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"self-defeating" Definitions
  1. causing more problems and difficulties instead of solving them; not achieving what you wanted to achieve but having an opposite effect

650 Sentences With "self defeating"

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In this he is not only unlucky, but also self-defeating.
The Complacent Class: The Self-Defeating Quest for the American Dream.
Of course, Trump proceeded to respond in equally self defeating terms.
Besides being self-defeating, vilifying groups of people is morally abhorrent.
That would be silly and self-defeating, to say the least.
Class loathing feels so good, but it is ultimately self-defeating.
Tactical unpredictability can be useful, but strategic unreliability is self-defeating.
Bar­ring the door to these people is wrong and socially self-defeating.
The most glaring is security, where its hardline position is self-defeating.
That is why the passive, 4-Hour Mindset is so self-defeating.
"An early rally in prices ... would prove self-defeating," the bank warned.
But economists almost unanimously view rent controls as harmful and self-defeating.
The irony is that China's obduracy is to some extent self-defeating.
Such short-termism will ultimately be self-defeating, said Commerzbank's Eugen Weinberg.
Which is self-defeating because it would also ensure their own destruction.
Instead, however, Obama's election enabled this self-defeating policy of Democratic idealism.
If that's the strategy it's already looking spectacularly dumb and self-defeating.
In an interview, Mr. Browder said the government's decision was self-defeating.
The self-defeating nature of these knee-jerk reactions quickly became evident.
But, as Putin notes, these activities are likely to be self-defeating.
This approach is not only illiberal, the critics argue, but self-defeating.
But I've begun to wonder whether this work sometimes is self-defeating.
Feature Caveh Zahedi's abject, self-defeating, ethically questionable, maddeningly original approach to documentary.
It may wilt in the face of leaders' erratic and self-defeating behaviour.
By now Prince Muhammad has a track record of impulsive, self-defeating behaviour.
Yeah, and in the end that's a self-defeating thing for the country.
Complete openness would, of course, be self-defeating, as would be complete freedom.
" Glass told CNN he feels the APA code is "insulting" and "self-defeating.
But they're in this situation because of President Trump's impulsive, self-defeating acts.
These findings suggest the unrelenting pursuit of happiness may often be self-defeating.
Instead, he said, they have often gone into a self-defeating defensive crouch.
Really, this entire gallery is devoted to the self-defeating glorification of masculinity.
Churning out reports can lead to delays and self-defeating behavior, he said.
Our contemporary motives are just as mysterious and self-defeating as the past's.
Tapper asked Pompeo if the aid cuts were "self-defeating" given past results.
Diplomacy and aid aren't the only self-defeating cuts in the administration's proposal.
Even preservation efforts were myopic, centered around a self-defeating idea of protection.
Meanwhile, some Moderates have argued that excluding the SD from power is self-defeating.
But the approach will be self-defeating for the government in the long run.
There's also a strong possibility that Silicon Valley's battle for talent was self-defeating.
There are times and places for relaxation, but wasting every weekend was self-defeating.
This latest attempt to prevent Defense Distributed from operating freely is probably self-defeating.
Mr Mattis's letter signalled the fundamentally self-defeating nature of such impulsive presidential behaviour.
So, when the Fed sends mixed signals, Cramer considers this to be self-defeating.
If forced to do so, it would reduce their competitiveness; and be self-defeating.
Analysts, meanwhile, warn that too big a rush to biomass could be self-defeating.
But to extend an arm's-length approach to ordinary research would be self-defeating.
First, trying to price in future developments in commodity markets is often self-defeating.
I no longer held journalism in self-defeating, sacred regard and would look widely.
Greece demonstrates that collective punishment is morally wrong and likely to be self-defeating.
Requiring anything less, he indicated, would be a self-defeating policy for the government.
Writing about it was great therapy for me to recognize my self-defeating patterns.
He has brought the same instincts to his presidency, with increasingly self-defeating results.
However understandable the frustration, the thoughtless abandonment of the region would be self-defeating.
The efforts were risky and possibly self-defeating, and Mr. Flynn's gambit ultimately failed.
But there is a smart way to counter them -- and a self-defeating way.
Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh thinks that traditional corporate structures are stifling and self-defeating.
Acted out to its logical conclusion, that fantasy was hideous, shameful, and self-defeating.
Some meditators swear by gamifying, but to me, it seems ludicrously wrongheaded and self-defeating.
When misplaced, it can contribute to an excessive abstemiousness just as self-defeating as overindulgence.
Producer forward sales are one reason why Goldman warns the rally could be self-defeating.
Given Britain's military experience, its arms industry and its intelligence agencies, that is self-defeating.
"Merde", wrote one especially disgruntled critic of the "extraordinarily self-defeating" performance; "what a mess".
On a base level, I always knew this shame was self-defeating and rejected it.
This seems like an exaggeration, however, and, given his hunger for a grievance, self-defeating.
Self-defeating because they send an unambiguous signal: stay away if you have a choice.
An irrational and self-defeating America will become a threat to itself and the world.
Arthur: Her Achilles' heel is contempt, which is perhaps the most self-defeating stereotype possible.
That is a strangely self-defeating agenda for patriots or nationalists of any political fashion.
Some carnivore ecologists argue, though, that moving the hunt into cities will be self-defeating.
It's a heavy and self-defeating price to pay for sticking to an election pledge.
If you do treat yourself for keeping a habit, make sure it's not self-defeating.
Refusing to invest in yourself, refusing to network and travel is a self-defeating approach.
Demeaning those commitments as if they were transactional protection rackets is corrosive and self-defeating.
But Joe Biden seemed too feeble, oratorically and intellectually, to buck the self-defeating trend.
For the euro zone to tolerate that risk in the name of prudence is self-defeating.
She maintains a quiet confidence in herself and her abilities, but without the self-defeating swagger.
And here's one they'll have to wrestle with: A March for Science could be self-defeating.
Conceptually, it is a self-defeating notion—something that if taken to be truth, negates itself.
She sought to persuade him — albeit with limited success — to steer clear of self-defeating controversies.
The first step to conquering self-defeating inner dialogue is to acknowledge their existence and absurdity.
Trade barriers, which prevent such advances, are a futile, self-defeating way to help the unskilled.
Maintaining the link between health coverage and jobs is growing increasingly difficult, expensive, and self-defeating.
Oneof the strangest uses of words is the self-defeating desire to explain music using them.
A lot of it is about understanding these self-defeating patterns that we sometimes fall into.
Of course, two days of gratuitous and self-defeating Trump bombast and threats preceded this resolution.
"The tax proposals, though self-defeating, emerge from an understandable and growing public frustration," Chodosh said.
This scrappy, if self-defeating, independent streak, he suggested, was a consequence of our under-parenting.
"It's a self-defeating cycle," said Lorenzo Codogno, chief economist at LC Macro Advisors in London.
It was shock-and-awe, imbued with a certain brutal logic - but also fundamentally self-defeating.
The internet can bluster all it wants, though — arguments against diversified representation are inherently self-defeating.
It's a reality Trump's critics need to internalize lest their criticism become a self-defeating caricature.
The liberal complacency that holds that these people simply need to be "educated" is self-defeating.
" But he argued "there's a smart way" to counter Tehran, rather than a "self-defeating way.
There is hope, however, that we may actually be able to avoid this self-defeating cycle.
"That would be a self-defeating strategy," said Vincent Piazza, an energy analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence.
With Republicans still controlling the Senate and the White House, a vote for a carbon tax looks like a self-defeating political strategy and a self-defeating climate strategy, because it could lose the Democratic majority, says Paul Bledsoe, a former climate adviser to Bill Clinton.
Given that migrants are vital to innovation, the Trump administration's hurdles to legal immigration are self-defeating.
Whether Mr Trump's order is legal, moral or self-defeating has been discussed at length elsewhereon thissite.
"This is a totally ridiculous, self-inflicted, self-defeating crisis that President Trump has created with Mexico."
Yet politicians in positions of power are apparently intent on waging yet another self-defeating crypto war.
Maxwell's style can be off-putting or self-defeating, yet its virtues are manifest in this piece.
This makes Mr Trump's ambition to mess with America's trade arrangements all the more obviously self-defeating.
Increasingly, younger Jews are distancing themselves from Israeli policies seen as unjust, unlawful, immoral or self-defeating.
But throughout the series, George R. R. Martin suggests that to embrace prejudice is ultimately self-defeating.
"It's self-defeating (for counterfeiters) to copy the code - it just leads us to you," Simons said.
The like-your-plan-keep-your-plan pitch was not only disingenuous, but was also self-defeating.
Just a big self-defeating dope, doing stupendously and obviously wrong things for stupendously, obviously wrong reasons.
Indeed, despite purported altruistic intentions, the Obama administration's labor policies have been models of self-defeating goals.
In a league that practically prints money, threatening to walk off the job would seem self-defeating.
Kowtowing to far-left "leave in the ground" oil and gas prohibitionists is self-defeating as well.
The problem with populist antitrust is that without a coherent policy framework it is entirely self-defeating.
"It's a self-defeating strategy in the long term," said Representative Joaquín Castro, a Democrat from Texas.
It's self-defeating and narrows the space between the thing you despise and the thing you become.
However, such nuanced approach may prove self-defeating in the light of Trump's challenge and internal dissent.
Excessive focus on liberal fundamentals, like basic freedoms or the rule of law, could prove self-defeating.
Try to break out of any negative patterns by combating self-defeating talk with positive, encouraging statements.
Putting diversity ahead of ability can be a self-defeating proposition for the firm — and the client.
It will require a real showman to instill such courage in the current environment of self-defeating austerity.
The aim should be to avoid a repeat of the self-defeating fiscal contractions after the latest crisis.
And last year's episode showed that big spending plans can be self-defeating if financial markets are spooked.
Richard Maxwell's style can be off-putting or self-defeating, yet its virtues are manifest in this piece.
To reject North Macedonia without even trying to reach an agreement would be cruel, self-defeating and wrong.
I've built up enough of a reputation and network that it would be self-defeating to start over.
It would be self-defeating, too, for I am not free unless these women are free as well.
Self-defeating price and currency controls and rampant corruption are causing shortages of everything from medicines to rice.
You can write off the success of Johnson and Trump with older, white voters to self-defeating nostalgia.
It will require addressing this nation's pathologies at the root: its failures, its crimes, its self-defeating myths.
That's a very self-defeating way of doing business when all parties must be called on to sacrifice.
Killing them is "obviously not desirable in any way shape or form — it's self-defeating," Mr. Kamenstein said.
Insistence on ideological purity is self-defeating when the overwhelming majority of your fellow Americans reject your ideology.
All goals are self-defeating because eventually we run out of whatever we're using as fuel for them.
The self-defeating outcome has been to make Saudi Arabia appear the main regional menace, rather than Iran.
"This is really self-defeating in terms of what the President is doing," Swonk told CNN's Brooke Baldwin.
Critics have called the practice a self-defeating approach that denies borrowers the means to pay their debts.
I never intend to adjust myself to the madness of militarism, to selfdefeating effects of physical violence.
When those most responsible for Israeli security say Israel's current course is self-defeating, it's worth paying attention.
He did not deny that arresting the women was an appallingly clumsy (and self-defeating) thing to do.
The filmmakers build the pathetic comedy of a ridiculous peccadillo into a near-tragedy of self-defeating talent.
Just as the Trump team seemed on terra firma, however, the ground shook with another self-defeating tweet.
