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81 Sentences With "slashings"

How to use slashings in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "slashings" and check conjugation/comparative form for "slashings". Mastering all the usages of "slashings" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The slashings of the displays happened the night of Dec.
Slashings and stabbings among inmates at times exceeded 1,103 annually.
Over the last year, the numbers of stabbings, slashings and fights between inmates have soared.
With saplings blocking the view of many homeowners, mysterious tree slashings hit night after night.
Related: Stabbings, Slashings, and Sucker Punches: New York City Hit by Wave of Random Attacks New York's tabloids have whipped up hysteria around the random slashings, but NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton has insisted that there's no pattern to the attacks and no cause for concern.
S. & british [sic] government hegemony + money = bloodbath" and "Slashings, Stabbings, & Assaults Will Result In Your Immediate Arrest.
On March 22, Bratton said there have been 916 stabbings and slashings reported in the city since January.
The woman's claim came as the police are grappling with a rise in slashings and stabbings this year.
"When slashings have been played up in newspapers and on TV, the copycat effect comes in," he said.
New York City experienced a disturbing rash of seemingly random slashings earlier this year, with 23 reported by March.
Friday night's slashings followed an altercation aboard a Richmond-bound train at the station, the East Bay Times reported .
Solomon Espinosa, 27, was arrested in connection with the slashings of two passengers aboard a BART train, authorities said.
Mayor Bill de Blasio said that 23 percent of slashings take place on the weekend, between 7pm and 4am.
Slashings and stabbings have continued to rise, nearly doubling since 2014 to 165 from 88, the correction department said.
"[These slashings] occur at a point in the week when an unusual number of people are out," de Blasio said.
Stabbings and slashings among inmates continue to be a problem and will most likely get worse as the temperature rises.
"It is alarming to people," Joseph Fox, the chief of the New York Police Department's Transit Bureau, said of the slashings.
IN THE NEWS • A spate of random slashings, 12 in the last few months, have put some New Yorkers on edge.
Police say Solomon Espinosa, 27, is wanted in connection with the slashings of two men aboard a BART train Friday night.
Police officials said on Sunday that there had been a total of six slashings and stabbings in the subway system in January.
The attack was the latest in a series of slashings, many of them seemingly random, that have raised concern around the city.
The judge sides with the defense, sparing the man a stay on New York's floating jail, known for its slashings and stabbings.
He wanted to show how places that call no attention to themselves were the sites of hangings, slashings or execution by gunfire.
With 21 slashings and one stabbing, all allegedly among gang members, July 2015 was considered to be one of the bloodiest months there in years.
John Cowell, 27, has been charged with murder in the death of Wilson, whose funeral was held Friday, just hours before the two slashings occurred.
For Cyber Monday, there are price slashings in the hundreds, and this is before even factoring in bundle deals that include extra accessories and games.
Land of new beginnings, sometimes alarming numbers of slashings, generously large rats, and an MTA system people desperately rely on but love to talk shit about.
Police said they&aposre looking for Solomon Espinosa, 27, in connection with slashings of two men Friday night at the BART system's MacArthur station in Oakland.
The analysis so far has shown that 60 percent of all slashings and stabbings occurred indoors, Chief O'Neill said, and that 23 of them were random.
The rate of violence among inmates on the island has been rising, with an increase in stabbings and slashings, according to the mayor's preliminary management report.
The number of slashings and stabbings also soared, though serious injuries to staff members and serious injuries to inmates in confrontations with officers have declined significantly.
At least nine other men and women have been similarly attacked in recent months in a rash of slashings that has put many New Yorkers on edge.
As of March 27, there had been 972 stabbings and slashings in the city, compared with 794 over the same period in 2015, according to the Police Department.
" Architectural Digest described Mr. Goodman's interior portraits as "swoonily cinematic: atmospheric, overripe with mood and drama, all slashings of light, dramatic shadows, lush textures and lip-smacking palettes.
The episode was the latest in a string of slashings in New York City in recent months that have injured at least a dozen people and left the city on edge.
At the same time, New York authorities are grappling with an uptick in stabbings and slashings, up 22 percent compared to the same period in 2015, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said.
The New York Police Department is so deep into predictive tools that it created "Operation Cutting Edge" to specifically pinpoint where slashings might occur — and who might carry out those crimes.
