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"stridently" Definitions
  1. in an aggressive and determined way
  2. with loud, rough and unpleasant sounds

307 Sentences With "stridently"

How to use stridently in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "stridently" and check conjugation/comparative form for "stridently". Mastering all the usages of "stridently" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Conservatives become more stridently determined to decimate the federal government.
Race and immigration didn't come up nearly as stridently then.
Both men were stridently against the junta and the monarchy.
And yet most were stridently single, satisfied with their lives.
It's true that the president himself stridently criticizes his opponents.
Thus the FPÖ is less stridently anti-EU than it was.
It has reportedly instructed conservatives not to defend Pruitt too stridently.
Almost everybody gave an opinion, and mine was stridently anti-Trump.
Peter Navarro, the stridently anti-China trade adviser, has gained influence.
Alternately, Michon's stridently flat "Disappearing Landscapes" (2018-19) suggest topographic maps.
It's hardly his only stridently conservative opinion on the DC Circuit.
" Trump disagreed stridently on Wednesday, calling it a matter of "common sense.
The stridently theatricalized violence is horrific only because it's so abjectly manipulative.
He's less stridently anti–welfare state, and less socially conservative than most paleoconservatives.
Local officials of both parties, though, remain stridently opposed to the push. Sen.
There is no doubt that Trump touts this revolution more stridently than Obama.
President Tayyip Erdogan has increasingly used stridently anti-European and anti-American rhetoric.
Hardliners, including Sessions and Miller, were stridently anti-DACA, believing it to be unconstitutional.
He has been stridently unrepentant since those initial comments and the ensuing blow-back.
Mr. Gallagher made his mark on three of Britain's most stridently pro-Brexit newspapers.
Trump has stridently criticized the Fed's interest rate hikes, saying they have hurt the economy.
People who have stridently defended Trump at some cost to their own reputations, like Sen.
Netanyahu stridently opposed the international negotiations led by the Obama administration to curb Iran's nuclear arsenal.
While Trump's opponents will stridently demand impeachment, that road, though possible, is strewn with substantial impediments.
And there is the stridently conservative, small-government Cruz voter, a dedicated God-fearing culture warrior.
Those Reuters spoke to would not be drawn on his politics, which are stridently anti-immigration.
Already, the Mexican government has grown more stridently critical of the Trump administration's stance on Nafta.
But in 2019 the government of Narendra Modi won re-election on a stridently nationalist ticket.
The Germans and Dutch will stridently resist proposals that hint at a potential call on their taxpayers.
Artists usually court controversy when their work is, or seems to be, stridently polemic, or purposely provocative.
Hong Kong's Beijing-appointed chief executive, Carrie Lam, has stridently defended the bill and denounced the protesters.
For its part, the European Central Bank is also stepping away from easy policies, though more stridently.
And because my small-town, naive "Susie" brand wasn't going anywhere, going stridently conservative was my best hope.
More stridently political, they're nevertheless distinguished by that same puckish, sociable New York School ethos of cultural consumerism.
To some extent, stridently anti-Islam policies would simply involve swapping a dog whistle for an air horn.
The regions forging ahead most stridently are the Northeast, the Mid-Atlantic and the Western states, said Littell.
Instead, Ryanism dominated, and the only prominent Republican to stridently reject it turned out to be Donald Trump.
When caught in the lie, Trump did what Trump does: Repeats the lie, louder, stronger, and more stridently.
Snapshot: The rapper Slowthai, above, has made a name for himself in Britain with his stridently political tracks.
There's a dynamic that pushes politicians to come out stridently on things where there's a lot of excitement.
"A Democratic adoption of tighter immigration policies and less stridently leftist cultural stances could dominate" among many voters.
He had a point, but in the two years after leaving the DIA his views have become stridently Islamophobic.
Still, the deal could fracture if the U.S. or Iran treads too stridently over any number of fault lines.
The reality is that it can only disappoint many of those who have been demanding its publication most stridently.
The intelligence community as a whole, along with advocates of vast U.S. national security power, are stridently anti-Snowden.
Circumcision is irreversible, and many argue, quite stridently, that this is "genital mutilation" inflicted on children for no reason.
The E.S.P. woman (Serena, who was anything but) had reacted a bit more stridently than I let on earlier.
Sheldon Adelson, a billionaire known for his stridently pro-Israel views and extensive financial support for the Republican Party.
Stridently anti-Sanders columnists like Chait and operatives like James Carville aren't advising a vote for anyone in particular.
Ella Rubin is Serafina's defiant (and stridently Southern) daughter, and Burke Swanson is the young, wooden sailor she loves.
ICE, however, stridently denied the Connors account of their time at the Pennsylvania facility, which has been criticized before.
Some of Mr. Corbyn's supporters also stridently oppose Israel, occasionally resorting to anti-Semitic tropes to make their points.
In this election, we unfortunately saw those like David Duke and the KKK who openly and stridently embraced your candidacy.
But Trump, who earlier in the day called the allegations "ridiculous," devoted several minutes to stridently defending the nominee's reputation.
And while I remain friendly with the architects of the "Reagan Revolution," I couldn't disagree more stridently with their position.
This goes back to the days of the Ron Paul Newsletter in the early 1990s, which published stridently racist articles.
It's a defensive approach against the charges of voyeurism and exploitation leveled most stridently by Susan Sontag and still echoing.
Donald Trump, knowing that he had no chance in those stridently liberal states, made no real effort to campaign there.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi stridently backed a law establishing a religious test for migrants that has led to deadly protests.
"Özil, you're even worse than Morey!" read an online article in Global Times, a stridently nationalist Chinese tabloid, on Saturday.
The stridently populist tone was ironic coming from a leader who has stocked his Cabinet with billionaires and Goldman Sachs alumni.
The author suggests that the CIA helped set up Nasser's influential and stridently anti-imperialist radio station, Voice of the Arabs.
Others stridently voiced their disapproval over the exorbitant amounts of money being spent on sports facilities while Mexico's social problems worsened.
But it was his party's performance that was belted most stridently — and maybe pitched toward one particular viewer on Pennsylvania Avenue.