Such pretensions to reality-creating grandeur, Latour suggests, amount to little more than a vulgar, self-defeating cynicism.
The instinct to criticize Trump for late or inadequate responses is, on some level, pointless and self-defeating.
And it is self-defeating and it is exhausting and it is a real problem for the left.
Second, prices are transparent in a way that renders any attempt to steal business by lowering prices self-defeating.
In an inspiring TED talk given last year, Pesce explains the self-defeating mental tricks we play on ourselves.
As daring, or even self-defeating, as the Saudi approach might seem, it is a policy born of pragmatism.
It seems self-defeating to try to defend the multilateral order using the same divisive tactics as Mr Trump.
Moreover, the EU countries will still want to export to us, making punitive tariffs applied by Europe self-defeating.
"Of all the stupid self-defeating things we can imagine, a trade war is the top of the list."
If America ends up wanting to appeal against a ruling in favour of China, this will become self-defeating.
The self-defeating policies of governments clinging to power, such as in Egypt (see article), cause yet more harm.
Conditionality on aid can be self-defeating; actions against spoilers and blockers have far better chances of success. 7.
Coerced confessions are a hallmark of Iran's judicial system, but Tehran's latest miscarriage of justice is unusually self-defeating.
This is ironic — and self-defeating — since both the U.S. and European Union falsely count wood as environmentally beneficial.
That harnesses otherwise fiscally self-defeating tax-avoiding behavior to minimize the costs of health care and environmental damage.
I would think self-defeating thoughts while listening to friends chatting about housing prices or their new Sheltie puppy.
Asked in an interview that month if the practice was self-defeating, given the anger over income inequality, Mrs.
Judging the JCPOA on ballistic missiles, a problem it was not intended to solve, is dangerous and self-defeating.
In doing so, Mr. Trump invited opprobrium from foreign leaders, who said the move was reckless and self-defeating.
History tells us that delaying these solutions in the name of economic principles or dogma can be self-defeating.
For many drivers, systems that require them to keep their hands on the steering wheel seem almost self-defeating.
Joris Stuyck New York City Stillman highlights many of the self-defeating consequences of registering children as sex offenders.
In light of that, some analysts have suggested that Mr. Musk's attitude toward Wall Street could be self-defeating.
I think fighting a two-front trade war could be self-defeating for our economy and for his presidency.
When the memories are especially hurtful, or the introspection too self-defeating, one of the players drops a set.
His plans include the self-defeating notion of pulling Colombia out of the oil business, its chief source of exports.
It would be a bit weird (and self-defeating) if newcomers were never able to get their hands on them.
Allowing these to continue as separate undertakings—transportation and land use in different silos—is self-defeating and economically suicidal.
Complete current projects, prioritizing what works over self-defeating perfectionism, and you'll be ready to start a brand new masterpiece.
But the endgame is Special Counsel Bob Mueller: Trump's attacks on McConnell are self-defeating for a lot of reasons.
Jeff Bridges has so much dedication as an actor that he sacrifices himself to the Coen brothers' self-defeating conception.
But the necessary form of calcium isn't readily available, and producing it generally yields CO 2 , a self-defeating prospect.
For this, we need the same human instrument—faulty, romantic, and duplicitous—that brought Enron to that self-defeating point.
A U.N. adviser criticizes the organization for its "morally unconscionable, legally indefensible, and politically self-defeating" response to the epidemic.
So he veered from the high seriousness and idealism of his diplomacy to the self-defeating nakedness of his ambition.
Any attempt to copy Graham is self-defeating, sure to pale next to the real thing elsewhere on the program.
Viewing emotional appeals as self-defeating and even dangerous, he relied on reasoned persuasion derived from careful preparation and research.
King's Error," arguing that it was "both wasteful and self-defeating" to link Vietnam with domestic inequity and unrest. "Dr.
It's self-defeating because, as my mom used to tell me, reality has a way of catching up with you.
In fact, it is becoming clearer that failing to respect freedoms and fulfill human rights obligations is ultimately self-defeating.
The R.S.S. and other Hindu nationalists have claimed that the efforts to assuage the Kashmiris created a self-defeating dynamic.
Their straightforward mix of stocks and bonds can discourage investors from behaving in self-defeating ways, leading to strong returns.
It comes through in his description of adversaries as on a doomed and self-defeating quest to challenge American preeminence.
On the lack of common ground "It's not just dishonest, this selective sorting of the facts; it's self-defeating," he said.
It is a self-defeating combination of fairly high tax rates and generous exemptions that mean little money is actually raised.
Because their country needs Europe—on energy, Russia policy and EU subsidies—PiS's Poland-first approach will ultimately prove self-defeating.
The main beneficiaries of Mr Trump's self-defeating course, Mr Mattis implied, will therefore be the main challengers to American dominance.
Not only is this self-defeating for a party that promises activist government, it makes governing itself harder down the road.
Capitalist markets and narrowly-conceived party-political movements share the blame, alongside adroit conservatives and reckless, self-defeating left-wing radicals.
Rather than stepping up our game, however, we keep shooting ourselves in the foot with self-defeating rhetoric and misaligned policies.
But it would be illiberal and self-defeating to give in to the idea that immigration is merely something to tolerate.
China's attempts to micro-manage its share markets are both self-defeating and bad for the rest of the global economy.
Her recent past has mostly been defined by an inability to consider the self-defeating outcomes her rash actions could produce.
Ruckelshaus told me that it is self-defeating to insist on binding all environmental policy to the science of the past.
One congressional source also blasted Schiff's objections as self-defeating, stating that his concerns will persist if the bill isn't passed.
I was dumb, but at least my thoroughly self-defeating snobbery preserved a lot of surprise pleasures for later in life.
It would not be incorrect to call that a cynical bit of policymaking, but it also seems irrational and self-defeating.
WELD, 8:47: Donald Trump focusing on Bill Clinton and women is self-defeating to the point of being politically suicidal.
But the destructive impulse is a common one among artists, and not just among the self-defeating, which Nabokov could be.
They accept slips and don't engage in black-and-white thinking like 'I was bad,' an attitude that is self-defeating.
Whereas Dib, the self-appointed champion of Earth's freedom, is overzealous to the point of being self-defeating, like America itself.
That's the thing about class loathing: It feels good, a moral high with its own endorphins, but is ultimately self-defeating.
Mr. Trump calls this confusion a strategy of "unpredictability," but by now he ought to see how self-defeating it is.
The result has been a self-defeating feedback loop that wastes taxpayer dollars and endangers the welfare of thousands of animals.
Also, our economies became so intertwined and our border so porous that the idea of conflict between us became self-defeating.
Chip's self-defeating personality might feel rote if not for his interactions with the eminently positive Martha Chip's self-defeating personality might feel rote if not for his interactions with the eminently positive Martha, a Costco auto insurance agent (played by comedian Martha Kelly) who meets Chip after he gets into an accident on his electric scooter.
"It is the difference between the necessary response to 9/11 in Afghanistan, and the self-defeating invasion of Iraq," Buttigieg said.
The full moon in Scorpio wants to purge, so toss out everything you no longer need, Libra, especially your self-defeating thoughts!
Just like in the 1930s, it is easy to foresee a self-defeating spiral of beggar-thy-neighbour policies as a result.
Self-defeating shortcuts, symbolic and otherwise, are not only the preserve of the government; Chinese scientists are prey to such temptations, too.
AT&T retorts that it makes a lot of money selling content; withholding it from other operators would be commercially self-defeating.
But even some supportive figures in Trump's orbit have grown frustrated with his appetite for controversies that they see as self-defeating.
Stepping back from such a self-defeating title can reorient your entire relationship with video games as an artistic and entertainment medium.
It seemed potentially self-defeating to me to use this label, but, as in all things, what the hell do I know.
You didn't delay for the right reasons, it really was self-defeating and it was full of a lot of wishful thinking.
You can't do it the way Marco Rubio did, where you end up mired in absurd and self-defeating anatomical one-upmanship.
With Trump's decision to decertify the Iran deal, though, the evidence suggests that whatever strategy he has will likely be self-defeating.
Meanwhile, Democrats have recently shed much of their old self-defeating infighting, and the party's left and center have repeatedly come together.
But there are chinks in her defiance, failures of will and memory that echo the self-defeating political excesses of her neighbors.
Speaking at the OPEC meeting in Vienna Thursday, Iran's Oil Minister Bijan Zangeneh, said the policy was both confusing and self-defeating.
That is, Rich suggests that an appeal to sentiment might help move people to action: "Rational arguments are self-defeating," he writes.
But it's self-defeating to exaggerate the external obstacles: in 2016, Democratic turnout declined in states with and without new voter restrictions.
Otherwise – like a skunk – more people may start to smell the reek of PR. And that is when publicity becomes self-defeating.
They argue that focusing attention on eliminating a law enforcement agency takes pressure off the president and could ultimately prove self-defeating.
His self-defeating stubbornness would not have ruined the curb appeal of Madison Square Garden, the self-proclaimed World's Most Famous Arena.
I'm normally fairly comfortable with tactics and pragmatism, but this is one of those cases where that would constitute self-defeating politics.
They have been desperately wanting Trump to curb what they see as self-defeating impulses that distract from an effective underlying message.
"Hopefully, it means a lesson has been learned: Shutting down government over a policy difference is self-defeating," tut-tutted Mr. Schumer.
I worry it'll end up being that "self-defeating" kind, given cold air aloft and another disturbance passing by late in the day.
I care about the same things their employees do, but their approach is self-defeating and just serves to paralyze the whole company.
"The memo seems to be sort of self-defeating in acknowledging how much other material was involved in triggering this investigation," Vladeck said.
If Mr Trump were to use exchange rates as a reason to whack tariffs on imports from Europe, that could prove self-defeating.
Instead he has become the object of ridicule on "Saturday Night Live," where he is regularly portrayed as an incoherent, self-defeating boor.
More likely, as grids are interconnected so as to diversify supply, more interdependent countries will conclude that manipulating the market is self-defeating.
"The UK government is proclaiming the end of free movement as a victory instead, it is a self-defeating measure," she will say.
When it comes to the question of promoting good policy, however, this slippery brand of politics can turn out to be self-defeating.
Momentum is not moving in our favor and our longstanding approach of only reaching out to legislators on civic affairs is self-defeating.
"The UK government is proclaiming the end of free movement as a victory – instead, it is a self-defeating measure," she will say.
But as a strategy for governing the country, Trump's habit of cocooning himself against bad news is a self-defeating recipe for disaster.
The new administration seems to be conflating immigration, terrorism, and economic anxiety in a manner that is economically self-defeating and strategically counterproductive.
Opting out of the global system of states is a self defeating practice that will only diminish U.S. power over the long term.
"The Choice" argues that this upbringing — along with the scrutiny of the White House years — contributed to a self-defeating secrecy and defensiveness.
But more than anything, it was the Jazz's 21 free throws — a symbol of the Knicks' self-defeating ways — that left Rose frustrated.
And prejudice against blacks, Japanese-Americans and women, he argued, proved self-defeating, serving only to deny the country needed sources of strength.
The serene faith that Mueller can make Republicans do what Trump's naked unfitness hasn't done already is a blind and self-defeating one.
Chinese state media said on Friday that U.S. protectionism was self-defeating and a "symptom of paranoid delusions" that must not distract China.
President Donald Trump's latest attack on the New York Times wasn't just a standard illustration of his shamelessness — it was also self-defeating.
His seeming lack of shame means he has no qualms about publicly attacking a perceived enemy — even when said attack is self-defeating.
