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877 Sentences With "socialists"

How to use socialists in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "socialists" and check conjugation/comparative form for "socialists". Mastering all the usages of "socialists" from sentence examples published by news publications.

American socialists, unlike most socialists in Europe, actually, opposed their
He endorsed closet socialists, but he did not endorse open socialists.
Democratic socialists are committed to democracy Democratic socialists also believe strongly in democracy and democratic principles.
Soon enough there were Fabian socialists and Marxian socialists and Debsian socialists, along with profusions of anarchists, syndicalists and trade unionists who shared one or another element of the socialist dream.
And yet, the poll also found that almost half of millennial Democrats consider themselves democratic socialists or socialists.
The Democratic Socialists of New York came out to support Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders, both self-described democratic socialists.
Democrats' shifting attitudes toward capitalism come as candidates identifying as socialists or democratic socialists have made progress in mainstream politics. Sen.
"Socialism means many things," he said, adding that he tried to avoid policing which self-identified socialists count as real socialists.
" The donor advised Biden's campaign to skip the convention, saying it has too many progressive activists hostile to moderates and "hard white left socialists and — not Democratic socialists — real socialists; 23-year-old white guys who still wear Che Guevara T-shirts.
Democratic socialists argue that the economy and society should be democratically run "to meet public needs," according to the Democratic Socialists of America website.
Finland, which had declared its independence in December 19173, descended into a civil war along the same lines as Russia's: socialists versus non-socialists.
The first is that the Socialists and Podemos are in conflict with each other: Podemos is determined to oust the Socialists as the left's dominant force.
"There is no difference between the democratic socialists and the National Socialists," said Evan Sayet, a conservative writer who spoke at the event, referencing Nazi Germany.
Rajoy urged the Socialists on Thursday to enable a PP-led government, but it is still unclear what it will take for the Socialists to cede ground.
Nearly half of millennial Democrats identify as democratic socialists or socialists, according to a new poll of millennials in the US from BuzzFeed News and Maru/Blue.
This isn't to say that Democrats should all join the DSA or start deferring to socialists on all policy questions — liberals still tremendously outnumber socialists, after all.
For that to happen, a "grand coalition" between the conservatives and the socialists or a PP minority government enabled by the socialists would come in handy for Podemos.
But support for socialists waned in the 1920s, alongside the rise of the Soviet Union, and by 1960, American socialists had more-or-less vanished from elected office.
It's one of the great paradoxes of Trump-era politics: Republicans brand moderate Democrats as "socialists," while in cities the GOP is too weak to defeat actual socialists.
The Socialists and their allies are expected to win only 28503-22019 seats in the 577-seat National Assembly, compared to the 280 that the Socialists themselves netted in 2012.
"It's really important for progressives and socialists not to accept conservative frames about tax cuts and spending," David Duhalde, the deputy director for the Democratic Socialists of America, told me.
Recent opinion polls suggest a repeat election will widen the gap between the Socialists and Unidas Podemos, but not enough for the Socialists to come close to an absolute majority.
It can take a lot of socialists to get a little liberalism: It was socialists in Europe, after all, who won the right to vote, freedom of speech and parliamentary democracy.
The Socialists secured 20 of the 54 seats granted to Spanish lawmakers within the European Parliament, according to preliminary results, up from the 14 seats that the Socialists had previously held.
Garcia made the initial comments at a Republican gathering in Helena, Montana, on Friday, raising concerns that socialists were invading the government and that there were "socialists everywhere" in Billings, Montana.
"The bottom line is, if we don't clearly define that we are not socialists, the Republicans are going to come at us every way they can and call us socialists," Hickenlooper said.
For example, 154 members of European Union Parliament from 26 countries belong to the Party of European Socialists, and governments like Portugal's are ruled by a coalition of socialists, communists, and Greens.
An increasingly unpopular Mr. Zapatero handed over the leadership of the Socialists to Mr. Rubalcaba, in the run-up to another national election, forecasting that the leadership change could save the Socialists.
Nowadays, for example, voting for the Socialist Party can mean a leftist coalition between the Socialists and Podemos, the anti-establishment party, or a center-right one among the Socialists, the center right Ciudadanos and Partido Popular; a vote for Ciudadanos may yield a right-wing alliance with the P.P. or a centrist one with the Socialists.
The smaller, dominated by Vladimir Lenin, went by the name Bolsheviks (or majority socialists), while the larger group, which included most of the notable leaders other than Lenin, were the Mensheviks (minority socialists).
As with all socialists, the cause always outranks any patriotism.
Together, the Socialists and Ciudadanos would have an outright majority.
"We're going into the war with some socialists," Trump said.
Are Americans in the heartland ready to vote for socialists?
The ruling Socialists claimed the Democrats were afraid of losing.
FAULKNER: Why do people want to hear about Democratic socialists?
It's not a squad, it's a red army of socialists.
It's not a squad; it's a red army of socialists.
" Varney said socialists want to make America "more like Europe.
The millennial socialists "feeling the Bern" are his rightful heirs.
The Socialists captured 85 seats, five fewer than in December.
The Socialists won 85 seats, five fewer than in December.
The biggest threats to capitalism aren't socialists, they are capitalists.
LaPierre claimed "European socialists" are taking over the Democratic Party.
The first option would grate with the Socialists' traditional supporters.
They're going to say we're a bunch of crazy socialists.
Innamorato, too, is part of the Democratic Socialists of America.
The Socialists are on 40 percent according to most polls.
Alfredo Ortiz: Democratic moderates fuel the case against the socialists.
Socialists seek to remove profit as a motivation for production.
Two on the left who identify as democratic socialists, Sen.
Membership in the Democratic Socialists of America recently reached 25,000.
The reviews have been rapturous; the young socialists feel seen.
What is the difference between you and the democratic socialists?
It just really upset people that socialists were doing it.
In the 28 election, the Socialists finished second with 2985%.
What the "new socialists" want is social democracy, not socialism.
The Socialists still don't understand that they're now a minority.
Some Socialists say those failings still leave them an opening.
PAN said it would meet the Socialists again next week.
The Socialists would go it alone if necessary, Botka said.
Spain held two elections; the Socialists remain the biggest party.
People who call themselves socialists roam the halls of Congress.
According to the millennial socialists, more radical changes are required.
They've gotten into shouting matches over whether socialists are Nazis.
The Socialists of former President Francois Hollande were particularly hurt.
Polls had forecast the opposition easily beating the ruling socialists.
On the EU front, the Socialists scored a strong win.
"A lot of black American leftists and socialists have been afraid to step out and be open in that identity," Z, born Daniel Cook, a co-founder of Black Socialists of America, told me.
To the Editor: "The New Socialists" notes that there is growing support for socialism, and that there are successful people in politics who are self-described socialists, like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Those taboos are fading, but even now there is heated debate over whether Democratic candidates who identify as socialists (or democratic socialists or social democrats, etc.) risk alienating voters outside certain deep blue regions.
"I think that the bottom line is, if we don't clearly define that we are not socialists, the Republicans are going to come at us every way they can and call us socialists," Hickenlooper said.
The Socialists lost 90% of their seats, having kept just 29.
For anarchists and socialists, a fascist oligarchy controls free market societies.
Bernie Sanders of Vermont, the Obamas never claimed to be socialists.
But emboldened Democratic Socialists don't seem in the mood for compromise.
The former economics professor regained the Socialists&apos leadership last year.
With 99.9 percent of ballots counted, the Socialists received most votes.
Opinion polls show a narrow lead for GERB over opposition Socialists.
The opposition Socialists had even demanded a referendum on the issue.
Spain's fragmented parliament left the Socialists with a uniquely uncomfortable dilemma.
One projection suggests the Socialists could lose 75% of their seats.
The Socialists came in a relatively distant second, ahead of Podemos.
And Bernie Sanders is a thing of the Brooklyn socialists past.
They are now building alternative partnerships with German and Italian Socialists.
In this, Mr Rajoy has the support of the opposition Socialists.
Jobbik scores only 11%, and the Socialists are languishing at 7%.
The Socialists, known as PSOE, have been under interim management since.
The Socialists vowed to make a significant improvement in living standards.
They are socialists who want to change our way of life.
The student section of DSA, the Young Democratic Socialists, was absent.
Socialists, and a growing progressive populism—that share roughly equally the
So why are democratic socialists not demanding an NHS right now?
The Socialists, Podemos and Izquierda Unida have a combined 161 seats.
The Socialists' election posters feature pictures of Russia's president, Vladimir Putin.
Socialists, she says, are seizing the advantage to isolate political rivals
Socialists of America, which has been doing volunteer disaster relief after
The democratic socialists in Western societies rarely criticized their revolutionary comrades.
The Socialists won 14 seats, down from 18 four years earlier.
He'll get that majority if enough Socialists abstain, which they should.
Blue Dogs on the right and Democratic Socialists on the left.
Socialists do tend to pray at the altar of socialist ideology.
It will now seek a coalition partner, most likely the Socialists.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) on Thursday officially endorsed Sen.
"If you lived under socialists, you'd hate them too," she said.
The Democratic Socialists group indicated they intended to disrupt her dinner.
You see, she used to hang out with *dramatic pause* socialists.
DSA's anti-racist positions, many socialists of color believe there still
The Socialists have operated under a caretaker management team since Oct.
