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101 Sentences With "soul sucking"

How to use soul sucking in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "soul sucking" and check conjugation/comparative form for "soul sucking". Mastering all the usages of "soul sucking" from sentence examples published by news publications.

At best, they often feel pointless; at worst, they're soul-sucking.
But sometimes L.A. can feel a bit intense and soul sucking.
They are the most soul-sucking strain of professional sports franchise.
It is also about the soul-sucking nature of life under capitalism.
They just walk right by and go about their soul-sucking lives.
But it opens in a bleak 21st-century, soul-sucking, corporate New York.
Facebook is very good at making it difficult to leave its soul-sucking ecosystem.
Many of us will enjoy watching that soul-sucking moment the night of Nov.
Can blockchain technology fix the soul sucking tedium and cost of back-and-forth bureaucracy?
Hunting for deals on flights can be a soul-sucking (not to mention wallet-draining) endeavor.
"There's nothing more demoralizing, it's so utterly soul-sucking and degrading," Peterson says of the account.
After all, she has a soul-sucking sword, so it seems like it might be a good idea.
For those who aspire to reach a bit higher, there are soul-sucking office jobs to be had.
But the blunt reality is that we risk soul-sucking dependency if we're always setting kids' broken arms.
But these days, the soul-sucking software company that employs the film's protagonist would have very different digs.
Throw dying in a zombie apocalypse on the pile with painfully high rental rates and soul sucking subway commutes.
Dementors are magical, soul-sucking creatures that consist of a billowing black robe and a gaping, soul-hungry mouth.
Pair them with those soul-sucking Minion fries and some bright yellow banana ice cream and call it dinner.
But increasingly, authorities around the world are acknowledging that work should, at the very least, not be totally soul-sucking.
The rest of the evening follows suit, which is fitting for a supernatural Western comedy involving a soul-sucking demon.
Cubicles: Thanks to workplace culture icons like Dilbert, the cubicle was once considered the epitome of the soul-sucking office environment.
In addition to building electric vehicles, launching rockets, and colonizing Mars, Musk wants to reinvent tunneling and destroy soul-sucking traffic.
If RSS alone doesn't quite do it for you, there are other tools that make finding online content less soul-sucking.
Each and every dead fitness tracker must have its battery removed—a tedious, soul-sucking job that must be done by hand.
This is an annoying process, soul-sucking even, but it's also too common in couples not to "see" what the other contributes.
Life at the top of the city's restaurant scene became a soul-sucking endeavor, and eventually, she says, she just yearned for simplicity.
She described a "soul sucking" feeling stemming in part from an ethical conundrum tied to researching the ills of online extremism and amplification.
Dementors, the deadly, soul-sucking creatures that dim the light of whomever they descend upon, are widely thought to be emblematic of depression.
Whether a Wall Street bro or the stripper drugging them, everyone's doing soul-sucking works that blurs the lines of legality and ethics.
"It was soul-sucking," Sarandon told Cagle, who noted how difficult it must have been for the actresses to match every gesture and intonation.
Many are from other players who can relate and are asking how they, too, can calm the fuck down after particularly soul-sucking loss.
I wonder if that's what happens when you go a couple of decades without carrying the responsibilities of kids and a soul-sucking day job.
Critic's Pick Ethan Lipton's delirious Western comedy features a pigtailed gunslinger, a soul-sucking demon and singing puppet cactuses, among other inspired flights of fancy.
I first met Chow at the San Francisco county jail, a soul-sucking compound in the belly of the city's "tech district," South of Market.
Hempton and company are betting people will hear about these respites from our soul-sucking din and pay to experience them, and then tell their friends.
It is soul-sucking work to beg for others to see you as equals and then find out, time and time again, that the message hasn't stuck.
Thinking it would be an intense, energy draining hour-long drama, she skipped season 1 entirely since the world is already soul-sucking enough in this political climate.
Metacritic score: 63 out of 100 Hell is other (rich) people in Ready or Not, a deliciously mean dark horror comedy about the soul-sucking cost of greed.
Among other things, he argued that she failed to prove that surveillance capitalism is a "soul-sucking" rebirth of totalitarianism that makes people puppets of manipulative data wizards.
That malaise that stretches its soul-sucking tentacles toward us through our news feeds and our televisions (do we still watch those?) and even slipping into our Insta comments. (Duck!
