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15 Sentences With "suffering withdrawal"

How to use suffering withdrawal in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "suffering withdrawal" and check conjugation/comparative form for "suffering withdrawal". Mastering all the usages of "suffering withdrawal" from sentence examples published by news publications.

When they came back, regulars, suffering withdrawal, swarmed the truck for two weeks and the nerve damage returned.
Amid a worsening national opioid crisis, a growing number of infants are being born addicted to these narcotics and suffering withdrawal symptoms.
Anyone suffering withdrawal from last year's presidential election thriller can check all the wild and wacky boxes by focusing on the governor's race in Virginia.
People with addictions are preoccupied with soothing a craving and needing more and more to get the same effect, as well as suffering withdrawal without it.
The average hospital stay for a baby suffering withdrawal lasts about 17 days, costing more than $66,000 per child, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Anyone doubting the need for tougher accountability, and for a far more robust public health approach to address drug use, should visit one of these nurseries and see babies suffering withdrawal.
The group has no legal authority, yet detain people and then lock them in a makeshift "detox room" for two weeks, where they receive no medical attention or care while suffering withdrawal symptoms.
The proportion of babies suffering withdrawal was especially pronounced in rural counties, increasing from 21% in 2000 to 22004 to 22013% in 210 to 27.5, according to research published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.
As a growing number of U.S. babies are being born suffering withdrawal syndrome after exposure to prescription opiates or heroin in utero, rural infants appear much more at risk than city newborns, a new study suggests.
There were over 200 executives in the room, all suffering withdrawal from being off of their phones for the last three minutes, and I was going to put them through my meditation exercise whether they wanted to do it or not.
After graduation, Sang-taek and Jung-ho go to college but the others do not. A few years later, Sang-taek and Jung-ho return to find Joon-seok married to Jin-sook. He is suffering withdrawal symptoms and is abusive towards his wife as a result of being addicted to philopon. Later, he recovers from his addiction, divorces his wife, and mourns his father's death.
Phil tries to convince various people to let him out as he is suffering withdrawal symptoms, but nobody will. Janine awakens in Richard's flat and gets dressed, though they did not have sex. She returns home and tells Pat that she feels guilty, and Pat tells her not to inform Ryan. Janine fears that she is not good enough for Ryan, but he reassures her and they marry.
After her release, she was able to stay off drugs and get a job waiting tables at an International House of Pancakes (IHOP) restaurant in Marietta. After one relationship ended due to her infidelity, and a roommate, Sheila Fuller, kicked her out for stealing, she met Ashley "Red" Caudle, who was raising a young daughter on his own. The two began using meth together; Whitton, however, also became addicted to heroin. Caudle, who told Esquire he does not use that drug, was unaware she had been using it until one morning when she told him while suffering withdrawal.
Suffering withdrawal syndrome from the lack of cable, Peter straps a television-sized cardboard cutout to himself, making it appear as though his whole world is actually a television program. When Meg can no longer deal with the public scorn, she reveals that her father is really responsible for Quahog's loss of television, causing the town to turn against him. In an attempt to save Peter from further scorn and verbal attacks, Lois gives a heartfelt speech to the community about how television has kept them all from enjoying one another. Inspired by the speech, Peter drags the family to one outdoor activity after another, which quickly exhausts them.
On 21 November 1992, Patterson was arrested on suspicion of theft from a BHS department store and was taken to Stockport police station by officers from Greater Manchester Police. On arrival he told police he was a heroin user and complained of feeling unwell and suffering withdrawal symptoms, which included vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. The police fed his name into the Police National Computer that told them, incorrectly, that he was an escapee. He had in fact failed to return to prison from home leave but this false information affected police perception of him and they are believed to have suspected that his “symptoms” were at least in part a strategy to aid in his escape, and one of the three police doctors who saw him even wrote this conclusion on his custody record.

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