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161 Sentences With "solar flares"

How to use solar flares in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "solar flares" and check conjugation/comparative form for "solar flares". Mastering all the usages of "solar flares" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Protecting our tech from solar flares One important thing we might learn from the eclipse: how to protect our technology from solar flares.
But solar flares of that size are not unheard of.
We see solar flares all the time on our sun.
During solar minimum, the sun produces fewer solar flares and sunspots.
It could be because of faulty parts, solar flares, or deliberate interference.
They'll stare down active regions that might soon spit out solar flares.
This idea is similar to familiar solar flares, but much more energetic.
Occasionally this produces giant explosions called solar flares and coronal mass ejections.
"So we couldn't see things like solar flares, ribbons, prominences in 3-D."
Red dwarfs are very unstable and given to violent solar flares, she said.
Solar flares are intense flashes of light created by the tempestuous conditions near sunspots.
But, Melott warns, solar flares pose a greater threat to knocking out our electrical grid.
First, the longer the duration between powerful solar flares, the more powerful they will be.
The rampage included solar flares, a coronal mass ejection, and a solar energetic particle event.
For example, it drives explosive solar events such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections.
Solar flares happen when the Sun's magnetic field causes a brief burst of intense radiation.
Known as superflares, they're like normal-strength solar flares but on a much grander scale.
But others come from academia, where people have highly accurate models of, say, solar flares.
Indeed, there were no solar flares, and life was also relatively calm in Iraq and Syria.
Researchers found red dwarfs emitting frequent solar flares, diminishing the chances of habitability in their systems.
Laurent Grasso created the piece to lend a poetic quality to the presence of solar flares.
Potential disasters like solar flares, pandemics or other electro-magnetic disruptions should prod us to action.
Currently, the Parker Solar Probe is studying the sun in the hopes of helping predict solar flares.
So there were an intense series of explosions on the sun—often called solar flares—in 1991.
Solar flares like the ones reported this week are known to interfere with high frequency radio signals.
"The interesting thing about this investigation is that it all started with solar flares," Dr. Pesci said.
And there has been speculation about how it will shield astronauts from deep-space radiation and solar flares.
Face widths, lunar cycles, and solar flares could all hold the secret to hedge fund managers&apos returns.
Solar flares are powerful bursts of radiation that stream out into space after periods of sunspot-associated magnetic activity.
From stunning aurora and shooting stars through to solar flares and distant nebulae, these images are guaranteed to astound.
You can see sunspots, darker areas on the Sun that could be responsible for solar weather, like solar flares.
Also a red dwarf, it's considered an active star, meaning it frequently burps out intense, high-energy solar flares.
Even at their actual considerable distance, solar flares are already capable of causing plenty of mischief on our planet.
Unlike solar flares, which were visible during eclipses using traditional telescopes, these spontaneous emissions were now detectable using radios.
But Triaud maintains TRAPPIST-1 is a fairly quiet red dwarf, meaning it doesn't send out solar flares very often.
Space weather can take the form of solar flares, solar energetic particles, and geomagnetic disturbances, Obama explained in the order.
Solar flares occur when the sun's magnetic fields break and bend, releasing energy from the star into the solar system.
It's a technique we use often on our own sun to better learn how it belches solar flares, for example.
Unlike solar flares or coronal mass ejections, an eclipse is an easily predictable event that produces a relatively small disturbance.
Appearing as brightened areas on the sun, solar flares are intense bursts of radiation produced as sunspots release magnetic energy.
It's possible the signal is caused by solar flares from Ross 128, which is a very active star that flares frequently.
While this worked well enough, it was also an unreliable communication mechanism—solar flares and geomagnetic storms made skywave transmissions impossible.
According to astrobiologist Abel Méndez, the signal might be caused by solar flares or another object not far from Ross 128.
Be it cyberterrorism or be it natural disasters, for example solar flares, which may stop all communication between ground-based tools.
