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"sports jacket" Definitions
  1. a man’s jacket that is like a suit jacket, worn on informal occasions

80 Sentences With "sports jacket"

How to use sports jacket in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sports jacket" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sports jacket". Mastering all the usages of "sports jacket" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I always wear a sports jacket on a plane. Always.
Also, her sports jacket appears to transform into a cardigan.
And I cannot walk into a hotel lobby without a sports jacket.
A tumblr user posted the below photo of an Adidas sports jacket.
In a tweed sports jacket, standing in a brass-and-glass elevator.
Collared shirts and maybe a sports jacket is my nod to dressing up.
Mindermann met the detective, who was wearing a loud sports jacket and smiling widely.
I had no idea that during the day you could wear a sports jacket!
This stylish sports jacket is waterproof and makes you look killer, pun sort of intended.
With its strict dress code, the restaurant keeps a sports jacket at the coat check.
He also had a beat-up sports jacket and a pair of black flannel pants.
Wearing an oversized brown sports jacket, Pitt took viewers through a quick preview of world temperatures.
On this particular day, for some professional polish, he is also wearing a navy sports jacket.
The young man running the stand smiles at me; he's wearing a sports jacket but no tie.
So I pick up a boom box, throw on a sports jacket and pull the hat on.
I dress in John Varvatos skinny black jeans, a T-shirt and an edgy sports jacket with a scarf.
A lesbian wearing blue jeans, a sports jacket, and a cap that reads Alcatraz, Lulu has to defend herself too.
Though the image shows Styles with his former long hair, Tomlinson is wearing his signature red Adidas sports jacket. USA!
In the profile photo, Hamahmy is seen smiling and leaning against a wall in a blue-and-white sports jacket.
Ahmad's personal belongings amount to little more than a mobile phone and wallet, carefully tucked in a light sports jacket.
His sports jacket was hanging neatly on a coat hanger over the back door — he was ever the ready salesman.
He knew the clean, straight lines of the collar and brass buttons on the sports jacket were part of the pitch.
It depends on the restaurant I'm going to, but I will very rarely wear a sports jacket for a date. Ever. Never.
They showed a man in stained jeans and a black sports jacket lying on his back with a number of bullet holes visible.
Wearing a sports jacket and collared shirt with no tie, Shkreli responded to questions by continuing to laugh, twirling a pencil and yawning.
At a Times Talks event with Keira Knightley, the star wore a simple sports jacket and open-collar shirt; nothing to write home about.
Both wore comfortable attire for the flight, with Clara sporting a turquoise sports jacket and shorts and Ewan wearing a black t-shirt and jeans.
Get the Deadpool Sports jacket for $32.99 See Details Honor your newfound love for Marvel's goddess of death with this handbag styled after her epic armor.
Cosby, wearing a tan sports jacket and tie, and smiling at times during the proceedings, has repeatedly denied wrongdoing, saying that any sexual encounter was consensual.
When around journalists and in his own backyard, he tends to lose the tie and opt for a perfectly fitted sports jacket and contrasting straight trousers.
Jared Kushner: His first trip to Iraq became iconic, mostly for images with his sports jacket beneath a khaki bullet proof vest with his name on it.
Get the Deadpool Sports Jacket for $33 See Details After Wonder Woman's spectacular cinematic debut this year, who wouldn't want to show some love for Diana of Themyscira?
IF THE DRESS CODE IS CASUAL… He should wear: A khaki, linen or seersucker suit or lightweight pants with a sports jacket like Matt Bomer in Giorgio Armani (below, right).
Ever the tennis fan, Cumberbatch cut a fine figure in a classic cream fedora and a blue and white striped sports jacket as he attended day 20163 at Wimbledon in 2015.
As I glanced to my right, I saw a dapper-looking gentleman in a red turtleneck and tan sports jacket holding an old Speed Graphic "press" camera with an attached bulb flash.
The real Lin sat on the bench in a white sports jacket with black trim, watching as the Nets gave up more than 130 points in defeat for the second straight game.
