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103 Sentences With "sucking out"

How to use sucking out in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sucking out" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sucking out". Mastering all the usages of "sucking out" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Like the doctor sucking out the blood from a patient's neck wound.
Sucking up the shit flushed away by culture, sucking out the clean air.
There's a lot of it … There's lots of dents, holes from the liposuction sucking out.
But in media in general, I mean, here you have Facebook sucking out all the value.
Old first-aid maxims — like slitting open the wound and sucking out the venom — are now discredited.
The lazy person settles for breaking off and crushing the claws, sucking out the brains, and peeling the tail.
Whenever she gave a speech, you could hear the air sucking out of the room minutes after she started.
Federal Reserve interest rate hikes can be damaging to emerging markets, sucking out capital as risk-free U.S. rates rise.
They'll close off the pores on their leaves, called stomata, to keep the dry California air from sucking out water.
But if a snake does bite you, do not engage in the oft-dramatized process of sucking out the poison.
"This is a whole new way of measuring these wells and, by extension, sucking out more oil for less," he said.
Here's the secret to eating these successfully: Start by biting a tiny hole in the wrapper and sucking out the soup.
Pay no attention to the urban myth about sucking out the poison, and skip the so-called venom-extractor kits, he added.
Usually, the crash occurs when enough nervous investors suddenly try to cash in their investments, sucking out all of the operator's cash.
Since her self-imposed exile, Lilith has spent her days hunting down and seducing men, then sucking out their souls with a kiss.
So in the late '80s, researchers got the clever idea of sucking out the viral innards and inserting good genes to fight diseases.
We eat them with our hands, peeling off shells and sucking out brains, our lips covered with salt and our hands with grease.
It's not in their interest to do that, to make you aware of how much the time it is sucking out of your life.
It involves sucking out some of a patient's fat tissue with a liposuction needle, isolating the stem cells within, and reinjecting them into the patient's body.
There was an engineer who killed himself by crawling into the liner of a waterbed, attaching a vacuum to the nozzle, and sucking out all the air.
Is the message, then, that if you attach yourself to someone like this, they'll drag you down with them and poison you, sucking out your livelihood as well?
The NFL has done a tremendous job of sucking out every ounce of joy it possibly can from every possible facet of the game in every possible way.
The doctor dismantles Bruno's eye sockets and opens the bones of his face, as if they were a door on a hinge, and spends hours sucking out the tumor.
Southwest Flight 1380 made an emergency landing in Philadelphia on Tuesday after an engine ripped apart mid-air, shattering a window on the 4403 and nearly sucking out a passenger.
Southwest Flight 220 made an emergency landing in Philadelphia on Tuesday after an engine ripped apart mid-air, shattering a window on the 230 and nearly sucking out a passenger.
One of the most glorious aspects of indulging in a Calippo, is the juicy melty bits at the bottom of the packet that you end up sucking out of the packaging.
The procedure usually involves sucking out some of a patient's fat tissue with a liposuction needle, isolating their stem cells, and reinjecting them back into the place in their body that needs most healing.
Southwest Flight 1380 made an emergency landing in Philadelphia on Tuesday after the same type of engine ripped apart in flight, shattering a window on the Boeing Co 737 and nearly sucking out a passenger.
The decision by the Fed to ramp up the size of its balance sheet was a tacit admission that the central bank erred by shrinking its balance sheet, and unintentionally sucking out too much cash.
What I object to is when they're getting their profits because they're sucking out specialty secret information that nobody else gets, or they're getting prime placement in terms of when they show up on a search.
By infusing the lubricating oil used in Japanese sanitation trucks' vacuum equipment with a specially crafted Deo Magic scent, the aroma released during the unsavory process of sucking out sewage lines now releases a chocolate fragrance.
And when you feel like life may be sucking out your soul like a hoover that sits on every surface, drawing into every orifice and draining your insides, something like Joe Pesci's "Wise Guy" is important.
"If a lot of discriminatory data gets packed in, in other words, if that's how the world works, and the algorithm is doing nothing but sucking out information about how the world works, then the discrimination is perpetuated," she told Bloomberg.