Wait, you may protest, you didn't see any socialists up there.
All considered themselves socialists, some episodically, most as a lifelong identifier.
Greens and Socialists did well in Brussels and French-speaking Wallonia.
These Democratic Socialists, this version goes, were "conquering" the Democratic Party.
Socialists long controlled Hénin-Beaumont and other municipalities in the region.
Nor is it clear how many Socialists will support his program.
Both Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders refer to themselves as democratic socialists.
The Socialists were re-elected in a general election on Oct.
Except for Sanders, the Democratic candidates do not identify themselves socialists.
The idea has been championed by democratic socialists such as Rep.
This time they want to be in government with the Socialists.
Other progressive Democrats do not like to be called socialists. Sen.
Interestingly, these modern socialists do not rhetorically echo their predecessors' definition.
The Socialists lead in opinion polls with about 40 percent support.
The governing Socialists have been given little chance in the election.
I hear the "democratic socialist" -- there are Democrats who are socialists.
Ione Belarra told RNE radio that Podemos remained open to negotiate "till the last moment" but after the Socialists told her party they considered the negotiations collapsed, any resumption would have to be proposed by the Socialists.
Meanwhile, the far-left Socialists have ruled out governing with the Liberals.
But to say that it couldn't have happened without socialists — who knows?
The Socialists have also leveraged Franco to appeal to their voter base.
I mean, there are socialists who are winning elections throughout the country.
Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.
That's right, I'd serve a bunch of socialists because I'm a capitalist.
And socialists and progressives admire its promise of poverty and inequality reduction.
He painted Democrats as hateful socialists who want to "destroy" the country.
Historically in the US, that has meant socialists, pornographers, artists, and Nazis.
Strikingly, modern-day socialists embrace this idea, as does the alt-right.
The Socialists want to turn the Valley into "a museum of memory".
The Socialists and some smaller parties have called for voters to abstain.
But his Socialists have just 84 of the 350 seats in parliament.
The socialists were left with no political representation above the city level.
In 2017 Mr Macron all but eradicated the Socialists on the left.
Those were the times of religious socialists, who are still around today.
You mentioned religious socialists—what role does religion play in your life?
The Socialists are now "the only moderate party", he said this week.
Outside Western boardrooms, the most common sect is the fifth, corporate socialists.
They don&apost want to ban socialists; they want to ban drones.
The Socialists, nationalist Attack party and small populist party Volya voted against.
As Gates points out, there are some real socialists in the world.
The vote split both the ruling Socialists and the centre-right opposition.
Fully 119 of the 287 Socialists deputies either voted against, or abstained.
In 2202, the Socialists won the presidency and a hefty parliamentary majority.
France Unbowed has been much more vocal than the conservatives or Socialists.
Despite the assertions made by self-proclaimed "democratic" socialists—such as Sen.
Republicans are going to call us socialists no matter what we do.
In the early 20th century, socialists competed in the city with progressives.
Creating one requires cooperation from the Socialists, who vigorously oppose Mr. Rajoy.
Hrabar is a member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America.
But the second would horrify business and the Socialists' own regional leaders.
After all, even Macron's old party, the socialists, are no help here.
"The overwhelming truth of it is, Americans aren't socialists yet," said Wolff.
Both are members of the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) group.
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain's Socialists lead in voting intentions ahead of the Nov.
Systemic socialists established political parties that competed for office in democratic elections.
They'd probably call their kids socialists if they asked for an allowance.
The poll isn't entirely good news for the country's resurgent democratic socialists.
Moderates seem too scared of being labeled "crazy socialists" to understand that.
The Socialists won 85 seats, compared with 90 seats six months earlier.
If Socialists didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all.
The Democratic Party has been hijacked by Democratic socialists intent on revenge.
The Democratic Socialists of America won several state legislative contests in Pennsylvania.
Even the most devout socialists are not always likable or self-aware.
Sanchez, whose Socialists were runners-up behind the PP in the Dec.
And the Democratic Socialists of America threw its organizing support behind her.
And of course, there's overlap between what liberals and socialists call for.
Instead, Republicans would denounce either Sanders or Warren as modern-day socialists.
Ms. Cabán thanked the Working Families Party and Democratic Socialists of America.
You're a capitalist at a time when democratic socialists have become popular.
It was bad under the Socialists, he adds, but has got worse.
Most socialists have been chastened by the lessons of 20th-century Communism.
The most widely admired trait of the sewer socialists was their integrity.
These longshoremen were not simply anti-racists; they were communists and socialists.
Balazs is still undecided between the Socialists and the leftist LMP party.
To the south, Bavarian socialists announced the formation of a people's republic.
Mr. Sánchez's Socialists won both, but each time without a parliamentary majority.
The Socialists have been operating under a caretaker management team since Oct.
On Tuesday, the Socialists held internal talks to develop a new platform.
Beto O'Rourke have made clear they're not socialists, but capitalists with caveats.
Liberals also need to learn from socialists in another, less tangible way.
And you're going to make socialists out of people; stop doing that.
Democratic Socialists of America also recently launched a boycott of the company.
Democratic socialists are disingenuously cagey about the exorbitant tax burden they require.
Although true-blooded socialists — Democratic Socialists, to be precise — remain a relatively small niche within the Democratic Party, they are having a visible impact on the party's agenda, with nearly every likely 2020 presidential contender embracing Medicare for all.
As it became clear that the Socialists could circumvent Ciudadanos and rely instead on the support of Catalan and Basque nationalist politicians, Albert Rivera, the leader of Ciudadanos, warned that the Socialists could allow separatists to destroy Spain's unity.
Both the PP and, especially, the Socialists will be relieved at the outcome.
He is also seen as too fiscally rigorous by other socialists, officials said.
Of the few in power, only the Portuguese socialists presently enjoy strong ratings.
All of which raises the question: Where do American socialists go from here?
By party, Sanchez's Socialists led with 123 seats in the 350-seat parliament.
Socialists have even thrown their support behind NBA players fighting against salary caps.
The Socialists, who lean towards Russia, came second with 27% of the vote.
Catalans could still be dissuaded if offered more autonomy, as the Socialists propose.
Bulgaria's Socialists are supported by conservative pensioners and the Moscow-linked Orthodox Church.
The Socialists fear ceding to Podemos the mantle of opposition to Mr Rajoy.
Nationalists struggled in the Nordics, especially Sweden and Denmark, against socialists and liberals.
What do democratic socialists and right-wing conservatives have in common in 2016?
His party was formed by disillusioned Catalan Socialists who disliked temporising with nationalists.
Both Ocasio-Cortez and the Democratic Socialists of America are sticking by Salazar.
This currency aside, avowed socialists are still a rarity in America's political class.
Democratic socialists suffer another loss  in Hawaii primary, as Dems notch gains elsewhere.
If we adopt a far-left platform, they're going to say we're socialists.
And if we adopt a conservative platform, they're going to say we're socialists.
The ruling People's Party of Mariano Rajoy came first and the Socialists second.
It put France Unbowed at 15 percent and the Socialists at nine percent.
But a defection of centrist Socialists could be a significant boost for Macron.
Acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez's Socialists have not yet publicly reacted to this.
The ruling Socialists and their allies will hold their own primaries in January.
The party also said it was suspending its own talks with the Socialists.
The Socialists say the opposition Democrats rejected dialogue despite several offers this month.
Mr Guarido, who governs in coalition with the Socialists, has since reduced taxes.
The Socialists did even better in local and European elections a month later.
Polls now suggest the Socialists might get slightly fewer seats than in April.
The Socialists and PP would together have enough seats to have a majority.
We cannot let the radical socialists take that away through Medicare for All!
According to the socialists, the progressives are not sufficiently liberal, and so on.
In last month's national election, the Socialists won with a 12-point difference.
The Socialists won 85 seats, down from 90 and their lowest result ever.
Americans won't vote for socialists if they come to understand what socialism is.
GERB is currently running neck-and-neck with the Socialists in opinion polls.
The Socialists have proposed their leader Pedro Sanchez as a replacement for Rajoy.
In her view, we are natural sexual socialists, and marriage betrays this instinct.
When austerity devastated the Socialists' working-class constituency, the party was effectively destroyed.
They've always passed, or tried to pass—as Christians, as socialists, as white.
But the Socialists have a claim with Dutchman Frans Timmermans, Junker's current deputy.
I think that socialists are more likely to be impactful in local elections.
American socialists need to do what the Europeans did after World War II
A final obstacle to an alliance of socialists and liberals is identity politics.
His ideology is indeed consistent — with Eugene V. Debs and other 1920s socialists.
France's two major political parties, the Republicans and the Socialists, are in tatters.
Podemos said it would seek to form a coalition government with the Socialists.
Even among avowed socialists, there's robust disagreement about what the word actually entails.
Atomwaffen describe themselves as national socialists, or neo-Nazis, with an eschatological viewpoint.
His attacks on authoritarians have made him enemies among both socialists and conservatives.
The early socialists yearned for a world where men and women were equal.
Across the country, 1,200 Socialists won public office, including mayors from Flint, Mich.
He also lost to a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).
Some of Ms. Omar's most vocal defenders have been self-described democratic socialists.
Her campaign video, which went viral, was made by two fellow democratic socialists.
Start electing socialists, and we'll be a third-world country in two decades.