One team tested some new techniques meant to protect satellites and the power grid from solar flares and coronal mass ejections.
Just short of fantasizing, McPherson lists myriad apocalyptic scenarios: nuclear war, superbugs, climate change, solar flares, bees dying or killer asteroids.
We'll also pass through the chromosphere and photosphere, where we might get a glimpse of sunspots, solar prominences, and solar flares.
The findings, detailed in a study published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, might improve our ability to predict solar flares.
Solar flares are huge eruptions of radiation that burst forth from the star when the sun's magnetic fields break and release energy.
Specifically, the probe will be able to measure the intensity of solar flares, which are responsible for causing "space weather" around Earth.
He talked of creating an artificial magnetic field on Mars to deflect high-energy particles, especially to protect colonists from solar flares.
Solar flares are considered part of "space weather," the conditions affecting the space around Earth that are usually caused by the sun.
The TRAPPIST-1 star and other similar red dwarfs are usually pretty active, meaning they send out high intensity solar flares quite frequently.
The music largely rises to match such heavy concerns, radiating with bass lines and synth melodies as disruptive and brilliant as solar flares.
Massive eruptions on the Sun, including coronal mass ejections and solar flares, can cause all kinds of hairy space weather effects on Earth.
Over the last week or so, the sun has experienced a series of solar flares, including the most energetic one in a decade.
By studying one of several major solar flares that occurred in 2014, French researchers discovered the presence of a mechanism within the eruption.
Solar flares, like the one that occurred on March 20, may supercharge the aurora's glow so that its visibility extends farther than usual.
The region between Earth and the sun, a distance of some 93 million miles, teems with solar flares and solar wind and charged particles.
The spacecraft is responsible for creating some of the highest resolution photos of solar flares, coronal holes and solar prominences emanating from the star.
Certain things — solar flares, for instance — have signatures scientists know to expect, but the signal from Ross 128 isn't like any previous solar flare.
This week we will safely approach some spicy solar flares that point to the evolution of our habitable planet and the desolation of others.
A more dangerous phenomenon While solar flares can interfere with satellites, an even more dangerous phenomenon is called a coronal mass ejection (or CME).
Saturn wasn't going to keep protecting us from solar flares, so they used us to test a theory while still covered by their insurers.
Studying these dancing, dynamic magnetic fields is crucial in part because these explosions can cause solar storms, like solar flares or coronal mass ejections.
M dwarf stars like TRAPPIST-1 are known for spitting off large solar flares, and some researchers think this could have eroded the planets' atmospheres.
Solar flares are the largest explosive events in the Solar System, producing bright flashes that last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.
For fifty years, their Sweet-Parker model has been crucial for explaining not just solar flares, but other large-scale magnetic activity, like Earth's aurora.
Solar flares are rated on an increasing scale: A, B, C, M, X, with each category being 20123 times more powerful than the previous one.
People had posited a vast array of conspiracy theories for the closure, ranging from anthrax to apocalyptic solar flares, foreign government espionage, and, of course, aliens.
Like our Sun, red dwarfs emit solar flares—sudden emissions of energy exploding from the Sun's surface with the force of one billion megatons of TNT.
We know the Sun goes through 11-year cycles of activity, but there isn't a good way to predict outbursts of solar activity like solar flares.
NASA is still intensively studying the sun, to improve the space agency's understanding of when unpredictable events, like solar flares, might pose a harm to Earth.
Not only do the chips need to be proven, but the machines themselves need to be ruggedized for extreme cold, cosmic rays, and even solar flares.
A total of six solar flares have erupted from the same active sunspot since Monday — including the largest flare the Sun has produced in its current cycle.
And there's even more science to be done—HamSCI is hoping to research how solar flares impact the ionosphere, and aims to build personal space weather stations.
And Proxima b is a little too close to its host star for comfort, so it probably gets doused with a lot of solar flares and radiation.
