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6 Sentences With "straitjacketing"

How to use straitjacketing in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "straitjacketing" and check conjugation/comparative form for "straitjacketing". Mastering all the usages of "straitjacketing" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It undoes the perceived straitjacketing. Unlaces the corset, winds down the hair.
While his project often sounds straitjacketing, in reality it seems loose and generous.
He likes the open-endedness of this, after the straitjacketing rigours of mechanical engineering.
There's not enough there to carry it into the classic league, and somehow the comedy is let down by the straitjacketing of the plot.
A patent drawing for the GED, a banned aversive conditioning device Aversives can be used as punishment during applied behavior analysis to reduce unwanted behavior, such as self-injury, that poses a risk of harm greater than that posed by application of the aversive. Aversive stimuli may also be used as negative reinforcement to increase the rate or probability of a behavior by its removal. The use of aversives was developed as a less restrictive alternative to practices prevalent in mental institutions at the time such as shock treatment, hydrotherapy, straitjacketing and frontal lobotomies. Early iterations of the Lovaas technique incorporated aversives during therapy, though the use of aversives in ABA was not without controversy.
Jason Killingsworth in a review for Paste magazine said of his performance "Carrey nails the part, winning audience sympathy from the opening moments of the film". Moira MacDonald in a review for The Seattle Times stated "[Jim Carrey is] not bad at all — in fact, it's the most honest, vulnerable work he's ever done", while David Edelstein of Slate said "It's rarely a compliment when I refer to an actor as "straitjacketed," but the straitjacketing of Jim Carrey is fiercely poignant. You see all that manic comic energy imprisoned in this ordinary man, with the anarchism peeking out and trying to find a way to express itself." The supporting cast also received acclaim, with several reviews, such as Ann Hornaday of the Washington Post and Rick Groen of The Globe and Mail singling out Ruffalo's performance for praise.

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