But the Liberals, being pro-business and pro-growth, reject the Greens' demands as ideological, even unscientific, and in the end self-defeating.
At times that serenity becomes self-defeating; some tracks will make you wonder if the recording studio's water supply wasn't dosed with CBD.
And how do you get past those self-defeating feelings that depression brings, that urge to give up or get stuck on something?
Violence is abhorrent and self-defeating, but vociferous resistance to national damage has nothing to do with that violence and must continue unabated.
While all sovereign bodies inherently control ingress and egress, whether wisely or fearfully, that control becomes self-defeating when police powers run amok.
The anarchy-loving crypto community's inability to coalesce around a way to progress with blockchain technology looks like its own self-defeating irony.
Building foreign and military policies on the basis of delusions and fallacies is nationally self-defeating and can only result in further tragedies.
But the language included a self-defeating condition: The state would have to pass additional laws for the ban to actually take effect.
It's a dynamic many on both sides will concede, at least in private, descended long ago into a self-defeating war of attrition.
Despite the hypocrisy of partisanship and self-defeating defensiveness of whataboutism, there is, if we look closely, a consensus amid the finger-pointing.
If not much changes on the fundamental or liquidity front, that's a net positive in forestalling a self-defeating rise in overconfidence among investors.
Never mind that serious foreign policy observers considered Putin's intervention to be poorly planned and self-defeating, a sign of his weakness and insecurity.
In effect, it makes us less likely to engage in self-defeating behavior, and thereby shifts our actions toward our ultimate long-term benefit.
That's fine if what you're seeking is true civic engagement, but self-defeating if you're only trying to mobilize voters in your own party.
Charging Carles Puigdemont, the fugitive former Catalan president, and his colleagues with rebellion, under a law aimed at stopping military coups, was self-defeating.
This was a destructive and self-defeating use of his old rope-a-dope tactic, intended to confuse and distract the press and public.
Further, pointing to a political movement's efforts in innovation – government-backed funds, grants, and the like – as a step forward is endlessly self-defeating.
"Chest-thumping about expanding presidential power was self-defeating in the Bush administration and will be more so in the Trump administration," Goldsmith said.
"My own sense is that precipitating, or increasing trade friction for example between the United States and China is frankly self defeating," he said.
This kind of policy schizophrenia—marked by mixed messages, over-promises, bluffs, and self-defeating deadlines—has typified the first months of Trump's presidency.
The opposition has struggled with how to respond, causing self-defeating divisions that infuriate the majority of Venezuelans who want Maduro out of power.
Even this president, while laudably breaking with the self-defeating rigidities of prior administrations, sometimes has sent mixed signals, especially on U.S.-China relations.
"I have spent the last year in sadness due to self-defeating ability, I will put my wholehearted effort to do better," he said.
For fellow Democrats, attacking Warren and Sanders on policy grounds is foolish and self-defeating (though that alone practically guarantees that it will happen).
And yet, like many well-intentioned policies that arise in the wake of tragedy, the war on wildfires has proved to be self-defeating.
But for a business that thrives on giving a voice to as many people as possible, such arbitrariness and opacity may be self-defeating.
They also understand we need liberation from the practices of Westminster and Whitehall, not Brussels, and from the self-defeating rage of the old.
Mr. McConnell called Mr. Trump's comments "extremely self-defeating and self-destructive" because of their potential to sway judges to rule against Mr. Trump.
Of more importance is the end-user experience, and picking a faster but more limited language for chatbot-building such as C++ is self-defeating.
But if the threat of gun control measures spurs more people to purchase firearms, then support for such measures is in some ways self-defeating.
On the other hand, arbitrary budget cuts that undermine the ability of employees to do their jobs, and do them well, can be self-defeating.
The boycott was self-defeating: it left the BNP with no voice in parliament, and gave the government unfettered power to legislate as it liked.
But embedded in the phrase too is the potentially self-defeating suggestion that the transformation feminists imagine relies on people like Trump changing their minds.
The policy, part of an effort by the attorney-general Jeff Sessions to curb a seasonal rise in illegal immigration, is repugnant and self-defeating.
This has led to some of the lowest levels of public investment since World War II, and a self-defeating austerity that stunted economic growth.
The state of not-dancing—as well as being inherently anti-social, aloof, and, well, self-defeating—is nearly impossible to cajole someone out of.
" Sunstein then raises an excellent question: "Do we have reason to question the kinds of influences for which transparency turns out to be self-defeating?
Abenomics has not only demonstrated how self-defeating fiscal austerity can be, particularly when it comes in the form of a tax on all consumers.
Florida Republican Matt Gaetz's characteristically fumbling and self-defeating attempt to discredit Dean resulted in the hearing's only truly viral moment: what a joke pic.twitter.
"I think they realize — at least the current leadership — that a confrontational approach to the EU and the markets is ultimately self-defeating," he said.
Even when Mr. Babcock is in full self-defeating narrative mode, the rest of the band girds him with live-wire energy and breathless tempo.
A State Department spokesman, John Kirby, reiterated on Thursday the United States' longstanding criticisms of Russia, saying that Moscow was pursuing a self-defeating strategy.
Liberals are also warning Democrats that it would be "self-defeating" to anger the activist base because that's where the energy is in the party.
One way to fight back against these self-defeating urges is to be aware of them and take a moment to think through your choices.
Two of the ministers who joined the government at Mr. Carvalho's suggestion have generated similar controversies, which critics within the government see as self-defeating.
Trump's plan could also be self-defeating by harming the economy even more in the long run, according to Linkedin's top US economist, Guy Berger.
The enemy, in this case, are the members of a single internecine family, vis-à-vis one another and their own sorry, self-defeating souls.
In Mississippi, union officials say, the state's Republican establishment has been relatively subdued, perhaps calculating that more aggressive opposition would be ineffective, even self-defeating.
However, very few enterprises possess both characteristics, and competition to buy those that do has now become fierce to the point of being self-defeating.
And their implications were largely hopeful: They suggested that the mind — as self-defeating as it can be — can be understood, corrected, and perhaps mastered.
Mr. Reilly has a habit of leaning into stereotypes about felons, almost as a political protest, and I sometimes wonder if it is self-defeating.
" Thursday's coordinated editorials were criticized by some in the media, including a CBS News commentary that described them as a "self-defeating act of journalistic groupthink.
He expected more of himself after the win, and perhaps, he said, his desire to replicate his success was so intense that it became self-defeating.
Paradoxically, this sometimes seems to have the self-defeating effect of appearing to draw dust up into the air — thereby keeping the PM 2.5 level elevated.
But it definitely can set us on the disappointing and self-defeating track of fad dieting, a path many of us know all too well already.
In the end, argues Mr Gerson, support for Mr Trump is self-defeating, because it makes non-Christians want to have nothing to do with evangelicals.
It is self-defeating – because they want to start new businesses, staff our labs, serve in our military, and otherwise contribute to the country we love.
Limiting immigration by tarnishing America's international reputation is a sort of catastrophic success: the achievement of a policy goal through actions that are also self-defeating.
It is self-defeating -- because they want to start new businesses, staff our labs, serve in our military, and otherwise contribute to the country we love.
Once you snap yourself out of self-defeating, negative thoughts, it's time to help your brain learn what you want it to focus on — the positive.
It argues that technological change and shifts in consumer demand have rendered self-defeating many of the promises made to workers a generation or two ago.
By contrast, the demands of the Tea Party's champions, a group of 40-odd congressmen known as the House Freedom Caucus, were trifling and self-defeating.
He is overly concerned with trade deficits, which leads him to indulge in selective forms of protectionism that are both politically unwise and economically self-defeating.
The Department of Defense (DOD) then used the absence of a record of kills to justify their non-combat status, creating a potentially self-defeating cycle.
It is self-defeating — because they want to start new businesses, staff our labs, serve in our military, and otherwise contribute to the country we love.
Against this background, Greek voters elected my then party, Syriza, in January 2015 to negotiate an end to self-defeating austerity in exchange for serious reforms.
" Smadar Bar-Akiva, the executive director of JCC Global, said "the calls for French Jews to pack their bags" and move were "disturbing and self-defeating.
" Thursday's coordinated editorials were criticized by some in the media, including a CBS News commentary that described them as a "self-defeating act of journalistic groupthink.
But in the 10 days since President Trump announced his decision, I've been obsessed not with its legality but with its cruelty and self-defeating stupidity.
But the same confusion is on display among liberal culture makers themselves, who have reacted to Trump's defeat by leaning into their most self-defeating instincts.
Many of them argue that it is self-defeating for cities to make undocumented but otherwise law-abiding immigrants feel vulnerable and afraid of the authorities.
It is self-defeating — because they want to start new businesses, staff our labs, serve in our military, and otherwise contribute to the country we love.
Deporting them from the only home they have known, often to countries to which they have little or no connection, is spiteful, punitive and self-defeating.
Though the team's injuries, its self-defeating tendencies, and even its fans' preferences could support losing as a legitimate strategy, Hornacek would not entertain the idea.
If you're wondering why Trump would do something as plainly self-defeating as unilaterally withdrawing from the Iran deal, this is a good place to start.
There were racist sentiments expressed on the Leave side, but -- and this is a crucial difference with Trump -- they were acknowledged to be embarrassing and self-defeating.
The trouble is, Mr Bannon's record in and since leaving government has been so dismal and self-defeating as to discredit his views and even his values.
Doing so will help earn others' trust and may have the side benefit of alchemizing a self-defeating inner voice to one that is firm yet helpful.
But with federal law lagging behind, the states have landed in a tangle of rules that are at times contradictory, self-defeating, and lacking in scientific support.
As a result of "historically thin budgets," Prepa had adopted a selfdefeating policy of postponing maintenance and extending outages to avoid paying overtime to its employees.
Barack Obama responded to President Trump's DACA decision with a lengthy statement Tuesday, calling it a "self-defeating" and "cruel" move made for political, not legal, reasons.
Yet, Orlando horrifically reminded the LGBTQ community of the hatred against us, and to perpetuate hate among ourselves about something as fabulous as femininity seems self-defeating.
Trump ranted about the "witch hunt" against him and argued that his administration was being undermined by the pesky "resistance," not by his own self-defeating incompetence.
It's a familiar narrative, usually untethered from the facts, that has been used throughout history to stir up democratic society's worst—and most self-defeating—political impulses.
If the GND is foisted on the people—and not to a considerable degree shaped by them—it will be a limited and perhaps self-defeating initiative.
In fact, it is economically self-defeating, as the ordinary people who drive a prosperous economy are instead impoverished in favour of the bank accounts of billionaires.
The book's structure — alternating the crime and its aftermath with lengthy swaths of back story from each focal character — is similarly self-defeating, mistaking delay for resonance.
To Elizabeth Wilner, a senior vice president at Kantar Media, which tracks political advertising, that recent example shows how self-defeating chasing votes by gender can be.
Given that the league and its teams are still popular and profitable, and that the game is transparently not failing, this seems strange and even self-defeating.
Among other things, he participated in a meeting in August in which advisers urged Mr. Trump to maintain his focus and stop engaging in self-defeating fights.
Even in a presidency replete with self-defeating moments for the United States, Mr. Trump's comments on Monday, which were broadcast live around the world, stand out.
Not O.K. A reader pointed out that Kansas and Louisiana — the subject of my newsletter yesterday — aren't the only states to have enacted self-defeating tax cuts.
