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150 Sentences With "sequiturs"

How to use sequiturs in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sequiturs" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sequiturs". Mastering all the usages of "sequiturs" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Non sequiturs and that, we can write all fucking day.
Sometimes though, they're incredible non-sequiturs, begrudgingly written, and yet hilarious.
It's like when you have a dream full of non sequiturs.
" Pause before one of the show's many non sequiturs: "Ya like math?
Magic Wand is no stranger to this with its frequent non-sequiturs.
Many are visual non-sequiturs, blandly pleasant images which don't make sense.
Another interviewer found him giggling childishly and spinning out surrealistic non sequiturs.
Biden avoided the gaffes and non-sequiturs that have marred past debates.
There are no non-sequiturs for the sake of advancing his lyrics.
Zhang often frustrates Altman by ignoring his questions or answering with non sequiturs.
Often, he imbues his attempts at comfort with self-praise or non-sequiturs.
These dreamy non-sequiturs offer an intermittent ticker tape of consciousness in repose.
Steinberg was a lyricist of the metal nib — a twirler of nonverbal non sequiturs.
Jumping from topic to topic, he offered raw emotions, non sequiturs and florid exaggerations.
Posts are frequently incoherent or contain non sequiturs, and the bots make obvious factual errors.
These are often very funny, studded with sharp put-downs and Eddie's woolly non sequiturs.
McMaine-Render drove seven students in the program's van, which resounded with cheerful non sequiturs.
And he tends to wander off on tangents, switch directions and erupt in non sequiturs.
Viewed today, its quick cuts and non-sequiturs read as surprisingly modern and often very funny.
Non sequiturs spin off in various directions; phrasings of inspired concision telescope with prolix, prosier ones.
This would fail an elementary school test for lack of clarity, non sequiturs and rambling incoherence.
Other times, he responds or initiates conversations with non sequiturs or loosely related images and jokes.
It was a weird cavalcade of non sequiturs and falsehoods that, on policy, was also completely vacuous.
In "Powerhouse," it means a 700-page string of skips, jumps, tangents and otherwise dizzying non sequiturs.
The limited writing is also fun, with characters barking everything from subtle hints to total non sequiturs.
The line readings are unfailingly earnest, and the lines themselves are non sequiturs, riddles and cryptic jokes.
Heading into the second Democratic debate tonight, many are hoping for more climate talk and fewer non sequiturs.
Johny Johny Yes Papa swept social media over the summer with its mildly terrifying animation and lyrical non sequiturs.
Jacqueline and Lillian (Carol Kane) anchor the show's broadest bits, its funniest physical comedy, and its weirdest non-sequiturs.
There's Trump at one end of the showroom spitting out non-sequiturs about mooning, cursing, Atlantic City and WMDs.
Prone to non sequiturs, the movie unfolds with an unconventional rhythm and structure that often look suspiciously like amateurishness.
The show moves at a fast clip, sustained by a parade of gleefully whimsical scenes and inspired non sequiturs.
Other times, there are clear grammatical issues or sort of non sequiturs that don't totally seem to make sense.
President Trump tweeted an interesting combination of truth, non-sequiturs and lies on Tuesday involving China and the Federal Reserve.
"It was, if not entirely made up in full cloth, it was primarily non-truths and non-sequiturs," Kent testified.
The US in 2019 is yelling non sequiturs at you on the phone because you aren't asking the right questions.
"NY Money" is nearly seven minutes of perpetual motion, semi-sequiturs and two-chord (the intro has three) Minimalist obsessiveness.
The surreal scenarios, all of them non sequiturs — why is Magrey sleeping on three sides of a rotating triangle clock?
Sound has an uncanny ability to enter the subconscious as we sleep, to execute flawless non sequiturs in real dream-time.
But it entered a sort of drug-induced mania, spitting out comatose non-sequiturs like a teenager after a bong hit.
Surrealism is an art of non sequiturs, and several of the Imagists recognized her work as a precedent to their own.
He spoke in non sequiturs that did not always make sense to the people on the other end of the conversation.
The hearing last week also confirmed that the arguments peddled by the left against him are total straw men and non sequiturs.
There's none of the emo-nihilism that's coursed through his tracks in the past, just plenty of quick-fire, boastful non-sequiturs.
