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260 Sentences With "sunk into"

How to use sunk into in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sunk into" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sunk into". Mastering all the usages of "sunk into" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In the 1920s Britain had sunk into an economic slump.
It was as if I'd sunk into a black well.
And the concern has sunk into the professional military class.
Instead, it's quietly sunk into the annals of hedonistic history.
When the stanchions of your life have sunk into the muck?
We're also curious how much money Nvidia sunk into the show.
Alaska has been erased as if it sunk into the sea.
It sunk into Kim's heart, and she decided: this is her thing.
It is worth perhaps one-tenth of the €3bn sunk into it.
Tall, vintage Victorian houses have tipped, sunk into the liquefaction prone ground.
I feel cradled, but not like I've sunk into a foam pit.
They have sunk into themselves because there is nowhere else to go.
German yields across all maturities, worth $1.2 trillion, have sunk into negative territory.
I closed my eyes and sunk into the water up to my chin.
Some economists speculated that the global economy had sunk into long-term stagnation.
Gold has sunk into a correction, and some forecast further downside to come.
Scaling his chest is a tiger with its claws sunk into his neck.
Marberth Moses's house sunk into the ground when Hurricane Harvey hit Houston last August.
A lot of time and resources are sunk into developing better leaders within organizations.
A bulldozer is sunk into a hole dug by an artillery blast or airstrike.
The following morning the whole thing is gone, as if sunk into the sea.
"The clawbacks will never let you recover what you sunk into it," Kenney says.
They sunk into the emotions of their characters, and found it hard to emerge.
In an election campaign which has sunk into smear and sleaze, Macron on Feb.
Meanwhile, Joanie 4 Jackie had quietly sunk into oblivion and was no longer active.
Since then, overwhelmed by billions in U.S. "aid," the country has sunk into kleptocracy.
It was announced on Thursday that Hong Kong had officially sunk into a recession.
He told Vogue in March that he sunk into a deep depression while on tour.
Buxton, who is semi-retired, said most of her money is sunk into the house.
Alice (Olivia Dudley) has sunk into a deep depression and does something drastic to cope.
Ahlam sunk into a deep depression in the months after his abduction, said her oldest daughter.
But one investment—$20m sunk into Alibaba—is regarded as one of the best in history.
The share of its capital sunk into industry has risen from a third to over half.
Some were so upset that they sunk into transphobic and homophobic remarks about She-Ra's appearance.
And a good deal of money's already been sunk into efforts to make condoms physically better.
They jumped at the open on Tuesday but had sunk into negative territory by late afternoon.
Since then, however, the economy has sunk into recession and faced a series of downbeat data.
Since 2008, much of the world has sunk into these special Keynesian circumstances (thereby making them general).
It's unclear exactly how many millions of dollars the government sunk into the shelter at Carrizo Springs.
I kept a heat pad wrapped around my neck and sunk into my couch on those days.
Their disappearance coincided with reports that a vehicle had sunk into the Eel River in Northern California.
Oil price shocksThe US first sunk into a recession on account of an oil spike in 1973.
"I think he liked Cinderella the best because he just sunk into her lap," the puppy raiser says.
"It was the first thing that came into my head," he told me, sunk into a leather sofa.
It sunk into the depths of his skull, pulling out the fluid in his brain, drop-by-drop.
"I think we have to struggle to remain above that cesspool that we have sunk into," said Rep.
That's true even as prices for Wyoming's Power River Basin coal have sunk into the single digits; i.e.
The company remains committed to lifting production, unsurprisingly given the amount of money already sunk into the Goro.
The result is music that feels like it was made to be sunk into, pored over—almost ingested.
If California sunk into a recession, the schedule to reach $15 by 2022 could be delayed by a year.
I sunk into a depression that led to withdrawing from school one or two credits away from a degree.
Dumping rubble, known as riprap, into the water around a bridge's piers stabilises the riverbed they are sunk into.
It's so silky and light that it almost feels like a gel, and it quickly sunk into my skin.
Britain has not sunk into recession since the June 2016 decision to leave the EU, as many economists predicted.
It isn't exactly clear how much Privateer had sunk into Tilray (we have a press request into the company).
Was it true, per The Los Angeles Times, that Trump had sunk into "a cocoon of bitterness and resentment"?
His father had just died, and the sheikh, a cousin of the king of Bahrain, had sunk into depression.
From 1961 comes what is essentially an all-black oil painting with a baking pan sunk into its surface.
That means there are paths by which Mr. Lampert can recoup some of what he has sunk into Sears.
