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220 Sentences With "sinkholes"

How to use sinkholes in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sinkholes" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sinkholes". Mastering all the usages of "sinkholes" from sentence examples published by news publications.

And as you can see, large swaths of Florida are at risk of sinkholes: In Florida, nearly all sinkholes are the result of rocks beneath the surface gradually dissolving from rainfall and groundwater.
The USGS doesn't currently collect national data on sinkholes, which makes it incredibly difficult for scientists to determine if sinkholes are increasing in frequency or severity — let alone what is driving these changes.
The hot spots are four sinkholes dotted around the grounds.
The first close-up images revealed boulders, dunes, sinkholes, and cliffs.
"Sinkholes are common occurrences following heavy rain," the park service noted.
Wang invented a device capable of detecting sinkholes before they occur.
In other places, the melting permafrost is creating craters and sinkholes.
Sinkholes, localized floods and downed trees and power lines also were reported.
Those sinkholes then appear to erupt with jets of gas and dust.
He says weather and other factors contribute to the risk of sinkholes.
Instead, they got ancient sinkholes filled with ferns, potential death by cat.
But sinkholes aren't all that funny when they happen in your backyard.
Their strange world of swamps, heat, bugs, and sinkholes — instinctively, they get it.
"Caves are accessed through natural sinkholes or, as locally called, cenotes," he said.
Sinkholes, both natural and human-caused, are rare, and even more rarely deadly.
The area is a system of 25 lakes and cenotes, or natural sinkholes.
Chichén Itzá sits atop a complex subterranean water system that includes sinkholes called cenotes.
The sinkholes were near the area where construction is under way for Mariner 2.
Over time, water erodes the rock, forming sinkholes, cenotes, jagged limestone formations, and caves.
Sinkholes, blankets of peaches, thunderstorms and breasts bruised raw all play significant metaphoric roles.
Engineers spot casting collapses, skimmers, sinkholes, cave-ins, cut holes,washboards, push-ups, doubles.
By Wednesday night, the sinkholes had been filled, the road repaired, and traffic continued.
That same week, sinkholes announced themselves at a car dealership, a resort, a cemetery.
The area seems to be plagued by craters, or sinkholes — it's hard to say.
Sinkholes can be caused by natural erosion or acidic rainwater that weakens sedimentary rock.
The openings in question aren't things like sinkholes or drains, but small holes grouped together.
It was not the first time Mariner East 20193 was shut due to those sinkholes.
Hurricanes, power outages, sinkholes, and the possibility of death by reptile all play a part.
Sinkholes are workhorse tools used in day-to-day network management, research, and threat analysis.
And no, those aren't sinkholes: It's a flat carpet that looks like an optical illusion.
At least one person is missing among the sinkholes, rapidly flowing water and collapsing buildings.
The bread darkens in rings as tiny sinkholes multiply, the opening of a thousand eyes.
A Cayman Islands official said there had been some reports of sinkholes following the quake.
Sinkholes are the culmination of a process that can occur over centuries or even millenniums.
The survey showed a surface pockmarked with sinkholes, some of them sixty-five feet wide.
The exact cause remains unknown, but sinkholes like these are usually caused by underground erosion.
More than 60 road washouts and sinkholes were reported by Monday morning, according to WLUC-TV .
So how do sinkholes form, and why is it so hard to predict where they'll appear?
Not all of the tremors they recorded have yet been followed by the formation of sinkholes.
The downpours led to more than 60 sinkholes and washouts, according to CNN affiliate WLUC-TV.
As the ice that holds the soil together disappears, hillsides collapse and massive sinkholes open up.
He considers sinkholes in the Slovenian highlands, nuclear waste in Finland and global warming in Greenland.
We're still really bad at predicting when sinkholes might occur, as there are few warning signs.
"Cenotes" are natural sinkholes filled with freshwater— and there are several thousand of them in Mexico.
The PUC suspended operations on Mariner East on March 212.6 after sinkholes were discovered near the project.
They then waited and watched, to see if the epicentres were at places where sinkholes subsequently formed.
But, crucially, all the sinkholes that have formed so far have been at the epicentres of tremors.
They are strange sinkholes around town, growing as they devour, eating up restaurants and homesteads and people.
While climate change threatens populations around the globe, Kiruna is threatened by sinkholes, not rising sea levels.
The ground is randomly exploding and opening up giant mystery sinkholes that probably contain ancient fucking diseases?