But such a rout would presumably require Clinton to campaign stridently against endangered House and Senate Republicans between now and Nov.
Sexuality, of course, is stridently policed, even while campers are made to believe that something is always happening behind the boathouse.
Oldmixon studies the rather strange alliance between evangelical Christians and people in the orthodox Jewish community who are stridently pro-Israel.
Nor is it a surprise that these predictably pro-Trump politicians are climate change deniers with stridently anti-environmental voting records.
In cases of military aggression as everywhere else, Trump is always in favor of action and always stridently opposed to consequences.
Navarro, a conservative commentator, stridently and righteously rose to the occasion last Friday to defend the honor of everyday American Latinos.
In the early two-thousands, as the Bush Administration was negotiating to limit North Korea's nuclear program, Bolton stridently advocated war.
Earlier in October, US representatives rolled out some stridently anti-free trade proposals that the Canadian and Mexicans considered absolute nonstarters.
Many of the faithful are appalled that he would recognise priests over whose appointment the stridently atheist Communist Party has a veto.
Yet in practice, some economists point out, Trump has been less stridently anti-trade than his campaign rhetoric suggested he would be.
The sponsor of the conference was Global Times, the state-run newspaper that Mr. Wu had criticized for its stridently nationalistic views.
By the late 1960s, he was enhancing his style with bolder coloration, more stridently abstract arrangements, and increasingly varied consistencies of paint.
While some of the tracks are focused on Bhakti, Hindu devotional music, others take a far more political, often stridently nationalist tone.
The National Rifle Association approved of the reauthorization of the 1988 law, but stridently opposed any efforts to modernize and strengthen it.
We have to object stridently to proposals that will hurt people, and not be chilled by a deranged man with a gun.
And there's Pinterest — yes, that Pinterest — which enacted tough and principled content moderation, the sort that its competitors have stridently avoided. 9.
Those themes shined through recently on the front page of The Global Times, a newspaper that often takes a stridently nationalist tone.
Lamb is stridently aligned with labor unions but he is against most gun control, describes himself as personally against abortion, and supports fracking.
There is a ballsiness to this swerve that cannot be overstated; The OA is nothing if not stridently indifferent to the outside world.
But as conservative as his views in most cases were, Scalia still had a few moments in which he stridently sided with defendants.
Spawned from a sci-fi worthy premise, the exhibition-meets-theatrical production springs out of the group's reaction to their stridently academic venue.
Suddenly, Republicans like Phil Berger — a stridently conservative lawyer from the struggling mill town of Eden, who became Senate president — were in charge.
"Some countries slow to respond to virus," read a recent headline from Global Times, a stridently nationalistic tabloid controlled by the Chinese government.
Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign, who has stridently advocated aggressively taxing the wealthiest 1%, has more support among millennials than any other candidate. Sen.
He helped persuade Trump to adopt a number of stridently pro-Israel positions, including moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Her replacement — who will become the next prime minister — will likely be someone stridently in favor of the U.K. leaving the EU, Gilbert said.
The ruling last month, stridently rejected by Beijing, found no legal basis to China's sweeping historic claims to much of the South China Sea.
Both groups campaigned stridently against what they believed was an SJW agenda, but could more accurately be described as a diverse slate of nominees.
Ode stridently shuts down Hannah's preconceived notions about being a writer — solitude isn't the best end game, because it's not the most productive space.
Her stridently political and frankly terrible paintings don't attract many buyers, forcing her more economically stable girlfriend Lisa (Alicia Silverstone) to care of her.
Unquestionably qualified by virtue of his intellect, education and experience, Bork was stridently conservative in his long paper trail of judicial opinions and scholarship.
It was, as you might imagine, stridently uncommercial and creatively oriented—a space for people who wanted their music commentary abstruse, thoughtful, and slow.
President Donald Trump—boorish, anti-intellectual, ignorant of policy, contemptuous of alliances, stridently partisan—is in many ways the antithesis of George H.W. Bush.
At the second show on Wednesday, his stridently strutting 1970s "Nonaah" was played in a more lyrical later arrangement for piano, oboe and flute.
Yet she prevailed in Germany's most stridently masculine party, said Bernd Ulrich, a columnist for Die Zeit who has known her for 20 years.
The Democratic Unionist Party of Northern Ireland, which stridently objects to Mr. Johnson's deal, earlier signaled that it would vote for the Letwin amendment.
The pressure from TIP terrified the Texas Republican Party and Abbott, who stood to lose votes to their new, more stridently right-wing rival.
Top U.S. diplomats are stridently pledging the Trump administration's determination to drive Iran out of Syria, even as it prepares to withdraw its military presence.
Indians see themselves on the verge of becoming the next superpower, with Modi and his stridently nationalist BJP the best people to lead them there.
Since then, he's adopted a more stridently nationalist tone — including calls to create in Hungary a homogenous society that blocks asylum seekers or other refugees.
Living as they do in a stridently pro-reproduction climate, it's difficult for childfree people to publicly express the sentiments behind the downward-trending data.
Meanwhile, school-reform ideas that had been staples of presidential agendas since the 1980s were nowhere to be found — unless they were being stridently denounced.
This seems unlikely, given Maduro's stridently anti-American rhetoric, but it might be the only way to stat digging Venezuela's economy out of the hole.
Voters have replaced older, more pragmatic politicians with younger candidates more stridently opposed to the Communist authorities and willing to engage in all-out resistance.
For months, Democrat talking heads portrayed Pelosi as a reluctant participant in this charade, someone who was restraining her party's most stridently anti-Trump elements. Poppycock.
Non-gamers might also find something to love here, as a way into interactive media that diverges so stridently from other 'games' with more conventional mechanics.
And while he later argued that it expands the government's ability to collect call records, Cruz isn't as stridently pro-surveillance as candidates like Marco Rubio.
Nor is being stridently anti-fascist when digging into subgenres like black metal, whose inherent nihilism and pagan leanings can provide cover for white-supremacist propaganda.
The DUP is stridently socially conservative on issues like reproductive freedom and LGBTQ rights, much more than the Conservative Party or most of the British public.
