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13 Sentences With "shamings"

How to use shamings in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "shamings" and check conjugation/comparative form for "shamings". Mastering all the usages of "shamings" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They accept hackings and online shamings the way a Californian shrugs off earthquakes.
In the week to come, I received one of those public Twitter and Facebook shamings that writers now expect as an occupational hazard.
There is something primal in this particular ritual too; similar traditions, like the public shamings known as charivari, or "rough music," date back to at least the Middle Ages in Europe, and maybe longer.
" Modi's supporters often get their news from Republic TV, which features shouting matches, public shamings, and scathing insults of all but the most slavish Modi partisans; next to it, Fox News resembles the BBC's "Newshour.
The NCAA fights tooth and nail for amateurism, an arguably illegal system of inarguable economic control; player-friendly reforms such as cost-of-living stipends and the ability to even offer four-year scholarships have come only as a result of legal defeats and public shamings.
Though typically found on the "Trumpgrets" subreddit, one of these public shamings recently went viral in the form of a Monday tweet collecting screenshots of supposed Trump voters shocked to learn they'd be paying more in taxes, thanks to the president's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
When you're asked to write on the subject (by this magazine, whose former president and publisher, Hamilton Fish, resigned in 2017 after members of staff expressed concerns about his behavior), nearly two years have passed since the activist Tarana Burke's hashtag took on its second life, and the relationship between individual shamings and entrenched institutional habits is more vexed than ever.
Beginning with its successful taming of the internet, Beijing has treated the darkest episodes of "Black Mirror" as a how-to guide for social control and subjugation — with "social credit" scores and official public shamings for people whose daily conduct disappoints, official Communist Party apps that you'd better use if you know what's good for you, surveillance technologies and facial recognition software as boots on the back of nonapproved religions, and compulsory internet as part of the brutal, tech-enabled replay of the Cultural Revolution imposed in China's Muslim west.
In gathering material for his book, Ronson interviewed several individuals who were on the receiving end of concentrated Internet shaming, including Jonah Lehrer, Justine Sacco, and Lindsey Stone. He also interviewed controversial practitioners of 21st century public humiliation, including former Texas District Judge and current congressional representative Ted Poe, and several instigators of widespread public shamings.
Small, Scottish Market Crosses, Stirling, 1900, p. iv To this day, royal proclamations are still ceremonially read in public at the Mercat Cross in Edinburgh, including the calling of a general election and succession of a new monarch. The cross was also the communal focal point of public events such as civic ceremonials, official rejoicings, and public shamings and punishments, including executions. Some crosses still incorporate the iron staples to which jougs and branks were once attached.
Ronson then records the interaction and posts it on YouTube, and is surprised when the reaction is overwhelmingly in his favor. The creators of the spambot, in the wake of the public shame elicited by Ronson's video, finally agree to retire the counterfeit Twitter account. This experience leads Ronson to re-evaluate other public shamings he's participated in, and the effects these shaming events have on both the shamed and the shaming. He begins by interviewing prominent victims of public shaming on the Internet, and the instigators of these shaming events.
Similarly, the line between military and political officers were often blurred in PVA, since the political officers often had extensive military experiences while most military officers were senior Party members within a unit. Besides the political officers, Party members and Party candidates also enforced political controls within the ranks. Squads were often divided into three-man fireteams, with each fireteam led by a Party member or a Party candidate. Group meetings were frequently used to maintain unit cohesion, and within the meetings public shamings and criticisms were conducted to raise morale and to indoctrinate soldiers.
Normally, public shamings and political indoctrination camps were preferred methods in dealing with serious infractions such as desertion, and the punished are expected to return to frontline duty with his original unit. Like the Soviet Army, political and military officers formed a dual chain of command within the PVA, and this arrangement could be found as low as the company level. Political officers were in charge of the control and the morale of the troops, and they were often expected to act like role models in combat. Unlike other Communist armies of the same period, although the political officers had authority over military officers on combat decisions, the military officers could issue orders without political officers' approval.

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