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"sensorium" Definitions
  1. the parts of the brain or the mind concerned with the reception and interpretation of sensory stimuli

101 Sentences With "sensorium"

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BPO is also meant to maintain the secrecy of homo sensorium.
Every other homo sensorium has grown accustomed to hiding — not them.
Is this really just a mass genocide aimed at the homo sensorium?
I want it to imprint itself on my sensorium in a preconscious way.
Our Berliner is a quiet fellow, especially in comparison to his exuberant sensorium counterparts.
Trusty Sidekick is joined by Oily Cart, a group from England, and Sensorium Theatre, from Australia.
Superpower thinks that he and the bus driver are symbiotic, like homo sapien and homo sensorium.
He's got a Scottish brogue, a pair of hiking boots, and an extensive knowledge of homo sensorium.
But the new sensorium allowed an exploration of the ocean's depths that became crucial to science and commerce.
A direct message like this, beamed from another person's sensibility into your own sensorium, isn't meant to be shared.
He was charming, formal, yet still a helpless gigglepuss; his sensorium was as giddy and overactive as you'd expect.
Lila's pack has a sort of Magneto from X-Men ethos: They want to live in a world of only homo sensorium.
And, as Jonas told us earlier in the season, population estimates for homo sensorium range from the thousands to the tens of thousands.
Here's what he divulges: — BPO was founded on the notion that homo sensorium and homo sapien sapien need each other — it's a symbiotic relationship.
A great example is the "Boursin Sensorium", a CGI-based VR experience that paired motion (through moving chairs), scents and tasting samples of Boursin cheese.
Where previous episodes flirt with joyful freedom for the sensates, who are discovering the landscape of the homo sensorium community, this one delivers harsh reality.
Fast as a bullet, or just a homo sensorium cluster that's really good at finding places, all the sensates are at Whispers' place of residence.
Those kinds of refiguring consciousness through technology, new ways of accessing the brain directly outside of the sensorium, those things will allow for different artistic experiences. Absolutely.
The film was directed by Arora and produced by a supergroup of new media studios and production companies: Sensorium, Superbright, Tomorrow Never Knows, and Aslan's media company, BOOMGEN.
The two track down a professor who might have ideas on the subject — he refers to the loss of homo sensorium as a "mass genocide," which is a lot.
It is a tricky thing with verité, for we should lose ourselves in our protagonist's sensorium and forget that what we're seeing is actually a studio creation, meticulously planned and executed.
Now that we've established all the things that "The Four-Dimensional Human" is not, it's important to emphasize what it is: namely, a considered perceptual and aesthetic tour through the digital sensorium.
EPI created a striking sensorium, as the audience and the performers were all embedded in a light, sound, and film show that dominated the space and stirred the consciousness of those watching (or dancing).
Soon I've answered a dozen other questions in the retinal sensorium, about everything from Koffee Kop™ to a local bike-lane ordinance, each of them just a sparkly ball rolling around the edges of my vision.
Following this line of thinking, meaning-making in VR can begin to take on more folkloristic and amateur proportions, yielding a sensorium of everyday sensation — collections of sounds and stories all mapped out in three-dimensional, navigable space.
And indeed, Ng has found an even more imaginative (if less edible) use for dumpling dough: In his spare time, when he's away from the sensorium-busting clamor of a commercial kitchen, he sculpts tableaus depicting everyday scenes from traditional Chinese life.
I don't mean to depict our sensorium — the entire range and capacity of our sensory experience — as a pure state that has been defiled by light, noise, flavor and scent pollution; that would just be another version of the original-sin-and-fall narrative.
The Brain researchers had shown the network millions of still frames from YouTube videos, and out of the welter of the pure sensorium the network had isolated a stable pattern any toddler or chipmunk would recognize without a moment's hesitation as the face of a cat.
As German explained to me: The sound is 17 layers of voice, memory, music, and root as sound; 3 rivers, the sound of a body dropping into water, a train, a water mill, Sam Cook, a list of women's names, my poetry, Porch songs, and more … to create an immersive sensorium, to invoke and to evoke … to bring into the room audible codes of healing, the audible codes of fear, discomfort, and movement … transportation, cultural migration.
Retrieved 24 June 2020. "eventually selling nearly a million copies worldwide."Marchand, p. 203 Initiated by Quentin Fiore, McLuhan adopted the term "massage" to denote the effect each medium has on the human sensorium, taking inventory of the "effects" of numerous media in terms of how they "massage" the sensorium.
For documentary images of this event, visit: World Sensorium. Calling upon her own scientific research into the link between scent, memory, neurology, and crowd theory, World Sensorium seeks to evoke a global memory and evolve a metabolic and empathetic collective in addition to the technological collective created through mass media coverage.