Maliki, who has stridently attacked Abadi's Western leanings by insisting Iraq's truest ally remains Iran, has broken from the prime minister's bloc and created his own.
This was only to be expected: The mood of the country, outside of its cosmopolitan capital and Europhile Scotland, was stridently anti-immigration and pro-nationalism.
Simultaneously preposterous and dull, "Dear Dictator" is the kind of movie where music and wardrobe choices — like the mean girls' stridently visible underwear — substitute for character.
SOISSONS, France — Just this spring, Marine Le Pen's presidential campaign drew vast crowds who enthusiastically embraced her National Front's stridently nationalist, anti-immigrant vision of France.
On Thursday, the Oakland Raiders applied to relocate to Las Vegas, a bid that will test the league, which has stridently opposed sports gambling for decades.
Nicholson further altered his most distinctive feature, his voice, twisting its devilish purr into Hoffa's stridently nasal Midwestern twang ("Dere's a lot more dere for us").
Global Times, a stridently nationalist newspaper owned by the Chinese Communist Party, criticized the article but also said China should be praised for its counterespionage efforts.
But Humar's mother, Zohre Talip, was a member of the Communist Party, and in their stridently loyal family, the topic of Uighur independence never came up.
There were stories that the front office culture Luhnow had created in Houston was not just cutthroat and paranoid, but increasingly high-handed and stridently amoral.
Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania, one of the moderates most stridently opposed to the AHCA, has held his seat in the Allentown area for 12 years now.
Trump's attacks on the judges who've ruled against him are becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy: The more he attacks judges, the more stridently the judges resist.
On a policy level, that was largely about Iran, where Israel stridently opposed Obama's nuclear deal but congressional Democrats mostly chose partisanship and ideology over AIPAC's preferences.
The implication of a stridently anti-press administration with a database of journalists is troubling, yet, given the surveillance power of the American government, feels almost inevitable.
Yet, his critics fear his apparent fondness for a stridently intolerant authoritarianism, exemplified by previous inflammatory statements denigrating women, blacks and homosexuals, as well as democracy itself.
In a stridently nationalistic commentary, the ruling party's official newspaper described China's determination to protect it national interests and dignity as being as "firm as a boulder".
" (NPR's Linda Holmes had a thoughtful explanation for that.) There's also a magical self-own here in Trump stridently declaring that "The best horse did NOT win.
Even the Global Times, an influential and normally stridently nationalistic tabloid, has sought to temper expectations on how China could use a Trump presidency to its advantage.
Today he considers himself "a comedian first, but only by a couple of feet" and is basically an angrier, more stridently left-wing version of Jon Stewart.
As you look at these ambiguous figures — which may be humans, animals, hallucinations, or magical totems, their genders and number unclear — they look at you, stridently so.
The real issue: She believes the conspiracy theories that fly around the internet, and stridently lets everyone know her ultraconservative views on politics, religion, and everything else.
For a liberal Democrat to also have stridently hawkish views on Israel was not uncommon in the recent past, but the sands have been shifting on this issue.
But the vice-president, a stridently conservative Christian, struck a rhetorical note: The United Nations has too often failed to help the most vulnerable communities, especially religious minorities.
There have been no convictions under the law and initial moves to prosecute Stephen Fry, a British actor, for stridently anti-theistic remarks were dropped amid general embarrassment.
She spent the day campaigning in Alabama -- where she stridently hit Republicans at a fired up rally and joked with supporters at a local coffee shop and restaurant.
During his presidential campaign, Trump stridently criticized China, tweeting that the Asian nation is a currency manipulator and bashing their trade practices to cheering crowds across the country.
Some favor state ownership of the means of production, while others want to privatize prisons; some seek to put politics under religious tutelage, while others are stridently secular.
You may have known about these issues if Congress had an atheist member who stridently opposed discrimination against nonbelievers – just as Baldwin fiercely opposes discrimination against LGBT people.
The subject of repeated lawsuits and federal investigations, Sheriff Arpaio has stridently denounced his critics and boasted that he answered to no one but the voters and himself.
President Raul Castro's government blocks internet access to dissident media, such as the country's most famous blogger Yoani Sanchez, as well as stridently anti-Castro, Miami-based outlets.
Cuba blocks web access to what it considers dissident media, such as the country's most famous blogger Yoani Sanchez, as well as stridently anti-Castro, Miami-based outlets.
By insisting on the stridently irrelevant war in Iraq, America invented a worse enemy than it could have imagined, a perfect fever dream of our fears and shame.
But the trouble with assessing Mr. Trump is that he has been stridently critical of decades of American trade deals while maddeningly nonspecific about what he would change.
Rodin's work has long existed as a statement on what figurative sculpture is supposed to look like: stridently evocative of human expression and greatness, agonized, and seemingly immortal.
While it's impossible to ascribe one factor to Gore's razor-thin defeat, the Elián Gonzalez effort likely ginned up voting among South Florida's stridently anti-Castro Cuban-American population.
Ever since Google's instant article format, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) launched in 2016, the company has stridently pushed back on the idea that it was a Google-specific project.
Many Alabamians did not expect such antics from a folksy, septuagenarian deacon of the First Baptist church in Tuscaloosa, who has assumed stridently judgmental stances on marriage and abortion.
Wendig, well-known for his outspoken, stridently progressive social media stance, was never writing his Star Wars comics for alt-right fans, but for a more diverse, liberal readership.
Stridently advancing bogus claims that ancient Hindus invented genetic engineering and airplanes, Mr. Modi and his Hindu nationalist supporters seemed to plunge an entire country into a moronic inferno.
Indeed, the stridently good valuations that major tech companies and their smaller siblings enjoy today should be just the sort of market conditions under which unicorns want to debut.
The new carols were actually modern versions of the old: the voices of people of the time dancing, celebrating or reflecting, sometimes stridently or clumsily, but with raw devotion.
He was a Republican in the sense of stridently opposing the course the Democratic Party had taken the state on, but not a loyalist member of the conservative movement.
He was a supporter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal -- a major factor in U.S. foreign policy in Asia, and a deal that Trump stridently opposed during his campaign.
