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"sociological" Definitions
  1. connected with sociology (= the scientific study of the nature and development of society and social behaviour)

404 Sentences With "sociological"

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The sociological theory known as hegemonic masculinity, developed by R. W. Connell in their groundbreaking sociological text Masculinities holds that someone who performs masculinity always needs something to subordinate.
"Each place we visit is a sociological study," says Hearst.
There are other psychological, sociological, and economic forces at work.
We're tending to the sociological needs of our community members.
His crazy collection is therefore something of a sociological study.
They want to make something political, or sociological, or exploratory.
The changes in American politics were primarily sociological, not procedural.
Napier also outlines the sociological components of Miyazaki's feature films.
That's a sociological fact all over the globe, in every culture.
Those labels, Catholic and Protestant, certainly do reflect a sociological reality.
Can you talk about the sociological/philosophical idea behind this project?
" In sociological disciplines, there is the notion of a "third place.
Hentschker's primary impetus to make Catacombs is both sociological and scientific.
The loss of manufacturing employment, therefore, has a broader, sociological impact.
And it's not just me who's aware of this sociological phenomenon.
Artists with sociological interests also produced voluminous archives of visual data.
Dior was striving for a visual effect, not a sociological one.
This idea might be rooted in sociological studies of adolescent development.
Maddock is a contemporary British photographer who shares Brandt's sociological ambition.
"From a sociological perspective, this is a great thing," says Childs.
His stated objective was to synthesize a sociological cure for violence.
Data gaps now likely exist in both the environmental and sociological records.
Diversity reports are a small part of a much larger sociological problem.
Like Tocqueville, she made one of the first sociological studies of America.
John Roberts, the chief justice, hoarily dismissed this maths as "sociological gobbledygook".
Anderson argues for a sociological perspective on where these states originate from.
And is it a biological thing, or are there other sociological reasons?
The exhibition includes the photographed interiors of "Sociological Record" by Zofia Rydet.
The whole discussion surrounding the proof had gotten "too sociological," he decided.
The first half of his book is more sociological study than narrative.
Understandings of complex sociological issues being boiled down into consumable binary choices.
It's the personalization that is most fascinating and worthy of sociological study.
Sociological drivers allow those things to amplify until they become real problems.
In fact, he doubts there are any significant sociological consequences at all.
Despite the publication of a major report, by the American Sociological Association titled Climate Change and Society: Sociological Perspectives (Oxford 2015), there are apparently no ongoing plans to actively engage sociology in the development of the next assessment report.
No, the individual mandate never made sense from an economic or sociological standpoint.
All behavior has causes, including causes at the biological, psychological, and sociological level.
The exhibition often feels more like a sociological exhibit than an art show.
The other classic Big Four albums had vague sociological, military, and mystical narratives.
The forces at work here — psychological, political, sociological, institutional — are subtle and incalculable.
It's a biological thing, but also a sociological thing and a psychological thing.
All of early 21st-century U.S. sociological commentary summarized in a single garment.
These are almost entirely sociological and anthropological causes, not linguistic or scientific ones.
The maps also illustrate sociological patterns — like what countries refugees are fleeing to.
So much of what you write is sociological, a study of the neighborhood.
" He drew a distinction between what he called "legal legitimacy" and "sociological legitimacy.
What this suggests is that the real solution will have to be sociological.
But my theological-sociological vindication isn't worth the cost of mainline Christianity's decline.
There's actually a sociological term for this phenomenon: it's called a shifting baseline.
Sociological studies suggest that increasing contact between groups can yield familiarity and tolerance.
The final decision is meant to measure the greater sociological psyche and temperament.
"We're trying to use sociological data to make this a better experience," says Mirza.
That's understandable: Shockingly bold expressions of bigotry are sexier than the latest sociological insights.
He presented his research at the American Sociological Association's 111th Annual Meeting in Seattle.
I wasn't hoping for any kind of pseudo-sociological findings, any big philosophical reveals.
At the time, the book ranked as the leading sociological manifesto for gay rights.
It has that same hungry eye for sociological detail: faces, hairstyles, clothing, dance moves.
Monday, psychological and sociological evidence suggests, is the most miserable day of the week.
Woman probably take more leave for a variety of biological, sociological and cultural factors.
For Kakanias, the fashion world has always been a rich source of sociological insight.
Originated by Roslyn Mickelson in 217, it's been the subject of extensive sociological research.
Economic anxiety is now downstream from and merged with sociological, psychological and spiritual decay.
This is important, because most partly white individuals behave like whites in sociological terms.
We can, and should, scrutinize the sociological realities of online culture, its gaming subcultures included.
Lawson's subjects resist any reductive or sociological reading we might try to apply to them.
She presented the research at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association on Sunday.
Chief Justice John Roberts described those efforts as "sociological gobbledygook" during oral arguments last term.
Many scientists, including Patke, suggest that the solution may not be entirely medical but sociological.
An ideal totalitarian regime would find a way to obtain sociological data without the sociologists.
A hybrid food, travel, style show couched in a sociological study, it's everything you want.
Sociological research into Facebook's effect on health and happiness has not always been as positive.
The comedy, like the pathos, comes from recognition, and not in a narrowly sociological sense.
But the movie, advertised as a "sensory experience," ultimately treats the sociological context as secondary.
What's the historical and sociological context that we need to make sense of these ideas?
It's Tinder made flesh, with all the horror that suggests, but also with sociological insights.
Weston was not recording evidence of a crime, or even particularly making a sociological comment.
Sociological and economic factors play a role in the changing size of the American family.
A sociological example is understanding the behavior of groups of various sizes starting from individual behavior.
But while the web debates it, we wondered if there's a sociological basis for Theron's claims.
Mr Fischer's evolution, and that of his party, is the visible tip of a sociological iceberg.
Does that point to a huge gap, sociological or even theological, between Canadian and British Muslims?