When the papaya was fully "dilated," she placed a plastic tube called a cannula inside and attached it to a manual vacuum aspirator, a plastic, syringe-like device, sucking out the inner contents of the papaya: what, for our purposes, was the pregnancy.
During the Kelly's mission, NASA's aptly-named Fluid Shift study has been investigating this using the Russian Chibis suit—a pair of bulky rubber trousers that act like a vacuum cleaner, sucking out air around the wearers' legs to mimic the effects of gravity.
Equally ingeniously, mangroves sequester more greenhouse gases than almost any other type of forest, as well as serving as natural larders of fish, birds, fruit and the kind of snails you can eat raw by snapping their conical shells and sucking out the innards.
The number and scope of the partnerships raised fresh privacy concerns about how Facebook (man)handles user data, casting doubt on its repeat claims to have "locked down the platform" in 28/22016, when it changed some of its APIs to prevent other developers doing a 'Kogan' and sucking out masses of data via its Friends API.
American Jews have not quite abandoned Judaism — according to a Pew Research Center survey in 2013, a majority still attend a Seder for Passover and fast on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement; at weddings and funerals, people still want something Jewish — but they are being extremely idiosyncratic about it all, sucking out whatever spiritual and personal sustenance the tradition has to offer and spitting out the pits.
Pycnogonum stearnsi - Ives, 1892 SeaLifeBase. Retrieved 2011-11-22. It feeds by thrusting its proboscis into the prey animal and sucking out fluids, leaving the animal flaccid but alive.
Feeding is done by puncturing the plant's tissue with the radular tooth and sucking out the cell sap.Elysia serca Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce. Retrieved-2012-01-28.
Lesser short-nosed fruit bats are frugivorous. They prefer aromatic fruit, especially mangoes. The bats feed mainly on small fruits by sucking out the juices and soft pulp. They also eat nectar and pollen.
They feed by masticating their prey and sucking out the liquids. They are preyed upon by other vertebrates. Species of Ammotrechidae are found to be cannibalistic. Males and females dig shallow burrows for protection and nesting.
Spider mites cause damage by sucking out vital nutrients from the plant. Large populations of mites can cause irreversible damage on the plant, eventually killing the plant. However, both pests can be hosed off the cactus with water.
Journal of Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 77.16: 5794-5803. Vampirovibrio originates from the Serbian vampir (Cyrillic: вампир). meaning vampire (due to the nature of sucking out cellular contents of its prey) and vibrio referring to the bacterial genus of curved rod bacterium.
Father tries to convince Mother to have sex, but fails several times. She finally agrees, only to be bitten by a snake as soon as they get in the bed together. Father saves her by sucking out the poison, but accidentally swallows the poison himself.
Spiders in this genus are specialised spider killers. They attack potential victims by biting one of its legs and injecting toxins. It quickly retreats as the prey spider becomes paralysed. When its prey is immobile, it feeds by sucking out the victim's body fluids.
The suctorian ciliates were originally thought to have fed exclusively through myzocytosis, sucking out the cytoplasm of prey via superficially drinking straw-like pseudopodia. It is now understood that suctorians do not feed through myzocytosis, but actually, instead, manipulate and envenomate captured prey with their tentacle-like pseudopodia.
Sucking out the pus with a needle is often not sufficient. Skin abscesses are common and have become more common in recent years. Risk factors include intravenous drug use, with rates reported as high as 65% among users. In 2005 in the United States, 3.2 million people went to the emergency department for an abscess.
Treatment of a subdural hematoma depends on its size and rate of growth. Some small subdural hematomas can be managed by careful monitoring as the blood clot is eventually resorbed naturally. Others can be treated by inserting a small catheter through a hole drilled through the skull and sucking out the hematoma. Large or symptomatic hematomas require a craniotomy.
Mashed drumstick pulp commonly features in bhurta, a mixture of lightly fried or curried vegetables. Because the outer skin is tough and fibrous, drumsticks are often chewed to extract the juices and nutrients, with the remaining fibrous material discarded. Others describe a slightly different method of sucking out the flesh and tender seeds and discarding the tube of skin.