When it comes to slashings on the subway, Chief Fox said, in about half of the cases there was some sort of dispute between the assailant and the victim before the attack.
The police do not categorize random slashings as a distinct crime, so it is impossible to know if the recent influx of reports of attacks represents a drastic increase in the number.
For example, because the numbers say slashings are most likely to occur between 7 PM and 4 AM on Fridays and Saturdays, more officers will be posted up outside of nightclubs and bars.
The attack joined a spate of slashings in the subway and on the street in the past month that have put New York City on edge, particularly because several were seemingly random and unprovoked.
While in some Rikers buildings there has been a reduction of inmate-on-inmate violence, as well as physical force being used by officers against inmates, the number of slashings and stabbings has continued to rise.
On the A train downtown, Crazy J told me how he believed that the recent subway slashings were an anomaly and that the city is much safer now than it was when he first became an Angel.
Indeed, the cost of jailing someone in New York City has ballooned to nearly $250,000 a year, roughly the cost of a four-year Ivy League degree, while stabbings and slashings have quadrupled in the last decade.
There has been a steady news drip of shelter slashings and stabbings — on top of a litany of horrors exposed by recent analyses of "critical incidents" at shelters by The Daily News and NY1, and by the administration itself.
Police officials said on Tuesday that they would increase enforcement around 20 bars and clubs in New York City with a disproportionate share of the stabbings and slashings that have resulted in a surge in knife violence this year.
While gun violence in the city is generally linked to gangs and organized crime, Bratton noted at a press conference on Tuesday that there is no core group that appears to be responsible for the majority of stabbings and slashings.
Deanna G. Logan, the bureau's chief, said the daily presence of prosecutors inside the jail system has begun to pay off, persuading many officers and inmates that slashings and beatings will not go unpunished as they often did in the past.
On today's episode of Daily VICE, we spend a day with New York City's Guardian Angels, a group that's making a resurgence after fighting crime in the 1970s to patrol the streets and subways after a series of slashings earlier this year.
Again and again during the trial, Mr. Lightfoot, city investigators and other witnesses recounted the spate of stabbings and slashings among inmates — often fueled by gang rivalries — that enveloped the jail in violence and prompted precautions that some inmates saw as indignities.
In the 22003 fiscal year, there were 22009 stabbings and slashings of inmates in city jails — most of which involved a gang member as either an assailant or a victim, or both, according to correction officials — compared with 2415 in the 2011 fiscal year.
There were slashings, shootings and spearings aplenty, of course, but also horse tramplings, neck-bitings and, in one nervy, claustrophobic sequence, a near suffocation by Jon Snow as his army found itself caught between a shield-lined pincer and a sturdy bank of dead soldiers.
Mr. Lightfoot had caught the attention of Eliseo Perez Jr., an assistant chief for security, and Gerald Vaughn, a correction captain, in July 2012 amid a spate of stabbings, slashings and gang violence at Rikers, the prosecutor, Pishoy Yacoub, an assistant Bronx district attorney, said.
After attacking nearly a third of the center's residents at his leisure, Uetmatsu drove to the Sagamihara police station and confessed to one of the deadliest crimes to take place in Japan since World War II. The country has one of the lowest homicide rates in the world, according to the United Nations, and some reports are calling the slashings the biggest mass murder to ever happen there.
North of Dolly Sods North (and just outside the present DSW) is an area known as Dobbins Slashings — a sub-arctic bog forming the headwaters of Red Creek on Cabin Mountain. Dobbins Slashings has also been proposed for wilderness preservation. In the Canaan Valley to the west, the Wilderness is adjoined by the Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge. Almost all of DSW is in the southeast corner of Tucker County with only very small sections extending into Randolph and Grant Counties.
It also excludes events where no injuries take place, if an attack is foiled and attacks that took place at colleges. The listed attacks include shootings, stabbings, slashings, bombings, and beatings administered with blunt instruments.
Giusti remembers that the fans expected Fulci's return to the gore of the early 1980s, but that the film was not wholly successful since it was too similar to many others with its frightened girls and college slashings.
Instead of the Chequamegon Forest of today, it was a patchwork of cutover slashings, occasionally scorched by runaway fires.Birmingham, p. 33-34. An early settler in that area said it was so open he could see deer a mile from his house.Roy Spiels, quoted in Birmingham, p. 34.