Wood Mackenzie, a research firm, estimates that $200bn has been sunk into petrochemical businesses since 2010 in North America alone.
With his dreams crushed, my father sunk into depression and my mother doubled down on her pragmatic approach to life.
Oprah Winfrey sunk into a period of depression at age 44 — and she can pinpoint the moment when it happened.
Prodigy was sold in 1996 for a fifth of the collective $1 billion Sears and IBM had sunk into it.
The lucky 14 of us sunk into a deep relief (sleep) like we'd gotten a life raft on the Titanic.
She was paralyzed; she had no teeth; her eyes had sunk into her skull; her skin was like India rubber.
He could lose the property along with the money he's sunk into appraisals and fees, according to The Washington Post.
The gas appears to have sunk into basements -- similar to the attack in 2013 -- where children and families were sheltering.
Since that initial rush, however, O'Rourke has steadily sunk into the morass of a race with nearly two dozen candidates.
Ishigami is also keen on structures that are built in — or rather dug out of or sunk into — the earth.
What Steyer does not include in his philanthropic push are the millions he's sunk into politics over the past decade.
The helicopter crash-landed in the East River, flipped upside down and then sunk into the cold water, authorities said.
The chain closed some outlets last year, and is selling assets, such as land, after it sunk into deep losses.
There's no art that's like dispensable or destroyable, but I think that one sunk into the people more than even knew.
The painting "U Shape Sung" (2016), for example, features the top half of the word "ANGELS" sunk into its lopsided composition.
His boots sunk into the soft mud at every hop, coming out with loud sucking sounds as he ripped them free.
The team has just finished their morning walk-through and the players are sunk into plush cushioned seats near center court.
The opposition Labour Party has sunk into ever-deeper chaos under Jeremy Corbyn, who now faces a leadership challenge (see article).
Not far away was a large iron ring, sunk into the mud, which marked the top of an old freshwater well.
The index, which had sunk into bear market territory this week, hit 2501.63,408.893 on Wednesday - its lowest since late April 2408.89.
Muammar el-Qaddafi, the country has sunk into lawlessness, with myriad militias vying for influence and an emerging Islamic State affiliate.
It feels incredible going on, and leaves behind an amazing scent of bitter oranges long after it's sunk into your skin.
Archeologists have found mammoths sunk into in the LaBrea tarpits, but on Bojack, the elephants walk around alive, trudging through sorrow.
But instead of defeating the rebels, the campaign has sunk into a grinding stalemate, systematically obliterating Yemen's already bare-bones economy.
In addition to his demonstrable indecency, cruelty and lack of civility, President Trump has jealously sunk into the depths of pettiness.
Even sometimes just watching a documentary about Oasis and seeing some of the backstage conversation, that sunk into my head somewhere.
Micron shares have sunk into bear market territory, and one chart watcher says the semiconductor stock could extend its painful losses.
"He was raised in Japan and the idea that childrearing is a woman's job has sunk into his bones," Ms Kawakami laments.
" Many of the stocks that have sunk into earnings have had "so much short interest," Weinig said Wednesday on CNBC's "Trading Nation.
America's stature in the world of nations has sunk into the pits, and our credibility as a world power has been destroyed.
They built a small house, a pen for their sheep, and a winery sunk into the ground, to keep the temperature stable.
Venezuela has sunk into economic and political turmoil under Maduro's socialist government, with inflation seen rising to 10 million percent this year.
On Monday, we got our first look at how much Google has sunk into grandiose ventures outside of its core Internet operations.
He described the Obama order as a common-sense measure to prevent taxpayer money from being sunk into projects threatened by flooding.
Agricultural towns in Venezuela's interior have sunk into subsistence, as the collapse of the road system and gasoline shortages decimated domestic trade.
Repsol has been reducing its exposure to Venezuela, whose oil-rich economy has sunk into crisis under the government of President Nicolas Maduro.
Made of tin or palm fronds, these conceal simple pit latrines—concrete rings sunk into holes in the ground, with toilets on top.
Now Brazil has sunk into a deep political, moral and economic crisis, its former president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, heading for jail.
Her indignant comments about the event might have sunk into obscurity, along with my speech, had they not been republished by The Guardian.
" As a senior venture capitalist sunk into the water next to us, still holding his Blackberry, the man whispered conspiratorially, "C'est une revolution.
Lawanda and I sunk into a small, rickety table by the window while Ross ordered us fried conch with rice, a Bahamian speciality.
I left the table at the right time, before I sunk into the abyss of gambling that has consumed so many before me.
The $2 mil he sunk into Ten Thirty One during Season 5 was -- at the time -- the largest investment on the show ever.