A protective web is spun to cover the eggs. When the larvae hatch, they drop down into the water where they develop until pupation. They use their mouthparts to parasitize Spongillidae freshwater sponges (e.g. of the genus Spongilla, hence the name "spongillaflies") and Phylactolaemata freshwater bryozoans by stinging into the host animals' body and sucking out cell contents.
These aphids are well-camouflaged and the wingless females tend to aggregate. They are found on small green twigs, older brown twigs and small woody branches. They prefer shady locations in the lower parts of the canopy, sometimes reaching densities of 80 insects per of branch. The insects feed by pushing their mouthgparts into the bark and sucking out the sap.
Tsubasa's comforting words, as well as a clumsy attempt to fondle her breasts, bring Koyomi's spirits up enough to face Kiss-shot in a fight. Kiss-shot and Koyomi face off in the Tokyo Olympic stadium. They repeatedly tear each other's limbs and heads off, but then regenerate their appendages back. Finally, Koyomi weakens Kiss-shot by sucking out her blood.
The planthopper feeds on its host by inserting its stylet into a leaf and sucking out the phloem sap. Excess fluid is excreted as honeydew and sooty mould grows on it. The plant's vigour is reduced through the loss of sap and the reduction in photosynthesis resulting from the sooty mould. Brown patches appear on the leaves, which may also become discoloured.
It's also not unheard of for a victim to become erotically fixated on their attacker. Although uncommon, it is theoretically possible for a survivor to begin the transformation if they die before the enzyme leaves their system naturally. Additionally, it is possible for practiced vampires to drain a victim dry and not turn them by carefully sucking out the enzyme.
Cyril Hanouna has often received satirical awards from Gérards de la Télévision: Industrial Mistake Award 2007, Worst Presenter 2013 and 2014, The presenter Who Doesn't Need Drugs 2016. Gérard de la télévision - List of prizewinners 2016 , ' In February 2016, he was drawn by Charlie Hebdo as a mosquito sucking out children's brains. «Le virus qui rend con» : Charlie Hebdo se paie Cyril Hanouna , '
The large necklace shell lives buried in the sand and gravel of the lower shore and the neritic zone to depths of 125 metres. It feeds on bivalve molluscs, penetrating their shells with its proboscis and sucking out the contents. Egg capsules are laid in a spirally wound collar of jelly embedded with sand grains. The remains of these may be found on the beach.
Also, Cocktail sauce, mayonnaise and hot sauce are sometimes used. The seafood is scooped onto large trays or plates and eaten by hand. During times when crawfish are not abundant, shrimp and crabs are prepared and served in the same manner. Attendees are encouraged to "suck the head" of a crawfish by separating the abdomen of the crustacean and sucking out the abdominal fat/juices.
The lady's name is Agnes (Boyle) and she is a witch. Ashton is drugged and awakens on an operating table guarded by Agnes's demonic dog. Meanwhile, Agnes coats his body in butter before eating parts of his body and eventually sucking out his youth (which restores her youth in turn). Eventually, Hansel and Gretel begin searching for Ashton, but they are ridiculed by the police and the trail ends with Agnes.
Most of this material is swallowed but larger particles are discarded. Species dwelling in crevices are able to withdraw their introverts, blocking the crevice entrance with their thickened trunks and presumably ingesting any food they have snared at the same time. One species, Thysanocardia procera is thought to be carnivorous, gaining entrance in some way to the interior of the sea mouse Aphrodita aculeata and sucking out its liquefied contents.
Bill returns soon after; he had chased down members of the FotS. He reveals to Sookie that Eric's insistence on sucking out the bullets was just a ruse to get her to ingest some of his blood--now he will have a connection with her. Sookie is furious at Eric. She is also angry at Bill because he killed someone and did not check on her before beginning his pursuit of the FotS.
Aquatic invertebrates that feed on toad tadpoles include dragonfly larvae, diving beetles and water boatmen. These usually avoid the noxious secretion by puncturing the tadpole's skin and sucking out its juices. Infected with larvae of Lucilia bufonivora, Poland A parasitic fly, Lucilia bufonivora, attacks adult common toads. It lays its eggs on the toad's skin and when these hatch, the larvae crawl into the toad's nostrils and eat its flesh internally with lethal consequences.