He was a member of one group, the National Socialists of Wasp Love.
One scenario of a likely majority would be between Ciudadanos and the Socialists.
Together, the Socialists and Unidas Podemas hold only 155 of Parliament's 350 seats.
American socialists aspire to a society where people can live lives of dignity.
"Radical socialists in power pushed tobacco as the new wonder crop," he said.
They are not wild-haired Vermont socialists or rap icons, oozing with braggodacio.
Before that, PP and the Socialists dominated the country's political landscape for decades.
Republicans are ridiculing the Green New Deal and casting the Democrats as socialists.
Liberals and socialists today need each other, whether they like it or not.
The candidate of the ruling Socialists, the far-left Benoit Hamon, managed only 6 percent of the first-round vote - and already, some leading Socialists on the right of their party who declined to back him have made overtures to Macron.
The Socialists and anti-austerity Podemos would not on their own have enough seats to govern, according to opinion polls, and one question would be whether Ciudadanos could end up preferring an alliance with the Socialists than with the far-right.
"The police have no place at Pride," Philly Socialists said in a Facebook post.
"Democratic Socialists argue that … the government should own or 'socialize' private businesses," Sopo said.
That is why the Socialists said their offer to Podemos remains on the table.
In the bellwether state of Uttar Pradesh, ostensible socialists have joined their BJP foes.
I've even helped put on a training for the DSA [Democratic Socialists of America].
The Socialists' leader in the assembly, Spain's Iratxe Garcia, called the agreement "deeply disappointing".
The new Democrats are radical socialists who want to model America's economy after Venezuela.
If you represent western Queens right now, that means you're thinking about Democratic socialists.
Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign and is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.
In the Socialists and Ciudadanos it has the elements of a future reformist coalition.
After the presidential election, the Socialists risk a mauling in legislative elections in June.
But a narrow majority of each say socialists have taken over the Democratic Party.
Antifa's forebears — anarchists, leftist unions, European Communists, and socialists — have been around for decades.
Go deeper: The Democratic socialists' campaign playbook The Democratic socialist movement comes to Michigan
The opposition accused the socialists of corruption, and of presiding over an economic collapse.
"Our country isn't for sale!" the socialists chanted, backed by supporters in the balconies.
The opposition Socialists voted against the appointments, demanding the resignation of the whole government.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, both of whom describe themselves as democratic socialists.
Back in Europe, Spain's ruling socialists clinched victory in the country's general election Sunday.
It has always been an uneasy alliance of provincial socialists and urban left-libertarians.
Membership for the Democratic Socialists of America has tripled since Trump's election in November.
In August, Rajoy lost a confidence vote in parliament after the Socialists voted "No".
Now it trails behind both the governing Socialists and the conservative People's Party (PP).
The Socialists have lost nearly 90% of their seats and are struggling to survive.
It is not clear how long will the Socialists maintain this precarious political situation.
The governing Socialists are squeezed from left and right, with ominous anti-German overtones.
He was one of Macron's first close allies and vocal supporters among leading Socialists.
Polls show the ruling Socialists would be thrashed in any conventional election in Venezuela.
"And it is allowing (President Donald Trump) to say you're all socialists," Stahl said.
Beto O'Rourke, a Texas Democrat, addressing the issue head on saying they're not socialists.
Millennial socialists offer a sharp critique of what has gone wrong in Western societies.
A century later, agrarian socialists won control of provincial governments in the western prairies.
That has driven many voters towards the Socialists, who favour closer ties with Russia.
He has long been considered a threat to the socialists in power in Venezuela.
A look at the Democratic Socialists of America and what the organization stands for.
The Socialists are set take office next week, the president said in a statement.
His advice that Democrats should not worry about being called socialists was spot-on.
Many Podemos members would prefer fresh elections to forming a coalition with the Socialists.
Some Socialists are muttering about forcing Mr Sánchez to shift his stance or go.
Mr. Sánchez's Socialists lost three seats, ending with 120 in the 350-seat Parliament.
The Socialists insist that sooner or later the Catalan conflict requires a political solution.
Many Democrats tout platforms of "social justice," and some proudly proclaim themselves as socialists.
Kollwitz was born in East Prussia, into a family of socialists and dissident Lutherans.
Socialists see it as a roadblock to be bypassed, primarily by reinterpreting the Constitution.
She was speaking with a Chilean colleague recently, who described his children as socialists.
They fear being called tax-and-spend socialists, more than they desire progressive results.
"By noon it was clear that the Socialists would have a majority," Churchill wrote.
During last night's debate, Republicans were running ads about Democrats equating them to socialists.
In the old days, there was a very strong juxtaposition between capitalists and socialists.
In that era, there were hundreds of Socialists in public office, two in Congress.
"When people say they are 'socialists,' they are reacting against unrestrained capitalism," she said.
In practice, however, relations between liberals and socialists have been tense and sometimes bloody.
Trump Jr. posted a meme on Instagram picturing her that implied socialists eat dogs.
Tennesseans don't need Northeast socialists telling us how to run our health care system.
According to a poll published last week, the Socialists now lead with 29.9 percent.
But the Socialists baulked at this possibility, which both Rajoy and Ciudadanos have proposed.
If, say, Socialists get 10 percent, they get 10 percent of the legislative seats.
They were poor boys, the sons of socialists who revered Heywood and voted Debs.
At minimum, Republicans could persuade undecideds that radical socialists had captured the Democratic Party.
Even the most diehard socialists have to pick and choose which subscriptions to buy.
To conservatives, this may look like proof that Democrats have been socialists all along.
It's a bunch of godless socialists, just like those heretics in Berkeley and Cambridge.
They're socialists who want to change our way of life… They're the Washington establishment.
"We're socialists," a woman explained, as she handed a reporter a cup of water.
"We come from the same tradition," he said of democratic socialists and social democrats.
Organizations like Justice Democrats and the Democratic Socialists of America have expanded their ranks.
The PP, along with the Socialists, had dominated the political landscape since Franco's death.
The results gave the Socialists 123 of the 350 seats in a splintered Parliament.
" In the Debsian era, Socialists "teetered uneasily, ambivalently, between moral protest and political action.
For decades, the Socialists and the conservative PP governed alternately with stable national majorities.
Liberal voters have qualms about tactically backing socialists, let alone the nationalists of Jobbik.
The Freedom Riders were compared to National Socialists in the pages of National Review.
Mr. Samaras was prime minister from 2012 to 2015, in coalition with the Socialists.
As happy as he was when punching "socialists," he had adapted to the challenge.
The Democratic primaries are a freak show — elderly socialists accusing each other of thoughtcrimes.
They can say, 'We're not raging socialists, because, look, there's a capitalist over there.
"Republicans may call Democrats 'socialists' no matter how moderate we truly are," Hickenlooper said.
O'Rourke's position won't win him any friends among the Democratic Socialists in the party.
Together, the Socialists and Unidas Podemos hold 155 of the 350 seats in Parliament.
What makes socialists more dangerous are many who follow them out of willful ignorance.
His parents were socialists and pacifists, and Mr. Wollen was thinking heady thoughts early.
The videos identify the chanting group as members of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a card-carrying member of the Democratic Socialists of America.
"Millennial socialists", as The Economist described them earlier this year, are fizzing with ideas.
Traditional power centers — the governing Socialists and the center-right Republicans — are in turmoil.
Not even democratic socialists will frankly describe the costs of averting a warming planet.
Macron broke with the socialists last August and launched a bid for the presidency.
The Socialists and the far-left Unidas Podemos together would have up to 153 seats, compared with the 165 that they received in April, forcing the Socialists to rely on regional parties, including pro-independence ones from Catalonia, to form a government.
"Right now any solution to forming a government in Spain involves the Socialists ... whatever we do will be problematic for the Socialists and will hurt us," Fernandez told a news conference, adding he personally thought a third election was the worst option.
Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank may have been exaggerating when he claimed that "Democrats have become socialists," but there's a reason that David Duhalde, deputy director of the Democratic Socialists of America, told him "this is a high water mark" for his ideology.
On Sunday, the representatives of the far-left party of Ada Colau, the mayor of Barcelona, voted to break up their governing coalition in Barcelona's City Hall with the Socialists, because the Socialists had backed Mr. Rajoy's decision to take over Catalonia's administration.
But the Socialists apparently hoped that a younger, more photogenic leader would allow them to turn the page on the fiasco of 2011, when Mr. Rajoy won a landslide election victory after voters punished the Socialists for Spain's financial crisis and record unemployment.
" — Adrienne Elrod, former senior adviser to Hillary Clinton "'They're going to call us socialists if we embrace a left agenda; they're going to call us socialists if we embrace a conservative agenda, so we might as well stand for what we believe in.
" — Adrienne Elrod, former senior adviser to Hillary Clinton "'They're going to call us socialists if we embrace a left agenda; they're going to call us socialists if we embrace a conservative agenda, so we might as well stand for what we believe in.
The Socialists and their allies have only 45 deputies, their worst result in modern history.
The Socialists benefited from a high turnout in April, partly because of fear of Vox.
The heavyweights of Spain&aposs Socialists had forced Pedro Sanchez&apos removal as their leader.
There are those who are pro-choice, advocates of racial justice, environmental activists, and socialists.
Bernie Sanders' 2016 presidential campaign and is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.