The Arctic region is also more vulnerable to the effects of space weather, including geomagnetic storms and solar flares, which can further interfere with remote sensing methods.
Deep space is filled with tiny energized particles — either from solar flares or deep-space cosmic rays — that have the potential to harm people during the voyage.
To this day, many aspects of the sun remain a mystery: What causes solar flares, when massive amounts of energy and plasma are ejected from the sun?
Richard Eastes, principal investigator for the GOLD mission, said that the constant monitoring will allow for observations of other phenomena, such as the effects of solar flares.
People have posited a vast and predominantly ludicrous array of reasons for the closure, ranging from anthrax to apocalyptic solar flares, foreign government espionage, and, of course, aliens.
Because the ISS sits outside the majority of Earth's protective atmosphere, it's exposed to more radiation — from solar flares and cosmic rays that originate outside the Solar System.
But a new cluster of satellites will harness the global positioning system to help predict weather patterns, long-term climate change, and even crippling interference from solar flares.
This radiation dose is not deadly, although during especially bright solar flares, the airlines alter flight paths to avoid getting closer than 21 nautical miles to the poles.
Some of Ferriss' glitch artworks are believable interstellar phenomena at a glance, and NASA video of solar flares and the curvature of the Earth looks rendered in CGI.
Richard Eastes, principal investigator for the GOLD mission, said Thursday that the constant monitoring will allow for observations of other phenomena, such as the effects of solar flares.
Apart from radio signals, solar flares have also been shown to disrupt global positioning satellite signals and raise radiation levels in space, which could pose threats to astronauts.
The storm was ignited after the Sun belched out energetic solar flares and coronal mass ejections, which sent blasts of radiation, plasma, and charged particles throughout the solar system.
The first human beings to set foot on the planet will have to deal with an onslaught of radiation, solar flares, weak gravity, frigid cold, and even toxic soil.
But even if solar flares billions of years ago stripped away the planet's atmosphere, it could have been replenished by gases emanating from the planet's interior, Dr. Bonfils said.
They found that frequent solar flares from red dwarfs, which are typically cooler and smaller than our Sun and emit energy in infrared, might blow exoplanets' chances at habitability away.
On this grungy, 38-minute spacewalk, distorted post-shoegaze riffs tumble over each other like solar flares as introspective, half-whispered vocals narrate frontman Nicky Palermo's odyssey toward self-acceptance.
The corona is responsible for much of the sun's activity that impacts our planet, including solar flares and coronal mass ejections, and how the corona works is still a mystery.
If scientists are to forecast solar flares or coronal mass ejections, they will need to learn about the behavior of the electrical currents inside the sun that produce these eruptions.
So even if you managed to survive the blistering heat, the solar flares, and the crushing pressure, you'd now have to climb out of the solar system's biggest nuclear reactor.
Sadly, exoplanets in orbit around red dwarfs are considered poor candidates for habitability, owing to the propensity of this group of stars to produce tremendously powerful and frequent solar flares.
This is a perfect time for NASA and other researchers to study the corona, which serves as the origin for solar flares and charged particles that stream outward from the Sun.
Just in the nick of time, the United States' newly minted Solar Forecasting Center was able to convey the true cause of the radar jamming: a rash of powerful solar flares.
Until recently, the annals of research failed to completely explain how massive currents blooming on the sun's surface burst into solar flares, releasing incredible volumes of energy in short time frames.
The "Solar Energetic Particles" that would have caused these events could have originated in especially large solar flares, or in rare instances, releases of plasma from the Sun called coronal mass ejections.
We know that celestial bodies like the Sun and the Earth have magnetic fields—ours protects us from solar flares and radiation, which could have very quickly ended life on the planet.
Ham radio operators bounce signals off of the ionosphere to send messages over long distances, so they're interested in how space weather, like solar flares, or eclipses change how their messages travel.