Sensorium 360 Contemporary Art and the Sensed World. Oct. 2014. Web. 13 Mar. 2017. organza, synthetic fibers, 55 pieces.
A clouded sensorium, also known as an altered sensorium, is a medical condition characterized by the inability to think clearly or concentrate. It is usually synonymous with, or substantially overlapping with, altered level of consciousness. It is associated with a huge variety of underlying causes from drug induced states to pathogenic states induced by disease or mineral deficiency.
Mirrus Mirror Technology in use at Sephora Sensorium Mirrus' technology was on display at Sephora's Sensorium event in New York in October 2011. The company introduced a new consumer driven beauty mirror and used digital advertising mirrors as displays during the week long event. Paul Mitchell Schools in Texas, Chicago, and Charlotte installed Mirrus mirrors in 2011.
Georgeson is co-curator (with Dean Todd) of the annual Sensorium art show in east London. This event exhibits alongside the Affect and Social Media conferences organised by the digital media critical theorist Tony D Sampson. Georgeson's work also features prominently (alongside other Sensorium contributors) in the book Affect and Social Media: Emotion, Mediation, Anxiety and Contagion.
In its use of extant culturally significant plant materials, Nalls advances the advant-garde notion that art should be brought closer to the praxis of life. World Sensorium is all-inclusive in its conception–a reflection of actual human-plant relations, making every experience of World Sensorium a connection to the world's collective ecology and human consciousness. When experienced en masse as in Times Square, Nalls initiated a collective metabolic experience, and introduced a universal language for cross-cultural efforts toward peace, by evoking our co-evolution with nature. Ken Johnson called World Sensorium a "utopian project" and "an olfactory metaphor for world unity" by an "earnest and rather grandiose conceptualist".
Prochaska was a pioneer in the field of neurophysiology, being remembered for developing a comprehensive theory of reflex action involving the concepts of "vis nervosa" and "sensorium commune". "Vis nervosa" was described as a latent nervous force possessed in the nerves, and the term sensorium commune was defined as the point of reflection between the sensory and motor nerves. Prochaska used the term vis nervosa as a direct analogy to Isaac Newton's "vis gravitans", due to his belief that "vis nervosa" was an elemental form of energy, that could not be observed except through its effects such as reflexes and reflections, adhering to natural laws that could be described (as could Newton's theories of gravitation), but at the same time were unexplainable. Prochaska described the "sensorium commune" as the core mechanism of the reflex.
He was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis. He was confused and had a lack of motor coordination. He also had altered sensorium and seizures. An MRI was performed and the patient was diagnosed with MBD.
In the 20th century the sensorium became a key part of the theories of Marshall McLuhan, Edmund Carpenter and Walter J. Ong (Carpenter and McLuhan 1960; Ong 1991). McLuhan, like his mentor Harold Innis, believed that media were biased according to time and space. He paid particular attention to what he called the sensorium, or the effects of media on our senses, positing that media affect us by manipulating the ratio of our senses. For example, the alphabet stresses the sense of sight, which in turn causes us to think in linear, objective terms.
According to the latter, the experience of the voice is linked more to speech as a chain of articulated signifying elements than to sensorium itself. Lacan J (2006) Écrits: The first complete edition in English. New York: Norton. p. 447.
Routledge, 2002, page 183. As such, the four great elements are conceptual abstractions drawn from the sensorium. They are sensorial typologies, and are not metaphysically materialistic.Dan Lusthaus, Buddhist Phenomenology: A Philosophical Investigation of Yogācāra Buddhism and the Chʼeng Wei-shih Lun.
A project named Sensorium Project was started aimed at broadening the Sensors audience beyond its typical robot sensor usage. To demonstrate the sensor's functionality, opensource Java based Integrated Development Environments (IDE) are used, such as Arduino and Processing (programming language).
This may lead to respiratory compromise and death if untreated. Clinicians frequently think of the symptoms of botulism in terms of a classic triad: bulbar palsy and descending paralysis, lack of fever, and clear senses and mental status ("clear sensorium").
World Sensorium is a natural and inclusive world scent, a work of olfactory art by interdisciplinary artist Gayil Nalls, who is based in New York. A large-scale conceptual project and social sculpture, the world scent comprises the most culturally significant scents of 225 countries combined proportionally according to the statistical population data of the year 2000. World Sensorium has been recognized by UNESCO and the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities as a global peace project and has been internationally exhibited in large public events, museums and galleries since its creation in 1999. The research for the creation of World Sensorium established smells from natural flora that triggered olfactory memory for the majority of people of each nation, with the goal of interpreting the relationship between world flora and human numbers on earth, and to bring new awareness of the living world and its influence on the human spirit and psyche.