He is running on a ticket from the EU's second biggest political family, the socialists.
More have embraced the Greens, the far-left Socialists, or 50 Plus, a pensioners' party.
Gathered around me are members of the DC chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Firms become corporate socialists if they have controlling owners who demand they prioritise social objectives.
IF ANY political party can claim to have invented modern Spain, it is the Socialists.
But to get much done, he may need the votes of the Socialists in parliament.
PEOPLE'S PARTY (PP) A conservative, Christian democratic party, and the Socialists' main rival for decades.
On Wednesday, three of the four politicians were sworn in over objections of the Socialists.
The puzzle for the Socialists is how to regenerate themselves in the shadow of Podemos.
The Socialists won 85 seats, down from the 90 they had in the December election.
In the Socialists' first primary in 2011, he won 17.2% support to Mr Valls's 5.6%.
Twitter Democrats are younger, more urban, more male and a majority identify as 'democratic socialists.
The Socialists led the way in 2011, holding their first primary open to any voter.
His Socialists, who have only 84 of the 350 seats in Congress, will govern alone.
The mainstream parties on the left (Socialists) and right (Republicans) together scored less than 493%.
When they're arguing about being socialists, they've left — they have lost those blue-collar Democrats.
Go deeper: Socialists win Spain election as far-right party enters parliament for 1st time
So the socialists will have to get help from rival parties to form a government.
Based on opinion polls, the Socialists and Ciudadanos could together form a two-party coalition.
The left-leaning parties, second-placed Socialists and Unidos Podemos ("Together We Can"), oppose Rajoy.
A mistrust of markets leads millennial socialists to the wrong conclusions about the environment, too.
At the last count, the Socialists had won 123 seats in parliament and Podemos 42.
Democratic socialists had hoped a Welder win would prove their broad appeal to urban voters.
Sanchez's Socialists won a snap election in April, but fell short of an absolute majority.
The Socialists are also considering restarting some Russian projects, including the Belene nuclear power project.
If they&aposre such benevolent and wonderful communitarians and socialists, just do it for free.
That has driven many Moldovan voters towards the Socialists, who favor closer ties with Russia.
For Trotsky, the Soviet Union was a "degenerated" workers' state, still deserving defense by socialists.
The Socialists were divided on Monday on whether they should allow the PP to govern.
Inequality, the cornerstone issue for the self-nominated Bolivarian socialists,  is actually worse than ever.
Abalos also said the Socialists would name Josep Borrell as the new government's foreign minister.
All this only reminded voters of his close ties to the now thoroughly repudiated Socialists.
The Socialists won 6.68%, while the nationalist Jobbik got 6.44% of votes, both weakening significantly.
But James Weinstein, who founded In These Times, argued that the socialists benefitted from becoming
But they have very different targets: Sanchez's Socialists had backed Rajoy's Catalonia policy, opposing independence.
The Socialists and Greens voted against the resolution put forward by conservative lawmaker Thierry Mariani.
The utopian socialists developed their ideas when Europe was in the first stages of industrialisation.
The ruling Peoples' Party, the opposition Socialists and liberal Cuidadanos all support switching to GMT.
Socialists argue that anyone who has become fantastically rich has profited from a rigged system.
In tweets, Trump has attacked the Democrats as "socialists" and "extremists" opposed to American values.
In the eyes of many younger Spaniards, the PP and the Socialists share the blame.
The prime minister wants the Socialists to join him in a German-style "grand coalition".
Democratic Socialists, the current bogeyman of the right, are celebrating some big Election Day wins.
The Socialists, who had been hoping to move closer to one, actually lost three seats.
Scott Walker on Wednesday similarly called the candidates socialists in a tweet that showed Sen.
Furthermore, a coalition between Podemos and the Socialists would still be short of a majority.
Among the protesters were members of the local chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America.
The 40-hour work week is not socialism, nor is it the product of socialists.
Ocasio-Cortez was endorsed by Democratic Socialists of America and ran a more progressive campaign.
Now the Socialists are neck-and-neck with GERB, a recent Gallup International poll showed.
Socialists are also likely to be pleased by her offer of "a fair minimum wage".
He does not sound like the doctrinaire immigrant socialists of the 19th century, for example.
Her parents were socialists skeptical of religion, though when the family moved to Wellesley, Mass.
Listen to today's socialists, and you'll hear less the language of poverty than of power.
Arguably the biggest boundary today's socialists are willing to cross is the two-party system.
Before this week, the Democratic Socialists of America had 20 elected officials among its membership.
So it's really something to see Republicans trying to tar Democrats as un-American socialists.
The Socialists blame the influence of a forgiving church for creating a culture of permissiveness.
The prize was presented by state representative and Democratic Socialists of America member Perry Bullard.
That demonstration included members of a local chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America. Alert!
The question still remains — are the Democrats and Democratic Socialists for America all that different?
The Socialists withdrew their earlier offer after Podemos said it wanted more important cabinet positions.
The Socialists want Podemos to back them without being in the cabinet, which Podemos rejects.
The Socialists withdrew their earlier offer after Podemos said it wanted more important cabinet positions.
Williams, meanwhile, has gotten the backing of the Democratic Socialists of America and Our Revolution.
When a friend referred the Socialists to him, Ballard told me, he had two questions.
Lots of people who don't define themselves as socialists believe those things to be true.
Asked about left-wing politicians who identify as democratic socialists, including 2016 presidential candidate Sen.
Some of the strongest defenses of liberalism's achievements come from people who identify as ''socialists.
The Socialists have far more support than other left-leaning parties in a crowded field.
Elsewhere, socialists have extolled "free" college, breaking up financial institutions, and a $15 minimum wage.
The party's goal is to meet with the Socialists this week, an ERC source said.
The Socialists also opposed a free-trade agreement between Canada and the European Union. Mrs.
San Francisco-based members of the Democratic Socialists of America were also among those demonstrating.
All these socialists coming out of the woodwork must have them in quite a lather.
So I write today with some friendly advice for the capitalist class about said socialists.
In his State of the Union address on Tuesday, he introduced a new one: socialists.
The Popular Party, Ciudadanos and the Socialists are all broadly in favor of European integration.
While in New York City at the horribly inaccurately named Shared Value Leadership Summit, Clinton made a stunning admission: Calling herself a "capitalist" during the Iowa caucuses hurt her election chances because "6900 percent of Democrats are socialists or self-described socialists" in that state.
Meanwhile, support for a joint left-wing group formed by Podemos (We can) and Izquierda Unidos (IU or United Left) would stay ahead of the Socialists, with the poll in La Vanguardia giving the group 85-87 seats in Parliament over the Socialists' 80-82.
Volland explains, [Socialists] subscribed to the same concerns and aims, to expectations of a common future.
That may pose a strong challenge to the Socialists, which came second in the December vote.
It reminds -- every time America shows strength on the world stage, European socialists liberals hate it.
She's a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and a former organizer for Bernie Sanders.
And Cortez said on her victory night that they need a whole caucus of Democratic Socialists.
LOUDON: No. They&aposre seeing how radical the left and socialists the Democrats are right now.
This would give her enough votes to be endorsed, even without the backing of the socialists.
But cooperation with the Socialists is unlikely to be uppermost in the separatists' minds this week.
And there's nothing contradictory about socialists supporting higher pay for workers who are already well paid.
So why do socialists like myself see no contradiction between Bernie's policies and his bank account?
Polls consistently suggest that she will beat whomever the Socialists choose to field on the left.
The problem is that you wrongly credited the Socialists for doing something that other people did.
That should offer an opportunity to the Socialists—if they can recover from their leadership battle.
"Vox scares me," said Aurelia Moreno, a 70-year-old pensioner after voting for the Socialists.
The Democratic Socialists of America, the country's largest socialist group, applauded Tlaib's decision to back Sanders.
Before Mr Orban swept to power, the Socialists led the country to the brink of bankruptcy.
The Socialists will be under interim management until a party conference can choose a new leader.
The Socialists, who tried to appeal to moderate Catalan nationalism, did less well than they expected.
Responding for the ruling Socialists, government spokesman Stephane Le Foll said the accusation was "not acceptable".
The Young Socialists, the youth wing of the SPD, called it "a hodgepodge of trial runs".
He was a professional gambler, his parents were socialists, and he was said to be queer.
The Socialists do favour dialogue with the separatists, but a referendum is not currently on offer.
Tim Higginbotham and Chris Middleman are organizers with the Democratic Socialists for Medicare for All campaign.
President Donald Trump and other Republicans have seized on those plans to call their proponents socialists.
The officials said Haytham Mohamedeen, arrested on Friday, is a member of the Revolutionary Socialists movement.
The labor movement was powerful, and socialists, communists and anarchists were common figures in public life.
The opposition had been demanding general elections to try and end the socialists' 18-year rule.
In the past year, membership of the Democratic Socialists of America ballooned from 8,000 to 25,000.
Although expected to win, the Socialists may struggle to secure enough seats to form a majority.
The protest was actually made by the Metro Atlanta Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Socialists are careful not to alienate him and he was endorsed by veteran centrist Francois Bayrou.
Between them, the Socialists and Ciudadanos only command 130 seats of the 350-seat lower house.
The Momentum party was third with 9.92%, the Socialists won 6.68%, and nationalist Jobbik got 6.44%.