Shorts like "All Your Base Are Belong to Us" and "The Dancing Baby" were brief, surrealist non-sequiturs void of commercial purpose.
Her writing came to be defined by Fluxus, a hybrid poetry-criticism that made Kafkaesque diversions into absurdities, absolutions, and non-sequiturs.
"Even periphery characters share a certain fondness for non sequiturs: Kevin's Adopted Brother Randall's Dying Father: "I just came out for some air.
He stood beside her, as she shotgunned her usual mix of folksy jargon, non-sequiturs and sheer nonsense (she also misquoted Ronald Reagan).
And yet, Trump found a way to bring both answers back to his victory in 2016 through a series of seeming non sequiturs.
He posts images cribbed from the weirder reaches of social media, curious relics from 1980s and 90s meathead culture, and loads of non sequiturs.
Or rave about Annie Hall's inventive narrative structure, disrupting the traditional romantic comedy mold with cutaways, non-sequiturs, and breaks in the fourth wall.
You might call its follow-up a pivot: back toward synthetic production and lyrical non sequiturs, with a Day-Glo sheen of pop bravado.
His press conference was a semi-coherent farrago of lies, contradictions, and non-sequiturs — even loopier than Trump's Paris speech, which is saying something.
His dire circumstances contrast starkly with the more inane motivations of Darius, the trip's unaffected guide, who periodically slingshots non sequiturs that reek of marijuana.
As with Tommy Wiseau's midnight movie favorite, Surfer is a self-funded indie filled with non-sequiturs, passionate performances, unexplained diversions, and bizarre dream logic.
In the meta excursion, directed by Benjamin Dickinson, Watts brings along his familiar comedic touches (philosophical musings, probing insights into humanity, generally uproarious non-sequiturs).
Liam Hemsworth finished a pair of amazing Jean-Claude Van Damme stories with a semi-related anecdote about Jennifer Lawrence's habit of onset non-sequiturs.
Stewart, however, upstages everyone, from the opening close-up on her gleeful grin to her array of colorful costumes, riotous non sequiturs and unconventional posture choices.
The generated text is often full of non sequiturs and bits of weirdness that don't advance the plot, serve the story, or belong in any way.
Goon-like leaders spout non-sequiturs and when we ask, like Joseph K. in The Trial, what these words mean, their minions explain away the malfeasance.
The TV channel teamed up with the YouTube channel Bad Lip Reading to create this new masterpiece starring Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens exchanging complete non-sequiturs.
Where Deus Ex was full of rough edges and non sequiturs (just wait till you get to the chupacabras), Mankind Divided feels somewhere between streamlined and simplistic.
With all its erratic punctuation and grammatical incoherence, its non sequiturs and obscure historical references, it appears to have been written by a pacifist polymath gone amok.
And this means that when they're having meandering conversations (rather than directed dialogue for tasks like customer service) they tend to come up with some odd non-sequiturs.
"His speeches are full of non sequiturs," says Kristin Kobes Du Mez, a Calvin College historian who has done a comparative study of Trump and Clinton's speaking styles.
The two of them engage in a lot of pixilated, hard-boiled banter, hurling one-liners, non sequiturs and riddles at each other with impressive speed and agility.
Characters have witty names or speak in strange non sequiturs; the reader's impulse is to laugh but then the details accrue and the laugh is much less comfortable.
Although the characters talk in the unmistakable patter of police procedurals, their conversation is littered with misplaced idioms, fractured non-sequiturs, and baffling descriptions of inter-species violence.
He'll stall sessions with non-sequiturs, complaining at random about Amazon's tax status or proclaiming that he's only visited Russia once, for the Miss Universe pageant in 2013.
Yet they mostly come across as opaque non sequiturs, which made their relationship to the accomplished and appealing but more straightforward designs above them hard to make out.
In the weeks leading up the rapper's latest album release, tracking his latest bursts of provocative non-sequiturs on Twitter had become almost something of a national past time.
Teeming with stock footage of wild animals and featuring one of the great cinematic non-sequiturs, this story manages to wedge a conservationist motif into a boy's wilderness adventure.