NFD (meaning Noise for Destruction) are a London-based hybrid metal band formed by Peter "Bob" White and Simon Rippin (both formerly of Sensorium) and Tony Pettitt (formerly of Fields of the Nephilim). The band have released three albums and three EPs.
In 1998, in recognition of Nalls’ outstanding creative achievement, World Sensorium was endorsed by the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities and was granted sponsorship by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as an original cultural initiative building goodwill and peace in conjunction with the United Nation's International Year for Culture of Peace. In his letter to Nalls, Director-General, Dr. Federico Mayor, a brain biochemist, said that World Sensorium is a “highly original cultural initiative” that “will certainly contribute to creating a climate of goodwill and peace at this memorable moment in time” leading to “understanding and collaboration among nations”.As stated in letter to Nalls, September 5, 1998.
The title is a play on McLuhan's often-quoted phrase "The medium is the message." The book was initiated by Quentin Fiore.McLuhan & Fiore, 1967 McLuhan adopted the term "massage" to denote the effect of numerous media in how they 'massage' the human sensorium. According to biographer, W. Terrence Gordon:Gordon, p. 175.
Hriskos, Constantine. Anthropological Quarterly; April 99, Vol. 72 Issue 2, p87 Along with anthropologist, Michael Jackson, Stoller has questioned the hegemony of the senses (sensorium) in his cultural critiques. Catherine Aleen, Ruth Behar, Michael Taussig and others engage in blurring genres of writing that include interspersing critical analysis with personal reflection.
Any single perceptual modality may include or overlap multiple sensory structures, as well as other modes of perception, and the sum of their relations and the ratio of mixture and importance comprise a sensorium. The perception, understanding, and reasoning of an organism is dependent on the particular experience of the world delivered by changing ratios of sense.
The first tarsal segment is tiny (shorter than the second one) and hardly visible. In the larvae, the antennae are reduced to a single segment, which bears the sensorium on a little knob. The apical segment of the maxillary palpus carries no setae, and the labium has no strut. The spiracles have soft walls without sclerotized rings.
It featured McCoy on vocals and multi-instrumentalist Carter on bass, guitars and drums. The title track Zoon was written during this period as were demos including 'Red Harvest777, Chaochracy & Subsanity (Sensorium). After a year Carter and McCoy parted company. McCoy later recruited Paul Miles on guitar, Simon Rippin on drums and Cian Houchin on bass.
Sensorium is a Gothic rock band originally featuring Paul Miles, Peter 'Bob' White on vocals and Simon Rippin on drums, who worked on the Nefilim - drums. The band was named after an unreleased Nefilim song They released an album, Jahazralah, though disheartened by a low production and advertising budget, split up, disappointed by the subsequent lack of response.
Through this work, Nalls has sought to foster an understanding of the larger evolutionary social construct of knowledge we share with others via the senses. The project of World Sensorium can be categorized as a contribution to the genres of Olfactory Art and Aesthetics, Participatory art, and environmental art and functions along the trajectories of avant-garde and political or activist art.
Haptic technologies have been explored in virtual arts, such as sound synthesis or graphic design and animation. Haptic technology was used to enhance existing art pieces in the Tate Sensorium exhibit in 2015. In music creation, Swedish synthesizer manufacturer Teenage Engineering introduced a haptic subwoofer module for their OP-Z synthesizer allowing musicians to feel the bass frequencies directly on their instrument.
Nefilim was initially a Carl McCoy studio project co-formed with John ‘Capachino’ Carter in 1992 after the disbanding of Fields of the Nephilim. It featured McCoy on vocals and multi-instrumentalist John Carter on bass, guitars and drums. The title track Zoon was written during this period as were now famed demos including ‘Red Harvest777, Chaochracy & Subsanity (Sensorium). After a year Carter and McCoy parted company.
The terminal antennomere is highly acute and narrow, approximately 0.33 the width of the pedicel and 0.25 the width of the scape. The scape is annular and much wider than it is long. It is the shortest segment. The pedicel is longer than scape, bearing conical sensorium on the distal surface near the outer rim, and a pair of pre-apical setae on the outer rim.
Although some consider these modalities abnormal, it is more likely that these examples demonstrate the contextual and socially learned nature of sensation. A 'normal' sensorium and a 'synesthetic' one differ based on the division, connection, and interplay of the body's manifold sensory apparatus. A synesthete has simply developed a different set of relationships, including cognitive or interpretive skills which deliver unique abilities and understanding of the world (Beeli et al., 2005).
Phylloxerans have a three-segmented antenna in all forms (both adults and immature). The Wings held flat over the body at rest and the Cu1 and Cu2 of the front wings are stalked at the base. The flagellum always ends in a sensorium (or rhinaria) and adult females can have one or two additional sensorial on the flagellum. Egg laying females and males have vestigial mouthparts and are wingless.
