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"sleep disorder" Definitions
  1. a medical problem that prevents a person from sleeping normally

124 Sentences With "sleep disorder"

How to use sleep disorder in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sleep disorder" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sleep disorder". Mastering all the usages of "sleep disorder" from sentence examples published by news publications.

My mom has a sleep disorder, she basically doesn't sleep.
Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder with overwhelming daytime drowsiness and sudden attacks of sleep, while obstructive sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder that can cause breathing to repeatedly stop and start.
Less than 1% of those had been diagnosed with a sleep disorder.
Pitolisant is licensed in Europe to treat narcolepsy, a neurological sleep disorder.
Corinne, who may or may not have a sleep disorder, is snoring blissfully.
So I got in touch with Andreas Prasadja, Indonesia's only sleep disorder specialist.
And since then I've been diagnosed with a sleep disorder and successfully treated.
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which breathing stops periodically during sleep.
"For a long time I thought I had a severe sleep disorder," she said.
It could be a sign of a bigger issue, such as a sleep disorder.
And see your doctor if you think a sleep disorder might be interfering with slumber.
Later, he slept more than two hours at a time, despite having a sleep disorder.
Sleep researchers have long known about "first-night effect," and consider it a temporary sleep disorder.
By treating the underlying sleep disorder, the doctors were able to cure ten of the 11.
Why You Should Learn To Love SnugglingDo You Have A Sleep Disorder Or Are You Just Tired
More than a third of firefighters screened positive for a sleep disorder, particularly obstructive sleep apnea or insomnia.
Millions of people have sleep apnea, a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts.
Another potential weakness is that other factors, like the presence of a sleep disorder, could contribute to crash risk.
Years later, after he read that these were standard manifestations of hypnagogic sleep disorder, the symptoms began to abate.
The incident was just the latest example of an untreated sleep disorder being a factor in a fatal crash.
In these kinds of cases, a doctor or researcher typically testifies, explaining the involuntary nature of the sleep disorder.
But Patke also stresses that even without a CRY1 mutation it is possible to have a sleep disorder, including DSPD.
The list of "complaints" on his chart grew longer after each visit: noisy breathing, sleep disorder breathing, chronic bronchitis, asthma.
All this measuring, rating, tracking, and comparing now amounts to a new sleep disorder that some scientists are calling orthosomnia.
People with the sleep disorder have unusually vivid dreams and high dream recall, which may explain the error in their memories.
The Sleep Shepherd headband, invented by a professor whose daughter had a sleep disorder, monitors brain waves while the wearer sleeps.
Born with a sleep disorder, Ms. Gefter would wake when the sun set and go to bed when the sun rose.
Born with a sleep disorder, Ms. Gefter would wake when the sun set and go to bed when the sun rose.
To that same point, if you're someone who has a sleep disorder like insomnia, then exercise might not be the magic solution.
It is unclear why Chao, an orthopedic surgeon, felt he was qualified to diagnose a sleep disorder and prescribe medication for it.
Or maybe you have an illness or sleep disorder that an employer can accommodate while you work to manage your health issues.
If those suffering from a particular sleep disorder are having trouble falling asleep, the medicine could activate the BK channels as needed.
And a vaccine used in some European countries against H1N1 flu in 2009 caused some people to develop the sleep disorder narcolepsy.
Kleine-Levin was a rare sleep disorder that primarily affected male teenagers, causing periods of hypersomnolence that can go on for weeks.
The NTSB said New Jersey Transit failed "to follow internal guidance and refer at-risk safety sensitive personnel" for sleep disorder screening.
If you're feeling tired or having disrupted sleep, find out if you have a sleep disorder and treat it if you do.
She fits the bill, however, and thinks she may yet have a sleep disorder that one day will be linked to specific genes.
It elevates insomnia to see it as more than just a sleep disorder in need of a cure, or a state of lack.
Narcolepsy is a neurological sleep disorder that messes up the sleep cycle, causing people with the condition to be extremely sleepy during waking hours.
Ms. Kirkland said she tried to explain that her granddaughter had sleep apnea, a sleep disorder, and that they were working to resolve it.
A number of the ads, like Nuedexta's, promote medication for unusual conditions, such as a sleep disorder that affects only people who are blind.
In 2014, the NTSB said the driver of a train that derailed in New York City the previous year had an undiagnosed sleep disorder.
Cheryl claims Antonio has struggled with prescription drugs ... specifically benzodiazepines -- a class of drugs that includes muscle relaxers, anti-anxiety meds and sleep disorder meds.
The engineer of a New Jersey Transit train that crashed into Hoboken Terminal in September had an undiagnosed sleep disorder, his lawyer said on Wednesday.