We've been trying to tame the cosmos for decades now, and all we've gotten for our troubles are grody chest-busters, soul-sucking black holes, and a few giant space-ants*.
The existence of these soul-sucking forms of employment, which range from the menial to the high-level but share a lack of useful tangible outcomes, is a challenge for economists.
Lots of new year's resolutions fail, but if trying to escape soul-sucking work is a priority for you in 2019, there's no reason why you can't shoot for the stars.
LEONIA, N.J. — It is bumper to bumper as far as the eye can see, the kind of soul-sucking traffic jam that afflicts highways the way bad food afflicts rest stops.
I know — the idea of a city built on ad revenue brings back soul-sucking Orwellian images of corporate overlords and logo-paved streets straight out of Blade Runner or WALL-E.
It grapples with losing friends and family to opiates while growing up online, a place that can often feel like an endless, soul-sucking void with no real humanity to speak of.
G. Addiction has a sense of repetition: mind-numbing, soul-sucking, life-destroying repetition punctuated by the chaos of withdrawal, or intrusions of reality in the form of death, family, or the law.
Any woman who has devoted hours to swiping through Tinder pictures of shirtless men posing with fish and fielded hundreds of cheesy pickup lines can confirm that heterosexual dating is soul-sucking work.
In "Bullshit Jobs", a book published last year which has become akin to a holy tract for millennial socialists, he claims that a big chunk of modern employment is pointless and soul-sucking.
If you have a soul-sucking type of job, it carries over into other parts of your life — you either know this by your own actions or have experienced it through someone else.
He applied for dozens of jobs in the entertainment sector, then after a "soul sucking" experience at a talent agency, decided he would rather make less money and do something he believed in.
Sweden had advanced this far by playing this way, engineering soul-sucking, if ultimately praiseworthy, victories over South Korea and Mexico in the group stage and against Switzerland in the round of 21.
Now we're stuck in the equally soul-sucking loop of refreshing a Google News search for "Rick and Morty Season 3," but we have Rick's sad creation to keep us company in the meantime.
It's not a totally new design—British band Muse have been using a fleet of similar drones on their most recent tour—but Swiss firm Aerotain's design stands out, due to its soul-sucking practicality.
Millennials especially have embraced this so-called FIRE movement — the acronym stands for financial independence, retire early — seeing it as a way out of soul-sucking, time-stealing work and an economy fueled by consumerism.
When you think about New Year's resolutions, you probably think of easy-to-track, external goals: leveling up in your career, trying a new fitness routine, finally putting a limit on your soul-sucking Netflix consumption.
"We've got to course-change, and if we don't, we're either going to go out of business or we're going to be a crappy, soul-sucking business," he allegedly told Blaze staffers at a contentious meeting.
What began as an unflinching, incisive look behind the curtain at the soul-sucking practices of making reality TV in its first season became a muddled mess of all its most sensationalistic impulses in its second.
For example: He learns to ask for things not clearly communal, you lighten up about soap, you both learn where you draw the line between reasonable accommodations of each other's way of living, and soul-sucking ones.
I made a go of opening an Etsy store and selling commissions last year but drawing and painting for other people was honestly soul-sucking (I got requests like 'Draw me and my husband with Pokemon' — yuck!).
Ben is kidnapped and his gang hoodwinked into providing protection for a soul-sucking corporation, so it's up to you to solve puzzles, talk to the locals, and get your bike back together to save the gang.
So until there's some sign that #DumpStarWars will do more than Trump supporters' Hamilton boycott, go point them at Rogue One (or some other movie of your choosing), not a soul-sucking abyss that delivers only false schadenfreude.
"If you're seen as being overly negative or antagonistic, you'll eventually become known as the soul-sucking anchor around a team's neck," Mike Kerr, author of Inspiring Workplaces – Creating the Kind of Workplace Where Everyone Wants to Work.
Virtual reality has proved to be as much as a soul-sucking grind as the non-virtual one—that is, until disaster strikes in the form of Banshee Bikers terrorizing the digital version of Amsterdam that you call home.
"If you're seen as being overly negative or antagonistic, you'll eventually become known as the soul-sucking anchor around a team's neck," says Mike Kerr, author of Inspiring Workplaces—Creating the Kind of Workplace Where Everyone Wants to Work.
