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"struct" Definitions
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174 Sentences With "struct"

How to use struct in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "struct" and check conjugation/comparative form for "struct". Mastering all the usages of "struct" from sentence examples published by news publications.

A M 2.5 earthquake struct near Brawley, California on Sunday (star).
The Struct Club team knows women entrepreneurs don't get a lot of love — or venture capital investment.
Some American and Canadian instructors based in 11 countries, such as China, Germany and Iceland, have also begun using Struct Club.
In Struct Club's headquarters in Los Angeles, there's an incredible amount of momentum for female founders as well as female investors.
With Struct Club, instructors can flag points in a specific playlist or song that inspire different motions or coaching notes in the workout.
Her company is called Struct Club and the Los Angeles-based startup offers a mobile app that helps fitness instructors to choreograph, run and manage their classes.
In a hypothetical example of cheating he sometimes sees, Thomas Doeppner, the vice chairman of computer science at Brown, provided a snippet of coding for a program that finds a path through a maze: struct visit_list node; node.
For the past two years, she's been running Struct Club with four employees in typical scrappy startup style — first working at her kitchen table and coffee shops in her hometown of Los Angeles, then moving into a coworking space.
But where Portal is a maze of puzzles, Budget Cuts is a simple but satisfying stealth game in the vein of last year's excellent (non-VR) Neon Struct — which shares both its low-poly aesthetic and its combination of extreme dexterity and vulnerability.
For all intents and purposes, C++ `struct`s form a superset of C `struct`s: virtually all valid C `struct`s are valid C++ `struct`s with the same semantics.
The struct data type in C was derived from the ALGOL 68 struct data type. Like its C counterpart, the struct data type in C# (Structure in Visual Basic .NET) is similar to a class. The biggest difference between a struct and a class in these languages is that when a struct is passed as an argument to a function, any modifications to the struct in that function will not be reflected in the original variable (unless pass-by-reference is used).
New structs are immutable by default, unless a field is specifically declared mutable, or the whole struct: (struct foo1 (x y)) ; all fields immutable (struct foo2 (x [y #:mutable])) ; one mutable field (struct foo3 (x y) #:mutable) ; all fields mutable The language also supports immutable hash tables, implemented functionally, and immutable dictionaries.
A POD-struct (Plain Old Data Structure) is an aggregate class that has no non-static data members of type non-POD-struct, non-POD-union (or array of such types) or reference, and has no user-defined assignment operator and no user-defined destructor. A POD-struct could be said to be the C++ equivalent of a C `struct`. In most cases, a POD-struct will have the same memory layout as a corresponding struct declared in C. For this reason, POD- structs are sometimes colloquially referred to as "C-style structs".
4 Its members and base classes are public by default. In practice, structs are typically reserved for data without functions. When deriving a struct from a class/struct, default access-specifier for a base class/struct is public. And when deriving a class, default access specifier is private.
Rust recommends `UpperCamelCase` for type aliases and struct, trait, enum, and enum variant names, `SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE` for constants or statics and `snake_case` for variable, function and struct member names.
Smart Mater. Struct. 15, N111-N116 (2006) [link].Behrooz, M., Wang, X. & Gordaninejad, F. Performance of a new magnetorheological elastomer isolation system. Smart Mater. Struct. 23, 045014 (2014) [link].
A `struct` is C's and C++'s notion of a composite type, a datatype that composes a fixed set of labeled fields or members. It is so called because of the `struct` keyword used in declaring them, which is short for structure or, more precisely, user-defined data structure. In C++, the only difference between a `struct` and a class is the default access level, which is private for classes and public for `struct`s. Note that while classes and the `class` keyword were completely new in C++, the C programming language already had a crude type of `struct`s.
The size was part of the type. On most ALGOL 68RS systems, the mode `bytes` was equivalent to `struct` 4 `char`. mode bytes = struct 4 char; op elem = (int index, bytes val) char: val[index]; ... bytes b = "abcd"; ... print (2 elem b); The ALGOL 68RS compiler would compile any string constant to an appropriate `struct` n `char`. In contexts where a `vector` or array was wanted, an i-struct could be widened to the appropriate `vector` or array type.
Being a block of contiguous memory, each field within a struct is located at a certain fixed offset from the start. Because the contents of a struct are stored in contiguous memory, the sizeof operator must be used to get the number of bytes needed to store a particular type of struct, just as it can be used for primitives. The alignment of particular fields in the struct (with respect to word boundaries) is implementation-specific and may include padding, although modern compilers typically support the `#pragma pack` directive, which changes the size in bytes used for alignment. In the C++ language, a struct is identical to a C++ class but has a different default visibility: class members are private by default, whereas struct members are public by default.
C++03 inherited the initializer-list feature from C. A struct or array is given a list of arguments in braces, in the order of the members' definitions in the struct. These initializer-lists are recursive, so an array of structs or struct containing other structs can use them. struct Object { float first; int second; }; Object scalar = {0.43f, 10}; //One Object, with first=0.43f and second=10 Object anArray[] = {{13.4f, 3}, {43.28f, 29}, {5.934f, 17}}; //An array of three Objects This is very useful for static lists, or initializing a struct to some value. C++ also provides constructors to initialize an object, but they are often not as convenient as the initializer list.
J. Solids Struct., Vol. 2, 361–369, 1966.. Numerical solution with arbitrary accuracy was given by Eisenberger (1991)Eisenberger, M., Buckling Loads for Variable Cross-Section Member with Variable Axial Forces, Int. J. Solids Struct., Vol. 27, 135–143, 1991..
Deformation of mylonites in Palm Canyon, California, based on xenolith geometry. J. Struct. Geol. 20, 559-571 and pseudotachylites.
To use custom objects in std::unordered_map, a custom hash function must be defined. This function takes a const reference to the custom type and returns a size_t #include struct X{int i,j,k;}; struct hash_X{ size_t operator()(const X &x;) const{ return std::hash()(x.i) ^ std::hash()(x.j) ^ std::hash()(x.
In C# a class is a reference type while a struct (concept derived from the struct in C language) is a value type. Hence an instance derived from a class definition is an object while an instance derived from a struct definition is said to be a value object (to be precise a struct can be made immutable to represent a value object declaring attributes as readonly). The following procedure can be carried out to add value object properties to a C# class: # Override the method to ensure the object is compared using business logic # Operator overload the default behavior of and to use the method. # Override the method and ensure that the hash is same for the objects who have same equality.
The contents of `struct` data types occupy a continuous block of memory with no gaps, similar to bitfields in C and C++: typedef struct packed { bit [10:0] expo; bit sign; bit [51:0] mant; } FP; FP zero = 64'b0; As shown in this example, SystemVerilog also supports typedefs, as in C and C++.
In most object-oriented languages, such as Java or C#, references may be null. These references need to be checked to ensure they are not null before invoking any methods, because methods typically cannot be invoked on null references. The Objective-C language takes another approach to this problem and does nothing when sending a message to `nil`; if a return value is expected, `nil` (for objects), 0 (for numeric values), `NO` (for `BOOL` values), or a struct (for struct types) with all its members initialised to `null`/0/`NO`/zero-initialised struct is returned.
QTJ lays an object-oriented API on top of the native C-based QuickTime library. It does this by associating common `struct`s and the functions that work with them into classes. For example, the `Movie` struct is the basis of the class `quicktime.std.movies.Movie`, with functions like `NewMovieFromFile` and `GetMovieTrackCount` becoming the instance methods `fromFile()` and `getTrackCount()` respectively.
Different smart material technologies are used by the researchers to yield active action origami structures. Scientists and engineers are using materials such as electroactive polymers (EAP),S Ahmed et al 2014 Smart Mater. Struct. 23 094003 shape memory polymers,Soft Matter, 2013,9, 7688–7694 and shape memory alloys2014 Smart Mater. Struct. 23 094001 to achieve action origami structures.
A struct in the C programming language (and many derivatives) is a composite data type (or record) declaration that defines a physically grouped list of variables under one name in a block of memory, allowing the different variables to be accessed via a single pointer or by the struct declared name which returns the same address. The struct data type can contain other data types so is used for mixed-data-type records such as a hard-drive directory entry (file length, name, extension, physical address, etc.), or other mixed- type records (name, address, telephone, balance, etc.). The C struct directly references a contiguous block of physical memory, usually delimited (sized) by word-length boundaries. It corresponds to the similarly named feature available in some assemblers for Intel processors.
Example: struct IntComplex { IntComplex() : re(0), im(0) {} int re; int im; }; Here, the construct ` : re(0), im(0)` is the initializer list. Sometimes the term "initializer list" is also used to refer to the list of expressions in the array or struct initializer. C++11 provides for a more powerful concept of initializer lists, by means of a template, called `std::initializer_list`.
The struct character of these types, which is part of .NET, is fully preserved. As in all .NET languages types in Oxygene have a visibility.