Why not talk about the guest stars and the stoned chuckles sparked by extended chicken fights and road trip episodes and relentless "The Bird Is the Word" non-sequiturs?
The true star is Mr. Parks's dialogue: If a joke doesn't hit its mark (and some are simple non sequiturs), another one lands before you have time to notice.
Her work bristles with dreams, memory tangents, cognitive non sequiturs — the rough edges of life that most writers are eager to smooth away in their pursuit of formal elegance.
Expect wry, hilarious non sequiturs muttered in between songs — like "Them Changes" and "Show You the Way" — that will be full of elastic funk grooves and blistering bass solos.
And the Fall found and built a loyal audience that welcomed the music's corrosive intent while it parsed the spite, mockery, allusions and non sequiturs in Mr. Smith's lyrics.
"His speeches are full of non sequiturs," says Kristin Kobes Du Mez, a Calvin College historian who has done a comparative study of Trump and Hillary Clinton's speaking styles.
During our mid-May phone interview from Boulder, Colorado, Morris and Dorfman were in merry spirits, tossing out memories and jokey non-sequiturs like the old friends they clearly are.
DaBaby free associates in a way that feels like Young Thug, but Baby strings together these non-sequiturs in a way that makes you consider what reality they're tethered to.
Like many of his speeches, Mr. Trump's pitch at Rivertowne Marina was a wandering assortment of self-defenses, attacks and non sequiturs that bumped into one another like untethered barges.
The interview went roughly as anyone might expect in the sense that there's no point in expecting anything but non-sequiturs, Facebook-brained untruths, and self-aggrandizement from Kanye West anymore.
Mr. Kahane's songs inhabit a space somewhere between alternative pop and a new urban folk music, with texts full of non sequiturs that can unexpectedly point to quiet pathos and heartbreak.
And where the digital tools of electronic music favor numerical precision and exact repetition, OPN's music has often counterattacked, using glitches, wobbles, smears, interruptions and seeming non sequiturs, constantly undermining expectations.
The secretary of state, all but visibly seething, muttered non sequiturs, repeated vacuous talking points, and at one point told Amons it sounded like she was working for the Democratic National Committee.
Corrine Calloway, nee Makepeace, a former prep-school goddess, levelheaded, compassionate, given to conversational non sequiturs, has worked variously as a stockbroker, screenwriter, 9/11 volunteer and head of a food charity.
It's supposed to be a tragedy, but its endless parade of non-sequiturs, inhuman dialogue, mid-film casting switches, and establishing shots of San Francisco turn the film into a legendary farce.
But it can be hard to separate the news from the geyser of other stuff: hoaxes, non sequiturs, memes about mandarin ducks , doctored footage of CNN reporters, and Kanye West's latest opinions.
Fond of non sequiturs and hyper-earnestness, the Tick was the kind of superhero who most made sense in a world that was utterly nonsensical, which is what superhero worlds inevitably become.
His music, even since Pavement melted into entropy in 1999, has been jarring and opaque, defined by lyrics that circle around homonyms and puns, or break from generational observations into non sequiturs.
Your Jomny-love may depend on your stomach for non sequiturs, cute animals and puns (a beaver says "dam business"; an otter thinks it's an "auteur") but also perhaps on your age.
Its quasi-randomness brings to mind the work of several contemporary painters, notably Nicole Eisenman, Neo Rauch, and Peter Williams, each of whom embrace complex imagery with the feel of non-sequiturs.
The show also had a thing for eclectic musical non-sequiturs, and gave Conway Twitty (+21), the B-21's "Rock Lobster" (+21), and the Trashmen song "Surfin' Bird" (+23) a brief renaissance.
He and his companions are acutely self-conscious about their societal status, and in conversation, they are quick to offer observations, almost non sequiturs, about prominent politicians, replete with sexist and racist language.
It's a movie full of fourth-wall breaks, strange narrative diversions, non-sequiturs, and classic scenes (driving to Wyoming to buy beer is still a very real thing for Salt Lake City kids).
The clear connection between the women onscreen—rife with loaded glances and flip non sequiturs—lends a docu-fictional feel that the film unravels slowly and a bit haphazardly, like teenage life itself.