The Dutch have a sociological theory that translates to the Law of the Slowing Head Start.
The essay became one of the most cited articles ever published in The American Sociological Review.
The Iran Sociological Association, to which Seyed Emami belonged, questioned the government's official version of events.
But he also knows how many political arguments and sociological studies have fallen on deaf ears.
Geographic and psycho-sociological patterns now overshadow events in driving political loyalties and national electoral outcomes.
It also covers his vast literary output, including novels, cultural criticism, sociological writings, and cinematic collaborations.
While Lambert can't use his tracking ability to destroy major sociological constraints, he does what he can.
What one might miss in all this fascinating visual bounty is that the work is also sociological.
The solo albums he recorded as an adult are all pop essays, feats of fancy, sociological leaps.
So, we have identified a few key ideas from the scientific, sociological and philosophical study of gender.
"Good Economics", though, shies away from the ethical and sociological debates needed to flesh out these hints.
Such determinants include sociological life differences, socioeconomic status, and access to and utilization of adequate health care.
The greatest unknowns in that scenario wouldn't be scientific or robotic; they would be economic and sociological.
Sociological rituals and class behavior provide the background for devastating summations—executions, really—of motive and psychology.
"The Whites," Richard Price A sociological study disguised as a crime novel, set in New York City.
Paired with the physical and sociological punches is "Afro Promo #1: Kinglady," a film by Ms. Chipaumire.
In every epidemic, certain ideological, political, sociological, and economic chords are always struck, others only on occasion.
A study published last month in Sociological Methods & Research tried to explain why women do more housework.
The dialogue here is remarkable for naturally melding essential exposition (including sociological statistics) and personal, idiosyncratic perspectives.
For a better understanding of the sociological aspect of this phenomenon, let's go back to April 23.
Like Hattie, though, Jonna doesn't do away with the idea of taste as a useful sociological concept.
Jennifer Lee is professor of sociology at Columbia University and president-elect of the Eastern Sociological Society.
Dr. Barbara Risman, a sociology professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the former president of the Southern Sociological Society, a Virginia-based group dedicated to sociological research, recently canceled the group's conference of 1,200 attendees at the Westin, scheduled for 2019, because of the law.
We do not need to be able to joke about the patriarchy in order to discus sociological norms.
In the second basket are historical or sociological statements, which can be made by any fair-minded observer.
The lecture was full of policy detail, but the students drove the ensuing Q&A toward the sociological.
" She confessed a weakness for teenage surfing movies, "an enthusiasm I should try to pass off as sociological.
I attended meetings of the board and later wrote an article on parole for the American Sociological Review.
The ever-changing political, racial, and overall sociological climate are the backdrop for these perceptions — not easily fixable.
For us, priestly sexual abuse and its concealment is not an episode from "history" or a sociological phenomenon.
But his "sociological clock" — his sense that he was missing out on something important in life — boomed mightily.
This sociological study follows four people—three transgender men and one butch lesbian—who surgically masculinize their chests.
The film "ultimately treats the sociological context as secondary," Ben Kenigsberg wrote in his review for The Times.
And they believe that by sharing their experiences, they can help make sociological sense of this fraught topic.
The other Crooked Media shows veer into comedy, activism, and occasionally sociological analysis of the state of America.
Their example has shown me that we don't just have a sociological problem; we have a moral problem.
This sociological perspective goes some way toward explaining why scientists who support geoengineering have received such intense backlash.
Sure, there will be different sociological aspects, but all civilizations [for example] need to harvest energy and use it.
Again we didn't dive into trying to explain it from a sociological point of view — but we observed it.
Addiction may be biological and sociological, but it is also economic, with particular epidemics emerging from particular trade arrangements.
But Long Doan, co-author of the American Sociological Review study, said there could be several reasons for that.
I'm not discussing the imagined sociological implications of the word, where a Tinder guy acts like a Tinder guy.
Before we delve into the sociological implications of fetishizing women who game, let's establish what we're talking about here.
The cultural currents that deepen despair and increase the chances of suicide have long been staples of sociological debate.
His 2017 film "Girls Trip," became part of an accidental sociological test that seemed to prove studio critics right.
"I think from a sociological standpoint it's unhealthy, because it's contributing to the commodification of human beings," he said.
But what I think we really need much more of is research on DNA testing as a sociological phenomenon.
Despair as a sociological phenomenon is rarely permanent: Some force, or forces, will supply new forms of meaning eventually.
In what ways might these unhappy couples suggest broader sociological commentary about divisions in the world beyond our homes?
Wuertz tries to contain a sociological history of Korea by structuring it around the romantic entanglements of her characters.
"Ecological, sociological, and political" data would give the user an all-powerful view of the world literally at their fingertips.
And Diacono, Italian intellectual that he is, wrote a long schmerbis explaining it all in great philosophical sociological political detail.
Well, not to Chief Justice John Roberts, who dismissed the concept as "sociological gobbledygook" in oral arguments for the case.
He is very good at charting trends, and so someone who wants a clear sociological account will find BOOM invaluable.
Economics, demographics, sociological trends and government policies also reshape labour markets and determine how we will work for years ahead.
Other studies have tried to identify sociological and risk factors related to shooters in hopes of understanding and preventing incidents.
The lengthy running time allows for plenty of incident, but also plenty of time to observe from a sociological remove.
Initially I thought I would be writing something very heavy with sociological, anthropological and cultural stuff to couch my account.
A sociological class on whiteness should explain the institutional dynamics of racism and white racial identity, put in historical context.
They believe that a society of human equals means a sociological leveling that will flatten culture and bring about decline.
"This is a truly memorable novel, one that can be read through myriad lenses — psychological, sociological, political," our reviewer wrote.
In the 1980s, Latour helped to develop and advocate for a new approach to sociological research called Actor-Network Theory.
