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"sententia" Definitions

42 Sentences With "sententia"

How to use sententia in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sententia" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sententia". Mastering all the usages of "sententia" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads A common sententia says we're all made of stardust: the stuff of the cosmos is the stuff of our bodies.
In Roman Catholic theology, Sententia certa refers to teachings without final approval but clearly deduced from revelation.Fundamentals of Catholic dogma b Ludwig Ott, 1964, Herder, ASIN: B002BZOUAI pages 9-10 These are below the Sententia fidei proxima level, but above Sententia communis.
In Roman Catholic theology, Sententia fidei proxima refers to teachings, which are generally accepted as divine revelation but not defined as such by the Magisterium.Fundamentals of Catholic dogma b Ludwig Ott, 1964, Herder, ASIN: B002BZOUAI page 9 These are below the Fides ecclesiastica level, but above Sententia certa. Views contradicting something that is sententia fidei proxima are referred to with the term sententia haeresi proxima. One example of sententia haeresi proxima is the proposition "angels are not pure spirits."P.
It was written between 435 and 442. ;Sententia and Epigrammata The Sententia was a collection of 392 maxims drawn up against the writings of Augustine of Hippo. The epigrammata was a compilation of 106 epigrams of florilegium in verse. Both were intended to be used as handbooks for the serious Christian, drawn from an Augustinian point of view.
Et haec sententia communis est de omnibus utlagis. Leges Edwardi Confessoris § 6. Cynocephali appear in the Old Welsh poem Pa Gur? as cinbin (dogheads).
The game was poorly received, but Hicks was undeterred and went on to spend two years refining his design ideas. The result was a game called Pillar for PlayStation 4, a game inspired by human psychology. Pillar was more successful than Sententia, generating over 320,000 downloads and a showcase at the Game Developer's Conference. Pillar's release gave Hicks and Antunes confidence to return to Sententia.
The issue of good faith (bona fides) was irrelevant to ownership, only to compensation. Commentary on the media sententia Nicholas criticises the media sententia as it did not take into account the relative importance of the materials and the maker's skill. Borkowski suggests that the test was not feasible if there was nothing left of the original material, e.g. if the creator chipped away at bronze to make a statue.
The term "cognitive liberty" was coined by neuroethicist Dr. Wrye Sententia and legal theorist and lawyer Richard Glen Boire, the founders and directors of the non-profit Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics (CCLE). Sententia and Boire define cognitive liberty as "the right of each individual to think independently and autonomously, to use the full power of his or her mind, and to engage in multiple modes of thought." Sententia and Boire conceived of the concept of cognitive liberty as a response to the increasing ability of technology to monitor and manipulate cognitive function, and the corresponding increase in the need to ensure individual cognitive autonomy and privacy.Sententia (2004), 223 Sententia divides the practical application of cognitive liberty into two principles: #As long as their behavior does not endanger others, individuals should not be compelled against their will to use technologies that directly interact with the brain or be forced to take certain psychoactive drugs.
The origin for The Path of Motus started in 2012, when Hicks and Antunes released an early version of the game called Sententia for Xbox 360. Hicks expressed frustration towards video games before Sententia's development, and questioned why games he played weren't as emotionally engaging as other forms of media he consumed. Hicks soon became interested in using gameplay "as a way to express meaningful ideas" and began development on Sententia to experiment with this approach. The game was quickly finished after three months, and was released as part of the Indie Games Uprising, an event Hicks helped coordinate.
To an even greater extent than his teacher, Hugh, he employed a literal exegesis. His hermeneutical scheme was based on the littera–sensus–sententia division of classical rhetoric. Besides classical authors, he made use of the church fathers and of Jewish Peshat exegesis.
Their first project with Sententia was as Associate Producers for Guillermo Del Toro's Academy Award- winning "Pans Labryinth." The following film was "Danika" starring Marisa Tomei, with Barnes and Ebner serving as the film's executive producers. In 2005, the pair purchased the new CafeFX studio.
Canonists usually treat of excommunication in their commentaries on the Corpus Juris Canonici, at the title De sententia excommunicationis (lib. V, tit. xxxix). Moralists deal with it apropos of the treatise on censures (De Censuris). One of the best works is that of D'ANNIBALE Summula Theologiæ moralis (5th ed.