Jane had taken an interest in Rivera's case more than a decade earlier, and she handed him a Chicago Bears sports jacket, a gift from one of his sons, who was waiting outside.
It was clear that Amber didn't expect that mea culpa, and Barnett (in his hideous black and silver tie-dye sports jacket) sat wincing while host Nick Lachey commended Jessica for coming clean.
Kendrick's parents, John and Maria, sat before their son's gray casket in front of a stage adorned with a red sports jacket Kendrick wore as an usher at Sunday mass, a kayak and other belongings.
Deadpool Sports Jacket — $25 (list price $60) See Details Of course if you're heading to the gym to work on your superhero muscles, then you'll want to have a Deadpool duffle bag carrying your stuff.
They took place at a portion of the Guantánamo prison compound called Camp Echo II. The former Army officer, who came to court in a sports jacket and tie, testified anonymously at the insistence of case prosecutors.
On Pro Basketball GREENBURGH, N.Y. — Dressed nattily in a sports jacket and slacks for the rarest of occasions, Phil Jackson met the news media on Friday afternoon and, as we say in the trade, he made deadline.
Sporting a nice looking grey sports jacket, vocalist Shogun was still keeping it punk underneath by wearing a shirt from Toronto punk legends Career Suicide, who along with Warthog were playing Royal Headache's sold out show at the Music Hall of Williamsburg later that evening.
A second figure, modeled after Mr. Schlesinger, fully clothed in a salmon-colored sports jacket, slacks and loafers, stands at the end of the pool, looking down at the swimmer as if waiting for him to finish his laps and come up for air.
Grant continued to wear his George W. Bush button on his sports jacket, and, years later, organized a Republican club at Texas Southern, the historically black college he attended, but he felt there was something special about Obama, and was drawn to his candidacy in 2008.
"  Sitting on the couch in his tech-nerd-turned-CEO uniform — an untucked button-down shirt, sports jacket, and tattered baggy jeans — Hotz went on: "What I started to realize over the last couple of months is that Tesla's not our competition — our competition is almost nonexistent.
My preferred form of TIFF travel is Bike Share Toronto, which enables me to circumnavigate sticky traffic situations, and also sometimes gets me called out by my peers when they see me zipping past wearing a sports jacket on the way to a fancy film-industry dinner.
The "Tonight Show" host opened Saturday's show by walking into the Oval Office as Kushner in a sports jacket, bullet-proof vest and sunglasses to find out if he or adviser Steve Bannon, portrayed as the Grim Reaper, would be let go from the White House.
CreditCreditOriana Koren for The New York Times One sunny Wednesday in February, a gangly man in a sports jacket and a partly unbuttoned paisley shirt walked into the Los Angeles field office of the F.B.I. At the reception desk, he gave his name — Val Broeksmit — and began to pace anxiously in the lobby.
When John Lennon saw him in his big white sports jacket, black drainies, and ducktail, he thought he had discovered another Elvis, and felt that his recruitment of Mr McCartney was one of his finest achievements, the discovery of someone with whom he could not only write, but also harmonise, and in so doing, escape poverty and insignificance.
With Curry stuck behind the bench in a sports jacket on Monday, rebuffed in his pleas to Kerr to return to the lineup on the big Christmas stage, Durant (333 points and 5 blocked shots), Green (12 points, 12 rebounds and 11 assists) and Klay Thompson (24 points and 7 rebounds) made up for his absence with forceful two-way play.
In one, two white nightclubbers — a transvestite with troweled-on makeup and sharply painted eyebrows and a man in a knit shirt and a suit — brandish cigarettes and half-filled glasses as they look unflinchingly into the camera's lens, the latter sitting on the former's lap; in another, from 303, two young Asian men dance to the rhythms of the Zhivagos, a "colored" (mixed-race) band on a stage in the background, while in a third, from the same year, a chunky white man in shorts, knee socks, an open-neck shirt, and sports jacket straddles a chair, facing the camera with a peculiar, come-hither look whose coquettish air belies his size and tough-guy build.
The next day, I walked in and had it in a cast. I was hiding it inside my sports jacket. For three- quarters of the pre-game meal, I looked like Napoleon. Of course, there was no real hiding it.