A GoPro Odyssey sunk into the backseat of his friend Daniel Lynas' car captured the 360° footage, which Fish stitched together with Google Jump.
Most Aussies dabble sensibly enough, but almost half of the money sunk into the pokies is spent by problem gamblers, often from poor areas.
""Despite the fact that nuclear weapons issues are in the newspaper almost daily, for most Americans they have sunk into the background of things.
The footage showed debris of houses strewn across the ground, structures leveled or sunk into the water, boats dislodged, trees damaged and roads obstructed.
We'd sunk into one of those heavy, post-dinner conversations, one that involved an exciting exchange of ideas about spirituality, religion, modernism, and books.
With their life savings sunk into SWIM and a lack of clear leadership, the Handy family business is now on the brink of closure.
For all the time and money sunk into the project, some in the architecture community question whether Apple has focused on the right ends.
Emerging market stocks have sunk into correction territory, and they may feel further pain as the fundamental backdrop for owning them has gotten sapped.
Meanwhile, I sunk into listlessness and hopelessness, started skimping on personal hygiene, and nurtured an angry grudge against both the fertile and gainfully employed.
I've found it really hard to write about Manchester by the Sea, because it sunk into my bones so deeply it's hard to extract.
Qatari investors bought P.S.G. in 2011 and made clear then that relative domination was the expected payback for all the money sunk into the club.
Some mining companies have said any resumption of ore shipments could undermine metal prices and hurt investments that have already been sunk into processing plants.
It's apparent that since Sable, Qual has not found hope but has sunk into even greater despair on the new twelve-inch EP, Cupio Dissolvi.
Africa's most industrialised economy has sunk into recession and had its credit rating downgraded to junk by two of the three main credit rating agencies.
Oil-rich Venezuela has sunk into crisis under Socialist President Nicolas Maduro, who has damaged the economy through state interventions while clamping down on political opponents.
Since natural gas was first observed bubbling from a rice paddy in coastal Louisiana in 1901, thousands of oil wells have been sunk into the wetlands.
For anxious investors, Google X was also shorthand for the company's freewheeling spending — money sunk into initiatives that are unproven or that flopped, like Google Glass.
"Despite the fact that nuclear weapons issues are in the newspaper almost daily, for most Americans they have sunk into the background of things," said Wellerstein.
The readily available backdrops and billions in brand money sunk into the city allow for Dubai-based influencers to operate in a league of their own.
Turkey's lira slid as well on Tuesday, and the South African rand plunged about 3 percent on data that its economy has sunk into a recession.
I wanted to take my first sip without distraction — so, I sunk into my desk chair, took a deep breath, and popped off the to-go lid.
DC still has hundreds of millions of dollars sunk into the upcoming Justice League, in what is supposed to be its long-awaited answer to The Avengers.
That is especially so since many rich economies have sunk into a liquidity trap, in which central banks cannot continue to provide monetary stimulus by cutting rates.
The predominantly Kurdish southeast has sunk into its worst violence since the 1990s after a two-year ceasefire between the PKK and the state collapsed last July.
The big picture: Per the report, 25 states having spent less on education in 2016 than they did in 383 when the economy sunk into a recession.
The only remaining trace of the Trump design touch was the plush, wall-to-wall carpeting, the likes of which my feet haven't sunk into since 1993.
The houses in the middle of town are squat and wooden, with foundations that have sunk into the dirt and window frames painted in long-faded colors.
The proposal comes as South Africa's economy has sunk into recession, its credit rating was downgraded and politics is gripped by questions over President Jacob Zuma's stewardship.
The last time I'd gotten high — in high school — I'd listened to "Dark Side of the Moon" on giant headphones, sunk into my red vinyl beanbag chair.
In America, the industrial north defeated the agricultural south; Germany and Italy became nation states, and the multi-national Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires sunk into terminal decline.
But Getty Jr. never had his father's interest in the oil business, and when he discovered drugs while on vacation in Morocco, he sunk into a deep addiction.
Some 22015,25 upright markers were made into flat stones, and about 703,270 blocks for the unknown were sunk into the ground, increasing the risk of damage and wear.
The readings came from probes sunk into the moon in 1971 and 1972 by astronauts, and the data was collected through 1977, according to a release at Phys.
On solo bus rides to swim practice, I sunk into the movie's soundtrack, an anachronistic collection of electroclash tracks from the likes of Vitalic, Miss Kitten, and Ladytron.
AOL co-founder Steve Case told the 2017 Code Conference that 75 percent of venture capital funding is sunk into just three states: California, Massachusetts and New York.