Democrats from heartland states are also infuriated by what they see as the self-defeating claim from coastal liberals that rural whites simply cannot be won over.
"I'm very happy to be the canary in the coal mine or the Cassandra who points out that this could be a self-defeating succumbing," Weld said.
Creating a system in which taxes might unexpectedly jump, in response to a terror attack or hurricane that temporarily disrupts the economy, would be entirely self-defeating.
Y.) to force the Senate into a procedurally self-defeating and tactically puzzling action that leaves Majority Leader Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellAre Democrats turning Trump-like?
It turned out to be remarkably ill-advised and self-defeating spin, but it was a classic effort to emphasize the least damaging part of the story.
Anyone who spent more than a minute observing or participating in our legislative politics would describe Trump's moves as some combination of self-defeating, illogical and misguided.
Tighter rules in industries with low tariffs, like cars, could become self-defeating; if they are too tight, companies could simply decide to pay tariffs, rendering NAFTA irrelevant.
Analysts say any move to end such special treatment could prove self-defeating for the United States which has benefited from the business-friendly conditions in the territory.
Becoming an underdog has made Trump more erratic, more an expression of id, driven entirely by a self-defeating clamor to regain his rightful place atop the polls.
While O6's utility for distracted drivers seems dubious or possibly even self-defeating, it seems like an obvious win for someone who is blind or visually impaired.
Chinese state media said on Friday that U.S. protectionism was self-defeating and a "symptom of paranoid delusions" that must not distract China from its path to modernisation.
Though he looks at the bleak record of commercial modernity in propagating itself across the world and marks its self-defeating expansion, he holds out no defined alternative.
Since taking office in January, President Donald Trump has displayed various reactions to the pressures of his job, from angry tweets to effusive exaggerations to self-defeating candor.
But the European Union's see-no-evil approach to the misuse of billions in taxpayer funds is an unnecessary, patronizing and self-defeating concession to the new members.
More broadly, the line speaks to the self-defeating tendency of Democrats to imagine that their own affinity for compromise reflects the median voter's preference for conciliatory politics.
And from there, Israel would commit to a self-defeating policy of relinquishing land in the hope of realizing the era of peace its prophets had called for.
The Number's Up Overall, it's clear that fossil fuel subsidies have increased over the last few decades, not decreased—such is the self-defeating economics of fossil fuels.
I think it is sad and self-defeating to simply assume that the safest choice is the best choice, that inspiration doesn't have an amazing power to sway.
More from the Economist's lead editorial: Calls from American politicians for tit-for-tat "reciprocity," over visas for academics and NGO workers, say, would be equally self-defeating.
THRUSH: It's a little self-defeating, but, you know, in most instances, you know, I am partic--my participation in the campaign consists of my covering the campaign.
Today (Saturday): If we start out with sun, it may be the kind that ends up being "self defeating," with cloud development thanks to very cold air aloft.
Of all Obama's myriad security misconceptions, his unwillingness to speak honestly about the specific challenges of radicalization in the Islamic world was the most bizarre and self-defeating.
On top of the staggering moral failure this represents — alongside the Muslim travel ban and the horrors of caged Central American children — this is just unfathomably self-defeating.
Insisting that autistic people behave in ways that they are unable to can lead to feelings of learned helplessness, self-defeating thoughts and behaviors and, eventually, social withdrawal.
From the outside it's easy to believe that survival is the first priority of the sick, and so a failure to articulate your condition seems absurdly self-defeating.
This year's winners: cybersecurity breaches, self-defeating trade wars, disruptive climate change and the rising danger of military conflicts in which large countries are drawn into regional battles.
His threatened solution—to put a stop to sales of German cars—may be self-defeating, but the fact is that Germany saves too much and spends too little.
The first three, "fractious" to "self-defeating," could be said to have characterized many of the best scenes of The Good Wife, where office politics was a blood sport.
The self-defeating aspect of this behavior is evident to people like Judge Mays who recommend that Trump let go of the past and focus on his new job.
A 2011 study found that striving for happiness can be "self-defeating," and that priming people to value happiness was a great way to make them feel like crap.
Yet instead of celebrating prematurely, Democrats need to reflect more carefully on why the man who bested them in 2016 might be pursuing such an apparently self-defeating strategy.
Some conservative lawmakers, conceivably including Mr Trump, appear so sickened by Planned Parenthood's record of providing abortions that they would do anything, however self-defeating, to close it down.
Former President Barack Obama called the Trump administration's decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program "cruel" and "self-defeating" in a statement on Facebook Tuesday afternoon.
But the move is inherently self-defeating, since the very idea of a backwards Middle Ages came out of Enlightenment thinkers' high opinion of themselves relative to their predecessors.
"Energy needs lower prices to maintain financial stress to finish the rebalancing process; otherwise, an oil price rally will prove self-defeating as it did last spring," Goldman noted.
Earlier in the week, Mueller's cooperation deal with Manafort collapsed after Manafort was accused of lying to the special counsel's office ("incredibly reckless and self-defeating," opined Jeffrey Toobin).
" A month later, she elaborated in Time: "Forget the plainly self-defeating results of that behavior in terms of trying to recruit would-be Hillary supporters to Bernie's column.
It is dangerous for the world's trading system when countries impose protectionist measures, and even self-defeating given that production chains are global, Singapore's trade and industry minister said.
The Procrastination Research Group calls putting work off until later "self-defeating behavior" and studies show that about 90 percent of us do it at least once a day.
At the same time, fulminating against American Muslims and playing up the chances of mass-casualty ISIS attacks misses the true reality of the threat and is self-defeating.
It used to be that sending one or two bigs into the paint was an acceptable strategy, but even that has become a self-defeating approach against most teams.
The episode "Stupid Piece of Shit" implements an abrupt break in animation style to illustrate BoJack's stream of self-defeating thoughts as he tries and fails to help Hollyhock.
As they find themselves sudden targets of a well-organized and well-financed opposition from within, some Republicans are beginning to question whether the squabbling is ultimately self-defeating.
But a push to end a program that shields the children of undocumented immigrants from deportation, a move the administration has been considering, seems "self-defeating," Mr. Zalesne said.
Schweitzer said other countries should stick to their commitments, but warned that attempting to compensate for the U.S. withdrawal by other countries redoubling their commitments would be self-defeating.
But I have this self-defeating disease that only lets me lie about how much I paid for shoes; never the personal, this-stranger-doesn't-need-to-know-this stuff.
Understanding exactly what's motivating the Trump administration's positions on science — or lack of them — is important, experts consulted by BuzzFeed News said, to avoid wasted effort or self-defeating missteps.
" As a result, she says, "instead of listening to their intelligent teammates, they try to shut them down or shove them out," which is, ultimately, "team killing and self-defeating.
But Trump's appeal to these groups is based on ginning up anger at other minority groups (undocumented immigrants and Muslim-Americans), which is certain to be a self-defeating ploy.
The absence of a clearly defined Democratic leader, someone with the sway to push back or rein in this kind of potentially self-defeating behavior, has rarely been more glaring.
Worst of all, this cult is self-defeating, depriving us of the very recognition we crave: Even when Russia wins — especially when Russia wins — the world doesn't believe in it.
Which is a shame and also oddly self-defeating, when you consider that Negan's arrival has been the development everyone associated with the show has been dangling since last fall.
It would be shortsighted and self-defeating of the generals running Thailand to insist on dismissing these latest attacks as a partisan vendetta unconnected to the conflict in the south.
Centrists largely argue that the fight is self-defeating when it comes to getting the fast-track process set up for tax reform and setting the stage for government funding.
And, in passages that bore some resemblance to Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn's speech after the Manchester bombing in May, he condemned the war on terror as a self-defeating exercise.
Because he's a human first and a rapper second, it's likely Eminem has his own pain body—one complete with recurring themes of sadness, anxiety, anger, or self-defeating behaviors.
I'm praying one day we'll end the self-defeating litmus test we demand before declaring our sisters worthy of respect based on how they look, pray, love or even vote.
Resignation or fatalism -- that it's a tragedy, the destruction of life as we know it, but alas we can't affect it -- is as self-defeating as denial, and lazy too.
We also saw more self-defeating rhetoric from Rudy Giuliani, who asked Jake Tapper, "So what?" if the President might have spoken to Cohen about Cohen's false testimony to Congress.
Some analysts say any move to end Hong Kong's special treatment could prove self-defeating for the United States, which has benefited from the business-friendly conditions in the territory.
Ever since Britain's perverse, self-defeating vote last June to leave the European Union, it seemed plausible that the same anti-globalization, often xenophobic forces could carry Trump to victory.
The president is playing a self-defeating game, because he is making it harder for Mr. Powell to deliver low rates without appearing to have been bullied by Mr. Trump.
Analysts, however, say any move to end such special treatment could prove self-defeating for the United States, whose firms have benefited from the business-friendly conditions in Hong Kong.
Trump posted this seemingly self-defeating case on Tuesday ahead of his scheduled meeting over funding the government with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Kessler's complimentary words offer Sanders an opportunity to amplify differences between the two candidates without lodging the kind of direct, and potentially self-defeating, attacks that he has so far avoided.
"The Immigration Department proposals are self-defeating as they risk creating greater marginalisation and disaffection among new arrivals," Paul Power, CEO of the Refugee Council of Australia, said in a statement.
For years, economists were stumped by certain consumer behaviors that seemed irrational and self-defeating, like failing to sign up for a 401K or carelessly going deep into credit-card debt.
"If this proposed cut is strictly enforced and supports prices, we would expect it to prove self-defeating medium term with a large drilling response around the world," Goldman's analysts said.
Amid Amazon and Google's bitter and self-defeating feud over the right to stream videos from YouTube, Mozilla today announced that its Firefox browser is now available on Fire TV devices.
But it would be self-defeating for American policymakers to not at least partly consider America's tech giants in the context of the important role they play in America's national security.
But for something meant to promote a brand-new platform, Feral Rites is a strangely retro affair in many ways, a throwback project that is by turns fun and self-defeating.
That development illustrates the shortcomings of the board sanctions the US has slapped on those countries and shows why the US's "maximum pressure" can ultimately be self-defeating, writes Willis Krumholz.
That is why a chastened democracy, having recovered from its unrealistic and self-defeating aspirations to global hegemony, remains the political idea most at home in the current age of dissatisfaction.
While a reassessment of the role our gadgets play in our lives is healthy, many people are buying into a self-defeating fallacy that ironically makes it harder to dial back.
Though the cast — especially Nichols, O'Keefe and Smith — is strong, and Cooper makes lovely stage pictures on the rusty platform, there's something thin and self-defeating about the resulting circular logic.
When Snyder intimates that 2016 might be the last free election in the United States for a while, one wonders if the book will become self-defeating because of its hyperbole.
Lee, from Utah, is a firebrand conservative and original Tea Party member loved by many libertarians and conservatives, but despised among establishment Republicans who saw his hardline moves as self-defeating.
While professing respect for Greenberg's ideas, Mosset actually pushed them s to their ultimately absurd and self-defeating conclusions, very much in line with a Fluxus approach of turning ideology against itself.
Perel, a Belgian-born therapist whose TED talk on why people cheat has been viewed more than 7.5 million times, believes in utilizing unorthodox methods to interrupt a couple's self-defeating loops.
Marius Gero Daheim of SEB cites Switzerland and Japan as examples where negative interest rates have had the self-defeating consequences of higher consumer borrowing costs and a momentarily weakening currency, respectively.