Like all socialists, Bernie Sanders will solve our problems using the assets of the undeserving rich.
INGRAHAM: And Doug, another story, of course, the socialists were pretty much rejected in the Midwest.
Partner organizations range from the Democratic Socialists of America to Planned Parenthood to various labor unions.
Most polls indicate Sanchez's Socialists winning the most seats but falling short of a parliamentary majority.
The Socialists have vowed to improve ties with Russia even at the expense of EU unity.
The prime minister would prefer the Socialists to join him in a German-style "grand coalition".
The Socialists are ahead in opinion polls but with less than a third of the votes.
Although the Socialists are expected to win they may fall short of a majority in parliament.
The system was so successful at electing minorities, socialists and Republicans that it was almost eliminated.
The biggest threat comes from the socialists who are rapidly gaining favor in the Democratic Party.
The Socialists' stronger line on Catalonia could also put off potential partners among the regional parties.
Yes, Republicans will call Democrats socialists, but voters roundly rejected that very same playbook in 2018.
Albrecht is a member of the Red River Valley chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America.
"I would remind you that the lesser of two socialists is still a socialist," he continued.
One session they might be fundamentalist Christians, and in another they might be anti-American socialists.
"The Socialists want German taxpayers to subsidize countries that aren't reforming," one senior ally told Reuters.
So far, the Socialists have been divided over whether they should allow the PP to govern.
"The new Democrats are radical socialists who want to model America's economy after Venezuela," he wrote.
Though expected to win, the Socialists may struggle to win enough seats to form a majority.
Since 2016, membership in the Democratic Socialists of America has increased from 6,000 to nearly 60,000.
"I would remind you that the lesser of two socialists is still a socialist," he added.
If we embrace a conservative agenda ... they're going to say we're a bunch of crazy socialists.
It now seems increasingly unlikely that the current governing party, the Socialists, will produce the other.
There are groups devoted to Afrosocialism, disability interests, libertarian socialism, queer socialists, labor, ecosocialism, socialist feminism.
In fact, the Democratic Socialists added more than 220006,2202 members the day following Ocasio-Cortez's victory.
The opposition Socialists criticized the deal, urging the government and the president to take a stand.
While relations between liberals and socialists would never get so low again, certain patterns would recur.
Socialists hold that a party reliant on big donors isn't free to fight for economic equality.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the growing political group, the Democratic Socialists of America, that supports them.
Germany's Social Democrats, France's Socialists and most recently, Italy's Democratic Party have lost millions of voters.
The socialists' strong showing came despite devastating food shortages, triple-digit inflation, and a collapsing currency.
But once they arrive in Brussels, they all sit together as the Party of European Socialists.
Leading Republicans, however, routinely describe Democrats, even those on the right of their party, as socialists.
A key component of her winning coalition was the New York City Democratic Socialists of America.
But the JPMorgan chief also distinguishes social democrats, which some Democrats identify as, from true socialists.
"That's what democratic socialists are always doing, is they're looking where the light is," Harris said.
And the Socialists put the social insurance programs that F.D.R. eventually adopted on the public agenda.
The report acknowledges that these democratic socialists don't see themselves as the heirs of, say, Lenin.
The Socialists want Podemos to back them without being in the cabinet, which the latter refuses.
The Socialists appeared likely to fall short of a majority of the 230 seats in Parliament.
Mr. Mitsotakis narrowly won election in 1990 after the Socialists became entangled in a financial scandal.
We will never let radical socialists destroy our economy, wreck our country or eradicate our liberty.
Many Socialists and trade unionists advocated temperance because alcoholism interfered with workers' efforts at social change.
The money raised at the 230 performance went to the National Socialists' Winter War Relief program.
Democratic socialists say they don't want a purely socialist society where the government controls all production.
"We're not as well-read as your average, like, Brooklyn socialists, I don't think," Ray says.
Podemos and the Socialists tried and failed for five months to agree on a government deal.
Bishop was delivering remarks onstage, criticizing Democrats as "socialists," when the president summoned for a doctor.
Costa's Socialists are expected to win October's election, but may struggle to secure an outright majority.
The Socialists, led by Sanchez, have been scrambling to drum up support since winning the Nov.
Socialists from Karl Marx onwards have deployed both ethical and empirical arguments to buttress their system.
The millennial socialists are on the up, but they may still struggle to prove him wrong. ■
The Socialists have advocated more modest tax increases, and have not talked about squeezing the banks.
"Democratic socialists must secure decisive majorities in legislatures while winning hegemony in the unions," he writes.
The Socialists won 20 seats in the European Parliament, PP 12, Ciudadanos seven and Vox three.
Rama was quoted as saying nothing could stop his Socialists from going ahead with the elections.
Which they're trying to paint that they don't, calling them communists and socialists and everything else.
In contrast to such vagueness, Democratic Socialists for Medicare for All (for whom we work) — a campaign organized and paid for by Democratic Socialists of America, working in coalition with National Nurses United and Labor Campaign for Single Payer — has defined its five core demands as follows.
The Socialists, leaderless until their own Congress in June, saw Mr Errejón as a more dangerous rival.
The opposition Republicans and their allies took 136, while the Socialists and theirs ended with just 45.
Whatever the numbers, it's become trendy for Democratic Party candidates to align themselves with the Democratic Socialists.
So people are willing not just to identify as socialists, but to actually make that financial commitment.
In the last year, as I saw DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) and Bernie fans come out.
In April Podemos lost 29 seats and over a quarter of its vote, mainly to the Socialists.
Overnight Wall Street became big government socialists and begged for the largest federal bailout in American history.
People on the further left of the political spectrum, socialists and progressives alike, found Omar's questioning exhilarating.
The polls are showing a tight race, with GERB and the Socialists each getting about 30% support.
The Socialists and GERB have both spent the campaign making generous promises to raise wages and pensions.
Go deeper: The Democratic socialists' campaign playbook The Democratic debate on what counts as "Medicare for All"
Nevertheless, in the end he secured nearly as many votes as the Socialists and Republicans put together.
One estimate suggests that the Socialists could lose 75% of their seats at legislative elections in June.
No matter whom the Socialists nominate, their chances of winning the presidential election in May are slim.
Rajoy held meetings on Monday with Pedro Sanchez, leader of the opposition Socialists, and centrist Albert Rivera.
Mr Rajoy might even take up the opposition Socialists' idea of turning Spain into a federal state.
Pedro Sánchez, the leader of the opposition Socialists, filed a motion of censure against the prime minister.
"We're progressives, not socialists," says Hollman Morris, a Bogotá city councillor who is close to Mr Petro.
The Socialists would fall to third place, with 18 percent compared to 22.7 percent the last time.
That could benefit the Socialists, allowing them to capture some of the PP's seats in rural areas.
Criminal cases leading to jail terms for top executives are as rare as socialists at Goldman Sachs.
The Socialists also want to revive some Russian-led energy projects like the Belene nuclear power plant.
And if socialists don&apost trust Trump, why give the Trump administration more power over your life?
Fidesz widened its support to 32 percent from 30, with the opposition Socialists on 9 percent support.
Frustration within the Socialists' ranks at Sanchez's intransigence prompted half its leadership to step down this week.
Today's democratic socialists don't see positive policy reforms as something we'll stack up until one day, voilà!
Nationalist Jobbik was projected to win 26 seats, with the Socialists in third place with 20 lawmakers.
But Podemos demands that Catalonia be granted a referendum on independence, which the Socialists refuse to accept.
They also used the ruling Socialists' rallying cry, "Chavez lives!" in honour of late President Hugo Chavez.
On the Democratic Party what we learned is socialists are not in charge of the Democratic Party.
For this, most commentators put the blame squarely on Pedro Sánchez, the leader of the opposition Socialists.
Budapest cynics say that Fidesz's opponents are simply angry because it is better-organised than the Socialists.
Hell, there were dumpster-diving, Freegan revolutionary socialists who were way more hardcore than I'd ever be.
Maya Manolova, an independent candidate backed by the opposition Socialists, had 40.6-42.8%, the exit poll showed.
Contrary to popular belief, the biggest threat to capitalism doesn't come from socialists; it comes from capitalists.
Ocasio-Cortez is a self-described democratic socialist and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Three candidates backed by the Democratic Socialists of America scored victories, including a historic win in Philadelphia.
American socialists have a tricky job when they reclaim the writings of Marx and friends from history.
But if you need more evidence, look at the policies proposed by the Democratic Socialists of America.
The Socialists' combination of fiscal discipline with economic growth has won praise from Brussels and ratings agencies.
E. has been in business for 124 years, and we've never been a big hit with socialists.
They are self-proclaimed socialists who ran on platforms harshly critical of their merely liberal Democrat opponents.
She is the daughter of Puerto Rican parents and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is among the high-profile democratic socialists running for office this year.
The Democratic Socialists of America's Washington, D.C. chapter confronted Nielsen while she dined at a Mexican restaurant.
If we embrace a far left agenda, they're going to say we're a bunch of crazy socialists.
If we embrace a conservative agenda, they're going to say we're a bunch of crazy socialists. pic.twitter.
"We're going into the war with some socialists," Trump said of the field of prospective Democratic candidates.
Meanwhile, the old conservatives' share in the movement roughly halved, and the old socialists' share roughly doubled.