But the incident has drawn outrage online, with many questioning why sinkholes keep appearing in Chinese cities.
Sinkholes aren't uncommon in China and are often blamed on the rapid construction and expansion of cities.
Cenotes are water-filled sinkholes and are the only source of fresh water in Mexico's Yucatan state.
Northern Michigan saw devastating floods over the weekend that washed out roads and left behind dozens of sinkholes.
And it's probably going to deliver plenty more sinkholes to remind us just how weak we really are.
Though sinkholes don't usually have such an outwardly exciting role in network security, they are an important tool.
The latest storms hitting California have caused flooding, levee breaks, sinkholes and concerns about the state's dam safety.
The spa industry, however, faces a threat from a plague of sinkholes that have struck in recent years.
In the Slovenian highlands, he considers sinkholes, and the gruesome ways they have sometimes been put to use.
Central Florida is particularly vulnerable to sinkholes and heavy rainfall can cause the ground to suddenly give way.
Florida is especially prone to sinkholes — more so than any other state — because it is built on limestone.
Sinkholes were forming around the dam, and pools of water had begun bubbling up on the banks downstream.
After further problems, including the sinkholes, a state judge in May ordered work halted on Mariner East 280.
But there is hope that a new remote sensing technology that NASA developed might make detecting sinkholes earlier.
Long Island fire crews that needed to be transferred to the Catskills and the Adirondacks were hampered by sinkholes.
Guthrie said both homes destroyed on Friday had been damaged by separate sinkholes in the past decade, and repaired.
As the Dead Sea, it leaves behind salt deposits that can collapse into sinkholes, forming craters in the ground. 
"So we should see more and more sinkholes develop with time, particularly when they're triggered by large storm events."
Crews continue drilling for soil samples and running ground-penetrating radar around the retention pond where multiple sinkholes opened.
Geologists suspect that massive sinkholes and craters started to pop up when previously frozen tundras began to rapidly melt.
The state stopped liquids flows for over eight weeks from March to May after sinkholes were found near the pipeline.
In San Diego and Los Angeles, brown water thick with desert dust flooded streets, triggered mudslides, and opened up sinkholes.
Century-old pumps are in constant need of repair, catch basins repeatedly clog, and potholes and sinkholes form seemingly everywhere.
The Yucatán Peninsula is home to dozens of cenotes — natural sinkholes that result from a collapse of the underlying bedrock.
A committee formed by Hassan Askari Rizvi, caretaker Chief Minister of Punjab, is currently investigating the cause behind the sinkholes.
Sinkholes happen, but most of us are lucky enough to avoid running into them when they magically implode into our lives.
If sinkholes or open shafts — which had been blocked off with dirt and wood — occur, the Interior Department is called in.
Camps to house the internally displaced in Myanmar, which were meant to be temporary, have become permanent and squalid human sinkholes.
Karst is made up of water-soluble rock like limestone, which makes karst prone to sinkholes, caves, and other large holes.
Two thirds of the country sit on permafrost, which is degrading rapidly, puncturing places like the Yakutia region with giant sinkholes.
Plastic is also among one of the biggest products derived from fracking — which pollutes the air, soil, and can create sinkholes.
But the ongoing construction process hasn't exactly been building confidence from locals; sinkholes have repeatedly appeared around construction of the pipeline.
What El Paso is Talking About: Collapsed storm drains caused three sinkholes to appear in West El Paso, which are being repaired.
Sinkholes are particularly common in Florida, which rests on a nearly unbroken bed of limestone, according to the Florida Sinkhole Research Institute.
Some of the human remains may have been deposited after people stumbled into sinkholes, or were forced into them as sacrificial offerings.
In the meantime, fences in the streets guard sinkholes or workers perennially digging to fix leaking pipes, pushing motorists into oncoming traffic.
The office also found an increase in reported sinkholes in parts of South Florida where they traditionally had not been an issue.
Always, singularities lay at the centers of black holes—sinkholes in space-time that are so steep that no light can climb out.
Hughes added that the little boy wasn't dressed properly for the weather and he was concerned about ditches and sinkholes in the area.
The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission suspended operations on the Mariner East 1 pipeline on March 7 after sinkholes were discovered near the project.
In the past few years, beaches have shut down as signs warning of the danger of sinkholes have sprung up along the shoreline.
