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121 Sentences With "sneered at"

How to use sneered at in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sneered at" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sneered at". Mastering all the usages of "sneered at" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They sneered at me and Charlie, and they sat down.
"Identity politics" are sneered at by those on the right.
Some praised the update, while others sneered at the $0003,500 price.
In the 1990s, they sneered at RINOs, Republicans in Name Only.
At the same time, its artificiality sneered at '60s rock sincerity.
"Rabbits," another man sneered at the sight of a pregnant woman.
" The Post sneered at "the jaw-dropping imbecility of this idea.
Israelis initially sneered at Netanyahu's ambitions, and polls put him 20% behind.
He has long sneered at concerns about the Amazon rainforest from other countries.
I had always sneered at the victims for trusting strangers on the phone.
Then the younger one looked around and sneered at the crowd, and Gavin froze.
"Ted Cruz sneered at our New York values," a narrator says in the ad.
Ms. Etchingham also poured Hendrix cups of tea, a beverage he sneered at initially.
"We can see that you do look at fake news," Richardson sneered at Rep.
That they have smiled at us in public and sneered at us in private.
But unlike Rooney, Beckham was never sneered at for his fame and his fortune.
I sneered at the sight of a house cat; a baby made me shrug.
" A year later, in "Opera and Drama," he sneered at Meyerbeer's "effects without causes.
When the doors opened the snooty American audience sneered at the delegation's plain earthenware jars.
Usually, any depiction of homosexuality in Bollywood films veers towards comedy or is sneered at.
Similarly, 5 years ago, American technologists sneered at China's Baidu and its new search engine.
I've sneered at the bromides of self-help for as long as I've known them.
As the soldiers started working together, an enlisted engineer sneered at the ordnance disposal team.
Conversely, Parker embraced the rituals that Johnson sneered at, as if he were programmed to please.
Angie, an "original Jersey Girl," sneered at California as just "a bunch of liberals," he said.
He sneered at a nearby restaurant called Sugar Hill Cafe, saying the name made him sick.
Books of The Times We no-nonsense Americans have long sneered at fussy Old World etiquette.
She condescended to sit down with her enemies, and sneered at Daenerys for keeping them all waiting.
Outside the cities, people feel as if they are sneered at by greedy, self-serving urban sophisticates.
He has sneered at the multilateral trading system, which he sees as a bad deal for America.
Germany's neighbours, from Hungary and Poland to Switzerland and Denmark, have sneered at Mrs Merkel's "welcome culture".
The big picture: Five years ago, American technologists sneered at China's Baidu and its new search engine.
They bickered, one over the other, raised their eyebrows and smirked and sneered at each other's jibes.
We all looked down on the Adam West version of Batman and sneered at the Joel Schumacher films.
Amherst townsfolk dismissed the poet's life as small and pointless, and Dickinson softly sneered at all of them.
So, while Stanley sneered at authority and sauntered about town going to magazine parties, Gil lived in dread.
But for others, the influences of drag on mainstream makeup are something to be celebrated rather than sneered at.
And in their application to the N.F.L. to relocate to Inglewood, the Rams sneered at the St. Louis proposal.
A man who strong-armed votes might be feared as a fixer; she was sneered at as a freak.
And our petulant president on Wednesday sneered at the Republicans who refused to embrace his dark vision and lost.
" A male astronaut sneered at the idea and said that it had been "men who landed on the moon.
"Romance is sneered at because it is written by women, for women, about women," one author explains to the camera.
Although their money was welcome, the Yankee arrivistes were sneered at for their perceived lack of taste and ostentatious ways.
He sneered at President Obama's work ethic — among many other things — but Trump's own work ethic has been found severely wanting.
It reminded me of the Wisconsin and Pennsylvania rallies where the people loved Trump, while the local elites sneered at him.
WM: Even he would have been, you know, kind of sneered at a little, but he might have pulled it off.
For the record, I — an open lesbian for years at that point — loved Dylan, and sneered at friends who were pro-Brandon.
I sneered at their failed features like 3D, their gimmicky touches like curved screens, and their marketing jargon-de-jour, like SUHD.