World Sensorium was created for the aesthetic of mass anatomy to evoke global memory and to evolve a metabolic collective. Permutatude Theory and science form a significant background to the ongoing project, as do the processes of cultural transformation and globalization. As a theoretical construct, conceived to be an embodied consciousness of “one world” the olfactory sculpture critically engages individuals with their sense of smell, often in performative settings.
People diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, narcolepsy-cataplexy syndrome, delirium tremens, Lewy body dementia, and temporal lobe epilepsy are more prone to complex visual hallucinations such as peduncular hallucinosis. Peduncular hallucinosis is more common in patients with a long duration of Parkinson's disease and also with a long treatment history, depression, and cognitive impairment. Paranoid delusions are common in these patients even though the hallucinations can occur during clear sensorium.
Le Cauchemar (The Nightmare), by Eugène Thivier (1894)Although the core features of sleep paralysis (e.g., atonia, a clear sensorium, and frequent hallucinations) appear to be universal, the ways in which they are experienced vary according to time, place, and culture. Over 100 terms have been identified for these experiences. Some scientists have proposed sleep paralysis as an explanation for reports of paranormal phenomena such as ghosts,, alien visits,Blackmore, Susan.
The theatergoer saw race, and all the social implication that race bore at that time. Whether positive or negative vibrations ensued in the spectator's sensorium made little difference to Nikolais. The spectator whose senses were preoccupied with racial differentiation was not perceiving Nik's images. Hence, his early treatment of the face was concerned not only with varying its uni-statement but also with preventing audiences from experiencing this sensory blocking.
The antennae on larvae have basal segments that are slightly shorter of subequal to the remaining segments, with sensorium on the apex of segment 2. The labroclypeus has several smaller central teeth and two larger teeth on each side. The mandibles are symmetrical, and both have two inner teeth. Larvae also have well developed legs, and the ligula is subequal to the length of the first palpal segment.
Concerning the immature, the nymphs resemble adults but never have the secondary sensorium. Also the immature of the sexuales have a unique non-feeding pupiform larva. You can distinguish Phylloxerans from Adelgids by the fact that they have a vulva instead of a sclerotized ovipositor and usually lack the wax glands or plates found in Adelgids. They can also be distinguished from Aphids because they have 3 veins while Aphids have 4-6 veins.
Nalls envisioned this concept for a “world scent” in 1989, eleven years prior to its completion and debut release. She describes the moment of inspiration for the formula as having occurred on December 28 of that year at the Brandenberg Gate, as the crowd pulled her on top of the Berlin Wall. As the connectivity passed through the bodies gathered, she envisioned a formula for World Sensorium where everyone would be counted.
Mirrus Mirror Technology in use at Sephora Sensorium In 2006 Reid founded LuxuryTec LLC to market brand identity services. With a proprietary mirror technology, LuxuryTec LLC formed and began doing business as (dba) Mirrus. Mirrus Mirror Technology Televisions displayed behind two-way mirror glass have been available for roughly 15 years but have been isolated to the hospitality and residential markets. Reid sold a mirror technology for advertising in high consumer traffic areas.
Impressions are stored in the sensorium (the heart), linked by his laws of association (similarity, contrast, and contiguity). Aristotle believed the chain of thought, which ends in recollection of certain impressions, was connected systematically in relationships such as similarity, contrast, and contiguity, described in his laws of association. Aristotle believed that past experiences are hidden within the mind. A force operates to awaken the hidden material to bring up the actual experience.
With World Sensorium and more recent works, Nalls has advanced concepts of aesthetics to consider the olfactory sense over the historically privileged sense of vision. While the visual remains dominant, artists have and are now increasingly working with the sense of smell to produce emotionally and phenomenologically resonant works in the emergent genre of Olfactory Art. Nalls “like many other olfactory artists, uses only natural fragrances and essential oils. “I call it ‘rewilding the mind,’” she says.
Miller was also instrumental in the founding of Ann Arbor avant- garde label Bulb Records, having recorded the early releases in his basement studio. Currently Miller performs solo with his self-deconstructed multiphonic guitar (picture) and conducts / composes for NYC's Sensorium Saxophone Orchestra. Miller grew up in Ann Arbor, attended public schools, and graduated from Pioneer High School. He studied music at the School of Contemporary Music in Boston and more recently obtained a BFA at Columbia College Chicago.
The band was formed after Pettitt had left the aborted Fields of the Nephilim reformation in 2002. Together with drummer Simon Rippin (formerly of the Nefilim), guitarists Chris Milden and Stephen Carey and vocalist Peter White (formerly of Sensorium) they signed to Jungle Records in 2003. They made their debut with the three song Break the Silence EP released towards the end of the year. In October 2004 they released the album No Love Lost, featuring a guest appearance by Peter Yates.
