
For Spargo, the ideal of "one big union" meant in practice "authoritarianism and bureaucracy" and "the creation of a despotic industrial State in place of a political State." He asked his readers, "If all the unions are to be centralized in one big union and its power centralized in the hands of a single authority, can the government of society by that union be other than democratic?"Spargo, Syndicalism, Industrial Unionism and Socialism, New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1913; pp. 39-40. While many adhering to the syndicalist and revolutionary socialist ideals of the SPA's left wing exited the party following their defeat at the 1912 National Convention and the successful recall of "Big Bill" Haywood from the party's National Executive Committee, there remained a strong radical current in the party, dissatisfied with the temporizing parliamentarism of the party majority.
Public ridicule of this sort at the expense of erstwhile comrades did little to advance the goal of a united Socialist Party of Washington. To his supporters, on the other hand, Titus's unflinching salvos at the temporizing half-measures of others were red meat for the faithful. Local Seattle was deeply divided between radical and moderate faction, with some branches, such as Titus's Pike Street Branch, dominated by the left wing, while others, such as the Finnish branch and (after 1903) Central Branch, were firmly on the side of the centrist forces which had steadily come to dominate the national Socialist Party. Pike Street Branch included radical true-believers such as Alfred Wagenknecht (future head of the Communist Labor Party), Elmer Allison (future editor of the Communist Party weekly, The Toiler), and Emil Herman (a political prisoner during World War I and Socialist Party organizer after his release).
28–30 This confirms the subject as not present to itself and constituted on becoming space, in temporizing and also, as Saussure said, that "language [which consists only of differences] is not a function of the speaking subject": Questioned this myth of the presence of meaning in itself ("objective") and/or for itself ("subjective") Derrida will start a long deconstruction of all texts where conceptual oppositions are put to work in the actual construction of meaning and values based on the subordination of the movement of "": But, as Derrida also points out, these relations with other terms express not only meaning but also values. The way elemental oppositions are put to work in all texts it is not only a theoretical operation but also a practical option. The first task of deconstruction, starting with philosophy and afterwards revealing it operating in literary texts, juridical texts, etc., would be to overturn these oppositions:Cf.

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