Atop a thick bedrock of sociological statistics, he argued that leisure time has been "individualized" and warped by private consumption.
By 2004, she wrote, sociological research revealed that more than 25 percent of Americans had no one to confide in.
A generation, at its footnoted best, is a sociological tool intended to make sense of behavior across large cohorts—i.e.
"All these sociological and quantitative data sets on the labor side would cost as much or more money," Burgess says.
Inspired by Audubon recordings and sociological studies, the play is a meditation on existence, enhanced by black-draped, birdlike dancers.
As our reporter Richard W. Stevenson wrote: The sociological significance of the Hula Hoop in 1988 remains open to question.
She has worked as a cashier, a sociological researcher, a poker player, an editorial assistant, a recruiter and a professor.
MARGARET ABRAHAMHEMPSTEAD, N.Y. The writer is a professor of sociology at Hofstra University and president of the International Sociological Association.
It went from being quite a sociological documentary to being a lot more newsy and political than I had first imagined.
It provides a brutal sociological snapshot of dating by pitting those normally at the top of the tree against one another.
In future, a program like this could be used to perform historical and sociological research, along with other scientific research interests.
Life among the white Anglo-Saxon Protestant elite (or WASPs, in sociological shorthand) was good for a young John Ellis Bush.
So there will be  significant technical challenges  to overcome, in addition to the economic, cultural and sociological concerns raised by Manchester.
Also, there is a social or sociological drift—rather than toward the hard sciences, the overall impression is childish but interesting.
During oral arguments in October, Chief Justice John Roberts described the methodology as "sociological gobbledygook" that went beyond the court's ambit.
Two years ago, the National Conference on Citizenship with Got Your 6 initiated the first sociological examination of veterans' civic health.
The trope of borders connects the book's numerous examples, anecdotes, memories, and occasionally dense accretion of demographic, economic, and sociological data.
The difference is that here Mr. Jacobs-Jenkins uses such repetition not to convey psychological character but to make sociological points.
Support for the pro-business Ciudadanos rose almost three percentage points to 17.5 percent, the Sociological Research Centre (CIS) survey showed.
French critics have compared Louis with Zola, who also wrote about the French working classes in novels informed by sociological theories.
But according to a new study in American Sociological Review, working hard may actually yield more benefits for men than women.
Since this is not "American Beauty," Anders's privileged turmoil doesn't become a gaseous metaphor for a filmmaker's half-baked sociological insights.
Maspero Triangle encapsulates all that history — the country's history — and the richness, sociological and cultural, bred by adaptation to economic challenges.
We are taught from childhood, if we're lucky, that individuals are never merely the sum of their biological and sociological parts.
And a large body of sociological research touches on the idea of stigmatization, including of the poor and of racial minorities.
There are complex sociological studies explaining how Staten Island became a conservative Republican bastion that fits the Trump base so well.
Instead, judges ask whether the defendant had a "reasonable expectation of privacy"—a cross between public policy judgment and sociological interpretation.
There are many ways to capture this massive failure, but I'd rely on the old sociological distinction between gemeinschaft and gesellschaft.
According to a study in American Sociological Review, the process and aftermath of the procedure often cause their own worries, too.
Interventions must be designed to address the real source of the problem, which includes such sociological factors as poverty and hopelessness.
Loujain moved to the U.A.E. and enrolled into a master's degree in applied sociological research at Sorbonne University's Abu Dhabi campus.
Looking at sociological data on white working-class families, the lower rates of marriage prove these are economic issues, not cultural issues.
A lot of your work seems to deal with anthropological/sociological issues—how did it feel to turn inward for this one?
Couples who meet online are more likely to be interracial, a 2019 sociological study conducted by the University of New Mexico found.
The 2016 campaign was covered largely as a farce, a human interest story, a sociological phenomenon, or a series of dueling scandals.
Facebook has largely conquered its competitors, giving it the slack to finally address the modern sociological challenges that stem from its popularity.
To understand why, it's helpful to consider a sociological concept called "moral panic"—and the role the media play in this phenomenon.
But they are even more likely to do so amid high income inequality, a study released today in American Sociological Review finds.
It is only in the past several years that loneliness has been examined through a medical, rather than psychological or sociological, lens.
Vance voices some of the same feelings of alienation, speaking not for the subjects of sociological interviews, but for cousins and neighbors.
A 2007 paper in the American Sociological Review compared data from 25 different surveys on social attitudes conducted between 1972 and 2004.
TaLisa's research has been presented to the American Society of Criminology, the American Sociological Association, and the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.
In fact, there is a discrepancy between the boundless singularity of each Sander portrait and the narrow sociological label attached to it.
"Artists have always been confronting sociological realities, and we at FIAC are particularly interested in this kind of work," Ms. Flay said.
I keep coming back to this topic because the chief struggle of the day is sociological and psychological, not ideological or economic.
Sischy's philosophical and sociological bent is evident in her long 1989 New Yorker essay about the photographers Minor White and Robert Mapplethorpe.
The landmark sociological findings by Samuel Stouffer and his colleagues from World War II demonstrate a major downside of the money confessional.
But the show's sharp eye for sociological detail and obsessive dedication to realism exist in tension with these moments of ostentatious surprise.
Venkatesh is a Columbia University sociology professor who, in a radical sociological experiment, embedded himself into a Chicago gang in the 1990s.
These takes, whether accurate or not, are important pieces of sociological exegesis that shed light on the nature of our political debates.
Additionally, 'Love Island' is more than a pop sensation; this series has generated compelling 'sociological think pieces' in major publications here and abroad.
This is a sociological phenomenon in which individuals gauge their own performance and sense of belonging against the habits and actions of others.
Whether or not that is a positive transformation is still to be determined, but the sociological implications of this cycle are incredibly illuminating.