A reparse point has the following general structure, in C struct form: struct REPARSE_BUFFER { uint32_t ReparseTag; uint32_t ReparseDataLength; uint16_t Reserved; uint8_t DataBuffer[]; // flexible array member } The reparse tag is unique to each type of reparse point. It defines to which reparse point handler (usually a file system filter driver) the I/O manager delegates the processing. Microsoft provides documentation on some "public" tag types.
In object-oriented programming, an indexer allows instances of a particular class or struct to be indexed just like arrays. It is a form of operator overloading.
Every usage of an array or struct type instantiates a new concrete type, or reuses a previous instantiated type. Array element types and struct element types are parameterized types, which are used to instantiate the corresponding generic type. All this is usually built-in in the compiler and the syntax differs from other generic constructs. Some extensible programming languages try to unify built-in and user defined generic types.
The Java `java.util.Date` is a mutable reference type, whereas the C# `System.DateTime` is a struct value type. C# additionally defines a `TimeSpan` type for working with time periods.
In C# (and other .NET languages), type punning is a little harder to achieve because of the type system, but can be done nonetheless, using pointers or struct unions.
Instead, times with sub-second precision are represented using composite data types that consist of two integers, the first being a `time_t` (the integral part of the Unix time), and the second being the fractional part of the time number in millionths (in `struct timeval`) or billionths (in `struct timespec`). These structures provide a decimal-based fixed-point data format, which is useful for some applications, and trivial to convert for others.
Atanansov, C. A. Daul and C. Rauzy, Struct. Bond., 2004, 106, 97 altogether with methodological knowledge of external collaborators of the group, a series of works was produced, dealing with the analysis and prediction form first principles of the key factors in the luminescence of relevant lanthanide ions in various environments. The modelling is based on a set of algorithmic steps abbreviated as LFDFT,M. Atanansov, C. A. Daul and C. Rauzy, Struct. Bond.
CBFβ-SMMHC outcompetes CBFβ for binding to RUNX1 by direct protein-protein interaction.Nat Struct Biol. 2002 Sep;9(9):674-9Mol Cell Biol. 1998 Dec;18(12):7432-43.Blood.
NEON STRUCT: Die Augen der Welt is a first-person perspective stealth game developed and published by Minor Key Games for the PC Windows, macOS, and Linux/SteamOS in 2015.
We can re-declare our classes as follows: struct Animal { virtual ~Animal() = default; virtual void Eat() {} }; // Two classes virtually inheriting Animal: struct Mammal: virtual Animal { virtual void Breathe() {} }; struct WingedAnimal: virtual Animal { virtual void Flap() {} }; // A bat is still a winged mammal struct Bat: Mammal, WingedAnimal {}; The `Animal` portion of `Bat::WingedAnimal` is now the same `Animal` instance as the one used by `Bat::Mammal`, which is to say that a `Bat` has only one, shared, `Animal` instance in its representation and so a call to `Bat::Eat` is unambiguous. Additionally, a direct cast from `Bat` to `Animal` is also unambiguous, now that there exists only one `Animal` instance which `Bat` could be converted to. The ability to share a single instance of the `Animal` parent between `Mammal` and `WingedAnimal` is enabled by recording the memory offset between the `Mammal` or `WingedAnimal` members and those of the base `Animal` within the derived class. However this offset can in the general case only be known at runtime, thus `Bat` must become (`vpointer`, `Mammal`, `vpointer`, `WingedAnimal`, `Bat`, `Animal`).
Phillips, W. D.. High-resolution H1 and F19 magnetic resonance spectra of organic molecules. Detn. Org. Struct. Phys. Methods (1961), 2 401-63. and cyanocarbon chemistryMerriefield, R. E.; Phillips, W. D.. Cyanocarbon chemistry.
The images of Sridevi and Bhudevi are present in either sides of Koodal Azhagar. The festival deity is named Vyuga Sundararajar and the image is tall made of panchaloha. The vimana, the shrine over the sanctum is Ashtanga in architecture, which has eight parts, namely, Adhistana (base), three Padas (struct), Prashthana (limb), Griva (leading struct), Shikara (cylindrical holder) and Stupi (top portion). The outer parts of the vimana has stucco images of sages, Dasavatara, Bhuvaraha, Lakshmi Narasimha, Lakshmi Narayana and Narayanamoorthy.
On POSIX-compliant operating systems, such as many Unix- variants, the reference count for a file or directory is returned by the stat() or fstat() system calls in the `st_nlink` field of `struct stat`.
291-347 for the overall elasticity behaviour; modelling size and stacking effectsV. Marcadon, E. Hervé and A. Zaoui, « Micromechanical modeling of packing and size effects in particulate composites », Int. J. Solids Struct, 44, (2007), p.
Designated initializers allow members to be initialized by name, in any order, and without explicitly providing the preceding values. The following initialization is equivalent to the previous one: struct s pi = { .z = "Pi", .x = 3, .
HAL/S has native support for integers, floating point scalars, vector, matrices, booleans and strings of 8-bit characters, limited to a maximum length of 255. Structured types may be composed using a `DECLARE STRUCT` statement.
The following example show how a TCP/IP protocol stack might be defined using Construct; some code is omitted for brevity and simplicity. Also note that the following code is just Python code that creates objects. First, the Ethernet header (layer 2): ethernet = Struct("ethernet_header", Bytes("destination", 6), Bytes("source", 6), Enum(UBInt16("type"), IPv4=0x0800, ARP=0x0806, RARP=0x8035, X25=0x0805, IPX=0x8137, IPv6=0x86DD, ), ) Next, the IP header (layer 3): ip = Struct("ip_header", EmbeddedBitStruct( Const(Nibble("version"), 4), Nibble("header_length"), ), BitStruct("tos", Bits("precedence", 3), Flag("minimize_delay"), Flag("high_throuput"), Flag("high_reliability"), Flag("minimize_cost"), Padding(1), ), UBInt16("total_length"), # ... ) And finally, the TCP header (layer 4): tcp = Struct("tcp_header", UBInt16("source"), UBInt16("destination"), UBInt32("seq"), UBInt32("ack"), # ... ) Now define the hierarchy of the protocol stack. The following code "binds" each pair of adjacent protocols into a separate unit.
Phys, 102, 6525-6536(1995).P. Pyykkö and N. Runeberg, "Ab initio studies of bonding trends: Part 8. The 26-electron A≡B-C≡Dn and the 30-electron A=B=C=Dn systems", J. Mol. Struct.
The vimana, the shrine over the sanctum is Ashtanga in architecture, which has eight parts, namely, Adhistana (base), three Padas (struct), Prashthana (limb), Griva (leading struct), Shikara (cylindrical holder) and Stupi (top portion). The outer parts of the vimana has various stucco images of Narasimha, sages, Dasavatara and other mythical stories. The Ashtanga Vimana is found in only three places, namely, the Uthiramerur, Koodal Azhagar Temple and Cheranmadevi temples. The ashtanga vimana raising to a height of , is taller than the gopuram of the temple, which is not a common feature in Dravidian temples.
C++11 allows the explicit defaulting and deleting of these special member functions. For example, this type explicitly declares that it is using the default constructor: struct SomeType { SomeType() = default; //The default constructor is explicitly stated. SomeType(OtherType value); }; Alternatively, certain features can be explicitly disabled. For example, this type is non-copyable: struct NonCopyable { NonCopyable() = default; NonCopyable(const NonCopyable&) = delete; NonCopyable& operator=(const NonCopyable&) = delete; }; The `= delete` specifier can be used to prohibit calling any function, which can be used to disallow calling a member function with particular parameters.
In programming, a cipher suite is referred to in both plural and non-plural forms. Each one has different definitions: ;CipherSuite cipher_suites: a list of the cryptographic options supported by the client., p. 41 An example of how cipher_suites is usually used during the handshake process: struct { ProtocolVersion client_version; Random random; SessionID session_id; CipherSuite cipher_suites<2..2^16-2>; CompressionMethod compression_methods<1..2^8-1>; select (extensions_present) { case false: struct {}; case true: Extension extensions<0..2^16-1>; }; } ClientHello; ;CipherSuite cipher_suite: the cipher suite selected by the server from the client's cipher_suites.
General struct telluroketone group A telluroketone is an analog of a ketone in which the oxygen atom has been replaced by a tellurium atom. This change makes the functional group less stable, requiring greater steric and electronic stabilization.
Smart Mater. Struct. 5, 607–614 (1996). The entire mixture is then cured at high temperature. Curing in the presence of a magnetic field causes the iron particles to arrange in chain like structures resulting in an anisotropic material.
Boudeulle, M.: in Cryst. Struct. Comm. 4 (1975) 9–13.MacDiarmid, A.G.; Mikulski, C.M.; Russo, P.J.; Saran, M.S.; Garito, A.F.; Heeger, A.J.: Synthesis and structure of the polymeric metal, (SN)x, and its precursor, S2N2 in J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Comm.