The company, Kenya's second-largest cement maker behind LafargeHolcim's Bamburi Cement, sunk into losses in recent years after financing costs associated with an expansion drive weighed it down.
Oil rich Venezuela's economy has sunk into crisis under Maduro forcing tens of thousands of Venezuelans into neighboring countries amid hyperinflation, food and medicine shortages, and power cuts.
I walked home that morning, sunk into my couch, and gave into the sheer panic of answering the question What in the world am I supposed to do now?
But, the walls were already compromised by the time the deluge reached them: leaned over into the loose, alluvial soil, a castle wall sunk into a swamp of liquefaction.
She's cynical, bad-tempered, and often drunk because she's trying to be a hero in a world that has its teeth more than half-sunk into a different genre.
There is so much cost sunk into the road the right paved for Trump that reform in the proactive sense of the word is going to be very hard.
Some went into space, but even more of it may have sunk into the ground like a sponge, only to become bound up in minerals deep within the planet.
Unlike tax cuts, which may be saved or spent on imports and thus have less effect on GDP, money sunk into roads, schools, hospitals and the like stays put.
Almost exactly five years later, and with countless hours sunk into it, I was utterly convinced that I was the best player to ever touch a Smash Bros. game.
After only three seasons back in town, the Rams haven't sunk into the city's bones the way, say, the Packers and the Steelers have in their football-mad hometowns.
And while your home may increase in value over time, it probably won't appreciate enough to offset all of the money you've sunk into it over the years, he explains.
In the 19th century, Londoners headed 80 miles east to Margate, Kent, for healing waters and holiday vibes; by the 1970s, the town had sunk into a sea of neglect.
It hooked me on Sunday here at the Sosnoff Theater at the 2018 Bard SummerScape festival, which is offering a rare production of an opera that has sunk into obscurity.
But the new tax records offer the most complete portrait yet of just how much Steyer, the biggest Democratic donor in recent cycles, has sunk into these political advocacy efforts.
The Socialist-inspired movement of the late President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela led to gains in education and health care, but the country has sunk into hunger, unrest and dictatorship.
Given the personal prestige Trump has sunk into his groundbreaking summits with Kim, it's difficult to predict how the US President might react if North Korea launches a provocative test.
Last week's equities plunge is not a cause for fear — in fact, it's an opportunity to buy, some investment analysts said Monday as global stock markets sunk into the red.
The door opens to a flowing great room where posts support a tongue-and-groove ceiling and where dry rock-faced garden beds are sunk into the oak-plank floor.
So when news broke that the record-setting heat over the last year caused the permafrost that the vault is sunk into to melt and seep inside, it was obviously alarming.
But, once we sunk into the routine, we actually found that we loved the way our newly-liberated breasts looked in clothing (and, more importantly, the surprising confidence boost that followed).
"A lot of people in Kentucky actually get their water from wells that are sunk into flooded, abandoned mines," explained Erik Olson, a policy analyst for the Natural Resource Defense Council.
Yet few visitors would know that all the water in their taps comes from boreholes sunk into aquifers - underground reservoirs of freshwater that are also used by residents, businesses and agriculture.
"The tunnel, in which millions of dollars have been invested, money which instead of being invested to lighten the desperate situation of the people, has sunk into the sand," he added.
South Africa has just sunk into recession, had its credit rating downgraded, and is echoing to calls for President Jacob Zuma to resign, which he shows no sign of doing so.
Unlike chronically lonely people, those who are situationally lonely — a good example is a first-semester college student who is removed from her friends and family — haven't sunk into learned passivity.
More from Ben Hubbard, David Kirkpatrick, Kate Kelly and Mark Mazzetti of the NYT: One former detainee, forced to wear a tracking device, has sunk into depression as his business collapses.
The further I walked down it, the further I sunk into my memory until I felt like I might actually step into my past when I emerged on the other side.
He and Baldwin, whom he married in the fall, recently covered the March issue of Vogue, where Bieber explained for the first time that he sunk into a deep depression on tour.
Strictly in commercial terms, the movie will also need to perform awfully well internationally to justify the king's ransom sunk into a project that credits Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin among its producers.
I apply a small amount of Green Defense in the morning after my moisturizer has sunk into my skin, and shortly after (the company recommends 15 minutes), I head out the door.
Pipes almost 100 feet long have been sunk into the ground at roughly three-foot intervals, and filled with a brine solution supercooled to minus 30 degrees Celsius, or minus 22 Fahrenheit.
He and Baldwin, whom he married in the fall, recently covered the March issue of Vogue, where Bieber explained for the first time that he sunk into a deep depression on tour.