Like so many of his speeches, Mr. Trump's pitch on Wednesday at Rivertowne Marina was a wandering assortment of self-defenses, attacks and non sequiturs that bumped into one another like untethered barges.
"His humor is gentle and whimsical, long on non sequiturs and only occasionally risqué," Jon Pareles wrote in The New York Times, reviewing a show in 289 at the Bottom Line in Manhattan.
Daisy especially is strong, a spunky sort full of non sequiturs who writes online Chewbacca and Rey fan fiction yet has more complicated feelings in the real world when it comes to her BFF.
John C. Reilly has fun as Billy's personal catcher, and loosens the film up some, if only because most of his lines sound like non-sequiturs straight from the mouth of Dr. Steve Brule.
Historically, Turing tests encouraged fooling human judges as an indicator of "true AI." This is flawed; after all, enough typos, exclamations, smileys and non sequiturs can convince anyone you're a 13-year-old male.
Normally, we'd share those thoughts with a friend or significant other, but since Mayer is clear that he's single and ready to mingle, Twitter is bearing the brunt of his most confusing non sequiturs.
During a more serious interlude, when we see the children helping their older, frailer father take a bath, the non sequiturs in the dialogue aren't funny anymore: They are evidence of his memory loss.
The president's capricious employ of his native idiom, his fractured syntax and streaming non sequiturs are challenging enough for Anglophones, so imagine the difficulties they pose to foreigners: How, exactly, do you translate "braggadocious"?
As the camera peers into Lord's invisible pores, his friend futzes with art supplies and confesses faintly shocking non sequiturs, like his youthful habit of falling asleep by fantasizing about raping and killing women.
When he first started tweeting frequently, DeVito used the service the way we all did in 2011: sort of badly, recommending articles without including a link to the actual article and posting puzzling non sequiturs.
The deep tracks of the Deep State, tangential names like Alexandra Chalupa, have been lobbed from left field by the GOP inquisitors, seemingly ominous non sequiturs meant to imply presidential enemies operating in the shadows.
Unhinged outbursts and bizarre non sequiturs have become a hallmark since he began his bid to become the Republican nominee for president last year, despite the alluringly consistent internal logic of his xenophobia and hatred.
Alone, these would be visual non-sequiturs, but the power of montage unites them in meaning as the tools of the film's main characters, writer Émile Zola (Guillaume Canet) and painter Paul Cézanne (Guillaume Gallienne).
Like Dorothy and her suffer no fools approach to Stan's hijinks/Blanche's delusions/Rose's non sequiturs/Sophia's trickery, secretarybirds quietly and carefully stalk their prey and then skillfully and aggressively, well, uh, stomp them to death.
What she said next didn't follow, but then we often talked in non sequiturs, she conducting a kind of call-and-response conversation in her head and I in mine, the responses never quite matching up.
In a stunning blast of accusations, insults and non-sequiturs, Nunberg vowed to defy a grand jury subpoena, dared Mueller to arrest him and claimed the relentless prosecutor believed that Donald Trump was a Manchurian candidate.
The public rooms are full of aesthetic non sequiturs: There is an Andrée Putman table, hand-painted wallpaper in the restaurant, a sculptured pink flamingo and a set of chairs that had once occupied the French Senate.
With his shtick of a loony academic, Corey's onslaught of comedic non sequiturs was augmented by his unique look - a shock of crazy hair, a tuxedo jacket with black tails, a string tie and high-top sneakers.
Giuliani is flooding the zone with new information, explanations, attacks and non sequiturs that have scrambled the political and legal landscape for the president and the White House, as well as those investigating and suing the administration.
The power and tone of their emotion overtake the atmosphere of the play for a while, altering the language of the dialogue and songs, which become sweetly surreal, full of non sequiturs and endearments and celestial metaphors.
The Netflix comedy took the frenetic blend of topical jokes, non sequiturs and inspired silliness Mr. Carlock and Ms. Fey developed for the showbiz satire "30 Rock" and transplanted it to the world of plucky New York strivers.
They have a parrot named Nabokov, and his Dada non sequiturs — "The train for Inverness will depart at 11:06 precisely" — seem less like interruptions than a series of notes in the low-key disharmony of their lives.