Draculoides bramstokeri is a small, troglobite, Australian arachnid. Often mistaken for a spider, D. bramstokeri is a schizomid — a small, soil-dwelling invertebrate that walks on six legs and uses two modified front legs as feelers. It uses large fang-like pedipalps, or pincers, to grasp invertebrate prey and crunch it into pieces before sucking out the juices. Named for this method of dispatching victims and after Bram Stoker, the author of Dracula.
The defining feature of the order Hemiptera is the possession of mouthparts where the mandibles and maxillae are modified into a proboscis, sheathed within a modified labium, which is capable of piercing tissues and sucking out the liquids. For example, true bugs, such as shield bugs, feed on the fluids of plants. Predatory bugs such as assassin bugs have the same mouthparts, but they are used to pierce the cuticles of captured prey.
Once it has trussed the prey, the redback takes it to its retreat and begins sucking out the liquefied insides, generally 5 to 20 minutes after first attacking it. Redback spiders do not usually drink, except when starved. Commonly, prey-stealing occurs where larger females take food items stored in other spiders' webs. When they encounter other spiders of the same species, often including those of the opposite sex, they engage in battle, and the defeated spider is eaten.
After sucking out a third bullet, Juliet leaves for the drugstore for medicine. On her way out, a call comes in from an old flame. Juliet overhears parts of it on an extension in the next room, and thinking Rigby is two-timing her, calls Rigby from a pay phone and closes the case. While Rigby is drinking, thinking himself betrayed by Juliet, Marlowe calls and tips Rigby off that Carlotta is an island off Peru.
These undead creatures were believed to fly at night in a form of an owl and attack night-time travelers and people who had wandered off into the woods at night, sucking out their blood and eating their insides. Strzyga were also believed to be satisfied with animal blood, for a short period of time. According to the other sources, strzygi were believed not to harm people but to herald someone's imminent death. In this, they resemble Banshees.
The bacterium attaches to the surface of green algae of the genus Chlorella. V. chlorellavorus is an extracellular parasite and remains attached to the cell wall. Once attached to its host, V. chlorellavorus divides by binary fission, destroying its host in the process by “sucking out” all of the cellular contents via peripheral vacuolesGromov, BV. "Electron Microscope Study of Parasitism by Bdellovibrio Chorellavorus Bacteria on Cells of the Green Alga Chorella Vulgaris." Tsitologiya 14.2 (1972): 256-60. Print.
When they try to free him, the squid creature comes back to life, sucking out Colin's brain and regaining its energy. As they run back into the building, Jen is abducted. The four survivors remain hiding in the condominium. The next day, the United States Air Force launches an attack against the alien spaceship and flying alien drones using stealth unmanned combat aerial vehicles and conventional drone aircraft armed with air-to-air missiles (a "jet engine" powered MQ-9 Reaper).
The fruit fly species Dacus punctifrons may also attack the fruit of this plant. The fruit generally rots due to the existence of larvae. Halticus tibialis is a flea hopper similar to an aphid and may also cause problems for egusi-itoo crops, often killing the leaves of the plant by sucking out sap. After harvesting, many beetle species including the red flour beetle and the cigarette beetle may feed on seeds which are not properly stored in air-tight containers .
An Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus) carrying a fig Fruit eating, or frugivory, is found in both major suborders. Bats prefer ripe fruit, pulling it off the trees with their teeth. They fly back to their roosts to eat the fruit, sucking out the juice and spitting the seeds and pulp out onto the ground. This helps disperse the seeds of these fruit trees, which may take root and grow where the bats have left them, and many species of plants depend on bats for seed dispersal.
Adult C. pyricola overwinter on the bark or twigs of a pear tree, or on other trees and shrubs near pear orchards. In the spring, the female lays eggs on twigs and expanding shoots of host trees, attaching them by means of short stalks on their ventral surfaces. On hatching, the nymphs feed on the buds and flowers of the host tree, inserting their mouthparts and sucking out the sap. Later in the year, the eggs are laid beside the veins on the upper surface of leaves.