The "sententia vocum" was one of the anti-Realist solutions of the problem of universals accepted by the early Middle Ages. Resuming Porphyry's alternative (mox de generibus et speciebus illud quidem sive subsistent sive in nudis intellectibus posita sint) the first medieval philosophers regarded genera and species (substance, corporeity, animality, humanity) either as things or as having no existence, and applying to this alternative a terminology of Boethius, they derived thence either res (things) or voces (words). To the nominalists universals were voces 'voices', which means: (1) above all that universals are not res, that is that only the individual exists: nam cum habeat eorum sententia nihil esse praeter individuum ... (De gener. et spec.
Sententiae, the nominative plural of the Latin word sententia, are brief moral sayings, such as proverbs, adages, aphorisms, maxims, or apophthegms taken from ancient or popular or other sources, often quoted without context. Sententia, the nominative singular, also called a "sentence", is a kind of rhetorical proof. Through the invocation of a proverb, quotation, or witty turn of phrase during a presentation or conversation one may be able to gain the assent of the listener, who will hear a kind of non-logical, but agreed- upon "truth" in what you are saying. An example of this is the phrase "age is better with wine" playing off of the adage "wine is better with age".
This is practically in accordance with the definition of Modestinus in Digest xxviu. I, 1, voluntatis nostrae justa sententia de eo quod quis post mortem suam fieri velit. Ancient Law, chap. vi. dii. ioi. In the Leges barbarorum, where they are unaffected by Roman law, the will, if it existed at all, was of a very rudimentary character.
In his prologue to the spectators the author first says Aululariam hodie sumus acturi (‘We are going to perform the Aulularia today’),Ranstrand p. 5, 1. then offers a choice of title: Querolus an Aulularia haec dicatur fabula, vestrum hinc iudicium, vestra erit sententia (‘Whether this play is called Querolus or Aulularia will be your judgement, your decision’).Ranstrand p. 5, 12-13.
Original Latin text: "Ibi decretum omnium sententia Ugros Boiariae regno eliminandos esse." English translation from the Latin: "The order for all was: The Hungarians must be eliminated from the land of the Bavarians". At this time, Bavaria included Pannonia, Ostmark, east from the river Enns, and probably the old lands of the Great Moravia (now the western part of Slovakia).
Apostolicae Sedis moderationi was a papal bull issued by Pope Pius IX on 12 October 1869, which revised the list of censures that in canon law were imposed automatically (lata sententia) on offenders. It reduced their number and clarified those preserved. As is customary for such documents, the bull is known by its incipit, the opening words of the text.
Calls for reform of restrictions on the use of prescription cognitive-enhancement drugs (also called smart drugs or nootropics) such as Prozac, Ritalin and Adderall have also been made on the grounds of cognitive liberty.Blitz, 1058-1060 This element of cognitive liberty is also of great importance to proponents of the transhumanist movement, a key tenet of which is the enhancement of human mental function. Dr Wrye Sententia has emphasized the importance of cognitive liberty in ensuring the freedom to pursue human mental enhancement, as well as the freedom to choose against enhancement.Sententia (2013), 356 Sententia argues that the recognition of a "right to (and not to) direct, modify, or enhance one's thought processes" is vital to the free application of emerging neurotechnology to enhance human cognition; and that something beyond the current conception of freedom of thought is needed.
After releasing his first published game in 2011, Hicks became active in the Xbox Live Indie Games community. He helped coordinate the third Indie Games Uprising in 2012, an event that included his own game Sententia. After this he signed on with Sony and released Pillar for PlayStation 4 in 2015. Pillar was downloaded by over 320,000 players and was showcased at the Game Developer's Conference.
1364 par.1 CIC. A belief that the church has not directly rejected, or that is at variance with less important church teachings, is given the label, sententia haeresi proxima, meaning "opinion approaching heresy." A theological argument, belief, or theory that does not constitute heresy in itself, but which leads to conclusions which might be held to do so, is termed propositio theologice erronea, or "erroneous theological proposition".
