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49 Sentences With "speaking slowly"

How to use speaking slowly in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "speaking slowly" and check conjugation/comparative form for "speaking slowly". Mastering all the usages of "speaking slowly" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"I am perfectly willing to be called Cherokee," he said, speaking slowly, thoughtfully.
She considered for a moment before replying, speaking slowly, cautiously, but with resolve.
He leans in again, speaking slowly like he might to a frightened farm animal.
Murphy said it wouldn't, both of them speaking slowly and repeating themselves for my benefit.
"He is somewhat forgotten today," Mr. Feuchtwanger said, speaking slowly, with the hint of a German accent.
Speaking slowly and solemnly, he described Thursday what happened when he learned his son had been killed.
"It was scary and loud," Binh said about the bombing, speaking slowly because my Vietnamese was bad.
Alvarez, speaking slowly, told lawmakers in the room that he planned to get his 22015th round of chemotherapy the next day.
An altered video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that shows her speaking slowly as if drunk is spreading on social media.
They were wearing cloaks concealing their weapons, said Din, speaking slowly and with effort, as he readjusted his heavily bandaged arm.
"If you disagree with my decision to fire him, I'm inviting you to hand in your resignation," he said, speaking slowly.
" He gathered control of himself and, speaking slowly, chose his words more carefully: "Now the public persona is"—he paused—"somewhat different.
Speaking slowly allows a non-native to choose just the right word—something most people don't do when they are excited and emotional.
Alvarez, appearing frail and speaking slowly, told lawmakers in the room that he planned to get his 2500th round of chemotherapy the following day.
Thomas does most of the talking, speaking slowly and haltingly in that classic teenage way, though Lloyd and Benallie pipe up now and then.
The AP described how he began speaking slowly, developing his themes, and then getting more enthusiastic, until his speech seemed not unlike a religious sermon.
As McCain spoke to his colleague, he was so animated -- pumping his fists and speaking slowly for emphasis -- that it was possible to read his lips.
"North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States," Trump told reporters, speaking slowly and deliberately with his arms crossed in front of him.
" Speaking slowly from his New Jersey golf club while on a 17-day working vacation, Trump added: "It's been going on for a long time in our country.
"It's not hard for me to go public like this because so many others depend on getting out there and not to be ashamed," he said, speaking slowly.
Speaking slowly and precisely, he told me he had never considered before he was charged that by smuggling drugs he might be committing a crime against the United States.
"No one who is willing to work hard, abide by our laws and love our traditions should ever feel unwelcome in this country," Haley added, speaking slowly and with emphasis.
When I finally did, he began speaking slowly and painstakingly, and I wondered if such caution was an inevitable byproduct of living in the limelight for more than half a century.
He has learned, after 20 years, that speaking slowly and without the necessary depth of knowledge can be dangerous, that a writer will twist words and that, in turn, will harm the cause.
Speaking slowly and aiming to project a collected and trust-inspiring image just hours before Trump was expected to deliver a fiery afternoon speech in New Hampshire, Clinton offered a measured but firm response.
"I know that you all have been feeling a tremendous range of emotions since we all heard about this horrible, hateful attack on Orlando and on your and our community," Gaga said, speaking slowly as she held back tears.
"Let me very clear: I did not collude with Russia nor do I know of anyone else in the campaign who did so," Kushner said, speaking slowly and deliberately from notes, and often quoting directly from his written statement.
"We are here to hold you up as an example of strength, courage and resolve that our country will need to overcome the many challenges that we face," the president said, speaking slowly and gravely as he read from a teleprompter.
I'm now 25, and I often use fluency techniques I learned in therapy including speaking slowly, blending one word into another and taking small breaths before speaking — and I even own the Fluency Master, a device hooked to the ear to reduce stuttering.
"I want to share with you some of the comments from the suspect," Brown, who is black, said during a news conference, speaking slowly and carefully in offering new details on the deadly shootings the previous night that left five officers dead.
I find myself acting like a child as well, and being treated as one in return — people realize just how bad my Farsi is and suddenly take on a look of concern, speaking slowly and carefully to me, asking only simple questions, making simple, silly jokes, explaining simple vocabulary to me.
Reed told him to stick as close to the truth as possible, to help make the lies more realistic, and he was coached in speaking slowly to cover any hesitations. Stephens was impressed with how well Chapman responded to questioning.
Baker, Robert E. "Fight Is Lost On Schools, Almond Says." The Washington Post. January 29, 1959. Speaking slowly from a typewritten script and with obvious deep emotion, Almond declared "Virginia has not surrendered and does not surrender now",Sarratt, p. 15.
In 1982, Chen married Du Xian, a former news anchor from China Central Television who was forced to resign for expressing sympathy (dressing in black and speaking slowly) when she reported the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 on 4 June 1989. Their daughter was born in 1985.
There is the potential of post-concussion syndrome, defined as a set of symptoms that may continue after a concussion is sustained. Post-concussion symptoms can be classified into physical, cognitive, emotional, and sleep symptoms. Physical symptoms include a headache, nausea, and vomiting. Athletes may experience cognitive symptoms that include speaking slowly, difficulty remembering and concentrating.
Many smaller teaching techniques are key to the success of TPR Storytelling. They range from the simple, such as speaking slowly or paying close attention to the students' eyes, to the complex, like the circling technique of asking questions. These techniques all have the same basic aim of keeping the class comprehensible, interesting, and as efficient as possible for language acquisition.
One former student describes him sitting at his desk on the rostrum speaking slowly and deliberately while gazing intently at the ceiling. "The more students disagreed (with one another in class) the more Angus encouraged it."Willis, John. (1979) A History of Dalhousie Law School. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, p.106. On Macdonald's popularity and effectiveness as a teacher, also see Hawkins, pp.76–79.