Alice In... was founded in the early nineties by Frank D'Angelo. Its first signings were in 1995 with the bands The Hall of Souls, Misantrophe, No Critics, and Babylon Will Fall. Parallel to the publications of German Newcomer, Alice In... had made a narrow collaboration with English record labels, like Resurrection Records and Grave News. Inkubus Sukkubus, Sensorium, and This Burning Effigy, among others were also signed to Alice In... The first official Alice In... release, was No Critics' Prayers Behind the Door.
The Sensorium is regarded the world's first commercial 4-D film and was first screened in a Six Flags theme park in Baltimore in 1984. It was produced in partnership with Landmark Entertainment. As of 2017, by far the most common 4-D titles are attraction films located in theme parks. However, there seems to be a trend toward the installation of 4-D equipment in more traditional cinemas, with developers such as 4DX, D-Box Technologies, and Mediamation competing for venues.
The ultimate and logically possible goal of theoretical psychology is to create an exact and comprehensive psychological theory. However, the concepts that are immediately observable are still abstract and difficult to define even in a basic law in an important solid theory as they relate to no physical object we can make sense of or interact with using our sensorium and empirical approaches. They are not instantiated in the world and in virtue of this they are called theoretical concepts.
This area may also bleed and blister, and may lead to tissue necrosis. Other common initial symptoms of pit viper and viper bites include lethargy, bleeding, weakness, nausea, and vomiting. Symptoms may become more life-threatening over time, developing into hypotension, tachypnea, severe tachycardia, severe internal bleeding, altered sensorium, kidney failure, and respiratory failure. Bites by some snakes, such as the kraits, coral snake, Mojave rattlesnake, and the speckled rattlesnake, may cause little or no pain, despite their serious and potentially life-threatening venom.
Fiore, at the time a prominent graphic designer and communications consultant, composed the visual illustration of these effects compiled by Jerome Agel. Near the beginning of the book, Fiore adopted a pattern in which an image demonstrating a MainStream media effect was presented with a textual synopsis on the facing page. The reader experiences a repeated shifting of analytic registers—from "reading" typographic print to "scanning" photographic facsimiles—reinforcing McLuhan's argument in this book: each mainstream medium produces a different "massage" or "effect" on the human sensorium.
A protracted alcohol withdrawal syndrome occurs in many alcoholics when withdrawal symptoms continue beyond the acute withdrawal stage but usually at a subacute level of intensity and gradually decreasing with severity over time. This syndrome is sometimes referred to as the post-acute- withdrawal syndrome. Some withdrawal symptoms can linger for at least a year after discontinuation of alcohol. Symptoms can include a craving for alcohol, inability to feel pleasure from normally pleasurable things (known as anhedonia), clouding of sensorium, disorientation, nausea and vomiting or headache.
A sensorium (/sɛnˈsɔːrɪəm/) (plural: sensoria) is the apparatus of an organism's perception considered as a whole, the "seat of sensation" where it experiences and interprets the environments within which it lives. The term originally entered English from the Late Latin in the mid-17th century, from the stem sens- ("sense"). In earlier use it referred, in a broader sense, to the brain as the mind's organ (Oxford English Dictionary 1989). In medical, psychological, and physiological discourse it has come to refer to the total character of the unique and changing sensory environments perceived by individuals.
The Foundation actively collaborates with practitioners in a wide range of disciplines including, experimental biology, neuroscience, quantum physics, experimental phenomenology, and medicine. Their architectural projects included residences (Bioscleave House (Lifespan Extending Villa), Reversible Destiny Lofts (In memory of Helen Keller) – Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan), parks (Site of Reversible Destiny-Yoro) and plans for housing complexes and neighborhoods (Reversible Destiny Fun House, BOOM-LGBT Community, Isle of Reversible Destiny-Venice and Isle of Reversible Destiny-Fukuoka, Sensorium City, Tokyo). She and Arakawa "lost their life savings" to the Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme.
DT should be distinguished from alcoholic hallucinosis, the latter of which occurs in approximately 20% of hospitalized alcoholics and does not carry a significant mortality. In contrast, DT occurs in 5–10% of alcoholics and carries up to 15% mortality with treatment and up to 35% mortality without treatment. DT is characterized by the presence of altered sensorium; that is, a complete hallucination without any recognition of the real world. DT has extreme autonomic hyperactivity (high pulse, blood pressure, and rate of breathing), and 35-60% of patients have a fever.
Stafford's books closely examine modes and technologies of visual presentation from the early modern period up to today's digital media. She works at the intersection of the imaging arts, the optical sciences, and performance technologies, with a strong interest in how experience is embodied. Her recent essays examine the revolutionary ways in which the brain sciences are changing our view of the total sensorium and inflecting our fundamental assumptions concerning perception, sensation, emotion, mental imagery, and subjectivity. Stafford's views have found an application in criticism of early mass media and multiple viewpoints, what she describes as, "cross-referencing material bits of distant reality".