Image: NASA/SDO/AIA/LMSALAfter more than a week offline, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory—the sun-watching spacecraft responsible for these close-up images of solar flares, fire, and loops—is back.
The planet would be prone to an increased rate of solar flares, and it could become tidally locked, resulting in a permanent day and night side and some pretty wild climate dynamics.
The corona is important to study because it is the source of solar flares and other forms of space weather that can disrupt our technology and even potentially break our electric grid.
Ms. Jackson says she expects to spend her internship studying solar flares and their impact on satellites and astronauts who work at the International Space Station or, later, will travel to Mars.
On days with more sunspots — the sources of solar flares and storms that hurl high-energy particles towards Earth — researchers found that gray whales are more likely to strand themselves on shore.
Between August 2 and 4, sunspot region MR 11976 shot out a series of solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and clouds of charged particles (which were called "plasma drivers" back in the 1970s).
It's possible, for instance, that all of the TRAPPIST-1 planets have been stripped of their atmospheres due to powerful solar flares and stellar winds, leaving nothing but a handful of barren rocks.
Solar flares probably occur as a result of the Sun's magnetic field changing shape in these more magnetically-active regions, creating a blast of energy and sending tiny charged particles streaming into space.
As a result of the most recent solar flares, NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center has issued a moderate geomagnetic storm watch for September 13, and a minor geomagnetic storm watch for September 14.
This year's eclipse is happening while activity is decreasing, but the one in 2024 will occur as it is ramping up, so sunspots and solar flares are expected to be more apparent then.
Currents of chromatic energy that are barely perceptible in "Megha" or "Vishakka" become spectacular in "R-Dhya" (1972), as clouds of color surge inward from the edges of the canvas, like solar flares.
Crowd-sourcing and open innovation have brought forward solutions to a surprising range of global problems -- from predicting solar flares, to improving road safety in Cairo, to fighting off diseases in the human body.
As for what's next, Rutledge told me we could see more solar flares over the next day or two, but we probably won't see anything as explosive as what was observed earlier this week.
A solar flare, which usually lasts just minutes, is an outburst of energy and accelerated particles from the Sun; today, solar flares are a concern due to their potentially harmful effects on our technology.
That's why Tahar Amari, a solar physicist at France's École Polytechnique, is studying the mysterious events that lead up to solar flares and CMEs, so that we can better predict and prepare for them.
The deeper question the researchers sought to answer is whether or not superflares are produced by the same mechanism as solar flares, which would indicate the possibility of superflares being produced by our Sun.
It is this third period that corresponds to the peak of the Sun's solar cycle, marked by an increased number of sunspots and corresponding increases in the rates of solar flares and coronal mass ejections.
This influence becomes particularly acute during geomagnetic storms, which are generally caused by coronal mass ejections—huge bubbles of magnetized plasma—and solar flares, and can lead to everything from auroras to widespread satellite failures.
On the afternoon of May 23rd, a series of bright solar flares were observed and photographed in sequence (including one that would later be classified as the largest solar radio burst of the 20th century).
Solutions include special areas of a ship where astronauts could be protected from solar flares and cosmic rays, and even localized electric or magnetic protective fields that would generate a defensive bubble around a spacecraft.
He instills fear in his followers by taking credit for meteorological phenomena, with cries of "Armageddon armageddon armageddon!" and claims to inspire solar flares, mysterious sounds, and plagues of volcanic ash which rain upon sinners.
Past spikes in G.C.R.s from solar flares or other sources are largely a mystery, but have attracted keen interest from researchers, because if they occur now they could wipe out communication satellites and other technology.
Bob Rutledge, lead forecaster at NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center, confirmed receiving "isolated" reports from the Caribbean about radio blackouts related to the series of solar flares observed on the Sun this week, including from HWN.
This area is where the sun produces "solar weather" phenomena, like solar flares or coronal mass ejections, and the region is also where solar winds — material constantly blowing off the surface of the sun — are accelerated.