Local gang members posed the specter of random slashings for gang initiations. Versus many other high schools' students, Roosevelt's had been more greatly beset by the specter of AIDS.Joseph Berger, "Condoms in schools", New York Times, 22 Dec 1990. Allegedly, all of Roosevelt's students lived below the poverty line.
Most of the slashings, stabbings, and burnings described by witnesses were likely to have taken place.J. Read, Atrocity Propaganda, 1914-1919. 1941. p. 207; Commission d’Enquête sur les Violations des Régles du Droit des Gens, des Lois et des Coutumes de la Guerre, Rapports et Documents d’Enquête, premier vol., tome 2. 1922-3. pp. 621-5.
During his time as a policeman, George was responsible for pinning a string of burglaries to Susan Carter's brother, Clive Horrobin. Horrobin had also held up the village shop in 1993, and knocked George unconscious in 1997. In 2003, there was a spate of "horse slashings" at The Stables. Clive was named as the culprit, under the belief George and Christine still lived there.
Likewise, the low amount of blood released from the stabbings and slashings suggested those, too, were post mortem. They had been inflicted with a knife, likely with two edges to the blade although possibly not equally sharp, at least long. Within the body, muscles had been severed cleanly. Through two slits in the abdomen, most of Pamela's internal organs had been removed and her blood drained.
The last timber was felled in the Dolly Sods area in 1924. A particularly ferocious fire raged in late July 1930 in the northernmost Red Creek and southernmost Stony River watersheds (along the Grant/Tucker County line). This conflagration — known as the Dobbin Slashings Fire — consumed and killed many trees left alone as non-commercial by the loggers. An eerie landscape persisted here for years, with the stumps of these trees perched high upon jumbles of boulders.
However, others thought of him as an evil gangster and an extortionist. A policeman stated that he "and his thugs used to stand sideways on to let the bookmakers see the hammers in their pockets". Meanwhile, Sabini was said always to carry a loaded pistol and he did not hesitate to order beatings and razor-slashings of his rivals. When Sabini died at his home in Old Shoreham Road, Hove, on 4 October 1950, he left little money.
The fourth and last survivor of the Kallang slashings, Egan Karrupaiah, managed to have his four severed fingers re-attached in an operation. However, his fingers were stiff and has limited mobility, causing him to unable to work for a period of four years after the incident. He stayed in Singapore to recuperate and only returned to India in 2014. At the advice of the physiotherapist, Egan performed some exercises to allow his fingers to be more mobile, and he eventually recovered.
Like the rest of the Hiawatha Forest, the Mackinac Wilderness was logged starting about 1880 and ending about 1910. The typical method of logging was to clear-cut all marketable timber and leave the discarded slashings on the forest floor. A severe forest fire was almost inevitable, followed by severe erosion and the creation of a second-growth forest that differed from the previous old-growth forest in many ways. Today, the Mackinac Wilderness is a roadless unit within the managed Hiawatha Forest.
Canadian authorities believe Watts may have crossed the border into Windsor that October, assaulting 20-year-old Sandra Dalpe outside her apartment, leaving her near death with multiple wounds to the face and throat. By that time, Watts had fallen under scrutiny from local homicide investigators. A task force was organized in July 1980 to probe the Sunday slashings, and Watts was placed under sporadic surveillance; a November court order permitted officers to plant a homing device in his car. Watts was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder.
In his mitigation plea, as presented by his lawyer Siva S. Krishnasamy, Abdul Rahman pleaded for a lenient sentence, stating that he had turned over a new leaf and led a reformed life free of crime after embracing Islam while on the run. The prosecutor who was prosecuting Abdul Rahman, DPP Anandan Bala (who also prosecuted Micheal and Tony for murder) however, argued that Abdul Rahman's life on the right side of the law while on the run should not be regarded as mitigating, as the seven years he spent in Malaysia eluding justice was aggravating and it prolonged the closure the victims and their families needed and delayed the conclusion of the necessary legal proceedings against the culprits of the Kallang slashings. On 19 November 2018, Abdul Rahman Abdullah, then 27 years old, was sentenced to a total of 33 years' imprisonment and 24 strokes of the cane (essentially the same sentence as that of his former accomplice Hairee Landak, who is aged 28 at this point of time) for his participation in the Kallang robberies. The sentencing of Abdul Rahman has finally brought an end to the court proceedings made against all members of the Kallang slashings.