Further, even under a minority government, the Socialists would have considerable say in any legislation or reform.
Just recently we're seeing candidates like Cynthia Nixon identify as democratic socialists -- and actively seek DSA's support.
Overnight, Wall Street became big government socialists and begged for the largest federal bailout in American history.
Trump has created enemies of all political stripes—anarchists, socialists, liberals, and a fair number of conservatives.
The Socialists would win 227.3 percent of the vote, or 220 seats in the 212.1-seat parliament.
In the pages of Jacobin, a bible for young democratic socialists and vocal supporter of Vermont Sen.
The socialists are also sexists, and the far-seeing anarchists are also muddle-headed, mixed-up mystics.
Few analysts give France's Socialists and their unpopular president, François Hollande, a strong chance in the spring.
But in 2017, the endorsements of conservatives and Socialists combined accounted for only 26 percent of votes.
Now, with an eye on its own political future, Podemos, too, has refused to join the Socialists.
He works for Fast Company magazine, and he's also an organizer with the Democratic Socialists of America.
First, what issues are most progressive candidates — even self-identified "democratic socialists," like Ocasio-Cortez — running on?
Pedro Sanchez, leader of the socialists, would be the next prime minister until new elections take place.
Through a mutual friend from the Democratic Socialists of America, Balcon connected with staffers for Patel's campaign.
Sunday's election has left the socialists more confident of winning a presidential vote expected in late 2018.
The nonpartisan committee included lawmakers from France's two largest parties, the Socialists and the center-right Republicans.
That threat could be enough to keep the Socialists in line, at least in the short term.
Mr. Rajoy's future also hinges on whether the Socialists can recover from their largely self-inflicted crisis.
And that makes socialists like Mr. Sanders better defenders of liberal democracy than many Biden-loving liberals.
They were right — which was why American socialists have been far more influential than their radical critics.
There are also several democratic socialists poised to win state legislative seats around the country in November.
Democratic socialists generally see universal government benefit programs like Medicare-for-all as intersecting with socialist goals.
And the Democratic Socialists of America, where she is the Washington, DC, chair, isn't always a refuge.
"Debate is extremely limited," said Jean-Michel Clément, who broke with the Socialists and joined Mr. Macron.
Under the Trump administration and chair Kevin Hassett, it has embraced a new goal: owning the socialists.
Approach a small city and tell it socialists are coming to steal its cows, you'll get backlash.
Opinion Columnist What did you think of the bunch of socialists you just saw debating on stage?
The Socialists won 123 of the 350 seats in Parliament, with 99.9 percent of the votes counted.
She's a registered member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and is a self-described socialist.
Three major opposition parties were boycotting the polls, alleging the election authorities were biased towards the socialists.
But one day he discovered that the Scottish Christian friends he admired were (in his view) socialists.
LISBON (Reuters) - Portugal's ruling Socialists extended their lead in a new opinion poll ahead of an Oct.
" In 1939, the National Socialists named a part of Berlin's African Quarter "The Permanent Colony of Togo.
This enthusiasm was apparent at the Young Democratic Socialists of America conference in Chicago earlier this month.
In 1916, Hoan avenged the socialists' losses by winning the mayor's office, which he held until 1940.
The "socialists," as he calls them — as they often call themselves — would not own the Democratic Party.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt bounced socialists, who were extremely active in Depression-era politics, from his administration.
The combined left-wing bloc of the Socialists and Podemos would again fall short of a majority.
The problem for Democrats now President Donald Trump has already tried to paint all Democrats as socialists.
Eighty-two percent of Republicans, for example, believe the Democratic Party has been taken over by socialists.
The ruling Socialists increased their parliamentary seats to 108 in an October election, short of a majority.
The Yiddish edition of The Forward was begun by immigrant Jewish socialists in New York in 1897.
Both lawmakers identify as democratic socialists and have called for a radical overhaul to the American economy.
Bernie Sanders and, like Nixon, the largest New York-based chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America.
The Socialists, meanwhile, again held talks with a Catalan separatist party in a bid to gain support.
Out of curiosity, what exactly are Big Govt, opprressive taxation, anti 2A left wing socialists celebrating today?
Podemos officials, in return, have said the Socialists simply wanted to "humiliate" them and never negotiated seriously.
This will only reinforce their fear-fueled hyperpartisan narrative that all Democrats are anti-business proto-socialists.
If you want to have meaningful control over your life at work, come and join the socialists.
"There were seven thousand people—Communists, Socialists, Nationalists, members of the intelligentsia—who marched together," Lutsenko recalled.
Today's socialists might not demand eliminating private property, nor be calling for gulags to enforce their vision.
The Socialists said differences between the two parties remained but there was a "shared will for dialogue".
His relative success in 2016 inspired plenty of fellow progressives and democratic socialists to run as Democrats.
The scandal damaged the image of Portugal's ruling Socialists but they remain favorites to win an Oct.
Populists and socialists have one thing in common: a complete lack of understanding of who pays taxes.
"Most Americans are obviously not up on the distinctions between democratic socialists and communists," Mr. Kazin said.
To be clear: Ocasio-Cortez is a 28-year-old member of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Socialists in Europe picked the day to honor laborers killed in the Chicago Haymarket riot of 1886.
Mr. Sanders should also consider another remarkable American legacy: the one provided by the socialists who once ruled Milwaukee, the city that will host the 2020 Democratic National Convention and the only large American city that has ever been governed for a significant period of time by socialists.
" "'First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist.
The main opposition Socialists have ruled out allying with the PP in a coalition over the corruption allegations.
"Every election Republicans paint Democrats as socialists, we may as well have a socialist this time," he said.
The same poll also showed that the Socialists and their far-left allies Podemos could win a majority.
"He's made it easier to identify as a socialist, and for people to organize as socialists," Duhalde said.
"The National Socialists who lived in the time of Hitler were big fans of Richard Wagner," one wrote.
"I stand with the Democratic socialists, and I have decided to become a dues-paying member," Ringelstein said.
Or are socialists, will they be able to impeach him or obstruct him every step of the way?
Acting prime minister Rajoy urged the Socialists, who have so far steadfastly refused to back him, to compromise.
Perhaps needless to say, most American socialists aren't ready to take this plunge, and probably never will be.
The opposition Socialists have instructed their lawmakers to abstain in a parliamentary confidence vote set for 7.45 p.m.
But the public-comments part of Bozeman's city commission meeting on August 20th was dominated entirely by socialists.
Surveys suggest that the Socialists, who favor friendlier ties with Russia, will emerge with most seats on Feb.
They also varied ideologically — Lee Carter, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, won an underdog victory.
Benoît Hamon, the Socialists' candidate and a former backbench rebel, sank to a dismal fifth place, on 216%.
Mr Sánchez's budget is the result of an agreement between his Socialists and Podemos, who are further left.
She's backed by the Democratic Socialists of America and by Our Revolution, the group affiliated with Bernie Sanders.
"The Socialists will try to govern on their own," Calvo said in an interview on Cadena Ser radio.
"As democratic socialists, Rashida Tlaib and Bernie Sanders are dedicated to making public college tuition-free for all."
In the new world of minority government, Mr Rajoy and the Socialists will still be the key players.
The SPD's left, particularly the Young Socialists, its youth wing, is in revolt against any new grand coalition.
In France, the two establishment parties are the Socialists on the left and the Republicans on the right.
Some PP activists (as well as some Socialists) have recently sought to join Ciudadanos, according to Mr Rivera.
Instead of the Socialists, it is Ciudadanos and the PP who now have to fight on two fronts.
Has credentials and oratory that Weber lacks but hampered by Socialists' poor showing in EU and national elections.
The media are probably underestimating the ability of Socialists, the Greens and the Left Party to come together.
For that he has the backing of Pedro Sánchez, the opposition Socialists' leader, as well as Mr Rivera.
Ron Dellums served as a vice-chair of the Democratic Socialists of America and a self-described socialist.
"Way back in the '80s, we wanted everything to be free because we were hippie socialists," said Lanier.
Most of Spain's main parties, including the ruling center-right People's Party and center-left Socialists oppose this.
Those senators aren&apost calling themselves democratic socialists but also not disassociating themselves from the movement&aposs priorities.
In a sideline to his day job, he works as an organizer for the Democratic Socialists of America.
Democratic Socialists of America, which has voted to endorse Sanders, is backing him with an independent expenditure arm.
The ruling Socialists and the Democrats also agreed to start begin constitutional and electoral reforms when parliament reconvened.
Pittella, whose socialists are the second biggest grouping in the Parliament, is himself a candidate for the presidency.
" Particularly in online circles, DSA is affiliated with a group of socialists collectively known as the "dirtbag left.
Instead, the socialists and greens tabled a motion of no confidence in parliament, triggering his offer to quit.
Socialists are ahead but have lost steam, while the conservatives, Ciudadanos and Vox could together have a majority.
Elysee strategists have long hoped to lure Spanish Socialists into their "grand coalition" of pro-EU progressive forces.
The electoral system may reward the merged Unidos Podemos (UP) with some 20 extra seats, overtaking the Socialists.
Mr Iglesias has rebranded Podemos's ideology as "new social democracy", in an attempt to steal the Socialists' clothes.
The Socialists did poorly compared to the past, winning 22.7% of the vote and 85 seats (down five).