Taken together, all these components make for a remarkably lucid definition of identity, whether personal, ethnic or national, Mr. Prina's or his father's: It's a ramshackle series of accidents and non sequiturs that strike you, somehow, with unitary force.
Today the site is an invaluable resource for people who care about web ephemera and is a step above most wiki-type portals, employing researchers to track down the origin of the strangest non sequiturs floating in the ether.
Ponsoldt uses the increasingly common visual conceit of having people's internet comments appear on-screen in a cloud of digital pop-ups, as viewers react to Mae's every movement with judgments, support, leers, and narcissistic, attention-seeking non sequiturs about cheese.
Employing many of the same brush-strokes as on his previous albums, with the addition of the mysterious DJ Escrow and Gassman D characters playing a central role, the end result is a record full of strange non-sequiturs and street-side samples.
These high-fashion non sequiturs have gained serious traction in the contemporary art market; Hiltunen's work has exhibited at prominent galleries like White Columns in New York and major contemporary art fairs such as Frieze and the New Art Dealers Alliance in Miami.
But I'm just more text, and I just think that that was the original dream of Twitter, was that people were just sitting around making these jokes and they were so funny, the non-sequiturs ... KS: Oh, there's very funny things on Twitter.
And indeed, the machine that was said by some publications to have beaten the Turing test last year did so by claiming to be a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy — a cover story that excused its occasional ignorance, clunky phrasing, and conversational non sequiturs.
And now and then — between the whiz-bang musical one-liners and non sequiturs — they linger just long enough over an earworm of a pop verse to prove they could slow down and write more standard songs if they weren't having so much fun.
The new Child's Play often feels like it came straight from the minds of tweens: It's silly, even nigh nonsensical, full of flat stock characters, plot non sequiturs, and a hand-wave-y take on technological dystopia that never manages to get above eye roll levels of sincerity.
On the surface, it reads like a greatest hits of past Republican attempts to restrict safety net benefits and includes some bizarre non sequiturs that Republicans also happen to support, like a call to eliminate a regulation banning investment advisers from scamming their clients into bad, higher-priced investments.
Pond first started putting out limited edition vinyl around 2009—titles included non sequiturs like Psychedelic Mango and Corridors of Blissterday—but unless you lived in Australia at the time or scored some of their scuzzier early work on eBay, you may not have heard about them until the early 2010s.
Although the announcement of the two new series sparked questions from fans about whether there needs to be more FLCL, this scrutiny would be better served asking whether there can be more FLCL — a show whose bizarre confluence of references, emotions and non-sequiturs feels difficult, if not impossible, to replicate.
That's part of what makes some of these shows so fun to revisit in adulthood, catching hidden dimensions that you never noticed—realizing the ways in which bits that seemed like non-sequiturs as a kid seeped into your subconscious and influenced the ways in which you process pop culture.
By the end of this production, which opened on Thursday night at the Laura Pels Theater, we have come to appreciate the eloquence in Amy's non sequiturs, and to understand them as part of an armor she's assembled to exist in a world that has seldom been kind to her.
Despite an executive producer shakeup in March and a few classic 80s sci-fi novella tropes—D'Branin pledges to return to his family alive (lol) and the crew members resolve tense moments with sexual non-sequiturs—the first few episodes of the show released to press deliver real spooks and scares.
I actually sat and watched the whole thing, and I was unexpectedly awed as Mehmet Oz connected with his subject and actually got this frenetic force of nature to calm down and focus for much of the time, rather than rattle off his usual mix of rote campaign attacks and tangential non sequiturs.
It feels like a fairly extreme case of a star parachuting into the scenes his producers have set up, dispensing charisma and charming non sequiturs (twice in four episodes he declares he's having the best time of his life) and not forgetting to find a backdrop for the 15-second philosophical wrap-up.
But word spread that it was a camp classic — an amalgamation of absurd non sequiturs, continuity problems and characters of dubious motivation who come and go for no particular reason, in the service of a story involving a cheating girlfriend, a betrayed friendship and a lot of scenes of guys tossing around footballs.
Downey Jr.'s is called "Suitcase Boy" ("I came out with a suitcase zipped up around my neck and said a bunch of non sequiturs"), while Fallon had "plate boy and cup boy" (he treats us to a video of the latter, and it is every bit as bad as you're expecting).