In C++, a class defined with the `class` keyword has private members and base classes by default. A structure is a class defined with the `struct` keyword.ISO/IEC (2003). ISO/IEC 14882:2003(E): Programming Languages - C++ §9 Classes [class] para.
SDL Abstract Data Types (ADT) support basic data types such as INTEGER, REAL, CHARSTRING as well as structured ones such as structures (STRUCT), enumerated (LITERALS), constants (SYNONYMS). Syntax looks like the one from Pascal, for example an assignment is written ':='.
A new mode (type) may be declared using a `mode` declaration: int max=99; mode newtype = [0:9][0:max]struct ( long real a, b, c, short int i, j, k, ref real r ); This has the similar effect as the following C++ code: const int max=99; typedef struct { double a, b, c; short i, j, k; float& r; } newtype[9+1][max+1]; Note that for ALGOL 68 only the newtype name appears to the left of the equality, and most notably the construction is made - and can be read - from left to right without regard to priorities.
Derek "Zee-Bee" Barnett/D-Struct (voiced by Bumper Robinson) – A track athlete whose powers generate and envelop him in a shroud composed of compressed ionic energy, which can protect him from harm or be directed at targets, but which also gives him the appearance of monstrous apparition. Derek is captured by Ebon and coerced into joining the Meta-Breed, (feeling he has no other choice), and is given the name "D-Struct." Static is able to persuade Derek to quit the gang and return home to his mother. Afterwards, Derek volunteers himself as a subject for Bang Baby research.
C# allows the programmer to create user-defined value types, using the `struct` keyword. Unlike classes and like the standard primitives, such value types are passed and assigned by value rather than by reference. They can also be part of an object (either as a field or boxed), or stored in an array without the memory indirection that normally exists for class types. Because value types have no notion of a `null` value and can be used in arrays without initialization, they always come with an implicit default constructor that essentially fills the struct memory space with zeroes.
Many languages (including C and C++) allow structures to be padded to better take advantage either of the word length and/or cache line size of the machine. For example: struct A { int a; char b; }; struct A myArray[100]; In the above code snippet, `myArray` might well turn out to have a stride of eight bytes, rather than five (4 bytes for the int plus one for the char), if the C code were compiled for a 32-bit architecture, and the compiler had optimized (as is usually the case) for minimum processing time rather than minimum memory usage.
In C, C++, C#, D and Java, `void` is used to designate a function that does not return anything useful, or a function that accepts no arguments. The unit type in C is conceptually similar to an empty `struct`, but a struct without members is not allowed in the C language specification. Instead, '`void`' is used in a manner that simulates some, but not all, of the properties of the unit type, as detailed below. Like most imperative languages, C allows functions that do not return a value; these are specified as having the void return type.
Typically, the base class template will take advantage of the fact that member function bodies (definitions) are not instantiated until long after their declarations, and will use members of the derived class within its own member functions, via the use of a cast; e.g.: template struct Base { void interface() { // ... static_cast(this)->implementation(); // ... } static void static_func() { // ... T::static_sub_func(); // ... } }; struct Derived : Base { void implementation(); static void static_sub_func(); }; In the above example, note in particular that the function Base::interface(), though declared before the existence of the struct Derived is known by the compiler (i.e., before Derived is declared), is not actually instantiated by the compiler until it is actually called by some later code which occurs after the declaration of Derived (not shown in the above example), so that at the time the function "implementation" is instantiated, the declaration of Derived::implementation() is known. This technique achieves a similar effect to the use of virtual functions, without the costs (and some flexibility) of dynamic polymorphism.
This is due to JavaScript's keyword `null` being represented as a null object. Similar results occur when passing `undefined` to WinRT from JavaScript. ;Structs : In .NET and C++, structs are value types, and such a struct can contain any type in it.
J. Solids Struct., 44, (2007), p. 3468−3496 \- analysis of local fields by experimental characterization and mesoscale numerical simulation ("numerical mesoscope "S. Héraud, L. Allais, H. Haddadi, C. Teodosiu, A. Zaoui, « Du polycristal au multicristal : vers un mésoscope numérique », J. Phys IV, pr4, (1998), p.
D supports a getter and setter function syntax. In version 2 of the language getter and setter class/struct methods should have the `@property` attribute. class Student { private char[] name_; // Getter @property char[] name() { return this.name_; } // Setter @property char[] name(char[] name_in) { return this.
Since 2003, J.C. Michel and P. SuquetMichel J.C., Suquet P., « Nonuniform Transformation Field Analysis », Int. J. Solids and Struct., 40, 2003, pp. 6937–6955Michel JC. and P. Suquet, « A model-reduction approach in micromechanics of materials preserving the variational structure of constitutive relations », J. Mech. Phys.
The original K&R; dialect of the programming language C had no enumerated types. In C, enumerations are created by explicit definitions (the `enum` keyword by itself does not cause allocation of storage) which use the `enum` keyword and are reminiscent of struct and union definitions: enum cardsuit { Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades }; struct card { enum cardsuit suit; short int value; } hand[13]; enum cardsuit trump; C exposes the integer representation of enumeration values directly to the programmer. Integers and enum values can be mixed freely, and all arithmetic operations on enum values are permitted. It is even possible for an enum variable to hold an integer that does not represent any of the enumeration values.
J. Arbocz and M. W. Hilburger, "Toward a Probabilistic Preliminary Design Criterion for Buckling Critical Composite Shells", AIAA J., 43 (8), pp 1823–1827, 2005.B. Kriegesmann, R. Rolfes, C. Hühne, and A. Kling, "Fast Probabilistic Design Procedure for Axially Compressed Composite Cylinders", Compos. Struct., 93, pp 3140–3149, 2011.).
Nat Struct Mol Biol.(12):1228-33.Greber BJ, Boehringer D, Godinic-Mikulcic V, Crnkovic A, Ibba M, Weygand-Durasevic I, Ban N. (2012) Cryo-EM Structure of the Archaeal 50S Ribosomal Subunit in Complex with Initiation Factor 6 and Implications for Ribosome Evolution. J Mol Biol. 2012 Jan 27.
In North America, a more pragmatic approach has been adopted and research into compressive membrane action has primarily stemmed from the work of Hewitt and BatchelorHewitt , B.E. and Batchelor, B. de V., 'Punching shear strength of restrained slabs', J. Struct. Div., Proc. ASCE, Vol. 101, No. ST9, September 1975, pp 1837–1853.
John Joseph Leeming, (1899 - 1981), BSc, ACGI, FICE, MI Struct E, MI Mun E, F Inst HE, was a British civil engineer and traffic engineer. He forwarded controversial ideas for the causes of, and remedies for, road crashes, including the notion that drivers should not always be assumed to be at fault.
Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2012;19:609–615. IF2 ensures that tRNAfMet remains in the correct position while IF3 proofreads initiation codon base-pairing to prevent non- canonical initiation at codons such as AUU and AUC.Hartz D, McPheeters DS, Gold L. Selection of the initiator tRNA by Escherichia coli initiation factors. Genes Dev. 1989;3:1899–1912.
Gu Y, Chen W, Zhang CZ., "Singular boundary method for solving plane strain elastostatic problems", Int J Solids Struct 2011;48(18): 2549–56. There are the two techniques to evaluate the origin intensity factor. The first approach is to place a cluster of sample nodes inside the problem domain and to calculate the algebraic equations.
B. Roux Curr Opin Struct Biol. 2002;12(2):182-189. His laboratory has also developed novel computational methods to improve efficiency and applicability of theoretical investigations to molecular recognition phenomena. His work has bridged theory and experiment in biophysics by employing ever-increasing computational power to further the understanding of the molecular basis of life.
The following Windows C++ code is an example of a Category 1 leap year bug. It will work properly until `st` becomes February 29. Then, it will attempt to create a February 29 of a common year, which does not exist. Passing this to any function that accepts a `SYSTEMTIME` struct will likely fail.
His work has provided a detailed mechanistic understanding of Hsp90 and its regulation by co-chaperones, establishing a functional chaperone cycle for Hsp90, which has become a major target in cancer therapy.Bose S, Weikl T, Bügl H, Buchner J (1996) Science 274:1715-7. and Hessling M, Richter K, Buchner J (2009) Nature Struct.
In C++03, the `sizeof` operator can be used on types and objects. But it cannot be used to do this: struct SomeType { OtherType member; }; sizeof(SomeType::member); // Does not work with C++03. Okay with C++11 This should return the size of `OtherType`. C++03 disallows this, so it is a compile error.
Brain Struct Funct. 219: 269–81. doi:10.1007/s00429-012-0498-y. . Damage to the superior parietal lobule can cause contralateral astereognosis and hemispatial neglect. It is also associated with deficits on tests involving the manipulation and rearrangement of information in working memory, but not on working memory tests requiring only rehearsal and retrieval processes.