At worst, the brain scrabbles for comparisons. The post-millennial Bruce Hornsby? Mike & The Mechanics go to Ibiza? Frontman Steve Smith delivers lyrics that he presumably made up on the spot in the voice of a man who rolls up the sleeves of his sports jacket.
Francis sat on the team's bench during the game and cheered as the Terrapins upset the Blue Devils 87–73. On election day 2008, Francis supported presidential candidate Barack Obama by wearing a red velvet sports jacket with "Barack Obama" spelled on the back in sequins. Francis said he had followed the presidential race closely.
Huffman, Tony. "Artistic Detritus, the Circulation of Power, and Intervening in the Historic Record at the 8th Floor,", AEQAI Magazine, October 2018. Retrieved May 25, 2020. "SHIFT" (2015, Studio 10) featured 6'–8' amputated tree logs embedded with textile remnants and arranged on tattered Persian rugs that were surrounded by walls punctured with vertical, sutured bits of a sports jacket.
A man wearing a sports jacket, also known as a "sport(s) coat" in the United States. A jacket is a garment for the upper body, usually extending below the hips. A jacket typically has sleeves, and fastens in the front or slightly on the side. A jacket is generally lighter, tighter-fitting, and less insulating than a coat, which is outerwear.
Beach's confession, the only piece of evidence tying Beach to the crime, has been questioned for its inaccuracies. Racicot's argument placed a high level of significance on Beach's knowledge of what Nees was wearing the night of her murder. Beach said Nees was wearing a brown sports jacket and plaid blouse. In fact, she was wearing a white sweater and blue and red blazer.
She has long raven hair with a red hairband, and her primary outfit is a Taiyo High physical education uniform, complete with bright red sports jacket, black underwear/bloomers and white sneakers. She makes her first playable appearance in Project Justice, working together with Ran and the students of Pacific High School to find out the cause of the recent school violence and abductions. She is voiced by Megumi Toyoguchi.
Nor do the terms tailcoat, morning coat or house coat denote types of overcoat. Indeed, an overcoat may be worn over the top of a tailcoat. In tailoring circles, the tailor who makes all types of coats is called a coat maker. Similarly, in American English, the term sports coat is used to denote a type of jacket not worn as outerwear (overcoat) (sports jacket in British English).
In England and some other countries, many school uniforms still mandate shorts for boys until about nine or ten. The jackets of boys after breeching lacked adult tails, and this may have influenced the adult tail-less styles which developed, initially for casual wear of various sorts, like the smoking-jacket and sports jacket. After the First World War the wearing of boy's dresses seems finally to have died out, except for babies.
The film also starred John Schuyler as the film's hero and Burns' wife Kathy. Burns and his wife had been friends with Schuyler before production of the film. According to Glut, Schuyler had recently purchased a new sports jacket and did not want it to get soiled or damaged during production. During the fight scene, in order to avoid stepping on and damaging it, Schuyler would remove the jacket and carry it over his shoulder.
A sports coat or sports jacket comes in a variety of fabrics such as wool, tweed, linen, corduroy and cotton. The most classic style of a sports coat is made from wool, in particular tweed. In Ireland, Donegal tweed is famously made in the Irish County of Donegal and used for sports coats and jackets. There are several well-known manufactures such as the fifth-generation weaver Mulhern at Triona Design in the town of Ardara.
Carey performed "If It's Over" on the 17th season of Saturday Night Live, alongside "Can't Let Go". During the performance, Carey appeared on stage wearing a black leather sports jacket, as well as matching black pants and boots. Walter Afanasieff played the piano, while Trey Lorenz, Patrique McMillan and Melonie Daniels provided the live background vocals. Additionally, five additional musicians were provided; Lew Delgado, baritone saxophone; Lenny Pickett, tenor saxophone; George Young, alto saxophone; Earl Gardner, trumpet; and Steve Turre, trombone.