9 and 5 venture to the factory where they find 2. The Cat-Beast attacks the trio, but are saved by 7, the only female of the Stitchpunks. 9, drawn by curiosity, connects the talisman to the derelict Fabrication Machine, reviving it, and it subsequently kills 2 by sucking out his soul. 9, 5, and 7 manage to escape the factory. 7 takes 9 and 5 to an abandoned library, where the silent scholar twins, 3 and 4, show 9 the Fabrication Machine's origins.
The other form has a flattened brown body and produces pheromones which mimic those produced by ant larvae. When approached by an ant these flattened aphids remain stationary and get carried into the ant nest and deposited among the ant brood. Here they proceed to prey on the ant larvae, piercing them with their stylets and sucking out the hemolymph. They stay in the ant nest during the winter, and in the spring are carried to near the surface of the ground with the ant's own young.
Muckross Head has two beaches, one of which is popular with surfers. That beach (trá na nglór in Irish, or "beach of the noise") has a rip tide, coming in at both sides and sucking out in the middle, but is not particularly dangerous. The other beach (trá bán, meaning "white beach" in Irish) some hundreds of metres away is a popular family beach which is safe for swimming but has a risk of rockfall. That beach also has a public car park and toilets in summer.
Aphytis mytilaspidis is a solitary wasp whose life history is closely linked to its host scale insects. The adult female feeds by piercing the scale with its ovipositor and then sucking out the juices with its feeding tube. Although Lepidosaphes ulmi seems to be the preferred host in New Zealand, this wasp has been reported as being the most common parasitoid attacking Quadraspidiotus ostreaeformis. The adult female lands on a scale and palpates it several times with her antennae working from the centre towards the edge.
The film is set 200 years ago, with the royal procession of Raja Harimansingh of the sultanate of Bijapur, stranded near the Kali Pahari (the Black Mountain). The Raja is concerned because his daughter Princess Rupali has disappeared near the lair of the devil-worshipper Samri. The princess wanders into the ruins of an old fortress and is promptly captured and tortured by the villainous Samri. His trademark attack is mesmerising the hapless victims apparently sucking out their life force through the eyes, causing their natural eyes to be replaced with demonic white shades.
Mainly nocturnal, the female redback lives in an untidy web in a warm sheltered location, commonly near or inside human residences. It preys on insects, spiders and small vertebrates that become ensnared in its web. It kills its prey by injecting a complex venom through its two fangs when it bites, before wrapping them in silk and sucking out the liquefied insides. Often, it first squirts its victim with what resembles 'superglue' from its spinnerets, immobilising the prey by sticking the victim's limbs and appendages to its own body.
The hooded oyster is common on the east coast of Africa, where it cements itself to rocks or to the branches and roots of mangroves. It sometimes even grows on the shell of a large gastropod mollusc, the mangrove whelk (Terebralia palustris), which grazes beneath the mangrove canopy. In Australia, another gastropod, the black oyster borer or mulberry whelk (Tenguella marginalba, previously Morula marginalba) feeds on the oyster by drilling a hole through its shell. It then inserts its radula and chews up the body before sucking out the pieces.
'Adam' pursues and knocks out Cara's brother, as she runs for safety with her daughter. After overpowering Cara, 'Adam' takes Sammy sucking out her soul. His personality changes into her daughter, revealing that all along 'Adam' has not had DID, but has been the shelter for multiple spirits of people who had abandoned their faith in God. 'Adam' as Sammy gives Cara the opportunity to cradle him, which in so doing gives her the chance to strangle him taking away most of his energy before impaling him through his neck on a sharp root sticking up out of the ground.
In some restaurants, cooked pig tibia would be served with a drinking straw specifically for sucking out the semi-liquified marrow. In Hungary, tibia is a main ingredient of beef soup; the bone is chopped into 10–15 cm pieces, and the ends are covered with salt to prevent the marrow from leaking from the bone while cooking. Upon serving the soup, the marrow is usually spread on toast. Beef bone marrow is also a main ingredient in Italian dish ossobuco (braised veal shanks); the shanks are cross-cut and served bone-in, with the marrow still inside the bone.