Tiger Woods released a statement on Twitter announcing that he is receiving "professional help" to deal with his pain medications, back pain, and sleep disorder.
Per Mehra, repeated snooze-hitting could be a sign that a person isn't getting ample sleep, or that they could have an underlying sleep disorder.
They were matched with the same number of women with the identical ethnic, health and behavioral characteristics, but who did not have a sleep disorder.
I'm not sure if I've inherited his sleep disorder, though, or if I'm just a local snorer—someone whose snoring is unrelated to any one condition.
Sleepiness and a sleep deficit were associated with an increased risk of burnout, exhaustion, depersonalization and low personal accomplishment, even among those without a sleep disorder.
But officials immediately drew comparisons to a similar crash in Hoboken, New Jersey, in September that involved a driver who apparently suffered from a sleep disorder.
Other common triggers for people are job stress, changing jobs, relationship problems—or changes—marriage or divorce, anxiety, sleep deprivation, another sleep disorder like sleep apnea.
"For a long time I thought I had a severe sleep disorder," continues Carey, now back in the studio working on an album due later this year.
Although experiencing it is generally harmless, this sleep disorder could cause anxiety and even indicate that the sufferer has depression, sleep apnea, hypertension, and other anxiety disorders.
Ms. Kirkland said she tried to explain to Officer Turner that her granddaughter had sleep apnea, a sleep disorder, and that they were working to resolve it.
Woods said in a statement last month that he was receiving professional help to manage his medications and how he deals with pain and a sleep disorder.
The company announced plans of investing up to A$21 million ($15.14 million)in Israeli-Belgium co Nyxoah S.A, which specilaizes in providing treatment for sleep disorder.
I believe that this had a traumatic effect on Mr. Paddock which started to cause him to have low self-esteem, depression, a sleep disorder, and internalized anger.
And the pasta maker sponsored a sleep "awareness" day run a few months prior by another author, Liborio Parrino, a sleep disorder specialist at the University of Parma.
"I'm currently receiving professional help to manage my medications and the ways that I deal with back pain and a sleep disorder," he posted on Twitter on Monday.
"We saw just how many parents and children were suffering from this very common sleep disorder and we wanted to design a safe and simple solution," Boriah said.
"For a long time I thought I had a severe sleep disorder," says Carey, who's now back in the studio working on an album due later this year.
I have a sleep disorder similar to narcolepsy that one of my medications helps mitigate, but even with treatment I tend to run out of steam relatively early.
The NTSB said the sleep disorder caused engineer fatigue and that in both accidents, engineers failed to stop their trains before reaching the end of a terminating track.
"I'm currently receiving professional help to manage my medications and the ways that I deal with back pain and a sleep disorder," he said in a statement on Twitter.
That could be a specific sleep disorder (such as narcolepsy or idiopathic hypersomnia), a medical condition (such as sleep apnea), or a medication (such as antihistamines or beta-blockers).
" Why spending more time with family and friends could help you sleep better "Insomnia is a sleep disorder," Lichstein writes, "but it may also be a cognitive appraisal disorder.
The safety agency cited both the absence of a preventative safety system to stop the crash, in addition to the FRA's failure to order sleep disorder testing, as causes.
Kirkland told WKMG that she mentioned to Turner that her granddaughter has a sleep disorder, potentially leading to emotional issues due to lack of rest, but he was unsympathetic.
If you still are having trouble, though, don't hesitate to reach out to a doctor, who can help you figure out if you have a sleep disorder, Dr. Hershner said.
Lauren Flygare, who founded the sleep disorder non-profit Project Sleep, has blogged about being met with a barrage of unhelpful suggestions when opening up to others about her condition.
In 2014, it said the driver of a train that derailed in New York City, killing four passengers, had an undiagnosed sleep disorder at the time of the 2013 accident.
The observational study, in Obstetrics & Gynecology, included 2,172 women with a sleep disorder who gave birth between 2007 and 2012 to single children after 22 to 44 weeks of gestation.
Obesity increases the risk of both sleep apnea and diabetes, said Paul E. Peppard, a sleep disorder researcher at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison.
"Sexsomnia is a legitimate sleep disorder for which case law now exists to support its use in legal defenses based on automatism," concludes a 2015 medico-legal study of the disorder.
Tiger Woods has checked into a clinic to get help dealing with prescription medication for pain and a sleep disorder, and his agent is not sure how long he will stay.
He said that he had to learn how to "manage my medications and the ways that I deal with back pain and a sleep disorder," and entered an in-patient rehab treatment.
And even though naps can be delicious, if you feel like you have to take a nap every day, that could be a sign that you have a sleep disorder, she says.
The doctor may refer the patient to a sleep specialist, who will probably advise an overnight sleeping test, called a polysomnography, at a sleep disorder center or a take-home sleep test.