You're far from alone: Multiple sociological studies have found that voluntary childlessness often sparks immediate disdain and "moral outrage," even from total strangers.
One might speculate that it looks a lot like GamerGate and 4chan, though that sociological and psychological work is still in early days.
The declining national birthrate isn't just a sociological concern — it also holds perilous economic implications for several industries, including, most recently, maternity apparel.
Graduate students are part of the hidden work force that drives some of the most important scientific and sociological advancements in the country.
Woman has done her research, and she conversationally folds in evidence that is academic as well as anecdotal, sociological as well as personal.
But the cart of found and manipulated goods that comprise this exhibition isn't firmly attached to a horse of sociological and political critique.
At SFU, it was heavy on C. Right Mills' sociological imagination, which was teaching world events and seeing how personal lives fit into it.
I saw that people could get there, but I had no idea how to get from A to Z. Barbara Stanny does sociological research.
Wink and Vaisman see it as a sociological project — NASDANQ will be a visual representation of a very specific portion of our online selves.
Questions should be asked, like how did Jefferson's America become a federation of sociological, political and cultural tribes and hyphenated ethnicities instead of states?
Wang and Zhang combine the personal, the political and the sociological in their film "One Child Nation," which looks back at the policy's intentions.
Only 2141 percent of respondents in a July poll by Spain's Center for Sociological Investigations considered the lack of government the country's major problem.
Worse, the variables, ported from the psychological study of individuals to the sociological study of nations, are unquantified and maddeningly hard to pin down.
All these duets are exploratory, but they don't read like examples of Graham's psychoanalytical approach; they come across more like multifaceted sociological case studies.
An earlier version of this column misstated a possible belief among some Christians about how much a serious theology matters to evangelicalism's sociological success.
He dismissed as "sociological gobbledygook" the metrics the plaintiffs offered for determining when districting decisions cross the line from ordinary politics to blunt force.
The sociological dimension of the project is impressively detailed, but I do wish Kenneally would have considered questions of race and sexuality more directly.
It made me wonder about the popularization of drug culture, psychedelic design, Indian music, Asian philosophy, radical sociological change, and the effects of celebrity.
Bill Morrison (the found-footage collage "Decasia") uses those clips to tell a story that interweaves film history and a sociological history of Dawson.
The fantasy of human-mermaid mating has been the subject of legitimate sociological inquiry, as well as ample horny Deviant Art drawings and captions.
But, given the city's compressed human need and deep sociological complexity, what did it mean to look at its residents only from on high?
Then there's the sociological disadvantages, where from very early childhood, boys and girls are taught how to think and talk about money very differently.
Our name and iconic cover are inspired by textbooks and an obscure moment in pornography when skin rags mimicked sociological studies or research journals.
Moreover, I actually think this season's red carpets are going to be extremely interesting from a sociological perspective, for lack of a better term.
A clip of archival footage, culled from a sociological study, interjects, and a Black boy, also around age ten, speaks to us about classroom behavior.
It&aposs all predicated on this contempt that they have a geographical or sociological or cultural subset of America and they are imbued with it.
Photos, imagery and accounts of horrific periods in human existence are often used as reference tools in attempting to vitalize current political and sociological debates.
Even just being a dungeon master, where you're literally creating a world and social spaces, it's that sort of thinking that requires a sociological eye.
" Perhaps his characterization was too harsh, but Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts probably spoke for many when he derided such approaches as "sociological gobbledygook.
When it focuses on the workers, the movie resembles the films of John Sayles, who often juxtaposes a family drama with an expansive sociological portrait.
Fights and gladiatorial contests break out among these desperate people, with Gaza maliciously fomenting rivalries and hatreds, which he observes with clinical, almost sociological detachment.
The annual World Happiness Report combines data from Gallup opinion surveys with economic and sociological studies; it finds that, in general, citizens of high-Q.
" Said William James, Spencer's "sociological method is identical with that of one who would invoke the zodiac to account for the fall of a sparrow.
Even in ordinary circumstances, having a roommate can be an awkward, stressful, and sometimes disastrous experience, but dorm living can feel like a sociological experiment.
But sustainability is a trend in a millenary sociological movement; it's a way of taking action and doing projects toward paradigm shifts in our civilization.
But inseparable from his wide-ranging free jazz experiments was a distinct philosophy and set of sociological observations that were equally revolutionary and forward-thinking.
But the abundant, generally on-target sociological details and comic observations feel overdone and superficial, like an elaborately patterned rug laid over an unfinished floor.
According to a 2009 study published in the American Sociological Review, gender diversity is associated with increased sales revenue, more customers and greater relative profits.
Before long, 2,000 a day were streaming through the place, taking and teaching courses, offering and receiving day care, doing the housekeeping, conducting sociological research.
Even if our ears aren't acute enough to perform a detailed sociological analysis of the room, they can make out one message in the throb.
"The Dark Flood Rises" (the title is taken from a poem by D.H. Lawrence) is not a therapeutic, eschatological, sociological, political or even philosophical novel.
The new series, entitled Archer, will be a dark comedy and sociological thriller based on the life of the Brooklyn-based coding entrepreneur, Variety reports.
Considering tears through lenses scientific, sociological, artistic, and personal, the book alights upon such subjects as "white tears," tear gas, weeping ghosts, and professional mourners.
Writing of now fashionable Park Slope, where Hymowitz herself lives, she makes some provocative sociological points that tend to get lost in the larger commotion.
This would seem to make the two men sociological soul mates, yet in the morning all goes haywire when Reda pockets Édouard's iPad and iPhone.
Arbus's early work constitutes a historical and sociological record of a very precise moment, seen through the eyes of a curious wanderer and a keen spectator.
Considerable political, sociological and cultural ties exist between the two nations and these have become even more pronounced and important since the arrival of Princess Charlene.