The price increases are a vital part of Mr Macri's plan to restore confidence in an economy undermined by years of reckless spending, self-defeating price and regulatory controls, and economic nationalism.
But, by honing in on the pro-life movement's political potential rather than moral necessity, Trump put a stop to the self-defeating Republican receipt of personal moral certainty and political moderation.
Moreover, far from hurting Sanders, this impotent assault is self-defeating, fueling the narrative that party gatekeepers want, at all costs, to keep a political revolution from taking over the Democratic Party.
There is no habit of thought that is as pervasive as the aspiration to purity and perfection, but we suspect, along with Shotwell and Shinran, that it is almost always self-defeating.
Yet for a "City Center Years" festival to present "Agon," the most consequential work of the period, only in excerpt — that's a self-defeating surprise, a curveball decision of the wrong kind.
The notion that Mr. Trump should preserve the Paris accord in a misguided effort to curry favor with corporations and environmentally minded liberals was self-defeating, Mr. Bannon and his allies contended.
That they have been encaged in an environment that mostly worsens antisocial behavior and hardly ever confronts behavior that led to an arrest and imprisonment seems self-defeating for the greater society.
Within the U.S. government, there is growing recognition that America's vast expenditures in Afghanistan have been self-defeating, and that the conflict is more complex than simply fighting the Taliban or terrorism.
They're not just the most unpopular presidential nominees in recent memory: In the epic drama of the 2016 election, they're also tarnished heroes who are perpetually humbled by their own self-defeating flaws.
So I don't think capitalism is an inherently moral system or an inherently self-defeating system, but we have to ensure that it adapts when it veers too far into corruption and inequality.
The commodities market has set itself up for a self-defeating rally, Jeff Currie, global head of commodities research at Goldman Sachs, told CNBC on Thursday, as U.S. crude closed down 1 percent.
"If this proposed cut is strictly enforced and supports prices, we would expect it to prove self defeating medium-term with a large drilling response around the world," Goldman said in a note.
The congressional source, who believes Schiff wants to delay the bill's passage until after the midterms, described his objections as self-defeating since Schiff's concerns will persist if the bill does not pass.
What's wrong with a defendant having some fun at his own expense, especially if the prosecutor isn't complaining that, on account of that self-defeating "fun," the prosecution won't get a fair trial?
The trilemma was outlined in the 1960s, and the fiscal multiplier dates back to the 1930s; both illuminate the current struggles of the euro zone and the sometimes self-defeating pursuit of austerity.
But we must not be sidetracked by self-defeating gestures that would overturn established principles of international law while undermining our national security and economic interests in Saudi Arabia and around the world.
"A look at how a selective sorting of facts and evidence isn't just dishonest, but self-defeating to a society that has always worked best when reasoned debate and practical problem-solving thrive."
It's difficult to imagine a happy, healthy nation deciding that the paranoid, violent, overcompensatory, and self-defeating NFL was its favorite thing, but the United States is not presently that kind of place.
To say that Trump's views on immigration are inhumane, or self-defeating from the standpoint of the economy or national security, might hint at a subjective opinion on the part of the reporter.
Some of Mr. de Blasio's confidantes, both current and former, have grown frustrated with what they describe as the mayor's self-defeating righteousness, especially when it comes to his relationship with the media.
Paul argues that the newly ascendant left — personified by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — plays a productive role on labor policy, fiscal policy and climate policy but a self-defeating role on health care policy.
But to focus on shaming an artist for what is, on the evidence of this show, a truly brilliant, half-century-long act of politically driven self-invention, strikes me as self-defeating.
Benjamin J. Rhodes, a former deputy national security to Mr. Obama who helped broker the opening first announced in 2014, called the clampdown a politically motivated move that would ultimately be self-defeating.
Instead, they do what they can to welcome and support immigrants, including the unauthorized, and choose not to participate in deportation crackdowns they see as unjust, self-defeating and harmful to public safety.
Analysts say the Kremlin is aware that the tactic of creating and exploiting disarray can become self-defeating, in that prolonged instability could allow threats like the extremist group Islamic State to flourish.
And after Barack Obama usurped her in 2008, she had eight years to figure out how to run and govern without surrendering to traits that have so often proved self-defeating and exhausting.
The idea of an actual wall on the Mexican border once seemed too bizarre, too expensive, too self-defeating — and now that the government has begun soliciting design proposals, it doesn't seem surprising.
Some analysts say any move to end Hong Kong's special treatment could prove self-defeating for the United States, which has benefited from the business-friendly conditions in the territory of 7.4 million.
The humor is self-defeating, though, since this wheezy romantic caper — with Tommy Lee Jones and Morgan Freeman as the rival suitors — inspires little more than melancholy reminiscences of Mr. Shelton's earlier work.
But Mad Men nonetheless lifted up Joan and Peggy's fight to be taken seriously — a fight they won — as pointed counterparts to its men, stuck in their own loops of self-defeating self-pity.
What makes CFAR novel is its effort to use those same principles to fix personal problems: to break frustrating habits, recognize self-defeating cycles and relentlessly interrogate our own wishful inclinations and avoidant instincts.
It was the beginning of another self-defeating act: It taught hatchery fish to wait for food to drop from the sky, and short-circuited instincts that the shadows from above might be predators.
With few other options available, a reluctance to use fiscal stimulus to fight a recession could be self-defeating, because a lack of growth imperils fiscal sustainability at least as much as deficits do.
Growing market expectations of a rate hike may be self-defeating, though, as they have been accompanied with a tightening of financial conditions via a stronger dollar and higher bond yields, some economists said.
But once Sophia finally starts to let go of her self-defeating instincts and make things happen for herself and for Nasty Gal, Girlboss becomes a lot more interesting, and a lot more fun.
Which often winds up being a self-defeating pursuit, because sleeping more actually helps us to be high achievers: It provides better mental clarity and focus, improved muscle recovery, and a stronger immune system.
Susan L. Shirk, the chair of the 21st Century China Center at the University of California, San Diego, said she worried about the "nasty, unseemly, self-defeating" tit-for-tat between the two countries.
Books of The Times Despite its title, Andrew Delbanco's "The War Before the War" isn't so much about confrontation as it is about the earnest, and often self-defeating, methods used to avoid it.
Instead of focusing on these issues, most of the candidates are focused on well-meaning but absolutely unsalable and self-defeating positions on health care for all, immigration and reparations for descendants of slaves.
Some analysts say any move to end Hong Kong's special treatment could prove self-defeating for the United States, which has benefited from the business-friendly conditions in the territory of 7.4 million residents.
Editorial Given North Carolina's self-defeating legislative efforts to restrict where transgender people can use public bathrooms, it's mind-boggling that politicians in other states would be tempted to go down a similar path.
To wonder why a cult fanbase would congregate around a pop star who isn't popular is a self-defeating question, asked with mock bewilderment by critics who've already made up their minds about her.
Elon Musk concluded his Shakespearean soliloquy — "to take private, or not to take private" — in the depths of a Friday evening, 17 days after he began a drama that now appears awfully self-defeating.
And the strict regulations may even be self-defeating, since research suggests that the biggest reason people turn to illicit means of obtaining buprenorphine is a lack of legal access to it for addiction treatment.
Democrats can also oppose the nature of Trump's tax cut and deregulation plans while members of his own party and administration can try to restrain the president-elect's promises to engage in self-defeating protectionism.
In a non-depressed person, the pulvinar regulates these systems: Through attention, that person can filter the ubiquitous, irrelevant crap in the world and the self-defeating noise and suddenly the world isn't as overwhelming.
SHANGHAI, June 22 (Reuters) - Protectionism in the United States is self-defeating and a "symptom of paranoid delusions", the official China Daily said on Friday amid escalating trade tensions between the world's two largest economies.
It's a little self-defeating, and a Facebook spokesperson tells TechCrunch it's considering other options for keyword snooze in the future, like a recurring list, or a pre-emptive snooze option in News Feed Preferences.
Mr Wang's book prophesies that, following the rise of Japan, other races would challenge American primacy, and the American system based on "self-defeating" notions such as liberty and democracy would find itself in crisis.
"An agreement to cut production, while increasingly likely, remains premature given the high supply uncertainty in 2017 and would prove self-defeating if it were to target sustainably higher oil prices," the bank's analysts wrote.
But he said they understood that voicing those views was self-defeating at a time when Kiev was still embroiled in a conflict with separatists that the United Nations estimates has killed around 13,000 people.
The theory helps economists work out how competing companies set their prices, how governments should design auctions to squeeze the most from bidders and how to explain the sometimes self-defeating decisions that groups make.
Schweisgut played down chances of a trade war between China and the United States, saying it would be "self-defeating" and that to speculate about the risk is to "look too far down the road".
If Trump enacts policies that allow American businesses to become more competitive, he will do far more for American workers than if he engages in a self-defeating campaign to turn back the economic clock.
But deploying the so-called "nuclear option" of slashing its Treasury holdings would be self-defeating for China, undermining the value of its portfolio, driving up its own currency and making its exports more expensive.
It is reactionary in the purest sense, and it plays directly into the terrorist's strategy—a strategy that encourages a response that is based on fear instead of reason, and that is ultimately self-defeating.
But if you're simultaneously hoping to ink a trade deal with the very same neighbors you're denying payment to that would seem a rather self-defeating and short-term strategy, both at home and abroad.
"A negotiation strategy that includes bluffing/threats can be successful in a two-party negotiation setup, but is more likely to deliver self-defeating results in a complex system such as global trade," he said.
The official China Daily said in an editorial the United States had failed to understand that the business it does with China supported millions of American jobs and that the U.S. approach was self-defeating.
How can you not laugh with bitter irony upon viewing "Unknown Soldier" (2003), which again critiques self-defeating masculinity in context of the Invasion of Iraq by appropriating minimalist artist Dan Flavin's fluorescent light works?
That doctrine put an end to our disastrous national experiment in blind and self-defeating isolationism by promising that America would come to the economic and military aid of embattled nations facing insurgency or aggression.
"If this proposed (output) cut is strictly enforced and supports prices, we would expect it to prove self defeating medium term with a large drilling response around the world," Goldman Sachs said in a note.
So it's basically madness all the way to the top: bad policy, bad strategy, bad politics, bad legal maneuvering, bad optics, a self-defeating venture carried out via deranged-as-usual tweets and public insults.
It will also add to concerns among some of Hungary's supposed friends in the Visegrad club, notably the Czech Republic and Slovakia, that Mr Orban is an erratic ally whose aggression towards Brussels is self-defeating.
"You may find yourself fighting over the remote with a sibling you haven't seen in a year," psychologist Pauline Wallin, author of Taming Your Inner Brat: A Guide for Transforming Self-Defeating Behavior, told BuzzFeed News.
"We expect the continuing resolution to clear the Senate and clear the House this afternoon, and be signed by the president today ... Shutting down the government over a policy difference is self-defeating," Schumer told reporters.
"Donald Trump's dizzying array of objectively false, contradictory and self-defeating statements have left him so flummoxed he is demanding that the court create a new category of immunity to protect him from himself," they wrote.
While producers will no doubt be tempted to try and keep what's left of their lucrative contracts, past history with other commodities would suggest this will largely be a futile and quite possibly self-defeating exercise.
This simple concept helps economists work out how competing companies set their prices, how governments should design auctions to squeeze the most from bidders and how to explain the sometimes self-defeating decisions that groups make.
Some speculate that China might sell off its large holdings of U.S. government debt to push its currency down and the U.S. dollar up, but this is highly unlikely as it would ultimately be self-defeating.