While Kennedy has remained open since Friday morning, parts of it had sunk into complete dysfunction, with planes full of passengers sitting for several hours on taxiways with no place to go.
I probably accounted for most of the game's rentals at my local video store, with hours sunk into fighting my friends and just as many wading through the game's single-player modes.
Olivera and his wife Diana Aponte, 73, sheltered from the storm inside their home -- it's built on concrete stilts sunk into the hillside, and Aponte feared it would slide into the ravine.
In the industry at large, the incentive is to keep producing "as flat out as you can", once investment costs have been sunk into the ground, says Simon Henry, Shell's chief financial officer.
According to the cannabis advisory firm Viridian Capital Advisors, biotech companies, led by GW, were responsible for more than half of the roughly $400 million investors sunk into the marijuana industry in 2015.
I sunk into a fog after the White House; I was used to being on call constantly, and when I had nothing to do and no one to serve, I got really depressed.
The issue — triggered by a public watchdog's recommendation — comes just as South Africa's economy has sunk into recession, its credit rating downgraded and politics is gripped by questions over President Jacob Zuma's stewardship.
Kenya Airways sunk into losses in 2013 after costly purchases of aircraft coincided with a slump in tourism and business travel to Kenya after a spate of attacks by Somalia-based Islamist militants.
Most important, the fetal surgery had quickly reversed a dangerous condition in which part of Charley's brain stem had sunk into his spinal canal, which could have led to physical and cognitive disabilities.
On the region's main highway back to Yellowknife, entire guardrails have sunk into the roadbed, and a ribbon of asphalt that was once entirely flat now swells and dips because of thawing permafrost.
There are musical performances, a film festival and even tzatziki competitions on the terrace, which has a stunning view of the volcanic caldera where Atlantis was believed to have sunk into the sea.
"I had sent Taylor an email thanking her for all of the years of advice on love and on life and for that song, which had sunk into my heart," Mr. Goldschmidt said.
It's the last week of December, and hopefully that means you have your OOO auto-reply on and are currently sunk into your couch, burritoed in a fuzzy blanket with no plans of moving.
Not only must that money be set aside for the Federal Reserve, even though it is not needed to ensure the Fed's viability, it now must be sunk into a loser of an investment.
Massive superhero franchises have so much money sunk into them and are so important to the future of the film studios that make them that said studios essentially can't afford to let them fail.
"Most dealers have their entire net worth sunk into a dealership so it was important for us to know what's going on," Santosh Viswanathan, managing partner with Willis Ford in Smyrna, Delaware, told Reuters.
Which explains why she was spending a snowy Friday sunk into the pink velvet couch of Rosa Bluestone Perr, a tattoo artist with a private studio in the Prospect-Lefferts Gardens neighborhood of Brooklyn.
But this year the "New Fujimorism" movement that Keiko spent more than a decade carefully cultivating has itself sunk into scandal, putting one of Latin America's best known political dynasties back on life support.
Israel is among U.S.-aligned powers that rallied to Guaido after he declared himself Venezuela's leader last month in a power struggle with socialist President Nicolas Maduro, under whom the country has sunk into poverty.
As the rest of the world was beginning to move on, the depth of what had happened truly hit him, and he sunk into a deep despair, that would likely today be considered clinical depression.
"It became clear to me after 10 years of mounting exhibitions how much time, effort and money was sunk into them for a short-lived result," Mr. Katz told The New York Times in 1984.
Venezuela has sunk into turmoil under Maduro with food shortages and protests amid an economic and political crisis that has sparked mass emigration and inflation that is seen rising to 10 million percent this year.
Still reeling from low oil prices, a currency crisis, and expensive wars against militants blowing up its pipelines in the south and Boko Haram rampaging in the north, the country's economy has sunk into recession.
If we knew how much Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable cost to produce, it would probably set a benchmark for how much money can be sunk into something so visually brash and un-compelling.
Venezuela has sunk into turmoil under Maduro with food shortages and daily protests amid an economic and political crisis that has sparked mass emigration and inflation that is seen rising to 10 million percent this year.
Under Maduro, Venezuela has sunk into turmoil with food shortages and daily protests amid an economic and political crisis that has sparked mass emigration and inflation that is seen rising to 10 million percent this year.
Seacom, a 14,000 km-long cable sunk into the ocean bed, is one of five major undersea cables that have had a dramatic impact in accelerating Africa's access to international bandwidth in the past five years.
The narrator introduces us to Jimmy O'Reilly (Alexander Leonhartsberger), a hollow-cheeked man in baggy pants, tracksuit top and beanie who has sunk into a deep depression since the death of his father a year earlier.