Both an office-comedy about the soul-sucking nightmare of entry level desk jobs, and a reality-bending sci-fi horror depicting the uprising of a half-horse half-human hybrid species — it is designed to make you ask questions.
To put it bluntly, Metal Gear Solid V understands that repetition is drudgery, that it is soul-sucking, that it saps you of energy and enthusiasm, and then it demands that you dig down into that muck and live there.
Like Bing, Clay also isn't left much of an option—either participate in a soul-sucking science project-like system and die (figuratively), or don't participate and die at the hands of a system positioned against Black men anyway (literally).
His latest is set during one long day at a Hooters-style restaurant full of scantily clad waitresses, but if Bujalski's success with the gym-set Results is any indication, he's great at exploring the soul-sucking nature of corporate work.
Peter, the main character in the movie, had a soul-sucking job: Every day, he would sit in an office cubicle combing through old computer code, looking for a flaw that could make computers malfunction when the year turned 2000.
The more soul-sucking aspects — fund-raising ranks high — have been made easier by his turn as the masked villain Kylo Ren in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," though he cringes (nay, curses) at hauling out the character in exchange for cash.
After six months working as the personal assistant to an A-List celeb, B. reminisces about her life combatting catty sexual rumors on set, arriving late to her own birthday party, and the surprisingly soul-sucking task of searching for the perfect lightweight beanie.
On one hand, the outlook is bright: With year-round daylight saving we'd get to keep those long summer evenings with the added benefit of getting rid of those soul-sucking days in mid-winter when the sun sets at four o'clock in the goddamn afternoon.
A 2016 segment has always stuck with me, when an anonymous man from Denton, Texas, on his break from a soul-sucking customer service job, called Gethard to say he felt that he had "wasted the last year" and that he was giving up on life.
What if in fact the 2018 midterms are a soul-sucking event for Democrats, as they watch their blue wave become a blue trickle and they are confronted with the horrifying idea that their current path of leftism is making them into the Coastal Regional Party?
Last week, Schlenk traded the three-time Defensive Player of the Year's two-year, $22021 million contract—and all the soul-sucking post touches that come with it—along with a second-round pick to Charlotte in exchange for Miles Plumlee, Marco Belinelli, and an even worse pick.
Instead, while the kid from Queens was abroad trying to impress the soul-sucking global elites he got elected railing against, pathetically bragging that he had "a crowd like they've never had before in Davos," Melania made a solo visit to the Holocaust Museum here for Holocaust Remembrance Day.
But for every one of you who joins the Peace Corps or decides to travel the country in a Winnebago after graduation, there will be a thousand more of you who will wind up working 50-hour workweeks at soul-sucking desk jobs, just like my graduating class, and just like your parents.
Because marital discord is timeless: Edward Albee's soul-sucking academics — Richard Burton as a professor; Elizabeth Taylor as his wife, a college president's daughter; and George Segal and Sandy Dennis as the faculty couple they've invited over — are adapted by Mike Nichols, in his film directorial debut, "without pussyfooting," Stanley Kauffmann wrote in The Times.
And now, in Frank Ocean's new zine Boy's Don't Cry, there are a bunch of other musicians who have lent their talents to words without music, making us think that maybe poems are the dopest, and not just the reason we had to read that soul sucking anthology over and over again at school.
As Broadway dims its lights at 7:45 on Wednesday night to honor the playwright Edward Albee, who died on Friday, watch the movie version of his masterpiece about soul-sucking academics: Richard Burton as a professor; Elizabeth Taylor as his wife, a college president's daughter; and George Segal and Sandy Dennis as the young faculty couple they've invited over.
This fearsome foursome, along with poster-boy soldier Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman), his soul-sucking sword-wielding bodyguard Katana (Karen Fukuhara), Australian thief Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney) and "a man who can climb anything" named Slipknot (Adam Beach), are called upon by den mother/bad mutha Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) to stop a terrorist threat that has laid siege to Midway City in exchange for the half-hearted promise of freedom.
For those who've somehow forgotten, Hocus Pocus tells the story of how Max Dennison (Omri Katz), his precocious kid sister Dani (a wee Thora Birch), and Max's crush Allison (Vinessa Shaw) find themselves battling the child-soul-sucking Sanderson sisters (played by Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy, and Sarah Jessica Parker) on Halloween night in Salem, after virginal Max lights a magical black flame candle that allows the witches to come back from the dead.