Cermatulus nasalis is predatory and feeds on a variety of insect species, plunging its beak into its prey and sucking out the body fluids. Cermatulus nasalis turbotti Cermatulus nasalis nasalis juvenile last instar There is just one generation each year, breeding taking place over a period of several weeks during the summer. The female lays a batch of about thirty black eggs in three neat rows, on a leaf or patch of bark. The newly hatched nymphs are red with black heads and feed at first on the bacteria that coat the eggs, and also on plant sap.
Polistes annularis, whose species name is Latin for "ringed", is also known for its distinctive red body color. Polistes metricus adults malaxate (malaxate means knead or rub [stuff] to make it soft)LEXICO their insect prey by chewing them into a pulp, sucking out and ingesting the body fluids, then feeding the rest of the morsel to their larvae. The most widely distributed South American wasp species, Polistes versicolor, is particularly common in the southeastern Brazilian states. This social wasp is commonly referred to as the yellow paper wasp due to the distinct yellow bands found on its thorax and abdomen.
In the novel, Professor Van Helsing is called in by his former student, John Seward, to assist with the mysterious illness of Lucy Westenra. Van Helsing's friendship with Seward is based in part upon an unknown prior event in which Van Helsing suffered a grievous wound, and Seward saved his life by sucking out the gangrene. It is Van Helsing who first realizes that Lucy is the victim of a vampire, and he guides Seward and his friends in their efforts to save Lucy. According to Leonard Wolf's annotations to the novel, Van Helsing had a son who died.
This was probably because they could manipulate the shells and open them more easily when they could tackle them from different angles. Octopuses either pull bivalves apart by force, or they bore a hole into the shell and insert a digestive fluid before sucking out the liquified contents. Razor shells can dig themselves into the sand with great speed to escape predation. When a Pacific razor clam (Siliqua patula) is laid on the surface of the beach it can bury itself completely in seven seconds and the Atlantic jackknife clam, Ensis directus, can do the same within fifteen seconds.
Some of the fruits that they were claim to have damaged were those including avocados, persimmons, and kiwis. Larvae and adult H. haemorrhoidalis feed by piercing the epidermal tissue of leaves and fruits and sucking out the cellular content. By feeding on the fruits they do not actually affect the quality of the fruit but rather it affects the cosmetics of the fruit which in turn affects the value of the fruit itself. The nymphs are able to produce a reddish fluid that are deposited on the surface of plants which allows for fungal growth to develop.
People born with two hearts and two souls were believed to be a Mhachkay. When a Mhachkay was recognized it was chased away from human habitations. Mhachkays were usually people that died at a young age, but only one soul gets passed on, and the other soul caused the deceased Mhachkay to come alive and prey upon other living beings. These undead creatures fly at night in the form of an owl and attack night-time travelers and people who simply wander off into the woodsTatar Efsaneleri, Yaşar Kalafat & İlyas Kamalov Meçkey sucking out their blood and eating out their insides.
Researchers at the University of Nice in France have been studying a tiny aquatic slug which is a natural predator of C. taxifolia.Thibaut, T. 2001. "Elysia subornata a potential control agent of the alga Caulerpa taxifolia in the Mediterranean Sea" , Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom Called Elysia subornata, it was found off the coast of Florida, in waters warmer than those in the Mediterranean. This slug is believed to feed exclusively on C. taxifolia, by sticking its proboscis into the stem and sucking out the white viscous liquid inside the stem: this causes the alga to become limp, discolored, and dead.
Eleanor of Castile (1241 – 28 November 1290) was an English queen consort, the first wife of Edward I, whom she married as part of a political deal to affirm English sovereignty over Gascony. The marriage was known to be particularly close, and Eleanor travelled extensively with her husband. She was with him on the Ninth Crusade, when he was wounded at Acre, but the popular story of her saving his life by sucking out the poison has long been discredited. When she died, at Harby near Lincoln, her grieving husband famously ordered a stone cross to be erected at each stopping-place on the journey to London, ending at Charing Cross.
Induced totipotent cells can be obtained by reprogramming somatic cells with somatic-cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). The process involves sucking out the nucleus of a somatic (body) cell and injecting it into an oocyte that has had its nucleus removed Using an approach based on the protocol outlined by Tachibana et al., hESCs can be generated by SCNT using dermal fibroblasts nuclei from both a middle-aged 35-year-old male and an elderly, 75-year-old male, suggesting that age- associated changes are not necessarily an impediment to SCNT-based nuclear reprogramming of human cells. Such reprogramming of somatic cells to a pluripotent state holds huge potentials for regenerative medicine.
