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10 Sentences With "serins"

How to use serins in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "serins" and check conjugation/comparative form for "serins". Mastering all the usages of "serins" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Tibetan serins generally breed in mixed forest and spend their winter in alder.
Birds for which the site is important include saker falcons, solitary snipe, European rollers, Hume's larks, sulphur-bellied warblers, wallcreepers, brown accentors, water pipits, fire-fronted serins, crimson-winged finches, red-mantled rosefinches and white-winged grosbeaks.
Species which triggered the IBA designation include griffon vultures which occur in small numbers, sombre tits, Upcher's warblers, Menetries's warblers, western rock-nuthatches, white- throated robins, Finsch's wheatears, pale rock sparrows and Syrian serins. In winter the reservoir provides habitat for waders and sometimes ducks.
The site was identified as an IBA by BirdLife International because it supports populations of 162 species of birds, including Himalayan snowcocks, saker falcons, cinereous vultures, solitary snipes, European rollers, Alpine choughs, Hume's short-toed larks, sulphur-bellied warblers, wallcreepers, white-winged snowfinches, brown accentors, water pipits, red-fronted serins, crimson-winged finches, red- mantled rosefinches and white-winged grosbeaks.
The forest hosts various kinds of birds such as: woodpigeons, jays, turtledoves, kestrels, thrushs, blackbirds, great spotted woodpeckers, robins, buzzards, woodcocks, great tits, greenfinches, serins, tits and goldfinches. Among the reptiles are found the rat snake, the endemic common snake (called serpe nivura in dialect), the viper, the lizard and the green lizard. There are also many mammals such as:porcupines, foxes, weasels, wild rabbits, hedgehogs.
The site has been identified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area (IBA) because it supports significant numbers of the populations of various bird species, either as residents, or as breeding or passage migrants. These include Himalayan snowcocks, ferruginous ducks, saker falcons, Pallas's fish-eagles, cinereous vultures, ibisbills, European rollers, yellow-billed choughs, Hume's larks, wallcreepers, white-winged redstarts, white-winged snowfinches, rufous- streaked accentors, water pipits, fire-fronted serins, plain mountain-finches and crimson-winged finches.
The family Fringillidae contains more than two hundred species divided into fifty genera. It includes species known as siskins, canaries, redpolls, serins, grosbeaks and euphonias. Many birds in other families are also commonly called "finches". These groups include: the estrildid finches (Estrildidae) of the Old World tropics and Australia; some members of the Old World bunting family (Emberizidae) and the American sparrow family (Passerellidae); and the Darwin's finches of the Galapagos islands, now considered members of the tanager family (Thraupidae).
Syrian serins breed in Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan, at altitudes of between 900 and 1,900 metres. The population in Jordan makes local movements in winter, but the birds of Lebanon, Israel and Syria migrate to wintering grounds in Egypt, Turkey and Iraq. They inhabit rocky areas with oak and conifer shrubs or trees and frequent grasslands and fields feeding mainly on the seeds of annuals and grasses. In Southwestern Jordan, its main diet during winter is the seeds of Artemisia.
The 1000 ha IBA was so classified because it supports significant numbers of the populations of various bird species, either as residents, or as overwintering, breeding or passage migrants. These include Himalayan snowcocks, saker falcons, cinereous vultures, yellow-billed choughs, Hume's larks, sulphur-bellied warblers, wallcreepers, Himalayan rubythroats, white-winged redstarts, white-winged snowfinches, alpine accentors, rufous-streaked accentors, brown accentors, water pipits, fire-fronted serins, plain mountain-finches, crimson-winged finches, red-mantled rosefinches, Caucasian great rosefinches and white-winged grosbeaks.
A tract of land including the lake and surrounding mountains has been designated a nature reserve. As well as the lake itself, habitats found in the reserve include rivers, water meadows, broad-leaved and juniper forests, mountain shrubland and sub-alpine meadows. Over half of the reserve, comprising , has been identified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area because it supports significant numbers of the populations of various bird species, either as residents, or as breeding or passage migrants. These include Himalayan snowcocks, saker falcons, cinereous vultures, yellow-billed choughs, Hume's larks, sulphur-bellied warblers, wallcreepers, Himalayan rubythroats, white-winged redstarts, white-winged snowfinches, alpine accentors, rufous- streaked accentors, brown accentors, water pipits, fire-fronted serins, plain mountain-finches, crimson-winged finches, red-mantled rosefinches and white- winged grosbeaks.

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