The administration's aggressive attacks on media organizations and individual reporters and news executives may be self-gratifying, but they are ultimately self-defeating and could bring about a premature end to the term of the incumbent.
The short-term increase in oil prices could also be self-defeating if it stimulates more production and thereby perpetuates the oversupply ("New oil order: the good, the bad and the ugly", Goldman Sachs, March 11).
It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it.
The feeling among some in the Sanders camp is that, while direct attacks on rival campaigns can often be self-defeating, the strength of the senator's base gives him more leeway to throw elbows at opponents.
Although the liberal backlash against Mr Trump has been overboard and self-defeating at times (starting with the handful of Democrats who talked about impeaching him from the very beginning), this is not a credible defence.
And a person close to China's Commerce Ministry, who asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the matter, said tariffs from the Section 301 case would be self-defeating, and urged negotiation instead.
"This could trigger a self-defeating cycle of claims that will impair the business climate, without bringing justice to holders of claims, or impacting the situation in Cuba in any positive way," the two EU officials wrote.
The college advantage multiplies over time, but it's tempting -- although self-defeating in the long run -- to start earning as much as Joe the new college grad without foregoing earnings for several years or taking on debt.
Obama spoke out on social media after the Trump administration announced a plan to dismantle the program, stating that it&aposs "self-defeating ... and it is cruel" to end DACA and questioned the motive behind the decision.
Unless the sky is falling in there is no way that she can express pessimism - would be self-defeating - so you take it as a given that she will sound optimistic on hitting targets in long term.
Sonny's reputation as a painter was rising, but the reason people knew her name and were talking about her was because she had an eccentric—some would say religious, others would say self-defeating—sense of business.
On the other side of the aisle, there were a number of Democrats who recognized that continuing to press the filibuster against Gorsuch was hopeless, self-defeating and would lead to the use of the nuclear option.
"Given the outlook for falling revenues, we instead think costs must be cut in absolute terms," analysts at Berenberg said in a note, calling the growth strategy at BNP Paribas and SocGen "poorly focused and self defeating".
But that bark has become a power unto itself, and the question remains whether he will follow through on his threats in the next stage of his tenure or whether his attacks will prove ultimately self-defeating.
What worries me more are some of the more stupid and self-defeating moves by Democrats, not the least of which was Nancy Pelosi meticulously tearing up the pages of the president's State of the Union address.
While Mr. Trump's foreign policy has been unwise if not self-defeating in many areas, he is right, as was Barack Obama, to want to scale back a global conflict that appears to have no outer bound.
A machine considering the same factors would not be prone to such bias, and could make buy/sell decisions or give advice on the basis of the numbers without a self-defeating sense of unease or embarrassment.
His comments come amid a widespread backlash in Europe against technocrats accused of imposing self-defeating austerity on Greece and other bailed-out countries, and criticism of the European project in general seen by skeptics as favoring elites.
The country's withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade agreement which includes some of America's biggest potential LNG customers, such as Japan, was self-defeating, because it makes it harder for America's allies to import its LNG.
It's accurate to call this self-defeating — a methadone substitute for my addiction-in-waiting — but I do wonder if, for some of us, it's the myths and the backstory that are more interesting than the actual games.
In a note on Friday, Goldman Sachs cut its 280 price forecast by $203 to $220 a barrel, adding that the recent rally would prove "self-defeating" as sustained low prices are necessary to finish supply-demand rebalancing.
It could also show whether Trump's go-to tactic of waging war on the Republican Party establishment, that has proven so profitable in the past, is a viable strategy going forward or whether it is ultimately self-defeating.
Countries that attempt to go it alone will find it is "self-defeating," given the increasing inter-dependency between economies and production chains, Chan said, citing the iPhone as a product that isn't produced by any one country.
Whether it's ripping apart ObamaCare or closing the border, Republicans are bucking Trump when they see his strategies as self-defeating — and damaging to their own hopes of keeping the White House and winning congressional seats in 220006.
Clinton's team, Democrats supporting her and many senior Republicans believe that rehashing Mr. Clinton's behavior will be self-defeating for Mr. Trump, who is facing a historic gender gap and whose first marriage ended after an affair. Mrs.
But it is important to note that even before technological developments made wars between the great powers literally a life and death struggle, hence self-defeating, politically speaking wars had already become a matter of life and death.
It'll also be interesting to see how Bob Corker votes: Don't be surprised if he does to tax reform what McCain did to the Obamacare repeal — another reminder of the self-defeating nature of Trump's politics of insult.
He said it would be self-defeating to turn away donations while engaged in "the fight of our lives" against President Trump, and he pointed out how Warren, in her senatorial career, had accepted money from similar donors.
Refusing to support a candidate who agrees with you 80 percent of the time to help elect a candidate whose values are diametrically opposed to everything you believe in is not just self-defeating but reckless as well.
"There's a lot of posturing and, in fact, not a huge amount of change, and to the extent there has been change, it's been of the self-defeating variety," said Susan E. Rice, the former national security adviser.
Some presidents may have longed to punish particular news organizations or reporters, but aides have generally found ways to protect their bosses from such self-defeating moves, fearing that such vindictiveness would just make their bosses look small.
"Ultimately, I don't expect the Fed to be influenced but that doesn't mean Trump won't find an alternative way to deal with the issues, even if such solutions are controversial and prove ineffective or self-defeating," Erlam said.
A House of Commons report released Monday by the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee has claimed that divergence from European Union (EU) rules and no free trade deal would be "utterly self-defeating" for the aerospace industry.
It would spell a return to the self-defeating policy of Seoul and Washington subsidizing and sanctioning the same target at the same time, undermining the momentum built over the past several months of enforcing sanctions against Pyongyang.
Apart from ending a trade war that many observers argue is self-defeating, the scientists suggest that one way to prevent looming disaster is for the US and China to agree to remove soy from their mutual tariffs.
Some banks have said that maintaining their profitability while interest rates are so low is impossible, making the ECB's efforts to stimulate economic activity self defeating as weaker banks will not to transmit cheap money to the real economy.
But it is also a reminder of how important truth-telling is to American foreign policy, and how ultimately self-defeating it is for the United States to bend to autocratic pressure tactics, whether from Turkey or anywhere else.
The company's insistence that its multibillion-dollar giveaway be negotiated in secrecy insulated it from the criticisms that went viral the instant it was revealed — which illustrates how self-defeating the company's strategy was in the first the place.
Netflix has made noise about following up this dark British comedy with a second season, but doing so would be self-defeating, as this first season tells its story so perfectly that to tack on more would feel wrong.
As much fun as it is cataloging the curiosities in the Dreamcatcher circus, it can never capture the jaw-dropping gestalt of weird lines, baffling character choices (you don't need that fucking toothpick, Beav!), and self-defeating tonal shifts.
Attempts to reduce global oil inventories and push prices much above $70 for Brent are likely to prove self-defeating, just as they were in 2018, because they are likely to trigger a resumption of the shale drilling boom.
Permitting a pious man like Mr Phillips to define what someone else does as religious and to refuse service to people who fail to follow his own strictures in that context, transforms religious liberty into a self-defeating principle.
Investment bank Goldman Sachs said this week the surge in prices had come prematurely and that the "oil price rally will prove self-defeating as it did last spring", if not enough output was knocked out by the rout.
But they disagree on how quickly the ECB should change its policy stance, including its guidance, with countries on the currency bloc's periphery fearing that a sharp shift in its communication could induce self-defeating market turbulence, they added.
Goldman Sachs, which is bearish on oil, said it believes cooperation between OPEC and Russia would be "highly unlikely" and also self-defeating as higher prices would bring shelved output, including in the United States, back onto the market.
So file this latest Quixotic and self-defeating Democrat effort to oust President Trump in the same place as the attempts to undermine the Electoral College and the still unproven crusade to prove Trump campaign collusion with the Russians.
" Indeed, Sparrow believes the relentless push to drive down crime rates — already at historically low levels — may be selfdefeating: "Continuing to demand reductions at that point is like failing to set the torque control on a power screwdriver.
Former House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell secured a deal to keep the government open last November, only to see it fall apart when figures like Ann Coulter pressured Trump into a self-defeating showdown.
But as an outgrowth of a peculiarly American (that is to say, paradoxical and self-defeating) brand of Puritanical asceticism, this new minimalist lifestyle always seems to end in enabling new modes of consumption, a veritable excess of less.
Finally, if there is a secret plot to govern competently despite Trump, surely there is nothing more self-defeating than announcing the plot in one of the world's largest newspapers, where the president and everyone else can see it?
He said shale trading defied expectations for the same reason agriculture traders only trade "near-term" crops: Bidding up the long-term price of one commodity will cause producers to neglect other commodities, leading to a self-defeating market.
But he sabotaged that potential victory through a self-defeating fixation on undoing anything Mr. Obama accomplished and the vain illusion that his purported mastery of business negotiation would allow him to attain his maximalist vision of a deal.
The first casualties of this bigoted, cowardly, self-defeating policy were detained early Saturday at American airports just hours after the executive order, ludicrously titled "Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States," went into effect.
BrainDead's starting point, timed precisely and nicely to an election year in which many voters feel as if they're being asked to choose between Tweedledee and Tweedledum, is that the country's political leadership is fractious, conniving, self-defeating and, simply, crazy.
Many younger evangelicals want both to atone for old racial wrongs and expand their faith's appeal; countenancing Mr Trump's "racist invective," thinks Mr Moore, is "morally problematic but also self-defeating", since "angry old white people" are not the church's future.
Bradley claims not to be on the side of the left or the right but on "the human side," which translates to lots of weird self-defeating anti-logic in the big monologue that goes viral and makes her a star.
To my mind, the salon-style wall is the most problematic aspect of the show; the obstacles it places in the way of absorbing the art are especially self-defeating in light of the high quality of what is on display.
Even short of that nightmare scenario, it could be self-defeating in the long term, hurting Iran's pro-Western middle class at the expense of hardliners who control both the black market and a repressive state apparatus to stifle dissent.
The President is doing what he always does when he's in a dark political corner: fight harder than any man alive, adopting a relentless strategy of total political warfare and lashing out in a way that may ultimately be self-defeating.
Out of understandable self-interest, both have taken steps construed as favoring one faction against a PA leadership that from an ideological perspective neither has issues with, but which from an Amman and Cairo standpoint is on a self-defeating path.
But it would be self-defeating to freeze out from the ranks individuals who, like Khan, can render unique service to our military and who desperately want to "pay their dues" to a nation they desperately want to call home.
Focusing on the behavior of other adults with the aim of altering or stopping that behavior is almost always self-defeating, an exercise in frustration and anxiety, a good way to disrupt your own mental equanimity and alienate yourself from others.
If we do so, it will prove to be as self-defeating as the first time Mr. Bolton embarked on this course, and it will accomplish little more than further undercutting values that long have defined us as a nation.
If Romney had wanted to run for president, he should have put his name on the ballot, but to provide Democrats general-election fodder against one of the two GOP presidential aspirants with a chance to win is self-defeating.
We will soon realize that there is no way we can cut ourselves out from the global production system and it is actually a self-defeating exercise if we just try to have this me versus you kind of mental models.
Here again Lowry acknowledges Trump's appeal, perhaps blotting out the subsequent point, in which he describes the President as a deeply flawed person, mostly ineffectual in convincing the public to back his allies and consistently self-defeating as a political actor.