Even if students know the words that the teacher says, they will not understand if the teacher speaks too quickly. By speaking slowly, teachers give students more time to process the language and therefore they have more chance of understanding. When students first hear vocabulary or grammar, the necessary gap between each word can be as long as two full seconds. As students get used to the language structures, the teacher can slowly increase the speed.
Due to this fear, anxious candidates display certain behaviors or traits that signal to the interviewer that they are anxious. Examples of such behaviors include frequent pauses, speaking more slowly than usual, and biting or licking of lips. Research has identified five dimensions of interview anxiety: communication anxiety, social anxiety, performance anxiety, behavioral anxiety and appearance anxiety. Further research shows that both the interviewer and applicant agree that speaking slowly is a clear sign of interview anxiety.
Although Swedish, Danish and Norwegian have diverged the most, they still retain considerable mutual intelligibility. Speakers of modern Swedish, Norwegian and Danish can mostly understand each other without studying their neighboring languages, particularly if speaking slowly. The languages are also sufficiently similar in writing that they can mostly be understood across borders. This could be because these languages have been mutually affected by each other, as well as having a similar development influenced by Middle Low German.
Coral Sea bombers began releasing mines at 08:59. Sheets radioed the carrier at 09:01 to verify the mines were in the water. Coral Sea forwarded the message to the White House where President Nixon was speaking. Nixon had been speaking slowly to avoid jeopardizing the mission; but upon receiving the message he stated: Additional mining missions followed over the next three days against the ports at Thanh Hoa, Phuc Loi, Quang Khe and Dong Khoi.
Rimsky-Korsakov, My Musical Life, 299. The elder composer's comments on Glazunov's initial appearances as a conductor may in fact have been accurate for this occasion as well: "Slow by nature, maladroit and clumsy of movement, the maestro, speaking slowly and in a low voice, manifestly displayed little ability either for conducting rehearsals or for swaying the orchestra during concert performances." Not only did Glazunov conduct badly during the rehearsal of the First Symphony, but he also made cuts in the score and several changes in orchestration.Walker, 37.
Many people who clutter are either unable or unwilling to think about their speech, particularly in casual speech. The strategies to slow speech down all require careful monitoring of speech, which can be very difficult for those who clutter. Imagination and careful observation are used to increase monitoring, for instance and adult who clutters may be asked to visualize themselves speaking slowly and clearly before they actually speak. Additionally, video and audio recordings may be used to show those who clutter where communication starts to break down in their speech.
The goal of the "Dolphinarium" experiment was to teach dolphins human language. Over a period of two years, Lilly and Howe Lovatt, both with very different approaches, tried to prove that human language could be mimicked by dolphins. Howe Lovatt reasoned that if she lived with the dolphins and made human-like sounds, similar to how a mother teaches her child to speak, they would have more success. She tried speaking slowly and changing the pitch of her tone to help Peter pronounce the words that she wanted him to learn.
Each of the Indians placed a buffalo nickel on the imposing stone as a symbol of the Indian, the buffalo, and the scout, figures since the 1880s that were symbolic of the early history of the American West. Speaking slowly, Spotted Weasel recited at length the virtues of his deceased friend. He told how Buffalo Bill, once an enemy of the Lakota, became in time their best friend among the Wasichus. Pahaska ("Long Hair") had clothed, fed, and given money to many of them, in friendship and the generosity that obliges it.
Whether anxieties come from individual differences or from the interview setting, they have important costs for job candidates. These include: limiting effective communication and display of future potential, reducing interview performance and evaluation despite potential fit for the job, and reducing the chance of a second interview compared to less anxious individuals. Speaking slowly and low assertiveness have the strongest negative impact on perceptions of interview anxiety. Thus, candidates who experience anxiety in interviews should try to display assertive behaviors such as being dominant, professional, optimistic, attentive and confident In addition, they should speak at a consistent pace that is not unusually slow.
He sees a psychologist upon his wife's urging, but he assures him that he is fine and his wife must be unduly concerned, because she is a Holocaust survivor. However, after he attempts to commit suicide, his wife pushes the panic button that Joe himself had installed, the police come and send him to a psychiatric hospital to deal with his anxiety disorder. Meanwhile, his younger daughter Natalie, who is the narrator of the story and suffers from a fear of public speaking, slowly learns to move on, and wins a US$500-poetry competition sponsored by the Campbell Soup Company. Eventually, she sees her father again when he has recovered from stress.
In Doug Pratt's DVD: Movies, Television, Music, Art, Adult, and More!, author Pratt observes that even though designed for toddlers, Steven Burns, as the only human in the cast, delivered a "remarkable and consistent performance" while speaking directly to the camera in addressing his young viewers, speaking slowly and clearly without being condescending or patronizing. Review Corner wrote that the film was "complete with all the charm and learning that makes the television series outstanding, and then some." They offered that while the "feature-film debut follows basically the same tried-and-true format of the television series, it contains longer (mostly musical) interludes and plenty of mini-stories and adventures along the way," as well as introducing a new character, Periwinkle the cat.
Hitler usually began his speeches by speaking slowly, in a low, resonant voice, telling of his life in poverty after serving in World War I, suffering in the chaos and humiliation of postwar Germany, and resolving to reawaken the Fatherland. Gradually he would escalate the tone and tempo of his speech, ending in a climax in which he shrieked his hatred of Bolsheviks, Jews, Czechs, Poles, or whatever group he currently perceived as standing in his way—mocking them, ridiculing them, insulting them, and threatening them with destruction. Normally reasonable people became caught up in the peculiar rapport that Hitler established with his audience, believing even the most obvious lies and nonsense while under his spell. Hitler was not born with these vocal and oratorical skills; he acquired them through long and deliberate practice.

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