"People who are concerned with their sleep or believe they may have a sleep disorder should seek the help of a sleep physician or sleep psychologist to discuss treatment options," Kalmbach said.
Sleepwalking isn't necessarily considered a sleep disorder, unless it occurs repeatedly, includes amnesia (that is they have no memory of sleepwalking or what they did while sleepwalking), and causes distress or impairment.
His lawyer later said that Mr. Gallagher had an undiagnosed sleep disorder and discovered after the crash that he had severe sleep apnea, which disrupts sleep and may cause excessive daytime sleepiness.
"I'm currently receiving professional help to manage my medications and the ways that I deal with back pain and a sleep disorder," the professional golfer, 41, said in a statement Monday on Twitter.
In a press release accompanying the study, Dr. Christian Guilleminault said that "what your state of mind is will color the presentation" of the sleep disorder, but the main problem is still sleep.
As part of a recent update, the mat now also monitors breathing disturbances to help identify signs of sleep apnea — a sleep disorder where your breathing stops and starts repeatedly throughout the night.
People who are generally sleep-deprived or have a sleep disorder like sleep apnea that disrupts their nighttime sleep may have an easier time sleeping on planes simply because they're more tired, Nowakowski says.
If a woman or a man is under treatment for a sleep disorder, they should be sure to question their doctors about the potential impact of the disorder on their sex drive and function.
" And even if algorithms help get a proxy measure of airflow based on heart rate, Stepnowsky says, those algorithmically-divined measurements might not be compatible with how the sleep disorder industry currently scores "breathing events.
Researchers looked at the "records of almost three million births that took place in California between 2007 and 2012" and found 2,300 records of women diagnosed with a sleep disorder like insomnia or sleep apnea.
Simply thinking you have insomnia might cause health problems Thinking you have a sleep problem -- even if you don't -- may be just as bad for your overall well-being as actually having a sleep disorder.
The lead author, Kimberly Babson, PhD, of the Department of Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD, said that this information would be a useful reference for identifying patients at high risk for a sleep disorder.
A 22020-year-old woman with a history of sleep disorder spent two weeks in a chamber with no clocks, no windows, television or internet — effectively nothing to let her know how much time had passed.
Thinking you have a sleep problem -- even if you don't -- may be just as bad for your overall well-being as actually having a sleep disorder, a new review published in Behaviour Research and Therapy suggests.
You could also just aim to sleep only an hour later than usual, which shouldn't throw you off too much, says Dawn Dore-Stites, assistant professor at the Pediatrics and Sleep Disorder Center at Michigan Medicine.
"When someone struggles with a sleep disorder, they can be chronically tired, and that can influence all sorts of real-world outcomes, including their risk for unintentional injury, or accidents," Schwebel told Reuters Health by email.
NTSB experts found that both accidents involved engineers who failed to control their trains, both trains overran the end of the track, and both engineers had issues with a sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea.
"One of the big dangers we face is people will play around with all these gadgets thinking they can fix serious sleep disorders or to find out whether they have a sleep disorder," he told CNBC.
In the study of more than 22,22016 women, researchers did home-based sleep studies twice during pregnancy to check for what's known as apnea, a potentially serious sleep disorder that involves repeated stops and starts in breathing.
Nonetheless, the perception of sexsomnia is complicated by the reality of sexual assault, as well as various criminal cases in the US and Canada, where defendants accused of sexual offenses have claimed the sleep disorder as a defense.
Among patients of the Veterans Health Administration, the healthcare arm of the Department of Veterans Affairs, in 2015, 1,21,2000 veterans—over 25 percent—had a sleep disorder diagnosis in the past two years, according to a VA representative.
Fitbit, the digital health company whose wristbands have become synonymous with the whole activity-tracking movement, is trying to bring its health monitoring game to the next level — by focusing on a sleep disorder that affects millions of Americans.
"Recently, I had been trying on my own to treat my back pain and a sleep disorder, including insomnia, but I realize now it was a mistake to do this without medical assistance," Woods said in a statement Monday.
The reality star, 26, opened up about managing the chronic sleep disorder — which causes constant drowsiness during the day and people with the condition will suddenly fall asleep at times — after a fan asked her about it on Instagram.
If you've tried pretty much every natural sleep aid out there, yet still end up wide awake when "bedtime" rolls around, attempting to fall asleep can be a miserable experience (especially if you suffer from insomnia or another sleep disorder).
BRUSSELS, July 17 (Reuters) - EU antitrust regulators charged Israeli drugmaker Teva on Monday with doing an illegal deal with Cephalon to delay selling a cheaper generic version of the latter's sleep disorder drug, putting it at risk of a fine.