Talking to Q Magazine later, he described himself as "an average character of my age, wearing a sports jacket" who hoped his night would not be wasted. Easton travelled to Richmond with Oldham and, in Crawdaddy's, says Clayson, "stood out like a sore thumb" in the young crowd. Gomelsky was absent, having recently left for Switzerland in order to attend his father's funeral. The future photographer James Phelge, who was also in the audience, later observed that Easton looked like a schoolteacher.
Simms later commented, "[a]ll of a sudden it kind of hit me, I've put Lawrence in a really tough spot; national TV, he's got dress shoes and a sports jacket on, and he's had a few beers and he's going to run down the field and I'm going to throw him a pass."NFL Films, NFL Network. Retrieved April 22, 2007. Simms then motioned for Taylor to run a longer pattern, and after 30–40 yards, threw him the pass.
Benny, a blue-colored cat with a white sports jacket that fastens with a single button at his neck, is T.C.'s right-hand man; they share a close friendship. He is short, innocent, chubby, and naïve. His eyes are shown as black dots unlike the other cats who have white sclerae with black pupils. Benny may appear to be simple-minded, due to the fact that he always gives the game away, but he manages to ask the most logical questions during the gang's erratic endeavors.
With a baritone voice, LaCoste had years earlier performed in an opera company in New York City. Then eighty-nine years of age, he was described as "dapper in seersucker slacks and navy sports jacket" and with a "white mustache and goatee" resembling Colonel Harland Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken. LaCoste and Thompson dressed in Klan robes for the occasion and placed a Confederate battle flag at the monument. The Black Panthers began throwing bricks at the pair, but the police arrived in time to prevent serious injury.
Suit jackets in all styles typically have three or four buttons on each cuff, which are often purely decorative (the sleeve is usually sewn closed and cannot be unbuttoned to open). Five buttons are unusual and are a modern fashion innovation. The number of buttons is primarily a function of the formality of the suit; a very casual summer sports jacket might traditionally (1930s) have had only one button, while tweed suits typically have three and city suits four. In the 1970s, two buttons were seen on some city suits.
Lorenz, wearing a black leather sports jacket and matching pants, made another featured appearance on the tour, performing his song "Make You Happy" during an interval of costume changes following the performance. Following the release of her tenth studio effort The Emancipation of Mimi in 2005, Carey embarked on The Adventures of Mimi Tour in mid 2006. On several stops of the tour, Carey performed the song as part of the set-list, usually towards the end of the show. Similar to the Rainbow World Tour, Lorenz performed the song alongside Carey instead of Joe.
In 2012, Atkinson reprised his character for a live performance as part of the London 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony. In the scene, Mr. Bean works within the London Symphony Orchestra in its performance of "Chariots of Fire", conducted by Simon Rattle. For this scene, Bean does not wear his usual brown tweed sports jacket but the traditional clothing of the musician - white tie and tails. As they perform the piece, Bean is mostly bored with playing the same note repeatedly on the synthesiser and gets jealous of the more interesting part being played on the grand piano.
The music video directed by Combo Entertainment starts with DJ BoBo in disguise with a hooded sports jacket playing the original hit on his cassette recorder while passing in front of a wall graffiti inscribed with the year 1993. Shifting the recorder by his foot, an adjacent graffiti is revealed showing 2013. Later on in the video, youth are shown doing dance, breakdance and sports routines in front of the wall now inscribed with both years, with 2013 pointing to 1993. At the end of the video, DJ Bobo is parting with a smile from the graffiti wall while taking off his hood to the camera.
Traditionalists insist that unornamented brown leather belts, sporrans, and shoes should be worn for daywear. Black leather and silver ornamentation are reserved for evening wear (White tie, Black tie, or Mess dress). A gentleman's Argyll Jacket in tweed or solid color is suitable for daywear for those occasions that would usually require a sports jacket or lounge suit, while an Argyll Jacket in black or a Prince Charlie Jacket are suitable for evening wear. With some ensembles, a fly plaid is added in the form of a pleated cloth in the same tartan as the kilt, cast over the shoulder and fastened below the shoulder with a plaid brooch.