For example, RBC, a Russian business publication, described Manafort's data as "sociological polls" and buried the Manafort disclosures in an article about Ukrainians attending Trump's inauguration.
Queen of Vice is a slender book that hews close to Burns's legal struggles, but touches only lightly on the narrative's historical, sociological, and legal contexts.
But a study published in the American Sociological Review suggests that some of the most prevalent, elite analysis of the situation could be missing the mark.
These, again, are perhaps more sociological questions than artistic ones — artists have long asserted the right to poetic license, personal truth, and disruption of conventional understandings.
Instead of talking about radicalism from a theological, sociological or even international point of view, we need to combat domestic extremists from a law enforcement perspective.
That's consistent with previous sociological research on how relatively advantaged and disadvantaged people respond to situations they deem unacceptable: To generalize, first class passengers get angry.
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, the president of the American Sociological Association, wrote a letter to Roberts on behalf of the group sharing his concerns about Roberts's comments.
All women are forced to reckon with the element of shame when it comes to sexuality, even if it's only in a sociological sense (thanks, patriarchy!).
That is what is now defined as authenticity, even if the candidate is a "lying demagogue," according to a recent study in the American Sociological Review.
The PP has fallen into joint second place with the market-friendly Ciudadanos party with 20.4 percent, according to the poll by the Sociological Research Centre.
"What It's Worth" is a compilation of persuasive essays based on sociological findings that made me think differently about how policy and personal finances are connected.
"One maybe has a much more intellectual, sociological component while the other is escapist, but both are also about love and finding your dreams," she added.
The tinted aviator glasses, hairstyles and Huk-A-Poo shirts pin down the fashion moment just as forcefully as their chatter pins down the sociological one.
Slater, who wrote a shorter account of this story that ran in The New York Times Magazine, views these bare facts from a firm sociological perspective.
Practitioners with a sociological bent are more interested in underlying shifts in culture that play out over time, like changes in the economy or immigration patterns.
A comparative sociological study of East and West Germans conducted after reunification in 1990 found that Eastern women had twice as many orgasms as Western women.
Also on the bill, "Queens at Heart" is a mid-1960s relic, subjecting four people in various stages of gender transition to a pseudo-sociological interrogation.
It's difficult to read politics or sociological context into it: it didn't conform to this stereotyping of things which you get with programs like Geordie Shore.
While sociological and biographical analysis of each work helps place each feature in a precise context, Miyazakiworld lags in its discussion of the director's artistic influences.
"Video director David Gladstein has distilled the musical and sociological anxiety embodied in the song into a pithy and minimalist stick figure drama," says bassist Brian Ritchie.
In Text Me When You Get Home, journalist Kayleen Schaefer takes both a sociological and personal approach to explain how female friendships have evolved over the years.
"'Y Tu Mamá También' manages to be comic, dramatic, erotic, sociological and even political, all without breaking a sweat," wrote Kenneth Turan for The Los Angeles Times.  
Though some of the findings, published in the American Sociological Review on Thursday, are more than 103 years old, the researchers say they are still relevant today.
Women earn enough on their own to qualify for 1 percent status in only one in 20 elite households, according to new research in American Sociological Review.
Marshall's team provided sociological research, including the famous Kenneth and Mamie Clark doll study, revealing the damaging psychological impact of segregation on all children, especially "colored" children.
"There's still a lot of concern that addiction involving behaviors is not a brain disease [but] more of a sociological phenomenon or a cultural aberration," he explains.
Written by Alan Moore and drawn by Dave Gibbons, Watchmen applied a realistic psychological and sociological lens to the idea of superhumans in an unprecedentedly holistic way.
How Startups Are Solving A Decades-Old Problem In Education The World Economic Forum (WEF) published an analysis today on the technological and sociological drivers of employment.
Dr. Jack, who is serving on an American Sociological Association task force to tackle the issue, says he wants to focus on how people use the term.
One senses Mr. Iwai's sociological fascination with his real-life characters, rooted as they are in another culture, but it comes at the expense of dramatic tension.
All my sociological hackles are rising and the little hairs on my arms are standing up, the way they do when I sense a trend coming on.
Their study, which was published in the journal Sociological Science, was based on a national survey called Monitoring the Future, administered each year to high school seniors.
We have a couple of these books, and while I appreciate the historical and sociological lessons some of these books contain, I felt torn about their application.
They tried to project the '80s into the future and to think about it from a sociological point of view, from a demographic point of view, technological.
Currently a disproportionate amount of research focuses on suicide as a sociological and psychological phenomenon, but the latest studies on aggression and impulsivity may give us better answers.
In a poll by the state-run Centre for Sociological Studies (CIS), voters cited unemployment as their main concern, but this is not reflected in the public debate.
As much amanuensis as protagonist, Ms Broom weaves her memories and her mother's testimony into a personal, historical and sociological study of African-American life in New Orleans.
Men who aren't employed have a much higher risk of failed marriages than those who have jobs, according to the study published Thursday in the American Sociological Review.
But where VanderMeer's novel is more concerned with the breakdowns the threat creates on a mental, physical, ecological, and sociological scale, Garland's film takes a more personal tack.
The Seshat database, named in honor of the Egyptian goddess of knowledge and record keeping, is an ongoing project for tracking important historical and sociological changes over time.
"You're taking these issues away from democracy and you're throwing them into the courts pursuant to … sociological gobbledygook," Chief Justice John Roberts said during arguments in Wisconsin's case.
Long stretches of it focus on methodological questions that in retrospect seem completely barren — for instance the endless consideration given to the notion of "levels" of sociological analysis.
The psychological, sociological, and physiological implications and long-term effects of porn consumption have been an area of interest for decades, but the research itself is notoriously fuzzy.
The assumption underlying the neoliberal worldview is a sociological one, namely that we live under conditions of modernity, where the fabric of human existence is constantly being remade.