If the excommunication is, in the formal legal sense, publicly known - that is, in case of both a "declared" latae sententia excommunication (judged upon by the responsible Church court) and in any ferendae sententia excommunication (always imposed by the Church court), any acts of ecclesiastical governance by the excommunicated person are not only illicit but also invalid, e.g., a thus excommunicated bishop cannot validly invest a priest as pastor of a vacant parish. However, as the sacramental character itself is unaffected by the excommunication, this does not apply to acts of sanctification, even if regularly connected with an act of governance such as ordination: an ordination by an excommunicated bishop would be valid but illicit. Under current Catholic canon law, excommunicates remain bound by ecclesiastical obligations such as attending Mass, even though they are barred from receiving the Eucharist and from taking an active part in the liturgy (reading, bringing the offerings, etc.).
Bouquet, "Recueil des hist. des Gaules et de la France", XII, Paris, 1781, 3, b, c) mentions before him a "magister Johannes", whose personality is much discussed and who has not yet been definitively identified. What constitutes the sententia vocum? To judge of it we have besides the texts mentioned above which bear directly on Roscelin an exposition of the treatise De generibus et speciebus (thirteenth century), wrongly attributed to Abelard by Victor Cousin.
Fuit autem, nemini magistri nostri Roscellini tam insana sententia ut nullam rem partibus constare vellet, sed sicut solis vocibus species, ita et partes ascridebat (Abelard, Liber divisionum, ed. Cousin, 471); "[...] Illi utique dialectici, qui non nisi flatum vocis putant universalis esse substantias, et qui colorem non aliud queunt intellegere quam corpus, nec sapientiam hominis aliud quam animam, prorsus a spiritualium quaestionum disputatione sunt exsufflandi." (Anselm, De Incarnatione Verbi, p. 285. Opera Omnia, vol. 1.
Under , which was in effect May 1918 to November 1983, Catholics associated with Masonry were: automatically, i.e. latae sententia, excommunicated, deprived of marriage in the Catholic Church, excluded from Catholic associations, deprived of Catholic funeral rites, invalidated from novitiate, invalidated reception of personal jus patronatus, with additional penalties against clergy, religious, and members of secular institutes. Under , books which argue that "Masonic sects" and similar groups are "useful and not harmful to the Church and civil society" were prohibited.
Et ideo concludit, > quod sanctum est praehonorare veritatem hominibus amicis. Dicit enim > Andronicus Peripateticus, quod sanctitas est quae facit fideles et servantes > ea quae ad Deum iusta. Haec etiam fuit sententia Platonis, qui reprobans > opinionem Socratis magistri sui dixit quod oportet de veritate magis curare > quam de aliquo alio; et alibi dicit: amicus quidem Socrates sed magis amica > veritas; et in alio loco: de Socrate quidem parum est curandum, de veritate > autem multum. > That truth should be preferred to friends he proves in this way.
The Thinker (bronze)The solution in Justinian's Institutes was a compromise measure, known as the media sententia (or middle way). The owner of the raw materials or substance would own the nova species where the nova species could be reduced to its former component parts or raw materials without excessive difficulty or expense. If the nova species was irreducible, it was held to belong to the creator. Where the creator contributed any substance, then the maker owned it as he would have contributed both parts and labour.
His principal work is De Sacrificiis libri duo; quorum altero explicantur omnia Judaeorum, nonnulla Gentium Profanarum Sacrificia; altero Sacrificium Christi. Utroque Ecclesiae Catholicae his de rebus Sententia contra Faustum Socinum, ejusque sectatores defenditur, London, 1677, 4to, dedicated to Thomas Osborne, Earl of Danby. An English translation, entitled 'Two Dissertations on Sacrifices,' with additional notes and indexes by John Allen, was published in 1817. After his death Joseph Hindmarsh published under his name six Sermons upon Faith and Providence, and other subjects, London, 1680, but they are not genuine.
Suffering from tuberculosis, he spent 1941/2 and again 1947-9 convalescing in the Assy sanatorium. His dissertation on magnanimitas was completed in 1942 (published 1951). He joined the Commissio Leonina in 1952. During the 1950s to 1970s, during which time he resided in Le Saulchoir, L'Arbresle, Santa Sabina and in Grottaferrata, he was the editor of the editions of several of Aquinas' Arestotelian commentaries, including Expositio libri Peryermenias, Expositio libri Posteriorum, Quaestiones De potentia Dei, Quaestiones de quolibet', Sentencia libri De anima, De memoria et reminiscencia, Sententia libri Ethicorum, Tabula libri Ethicorum.