The fact remains that SXSW is an opportunity for musicians to show their worth—whether that's performing in 19 different showcases over three days, or simply delivering one solid performance to prove to our fast-paced, Twitter driven, soul sucking culture that they deserve all the hype despite only having one song that's kind of a bite on one of the most successful artists right now (if our heavy-handedness and #hinting isn't obvious enough, we are talking about Desiigner).
But perhaps even more soul-sucking are also the archetypes that blend together: hundreds of self-described "art hoes" who study graphic design at Parsons or Pratt; an impossibly high number of men who claim to work at VICE, all of whom ignore my messages; finance bros, hyper-curated advertising creatives, and bartenders who are also in bands; the women who take the "sad gurl" aesthetic too far and have bios like "dead inside but still horny" with blurry and unflattering photos of them to show they are intellectual or something.
148Apps gave MyTown a four out five star rating (Soul Sucking).
To date, there have been no explicitly bisexual characters–either children or adults–in children's books. Some young adult fiction books do feature bisexual characters, including Empress of the World by Sara Ryan (2001), Double Feature: Attack of the Soul-Sucking Brain Zombies/Bride of the Soul-Sucking Brain Zombies by Brent Hartinger (2007), Pink by Lili Wilkinson (2009), and It's Our Prom (So Deal with It) by Julie Anne Peters (2012). When they do appear in young adult fiction, bisexuals are often portrayed as confused or greedy.
Teng happens to pass by during this time and joins Guo in the fight where they kill all of the martial artists. Afterwards, Teng asks Guo of his identity and the Soul-Sucking Lad and informs Teng of Guo's identity and his mission. Guo fights with Teng and the Soul-Sucking Lad and kills both of them and obtains Teng's manual. Master Liu Yi-ying (Fang Mian) and her daughter, Yan-qing (Annette Sam) arrives to bring a letter from the Right Schools to Guo suggesting him to destroy the manual to minimize his danger once he reaches the Yin Forest.
This essence evolves fairly quickly into a form unconcerned with basic reality. Outside the ship, Fly and Arlene wake up. The "soul-sucking" computer cannot remove human souls completely. Along with their faithful (the humans worshiping Fly) and the bodies of Sears and Roebuck, they escape incineration by the launching human starship.
Luna is a secret assassin and spy for Kuonji and Yuka’s former best friend. She has the Soul-Sucking Alice. As a child, she was rejected by her parents and peers but befriended Yuka and fell in love with Kuonji. When she saw Kuonji’s interest in Yuka, she started to hate Yuka.
" Bradly Zorgdrager's review for Exclaim! was similarly positive, awarding the album 7/10. He wrote that "Holy War carves finds a happy medium between the soul-sucking breakdowns of their last release and the eccentric pyrotechnics of their first. There are more emotions than merely the titular Hate of their last, and the soaring solos sound positively triumphant.
Marceline, however, loses the will to fight. The Ice King arrives and briefly talks to Marceline, instilling in her a sense of purpose; Marceline then realizes that it is her destiny to stop the Dark Cloud. Marceline flies into the Dark Cloud and, using her soul-sucking abilities, drains it from the inside out. However, she does so at the cost of once more becoming the Vampire Queen.
First edition Strange Things and Stranger Places is a collection of horror stories by Ramsey Campbell, first published by Tor Books in 1993. The book includes two lengthy novellas, "Medusa" and "Needing Ghosts", and an introduction by the author. Of the collection, Kirkus Reviews noted that "Campbell writes elegant, soul-sucking horror that rivals the genre's finest-- but there's none of his best here...only die-hard fans will want to bother with these scrappy leavings."Unknown reviewer.
Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "B" on an A+ to F scale. Peter Travers of Rolling Stone gave the film one star out of four, calling it "a 3D metaphor for Hollywood's digital assault on our eyes and brains" and deeming it "relentless and exhausting". In, Andrew O'Hehir called the film "another lazy Adam Sandler exercise in 80s Nostalgia", as well as "an overwhelmingly sad experience" characterized by "soul-sucking emptiness".