Once it was the Socialists or Communists, more recently the Democratic Party (PD) of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.
But where they organized, via everything from the Working Families Party to Democratic Socialists of America to Sen.
The Socialists rejected a proposal by Mariano Rajoy, the leader of the Popular Party, for a grand coalition.
Mr. Sarkozy is positioning himself as its No. 1 defender against weak Socialists and competitors on the right.
Today, a good portion of them will get angry if you do not address them as Democratic socialists.
When you can count the number of socialists on one hand, it is not exactly a Marxist cabal.
Foes dismiss it as an attempt to keep the socialists in power by establishing a biased new assembly.
The wording was also accepted (although reluctantly) by the French Socialists, most of whom are now center-left.
LaPierre earlier Thursday warned conservatives that socialists are smearing gun rights advocates and seeking to eliminate their rights.
Jews throughout history have been arch capitalists, socialists, neo-cons, neo-liberals, Marxists and every ideology in between.
However, it is not clear whether the Socialists and Ciudadanos will team up to topple the Rajoy government.
The job of socialists is to convince people—including ourselves—that it doesn't have to be that way.
It will become clearer after the gathering whether the Socialists will change their position ahead of the Oct.
Still, the upward trajectory is encouraging to activists and growing political organizations like the Democratic Socialists of America.
Over the past century, liberals and socialists have engaged in rancorous debate, bitter recrimination, and even political repression.
There was all that worry that if you expanded the democracy to the unpropertied they'd vote for socialists.
He needed the support of the Socialists, who voted unanimously against him, to win the required absolute majority.
The Young Socialists aren't looking to ban porn, just to find way of improving sex education in schools.
The socialist magazine Jacobin argued the endorsement made "perfect sense" for the two democratic socialists to join forces.
"Nancy Pelosi is dead wrong," said Nixon, who has actively sought backing from the Democratic Socialists of America.
The Gilded Age socialists admitted what their opponents often did not: Americans did not all share common values.
Neither of the two main rival left-wing parties, Socialists or Communists, enjoyed much success in the 235s.
In the past year, membership in the Democratic Socialists of America has more than tripled, to around 25,000.
Young Democratic Socialists of America isn't the only progressive organization to surge in the Trump era, of course.
The Democratic Socialists of America organization has also adopted the ecosocialism philosophy and has an ecosocialism working group.
The main task of the document is to draw a precise line between modern democratic socialists like Sen.
But there's a reason that "Billions" is the show about Wall Street whizzes that even socialists can love.
"The Socialists will try to govern on their own," Calvo said in an interview with Cadena Ser radio.
The Socialists' new tally of seats appeared to be almost double that of the main opposition Popular Party.
Nationalist Jobbik won 25, while the Socialists were projected in third with 20 lawmakers, among the remaining seats.
Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists of America, which works for social and economic justice, claimed responsibility for the protest.
"President Trump can only do so much while pro-China socialists like AOC are in charge," Greene says.
Lastra said the Socialists were willing to hold new talks, but Podemos said that came with an ultimatum.
Half of funding for Democratic Socialists of America comes from member dues, according to a 2018 financial report.
But it was striking how many students said they were socialists because of the experiences of their parents.
But the young democratic socialists here predict that blocking a Sanders nomination would not go well for Democrats.
Labour now faces a civil war between the socialists who control it and moderates who will demand power.
The Washington Post reported this week that Russia is also actively working to boost the Democratic Socialists' bid.
In January, they created Red Yenta , a Twitter account dedicated to matching socialists around the country for dates.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, both of whom identify as democratic socialists, as well as former Pimco economist Paul McCulley.
Now, with Mr. Hollande out, the Socialists are thought to have improved their chances, even if only slightly.
But he won't push any votes until after 2020, after, presumably, his war on the socialists is over.
The scientists are after grant money; the activists are undercover socialists; the leaders are hypocrites; the marchers litter.
A wave of new books shows what millennial socialists really want, and how they plan to get it.
The Socialists, who oppose both independence and the push to hold a referendum on secession, announced on Nov.
"Bernie wrote the bill," said Megan Svoboda, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America's national political committee.
Socialists have long held that large stores of private wealth are tantamount to violence against those in need.
Further down the road, the party would negotiate support with the Socialists on a case-by-case basis.
The speech is a coup for socialists, who were once written off as fringe players in American politics.
With more than 99% of the votes counted, the Socialists had scored nearly 30% in the municipal elections.
Nationalist Jobbik was projected to win 13 seats, while the Socialists were projected as third with 20 lawmakers.
On the other side, the Socialists have made the fight for gender equality a top priority in their campaign.
The Socialists will lose 90% of their deputies, including their leader who did not even make the run-off.
But this confusion dissipates once you begin seeing young millennials not as strict socialists but as Democratic Party skeptics.
The Socialists lead in opinion polls by a wide margin for a national election due in a year's time.
The Socialists see the revision as a way of suppressing the opinion of other parties' representatives in the commission.
Together with Podemos, a leftist grouping and recent ally of the Socialists, Sanchez would have 165 seats in parliament.
The polls show the ruling Socialists have little chance of winning the presidency, regardless of who is their candidate.
In the last national parliamentary elections in 2017, the Socialists narrowly outpolled the Freedom Party, 52 seats to 51.
"They completely underestimated us, thinking we were little puppets who believed what the 'great socialists' said," he told Reuters.
In Britain, and much else of the world, mandatory paid vacation was the product of long campaigns by socialists.
Internal divisions and doubts about their candidates are now testing the unity of both the Socialists and the Republicans.
Meanwhile, the Socialists, who came second last time on 303 seats, are seen sinking to between 78 and 85.
But Unidos Podemos is rather eyeing a moral victory in what not so long ago was the Socialists' backyard.
Tacking left, a few Socialists have suggested that this punishment be extended to all French citizens convicted of terrorism.
Socialists are usually extremely reluctant to distinguish between French citizens, said Patrick Weil, the country's leading historian on immigration.
In his time, Rocard rejected the economic nationalisation espoused by Mitterrand, who allied the Socialists with the Communist Party.
There will be women and men; African Americans, whites and Hispanics; very young and very old; plutocrats and socialists.
Even if they reconciled their differences, the Socialists and Podemos would need the cooperation of other parties to govern.
The lawmakers, who identify as democratic socialists, unveiled a plan Thursday to cap credit card interest rates at 15%.
Much of their ire is directed at the Socialists, Hungary's biggest left-wing party, who are polling below 15%.
But a shift by Ciudadanos to back Rajoy would pile pressure on the Socialists to cede ground by abstaining.
READ: The GOP is already yelling about socialists Follow along with VICE News as Robert Mueller testifies before Congress.
While the Democratic Socialists of America are pushing for a total takeover, TURN adopts a comparably more conservative approach.
The Catalan conflict seems to have shifted Spanish public opinion to the right, hurting Podemos and becalming the Socialists.
The bland coalition agreement that followed has failed to quell the grass roots opposition, led by the Young Socialists.
Even the newly vibrant American socialist movement is composed almost exclusively of reformist social democrats rather than revolutionary socialists.
Popular Democratic socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders are bringing new life and meaning to the term.
He had become disillusioned with the Bolsheviks, whom he accused of "stealing the honourable title of socialists and democrats".
Her plan is also to deal with Mr Plahotniuc first and then defeat the Socialists at a new election.
The Democrats riposted that the Socialists' leaders were in league with drug smugglers, and would tamper with the results.
A deadly shooting at a California synagogue; Spain's election is a victory for both socialists and far-right voters.
She is also poised to become the second card-carrying member of the Democratic Socialists of America in Congress.
But I was thinking that's the best thing that's ever happened to American socialists, getting attacked by Donald Trump.
If she loses — well, then the DSA will be the socialists who couldn't even win an election in Bushwick.
New Yorkers Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Cynthia Nixon have emerged as popular democratic socialists running the 2018 midterm elections.
The Socialists, the main opposition party, also support it, making it more likely to pass through a fragmented parliament.
Podemos is the most natural political ally for the Socialists but the parties have failed to reach a deal.
And voters are abandoning the two mainstream parties, the Socialists and Republicans, which have dominated French politics for decades.
"And if the Socialists come behind Podemos then they'll have no other choice than to back us," he said.
Scarpetta cited Greece's long-established center-left party PASOK as an example of what could happen to Spain's Socialists.
The Socialists' abstention would be enough to enable a PP-led minority government, but so far they have refused.
His associations were socialists or worse, criminal dissidents who were bent on overthrowing the government of the United States.
The Socialists regained power in 2015 under Prime Minister Antonio Costa, who was a minister in Socrates' first cabinet.
Such a coalition of Podemos, the Socialists, and several small regional parties would yield a small majority in parliament.
The latest opinion poll put the GERB party on 31.7 percent and the Socialists close behind on 29.1 percent.
The ruling Socialists produced the last main candidate for the election, due to take place in April and May.
Spain's Socialists are expected to vote against the government of acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy in a confidence vote.
The far left France Unbowed party was seen winning 13 percent while the Socialists were seen at eight percent.
EU lawmakers from the main groupings, including conservatives and socialists, criticized the EU states' decision to block the list.
That would give the Socialists 113 seats, far short of the 176 needed to secure an outright parliamentary majority.