The idea is that an organized political movement may object stridently to the agenda of the current governing regime without being seen as disloyal to the state or the nation.
And despite her insistence that she stridently agrees with Sanders on how to address Wall Street, the two differ in both tone and tactics, something voters aren't likely to miss.
The same could be said for Trump's counterparts across the Atlantic—stridently nationalist European politicians in France, Hungary, Italy, and elsewhere whose zero-sum rhetoric has gained them a following.
" Puzder stridently objected to new rules to expand access to overtime pay saying it would add to "add to the extensive regulatory maze the Obama Administration has imposed on employers.
The bottom line: Moderate Democrats could help the party win the House in November, but face opposition from people in the party that want to be more stridently anti-Trump.
"There's some research to show that as more Latinos are in the country for second and third generation, they tend not to be as stridently Democratic over time," he said.
Hedge funds that own Puerto Rican debt have been arguing stridently against creating a bankruptcy process — characterizing it as a "bailout" — and insisting that they must be paid in full.
In this cartoon, published by Global Times, a stridently nationalist tabloid, the United States is depicted as a menacing man in a top hat, falsely accusing other countries of wrongdoing.
It certainly won't be solved by blocking City Hall's shelter plans, as New Yorkers in neighborhoods like Maspeth, Queens, have stridently done, demanding that these families go suffer someplace else.
Since the early nineties, it has served, alongside the Financial Times , as the suavely British-accented voice of globalization (scoring over the too stridently partisan and American Wall Street Journal ).
He has long been one of the most stridently nativist figures in Republican politics — Bannon has called him his "mentor" — but he possesses a mild demeanor and a gentlemanly bearing.
The party has stridently opposed Mr. Johnson's drive for a swift Brexit, and its powerful performance could renew calls for a referendum on Scottish independence, which the prime minister opposes.
That is not the view of the right-leaning and stridently pro-Brexit Daily Mail, which described Mr. Starmer as "suave" and "uber-ambitious," while deriding more favorable news coverage.
Sugarbush expanded and became the more commercial of the two valley resorts — the stridently independent Mad River Glen is a member-owned cooperative open to the public, meaning anyone can join.
However, the Republican-controlled Missouri Legislature is stridently opposed to abortion: Last year, it passed a bill to ban abortion after eight weeks of pregnancy, before many people know they're pregnant.
As with formally established churches in some other European countries, such as England and Denmark, Germany's clerics probably have an instinct which tells them not to exercise their privileges too stridently.
Warren and Sanders parried attack after attack from a number of centrists desperate to claw their way into the next debate, counter-punching hard as they defended their stridently progressive policies.
But Eurosceptics point to the advantages to their side from rising anti-immigration sentiment, from a feeling that the European economy is still in trouble and from a stridently Eurosceptic press.
The two groups of protesters have stridently different views of the situation as it's unfolding, and there doesn't seem to be much agreement about even the basic facts of the situation.
The number of Amazonians advocating for these policy changes, at least stridently enough to sign their name to today's public letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, is now more than 3,5oo.
What follows will be a tense wait to see if Adityanath will push the agenda he so stridently campaigned on, or whether he'll assume a more reasonable tone befitting government office.
As the country's leaders have squabbled about how and when the country should depart, Frampton has been releasing stridently political tracks and performing them for a growing base of young fans.
Mr. de León, 51, is mounting a primary challenge to Senator Dianne Feinstein, 84, by positioning himself more to the left — and more stridently opposed to the president — than his rival.
While voters like Stevenson were not ready to cross Bloomberg off their list over the debate, even those who are stridently supporting him admitted he didn't do well on Wednesday night.
Mr. Trump ran for the presidency on a stridently anti-China platform, accusing the Chinese, wrongly, of manipulating their currency, and threatening to impose a 45 percent tariff on Chinese imports.
Notably, in a subsequent interview with Page Six, and then again when the New Yorker came forth with three women stating that he had sexually assaulted them, Weinstein responded more stridently.
And O'Rourke has stridently opposed Trump's push for a border wall, saying the wall currently in place in El Paso has not worked and that he would prefer to tear it down.
As Archbishop Ncube was raising his voice in protest, Zimbabwe's Anglicans were plunged into a well-orchestrated crisis after Nolbert Kunonga, a maverick prelate with stridently pro-Mugabe views, led a schism.
In July, an international court in The Hague ruled against China's claims in the resource-rich South China Sea in an action brought by the Philippines, a decision stridently rejected by Beijing.
Johnson doesn't share the stridently anti-immigrant policies of many current Republicans (although he would have been right at home with the more immigrant-friendly GOP of the George W. Bush years).
In the latest general election on March 4, the stridently anti-migrant party, La Lega, or the League, more than quadrupled its share of the fractured electorate, winning 17.4% of the vote.
Politically, the country has been tilting away from the West for years: becoming more stridently Islamist, picking fights with NATO allies and transforming itself into a virtual autocracy under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Nadler, who's staring down a primary against a stridently pro-impeachment challenger, is a high-profile advocate for an impeachment inquiry within the caucus — though he's largely kept his advocacy behind closed doors.
Kuczynski had stridently defended Saavedra, a former World Bank economist he reappointed from the previous government, and has vowed to keep in place his education reforms that raised school standards and teacher salaries.
And since he was so stridently on the conservative side of the court, he never played the critical swing role that more moderate Justices, like his colleague Anthony M. Kennedy, has long occupied.
But despite all this, many people, regardless of how open, modern, or well-read they may be (or claim to be), react more stridently to me being a vegan than to my homosexuality.
There is no question the two are closer on key issues, not least the nuclear deal, which they both stridently condemn, although it is not clear either wants to rip it up immediately.
Ms. Le Pen campaigned stridently against Muslims and immigration, linking both to security threats, and she may have benefited from a final surge of support after a terrorist attack in Paris on Thursday.
More than 5,000 anti-migration protesters took to the streets of Brussels Sunday, and small but vocal factions of the "yellow vests" movement in France have also been stridently opposed to the pact.