That report will likely shed light on how much Scott has sunk into the race himself, considering that by mid-June, he had already booked $11 million on television advertising, according to the Tampa Bay Times.
Venezuela has sunk into turmoil under Maduro, with food shortages and protests amid an economic and political crisis that has led millions to leave the country and with inflation seen rising to 10 million percent this year.
Sure, he went on to record a series of laidback chill out records as part of a group named Mystic Diversion, but the fame he deserved largely eluded him, and he sunk into the sands of time.
That rock—trapped underwater on a toxic planet billions of years ago that we wouldn't even recognize as our home—melted, solidified, rose in mountains, sunk into lava over billions of years and formed the Earth we know.
They and other scientists say SARS should have been seen as a coronavirus warning shot, not an isolated outbreak, and it should have triggered federal investments like the billions sunk into flu vaccines a decade or so earlier.
Geely claims that as much as 25 percent of a car's cost can be sunk into dealerships, so while it will have flagship stores around the world, its primary distribution method for Lynk & Co cars will be direct.
While the Publius essays have become known as "The Federalist Papers," and are revered as trenchant commentaries on the nature of democracy and the American Constitution, Brutus's essays—sometimes called the Anti-Federalist Papers—have sunk into obscurity.
After burning for a week on open water, an Iranian tanker that was carrying 136,000 tons of oil finally sunk into a part of the Pacific Ocean caught in a territorial tug-of-war between China and Japan.
Job hiring confidence in the United Kingdom's crucial financial services sector has sunk into negative territory for the first time since the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, according to a survey compiled by the recruitment firm ManpowerGroup.
While it's not always clear how much cash each individual celebrity has sunk into startups, given that they're usually participating in much larger funding rounds, we do know how often they've had their names attached to a deal.
Why would Michael R. Bloomberg step aside, before the states he is contesting have even voted, with hundreds of millions of dollars already sunk into his bid and a conviction that he is the man for the job?
And every time I played, I almost always earned a few levels and one of Epic's wonderfully designed cosmetic rewards from my seasonal battle pass, making any amount of time I sunk into the game feel worth it.
"Imagine Pennywise knowing you have a kink for body horror and fucks you with his rows of teeth shown, maybe sunk into your shoulder, and his claws ripping into the bed beneath you," reads another, posted the same day.
The predominantly Kurdish southeast has sunk into violence after a two-year ceasefire between the state and the PKK collapsed last July, reviving a conflict that has crippled the region for three decades and killed more than 40,000 people.
In the video, posted by a storm chaser on WX Chasing, the debris of houses is strewn across the ground, structures are leveled or have sunk into the water, boats are dislodged, trees are damaged and roads are obstructed.
So grocery store and retail employees are scrambling to make the "labor-saving" technologies "work," at behest of management, which is well aware that many tens of thousands of dollars have been sunk into this technology, which everyone hates.
The airline then issued a statement derided as callous before its stock prices sunk into the abyss, at which point the CEO said the company was reviewing policies that led to the brutal removal and delivered an actual apology.
It was this optimistic forecast, which had largely been shared by the other major iron ore miners, Brazil's Vale and BHP Billiton, that had been used as justification for the billions of dollars sunk into expanding iron ore capacity.
As Venezuela has sunk into economic and political crisis that has brought mass emigration and hyperinflation, the EU imposed an arms embargo and sanctions on officials to decry what it views as rights violations and the rupture of democracy.
If Mr. Ossoff wins the election, Republicans can argue — with some credibility — that Georgia's Sixth was a particularly ripe opportunity for Democrats at a time when Mr. Trump's ratings among college-educated voters have sunk into the low 30s.
Algeria, Africa's largest country with over 1,000 km (600 miles) of border with Libya, has been warning about potential for violence to spill over from its neighbor which has sunk into turmoil since the 2011 fall of Muammar Gaddafi.
They know what they're looking for—orange-capped rebar that they sunk into the bank of the Oleta River—but Irma blew down the trees onto which they'd tied yellow ribbon to help them identify the sites at a distance.
For instance, I believed all the progress I've sunk into the game on PS4, including more than 700 hundred hours of Destiny 2, would remain stuck there, where a dwindling group of my friends still picked up the game every week.
Just as Japan's forgone economic clout—and the alacrity with which it lavished money on U.S. assets—was once a source of domestic alarm, the $18.4 billion the Chinese have sunk into U.S. investments this year is stoking new concerns.
While Dublin has begun recouping some of the billions of euros it sunk into its banks, the banking crisis is still a sore and hotly debated subject and former executives lined up to apologise during the often day-long hearings.