According to a recent aggregate of polls published by Spain's state-run Center for Sociological Studies, around 32% of voters still have not decided for whom to vote.
Bonilla-Silva shared examples of sociological research used to improve American society, like providing evidence that separate is not equal and proof of gender discrimination in the workplace.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads W.E.B. Du Bois is best known for his sharp, sociological imagination and groundbreaking book of racial philosophy, The Souls of Black Folk.
Whitney Phillips Phillips wrote This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, a sociological and anthropological journey into the depths of 4chan and the world of online trolling.
In the echo chamber of the internet, the demise of skhothane subculture was spelled out amid a haze of moralizing, art world hot air and pseudo-sociological analysis.
Aired with the imprimatur of public broadcasting, it was portrayed as sociological exploration, not exploitation, and although many people found it irresistible, it was also hard to watch.
She received awards and held prestigious posts: honorary chairwoman of the Democratic Socialists of America; vice president of American Political Science Association; president of the American Sociological Association.
The show is organized around different categories of beauty, from the aesthetically driven, with groupings like "Extravagant" and "Intricate," to the more sociological ("Transgressive") and material-based ("Elemental").
The unpleasant reality is that a number of recent analyses based on psychological, sociological and political research provide a logical basis for the incendiary Trump-Miller-Bannon strategy.
Dippel, who has written about Nazi Germany and the sociological underpinnings of war, turns his attention to polar exploration in this deeply researched and often withering social history.
While technically more a series of sociological experiments than tech exposé, Bloodworth's book dramatically reveals the everyday reality of those working in the UK's tech-driven gig economy.
IQ testing has been characterized as highly misleading in other scientific studies, in part due to sociological factors and the limitations of what the standard IQ test measures.
He ordered books, consulted chefs and professors, pored over historical writings — especially the work of W.E.B. Du Bois, whose sociological study "The Philadelphia Negro" proved a key inspiration.
Patients from different cultures, ethnicities, and religions saw her in this positive light and this became a driving force in my interest in the sociological elements of medicine.
A 2009 sociological study found that white applicants were three times more likely to be admitted to selective schools than Asian applicants with the exact same academic record.
Meanwhile in smaller European countries like the Netherlands and Belgium, the emergence of what might be called responsible Muslim politics has probably been held back by a sociological factor.
And people who knew someone who practiced the religion they were rating were — also not surprisingly, given a lot of sociological research — also more likely to rate it higher.
The poll comes just two days after an official survey from the state-run Centre for Sociological Studies (CIS) showed a Socialists-Podemos coalition could win the necessary seats.
As for safety concerns about flying cars, this is like a sociological study in miniature here: Women are more concerned about safety than men; safety concerns increase with age.
He is first and foremost an aestheticist, interested in the appearances and ideas of beauty as they relate to capitalism rather than the sociological and material conditions of it.
Couples who meet online are more likely to be interracial than couples who meet in real life, according to a 2019 sociological study by the University of New Mexico.
"IT MAY be simply my educational background", John Roberts said at the Supreme Court last month, but the reasoning behind the case against gerrymandering seemed to be "sociological gobbledygook".
" Mr. Harel described the Revolt as "a metaphorical ticking bomb, not from the terrorist standpoint but from a sociological one, for our public because it hurts a whole community.
At least, that's according to a new study to be presented by University of Connecticut sociologists at the 111th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA) on Sunday.
From a sociological perspective, Lesser believes that neither culture nor the legacy of an impoverished upbringing are likely to be factors in a player trying to bend the rules.
There's the complex sociological character web of The Wire and the period accuracy of Show Me a Hero without the exceedingly slow pacing that turned people off to Treme.
The first step in fighting impostor syndrome is knowing that it exists and that it is a psychological and sociological phenomenon, rather than a reflection of your true ability.
On another floor, and in a break from convention, the layout turns thematic rather than chronological, deconstructing the shared sociological underpinnings of fabric scraps spanning centuries, nationalities and classes.
Somehow I got on the guest list of a few of the '80s-era parties he hosted in the lobby of his skyscraper and would go for sociological entertainment.
There may be unconscious facets of stereotyping involved, but whatever its sociological and psychological origins, it is an aspect of living in a multiracial, multiethnic environment such as America.
Urban gun violence happens within small networks of people, and sociological analyses of Chicago and Boston indicate that it's largely a matter of revenge, collective memory, or status assertion.
A 2016 Harvard study, published in the American Sociological Review, suggests that it's not a couple's finances that affect their chances of divorce, but rather the division of labor.
Her universe is vivid and studded with sociological details that may or may not signify class distinctions — this, alas, is a disadvantage that plagues foreign readers of British novels.
Becker analyzed, in his own words, "fertility, education, the uses of time, crime, marriage, social interactions, and other 'sociological,' 'legal,' and 'political problems,' " before concluding that economics explained everything.
The book commemorates the 150th anniversary of Du Bois's birth and annotates his now 119-year-old, but still strikingly relevant infographics as timely sociological renderings and art objects.
To gain a degree in dabbing, students should at least have to dip into sociological dab studies, or do a bit of basic reading around the history of dabbing.
Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell reportedly discussed a bid with J.D. Vance, who wrote the part-memoir, part-sociological text Hillbilly Elegy which described his upbringing in Appalachian Ohio.
One of the most impressive interviewees in Arlie Russell Hochschild's massive sociological study of the regional American mind, Strangers in Their Own Land, is a man named Lee Sherman.
So is "Rise" kin to "Friday Night Lights," another show initially based on a sociological deep dive, with rehearsals in place of football practices, performances standing in for championships?
I think that diversity, immigration, and multiculturalism are right at the heart of the sociological problem in Western democracies, along with the new and pernicious role of social media.
Five years ago, he teamed up with his brother, Craig McEwen, a professor emeritus of sociology at Bowdoin College in Maine, to study the sociological implications of chronic stress.