Critics argue that MNT advocates have not provided a substitute for such a process of evolution in this nanoscale arena where conventional sensory-based selection processes are lacking. The limits of the sensorium available at the nanoscale could make it difficult or impossible to winnow successes from failures. Advocates argue that design evolution should occur deterministically and strictly under human control, using the conventional engineering paradigm of modeling, design, prototyping, testing, analysis, and redesign. In any event, since 1992 technical proposals for MNT do not include self-replicating nanorobots, and recent ethical guidelines put forth by MNT advocates prohibit unconstrained self-replication.
The book concludes with a final revelation from Krag (who claims to be known on Earth as "Pain") to Nightspore about the origin of the Universe. The author turns out to support a variation of the doctrine of the Demiurge, somewhat similar to that propounded by some Gnostics. All of the characters and lands are types used to convey the author's critique of several philosophical systems. On Tormance, most such viewpoints or ways of life are accompanied by corresponding new bodily sense organs or modifications of the same, thus each distinct Weltanschauung landscape has its corresponding sensorium.
Michel Tcherevkoff is a commercial photographer. Working as the creative eye for important clients, Tcherevkoff has created a dress made from toothbrushes for Johnson & Johnson, a massive "sensorium" where visitors could experience fragrance visually for Firmenich, morphed a salad spinner into an amusement park ride for Bed Bath and Beyond. From collaborating with the world's greatest creatives to successfully launching his own publishing and global licensing initiatives, Tcherevkoff’s photography fuses imaging, digital illustration, sculpture and pure art with experience and talent. Born and educated in Paris, Tcherevkoff came to America to visit his sister, who was a fashion model, and decided to stay.
Theoretical psychology is a rational, non-experimental approach to psychology. In psychology, as with any field of study, there are three philosophical perspectives and methodologies of ways to derive knowledge about the reality of the world. Rationalism (use of intellect and reason of the mind), Empiricism (use of our individually experienced sensorium), and Skepticism (knowledge beyond mere appearance that is not able to be studied) characterize the three perspectives in understanding theoretical concepts relating to laws which help to understand larger theoretical theories. Of the philosophical perspectives, rationalism is the most pertinent to this discipline of psychology.
She is the author of Marshall McLuhan: Cosmic Media (Sage, 2005) and co-editor of Fluid Screens, Expanded Cinema (UTP, 2007), 3D Cinema and Beyond (Intellect, 2014), Reimagining Cinema: Film at Expo 67 (McGill-Queens, 2014), and Cartographies of Place: Navigating the Urban (McGill-Queens, 2014). From 2013 to 2015, she acted as the inaugural director of Sensorium: Centre for Digital Arts & Technology that supports cross-disciplinary work and collaborative research at York University. She is also director of Visible City Project + Archive that examines how new media technologies influence artists’ cultures in cities of Toronto, Havana and Helsinki.
McCoy went on to recruit Paul Miles on guitar, Simon Rippin on drums and Cian Houchin on bass. Nefilim released one album, Zoon (1996), which was more influenced by Death metal and industrial metal than McCoy's previous releases with the Fields of the Nephilim, though similar themes of mysticism are prevalent, seen in songs like "Pazuzu (Black Rain)," which refers to the Assyro-Babylonian god also known as "king of the demons." Rippin and Miles would later go on to form Sensorium, while Houchin would go on to form Saints of Eden. McCoy and Carter re- established Fields of the Nephilim which still performs today.
Cass believes it was Dr L and Ms Mauvais who took the boy, having seemed them inquiring about Benjamin's art earlier at her school and having seen them jet off in a limousine printed with the words, "Midnight Sun Sensorium and Spa". However, Cass and Max-Ernest get into a fight, thus being unable to work together to find Benjamin. But Cass believes it's her responsibility to save Benjamin. After looking through some spa brochures collected by her mother, Cass decides to pose as one of the Skelton Sisters, socialites and heiresses and calls The Midnight Sun spa to pick her up in a limousine.
Cass believes it was Dr L and Ms Mauvais who took the boy, having seen them inquiring about Benjamin's art earlier at her school and having seen them jet off in a limousine printed with the words, "Midnight Sun Sensorium and Spa". However, Cass and Max-Ernest get into a fight, thus being unable to work together to find Benjamin. But Cass believes it's her responsibility to save Benjamin. After looking through some spa brochures collected by her mother, Cass decides to pose as one of the Skelton Sisters, socialites and heiresses and calls The Midnight Sun spa to pick her up in a limousine.