78 Supposedly the Swiss plundered the rich fabrics of the Burgundian nobles and used the scraps to patch their tattered clothes. In reality, images appear of sleeves with a single slashed opening as early as mid-15th century, although the German fashion for "many small all-over slits" may have begun here.Payne, op cit p. 241. Whatever its origin, the fad for multiple slashings spread to German Landsknechts and thence to France, Italy, and England, where it was to remain a potent current in fashionable attire into the mid-17th century.
Like the rest of the Hiawatha Forest, the Rock River Canyon Wilderness was logged starting about 1880 and ending about 1930. The typical method of logging was to clear-cut all marketable timber and leave the discarded slashings on the forest floor. A severe forest fire was almost inevitable, followed by severe erosion and the creation of a second-growth forest that differed from the previous old-growth forest in many ways. The wilderness is now a template of natural succession that contrasts with most of the Hiawatha National Forest, which continues to be managed for harvestable pulpwood.
The basic costume of men in this period consisted of a shirt, doublet, and hose, with some sort of overrobe (robe worn over clothing). Linen shirts were worn next to the skin. Toward the end of the period, shirts (French chemise, Italian camicia, Spanish camisa) began to be full through the body and sleeves with wide, low necklines; the sleeves were pulled through the slashings or piecing of the doublet sleeves to make puffs, especially at the elbow and the back of the arm. As the cut of doublets revealed more fabric, wealthy men's shirts were often decorated with embroidery or applied braid.
Myrtle Point Transportation Company, the owner of the two vessels, sued the Port of Coquille for damages, alleging that slashings left up river had backed up the flow of water, so with the first rain a surge had come downriver, washing away the boom to which the boats had been moored, and depositing them on a jetty far downriver."Myrtle Point Transportation Gets $1,750 -- Port of Coquille Blamed for Putting Brush in River Which Resulted in Damage to Boats", Coos Bay Times, June 15, 1915, page 1, col. 4. In 1915 the case came to trial before the Coos County Circuit Court, with Judge John S. Coke presiding.
The railroad, which was taken over in 1905 by the Western Maryland Railroad, brought industry and expansion to the area. Along the line came towns, such as Douglas, Limerock and Coketon, as the coal mines, coke ovens, and timber industry brought an influx of workers. Blackwater Canyon (Postcard of circa 1930) Over the next two decades, Davis's interests prospered, but at the cost of devastating environmental damage. Much of Tucker County, including Canaan Valley and the Canyon, were clear-cut, and the landscape converted into a tinderbox by the residual slashings. By 1910, fires swept over the wasteland, often burning continuously from spring until the first snows.
The gang used The Brown Bear pub, a Shankill Road drinking haunt frequented by the UVF, as its headquarters. Bates, a "sergeant" in the gang's hierarchy, was an avid participant in the brutal torture and savage killings perpetrated against innocent Catholics after they were abducted from nationalist streets and driven away in a black taxi owned by fellow Shankill Butcher, William Moore. The killings typically involved grisly-throat slashings preceded by lengthy beatings and torture. Bates was said to have been personally responsible for beating James Moorhead, a member of the Ulster Defence Association, to death on 30 January 1977 and to have played a central role in the kidnapping and murder of Catholic Joseph Morrisey three days later.
In Jan 1903, when Edalji was 27 years old, a series of slashings occurred against horses and other livestock, known as the 'Great Wyrley Outrages'. A horse was maimed on 1 February 1903, two horses were similarly wounded on 29 June 1903, and a number of other animals received injuries resulting in their being put down. Isolated cases of livestock maiming were not unheard of as a way of settling scores in farming communities, but the series of attacks provoked a public outcry far beyond the area. Police received pseudonymous letters purporting to be from one of a gang of culprits, and the letters named real people as members of the gang, including Edalji.