As Lucia Re observes in the show's catalogue, the reference to domestic tasks such as knitting is also quite subversive: fascism, stridently oppressive to women, defined knitting as a characteristic act of femininity.
But they say that, in contrast to his aggressive public persona, he places a distinctly softer emphasis on some of his most stridently conservative views when privately addressing people who might find them offensive.
These days, by far the most important distinction is between what Mr Fea calls "court evangelicals", who stridently support the president and are rewarded with access to him, and every other kind of evangelical.
The widely-read Global Times, run by the ruling Communist Party's official People's Daily, is known for its stridently nationalist tone, but its editorials cannot be viewed as representing government policies or official statements.
Backing Saudi Arabia so stridently — while tabling civil and human rights issues — requires the White House to invest political capital with no guarantee Riyadh will pay a dividend by prioritizing the fight against terror.
Moscow, having seen Assad's success in chemical warfare, has launched similar an attack against Russian spies in Great Britain and continues to deny it stridently in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary.
Worse, he once attacked her so personally and stridently at a rally that she had to be escorted out by the Secret Service because angry Trump supporters looked like they might physically harm her.
Abortion remains a divisive issue in once stridently Catholic Ireland, where a complete ban on the procedure was only lifted in 2013 to allow terminations in cases where the mother's life was in danger.
"I don't envy Jeffrey having to carry Donald Trump's decidedly fetid water every day," S.E. Cupp, a conservative commentator who is stridently anti-Trump and has sparred with Lord on air, said on CNN.
"If he doesn't deliver the kind of jobs that are appealing to that slice of the American public that was so stridently supportive of his candidacy, then he's going to have a problem," Billet said.
Mitsotakis's party stridently opposed the deal recognizing the ex-Yugoslav Republic as North Macedonia, a view shared by many believing the name claimed by the northern state is an appropriation of Greek culture and heritage.
They include hostility to immigration, dislike of Brussels bureaucrats, worries about sovereignty, an anti-elite mood, the discontent of those left behind by globalisation, a long history of Euroscepticism and a stridently anti-EU press.
In the so-called red states, liberalism is now often relegated to a kind of folklore-ish local practice in college towns and mid-sized cities, while formal, statewide policy is strictly and stridently conservative.
Issues over Kurds drive Turkey's decision Turkey for years stridently disagreed with the U.S. policy of providing weapons, training and support to Syrian Kurds known as the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), to fight ISIS militants.
That's the ultimate result of the hyperpoliticized approach Mr. Hannity and so many others use in today's more stridently ideological media: A fact is dismissed as false when it doesn't fit the preferred political narrative.
Partially because of a Democratic reorientation toward donations from the tech sector and Hollywood, and partially because of enduring outrage from the crisis, the Democratic Party has in turn become more stridently anti–Wall Street.
In the United States, the Black Lives Matters debate rests on more solid footing; slavery and segregation are broadly and stridently condemned — though a small fringe would like to "reclaim" the history of Southern confederacy.
Possible candidates include a former army parachutist famous for his stridently alt-right views and the host of a weekend TV variety show who has never held public office but has 13 million Twitter followers.
Enthusiasm for the president, once confined to the party's rightmost wing, seemed to travel to the mainstream as lawmakers vied for the votes of some 160,000 party members who tend to be stridently anti-Europe.
Even during election season, when the hand of Murdoch can be seen banging ever more stridently on the political drums, you will always find at least one snap of plucky kids or an interesting dog.
In the book, titled "For God and Country: The Christian case for Trump," Reed will defend Trump against "the stridently anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, and pro-abortion agenda of the progressive left," according to Politico.
Last week, the Global Times, a stridently nationalist Chinese newspaper, warned in an editorial that China could consider abandoning its "no first use" policy if Thaad leads to other antimissile systems deemed threatening to China.
Bernie Sanders's presidential campaign is based on a simple theory: There is a reserve army of liberal voters who've sat out past elections but who stand ready to support a more stridently leftist Democratic nominee.
Maybe they'll be mindful not to choose someone who is too anti-business or speaks too stridently about tearing down the White Male Patriarchy, out of fear this would cause Schultz to run — inadvertently electing Trump.
In his book, Reed will "persuasively" argue evangelicals have a duty to defend the incumbent Republican leader against "the stridently anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, and pro-abortion agenda of the progressive left," according to the description.
Regulations in the once stridently Catholic Ireland are among the strictest in the world and Prime Minister Enda Kenny this month called together 99 members of the public to advise government on the politically-divisive issue.
Mr. Trump ran for the presidency on a stridently anti-China platform, accusing the Chinese, wrongly, of continuing to depress the value of their currency, and threatening to impose a 45 percent tariff on Chinese imports.
Meanwhile, the boring reality is almost certainly that Graham is an opportunist who is leaning so hard into pro-Trump positioning precisely because he was so stridently anti-Trump in the past and needs to make amends.
Of the three generations that have grown up since Muslims arrived in the West in the 20th century, the third is the most stridently opposed to government interference, be it foreign or Western, and to jihadist propaganda.
So who is pursuing honesty here, the executives and coaches who so stridently and anonymously sandbag Kaepernick and the reporters that let them, or the people who have played against him and have much more to lose?
"They believe that the U.S. is the provocateur and they worry that the U.S. is reacting so stridently to predictable Iranian actions in order to provide a pretext for a U.S. attack on Iran," Ms. Schake said.
Preliminary analysis of the results indicates that the biggest beneficiaries of Biden's tumbling numbers were Bloomberg and Buttigieg, both moderates who are working hard to offer voters an alternative to the stridently progressive message coming from Sanders.
The politics of this issue began to shift during the Obama administration, as the Republican Party, never fully on board with the idea of immigration reform that included any relief for undocumented people, became more stridently nativist.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel faces a tough fight to keep her job after the country's center-left party voted for Martin Schulz – a popular, straight-talking, and stridently anti-populist politician – to challenge her at elections in September.
The Homeland Security secretary has become a leading face of the Trump administration's policy of separating children from adults apprehended at the border, after stridently defending the zero tolerance policy at a White House news conference this week.