Aquinas held the Quaestiones disputate de anima, or 'Disputed questions on the soul', at the Roman studium provinciale of the Dominican Order at Santa Sabina, the forerunner of the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum during the academic year 1265–66.Torrell, op. cit., 162 By 1268 Aquinas had written at least the first book of the Sententia Libri De anima, Aquinas' commentary on Aristotle's De anima, the translation of which from the Greek was completed by Aquinas' Dominican associate at Viterbo William of Moerbeke in 1267.Torrell, 161 ff.
From theory of the rainbow In 1611 he published, at Venice, a scientific work entitled: , in which, according to Isaac Newton, he was the first to develop the theory of the rainbow by drawing attention to the fact that in each raindrop the light undergoes two refractions and an intermediate reflection. His claim to that distinction is, however, disputed in favor of Descartes. In 1625 his work "Euripus, seu de fluxu et refluxu maris sententia" was published posthumously in Rome. It is an important source for the strange story of the theory of tides.
20, 313-317. In January 1606 he became cardinal priest of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, and in June cardinal bishop of Palestrina and cardinal protector of the Kingdom of Naples. In the same year he intervened in the controversy surrounding the Venetian Interdict with a censure published as Sententia contra reipublicae Venetae episcopos.Available on Google Books On 11 June 1606, he was consecrated bishop by Pope Paul V, with Ottavio Bandini, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Sabina, and Carlo Conti, Bishop of Ancona e Numana, serving as co-consecrators.
The altar as it stands in the Palatine Hill Museum today. In 1820, an altar was discovered on the Palatine Hill with an Old Latin inscription, :SEI·DEO·SEI·DEIVAE·SAC :C·SEXTIVS·C·F·CALVINVS·PR :DE·SENATI·SENTENTIA :RESTITVIT which can be transliterated into the modern form asDescription of the altar at University of Texas at Austin' Digital Archive Services :Sei deo sei deivae sac(r + dative case ending o [masc.] / ae [fem.]) :C(aius) Sextius C(ai) f(ilius) Calvinus pr(aetor) :de senati sententia :restituit and translated as :Whether to a god or goddess sacred, :Gaius Sextius Calvinus, son of Gaius, praetor :by order of the Senate :restored this.
Last Spring, a Prequel also appeared in the 2012 edition of the Whitney Biennial. From March to June, Kunstverein Amsterdam hosted CLOSER: The Dennis Cooper Papers, a three-month celebration of Cooper's five-novel sequence The George Miles Cycle featuring an exhibition of Cycle-related materials, artworks especially commissioned for the occasion, lectures, performances, and the publication of a book. 2013 saw the publication of Cooper's latest poetry collection, The Weaklings (XL), by Sententia Books. The Pyre, his seventh theatrical collaboration with Vienne, composers Stephen O'Malley and Peter Rehberg, and lighting designer Patrick Riou, had its world premiere at the Centre Pompidou in May and is currently touring internationally.
After receiving a doctorate in 1550, Claro was appointed a Milanese Senator by Philip II in 1536, a royal pretor in Cremona in 1560/61, president of the Milanese Magistrato straordinario delle entrate in 1563 and regens of the Consejo d' Italia in Madrid in 1565. Claro's work, together with that of Deciani and Farinacci, provided the theoretical foundation for the common criminal law of Europe. That common law held sway until it was attacked by Enlightenment legal critics such as Feuerbach and replaced by national penal codes in the 19th century. Claro's principal work is the Liber V. Sententiarum, the fifth volume of his legal encyclopedia Sententia receptae.
Fides ecclesiastica is a classification of those Roman Catholic dogmas which are Church teachings, definitively decided on by the Magisterium, but not (yet) as being Divine revelations properly speaking. They are considered infallible and irrevocable because, although they are not "truths of faith" (De Fide), they are nevertheless "closely related to them". It is one level below De fide and one level above Sententia fidei proxima which are generally accepted as divine revelation but not defined as such by the Magisterium. An example for a Catholic teaching that has this rank at present, but might conceivably yet be taught as de fide in the future, is male-only priesthood.