"Careful what you wish for!" said the president, as the officers behind him stuck out their tongues or sneered at the camera.
The Clintons, infuriated by the raft of Democrats who deserted them during the 2008 campaign, sneered at Obama's hope and change message.
I had to watch Cosby make jokes and attempt to degrade and diminish me, while his lawyers belittled and sneered at me.
On a lesser show, Pera's character would be treated like a punchline: an oafish, painfully Midwestern rube whose wholesomeness is sneered at.
At one point a bus driver sneered at me and my colleagues when he heard us speaking Arabic without the local accent.
I had to watch Cosby make jokes and attempt to degrade and diminish me, while his lawyers belittled and sneered at me.
So often in sports, trans women who win against cis women are sneered at and accused of having an unfair physical advantage.
I sneered at their failed features like 3-D, their gimmicky touches like curved screens, and their marketing jargon-de-jour, like SUHD.
We pleaded with Trump and Clinton primary supporters to choose someone better; both sides sneered at us, insulted us, and dismissed our concerns.
As a lifelong tall and slim person, I am one of those who stared and sneered at the obese whenever I saw them.
Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm sneered at Martin Luther King's strategy of nonviolence, supported segregation and declared that the white man was the Devil.
There was the Australian property developer who famously sneered at millennials for buying avocado toast and coffee instead of saving for a house.
The microwave explanation persisted for a while, says Lorimer, as skeptics sneered at the notion of finding a burst that was observed only once.
Throwback '85033s Since the 1960s, we've largely been living through a Rousseauian moment where less is more, and progress and success were sneered at.
While the president promised to keep America safe, strong and proud, the Democrats in attendance pouted and sneered at his vision of American greatness.
Alaska belonged to Russia until 1867, when America bought it—foolishly, as many in Washington, DC, sneered at the time—for a mere $7.2m.
" The newspaper couldn't refrain from invoking it as well in January 2016 when Senator Ted Cruz sneered at what he called "New York values.
Elites, who lived in isolated islands of economic opportunity and sneered at people who didn't — for not having a passport, for liking Donald Trump.
"I'm going to shove my foot so far up your butt that you will be pooping toes for a week," McIntyre sneered at the audience.
The former Disney star also gave us major Sonny With a Chance vibes as she sneered at Sara's stepdad Gary and his fish stick jingles.
Trump, billionaire Manhattanite though he may be, has long used the idea that he is sneered at by a snobbish elite to his own advantage.
After all, he is an orange-haired buffoon who became famous in the 1980s and remains popular despite being sneered at by the elite media.
When 15 women come forward to say Congresswoman Katie Hill sexually assaulted them, belittled them, and sneered at their honor, THEN I will pay attention. pic.twitter.
Mr Trump entered office as an outsider who sneered at Washington; Mr Bolton has spent his career ping-ponging between Republican administrations and conservative think-tanks.
Then he sneered at Greta Thunberg, the young climate activist, suggesting that she go study economics before calling for an end to investment in fossil fuels.
Brafman sneered at Fred Hassan's claim of not having personally invested in Retrophin despite the fact that Hassan's family hedge fund had invested in the company.
It sneered at gentrification — embodied by Taye Diggs's sellout landlord, Benny — and trumpeted the virtues of living your artistic truth, no matter how grimy things got.
For Chicago, who has spent almost 40 years watching her creation be, alternately, reviled, praised, sneered at, ignored and celebrated, the work's triumph is a relief.
But otherwise this is a style that's become unfashionable, something comedy nerds sneered at; "laugh track" is shorthand for not merely unfunny but also worthy of scorn.
His gleeful celebration of gay sex took on darker themes during the AIDS crisis, while the art establishment sneered at both the cartoon form and his subject matter.
Indeed, Bee's approach to the current state of the GOP harks back to when Bill Maher's Real Time openly sneered at George W. Bush without apology in 2003.
They may be sneered at at Davos if they back Trump but they may have to slightly subsidize a poor person's health care if they back the Democrat.
" In Film Journal, David Noah sneered at Babbit's directorial choices: "But I'm a Cheerleader is a candy-coated, completely negligible bit of fluff that plays like emasculated John Waters.