By this time, Lynx was malfunctioning—he'd bowed his head and sunk into a deep lunge suggesting an N.F.L. protester—and Kuri was having a hard time parking into its charging dock, perhaps, Capasso theorized, because of a weak WiFi signal.
Brazil was until recently one of the world's five biggest auto markets, but it has sunk into the worst recession in 25 years and business confidence has been undermined by political uncertainty and a bid to impeach President Dilma Rousseff.
While it's not a one-to-one historical simulation, Battlefield 1 takes the series' solid mechanics—I don't know how many hours I've sunk into the series since 2010's Bad Company 2—and applies them to this completely ignored setting.
The architect Tom Kundig performed a high-wire act less than a decade ago, when he designed a house in the San Juan Islands in Washington that was sunk into a rocky outcropping and partly composed of the excavated stones.
What if all the filthy lucre that's currently being sunk into the coffers of ad tech giants — and far less visible but no less privacy-trampling data brokers — is literally being sunk, and could both be more honestly and far better spent?
After so much time sunk into it, I can't bring myself to uninstall Valve's MOBA, but I know I also can't dive back in again in case it plants another spear in my heart and dominates my free time for another two years.
Launched in 2015 by the local tourism administration, China's three-year "toilet revolution" plan has reportedly resulted in 20 billion yuan ($3.03 billion) being sunk into installing and improving 68,000 toilets located at tourist destinations across the country, according to the China Daily.
He sunk into a period of drug addiction and mental illness, struggles depicted in a documentary by Johnny Depp and in interviews in national publications (see the 218 article in an Arizona newspaper that ends: "I don't care whether I live or die").
The measures caused a spike in fuel prices, enraging many transportation workers, young people and Indigenous groups, who have suffered years of economic malaise as Ecuador has sunk into billions of dollars of debt and then tried to slash its way free.
Indeed, despite the roughly $10 billion that SoftBank has sunk into WeWork, the financial loss it would take if WeWork falls apart would pale in comparison to the reputational hit Son would suffer, and you can bet there will be ripple effects.
SYDNEY, June 21 (Reuters) - Australian exports of liquefied natural gas are likely to grow strongly over the new few years despite subdued prices for the energy given the massive amount of money already sunk into projects, a top central bank official said on Tuesday.
As the murder rate has dropped across the county, the BeltLine's Eastside Trail, along which the new Kroger sits, has transformed neighborhoods around it into some of the most desirable and pricey places to live in the city thanks to millions sunk into commercial development.
The German automaker is betting big money that it can catch up: in addition to the $2.6 billion it sunk into Argo AI, VW said it would spend $91 billion to profitably mass-produce electric vehicles — a feat no carmaker has come close to achieving.
Since Disney won't comment, we will assume that the additional sum includes Vice investments that Disney owned through A&E, the TV programmer that Disney owns along with Hearst, which also backed Vice; as well as $70 million that 21st Century Fox sunk into Vice.
Recipes: Silvia's Quick Shredded Chicken; Tacos With Spicy, Smoky Lentils — Matt Brooks "The Americans" — Pasta with vodka sauce My husband and I are addicted to this spy thriller's edge-of-the-seat action (okay, let's be real, we're sunk into the sofa) and emotional resonance.
On our television, a tiny black-and-white screen sunk into a large mahogany console, an old man with a full head of white hair and an elegantly clipped mustache was beating time with his right arm and leading a furious performance of the horse music.
"Sooner or later what was happening in the luxury market was likely to catch up with the two-bed market," said Frederick Warburg Peters, the chief executive of Warburg Realty, who added that one-beds and small two-bedrooms have "sunk into the doldrums" since about four months ago.
I sunk into rewatches, replays, and revisits of things I love: Master of None and Bojack Horseman were my go-to shows; Blonde and Lemonade kept me company on nights when I only wanted to listen; games like Firewatch for when sleep was absolutely out of the question.
He cried during the second interview when he talked about his children, then he remembered all the children who had died and that it was cosmically unseemly for him to cry in public about his own; his face collapsed as he sunk into the quicksand of his own pain.
For the park's design, Mr. Diller hired the renowned British designer Thomas Heatherwick, who envisioned an undulating 2.4-acre platform that rises out of the river like a green Neverland, supported around the perimeter by clusters of Champagne-glass-shaped pots sprouting from pilings sunk into the riverbed.
A woman next to me in a tight baseball cap had sunk into a series of iPhone conversations before falling asleep with a blanket over her head, but by the end of the four-hour ride, when we could see Atlanta's jagged skyline, the bus came alive with camaraderie.
