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11 Sentences With "shuffle out of"

How to use shuffle out of in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "shuffle out of" and check conjugation/comparative form for "shuffle out of". Mastering all the usages of "shuffle out of" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In Florida, at least, Boomers want to leave Trump to millennials as a parting gift before they shuffle out of God's waiting room into eternity.
When the school day winds down at P.S. 225 in East New York, Brooklyn, hundreds of students shuffle out of the building's bright blue doors.
You will stay through the very last credits in the hope of collecting every last Easter egg, and you'll shuffle out of the theater feeling both satisfied and empty.
They're about to see their favorite Uncle-in-Chief shuffle out of the White House to become a Ray Ban spokesman or whatever, so of course they can't resist some parting shots.
After nearly 16 years on the market, more than 400 million units sold, and one Cupertino company launched into the stratosphere on its back, Apple quietly pulled the iPod Nano and Shuffle out of its virtual stores today.
Maybe a sleeve flipped inside-out, and you can't worm your arm in correctly; or you have to sideways shuffle out of a restaurant while carrying your coat over your head so it doesn't drag through someone's food.
An awkward silence follows, and the spectators shuffle out of the hall. Anders leaves too, while Dee lowers her head. Starbuck whispers to Apollo that she has "missed him". Apollo replies that he missed her, too.
He helps Seruba escape inside the crate by working out how many steps he took on the way in. At the Area 51 base Stark is informed that they are getting reports of Viperox attacks. He orders a row of tanks to block the Viperox off. The Doctor and Seruba shuffle out of the vault inside the crate so the flies won't notice.
When Coker arrives, they seize him, believing him to be Loder. They tie and gag him, jam a waste paper basket on his head, and drape a sheet over him, before disappearing back to their dormitories. Coker manages to partly free his legs and shuffle out of Loder's bedroom just as Loder and Carne return to the school from the inn. Upon entering through the Sixth Form lobby door, they see Coker's spectral form and depart in state of confusion and fright.
The golden nightjar is active at dawn and dusk and through the night, roosting on the ground during the day and tending to shuffle out of the way of approaching animals rather than flushing. It has been recorded feeding over waterbodies at dusk, its diet is made up of larger insects. The normal clutch is 2 eggs which lare laid on the ground, usually near a clump of vegetation. Egg laying has been recorded in April–May in the west and March–April in Sudan.
462 The Era was also untroubled by the plot, finding that it hinged on "a moment of genuine ethical exaltation"; it concluded, "Mr Pinero's genius is as strong as ever". "The Gay Lord Quex", The Era, 15 April 1899, p. 13; and "The Morality of Lord Quex", The Era, 13 May 1899, p. 17 The Times commented that intellectually Pinero stood alone among British dramatists, and praised the "undeniable humanity and interest" of the piece, but wished it had sprung from something loftier than "a combat of wits between a roué, who has to shuffle out of a discreditable past, and a young woman who, though it be for a good motive, has descended to immodesty and mean cunning".

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