On social media, critics of Mr. Trump have sneered at the name and some have suggested sticking to Nafta or amending it with a "2.0" to spite the president.
HOUSTON, A DRIVE-THRU megalopolis of nearly 22015m people, is sometimes sneered at by residents of other big cities for being flat (true), hot (also true) and ugly (somewhat true).
Justice Alito sneered at the research, too, suggesting that one paper by a "young researcher" is hardly an adequate basis for the justices to meddle in elections across the country.
And it has pushed aggressively into wooing corporate customers for its cloud computing business, putting it into the kind of lucrative but boring business that early Googlers once sneered at.
I sat with a crowd of his Black female fans who hissed and sneered at the mention of Karrueche or Rihanna, who both suffered abuse at his hands when they dated Brown.
I have noticed among some consumers a tendency to dismiss Montalcino wines in general as somehow not being authentic enough, much in the same way that many have sneered at Bordeaux. Please.
Mr. Bercow, meanwhile, sneered at Mr. Cameron for his privileged background, remarking that "Eton, hunting, shooting and lunch at White's," an exclusive St. James's gentleman's club, did not qualify him to lead.
The dwindling down of Buddhism into another life-style choice will doubtless irritate many, and Wright will likely be sneered at for reducing Buddhism to another bourgeois amenity, like yoga or green juice.
The media sneered at him, his party ridiculed him, his social standing was put at risk, and (most important to Churchill) he was in danger of being on the wrong side of history.
"Kissinger joked about the massacre of Bengali Hindus, and, his voice dripping with contempt, sneered at Americans who 'bleed' for 'the dying Bengalis," Princeton professor Gary Bass writes in a Politico Magazine piece.
When I die myself, B.D. and Dundun, the angels of the God I sneered at, will come to tally up my victims and tell me how many people I killed with my blood. ♦
The handmade pink "pussyhats" that many marchers wore — a reference to Donald Trump's caught-on-tape boasts about grabbing unsuspecting women by the genitals — had been sneered at in the days before the march.
Never mind the fact that during the civil rights era, 60 percent of Americans sneered at the March on Washington, where King gave his most famous speech, now taught in America's classrooms every January.
A gun charge stemming from a traffic stop and a plea deal to sidestep a mandatory minimum seemed like the sort of petty invasions of freedom that he would have sneered at in his teen years.
" On Friday morning in their chilly Washington studio, over a standard-issue cable news glass table, hosts and guests denounced blind support for female candidates as "lady boss yass queen feminism" and sneered at "woke tokenism.
It's not the Invincibles, but in retrospect, those times the world sneered at the "fourth place is like a trophy" sound bites and the teams which prompted them are some of the most memorable of his tenure.
" Trump insinuated that Cruz's Canadian birth made him ineligible for the job Cruz has wanted his entire life, and hinted he'd go after Heidi Cruz; Cruz called Trump a pathological liar and sneered at his "New York values.
My friends and I made our appearance at the opening, drank some of the cheap beer, sneered at the artwork, and walked around feeling superior to the rest of the visitors, who undoubtedly were doing the exact same thing.
There's the showmanship that they deride as self-indulgence; there are the absurd lyrics, all packed with Californiaisms, that are cast off as cringeworthy; there are the air-kicking, pogo-jumping kinetics that are sneered at and deemed needless.
Even after "Parasite​"​ won the prestigious Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in May, a first for a South Korean movie, many conservative politicians sneered at Mr. Bong, calling his latest film a "commie flick" not worth watching.
Though the élite that gets sneered at, by Trumpites and neo-Marxists alike, is composed of philosophers and professors and journalists, the actual élite of modern societies is composed of engineers, mechanics, and artisans—masters of reality, not big thinkers.
Fascinatingly, this seems to be motivating a certain kind of young man — the same kind who, prior to Peterson's tutelage, might have sneered at the idea of cleaning as "women's work" — to make his bed, vacuum his carpet, and do his laundry.
The certainties of racial superiority and a right to rule justified by a higher civilization floundered and seemed to drown in the years following, as liberals and leftists and a new generation of young radicals repudiated and sneered at their imperialist elders.