It had rattled investors, who feared a change could undermine the bank's role in keeping the financial system stable at a time when the economy has sunk into recession, the country's credit rating has been downgraded and its politics are dominated by questions over President Jacob Zuma's stewardship.
"Donald Trump will be spending the next 11 months bragging about the trade agreement he 'alone' passed, despite the political capital Democrats sunk into making sure NAFTA 2.0 was slightly better than the deal it's replacing," said Yvette Simpson, the CEO of Democracy for America, a liberal advocacy group.
From the outside, almost anyone could tell that WeWork's plan to buy up long-term leases and essentially resell them made for an overextended mess of a business model, and it's unclear what new leadership can do to salvage the $12.8 billion investors have already sunk into the venture.
For all the deep reporting and complex quantitative analysis that's been sunk into the study of the 2016 election, the best — and in some ways, most disturbing — account of what's going on comes from a recent work of political science that doesn't mention Clinton or Donald Trump at all.
"It didn't end with the Third Reich," I managed, quaveringly (This would become even more horrifyingly true after Orlando.) Ingrid called my attention to an array of other brass-topped stones sunk into the pavement at Güntzelstrasse 49, which she said she went out to polish from time to time.
This is, of course, entirely at odds with the endless interpretability of art and highlights the ways in which, even though the ethos of capitalism has sunk into the core of how we think about culture, there is still a moment in which it slips beyond the reach of the market.
The combo hadn't sunk into the kind of swaggering rapport that would define his best live recordings from this period ("Alive!" from 1970, and "Live at the Lighthouse," from 1972, both released on Blue Note), but these new albums are charged with fresh energy and a sense of rooted exploration.
"Accession" (2015) is a medium-sized photograph of four plexiglass triangles — pink, purplish blue, black, and orange — sunk into snow so perfectly white that, if not for the sliver of sky seen in the top quarter of the work, it could almost be mistaken for an unpainted swath of primed canvas.
We have terms like "ELO hell" to talk about the indeterminate spaces between "good" and "good enough," but it's hard to find discussion or even language about the deep feeling of despair at knowing that all the time you've sunk into a competitive game like Overwatch has led you to an arbitrary ending.
Just hours before Motorola was scheduled to begin the deorbiting process, Colussy was busy negotiating terms with the Department of Defense, Saudi financiers, and Motorola executives that would allow him to formally purchase the company for around $35 million, a fraction of the billions of dollars the tech giant had sunk into it.
And I wonder if any of that sort of sunk into the right-wing ... CW: I think they're a little frustrated with that, and I think that, also, there's, I don't know if they're just full of crap when they tell me this, but there's this sort of ... We're looking at 2018.
Any project is likely to cost far more than the 10 billion-plus euros sunk into the Eurofighter, the last joint fighter built, at a time when Europe is grappling with other expensive problems such as increased Islamist militancy and the influx of well over a million migrants from the Middle East and Africa.
Photo: APAfter months of tension over what, if anything, the Securities and Exchange Commission was planning to do about cryptocurrencies and the billions of dollars people have sunk into initial coin offerings—a form of barely regulated investment vehicle in which investors trade real cash for tokens in crypto-backed startups—the agency's chairman Jay Clayton has finally weighed in.
The political calculation While Trump appears almost certain to be impeached by House Democrats given the capital they have already sunk into the process, there's little sign yet that Republican support for the President is fading in a way likely to convince 20 Senate Republicans to desert him and build a two-thirds majority that would convict him in any Senate impeachment trial.
Here, the beats, courtesy of several renowned megaproducers, including Metro Boomin and Zaytoven, articulate a nice variant on the ubiquitous Atlanta synth-orchestral style; Wayne gurgles out a few amusing verses, but Chainz has sunk into a bland anonymity, often sacrificing his signature metric enjambment for the kind of blunt, straightforward punchline-rap Wayne's lesser Young Money labelmates churn out all the time.
From what was said on the airwaves to the kind of behavior that was allegedly permissible inside the walls of the studio, Fox News did not accept many of the principles that came out of the Age of Aquarius -- including, according to a number of women who worked there, the need to create corporate environments free of sexual harassment -- that arguably sunk into so many other parts of modern America.
Though Calderone sunk into a depression, she nevertheless started medical school in 1939 and went on to get her master's in public health, which led her to her second husband, Dr. Frank Calderone, who would go on to work for the World Health Organization and the UN. Here, too, she had difficulties, working part-time as a school physician and feeling frustrated that people ignored her career as they celebrated her husband's.

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