The film, Permutatude Study/Permutatude Text, documents two massing events, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, and Operation Welcome Home event in New York City at the end of the first Gulf War. The video combines Permutatude Text, a dynamic visual of Permutatude writings with massing footage. The works were first exhibited at the Phillippe Staib Gallery in New York in 1992 as separate visuals in one installation, however they were later combined into one projection. In 1999, Nalls' exhibited 1,495,852,024 at Steffany Martz Gallery, New York, NY. The installation featured a series of triptychs, named after those countries that identified a species of jasmine as their most culturally relevant scent in Nalls' World Sensorium research.
The vestibular system sends signals primarily to the neural structures that control eye movement; these provide the anatomical basis of the vestibulo-ocular reflex, which is required for clear vision. Signals are also sent to the muscles that keep an animal upright and in general control posture; these provide the anatomical means required to enable an animal to maintain its desired position in space. The brain uses information from the vestibular system in the head and from proprioception throughout the body to enable the mammal to understand its body's dynamics and kinematics (including its position and acceleration) from moment to moment. How these two perceptive sources are integrated to provide the underlying structure of the sensorium is unknown.
Caroline A. Jones (born 21 April 1954, Durham, North Carolina) is an American art historian, author, curator, and critic. She teaches and serves within the History Theory Criticism Section of the Department of Architecture at MIT School of Architecture and Planning, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. Before completing her art history studies, Jones worked in museum administration and exhibition curation at The Museum of Modern Art in New York (1977–83) and at the Harvard University Art Museums (1983–85), and completed two documentary films. Her work has addressed topics including the human sensorium, the institutionalization of modernism and postmodernism, history and theory of technology, and intersections of art and science (including collaborative projects with her partner Peter Galison).
Noble's art has been presented on PBS and reviewed favorably in Art Ltd. Magazine, The San Diego Union-Tribune, and San Francisco Weekly. Thomas Larson of the San Diego Reader wrote that "enlarging the sensorium of art with sound begins with disorder," but while visual art may be viewed with "one or one hundred other hushed-up viewers," sound art is more like "a Fourth-of-July picnic, Charles-Ives polyphony, a resolute disequilibrium".Now Is Not a Good Time, by Margaret Noble Reviewing her exhibit titled, "Now Is Not A Good Time", Rebecca Romani of The Buzz wrote in 2018 of its "intriguing mix" of sewing and tatting materials and rattlesnake tails powered by tiny batteries.
Fiore, at the time a prominent graphic designer and communications consultant, set about composing the visual illustration of these effects which were compiled by Jerome Agel. Near the beginning of the book, Fiore adopted a pattern in which an image demonstrating a media effect was presented with a textual synopsis on the facing page. The reader experiences a repeated shifting of analytic registers—from "reading" typographic print to "scanning" photographic facsimiles—reinforcing McLuhan's overarching argument in this book: namely, that each medium produces a different "massage" or "effect" on the human sensorium. In The Medium Is the Massage, McLuhan also rehashed the argument—which first appeared in the Prologue to 1962's The Gutenberg Galaxy—that all media are "extensions" of our human senses, bodies and minds.
Rta is the end of an effective synthesis of sensorium, through a whole range of clear and distinct acts of particular senses and their subsequent insights. Asat stands as the initial space-ground of indeterminate perception or of sets of organized perceptions, the sounding silence from which the worlds, gods and man emerge. Ramana Maharshi in the 6th paragraph of Nān Yār reminds us that only after firmly establishing our mind in our heart will our primal thought "I" which is the root of all thoughts disappear for the ever-existing real self to shine; the place (innermost core of our being) devoid of even a little trace of our primal thought "I" is svarupa (our own essential self) which alone is called mauna (silence), it is the state of egolessness.
The Music Essence,Ludlow, Fitz Hugh “The Music Essence” The Commercial Advertiser 31 December 1861 printed in 1861 by The Commercial Advertiser, featured a man who composes a symphony for his deaf wife by translating the musical notes into light and colors. This story was certainly inspired by the synesthesia Ludlow experienced during his hashish experiences, of which he wrote that: > The soul is sometimes plainly perceived to be but one in its own sensorium, > while the body is understood to be all that so variously modifies > impressions as to make them in the one instance smell, in another taste, > another sight, and thus on, ad finem. Thus the hasheesh-eater knows what it > is to be burned by salt fire, to smell colors, to see sounds, and, much more > frequently, to see feelings.