Hughes added that the little boy wasn't dressed properly for the weather and he is concerned about ditches and sinkholes in the area.
As for Laguna de Chakanbacán and its inhabitants, "sinkholes have been forming in the Yucatan ever since there are caves underground," Brankovits added.
And thus to help people avoid falling for scams or down into political sinkholes — at least without being aware of their inherent bias.
The infrastructure that China is building could someday become the avenues for billions of dollars in increased trade — or become debt-ridden sinkholes.
And then there are "cover-collapse" sinkholes, which can happen in a matter of hours and are far more dramatic and headline-grabbing.
But warmer temperatures have caused more permafrost to melt, causing the ground around it to collapse into water-filled sinkholes called thermokarst lakes.
Plus, she can do a lot more than turn off the lights, like build worlds (and other androids), fix sinkholes, and perform couples counseling.
" Tunick poses the models around the sinkholes in surreal formations, eventually burying them in the sand to "bring the skin closer to the issue.
It also feels like it was added simply because somebody somewhere read in a guidebook that Belize (the setting of the series) has sinkholes.
The photos sent back to Earth were truly jaw dropping, revealing surface features such as tiny rocks, boulders, craters, cliffs, sinkholes, and dust jets.
There are also environmental effects that can dramatically alter the map, like encroaching monsoons that devastate the shore or sinkholes that create deadly pits.
Littered with goosebump-like boulders and deep, treacherous sinkholes, Ma'at is a rugged and inhospitable place, prone to violent outbursts of gas and dust.
There are the state's scenic beaches and national forests, but there are also hurricanes, flooding and sinkholes, problems that could worsen with climate change.
The land around the Dead Sea now has around 5,500 sinkholes near the shoreline — all of which have appeared in the last 40 years.
It's possible that these animals fell into structures called "cenotes," which are water sinkholes that remain common in the Yucatán region to this day.
We encountered people who lost loved ones, who lost homes, and people in an entire neighborhood in Florida that was being compromised by sinkholes.
More broadly, internet infrastructure companies like ISPs and content delivery networks use sinkholes every day to defend their networks and customers, and manage traffic flow.
The extreme rising sea level has been shown to lead to an increase in sinkholes throughout parts of Florida as saltwater rushes into coastal aquifers.
Its final resting place—named Ma'at after the ancient Egyptian goddess of harmony, balance, and order—is a region strewn with boulders and treacherous sinkholes.
Three quarters of its water would eventually disappear, consumed by a trio of sinkholes that left only a muddy expanse and stench of putrefying animals.
Drone footage can monitor the geological consequences of earthquakes—like sinkholes, or a long fracture that stretches along for 100 meters on top of Mount Vettore.
At a press event this morning he released a series featuring 15 nude models interacting with sinkholes that are ravaging the land around the Dead Sea.
Sinkholes are workhorse tools used in day-to-day network management, research, and threat analysis, but they occasionally play a crucial role in containing dramatic threats.
YouTube's Practical Engineering, also known as civil engineer Grady Hillhouse, built a miniature replica that reveals exactly what causes most sinkholes that appear in large cities.
It is no surprise, therefore, that males are much more likely than females to fall victim to natural traps, such as boiling-hot springs and sinkholes.
Many of Rome's roads are riddled with potholes after a particularly cold, wet winter, while almost 50 sinkholes have opened since the start of the year.
That she receives news of frozen bodies and devouring sinkholes, of food shortages and economic collapse from the internet makes her isolation that much more devastating.
Mission managers decided on a dive to collect one last batch of data: close-up observations of mysterious pits that appear similar to sinkholes on Earth.
Mexico's Federal Agency of Environmental Protection did not respond to a request for comment regarding the status of its investigation into the cause of the sinkholes.
The twins wondered if the sinkholes were related to the endless summer, though when they bumped into their neighbor in the elevator, she had other ideas.
They have created a literature full of mirages and (actual) sinkholes, poised on the hazy borders between man and nature, ripeness and rot, tragedy and gag.
Shadowserver says it sinkholes up to 5 million IP addresses per day, neutralizing malicious firehoses of data that would otherwise spew from botnets and disruptive malware.
Even under ordinary conditions, Antarctica's landscape is perpetually changing as icebergs calve, snow falls and ice melts on the surface, forming glacial sinkholes known as moulins.
Safety was twenty miles away and there was a panther between us and there, but also possibly terrible men, sinkholes, alligators, the end of the world.