The LDM evolution laws can be derived from continuum damage mechanicsSantoro M, Kunnath S. Damage-based RC beam element for nonlinear structural analysis. Eng. Struct. 2013; 49:733–742. or fracture mechanics. In the latter case, concepts such as the energy release rate or the stress intensity factor of a plastic hinge are introduced.
A number of processes of surface growth in areas ranging from mechanics of growing gravitational bodies E. I. Rashba, Construction sequence dependent stresses in massive bodies due to their weight, Proc. Inst. Struct. Mech. Acad. Sci. Ukrainian SSR 18, 23 (1953).V. E. Naumov, Mechanics of growing deformable solids: A review, J. Eng. Mech. 120, 207 (1994).
LY-266,097 is a research ligand which acts as a potent and selective antagonist for the 5-HT2B receptor, with more than 100x selectivity over the related 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptor subtypes.McCorvy JD, Wacker D, Wang S, et al. Structural determinants of 5-HT2B receptor activation and biased agonism. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2018;25(9):787-796.
ALGOL 68 already included fixed length structures for efficient handling of characters and bit-data on word-based machines, the `bytes` and `bits` modes. A `bytes` variable held one machine word of characters, a `bits` variable held the bits of one machine word. ALGOL 68RS generalised these ideas. A `struct` 4 `char` variable held exactly 4 chars.
Access to non-ALGOL68 objects was available with the `alien` insertion: somemode name = alien "external-name" Any simple ALGOL 68RS object could be cast into a `vector` of characters using the `spell` operator: struct (int a, real b) c = ...; print (("internal repr = ", spell c, newline)); A simple object is one that contains no arrays or `vector`s.
Becker A., Fritz-Wolf K., Kabsch W., Knappe J., Schultz S., Volker wagner A.F. Structure and mechanism of the glycyl radical enzyme pyruvate formate-lyase. 1999 Nat. Struct. Biol. 6: 969-975. Studies have found structural similarities between the active site of pyruvate formate lyase and that of Class I and Class III ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) enzymes.
In C++, a constructor of a class/struct can have an initializer list within the definition but prior to the constructor body. It is important to note that when you use an initialization list, the values are not assigned to the variable. They are initialized. In the below example, 0 is initialized into re and im.
Residential area, Temple and stairways in the background Struct. 17 - Residential Complex Monumento 17 is in reality a complex. Although García Payón identified it as a "Calmecac" (school and priests residence), is much more likely it actually was the Royal Palace in the city. It has the same type of other Aztec palaces (Evans 2004; Smith 2005a).
One prominent approach involves the use of a strain-inducing capping layer. CVD silicon nitride is a common choice for a strained capping layer, in that the magnitude and type of strain (e.g. tensile vs compressive) may be adjusted by modulating the deposition conditions, especially temperature.Martyniuk, M, Antoszewski, J. Musca, C.A., Dell, J.M., Faraone, L. Smart Mater. Struct.
This is an example of composition in C. struct Person { int age; char name[20]; enum {job_seeking, professional, non_professional, retired, student} employment; }; In this example, the primitive (noncomposite) types `int`, `enum {job_seeking, professional, non_professional, retired, student}` and the composite array type `char[]` are combined to form the composite structure `Person`. Each `Person` structure then "has an" age, name, and an employment type.
Gillis AJ, Schuller AP, Skordalakes E. Structure of the Tribolium castaneum telomerase catalytic subunit TERT. Nature. 2008 Oct 2;455(7213):633-7Mitchell M, Gillis A, Futahashi M, Fujiwara H, Skordalakes E. Structural basis for telomerase catalytic subunit TERT binding to RNA template and telomeric DNA. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2010 Apr;17(4):513-8 TERT proteins from many eukaryotes have been sequenced.
Given the following source code: #include struct C { C() = default; C(const C&) { std::cout << "Hello World! "; } }; void f() { C c; throw c; // copying the named object c into the exception object. } // It is unclear whether this copy may be elided (omitted). int main() { try { f(); } catch (C c) { // copying the exception object into the temporary in the // exception declaration.
The Microsoft x64 calling convention is followed on Windows and pre-boot UEFI (for long mode on x86-64). The first four arguments are placed onto the registers. That means RCX, RDX, R8, R9 for integer, struct or pointer arguments (in that order), and XMM0, XMM1, XMM2, XMM3 for floating point arguments. Additional arguments are pushed onto the stack (right to left).
FutureBasic supports complex data types include single and double precision floating points, double length integers, arrays, strings and records (similar to struct in C). Of note is the DYNAMIC array structures (size of memory footprint grows only when used) including DYNAMIC string arrays called INDEX$ and "container" variables which can perform string-like operations on data streams up to 2Gb in size.
The other two forms are much less frequently used. If the access specifier is omitted, a "class" inherits privately, while a "struct" inherits publicly. Base classes may be declared as virtual; this is called virtual inheritance. Virtual inheritance ensures that only one instance of a base class exists in the inheritance graph, avoiding some of the ambiguity problems of multiple inheritance.
C's ' macro is an ANSI C library feature found in . It evaluates to the offset (in bytes) of a given member within a struct or union type, an expression of type . The `offsetof()` macro takes two parameters, the first being a structure name, and the second being the name of a member within the structure. It cannot be described as a C prototype.
A type that is trivial can be statically initialized. It also means that it is valid to copy data around via `memcpy`, rather than having to use a copy constructor. The lifetime of a trivial type begins when its storage is defined, not when a constructor completes. A trivial class or struct is defined as one that: # Has a trivial default constructor.
The same occurred in the next plague, which struct in 1652. In 1721, Biecz suffered what is now known as the great plague, which devastated the populace and spared approximately thirty people. In 1776, the ruling Habsburg dynasty sold the city to the Siemieńscy family, effectively revoking Biecz's status as a royal city. Initially the new administration provided a certain stability.
The Windows NT series DDK (as well as the MinGW/ReactOS implementation) includes a struct NT_TIB in winnt.h that documents the subsystem independent part. Even before TIB was effectively documented, many applications have already started using its fields that they are effectively a part of the API. The first field containing the SEH frame, in particular, is directly referenced by the code produced by Microsoft's own compiler.
The natural interface between source files in C/C++ are header files. Each time a header file is modified, all source files that include the header file should recompile their code. Header files are slow because they are textual and context-dependent as a consequence of the preprocessor. C only has limited amounts of information in header files, the most important being struct declarations and function prototypes.
For the 2006–2007 season, Paul moved on to Sheffield but his injury jinx struct again when he dislocated his shoulder during his debut against Mickleover Sports and the injury would keep him out for the remainder of the season. In August 2007, Smith moved to Glapwell, helping the team to promotion before leaving at the end of the season due to work commitments.
The second notable difference is that the void type is special and can never be stored in a record type, i.e. in a struct or a class in C/C++. In contrast, the unit type can be stored in records in functional programming languages, i.e. it can appear as the type of a field; the above implementation of the unit type in C++ can also be stored.
Covalently saturated silicon complexes like SiBr4, along with tetrahalides of germanium (Ge) and tin (Sn), are Lewis acids.Davydova, E. I.; Timoshkin, A. Y.; Sevastianova, T. N.; Suvorov, A. V.; Frenking, G. J. Mol. Struct. 2006, vol, 767-1-3. Although silicon tetrahalides obey the octet rule, they add Lewis basic ligands to give adducts with the formula SiBr4L and SiBr4L2 (where L is a Lewis base).
Otherwise, incompatible calling conventions would be used, and most likely produce the wrong result or crash the program. Mangling doesn't usually capture every detail of the calling process. For example, it doesn't fully prevent errors like changes of data members of a struct or class. For example, could be compiled into one object file, then the definition for changed to be and used in the compilation of a call to .
Sodium selenate is the inorganic compound with the formula , not to be confused with sodium selenite. It exists as the anhydrous salt, the heptahydrate, and the decahydrate.Kamburov, S.; Schmidt, H.; Voigt, W.; Balarew, C. "Similarities and peculiarities between the crystal structures of the hydrates of sodium sulfate and selenate" Acta Crystallographica B (Struct Sci Cryst Eng Mater.) 2014, volume 70, pp. 714-22. These are white, water- soluble solids.
Bažant served as the president of the Society of Engineering Science (1993); was the founding President (1991–93) of the International Association of Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures (IA-FRAMCOS); and the founding President (2001-2002) of the International Association of Concrete Creep and Durability Mechanics (IA-CONCREEP). He served as Division Director in IA-SMiRT (Struct. Mech. in Reactor Technology), as member of the US Nat. Comm. on Theor.
A. Keith, J. Oxgaard, and W. A. Goddard, III J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, 3132 – 3133; H. E. Hosseini, S. A. Beyramabadi, A. Morsali, and M. R. Housaindokht, J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM), 2010, 941, 138–143P. L. Theofanis, and W. A. Goddard, III Organometallics, 2011, 30, 4941 – 4948; argue that the transition state for this reaction step is unfavorable and an alternative reductive elimination reaction mechanism is in play.