Here are some of the phonetic characteristics of the Faliscan language: #The retention of medial f, which Latin changed to b (FHEFHAKED /fefaked/ in the Praeneste fibula may be Proto-Latino-Faliscan); #The palatalization of d followed by consonantal i into some sound, denoted merely by i-, the central sound of foied, from fo-died; #The loss of final s, at least before certain following sounds (cra = Latin cras); #The retention with Latin of the labiovelars (cuando = Latin quando, compare Umbrian pan(n)u); #The assimilation of some final consonants to the initial sound of the next word: pretod de zenatuo sententiad (Conway, lib. cit. 321) = Latin praetor de senatus sententia (zenatuo for senatuos, an archaic genitive).
These things are clear from > the Life of Aristotle and from the first book of Ethics and from the book of > secrets. Bacon's reference to the Nicomachean Ethics and a book of secrets is the pseudo-Aristotelian compilation, the Secretum Secretorum, translated into Latin from the Arabic in the twelfth or early thirteenth century. Henry Guerlac points out that the proverb appears in differing forms in a Life of AristotleOlof Gigon (ed.) Vita Aristotelis Marciana, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 1962 found in three distinct mediaeval manuscripts, two Greek and one Latin. Thomas Aquinas relies on the same source while proving the point in Sententia libri Ethicorum, Liber 1, Lectio 6, n. 4–5:Corpusthomisticum.
On this point it looks remarkable that also in Martianus Capella's division of Heaven a Juno Hospitae Genius is mentioned in region IX, and not a Juno: the sex of this Genius is feminine.The sex of the Genius (as well as of some other gods) may be uncertain as is shown in the case of the Genius of Rome: "Genio urbis Romae sive mas sive femina", inscription on the shield consecrated to him in the Capitol, quoted by Servius Ad Aen. II 351; cf. also CIL I 632: "sei deo sei deivae sac/ C Sextius C F Calvinus pr/ de senati sententia/ restituit"; Cato De Agricultura 139: "si deus si dea es quoium illud (lucus) sacrum est...".
The Roman Republic was originally an example; the word senate is related to the Latin word senex, meaning "old man". Cicero wrote: :They wouldn't make use of running or jumping or spears from afar or swords up close, but rather wisdom, reasoning, and thought, which, if they weren't in old men, our ancestors wouldn't have called the highest council the senate.Nec enim excursione nec saltu nec eminus hastis aut comminus gladiis uteretur, sed consilio, ratione, sententia; quae nisi essent in senibus, non summum consilium maiores nostri appellassent senatum. De Senectute, I.16 In the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, the government headed by M. Karunanidhi the state's chief minister who is 87 years old, is another real-world example of gerontocracy.
Philippus spoke in the Senate in favour of Pompey, and famously quipped:Cicero, De Imperio Cn. Pompei 62; c.f. Philippic XI. 18 :: non se illum sua sententia pro consule sed pro consulibus mittere :: I give my vote to send him not as a proconsul [pro consule], but instead of the consuls [pro consulibus] Philippus was also remarkably acquainted with Greek literature for his time. He was accustomed to speak extempore, and, when he rose to speak, he frequently did not know with what word he should begin: hence in his old age it was with both contempt and anger that he used to listen to the studied periods of Hortensius. Philippus was a man of luxurious habits, which his wealth enabled him to gratify: his fish-ponds were particularly famous for their magnificence and extent, and are mentioned by the ancients along with those of Lucullus and Hortensius.
29 The phrase translated above as "in concert" (de consilii sententia) is regarded by some as referring to their commission rather than the artists' method of working, giving in Nigel Spivey's translation: " [the artists] at the behest of council designed a group...", which Spivey takes to mean that the commission was by Titus, possibly even advised by Pliny among other savants.Spivey, 26; see also Isager, 173, who translates it "by decision of the [imperial] council". The same three artists' names, though in a different order (Athenodoros, Agesander, and Polydorus), with the names of their fathers, are inscribed on one of the sculptures at Tiberius's villa at Sperlonga (though they may predate his ownership),Rice, 239, with photo on 238 but it seems likely that not all the three masters were the same individuals.See Rice or Agesander Though broadly similar in style, many aspects of the execution of the two groups are drastically different, with the Laocoon group of much higher quality and finish.

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