By cracking open fetuses and sucking out their juices, he soon regains mobility, and even superpowers like the character he portrayed, Superman. He eventually takes on the role of a supervillain, and is opposed by his nemesis, Gene Hackman (whom Reeve refers to as "Hack-Man"). This causes one reporter to comment that "if irony were made of strawberries, we'd all be drinking a lot of smoothies right now." Reeve continues to use stem cells even after he is healed and becomes addicted to power, and eventually puts together a Legion of Doom made up of villains from the DC, Marvel and South Park universes.
Buffy arrives back at the dorm room and eventually engages in a fight with Kathy, which results in Buffy ripping off Kathy's face, revealing her to be one of the demons. Kathy confesses to Buffy that she escaped her dimension to go to college, and has been sucking out her soul while she slept, planning on making the demons take Buffy back to her dimension. As this happens, the two demons in the woods summon Taparrich, the leader of the demons. Meanwhile, Giles performs a spell that returns the parts of Buffy's soul already taken by Kathy, just before Taparrich arrives at the dorm and takes Kathy back to her dimension.
In contrast to indigenous shamanism in the upper Amazon, which is based within a rural environment and whose focus is to maintain or restore social balance, mestizo shamanism is based within an urban environment and is focused on individual healing. Many of these mestizo shamans have consultarios (clinics), where they provide consultations and healing ceremonies for patients, as well as other services such as massages and general, simple healing sessions, which usually involve the shaman sucking out the sickness from the patient's body, protecting the body with shacapa and tobacco smoke, and then prescribing an herbal remedy to help the patient in their recovery from the sickness.
Juvenile sea slugs establish the kleptoplastic endosymbiosis when feeding on algal cells, sucking out the cell contents, and discarding everything except the chloroplasts. The chloroplasts are phagocytosed by digestive cells, filling extensively branched digestive tubules, providing their host with the products of photosynthesis. It is not resolved, however, whether the stolen plastids actively secrete photosynthate or whether the slugs profit indirectly from slowly degrading kleptoplasts. Oxynoe olivacea, another Sacoglossan sea slug, feeding on Caulerpa Due to this unusual ability, the sacoglossans are sometimes referred to a "solar-powered sea slugs," though the actual benefit from photosynthesis on the survival of some of the species that have been analyzed seems to be marginal at best.
Retrieved on 4-07-10. Ray Richmond of Variety described how the original Monkey-ed Movies "proved to be clever stuff, in large part because it was short and sweet" but that "with Chimp Channel, TBS monkeys with an undeniably thin concept and stretches it past the limit." While he commended the "sharp, well-organized direction from Mitchell Walker and the uncannily effective animal work from head trainer Bob Dunn, coordinator Mike Morris and their team," Richmond added "What seems cute in small doses feels awfully humiliating in this expanded format, sucking out any novelty and leaving in its wake only the uncomfortable entrails."Richmond, Ray The Chimp Channel Review Variety (June 7, 1999). Retrieved on 4-07-10.
This is a common native plant of Latin America and the Caribbean, which makes it appropriate as an emergency remedy. Another native plant used is mardi gras (Renealmia alpinia) (berries), which are crushed together with the juice of wild cane (Costus scaber) and given to the bitten. Quick fixes have included applying chewed tobacco from cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. Making cuts around the puncture or sucking out the venom had been thought helpful in the past, but this course of treatment is now strongly discouraged, due to the risk of self-envenomation through knife cuts or cuts in the mouth (suction cups from snake bite kits can be used, but suctioning seldom provides any measurable benefit).
Giles asks Ampata to decipher the seal from her tomb, and she explains (reluctantly) that it describes a girl chosen to die to save her people, and a bodyguard who will keep her from straying from that path. She also tells Giles to destroy the seal completely. The bodyguard appears again and again, trying to stop Ampata, until she finally manages to use her kiss on him in the bathroom, sucking out his life to keep herself from dying. Buffy and Ampata bond over the tale of the Inca Princess, Ampata stating that the princess was forced into her destiny by her people, as they claimed she was the only girl of her generation who could save them; Buffy miserably notes that this parallels her own life.