Individual members of a struct or class may be made const even if the class is not. Conversely, the keyword allows a class member to be changed even if an object was instantiated as . Even functions can be const in C++. The meaning here is that only a const function may be called for an object instantiated as const; a const function doesn't change any non-mutable data.
The declaration assumes this form: static_assert (constant- expression, error-message); Here are some examples of how `static_assert` can be used: static_assert((GREEKPI > 3.14) && (GREEKPI < 3.15), "GREEKPI is inaccurate!"); template struct Check { static_assert(sizeof(int) <= sizeof(T), "T is not big enough!"); }; template Integral foo(Integral x, Integral y) { static_assert(std::is_integral::value, "foo() parameter must be an integral type."); } When the constant expression is `false` the compiler produces an error message.
LDM allows for the numerical simulation of the collapse of complex structures with a fraction of the computational cost and human effort of its continuum mechanics counterparts. LDM is also a regularization procedure that eliminates the mesh-dependence phenomenon that is observed in structural analysis with local damage models.Toi, Y., Hasegawa, K.H.,. "Element-size independent, elasto-plastic damage analysis of framed structures using the adaptively shifted integration technique" Comput. Struct.
The first locomotive to cross the river was named the Antoine LeClaire. The steamboat Effie Afton struct the bridge and the following lawsuit became one of Abraham Lincoln's best-known cases. Le Claire and his wife lived in the mansion until they died in 1861 and 1876 respectively. The couple had no children, but they informally adopted his nephew, Louis Antoine Le Claire, after Antoine Le Claire's half-brother Alexis died in 1849.
The PL/I programming language provided for COBOL-style records. The C programming language initially provided the record concept as a kind of template (`struct`) that could be laid on top of a memory area, rather than a true record data type. The latter were provided eventually (by the `typedef` declaration), but the two concepts are still distinct in the language. Most languages designed after Pascal (such as Ada, Modula, and Java) also supported records.
In C++, the only difference between a struct and a class is the default access level, which is private for classes and public for structs. To illustrate the benefit: consider a public variable which can be accessed from any part of a program. If an error occurs, the culprit could be within any portion of the program, including various sub-dependencies. In a large code base, this leads to thousands of potential sources.
Domain 1 provides a large surface that the interacts with the N-terminus of EF and LF,Feld GK, Thoren KL, Kintzer AF, Sterling HJ, Tang II, Greenberg SG, Williams ER, Krantz BA. Structural basis for the unfolding anthrax lethal factor by protective antigen oligomers. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2010, 17(11):1383-80. which is almost completely homologous for the first ~36 residues and similar in tertiary structure for the first ~250 residues.
Although use of "packed" structures is most frequently used to conserve memory space, it may also be used to format a data structure for transmission using a standard protocol. However, in this usage, care must also be taken to ensure that the values of the struct members are stored with the endianness required by the protocol (often network byte order), which may be different from the endianness used natively by the host machine.
This quake struck at about lunchtime and was centred closer at Lyttelton, and shallower than the prior quake, explaining the resultant destruction. 21 July 2013: A 6.5 magnitude earthquake struct in the Cook Strait near the town of Seddon and caused moderate damage in New Zealand's capital, Wellington. It was preceded by a strong M5.7 foreshock. 16 August 2013: A 6.6 magnitude earthquake struck near Lake Grassmere in South Islands Marlborough Region.
Abdul Hadi al Iraqi suffers from a spinal condition. Camp authorities flew in a neuro-surgical team for an emergency operation, hours before Cuba was struct by Hurricane Irma. According to Carol Rosenberg, writing in the Miami Herald, his lawyers blamed the severity of his spinal condition on a decade of medical mistreatment. Military spokesmen, on the other hand, pointed to him as an example of the high quality of the treatment provided to captives.
In computer science, a record (also called a structure, struct, or compound data) is a basic data structure. Records in a database or spreadsheet are usually called "rows". A record is a collection of fields, possibly of different data types, typically in a fixed number and sequence. The fields of a record may also be called members, particularly in object-oriented programming; fields may also be called elements, though this risks confusion with the elements of a collection.
Buckling-restrained braced frame (BRBF) is a structural steel frame that provides lateral resistance to buckling, particularly during seismic activity.Larry A. Fahnestock, James M. Ricles, and Richard Sause, Experimental Evaluation of a Large-Scale Buckling-Restrained Braced Frame, J. Struct. Eng. 133, 1205 (2007); The BRBF is typically a special case of a concentrically braced frame. Tests have demonstrated BRBF systems are highly effective for energy dissipation, while being vulnerable to large deformations and story drift.
Id., template struct pair { typedef _T1 first_type; typedef _T2 second_type; _T1 first; _T2 second; pair(): first(), second() { } pair(const _T1& __a, const _T2& __b): first(__a), second(__b) { } template pair(const pair<_U1, _U2>& __p) : first(__p.first), second(__p.second) { } }; Additionally this header defines all six relational operators for instances with both types in common. These define a strict weak ordering for objects of type , based on the elements and then upon the elements only when the ones are equal.
J. Struct. Biol. 169(2):183-191. Energy storing tendons have been shown to utilise significant amounts of sliding between fascicles to enable the high strain characteristics they require, whilst positional tendons rely more heavily on sliding between collagen fibres and fibrils. However, recent data suggests that energy storing tendons may also contain fascicles which are twisted, or helical, in nature - an arrangement that would be highly beneficial for providing the spring-like behaviour required in these tendons.
Decorah Woolen Mill, also known as the Meritol Building or Decorah Tire Service, is a historic building located in Decorah, Iowa, United States. The mill was originally constructed in 1867, and was operated by various owners in the years to come. They included the Decorah Glove and Mitten Works who operated in the building the same year, 1908, that it was struct by a tornado. with The third floor sustained damage, and they continued operations here.
The original Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart Cathedral School Pensacola was in the Diocese of Mobile when Bishop Edward Allen appointed Father Fullerton from St. Michael's Church in 1905 to supervise the construction of Sacred Heart Church. The new church was still under construction when a hurricane struct the city in 1906 and destroyed the roof. It was rebuilt and Bishop Allen dedicated the Gothic Revival church in April 1907. At the time the parish had twenty-five families.
In Static Shock: Rebirth of the Cool, Virgil is involved with a girl named Madison, but Frieda ends up fighting with her over him. Static has had confrontations with numerous bang babies and other super powered adversaries: Hotstreak, Tarmack, Holocaust, Commando X, Puff, Coil, Snakefingers, Rift, The Swarm, Dr. Kilgore, Rubberband Man, Brat-atat-tat, Prometheus, Run, Jump & Burn, Boom Box, Powerfist, LaserJet, etc. Other Bang-Babies that Static has encountered include Virus, D-Struct and Hyacinth.
Nominal typing means that two variables are type-compatible if and only if their declarations name the same type. For example, in C, two `struct` types with different names in the same translation unit are never considered compatible, even if they have identical field declarations. However, C also allows a `typedef` declaration, which introduces an alias for an existing type. These are merely syntactical and do not differentiate the type from its alias for the purpose of type checking.
The pioneering work of his team on the use of the hydrogen Raman shifter as a light source for two-color two-photon excitation microscopy was also awarded a US patent (No. 8,227,256 B2) on 24 July 2012. His fields of interest include confocal laser scanning microscopy,C. Palmes-Saloma and C. Saloma, "Long-depth imaging of specific gene expressions in wholemount mouse embryos with single photon excitation confocal fluorescence microscope and FISH," J Struct Biol 131, pp.
In some computer languages like C#, there is also the concept of safe/secure context. For instance, if an array is needed inside a structure, it can be added to it since version 2.0, but only in an unsafe/unsecure context.Structures in C# 2.0 Here is an example code: struct ParameterRepresentation { char target; char taskStart; char taskType; fixed byte traceValues[m_MAX_BYTES]; }; The fixed keyword prevents the garbage collector from relocating this variable. The access to an array is like in C++, i.e.
There are several examples in the literature where the FOSM method is employed to estimate the stochastic distribution of the buckling load of axially compressed structures (see e.g. Ref.I. Elishakoff, S. van Manen, P. G. Vermeulen, and J. Arbocz, "First-Order Second-Moment Analysis of the Buckling of Shells with Random Imperfections", AIAA J., 25 (8), pp 1113–1117, 1987.I. Elishakoff, "Uncertain Buckling: Its Past, Present and Future", Int. J. Solids Struct., 37 (46–47), pp 6869–6889, Nov. 2000.