In celebration of that record, the pair made THUMP a mix that nods the vast variety of their interests—the brilliant solar flares of King Sunny Ade's acrobatic guitar work to Lorenzo Senni's pointillist trance revisions.
Medium-sized solar flares like this burst of radiation captured by NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory in 2013 generally don't affect things back on Earth, but they can interfere with GPS satellites and other objects in orbit.
Solar flares three times more powerful than what we've seen in modern times may have produced the chemistry needed for life to develop by pummeling the Earth with charged particles 4 billion years ago, a new study suggests.
In fact, as another recent modeling study demonstrated, planets in tight orbits around red dwarf stars might be getting lashed by an insane number of high-energy solar flares, stripping their atmospheres faster than they can be replenished.
But when our star gets temperamental—and it frequently does—it blasts out enormous pulses of energy and radiation in the form of solar flares, which are often accompanied by eruptions of plasma called coronal mass ejections (CMEs).
The signals could be produced by solar flares on Ross 128, they could be produced by some other object in the area being scanned, or these signals could be coming from one of our satellites in a high orbit.
This new analysis implied that the star actually released a 1-minute-long flare, a thousand times brighter than the star's usual shine—perhaps 10 times brighter than the most powerful solar flares from our own sun on record, said Weinberger.
If they keep finding atmospheres devoid of signs that they are capable of supporting life, then it's likely that something about these low mass stars—perhaps their frequent solar flares or some other attribute—renders the planets orbiting them sterile.
A new study from a team of scientists at the Konkoly Observatory in Budapest, Hungary has revealed what could be the Achilles' heel for the TRAPPIST-1 exoplanets: solar flares from the host star causing chaos in the planetary atmospheres.
But when we look at other stars out there, we see not only solar flares but also the occasional "superflare"—flares that are not only large, but dwarf everything we've ever seen from our own sun, sometimes up to 103,000 times the size.
"Studying things like these two factors and the solar flares and the coronal mass ejections we can also see during eclipses teaches us about weather hazards," says Caspi—you know, like the possibility of a solar flare disrupting the power grid or messing with satellites.
But…Read more Read"The process of space weather starts on the sun—reconnection there produces coronal mass ejections and solar flares, both of which lead to space weather at the Earth," James Burch, a space weather scientist at the Southwest Research Institute told Gizmodo.
Analyzing data from an 80-day Kepler observation of the Trappist system, involving at least seven Earth-sized planets tightly packed around a star about 40 light-years from here, Hungarian astronomers counted 42 solar flares raining lethal radiation through the little planetary system.
One group in particular is researching methods that may one day allow science to forecast solar flares and "coronal mass ejections," which can damage or disturb an ever-growing variety of technological devices in space and on Earth, from satellites and spacecraft to power grids.
But Asgardia wants to be much more than just another micronation: It aims to join the United Nations and eventually send its citizens to lower Earth orbit where they will live on habitable platforms and defend the planet from "space threats" like asteroids and solar flares.
It's a processed version of a series of images collected by NASA's STEREO spacecraft, a pair of space-based observatories that have had their eyes on the Sun since 2006, watching as solar flares and coronal mass ejections evolve on its surface before blasting off into space.
Scientists pick up radio pulses like these all the time, but they rarely repeat (an important condition for verification), and they're often produced by naturally occurring phenomenon, such as solar flares, the microlensing of a background source, an active galactic core, or even a satellite passing by.
Landing's location, timing in flux Though China has said it expects Tiangong-1 to crash-land by late March, unpredictable space weather in the outer atmosphere in the form of solar flares makes it hard to predict exactly when and where that will happen, McDowell said.
Without magnetic fields, the fried-egg shape of most galaxies—flat on the outskirts with a big bulge in the middle—would collapse on itself, not to mention that life as we know it couldn't exist, as we'd be living on a desolate radioactive wasteland whipped by solar flares.