A compassionate, discerning sociological analysis of the white underclass that helped power the presidential victory of Donald J. Trump, written by a young man who knows whereof he speaks.
Apted has conceded that his sensibility might be that of an "English middle-class neurotic," a phrase he uses not to describe an individual pathology but a sociological bias.
Immanuel Wallerstein, a sociologist who shook up the field with his ideas about Western domination of the modern world and the very nature of sociological inquiry, died on Aug.
According to a sociological study in 2009, white applicants were three times more likely to be admitted to selective schools than Asian applicants with the exact same academic record.
Nochlin rejects the values of greatness and genius, not only because they are demonstrably patriarchal, but because their application typically involves a complete disregard for historical or sociological context.
Many things in warfare, naturally, are often a complex byproduct of a range of more subjectively determined factors – impacted by concepts, personalities, individual psychology, historical nuances and larger sociological phenomena.
I confront these characters with different sociological issues such as tradition, politics, ageism, education systems, health disparities, and affection manifestations amongst others, and study their reactions from an anthropological approach.
It can dilute the concentration of poverty—which a mountain of economic and sociological literature has linked to all manner of poor outcomes, including teenage pregnancy, incarceration and early death.
In September 2017 a study in another Chinese journal, Sociological Studies, by Tian Feng of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), took a detailed look at the new migrants.
"Fleabag" and the "Fleabag"-related hype is nevertheless interesting for sociological reasons: it demonstrates the annexation of yet another area of British life by the self-worshipping upper-middle classes.
But the independent Levada Centre records approval levels for Mr Putin similar to those of state pollsters; so does the in-house sociological service of Alexei Navalny, an opposition leader.
It seems to me there's a sociological novel to be written about all of them, too, by a fictional biographer who couldn't cover up their digital tracks if he tried.
Now, along comes Mr. Vance, offering a compassionate, discerning sociological analysis of the white underclass that has helped drive the politics of rebellion, particularly the ascent of Donald J. Trump.
He said during the arguments that he was hesitant to remove gerrymandering "away from democracy" and have courts make decisions on the topic based on "sociological gobbledygook," according to NPR.
Hargarten said he hopes the US government will see an increase in gun deaths in the proper frame, "as a complex biological and sociological disease," and increase funding for research.
A new study by Davenport, published in the February issue of the American Sociological Review, examines the influence of social identities in determining the groups that multiracial people identify with.
But it's also possible that evangelical intellectuals and writers, and their friends in other Christian traditions, have overestimated how much a serious theology has ever mattered to evangelicalism's sociological success.
Almost 30 years ago, Philip Strong, the founder of the sociological study of epidemic infectious diseases, observed that any new infection prompted three epidemics: of fear, then moralization, then action.
His biography, so much more readily than the standard sociological rendering, traces with compassion the manner in which economic limits determine our choices even more than does violence or love.
In his 213 book, "The Philadelphia Negro," the first sociological case study of black Americans, W.E.B. Du Bois pointed to the tragedy of black infant death and persistent racial disparities.
And I am saying that the polls, while not actually mistaken, do not adequately reflect the weight of sociological behavior that is measurable in other ways, such as unavowed abstentionism.
Recently released by Toronto-based Koyama Press, the book is a collection of essays, illustrations, and short comics that attempt to give Lolita fashion a broader cultural and sociological context.
Neither generation wanted to be political or sociological; instead, they chose to focus on the beauty of nature, of life, as well as their inner anxieties and different levels of consciousness.
Proper to its sociological origins as a test of class mobility (or immobility) in England, each installment is curious about the effects of religion, economics, and mental health on each character.
It was impossible to use Here One without thinking about all sorts of fascinating sociological questions about where, when, how, and why people might want to use a product like this.
Ohio is at the very edge of the region we call "the Midwest," defined in the famous sociological study, Middletown, as comfortably average, unchanging, and typical of the American working class.
Mun Yi Cheng: Over the last year we have learned how the manipulation of news on social media can greatly affect the way people think, with massive political and sociological consequences.
Which means that every student body, housing complex, and workplace could prepare for the public health and sociological implications of an outbreak without waiting for the stakes to be life-threatening.
A catchall term for the work of self-taught artists isolated from the mainstream by poverty, mental disability or eccentricity, "outsider art" is more of a sociological phenomenon than a genre.
But this is a character study as much as a sociological inquiry, and Mr. Edelman brings to light intriguing facts about Mr. Simpson without leaning too hard on their possible significance.
The harshness in Debra Granik's "regional-realist morality tale," based on the novel by Daniel Woodrell, "is not there to illuminate a sociological condition," A. O. Scott wrote in The Times.
Her novels often put portraits of intimate relationships and sociological observations of the lives of Angelenos together with grander fictional ideas that resonate with political and social concerns of the moment.
The new peer-reviewed study, published in Environmental Research Letters, relies heavily on textual content analysis, a sociological process meant to systematically read texts for patterns or other wide-ranging findings.
David Brooks If I had to sum up the election of 2016 in one clause, I would say it has been a sociological revolution, a moral warning and a political summons.
Her second brilliant stroke was to photograph outdoors, amid trees and fields, scrubbing off journalistic or sociological details of the institutional settings and entering the universal realm of dream and myth.
Our colleagues over on the Opinion side of The Times are also experimenting with a new newsletter, Offsides, that will explore some of the political and sociological issues around the competition.
"It's a theater artist's paradise in a way, because there's such a deep psychological and sociological support for the theater, in addition to a deep state and financial structure," he said.
A study from the American Sociological Review found that "because felons are drawn disproportionately from the ranks of racial minorities and the poor," they tend to vote Democratic upon leaving prison.
"Moving On," the first volume, a sprawling 794-page chronicle and sociological study of urban life, incongruously captures both Houston's honky-tonk rodeo milieu and the high-learning culture of Rice.