The collagen fibers in the perimysium usually orient between 45 and 60 degrees to the long axis of the muscle fibers in their relaxed state. Well defined contact regions between the endomysium and perimysium were observed and coined the perimysial junctional plate (PJP).Passerieux, E., Rossignol, R., Chopard, A., Carnino, A., Marini, J.F., Letellier, T., Delage, J.P. (2006). Structural organization of the perimysium in bovine skeletal muscle: Junctional plates and associated intracellular subdomains, J Struct Biol, 154 (2), 206-216.
C++03 does not provide templated typedefs. For instance, to have represent for every type one cannot use: template typedef std::pair stringpair; // Doesn't work However, if one is willing to accept in lieu of , then it is possible to achieve the desired result via a typedef within an otherwise unused templated class or struct: template class stringpair { private: // Prevent instantiation of `stringpair`. stringpair(); public: // Make `stringpair::type` represent `std::pair`. typedef std::pair type; }; // Declare a variable of type `std::pair`.
IDL also supports the use of bracketed attributes before declarations to provide additional information, such as interface GUIDs and the relationships between pointer parameters and length fields. IDL files are compiled by the MIDL compiler. For C/C++, the MIDL compiler generates a compiler-independent header file containing struct definitions to match the vtbls of the declared interfaces and a C file containing declarations of the interface GUIDs. C++ source code for a proxy module can also be generated by the MIDL compiler.
Functionality like these "finally" clauses can be implemented by a goto to the single return point of the subroutine. An alternative solution is to use the normal stack unwinding (variable deallocation) at function exit to unallocate resources, such as via destructors on local variables, or similar mechanisms such as Python's "with" statement. Some early implementations of languages such as the original Pascal and C restricted the types that can be returned by a function (e.g., not supporting record or struct types) to simplify their compilers.
Multi-Architecture Binary files are in a special archive format, in which a single file stores one or more Mach-O subfiles for each architecture supported by the Multi-Architecture Binary. Every Multi-Architecture Binary starts with a structure (struct fat_header) containing two unsigned integers. The first integer ("magic") is used as a magic number to identify this file as a Fat Binary. The second integer ("nfat_arch") defines how many Mach-O Files the archive contains (how many instances of the same program for different architectures).
Constructors are trivial only if there are no virtual member functions of the class and no virtual base classes. Copy/move operations also require all non-static data members to be trivial. A type that is standard-layout means that it orders and packs its members in a way that is compatible with C. A class or struct is standard-layout, by definition, provided: # It has no virtual functions # It has no virtual base classes # All its non-static data members have the same access control (public, private, protected) # All its non-static data members, including any in its base classes, are in the same one class in the hierarchy # The above rules also apply to all the base classes and to all non-static data members in the class hierarchy # It has no base classes of the same type as the first defined non- static data member A class/struct/union is considered POD if it is trivial, standard-layout, and all of its non-static data members and base classes are PODs. By separating these concepts, it becomes possible to give up one without losing the other.
Both are descendants of the ALGOL language series. ALGOL introduced programming language support for structured programming, where programs are constructed of single entry and single exit constructs such as if, while, for and case. Pascal stems directly from ALGOL W, while it shared some new ideas with ALGOL 68. The C language is more indirectly related to ALGOL, originally through B, BCPL, and CPL, and later through ALGOL 68 (for example in case of `struct` and `union`) and also Pascal (for example in case of enumerations, `const`, `typedef` and booleans).
Raima's SQL is an extension that implements ANSI SQL based on the 1989 and 1992 standards. It supports the following SQL data types: char, varchar, long varchar, smallint, integer, bigint, wchar (Unicode), wvarchar, long wvarchar, float, double, real, decimal/numeric, date, time, timestamp, rowid, binary, varbianary, long varbinary, and c_data (read access to native array and struct data types). The SQL API is implemented as a SAG CLI interface giving access to the supported SQL92 standard. RDM Server has full support for ODBC v3.51, JDBC v3 and v4 through a Java type 4 implementation, ADO.
Friday December 15: Danielson, Darker, The Devastations, Dogdaze, Dream/Aktion Unit feat. Chris Corsano, Thurston Moore, Paul Flaherty, Matt Heyner & C. Spencer Yeh, HSSLHFF, Julie Mittens, Krustpunk Collectief, Paul Lebreque, Love Is All, Mono, My Cat Is An Alien, No-Neck Blues Band, Tomàn, Vincent Oliver, POW-Ensemble feat. Joseph Bowie, Rauberhöhle, Sedan Vault, Sonic Youth Saturday December 16: Aardvarck feat. DJ Cinnaman: Cult Copy live, Aavikko, Breakcore Tapdance Collective, Chap-a-tow, Circle, (Chris) Clark, Daan D-struct, Jimmy Edgar, Nathan Fake, La Peste, Labasheeda, Jamie Lidell feat.
This makes it easier to learn but at some cost, perhaps, in limiting functionality. Only two data types are supported in LB v4.03 — numeric and string. No type declarations are required; any variable with a $ sign at the end of its name is a string variable, otherwise it is numeric. (The plan for LB v5 is to support other types and user defined types as well as these.) For the purpose of making calls to an API or third-party DLLs there is a STRUCT and the additional types necessary for the DLL.
Sir Roger Talbot Waters, CBE, FRIBA, FI Struct E, was a British architect noted for his role in a number of major post-war projects in London from the Thames Barrier to the redevelopment of Covent Garden. He also worked on a number of housing developments across London, including the Palace Road Estate in Tulse Hill, and Brentford Dock and Marina. As Chief Architect of the Greater London Council he developed a more low key style, in contrast to the high rise ethic of the 1970s and pioneered the use of public consultation in architecture.
The SPARC architecture, unlike most RISC architectures, is built on register windows. There are 24 accessible registers in each register window: 8 are the "in" registers (%i0-%i7), 8 are the "local" registers (%l0-%l7), and 8 are the "out" registers (%o0-%o7). The "in" registers are used to pass arguments to the function being called, and any additional arguments need to be pushed onto the stack. However, space is always allocated by the called function to handle a potential register window overflow, local variables, and (on 32-bit SPARC) returning a struct by value.
If the OS kernel is an ELF file (Executable and Linkable Format), which it is for the Linux kernel, this can be omitted for Multiboot2. The ELF format is very common in the open source world and has its own field (`e_entry`) containing the entry point. Before jumping to the OS entry point, the boot loader must provide a boot information structure to tell the OS how it left the system; for Multiboot, this is a struct, and for Multiboot2, every field (group) has a type tag and a size.
However, there is no checking of types, so it is up to the programmer to be sure that the proper fields are accessed in different contexts. The relevant field of a union variable is typically determined by the state of other variables, possibly in an enclosing struct. One common C programming idiom uses unions to perform what C++ calls a reinterpret_cast, by assigning to one field of a union and reading from another, as is done in code which depends on the raw representation of the values. A practical example is the method of computing square roots using the IEEE representation.
A control block is a data area with a predefined structure, very similar to a C `struct`, but typically only related to system's functions. A DCB may be compared to a FILE structure in C, but it is much more complex, offering many more options for various access methods. The control block acted as the Application programming interface between Logical IOCS and the application program and usually was defined within (and resided within) the application program itself. The addresses of I/O subroutines would be resolved during a linkedit phase after compilation or else dynamically inserted at OPEN time.
There are also derived types including arrays, pointers, records (`struct`), and unions (`union`). C is often used in low-level systems programming where escapes from the type system may be necessary. The compiler attempts to ensure type correctness of most expressions, but the programmer can override the checks in various ways, either by using a type cast to explicitly convert a value from one type to another, or by using pointers or unions to reinterpret the underlying bits of a data object in some other way. Some find C's declaration syntax unintuitive, particularly for function pointers.
After this header, there are nfat_arch number of fat_arch structures (struct fat_arch). This structure defines the offset (from the start of the file) at which to find the file, the alignment, the size and the CPU type and subtype which the Mach-O binary (within the archive) is targeted at. The version of the GNU Compiler Collection shipped with the Developer Tools was able to cross-compile source code for the different architectures on which NeXTStep was able to run. For example, it was possible to choose the target architectures with multiple '-arch' options (with the architecture as argument).
In pre-standard C++, all static data members required a definition outside of their class. However, during the C++ standardization process it was decided to lift this requirement for static const integral members. The intent was to allow uses such as: struct C { static const int N = 10; }; char data[C::N]; // N "used" without out-of-class definition without a namespace scope definition for `N`. Nevertheless, the wording of the 1998 C++ standard still required a definition if the member was used in the program.ISO/IEC (1998). ISO/IEC 14882:1998(E): Programming Languages - C++ §9.4.
ALGOL 68 supports programming of parallel processing. Using the keyword par, a collateral clause is converted to a parallel clause, where the synchronisation of actions is controlled using semaphores. In A68G the parallel actions are mapped to threads when available on the hosting operating system. In A68S a different paradigm of parallel processing was implemented (see below). int initial foot width = 5; mode foot = struct( string name, sema width, bits toe ¢ packed vector of BOOL ¢ ); foot left foot:= foot("Left", level initial foot width, 2r11111), right foot:= foot("Right", level initial foot width, 2r11111); ¢ 10 round clip in a 1968 Colt Python .