He determined that the cause of this historical periodicity to be the result of the Sun's electromagnetic influence over the Earth—in particular, he linked the regular occurrence of historical events to the solar cycle, matching battles, riots and revolutions throughout world history with particularly strong solar flares.
That being said, over the course of the last two solar cycles there have been 97 solar events classed in the two highest tiers (M and X), so it's highly probable that at least a few solar flares would match up with some formative events in ISIS's history.
Recently, Kaltenegger and her colleague, Carl Sagan Institute research associate Jack T. O'Malley-James, published a paper in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society about how potential biofluorescent life on TRAPPIST-1 planets might survive whether or not their atmospheres are unstable due to large solar flares.
My work focused on preparing the United States for the hard-to-imagine -- an aerosolized anthrax attack occurring in multiple cities, destruction of core infrastructure from accelerating climate change impacts, solar flares cutting off power to the Eastern Seaboard, widespread antibiotic resistance, pandemics and other nightmare-inducing scenarios.
Although solar flares don't directly harm us on Earth, they have the potential to disrupt the technology we rely on, like GPS, radar, high-frequency radio communications between aircraft and air traffic control, and communication technology that relies on satellites such as cell phones and electricity grid distribution networks.
The corona's pearly light is typically obscured by the bright glare of the sun, but during a total eclipse, scientists can get a clear view of the sun's outer crown, a mysterious region that triggers solar flares and other storms that can disrupt satellites, power grids and other systems on Earth.
Riot police unleash fire hoses on civil rights protesters, boxers jab and weave, cops assault civilians, buildings burn in flame, musicians strut and pose across their stages, Hurricane Katrina victims console each other arm-in-arm through the flood, solar flares boil over on the sun's surface, partygoers breakdance and twerk.
This is a place for discussions of whether solar flares threaten modern life, the merits of a universal basic income, the emerging liberal consensus on economics, and whether the economy is rigged not so much by the billionaires at the top but by the local cartels squeezing out economic freedom at the bottom.
The study, by the Electric Power Research Institute, a utility-funded research organization, finds that existing technology can protect various components of the electric grid to buffer it from the effects of solar flares, lightning strikes, and an EMP from a nuclear blast all at the same time: a three-for-one surge protector.
The possibility of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack—defined as the detonation of a nuclear device at high altitude that produces an electromagnetic wave that can either damage or destroy electronic systems—has been mooted since at least the Cold War, the Center for Security Policy notes, while solar flares can also trigger the same effect.
We know that solar flares, sudden eruptions of magnetic energy, arise as the result of collapsing magnetic fields on the surfaces of stars—events triggered by one of several possibilities, including interactions from planets and other stars—so the group examined magnetic field data collected on some 100,000 stars via the Guo Shou Jing telescope in China.
When looking at human history over the course of thousands of years, it wouldn't be difficult to cherry-pick events which support such a theory at the expense of all the other major events which might disprove it, just as the linkage of solar events with the history of ISIS was only a close approximation, ignoring several large solar flares and battles.
Space weather—the final frontier of weather—is going to be a major focus of NOAA's latest satellite, which packs sensors capable of detecting x-ray and UV radiation pulses from solar flares, charged particles comprising the solar wind, and fluctuations in Earth's magnetosphere, the protective bubble that shields us from all the deadly radiation the Sun hurls our direction.
Last October, the White House detailed a national preparedness plan commitment related to space weather events, which basically means that it's looking to prevent damage on Earth from events like solar flares, and mass ejections of plasma material from the Sun (basically the Sun causes all these problems) that can do things like knock out communication and electronics on Earth.
" Call him: 2276-27282-909-7926 | Email him "I think that the science is inconclusive on this…I personally believe that the solar flares are more responsible for climatic cycles than anything that human beings do, and our lunar, or our rovers on Mars have indicated that there has been a slight warming in the atmosphere of Mars and that certainly was not caused by the internal combustion engine.

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