For Nalls, the connection between olfaction and social or participatory art is rooted in the evolutionary biology of the sense of smell. As the oldest sense, olfaction has the uncanny ability to trigger memory (individual and collective), and its significant role in chemosensory communication is critical to the collective action that is necessary for participatory social and art processes. World Sensorium is a participatory project in its all-inclusive ethos, Nalls’ intention for its en masse experience, and in its very creation which at times required to assistance of volunteers to gather the phytogenic materials. “Randia aculeata an ingredient from the Netherlands Antilles, could only be found locally in Florida. A team was rushed to the site before Hurricane Lenny came in and swept through the area.” to harvest the leaves.Laura Klepacki, “Times Square Revelers To Ring in New Fragrance,” Women’s Wear Daily, December 23, 1999.
It is a textual form which breaks up ossified social structures and ideologies, symbolically empowers the marginalized, and reconnects what is culturally separated. In that way, literature counteracts economic, political or pragmatic forms of interpreting and instrumentalizing human life, and breaks up one-dimensional views of the world and the self, opening them up towards their repressed or excluded other. Literature is thus, on the one hand, a sensorium for what goes wrong in a society, for the biophobic, life-paralyzing implications of one-sided forms of consciousness and civilizational uniformity, and it is, on the other hand, a medium of constant cultural self-renewal, in which the neglected biophilic energies can find a symbolic space of expression and of (re-)integration into the larger ecology of cultural discourses. This approach has been applied and widened in volumes of essays by scholars from over the world (ed.
Less than three days after the premiere of the first season, Variety reported that it had been pirated more than half a million times, regardless of the series' digital distribution. Netflix also placed the second season of Sense8 at fifth place on their list for the year 2017 about couples where one of the two cannot resist the urge to watch, and ends up watching episodes ahead of their significant other. Former Colombian President and 2016 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Juan Manuel Santos heavily referenced Sense8 in a speech he made in April 2019 during the graduation ceremony of students of the University of Los Andes who participated in the Ser Pilo Paga program. Santos recited the basic premise of the show about the fictional species Homo sensorium who can feel empathy for one another, and expressed his wish and belief that one day humanity will be the same, "united in diversity and tolerance".
With its main propagators Aristotle (De Sensu), Galen (De Usu Partium Corporis Humani) and their followers, this theory seems to have some contact with modern theories of what vision really is, but it remained only a speculation lacking any experimental foundation. (In eighteenth-century England, Isaac Newton, John Locke, and others, carried the intromission theory of vision forward by insisting that vision involved a process in which rays—composed of actual corporeal matter—emanated from seen objects and entered the seer's mind/sensorium through the eye's aperture.) Both schools of thought relied upon the principle that "like is only known by like", and thus upon the notion that the eye was composed of some "internal fire" which interacted with the "external fire" of visible light and made vision possible. Plato makes this assertion in his dialogue Timaeus (45b and 46b), as does Empedocles (as reported by Aristotle in his De Sensu, DK frag. B17). Leonardo da Vinci: The eye has a central line and everything that reaches the eye through this central line can be seen distinctly.
Eric Voegelin, The Collected Works, Vol. 31, 40. Professor Boczek argues: > Coetsier is able to employ Voegelin’s thought to analyze Hillesum for two > reasons: first because Voegelin carried out extensive diagnoses of the > spiritual disorder that grounds modernity as well as an exhaustive exegesis > of the divine/human encounter as constitutive of human nature. And second, > “the rich philosophical and religious symbolisms” in Hillesum’s less > technical and more poetic Letters and Diaries make them an excellent source > that both illustrates and substantiates Voegelin’s work as revealed in the > “Drama of Humanity.” The nature and definition of what it is to be human > emerge in these symbols, i.e., reason as a sensorium of transcendence and > the metaxy as the site of the “flow of presence” with its human and divine > poles. Voegelin’s theoretical apparatus can shed light on the core > development Hillesum underwent in the process of writing about her rich > interior life. While Voegelin offered a systematic analysis of the Greek > philosophers’ insights into humanity, Coetsier demonstrates the remarkable > adequacy of Voegelin’s philosophy for interpreting Etty Hillesum’s writings.
The medium of the alphabet thus has the effect of reshaping the way in which we, collectively and individually, perceive and understand our environment in what has been termed the Alphabet Effect.Old Messengers, New Media: The Legacy of Innis and McLuhan , a virtual museum exhibition at Library and Archives Canada Focusing on variations in the sensorium across social contexts, these theorists collectively suggest that the world is explained and experienced differently depending on the specific "ratios of sense" that members of a culture share in the sensoria they learn to inhabit (Howes 1991, p. 8). More recent work has demonstrated that individuals may include in their unique sensoria perceptual proclivities that exceed their cultural norms; even when, as in the history of smell in the West, the sense in question is suppressed or mostly ignored (Classen, Howes and Synnott 1994). This interplay of various ways of conceiving the world could be compared to the experience of synesthesia, where stimulus of one sense causes a perception by another, seemingly unrelated sense, as in musicians who can taste the intervals between notes they hear (Beeli et al.

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