But his father never endorsed him, and he gained a reputation more as a gadfly — during campaign forums, he stridently attacked other candidates, including for their positions on health care and campaign finance — than as a credible candidate.
His alleged link to the Yuen Long attack, as well as his stridently anti-protest pronouncements on Facebook and in Hong Kong media, has made Ho a figure of hate for many in the months long protest movement.
In Bern, resistance to the treaty — Switzerland's top foreign policy issue by far — ranges from the normally pro-Europe center left to the stridently anti-EU far right, which both see the danger of the pact's infringing Swiss sovereignty.
In Bern, resistance to the treaty — Switzerland's top foreign policy issue by far — ranges from the normally pro-Europe centre left to the stridently anti-EU far right, which both see the danger of the pact's infringing Swiss sovereignty.
But Dorsey, the man who has allowed prominent alt-right figures to voice their views on his platform unchecked, was surely not going to stridently defend the downranking of conservative viewpoints, so anyone hoping for that was equally disappointed.
Timothy D. Cook, the Apple chief, stridently defended the company's tax practices in Ireland, countering European officials' ruling this week that the Irish government had provided illegal incentives, which allowed the technology giant to pay essentially nothing some years.
Julie's parents, meanwhile (the marvelous James Spencer Ashworth plays her father), reek of old, landed money, with aristocratic manners, solidly but not stridently conservative views and enough cash to subsidize their daughter's student lifestyle in a comfortable Knightsbridge duplex.
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - One of Cambodia's most stridently independent newspapers, the Cambodia Daily, published its last edition on Monday with the headline "Descent Into Outright Dictatorship" as it closed amid a crackdown on critics of Prime Minister Hun Sen.
A group representing India's 200 million-strong Muslim minority — which already fears it is being marginalized by the BJP's stridently Hindu nationalist policies — has launched a petition against the bill in the Supreme Court, arguing the legislation is unconstitutional.
Their stridently percussive take on post-everything heaviness straddles the line in the shifting sands between post-metal, post-rock, shoegaze, doom, prog and whatever Neurosis is, indulging in meandering, wistful melodies and outre elements whenever the mood strikes.
Baldwin did, however, strike out early with a stridently populist ad denouncing hedge fund "predators" that clearly demonstrated a desire to inject themes of class conflict into politics and not allow Republicans to define the entire election as a culture war.
But while residents have every right to be skeptical, inside the cafeteria, a number of locals in attendance seem concerned less with the roar than they are with venting stridently at Silicon Valley outsiders who showed up without asking first.
But nothing better captured the differences between the cultural mixing bowl Mr. Rubio was born into in South Florida, and the white, rural, stridently conservative constituencies he is trying to win over, than when he started to talk about immigration.
Ryanair has warned more stridently than peers of the dangers of neglecting aviation in the negotiations, saying that there may be no flights between the UK and Europe for a period of time if a special aviation deal is not agreed.
The Great Kingdom of Aggrieved Man-Children had already risen up against the Lady Ghostbusters long before they'd even donned their proton packs, stridently proclaiming to anyone that would listen that the reboot of the 1984 classic went against all tradition.
Rules on terminating a pregnancy in once stridently Catholic Ireland are among the world's most restrictive and a referendum on widening access could be held if a citizens' assembly set up by government recommends it in a decision expected next month.
Five months after his election on a stridently anti-China platform, Trump appears to have set himself on a course for collision rather than conciliation with Xi, raising doubts as to whether the world's two biggest economies can find common ground.
Fallaci was against abortion and became more stridently so in her later years, but De Stefano presents letters from Fallaci to her lover to suggest that the first of Fallaci's several miscarriages may have been the result of a botched abortion.
"No age can ever have been as stridently sex-conscious as our own," Woolf wrote, citing as proof the library, which contained thousands of books by men on the topic of women and none by women on the topic of men.
And while "Septet" invokes distinct themes — its seven sections include "In the Garden" and "In the Morgue" — "Cross Currents" is more stridently pared down, well served by the effervescent attack that Alexis Branagan, Amanda Treiber and Joshua Andino-Nieto delivered.
So stridently has Poland's ultra-conservative leadership bucked EU norms by tampering with its judiciary, for example, that Brussels has begun legal proceedings against it -- a first in EU history -- which could deprive Warsaw of its voting rights in EU bodies.
While U.S. political noise has created anxiety for those invested in Vietnam, there are hopes Clinton might change her tune on TPP or seek an alternative version of it if she becomes president, in contrast to Trump's more stridently protectionist policies.
As for the Republican establishment, DACA is just another Obamacare: something that they were stridently against as long as their objections were futile, but that they never sincerely opposed and — now that they are accountable — cannot bring themselves to fight.
They ranged from a stridently colored, puzzle-like painting of female factory workers by the little-known Sacramento artist Irving Marcus (age 89) at Parker Gallery to a reconstruction of Judy Chicago's important 1965 "Zig Zag" sculpture at Jeffrey Deitch.
Regulations in the once stridently Catholic Ireland are among the strictest in the world and next month Prime Minister Enda Kenny will call a citizens' assembly to advise the government on whether a vote should be held to boost access to abortion.
The search for a secretary of state has bogged down as rival factions argue for Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former New York mayor and a Trump loyalist, and Mitt Romney, the former Republican presidential nominee, who stridently opposed Mr. Trump during the campaign.
The debate over secretary of state is a microcosm of the balance Mr. Trump is trying to strike in all of his appointments — between loyalists who will appeal to his base and more mainstream Republicans, many of whom stridently opposed his candidacy.
" Massie, Mettler notes, "stridently opposes social welfare spending, having been among the group of Republicans who forced the end of the long tradition of bipartisan cooperation on the farm bill in 2013 because they opposed its inclusion of the food stamp program.
After the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, last spring, Trump hosted a roundtable meeting at the White House with representatives from the video game industry to talk about violence in video games, but he included a host of stridently anti-video game voices.
In recent months, as tensions intensified on the Korean Peninsula, the North has reacted stridently to news reports out of South Korea that United States and South Korean commando units were training to "decapitate" the North Korean leadership in case of war.