The following example illustrates a basic instance of SFINAE: struct Test { typedef int foo; }; template void f(typename T::foo) {} // Definition #1 template void f(T) {} // Definition #2 int main() { f(10); // Call #1. f(10); // Call #2. Without error (even though there is no int::foo) // thanks to SFINAE. } Here, attempting to use a non- class type in a qualified name (`T::foo`) results in a deduction failure for `f` because `int` has no nested type named `foo`, but the program is well- formed because a valid function remains in the set of candidate functions.
Sentry (Shao-Bing or Shaobing, 哨兵) is a ducted fan VTOL UAV developed by NUDT, and it is mainly intended for disaster rescue missions by search survivors after disaster had struct. The entire system is designed for rapid deployment and can be airborne within two minutes after taking out of storage. The general designers of Sentry UAV is Mr. Zhou Yi (周易) and Mr. Li Xiao-Hua (李晓华) of NUDT. Externally, Sentry UAV resembles Allied Aerospace ISTAR UAV, except the landing gear of Sentry consists of four lege instead of a ring adopted by ISTAR.
The returned pointer can be used (recast) into a (typed) dynamic array, by means of a slice (however resizing array, including appending must be avoided; and for obvious reasons they must not be returned from the function). A `scope` keyword can be used both to annotate parts of code, but also variables and classes/structs, to indicate they should be destroyed (destructor called) immediately on scope exit. Whatever the memory is deallocated also depends on implementation and class- vs-struct differences. `std.experimental.allocator` contains a modular and composable allocator templates, to create custom high performance allocators for special use cases.
A set of bits is used to denote if the message is an answer to an inquiry command such as "Request printer ID". If that is the case the printer appends a command- specific amount of extra information to the end of the status message. The reported size of the message that is encoded in the first two bytes of the printers response is higher, accordingly. The following python-script requests the printer ID in order to identify the printer type and capabilities in use: import serial import struct # select, configure and open the serial interface with serial.
To resolve some of the incompatibilities resulting from 's properties, C++11 added two new classes: and (made up of the new types and ), which are the given number of bits per code unit on all platforms. C++11 also added new string literals of 16-bit and 32-bit "characters" and syntax for putting Unicode code points into null- terminated (C-style) strings. A is guaranteed to be specializable for any type with a struct to accompany it. As of C++11, only , , and specializations are required to be implemented in the standard library; any other types are implementation-defined.
Racket provides several related facilities for generators. First, its for-loop forms work with sequences, which are a kind of a producer: (for ([i (in-range 10 20)]) (printf "i = ~s " i)) and these sequences are also first-class values: (define 10-to-20 (in-range 10 20)) (for ([i 10-to-20]) (printf "i = ~s " i)) Some sequences are implemented imperatively (with private state variables) and some are implemented as (possibly infinite) lazy lists. Also, new struct definitions can have a property that specifies how they can be used as sequences. But more directly, Racket comes with a generator library for a more traditional generator specification.
Joost Schymkowitz is a Belgian molecular biologist and researcher at the KU Leuven (Brussels, Leuven). Together with Frederic Rousseau he is group leader at the VIB Switch Laboratory, KU Leuven. His research interest is on essential cellular processes where functional regulation is governed by protein conformational switches that have to be actively controlled to ensure cell viabilityA systems biology perspective on protein structural dynamics and signal transduction, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Curr Opin Struct Biol 23-30, 2005 He obtained a PhD at the University of Cambridge (Cambridge, United Kingdom) in 2001. He did a Postdoc at the EMBL in Heidelberg Germany from 2001 until 2003.
Thrift is written in C++, but can create code for a number of languages. To create a Thrift service, one has to write Thrift files that describe it, generate the code in the destination language, write some code to start the server, and call it from the client. Here is a code example of such a description file: enum PhoneType { HOME, WORK, MOBILE, OTHER } struct Phone { 1: i32 id, 2: string number, 3: PhoneType type } service PhoneService { Phone findById(1: i32 id), list findAll() } Thrift will generate the code out of this descriptive information. For instance, in Java, the `PhoneType` will be a simple `enum` inside the `Phone` class.
Structure of arrays (or SoA) is a layout separating elements of a record (or 'struct' in the C programming language) into one parallel array per field. The motivation is easier manipulation with packed SIMD instructions in most instruction set architectures, since a single SIMD register can load homogeneous data, possibly transferred by a wide internal datapath (e.g. 128-bit). If only a specific part of the record is needed, only those parts need to be iterated over, allowing more data to fit onto a single cache line. The downside is requiring more cache ways when traversing data, and inefficient indexed addressing (see also: planar image format).
Contesting the elections that followed and strengthening the SLFP in the periods between elections; Bandaranaike became the Leader of the Opposition in 1952 and Prime Minister in 1956. As prime minister he initiated several controversial legislation that struct racial discords in the island and he was assassinated in 1959, when Chandrika was fourteen. Following the assassination Bandaranaike's grieving widow took over the leadership of the SLFP and led it to an election victory making her the first female prime minister in the world, in 1960. Therefore, Chandrika was involved in politics from a young age along with her siblings as she was the second of three children in the family.
ShowAll(); Console.ReadLine(); } } A fairly straightforward 'fill-in-the-blanks' example of a Lazy Initialization design pattern, except that this uses an enumeration for the type namespace DesignPatterns.LazyInitialization { public class LazyFactoryObject { //internal collection of items //IDictionaery makes sure they are unique private IDictionary _LazyObjectList = new Dictionary(); //enum for passing name of size required //avoids passing strings and is part of LazyObject ahead public enum LazyObjectSize { None, Small, Big, Bigger, Huge } //standard type of object that will be constructed public struct LazyObject { public LazyObjectSize Size; public IList Result; } //takes size and create 'expensive' list private IList Result(LazyObjectSize size) { IList result = null; switch (size) { case LazyObjectSize.Small: result = CreateSomeExpensiveList(1, 100); break; case LazyObjectSize.
The e language uses an aspect-oriented programming (AOP) approach, which is an extension of the object-oriented programming approach to specifically address the needs required in functional verification. AOP is a key feature in that it allows for users to easily bolt on additional functionality to existing code in a non-invasive manner. This permits easy reuse and code maintenance which is a huge benefit in the hardware world, where designs are continually being tweaked to meet market demands throughout the project lifecycle. AOP also addresses cross cutting concerns (features that cut across various sections of the code) easily by allowing users to extend either specific or all instances of a particular struct to add functionality.
Otherwise they are replaced with a pointer when used as an argument. When an oversized struct return is needed, another pointer to a caller- provided space is prepended as the first argument, shifting all other arguments to the right by one place. When compiling for the x64 architecture in a Windows context (whether using Microsoft or non-Microsoft tools), stdcall, thiscall, cdecl, and fastcall all resolve to using this convention. In the Microsoft x64 calling convention, it is the caller's responsibility to allocate 32 bytes of "shadow space" on the stack right before calling the function (regardless of the actual number of parameters used), and to pop the stack after the call.
One major misfeature of ALGOL 68 is that it is impossible to write the standard transput (input/output) procedures in pure ALGOL 68. The print procedure takes, for example, an array of items to print of any mode and, by a process named straightening, converts them into simple values that can be printed. For example: struct (int a, real b) c := ...; print(c); { magically transformed to print ((a of c, b of c)); } The writers of ALGOL 68RS decided to make straightening available as part of the language. A `straight` mode resembles an array but has the special feature that items can be coerced to a `straight` mode if their components can be coerced to the mode.
However, smaller values like integers are the same size as pointers (typically both are one word), so there is no advantage to passing a pointer, versus passing the value. Also, pass-by-reference inherently requires a dereferencing operation, which can produce noticeable overhead in some operations, typically those used with these basic value types, like mathematics. Similarly to C# and in contrast to most other OO languages, Swift offers built-in support for objects using either pass-by-reference or pass-by-value semantics, the former using the `class` declaration and the latter using `struct`. Structs in Swift have almost all the same features as classes: methods, implementing protocols and using the extension mechanisms.
While Multiboot defines a header as a struct, which needs to be present in the image file as a whole, in Multiboot2, fields or group of fields have a type tag, which allows them to be omitted from the Multiboot2 header. Within the OS image file, the header must be in the first 8192 (2¹³) bytes for Multiboot and 32768 (2¹⁵) bytes for Multiboot2. The loader searches for a magic number to find the header, which is 0x1BADB002 for Multiboot and 0xE85250D6 for Multiboot2. In the header, `entry_addr` points to the code where control is handed over to the OS. This allows different executable file formats (see Comparison of executable file formats).