But consider another definition of "generation" — the span of time between someone being born and having their own children — and the term becomes personal rather than sociological, individual rather than mass.
Horace R. Cayton, co-author of the groundbreaking sociological study "Black Metropolis," sits pensively in a portrait from 1949, his skin lit into fulvous brown by sunlight from a single window.
In "Dark Ghetto," a pioneering 1965 sociological study, Kenneth Clark depicted Harlem, a paradigmatic ghetto, as a "colony of New York City," defined by both its economic dependence and its segregation.
Summary: "The Coddling of the American Mind" is a provocative sociological dive into how commonly accepted modern social and parenting practices have led to increased agitation and tension in today's youth.
For centuries, American women have lived in a society where their best route to the top 1% is to marry rich, according to 2019 research published in the American Sociological Review.
Jane Mai and An Nguyen's So Pretty/Very Rotten attempts to give a broader sociological context to this subculture that quietly began in the Tokyo district of Harajuku in the 1970s.
At the same time, causes of conflict are often a complex byproduct of a range of more subjectively determined variables – impacted by concepts, personalities, individual psychology, historical nuances and larger sociological phenomena.
There is no other explanation for what is happening here, no psychological or sociological study to give reasoning to why this artform has been able to excite and terrify like no other.
Some are happy to define themselves in that way, while last year the British Sociological Association deemed deemed the term mixed-race as "misleading since it implies that a 'pure race' exists".
Instead, the real subject that Night Call wants to investigate is France's crumbling neoliberal order, a case where those familiar questions of motive, means, and opportunity take on a decidedly sociological cast.
The state-run Centre for Sociological Studies (CIS) is forecasting a wide range of 157-181 seats for the ruling Socialists together with the anti-austerity Podemos and smaller left-wing allies.
"The apparent blessing of 'not seeing race' will become a curse for those struggling for racial justice in years to come," says Bonilla-Silva, who is president of the American Sociological Association.
He makes his sociological points well enough without resorting to these awkward and defensive jabs, unless the point he's trying to make — perhaps for marketing purposes — is that he hasn't grown up.
Although two uses of the Blind Boys of Alabama's version of "Way Down in the Hole" may conjure memories of the "The Wire," this largely diverting potboiler isn't interested in sociological scope.
A public letter addressed to the chief justice from Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, president of the American Sociological Association, was somewhere in between (with a dose of academic self-importance for good measure).
I sat down with Ho to discuss his work in relation to his decades-long sociological investigation of the art world, from art dads and Confucianism to paternal capitalism and white privilege.
Ms. McLean — a piquant performer in the musicals "Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812" and "Alice by Heart" — would appear to be trying to demythologize Hildegard from a sociological, feminist perspective.
The close-up shot of Jackie Siegel's breast-augmented cleavage, festooned with a bejeweled necklace, cuts off her head, an alteration that's arguably as dehumanizing as the very sociological phenomena Greenfield decries.
" For instance, there are the sociological and ethical questions of eras when "exotic" people from Africa and Asia were displayed as oddities, as well as the anatomical exhibitions of the "freak shows.
" He added, "In nonfiction I could combine two loves: reporting and the sociological concepts American Studies had introduced me to, especially status theory as first developed by the German sociologist Max Weber.
Goffman, who worked primarily in the mid-20th century, developed the sociological concept of dramaturgy: that life, self, and human interaction can be understood in terms of actors performing on a stage.
It was a form of cooperation binding us by our sociological circumstance, indigenous paradigms and our adopted response to unify ourselves along political cultural oriented purposes, in lieu of solely aesthetical ones.
But there's still a kind of closure in seeing its original events laid out and wrapped up this way, in a book that's by turns a memoir, sociological study, and self-help text.
But in reality this was less proof of the game's commitment to historical accuracy than a refusal to question its own biases when it came to the ethnic and sociological history of Europe.
A new study published this week in the science journal Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World opens with a rather straightforward query:What percentage of Americans have ever had a family member incarcerated?
The PP would win 24 percent of the vote while Ciudadanos would overtake the Socialists as the second largest political force with 22.4 percent, according to a poll by Sociological Research Center (CIS).
But thus far, many of these programs have proved compelling, not merely rehashing the tabloid-style titillation but fleshing out peripheral players, and even placing the timing in broader historical and sociological context.
In episode five, Action and his crew give us what is, perhaps, the most sociological episode of FTD yet: a magical journey through Morocco that includes tagines, instruments, and taming a few snakes.
The PP, headed by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, would win 26.3 percent of the vote while the Socialists would take 23.1 percent, according to the poll carried out by Sociological Research Centre (CIS).
A study published in the American Sociological Review in 2014 showed heterosexual people are willing to support formal rights for same-sex couples, such as inheritance rights, hospital visitation access, and marriage equality.
In his analysis, the Satanic Panic compounded a normal sociological event—the conflict that exists between every generation and its youth—with the elemental fear every tribe feels toward the unknown, unseen other.
"In sociological terms, he exists somewhere between E. T. and the Elephant Man, as an innocent alien adrift in an unsympathetic world," Janet Maslin wrote in a largely unfavorable review in The Times.
Nagy, who studies youth and society at Pallasz Athéné University in Hungary, and Kölcsey, a researcher at Excenter Research Center in Hungary, made a sociological investigation of Generation Alpha, and came out unimpressed.
There's a sociological phenomenon called maternal gatekeeping, in which moms subtly or overtly discourage their male partners by criticizing the fathers' parenting, taking over child care or hogging all the parental decision-making.
The sociological transformation of the Republican Party into a working-class party means that its base has more in common economically with the average black American than the country-club G.O.P. of yore.
The way the story is usually told, it was in the eighteenth century that, for various unrelated reasons—sociological, religious, philosophical—it seemed important to distinguish personal likes and dislikes from disinterested appreciation.

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