In the Enchanted Forest, Prince Phillip (Julian Morris) awakens Princess Aurora (Sarah Bolger) from a magical, year-long sleep with true love's kiss. But they and Phillip's traveling companion, the female warrior Mulan (Jamie Chung), are soon attacked by a wraith, a soul-sucking monster. Unbeknownst to the women, Phillip is "marked" by the wraith's talisman as they drive it off, so the wraith will now follow him relentlessly. After they make camp, Phillip leaves the two women so they will not be harmed when he is attacked.
Cordelia reacts quickly and stakes Jenoff's hand to the table while Angel decapitates him. Gunn breaks free, but he knows the terror is not over as the parasitic soul-sucking creature within Jenoff's body emerges from where his head was and starts emitting horrible, high-pitched screams. Thinking quickly, Angel questions whether anyone else in the crowd is in Jenoff's debt and the customers all jump on Jenoff while the Angel Investigations team escapes. In his truck, Gunn apologizes repeatedly to Fred for breaking up with her and she accepts after many repetitions.
Lou Lumenick of the New York Post stated, "If you mashed-up the worst parts of the infamous Howard the Duck, Gigli, Ishtar and every other awful movie I've seen since I started reviewing professionally in 1981, it wouldn't begin to approach the sheer soul-sucking badness of the cringe-inducing Movie 43." Movie 43 is on the MRQE's 50 Worst Movies list. It holds a 5% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 88 reviews, averaging out at a 2.23/10 rating. It won three awards at the 34th Golden Raspberry Awards: Worst Picture, Worst Director, and Worst Screenplay.
After discovering that under the man clothes there's a girl, Kang-chi gradually falls in love with Yeo-wool, and vice versa. But several obstacles remain in their way: the continuing villainy of Gwan-woong; the knowledge that it was Yeo-wool's father who killed Kang-chi's father; the reappearance of Wol-ryung who has turned into a soul-sucking demon with no memories who can only be killed by his son; and Sojung's warning that Yeo-wool is fated to die if she stays by the side of the man she meets beneath the blossoming peach tree under a crescent moon, which is none other than Kang-chi himself.
Regarding the literary establishment, see Judith Shulevitz's article "Fiction and 'Literary' Fiction." The New York Times, September 9, 2001.The Soul-Sucking Suckiness of B.R. Myers - The Millions Myers directed many of his harshest charges at literary critics for prestigious publications such as The New York Times Book Review, whom he accused of lavishing praise upon bad writing either for political reasons, or because they did not understand it and therefore assumed it to have great artistic merit. Myers also focuses on what he calls "the cult of the sentence", criticizing critics for pulling single sentences out of novels in order to praise their brilliance, while ignoring shortcomings in the novel as a whole.
Frequent features of Lansdale's writing are usually deeply ironic, strange or absurd situations or characters, such as Elvis Presley and John F. Kennedy battling a soul-sucking Egyptian mummy in a nursing home (the plot of his Bram Stoker Award-nominated novella, Bubba Ho-Tep, which was made into a movie by Don Coscarelli). He is the winner of the British Fantasy Award, the American Horror Award, the Edgar Award, and ten Bram Stoker Awards. His Hap and Leonard series of twelve novels, four novellas, and three short story collections feature two friends, Hap Collins and Leonard Pine, who live in the fictional town of Laborde, in East Texas, and find themselves solving a variety of often unpleasant crimes. The characters themselves are an unlikely pairing; Hap is a white working class laborer in his mid forties who once protested against the war in Vietnam and spent time in federal prison rather than be drafted and Leonard is a gay black Vietnam vet.
The chief of Mount Hua (Cheng Lui) and the leaders of Eight Schools sends famed martial artist, Flying Hero Guo Jiou-ru (Chan Hung-lit), who is proficient in ventriloquism and possesses comparable skills to Teng, to impersonate him and infiltrate the Yin household to steal away the other manual in order to prevent Yin from boosting his skills for evil doings. Guo arrives at the Peaceful Tavern and orders a room next to Teng where he eavesdrop on Teng's conversation with his assistant, the Soul-Sucking Lad (Wong Kin-wah), on his plan to pretend to fall for Cai-fa and requests Yin for the marriage with Cai-fa before he can learn the manual, as Teng is also after Yin's half of the manual. The next day, while on his way to the Yin Forest, Teng is attacked by martial artists who are after his manual, but he manages to kill all of them. Guo, who is disguised as Teng, is also attacked by a group of martial artists who are after Teng's manual.

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