As the FBC was formed and work began to establish a fiscal plan and debt restructuring, the initial deadline for which Puerto Rico could default on payments had passed and in May 2017, several creditors filed suit against the territory for failure to pay. The FCB issued its intent to have these cases heard in the special court established by PROMESA. The cases held at this court looked to significantly cut back how much Puerto Rico owed to its creditors. This was also impacted by Hurricane Maria that struct Puerto Rico in September 2017, causing an estimated in further costs for recovery, which impacted how much the territory could pay back to creditors under PROMESA.
This language has a number of useful features, such as uniform representation for higher-order functions (avoiding the pitfalls when callbacks and callouts are different), struct definitions that are similar to plain Racket structs, and custom function types that can represent input and output pointers, implicit arguments (e.g., an argument that provides the number of elements in a vector that is passed as another argument). By using this interface to access underlying GUI toolkits, Racket implements its own GUI layer completely in Racket. The FFI can be used in a number of different ways: from writing a complete glue layer for a library (as done for Racket's OpenGL binding), to quickly pulling out a single foreign function.
Several tornadoes struct the New South Wales coast during the overnight period of February 23–24. Five tornadoes were investigated by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology on the south coast, initial analysis indicated an EF1 struck Kiama leaving a damage path 4 km long, Jamberoo was hit by an EF0 with a trail of damage 8 km long, and Gerroa to Nowra was struck by an EF2 that left a damage path 16 km long and 200–300 metres wide at its greatest. The tornado that swept through the town of Kiama caused extensive damage to around 75 homes in the area. Further north in Sydney a funnel cloud was reported at Kirribilli just after midnight accompanied by winds to 135 km/hr recorded at Sydney Harbour.
The problem occurs due to a "shortcut" used with compilers for many common object-oriented (OO) languages, a design feature that was kept when OO languages were evolving from earlier non-OO structured programming languages such as C and Pascal. In these languages there were no objects in the modern sense, but there was a similar construct known as a record (or "struct" in C) that held a variety of related information in one piece of memory. The parts within a particular record were accessed by keeping track of the starting location of the record, and knowing the offset from that starting point to the part in question. For instance a "person" record might have a first name, last name and middle initial, to access the initial the programmer writes `thisPerson.
In C, an array (of which strings are special cases) is a data structure but the name of an array is treated as (has as value) the reference to the first element of the array, while a struct variable's name refers to a value even if it has fields that are vectors. In Maple, a vector is a special case of a table and therefore a data structure, but a list (which gets rendered and can be indexed in exactly the same way) is a value. In Tcl, values are "dual-ported" such that the value representation is used at the script level, and the language itself manages the corresponding data structure, if one is required. Modifications made via the data structure are reflected back to the value representation and vice versa.
Air curtains consume electrical energy during their operation, but can be used for net energy savings by reducing the heat transfer (via mass transfer when air mixes across the threshold) between two spaces. However, a closed and well-sealed physical door is much more effective in reducing energy loss.Interim Report on the Energy Appraisal of Retail Units: Assessing the effect of open doors on energy consumption and thermal comfort Technical Report Number: CUED/D-STRUCT/TR232, Murat Basarir & Dr. Mauro Overend, published 2010-10-18, accessed 2011-06-28 Both technologies are often utilized in tandem; when the solid door is opened the air curtain turns on, minimizing air exchange between inside and outside. An air curtain may pay for itself in a few years by reducing the load on the building's heating or air conditioning system.
In C++03, a class or struct must follow a number of rules for it to be considered a plain old data (POD) type. Types that fit this definition produce object layouts that are compatible with C, and they could also be initialized statically. The C++03 standard has restrictions on what types are compatible with C or can be statically initialized despite there being no technical reason a compiler couldn't accept the program; if someone were to create a C++03 POD type and add a non-virtual member function, this type would no longer be a POD type, could not be statically initialized, and would be incompatible with C despite no change to the memory layout. C++11 relaxed several of the POD rules, by dividing the POD concept into two separate concepts: trivial and standard-layout.
Even with the aforementioned C++11 functionality of `decltype`, this is not possible: template decltype(lhs+rhs) adding_func(const Lhs &lhs;, const Rhs &rhs;) {return lhs + rhs;} //Not valid C++11 This is not valid C++ because `lhs` and `rhs` have not yet been defined; they will not be valid identifiers until after the parser has parsed the rest of the function prototype. To work around this, C++11 introduced a new function declaration syntax, with a trailing-return-type: template auto adding_func(const Lhs &lhs;, const Rhs &rhs;) -> decltype(lhs+rhs) {return lhs + rhs;} This syntax can be used for more mundane function declarations and definitions: struct SomeStruct { auto func_name(int x, int y) -> int; }; auto SomeStruct::func_name(int x, int y) -> int { return x + y; } Use of the keyword “auto” in this case is only part of the syntax and does not perform automatic type deduction.
While ADL makes it practical for functions defined outside of a class to behave as if they were part of the interface of that class, it makes namespaces less strict and so can require the use of fully qualified names when they would not otherwise be needed. For example, the C++ standard library makes extensive use of unqualified calls to std::swap to swap two values. The idea is that then one can define an own version of std::swap in one's own namespace and it will be used within the standard library algorithms. In other words, the behavior of namespace N { struct A {}; } // namespace N A a; A b; std::swap(a, b); may or may not be the same as the behavior of using std::swap; swap(a, b); (where `a` and `b` are of type `N::A`) because if `N::swap(N::A&, N::A&)` exists, the second of the above examples will call it while the first will not.
9-HODE, 9-oxoODE, and 9-EE-HODE (along with their 13-HODE counterparts) directly activate peroxisome proliferator- activated receptor gamma (PPARγ).Cell. 1998 Apr 17;93(2):229-40Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2008 Sep;15(9):924-31Biol Pharm Bull. 2009 Apr;32(4):735-40 This activation appears responsible for the ability of 13-HODE (and 9-HODE) to induce the transcription of PPARγ-inducible genes in human monocytes as well as to stimulate the maturation of these cells to macrophages. 13(S)-HODE (and 9(S)-HODE) also stimulate the activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta (PPARβ) in a model cell system; 13-HODE (and 9-HODE) are also proposed to contribute to the ability of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) to activate PPARβl: LDL containing phospholipid-bound 13-HODE (and 9-HODE) is taken up by the cell and then acted on by phospholipases to release the HODEs which in turn directly activate PPARβl.
The UDIF metadata is found at the end of the disk image following the data. This trailer can be described using the following C structure. All values are big- endian (PowerPC byte ordering) typedef struct { uint8_t Signature[4]; // magic 'koly' uint32_t Version; // 4 (as of 2013) uint32_t HeaderSize; // sizeof(this) = 512 (as of 2013) uint32_t Flags; uint64_t RunningDataForkOffset; uint64_t DataForkOffset; // usually 0, beginning of file uint64_t DataForkLength; uint64_t RsrcForkOffset; // resource fork offset and length uint64_t RsrcForkLength; uint32_t SegmentNumber; // Usually 1, can be 0 uint32_t SegmentCount; // Usually 1, can be 0 uuid_t SegmentID; uint32_t DataChecksumType; // Data fork checksum uint32_t DataChecksumSize; uint32_t DataChecksum[32]; uint64_t XMLOffset; // Position of XML property list in file uint64_t XMLLength; uint8_t Reserved1[120]; uint32_t ChecksumType; // Master checksum uint32_t ChecksumSize; uint32_t Checksum[32]; uint32_t ImageVariant; // Unknown, commonly 1 uint64_t SectorCount; uint32_t reserved2; uint32_t reserved3; uint32_t reserved4; } __attribute__((packed, scalar_storage_order("big-endian"))) UDIFResourceFile; The XML plist contains a (blocks) key, with information about how the preceding data fork is allocated. The main data is stored in a base64 block, using tables identified by the magic .
Air curtain The Close the Door campaign is a national campaign in the United Kingdom to encourage retailers to keep their doors closed to conserve energy and reduce carbon emissions. Interim Report on the Energy Appraisal of Retail Units: Assessing the effect of open doors on energy consumption and thermal comfort Technical Report Number: CUED/D-STRUCT/TR232, Murat Basarir & Dr. Mauro Overend, published 2010-10-18, accessed 2011-06-28 As well as the national campaign, which is supported by major retailers including Marks and Spencer, Tesco, John Lewis Partnership, Wickes and Boots,Close The Door - Participating retailers Close the Door campaign, accessed 2011-06-28 there are also local campaigns in various cities including Cambridge (where the campaign was founded), Birmingham, London and York.Close The Door - Local campaigns Close the Door campaign, accessed 2011-06-28 In addition to encouraging the participation of retailers, consumers are also encouraged to participate by closing shop doors and boycotting shops that refuse to close their doors.Close The Door - Consumers Close the Door campaign, accessed 2011-06-28 The Campaign is supported by the shopworkers Union USDAW both because of the energy reduction and the increase in staff comfort.

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