The manager's vaudevillian face and legendary gift for stem-winding non sequiturs — he made his catcher Yogi Berra sound like Cicero — contributed to the impression that he was a codger who'd had the dumb luck to inherit a Yankee organization already stocked with the likes of Berra, Phil Rizzuto and Whitey Ford.
While the show has always thrown in well-chosen non-sequiturs subtly digging at sexism in the workplace, now that Mindy Lahiri's a mom, we love how a major plot line of the fourth season drove home the real double standards mothers face in going back to work and seeking career success post-baby.
"I think Donald Trump, in both debates, has used the strategy of throwing out these kinds of tangents and non sequiturs to kind of move past and avoid any questions that he might not be able to answer, but Hillary Clinton has missed the opportunity to bring him back to actual issues," he said.
President Donald Trump's Thursday press conference was a cascade of lies, contradictions, and non sequiturs — so it might have been easy to miss, slipped into a dig at pro–Affordable Care Act protesters, a line that inadvertently reveals how Trump sees politics and government as a whole: We've begun preparing to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Simply to sit and breathe for twenty-five minutes, if only to hear cars and buses go by on a city avenue—listening to the world rather than to the frantic non sequiturs of one's "monkey mind," fragmented thoughts and querulous moods racing each other around—can intimate the possibility of a quiet grace in the midst of noise.
Though there's still an intricate web of blips and buzzes behind MC Ride's stream of non-sequiturs—"Take me to the bank, certified amount / How I heard about, she's a walkabout / Dream time announced / Booty on the outside the song retains a recognizable structure"—the song retains a verse-chorus-verse-chorus structure, and that's remarkable in its own way.
At the White House and among Republicans on Capitol Hill, there is a keen awareness that Mr. Trump benefits from extraordinarily low expectations of his ability to stay on message and deliver a coherent speech, given his tendency to ramble off script and insert divisive notes, insulting asides and mystifying non sequiturs that almost always overshadow the topic at hand.
His tweets and offhand taunts are the very essence of trolling — the lies, the scorn, the invective, the trash talk, and the rabid non sequiturs of an angry, aggrieved, isolated, and deeply self-absorbed adolescent who lives in a self-constructed bubble and gets the attention he craves from bashing his enemies and trailing clouds of outrage and dismay in his path.
Burgundy dips into standup tropes (muttering "What else, what else" and pacing during segues, shouting out local sports teams and suburbs at length) and generally just exudes a darker, sadder version of that original Anchorman id: an ageing man just self-aware enough to be terrified of his own ever-growing irrelevance and of how little he understands the world, fighting that fear with self-delusion, non-sequiturs, and yelling.
I have no idea what the post-credits scene was about, or why there's suddenly a Dolores and a Charlotte in the final scenes, or why Stubbs is suddenly the Host Whisperer, or what exactly Emily is, or why the show devoted so much attention to Lee's last act of heroism — which so far this season has seemed like abrupt non sequiturs of loyalty-switching on his part.
The job of all of those people — and also Anthony's widow, Vianne (Jen Harper); their daughter, Sylvia (Ciera Payton); and their son-in-law, Will (David Otunga) — is to look good in or half out of their clothes, to emote when called upon and to stand around while Madea and her crew (not all of whom are played by Perry) deliver their curses, blessings, insults and non sequiturs.
Maryland poet Sid Gold's 2018 collection, Crooked Speech, consists of four sections of poems that alternate between works that are quite narrative (albeit containing some rather remarkable metaphors) on one page and, on the facing page, prose poems reminiscent of Seattle poet John Olson's work, comprised of seemingly narrative sentences assembled as a series of non-sequiturs, unrelated observations from history, apparently personal experiences unknown to the reader, and linguistic or philosophical conundrums.
Mr. Ellis has a good ear for the sort of dumb exchange of non sequiturs, bad jokes and half-hearted shrugs that pass for conversation between Clay and his friends; and while his descriptions of Los Angeles carry a few too many echoes of Raymond Chandler, Joan Didion and Nathanael West… they nonetheless demonstrate a keen eye for grim details (the dead fish in the Jacuzzi, the cigarette butt stubbed out on the kitchen floor, and so on) and a sure sense of the absurd.

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