Sinkholes, which are collapsed or bowl-shaped features, form when there is a void underground, creating a depression in the land where everything around the area drains.
Have a listen for yourself: Rosetta has documented more than a dozen sinkholes on its comet since 2014, and scientists think they know how they are created.
Greenland's the ground zero of global warming As the country's glaciers are melting, the sinkholes leading to rising sea levels could some day lead to global flooding.
Other tech companies like Level 3, now owned by CenturyLink, and Palo Alto Networks have used sinkholes to take down botnets, mostly related to digital crime syndicates.
In Winchase townhomes, more than a dozen sinkholes have opened around a retention pond—a pool designed to hold storm water runoff from streets to prevent flooding.
He goes beneath forest floors, and into sea caves and sinkholes, among other subterranean adventures, to probe the secrets of man's often malign influence on the earth.
Californians this weekend captured harrowing scenes of cars stuck in sinkholes, trucks toppling off a crumbling highway and muddy waters rushing through the streets of Los Angeles.
Living a nightmare in China's city of sinkholes In Beijing, groundwater is the main water source -- two thirds -- for everything from industrial and agricultural use to household consumption.
He said more than $595 million is expected to be spent in repairs to the state's roads and bridges due to the flooding, erosion, sinkholes and debris problems.
The latest release comes after Pennsylvania utility regulators on March 7 suspended operations of ETP's Sunoco Mariner East 1 liquids pipeline after sinkholes were discovered near the project.
The map also details mountain ranges across the planet, including the southern hemisphere, and reveals high-altitude dry lakebeds that could be sinkholes or the remnants of volcanoes.
The residents of the first house drove up in time to see the rest of their house destroyed, Murphy said, speaking to reporters in front of the sinkholes.
One of the most incredible sinkholes in the region is the Cenote Angelita, which contains a distinct underwater river that flows through some 30 metres below the surface.
The Yucatan peninsula is studded with monumental relics of the Maya people, whose cities drew upon an extensive network of sinkholes linked to subterranean waters known as cenotes.
The storm raged on Saturday — showing now signs of stopping as residents were met with floods, mudslides, sinkholes, fallen trees, and winds of upward to 70 miles per hour.
But when it comes to sinkholes, all we can do is wait and hope that our cars won't be swallowed by a sudden gaping chasm in a city street.
But completion was delayed by work stoppages by state agencies due to permit violations and other problems, including release of drilling fluids into waterways and the discovery of sinkholes.
"My passion is ocean exploration and marine life education," said Mr. Gaskell, who's credited with identifying Great Barrier Reef's "Blue Holes," or sinkholes, where healthy coral has been found.
Moving southwest, I crossed into Italy, where I began a walk on the Karst Plateau, a rocky landscape pockmarked with caves and sinkholes, and ended up at Duino Castle.
On social media there's even a video of the two smaller sinkholes collapsing:  ■福岡道路陥没の瞬間😨😨😨やばい..#DJPress pic.twitter.
You can also create other types of sinkholes that reroute traffic from the original target IP address to the sinkhole address, using a mechanism like a firewall or a router.
It has been alleged that during the Contra war people were thrown out of helicopters into these gaping sinkholes, so there may be more awaiting the explorer than prehistoric burials.
But completion has been delayed by several work stoppages by state agencies due to permit violations and other problems, including release of drilling fluids into waterways and discovery of sinkholes.
The geology of the White House doesn't naturally lend itself to sinkholes, per expert Terry West, a professor of earth, atmospheric, and planetary sciences and civil engineering at Purdue University.
The geology of the White House doesn't naturally lend itself to sinkholes, said expert Terry West, a professor of earth, atmospheric and planetary sciences and civil engineering at Purdue University.
Rosetta will crash onto a site called Ma'at, which is littered with boulders and deep sinkholes—a perfect final resting place for what was an incredible and exciting mission. [ESA]
CAPE TOWN — Flooding in eastern South Africa has killed at least 60 people, the authorities said on Wednesday, after torrential rains collapsed buildings, burst rivers and ripped sinkholes in roads.
In addition to immersing in experiences at the resorts, the winner will also document local activities, whether that's discovering ancient Mayan ruins, swimming in "cenotes" (underwater sinkholes) or attending nightclubs.
The city was built on top of a network of waterways, including sinkholes called cenotes, which the ancient Maya believed were sacred places that provided a portal to the underworld.