U.S. protectionism is self-defeating and a "symptom of paranoid delusions" that must not distract China from its path to modernization, Chinese state media said on Friday as Beijing kept up with its war of words with Washington over trade.
Mr. Luiebi also nodded to a worry that has been on the minds of other OPEC members: that higher prices may, in the end, be self-defeating if they lead to a drilling boom by shale operators in the United States.
In the end you got the sense that Pence did as much (maybe more) to burnish his own brand than Trump's – and even if he's widely deemed the winner, what lasting good will it do for his undisciplined, self-defeating nominee?
Moreover, Mitnick noted, such a proposal could be self-defeating: transporting an undocumented immigrant to a remote location where he had no ties would increase the likelihood that he would become a flight risk and not attend his removal proceedings.
It is easy to see the contours of the argument a hard-right figure such as Cruz could make against Trump: that the president's abrasive personality and lack of political experience are ultimately self-defeating, both for him and the party.
"Rob Rubin, who was I believe a wise adviser, told Clinton it would be self-defeating and counterproductive to criticize the Fed's actions, that it would politicize the Fed, and undermine confidence in a policy that was working," she said.
It would be within the realm of possibility — and, indeed, would be consistent with the history of self-defeating Saudi policies — if Saudi Arabia's shortsighted support for jihadism had unintentionally allowed extremists within Islamic Affairs to divert funds to the hijackers.
But for now, the President needs a political win to steady his administration, which is reeling from speculation about his campaign's ties to Russia, the double failure of his travel ban and his own penchant for setting off self-defeating political controversies.
Goldman Sachs said it was "highly unlikely" the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries would cooperate with Russia to cut output, saying such a move would also be self-defeating as stronger prices would bring previously shelved production back to the market.
Clinton offered a vigorous defense of a decision which has haunted her primary campaign — her acceptance of large amounts of money for giving speeches to Wall Street banks, a practice that even her most ardent supporters have viewed as puzzlingly self-defeating. Mrs.
The bad press that she received from commentators and newscasters (there was a scathing piece in Slate by its television critic, Willa Paskin, titled "Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump's Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle" ) did her no harm.
She added that, based on decades of U.S. foreign policy, Pyongyang sees its nuclear weapons program as "the only deterrent against the U.S. coming in and overthrowing their regime there," and as such, setting up preconditions for talks would be self-defeating.
And it is an ideology that, for the first time in living memory, is being challenged by an invigorated populist left, not only out of principle, but also out of a sense that the old way is naïve and ultimately self-defeating.
It is easy to see why an internet journalist might chew this study up and spit it out into a blog post decrying the degradation of American English, like some kind of swallow building a self-defeating nest out of its own neuroticisms.
Global financial institutions, like the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (which would become the World Trade Organization), were designed to prevent countries from reimposing the self-defeating trade barriers that made the Great Depression far worse than it had to be.
Even if an agreement is reached in Algeria to freeze output, it may be self-defeating as any increase in crude prices will merely encourage producers not party to the deal, such as U.S. shale and Canadian oil sands companies, to boost output.
BEIJING/SHANGHAI (Reuters) - U.S. protectionism is self-defeating and a "symptom of paranoid delusions" that must not distract China from its path to modernization, Chinese media said on Friday as Beijing kept up with its war of words with Washington while markets wilted.
Instead, the main focus of America's national political discourse these past few weeks has been how best to contain the economic fallout of the coronavirus-related shutdowns, an approach to economic policymaking as backward and self-defeating as it is morally repugnant.
But they have also potentially become self-defeating, helping the bank to front-load pressure on the crown, so that the currency might not jump much, or at all, right after the cap ends, since there will be a lack of counterparties.
Biden also said Trump's call in August for Russia to be invited back into the G7 group of nations was "embarrassing," adding that the Republican president's overtures to Russian President Vladimir Putin while spurning traditional U.S. allies were "irrational and self-defeating".
For example, Cohen's involvement is hardly notable given his reckless and self-defeating moves in the Stormy Daniels controversy; Cohen is cited as trying to reach out to Putin's spokesman, Dmitri S. Peskov, to ask Putin to help on the Trump Tower deal.
Leaving aside how this moment (and the related one in which Rey and Kylo Ren form a "Force dyad") jarringly shifts the stakes of this latest trilogy, revealing that Rey is a descendant of Palpatine feels like a self-defeating story turn.
But to this end, the cap can be self-defeating: A 2012 study in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence concluded that a big contributor to the abuse of diverted buprenorphine was lack of access to affordable buprenorphine treatments for opioid abuse.
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Raising taxes is "self defeating" when a country tries to bring down the ratio between its public debt and economic output, according to a research paper published by the European Central Bank on Monday and based on the euro zone's recent history.
Senator Antonio Navarro Wolff, a former peace negotiator for Petro&aposs 19th of April Movement, or M-19, said his former comrade always stood out for his sharp intellect and shrewd political instincts — as well as a self-defeating tendency to shun others&apos opinions.
Read more: In a 'self-defeating and self-incriminating' slipup, Trump just indicated he installed Matthew Whitaker to kill the Russia probe And in a 2017 CNN interview, he described how Trump could find a loophole to effectively terminate the Mueller probe by defunding it.
Hopping between roles as an academic, civil servant, government adviser and journalist, he took vigorous part on the biggest topics of the day; his pamphlet arguing against self-defeating economic reparations on Germany, "The Economic Consequences of the Peace", made him rich and famous.
Democrats might also conclude that any attempt to remove Trump from office through impeachment would be self-defeating, since Vice President Mike Pence is very conservative and is more likely to work well with the Freedom Caucus on policies the left would strongly oppose.
On Monday, the Washington Post reported that as tax reform and budget issues begin to be debated in earnest by Congress, legislators don't trust Trump; even his nominal allies are wary of his propensity to be distracted and get himself into self-defeating arguments.
Euan Graham, an expert on North Korea at Australia's Lowy Institute, said it seemed to be a self defeating move by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. "Russia has until now shown no signs of wanting to get on board with tougher sanctions," Graham said.
Indeed, the contents of the tax reform effort are disastrous from both a policy and an electoral perspective—it's hard to think of a more self-defeating move than stealing from the middle class to give to the rich, and polls bear this out.
The president is correct in trying to quell the recent trend in China away from several decades of commercial and general opening to the wider world and back toward a mistaken and ultimately self-defeating reliance on a resurgence of state control of the economy.
But even if his goal is to isolate Iran, allying with Saudi Arabia to punish Qatar is a self-defeating way to go about it: Qatar is home to the forward headquarters of the United States Central Command and is a major intelligence hub.
No man—or horse—is an island, and one of the series' greatest strengths is its deeply realistic depiction of how a friend group grapples with each member's respective self-destructive and self-defeating tendencies, all while doing their best to help each other.
But while ignoring the demands of the youth appears to be a promising electoral stratagem — it is easier to play on the fears of the old generations than to satisfy the hopes of the younger ones — it is ultimately self-defeating both socially and economically.
Zmirak acknowledges the obvious problems with Trump's stumbling approach to governance to date, but then continues: Given his real business successes, I cannot really believe that Trump is the kind of onion-skinned narcissist who demands that his fans back even his self-defeating mistakes.
Read more: In a 'self-defeating and self-incriminating' slipup, Trump just indicated he installed Matthew Whitaker to kill the Russia probe Indeed, Whitaker has a long history of making controversial remarks about the Mueller investigation and has publicly mused about gutting the probe.
If one side of the sustainability fear is that Netflix and its ilk can't keep running up massive amounts of debt forever, the flip side is that the entertainment industry trying to beat Netflix at its own game may end up being a self-defeating proposition.
But our greatest obstacle isn't Donald Trump: It's the risk of internalizing a self-defeating voice; of allowing ourselves to be overtaken by fear and self-doubt; of believing the propaganda claiming that because our aims can't be realized immediately, that we should surrender them altogether.
But any move by the bank will be just a slight tweak around the wording of ECB President Mario Draghi's opening statement, steering clear of any hint about its next policy move on worries that heightened expectations could set off a cycle of self-defeating market turbulence.
There's a germ of truth to both sides' argument All of this seems self-defeating when you consider that Redway and Saville actually agree on what is perhaps the most fundamental and hygienically significant aspect of the Dyson Airblade: it's very good at drying your hands.
McMaster's staff pointed out that it would have been self-defeating for him to have engineered such a leak; in fact, more than one senior official suggested to me that the leak may have emanated from someone in the White House who was trying to frame McMaster.
Referring to Mr. Cissna and Ms. Kovarik, both of whom once worked on his staff, Mr. Grassley said, "If he gets rid of these two, it's self-defeating because I don't know anyone else in the department or at least in immigration" who could do better.
With the United States left out of the World Cup, it seems more self-defeating than ever that this small social strata is the class that America's elite soccer system caters to best at the expense of millions who, if given an equal opportunity, could excel.
I've always been fascinated with Stanley Kubrick, who had this very dark view of humanity, and I think he had something of Lincoln's sense of the absurdity of life; the absurdity of every human endeavor, and how they're prone to be self-defeating in some ways.
The collective fever over vaping is fueled by the suspicion that somewhere, power is being abused — whether it's the power of corporations to deceive and poison the public for profit or the power of the state to restrict bodily autonomy with puritanical, self-defeating drug laws.
Between the lines: U.S. partners forced by proximity to rub elbows with the IRGC — including the governments of Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon — might worry that unavoidable contacts could make them subject to U.S. sanctions, but enforcing any would require Washington to take further and ultimately self-defeating positions.
And so, out of that pervasive but self-defeating notion, The Walking Dead and games like it are expounded as semi TV series, simultaneously imbuing them with vicarious prestige while giving game-makers tacit permission to do the unthinkable: release video games with stories that demand players' attention.
So, one must ask, if Stone is his own worst enemy — and clearly has a constitutional right to hurt himself by prejudicing his case with sophomoric acts such as his Nixonian victory sign after his arraignment and otherwise self-defeating bravado — why should the judge stand in his way?
The author's name is A. R. Gurney, and he has been writing plays since at least the 1960s, producing a highly literate library of works that often deal with the repressed and self-defeating nature of timid American white people who inhabit insular enclaves of comfort and entitlement.
Trade surpluses and deficits are meaningless concepts, but if deficits are a problem in Trump's mind, why not expand trade with the entire region as a way of "compensating" for Mexico´s surplus with the U.S. by espousing a wholly integrated Americas rather than fighting self-defeating trade wars?
In the past, families feeling financially constrained by life in the city would move to the suburbs, but under the new tax code that would be self-defeating because of the much-higher property taxes that afflict communities in Westchester County, on Long Island, in New Jersey and Connecticut.
A good deal of chatter today about Goldman strategists' saying much more upside in stocks could be self-defeating, as it would likely come along with a buildup of inflationary pressures and risk of an overheating economy, and so the Fed would be motivated to tighten more than now expected.
Buttigieg, an openly gay, progressive Democrat who has found success in a red state, also expressed concern with what he views as a "profoundly self-defeating" effort among activists from the liberal wing of the party to back primary challengers to Democratic lawmakers who cooperate with the President in any way.
If the Fed can't adjust monetary policy because of fears of transmitting a self-defeating shockwave around the world via the dollar, then there's understandable concern that artificially low Fed policy just stores up even more debt and international accounting imbalances and undermines the very currency that's supposed to play anchor.
That's a lot tighter, and allows for a lot less mis-selling and over-selling of expensive self-defeating financial products, than the alternative "suitability standard" which allows advisors considerable wriggle room to argue that heavy financial engineering or risk taking is in line with what the client is seeking.