The Wall Street Journal editorial board echoed them last week in writing that Texas, once again, is "being sneered at by coastal elites" who now say the city needs more regulation (and warrants some introspection in the wake of the storm's devastation).
Some note, for example, that State Department spokeswoman and acting under-secretary of State Heather Nauert is generally seen as having acquitted herself well — despite some harsh coverage when she was first appointed that sneered at her history as a Fox News anchor.
When the cast of "Morning Joe" pointed out that Ms. Conway's recent appearances on news shows proved her a useless source of information, when they sneered at Ms. Conway's apparent White House ostracization, it was difficult to not feel stirrings of sympathy.
But by far his biggest liability, aides and advisers concede, was a pedigree he could do nothing to erase or dilute: He was a Bush through and through, at a time when voters sneered at the political and economic establishment that his family name embodied.
Building on support from the more conservative members who saw in him qualities of Ronald Reagan (others sneered at his talent for self promotion), Mr. Pence decided to challenge John A. Boehner for the position of minority leader after Republicans lost the House in 2006.
Whether out of shortsightedness or strategic malice, some of our religious leaders have directly fostered an atmosphere where thorough research is sneered at, the scientific method is doubted and the motivations of professionals are assumed to be nefarious and steeped in anti-religious animus.
In the first set, he threw a tantrum, and, in behavior reminiscent of a toddler having a meltdown, Medvedev violently snatched a towel from a ball person and then sneered at the chair umpire Damien Dumusois after he was reprimanded with a code violation.
"Well Neil, I'm glad we're focusing on the important topics this evening," Cruz sneered at moderator Neil Cavuto, before deftly turning the tables, suggesting that real birthers would have a problem with Trump and any other 2016 candidates with a parent who wasn't born in the United States.
Suh and Zweiman also chose to make their symbol something pink and feminine and fashion-oriented as part of a larger, deliberate statement: In designing the pussyhat to be a handknit item, they were taking the oft-sneered-at "woman's art" of crafting and fashion and making it political.
When London was under the Blitzkrieg, everybody in America sort of sneered at the notion of indiscriminate bombing of civilians and everything like that, but what the US and the British learned as the wars went on was that we supposedly needed to do the same things to win the war.
It was easier to think of that than to think of the alternative: Lulu, cuffed into a van and taken away by four men who sneered at her for being unmarried and living with her boyfriend, for trying to stir up trouble, for spreading rumors—a crime punishable by seven years' imprisonment.
But I do feel that there is a sea of criticism for any of us who try and legislate in new areas, who will automatically be sneered at and laughed at for not getting it right," she reportedly said, adding: "I don't need to understand how encryption works to understand how it's helping the criminals.
With the charismatic and controversial Bill O'Reilly as its public face and Ailes as the strategic mastermind behind the scenes, Fox News Channel built its appeal on the idea that the mainstream media was full of East Coast elitists and liberals who not only ignored the concerns of the everyman but sneered at them.
They serve notice that superhero/fantasy movies -- Hollywood's most profitable genre -- can no longer be sneered at or dismissed, and that Netflix and other alternative delivery systems now have a significant seat at the table, in the same way the service pushed, prodded and bought its way to the top of the Emmy heap.
That recognition is the result of a life in the spotlight, if often in the shadow of her father, whose cronies once sneered at the young upstart, a wealthy heiress with a fondness for Champagne and parties — until she took leadership of the party from him in 2011 and cast him out in 2015.
In the past, the simplest and cleanest way to cut through and ultimately co-opt this shaky coalition would be to place a broad, moral filter over it — the Native Americans, compelled by religion and solidarity, can be held in patronizing, lobotomized regard and the misguided veterans and young, feckless activists can be sneered at and dismissed.
It energized those who believed in progressive policy and the fundamental overhaul of our government's structures, and her supporters saw her as the only one who stood a chance of getting change done rather than the choices we have now: a man who has promised a mountain of appealing progressive change but who many doubt has the ability to follow through on those promises, and a man who has sneered at large-scale proposals for progressive change.

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