But Mr. Lau, the Beijing adviser, said that he believed either the Hong Kong government or the Communist Party would now have to push through stricter security legislation for the territory — a step that the democracy movement would be certain to oppose stridently.
The opening scene is staged as one big, crazy party, as the performers — dressed in Florence von Gerkan and Ralf Tristan Sczesny's stridently elegant black-and-white-costumes — rush the stage in an orgy of rampant energy, amid deafening music (by Nils Ostendorf).
" Praising Mr. Trump for moving the embassy and for withdrawing the United States from the Iran nuclear deal, which Mr. Netanyahu stridently opposed, the prime minister said, "The message that President Trump has given the world is that America stands by Israel.
Sanders and many advocates on the left also stridently opposed it for a host of other reasons, ranging from concerns about environmental regulations and labor standards to provisions that would potentially have given corporations enormous power in shaping member countries' public policies.
She said it was especially damaging the party with young people to be fighting so stridently to maintain what she called "very hurtful, very mean-spirited" language including declaring families without a married mother and father to be damaging to society and to children.
But this idea that we heard even more stridently from Steve Bannon recently that the Kochs need to shut up and get with the program, the Kochs have been in favor of drug legalization, for criminal justice reform, they were against the Iraq War.
The experience of the "learn to code" campaign was being bombarded with harassment that others stridently claimed wasn't harassment; being told death threats were a joke; having my name broadcast mockingly on Fox News—all for the temerity of tweeting about losing a column.
The government has pledged to hold the plebiscite as soon as May to seek a loosening of the laws in once stridently Catholic Ireland, where a complete ban was only lifted in 2013 to allow terminations in cases where the mother's life was in danger.
An article from The Global Times, a stridently nationalistic tabloid controlled by the party, criticized the The New York Times's coverage of the coronavirus outbreak, the monthslong antigovernment protests in Hong Kong, and the Chinese authorities' internment of ethnic-minority Muslims in far western Xinjiang.
Critics assert that he will be but a pawn of the populist parties behind him: the Five Star Movement, a web-based protest party untested at a national level; and the League, a hard-right party that campaigned on a stridently Italians-first platform.
It was comforting to have a place to speak stridently, and voice the anger and betrayal we felt about the fact that some of our older relatives and loved ones could condone a candidate whose divisiveness and actions represent the opposite of our values.
Paleocons agree with mainstream conservatism on social issues — they tend to be stridently anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ rights, pro-school prayer, and disproportionately traditionalist Catholic — and on the evils of the welfare state, but part ways on international affairs, including immigration, trade, and warfare.
"The experience of the 'learn to code' campaign was being bombarded with harassment that others stridently claimed wasn't harassment; being told death threats were a joke; having my name broadcast mockingly on Fox News—all for the temerity of tweeting about losing a column," wrote Lavin.
BEIJING — President Xi Jinping, closing out a legislative meeting that took on the trappings of an extended coronation, struck a stridently nationalist note on Tuesday as he warned against challenges to China over Taiwan, Hong Kong or other regions where Beijing's claims to sovereignty are contested.
For example, eliminating the tax deductibility of interest payments, a feature of the House Republicans' plan last year that helped enable proposing a much lower tax rate for all corporations, is stridently opposed by real estate and private equity industries that rely heavily on borrowed money.
"Michael is cooperating in a setting in which the legitimacy of the [Russia probe] – and the rationale for its very existence – is regularly questioned publicly and stridently by the President of the United States," they said, citing Trump's numerous tweets and public statements blasting Mueller and the probe.
Rather, it was Secretary Ross who pressed the Justice Department to make the request, after consulting with Steve Bannon, the former White House strategist, and Kris Kobach, one of the country's most stridently anti-immigrant political figures (who lost his race for the governorship of Kansas in Tuesday's election).
In factual matters, there's some evidence that debunking people — for example, by telling Republicans that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, or Democrats that the Bush administration did not ban all stem cell research — actually backfires and leads them to hold their current wrong beliefs more stridently.
And by not breaking ranks with her fellow Democrats, she'll preserve a future in Democratic politics should she lose in November, allowing her to remain a player within a party that is stridently opposed to confirming Kavanaugh and handing conservatives a 5-4 majority on the Supreme Court.
There were fears of further scuffles this weekend over a "Clean Hong Kong" campaign organized by stridently anti-protest lawmaker Junius Ho. Speaking to CNN earlier this week, Ho described the event on Saturday as an "environmental hygiene campaign" and said he "would not urge any confrontation" with protesters.
Christian Zionism—the belief that a Jewish Israel is a prophetic precursor to the return of Christ in the End of Days—is ever more stridently part of U.S. policy toward the Middle East and certainly animates the diplomatic labors of Mike Pompeo, our zealous secretary of state.
The Partnership has even enlisted supporters of Trump — who stridently took hardline stances on immigration during his campaign for the White House — to back their efforts: Irma Aguirre, a Nevada business owner and member of Latinos for Trump, and Mario Rodriguez, who sits on Trump's Hispanic Advisory Council.
Treaty signatories included Grand Chief Stewart Phillip of the Union of BC Chiefs, Standing Rock's Sioux Tribe, and Grand Chief Serge Simon of Kanesatake, who has stridently opposed Energy East, and who represents a reserve that famously stood up to the RCMP during the 1990 Oka land crisis.
Small dating sites, Craiglist, Reddit, and the user-driven nonprofit Wikipedia (which has stridently opposed the bill package) have made it clear they can't afford to suffer the long-term effects of FOSTA-SESTA — at least not without drastically overhauling their sites and everything about the way those sites operate.
But gradually, she has started to take on the role of attack dog for Trump at the UN, stridently espousing his "America First" position against the Paris accord on climate change, the Iranian nuclear deal, further US funding for the UN and any US membership in the UN Human Rights Council.
Netanyahu had thought he was getting a stridently pro-Israel president who would green light (or at least not block) new settlement-building in the West Bank, immediately move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and tear up, or seriously rework, the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran.
In 2015, at the height of the European migration crisis, Law and Justice stormed its way into government on the back of a stridently anti-immigration platform, positioning itself as the staunchest defender of Poland from a wave of Muslim immigration — one that it blamed on liberal politicians in Western Europe.