EIN BOKEK, Israel (Reuters) - The Dead Sea is shrinking at the rate of about a meter a year, leaving behind deserted beaches and sinkholes in a slow-motion environmental disaster.
" While Reynolds admitted that there "have been speed bumps and sinkholes" throughout his journey, he has "learned gratitude for the lessons my merciful Savior has allowed me to experience and process.
Sinkholes are not uncommon in Florida, but the frequency of the ones opening up in a community in Ocala the past two weeks is alarming officials and residents who live there.
Dispatches this month from Chetumal, capital of the Mexican state Quintana Roo, situated on the tropical Yucatán Peninsula, claimed that sinkholes— socavones—had gulped down a local lagoon in mere days.
After two years of work, her prototype is now 93% accurate and she hopes to get it patented and in the hands of communities in Florida that are vulnerable to sinkholes.
Several states in America, including Florida and Missouri, have large swathes of land sitting on top of rock salt and other materials that easily wash away and generate sinkholes as a result.
The rest of us can only find comfort in recalling that there are also sharks, house-eating sinkholes and traffic jams when all those presidential candidates come crawling around, begging for affection.
The Ocala Fire Rescue Department and the city&aposs engineer, as well as the county&aposs Emergency Management Department, have been investigating the sinkholes to try to prevent them from happening again.
His team is working on autonomous rovers capable of peering into the tunnels through gaping, football field-sized lunar pits similar to sinkholes found on Earth that caved in from lava flow.
When too much matter or energy are concentrated in one place, according to the theory, space-time can jiggle, time can slow and matter can shrink and vanish into those cosmic sinkholes.
Sinkholes are a constant presence across the country, and parts of highways and overpasses in the capital have collapsed into the earth, in some cases dragging cars and people down with them.
The PUC stopped flows on Mariner East 1 through West Whiteland Township after sinkholes were discovered near the pipeline, prompting State Senator Andrew Dinniman to ask for an emergency order to suspend service.
Cut away to Jeb's face, cast in a permanent melancholy, like the way everyone gets on Downton Abbey when they talk about World War I. Look at those eyes, they're sinkholes of need.
And then there are the aforementioned quarantine threats and sinkholes and minefields, all of which seem like they're on a day trip from another series and/or the Lonely Planet guidebook to Belize.
While sinkholes don't usually open in the middle of the road for no reason, it's been happening more in rapidly urbanising parts of China, where extensive roadworks shifts the soil underneath the asphalt.
The Dead Sea's salt-rich waters are vanishing and its shores are being devoured by sinkholes, making Metzoke Dragot beach one of the last unspoiled spots at the lowest point on the planet.
The sinkholes appeared Tuesday in front of the General Post Office on Mall Road, a major thoroughfare in an old part of the city, lined with buildings dating back to the colonial era.
Vital highways and railways were shut down and sinkholes opened on main roads under the heaviest rainfall in the drought-stricken region in at least five years, according to the National Weather Service.
Up on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, between the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, the dense, tropical jungle is littered with sinkholes called cenotes, where limestone has collapsed to expose the groundwater below.
Ronald Blom, a geologist with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, cautioned the Atlantic that "InSAR is not a magic bullet" and won't capture every sinkhole, but it could be useful for detecting sinkholes earlier.
"It's like a CT scan or X-ray for geologists," said Ye. A thousand miles south, in Florida — where sinkholes have eaten cars and homes — such a small sinkhole probably wouldn't be too alarming.
We can start small – if hundreds of millions of dollars is "small" – by using simple common sense to end state subsidies for three especially toxic economic development sinkholes: Stadiums, data centers and distribution centers.
In that case, Judge Barnes ordered Energy Transfer to stop transporting gas on Mariner East 1 and stop work on Mariner East 2 in West Whiteland Township after sinkholes were discovered near the pipeline.
More than 400 sinkholes have been reported in the state since Hurricane Irma hit last September, a sudden spike from previous years, and now meteorologists predict this year's hurricane season could be even worse.
Fences with signs warning of sinkholes line much of the western coast, whose dry brown expanse is also dotted with abandoned date palm groves, closed roads, and shuttered buildings, including a defunct gas station.
The thought is that because sinkholes often show signs of gradually caving downward (though not always), InSAR can be used to detect when a sinkhole has reached a critical point and collapse is imminent.