Surveys indicate the Socialists will win the most votes in the election, but fall short of a parliamentary majority.
In the June 2016 general election, the Socialists won just 22.7 percent compared to 33.0 percent for the conservatives.
Although the Socialists and Ciudadanos are very critical of each other, surveys show that theoretically they could govern together.
The second is the secession-minded region of Catalonia, where the Socialists refuse to back a referendum on independence.
Technically, the notion of a three-way coalition between the Socialists, Ciudadanos and Podemos is not quite dead yet.
With the formerly dominant Socialists and center-right still in meltdown, polls put LREM ahead in the Paris race.
She helps lead Compromís, a local leftist party that allied with the Socialists and others to form the government.
Another likely candidate is opposition leader Henri Falcon, a former state governor who parted with the socialists in 2010.
Utopian socialists such as the leader of Britain's Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, dislike business in any shape or form.
His advisers were confident that a fresh election would see the Socialists bag an extra 20 seats or so.
In a similar survey by Catolica in December 213, the Socialists of Prime Minister Antonio Costa had 34 percent.
The Socialists' main rivals, the Social Democrats, fell to 30 percent and the rightist CDS-PP to 6 percent.
Some analysts have suggested the Socialists might push for a new election if they continue to rise in polls.
During the campaign Pablo Casado, the PP's leader, said that Mr Sánchez should resign if the Socialists lost seats.
The "new socialists" have discovered no new problems, nor put forward any useful new ideas to move America forward.
"If we embrace a far-left agenda, they're going to say we're a bunch of crazy socialists," he said.
In March 1919, he wrote three opinions for the court upholding the convictions of socialists for criticizing the war.
From Black Lives Matter to the second life of Democratic Socialists of America, the left is on the move.
"The Socialists believe that the PP is a very important party in Spanish politics," Sanchez told a news conference.
More recently, however, the Socialists led Spain into financial crisis after the bursting of a construction bubble in 2008.
Volunteers, some of whom are affiliated with the New York City Democratic Socialists of America and canvassed for Rep.
The media are playing along with Mayor Pete's attempt to thread the needle between unrepentant socialists such as Sen.
Now, the Green New Deal—which helped to differentiate the eco-socialists Greens from the Democrats—has been coopted.
Y.), the influential newcomer to Congress and member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), could lend a hand.
On Sunday, he called it "ridiculous" for Republicans to attempt to label him and other Democrats anti-business socialists.
As a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, she was on the receiving end of Murdoch-media hysteria.
Democrats, let's stop worrying about the Republicans calling us socialists; they are going to do that no matter what.
The Socialists agreed on Saturday to hold an internal primary leadership election May 8 and final election May 22.
This time, the mainstream conservatives and Socialists also quickly urged their supporters to vote to block Marine Le Pen.
Democratic Socialists of America had its own canvassers on the ground, supporting Carter and city council races in Charlottesville.
In total, 19 candidates backed by Our Revolution won seats; so did 15 members of Democratic Socialists of America.
A pollster argued Tuesday that midterm candidates labeling themselves as "socialists" could undermine their chances of success in November.
The Black Socialists of America (BSA), a coalition of "anticapitalist, internationalist Black Americans," just launched its Dual Power Map.
For most of the past century, socialists have been well ahead of most liberals in opposing racism and sexism.
Balaclava Küche, for example, is a vegan cooking channel on YouTube presented by balaclava-clad national socialists from Hanover.
Sanders chose to identify his "democratic socialism" not with any historical socialists, but with a liberal opponent of socialism.
The far-right Jobbik party finished in second place, with 26 seats, while the Socialists were third, with 20.
The Socialists, anti-austerity alliance Unidos Podemos, and regional parties from the Basque Country and Catalonia voted against him.
Austin Kendall was one of the DC Democratic Socialists of America members who gathered to jeer Nielsen on Tuesday.
The dark blue wave ... Democratic Socialists of America, which endorsed Ocasio-Cortez, is a growing force within the party.
He took ideas from the socialists at the time, borrowing from Eugene Debs, who was also in the race.
The Socialists, led by Chancellor Christian Kern, 51, finished third with 26.7 percent of the vote, preliminary results showed.
He shares the conviction of Gilded Age socialists that values, not economic laws, determine the contours of American society.
Margarita Robles, the parliamentary spokeswoman for the Socialists, said that Spain's problems should be handled by its own lawmakers.
For decades, Spain's Socialists and the conservative People's Party (PP) were able to govern alternately with stable national majorities.
Lawmakers from members of three national parties - the People's Party, the Socialists and Ciudadanos - walked out before the vote.
Ross argues that today's workers face different circumstances than past labor movements, which makes the new socialists' task harder.
Socialists, libertarians, liberals and conservatives alike have vied to remake him in their own image and claim his authority.
His Socialists are expected to take only about 15 percent of the votes, according to the latest opinion polls.
Bernie and JC are both old (democratic) socialists who've spent their lives as political outsiders inside the political system.
If Benton and his fellow postwar executives returned with the same ideas today, they would be branded as socialists.
In state legislatures across the country, about a dozen newly elected socialists are also just embarking on their terms.
Socialists embraced the radical idea that a woman is more than a mother, though she may be that, too.
One might get the impression from "American Messiahs" that this spiritual stew has appealed only to feminists and socialists.
And they lump the news media together with Democrats, using Mr. Trump's language to describe them: evil, socialists, dangerous.
Another poll, the first by Intercampus for the Negocios newspaper, put the Socialists at 83% ahead of this election.
LISBON (Reuters) - Portugal's ruling Socialists have extended their big lead in an opinion poll five weeks before an Oct.
In the years that followed, May Day became an occasion for protesting the arrests of socialists, anarchists and unionists.
Paul Robeson, the globally famous singer, actor, and left-wing activist had several friends — fellow socialists — in Local 10.
In France, where socialists tried to stick to principle, they face electoral oblivion, while the nationalist right remains strong.
Postwar Italy was dominated by the Christian Democrats and, to a lesser extent, the Socialists until the mid-1990s.
Her name was Katie Keel and she was a cochair of the local chapter of Democratic Socialists of America.
Socialists are notoriously and regrettably quarrelsome, however, and I can't help taking exception to Sunkara's chapter on the Bolsheviks.
LISBON (Reuters) - Portugal's ruling Socialists won Sunday's parliamentary election without an outright majority, official results showed early on Monday.
With most votes counted, the Socialists led by a wide margin with 106 seats, 20 more than in 2015.
Vilifying the rich without providing context allows Republicans to paint all activists as socialists, which is not the case.
The Fédération des Québécois de Souche says its members include people with different political beliefs, including socialists and libertarians.
He eventually renewed his coalition with the Socialists and retained largely the same team, including Finance Minister Dusan Vujovic.
Socialists have always been the ones who dare to ask questions about power: who has it and who doesn't.
That worked out fine until someone in the audience accused the League of Women Voters of being socialists, too.
In a few short years socialists have gone from political and intellectual irrelevance to sketching out plans for government.
Chile has been governed by left-leaning presidents, two of them socialists, for 23 of the past 21625 years.
Members of the local Democratic Socialists of America chapter protested outside of Amazon's D.C. headquarters on New Jersey Ave.
The working-class voters of Pas-de-Calais have long supported France's Socialists along with the French Communist Party.
The Socialists are front runners for the election but will not win enough seats to govern on their own.
And through it all, President Trump sniped from the sidelines, demonizing the party and its 2020 contenders as socialists.
The far-right Vox party opposes Franco's reburial, while others argue the ruling Socialists should let the past lie.
Canon has already grabbed endorsements from multiple Democratic Socialists of America chapters and unions like the Teamsters Local 89.
Even if the Socialists and Podemos reconcile their differences, they will need the cooperation of other parties to govern.
She's also a dues-paying member of the Democratic Socialists of America and is widely favored to win in November.
"There's only one path: resign," leader of the Socialists Pedro Sanchez said at a news conference after Rajoy left court.
It's called the Party of European Socialists, and it groups together the main center-left parties from every European country.
Some rallied in support of Segin and contributed donations to help her with her legal defense, according to Philly Socialists.
The Socialists remain deeply split over their planned abstention vote, which a majority of their senior members approved on Sunday.
Her own centre-right block, the liberals, the socialists and the greens together hold 518 of the parliament's 751 seats.
In a parliament session convened on Saturday, Sandu and the Socialists also signed a declaration calling Moldova a "captured state".
The Socialists, founded in 1879, are pragmatic social democrats; Podemos, an upstart founded in 2014, encompasses several versions of communism.
The Socialists came to power in 2015 and rely on the Communists and Left Bloc for a majority in parliament.
Regardless of who is at the top of the Democratic ticket, Trump will call them far left socialists and abortionists.
The Socialists, the second largest force in parliament, are deeply divided over the party's decision to allow Rajoy to govern.
Right away, the Democratic Socialists of America might run its own candidates and pick up a few here and there.
Perhaps the surest sign that American socialists are not revolutionaries is their willingness to work within the two-party system.
Rather than repeal Mr Rajoy's labour reform, as some Socialists want, Mr Sánchez should curb the abuse of temporary contracts.
The Socialists' Sanchez, whose party came second in the election, has said he would prefer a coalition of the left.
Mr Hollande, whose popularity has sunk to 4% in one poll, looks unlikely to secure a place for the Socialists.

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