In October 2010, merely five months after the Kallang slashings, one of the minor accomplices - Shahman Milak - was sentenced to two years' imprisonment and six strokes of the cane for attempted robbery after pleading guilty to the charge. Peter Usit Musa, Landa Surai, and Slyvester Beragok were brought to trial for the gang robbery of Wang Jiu Sheng. Despite the fact that they denied their police statements were made voluntarily, both Slyvester and Landa later admitted to the robbery while Peter continued to maintain his innocence. On 4 February 2011, both Slyvester and Landa were each sentenced to six years' imprisonment and twelve strokes of the cane for gang robbery, leaving Peter the sole member to continue his trial for gang robbery.
After handguns were criminalised in New South Wales, razors became the weapon of choice amongst Sydney gangsters. Shortly after the Pistol Licensing Act 1927 was passed, a visiting sailor used a cutthroat razor to defend himself from attackers.Writer, 2001: 46 As a result, razors became a default weapon due to its ease of purchase from barbers shops for a few pence, its ease of concealment (hidden inside a piece of cork), and its use as an instrument of intimidation and threatened or actual mutilation, physical impairment or murder against one's adversaries, prey or hostile spouses. It has been estimated that there were over five hundred slashings within Sydney during the heyday of intensive razor gang criminal activity.Writer, 2001: 48 Macquarie Street's Sydney Hospital and St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney in Darlinghurst treated many of these casualties of gangland hostilities.
On 14 January 2017, nearly seven years after the Kallang slashings, the final culprit, and fugitive Donny Medula was finally caught by the Malaysian police as he arrived at Sibu Airport on a flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Donny, who converted to Islam and changed his name to Abdul Rahman Abdullah while on the run, was remanded in Sarawak for four days before being handed over to the Singaporean police on 18 January 2017. On 20 January 2017, two days after arriving in Singapore, 25-year-old Donny was charged with murder. The defense counsel of Micheal and Tony, both aged 28 and 38 respectively at this point of time, asked for the deferment of the delivery of the verdict by the Court of Appeal as they wanted to interview Donny Medula, citing that his testimony might be of help to the cases of their clients.
The 2010 Kallang slashings were a series of robberies committed by a group of eight Malaysians from Sarawak, Malaysia in the night of 29 May 2010 and the early hours of the morning of 30 May 2010 (some of the culprits were not involved in the subsequent four robberies), mostly around Kallang Area. In the robberies, there were a total of five victims – the first four victims were seriously injured and hospitalised while a fifth victim was killed. Three of the perpetrators were charged with murder, four with gang robbery and the final culprit remains on the run for seven years before being arrested and charged with murder. Eventually, two were convicted of murder - with one eventually heading to the gallows in 2019 and the other jailed for life and caned - while the other six were dealt with varied jail terms and caning for multiple charges of armed robbery with hurt, gang robbery and attempted robbery.
The guiding principles set by the judgement of Kho's case had also made an impact on some subsequent murder cases and appeals. One example is the 2010 Kallang Slashings, where a group of robbers from Sarawak committed a series of violent robberies around Kallang Area, leading to the violent death of Indian construction worker Shanmuganathan Dillidurai during the last of these four robberies. One of the perpetrators, Micheal Anak Garing, who used a 58 cm long parang to fatally attack and slash Shanmuganathan while robbing him, was convicted of murder in 2014 and sentenced to death the following year (as the trial judge found that he had violently attacked his victims in each robbery and thus his conduct warrants the death penalty). In upholding Micheal's death sentence in 2017, the Court of Appeal, with reference to the judgement of Kho's case, were satisfied that Micheal had attacked Shanmuganathan in a savage and merciless manner and demonstrated a blatant disregard for human life during the attack.
In the original script, an entire family is slaughtered in their station wagon, an eyeball is discovered inside of a hamburger, a woman is tied to a truck and a pole and then torn in half, two teenagers engage in sex, and there is a decapitation as well as several slashings, shootings and car crashes. In its original form, Bombyk found the script to be "extremely brutal and extremely gory", but he and personal manager Kip Ohman (who later became co-producers of the film) also saw in it "a level of challenge, intensity and poetry". Bombyk and Ohman were worried about getting it into good enough shape to show their boss, producer Ed Feldman, and his partner, Charles Meeker, and prove to them that it was more than an exploitation film. Bombyk worked with Red via several long distance phone calls to Texas and eventually the writer moved to Los Angeles.

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