"Black holes may be the most exotic consequence of general relativity, but these bizarre sinkholes in the actual fabric of space-time turn out to have a lot of consequences on their own," Markoff said.
Although residents initially hoped that, because the fire was entirely below ground, they would be able to continue living in Centralia, the release of toxic gases and the opening of sinkholes made it too dangerous.
"We have seen sinkholes created by the pipeline drilling, contaminated well water and some subtle and not-so-subtle bullying of Chester County citizens by big corporate interests," Hogan said in a release on Wednesday.
Neither embracing nor completely skirting the sinkholes of the recovery narrative — among them sanctimony, sentiment and backslapping triumphalism — Mr. Van Sant (adapting Callahan's 1990 memoir of the same name) marshals a number of countervailing strategies.
What's more, we could be seeing more sinkholes as our population grows and climate change triggers more extreme events like tropical storms and flooding (although the science here is tenuous and more research is needed).
"The EPA says the Earth's crust is so dangerously compromised due to the mining that sinkholes are a huge problem and large parts of the ghost town could cave in at any given moment," he says.
The Rover and Mariner violations included spills of drilling fluid, a clay-and-water mixture that lubricates equipment for drilling under rivers and highways; sinkholes in backyards; and improper disposal of hazardous waste and other trash.
The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies' Head of the Center for Transborder Water Management, Clive Lipchin estimates that over 10,000 sinkholes have opened up since the early 1990s, but others put the number at closer to 3,000.
While doing aerial reconnaissance of Mosquitia, back in 183, our expedition team spied gigantic sinkholes and monumental cave openings in an exceedingly remote area of rugged karst topography east of the Patuca River, near the Nicaraguan border.
The signs of the coming doomsday include sinkholes (the result of nuclear bombs), the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines MH370 (the magnetic poles switched positions), and something called the snout hole (it's a tiny black hole in Louisiana).
Plus, it'll be summer soon, when we'll all be plagued by wildfires and droughts and roads so hot they melt into sinkholes that lead straight to hell, so at least we have that to look forward to.
Then comes cart after cart of rich golden cake with tiny sinkholes, leaf-shaped buns hiding daubs of purple taro, pale green puffs wafting the telltale scent of durian and more desserts than I could ever try.
During my trip to Mexico, I wore the shoes for hiking, biking, ATVing, and navigating and swimming in the region's rocky, water-filled sinkholes and caves called cenotes — and they far exceeded my expectations for a water shoe.
Ms. Phoenix said that while sinkholes often form in regions with precarious bedrock like limestone, such as in Texas and Florida, the geology in Washington is different but still susceptible, particularly given the substantial amount of recent rainfall.
Most of the stories are set in the eponymous "state with the prettiest name," as Elizabeth Bishop calls it, only Groff's version of Florida comes with more menace: snakes, sinkholes, panthers, storms that strike windows with personal animus.
The state stopped flows of liquids on Mariner East 22019 for over eight weeks from March to May after the sinkholes were found, forcing producers like Range Resources Corp to find other ways to get their liquids to market.
Most of the more than 6,000 sinkholes that have struck the west coast of the Dead Sea recently are the result of that sea being starved of water as the rivers flowing into it have their contents extracted for human use.
Today we bring you to the White House, a place plagued by both cockroaches and massive sinkholes, for a special investigation into a days-long mystery currently unfolding in the press briefing room: Who's behind this bag of wet, dirty socks?
Fine-dining establishments from San Francisco to Little Rock are finding new lives as sinkholes for unbearably concentrated wealth—and rare sources of comfort and sanctuary for those of us staring down the barrel of an economy that's completely, utterly fucked.
Los Angeles got next to nothing out of their starting-pitching rotation; ran out sinkholes every day at catcher, second base and left field; and squandered many of the leads they did secure thanks to ghastly performances from their most trusted relievers.
Sinkholes often form when acidic rainwater dissolves limestone or similar rock beneath the soil, leaving a large void that collapses when it's no longer able to support the weight of what's above it, whether an open field, a road or a house.
HELIN, China (Reuters) - Deep in the coal heartlands of northern Shanxi province, people in Helin village are fighting a losing battle as the ground beneath them crumbles: patching up cracks, rebuilding walls and filling in sinkholes caused by decades of coal mining.
But the resort and neighboring communities sprawl amid a maze of canals, streams and sinkholes that connect, on the west, to the 560,000-acre Green Swamp Wilderness Preserve and, to the north, to Lake Apopka – the third largest lake in the state.