Formerly a church minister in Northern Ireland and the father of nine, he became involved in anti-abortion campaigns, joined the British National Party in the mid-2000s and, later, founded Britain First, a stridently anti-immigrant group opposed to what it called a creeping Islamic threat to traditional British values.
In drafting his speech, Mr. Trump relied on Stephen Miller, the senior policy adviser behind much of the White House's stridently anti-immigration agenda, and a team of speechwriters and aides that included Vince Haley, a longtime aide to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and Rob Porter, the president's staff secretary.
Bill de Blasio A late starter in the 2020 race, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has made headlines by constantly attacking Trump (or, 'Con Don' as de Blasio dubbed him.) De Blasio has shown a willingness to fault his opponents, something he did stridently when he knocked Biden's view on abortion rights.
She stridently rebutted the view that measures in the bill constitute mass surveillance — asserting: "We do not collect all the data, all of the time" — before going on to argue that "bulk collection" is necessary to ensure there is a "haystack" of data available to be filtered for intelligence in the first place.
If they are waiting for the hearings themselves to voice their concerns more stridently, then they are not only misreading the current national mood, but also losing a unique opportunity to make the kind of case that this week's headlines are practically screaming they make: that Trump's presidency is already irredeemably compromised.
But the arguments typically aim not just to fill the interpretive void but to advance an agenda, whether that's a push for Democrats to adopt more stridently left-wing economic policies or an effort by the existing leaders of the Democratic Party to remain in charge despite two cycles of major electoral defeat.
I've been thinking a lot about what in particular made Treefort feel more special than your bog standard music festival, and have come to the conclusion that the human element of it all—the handmade-ness, the decidedly bizarre and stridently anti-algorithm lineup—created an environment surprising and engaging at every moment.
So it makes sense that the literary world's most defiant response to impending climate disaster and the rise of right-wing extremism around the globe has not been voiced from the pages of prestigious literary reviews, but rather from the home of one of the internet's most stridently progressive and rowdily defiant creative communities: Tumblr.
In fact, the 2020 candidate is so stridently standing by his record that he told CNN that he insists he would repeat his most famous gesture as a governor combating climate change -- drinking fracking fluid in an effort to win trust from oil and gas executives -- if it came to that in the White House.
A raft of open governors' races next year will give Democrats a chance to replace some of the most stridently anti-expansion governors in the country — and, if they win even a few of those races, the chance to cover millions of currently uninsured people even as the Trump administration drags its heels on so much of the ACA.
The stridently anti-immigration prime minister, an early supporter of U.S. President Donald Trump and whose "illiberal state" ideal is modeled on Russia and Turkey, has called groups like corruption watchdog Transparency International and human rights advocate the Hungarian Helsinki Committee "foreign agents" working against Hungarian interests, for example because they offer legal representation to asylum-seekers.
Especially over the last five years, he's slowly ramped up a series of reforms that opened the tightly controlled Cuban economy to limited free enterprise, allowed more public debate and access to travel and communications technology, and attempted to address corruption, bloat, and graying in the state apparatus—all allegedly over the grumbling of his stridently anti-reform brother.
It's known as the Cook Doctrine, and Tim Cook laid it out stridently in an investor call a decade ago before he was CEO, when he was asked how Apple would operate without Steve Jobs running the day-to-day (emphasis mine): We believe that we are on the face of the earth to make great products and that's not changing.
With its pool room hung with stridently colorful works selected by the Swiss artist Urs Fischer (a member); its oak-paneled living room designed by the English decorator Rita Konig as homage to Bunny Mellon's Virginia library; its lush garden created over two years by Lisa Zeder, it resembles a Hollywood dream house out of the movies, as one member said.
Angela Merkel faces a tough election challenge from the wildly popular Martin Schulz Angela Merkel faces a tough election challenge from the wildly popular Martin Schulz German Chancellor Angela Merkel faces a tough fight to keep her job after the country's center-left party voted for Martin Schulz – a popular, straight-talking, and stridently anti-populist politician – to challenge her at elections in September.
A former top official at the Justice Department, a onetime prosecutor with a tough, crusading style, and a police-embracing mayor who ran New York on a law-and-order platform, Mr. Giuliani — both in office and as a private citizen — has spent the better part of his career stridently defending the country's crime-fighting class and fiercely lashing out at those who attack it.
"Martin Luther King had a very difficult time in his ministry attracting churches to hold mass meetings, and was very unpopular with many black churches specifically when he waded into foreign policy and war and peace," said William H. Lamar, pastor of Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church in Washington, DC. Lamar said he is frequently involved in trying to convince black pastors to bring more stridently political messages to their sermons.
"In our Hawaii alone, the industry, while stridently arguing that it is safe and sensitive to neighborhoods, has in fact ignored any sensible safety improvements, instead dramatically increasing in recent years its volume of flights, at all times of day and night, in seemingly all weather over more residential neighborhoods and to more risky and remote locations, at lower altitudes, while completely failing to address ground safety and community disruption concerns."
That is despite the fact that from 1945 to the present, the Democratic Party underwent a dramatic shift toward a more egalitarian stance on race issues, shedding its Dixiecrat base in the process; that it largely abandoned traditional labor politics after the 1984 election; that the Republican Party moved right on race and very far right on economic issues toward a more stridently laissez-faire stance; and that the electorate itself has changed its composition dramatically in demographic terms.
In a string of writings that begins with the chapter "The Nature of Gothic" (The Stones of Venice, volume 1) and includes Unto This Last (83) and the proto-blog pamphlet series Fors Clavigera: Letters to the Workmen and Labourers of Great Britain (1871-78, 1880-84), Ruskin forcefully, sometimes stridently, reiterates his conviction that industrial capitalism and commercialism were crushing the humanity out of whole classes of the populace, and were reducing human laborers to mere machines.
Now, in the Trump era, all bets are off  and executives at Airbnb — which took a broadside swipe at President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE's immigration policies in a recent ad — are so stridently liberal that it's hard to know if their primary goal is profit or left-wing advocacy.

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