If, after 7 to 8 hours, you still find you need to snooze repeatedly, she recommends consulting a physician to make sure you don't have an undiagnosed sleep disorder that could be contributing to the need to hit the snooze.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Cephalon has reached a $125 million settlement with 48 states in connection with its alleged efforts to delay generic versions of its blockbuster sleep disorder drug Provigil from entering the market, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said on Thursday.
"To me, power is not just about lights or entertainment, it's a matter of life and death," said Burai, 40, who suffers from a severe sleep disorder that affects his breathing and has to be hooked up to an oxygen ventilator at night.
Sleep quantity when working these shifts was the primary driver of the association between burnout and having a sleep disorder or mental health condition, the researchers calculated, and was more important than getting more sleep following an overnight shift or during days off.
In a sneak peek at Sunday's episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kendall, 20, opens up about her recent experiences with the sleep disorder, in which one experiences a temporary inability to move or speak while falling asleep or upon waking.
Both sleep disorder specialists are keen to emphasize to individuals experiencing sleep sex that it is often a clinical condition, and that professional assessment and treatment of sleep apnea, other parasomnias, or conditions such as epilepsy may assist with reducing occurrences of sexsomnia.
"Generally it is more common to have night terror incidents away from home, 'waking' from deep sleep and finding the surroundings unfamiliar," says Kimberly Trotter, a registered sleep technologist and co-founder of the University of California San Francisco's Sleep Disorder Center.
Those million-plus diagnosed sleep disorder cases, to say nothing of undiagnosed cases, are all different; various external factors like back and other muscular, skeletal, and neurological issues, plus prescription drug histories, bring unique forces and circumstances to bear on combat-related sleep disturbances.
More than a dozen efforts are underway, including a new sensor with the medical-device maker Dexcom to track blood sugar for people with type 2 diabetes, and a technology project with ResMed to help diagnose people with a sleep disorder called sleep apnea.
While Orexin-A, an agonist, works by binding to receptors in the brain, Belsomra is an antagonist drug: it blocks molecules from binding at those receptors, and can be used to treat symptoms of insomnia, a sleep disorder that can be called the opposite of narcolepsy.
A new coin-sized device developed at Imperial College now makes it possible for patients to accurately monitor their breathing and cardiac activity overnight at home to detect sleep apnea, a devastating sleep disorder estimated to cost the U.S. economy as much as $165 billion annually.
India's largest drugmaker by market capitalisation made a provision of 12.14 billion rupee ($167 million) for estimated settlements with remaining plaintiffs in U.S. antitrust litigation related to its sleep disorder drug Modafinil, leaving it with a 2.19 billion rupee loss in the three months to Sept.
Mr. Birbiglia — who came to national attention with the stage and film versions of "Sleepwalk With Me," an autobiographical account of his dangerous nights with a sleep disorder — seems not only to occupy but also to absorb and transmute every inch of the Cort's naked stage.
Rested determines if a person is at low, high or medium risk for a sleep disorder like sleep apnea through a survey, which includes questions about body mass index and gender as well as a "sleep score" that weighs hours in bed, sounds during the night and time asleep.
In fact, "loud, raucous snores interrupted by pauses in breathing" is a marker for sleep apnea, a dangerous sleep disorder that, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, increases risk for heart attacks, atrial fibrillation, asthma, high blood pressure, glaucoma, cancer, diabetes, kidney disease and cognitive and behavior disorders.
"If parents notice their child is having extreme difficulty waking up on time for school, or experiencing significant daytime sleepiness, they should consider scheduling a consultation with the adolescent's primary care provider or a sleep medicine specialist to evaluate for a sleep disorder, regardless of the student's school start time," he said.
For example, someone who has bipolar II may have symptoms like mood swings, increased energy, and decreased need for sleep (Carey herself said that she initially thought she had a sleep disorder); symptoms that are easier to dismiss than manic episodes, which Lundquist says are usually severe enough to put someone in the hospital.
But if you think you sleep fine during the night and need multiple naps a day (or just feel sleepy), Dr. Harris says you should consider talking to your doctor about "excessive daytime sleepiness," which is a symptom of a sleep disorder that affects around 20% of the population, according to the National Sleep Foundation.
One concern is that some insomniacs may have another psychiatric disorder that needs to be addressed, like depression or anxiety, or an undiagnosed sleep disorder like sleep apnea, said Jennifer L. Martin, an associate professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, who is board-certified in behavior sleep medicine and practices C.B.T.-I.
"The impact of night shift work on sleep deprivation, insomnia and downstream cardiovascular and mental health outcomes is so profound the American Association of Sleep Medicine has created the diagnosis of Shift Work Sleep Disorder," said Dr. Amanda Hassinger of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo, New York, who wasn't involved in the study.

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