They chose to shame themselves all over again rather than vote for former congressman and U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy, a Clinton Democrat whose election would have at least complicated, if not erased, the long-held view of Mississippi as the most race-haunted and self-defeating state in the union.
I call on the tens of millions inspired by the Sanders mobilization, the 60% of Americans who want a new major party, and the independents who outnumber both Democrats and Republicans to reject the self-defeating strategy of voting for the lesser evil and join our fight for the greater good.
Instead of ushering in a new progressive golden age in one of America's most liberal cities, de Blasio's administration is mired in controversy and incompetence—and yet the mayor continues in his hopeless, self-defeating quest to graduate from a bit player to a leading figure on the national stage.
Bertolt Brecht's "Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui," at the Donmar Warehouse in a new version from the Tony and Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Bruce Norris ("Clybourne Park"), looks and sounds in Simon Evans's lively if self-defeating production as if it were set in a Chicago speakeasy in the 1930s.
In addition to Brazil's economic travails, the rise of figures like President Bolsonaro and Governor Witzel is a consequence of years of state abandonment of the poor in the favelas, followed by self-defeating policies that try to stop violence with more violence, leaving the rest of society to look on in apathy.
Namely, critics say, Mulvaney has failed to perform what many past chiefs regard as the most important part of the job: focusing the President's time on critical issues, managing the information that reaches his desk, and in the case of Trump, serving as a guardrail against an unpredictable president's most self-defeating instincts.
But this year people are seeing something quite different, namely, the degree to which the news media and the entertainment industry share a political mindset, and the fanatical (not to say self-defeating) way that both industries behave when they are challenged by a political phenomenon that is outside their comfort zone.
And many liberal Zionists share the movement's complaints about the brutality and self-defeating nature of Israel's nearly 50-year occupation, even if they believe B.D.S. language and tactics to be counterproductive to the goal of a peaceful, two-state solution — to say nothing of the movement's contravention of principles of free expression.
The revelations have set off a panic among progressive activists and strategists, who are now beseeching the campaigns to make a show of unity and push their supporters -- especially those with aggressive social media voices -- to take the edge of what is rapidly turning into a toxic and potentially self-defeating feud.
Whether one believes this to be an inevitable consequence of globalization or the result of an unwise devotion to self-defeating trade agreements, it is plainly the case that what has driven job growth in the United States so far in the 21st century has not been the manufacturing sector, but small business.
"When fiscal consolidation is implemented via an increase in taxation, the debt-to-GDP ratio reverts back to its pre-shock level only in the long run, thus failing to generate an improvement in the debt ratio, and producing what we call a self-defeating fiscal consolidation," Attinasi and Metelli wrote in the paper.
" It said the moral issues in Vietnam "are less clear-cut than he suggests" and warned that "to divert the energies of the civil rights movement to the Vietnam issue is both wasteful and self-defeating," given how the movement needed to confront what the paper called "the intractability of slum mores and habits.
Trump's suggestion on Wednesday that the Russian intelligence services, widely suspected of being the source of the damning Wikileaks release of internal Democratic National Committee emails, should now turn their cyber-attention to helping track down thousands of emails missing from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server is a perfect illustration of this self-defeating pattern.
Daily levels of the S&P 250 and Dow Jones Industrial Average seem to be the main data that drive the U.S. Federal Reserve and it's hard to imagine that equity weakness wouldn't elicit further well-intended, if ultimately self-defeating, responses from Chair Janet Yellen and her co-conspirators on the Federal Open Market Committee.
He cited the legal challenges by its competitor against Bombardier's C-series regional aircraft which have led to proposals by the US department of trade for tariffs of 300 per cent on that type of aircraft sold in the US. "This strategy may bring short-term success but it will be self-defeating in the end," he said.
The question of how Clinton's administration would operate is trickier, but hacked campaign emails released by WikiLeaks over the past month paint a picture of an organization that is contemptuous of opposition, often obsessed with how an issue is perceived, and yet sometimes prone to decisions that seem self-defeating and dance on the knife's edge of political disaster.
The decision, made in response to the conservative talker's suggestion that the women accusing Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual misconduct were lying or on the take, set off a now-familiar chain reaction of partisan outrage -- and by early Sunday another round of odd and, given the coffee pods' $100 (and up) ticket price, apparently self-defeating protests.
The existence of those secret 28 pages, and the Saudi and White House effort to keep them secret, seem to hint at confirmation of things many Americans suspect: that we attacked the wrong enemy after 9/11, that our Saudi allies are not allies at all, and that American policy toward the Middle East is disastrously shortsighted and self-defeating.
Descending from the Jupiter-like heights that have marked the early months of his presidency (an attempt to reignite French pride through the Gaullist majesty of his office), Macron was frank and chatty as he outlined his ideas to cajole Trump from self-defeating rage toward productive reason — a thankless task in which the French upstart should have the world's full backing.
Which is why, at a certain point, insisting that conservatives or populists must stick with this president no matter his incompetence, lest the establishment prevail and Trumpism go down, becomes a horribly self-defeating sort of loyalty – because it only proves to future politicians, future demagogues, that they too can promise you revolution, deliver only politics-as-usual, and still keep your support.
Julian Epstein, who was the chief counsel for the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee during the impeachment proceedings against President Bill Clinton, said Mr. Trump essentially brought this on himself with his "clumsy and self-defeating" attempts to rid himself of Mr. Comey in the midst of an active F.B.I. investigation into any ties between his campaign associates and Russia.
She's too hapless to be a villain, too self-defeating to be much harm, and, the evening I saw the show, Kritzer, carried away by one of the big choreographed numbers, started laughing hard, both in and out of character, and we laughed with her, entertained by her talent, her spirit of play, and the joy she found in improvisation.
President's new immigration fight Meanwhile, the President launched a new immigration fight this weekend -- after months of threats, his State Department said it's cutting off aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras because they haven't done enough to stem the tide of migrants toward the US. But many in the US government think the move could prove self-defeating, CNN's Phil Mattingly said.
With so many candidates of deep faith potentially running, the question for Democrats in both the upcoming mid-terms in 85033 and the presidential election of 2020, is will they once again engage faith voters as an important if not critical part of the Democratic coalition, or will they continue a pattern of self-defeating behavior and largely ignore people of faith?
"It's just that sometimes those decisions are bad, or self-defeating, or maddening, and a day where you get dressed up in your best victory pantsuit and spend an ungodly amount of money decorating your house with American flags and custom-made cardboard-cutouts of suffragettes in anticipation of a glass-ceiling-shattering historical milestone ends with you getting (metaphorically) eaten by a giant farting T. rex."
It's just that sometimes those decisions are bad, or self-defeating, or maddening, and a day where you get dressed up in your best victory pantsuit and spend an ungodly amount of money decorating your house with American flags and custom-made cardboard cutouts of suffragettes in anticipation of a glass-ceiling-shattering historical milestone ends with you getting (metaphorically) eaten by a giant farting T. rex.
Though Sharapova versus Maria sounds as if it could be self-defeating (and led to some pointing and smiling at the scoreboard on Tuesday), it was actually a contrast in styles: Sharapova's flat strokes against Maria's slice; Sharapova's two-handed backhand against Maria's one-hander; Sharapova's offense and swing volleys against Maria's defense, which often sent the latter scrambling into the shadows deep behind the court.
To help myself and others overcome this self-defeating behavior, I decided to write a book on the topic, called "The Big Thing: How to Complete Your Creative Project Even if You're a Lazy, Self-Doubting Procrastinator Like Me." During the course of talking to experts for the book, I picked up a range of focusing techniques that I now use regularly at work.
You don't even need to be a public figure to benefit from this line of thinking: As soon as you decide your chief adversaries are the people who disapprove of your behavior (neighbors, doctors, elites, "the media," climate scientists, other people on Facebook and Twitter), then simply continuing to do whatever you were already doing, no matter how ill advised or self-defeating, takes on the dimensions of a triumph.
Nevertheless, the aura of scandal does indeed engulf Trump, and so Democrats have partially succeeded in stymieing his governing agenda (to the extent that Trump ever even had a governing agenda.) For his part, Trump has obviously taken any number of self-defeating actions that at the very least reinforce the perception that he's got "something to hide," and the possibility that he committed obstruction of justice by firing FBI director James Comey is real.
Editor: Mark Heinriche + 44 13 542 7923 Picture Desk: Singapore + 65 6870 3775 Graphics queries: + 65 6870 3595 (All times GMT) Chinese media says U.S. has "delusions" as impact of trade war spreads BEIJING/SHANGHAI - U.S. protectionism is self-defeating and a "symptom of paranoid delusions" that must not distract China from its path to modernisation, Chinese media says as Beijing keeps up with its war of words with Washington while markets wilt.
"I don't think we know yet, and I think all of us should have learned by now not to get out over ourselves with Trump," Plouffe told me during an episode of POLITICO's "Off Message" podcast, in which he offered far-ranging opinions on Clinton's self-defeating tendency to doubt her own staff, Trump's role as an Uber-like disrupter and Bill Clinton's not-quite-Obama-level status in the presidential pantheon.
While President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump conversation with foreign leader part of complaint that led to standoff between intel chief, Congress: report Pelosi: Lewandowski should have been held in contempt 'right then and there' Trump to withdraw FEMA chief nominee: report MORE peddles his own brand of identity politics, he has cleverly marketed himself as the anti-"political correctness" candidate, a lone counter-voice to the self-defeating excesses of the Democratic Party.
Speaker Paul RyanPaul Davis RyanEmbattled Juul seeks allies in Washington Ex-Parkland students criticize Kellyanne Conway Latina leaders: 'It's a women's world more than anything' MORE's (R-Wis.) reluctance to endorse presumptive nominee Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE has escalated an already-bruising and self-defeating internal battle within the GOP.
As the Court discussed above, against a backdrop of T-Mobile's longstanding business strategy as the self-styled maverick and disruptive Un-carrier, it would be counter-productive, even self-defeating, for New T-Mobile soon after the merger to fail to invest, innovate, and improve network speed, capacity, and quality, or to refrain from offering products incorporating the most advanced technologies, enhanced content, and improved service plans, and ultimately to lower prices, as market dynamism would demand and more reliably predict.
As therapists, we help people see self-defeating patterns that are contributing to their struggles, and once they see why the same thing keeps happening over and over — the same fight with their spouse, the same difficulty with family or bosses at work, the same fear of not being good enough that contributes to repeated rejection — they realize that the reason their lives feel like "Groundhog Day" is because of something they're doing that they can change or do differently.
The partial shutdown has grown more and more likely, they say, because of President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE's self-defeating comments at a White House meeting with congressional Democrats earlier this week about how he would accept blame for a shutdown caused by his demands for $28503 billion in wall funding.
That is the thesis of Rabobank which argues that 1) A principal aim of QE is to boost asset valuations such that positive wealth effects trigger a recovery in demand;2) This, though, is self-defeating as QE also furthers the "financialisation" of the economy which, as in the run up to the crisis, sees profits diverted away from investment and wages (via an incentive to invest in financial securities which are being underpinned by the central bank rather than undertake "real world" investments or, on the back of low borrowing costs, to engage in share buybacks or M&A activity);3) As a result, labour's share of national income continues to decline as evidenced in the conspicuous lack of a recovery in advanced economy wages even as jobless rates plumb historical lows;4) In marked contrast to the pre-crisis period, however, "financialisation" now no longer has a flip-side – i.e.

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