At the peak of their woes, Elaine visits the local mall, where an acquaintance (Cathryn Damon) has coaxed her into helping out with staging a community pageant. Elaine stares at a large, clear ball soon due to hold thousands of dollars in a giant cash "give away" and formulates the idea of stealing the money. She calls Jane and Louise to the mall, where they scheme to steal the money by drilling a hole beneath the ball and sucking out as much cash as possible with a high-powered vacuum, then escaping via the river behind the mall. Despite getting caught by officer Jack in the act of stealing items needed for the heist, Elaine again manages to sweet-talk her way out of being taken to jail.
These magical stones are used to help those patients who appear to be victims of sorcery, the shaman will place the stone on the body where the sorcery has struck and the magic stone will stick there for several hours, sucking out the dart, phlegm, scorpion, or whatever harm has been inflicted there by the sorcerer. In order to master the use of these enchanted stones, the shaman must drink them while following la dieta, just as he does the plants. Before the shaman drinks the water, the stone is left in water for a day, and the shaman blows tobacco smoke over it while telling the stone what it is he wants to know. It is only after this that the spirit of the stone will appear to the shaman in a dream.
When a demon named Ornias harasses a young man (who is favored by Solomon) by stealing half of his pay and sucking out his vitality through the thumb on his right hand, Solomon prays in the temple and receives from the archangel Michael a ring with the seal of God (in the shape of a Pentagram) on it which will enable him to command the demons. Solomon lends the ring to the lad who, by throwing the ring at the demon Ornias, stamps him with the seal and brings him under control. Then Solomon orders the demon Ornias to take the ring and similarly imprint the prince of demons, Beelzebul. With Beelzebul under his command, Solomon now has all of the demons at his bidding to build the temple.
In the end he states that he will continue to wait for her but is happy to hear that Gekka will marry him. ; : She is a young female alien with long braided blue hair which has a large eyeball at the end from the planet Ocean (which looks very similar to Jupiter) that had come to Earth to figure out the meaning of the word "love". Through bad information from Raichō the family mistakes this alien to be the "weak looking but very powerful alien" and do their best to try to teach her the meaning of love so she would leave. However, through a mixture of confusion and coincidence it appears she is having an affair with Ōka (sneaking into his bathtub, kissing him at night (which was actually in her mind a life- threatening situation to make him wake up as she was sucking out his juices).
The act of putting an opponent on tilt may not pay off in the short run, but if some time is put into practicing it, a player can quickly become an expert at "tilting" other players (with or without using bad manners). In theory, the long-run payoff of this tactic is a monetarily positive expectation. Common methods of putting a table on tilt include: # Playing junk hands that have a lower chance of winning in the hope of either sucking out and delivering a bad beat (which can be an enjoyable occasional style which will make the table's play "looser") or bluffing the opponent off a better hand (with the option of showing the bluff for maximum tilting effect). # Victimising individuals at the table, (which is often considered a more old- fashioned tactic, identified with 1970s "verbal" experts such as Amarillo Slim.) # Pretending intoxication, i.e.
Astrosat also captured the rare phenomenon of a 6 billion year old small star or blue straggler feeding off and sucking out the mass and energy of a bigger companion star. On 31 May 2017, Astrosat, Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope simultaneously detected a coronal explosion on the nearest planet-hosting star Proxima Centauri On 6 November 2017 Nature Astronomy published a paper from Indian astronomers measuring the variations of X-ray polarisation of the Crab Pulsar in the Taurus constellation.Phase-resolved X-ray polarimetry of the Crab pulsar with the AstroSat CZT Imager Nature Astronomy 6 November 2017India's space observatory accomplishes X-ray polarisation Times of India 6 November 2017 This study was a project conducted by scientists from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai; the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram; ISRO Satellite Centre Bengaluru; the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune; and the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad. In July 2018, Astrosat has captured an image of a special galaxy cluster that is more than 800 million light years away from earth.

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