200px A sport coat, also called a sport jacket (sports coat or sports jacket in American English), is a men's smart casual lounge jacket designed to be worn on its own without matching trousers, traditionally for sporting purposes. Styles, fabrics, colours and patterns are more varied than in most suits; sturdier and thicker fabrics are commonly used, such as corduroy, suede, denim, leather, and tweed. Originally, sports coats were worn as appropriate attire for participating in certain outdoor sports. With time, they were adopted by those attending such events, and came to be used on more formal occasions, sometimes being used in school uniforms.
Alon’s grave in Kiryat Shaul Military Cemetery On the night of June 30, 1973, Yosef Alon and his wife Dvora went to a dinner party organized for a departing embassy staffer. After two and a half hours of socializing and drinking, at roughly 12:30 am on July 1, the couple entered their Ford Galaxie and drove home to Chevy Chase, Maryland, arriving about a half-hour later. Dvora exited the vehicle and walked a few dozen feet to their porch while Alon gathered up his sports jacket on the back seat. At this moment, Alon was shot five times by a foreign-made .
Some of the tableaux are as follows: (1) The suffragette mounting a bicycle and incidentally showing a little more ankle than such a young woman might intend at that time, in the right foreground. She is wearing black stockings, which in 1913 could signify a servant or actress. (2) The young man acting hot under the collar, apparently being berated by a woman, and exchanging a glance with a well-dressed and confident young dandy in sports jacket and white shoes, with one hand in pocket and the other possibly holding a cigarette. (3) Ronald Cecil himself apparently falling backwards in the crowd, although nobody around him turns to look.
He has black hair plastered flat with what is either a widow's peak or a V-shaped bang. His trademark sideburns extend from ear to nearly the chin. Outside his preference for large and rather plain boots, Lupin is a sharp dresser. He typically wears a button-down shirt, tie, chinos and a brightly colored sports jacket—exclusively red in the manga, while in animation his jackets are various colors which color-code his TV series (green for Part I, a few OVAs and The Woman Called Fujiko Mine; red for Part II and most films and television specials; pink for Part III; blue for Part IV and Part 5).
In 2004, the African-American parents organization was able to convince state legislators that an investigation of the school's discipline system was necessary, and the Illinois State Board of Education was charged with doing that. Despite some parents' and students' complaints regarding an infringement of students' privacy in a public place, the school installed security cameras as a part of a technology infrastructure upgrade in the summer of 1996. A long-standing tradition at the school called for young women to wear long, white gowns and carry a dozen red roses, and for young men to wear a dark sports jacket, white dress shirt and red necktie at graduation exercises. In 1998, one potential valedictorian refused to wear a dress.
A racial confrontation occurred at the monument on January 19, 1972, the birthday of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, when Addison Roswell Thompson, a perennial segregationist candidate for governor of Louisiana and mayor of New Orleans, and his friend and mentor, Rene LaCoste (not to be confused with the French tennis player René Lacoste), clashed with a group of Black Panthers. Then eighty-nine years of age and a former opera performer in New York City, LaCoste was described as "dapper in seersucker slacks and navy sports jacket" and with a "white mustache and goatee" resembling Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken. LaCoste and Thompson dressed in Klan robes for the occasion and placed a Confederate flag at the monument. The Black Panthers began throwing bricks at the pair, but police arrived in time to prevent serious injury.
Other gadgets include a bullet-proof invisible wall in Max's apartment that lowers from the ceiling, into which Max and others often walk; a camera hidden in a bowl of soup (cream of Technicolor) that takes a picture (with a conspicuous flash) of the person eating the soup with each spoonful; a mini magnet on a belt, which turns out to be stronger than KAOS's maxi magnet; and a powerful miniature laser weapon in the button of a sports jacket (the "laser blazer"). Another of the show's recurring gags is the "Cone of Silence". Smart would pedantically insist on following CONTROL's security protocols; when in the chief's office, he would insist on speaking under the Cone of Silence—two transparent plastic hemispheres which are electrically lowered on top of Max and Chief—which invariably malfunction, requiring the characters to shout loudly to even have a chance of being understood by each other. Bystanders in the room could often hear them better, and sometimes relay messages back and forth.

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