Helping Damien retrace his past and decipher strange new events (homicidal dogs, parking-lot sinkholes) are a pair of friends, played by Omid Abtahi and Megalyn Echikunwoke, who have less to do than loyal teammates are usually given in this sort of show.
With much of the sea's western shore off limits because of sinkholes, Mr. Ben Zaken's blue and red Dutch-made boat — named Nefeli after a cloud nymph in Greek mythology — is the only way to see this otherworldly salty landscape up close.
From a perspective of internal threats to success, Facebook is placing some biggish bets on future projects like virtual reality (through Oculus) and research and development into new forms of connectivity, both projects outside its core business, and therefore both potential distractions and financial sinkholes.
But in an era of Google Maps, Yelp and OpenTable, restaurant telephones these days in particular often seem almost atavistic, functioning as little more than life-support systems for voice mail sinkholes that no one ever seems to check, as countless diners can attest.
The area around Narcisse is so attractive to snakes for the same reasons many farmers abandoned it decades ago: Its thin topsoil sits on top of limestone that water has gradually eroded underground, creating a network of small caves that can be entered through sinkholes.
As at other sites in the region, these ponds were built on top of karst, porous limestone prone to cracks and sinkholes that can let poisonous ash seep into groundwater and threaten drinking water — in this case, possibly affecting more than a million people.
So until we figure out how to design pipes that never break and adapt to shifting soil, or start laying all of our sewage and water pipes above ground, sinkholes will continue to be another one of the joys of living in a crowded urban center.[YouTube]
These pits are more akin to sinkholes or caves on Earth, with surface access but also with large underground hollow caverns and spaces that might provide easier access to minerals and water ice — and which might even serve as ready-made shelter for future lunar explorers.
The company hasn't shared specifics, and did not respond to a request by press time, but many sinkholes route traffic by altering the Domain Name System registry—basically the internet's phone book lookup—so the domain you want to sinkhole redirects to your own server instead.
I went into the episode we did on sinkholes with a lot of uncertainty as to how that would be interesting or why that would be dynamic, and that was the episode that probably surprised me the most, just in terms of how emotional it was.
But it also took 100 years for scientists to determine what, exactly, Einstein's theory predicts: not only that gravitational waves exist, but how they look after crossing the cosmos from a coalescing pair of black holes — inescapably steep sinkholes in space-time whose existence Einstein found even harder to swallow.
In Jidda, a port city on the Red Sea where potholes and sinkholes are so large that they are the subject of national jokes, a group of girlfriends in their 20s, who travel abroad and consider themselves politically liberal, said it would be a physical chore to navigate the poor roads each day.
That clearly suggests a preservation bias in the fossil record—and, since animals that get buried in hot springs, marshes, crevasses and sinkholes are much more likely to be preserved for posterity than those that die in the open air, the data confirm the inference drawn from the well-preserved specimens, that male mammoths walked alone, and suffered as a result. Papers
CMU Robotics Institute Professor Red Whittaker put forward a potential mission design that would aim to use intelligent, agile and fast robots to study these pits close up, since they've been spotted by lunar orbital observers but these images don't really provide the kind of detail needed to actually discover if the sinkholes will be useful to future Moon missions, or how.
Generally speaking, sinkholes are most prevalent where the bedrock is made up of rock like limestone, dolomite, and gypsum that dissolve over time from water — particularly acidic water, or most rainwater in the US. This type of soil structure is referred to as "karst" and can be thought of as a block of Swiss cheese — with holes beneath the earth's surface formed by groundwater eroding the rock.
The most pacific grasses and meadows of her inner being were subject to sudden sinkholes full of bone and bilious tissue, spilling over with the multifarious faces, the intimate crimes and errors of her life, all pulling her in the opposite direction as she walked forward, saying hi to people and their dogs, mostly middle-aged except for one bent but fast-moving old lady with an alert husky.
LEBANON SYRIA Sea of Galilee Jordan River Mediterranean Sea West Bank JORDAN Jerusalem Mitspe Shalem Dead Sea GAZA STRIP Ein Gedi Ein Bokek ISRAEL EGYPT 50 Miles By The New York Times Hotels and spas that once lined the waterfront are now hundreds of meters from the shoreline, and some resorts and beaches have been forced to close in recent years because of the thousands of sinkholes that have resulted from the drying up of the water and the ground around it.

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